1 U VI w {'We, the undersigned Mayors, hereby ccr that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and , of cur Bevwnd cities haye slsneJ, I ‘cj daeajnerit of aasdraateto tm that AYBBIS -iSAB&APABItiLA haaboea found tu be . .-4, rettßift- of great excellence, 1 and worthy ; bittfid&ttie of the community^* I '- iowJ JAMES-coozifi'■■ ■ j ' i'-', 1 ,; Mayor of, TjbvtELL, MASS. foul ALBIN BEARD, ■ ■ 'Mayor of NASHUA »• H 'Hoik e. vr. harbinoton, ' . • ; | .Mayor of MANOHESTBB. N. H. ’ HOMf , t OHN ABBOTT; ■r ; ."I| ■ Mayor of CONCORD, W. H. V; ioif!/ a. h. bullock, t : . I 7 . .-f Mayor of WOBCBSTEB; MAM. HOHi NATH'S SIL33EE, ■ . : IT',. ' ; j v Mayor of SALEM. MASS. HON. P;VW. LINCOLN,^Jr., | / j Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. m M. R6DMAN, TT . j Mayor of PBOVtDSNCE. H. t : Hdli. AMOS W. PRENTICE, . | A | Mayor of NORWICH, GONN. feONij J. Jf. HARRIS; . ••-■{ Mayor of NEW LONDON, COHN. MON. CHAS. 5. ROSIER, j- i Mayor of MOHTBEAL.O.tE. . ‘ HOY. D. P. - | j. | , feyor of HilW' XOHK (OTT. f* feoN. n. M; KINSTjREY, I ( Mdyor of HAMILTON,'O, W ‘ ON. ADAM WILSON, | , Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. JfION. R. M. BISHOP,' | . -Mayor- of CINCINNATI, X)HIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, . . | Mayor of I.6UipVXLLB, iKY. ■ ; MON.' JOHN SLOAN, 1 1 ■ T 1 : j|. , Mayor of iteONS, lOWA. HONj JAM3ES McPEETERS, ] j Mayor of BO.iVMAHraLE, C. W. HOJjIjAMES W- NORTH, - j J. ■ " May.or of AUGUSTA, ME. itoNr. HENRY "cooper, Jl\, I ll Mayor of HALLO WELL; MB. • MON. JAMES s. :besk, , ; • of VHEDERICTON, N.. B. WPELARD NYE, ; ' - ; T Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS'. : HON. J. ELAISDELL, , ■ r ’ t >. j /' \ I Mayor of FALL HIVES. MASS. - UQS. |w.' H. CRANSTON,.' > • T' fe Mayor of NEWPORT, B. I ' HONi' PiRED STAHL, ] ■ Mayor of GALENA, ILL. jION. JOHHTHODGDEN, T S Mayor- of DUBUQUE, itiWA. fv \ kpN/ THOMAS : CBU' | Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TEN IT. |ION. ROBERT BLAIS, I i| - Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. fiosr. H. D. BAUGH, 1 I M iyor of MEMPHIS, TENN. GERAED STITH, f i. I' Mayor of NEW- ORLEANS, LA. lion 7 h; d. sceawton. , r. Mayor ,of HO CHE3TEB, r R, a l, l &0N: DE WITT C. GEOVE, Mayor of O'XTGA, ». T. UOll. GEO. WILSON, v ; L j Mayor of PITTSBURG. PA: jaONhc. H. BUHL, ! ' { . | 1 ' Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HGnL HEMAN l. PAGE,' j, -i, Mayor of MUxWAtTEEB. WIS. HON, •#. W. VAUGHN, - , Mayor Of RACINE, WIS. ! |ion. a, pare, i i ■ .: i V j -| . . i Mayor of KBSOSfIA, WIS. IhQnl JOHN C. HAINES, , I Mayor of j CHICAGO, ILL. |HoN. 3i. j: a, heath, I - I j -Mayor of SELMA, ALA. .;V,.l ‘ fHONI £: % s. NOBLE, H I Meyor of MONTGOMERY, AtA. fnoNii w. s. hoLtbad, , > ■ j ;; <■ , 'Mayor of COLtTMBtTS, GA. •f>ON ESEARTEEO MANUEL, ■ - I Mayor of VERA CRDZ. DON i rIETBB' DE f C ABALLO, ‘V ' MEXICO. ' I Mcyor.of. DON ESTEPHANIE RODSIGDES, jSlr.yor cf HAyANA. DON ANTONIO- EbHEVERA, . ’ LSa-yor -of LIMA, LiALO 1 ' DON M. G.'MIIiANGNO, 1' '"T ' kaypr of VALi'AHAISO, OHiTjT. ■ DON JSAEO SESQ.UIPEDALIA-, ‘ 1 Masop of >IUO,. r fAif£lßQ,- BiiA2lL f Certify, tlict S5-.0 roi-i ’er.c have f : ri : -*7l caf-urad t-i Mat _; [ !_ ! Ayer’s garsapaijiila * Is nxiercelleht remedy, rind -worthy |thb con-" * i fcdc-ilctr _•£ the ccniii.uuity. v |For Sju’iUf; DtaniCß. i' • j Tor Paylfj-lng the B1ojp:I> . V y:Vkr Scrofula cr. King's* Kvtl‘, ]' Pttr T.nmor, Viter*.’ ,,v ,• Fdr Rru;itiou« ; (>n cf Ik* iUmU 1 - j' . The MayOTB of the chief ei.tfesof the TTni j feed States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Chili, pern, Brazil, llsvieo, and in fact Al in oat til the cities on this continent, have Signed this document, to assure their people -j what remedies they mayueo with safety and i oomldencc. pint onr space will only admit a portion of thptn. ■ Ayer*& Sarsaparilla, s Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, and j; ' . y Ayer's Ague Cure, -r- Vt • , jjIiKPAIICfirDT ... . - r, A.€r& Co., ‘ -1 xowI&l, wAss.r r.-y 1 _■-j ’. t p and yj d,i;y T '-*v-'-.i j ■ cvrrr wilt re. ■ , - 'y&£ixt€ir,a,i)d 111. fn feed a foUr cylinder.