The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 23, 1864, Image 2

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Af Thursday of this week has been ap
jointed a day of thanksgiving by
president Lincoln and Gov. Curtin
As such the President requests it to
- be observed (for the wonderful and uni
j fprm success which has been granted
I unto our army and uavydnoverthrow
, :pg the enemies of oaf country’s wcl-,
fpr'e.'' It Iras been appointed by the
. <|overnor for the usual blessings,
bounties, nndprovideneea- which we
. Have ic mercy received during the past,
year, and, also, “for the victories which
He has vouchsafed’ to us over armed
tyaitors ” -Indeed, ifsbould be a day
1 -of no ordinary thanksgiving. During
preceding years of the A drain is 5 -
. "braticn; there could be_no such fitting
opportunity given, for this purpose.-
•Victory then buit seldom'porclied upon
|ur banners " Defeat'followed.defeat,
ffqdo not say; but, no decisive battle
■followed our fighting. .-But the cam''
Jaign of ’64 has beau one ofun usual
: |iiicubßß to .our arms. Grant, Sher ,
' Jian, Sheridan, , Farragut—none of
lost a. battle. Hebei priva
teers are being rapidly captured or
-'destroyed. Everything now seems to
. .betoken the fulfillment of the prophe
dyi ‘‘the beginning pf the end’’ has
*pme. - _■ :
■ I The crops in this State for the yeir
f 54 I have been very good. We can
[hoar of no. scarcity n6r destitution
/anywhere. Penns\’lvania farmers will •
v have enough to bread their families
acd much to spare, Business ofev»
ijery kind is flourishing, and money is
plenty. Another source of great
, wealth lias been discovered in the
State. .: The oil boneathl its surface is .
brought up and is shipped off to other
gantries in larg6 quantities, besides
, the groat amount that is consumed
bet o * This baa enriched our in hub
- itanti much, and will yet enrich them
mere. j ■ f i '
. , » The enumeration 'of all the blessings
• i - . 1 O- .
J State, , and indivii^Sl—-.
: which have been so freely bestowed
on os within the past j ear, would
■■ fprjn a catalogue too large for our time
apd space. I •.
Everyh individual has something to
,fce thankful for, and it is his-duty to be
tfaankftil. ; “ln everything give
paid PanX by the iuspiratiou of God.
. ; IPTiil we then to-mprrow, as many of
W have done on .similar days in the
past, proceed' to labor in our various.
. - ypeations, with ungrateful hearts and
bands, disregarding the hand Of the
who,giveth us richly to-en
i joyWe" think this time, for once, ;
,jpur fcUow-ditizecs 1 will .close their.
.frooß-shops, .their offices,
ijcevo their fields and their gardens,
Ipsseinble in their churches
. Upble servicesare to he offered 1 , gather
, y round their hoards spread with the
■ best - the land affords, and all, with
. > pee accord, for (Pop day, mingletheir
: a Irishes, their /prayers, their songs of
-^thanksgiving 1 «nto -liira who. is in
'and cared foe
A i'tß «s a w UVr tor hit cbjldran.
' ii3ia v
'•iOb, Hon. Edward* Eferetr gave an 'in'.
'*teresting jspei+ch at /the grand ban-
tbe/merehatits of Bos
ton;|lu hjapor |Vd llie officers "Jjf ‘ the
wasbue to tboifreMdeii of the flni
ted Mwiprjd /Everett---was
called «n to rikooiidjlo It, ahd&iiid;/ : i
v Yhu jrpy 'iMa
*hePre»duont iSot: a*
candjdttte^afVir severity . contested
electiori. but as the conatituliojialbead
; of the Goycrnjindrit of lhe'copniiy.'the
Urited Btateji, ; the Commander in
chief bf tbeb'rmyyja'nd niVy,* and 'the
personal of the -people
in the family bfnations: lln the hon
ors-yoo ipajj: to the president, you
honorf yourselves; ■it is a becoming
mark of respect on the pait of .a! peo
ple thus torcjcognlze the objeefot the
people’s choice.; : ) 1
But I would not- have li]t inferred,
from these rhmafksi.lhat the Presi
dent of the United. States,* iu iwhose -
honor yoojhaye proposed jibe toast to -
which you have called me to respond, j
is entitled to this mark of reepect only
in his official [capacity. Now that the
struggle is past, apre that, no 1
liberal-minded person, however op
posed to’ him politically {and yem
know,- s : i, belongs to “the Pres
dent’s'opposition,”) will be unwilling
j. , . that,to yea have
ElectionlEooentrioities.J (devolved upon me, I should say that
m. ot,ji a i i.- nr e i\ , I recognize, to him a full measure of
.The Philadelphia News has lately the qualitioß,! which.entitle him lo tho
given some very curious and amusiug personal respect of the people,- who
examples of tWpractice of laying! wa- have just given him a proof of their
gers upop the .result /of an r election. confidence, not extended! to any of bis
It says: ' • I ■" predecessors[in this generation. It is
jpu ’ ,•! T >- .. no small proof of- this, that he has
a rr? thoBe •'b®* passed through the fiery ordeal; of the
attract attention a? be^ n g° of canvats. and stood the'slorm
wagers reaches further than the stake o{ detracted from hundreds oHigpr
a IrZ' r" ,dollars. Gentle- o us and hostile presses,and had split
men ofwealth and.leasure are drawn Ue ’ 6aid against him (I speak not of
d l a - d:U ?. preCede ,. t . ed . Co . n^ 1 !' ,onB personal : qualities)? which deserves
. K \ P°. IIUc * T ait k; even an There is no one of
«, e 4 * °Ci a - ■ - un ? Bffreement, bis predeces£orH,iioteveii Washington,
nr vrr.!r t f eW R^ e a celebrated t o f . whom a« |many and ms reprdaohful
( ’ eU ’ ** r r% VooT % s - tal : tcd ' things have hot been said, unless per.
