The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 26, 1865, Image 3

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    4 M G / : .
Beaver Station— Going East.
Monday, De\. 18, 1844— Tram,
~jn/aver Station asfollcmt: _ ■
■o S «i h Arrives at Pittsburgh, 10:00 a. m.
- . ««**>•
2:A.- Qoxso Wsst— .. Ci; «
TVsini Uavt PiUiivrghat follow! \
,M Arrives at Beaver c_4s a. M.
.6:20 f. H.
3:3 9 ?/Rochester..'... 8:55 p. m.
' “ 1 '....:.3:20 a'.
2:10 A - •. jog, />»*.;<;
Rochester Sti
ut Brigh’p Accom.
2d Brigh'n “
gd Brigh’n,
4th Brigh’n
Ist Egress,
2d Egpreaa,
6:52 a.
12:15 p, M.
3-05 p.'iiL
4:20 p. MU
1:00 A. mJ
2:10 p; Mil,
7:25. p. HU
(Joiko West—
Leaves Pitts. 'An
.lutßrieh’nAceom. .9:00 A. Mu
% 4'-:
U •• 5:30 P. MS,
..Juu .. ■ ****.■ 4
S&p®, 2:10 A. m|,
2d Expr? s3 > ■ 1 - 2:00 p- k.'
. W ™ T* WM.. P. S^NNL
5* CASTLE &,
•jfew route ojtei
Castle, Votings! ow
anl Oil city.
Trains leave u
AIU 0 - .roOT- M. strive at
v-„-» Castle fitaO P. M. ; •:
.Trains leave Suit’ Casijla 7:00A. M. arrive at
AAleclicuv 10:00 A* ,SI. 1
limits'leave New Castle4:oo P. SI.-arrive
it Piil»l)Urg7:.t>o P* M.
• g tl „ cs coune ct ,at New .Castle for Mercer.
- Bladders would Jo will- toikWe'this : route
(ieir attention. Prompt att'sntion will' be
■ mrea'loLrwanlingfreight, j , '■
* ■ 'KILO. DICKSON. Passenger Ag t.
■ • J. IT. jjJen. Sup’f i -
;£th t : j.
ALL persons knowing ith itnsclves indobt-~
red to mo for subs jripti nto tha Beaver
Arffut, pr,y>rto Jan. Ist, 18G', will plcasb oill
and piiy up at once if they wish lo save cost.)
M'Clure is anti orizet to receive anil
receipt for the same. D. L. Lmultra. ||
. ; i Wanted. —An iitcllijont boy, fif-i
oreixtden yosra of age, to learn |
printing business. Apply at this
lOC AL 'and Mil
are ynaer obligations- to
M.nji.r'Johnston,, U,."S. C; T., for late
topic-. of the Iliehmond| Whig.
*ffl.Tho solos of 7-309 last week
s/aountod to about 820,C 00,000 Sat ■
arday’» sales Were 84,11 J,o00."
«®*We puf/lish 1 ! iis wooTi the.list of
■ *■ appointment by tic Co inty Superin
tendent. Xbis list was forwarded to
us r.oav *wo| -weeks sine 3, too. late for
the papsr being iasnedfand was hand.
c.d io fbo Star.. The fat It, if any, is
n • ,a ns and ■ not .in the Superintendent.
tSrWe call attei
foment of John 1
Hair Dresser. Wl
him, ha,v;ng'bacn j|
r. selves. - Customers
taction, and |wa trl
ally patronized.
.To Candidatks'—VVo
. received the jhames oVso!
nioo for‘announcement a
, for nomination before ithl
vention shortly, to meet ]
. ‘y- For the 1 borfefit of
way desire to bo annoah(
tipn that oujp rales are 1
taojit for'Assembly or r l
district Attorney crComi
Coroner.. or Auditor/82;
ei. ; The mono;
; % I? 080 accompany the
Hon. Jaiuea H. 1 :elly. .
TTu jwgret to fron the Wash
' - 'ngton Reporter that Hon. Jamba E,
of tba-j epresbntativesfroitt
thw{has-, boon’ cc bfihed-to hie
v , ,hoaSQ b y ainco-
/ mer ‘t of the Legidaturo. -Mr. Kelly
was discharged from the Army of the
umberland,Jn which; hb sorvodms a
. private Boldlor v with a coijstitution en-’
sealed by exposura and a severe
' _ and .the labors of pho'last ses
- m had toldj visibly upon bim before
• 5f P°rted with him in] Harrisburg.—
Ye trust thaf, a few week’s of rdlaxa
■ “ on will restore ijim to health. |
folds’ iaa SooUtiei
_ At:» public meeting of tbo Army
of Boaver County; hold in
ChnrclJ, Bridgewa
ll’^ 6 Secretary! was diricted lo urge
P n eafch Society, and 111 frieWof
d jT O 4 d ° d^^e re .d°t^
- *tor« t-i Z * 1 ? n [V> P r qcu,ro money and
d* m&n d 8 If VH, ramedi^ te > pressing
•oldiers m,f nr . rav ®. and wounded
' ‘nd fiichmond 0 Peter f
to care fft, -• SI! "i OOO >o our hands
ConfedeiAte• Fe^r a| and 15,000
•v«id« i‘£ k and wjonnded, be^
araieg. The oSr rman ' 8 nd T* lo ®* 6 ’
£«oji needed U Se^ g ® Pt ' and P r ° m s
•Jtnrrev ««,?' ®t nd moi >ey to Dr. J.
■\ ‘y, Horde to J. C; Wikon.Beaver.
