The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 26, 1864, Image 3

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The phiade went to the White (TD^
r , 'P°V‘ ,e ij ’
'fo-nuko" « speech; The- Premdent coaAi
I follows ; • ! esppie
1 called upon -tKe hr
j' e -M.eech lo tiylil, nor do 1 nrp*j«*J'
' ofe t° one ’ Wt-We have been ! ■
inang some
.jar er two, e*»7F prowpe xv”. I auu£
heart.V cheer* t,sr
While we ju-o ai it. wo may as weH^Uuete
i r.Miier hew fortunate it was for the
‘ e'.h that Sheridan was a little man!
If 1,, 1.n.-l -*> «*
„„ (oiling what .fcfcffe done
,riih jhi-Tn. I! p?op9?° * rce sheets
lortien. G.r«nf ! ,who krew to. what use
inJiiJt Gcr. S’hendan; three cheers for
„i; <>»r nabli* fcommandefs; a£d the
Vilrficrf and sa
nil tlo iteotilerievery where. who cheer
t!, P soldiers siiijd . sailors of the Union:
V’.rf no' r good night.” The jiroce.s
-r • puiseJ tlirough Paunsylvsaia «r
-time, and was an,-_ hour . «.nd fifteen
ji'iiiu'lwi in point,-.
Chase said in his
fputch at Ky., aVow
ii-'O : ■ M ; ..‘ : J • ,
•■When we come to balance up the
nrihabilitiei' in,.raferance' lo the cw«-
-ioral there can b« no doubt
of the result Yfou may count again at
' Lincoln - every doubtful tote, and
there.will be enough to elect him and
■ ro ,j, a rc. ‘ X believe that by the Bth of
KovctnhL'r you. will fimL tto people
ver y oparly a* unanimous as they
. were when';t,h? -first gun was tired up.
mi Sunder.” j ( . ~ , ,
J4'>‘ n 'V i . oth
ct. uiwnijiii Western lowa, and along
'ibower, ll«ve Bfcd a slight #caie
lvoto-0-' Misfcourf
fha throats of
'cli'-'CT for, McClellan, and ,
•vote Cvpjj.TiK'ad tioketa.'-. TK-a gallant,
. Joiva(ifc ! »JtW*i opslwnd readyT>r them,!
iml, noon put itoe inurdercu« gang on
the Mct'liumi murdi—in full re Iron t.
■ inf the Potomac is
.for McClpll-ii*s beep the standing
cf |iho Copperheads. nn?i espi-J
. i-inliv wiili regard -to; that portion rif
f '{n; armv which is from f'oivusylvania;
Wei!, 1 1-o|:t t wo-thirds of’the P,onnb
(tl-viiiiia portion of that:,army had
l).-en lueiri) from: Uuioii, U.600;' Derm,
emti, 3.555. j if , this is not_a vole of
■■want of cionfidenee" in McClellan, wo
■ioi.’l know what else to make of it.
' ■ I
BffliA grand, political meeting in
f'grinlgtio|.t, : Illinois, was gladdened
1- mi .amused by borne by
" wounded B*ld;icrs, f 'which Lincoln whs
fvi.ying up with a rail, while An-lv
•-ii.hnfioh c Was seated cross legged on
ih.c M'nr!h American part of it, tailor
sevriijg up,a,huge font ‘ Offi i
AWJpwJlc jliftfr, “A few nioi;e stitch-1
M-U ,-*nH;tho' dear old Union will]
'W t wivKa’-J" | J
Ly f -~.--~~_
'Jj;rr‘.’:TX. : ;T, to,'Maimed Snii>tr,Rs.-~|
r.'ft. LCo’crnniiTit, has increased llioj
uv":|c:r(C()frire olio wed -lor artificial,
-fyrmsluid to '.soldiers.. At > the
j.rc-er.; riito pt ■ cumpensat ion (seven
'V'dts* dollars) the several. mariuf.-ic
'i’n-rW who enjoy the patronage of the
c' li ernmcnt can afford to furnish their
ht-St limbs without extra- charge. I
of the VJeblination in
iiii* CliVagpi platform Ihnt i lh> w«r is
fv, iiMlnre, tin? lNi>w York Herald kren
iv remarks ; | “The Gonycniimi, must
' > boi ii of th 6 waiyas cori-i
In- JlfU'lrllftr-. , Sut j the Con
'loiM.n oughiijto know that; almah by
;lu' name n{ Grant has now taken hold
(lip: war is iir>t a failure."
/ -- — — — ; . ~
jr«i-(»,ciil J<l ha A. Jjo;rmi i» respoM
!■> tcr-.tlie Uiat WiTlinnv' , J
i. ilit*- Cojjp'M-hnnff candidate Wr.
ii ,re, " K t||othirt-cn«l. District, ll
••iji'.’t*.'proposed )<► him in tho." bfig’n
(lip rebellion ‘ t'i\ (fiyitLf thb
S/nte pf'Jiiinoin on the iJine!, ..of .the
,ln ‘l rnilrffao'.sn.l that
tiib lower. hair«hoald joiirthc Contfdr’
■■’ri/'v. ■ • | • I 1
LISy.OF CAUSES -for Jlovembir T. ]IBC4;
oepiin'encing 2d Monday.
V-mri'. , ; , nv;ca)th.i\s«!,, -rs John Duff - 5 Ex’r.
■ •• Ueb’c'a Campbells ad
*?! M 'Uoy;«jEx’r “ J. H. Trimble, jet at
•>d«»a..B. & 1,. Aisa’a “ Irorv Cole. ■'i
iVilias, .t Co. •• W.M. Shirta. et at.
, r i ' Uecson Darlington M..E.C'ii.
, , os - .M Langhlia Robert Adatas.
JoanSwioic. ■■ R, S.-Barton. , | '
■ srMer.olc Kiieri j A*Wm. Welsh. ethi .
f'Ohrrt Hall. 1; «-Aler. RobertaW
_ _ M. WKYAND, Pro.
\Xr‘jf'KhlAS letters ot t . administration on
** 1 estate; of Hsnbt f iNtir, late
, Miaj-on. Beaver county. I ennsylranis,
j having been dulygranted to the hn
jr.-.itne'i. alUponsoni indebted to (aid estate !
, e no - thed td-make immediate payment, and j
, avin§ claims against theaamf >wUlpre*
_ • . properly authenticated for* - fettle'
B'enl*viiijo«tdel!fij- ** - - ' xl—■
.a-, J ■ 1 JOS. A. WRAY,. Adm-r.’ v : !