from the centre of, Boston Commo/., haps it ho M|r. Monroe, who had the
-• ik* U ? e ''!’ ee^^ p l[ o ' v i fiiied with happiness tpfull. upon.“the ora .of good
, fa 'i l *undling before him. • Ben. feelings?’ arid who was, in ho' one
pushed Ins-barrow two runes from the quu u t^lhe l as a man or a President
• hC FT* 6rowded superior to j Mr. Ltocdu. Mr. Lin
rifaimh fAa* l au^. tl,cn v * ja f u, *L coin gave ample proof of his iaiallee-
S" t n C n d . hl * apples along iho route lual capacity, whc'.i h i .ont Sted r- r a
to the wandering urchins who follow- boatill Sonata of the Ur.iu-o *utes
8 \ i P a T 6e P 0n t L h ° with-Judge Douglas. When I%t in
. himb ack tot he tho SoD! f to wi ,h Judge .Uouglls, I
fi>ir «f a lAtr ' WaB PW ,n g the for- j though bini . for business and debate,
one of-rnLT * e rTj «as ( the of ’ tbe ablest of .thai body,
cmppTab ii A 1 i£ B^' ,' ,n . but bis speeches in the senatorial ion
wrv nrl M t!r r s lJn, ’ n - ■ gress. in no respect superior to
f an l " over eaught Mr. Liidolri’s I o tho Pre-idont
th« ndt oioV.’t"l° d to' IS> j rda ”' c i v**i to (bts'eiptirsly, censcientious in the dis
'tlin whiolK. e vor f l a,, y ,n i charge of hiS high trust, and that, un
tiirto !•' liad walked be.'- dap cirunmsi unces of unpui-alled diffi
; f rj,I ph the foar rniles the j ( - u Jty f he h'is adn.inistered . the Gpv
d-itVi twitted Bon.. orutm n t, with, the deepest ‘seme of |e
eimo rohsn LS CS 'ii^ n ° l^er y eal ’i sponsibilily *.6 his country .and Bis
I rn.T ®“.5- d ’^ nd - a “ 0lb nn W? I Gbd, HJe Is ilmihontly kind-hearlc'd.
'sut in D m 9 I*® | L nm-stffb hii spoke the truth, the.oth
fs L Jr. flv a "'/Tl pf ,? f ierday, kvheV, L said that he had nc-
*? a S oB^. n ; w 'hile willuigly planted a thorn iu aiiy
iiu'r_ofthnt . f* o ‘ ,t,ca l P n i man’s bosom. one of the most
In me*** 11, ;i bared arms and; laboiioiis and indefatigable men in the
nf i tri f or .,*, e .’ B: ‘,T cd a „ C0 L dv I country, ana {hat he has boon able to
i q,, ’ !,., ■¥ thp cellar below, -j uustaiu bimjclf under as great a load
f.'. , , 80 . had an uhfriondlyjdis-. o fcare as jivas over - laid upon the
tnetto run mat the October dcclion head oi/theheart cfalivihg man, is
in u P an d he was oleelod to stay at ; la no small degree owing tp the fact
° • •5t ITe a {' b , lB i P cw ! or,n l friboda that thtf vtpdiclive and angry, pass,
wa >ed through the, Colurh- sions form no pan. of-his. naturcl and
bus the day after the cloctmnV-bare-, thill a,' kindly and playful spirit min
cai o , barefooted and destitute of jri eti itslsweotness w’ith the austere cup
coat and vest,‘whUe a ; noted Union of pub iic-d Jty. . ■ i -
polilieian walked ; behind carrying ni;vy S( ; cm hardiv worth while to
osc necessa artrclf sof weanngx not ; f , e descriptions, which irpre
app.irc. uever,hu\e b >mit the Prjsidehi as a person ofun.-
e -*? ■ '• ll , ad ?i , ' ut °ur -more 'coiiih appearance-and manners ~But
exci a o jOh|G9tliam goes into ; Burke, did lot think it out of place,
pence ica manias pver th.c elections: in the most magnificent discourse in
re wagers lere are curious ar.d amo,.. ; English language, to comment on:
,• ‘i >'day last, one of thoDenv t i ltJ U p]| o!l vi nee, manners, ami fenii.ver ■,
fSi '• ' u ' lanB t ' V 10 ' ,6 saiion Of llie cxeilod French Pritices- :
faith in. the succession of McClellan to j will take M«e likerty-to sav. that oU
the^ 1 residential honors was as hnh, the oll ,y K^.ial ofc0b8io „ i n ' CVt . r
behuf in thß-m-can • waves,.pa- ~h e hoVlor t b be in the'company af thl:
. lL an . d; -1 " 11 Broadwaj’ for two President, viz, the commemoration at:
"l, 1 -n, with a dilapidated G (« he sat'at the table at the:
bonpet perched upon the apex of h,s r ; hou / 0 friend David Wills.Esq£
ilut'/id” enduring fate b y several distinguished perf :
ifwL\^i G9PP r rbett xr Mi P sons, lidies and geh.leme°n, foreign/
Mnnrl'iv - 'tears from Monday '.tb C rs and Americans, .among them the.
