1 .( Hi t f 'I fjl i' i|' : Mareh 22d,. . ■ ...... (■. ■■ .; r[ ; ■ No News.. 1, ■ T||4 Telegraph,lineahavobeen down for i|p|epct days, and tho result is wo po nfewa of importance this week. will therefere pardon ns for pijjt publisliingwhat wecqnnot gel. ’’S'-' -■ ‘ -, T | j Sherman at Fayetteville. : JV": - iV./. After anxiously [for da_v B to iearn’'whcro [Sherman wan) And what ho wiA* at last 'receive 'the glad news of his Arrival at ■a“ruj Rapture df. : Fayetteville, North. ‘C’aroiina. When he left Savannah the rebel! r press gave notice that' they would permit no intelligence of his doings or -whereabouts to reach us their columns,until they could announce bis defeat. Thus far .his marlihljas been uninterrupted almost, andlfissucccss commensurate with bis dbsjgn. He marches pretty 'much whors and how he pleases, seeming to take jittlo notice of Hardee, who man agejj (to keep a respectful distance in advice, <■ and talies good cafe. not to imblfSt him in any Way- Sheirman, we 'presume, will form a junction with Sehpfield,and with the combined force malrob North, probably finitlng ultl «inateljrvwith Grants and" assist in the :cap),uro of Richmond. It! is idle, however, to speculate as to his future ' movements,and wo mast await further i developments,- The limits of rebellion j Is cpntracting dadj. Oar fbrdcs afej .gWHljially surrounding driving] the rpbel armies'in ward,to be disposed' of by the combined attacfihjf the whole Union army. The result no one can doubt, and the dosing act of the dra iiia*dfaws near. Sherman' is doinghis pnrji.fwell. We 'have cehsed to feel any‘ajurm for him. no natter what ho undertakes. lie feels himself capable of performing what lias been assigned bind (and his army-believe llbat with hinttin'Command they cau accomplish anything. Feeling, thus,, with the of victory, on theii side, twice the|r| numbers cannot dcfoat them.— SUijyfpn’s Anaconda schemejk»r crush-, ing put rebellion, so often ridiculed,' prop's emenently wisc'and successful. . ,IJntjl wc are otherwise Convinced by resujjts, wo must adraitlSec. Stanton hottl’p.comprehended theextent of rg- and the best [means of crush -j ing |t than any other public man of j the nation. Stanton, Grant, and Sheri I map||ire the three great military lead* ors of the present age. Their deeds mid tjieir names are inseparable. -i-Sjince writing the above the tele graph informs us that Sherman has *■ j*l- * ■ 1 jy • occupied Goldsboro, as will bo seen l. by!a’dispatch in anothof'coluirin. Our rea<|prs will sec, -by referring to the •inijli! wo published two weeks since, where this place is and how important ->tW po us. '‘Old Glory’’ is inai cjiing 1 vic||riouBly on. i- v ; i The Flood. / 'j'po most destructive flood that has i ' known along the Ohio for ly ypaiß, occurred onpas't Saturday.— ' | Tlje|river at, Pittsburg was 31 feefcO ] incfjjjs, the exact depth of ; • Only twice has it khown.to be bighpr. In 1810 Jn was 3iy leet, and- 1 . in ||332 it reached 35 feet.i The rise by the show going off with t : a heavy rain, and was principally from ■ , thjtrjAllegheny river. The destruc--- , pn the Allegheny was greater than evejp before, | It is esti mated by the jdillion at pil City.— Many have impoverished who before were among the wealthiest. It Js said nearly one-half Oil City was swept away. 'The river for miles be lowfjPUtsburg Was literallyi black'with bi| parrels. ; The water reached tho eecppd story of houses in Allegheny 5 nndfJPittsburg. Bridgewater and tho lowpr part of Rochester were covered by poveral feetbf'water. ;Wo*canr.ot estimate the loss, but it'is certainly * lapjj;e. On Saturday the; water was two feet deep on the Railroad above Fypedom,. -causing for a time a stop page in tho trainss and" producing mupli inconvenience. AshortdistanCe belppr Economy tho outside track, oW" the washing away of the bank, slipped into- the river, where it still ropipins. Wo understand the Penn sylvania-Central Railroad was also 'much damaged,,losing some important bijipgos. Every, effort was mas made by I the officers of the Pittsburg, Ft. ; Wayne & Chicago R.R., and the Clove lang & Pittsburg R.R. tb .repair the damages and accommodate the public. ;; WeSnro glapl to know that the roads are'|»gain in safe condition, ; tiftjns, running-regularly, | -I Those who have suftereji materially - frypj,this flood should be j relieved byv those who, -from more favorable loco-’ tio|i|, escaped! loss. Losses of -this kind should, in part at leapt, be equal ,zfn'° the different communities, each : contributing to assist ll|ds§ who lost mpjs|- \ We trust uoua at least will be allbivcd to suffer for want gif assistance. : i ! si w-. ■••• i * - ' ■* &?;’ ' I i' Wab