The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 31, 1865, Image 2

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lay'S4 I
Trfli ofJofflM*!*.
ratid Juiyof S. Ctekt
)Utrict of Colombia have re
turned bill of indictment for
T reasooagainat Jeffenon Baris. The
overt act laid/ to give the Court ju
risdiction/ is the attack ! made by Ear-
;. j y iyVfqifcea 'aponthodef mCe< of Wash*
i ; ! ' .‘he indictment
v. j' /PBWMrt* hy the Dis
r. We presuml irf.
‘ acted and( r instrnctionß
aHePpRs superiors, and that the mode
| trial of the ig rebels has
I the refore been decided 1»y the Admin
| lit ration in favor of the oiyil tribunals:
i [ The; case of Mr. Davin will bp taken
i | up,- it, is. said, at an earl jr day.
• -1 t;dpes notyet appearwhether any
' j dofcTscie will be attemjted; Davis is.
: 1 y ei in confinement at Fortress Mon
roe, aliowodto hold no commanica-J
| tiou -viih any bat his mmediate cos
| todiriffs; hut we presab e the Govern*
mein -.viii, 'at the pro »er time, afford
him ie'very legitimate facility for the
ireppraiion’ Treason,
v the s defined to
i:ig war against .th i United
- aid and com ’bjrt to i
i two .witness 38 arei '
the overt act; That
the United States
\ct of Ci
iw Ml the
SL ,
.tf rej obliga
s f }X
~i ; wmsnyi
'*mmss$ r !^
’-be" mI of tresson,
w the sot of
!lowa, frbm
'®d by the
•r 1 ' of,prtn«pte, w«>,
si,g;>Y ;/
liv.v- W« b»»e
*«.ito t|w lawtof lb* '_
,|L?- r
-at, to* ,
•. i
itoi e, now as
is hopes and
i tpon the grief
iaa ' brought upon
upon the intu
rod to flow, and
‘occjid cf obloquy
death will come
out as a stern les
i , ; ]• -
of I hia school that our
they profess, and that
, is strong enough to
. Execute them without fear or favor.—
•'- r Let him he suspended between the
jonvena find the {earth, in the .broad
lay and in the gaze of men-and-the
llaciplofl of the acaursed heresy of
y States’ Eights will take salutary notice
once for all that! their principles in
practice are treason tp the Union, and
that treason is Pertain death and igno
miny to the traitojr j |
1 - /
■&. The continue!} demonstrations
of hostility upon the part of the reb
els of the South west have hastened
the movements Of thd Government in
that direction anji appearances indi
cate the immediate inauguration of an
active campaign against them.—
Canbyte forcesj recently.operating be
tore Mobile, are moving westward,
and troops are rapidly shipped
south from Fortress! Monroe. Phil-
Sheridr Iheads ife colup’- \d lake
iao column am «.akes
wlt-h him some of bis best subordi
nates flrora the Army hf the Potomac;
we need do better assurance of bur
* success. The War Department give
little publicity to tbiir 'preparations,
but wejiave no d?ubt| will give proper
r i - - '• t i
vouched fct is' rentable, that Kirby
Smith, | who commands all the rebel
troops (west ol Ibo Missiwippi, has
1(&POO mao ion pis rolls, and will be
bring 75.000 into action. One
Ibird of this number would perhaps
be nearer this, mark.- Hii forces are
entirely of Texans, Louis*;
Indians and Arkansans, with ji, few In*
dians," -and ai a large portion of the
commands of Leeand Johnston were'
recruited inthpeStates, an army so
targe as that fopOrted - could scarcely
be raised, even by the absorption of
the entire remnant of their fighting
population. The National Govern*
pent, at all events, is able' meet and
Overwhelm hltji. with five mto one
Eastern TeXha and Wer Louis
iana are peculiarly iadaf to defen
sive warfare—j-filled wii
swamps, lagoons and
the moccasin si
.<on, -and so
- -Jt''
jfiy day and
night, dir
' l 4*
< \gii4' slfee to
muf.idition from3“Bx,”
to say ffjttd"'^
hapainadvertentlyoreptinto ik
' «Bx” did ff|»t expeejt io.;
than twelve iffpreaentatfres in Phila
delphia: Gitje hlm the bis I
moderation, the i yolo wtil stand
48,741 to4ojto2,|theyepreaentation 12
'toft.^.-^||. ; : i j* ■ v.' 1 '
• 'He ld of pplßioti that Cheater ieen
titled to ofaff iheinber moi e than Mont
joinery,because the retnr a of, taxable*
of the latter todntyita fr <dalefft,and
the /omeir excels Her Iff >ulntion.—•
The vote ti at fair index the *
!«*»,£■ -*
their reso'
in any Republican
upon ibis, point the are. little
positiva.thttn the editorials of the.