; 0- Ti.ii ok, Sec’y,
AndiewJohuaon’s Speech on
. . the Fall of Richmond.;
Upon the reception in Washington
of the nows of the fall c f Richihond,
on the sth ipst, Vice President -John
eon was ~ serenaded: by jihii jubilant
people, and made i;.qioeeh.ii;6'Phjem of
greati/drce t and hs
laid down tpp troatmentjho opnbeiyeil
to be prober for the Hebe! leaders and
masses.'. Ip view ot Mr. Iddcoln'e
untimely' {feAth,:and Wr. J.obnaon’i
succeswion c f tho Uoiled
States, the! lemarks' then delivered
.have a double interest nhd meaning.
■VSje publish . the speech, -and the
ifermßdaid ddwti in it'will undoubted
ly be the policy of fhe t/Sw President.
He saidi ]■ ' i ‘.v I' '
'“You mpst .indulge fne in niakiuir
ope single'remark in coococtipp with
myself. At the time the traitors i:i
it be Sehateijof-the United States plotk 1
ted agnipstj the Government, and en
tered in ton. conspiracy raorefoui-,moio
execrablo, and more odious than thr t
against the Ramins, I
a member of that bo
dy, and as to loyalty,,; stood, solitary
and; alone among the Sena tore from
the Southern States Tjvasthcn arid
■there called -upon to; know what I
would 'do i’wiih such tfaitoiH, nnd 1
want to repeat my reply hero. I sail 1 ;
If WO bhel nu Andrew JaekSor. be wdu ,d
hdng them! as hjgli as' Raman. ’But
as/'lieis no more, add)sleeps in his
■grave in hisown bcloVqil Stito where
traitors aifd,treason havjo ever nsiil
ed his •tom]b| and the car; h tbit
covers his remains, liufijblo as I nip,
when yon a»k’ mo.vriiat - ld dp,
my reply is| i would arrest tl .omi;] I
.would try I,Bam; I.wduldjconviet'tbcijn,
and I .wo aid hang them. ; As humble
, as I amand have been, Jihavo pursued
j but one uridcvialing course., Ml\ljat
j I have—life, limb andprjopefriyi— have,
been put at,the disposal) of ' the conn*
■ try in' great'Struggle. J ha|e
been >u eaipp, I hyve bopn in tie field,
I l ' have been, everywhere whei c, this
great Rebellion was; I 'jhayo. .pursued
lit until I bilioyc I 'can njfnv scots ter
mination. -Siupe the began,
.there rievft. hits boon t rebellion of
such gigantic prCportjods, - so infamous
in character, so diabolioal'ih liiotivo,
eo cutirelyj disregard tut, of .the jaws jf
civilized wiir. It has introduced U e
inoef savage mode Of, warfare ever
'practiced, Upon the earth. I >iil re
peat hero's remark -for Much -I have
been- in ho small degreie 'censured.-
What is itj allow mb to] ask, that has
sustained jthe nation in this grekt
ejt.rugjjle? Theory has been,you know,
that our'Governmcnt was r.ol slror g
enough for a tjmo of Rebellioii; that
j in such a time! she would have to con
tend agaiqst.iptenial weakness as well
as internal;foes. IVo have noiv given
the world iovidonce thajf such is not
the fact; and'when the Rebellion ebii 11
have been|ci ushedout, imd the nation
ishall once again have settled dokvn-ik
peace, our Government Mil rest upon
a more brjduring basis than ever be
fore. Butt my friends, -in wllat lias
the great Strength of this Government
consisted,?. Has it been i,n, one-nmn
power !’ Nlas 11 been in tome autocrat,
or in soine One man who hold absolute
government ? . Koi I thank Rod .’ll
have it in. my power. to proclaim tlio
great tiuth that this Gorcriitner.t lias
dopiyod its;.strength from the imerL
can people. They h a vp; issued tie
edict,;- they .havomxercrs'od the bower
that has resulted inyho ivorthrow-of
the Rebellion,and there is not another
Govern mo it upon thefadeof tlio earth
that conld have withstood- the shock.
VVe can now congratulate ourselves
that we possess the strongest,the freb
est.nnd the best Goyorndient the wor d
ever saw. | Thank God that we have
lived through this trial,dhd tha t,lool>
Uvg in your intelligent faces here; to-,
day, J cap announce to jyon the, grekt
fact that Petersburg, the outpost of
the strong.citadcl, has teen occupied
by ourdnaVo and gallari officers,,and
our nntinrig.invinciblo soldiers. And
not colireui with that, they huge cap-
Uired thp citadel its el t, the stronghold
of the jailors. Richmond is ours
and is _ilow oecnpied by Iho forces of
the Umted|St&o 4 ., Death to tbb con 1 .-
spirators— ihbir victims.
One.word more and'TMvc done, it
is Una pi ajiii in favor
in niy ppurion, evil-doers should be
punished, ij Treason is' 1 tho -hlghedt
crime known in the catalogno of crimes;
and for turn that is guilty of it—M
him that ife willing to lift his impious
hapd agaui'Bt the authority ot tho Ni,-
tion-,1 would say dcalhiis too easy i
punishment. Hy aotioh is that! trea
son must, .mada’-pdions,’ thatltraitj
prs mnpt lie punished and smpoi'|erisl •
ed, thejr sqcial-power hrpkon,/thoiudi
they"must hq made to fe|l tho
,)of thojr.crimcp., Honco t eay this--
to intejiigen ;, inflnlentiAl
traitops. But; ‘to ihe'hqtfest .boy- to
tire deluded fnab>whp hafi boon dioceiv
ed- into tboißebcl ranks, I would esL
tend I would i-ay return to,
your allegiancb, renew, your support
to,,tho Government and boepmo i good
citizen; -but the leaders ! would bang.