PA !. • ■ Brighton tj)
VI ‘ ; a . e Qians' CourUrinnd for the eonnty
X Reaver, and Stale -W- Pennsylraaia.—
<Me fc !iJ H ’ liro ,V' the ‘b»«al M
'salth nf R p S - U “ n , o!lu ’. T *« Common
wth of Pennsylvania: >J O Ike heir* ■ and
gV represenat.ves nf .aid wit; Mar
'L.„'• "‘ennarriod with James Jaekaon. Jo
x** T T Danc an, Behecca Dctn-
Margaral d. Jaak.on
t 0 1? iaWwmae Jackson,
i» T:^ n V ackson ‘ * minor, verbose guardian
‘ D r e ?- •»'*al l . othartintTMU*
“ r * hereby cited to be
Mid Court 1 , b Jj foro tl > e Hob, Judge* of bur
of 1 ®*f Ttr » °n lie second Monday
Mt»u oT.»i!i * OCe P t orwftw* the seal
i,. * *“ dec d, at the appraisement -put
in -mtjnest duly awarded by said
■I85( .X relurn M by tba Sheriff to June X>
conUiD 119acTe s>B3pereh
nba-*ccw^.3?per u acr *’ M<l *" tie «Ten>fflf
fh »« not bi t al |. 9 **
bw »*r. Oet.l£’ }
.1) i tTh - 7 ------ -----7-. ,
,; . 34_,
yv szr _
.11. or sorse-tillgra
a blapiarl. q" AllPYOrnilliairimi' ed.
4 tlo . luniatt in '
APHlvini :Vtiunfyi .7
- : . , 4 - ti.grwlisakitvirl Sletvo
. • i
■e»vcr fo., p*l, boim r
- of John H'Qniitgi;
Smith, | Math]! by
, .. . .. Nf
led, containing ,43 acresj ,jmorej or
'ie Bamspiece jofland SirchMed
Ae i
ded oi
on tin
land _
less, being
by. defend»tVftsnjJ»roe*,ET*ns, .uiitlcr agree
ment dated! Ma<elllB«4. ] Tfirf. ib<*e desorib
odtrget pr<}and. U all elrarod
on which are erected a frame-dwelling hd&e'
one story high-, .with '.basement,. fSme
barn, wagon house and corn crib. OrebaMof
good fraif irtep on.theprtuniaea. trader laid
j with coal. I
| ;6.«iicd end taken in.execution da the pijop-!
| erty of Oharles E. Cook, at the anlf of Mae i
j WinaiuC ' , - ~. . >■ . P
|N<>-2. (‘ ALSO. •(• |. ’
I At the sjune time-and-place. all the right,
j title, interjest and clsiio of defendant of in
end to a piece or parcel-of Jand situate ii|Ro-
I Chester township. Beaver county. Par,' /kon
i timing ninje'scresmore or less hountjed enjfiie
north by public road, on the cast by {land of
T—r—Wilson,-on- the south by the oLie Ujvcr
; and west by .cast line Of the bkrough iof ?Ro
i cheater, otj which a're erected ,a two- isiory
| brick dwelling house and out. buddings,' also
J buttings for refining oil until an 'unfinished
.ston^'building 60 by .100 feet in length
and bread! h.-A good orchard on the premises.
Sefiad a id taken in execution as the pto >er
ty of;Ri. T. fl Goufd-'s' Executors cithe mit
of-Sanrael Simea.endorae of guardlans of min
or ebildrei of A. E. Luccnt/decM. •
No. 3. - , ALSO/, 1
. At. the s ime xirne aud place,: all sight, ,(| tic,
interest.anjd'fclsiiE' of da fendant, pf in ana to
fhefollowtrtgiorer ground! containing) aijoui
( two acr,es,i situate in’’the borough of Kew
| Brighton, beaver county, Pa.,bounded on the
J north hij- Ifm. ShkwneSs'oc tie east by hub
lie ro'ad on the south by John Megown, land
on the-west by afreet or, alley. Loleholiaed
and planted: with fruit trees. ' 1 j: ; -*
Seized and taken in execution as tha prop,
erty of James Sfegown, jr. at the suit o f Wig.
Kennedy. . ' ' ■' 1 - *'. ■ j '. s r .
' • S3?“i’uijchsera will' lake notice that. 10-1 per
.cent, upon ail Amounts of their bids will re
quired in hand. --/Ad bids upder $0 j will be
rcqnircdjip eash «t the time of-the, rale.i If
■these conditions are not complied with] the
property rjill here-sold., I. '■ 1 ; ■
*ffi.l’uteha»e»rar«. required' to pay) all i
Stamp duties. -- 1 , ■ ■ .J. ■
Dcarer,|)el.2s, ’fid . ; -j| j
.Notice ia the Oiphans* Coii rt-
The foil ipung appraisements under the 1 Act
of lyssotn dr, of the 14th of, April, of
'.property i llowe'd to',.be retained by 4 widow
I or childri n of a decedent, to the raluij of
. $3OO, Imv: been filed in theOffira of the Clerk
■ of the Oaptntiu* Court, 'of Hearer couhty,
• tb wit : I
j' I’ersonil! property to amount-of
t 1 y widow- of John Wilson, deo"d.—
; llco. M. I'ouugV adra'r,, . . -p
I Personal property' To itrorunt of $2C5,2d,
retained ty,.widow, of John Imbris, dec'll.—
j £*■ l j - 4t H. S. Imbrio. adm're.' . j' |
I Cei'KonaJ properly, to amount of iSSoihS,
! reitiined hjr -widow pf Koberti-Sliiisuh, jaft'd.'
i James K; Thompson, adm’r.j ! " | j
! •■■ £ , «r»on»| property to amount of $8 J.fs. re- j
fsided by widow of Robert .Moore,, d/t? I ).
Joint Slcn r, adm'r. j ; ' T
. Persona proportyto .amount of
proceeds tf; opto against DuncSn' & Kdgar,
(SJ-tfi.r'-t) haking s3oo,.retained by widow of-
Jipnry Kiuley, dec’d. Jos. A 1 Wray, idaiY.