-printing «i»BJ*lcdjeflly 4 at- tho Pittsburg ■ I QJtttte . -*- i - : ■'■l !'■'■( " ’ ■ | . ■ ' | ■ i ; ' *■ ■ I "VA,«rr '<■ r'.hit..:-.. » r “This ia t satirical JoarnaLwe 1 and really iolever it if. ■ good-temperedi and no soul is its own—wbi< soul. *; of yasitr JFais^ rfpro juo.is fit for ' ij. Crayon.’ ‘ ; : special! The eery marked and ' has. thus | far attendc ■ ■ j , “Vaaix* Enables the publisher'] the commencement of I sued.this day, 30th Jui Literary and Artistic, w will increase the ralne per, and Ifnlly maint unanimously accorded Comic Jourk j VANIT . .. ISSUED regular! and is for Sale by all office of Publication, New York. Three dollars a .cents single copy. , , TERMS F( Two lilies ofiViCS. "one address'for f Five c0pie5.......!. * ■ Ten' copies. Aii Extra copy will!' 'up of every Club of ni This papier is Eleo may be procured atan , I L( Publisher for the Pro ’ MAIE. EEMOKEST’S . i j Quarterly Minor ot Tashionflii '..‘With Great Improvement* and Addition*, J TUI SUMMER SfUMBER COKTAIJTB I FOUR LARGE .j J SPLENDID FASHION ELATES, THREE FULL-SIZED [ • PATTERNS Of’ DRESSES, - j'! J : , -coMPElaiso Tin! , . New French Waist, Elegant Sleeve, -aSaiS ‘ Misses Sack, artda Sheet of New' , . and • Beautiful BRAID AND EMBROIDERING, PATTERNS. Together with nearly 100 Engravings of ' | all the . novelties' for , t v Summer Bonnets; Cloaks, Trimmings, / Children’s presses, &0., And valuable information to Milliners, Dress l Makers, Mothers, Ladies'generally, pre senting the largest and^best Fashion Maga zine in the World, published 473 Broadway, N. Y., and sold: 25 cents,'or sent I>y mail, post free, ;on receipt of the am’t in stamps or silver.' (Year $l,OO with the fol lowing , • 1 Each yearly .subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from designs in the book, or from the show room, or they maybe or dered and sent by mail any time during the year, by paying postage. ■ ‘ i - lndnce&onts to Canvassers. , lj%»Bummer No. m)w ready. J GLOEXO tf S NEWS! 2foi from\tHe Army but -front the Town . _ or j leaver. \.- . i , New SI oe Store.- I ! THE subscriber N -oiiTif re-pctfully i:;fcrT tbe citizens of li -&ver County that, in ad dition to his -rrell selected stock of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS nn.l GENTLEMENS FURNISH ING GOODS; Ijc has lately purchased. a well selected stuck of BOOTS and SHOESoi 1 crery kind and variety, dy stock ,is the larges I. ever brought fa the County; atitj I aw detenu-' ined to sell “cheapci than the cherfpest . thCsigtt of the -‘Big Hat.” [ 1 Sept/.CTi:t. j_ ■ I. N. ATKINS ICE CHE In Bri<| r if JHE subscriber hi * and modern at-j SALOON, his house] and. Mulberry Streei .Cakes and cf all kinds, . const ORBBfiS FOR : Sv ; . FI. . May 25,j18M-^4t IGEiCRE/ THE subscriber li .with his CONK , ICE CRB in the North-East where persons .can share'of the public p • ruay&,.’Gs the said election the county] ns follow Estate of Jol T ETTEBS of .adnii IIIDRIK, 1 ship, 'Bdnver'^Count been granted 1 to the indebted,to said estf immediate payment, against the same iri Authenticated for'-set ME je2o’64 I , t.mT' TVotaz', j OFfl B. CHAMBER! {Near the Prot BROADWAY, ' BEAVER PROMT attention EXEMPTION'] connected iwith thp, i lered,, ackno wledgmc A Qentleman cure* competency, Premat Error, actuated by t will be happy to fur (free of charge) the i making the aimpie ] Those wishing to pr« possess a Valuable I same, by return mot addressing ■ - NoGONa ahgl&Sm : - EXEQtJTP WHEREAS, thi bisna county tbe_ undersigned! letli estate of. Horatla N Columbiana, county, .knowing thpmaelyei are requested - ’ to n i land -thoee has preseutkhaiß Uenreni.» - t~ j;lV6l ■ : i.■'f'tilv. -<0 ■ I bee,had inrAmorioa—' • Jt . il both sharp and A afraid ttaaythat its ;h ah owl itbat ■H: haa a i be flat! Vfl know whera ; m that' baa something nere .fotou."—AU4tifo test... i VTravei&r. vs' idneteA by a; TiTaeiou*; orpsof journalists.”— . aninddeitoe as Uiat df kulon TmtUtr. j j : > msolf • laughing ai t\e ind does not retora t reason,, and spoils.’”— NOXJCB , i.- flattering snoodes which id the publication of Path,” to announce that; with -he Second Volume, 10, i ill be Introduced, which f and interest of the pir . kill the; prond position ;o it, as the leading . it, or America. ! T FAIR IT ETEBT TBUBSBAT.