I hold,tco, thy traitbrsshoUm
bo made*. lo_temu«t.mtq those me]n
whorhsTVO Butlerdci as a co;bscqtienco of
their efita’csi* Union men who have
lost their property,, whjo' Pave booh
drivqn from their homes beggars ana
wanderers ; among., strangers, . It fs
well to talk about things jhoro io-daji,
in addressing . the well-informed per
sons who cpmposo this andiencol You
can, to a jvery great extept, aid' in
moulding public opinion,' and in giv
mg it proper direction; Hot uslcom]-
mence the work. We ' have pui down
these traitors in arms; let vs put them
down inlaw, in public judgment,. and in /
the morals of the world,” ' ji
'V. - ■ ■ -i ' :/
ino East.
Ait. alt Fitts.
7:30 a. M.
8:30 a. tt, y
..... 2:40 p. M.
4:45 ’P. M
..... 6:45 P.',,U..
..... 2:20 a. m.
..... 3:20 P..-M,
8:30 P.
r at Rochester?
rUu.IDi4S a. ,M.
:.... 1:82 P. H.
6:0i! P. M.
..... 6:65 P.„ M,
8:0a A. M.
..... 3:20 A. it.
..... 2:15 P. M.
. Supt., E. D.
■YjALLEIT 8.8.
Pittsburg, to New
i', Mercer, Franklin
;60 A. >I. V arrive at
to the adver
, Barber and
will i
bat be
fey him our
rercoivo satis
will bo liber-
perul, gentle
8 candidates
in • fchi
otfiers Who
6ed, we mon«
ijor announce-
Cfeasurei, 85;
missioner, $3;
•Ppor House
y riiust in ov
card for an-
'Justices:o? the Peace.—CommiT
sidns Tor tbe following’ named 'personb
have been jreceived atthe Becojrdor’s
office, viz; JobnPioreol, Wm.Sliroadi.,
Thomas Bussell, Joseph'H. COoper,
Philip A, Bimber, Matthew Aiidprsot,
Hngh J. Marshall, I. i. W; Edgar,
James Boj?d, D.-B. Imb|r;e, Andrev *
K, Miller aod James W. Bandar. |
i i
h i
> -Affixing and Cancelingßevende
Stamps.-— Pew questions, ‘.arising up«!
,der thd present rcvoaue law,have been]
more difceussed “'than that ot affixing
andpancelling stamps'. . The law doesi
Dot render it imperative, on ,3 party!
rtfccivinig money to give
a written receipt for the.same; but it
mioh a'reclipt iavdluntarilygiven for
any’sum exceeding’ 820, /the same' is;
required todiavC a 2 cent revenue;
stamp, affixed .thereto and cancelled.
“It isi" says the -Commissioner of
Internal,Revenue, “the dutyt of the
maker 6f an instrument to affix and;
cancel jtho stump, required thereon.-—!
If ho neglects to do so, the party for!
whose |uso it is made'may stamp it
before ijt is used; but in no] case can it
be legacy used without a stamp,, it
cannot afterwards bo effectually stamp-]
ed. Any failure upon tho part of the]
maker iofan . instrument to stamp ft
appropriately renders him! liable to a
penalty-of hundred dollars. '•}
Itevehde stamps may bo used indls<*
criminately upon any of the:matters
or enumerated in Schedule By
except -proprietary and playing card
stamps,! lor which a special use has 1
been provided. r - , j
Postolge cannot be used in.
payment of the duty chargeable on
instruments. ■ " *
.. Suilsiire commenced in niany States
,by other process than by writ, viz;
summons, /.warrant, publication, poti
tioiij &(?.. in wlpch case these as the
original' process,,-severally- require
stamps,j f .' ! !. j
Writ? of; scire facias are. subject td.
stamp duty as Original process.' ■«y i
■ The jluriit of, an affidavit, tJlkeii
fore a Justice of peace/Kotary public]
or duly/authorized to
take affidavits, it is hejd to be aie'er-.
tificatc.j ar.d subject to a stamp' duty
of five cents, except when taken in
suits orj legal proceedings.
Certificate of loan! in which there
■shall appear any, written: or printed
evidence of any amount of money Id
■he paid on.demand, or pi a time desig-j
nated, pro j subject to stamp duties as
“Promissory. A'otes." ; ~
The iassign'ment of anvoitgagq is
subject itd the-same duty tie that imi
posed upon; the original instrument;
tiiat is. to say for five hundred dollars,,
or uny, fractional amount thereof of
the amquut'secui cd by r the mortgage
at the time of its assignment, there
must bp affixed a stamp,or stamps de
noting a duty of fifty-cents.
When two or moi o persons join in
the execution of an instrument, the
stamp tip which the instrument is bab
ble under the law may be affixed and!
cancelled by any one of the parties;!
I real estate";' the!
law provides that the stamp affixed
must atiswof to the estate! or interest]
conveyed. |
! o stamp is required on any' war
rant of attorney accompanying a bond
on note] when such bond or note hasi
affixed thereon the stump or stamps
denoting the duty required; and when- 1
ever any bond or note is secured byj
mortgage,- but one stamp duty is roJ
quired op such papers, such Stamp du*:
ty being tlio highest rate required for ;
such instruments, or cither ef them.!
In such a case,a notoot memorandum'
of the yaluo or denomination of the l
“tamps iaffixod should be made-iipon,
the margin or in the acknowlednment
of the instrument which is not stamp-!
ed. ; ■ ■ : ‘
J Appointments*
Tlie following appointments are made by
the undersigned for examination of applicants
for Common Schools in Beaver Coun'
ty, vis : ?
