The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 03, 1865, Image 4
? ' J .‘, ‘! ' ' ~ i U EMI= “UnduutioiMbly the best Surta ri«d oY the kind tn tt|e World. ’ i • | HARPER’S NfIVT MOHTftLY MASaZIWE, ,i'| . ‘ Critical )Pfui. . \. It i| the, '(fti firesidenever had amora deligl&iulcom panioii, nor IhetniUion h riiore enarprising, friend; ' than Harper’s MA&izitse.r-Methodisl ■frolMant (BaUl!BbTe)>. v: ’r.! T ; ’ ! '|i r r Thejmost pbpulair'Monthlyin the World. — ifeti'Yort Oiioyrf. • ■ .',-i- l’( i ■ffewaat refer in teems' of eulogy tp the ihigh tone and Varied excellent ofHABPBE’s Magazine—a journal with, a monthly olroula tiou of abopt 170,000 eopiesf-in whose page 4 are foundaomeof the choicest light and general-reading oflho'daj. 1 We .speak pif this ■wort 'as on evidence of thit American Hopple •; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Bach .' number contains frilly 1 144 pages of readihg matter, approprialelyjilluatrated with goodiwood-euts; and it combines in itpelf the racy monthly and the 1 - more philosophical blendjd willt the btejt features of the ’daily. It b'*a great power in the dissem ination' of a lore of pure literature.—Tnini-. see’s s Guide to American LUtrature, London, j tUO volumes lihund. constitute ofthemselves a libfaly of miscellaneous, fading dafiudr be found in the same compass In any dlhef publication that Ups come ; unper: bur ndtijib.— -BpftorCourier. tgy 1 : 1! v 6UBSCRIPTIONS. ! y taes: " Thfr |PublisberB hove perfect! mailSgßiy which they can-.eupi 2 isgpntl.Weekly promptly!' to tl far tp reshive their periodicals the’Offioewf-publication , ( • The poStSge on.HABPEE’s Maoaiise; is 24 «'sntl’ r a-year which must be paid at the ■ Sub ttritkr** post-office. •/ 1 ;*'J f rfTermd:. V % lUapßa's Magazisb, one year. ....;..§4 00 An - Egtga copy of either the Maoaiinh or Wxgjti.l wUI be supplied gratia, for every Club of Fiifa Sobsobibbbs at $4 00 each in one remittance; or Six Copies for $2O 00. .. Hack numbers can be supplied at any time. . . AlpompUteSet, now comprising * Twenty - 1 ninflVolumcs, in neat’etoth binding, will bo uhf $y express, freight at expense of putr • abiser, fors2 26 per volume.:: Single i vol umel, by- mail,* postpaid, S8J)0.- ■ , Cloth bases, for hfnding, 68 cents, by matt, -postpaid, Ad . drsss ■, ... • % .• ' .1; / ;V HARPER & BROTHERS, f : ;■; Fbankun Squabe, Nbwl^bk. I 600,000 maleob female agnts :ZV- ' : TO SELL - „ jHaj/d’S New Steel PlatqCounty Colored Map of the United States,. : . '. | rCanadas, and New Brunswick, From recent surreys, complctsd, 1862; cost ,$20,000 td engrave it; and one year's time.,; ■ ii. ■■ , Superior to any $lO map ever made, by Col ' ■ ton or Mitchell, and sella at the low price of Fifty Cents;. 870,000 names, are.engraved oh » tbismsp. •: ,-r '■ w It-is not only a County map, but it is; also a COUNTY &, RAILROAD MAP of ihe U. 8. & Canadas combined in one, giving livery Railroad Station and distances between. guarantee any woman or man $3 to $6 per day; add. will take back ail mips that cannot .be |old and refund,the moneyt j \ '• Send for $1 worth to try. , \ f • Printed instructions how to canvass well, 1 furnished*!! our agents. • 1 ! , - Wanted—Wholesale Agonts| forourmaps in; every State, California, Canada, England,; ■ franco and Cuba A fortune may f be! made' with a few hundred al.: j No com petition. 3 F. Llovd, Ifrf Broadway, Hi T. < The Wa Department uses our map of Vir gibU, Maryland, and Penni®VQnia, cost $lOO,- (JOO, on which is marked? Bharpsburg, - Maryland Bights, Williamsport Fewy- BhorersviUe, Noland'ni Ford,' and all otjierß ou the Potomao.aJSdevery other place in Uie above named States, ofinoueyrefunded. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY,'OHIO, INDIANA, ; ahd ILL.,, al tho only authority Rosebrans and thp War ‘ Department.' Money refunded to ■ any one finding ian. error in it- 1 .{ i!‘. ■ -From the Tribune; Aug. 21 . .•‘Lloyd’s or VihqixiaMaetlan d ahu r|»»si^ViJflA.— The map-is-very large; its best is but 23 cents, andlft is (Xe best which can ■■ ' tif'pureha*ea. n "fv-'- l ■?' J "i JAoyd't Great Map of the -Mississippi Rivet. — ' From Actual Surveys by Capts, Bart aud,Wmr , Bbwn, -Mississippi River pilots, op St. .Lo uis, rf Mo-,.shows every man’s plantation ahd owner’s name'from St. Louis to the Gulf ofj Mevico—l l -iisb miles—every sand-bar, island, town, lapdiug, and all placet 20 miles back front-t lie . i mob—colored in counties and States, Price, ■.. it id sheets. $2, pocketlbrm, ,an;d $2,50 on •* rollers. ReadyiSept; 2Q. Nary. Department, Waehingtdn, SepL IG, 18G2. ~ |J. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send mO your Map,.of the Mississippi River; with price ;pqr hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davie, coni tnanding the Mississippi squadron, lis author ' i 9 ed to purchase as many as arc required fo- Use of that squadron. H- ' - : GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of Iho Navy $.. KOLLOCK’S; , “ lb an.delion O qfiee. JfTtHIS preparation, made from the b'egt Java | Coffee, is recommended by physicians as NUTRITIONS BEVERAGE forGcn oral Debility, Dyspepsia ders. Thousands who haTeVbecncom’pelled to abandon the use of coffee, will nse this with out injurious One |can ; contains. Uie ’ Strength of two pounds of ordinary' coffee, trice 25 cents.- 1 i J !i BOLLOCK'S LBV AIN. ■. p; The purest and best BAKINQ POWDER* kqpwo, for making light, swjeet and nutritious' Bread and Cakes, Price lq cents;' .