- 1 Newsmen, and at the No 113 Nassau-slreet, SIS: | , i ahum, in advance—Six Im CLUBS: nc Fair will- be sent' to ,r..;...;..:-.i...-...:56 oo . oa" ie allowed to the getter-, t less than dive copies'. ‘ rotyppu, and lumbers 7 time. I ! j 1 UIS U. STEPHENS, irietovs, 113 Nauaau-sl. . New-York. . > r " MSALOON 'gewater. is fitted np,' in] an elegant flc, for an ICE CREAM' pn ibc corner of Bridge I Confectionaries, ' antly sept dni hand. . ■ICE PROMPTLY 1 [/LED. ;;■■■■ , • FREDERICK WALZ. ,M SALOON. is opened, ini connection JCTIONAfIY,| an: , Ul SA LOOX, I :orncr of the Diamond, be iiccommodaied. A itrcnago is solicited. FRL’P’K. WALTE I! 3. ‘ L will be held 1 through ■n Imbrie.dec’d. i uisCration on the estate of if®of Big" Beaver town ty, Pehba., dec’d, having undersigned,! all; persons ite are requested ko make snd those halving- claims ; 1 present them properly I tiement. | ■{ L. IMbRIE, I Beaver, SJ, IMBRIE, Darlington, v .‘ - Administrators. Accord; r I*ixl>lic. C« WITH , IN, ATT’Y AT LAW, at Marsha'' : k'ce. vew ~':U 7 oyr COUNTY, PA. given to the drawing of ’APERS, and" all [matters iraftf'alsq oaths adminis ntstakenjftc., &c. [dels I of Nervous Bebility,-In ure Decay and Youthful desire to benefit others, lish tp all w’hoi need it eceipt and directions for lemedyussd in his ease, hi by] his experience mud emedy—will receive the , (carefnllyi sealed,) by JOHN B.- 06DEN, ■ »au Street, New York. - :r T -V , >R’S NOTICE, f | probate Coortdf Colum r,o.. barings .’granted to cre 'testamenfary da'tbe te o f Pw? tp. Ohio, dctfi, all pettrons . mdebled.to said' estate Me" immediate payment,, sisu'egaust ibe eame sHll ■ lyautbentjeawd, fori«t T s. barker E* I*., 1 *., Krv Bri|hfcm J- ■ _ 'V*. 1 fi 1 • Ms&JtVfiStSfTSS i'i ini ■ f jwh it iwj'pu Jg> r _ _jpaw jg... js, the dirt' with the prater from the clothes* leaving! themdrjer, fvhiter* and smootherthan when •jwhing” by hand. jThe water can be pressed from large and small articles, easier, quicker, and.mpre thoroughly than by theror dinaryJ back-breaking, wrist straining, and'clothes destroying'process.— The Cog-wheels’ prevent all “wear , and tear” ofciothesbythe friptlon of the rolls, or break ing of Stitches by twisting! ■, Without CogJwheela, the whole strain of forcing! the cloth through If he Machine Is put upon the lower roll,] and the cloth is made to act in ibe place bfj Cog-wheels, to drive the upper 'rjoll, causing |a much greater' strain up pn the lower roll than when Cog-wheels, with oijir Patent Begulatpr,are uked,besides the ex- tra stniin upon the wanted in everyl toi offered/ anil exclus! . * «: I . ' > i -3 • r ; Vi May jll, ’64 - J; lerS. it; ipo Clothes Wringerin HopewjeHi ludepen and Hanover. i -.— cloth: .{A Good Canvasser n. Liberal inducements re'sale guaranteed. BROWING, Agent. ' . 17 Brodway, New York. XI. G. WOLF, Agerlt, Borough township. . D is I.Vgent for Univorsa the Townships of Moon, ilence, Raccoon, Greene, MARRIAGE. TTS 1 ivcs andhoilca, -sorrow; and angers, I hopes and fears,! regrets and; Joys; MAN HOOD, how, lost, blow restored;, the nature, tr.eatnuut and radical cure of spennsten-hoes or seinipal wealoieia;' involuntary, emissions, sexual lebility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness, consumption, fits, mentariand.physical incapacity,’ resulting frdin SELF-ABUSE—2-are! fully explained in jibe ’MAUKjLAQE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M, D. This mpst extraordinary book should be in the hands pf every jypting person contemplating 1 marriage, and every man or woman who de- tc[ limit the mimber of their offspring to circumstances'., Every pain, disease and ache incidental jto' itdtfih, maturity nnd old age, is fully! explained; every particle of knowledge that snbnld be known is hero given.lt is.full of engravings. lln fact, it discloses secrets that every one should know; still it 1.-i a book that must be locked up, imd uot lie aftbnt ihehonse.. It will [be sent jto Anyone op thn receipt of. twentyt-five cents in specie or postage stam'ps. Address Da. 