Darlington District 3. Hi
South Beater do do 2&iat. Johnston's: do:
Chippewa; do do 20 at M’Kinley’a do'
. ! r do May 2at Fail-view do
Marion . ,du do ji at-Uarsha do
Hopewell; do, do • 5 do
Bndgowalcr do do fat Bridge wat’r do |
Examinations to commence precisely at I*o'
o'clock, A. 31. . - ■ - i . i
iNopiivatoexaminations unless applicants!
comply strictly with the requirements of the I
School Ltjw. |
School Directors, Teachers and parents are
requestedito be present. J. I. REED, !
' apr,_2G’oi?. ■ • ■, - Co. Supt. !
.Tbursiitty, Aprjl 20th, 1865, at the
residence pf the bride’s father,,by tho
Rev. Robert labile, assisted by the
Rer. Robert Boyd, Mr. Alex, S. Boyd,
of Beavpr county, to fijliss Jane R'
Rdsrel, lof Lanrronco county, V
April 120, 1865, by Rey. ‘J.?Mnrray,
Mr. Cuambeblin- W uite, -of, Beaver
county, jand Miss Mabtha Ceawfoiid,
of, Lawijenco, county. . > ii'". .
BY virtue of in order issued outer the Or
phans Courl of Beaver county, the under -
signed will expose to ‘sale by Public Vdnduc
or out-cryL on tho premises, on’
' . Monday, Mar, BfA,. 1865,. ‘
at 10 o clocks. m., ..tho following described
real estate, of John H. May, late of thocoiin
ty-nf Beaver, dec’d., situate in Borough town- 1
ship, Beaver county, Pa., being the Undivided
one-sixth interest in ground'
■bounded North by Old Alley;. Bast Water-.
Lot of the town of Beaver, South by lots of
John Barclay, and West allov, couXnin
ing about|ix acres and seventy perches; also
the Undivided one sixth ofaftthat cortaimothl
er lot sitnitor as aforesaid, and bounded on tho
North by Old Alley, oh the Eastby hn'Allby,-
on the South by an Alley, or lot of —Boies
andlot of jJohn.May, and outlie West*
lie »ad containing about twelve and one-half
aons. .
- IIEBMS;-rtbno-h»lf of the purchase money
m&and on the confirmation of the sale by the
Qbnrt, and the- balance' in one year, with in
terest from,that time, and to be secured by
rbond and mortgage. J
-. c • , JOHN MAT, •
• apr.s,’6jtl] j ’ Adm’rl of said dac'd. j
A Gentlcmau,cured of Nervous Debility, In
competency, Premature Decay and Mouthful
Error, actuated by a desire to benefit'others,
will be happyUo furniah to all . who need it
(free of chpge) the receipt and directions for
making, thp simple Remedy used in his. case.
Those wishing to profit by his experience r and
peissessa \jaluable. Remedy—will receive the
same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) 'by
addressing ; JOHN B. 06DEN:
|Ko 6d Ka»»au Street, New Ybrk. .
• : i ■ ■; •'
! %
luthoritypf tike Pecrotaryof the Trees
-10 undersigned hataeaqtoed th'o Qoner
scriptlon Agency for the Mile of United
Treasury Hole*, bearing 7! 8-JOUta,perf
Interest, pefr annum, known' as-the ,
Bse 4 Notea are Usned onderdate of im«
1865, and are payable three yeaw from'
time, in enrrenejy or are oCnferUble at.
ition of tho holder into . !
;|tJ- S. 5-201 Six pr osnt. ■
:ese bonds are worth a premium, which
iisea the actual ,profit on thj&SO loan.
Its exemption froofStoU ortnttnieipal taxation,
‘‘addt/rom on* to Arm for tint, more; aOf 1
ig to the rate loried on other
iterest ia payable in' currency aeaj-an
' by coupons attached to each note, afhieh
« cat off and sold to any bank or hank*
cent, i
,'' '■ I-, i ’.-I. ■, ■
interest antdooia to
1 -
tot ct*l ptr iJay on • sfiO
?ttoetnit. “ •■(• *f sloo
jo “ “ | “ $5OO ;lj/i.
0 “ ,1' “ ’■$1000:
11 ’ Ji “/• “ , $5OOO W
■ • . ;-J ;*T- !'■ '• ■■ :
es of all the .denominations .turned, will
; unptly furnished upon receipt oteubMTipt
The interest tolbthJune ncift frill he
in advance. This }*' 1 . I ~ ( . ',| ,
■ .n i '- 1 - | j; j!■ • ,
)fferedhy|the|G<tariimeht, anditfisobnfi-
I? expected’that its superior advbntagcs
make it this •; j '"! j••
at of the People.
! is than $30Q,p00,000 of the jLor n author
by t itc last. Congress ere now Injtlie mar-1
' This amount at 'the rate fit f hieh it is
absorbed, will subscribe/! for with
; next four Drbntbs, when the,(notes will
i ibtedly command aprcmium. ii has dai
ly. been ,the edao bn closing thl) jsubscrip
ito other toads, i ' . f.’.; I „ ■ 1 ■■
order fhaljoitiiensof every lljityand'see
)f the country niay be affordfedj.fsciUtisa
iking.the loan, yio National .Banks, State
ISi and Private Bankets tjioiighotu the
I rylhavc generally agreed bwocoivo sub
< ions a't pa' Subscribers \hi select their
igcnts, in whom they hale. confidante,
nho only .are to bereap onsL/o for the de-‘,
’’ of the holes fou whicl they receive
■i-'U iV’ ■ I,' ■
| : JAY CObKE, -
ScnsCßiPtios Ages t /WiUtdefphia:
iscßirTtoss -iyiLE nc, «E(lirvan by the
inal Bank of Beiver County*.