Dj Pkovosx Mab; ( ABHINGTON, D. C. rcdlae No. 5. The toilowibg act- of Congress .is iblisbod tor thoinfqrmatidn and gui mce ot all concernel 1 -P 1 di •• Ati Actj 4o dmem heretofore passed to rolling and sailing out and fof\other purposes Action 13. . And bi Taat vheie any revii any Congressional c haa-Jbeen obtained c the actual drawing o enrollment lists, tbe |trictj«ay beadjustec to; stick revised enrol being applied to or bl rpllment as it may } the revision. I Section 14, And be it further enacted, 'That hereafter all persons mustered into tbe • military or naval service, p-bother as volunteers, substitutes, representatives, or otherwise, shall be credited to the Slate, ancf to the ward, lO|Wr.ship, precinctjorotberenrollment sub-district,where'such persons belong by actual .residence, (if such persons have an actual residence'‘within thd United States,) and where such per sons are or shall be enrolled, '(if liable to enrollment,) aiid ( it is - hereby-made the duty of the Provost;Marshal,Gen crsi to make such rules ind give such infractions tp the several Provost Mirshals, Boards of Enrollment,.and Mustering shall be neces sary for the faithful enforcement of the of this section, to the end that fair and' just credit shall bo given to cvferyjsection elf tbe country: Provided,, That in any call for troops •hr reatter.no county, town,-township, ward, precinctj'pr election district,shall brvectoSit except for men actually -furnished on said call, or the preceding call.-by said county, town, township, ward, precinct or election district, and mustered) into the military or naval j service thereof.. ■ Section 15, And hal further maefed, That in computing quotas' ( hcrdatter, j credit shall bo given to the several j.States, districts, and sub-distriets, fori Nall men furnished from thetn, respect;- lively, and not heretofore credited dii I ring the present rebellion, for any pe-, ! riod of.sell'vice .of not less than throb ‘ months, calculating the number of dayb j fo ? wbichiuch service was furnished, ard reducing the same to years: Pro | vilcil, That such credits shall notTbe j aj plied to|the call for additional troops I m|ade by the President bn the twenty! ;• first day of .December, eighteen bhnr | died arid sixty-four. \ \ •,t ... jSe l6, And be it further cnacluQ T iat persons who'bave been, or may hereafter bo drafted, jmder the proviso ions p,( the several acts: to. which this is an amendment, for' the tend of oncl y.cjir, and who have actually furnished o.i who may actually furnish ieeepta bje substitutes (het liable to diah) for the term if i three years, shall be ex empt from .military ,'duly during.; the time for which such substitutes shall not bo liable to draft, not exceeding tlie time for which, such: substitutes shall havd been mustered into the serj •vjee, anything in the aci of Pebruart tyenty-founh, eighteen hundred anti Sixtj-sfom to. the'contrary. noiwUhL standing. 1 j ' • ; .Section 17, And be it further enacted, That any recruiting agent, substitute broker, oi: other parson who,)'for pay o/ profit, shall enlist or eausc tp be eri listed, as a.volunteer of substitute any insane person, ;or jconyict, or person ’H|P ucr indictment for a felony; or who is held tp bail to answer for 'a felony, OjT ;ii person in a condition ofpntoxici dr a; deserterJrpni the military or tkvai serjvico., or any minor Ibetwcem - , , the ag'es r pf sixteen and oigbleon years i, . . \jrithout tiho consent of his parents dr ? [ urthcr enacted, guardian; or any minor unde? thq al , °V hC ? ct ?PP rov ' of sixteenycars. knowing him in either . I" only-fourlh eighteen 'Jase before mcntkned; to bo sucb, of ’ liUn l led •I nd sjxty-iour enisled;* An, who sbal defraud or illegally deprive | * C T ' 'f" rol,, ?K and calling out the any volunteer or si bstiiuto of any nor- nat ';' ,al foicel, and for other purpo tton of the State-, local dr United States BeB n, K-and jlho same is hereby a peuntyj to which ie nky be entitled, “° n T Pf «n^/ung-after the-word*, shall upoh; oonvietion i|n any 'court Of an t' cUI i ma g{B tra te ihb words “ur compcton't 1 jurisdikion), be filled not an - y person authorized by law load-!, exceeding Le IhousaU ' dollars, W V - . 