'WriJ YOUNO, 410 Spruce st., above fourth, Ff.nadelphia. ' , SSSr\-4ffiiclSri and Unfortunate, no matter what may be your disease, before yoii place your self rawer the jeare of nhy of the notorious Qca(-Ss—native or foreign—who advertise in i thisany other paper, get a; copy of Dr. j Yonng'js book, and read it carefully. It. will Ibe the [means of savifig you many a dollar, I your health, and Possibly, your life. ■ j Dn. YOUNG .can'he consulted nh anj of the I diseases, described'in his publication, at his ! office, 410 Spruce Street, above Fourth, I’hila-j j hours from 9 to 3. daily. _ fmarllfl 'HOCECiSTIX • I mm fUA«Ri I MANUFACTORY, ; NOS. 321 EAST TWENTY-TlllKli STREET, ). 'l7|i i 175 .GRANI) STREET ANiKMS | 1 . '• ’cIEVTRE SffeEfeJ i ; ssrxtftJisii.F.n 185!8. N. V. established llOtH, THIp Establish ndnt has been in ’successful djierafiou, for ii-liyears, nndj is the largcsf of the kind in the United Stale's] We have oii hand oWpianufact are; to order eTcryhdescni.t ion of Looiupg-glaes,;ljictureandl , ortrilit Frames, j Plainpnd Ornamental I’ier,.Wall,Oval & Mnnj I tef Glosses, Connecting Cornices,. Dane Tind I Brsewf. Tallies, with Marble Slabs, Toilet 1 Glasses, &c., &c., pie. Monjdit gs for Pftfture j Frames, in lengths suitable for transportulioni i either (Bill, Bel ling, Rosewood, Oak,: Zebra; | ,Birdseye, Mahogany, Ac. Our new rtahufac -1 tory apdexlensiveifacilities enable Uo tu.fnrn- I ish any article ,in''mlr line- as good the best, ! ami asloheap a sti ll B cheapest. - | ■’ Dealers are Invited to call upon us When|hey visit New Y’oi-k. We claim to be able tp supply fo’Supply them with'every arti cle in pur line whit h they can poksibly purchase elsewhere. ‘ J . . ' Orders ,by 'mail • to win promptness. Bo nptfuil to call when you visit New Tfodk. . Office-1 IWarcrooiinl yo. 215 Ce itre St., ,V. I, f I HORACE V. SIGLER, Agcai i LOO May7f ■Smos' THE GREAT CAUSE OF H-i i ini a ii. 3M. is e ij* jy ; Jtfte Pqblixhert in a Staled Envelope Price 6 eit\ A LECTURE BY l)n. CURVERWEU,, DN THE CAtISE AND CURE of Spcrma torrhdea, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debil ly, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body; Lasßitudc; Weakness Of the Limbs and thte Baet';[lndisposition, and Incap icily for st.udy aud Labor; Dullness if Apprf hension; Loss of Memory: Aversion Sp flocipfy i Love of j, Solitude; Timidity; Self- Distrifst; Dimness; Headache, Affections df the Ekes; Pimples on the - fnc.e; Involuntary ■ Emissions,| and 1 Sexual Incapacity; the' Conae qdentjes of youthful Indiscretion, &c„ &c., 1 'EStoThir admirable Lecture! clearly proves that Lp.c above enumerated; often self-afflicted evils, jmny beremoved without medicine arid without' Dbdnrorous surgical operations, and should, be - rSod by levcry youth and every man in the land'.; , | i Sent under seal; to any address,. in a plain -sealed envelope, on the receipt of sftf cents, tir ■two postage stamps, by addressings i J CHAB. J. C. Ktl’Nß d CO., j 127 Bowery,New York. Post Ofl :ce Box, 1586. ; PROF. DAVID GORDON.! HAVING devoted ai number of years lo saeeesssuily earing Wots; Tumors, &d., motives of humanity, offers his profes sional services to the public ofithia«cdunty.4~ His fijjrslem is simple;—inevitably producesTK care Without producing psin td the patient'.'-! -Vo eire no pay! post ofiSce jijt Clinton, Alls i ‘-M '-i u-4~i 1 AME O<>L DPE N CO MPA N Y, of Gold Pens »nc* 111 l Pendl-CMes of *Teryd*»criptloit; rtd i ■ 1 Bole MunhctttTM of ibe , Celebrated j Angular ■ Nibbed Pen. Ajaupplyjiul r*ceiT«d and for bide »t U>« jy2o] Bridgewater: Drug Store. ADMINISTIIATOR’S NOTICE; T ETTEES jot administration on the utata of Joun Mj Towjigmo,. late of Ndw t Brighton, Beaver county, deo’d.,havinr been granted to the tmderaignodj all penwna in debted to aaid oslaU are requested to make Immediate payrjtfnt, and thoae having al.imy agajnat eaid estate .will preacnt them to tie 0«%forU»« property- authenticated for *eT ( i' i ■■ |f'-T -.-T" J i -h, v w *‘»- iaww^UfSf<-\' - _L f V • 1 . I- 0 ===M, ;' r-.1, : .-. ?‘ j; V-*--'. i;’- ii:;i iiiV /.i* r- A4H : ■' S ■:' '■ - ' .jj’i K i • »4*- } ' .w t-%s ••■i’m.