i , J ’ ugo heaver French 1 Minister at Washington, since
.hat of monstrous... proportions; ! two i appointed 1 Ppench' Ambassador
hi hliT’ a¥. V nV' !t ‘ bU r l' d 0 at Madrid, and the Admiral;.of the
lin. fv ,iffonc* -k." r .I c ”‘o<*ral of p r otieli fleet, ajid that in gentlemanly
, ji and afirm U ppoavjani;ei,. manners, and convetsa-■
r.r'% nl u r h^Wi 8 the peer of any man at
South, on Sunday attached - three ol tha table ' ' e ■' J
his stud .to a bn.kenilown Tlie im pl rt knt ohjaclion urged a-
Oyster ftom the Six h/Vard, and, gainst Mr.lLincoln is that personally
the mettled steeds rn singlkhne. H e lucks fikedness of purpose/ and
i^ V t rh n H S ,. manS rh n that, his and - administration
nue.Jo tbo-Battery throughthejPark. havo vunted uliity. of. counsel. I
homo aga™. of thirlk l shall no candid oppo
election season^ gtre endless, ard we neflt ( j umino partisan my
do not object tb the harmless mirth of #elf) re i nin( f you at ' reci , fe i y tbe
an eccentric wager: There would be cha ; rge ; b,. the same mighl ho
n r? blo °' Jsbed . a r fc .^ e brought against Wuthinglon and his:
stakes dependont for distribution np- ccs vaitly less plan
or. the isrne of the|day were no more c d in his.ckbh.ct and kep¥ there as
important than JLhe Vnirlhful condit ions long as they could be induced to stay
noted above. iTheloUery of money .is tho b tw ; o political. lead.-“ (Jefferson
? n flnr n Bcar ® el y IOKB ext f nd<jd 111 and Hkmiljton) not merely of: different
influence and permo.ons In its results wir . g9 <)f the % a me political connee
than imprudenco orintempersnco, and u* o n, .e Ijoads-J- twrf .fadfolly
We hope to see aj statute law passed O ppo sil o parties. Mr. Mofroe though
and vigorously enforced making it a e f e P te( i hfrkself alrirost liy an nnimons
ITTJT STZ r°h« ay * ?\ d b e J!'- vote, kllovfed his cabinet /to contain
ed wager But pf tbe^ vagaries of. lhree r ; candilJate9 f(ll . tho Mecet( .-
elecuon stakes, venly is lo^rod radi(!ally on
“ ’ ' _ ;? U I I every j political question. It rarely
happens in popular governments, that
any other [course is practicable in d’if
ticnlt limep • Ir. England tvhoro the
theory and practice of parliamentary
government have been maturing for
pge s , there has seldom been a cabinet;
whjch the same dissidence has not
existed. It does at the present time
in Ihelcabjnet ot. Lord Palmerston.- :
At any rate our friends of the par
ty opposed to Mr Lincoln at tho late
election, j /must exercise ... some
charity towards-him in this ra«.
spqpt.; It was made, up,of two. wings
entortkining diametrically o PP f 4i'e
.viewsjof tpb party which ought to be.
pursued present difficnit crisis
of iiffjtirs] and ,-noj little strategical
chow jot npily eofficieti t for tbe pnr
poee r|r the election; ’ ‘ ',[ ‘
The subject of Slavery bas.becoi.
in their extremity, a bone of ponten
tion among slaveholders, themselves
Their armies have been so mUoh di
minished during [.the jpast f
the}’ must
of prming -their j slaves, since' white
soldiers can'uo longer be bad in nam
hers sufficient tb increase their armies
so" much as to withstand Grant and
Sherman. Jf theirslaves,
they, mast-coffer . them freedom-:before
they .pan expect thepj to figh t against
ns. Nor will it be sufficient to give
thr become soldiers. '
• ? «f X
aose who may jjeco me soldiers, tl
freedom, and leave their parents, tl
wives, their children, in bondage
They must iibqrite notjonly the
diers, but every slave in the South
jßut in the- moment they free th
slaves their Confederacy' begins
tumble td pieces, fcr is
chief corner stone. Here’ then, are
the two, betwixt which ds the st
they would pass: they must fill op
their wasted armies or fail; When they
fill Up their armies: in the only Way
possible to them, they fail. In avoid-f
ing Scylla they fall into Cbarybdis.
the establishment j of the
prison /post alAndersonvilie,Goorgia,
last spring, twel vc thousand j. of this
Union prisoners held there - have died
been buried there; and this mor
tality existed among a boily of prison
ers at no li.ino exceeding forty thous
and. -^Tbere'graves are marked with
.a number from one up, and a registry
kepl in tho pri-cn represents their
name, regiment and State in juxlupos
sitioh thereto,, so (here will be no diffi
culty in locitmg the grave of any pair,
ticuiar deceased; should the time ever
arrive whan euchA thing might be de
sirable. •' | !. j. •■1 •- '-I •'
. *»rTbe Di
card of Jjtr.
ing that he *
o‘law." v
iytoaJSmpire contains (hd
y allandighara, announc
uh*B resumed the practice
Proa !
A criminal trial before
the moat Ip WhgMAtitfbuiial everjji»v
manwpffencesmgatbKfc rawrT
iwhicti' Sgjpl
fiod'4 place in hlsfdiyi ? ?Tbe often-"
derdiWraigneld to'aits wbr'ih'o charge
of .rfrebchiogj a whole.- wubtryin
blood. A! (arid po«a.blea»edwith patiee l
has, jrtrough iw deviUahvins^turnfe tt-,
telity, the de»oi*s-
art it pnrtionjbf the 'arrafgaoKtrm*
:gainit:.i'jiil TrraBoa besti
Government on -eat tb Is: one' bf the'
products of itaj instigation;} . The en»
tire roll of Prime would seem to be
exhaqatedin of lita
evil deeds., Nor hue elaborate accusa-' '
lion-been nnsdstained by the proof—
The witnosrts'have been ptbntitul and
explicit jin t qeir dedaratiohai : ! The
bonesof | half»■ million v victim*,alain
ib battle' through it 4 agency, barb
beepinjevidence. Widows: ar.dpr thethousand;madpsuch'by
the thousand,iniade such by’ means of
itsdevillsh arlbj hav'ebtood upto tos
tify against it: Whole communities
givon up to fiije and aword by Hs uqm*
mand, have raised their accusing voiv
ces. for its condemnation. j A people
of twenty million souls, that WeroJiV'i
ing in unbrokerf harmony, unlillhis
destroyer cam* into 'their midst, prosl
houftce it gmlty of baring blasted!