York Tribune. We ajre informed that
there was] some trouble amongst the
faithful when they first assembled, bat
Benlph Eerr came aljmg with the res*
olutioBj) in his pocket and fiaod it all
ap. It only remains for the Bemoc
rdcy of Beaver to fellow suit. Having
become so very 'fond of President
Johnson t|iey willof coarse vote the
| Administration ticket this Fall.
A Da* o|f amd Prater.
—Thursday, /line,: firsb is,the day
designated finally as Wb time to be
observed jin' humiliation and prayer
on accbnpt oi this | assassination of
Abraham ILi
doubtedly bo/ observed throughout
the country by a general suspension
of bus!dess and filling religions exer*.
cises. , /I).
Tbe 8e cretary jof
ai) order tor the pelea >i
sentenced by. militi j
confinement during .1
'i\P < '
too, !qb the 24t0, Gen. She)
1^ ie,nptoaB^
proffered ■ bend of Secretary
Daria, reeidihf near
in this jaant?;
on the CT? Wayhh road, oi
icat. ■
Maj.. Thomas Henry, of.
commanded the 140th P
occasion of she recent reviv
army of the Potomac. , Ma;
baa served over a year as
with the .commission; pro;
to the Majority of his regiment: in his
pocket, on acconnt of a regulation of
the. War preventing his
master. We presume he has recently
been nwsteredin, a proper recognition
ol bis ' of service.-
tioh;nt i
til* foil, fiir
I expect tO K
m; practicable 'to
myeidf dp to jour
pe effyityi
PlS.—This will
Ihd'fMbn. P. pbilti;
Ho {
himself op, his wif
him joeulaily rein/
had broeght him
War has issued
>e of all prisoners
xj tribunals Ut
.he war. H
charge ofpev . jtary
of the Interior, under Buchanan, and
of inciting 6r procuring the murder
of the President, and attempting to
justify his participation in tbo rebel*
lion. I
j 'The expected amnosty’proclamation
has been issued by the’ President—
-We have not space for it at present.
It remits the penalties and torfffiturea
of treason upon taking the Oath of aU
legiance; except in the cases of thej
foreign agents, resigned judicial
officers and congressmen of the U. S.
officers above the rank of Colonel in
the army and navy, resigned army
or naval officeiP, th6se who have mal
treated our or have been
Jfbsent from the country for the pur
pose of aiding the rebellion, officers
who have received their education at'
the U. S. military or naval schools,
Rebel Generals and persons who went
South after jthebreakingjouc of the
war, to aul the rebels, privateersmen
upon the sea or lakes, persons cus
tody under charges,and peraons whose
property exceeds 820,0 w.
uphin conn*
irady and JX
ir Slate Con
.bem for the
iker land Barr.'
jicis Jordan,
fggmeriy Senator from- jtbe Bedford
jjQptrict, and at jpresont State Agent
j|n Washington, will be aoandidate.ior
tbe next Union nomination : tor Gov
ernor IoT Pennsylvania. Qbl. Jordan
baa been in the military aervioeof the
Slate and ational Governments since
' bdtbreakof tbe rebellion
' Norfolk, Va papers say tha*
•red men of ; that City propose
'ne of : the|r number jo '
./ith thou
thank them
of the State for tl
chantry. While thus vis...
may be my good fortune to ’see many
the soldiers from our sister States.
again thank you, and bid yon gooi
night. ■ II • I’; I-
.A: Spanish -Pansst.— A, Spanish
priest, once exhorting the! soldiers, to
fight |ike lidns,-added, in the ardor of
enthusiasm—-“Rcflecti ||my .brethren,
that whoever faith' to«day in battle,
saps to-night in paradise." •‘Thandor
of applause followed the sentiment.