1 iss than two hundred) dollars', or ini. Ct L"‘ 5 ’ be itfurther enacted, prisoned 'not exceeding two years arid ,tu • kecrelary of ) War is hereby not less than three months: or both, in auth p nzl? d to detail one or more of the in the discretion cfAho court afore- c i m P(°J :ees toe War Department for said. j - Njj j . - j ; the purpose of administering thefoaths Section 18, Andie U/urther enacted, r U ! lr f d 'r v fn , settlement of That’any officer wWshall mister into ofll^ r 8 (jiecouuts for clothing, camp the military or ’ naval; service of the aT l a )g ar nson oqaipage, ; quartermasters United States any deserter from said uiii! tj width oaths service,,pr any insfane 'person,-or per- , be administered without expense son in a condition) of intoxication, or f 0 l P e Pfj. l,cs j ( tal£l Dg them, and shad, any minor between the ages of sixteen I.u m bladln £ i u P°n the person taking ind eighteen ycark,- wfithout the cpn- • and , falsely taken' shall senTof his parents or guardian, or any lhem ,l 9 the same penalties, as. minor under the age of 'sixteen yeafs ■ . Bamc T ere , adraiidstered bj- a kbowingj hifn to hi such, shall, upon. t^ l,tl^ t 0 o ° r j“ 9t,CO pf the peace, conviction by any court martial, bh *m l bF ‘ CTK -* 1 'be it further enacted, dishonorably dismissed the service of mol ing. |Wistant Surgeons, con the IDiitcd States. ) 'd a irgoons,. and Surgeons and f Section 19, And be it further enacted, voipmissioncns on the Enrol lingßpafds That in jeveiy case where a substitute ? I mi dary service of the is furnished to take the plach of an cn- United plates, shall hereafter be ox roiled dr drafted rtan, and it! is shown em lr a i liability to be drafted ; by evidence that’s hall Ibe sajtfsfacto'ry „r r tli 9 P r P; v j Biona ° : f any on -) |.o the Secretary of Warg that such 4° J calling out the , national subslitnto was, at the timer if his e'n- l 0^ es - ll o _i - -.) , ' 1 listmelit,'known by the par to furnish. r r . t ! E , C 1 T , I °i’ he i( further, enacted, ibg binij to be non compus mentis, or|in A „ bat . r aet pballtake efl’oct from and] a condition !of intoxication,!or under Provided, That noth*) ponvictibn or indhtniCnt tor any of-- 'PSl herc l l a contained shad operate to fence of jtho grade of felony a|l the com- P os J t P°. r ‘o |thc pending! draft, or inter-1 mon law, or to ha|re. been 1 guilty Of a . ' vll P l “ c fl uo tas assigned thoretor. previous act of dbsertion unsatisfied Appi;oved Mai'ch 3d, i j by pafdpn or punishment, or| by reason- : ('Seeliane from pno to twelve, inclu* of anyqxistiug inlrmity d-ailme'nt, Slv f. ‘lojnpt.i l elato to this Bureau and i physically incapab oof performing the a vp omitted.-)' . ordinary duties of a. soldier iu actual « ’ ■'i f James B. Frv, service in the ranks, or minpr between Provost Marsha!, General, the ages of sixteen and eighteonyepra ~iy--- : —— without the ' copsent of Ins parertt dr 1 7- « >xn Sherman. 7 juardian; br a minor under the agp of VVASHiNatoN, March 2li sixteen years, it shall- bo lliq duty of Passengers who arrived to’-davfmnv MarU al Geu.*, onV- Polft , ay thaTSVSK oifiexit the fact, to report the same tp man reached there on Sunday through , ho Provost Marsh the proper pis-!two scoiliU wlrtt left last week Ho .net; and if such person so' cnl.eted btf occupied,Goldsboro without‘opno ind incapable'shall have been, sihee sitjon,hiving connectod with Schofield. ,ne passage of tfaif act, mustered into Goneml Sheridan is being sunnlied bp,service as asubstitate fora person at {Whi .o House with prernbinc be table to draft, and not actually drift- ma)y need for Ins futufjfoovemenls — stl, the name ol the ptrrspn so liable Thp aniy is still idle 1 1 :,i? " ' ■ iI ; - A- ••*.)-[ ) - ' _ - who furnished shch substitute shall be again placed on the _ list, and ha.shall besubject to draft though no shea substitute had bedh_ furbished by him; and if each' substitute io en listed; andincap4bl¥-os aforesaid, shall have been, "since the passagoofthis /Set, jnnstered ;lnto thp service as a subsl Unto for a imap actually drafted, thCn if shall bo! the duty ofthe Pro vost. Marshal -cieneral j to' direct the Piov ostrMarshai ofthe [district imme diate ly to nolifyj tho person who fur nished such' substitute that he is held to service in thej place jof such substi tute;! and be shall stand in the same relation and,be subject io the same lia bility as before toe furbishing of .such substitute. 1 Seljtiov 20, -AM be itfteriherenactid. That in case any substitute shall de sert fronii the ajrmy, and it shall ap ipearjby evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of AVar, that!the piarty fur nishihg snch substitute! shall have, in any Way directly or indirectly, aided or abetted such | desertion. Or ~to have been | privy! to any iniention on the part of such substitute to desprt, then such shall immediately be pla<* ced jb tho army, and shall serve for the period for which hp wa« liable to draft, suchjservijce to commence at the date-pf the desertion of the substitute. Section 21, And be.it further enacted , That! in additiop to the other lawful [penalties of thq crime of desertion from j the military