their peace, jibe case has been made
out.; The abonsed Is declared gnjlty
of all that t has bPen charged, by a
most Competent tribunal, beyond p all
reasonable quMtjon ojr donßt..',:AVibat
shallbe done jwith the criminal thus
arraigned, tried, andcohdemned ? | r
That criminal, as: all the world
knows, is Slavery; .AH imparlial men
harp been Its Judges,-and [the 'verdict
of guilty is raitified by the voice Of an
entiyei’imtion,speaking its judgment
through thb most spldnm form known
to civilized | Govern mer.t. Slavery to
duystaiidsdnivieted of graver and
moi*e numertbs crimes than any lot her
party has ever answered fpr. j- And
■yetjitjis suffered tpliye in oar midst,
lisjwprk'bfrilin'is still going.on. Itjj
InflueiuTP;' is scarcely less 1 deleter jottij
rhab when jits service of mischief wai
begun, ltd' power has been pari
tiallyj broken] BuCots spirit is, as ro
belffous as when "it first stirred' up
thejpeople to (Seedb* of blood and vio
lence, j It ;hia- been crippled in its
1 .strength; sliift up in.prison and bound
‘in chains; and yet :■ the labor'of -air
which it Wunjguruted gees bn .by.’ TSB
:Son'of tth presence and inspiratio
jSb long as ills permitted to liyp, i
likelyl to scatter the seeds to disc
iamong tliei people, and prevent ';
I reuhion pf heixrlsand .of efforls nt
! Sary to restord the nation ip p
and prosperity.:
Why is Slattery permitted to* hyo ?
• Wliat; is! there in its career Wbielire*
coni oiends iljlo- mercy or favor '! Iftas
it not; merited death, as richly as over
ma(efuciar s[t tiered .for his crimes?
i Hah it ahy claims upmi- the forbear-!
anco of a suffering' people ? ' Isltsro i
any good.:ro«Wn why slay of ox spa-1
lioh, ntUfifi 1 Ijess ' pardon, should', be 1
■grar.ted;in its case ? . lias it not al
ready; dpne-harm enough to earn the
extroinest penalty ‘of the law f. These
questions! uje being asked by hun
dredslaiid'hy|thousands who have Fiif
Icrfcdjlhwaigh its iiUrumentalily, and
Who hr ye| a|Tight-to delnaud.- in the
nanie; ofjtfstjco that i their .wrongs., be
aviingcd: iilisimy will not hold
less ioiTgcr . hpsitsite
to curry I'lpt'rthe decree of the people
solemnly prbnounced for ihu dostruu.
tioii. !^ei;those in authority-sfeo to
)t;t!hat the sentence is eanicdjinlp exe
cution. !$j if slavery itt-do»
Jiatftujra'ihe dossings of all mankind
wijf fpllt|\y, tic hand which airil cbi it
from jcxisl'et ce. : ; ■ ; . , -
T ; ;,N£w \'»rk. November 17J
! Til a
Suturdiij’, Not* 12th, in Richmond:
Eight per. cent, coupon bond*. due
1877,| 81 18 and interest. - A very,
lai‘ge|aniount of Confederate secu nliei
changed hands at this sale, at figures
giyen above, After; the sale, 867,000.
longdate Ci 11. federate .8 pereentj Cou
pon bonds, fold privately at $[ and
jj.iferostl S ate bonds.Virgiiiia stock,
82i4lSand in crest; bonds isSuedsrycenV
jyi iu tjedex iptinln of Stale Treasury
hdjes, 7 81 6? ;and interest- Gold! coin
2B; silver coin at 27
and 27J; private sales at lower figuies.
Coupons of «tbn taxable bonds, Si per
Sent.! There ha? recently beep jmoie
active demu nddbr epedie, which is ex
plained in! part by the; migrating' ma
nia pei"v4d ng the Yankees in our
i Supplies of provisions arei com
ing in nmie freely. 1 .Stocks are! now
generally Is rger than for; some! time
piist.j Floor cohliijuessoarpo andfhigh,
the ing price for supjarfijneTis
8350; extra. SoBd! per barrel 1 Corn
nibal. 555!p ;r bushjel. |' Bacon, 810 and
J-T per] pound. \Ve quote Cuba and
Rio Coffee at $l2 per pound; Javs(, 815;
%lown I sugjir,i 88 50 and 10;. criisbed
do 811 and 12. ■ J :
],| .! "I t j
;■ .j The Election L
; Kansas, Nov. ]-16 l |—.
Returns from this State ; show] that
LRiqoln’sj majority' will be, ,10,000.
Cbawford, for Clara,, for
Congress; ind the whole radical Re
publican ticket are elected by ifrom
SOOp. majority. • * I
isjestiinated that Iheijo' are
apoiit five millions pbfnative Germans,
in the Doited States. The emigration
to America! froraGermany this yekr
atone aropunts to 70,000. Other gov
ernments have made efforts by offer
ing rich jinducements to 4iverjf ibis 4
tide to theft own shores, but' Onsnoi
cbssfully.y rheiie .emigrants.ard gen
eraUy perst ns of intelligence am) enl
■?1; Ui- ;kt
y bfNeyac a pro
vide? that in civil cases throe fourths
iit a.
i same aa if ibis wnompinol agreed.. ,' :
‘j r l-.'i- r ■ v. 4 ': 1 •- 1 "
l.i 1 ■. ;• 1
.-v:. '
- But/alo, Kovembljr 20.