, Notice ii
legatees, c
ed, 1,0 app
and not la
Hit It of Jft
.they have,
above app
octlft .
hcveby givetr l» credit ok. heirs,
istrifculcos, and all others interesl
*r at the next term of said Courtj
or than, the f'hini day,’ being ithe
vemher next, to shew cause, if*nv
against the final confirmationoflthe
:»iaement*. . j -
, otice>. .. .|* :'
IN' the 6 rphnns' Court in and forithi co in- A ' ®® ] °
ijr of l eaver and State of Pontasylv'ania. j jfV,
l in t be'matter of (he petition for partition of!
the leal c «au« of. Win. Price, deceased "and W - l j
inow,*o-wrt, Get, 13th .1864, (Uo Court r&m.
fa Kule cjn the heirs and legal represha-
I fives, of jsaid deceased 10-vrif: Win. Price ,?? i mu ]
! andjohn price; whose, .interestsare now viest- Vi- S? r * S d
ied in Com*ad- Kiholtz. Da aid Price, Jataeaj j ■ ‘“/J
| Priced end Mary Pncvnow residing inlthe nO V Ol^
; Slate of ; liohigah: Margaret Price'nowjre- r ' t,e -. d "« ll i
! siding in tho State of New Vork; j Meridian * n e ° od
Ptiice.'Wm. Price,aad-Elisna-Pridj; children !£, .1
of 'Wui, Pijoe, whose interests are vested] in v J
[Conrad Ei toil*. ■ Pniciine Price intermarried urn ft
j with’Kthfl aJ. Moore, nnd flro chi'.dioni’-of W IIU
' said Elisl-.!. j.-- and Khidiue, lo.wit: EUia.
j Francis >l.. Wiiilam W., Jane and Mlrgirel
I whoso guardian i ; is Kdward E. Holmes,
5 and all others interested to shew cause if jmy
1 they have why ah inquest to make partition
5 of. the rcal estate of said deceased should ;not
j he awarded at an Orphans' (Jonh, to be held
I 'at Boaverj in and for said County, on the 2d
1 Monday ojrNsvember ncxtl . if
■ r i;■ ■.; josi ledlic, I:
BOS. 1 , Shcrilj'.
Oct. W.
TJ»„ the Orphans’ Court af ISoaver county, ]
I State of I’ennsyWania. >ln, the matter of •
(lie pa«s ion of the rail estate of' Gotjleih 1
Michaels, deo’d .To the heirs andlegal rep, (
resent ativcs, of said doo’d., to •wit: William !
Boswell,' and Julia his'-wife;Peter Wsgher,
•on Amelia Bis wife; Lewis Michaels, lewis’
Reddy, und all . others interested;— |Tou
and each of you are hereby notified that an
inquisition to make partition, of the reaij ea
tate of said deceased; eituata in North!Sc
wiokly tp,-will be '.held on the premises on
the 81 st October/ ISO 4, at which time
and plant yon'may attend, if you think proper.
r JOS. LED LIE, nh'ff.
Sn*mr*s^OrriC ß( T
Be»¥«r l oct,&’64. ' f
I- 4videnclNo* la.j
1 , B*** or Bmavxu Corner, h
' J Jfew Brighton, M«y 8, 1864/ If
rflllE PreiiAsnl »nd Dirsotor* of UiUßoak
f b&TS'thU dmy d«l*r\»d • IiIVIDRMff OJP
hWll PER CSN-ft upon iUC*pit»lStooEdiU
tb* profit! of tb« luitO month*, - piribl*
to StMlchold«r» or th»ir legal r*pr*»«autir*».
en demand. s' KDWAftfUIOOPS.j * .
I I’M • j. 1 I -••-->-•■•.twTCMW*-'
iVw BnghUn\ {*a., v.Xv
i!>'« »nf3, Retail! D«»l«r W
ipner, adt_ sh*e( r hm • T^r*,
■ W« taort. approved paltanli of j,
rg Cocking? Parlor ajulJJMiing
j -
Tin, O'
. Atx<
:i "i ' 1
sem may ii^iTclrjs
’ 'W ’*&* tfj ! - *
Amongst* *dT»nUge« uiLi T- y ~ “7 “}. -
• *•»»»».
■;X Xboroo|tiseMiniueW*B ( . • *-.r fr.
Msaa*i * , ;
■ " ■ ’ - T- v [
■ c ... • ■
F *f “ I A *****>» la tha following
T. —1 y. - T_■!;' 'a! i~i' £?!“ *° r -W county of Bwer,~o> Wednuday,
ISttu.igW? v f« i«*£y «f *S$L
•md Mdt «i»W «f *>afoor tfo - faatKiioffl *«Md' taat»iiflttls
or 9fa«rtfi d»io s d'. : ifTJS!,fc^;‘‘*2.fca»‘
or ti^^a
/I’XjlE IN PATITIOX. 1.-fji
dm bans’ Court, in and for the cotnj-t
trier, and State of Pennsylranlh;;
r of thepnrtition ofthsreal es-[
d | Robinson, deceased. 'To itWe]
;al representatives' of said tfec’dl:-
. R. Robinson, residmg ;, ih?'tl)e
); [lra-N. id.' (interJßairied'with'
row) - residing in (tie Sts to of IJ
;Mary Robinson, residing iA’UUo'i
mf"Theodor* Robinson. residing]
i of Illinois;, the said Ira Anna?
inorej being minors nnd lurrlrTg no]
;| and .ail otoero'intercsted—you aOd;:j
rou are hereby notified that *h in-?
on the real estate of said' deceased.
hftfd, on-ths premises on the ltd
ventb'er. 1861., at which time Mid?
may attend if you think proper.!-- si
[ JOS El*H LF.DLIK, ShariffJ ;j
Get] sth, 1861. - •■ -v ;■ ij
irilAXS’ COURT, m ASP mill
f of Roarer, * St at*' of Penny - !-1
C matter of the partition of dhel
real eatiltj of Alary Ewing. dee d. Sow, to Wit. j
Sept.- loth, IStii the Court grant a rule |ou
the] heirs]'and legal repiescntativcs of said]
dec t<j kciti AlcxaaJcr Ewjug, hus]baiid|.of.
said, -Mary Ewing,. Sarah Jane, intermarried?]