or naval service, all persons who have deserted tho milita* ry or naval service of tho United States, who'shalil. not return to said service, or report themselves to a Pro vost Marshal within sixty-days after the proclamation hereinafter mention ed. shall bC'doonled and| taken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited their rights of icitizcnship and their rights to become citizens; and such deserters shall forever bo incapable of holding any office of trust or profit un der the United'! States, of cxurtisrng any rights jot citizens thereof,; 3md all persons who shall hereafter desert the 1 military Or nava| service, and all per-/ sous [who, du.ly enrolled, shall! depart the jurisdiction) of the district! in which he is enrolled. oi 1 go beyond ! the limits ofthe[ United States, with) 'intent to avoid apy draft into the mil- 1 itary or naval Service,, duly ordercclf fsball be liable tp thp penalties of this ! section, and the president is hereby au-.j tli'crhted and required forthwith, on I the passage ol [this, act, to issue his j proclamation setting torth thq provjs-! ions of this soctijon, in which proclama- | tion the President is requested to noli j fy all deserters returning within sixty j days as aforci&ld, that they, shail be! pardoned on" Addition of returning toj their regiihor.tsj and companies or loi such ether organizations as they may’! bo assigned, untjl lhey~shall havescrv-, cd fo ■ a; period |of time: equal to. their j original, term, ofenlistmcTni. Section 22, pul bcitfurther enacted, I That the third ‘flection of Uic'act cnli tied “An net to regulate and proviJc for Ihej-enrolling and calling out tfhc the optional Iforecs. and for PARTMENT, Y rEN’B. OmcE, I larch 8, '65., I it' _ the several Acta irofy'de for the en the national /drees r it farther enacted ', Escd enrollment in. iri Draft district ir ! made, prior to « names from the quota of Siicli dis i and apportioned Ilmen c, instead of iaaed upon the en iavo stood ifcfdre otherjpurposos,” upproyed July fourth, oighttcn hundred and jsixty.four, he’ and tlie same is hereby; repealed. . Bk(tiox 23, 4 nd be it further enacted, That any or persons enrolled in any s üb-dislfictj may, alter notice ot a draft. and beforje the- same eh nil have laker place cause So.bo mustered into the serried of tjic United States, such munbor of recruits, not liable to draft they mty doom expedient, which .Is shall Maud to the credit of the ns"th|us causing them to he mus laTfd shall bo takerras substi l-ench persons or so manj- of may bd drafted, to the extent rhber bf such recruits, and in designated by the principals i such recruits are. mustered recru perse tcred tuics them of tin the ,t at till' ME in, for as o ni rde o. ti War Dw Proton Marahai. Qkxri - WARBixo'rbß, D. C.,1 Circular—2fo. 6. ' la conformity wilti the proclama tion Ajf the Presidentj herewith phh lisbeo, fdl offic&sand .employees of this Bureau are instructed lo|give prompt attention to thoiboempg'anil forw&ra ing of sinch deserters as present them selves in accordance 'with its provis ions. | j- .j| | BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : ■ y A Proclamation.-^- —Whereas tlie twenty-firstsection of jthe actiof,Con r gress, .approved on the third instant, entitled “An act to amend the scveral isCts heretofore passed: to provide, ftjr the enrolling and calling out' the ha* tional forces, and for oihgr purposes,l” requires ‘that in additi on to the other lawful penalties of the crime of descir tibn from the military or riav-al'scrvicp, all persons who have desertbd thb mil itary or naval service of the. United States who shall riot roiubn, to said etfsviee dr repoi t theme elves to a Prb vost Marshal within sixty dayeTaftCr the proclamation horei iiarter.mMtio|m od, shall be deemed and taken tmbave voluntarily’ relinquished arid forfeited their rights of citizenship ; and, tfacjirj rights to become citizens,and such dies.] sorters Rha!! be forever iricapablepf; holding any office of trust- or profit under the United Statcjs qr of exercis ing any rights of citizens thofeof; and aif persons who .shall hereafter desert the military or naval, service, and ill persons who, beirigduly qjirolled;,shall depart the jurisdiction jof the (District in which - ho is enrolled, of gb.bqyond the limits of the United States j'with intent to avoid any dro tinto the mil itary. or, naval service, ■ duly ordered, i shall bo'likblo to the penalties of.tljis ! section. And the President is hereby. 