|| Manufactured by ,i . i ■ M. H. KOLLOK, Chemist, f : Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, . J . PHILADELPHIA, And Stdd by all Druggists and Grocers ’’ifi mShrztl. ameSbioaln GOLDPER COMPART Manufacturers qa Gold Pens and Pencil-Cases of every" description, and Solo Manufactures of the ' ’Celebrated Angular Nibbed Pen. ' A. supply just received and for sale SI the iy26] Bridgewater Drug Store. BEAVER SEMINARY AND MUSICAL INSTITUTE Mil Rev. R. T. TAYLOR, President QPENS MARCH 28, 1865 ■ $98.50 / '■ Pays for-Board, Boom,. Fuel, Light; and Tui • ' tiou in Common Branches, 14 weeks. Lessons on Piano, Organ, Harmonium, Me ■i - lodeonand Guitar, by superior teachers. !A Primary Department, for small boys and girls, will be opened. ( ik liberal reduc tied will bamadeio children ‘ commencing murie lessons. ' , Reduction .0 1 25 per cent, onfall bills made o ministers* «>d soldiers* .daughters. . [marl 5 ~-t ADMIN IST ARTOR’S NOTICE. < ' T ETTEESofadministratloircn the sstale : j j- of’ Adah Gokhlt, deo’d, late of tfaa • - Boro’ of Beaver, Beaver county, having b«aa grant edto the undersigned, all persons in- Raid estate are requested to make / Immediate payment, and'those having olaims ,-r r a gainst the same’tvill present them properly „ ;] authenticated for settlement. •' ■' '» ■. . F. p. YOOKO, Adm’r.. ; aiip’|s Reaver, Pa. .*- -« n ~ -« ,k .* ■ • • . "" - .1: THE ;h- .-i; PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL. v'-rl’V '| ’ " 7‘ The i»ittahurr ' •»wspaper and ’ OH'e of -thf Lai ’ Most Widely Circulated . n ihe State. , (fives ji lest: and •- ' IFuili igence. * Ppospectni New 1 Year. , . On assuming Ci the j Commercial, at the commencemei year,’.the conduc tors announced lj 'EUMINATIOK to infuse a; rtev Hfe into its columns which should retiv iper, MORE THAN EVER ACCEPTABLE TO THE READER.; The Rapid Increase jin Circulation, flatter-, tug 1 notices of Cur contemporaries, and Cofl gratalatbry Letters from every as sure'us tjia!t our efforts have not been unsuc cessful. ‘ : . • i . i■ , The Commercial HAS CROWN DAILY in' public fa voir until at nbiv ranks among; the LEADING jJOURNALS in Uie country, j In order to kcep pace' with the demands of the reading public, and a t the same time meet the increasing pressure bn -our advertising columns, We some months since INCREASED THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PAPER; TO THE EXTENT OF FOUR COLUMNS. | Amongtiieleadingfeatures are full 4reliable i TELEGRAPHIC, BEPiOBTS; { from all the 1 leading points 6f interest,' It devotes spbcinl.attention|fo f' , ! MARKET REPORTS, ' -f, ■ including the IRON,. OIL, CATTLE, LUM BER, TOBACCO, and I tho PITTSBURGH GENERAL MARKETS.,! Our 1 7" 1 i ' -- * RIVER NEWS, ■ f • receives particular attention, And id this De partment' ihe, Commercial has; no rival, j The, FINANCIAL AND BTOC K BEPORTB, of the Commercial are prepared with ear A and willibe found to be unusually full and relia ble.. Also/ the Reports of the 1 LEADING MARKETS OF THE COUNTRY, embracing reports of the DRV GOODS and WHOLESALE MARKETS, and Special Re ports of OtL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE, from day io day. , , I ' I 3 While 'special attention will be given to I these several Departments, jthp Commercial lays claim! lb rank among the loadingjpdrnals of the country as a medium of ; ' 'fej 1 GENERAL INTELLIGENGE. . | -.lts aim [is to! give none hut healthy reading suited to the FAintrCiioM; be wel come visitor to the discriminating public. THE PULPIT . • | forms* a peculiar feature of the. C mntereml. [By giving every Sat urdayan Owe in Ah Sfe mon, prepared expressly,by a Minister of the Gospel, lb Pittsburgh or vioiuity,^Whick, al bo, goes into the weekly,) fifty-two disemtrses, are given; in the year, by not less than If wen-’ ty. or thirty'different Ministers, without re gard to denominational distinction. This De partment! of the Conuntrciil has attracted-much attention; and arrangements are being made to in crease [its recognised; importance andivalne. As a-feature at once novel and instructive, it constitutes not thc least of the-many|claim’s of the Cotmnerriai topatronage. J ■, ’ In politics the Cominercial■ will bo'an un deviatiiig-supporfer'bf the Union, and; earn estly loyal'to lio-Goyernipout, and asjfar as consistent with tins’.aim, free from Partizan ship.- \ ’ Jl?/"', 1 : 7'-., - ' Xha'Commercial is a large folio sheet,} and is published inf wo, editions every morning/ Sun. day jescejpled. p- , T I ’} ■• i Daily: by [mail,! $lO per annum; City sutejeribers.-served by earners, $lB per anuum,ip advance, or, j 25 cents per webk,pay able to tliecarrier. SinglCoopiea u emits. •' A :d a system of ly tho Maoa- Loacf who pro dlrcjjlly from , - - „-0»i discount 1 made to Agenla. ' l ’ J Tub Batuudat large sheet, containing (ill the Current News, Miscellan eous) Literary, and Scientific Intelligence, and Valuable Heading for the Family, is publish ed at $1,50, (52 issues,) -per year. . In Clubs of Twenty, $l. . ' i ‘ ; • The ilemy for Weekly and Daily mutt dlwayt accompany the order andinno intlance ran then term btideviated from. \ I Bgn.Postmasters are requested' t( act 1 aa agents.for the Commercial, j Office-75 FIFTH at., opposite Poatdfiice. C. I). BRIGHAM....; '...Ui ~Enrroß. R. D. THOMPSON ....BtJSixKss Ma*aoke. Address j THE COMMERCIAL, j . 