■ oJiiST w
pf Mhnm Senern Sherfnani
y#t#d«yv wnonsly p
fiytipelS. \ Hejiffh
gened! flpberm«nfat
g*» of thf i2ib J
GST; General |Bariy sayt that General,;
Sherman has every infantry, cavalry,:
and artillery; soldier-thafr- hyyaiHai ~
The menhayeaUreOeivedeiglU months
been especially
■adaptfaf-’town extwmely^awfHahd
ale oT the trqppa-is unequalled..,j|Tue
gemUs andvigorof Bherrriaawfuibar
ry: the artoy - triumphantly' through;
the work it haa tb do/ Oh Monday
'night last Hood’s entire farce,- inclu
ding Forrest'* cavalry; 'Were ,in| the;
-immediate neighborhood of Tuscum<
biaaiid Florence. Ala,, watched fey a
body of troops undbr command of ilaj.,
(rdtf GeOrge H. ! Thomas, Of r 6uch
strength as will renderthoinvaeionof
Teionhasee en iih possi hi I i ty, and even
the withdrawal of Hood-’for service
else whOTc an operation of extreraeideU
icaoy. - : A ' ■'• 1 . r •,■
The Richmond Sentinel, generally
looked ppon as Jeff. Oavis’ organ, has'
thd following: '•The war news’ = ex 4»JV and'teiU of aotivityioys J
erywheye. The l
hi stead of passing away in peace, -is to'
expire itrslorm. The IStb.ofNovetn
bor is here, and winter- has given am
ple warning that he is, pot iar bobifid
hie time; Yirg’hia new.moves
menta are on foot, and in Georgiajand
Tennessee vast campaigns, singularly
complicated, are -in process of devoU
opment.”- . v .... | ’ 'n
About Sherman’s movementtlie Sen-'
tinel says: : : , L ’| : - ; - h-jf.i'"'
’y “The first point marked {Re capture
by Sherman, is Mucoh, distanijfom
Atlanta 10E 1
are informed that bo is next to move
on Savannah,. 190 miiesfroni A£» ion,
and .upojn ,Cbarl«Sftou, 200 inline'far
ibor, ana 'perhaps%ugusta; IGI miles
Iroin Macon, by rail i» to,form a point
.in- tbegrand tpur^-,Haying resolved
upon suejb a marcU,Sherman has pom
milled hjimsolf tbit by tearing ujfthe
railroad'behind him as farifayk ;M>All
atoot.a, and by destroying the bridge
Over this Chattahoochee—a singular
m-oenuylar, to be sure. Since, bis peo
ple at home have hcardnolbing from
him, wd hope. they, nayer wiil affalri.l
‘Hi is the, speculation of Some ijhat, ]
iastbadrjof marching upon Sayapnahj
and: Charleston, Sherman will .ipuVc'i
torilonigomery audilobile. .r! : '.-j
Sas ‘Fkanci seb, Noy. ‘ 14. ■ . i
lonilor Camancbe was success- j
inched'tp-day.' The ' Canan
lie of the’first batch of niuni-1
ijwas built by SecoV&Co-j uu j
rinieodeiice of Gbo . : Birkb<ack, j
.•racy City. She Svas placed |
i of the ship Aquilja, and smit |
{‘‘the Hpfn,” arriving at iSan
9p on the lllh of SbveinT«er,-l
o,u> utj? oven)ber,lSit)3,
the prevalence of a very; severe
ia Aquil'.a sunk.!having pjvpr
r anchor arid stove a hole' in
ora, and both vessels sunk in
rty feot of water. It was not
ore the contractors sel to work, i
pieces-were removed Iroin the ’
essel and landed sate -on shore, j
iiaddapsed flacking two days), ]
s Cainanci.e iis “completeV and
floating monument of!Ameii
srpriso'and of the growing im
e of our navy. ■ ) j;
is it
fully (ail
tlio ii bl
tors, aVui
llio nupei
Jr., at j|
on boarc
ga}o, tb
rode bei
her botti
about il
long bcf
and tlie
bilged vli
A year, 1
and the
afloat, r
can on'. !
Uel nommittM report*, Iho t'ol
destruction by Sheridan: JTJiir*'
bouse*, four hundred and
.rns, thirty-one mill*, three fao
ind one .furnace, buriiod;! one
■ A -Tl^l
lowing i
fifty bm
lories r
and tori
and. k«'
ber qf ll
nine th!
ij mile* oi fencing, one hundred j
iu! bushels of wheal, “fifty- 1
ud bushels of, corn; sis.' thpus.
M ol buy, destroyed, one ilious-l
| voii hundred cattle; largo .num
liorsos. foivr thousand
umsand liogs carried off. J ■!./ ;
WAsniNdios. iiov.'ii?!. >
sport of the- death ofi Gen.
from Cairo, ia discredited:
New York, Nov. 21 : . .
oil providing a
Dinner to Solrtiewi and
have, mot with" si great.siiccessi
thousand pounds of: poultry
Iroady been sent to
fleetj 6,000 to. Shcri
rnij*, and 150,000 pounds; of
r, besides immense. quantities of
ies. to army pf. Potoinad and
Mbro yet Ujlo he sentj It
tbo.sura Of 650,000 has been re
-]. ■ r|-
havo a
dan’s a:
■ A
Kp'ociaf to the. Timet ’dated iVasb
iug|toii|2lßt*savB Burnsidd lie* re-,
lurpeil to ill at city from the army. It
is expected by military men here that
Sherman'ii movement will, bring on qp-
along tDe whole Upo, both in
Virginia and the West. . ’ .
yhlorday’s Richmond papers ■ con~
taih no news trom -Georgia. They
are| undoubtedly nhder strict condor-* prevent & panic.