The :fight began, the wavered,,
thepriest took to f his heels, when ‘a
soldier slopping him,: reproachfully!
re; erred to the promised supper in
paradise. “True, ihyson, true,” said
the Ipriest, “but I hover eat sup
pers. ' . >, ' '"!j : ... , - J i
■ Bounty Loans.— Th'e legality of tlie
loans made by wards, cities, boroughs
and townsbips t to pay bounties to
volunteers, was before the Supreme
Coart, in SaVrisburg; on Thursday.
The decision of the Court i will hroba-
I. | 1 • |_
bly not be made befolre its next Ses*
sioni’ ■ : !j*- ; f.-
[led %the
>e PbiUuUlf
tensioned in
• . fApportlonraeijj^^^p';
' I tnW to .tresspasscwyonrpa-
Uetyje pit a qneelion which von 'have
characterized ma disagreeable; yet as
it is otherwise to me, you Will indulge
me in |jfe#ery brief reference to one or
two petals in jcontroversy. You i»y
1-admiral! yon allege, because two or
three vcrseithjan-rebels were cast out
.by : Che apportionment hill; yet your
labored zrguirient of twocolumns im
plies you have some little doubt. I may
say lypu yield the main point when
you jstate that if you bad any objec
tion Ito the dilrat large “it would fae
.that it left tojo many doubtful districts ' -
A bill thus characterized cannot be
very much of a .“gerrymander/' for
many good pebplp probably think the
more doubtful districts, the better,; as
it places parties -upon ttheir good ibe
haviori andjbrings dnt thebelterclass
of naer '.ndidates Tor official sta
Y °‘
a rem;
e were to'have at least four
“0 of war,” —the war to ‘•do
ormarient institution,” —tt at
pall calf would- be made for 'men,'
ami t follow draft, until, as ho
fit tun it, all would end in devnsta
lionJ jia was loss than four short
menth si ago. Miserable[ prophet
Yet though he resides in afiepublicau
■county, shown by thred successive
you would makcaj district
!|to perpetuate him in office; and now
ho pats you oh the backs,''and gives
you hi j special commendation. T<
th s, and thecommendalioQpf all sujcb
you'are welcome, i so far as l am cor
coined.■ f prefer,? and think I have',)
least in a, degree, the approbation
a different class of people. ; Er
M_Tbb County Superintehdent| J*
I.Eeod, Esq;; desires us to mention to
Softool Directors that, he Jias'lefiat
thjq 0£ ieo Of John A. Frazier, Esq,
Clerk af Courts, the Animal Eepof
ofj the State. Superintendent of '
inort Schools and District Eeglsl.
and desire* thetji thcre-and ,g<
| tijem. 'I ' ,
,ial, one sided analysis has
leresejnblaneo to: thsft at*
ra leading Detnocrat m the
;n! the bill Was nnder final
'n; bat he manifestly broke
ked to look a little be
er - upper column;-of
yon have ncider*
'.tic machine,
tnhony wKh the census
1864, .when , the qnea
' into one of political
islatnre representation
it advanced only 140i!n
tportanceoi th£ occasion,
increase of 20001 This
was charged a 8 a glaring
| was not denied hy atiy
onlgomery delegation^or
, yet yon present Mon U
unfairly deidtWilh, % add
, as ole of the (Senate
the '
. distributed -through
j’oiu cannot make a/dirapl
hit bill without/givltig iu a
n the legislature.’” Then, 1
if i»e arp hedged In :by thi
;he law. wo will rely opot
[dr justification in giving t
i of; 20 or 30,000 majority ii
, the control of all the depor l
the' government, .and .
done throng#-the only arrni
: that could cor
ja think it was ovei
to reantts of the last elect
'of the fact; yet you vt were gratified
' at tfawextcht •-'
I of
i ;avdr«
jur conn
. States, but,
_.ateB|—that under
the National Adminis-'
•U; We are auilK
following get.
lor the offlcoa-na;. rabjcct to*
decision of |tbe Uuion Conwcn.