'f'Pitlsburjg, Pa- NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT l ’-.l ' ,;-4—lf ■-) a' AN ASYDUMii’ORTHERECEP ; TION, CURE] AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL f ALIENATION ORI ! , DISORDER ] ■[ And. OtHer Netvous and Chronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY EOR - EEMALES. r IIBIS1 IBIS institution in now [open for the reeep- I- tjion, care, and treatment of tile indepen dent elate of patients who [are labelling under meritdl derangement; orjother nepous and chronic disease. We make special picntion of nervohs and chronic diseases, from the fact that seven tenths of |the female patients: that are committed to onr public Asylums, to be treated- for disordered minds, ore reduced to that [lamentable condition through previous physics} disorder. By a Well timed and judi cious' treatment of [chronic and nervous dis \ cases, ■, all physical disorders, .in the majority [of esses may be removed ; and thud the min'd, 'having suffered (hrough | the medium of the a will when, free from, the exciting cal- capse, throw off the shackles that | has tjouad it to. worse than midnight darkness, [ and treason wiU, once m#e, resume its sway, 1 in all its primitive beauty iud wonted excellence. Bence itiiemccessity of all those, -.whojate laboring underythc predisposing lor exciting causes, calcnlatcd in thejend to im pair! the- mind to resort to an j early [and judicious courseofremodial agents. -■ j The Institution' is a large brick, ; building with a stone basement—four stories high and well ventilated! It is situated on lan elevated lablie .land which oommaiids a view .oT entire. I town—adjacent hills—groves andpeighboring streams ; all of which are calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon the disorder edmind,, ' .7 ,■ |. ’ ' : Theinstitution is complete in all of its ap pointments. Having been tastefiilly fitted up at graet expense, in order that it may meet the, approbation and views of theieost fastidi ous. . . ' - -I' j . . The water closets and bathing apparatus have been-gotten rip upon the moat approved modern scientlfloprlneiples. This department embraces not only the ! ordinary baths hut, also, the medicated, warn air and ascending and descending douche for the more effectual and successful treatment of entaneons and' otherscrofulous diseases. - J, ' We beg leave, to Say to all thosp -who may be disposed to commit the interests' of a dear' wife, sister or daughter, toour [charge—may be' assured - that u 6 means will be -spared or efforts wanting on pur part to ameliorate, Condition qt to effriot a restoration to their afi). euSlomed health ajad. vigor of mind. i : \ For further particulars send for a circular. All communications should be addressed to. . - j ' > if E. KENDRICK, M. ». ' - -| l ".‘Bupt. of Nsw Brighton Retreat- . ' 1 . \ New, 'brighten ( ndvl2’62. • f .Bqttver Co. Pa. ■ i| EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. \\T HKREAS 1 liters testamentary on the estate of Geoeo* MetzJ late of New!, Beaver 00., Pa., deo’d, havin been 'granted to Rie undersigned, all perspns indebted to said estate are requested tomake immediate payment, and those |havihg‘cUimB against the same , will, present them properly authenticated for settlement; ■ I. - ~ - henryLqeohbingL V r-, -r 5 : ; j GEORGE GARDNER. ) LXI * . : j'anir6s ,1 ; , r=Kew Sewickly tp. ’ brave soldierV and sailros, HOLtO^ijT’S j - lU|aUVeaiirth,e -TV' Amy’ orNavy.Bhouldlake.Mpaoialoare that' they! be amply'supplied with,those fPiUa and Oihtmcnt; and where the brave EoWiew and Sailors’have neglected to prolfide themi selves with them, no'hotter, present canbeaent, them by their friend*. They bavc.been prov ed tobellhe Soldier’s never-failing; friend ;in the hour ‘of need.; 1. J 1 1 ...-It- >■ ;; i-1 COUGHS AND COLDS AFPECTINQTROOP3 Will, be speedily removed and. effectually cured by usuig these' admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to this Direction* Which are attached to {each Pot nr Box. . ! SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE-i . TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. , ;.j ■ ThesefeeUnga whioh sadden us, usually arise from trouble 1 or obstructed perspiration, or eatingl and drinking whatever la unwholesome, thus disturbing, the healthful action ofi the liver And stomach J These or gans must be reliovcd.j if yon desire to be well] The Pills, taking according to the printed' inf etructions, will quickly % produce av healthy’ action in both liver and stomachy and asa .natural consequence a clear hesdand good apr 'petite, j ! ii" -!■ ■ WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY v i OVER FATIGUE,,; ; „ ■( ' Will soon dtsappear'by the UEe-of these in valuable Pills, and the .Soldier wQI quickly ac quire additional strength. Never let the bow; els be either confinedjpr mhduly { acted ~npOm It may. seem strange 1 that Holloway’s Pills should hs Tpr Dysentery and Flux, many would increase the relazstloh. This is a great mis take, forthesePillsWillcorrect the liver and' stomach .and thus remove all the acrid humors fromdhe system. Twa medicine win give tone and vigor, to the whole organic system howev er deranged, While health and. strength follow as s maller of ooursei; . Nothing! will stop the relaxation of tile Bowels so sure as this fam ous medicine. h • I VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION !J INDISC RE TIQNS OF.IOUTH, • ' Sores land Ulcers, Illotchiags and Swellings, can with certainty jbe radically; cored if the Pills are taken night! and morning, and;the ointment be freely used as stated in the print ed instructions..- If treated in any other man ner they dry np in One partto break out in ah; other.’ | Whereas'this Ointment will remove the humorsfrom the systemand leave the Da tient a ,vigorous and healthy man, .. It will re quire a little perseverance in bad cases to ip-- sure a lasting cutOi)-} - - i FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, OR SABRE ORTHBBUL LET, 1 SORES OR7PRUIHES. I To which e very Soldier and Sailor are liable there medicines so safe, sure. and. con venient as HoUbwayfs Pills and ointment. The poor wounded and almost' dyingpnfferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if. he would only ’ provide himself wtthj this match less Ointment, which should be thrust into the woundaud smeared 'all around it. then covered with a picce of linen from his knapsack, and compressed with,; a] handkerchief. Taking might and morning 61 or 8 Fills, to cool the sys tem and prevent inflamation. fivqry Soldier’a knapsack at d Seaman's eheil ehould wUh «a valuable Remedies. i CAUTION*"^ 00 * art gehutne unless the Woros J-y/oWou-ay, Alnr York 1 ditdjsondon,’’ are disocrnablc asa; water-mark InqViry i leaf of.the book of direotions urbuhd caoh pot or bo*; th#:iame plainly seed by holding the'leaf Jo the light toward' will be giV'hn t o any oni rendering st ah informa tion as may lead to jthh detection if any party or parties counterfeHUig'thqlnedic lues oryend ing thesame, knowing them to'-h) spurious. . *** the I ManutaotOry of Professor Holi.owat, eOTitatqen Earns, New York, and by all 1 respectable and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, t£J cants and $1 each; I yg* 1 There is c<y»Biderahle. saving, by taking the larger .sizes. j ■ ( N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa ients in every disorder arcaffixcd to each-box. May 7. " - 1 j■■ r ■' _ _ J - ; PRITISHJ PERIODICALS, •' I . viz. - Thb I.osdon Qpa itrm.Y Review (.lonserv.O The Edisbceoh. Review (Whig.) | TfreAVESTMiHSTSii Br.viaw (Radical.) ■ The'Hoeth Beitieu Review (Freo-Chjirch.). ; i END j ’ . ■ Blackwood’s Euiniiubgii llagazisk (Tory.) | | • —— f • , . The American Publishers continue to re print the above-named periodicals, but'as the cost of printing 'h is 'dauhled r > the price of pa per nearly treite/jj.nncl taxes, duties, licenses, etc--, I largely increased, - they are! compelled to advance their terms as follows: | j TERMS F0R1865. For any one oflthe Review 5—............ $4,00 For any two of tile Reviews 7,00 For any three of the Reviews 10,00 For all four of thjs Reviews 12,00 For Blackwood’s [Magaiine........ 4,00 For Blackwood‘and oneßeview.... .;. 7,00 For Blackwood and any two Reviews..!. 10,00 For Brackwood and three Reviews....;. 18,00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.... 15,00 The works willlbeprinted on it grealhj. improv ed quality of paptr, and while nearly all American Periodicals ore either advanced in price or r.ed u ®ed in size—and very generally both—ue .shall continue to give faithful copies. ofaUtbe matter) contained in ;the original. editions. Hone?, our present prices will be found as cheap) for the amount of matter fur nished,;as|tbosc|of any of the competing per iodicals in this country. i • : Compared’with tlte cost of the originals ed itions, which attho present premium on gold' would be about .$lOO a year, our prices ($15.) ate [exceedingly low. Add to this the fact that we make our annuat payments to the British Publishers for early sheets and copyright tn OM— sl costing us at this time (Jan. 1865) nearly $2,50 iit jcurrency—and we trust that in stale we Jbave adopted we shall be en tirely justified "jby : our subscribers land-the reading public. j . j The interest of these Periodicals to Ameri can readers is jrstlier increased than dimin ished by the' articles they contain on our Civ il |1 far, and though sometimes, tinged with prejudice, thejf may still, considering their great abiUUly nnd the different stand-points froim which are written, be read and studied with' advantage by the people of this ' country, of every creed and .party. . . THEFOUR REVIEWS for 1863. A few copies! of the shore remain on hand, and 'will be sold at $& for the Whole four, or $2 for any ope.) ' ; ■■ • k We also publish the By the late J; P. Norton, .of Yale College. 2‘vols; Royal Octavo,ll6oo pages And numerous En gravings. ■ |-f - r .! PRICE'S? • fifths' two volumes—by Mail, post paid, $B. ■ 7 ■■ : LEONARD 3COLT & CO., Publishers, ' ’ JVo. 88 Walker Street,; Wea York. ■ New Marble Wbrks! II). Iroiis, MARKET Sx., BRIDGEWATER. THE- ShbsJriber announces to llhe public that be isproparedto furnish to custo mers all kind of work iu his tine from a PLAIN SLAB to a CARVED TOMB STONE. American and Italian Marble Kept on handj and all kinds of plainas well as Ornamental work done in a raatisfactory manner. , D-IRONS. loot north T. Allifon’sstole.) Market si, 1 junels’6l =IMO ZEZZ . Mu MglL.Caßkl hpazßtgm War of, Extermination againtl , Bad Tath Bad I Breath, DUeated Game , Toothache, Earache, '■ , ~ . and Neuralgia. - ; ' ■ r otm AETUXEEriS hijrp’s ■: m N T ALT RE A S UR' '' :, it cdirPijrt*E sw'dr -aiJrtßii's rbß - 1 PEEBER»IfI« W TEETH: Purifijmg the - fe'rialh ’dhd 'Jkt „.'v «| ;:,rANDI,-- = V. i’.-/ - ri> ■■ urJng Tjopthaohie ;aj*id Neuralgia : T _..v^!- ' 'hr. vJr&fcekbr one ioUle. if, ./■ ; J>. Hurtfi ,Vnt3ualUd fOOTU POOER,D one'box. 1 V : I "j ' i r Pr. HmfiMdgie TOOTHACHE DSi PM iottle.: ; «-ra -J; ■- . .:. JV. 1 ,i>r. irnr<r* UNRIVALED neuralgia PLASTER.. 111I 1 1 ■ ’ ‘ Hr. IfuriT, MANUAL- on the. Best Mea is of Preserving'the Teeth, including TUreeltons'l for (he Proper TieatmeniofChildren’, Te'ethl.i f FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between the Teeth. TOOTHPICKS, etc., etc. , | > Prepared! at Dr.