-i. uni v i.i 1,-:,-:* 7,-i ;!?ij(T) " - *-'»■*■**" P< lt V i ■’ K '- 1 * ~ !li - ■'• ••. j." .■:■■!* i-.- -*> >-■ ~i> ■as a ,-p,n. u«ij.:. ~u • OARDIRMIIITEItS, ud ualy BmU*- M c h ■o» if j -• ? M'i ■ ' (!■ E.IRJ GARDNER CO., I ■- _ _ *- - ! i- * ' 7 ■" I ’ .v, ■ _j- r ’<' -I: | ; 92 Maritet St., ■'- > "i ■-f .. ,If-■-j ■ "• '•?, ;|- I' ; ■ - iT|csß-crie/C3-i i?; between Fifth at and Diamond: ii :'■■■ j- ' I ■- I; ■ "I ■ ' ‘ : | ■■ !■'V- the liberty toinform our friends of Beaver count ythatwe 4kro large ly-increased our facilities for carrying on the ■ * jy ■ Goodi* Business, v, - -i- ■ : .-‘I!- i,' j r •' ■■ al our old stand. Our entire i&itentifo. will •be demoted to th.c increase of joiir in which the Interest of our customer* Will be sustained and promoted by crcry iKSaii j iii our po.Wjjer* , , !' l Our: stock eill comprise all cpmprice all llic the 'Novelties iu latest ' importa in oludiug-tepps in all colors, plain and figured blacks,''"plain silks in I [all colors,: checkand brocade bilks, Swiss and Foulard silks, all Of which wjs will sell,at such low prices that iioho : can fail to be suited, j ... *, i. ' Our stock will he found replete, comprising over Hundred different styles; in French, French,!,; English, and tyertnait liibWcs,-of:lat est importations, at pricta IA itixt irt ytfirs agh' , | I - ' ! ■ , i; ■: 7 ■• ! . - ■, 1 Cl yak s. s |i avr ls •'•a. ‘ - . • ij - . ' i , j. "" -\j VMiK Uoons. t f ■ j We Blia.ll be in receipt of; dsily from New York, and our assortment, andpribcs, for cheapness, will be found second to none in the city. To this department we eajl particular attention. . ! ' J . ... _ j; ( *• HOUSE FURNISHING IgoOHS: ■■l' 11-T '. T. r- 1 -■ I Linens, sheeting and pillow .linens, tbilet, j Marseilles ind, honey corah quills, in .white, 1 blue and pi nit, napkins, ton ics, linen tablo ioverg, "and Irish- linens, always on band, at the lonesiiprices. ",t CLOTHS, j * tlassimireg in plain arid fancy, union cloths, tweeds,; laltinelt, corduroys, add men and boys wear of all kinds; tbe bcitlstock in the city, at the lowest prices, j |“^ BALM .s of whifel cclebrat custom^': 1 ? - Domeai will bci ' m»r pne place the CHEAP, CHEAP* CHISA3P; •,T - _■ •! j ’'' ! ,•.• ’ I kid\ Cloves and corsets. ' '■ Ji 1 Pcrjni a suitingthe eiiy : ftff'Ae rorpoaa of pprchasipg Dry (foodi, ara raspeetnillyi’fofi* tedto call, u oar "Atira stock; will ba-found! ; : Vstff/EetiraSle to * ■V ' . •;- i I ; .rr ■ ! |r l. I 1 - . ■:; •. ;A- p: ONER 4 SCHLEITER, i . Vl**i * 1 ’’j w* F» Tn Sr*rtr Ajm pu»»rt. j GAB • • , [i i. f M l! ‘I i>-it? ' t '.i i. , I I . -1 - 1 •UCOBSaOBS TO it'- ! > •. r t ;( ' r I ' 1 .. ,' ■■l - v I ■' . SPHING SIIjKS. ; | DRESS -COOps. I ; Mir ; i M ••! .i I ■'j !•' K- • ORili AND HOOP SKI Sts, V. ,i- ;■ .1.1- ■ V wo are the] sole agent, of sorera! idjnakes, which wo will sell to our: -set wholesale prices.' | DOMESTIC |3OODS., i Uic and imported flannels. { Our stock found large, arid j well select ed, and !» will. be' made so moderate as to wit bin reach pf oaeterf | ffOUBNING GOobjsJ ‘ i‘ . . 1 i'-V .•!* sni’tU!5 ni’tU! -I'- ■ (M&WUfi u!.I A j sailors* I I -ioli A. Army or Nary, riuraU'tek*:«*»*i«l ■«•*s Um£ikej-i*-**p\jr «pp^4wJtk L Uwaa.p}li* wdiOtatttMi; iwd mhu* jh% brw «qWi*f» «nd Sailor* har* a«gl*otad t*. mrid*umbi »*lT*HriU>slk«a, no batMr tk«9a iy thair. frianda. ;Jh*yJi%T» Imwym; thfekM*«ftM4fct! ~j r.virj.;,: vV.i- 'COUGHS ANH QOLBBAFMCXINO /TROOPS i Ipaedily iembrei wd.efboliially I 'abrtdbroalngtheae arimiral>le4e«i by .paying proper-attention to tie Direction* whici are attached to each Potox Boa. BICR H£APACaEB AND, yANT OP APPfe TITB INCIDENTAL T080LDCBB& . These feelings which ip saddseuspusnelly arise from trouble or annoyances, -obstructed perspiration, or eating and drinking whatever it unwholesome, than disturbing the healthful iotipb of the llrilir : stomach) . Thrift or gM&inust bb reivove'd, ir you desire, tobe welt The PUlfl.U&ngeOcordingto the printed .ini structions, will quickly a produce a health; action in bothUver and stomachs, and las a natural consequence a clear head and good ap petite; - .V- , ]• WEAKNESS OB DEBILITY INDUCED BE OVER FATIGUE, . • - - J . Will soon disappear by tie use] of thesein valuable Pills, [and the Soldlerwill quickly ac quire additjpnal strength.; Never let the .bow els' be either confined or unduly | acted uponJ It may Beem filrango. that Holloway’s [Pills should.