I I WASSisotos'Noveniber 1 15.
■>*■ i ' '-1 1 ■ ' ; t \ ■<, ;■
'Ehe President formally accepted
ot Gen. McClellan, to
data; from the Bth inst. Genj -Phil.
Sheridan was appointed immediately
Ma|br General in the regular artntvto
fill the Tachney thna occasioned hy'nie
feifgnation ofGen. McClellan. -Sher«
idap was bdt a captain in the regular
arnjy before hispromtltion to-day. j f
I jV I : r-.-f- t 1 ' 1
To CubbDoosof Wobstino Sheep.
—Yoke two stont.rams toa stick four
-'feeldong and tie thedog to the banter
between .the rams and let them; dtag;
biip abooi .- the fields. If that does
not!|pnre bim,die hiro neek and heels,
fn'#j(atew«v 4l»d race a (Joels of sheep
ovorlbfm a few. times {so clo*ely|that a
feW j>f them mnat tramplein'pon him;
apdj be will thereafter. have, nO;de«ire
to borne near
the smell o! wool.-?. -
i* ;
s I
New: York .Nov. ■'■l7.
i%. I-''; : 1
1 l-.’l,
; '•s.wißiafivov W- 1 i ?'s' e^?a,<! '». relieve ~;,i
natohand Restorer of wasted or Inert Tune-; dtsittrljanesra dt th^p o rh>,j’ c VI - lHi. oat Ms
THiiSSf— , .Beaming from ,i.
: , ,f,The aged should be certain to make the| Bio- "W : act ! >ke h .charm in
kfenoa household god, inasmuch as it will at ypeompany difficult
reader .them "youthful 'tir Teelihg- .and .' in L Bt , rua ; 1 ® n ’ *"d arc the c, n i T
■etrehgth,' end enable them tplive over agjin 1 ff m ”Jf or F'uslies, ," n,J >!.
thedays of their prislinejoy.' Ithotonlyei- ~e, ,e “?W Back, and Si le*. p. >, c "■. Vf <;
hilaratee '.strengthens, and is really an in-.i ~c a, r t- *lt rTon, l 'Tiemors, 'i. ‘r l! * : :on.;.
valuable blessing* especially .to thosej who {.Broken. Sleep, and other ur,ii,V >r<C! ' Ss i
have been reduced to a oondition of servility, ’ gorous-effects of ah, u’rmatn r ™t" a " snd
selfabuse/ misfortune, 1 or ordinary sickness. j tho sexiial functions., ] n US
No matter what'the cansepf the impotency'pf i k°C l . , d^^>Or-VVhitcs,iLie^ t jf " rir>! <»•-.'
any hnman organ.thiasuperb preparation i. J)k ‘ CheeHfiTVtan’c »• intti !r
will remove the effect at onoe and forever. „ ' man s remain
, r : n, .■ ■■ f . • . 1.. ]:. ■ . Have,been used oveuV or,', - -
-f « ■ •gPf.O^TOiaJ© 1 '," •• kt,, ;Tberwre offer. <* Vy,
Garys Tuipotenoy, General' Debilify, Nervous of renewing ..interrupted ni Pr ,' s:ii -’*
Incapacity, Dyspepsia,, Depression.: Lpse 1 of, Ladies must hear in
Appetite, Low Spirits, weakness of the Or 1 - condition of the ■‘ M . 1 ’ u ' fr c.,
■gens of Generation,. Imbecility, Mental Indo- | Bills - cannot be taken w’ifh lu Emaciation, Ennui.' It has a most de-.\P‘ e V lia K V**iU The !c.„u«u™
Ugfitful, JfetiraiU and notxl effect upon the ner- 'pregnancy— ths result, ni« i~
yous syrteinj and allwhosreltt any way. pros- ; the linesistible tendency
tratedl-by nerve ns disabilities are earnestly 1 restore) the sexual - funaions
advised to seek a core in this most expedient [dhion/ that even ,tho ’repr odub.; 'tij.
and unequalled preparation. . - j- iI, j nature; cannot resjst it. "• T/.^,
j ' Persons who, by imprudonoo,hav'e IqSt their j' n any, other way. ! '~ w '
natural' cijer, Will find a'speedy and; perma
nent core in the - ...
[ Bloltrenei > *
t[ ! The Feebje, the Languid, the Uispaifin'g.the
iold should giro this valuable u trial;
it will be found totally different from all other,
articles'for the same purposes./ p’
■ TO FEMALES.—-This preparation isiia%’a!-
uable in weakness of ill kiudsj as jt
will restore the wasted strength with wondcr
i full permanence. ! . j
. It is also h grand tonic, and will giye.rclicf
to Dyspepsia wt-h the first dose. A VriqTper
sistence. jn. its use will .renovate the stomach
to a degree of perfect health audjbantsh Dj-s-
I pepaia fofeTcr. j ", '•! .
I : One dollar per Bottle, or aix bottleafdr $5.
! Sold Sy Druggist generally. i-,
: Sent by ; express anywhere, by addressing
; 1 11UTCULSGS & II ILLY RR, Proprietor*.
].• : ,| .81 Cedaii iNew ydBK,
: ! J®*Sold( at Marquis' Drug store. Roches
ter, one dodrbelaw Pott Office; I' ‘ [nov23;ly
' - ''! ' ! 1 j 1‘ \
A Complete Pictorial History of the 1
“Unquestionably the best ‘ Sii.