=Hurd’s' Itontal i’Qffici77 Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. I), j r |*,.:p%EEpLLAR; ' package eight inoheshyvfive, and is sentbyexpress. * Sgf FuH dtnetiont foT use it oh each ankle. The following articles we- can send separate ly, by mail,-id» r !' . , Iho Treatise on Preserving the. Teeth sent, post paid, oa .receipt ,of f Twai.v* puts,. or '.four stamps. ' ■' ii/ -i . The Neuralgia Platter, tat Neuralgia in the Face, NeryouaHoadache, and Baraehei sent post paid,'pn receipt of Eighteen Cent*, or si stamp?. . Si- ■ v'l " The Neurifgia-and liheumatie Flatter i large size,) fpr iPains in the Chest, Shoulders, Bach, or any part af the body, sent post paid. Jon re ceipt of A irty-teeen eenlt. 1 ~ Address, WM. D. lUTRD, CO., ribune B wilding t, Hew Tori 9 . . ! Dr. KvrtJuOVTU WASH', TOOTH POW DER Aid \TOOTHACBE DXOPS Cannolbe Sspt by mail, but they can probably bo ob tained at 1 your Drag or Periodical Stores/ Ii they cannot, send to us for the DENTAI TEEABURY.Priee, Oap Dollab, which ion Uiaathem. _ :■ . . 'I ■' NOW, Are Dr.llvrctt Preparation! Good t The beat c'tidaaees.that'they are is, that their firmest Morids and besV patrons are those who have used them longest. Dr. Wi*, D. Hurdle an eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists* Association,.and these preparations barb been 1 used in his pri vate practice for years, ahd no leading citlien of Brooklyn or Williamsburg questions their exoellejtc;, while, eminent Dentists of. New York recommend them as{ the best \ known' to the profession.- Without ithe ai'd ■ of advertis ing, dealers hiWsold the;gross. ' The Editor, of the Brooklyn Daily Timet say s* “We are happytqknow that our_friond. Dr.' Hurd, is! succeeding beyohd tfll’eipectations wlth-ils MOUTH WASH arid, TOOTH POW DER/ The great sccrct of -his success rests with the fact that hi* article* are\.preeitely what they anttprttenud lo be, at vs con testify from thnr long, use.” ;J- ~ ' ■ i V' The well knoifn P. Ti Barnum writes: “I foupd yonr TOOTHrPOWDER sogOod tllat my family have usedj it all up. We Jitid it the best powder for ■ the teeth, we hare ever uted. 1. shall feel obliged- if' jjori will send me anW her sup ply at the your convenience,' with . bill.”, . -| J. :„1 ,j [ ! But their cost,is so small that every one may t test the matter for .himself. i, ■' , . Bewarwrif the ordinary Tooth Powders. - DrrHnrd’s Tflbth Pooder - containk rio aclds, nor alkali, nor charcoal, and polishes without wearing the enamel. Use ho other. i WHAT WlLju DR. HURD’S REMEDIES ■■-.'■-iV- EFFECT? Dr., Hjtfd’s Mdnth Wash and Tooth'.Powder will give young ladies that finest charm in wo man—h; sweet.breach and pearly . teeth., Try them, lidies. '' ! - I i i ’ . _ Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash, and Tootr Powder will 'cleanse the mouth from all' jfoiih exhala tions, and if used in the. morning, -will make,! the breakfast taste sweeter and the day begin; more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons<can testify to tbia*<;Try them,.gentlemen.; Dr.] Hurd'p Month Wash and* Tooth/Powder are ilicthc best .preparations in the, world for curing; had breath and; giving firmness and health to. the *gums.|. Hundreds' of, cases *of Diitascd JiUidai/ GUna, Sere Canker, etc.,'hive bccncurcd by Dr.i Hurd's! astring ent wash. - - \ ' ,!■■ n ■ tilh'P'- , Dr; Hurd';) Mouth Wash and Toot- rowdcr give an additional 1 charm' .to 'court ship, and make husbands mfire agVccablo to Ihe'ir wives and wives to .their husbands.; - They should he used [by; every person having , . i ARTIFICIAL TEE TIT,: which:aro liablelo-impail ntaintto the mouth Dr." Hurd’s Toothache Droops cube Tooth ache arising from exposed nerves, and are,the best friends that .parents can have in! thehoiise to save their children from torture alnd thein- Sclycs/rpm loss ofjblcbp anil .sympathetic, suf: cring.’ , h ’ I ! . Farmers and,mcehanics,! : y oueannot well af- ; ford to ncglectyour teeth. Forditrilling suine you cun howjjet preservatives; thou which’ Hothschilf or Aalpr can get nothing hotter. ; Uemcmber that Dgepepeia ami Cohetiinplion a/ 1 the Lunge often originate in neglect of Teeth, i Send for the . Tteadit on Teeth; and read . Dr., Fitch’s observations on this subject. . If lob late to arrest decay in your own 1 t ;oth, saye youchMrto'S’teeth. J r > Neuralgia piasters:— Dr. Hurd’s Neuralgia jNota-Adhosive Plarierpkrp the most pleasant and successful remedies ever -presort ed for this painful disease. The .patient ap plies one, soon becomes drowsy, fails asleejl, and awakes free from pain! and noj blisler or other unpleasant or injurious consequences en sue. i For Earache and Aeriioui headache, ap ply according tb directions, and relief will surely followr Nothing pan be obtained equal tlo Dr. Hurd’s’Compress for Neuralgia. Try I’them. Thcy.arc entirely .a novel, curious and original preparation, and wonderfully success ful. i They are of two sites, one small, for the face,; price 15 cents, and the other large, for application to the body, price 87 cents. HHi be mailed on receipt of priceand one etamp. WBAT ARE THE PEOPLE OIXO t . The American people are intelligent enough to apprcciatepreparslions that contribute so much to happiness of those using them, and they wont them. Every mail brings usletters, some ordering the Treatise bn Teeth, sonto the Neu ralgiaPlaste’rs; and not a fqw enclosing 37 cts.. for-the be pent by mail; but to- these