|be.recommendedjfor Dysentery add Flux, many persons supposing thntthey would increase the This is la great inis-! take, forthesb Pills will correct tihe'liver and stomach and Ihua rcmove all the acrid humors from the system. ' This medicine twill give tone”, jind ylpjor to the whole organic system howev-; cr deranged, drllilc health and strength follow! as i matter of. course; Kdthing will stop 'the relaxation.of the Bowels so sdrel as; this fam ous medicine. ■ - ' ■ VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! INDISCRE TIONS OF YOUTH., V I -' Sores and .doers, Blotching* and SwelliugsJ can with certainty be' radioally cured if the PiHa.are taken inight ' and morning, and the ointment bo freely used as stated iS l{s;prlnt ed instructions. If treated in' any other man ner they dry up in one parttobreak obt in ah-! other. . . Whereas this Ointment - will remove the button from the system andlesvethePa, tient a vigorous and healthy than; It; will re-1 quire a Utile perseverance in bad cases to ini sura a lofting cure.. - \ .■!• iF ■-] •; 1 FOR WOUNDS EITHER, OCCASIONED BY. THE BAYONET, OR SABRE OR THE BUd LET;. SORES OR BRUISES, 1 , s To-Which eyety Soldier and Sailor are liablq there are. no medicines' so safe; sure and ctmV yenient as Holloway's Fills and ointment.; The poor wounded and'almost dying sufferer might! harp his wounds dresped’ immediately, if .he] woutd_ only provide himself with this match-! leu Ointment, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around itj then covered with a,piece of linen front bis knapsack, and compressed with >, a ; handkerchief. , Taking night and morning € or 8 Fills, t o cool thd:sys| tern aud prevent incarnation. ; ■ .' / , | \ Every Soldiers kUajisack and Seainan’l : tttest ahcjnldbe provided with llicift.' ealuahlo .Ritthdiie;. v „ :• ; ■ ; ;V J ,k : CAUTION. —None are genuine unless the words “UfoHoicay,. jftw York and London,'* ■ arc disccrnable.as a wate'r-mark|in everv {leal 1 ■ of the book of directions around each put or box; tig stfnte may be plainly seen by holding the leaf la (he light', it. handsome- reward I will be given to any one rendering such informs-- I lion as may lead to the detection ..of any party [ or partic's-couiUcrfcUing thomedicines or rendr ; ing the same, knowing them to .be spnrious. | *** Sold at : tho Manufactory of Processor : lldrxowiT, ,80 Maiden Lane, ; Npw .VTorki, and f by all respectable Druggists and Dealers ip ! | Medicipcs, through out-the civililed world, ,in| | boxes at 25 cents,] 63 cents and $1 each. }i There is considerable ageing by taking : the’darger’-sires.-' . |- i -i| -II N. B.—Directions for the guidance; of paV [ ients in every disorder are affixed to’each box 1 ; i • Uav7. , r:. : . l!' i if-:-,: MIME 000.000 HALE OB FEMALE AGHTS ■; ; I;- TO SF.LE. ‘ i pi Lloyd's Sew Steel Plate' Cattily Colored Map of Ike United skates, , ! ]• ' f , Canadas, and Nctc Bntns'mcki. f ‘ From’recent, surreys, completed Aag. 1(K 1862;’cost $20,000 toengrave it, and (me gear’s time. ! ( - i ' l|' .Superior to any $lO map ever made by Coif ton- or Mitchell, a’tftf ebbs, n't the low price 6f Fifty Cents; 870,000 name's' are engraved in this;map: ■ ■ 1 - j | ■ ' j - «1| It is not only a County map, but it is also a COUNTY & RAILROAD MAP of the II.; 8. & Canadas combined in one, giving Every Railroad SUfio'nnfiddistances between. • .. Ghtrantce woman of mad' $8 to $3 per ‘day,-add-will takeback all; maps that cannot be sold and refund Ithe inontiy. T ‘ Sem} for $1 worth to try. l .'•] ' j ,i Printed instructions how to canvass , well, furnished all our agents. : ! - . Wanted—WholesaloAgents foronr mips in! every State, 'California, Canada! England, Wancc and Cuba A- fortune ;may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. 1 ' A'o corn,, petition. J F.