■ 5,’0f..-2m. ■. \ (/; V J
0 E ► rr 44 1 a
■ ! J
• ' ;i" : ■. I '■ “J ' ■
.fridge st, Sit imond,
' . i . - i f i , " 7 /
' j— -- li; '’4"; •; ■ .•;
, ' ■ • i: • t .• V : - '/ 1
I I'
6 ;• ]! AND ' \ ’V
| , ••• .; l ’.jL |
i I *l*
> ■
-3?-“D;'I5Sl| IB S
' '> | -And ";‘
-- 1 •i-“ ■*'■(.■* ' ! .*' ■ 1 ■ r.
_ 5 "| . : ' tub: great ' j.,'
Xft E SSEp,,
;■; jv ‘‘FLORIUNfe r !
Usually Kept in rDrug Store.
!! ' CABBrexii COUT.OL'NOKIi. j .
' [ 1 *
i :__4 ; 7
. '\ - J. 'l'' ■ ’’ 1 I
N the diamond.
;W/T IiEREAS letters of administration on
Lj\, tllß estate of Tnos. Hobhs, late ef
Big Biaver township, Beaver county, Eenna.,
deceai ied, having beien duly granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said,estate
are notified to make immediate payment," and
thosejhaving claims against the same willpre
•ent them properly authenticated for, settle
ment without delay/ I ;
■ \\. : JOHX. BBBVES. Adm’r., (. ,
de . ■ ■ j : Mew Brighton
jExkctJtor’s notice. ;
IJXEES testamentary on the.; estate of
, Tom Thomas, late of. NorthSowicily
township, Bearer Countr, pa. f deo% haring
been granted to the undersigncd. 'all personi
indebted to said estate are requested to make
inune iiatepaymcnt 1 , and those, haring claims
against the same present them! properly
.anthe attested for settlement. , *
i. I J. 5. THOMAS, North Scwicklr,
! ! J. E. JACESOS, Fallslon,
I ■fj-W j" ■ Baecnlors.
i iJ .
i . 1;
,4 PltTSßfltCy FT. WA !
On'«d after Deo. 18, 1864, Trains wi
■'~ p ■ » (Twin leaving Chi
•ir. 1
Piltohiurg ...L
H. Brighton..
Enos. L
Solent .......i.
Canton _....;.
Maesillon _i .
Mansfield «*-;]
Crestline [J^i
Bucyrtis ...i'..
0. Sandusky
1ate5t..;....!.. 1
Van Wert, j..
.Port Waynei
Warsaw.. ~.1,
Plymouth _ j.i
Hobart ... J.-.
Chicago'... j.L
On and after' Dec, 19.
Cleveland Jj..
Euclid strofct
Hudson. ...jL.
Afaon .
Alliance ...JJ.
.Bclaire LI
Lagrange., it.
Wellsville ,js.
Smith’sl'erry I.
Braver ....(j. j
.Rocheater' Jf. 1
Pittebutgl) L. i
Will immediately Relieve, without pain, nil -This preparation is unequalled as a Rcjuvc
disturbnnces Otthoperiodic discharge, whsth-. nator and Hestorer of waited or inert-func
cr. arising from , rclaxation or suppressio i.- . tipns. !
They act lijjo a charm' in] removing the pains iTlic aged shouldjbc eortain.tomakc tlie Bio
that,accompany,difficult or immoderate rion- krone a .household god t inasmuch as.itwjll
strUaUon, tlnd are the.only [safe and reliible render :them youthful in feeling and in
remedy £orjF!ushes, Sick Headache, Pains in strength, and affable them to live.over again
the’Loins, Back and Siles, Palpitation of the the days of thojr pristine joy. It not only ci-
Hcart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterica, Spasms, hilarates but strengthens,.and is really an in-
Broken Sieip; and other unpleasant and dan- valuable blessing, especially to those ' who
gerous effcits of an unnatural conditio i of I havejhcen reduced to a condition of servility,
the sexual junctions. • In the >vorst cfaset of sqlf abuses misfortune, or ordinary sickness.
Fluor Alhut or Whites, they effect speedy c tro. 'No matter what the cause of the inipoiency of
Dr, Ch&seman’s Female Fills al ;y'human organ, this superb; preparation
Have been used over a. quarter or * CEifyi-- ' rcruoyo l the effect at once and forever. J..
rt, ; Thoyj.are offered as the only safe mtsms - - :
-of renewing interrupted menstruation, but' C-Ujes Impotency, General Debility,'-Nervous
Ladies must bear in mind that .there is ons Incapacity, Dyspcpaia.Depresbion, Loss of
condition ofj the female system In Which the Appetite, Low Spirits,' weakness, of the Or-
Pills pannot be taken without; producing a <? ori;1 of. Generations Imbecility, Mental Indo
pcculiar remU.~ Tho condition■ referred tb is lence. Emaciation,-Ennui. ._lt has a .most de
pregndney—4Ws ■ result, miscarriage. Sncb|* is and novel effect upon tho.ner
the incsistible tendency pf the .medicine to vous.system; and all whoarein any way pros
resforc the sexual -functions to a normal <jbn- trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly
dition, even tfie reproductive po.wcr df advised to seek a cure in this mist'excellent
nature; cannot resist it. -Xhcycannol do harm and unequalled preparation. ' ' ' ',
in (iny other way.'. . . | Persons who, byhSnprudence,have lost their
Dr. CheeSeman’B Female FOIB nalural vi 9° r , will find ■a- speedy and perma-
Are the only medicine ,that married arid tingle nent curein the - y'
ladies have relied upon for many years/or can ■—K*l i
rely upon now. ■Baeare'of imitations'! These j The Fee'ble, the Languid, the Dispairing.the
Pills form .the Fmeel Prepare,ontver pul for- Old should give this valuable discovery a trial
nnw’-p’ up U will be r °® d total, y *tferent from all
BON TBE DECEIVED. Take tbisadvertise- articles same purposes. '
ment to yopr Druggist, and tell him that feou. |TO FEMALES.—This preparation is inval
tMTif the beet and most reliable Female Medicine uable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it
** is comprised in '\e . wilV restore the wasted strength with wonder-
Dr. Cheeseman’B Female Pills!! ful permanence. „ , I
They haqc received, and axe now receiving . Djis also a grand tonic, and will give relief
ihg the sanction of the most eminent Physicians to Dyspepsia wi.h the first dose. iA brief per
in,America.; . - | . eistcnco in ita use will- renovate the stomach
Explicit Directions with .each Box—the to a degree of perfect health and banish Dys
price, Osk| Dollar per' box, containing from pepsia forever. 1
op to 60 pills. - _! ’ ' One dollar par Bottle, or six battles for $5.