J A J4.ESM^i^^bN. Now Bri gh ton;
JA M KS 1 BRITT AIN, Gree|ie; !.
. .Brighton; ‘ : .
, JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio; .
JOHN SIMS. Patterson;
JAMESIM-IMBKIE. Big Beaver,: t
JOHN WILSiN, Industry;
I District Attorney; - • j
JAMES S. RUTAN, Borough;
JOS.: H. GUNNJNGHAN; Borongh.i
S. MURLAN, New Brighton;
!. > County Surveyor. u v 1
AZARIAH SYNN, Beaver; <- ‘
| Poor House Director. .
SAJIUEL trJBSON, Brighton; '
Trtiste&lof Academy.
cheater; f:-" 5 ■: > ■
Bk|v.. I).P. LOWARY, Beaver;
(EXECUTOR'S notice;
ETTERS testamentary on the estate of!
~ -w. "Risto; late of North Sewickly
"leaveri County, Pa., dec’d, having.
' to the undersigned, all persons \
'd estate are requested to make a
nt, and those having claims
will present them properly
sttlement. ; 5.- ' ‘ |ly. jrmj n r ..
New Castle. Pa/: ment reserves lo.tselft& o,
— ! teresl' in gold coin ai «■
7 8 •lOtbs in cur repsyi
pluct the intcrest in ctnreuiiy up
: at‘the time whec (bey subscribe..
I Thedelivery o |ihei
ries of the i -30 s sills immense
and willhh mad< prumul
nouslyafterthkt date.
Theslight chat igjt a ids in
U*fe Third Series affect i only
derest.-i Thepsyrtent i i
the mnei fey»
■ >\lhe.relttni to r peeii
of whieh- only ■ w if tin
in Gold he avail id- of,
equalise prices that jw
per cent, in goll-j rvoi
'those aade with e even !
.in currency. ' "L*
i TWaJstheOlfnir L(
offercdhy Ihe CuvetT
' i it
Great Popular'
'.. a :|?v
■ I '.Vj ■;[■'■ '" ■'. ■''"'
-: & -
rpQE subscriber baring openetlaa.offico et
’ I _[ Rochester, (in the reora lately
by F. A. Fdnnne) respeetMly solicit*the^
'of ’ Wendsond the public!^
,*i TtNE FAttM,
/%. in 8 mHe* of the ReUroed-Stettonet
Beniiagton, .on the FU Wi ;‘k;Cr j B»Otoi3i
Abo, sererel desirable houses and, lota. JTfi
ceslow. inquire ctf CHAS. B. RUBST,' '
>i myBl’6s ;v/,.Roch^«
ManTifactureis’ Merchants’
i insurance: .company, '
Office: 85( Water B4gattf* Jbmtdi»g.
3. L
fr-W. CHALPAST.VIce Fm’t.
t*. Jonv^Se^.^ > ' •:-
&tambo<ut **dOargoet,-
y , ffm. Walker, ]fi||
~ Henry A. Wearergi
, most liberal terms, bS
B. HURST, Agent,
Rochester. Pa. .
xjADFjIiPHIA: ’’
,1794 Charter Perpetual.
Co. in the U. States.
■ 1 1 . ■ . 1 .
.<■ $17,000,000 Losses paid in Cash, since
| jits 1 Organisation.’ '
s Cash Capital and Surplus Jnn. 1, 1805,
I i ; 71.
| Buildings, Werchohdisc and Furniture in
i suredagainst Loss or Damage by Fire;
1 oh the most Liberal Terns.
Stick and Stoke DtcelUngt Ineuraf-Peipetuallt/.
i Risks takch oh this most liberal terms, by
j i; CHAS. B. HURST, Agent,
j mySl’OS ‘J -. | Rochester, Fa.