with, wiuJThcßias, Elisa Ewing,. Thomas Kw- i
tug.and *.T others interested; you and eaell of j
youjaro-hereby] cited to be and appear before -
thp lion. Judges of our said Court at. Reaver, |
On the second .Monday of. Noycmbcr neit.l toil
accept or irefuse the real estate of said deerd., '
at the appraisement put -upon it by sn ibq'ilest.s
dit’m awarded by said Court and relurnodjhv ’
the Sheriff to SjJpt.T. 1861. and found to So.n-i
i lainj 51 acre.l aiul IJB Perches, rained• ut £'lhi
per acre, ind in the ereut of of non-aecppt-i
anci to sh iw cause why the same shall not be‘
sold. ' )■ i'll
1 I . JOS. EKIiI.IE,;
12, 1861,. Shcrj^
SS.the <
Jty of
the ma
tato of-I
heirs and
State bf.(
|-William J
State of
:ia tbo Si
Sod The<
each of ;
will • be *
day; of Kc
place you
> k ! ■ . • - !.■ !/" i . i- II | ; ~■: 1
fVTp "1t3£50 j A‘V TR^OTf nf .first, rata land,; situate' in
, if ' i XjL Chippewa tp.. Beaver county, about S
r«m 1 i; wiles west nf jfeir Brighton, dnthe P. ft. IV. \
Ma "‘” : I ‘ Cj ll : R., . combining ONE j HUNDRED!
r-y- 1 1 UJ l * [wff,'M-lc OB favorable firm*
y; GOB & COi, 1 i About Berontjac W ! Ithis land are cleared
Jiog, and Commission Aetata l r n ?;", e " sd . ?>^t^ fcnhiTa M9>i:i^balance
, I Dealers-IV well ; » 0d under fepci. There
TliKOrtif ar V : Ht4irv 1 . aT9 °»<•»« premises is Wone dtfellUig house, "a
l ijjf£ (tto.mfew story o*'
__ Typ®i Printing: Materials, ■■ w i:''di»feiiitg,f;and hewed i
WP.TTI.n6 ANIJfraXTIKaPAPERbjratis '*6 r°it“TOv ,|tb.crj;is a rein coal !
i,: ■ ■T ■ -t 7 5 uade_riving i& largo fortiou" efthe: tract, Vtithi
"■' OmCEB-lßrown’* Buildinß ■* npe ™°i near: fhV i-aiWd ■' [, j
Tribune Buil&n^lW I £ ur ibp information] inquire of I
‘ taar26:|lT, •’ * ; ' .-j.;.. .J | BHghtcL Pa.. N. P. Pet- !
!—■— ;.■>-’■> «£p _,. semas, Pittsßlfrg, m .M. W'syasd, Prq-1
Mairble PCVrte+t'-7*! _ 1 o 1 ! 11 ?’*!office. Bearer.! Pa. :. i jeS,’6wt44l
1). Irons, Vuinieiro^V.mTK«ate
P A ®fP¥s- , 3*-* 1j . I - :i • j, , .
pnbssHbiij aanouneesto
X to farpiab .lo 'eartoi 1 1 ,m^? v , c ' nen, ‘t' t-> o »■ lUrick Rouse" fiO feet front
AmrtU Ln .|
' m f 6^a«. d ’ of pUiri^w : 61l aoita'lh-6ie<l, «tandihg e ,/
! maiwt y«*-3?SOBJL j
V. J-- " -r -ft Bf«08rs. ;■ 7T-' f ,r '
1 r Alep, alot contain mg 121 acres, one mils
_> J ; _f - : , P' n .ipo?»«i with a ; hoard fen A'
■-; i
- !i -i
. .0-'
S 3?
’4ss, ncrnfa . •// a
'£ -J' ;J-si ’mm £*.%, • |
ownv f*n~rfinw(irf ilniwß'i i’ll - -s
-&-CUX] .jsiiter -if.
II: ■"! - 'Mf
I :
n; Jee#'
| Marila. Meeaton of th« lufc^'irlll’tniUct*^
■'■ r.ii !.*:*i.»:i
- -ui?,»
Vr«h*! estate oftOhoteg ■*!*-
!i * N : avw»•• »?►-!»-:<ivj vri l.v: ■
: ..The Wat MoSmht(personal)of Sam’ljued.
administrator oftheessateof
Robihson.jdee'd.’■ '- r .1/ ‘W-W ifT3 J
; Thifr«eoi.uMlbr Eobort' t; *iid : W»l fis;Car-.
othdrs.Wmlfibtratortsof the-ertataof Ifm
li v Gardfhfatyt,' : tWt«l;-> “.SJ! W->
!!"-Tbo account of Tnoi Nicholson and Robt.
i Stephen*; (executor* ofthfe last will mad wu«
kdenjt of Datid Stephens;'deo'd/ wii.-ft.-r;.!
I! The-finsjl aceountbfJohn Wilson, admin K
tratbr of t'faeestate of John Gun»aide*, deo‘d;
- The- accbuni (personal) ofAgnew lintf ads
mintsrralorof tboestate ofJas. Sharpidotfd;
| The final recount of Charles Brown, 'ad>
Tninistratolr dfWhe eMateof Jeremiah Haai
jblo.i dec’dl • '
The final ac count :of John M’Renry, ‘kd-
Tnlnistrglor of the estate' of JohnM'lleninr,
St, iiso’d. ' it::--’ \y _
j The final ac sount of Robf. Fleming, adm'r.
of the estkte.ol' Rntb'Scptt. dec'd. ■
I The- account, uf If. Cunningham, Guar,
■dian of Mary C. and Hannah M. MoPadden,
■minor heirs of James M’Fadden, deed. ■
! The account of Malfisonßarragb, Goaf,
dian 'of jßeoj; Cooper.minor «on of laasV
Coopet,dkc“d. . ’■■■' i
The account* of Jane Gilliland, Guardian*:
of JjeaephinefA. : and Emelina-Gilliland, minor;
daughter* of'BiaTid Gilliland, dee’d.
TSV aOpounis of Dr. Wm. Smith, Oaardlau
of Ja'mee knd Robert Stewart,’ minor eons: of
dee'd.; •' '7 '|l|
i The act Jas. Guardian of
Margaret, fclita, Sarnb, ,-Matilda and: Johd;
Caikmgy, minor’ childroiVdf. William Camagy,
doejd.;’ ■ . A.RrMOORE. A. I (
i Bearer, Oet, 19lhv ’M. • ; . ' ; Register, j|l
trm for rS'alo. !•'" ;
> FARM is offered at prHr«*[
situated la 3ig Bearer township;
inly, ion the road leading from tier
, Hotnewood station; on the PjiFl.j
1.H., labour i.j miles from Darting from New GaUl6e{ on said R R.,;
|s from Homewood; contsinfog ajioitt j
more .or leas, on which, is. a’ :^bod-;
lOuac, barnand other oui-buildjigs!''' Mhst' lieJialjL’ Family iitwinq
ifiing- sprmgof water cftnrcnieAOo'l' ■ -Marhine now in'vtf,
' T * ‘ jWb elalm;fbr : {t the flowing orcr
D tWp. ft* ‘•’W.iDp'yjh j, Sny ;attd atl.SVwitig MachiLesf ,
!< ILs’imurtp ,i| Pargi-earer|.?*HK* of wrirk; • beauty and m
. . pr * ml J 8 « cU «»e« Of tjtftph: speed And .qiiictliesV of mb-
CC l T r rvn \r r nnne ;! *j 0B ; of opera-
Utl I UUUUt).1 tlon nn< i management.; elegance of design and
'r' ‘ jj finish.) It will. j ', ■, (■ r., •'
1■ r. ■ £■- Stitch, .Fellj ,'QaiU, Binjd', r 'Tuok.