1 authorized - .and required forthwlth’jon | the passage of this act, to, issue liis proclamation setting foith; the provi sions of this section,in which proclahi a tibn the President is requested: to no,- tjfj. all desortera-raturning wijthin six. ty dayayas aforesaid, that they slajall bcpaidouod on condition of lelafning to thejiregiments arid [coriipariies v or to such-] other organization's jris itey may bo assigned to, ur til they shall, have served fair a period -of linio cqial j to their, original term of enlistment. | How]] therefore. be t known that j I, Abraham Lincoln, , President Of the Uliited Statofj, do .issue this ny ■ Proclamation, as by said grit* onler ng j and requiring all desortC|if fb return,] to theirposis; and I dc hereby notify I (hem that, all deserters;: who shall, 1, witbin-sisty days froi Y'ghb idalqKofj this Proclamation, viz: op of ] the 10th day of May..lBss, 'retnrfjito 1 s.orvieo.i or . report themselves ii). a j Provostj iMarahal. slitill, rio. pardo|edf - : or. condition, ' that 'they, rcUirnij to ‘ their regi monte and oompaiiies, 'o| to, shell other organizations.as; thoj- may 1 be assign ed to, and servc rertVair.-1 del' of there original '.terms of enlist* j nvent, and, in adition I apreto, a.pcfiod < equal lb the time los ,by deserljbp.,, ; In testimony 'whereof, I liavo herd-' Unto setfriy hand, and caused the riehl Oflli'q United Slates to be affixed.i - Done at the City .of.. Washington, this .11 th day of March,in; the year ;of i our Lord.onc .thjoii sand rig hi [n s] hundred and ei:.ty-five and. ] of tbo] independence of (lie - ! United State.-, the eighty ninth': - . -d • . j ABRAIIA.MLI.NCOIjX. By (he President:'’ . I- -i Wm II SnwAttil,' fiec’y of State. The Records and returns of those deserters wTll be mntlti Jhp in the same manner as is provided for. oilier eases by existingi regulaliqiis; except tlirit'it will bcnnolcd on the book of deserters arrested, opposite the!, namoofitio dm sorter, Clio fact of his having volnnta* rily suriundorcd himself in corifbriiiU}- v?itli*. itlio President’s, Proclamation; arid the mirnbsr thus slrrremJoring themselves to-be separately staled on the report to this office.; ■ 1 The 'Secretary oMVar 1 directs, that no reward be'paid for' Ibo arrest ■ of deserters who may ,bd ,ni;rcstcd sub* sequent! to the reeeiptjof this order-by the Dif tfiet Provost Marshals..... - . .. i JAmes B, Pry, Cfo„Maf. Gen. —at*- ■~ ’ S bieridan’s Great |llsicL ' ! " New Vo|uk; March‘2o; ,- ■ A Fortress Monroe dispatch of yes terday 4 says -an arrival at.\yiii to House at a late hour lust evening reports ,tho ai-rjval of Shcridan.’s qav&lry fbfees oh the north bank of thcJ’a'nrjnkey river, a 1 fovy njilcs. trom White House,' at about noqn j-esterdrij-; i Thq bridge across tbb Tivcr which Was partially destroyed by the rebels, Has been re paired by a portion of Gon. Tloborts’ cpramj rid, which wa4 »cntt6 White House some sir.do,in anticipaiion of tlie appearance of Sheridan at that point p’ith his forces, | They will have no difficulty in croa'sing 'tho river, which{itiwas supposed would bo effect ed by 12 o’clock last'night. •. The Times’ correspondent of this morniygj at EredcrickB ; Hall Station, stales that a dispatch! from Early was tound,) saying that he was ! about to attackjSberidan’s flank with two thpns-. hod men, at’Goochland, but he was too late by twenty-four hburtl Two days wore occupied by destroying the Cen tral Hail road. Thonpxtmove' was'on | the Fjrodoricksberg road. Marching to two crossings of the I South Anna, one way found defended by infantry, behind earthworks. I A charge' jwas made--—the rebels scattered, and their guns jvore captored.r Caster moved taward the Ashland 1 ! Station, an d on .the jivhy. heard of Eiarly again. Ho promised a furlough to the man who captured him. j They pushed on with loud cheers, and Captain Burton, of the staff, having the swiftest horse, be soon got up with Early’s Adjutant.— Burton, thinking thbt .the Adjutant wds Early, demapdojl his surrender. Hjsjansw.er was a shot that wounded his bored causing him po falland throw the Captain to tho ground. Early es caped again, but was finally forced to ford the ’South Anna! at' |& dangerous Spot. By this time Ejicketi’s Divisioa iunder Longstreet, was kurried np to near Ashland; Its apyanco.jwas met i&Dd dr|ven back. Skirmishing ensued m which flrit ono and ; then the other was compelled to fall hack General Sheridan finally moved eastward to the Pamuhky, picketing one aideatid | Xiongatrodt the Other,. I ThoJVn,«- ctArespondenl -writing from Wfhite HouSfc, bays Sheridan has destroyed; more, property than was ever before destroy Ain One expedi tion./ In One day twii ! million dollars worth. lvanawhd and James/rivor canal coufd not ba re paired in two years. The banka have j.boen cut and levels drained. Freqnent ; ly whore the atrenmawero rapid, the '/'very bod itsolf was Vaahed opt. At one point jncar.Scottoville, the bed be ; fore 6ur troops left, had foedp wascod j oat to the depth of ten leet, and anew ; eiful mbuhtnih feeder making it deep .or every hour. From Uavidsville to Godchland every lock and every level ■ was destroyed,ao thoroughly that ov -1 ery portiphyvill have to be built, f Sheridan's command hnai obtained ; supplies; for hdffifeli and mot in the j thirteen counties jho traversed ’ ‘The •,i supplies consumed!, wasted and, issued I to the starving pdor, wpnld have suf . ficed to feed Lee's army for months. •Axndmr, _ 1 Ut’i Omcs,' V |«wh 11. 