Valuable Farm and Coal Lands
j For* Sale:
l4O Acres—9o timbered—
located on the left bank of the Ohio riser,
4f mileslfromi'the town of Beaver, 6 from the
Smith’s ferry Oil regions, and within.sight of
ihe village of] Industry, . the seat of extensive
coal operations. Two comfortable Log Dwel
( ling Bouses on the' farm. Soil well adapted
j ingrain,: growing and graiing. At least'loo
? acres arh underlaid with \ two veins of su- ;
* trior ' i
h One foty feet, the other three—adjoining the
1 well known Bank,” which has been
open and worked for many years, - the coal on
vrhieh is represented by steamboat men to be
|he bes^ : found'between Pittsburgh and New ,
: Cumberland. An 8 acre lot, added lately to
the firm; serves jts an outlet to the River. An*
inolined traek 0f25 or SO rods will ran the
coal from the 4 feet vein to the water, and a
jjtraek half that distance will run it from the 3
feel or lower veuf.
„ | FIRS CLAY and LIMESTONE, of good qual
ity, and iin great abundance, and supposed
’ otn " .also to;contain a veinof excellent IRON ORE.
\CB, • . gndFor terms, and further particnlars, in
- . quire jofj JAMES HKITTAIN, Sbippingport’,
. .(nearth6premises,) or M. VtETAND, Frolh’y.,
I Beaver, Pa. May 3C65:4t.
! ! ■ 1
S : H- t
)0 f) 0 ,
By»mfomyof,heSecUi ,
undetiignei, |th«
lAgsnt for the'eslj of I”’*
HUos. offers to theipUblic th!^** l
tenths per et Interest $
s Theoe L «AR 1
15U.. igfiPd are| * J*
earring; |, r fr
the option of..the h|o\L.jinto
- S- 5-20 'Six dm a,^
These |bonds 'are
'are erhmpt,
from Stab, Sf
addi/ram one to thttt
Talui 1
the sale of
one of the
id in this
ri tt ia
,4 01 1341 .7
.. *• 4 .
Fire Insurance.
r Ni*
option; W ]
'srouJd so
crchaso* made
|bH. ife fully
and (tree' *
lent', and
sn 'of
for w!
is Aq
: -iv, *’■ ?Ci
jNtttonai Bi
U. «'»*»!
|of Beam
, COft mk
X • Cigw», »ja
retailers allows
£pND4 .
onetareil »mi :
t prices.
rL. ■■■■■’
:~=,a. t ,r: , ~ ~'..
',' 4.'': ~
,; ' ~ ij: Via:
1 .4 d : 4
Px.. ia'-thc
plfle in the Dniu j Stater ''"“ejjj
jiilanlt always! ln| attendant;
receive and assist in waiting . 0 ,. I
o| under
VulctuUe teeth, auction p ftle ,
Gums, end icarranled tvpfnor «
any made inl the United States
plain teeth only stpr"7
f Remember Dr>,£}peucer. has thOJ,
sortment of Artificial teeth a? jjfj
rials ever brought, to t,he 01 3 ,
t hus enabling people to r3S?T
-themselves regarding the «V w, ;
«K, &ci, they require. .
I J Phystciana
[;the.different pipers in
1;, N. B. Don t forget the
i extracting thejtedth and
-in the best style; ;8 usr “h‘' ’
satisfaction. Reefy °P era . Jith^
[ the Dental profesmon executed
and despatch. to
! -., Only tettef *»»4’ dcs’-' H
a set of Teeth fcompl“*® . f ß bdrg. , 1 ‘ e n
place, J?o. 254iPetjn sU, Pitts cR
above the Suspension e _
' t admin ibTjß ATOR’S > 3 . U(1
.T ETHERS of p
I , ofAVnuAV
township*. Reaver! coun ‘?’
granted.jlo| the uaderstg _ - ueS ie-l R
debted to sJidj estate *"
immediate am
against «kid eMitc »‘J)
subscriber, prepmly up I.
tpaylO &oTf
* PftbijT
-• fi