1 '-■ '' ' • ; ■ PUtt; Gather, Cord, Brajid,
IE: fflMfliiffl
11 ! 1,1 lililivl I*/ Amhost fabric?, from heavy beaver or pilot;
■>■ J- i*. |[ clolh, fo lilt fincal 1 c'atnbfic., r ‘' ', t '
• j | ]s. H. PEIRSOW beavgr, p.O,
' 1 ■ ’ | jy-O’tilJ J Sole Agent for Iteaver county.
V'ood St.,
v- . ■;
bmir. 2*
S - P
* jf
5 county of BoaTCr/thehndersign
•v .guardian of the jnl»pr children pf| James
Jib! 'DonaliwilchelL 4at» jrfVOreeae to*n>
.-bnlpJ ineaid county* dbe’oi.lriU Expose fb
■gJle : ; by |l*ubUpi Vowl»<«!t wt-etyV on the
■eaaisrtj ou ;
* lfovcmhet *llh r 1864, 11
jlutltfut of land situ its) in Grsjins town
ship,* in; said .eoaaty of I Bearer, bounded
’ojn the ■ north, hyp land of [Calhoun and' Jos.,
ijf'Cready, on the eaat bjy lands' of Bwe*r
jhgeh’s andS. Lee person the south by lands
inf KL Ralston, and on the west by lands of
Id’Cready'and M’Clarg. containing shoal 100
rieret; About 80 Acres elurtd anc| In i good
balance in two. equal, annual paymebtefrom
; batj date, with interest thereon ((from same j
ime>and|to be secured by bondandmorlgsge.
oetl2’6l JOS. M’FfißßAS.'QiiardianJ
nJ bJ The othbc.jportionaof thji premises!
bbovo described being the undivided two*
thirds thereof, i will also be offered for sale,
and [sold at the lime and place mentioned in
the above notice. Terms made known oh day
Ip t ;•[!: rl:-".'-'
| Valuable Real Estate.
BT ymoiytor. issued outlpf, the Or-
Beaver cbtinly,,the Under
signed, guardian of George W-„ Marker and
Mary Ann Marker? minor childrei of Samp-1
son ; Marker, dec’dJ, will expose td public sale
atrjtnction, on tho premise*,- on ■ t. ]
f- TlWrtfrfpj/. (Mr-2ftih\' 1891. •' - ! (
the j undivided-one-fourty of.' the { undivided
twoj-1 birds of the following described real os-,
jj ate, to wit: A certain piece or parcel of land
Ij situate: |n Ohio’tpi Cbaver 00,, I’lLbouifded
on the (north, by land of James Russell, on the
j east by land of the. heirs of Rosanna Camp
f boll!, dee'd., on the south by theJOhio river, i
! and on the west by land of Joseph Cooper,
ji containing thirtyrjhree acres pr thereabouts,
i dn winch arc erected one single cahin’dwel
[ ling-house ahd. killien, aboi:t|27 jbit- 28 acres '
(; cleared and under fence,. There) is on, the i
; lamdihfgbod orchard of apple. peach and cher- |
I ry-trees, and e-spring of good watbr, A four,!
j feet vein of ebaf is believedto be pa the laud.
- The Cleveland; and Tittsburg railroad rubs
; through the lower bottom.- ~ j. * j I
), -^WIM.%-Oitfrtj|ir^f J the pumaae money I
ion confirmation bi sale byihe Court/aridthe
remainder-ip two' (equal annual Instalments
; from that date.) with Interest,TriWsame time, 1
to hi* secured bv and’mortgage. ,' •]' ‘ I
£ : Tf I', " Tlios; MARKER, Jr" ](j
j’.' ,Gt[ar|lijan, ; &e.A j
TrETTI’KSof administration ontjie estate of
j j John Mo'opt,’ Tate of Greene/township,
Heaver'co. t deb'd, having been granted to the
nn leraigned, ali persons indebted tasaiil'cslaie
arejrequcsfed to make immediate iiilid
those having I claim. gainst said i estate .trill
present, them to the subscriber properly au
thenticated for settlement. ~ ’'!■'■
v [ ; ' MAHGARRTMOOrtT, 1 i L
1 r-.'i I !.’ , Joseph moody;, j j Adm’rs
• SAMUEL' MpcjDV'.i . j i
_ i- ■ ■ ' ■ fir'ecuetp.’ ,
“"'I ,’yT
| jITE firm of C. ft VS. Wildeft C 9. was dis
* solved oq iUe llHi' of Maj Hat, hv tbh
death of Mr. IWmi Wilde, \ The hijjdn'jis of j
: th« ! l*te firm Viil hr i|e .-urviviug \
paatner*. ’ ' i " ' BEcM. WILD];, i
'I '■! 'r- • ; HORAiIA W. WILDE.
Urn ,V. ''-4-'!. I V'.i
CO-rA-nTNERSHIP. -- The ) undersigned
'have entered Into partnership umler the |
I h«;Blylexif ’“Wilde ft Co., v and will continue j
the business of the late firm ,'of Is. ift W. Wilde !
ft Co. j ■; ' . BEKJ. WILDE, , , i
■j, I ' ' , nOEATTA Wi WILDE.
New Brighton, Julj 11 T lijfed. j:| ' , ; \ j
e£AVEit. ]ri:syA. t. ' •
OFFICE in the South era ettiVpiity of (be
National Hotel. - £an*Bl.’ofcljr4-
: .j • ] VfE'on&R to TKE~priuc-’ !