-Llotd, 101 Broadway, S'. Tj. - - The Wa' Department usds' our mip of Vir ginia, Maryland,’ t)rtl' Pen n sy 1 van i a. dost $ 100,- 000, on ’ which is marked Antiet’a'm Creek; Sbarpsburg, jMarylaud rfighls,. Williamsport Ferjy.Bhoversville, Noland's Ford 1 , and all others on the' Potomac,- and every .other place ih the above named Statcs/or money refunded. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF It KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and IL'Li, at the only authority for Gen. Rosecrans add. the Wa# Department. - Money refunded to any one finding am emit in it. ; : j Prom the Tribune, Aug. 2.p “Lloyd's kapof VitoisVa, Marylasdakd PESKsvivAXiAa—The map is very, larger its cost is but 25 cents, anditii thebeet vMch can bepurehtutd." . " || ■ lAoycT» Great Map of the Miuiuippi River.—- From Actual Surveys by CapU.' Borland Wm Down. Mississippi River Pilots, of St.jLouii, Mo., shows every plantation andownWs name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Morlcof -1,850. miles—jeyery. sandbar,. island, .towel,' landing, and all places .20 miles back frpm the riven—colored inlconntles and States, Price, $1 in sheets.. $2, pocket: form; and; $2,50 on linen,'with rollers. ' Ready Sept. . 2Ckj v ’ ’ |: Maty, Department, VTaihington, Sept: .16, 1862.1 : J: T. Lloyd—Sir; Sendnie yonr Mapof;the Mississippi River, wtthVpriee .per hundred. copies. l Rear-Admiral Charles H; Davis, eom manding the Mississippi squadron; is author- Uied lor putoharfnae as retpuredlfo-' useof that squadron.; " - - ' , .’[■• ;; OilDBpN ffELLS." Secretary ofthO Navy'.. | •- .* i ' , I; WOOEEET; FACTOE^ *nlMSWgii«d‘ Cdrftfßg,' fepnßmg,' r Full&i|, ’ finishing and' I)ycin'g;;*tso Ibmanofiicture Flannel, | Cloth, and Blanket*, atmy bid jrtafe* W- Fellstoc! . For wear and durability; i einwarrant the goods, msnnfactured'lrt*' tdM AtrjjSeesedl > For _the accommodation bT tKobb 'bn Ibo'eise bide of the Bearer, WooL etc., eao bereft it m§ house in Jobs H<*gWiion’e store in l#ew-BngbtOßr_ >--■ -J -f-; ii i yafcmnz •/ ■'i ti -■v* "2 MIN iW otin^ WH.Qha»l>bSn Aluly.'bniWg refchraed and again located bldSWf in j j >.iw Tj^fi^aWjr-iSßjwSrs-' vowify, f.rc j.: ninifteiO*hefch%t>. 1 i MkOfieeim PhUpe' budding. [tihlPOl * : X: i ■■■ i -I! i' "i ■'h :--lr .«■ ««> ';:>. t.\ -. II T \S- ■ .'- -ni.-i /«*■ :-.c •.“••• i«M £.'. C' r -Ir '.! ‘: tIiLKBY ;I3 ' ■'*' ; ",:. r* -: * D -*^t£H^d?T ■«.-:pfffcaa aai at i-ws •!.• t»i- >*• . PRESEfcVIN? tBB TEETH ; i£3 IM*: Sring Tootfiaohe thd NtUrifgia. | : *.*3££Fs%Pk Am ;L boou.[ ’ J ■ >' Unentailed TOOTHPOOER.D tmtbc*.' , a ' Mi . - ■Dr.JM’t Mafie TOOTHACHE PSOES, one botlle. ■ . | r ■ '|W' Dr. HknfeUNRIVALED KSURA LOl A ;■ PLASTER. :• ; - ■ It; v- . ’ ■ Dr. fluriTs MANUAL on the Sett Medn* of Preserving the Teeth, including Direction* for th* Proper Treatment ef Children'* Teeth. I FLOSS SILK for Cleaning Jbetteeeh the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., et*. , ; : Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, 17 . Fourth St., Brooklyn, (G. D.) j : .' i , PSnfeej OIfEDOLfiAS,- orSJXSajA / j . JBny“The Denial Treasury innkes a- package The following articles we can scad separate-? tgaij, vir: , ! : > - ' The Treatiee m Preferring the Teeth sent, post: paid, on receipt of Twinvi or fdiir stamps. ;| J a i; . ..;J \ The Kn\ralgia Platter, for. Neuralgia ini tlie Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, post paid, on receipt aiEighUen Cent*, hr si stajnpsv . . - • . !■ ; ‘ • Tlie Neuralgia and Rheumatic. Plotter (Uilge sue,) for Pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Each,' P art hf the body, sent'post paid, onto ceipt of, T/lirly-tecen : cen(e. ; ,3,.,, Address, . i ■ ;' . f . , WM. D. ‘JIURD, CO., it • . •[*■ I Tribune Building t, JXew lorAr? ■ Dr. Js&d; * iipum wash, todTirrbiPz D£lt and *TO OX ft A OPS cannot .be seal byj mail, but lbpy,.qpii' prpbabl.V' be’' ob tained at your Drug'br Periodical Stores. J;)' they cannot, send to usfor the UpXTiV TREASURY, Triee, O-Ne Dollab, wliiiab cfe ' tains them. s f,','- '/• tf?