we are compelled tb reply that It is Impossible to 'send a half-pint bottle by mail. The people wanlthesbßemedies. HAe vill I CH^NCBFdE^BNTB. Shrewd agenUoanmake a .small fortune in carrying these articles around to families. The Dental Treasury is the neatest; article that a man or wbman can carry areuni . ; Send for one| and see, or, better,:;* dte*eh,jwhicjr we will eelU as.samples, for AgetUa supplied liberally withoireulara. B»*Nowls IhVUtae to to go Into the bnsinWsi to do good, and make i profit; TTe are spondtog thousaadsfor the benefit of agents., New; BngUnd men or wo men I here fe 1 i ■ . -Tribune Buildings, Hew Torit. I . That remittakbee may be 'with confi dence, W. B. H. * Co-. refer bothb Mayor of Brooklyn; to CbW. Oriffilh, Present f.'rs’and Citiiensßank, Brooklyn; todoy, Coe, la.. New Toik ; to P. T. BamunuSaq., how !'];*. j j MEE nian SEWING *-■ The BeBt,Mc 'c^aoni® i „'VV f - ' I >uth **•- T 'i : A; These Mac lock-stich aliki and use less *th and silks tha^ 'PS, ble thread 100 do. It will ,S Qiiilt, Tuck, • 1 A Cord, Braid, previous basli adapted t,hs£n. r • ••• (V Machine la u changes' and; sewing requip ;hey will sew ty thicknesses out stopping, stitch perfect; gauze to lb clodi, withou' needle or ten: adjustment of It has the ges over all o ■, Far great beauty and speed arid q simplicity o! and rpanag design arid i These are will go far choice of hi IBM —Please S,H. 13 E aug!7] Soli CRM PHILADEL oo: N. E. come: ■' piiii THIS Institut 1844, and eighteenth yea among its grntui ocssful Merchant Coiintr/. ' ' ThWohjcct'of I ford young men I ration for basin Tho branches applicable to tin Penmanship, b .Commercial Ln Civil 'Knginceri! and Modern Lai ■ rThc system,Q clashes or sot 1c student is tougl commence at at er ho'ura nrc mt Catalogues t 15th of April, dents for l the terms, &c,J ant by addressing t In. extensive reputation, anc Principal, this perior to any o men wishing t obtain at the s: prove s recomi oantilo House. CSr*Onms:i (Book-Keeping, than any other Bale at'the Coll JONES’ DYElft & & SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT. ■ | ; 30 OHIO STREET, (West of Federal,) \j i ALLEGBEN Y, PEEN'A . | rpilE Proprietors of, this Eatablishmcn , § . hare been engaged for anumber of years in the mostbtlensive establishments] in this country, in the cities of New York and Phila delphia, when all the improved appliances, and apparatus arciemployed. Being also in' pos session of thOTeryfatest discoveries and me thods of European Byers, they dyeahd finish ladies’ iSilki Satin' and.Merinp Dresses in a -superior style In inany cases, these articles are made in color, ahd finish, ray nearly equal in appearanftt Uf nejw Goods. ■ j - '■mods returned in Uco wee Is SS hereby ■ Tnllon t 85, owing having aow them to the .will call and TJOSBBBi Writing Bridgewater] visjeed.Mel Company. & won ACHIHES. Reliable Sewing l®w. inJSse/t .i| i. k a. \ tines make the on both sides, m half the thread he single or don i-stiitoh Machines titp|> Hem, Fell, -plait, Gather/ ’ X 1 . - '* " etc., all without ig;,and are better, inyijother Sewing ’ll.. ' . K ie tp the frequent great variety of :diha>; or ). - ' from one to twen of Marseilles with- and make every): or from the finest heaviest beaver changing the feed ion, or making any” j'' machine whatever! following ad'vanta .i . a v , j ;her machinei «•. i r variety of work; - i 1 xcollende of stitch; ietness of motion; construct ion; ease inept; elegance ,ol nish. peculiar facta, and I' • ' - !■ 1 ios determine llh'e i '■•••■ ‘ -V ;>f 1 intelligent buyer, all and„exaipinc. 1 ?EJIRSOI., xm, pa., ft for BeavCr TEJfDEFS PHIA COMMERCIAL LILEIC3-E1 of|7th &CheitautStM ADEIPUIA, PAJI i r l .on, \v|hicli was established in is noiw consequently in t'-j) 4 i r of [its' existence! numbers lies, hundreds of the mbstsuc tls anil Business Men of oar' j j . rv:\. tbd Institution is sblely to nf-[ facilities for thorough prepa-.i i-asa<j. |. ' , . ' I '< \ J ■ i taught are, Bdok-kecpihg,;.,as uvajriqusdepaiamcnts uf trade; 1 i oth! plain . and ornamental ;' iw, | mitlhomal ics,' Navigation, i tig, i ’ Bra wing, Phonography, uguagps. • , if Ipsjjiriiotion is peculiar; ho ipsoiis pro. made use of, hut each It individually, so that he may .• time, and attend , at what'ev t convenient. i ■_ ».issued annually aftpr : the jontaining, names of the stu fear,, and full particulars bf may be obtained at any 'time le Principal. i f icconunodations, wide-spread the.lengthy experience; of the institution offers facilities, sil lier iii the country, for : young prepare for business, and ! to ne timo A diploma, which will ondation for them to any Mor- [rKJf’s| Series ot Treatises jon : now i more' widely circulated work] on the. subject, are, for lege. J ■: . ,!~ j’--- i OTIOE rtven that the firm of Stores & Ui be dissolved on the Ist of Ap’’ril, jo the death of Mr. Siokcs. Those ntaagainst said, firm will present (undersigned, and, those indebted ettle. ]£psB]BOOT. TALLIN. (JTHEB, & J3o’s. Extra Chemical fluid] the best in the werldat the 'Brug'Btora. Try it and bs eon nufaethredby the Amsrrean In CM W v r .« Med als,'!) plomas, (Certificates, Premiums,’ and Testim mlals, have been received from vari ous sot rcea, bou) ‘ Public and Private. -: V Self-Adjusting and'Adjustable! The only Wring) r with'the Patent Cog-Wheel 'Regula tor, foi turning both tpjls together and; which positively prevents the rolls from breaking or twistingon the shaft. It is not onty per fect W ringer, but the (Cog-wheels, give it; a j po4er which renders 1 it a most excellent I Waehe repressing .and separating, as it, does, ■the dirt .with the [ water from -the clothes, lcaviri(; them dryer, whiter,; and smoother than when T‘i\vruug” by hand. The watep.can bo Ipreasilj from .large arid small articles, easier, quicker, apd ihore thoroughly thaii-bythc or dinary, old-fashioned back-breaking,' wrist - straining, .and, clothes destroying tprocess.