Pills, sjnl by mail, promptly, by remitting by Druggist generally'
the’price to! the. Proprietors,, or any author!- Ssnt by express anywhere, by addressing
led Agent, in currcnt funds. SoldbyZhug-r HUTCHINGS & HILLVKK, Proprietor*,
giste generally.,'; 1 ! 1 ; T 81 Cedar Street, NbW Tore.
' HIJTCiriNOS ■&HILLIEK, Froprieloie, i at Marquis’ Drug store, Roches
i .' : '.-'V 81 Cedar street, Now Tori. , ter, one door, below Post Office, and whole-
C£k»Sold i Wholesale and Itctail by’Dr. S. sale and sbtaij by Dr. Smith, Bridgewater,
Smith, Bridgewater; Dr. Marquis BOavcr couhty. , . *[nov23:ly
Hannon, Rochester; John Moore,! Beaver; tmd' [ 1 , ;
by.all Druggiqta at New Brighton. £nov2B:ly *
wfM: j-ir, x a ii r s
M eech ak t tail a:
pririg - Casslnierqs,
comprising .every style of fashionable goo
Clothing: made to order pi the neatest a
most fashionable style.
' jjg^*C»U' and s6e his goods before pi
chasing elsewhere; , - [aprj!
T ETTERSof administration or the estate
I. i of Adam iGomn/r, deo’d, 1 Ute ’of the
Boro’ of Beaver, Beaver county, baying bate
-granted to the undersigned, all. persons ‘ [in
debted to estate are requested tp'make
immediate, payment, and those haying claim
against the same will’.present (helm props rly
anthentioat'ed:for settlement.- ! ‘
T. B. YOCNG, Adm'r., ;.
Beaver', Pis. .
>' mirS'/w
jfb & Ipr
1864, Trains will
800 am
013 “
130 PM
141 “
242 “
800 am
811 f<
015 “
IO3U “
1229 pm
1)12 .“
1150 “
320 v
415" “
451 “
685 ‘
ISj “
l. ■■
1002 “
1048 “
1105. ‘
1200 “
1100 “
1142 “
1213 pm
430 “
525 “
,555 j“
700 j“
oocr “
152 A.
1)0.) ■■■lt
100 am
|2lO “
345 “
Is New Philadelpl
'. Bayard »t 0 45 :
da at 1
Lei vi
• t * ;1
• • t *:
i *
7/ 1 ‘ -i
AT ,
' i,.
■ t
lons daily, Sundays excepted,/asfallows;
iPi'Mi loaves duly;)
ill leave
iicago at
trains coma CAST.
, Mail.
I '450 ak
300 pm
iag0...... (j
11! (f.RKCroa ■; 630‘ 1“
C1atjke........ 60(J
Hobart... J.... jj 633
Talpaij»s<y..... j. 700
Wanatah..... ; Y2B- 11
Plymouth .... !•, 848 "■
80urbim...... 030 *•
WatjsaV j-1008 ,*«
430, “
622 “
J7Bs| : “
825 “
- 855 <•
940 “
1016!.“ ! Pierieion—.'. (1032
1120 “ Hontsrille ... 1048 “
1218aH Colombia -... 11l 117 “
124® “ Forll
125 “ Van.Wert 325’!“
163 “ Delpkos ...... !| 812 “
280, “ MMLu.;tU..-|j 847 •*
801 “ Fdrjest....L...Mi-525 V
414 “ UsUnduaky- ! - 600 «
460 Budyr'is...... 700 “
620 “ - •,'Ar l 730 '«•
700 “ Crc f tlmc liDe |i Cs9am
745 “ Mansfield...... ii 730' “
80q Loujdonville .. • 855 “
815, “ Wooster. J.i... i 1015 “!
1834 “. Orryille-.-.’.. i>loso “
906 “ Massillon..... 'll4O “
Canton'. i-,l3<W I”!
Alliance...... ll- 130 pm
Salim ......... ij OQp j«
Columbiana I- 231). “
Endnj{ Ji2o “
93d “
1040 “
: HOd “
4128 •'
1148 <•
1215 pm
122 p *'<
1260 «
Bright on.. |
hosier.... 1
jsburgh ~,'j
.. t ■ i ■ ' i
stations daily, Sundays exceptc’d^as,follows.
“H 1
' OOIX a’sonTU. .
; \ ~jv’ ' c.z&c ;c.z&c
| I Al^- Accom I Exp’s.
WellgTilloj 440 am , GOopjt .........i .........