- NOW, Are Dr. Z/ur'gei Preparation■ Goad.t , The best tfvidenceslhat ljiey are is, that tlfcir firmest Jrifcnds atiU best patrons are those Who hatii tisi'd-them longest. Dr. M'm, B. Dur Mis art eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists’ Association, and these preparations baye been used in.his pri vate practice for years, jandjiolleading citizen of Brooklyn, or Williamsburg questions tlieir. excellence, while eminent Dentists of New Tork recummend them ah' tin/best known? to tho-profession. . Wifioiil; th<£ jijd, of'advertis ing. dealers.have sold tlieqi hyiihe gijoss. i : The Editor of the Br&kiyn Dofy-Tones stke, ■jjWe ape happy: to know ttevt our friend, i>r. ' I Hurd,?is succeeding? beyond all expectations'' .with his MOCTiI WASil"aad TOOrUPUW- ? DER. -The great secret of his success rests i with, the fadt that hie articles are precisely vlu:l . 'they are represented to, be, as ice c, ;<«i trsti/y fiord !j their long iisc.’' . ;! 1 | J? The well known 1};, JGarmjm writes: -l‘d 1 ' fourultVour TOOTH I’OVv l) Kil so gooil tliat. tny •• fainily have used it aill up, '.|T« jindiuht -heft ‘ ’ I - I koteder fyr jhe: teeth tee hate ever used: ;I fc'hail 1111 l .(> C M 1-3 JEJI'X' JJ TJ . ; feel obliged ,if you will send mo another sup-. ' L | .l ply at the MuseunTat your convenience, with i I l' bi£ : , . • | •„,. • ' ■- But their is SO small that every one may ' Jest the matter for himsclf_ Jw. I' ■JjS?* Beware'of the'Ordinary Tooth Powders. j|r'■ »r. Hurd s Tooth- Poodcr contains h 6 acids..'? o' . ( flit C (if J 1 V r., dor alkali, nor and polishes. withWi' ? - .V » ■ - SPIISCRIPT-lftN \gfv wearing the enamel. - Dse no other. I . ! At JAY fifJOKF * rril - R„_i J" |»AT BKM.tMBSJ ** i Dr. Hurd’s .\|outli Wash and -Tooth : PoJder) .| ■ ? . 'Philadelphia, Nov. l, i‘«' jiill give young ladjes that finest charm in j HE imdcrsigfied. having beer. mau-a sweet b -eath and pearly teethe. Try , 1 SUBSCRIPTION AGKNTbvthriVcretv F Dp ifuid’s land Tooth Ponder ’ f “ wdl cleanse the 'rmrnth from all foul oxha!-- ! ■ • J • r. lions, atid if used in the morning, will make i V,,,. '7 I ,t- e. haw? , J;. fhe breakfast taste sweeter'and the da> I wet>t !f } e(tr . G priigiktm more pleasantly. Hundreds of'persons 'can 'ir-'s.-j 1 a. *’■ . ■ , C - testify? to this. Try them, gentlemch. ‘ i w. the united .State*, dnngpated as'-’dive. Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash aud Tooth PoWder * went,cs - redeemable at thi pVaf iie of mire the the best preparatioris in the world! for?J ? oy^r^n^ rt i tv * J ea,s - »»!.•' ■ -,. •!.. • l.l'.iiCSl-’.'t ' , - V .pivhu-n - 5 . •■: • . 's~ Tom. . • ; -• r ,-,. WA GO oh ofevery k arred and Striped BLANKETS qjid S. Hew Styles Dress! Alpaccas, Dfelnih*, Barred Pi es Basis, Gloves, Xr ■; >■ , Atull Btock;oo.w rcddj for.iri ITORTIJis y&LEBRATKD, CUKA.. Come; and, See' lor Ycnbe&4j I ’ ■■ ■' i]i' • - t ■. ■ Vejfore purchasing. and Via -YABLE IN jGOSDI Semi-Annually, which is'eqna)!. sit t-i:--; ■•■.■-•rni premium'on gold,(o aboutEIOHX PEKtiftl. FEit annum. . Farmers, Merchants Mechanics 1":: ; and all who hare tiny money t{> inv,- .o know and remember that 1 1 1 e■ e lionls «rr. b' effect, a FIRST MOBTrfAGE--|ip.'>j »3 k-n -roads, Canals.', Batik Stocks ami ■ and the immense pr.Ulncts of Lilltiiej Mtaitfv lures; &0., &c.. in the coufttiy :| r.ad ' i 1 ■■ 1 And ample provision made for ihe'.ravmont : the interest anddiipthlntion of j.rhi;i; d. !» Customs Duties, Excilc ; Sta{ ips.-aml IntcsJ Revenue, edrves to make th<«{—Boiir a nunfterot - in the ipost'extensiveestablishments country, itithe-cities of NewjVork «n J g delpfaia, where’ mil the improved si'ph*?^ 5 apparatus are employed, fieing ahiU D sessioirof the very latest discoveries We • foodsofEuropcnn Dyers, they dyeasd? ■ ■ Ladies’ Silt, Batin and'Mytrino Press. w > • - • superior sty» In many thc?cj» arem'ide in color and very norly e'l disappearance to new Goods.- Goods returned, in ■ jK O L LOCK’S ?■ te^iidelionfc ■ ‘f3nHlB preparation, made-ffomtlie *,j I jL Coffee.ir recommended V fo l(iet-. jiflW Debility, Dyspepsia one) all 1,0 • >derfc 1 Thousands whojiave been t j,; ' abindoritthe us«/of coflK. w^ 1 u!e . out injurious effects/: Quo’ \ £"d j LL »0 MfJ .Rannelaj; ~la~ e ~~ lolori. 2-nas, I Goods, Wooj Pnmj; ►rowu j 4U • ■ -I Shots- and Miss. aimiagj, 'i£f feqtidn, »t A ,r.-: • irs ;:*TOi;r. f4'u' ■il IJSl J S - t