—- The Coj--whcbls prevent all “wear and tear - ’ ■of olot ips by.tlic friction of the rolls or break ing of 4titclics by twisting; ■ y WUhout-Cog-wbeels, the whole strain of forcin othe cloth through the Machine is put upon the lower roil, and the.cloth is niade lo act in Iho place'of Cog-wheels, to drive the upper ijoU, causjng a much-greater strain up on the lower rqlt than when Cog-wheels, with our Pt tent, Regulator,are used, besides) he ex tra stt ain upon the -cloth.. A Good- Canvasser wanted in every town. -Liberal inducements offered; and exclusive sale guaranteed. I I IhG. CROWING, Agent. 1 I 1 317 Brodway, New York. ' ; , ... W.M. G. WOLF, Agent;, ' 1 it, "Gl- ; ; Borough township, ■jj. R. TODD ( is ? Agent- for.Universn ,4 Wriugeria the Townships of Moon, ajell, Independence, Raccoon,' Greene, laiiover. j . .., - Mir £53? OlotU Hope and £ PBCOCENTX (IXG-SUSS & I'ICTI'HE fBAME MANUFACTORY, . 221 EAST TWENTY-THIRp STREET,- 178 & 175 GRAND STREET AN D;215; . ;i'.. CENTRE STREE. ' ssta: ilished 1838.; bstabi4shbJb 1888 , miltS Establishment has beep unsuccessful j I operation for 24 years, and U the' largest j jjftEa kind in the United Stales-.. -We liavo on j hand or manufacture to order every description of Looking-glass, Picture and Portrait-Frames, Plain and Ornamental Fieri Wall, Oval & Man- ! tel; Glasses,' Connecting Cornices. Base and Bracket Tables, with . Marble Slabs, Toilet j ;Glasfeei &0., &e., &e. Mouldings for Picture ; Frames, in lengths suitable for transportation, eithcr Oilt, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany, &c. Our new manufac.; torylanil extensive facilities enable its to turn, ish anjjarticlein our liiic’ as good as the^best, andjas cheap as^the.cheapest. Dealers are invited to call upon us when they visit New Pork. Wo claim to be able! to supply to supplythem with dVery arti cle in our line which they can possibly purchase else viiero. -t, , ■ . - Orders by' mail attended to with promptness. Ponot fail to call when you visit :Ne» Yoik. ' ,U. • .•■ 1 Otjk e ,V HVzr-root.’ii, .V 0—215 Centrr. St., K. P. - , HORACE V. SIG LER, Ayenl. Mar 7—3 mo- j" LOO NOS. HEELER & WILSON’S | FAMILY , JEWING MACHINES. 'll increased! confidence:in its merits as the ■4 and Most Reliable Family Sewing Machine now in use,- claim for it the following adTimUgesorer any and all Sewing Machines: , f greater variety of ‘ work; beauty and ok-! enoe of stitch; speed and quietness of ipor b; simplicity of construction; ease,of oppjra n anil management; elegance of designiaJßl jsh. It will . ./ ititch; Hem, Fell, Quilt,. Bipd,' Tack, ■ Plait; Qather.Cord, Braid, ■ ■ All without any previous basting., t works equally well on the thinnest or okest fabrics, from heavy beaver or pilot th, fn the finest: cambric. . H. pEIRSOE, BK tyER. PA-., 10’04] Sole;Agent for Beaver county.. CO. ADMIXISTJJATGirS NOTICE LETTERS of administration on the estate of Mako't E. Axkkny, late ot Bridgewater, Beaver co., dec’d,likving been granted to the ui iersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arß'rfeques'tcd payment, and these,having claim gainst said estate will present them to the - subscriber'properly au thenticated for settlement.' ]• IIEXTvV ASKBSr: j Bridgewater. ibs IS- hereby, plvwfthat the partnership hcre r toforo existing between A. G. M'CrchryW SJ B. Briggs, and Benjamin Todd, under the style and firm . of ’‘M'Creary, Briggs & C 0..” fer-the purposo of carrying on the business of milling, dealing in grain, flour, feed, &c.; at tl e Industry Mills, Beaver County." Pa.- has b 'ca dissolved by mutual consent., The books are in the hands of their successors, Briggs & Bro., at ,thb Mills'aforesaid, who are authori xid to settle all business of the.firm. . . . > A. G. M'CBEAKY, : 1 s. b. bbiggs,. | feb22’Gsj BENJAMIN, TODD. ;«fcls’Cs NOTICE, ' ■ . NATIONAL BASK% i V * 1 . New Brighfim, Feb; 1, 1860. ) THE; Stockholders'* of “the' 1 National Bank of Beaver County” arc hereby notified t' tat the unpaid portion of the Capital Stockis' rsquitedto bo paid at their Banking house in instalments as follows, vii: Twenty-five per cent, thereof, on the first day nf March next, and a like instalment upon the first- days of' May, July and September next thereafter. - By order of the Board. ' , i l 7; i EDWARD HOOPS,: fab. 8 ’CS, ■., ; i ' Cashier -ADSiINISRATOR’S NOTICE. , LEXTERS of administration .on the | es tate of Wm. Yoirso, latdof'Badeni Econ omy‘tp., Beaver eo., deed, havingbeen grant- Jd to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment,ahd those having claims against said estate will present them to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement; ] ! ; ’ JENNET YOUNG, Adm’ix., , marS'Cfi ■ : , Baden., FOR SPUING V O 1865 I : vr PAPER, i WINDOW SHADES, , Borders, and 4: ; r . DECORATIONS i ND EVERY ARTICLE W THE PAPEK- J\ HANGINtTLtNE, are now offered to the T«w«,»nd: buyers generally, at the lowest prices .possible. JfifCall and see at iVo. 107 Jfarkelel. between Liberty and Fifth elf.,, •PITTSBURGH, PA. JOS. B. HUGHESI&BRO. mairl’o3 '' i■ 1 A Sweet and Serfam3a -ABaci Breath ■•! Wk-U Udf orgmUenn Wi , «p«ratod! : How msny fria^Z*" 11 tod The subject is so Delicate 1 , nu .L® m,r PM1»« will not montion-Hs and roaul*^ r * W Weal norant of Uio fact. i 0 filT? JjMwlf i ; .