1865 J j , , j New York, Maroh!2l. . ; Tho CmtnerciaVs .Ilatehoi’a I'un > correspondent, of tbe 18th, says: Our troops there tiad been under arms tbit ty-six hours, expecting an attack from the enemy. The movements for scv» oral days.within the enoiriy’s jine gave rise* to this. expectatijon. Our troops are earner to havo the attack made.—* Ah early evacuation of Fetcisburg is looktWdbr.j It ia reportod .that Snctv man'and Sohofield are moving up tho \Vpidcn fhjad. : Our'troops were nev-. j-erjih more Imagnifeeent -spirits. I The Commercial says a war-clap will ' soon bo heard in n'qPnrieb least ex-' ipected by friend oy i 1 HOUSE AND LOT FQB SALE! THE subscriber, Guardian ..for vibe hiindr children of T. T Shaffer, late of: New Brighton ilebtised, will offer.at public sale, on the’premisesjon ■ • / '' I Friday, th 4 Msiday of'March, instant, { at 1 o’clock I?. M., .a'houso.nnil lot situatein ■the Boroughdf New. Brightdn.onSecondetreel I bppositetho K. R. freight Hepotl j The front building is 114 feet, 1 png* by 18 fedt 1 Wide. two stdries high, with back building.Sli feet long 16 feet jride,, one and In half l stories, high; on thej first, flobrj parlor, dining room hndj kitchen, with porch;'bed-rodm and pantry op it he porch;, Hall &c. Cellar under the Wain building; 4 rooms up stairs, . i ! j This property is nearly new built within two years,'all well finished; the wholeihohse papered and .painted. The lot is delect filnch |CB on Second islreet jby 180 feet deep, op which is a stable 20|by 18 feet, cistern and.filter, the lot well set in. shrubbery ii&c. This property is of the attention: qf thosewishing to purehasc.N ‘ " j Tni.'is—One half in hand, 1 balance in l one :and two years, with interest. Secured by. bend and Mortgage for the balance; possession given immediately.l' 1 . . . JOH^uTrtASS, . : ’ i I ■- <“ Guardian. New Brighton,'March 21,■ tt'OCJIIEBTER D. S. MARQUIS, M. D.i Coi*. Bridge stand the Diamond, r i .'i ; V . ■ j T.- r IM-lIXS OX HAND A: IV FH.L A SSOKT.M BX'T^) K ■• I 'i -7 1 ■ : ■ ’ DRUGS,; DYE STAFFS, F E! #XJMESR.Y.: CHEAPEST OILS? & PAINTS IX- THK vIciXIT.V ; jjPTJEE WHITES i ! And Brandies, 4 , FOK ! i MEDICAL- PtiEPOSES. : ’ I r . 'I THE GREAT ; .{■' ';| lIAIRD ißESsill, “FLORIUNEI” | ALL ARTICLES OF i lIM SI 1 IST ERY ROMSTOR fißlili ffORE FOR SPRING OF ' 1865 ! i WALL PAPER; ’ i • WINDOW SHADES, . ■ ! BORDERS, AND . ' DECORATIONS, i ND EVERY ARTICLE IN THEPA'PER ■ J\ HANGING LINE, are now offered to the Trade, and buyers ; generally, at else lowest prices, possible. and see at AV 107 Market et- between Liberty and Fifth elt.e ■Tf ' mTSBORGHi l ; A. - ' ' ! , maM’Oo -K)S. R, HUGHES & iyit u(tStore. KOUHKSTKU, Plv., - Mpdlplne^, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Usually Kept in a Drug Store. 1‘ . . > i _ s : ■■ PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS 4 . ■' -■; r • (i.:.. - CARErILLY COMPOUNDED 1 , PLEASE call 1 AT THE IN TH E DIAMOND. , . i , j XJ.S.t-SOLOA 'i I - /By authority of the Secretary of'the T* ‘eas nsy, the undersigned has assumed the Gi rier s ISahscription Agency for the sole of Ui died States Treasury Notes, bearing per Sent.- interest, perannum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN.! Those Notes arc issued under date of At gust jsth, JBG4jand. are payable three years from that timcj' tit currency, or are dontrertib ■the option of the holder into =. ] U- 8. 5-20 Six pr cent. GOLD-BEARING boxi Thesejbdnds'sire now worth a premia nine per cent., inclu'ding-gold interest Nov., which makes'the actual profit or 7-80 loan,.at currentratcs, including int< about ; Jter:-cent. per . annum, beside Exemptian'~'fnm Slate or Municipal Tax vkieh addt froth one to three per cent, mart cor|ihg-to tbe rate levied On other prop •Tlte interest is payable semi-annually by pons attached to each note, which may b off and sold to any bonk or banket.. The interest amounts to El One tent \ per. Hay on a §5O no'/. Two cents . . . '< §lOO <■ | ! 