- work (MheJUnd rn lite-. Weri
I' ■ . u a u v>: irh
: . S-E 0--V XI i L Y" r -M-'A fr.\Zl.
;■ C".. .-M*- .* v .v.) -.7 :}.* Pre*i.
li is jws' forettlosvMiiyaiinc of tjj*- d.i
•i,TIiC uresjde never htyl.ti,m.,irc delightful c
j panion,,iUr >Ee* million, a iu.,re entelgriii
■■'■friend; thait, Harpers Magaxlno.~i r e,‘.
: UiiU'u-Qnvej,
!: The ml)*!, popular Monthly iu the y; 3r :,
f .Vw York'Observer.
' We must refer rn terihtj of .ra’ icT t .,
jhigujtunc, auci varied excellent. of UC;-
';Maoazi*e —a journal will* a wont
I'tiou of about 170,0011 copies—ill n-liJ.i.
I a{b to be foundsomc of .the clioiM-i
rgehersl reading of’lha d*V.. IVs spes,
!<;work.a» anevidence of the Ascrieie
Tand the popularity it \u acqulr-d w
•jiESeh.. number flouiaine fupv H ifi\
Orra ing-mat tar, appropriately it'cg-.r:,;
-good wood cuts; nad it* conibiue; in to
?racy monihW land the mire, p7ii\>-
1 quarterly, Win Jed .with thei best
IThe daily. It KEs great power
i iriaticrn of a love of pure- s,
STIBSCRIPTIONS- ' ' sxn'i GUW' to .Im-Tinr. f.y*r>vtm. lit y
■ i. The vuluiuos bound constitute c ; :;?;■;
ICsK>sl>* ~ , .Oa-library of miscellaneous- rsa-l-ti.j -d;
!i’ The Publishers hare perfected a system of: fa.tnd in .the sihie
mailing by which they can supply the MAOA-y o, kf r ( Publication that *?“ c ' ,a - ““ , ' r
j iisi and tVBEELY promptly to those who pre-' D °y. co ' Courier. ■ ■.
! for to receive their periodicals directly from ; ■{ ■ r *.' ■ , —— .
I the Office of Publication. Postmaster- an ’ SUBSCRIPTIO-TS- .
ojhers desirous of getting up Clubs ill bt' in'ip
supplied with a-handsome picloriil Show-bill - . ' IOyO.
on epplieatiou. -. 1 j ' The Publishers have p-r!e::tci »"!•
1 | The postage bn UAnrsn’s Wkeßw is 20’ maylingiby which they cuti siiptly t.'
j cent’s a year, which mnst bo paid at the sub-; *i»;e and V! ceklt yromp-jii to tun* *P
! BCribcr S past-office. -fer’to receive their.pcriuoicals'dire- ■; •
} - * ' |l thi jojffico of publication ‘
! , , r . Terms ; postage on llAipsa't -
[ . Habpsu's Weekly, one year’........ .$4 00 j.ccnts a (year which imt.ifne paio stiti. 1
I An extra Copy of either of Weekly or MaO-I; > cr^jer * post-office. • , ■
i A2INE will bo supplied gratis for every Club;*' ; ' i- ' V
lof Five Subscribers at $ 1 OOcach ihonere-'i J • Terms- .'i
tuittanco: or Six Copies'for $2O Oil. . j IlAErrn’* MAOAZt.vsh otie year
I ' 'BibleNumbers supplied at any time, j. An Extra copy of eitli ir.tiif 't W‘
if The Annual Volumes of llAhPEn's W,EpKLr, | Weekly will be .erippMed vrtS,; ■'
1 i v
"The hut, theapetV, and moet tiicr. ts/al, Famibj :
"Paper in the Union," 1 ■ L' >■
'<■ -■ ■ ; '-lj ' •
-Harper’s 'Wereltl^-,'
Critical Not eet, of he Prut.
“The best Family Paper published in the
Union.”—[Sew London Advertiser.,
“The model! Newspaper of our country—
complete in all the departments 'Tan Ameri
can Family Paper—ll* kper s Weekly lias
earned for itself a right to its title ‘a .Journal
Civilization.’ " —[N. Y. Evening Post. .
, .“This Paper furnishes the best illustrations.
Our future 1 historians will enrich themselves
out of Harper’s Weekly long.aftcr writers, and
printer, and publishers are turned to dust.”—.
JTf, Y. Evangelist.. \ . ; 1
“A necessity of every housholdl"—[Boston
Transcript, - ';
- “It is at once a leading political and histor
ieslannalist of the nation*”—[ Phil. Press.
“The.bebt of Us class in America,”—[Bos
ton Traveller. ' ’
in cent cloth binding, will bo aunt by .express; 'Cliib of Fly* Scb’scribsrs -i_; bb'. :l
free of expense-. forsboo. A complete'.Set.;j remittance; OrSix \
pomprising Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of; Backj numbers can be mi; f i; 4 '
Cash, at the rate of $4,50 per. vol.. freight at ;j. A Complete-Set, nbtr.cuiafbiui •*'
expense of purchaser j Address" . ; j nine Volumes, in neat ctota Myl |*i *
'• - IIAB.PEK3 i: BROTHERS, ; sent bjr|express. frsignt at r
• ' ' FbaskiajiKjiwVobk, ’ chaser. 1 for s2' 25 .per t.>lata<.i
r umes, by, mail. postpaid.. $3 uU' l ' :'-
for binding, 58 cents, by inail. J
dress I , '' .
• ] j HARPER A IjllOTilK- 5 _
'I j .
: - . , .a 1
Valuable Beal Estate.