,j ' FAMII.V I , ■
With fncre<wod'cbnfideneo in its ihe
JREJLw? 11 * 0 itt tilc Post osy« St llcehe*-
® er i w, ?’ t , BlUl ?« hurrt Wm > Cook Miss
Miss Mary, Damon , Oitar,
£**, I? 1 !?; *_A» Ann. Elias fanny;
*««t & :.Urtm. Sin-in iioVi
taSLrd'rwf’M?? 3 C l ® ll ? ar ' i ' Kerr Mrs M A 4,
r dorin S the »inw. from
4*,* ■ .
. ..i . i;: ■■ ••, •. ■•, -..vs " ■
I •••-IF:
.. j,
Jr , i
Klcatiniii ** twenw-wfaad twenty-two year*, and* -; <Js|iWr
weiOtfe-lt df* «nfcii«3 j‘. aTing rWdißddnUie Staler one year andln: at drawbad
:iher; election district tt>n- days its aforesaid, J r ** l eatste ; of,Andr«i».M’Mas(«r..l<itj of.AJlf
e^^u^SS2!tS?'4ei^M^ ,a *&-**m**i ,vU;,,VU. r »hal; -iiieZZi
■ : jteftU«;.vv v]. iK : ' .%■ I : -i; i-V-r.J; ; A *cm g
- : y^^!r-'-!l4HlBftlflWß i [ No person shall Be permitted to; rotewhoee '^ J ,'*n?!' UT v fe< . tb‘ Andrew. ilrMtwfaifj-JW'
•nd'i'JrlSt. jVift ~ ■'-"' Sggjyii 1 j Vj-jj]lTv naiae is not‘coo tamed inthe lis tof t arablelu- ■■ Jc k al '- •■.optiand. S'.toate in Older tp. r>Bee
-Blffi»S<*> * S b *WW$X , lttreby habitants furnishedbythe Comimssionerßruaii I "? r c .° • 1 <*•• bounded aa fMKtrs, «• 'jwtt: Be.
tL « aTeceipt ft)r tho Jj*^- 1 6<nn:ng at a bee'jh-rff^.vdMgbMriii.<duwa-
y*H be,;,- ssi£ ;eountyjeo lax, assessed agreeably td theiCUvtitotiozil ir? ® r nea f Ip* "•»$ of said creek, and i U r tle
«•'■. 454.-irr ;.::z''\-,iut '.;*t : f-f tad-givesaaifafaetiW Wddanea ItowKeifl-itiH t»£' c .^PP ®dWK<W^r^a®tt
'»><■••• v- .t 1- ■ —' • * TTT t i.r- -(.jjjjJ otj*ifroys cllfli tbenee - MU* ' -
‘l?* Ejeetioi ‘ „ jreosipt;-shall nsafe[6*tU
c ® f ! '«* «*Po4Mfdi*alalm*» bright by
■ “ «eborough pf ,lie» W . being an elector Ueiweon tile: agAoflu-cht.y
one and twentyAwh years, bo depose ,«n
w. - I °« h orjaffirmi*i<iii thaUforhiis resided in the
if? . t? 9 tn^)-w is ' &uto “diasl one tear beforb |his 1 application,
«n.W »t foe pobUb. brick school #Md , ondmateß therewdtece-in/VUe
“tT " ,\v' i Vi .-M - |»K*t»ictdU WreoniitdiJithlanctfandtbafehe
, Jbeeleftm does Verily tyom-the account giren
the house formerly 'occupied by Amariph him that he irof tte hgowforteiid* teddiro*
2' rhO'ClTOWrsolf to.Yi^^j ; wiUnieet ]«hcrtupon-lh‘e mniesof the. persons ay.admjt
i^ 0u3a , , .° the .vUl»ge..,Qf :scgtts- 1 todto Totosaall-biTiiisorled intothe clphictri.-
'V i - jicuUUt by-the Injectors, aildjk -note, made
• The ekcljOr* ofuuicpcndonoolownship will Opposite theretobyWriting the 3ord. “tki.”
meet %t *'l?>^ ouso f>f Alexander Thompson, !if aeshalfbe.ndStted .to Tote W reason'of
U T: %i -• hoTing'paid a tax, ior the word Sage,” if he
ar 1 .?! I f haU faa KiaiHitl |n-accost :<*>iV«gt, ted
tbehoute of Dayidiiwmfc, ,m, paid town- in either case, thelreaaons if such rotes shall
■"IP* - , (;’ •= ' „•■ '?'■■■- .7 ha called out by the clerks, whb shall make
atfh B h P T*^ Trill meet^' the like notes in the listed rotcri kepT by
at the house of George Oungab, m f raukfort. . them. <-s f- -- U’M.j - • .! -••/
at^hin« r fr JsK- U p ilf f ■ cl *S l «•« H ln all. ewes'wiio ie the person
atthp house-ofJOhn Horteritj:tho,»ilUgo, : .or|cloiming,to rota Ssjuoffound on jibe u£durr
■ VtiJelMnie’«f ft,—-f- / ' 1 Mi ■ i?‘ sUikl by the Cttemisaionors and Assesaorjor
a township, will meeT 1 his right to role; Whether fohnd here Jr not
at the housa of Klyah hiswanger. jin Kooks- jis objected to by ahy qualifiediclßsen, it shall
°3P* -I* L. . # . i,.?:. *jb® tk® duty of Inspector toexamine such
The Hectors of Oluo meet at on oath usjto Qualification; and, if he
hoiise now occniuod by Jamison EUtbtt, in «ai f d cti» : 'ife^
. . -eitou
claims to have resided within ui«,State!'.one
I year 01; more, hia <|ath shall be sufficient proof
j thereof, but he shill make proof by at least
I oiie competent wiifiess, who shall be aqfialiti
,! ed doctor,, that he; has resided, within the dis
trict forbore tha'ii ten days immfedialdy. I pro
! ceding. ;«%id. electjop. ami, shall 1 also; himself'
-swear.hbj bona fide residence, in.pursuance of
■ his lawljii calling/is within : tbi 'district' fbc
; jhhe puryidse' of J.otjing therein. • : ' ]
•;) If ahy persoii B>ttil' prevent or attempt to
prevent, .'any. odder of an elect oh, or - use or
(Ihrcatifn' any -vldlpujje to any sich. ctQcd(,,or
shall interrupt- dr improperly' iiaerfero with
; lain in Uie execution of his ditty, or shall
j Week up Or attempt lo block up,the window of
| aysp}“ to any .window where, thesame may ha
I ntAtfehi riotously disturb.the poacaw,
i Such.eieotion, or shall use or prkcliceaay in
j tiuiidiition, threats, force or.vielehye, with d«-
; •‘tdf'i ,to influence uiululy, or overpower, any !