10 . • “ “ . $5OO ' """■ $l,OOO “ i 20 : 'sl j Notes, of nil the denominations ' naniec be promptly furnislfcil.apoii receijit of sub: jtions. Tbi? is ■ - . ", THE ONLY LOAN IN MART now offeml by till Government, and it is i dently expected-that its 'superior advan ■jyiil Slake it Ihe' ij *. ' v , Great Popular Uen Ifejhie Pec Le ss than o ;s«oo,tJoo, dob rehvai 11 m which will probably be disposed bf withii ' ftexl CO or !H) days, when thVnblcV wil daublcdly command a premium, as Inis fornify beefi tho’icase on chirfßg' thg, snlh [ tipns tobiher LoAiis'. ';rv I In order that citizens of every town and | jjon of the country may be for taking the loan, the National Banks," ; Banks, and private Bankers thrpughoui i country have generally ngrced'to receive 1 script ions at par. Subsoriherirwill select own agents, in wlffim they have coufhli and who only -are to be responsible for tin ! livery of the notes for which they rci | Orders. -- I ; JAY COOKE, Sirrisruiri'iox Aukxt. Philadetpi Si : iVsc!tii>Tioxs njiu. nt; itKct.iyEii liy National Bank] of Beaver Co | inarchl—V|hj; - . ' 1 ZBELA.'VEiS/ ■A. QAX> HM THK Spring Term; of this Insluutiot commence ‘ ' .1 : j . - Tuesday t April -Ith, 15,65-, I tiilclcr IKe fcharge of j ' • ; | Mcssrl; F. AGNEW & M. GAP ;- |, ‘ -• ns Associate Principals.* ]*.lt is th*c desire, andwill bo the ahnjdo I this a thorough English, Classical and iHcrcinV School, and to sustain thc/high acter it has had heretofore. \r •, >vho desire a geirid* English c ; tion to those wbo have been or cn plat c v t caching public schools, ju ihent is offered front thijfact thal-Alu? Vat the Principals, -1 for the 'lnst twelve -joim | been Principal of New daslle UnVoti Sol Both arc graduates of. differeVit! col Uhil, well acquainted wifh the wants i •higher institutions. Persons, therefore design fitting themselves for college, wi this a suitable and desirable place. The former having been for some, tim nectcd willr.tlic lion Vity*A'otlcge, as a cipal teacher, and the latter alA> being n uatc of DufTs College, sttpc most oufsidfc of the' Commercial cojleg offered to those desiring aibusiucss ediu ' Our new. Academy Buildings; design prcssly for the purpose, with largo s room; class rooms, society hall, gtv., .at occupied, though not quite finished. It pcctcd, however, to have -them' win lit an early day.j. ‘ j r- ; •• . Eor rates of sender cii Address the Principals or the 'ijudersa ’ '•'’ft. H. IHCE Sec. Board of Trustees,'-'Beaver, BEAVER BEMINA r- * . ■ aSd , MUSICAL INSTITUT Rev. R. T. TAYLORj Pr*esl QPENS MARCH 28, I j . $58.50- •■■l I Paysfor.Bbard, Kconi, Fuel, Light, si I , tionVn Common Branches, 14 ( wccl i : Lessons oh Piano; Organ, llanhphiuJ j lodcon ahiHluitar, by superior teachers Wasiiinoton. Dee. 20, 18G4.1 j j WHERE Aj3, by satisfactory cyiJen'oo pre sented to the undersigned, it has been, mode to appear that “The National Bank of Beaver county” in the Borough of Xew teght on, in .the county jof Beaver, and 'Sjnte of Pennsylvania, has-been duly organized under and .aocbrding to the requirements of the Act of congress entitled “An Act! lo provide' a National Currency, secured by a pie igo of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof” aj proved June 3, 1804, and has complied with provisions 6f fetid; Act- naßiiired to he c( niplied with-before commencing*! ebusiness ol'Bank-' ing under safd^Act: v/Jj . Now therefore*! I Hugh M’Culloclf, droller of tha Currency.do hcreby.certi *“lhe National Bank of Beaver count the Borough of New Brighton-, in the] of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania thorized to cothmence the business of ». under the Act aforesaid . -| . f ? iln testimony whereof, witness ■ SEAL J4y hand and spal of officle, this ' tittth day of December, 18(14, , |,i ■ i HUGHM’COLLDCH, I ■ || f Comptroller oC-CutrincyrJ ■ 8083 BROTHSR, & Co’a. Extra WritingJf'luid, the beat in the tvorTf JSridgeWalcrSlvug Store. Try ifand b Tincetl. [ Manufactured by the Aiuerrel RAnppny. % A Sweet and PerftuaS^ I ■ . msE3 : ■■ i -A-' Bad" Bro dsrthe lady ° r B#pUem >n wouW^* i. i4i“S£le I S > .*«'ob asr '' OM F.N complexion; .but the combml,; lu,if J iW oil and other valuMdc h, J r £i ° n h'- «tUI more valuable. >F or bLtl' CBl ’ “W fonts, a few drops poiired imU ter( will, dispel all feeer, drops poured on your sharing A ■SKSJLT When used for washing nighi int it eradicates all Tm,, iL,,f rendering the skin soft atl< , ™ from bleimsh. , For.ialeaf the Drug Sioir sewing machines q at rrom the rest, I It 9 ftion] , oo ertj. cou- Wirfi increased confident Best and. Most Rchiahh ll ''< • : Marhine no.,■ in '£j H \\t claim for it the following a.m'. ' any and all Sewing M art * 4-, ?*wer Far greater variety of. ii-,irk- j„'; • -w . Acllcnce of stitch: speed ami .lu'iei'J IJI " tion: simplicity of constrpci ioii- bi llon and management: elegance. r r . V*v. finish. ■ .It will *. y'^nj ■ Stitch, IJqn, Fell,.