Bt virtue of an order of Orphans’. Court; '
of the County of, Beaver, 'he undersign- '
id will exposer, .to sale by'Public Vendue or;
out-cry, on the premises, on - ‘ L r
I . - THURSDAY, pee. 29,'A, 1564, J
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described!
real estate of Kobcrt Moore, of South Beaver j -
township, Beaver county; Pa., dcc’d.i situate ;;
in said township and county aforesaid, hound-',
isd.and described as follOws,'to wit Beginning ,
at a stone,-thence by land of Montgomery,;
Hartford and Daniel M’Ctea's hcirsjsoutii 1“ ;
■west porches to a'stone, thence by land i
of Wm. M’Kee south 86 cast . 136 8 porchesj
to a stone, thcnceiby land of Andrew McCloy ;
and John'MeDade north A 0 east 191 3 parches j
to a’stone, thence by lanpof Wm. M’Kee nor!;
87J a west 135 perches to the place of begin- j
ping, containing 160 acres and 1481 perches,
I ’strict'measure, on which are erected one large ’:
frame dwelling-house, hiigh, flp’e i
I hawed log tenant house, 17 by 18 feet, hewed >
log barp, 60 by 28 feet; about 130 acres clear- j
ed and in a good state of cultivation; .There;
is on the land over 200 bearing apple and
peach trees, .with a four feet vein of'coal,un
derlying nearly the whole premises. | ■
Txnjts.—One-third of the purchase money
outhe oonfirmayon of the sale by. the court,
balance in two equal, annual from
that date, with interest thereon ffom same
time,and to be secured by bond and mortgage;
Adm’r. of said I dec’ll.
If,OTIC Ef ]
LETTERS; of administration on the es
tate of| Okoboe;F6x, late ■ «f 1 Hanover
; township, Beaver ct>, dec’d.having becngmnt
;ed to the undersigned, ait persons indebted le
saidestate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against,said
estate will present them, to the subscriber
properly authenticated foraettlement.
WILLIAM f OX, Adm’r., >
-n0T23’64 : , r Hanojver tp,
''ttstßATOß'S KO'i.
■ *>-ation on tbi
LEXTERB of sdministretion on the eeUi*
township, Besrer co., deo’d, hsrtotbeen is
sued to the undersigned, nil persons indebted
ere required to mskeimmdUtepsjnientv end
those hsring slsims wili preseni them, prop
erlr sotbestiosted foe settlement, t l-‘
. i JAMES SMITH, Adin'r..-
- «owSS‘«4 :■ x -..--V'T ;■ ■ /
■ 5
Dr. Cheeseman’s Penial*
Are ih ? only iweoioni.ih* nu .J. '
la<iiu have relied upon f OC-ClS j " K'A
■ rely upon now. Uucare
frills form-the iW. i-wCr ’
\‘warit; with :tfymediafe and ~%C
Bruggisi. and u-11 fc> : ,
■pteanl the ItU ; and ; nuirt' rdwhU■ f„\ / ‘.A
j in, the icorld, which » tp.mpa-A'it'
1 Dr. CheesemaiTs Female
11, They Skqe received, t.ti.Ure ‘
j mg thesancuim Arthe mostWrifrpi''
•in America; j j, r t . A v’’
; [ Explicit ■ Directions into l'-’
1 pri.ce, .Orfs Dollar : per bos'; cutnkJl!
50 robo pills J ' ■ ’
Pills, »e«Uy mail, c.-ea;,,-.' -' (At
the price- (6 the IVicrii-tory!; AAC
iedr Agfent, in current-' funds.!
gists generally',', • * <v .‘
i 81 Ceiitr street, Nes f.-'-
uini lltr'.i i.-
Smith, - Bridgewater; Dr. Maro-.!-J 'o
llunnen.'KbiSester: John M-ior->; li-i,?'-"
by all Druggists ul XsAUrightou. .’i'A
Quarterly Statem
■■ . 'j, Beaver Cc
i iJumm'l
I- * ' RKSUI HVt
Notes anti bills disoOnnti‘i|,
U. 5.6 percent. coupon Iwin
Furniture,aud oflice fixtort
Due fro& other bunks.
Notes and checks of other
U.,3. Treasury
Coin in Tiult....'. • •••
Capital ituok
Notes in circulation.
Due depositors
Due tb'e Commonweal^*
Contingent funds
Dividends unpaid...;...
"I certify thattbenboVo n
correct according to tlie b.i
and'belief, i ' EbMi
Affirmed and subscribed
day of t
■ ' • 1 -!• % .
1' Dividend ~, ~: i .
i , J-i B\sK-or -
j• ' • fjNew Brishlon. ; j"' T -, ;
i rr\nE President and I’y' 00 * or .P,i-it'ENi
|. X bar* I tills day‘declare * . ,g
-fFoORPER 1 CENT, R| 1 *1 j
of the profits of the cP f e ‘'e= !
ito Stockholders or their legal l P
! .. demand-free of
norfl/Bd ■*■'•' L——
■ .^.BANk;or.BtAvr,aCo
■ ; •. 3leirßns|>»»-i ieSt(
NOTICE is hereby g> Ten 10 c ■ „|
of the Bank of Beaver h
conformity with the.set / ,
thit Commonwealth s -beto'n- ■ - c r
parpott of under- to p;
■ ted Slatee" approved Aug -■’'bes* 11
provisions of Ihe said '*. w r° ia f i* 1
plied "with. and the . D .; r | a rt ' t dc4i»
. bava r 'tnade the requiatte j.
i Cotahtroller. of Currency,|mp“ ,
jl.^eftt r hoo^
* .
ent ofB;
t-3- . rt
L act.!*# > |;'
U* : v
itiS;..;..— ;,
;; l
$2J3."iV K
jjll) ' ;
i l)e‘.-i'» “ftr
.b.-s« sr * pc :