: elector, or.tprevent him. frohij voting, lor to I
• restrain the freedom of; hits choiiU'i auelr per- j
i son on conviction‘shall bo fined" in any sum ! - , -x~r , : r^-
j not exceeding five hundred dollars,: and he fan-j -tp-DLua. V ,H i hV, .
prisoned Tot any: .time npt less than twelve j. /3k .TjT> *
! months; and’ if U shall be shown'that by tlie ' * C T*
.'.Cuttrttwlw dhe! trial'of ftgh .sfftucp shall be ' t "HIS ‘iloUtotioif will' bV .UaMawt-w 1
pcrka ares!-; fi . ’ * . -M' ' - ■ -\K 1 V
[dent <;f the; city, ward, district or.'township j C ripen W- 1 QtLS. V
, Iwhcre Wseom&Utedand not l r"V '
renrif(ed T to vote therein. tfie&Voi| eotwletieh'fic ; ‘’l'ho ««-lic*w Vrs‘-r >, ?) l^'! A M'it ■ t
shall I)o ebrilcnredto |lay.a flattdt*not less than ir> n fnr.niS’Xnr'vt"' ; v •, a*V
idnohundred nor moretltan obe thousand dol- 1 pew’ D p
t iara; and bo in.prisouednoilessthansixmoS Wfcj fr'fr '
i nor ffibrh than two yhar*. ' J -3'f
i; If person or v’fe^RrufAr^ 1 -'' ;
Her waVf upon the result' of any election'with- • 1“ V
; m tiiiH tommouwcaUu, or sfaail differ-i'o make : ~ahh, i „ \ f ■ a *. i fe
any sWck bet or avnger; cither |>y verbalproc- " for A K r^ r %'
. h\maUoa thereof, or.bylwrutea or printed ad- * U t-J y ' 1 • , t! 1 fcttU * n , .
pay lliree times the amount so bet dr offered .a ,r 1 1 y■" " IC , P*rlmu ars .addresj oi- ,i
■ ' . f oneraa , tber of the Fnnc.|.a!s.,«r, undersigned. Vf -
\: r not by ia'w jitmlified, shMl.l ''r.e ß J T «-
j fraaduicßUy vote at a.ny elecUon within this j —r~i ay. Vr^n';7trrr~ l - — —--'■
Commonwealth; or being otherwise 'ajualtflo'dfJ nlh’Uii U„t5 Ivy itCii.
: shall vote out of his proper district, or if any, T ENTERS of ad ninisireijonhonl
‘perton knowing the avant of such qnblitieation, ; J[j; of : Eobcpt S-biads, dec u, late of Bi
suuli aid or procure such pcrsolns to vhtb; tuev"* s ’* r ' township.. Beaver co . r.k-.flng bye**.
> person oi-'persons so oftendiugshal!, on'convic- .granted to the umii.dgned,. ail y.-rtons, ihV
■t.on, be liued in any sum ny. exced ng' into debiad to said cm»' c are requoste-l, yf diak'oa
hundred dollar?,; and he;taijoined f o! ,ny ' iwwediate payment, and ttojv'e iisiu.g ’tdainis
term not less than tb'rae aJ i ■I " , against the. same will present "thtje '
ilf any person shall vote 1 a “more, thafi^-ore ! anthsnticatcd fortsettlcr.; r.i.l •]. * ’ I
elcotion district,'or othertjue :}ad,ulantiy fold'.. JAS.fE. (THftafl’tiiiN VJ.diwfv.'.l,.
and dijliver to thednsperiors ; |» ; o tlcjcels lb- *«gWd4|_i ' f ' >p'
■•, , fj - - ;.g«her, vriihtneintentiCf v i*a;,;to iilogijlv, or:f\-, tr"^^nf' •
, , i! ' 'J; snail vole ibe,same, or : any. jreou shiu-ad-- 1 -L'i ■■-Jh . JVX. KEH'K '
Notice is. Hereby; Given, . -Itvmoor procure pother •ojdosi.j he. or they so ; Offer, iw £e A- -'
i - v " Ll', , . offending aaa]l y on coQT.ctioo, Jc fined in anv-n ni « > •. w * )r
D Tuatevery p«r?on. of the l gum notloss than fifty nor more!than fire hu *! A X/B- *. ASiJDVf« I S I T V
syS’SS as «.=; ~gr a-uS.'rsa
ofthe limted Slates, or.of. lliis s tats, or of »t.- . •■ T , •’ tn " v ■ t , ,o»»ic» •» v.....ft
any city or ineorporitad district! whether a j lf pf rs()n BPt qualified to vote lu this ! . r®" *' ev^ri
'oomnueetwied officer or . ’>■ •••: "L
have Imen emplpy^undertho Legislative, Ex- • aoni of nualified litiiens > shall! appear at anv .UsmTr>dTTTin?s'' i'T ' r
. p»ttdnUatnct;..Md.*l»mlhiUdiy i i SiircW K u..iTa!f bf
of Cohgressi aud ofthe'Stftte Legislature/and 1 *“Vl»b « 1 IT I *^>s‘ ov^ri»«^fergy <^^aU*aava.i4.uhi . -
of the Select or. Common Council iif any citr •£“> *um ho, Y exceeding one hdndrcd dollan ; p»rsdifcaV.&iff&.ttf' . /
or conmdlioncr of any iniorpdraied uffeuce, and be .mpnsonod foe ; aa.d are roq tested; |,V maU ifetnodla-.0,. '
ia4?y law incapable af :liol|iing or'{cx.ercisipg i*. -| i« ct u&irc-f {i/if+r** 1 ' Ti* 'ifeid .
at.tbo ! !ame time the office-or' ftppomtment of 1 “? s * i ; Witt; present! them to ; ,ihd ; f -b.cuVr
Inspector,-Judge, or Clcrk'of lanyl election of' l5 ,c <* V*. ! h lf -p™* 1 *' «J«1 MRumsd»o-me«>-at ljp»?crly authenncakedifor scitlcmer't;,
oy •«»'»*” y Tri't’. - ! i* ,T. .i!*e Court Haiwe ittvth* borougk of leaver, bn / . \i
tUe Comitaonwuul h, and U-at no Judge,. |n- tl| , fir9L VM&i the reeded. oV -m p 7 ' ‘ ~ 7 E, u I !^- r '
: Specter, or- any other officer of mich .eiey.on, jjavember next.thcr. and there U pe'rftrm t$ ! .-4 ? ; ' ' i.. ; '
I approved the lluh-ot April; iSU, It is enact- (t jj,v. j, v l'«r • ffc./ • • 1 1 nif.ine r-sia'b.
led t hat, the lath, section oi ihekctjipasecd Jnlv • \ SEAIjK ■ 4 . "-L-:Al hf| -d. Giilil.AXn.-'lalo. di BidgUlin
'2d. 1839.'cnUlleiin>t:faa(iik|iV. Hie S- d
ftions oftfiis Cdmmonwcaftb'.jshailjdot.’he con- e ;ilhlv einhih • • * a?- l l< * WulcryisUis»l,.aH P."-d»i;as iudebt^-J
! strued so as to prevent, any militar/ officer or' * of the arc rocuired\c\ntt.. umm.iiap phvmetrt'.r en 1' .