- (l„il t , i;;.,, ~~ Plait, Gather*,'' (h,rd, I! r ,„i ’!!*' ■ All without nrevion. | It works equally well „n • thickest fabrics, JVom heavy cloth, to the tincstjeainbre ' T? s. 11. PEIRSOL, r.Kv.v f :u. h jy2in,4] • Sole gentry I!eay^k, 16 ;, >- $5OOO •• .will enp- *r' jET wnfi lago» TREE.S, '(ill Ai'i-; ViM;s„ v j pie. i I’crsoilS intending' jilantmg t.', i. 1 Isold, „r improving tln-ir • i the : 8 c :” mn! ’ ■ s l ,r,, >K-'»re respect full ,• i nv ;,.. t '' } tne examine.nut- stock. The tr e.., a rc *,,, 1 un-six 10-ejjrht ’feet Aind'or-. the »v‘ • uni- WtsiWn .unT Icrin- 1 fi u'l , tl/'ii.'hcir ani.m-t i.r,.-,.,,,. : trees tresh fraijii-. t Ire Nilr-rrv. an*] s- ,i ,i true fu.nanio,- ■ .. ” : *■, ' 5 .' 1 see- , I’nrties coming ,f« the NunwHniA It, lilies I "P’rth -st-'tioi!. ca life P. -ft. W;*& C State !'» trains,' select t!... ■ ;itrams,;and,rctttrn/in the nfienmon. * .** 1 *h.6 I .'lt}gtlC!Pspnt!lo applicants, ’ ' ’*. sub- ; T. LSIIIKUte x ('(I 1 their • 1 ■ < >eivicklyj, Allep(ieuy«co., w 1 AivtiiP jss\ I-y JIRIWttfcU’iTKH'.. IS the pMee to boy y.)(isT.u:.-Ts, fV,.,, t’iiNrKC s rioa\tKiKs,. ?e |, Ul . ;-C.tq.\i!s, C.VKI-S. ,‘a-. Having added asr i building to hia Old stand. lie is iiojt: prej.sn id. fi),aeeoiiinitidate his 'customers and the cl ♦ Tens, generally with anything in' bisluic; !„ ho Jug the-best assort men! ibis Milc ,ot I’itui , . I and sells cheaper. He will v.nvratn ,-, . ’ nty. t(Uors. ol all kinds, tr> be the purest an'i '. i j and those wishing the best (pnil'ity f,.r.. I i . mil purposes, - wojibl do well ' *— i amine his-stock' iJefori*, purchasing . Eiat-Cnil arid sec the Angel IW-,. V. t old stafnl. and yotl rtre .siire of a (i.rrivr t i come and prompt iiiten’-ioii. ■ • x*‘*:vc lIKKBT U(UR • &. -Rutni; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j 'Wf ILL nltcm! fo^lojcnf lnj'iine''.si , M; | ■» * kimli*. Prompt uutmien piveu t*f.l loctiuus generally,; ,Uccnse*l .\gi>nt A m; lection of; Pension*. Bounty; in-rear* »i/, Vri£e.money, Pay. etc., of Prisoner* rOi ami all kltnls of. military clni'nH ag.i:a«i. Government, Office—l • : oner. Mttrkri Stfrrt l Mu 1 }hvi-y will TZ, make- Com* char- luca item- luce >cr of -BEA'VKU. j.PEX'N’A. !W. ; EXECUJIfeu'S NOTK’K ! WrIIEREAS .letters eh'ii , estate'of. ijKo-iu.r: Mi:ir.i-JaWr .b* Sewickly. tp., Beaver c».« Pa.'.-dee'A been grantcd.to ihe under.-igned, all I*o- •« iildebtcd to said estate.ate dhiuiediatt* payiueuti. yuul iltose liav-ing 01” nyainsjtihe same will -present t'hctn p;" authenticated for settlement. . ' - lIEXUV (JROIiIUNd. » rl• j ) ,CKiiROE ti Allp-NKK. 1' v " ' ' jaylVGd ( >'e\v Sewi-ftb . - ha* uolh. leges. it our !, who' ill hud 1 : cqc l prih i grad dor to ■s are uiion. ?d es :hool- c now is ex- ■ CTOIT, COE Sc CO;, Advertising, and Ccmmiiflov ■ ■ AND’ IIEAI.TX-' rv ' PBTNTIXG -IX KfjUHL-OA KIM 1 ' Type, ;Prin ting Materials. WP.ITIXIi AXI)TIN(. I‘Al’'' Al!:1 T 80 at cular. igned. - OFFlCES—Bro'wji’ 'i rr.U'5U:- G /j l;ir!i^! ' i '‘; Tribune Buildings, . - , / mar2 r i; fv. J ‘ T- 3&E. - ' Notary onti r; wip u. 15. cnAMmoirjN./n'n 1 X^4 rr tte Pi'op- s t' i M ,u yl i .‘! l X ' ‘ j ßlio-Ai) iivir, if: ii . \ ; UEAVKR. q.OCX t)V - 4 PiKOMT attention gm n ifi • EXEMPTION - ; PAPER!*, connected with,the draft: nl''J 0:l! ' - V;‘ jered, sc ' ■ ' -TP AT.T .g^TOl^ moolkn i- a.( rain IY dent. 1865 id Tiii ;s. 1, Mo- ys anil lililren THE undersigned "expects • this week.' Carding, ?! l ? n, “" ? ' ira f H t!i:i Finishing and Dyeing; 'also t< ’, i;,‘ Flannel, CUth, * Vasaiweres. **•» • f? Blankets,, at niy old'place .Vuctf wear and durability,-! can . jvarr 4 i>. •;! manufactured- be otirpas-rtf* - accommodation of those 011 . ,“ f,-fees* the Beaver, 'Wool, etc., can be Ic. l , ih Pulaski .township, or John 1 store in New Brighton. ye!7,CS i 3 made ’’maria . A! Gentleman cured ofNerross competency. Premature Ilccay Error, actuated by a desire «» , will!,be happy to 1 all 'V (free of ehaTge) the receipt ami -making the simple Remedy uss ■ • nCC V I Those wishing to profit by his <-*P : ie a [possess a Valuable Remedy—•»' •same,'by return mail, (c%rc™ addressing , ' ' No 60 Nassau'S! reel, M-)- CoDip [fy that y. r *“ County I is n'u iankinr ESTATE, in the CJTV OF- loo j, lh .t COOPER COUNTV, MO.. ;wonM " ;o tention of bis friends in Mesteri nia to the unprecedented low P r .: jc hi * r;- ' land, of the first- quality, eon, he , £ present time. persons■ desirous' , cheap farms, tviji ‘ receive due * ,i calling at my officcdp'ißocncviilc, ' will .fin'd all descriptions of ' j er, with price, location.&c. O’ Jj™.(iff \ >|n2-y