Bayard... 024;“ 040 “ L.„'.
Alliance ...... 720 \‘ r ‘ ! 730 •• '..i!..
Ravnnna...!.. 805 815 “ .....
Millcrsburg .... , 440 am
Orrrille A.'. ,'... .552 “ '
Abron ........ -“«0 “
Hudson ........ 889 “ 849 “ 800 “
Euclid street , 942 949 ,•> 910 “
Cleveland.... ; 955; “ 1000 S• 930 “
i -v
Pittsburgh. f| 210 am
Rochester ... jj 300; ‘‘
Beaver.. ij 1
Wcllsvillc ... I
Steubenville. !i
Lagrange..... ij
Bridgeport.... j
5 “
branch .!
Arrives ai Bfiyard ill -1.10 P .M
,|“ Jfcw 'Philadelphia at 9 25-PM
• R. iIYERS, General Ticket Agent.
Office of {he Comptroller of Currency, v
Washington. Dee. .20,1864. j
VTTIIEREAS, by BatiafactoAy evidence pros.
Vy eented to the undersigned, it his been
made to appear that “The National Bank of
Beaver County” in the;Borough of New Bright
on, in .the'County of-BeavSr, and .State of
Pennsylvania, has-been duly organised under
and according to the requirements of the Aet
'of congress entitled “An,Act to provide a
National Currency, secured by. a pledge' of
United States Bonds, and. to provide for the
circulation and redemption thereof’ approved
June 34 1864, and has complied with all the
provisions of said Act bp complied
with before commeneingthe business ofßank
ing under said Act: . .
Now-thereforc, I Hugh McCulloch, Comp
troller (Of the Currency,do hereby certify that
“the National Bank of Beaver county,” in
the Borough’of New Brighton, 'in the county
of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania, is au
thorised; to eommence-tho business! of Banking
under the Act aforesaid ■ (
y X In testimony whereof, witness
I SEAI, Imy hand and seal of r office, this
V. / 20th day of December, ,1884,
t : j-hughm’cdixoch.
Comptroller of Currency^
T. r ~ : 1 : —r" : rr
A* L. S. MORAND, M. D., .
‘ (.Late A. A. Surg.XT. S. Army,}
iiEDO im;
j i'
500 <•
545 ' “
505 >■
. T2O “
I 849 v
L 049 V
11000 “
I| Exps,
Mail. I Abbo-M
*.»• ’i ' 51
735 V
245 pm!
355. 1
...iU.;.’ 1 7-1-j ‘l ; |
} 820 v
_430 “ 500 “I 842
: 625uH <550 945 “
‘560 “i ,715 “1005
0201“ £O2 “ J100‘“
640; “ ‘Bl5 “Ullo
: -n
* jjccnliur toint'of ’.'
t'ectionP *tt4R, we „
' Scbofula lark* }-
,tc institutions of -
ttftuites of,then! It '
• pcoduceaor is
iced w an; On-'
led! ’vittptcd ffcjto ■
le blow!, tvlicrijin
’.nid becomes inV
iOtent-ttn Rti«ta.;n
ital foroesin their
)roua aeriait,- and
'os, t£ v a - f y-teuv to .
alb -tlisonlct anil ’
.... lamination is va
riously caused bit. - mercurial direuse,ehrir -
living, disordered] digestion front' unheidthy ’
food* Impure oirl filth and fiUhr,, habits";
tho depressing vices, and, above- allj ; hjf '
-the venereal infection. Wliatcvor-i/e, its
origin,- it .j» (hereditary-in the tnnstifdliouf
descending ‘ffroni parents to children suaito
the third ( and (generation; ” indeert;-it
seems to ho the rod of Him who Says, “I-wiil
visit the inuiuitics of tho fathers Aipoh tlioif
children." The disdases it originated take
various names, abcoiding to the organs it
attacks. In the |luigs, ; Scrofula produce* ;
tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in thr_
glands, swellings whicli. suppurate 'and. fce- r .
come "ulcerous-spreS; inthe- stomftoh.qiid
bowels, dcrangenietits which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia! an d liver comp! ai ut s, v’on _ -
the skin, icruptivci land cutaneous idrecuons.
{These, nil having jjhe samporiglp, requini fho
fame remedy, virij purificationfthd invigp-.-a
tion df the blood. Purify tho blood, rind
Uiesc dangerous, distempers leave you. With ,
feeble, folul, or" corrupted blood, yen cannot- ~
have health; with tliat “life'of the flesh”
healthy, yonlcannot have scrofulous disease. '
./.UAyer’sj -•-
is compounded from the most cffac-luaTttntj- ,
dotes tlnit incdlcal| science, has discovered,for
‘this afflicting distemper,"and for the .cure of.
. tho disorders it en|oils. ■'That it is
'.rior to nnyj other- reWiedy yet .devised, Uj
(known by rilli who have given ita triat, Thrli-
It does combine virtues truly extraordinary !
i in'their effect upon this class pf cdmplahitß.. ;
lia indisputably, proven by th’o ; 'gfeutimiUiiadri
:of publicly known and remarkable fires it
has madej of (the following diseases f ITrnfr’o
EvH, or GlantMaF Swellings, Tamers, :
Eruptions, {Pimples, Blotches and. Scrfesi
Erysipelas, or St. Anthony’s Fite, . 1
Salt Bhenm, Soald Head,-■]Coughs from
triberculonri depositsintbe lungs. White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, NenralgiaV 1
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and ].
i Syphilitic Infections, Merchrial Diseases,!’