‘. ““ th* Balm as * looth-,w,h «n,. ■tog. '■•; ■ • |,. . . THB MOBT BEAIITIFCL - pfancient tunes used honev to ' complexion; but oil and other valuable togredwT* 111 f 6l *- stiU mpre yaluable. * ; drops poured on yonr «haTi 81t 4m,.k A fn "' beautiful soft lather, leaving A^f® f and white. ; ,',, .' ,I 7 8 , f *<* par,' : When used for washing nidi „,i j ■ 5 it eradicates all Ton, mpU,, knd> rendering the skin soft land whit. T* *■■*,, from blemish. - |. - V tr u . For sale at the Drhg , t . MilE. DESIOIU ST’S~ Quarterly Minor ■ ot. Fashion l! ■; li'itA Great Improvemtntt ai d , Tir* HI'MHBB NCMBF.RCDrT,,,'^’ FO UR LARGE > SVIIENUIJi ELATES, THREE ;• i'ATTERHS OEDiKSSn ■ connusisGTHc New French Waist, an Elegant Sleovi a ■ ■ Misses, Sack, and :a' Sheet I and Beautiful BKAID AND EMBROIDERf Together' with nearly 100 ' '. V all the'novelties! Summer: Bonnets, Cloala Children’s Oresse And valuable information'' to; Makers, Mothers, and Ihadies seating the largest -arid bcl tine.,to the World, published N." Y.,' and sold everywhere sent by mail. post, free, on rei in.stamps. or silver.- Year $) lowing-valuable premium. ,■ | Each yearly subscriber iwij receipt for .the selection- of 5 plain patterns, from the. des or from the show room, or dered and sent.,by mail any year, by paying postage. * gguSplentlid Inducements tßUSnmmcr No 1 , now read’ BE.NBT KICK* ; rinj.e ■ Hie 3 & ; Rtltan, ATTORNEYS AT lAW. \\/ attend Iq. legal business of «li ' ’ kinds. Prompt attention given'to c»I Jeetious generally. License! Agent* for col lection of Pensions, Bounty, mrrear* of P«r. Prixe money/Paly, etc.J of’Prisoners of WiV, nnd all kinds of military c aims against the (ioTernmcnt. Office—l ’ Coyer of Market Street and (As . Viam-mi the rW nit Court lioaae r BEAW.U, “PBNN’a; _[jkn IN BRIDGET IS. the place to buy yom, mid Cigars, Cakhs, &e. Jliivi building to bis old stand, hi to accommodate his custoi sens generally .with anytbii ing the best assortment thid and sells cheaper,. • He wi! quors, ol all kindg, t<| be tl and those wishing the best nal purposes, would do ire amino his stock before pari ,! gas“Caii the At old stand,, nnd' jsou are sun comesnd prompt attentioi GL oji 10 U S ■’f ■ -r~ Not from but ■ ’ " ’ Of. pc’iUA New Shoe Store. _ rpHE subscriber [would rcspcl fully iahn I the citisons ofßeavetj County that) in li dition to his well selected stock of CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS and GEStI E MESS' FUBSISH ING GOODS, he hasj' lately purchased i selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES of etc? 1 kind and variety. . My, i Jock is the large" ever brought to the [county, and 1 am Jeters ined to sell “cheaper than the cheapesi''- - Mind the sign of thjc “B % ■Hal.’’ •• Scpt.9.’6S. .'I I ; , N. ATEtW administrate 'adimmsi of B. AVai.ts wicklytp, Beaver county granted to tho. _ undersi; dobtcd to’said estate an immediate payment, and against'sitid estate j will subscriber properly an tlement. >JACOI! marlo'Co . t . T. HUE. M ■Notaißjv . , . .orrics jwiTit '! ■... B. ..11. CHAMBERLIN. ATTA ■ (Near the PrhostLVanheJ V y? ■ BROADWA%:XE\W ■ ihalP‘ ■ - ■ •. BEAVER C 0l T NTV> PA. PROMT attcniitU to the EXEMPTION PAPERS, connected witli the 'draft; also ; o» . jerked, acknowTedg nentsjtaken^&CM^_^^ i FAT .TL.SI'O^ WOOLEN FACTO? 5 ; rpilß unJersiEtjed cj I tiiis week. , Cardifi( finishing Flannel, ClathJ Cassit Blankets, at my old pl( 'wear and durability, I <] manufactured- :noi to b of tbos the Beaver,, WoObJeto., in Pulaski township, store in New Brighton. je!7,68 j - TREE , Persons' intending , F dens, vineyards, or imj .this coming’Spring, ard examine ouratotfk. The six tQ eight feed and! Planters in Western F wUI find it to their ini trees fresh from the 1 name.. | ! { Parties coming to i worth station, onftheU in the morning j trains trains, ud return , in locoes sent to apblicai T.h feb!6 SowlcM; ELEv TIHE Stookho tiers erecting * I ridgt at or, near Wolt I aneii arc hereby* notified tl President, six'M inagP be hold in the toll bob Monday'the 241 b day <jj ing at 10 o'clock A. M? .mar-29,'05.] Iffi EMI '-’G-PATTKEM Engfarlngj ; j,’ ,*> Trimmirjs, 8, 40., "V Milliners, liteil 1 generallf .. te . 1 -»|3 Bro»4ir»,r, at] 25 cents, w of the em't IiOO with the fol. [He eniiiledtV* jO centa worth ct «ns in the book,, they;, may be ot time during the to CenTusora. . y'VTER, jTPaistf), Uv7- j [to gel .jjooil Vi , 1 ing;. added e is' now prtparcl- i merit and thcciu ig ihkuliM,Ut- I aide of fiUtteg,' II warrant H» ti le purest and be*, ijuaiitr formedici' I! ;to call and «- kasing elsewhere, gol Veter..-at'hli of a hearty we 1 . [j»n"s N E WS! from (he&Twi jll-’S Nom’l!. I ration .on tie cslm Intwof Saifo *• dcc'cTliaring bm . fed.-all person! in-- e rcqueslt'i -to in*** I those baling cl»im» present' top to »“ [ : hcnlicste!l for * ! ‘‘ WAITS, A|lmr., ■ JJorth SewicWf- sGord, [»ul>Uc* , it, Spinning. f fuUo metes, S» tlß * /* ike- ta-fW£/' (ah warran 3o surpassed; ■ * • on M eUt mr t tanbelert/ I ®/,, >r John i‘ooi‘ lJ EPH’M- 85^3 =i 5, G lanling orcb*^ P roTi ? g .jXio^' i-rcspjectfully' fr * tr T of tie be? l Nursiirr, I ••- • ‘ he Nurseriota h :FL W. a . ._`', l • t iro , est i solo-PG. 7 tr t h e . eftenleou' I SUIEW)3^% r, AUegteo/' 0 ' IrTlO^*, of “The^Co^ jptetßig B«*p e itUecoanV . jf o •ra; and ifl'April.“•*' . k Al ES . Al+ l, / 6 ,f),\01,, I '