■ remlie Weaknesses, and,'indeed, the whelp’
; series of compiainjts that urisefrom
fof the bloodl .Jlinutd-reports, of individual
Leases niay ; ho'foundin Ater’s AKt-r.te.tsf
rA'i.x’ASAo, which ii,'furnished to the druggists "
j for .gfatuitous disjributioh. wherein, may.ho
learned die (directions fur".its Use, and some
j of ilho.t'emarkablri cures which it has 'made
I .wl/ca. nil other remedies, had fail'd to afford;'
; relief. Thcjsß cases.are. purposely taken .
from all- sccjtions, ,pf tlie country! in order .-!?
I that every render may have ncters, lo>on;ct ‘
one who canlspcal; to him of its .benefits fi;oni'
.! personal exjsgricni e. Scrofula d‘--p:v,L.e-
I vital, energies, ant thus leaves it* vi. tiu.i far' I
! more, subject to disease and its fatal! result*
! than rife healthy oonstiuiliens.
tends to shorten,:and does gcefflSy shocli-n.
I the’average duration of .human Usc,. -'k.c
-i vast importf nee cf these 'cußaldersficmr tua
(, led us to : spend yc am in perfecting n'rounuly
1 which is !tdi«qnnte to its cure. This we
! ; offer to the public under {he'fsamo of Avofft ■
SAUSAi-AniLtA, although it is compofed -of -
ingredients,] somd-of‘which exceed the tie»t
of tiarsapanlla diu altemivo (power-" By it*
aid yoii,niajjprotract yourself JVoiU tho t
• ing and danger of these disbrdersi . 'J'u'rgo ’
1 out ihe foul corruptions tliat rot anil fcitor*.
in the hJoodj, pitrgo out the jeauses of disease! ~
and yigoroun health will follow. )Sy itsrpeu;- .
liar virtues tliis remedy stimulates' tho vitnl
functions! and thus expels the . diiitenipors.
which hyk. within the system or burst out
-On any part of it. j .
IVe know fhe public have hoed dceeircii
bj; many c impounds of Soysajiarilla, that
proniised.much rind did nothing; but.they '
willinpithei tie ddccived nor disappointed m :
this, - ■ Its virtues fiavc been proven 1A- abun-
725 “
515 “
520 ‘‘
G 45 “
800 ‘
id there remains no question of
ig,excellence for the euro of the.
senses it is' intended *lo reach -
iidcr flic sanicrnamcv U is a very
•theme from any other y-jiicli lias
! the people, nml- is fur inure of
nnji jollier which, has ever heen
tiieni.J ,
v ' r '"
■ tlaiit trial, n,
its furjiassin
afflicting ,dit
, Alfbougli-’ui
(iill’eiaMit, niei
been before
factual tlian
i available to
The World’s] Groat Homed; for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- .
sumptionl and for the relief
Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of tho disease. - ’ p
bcenjeo long used and so uni
jwnj.jthat wo need .do no more
tHe.public that. kept
icst 'it] ever lias,, been, and-that j it
ed on to do all it lias ever‘'done,
by j Da. J. C. Ayee 4C0., .
Practical and Analytical CTeaiuli.v
| , ■ Lowell, fthus.
1 every where,
yJ. Moore, Beaver; Dr: Sirill,
S. JJ Cross, Boohoa)cr:,l>r- Ssi ■
•ightod;'end by dealers urocy
This has
versally kn
than oasnrc
up. to the h
mays bp relit
Sold by
BSfciSold t;
gent. New Bj
TITHE Spring Term of this Institiuiairwill
E commcnco . , .
'■■/ Tuet day, April 4 th; 1565, •
under the chrrgc >f " u '
Messrs., F. AGNEW & M. GANJZ,
; _as Associate Principals.
, It is the desire, aniwill bedhe aim, )ornate .
this ft thorough English and Com
mercial School, and to sustain the high char
acterit has had. heretofore. - \
_ To those who device a good English educa
tion, Wthose who have been og contem
plate teachmc in' pur public schools; induce
ment ieoljfCTed from th» faet that the latter of .
the Principals, forjtho last tWelvo years, - has
been ErihoipAl of New Castle l/njon I
Both are 1 graduates of. different.. col legos; •
and well acquainted with thef, wants of opr .
higher institutions! Persons,
designating thenisclves for 'college, will fin d
this, a-suitable and desit able place.- ■
Tho former having been for some time cod|- •
nectcd with the Iron City College, as ti prin- .
cipab teacher, latter also being a grad
uate nf D«r s .College,' advantages superior l»
most outside of..thp Commercial colleges, are
offered tplhpso desiring a business, cduca I ion.
Our new. Academy Buildings,. designed ex-;
pressly for- tjhc With large school
room, class rpoms.l society hall, etc.; arc how
occupied,, though.pot quite finished. It ,is ex
pected; hbwcVer, to have them whollv so at.,
anearlyday, A j ■;
Fprrdjesottuition, jkc., send for circular'. '
Add res i tl e Principals or the undersigned
;i J- 'H. HICI2,
', .aflSeo. djaw of Trustees, Beaver, l*q..
; Tjand
nPHEL tmd< rsigne
SS’TA'ffcf ibtho |
tention of his fricm
njia to thifi nnpreeea
land, of the first qi
■present timp, Po
cheap farms Trill!
calling at! my office
•trill find ill-deserii
er.with prio v. loot
jrn26'(|6 ■ -1
led haring established tu
MO., Would ’ caH thaaf
(ds in Western PShnsylva
dented lorr pricß for which,
nalityj can bo bought at the
etsohs desirous of; buying
j rocaira.due attention by
i m Boonarille, where they,
ptibxts of farms oh the ’ agia ■
Wcon.&e. Office: Moreau, at, 1
-- IOHN -MIJOHiI f.-' ■