. borougli bificer from ,s«ryic* -as,; Judge, .In* 1 s * TAOl , f ,„ o% *«• ‘ ;priip-j -■
spocior or; Clerk at any gcuerel or special olcc--, * Je^xA7»^E t - sheriff. | er;y
tied ip this.Commonwealtn, ! ;t (‘ tx-t — ta ' ' ) ■' -• 4.-.! ■'»EI,iE-tKli,-ii l a4a’v.,.;’ j' ';
And the said act of-Asscrablc, Entitled "An 1 . : 3ll s' 1 - - ~J -.K. iiriglinw.
Act relating to the clceiionsdf Usis' Commons i ; ' v K „°f. \ ~—rTITTER-, AXGEL \ T ' r >'
wealib,*' pam'd Juiy 2d, lfi3i> ( rUrovidea ns I -f\** C J l B^ tos 7: S rf i - ‘f'A ■ ( 1 - /*,'/f. ■ \ ‘I ‘
follows* t •. THI • svookuoMon of ilw 1»»rU Tin? if fr H fr i '
\= Tliat. kb Judge end InspeitoJ ! chosen » if^
aforesaid,i*hall incet^ places i ctl K I at the honsib_iu PRirF IV C *»’
appointfd for holding.lhc election in the dU- \ *fi-jgb £ oX the 3st dav of So. ' ; '
tricts to which they respectively i;(retting,. be! i T^“^p r eu9 f l ' n C. between the E°uvs of three j, • V'J* ’ <\ • ...
fore 9 o'clock on the morning of ithe Second . pm. At which mee w s a For I3ntler' tlld.Kggkj
TuosSydf Kovejnber g 'akd o«W!if Wid- In-'T 1 ! as he tuhjcct of - j '. T ' ¥
specters shall clerk, mho shall be ! lr| °^£fl nl “ ~0 b to the National -At his Ooosp-Stbr. .« 'h v >
| * qualified voter ioj slid dialmtli ■ < ' I '^ 3t . em W , , 1 j,. ' ... .. . •r);.- ' \
i-' in tase/tbe periods who shalilisve vcbciv- ! ter directors to, ho ensuing On Swofc , v .
led tb« se/ond Wgkelt number ofW&r I*»C w :' U l ,c - e 'i JheW.plac*, onAe , ... .j:-,'
)«pootor,Joll»dt attoad on tlio'dJr 1 „ ... : ! ,
tion, Uion the person who shall libro fcceirod , «• «• of said day; By order ofj ■- BQ-Oftr* him a tjall.
: tt.o'sekond'i.-igltdtt numb'enof vdtj&for iodg, ! C fe- rt nr fe». . •
j at,the next jireceding*tle(iiion>bntH act ns !n- j _L$i3L-; i EpwXßp r. \ A oW6Ot ftDjd
I Bpcctor in his place; andin casd/the person! ’’ f I :
who-Sliwll have received the. highest number 1 V Xy WJVegfwCn® . • j. ■ ; " . !
j affrotes for Inßpecifir,>ahaJl;- ntßjiattwrf.'thd'i fITSHK nmlersifivid has Tofnrhi'dTrom'rbila. t
.■present elected Judge ghallappoint an iniurec- j idchdiia, now dplcned his iW
consistdiig cfiCltfbs. ‘cJbsime.-eL'l^*;
43 Judge shMltlot dttend; th*n this lilsiicctpr fief", Jeans, and-Twecds'. i. -f-.'.'•'S | :
who recdtVed ,r .the highest, dumber of lytSes , V •«-.) 'v ' '•' l/L,'. ■ ad '
f shall appoint a Judge In bis place i endif toy j IJI’CSS GoOflts 9 ; » ■■
[ vacancy sliall «pntifin4'-in' the Bbnrtf 1 foi' r thc ; Xin. Xiavemlci Boathor. Farmeifas
1 spitee of •oiio hour after lh'e tinve fixed by law and Alpacas, alsojSiit R'wpv' Blank Alpaeai; *, "
’ for 1 the'djpecing of ;ihe eTtwtipn; pS'<jiiaKfted,'f'fP* ri <> r ,article.; . J ,, L.,; ’ ; ‘ j’J " •
tvordrs of ; tho towndiip, ward,-; drr'tfisitricf" |for Made up : (JloininayConlsJ' PaM» ‘ and
f wSicfi W’hcto elected. ; y,| TittfOf -Cloth '*tul bfiriim-A •
present attbejilpcoiof clecttonrshaß.electtoof "GroccriVs.-JHarditaro,QtteeniWare,Sall,.hhd nfc
. Khi«tEwTlrtfi.hbld;at o prcHt from * £
gc'ndral, -'.4 fo— r — u-4. .al .i'-Al's >. T ■ .- ' .
the.tiiws tim- Bounty B»ek: P»y-Aabncv, ;„d «
;a},such; clectjijas, o?,ka4h dthbr wiitfiiiT£m'A^ v i*oiliri l lfea&4- ! '-.-b';L ! "SFT
Yribmlimi to-timetsau rx . ■ '.!!,^TlFSClA^a.vattfD»jon ; gltea -bonection. ;With t
j.|K» peibhn (shall li’rdti-aV Any M one *JST
llrttioni *#*rorhs^drother iliufif * whitef"|efi- - aufferin
ehtrtl-havwßesided; In 'IIiIb-'Stafo'at’ deist- ; '/
%Sflye*f; apd in aterttbn-'aiMrlcf- whet The W**Tf&>3 « ick'.'fit. - . W?* “•
ofhrtd'O'vofeydl si.„«' T.■ 1•" 1
-pr«eeffiftgtoch>WeppBi, hmiyHtJihttwoyear* d.-v-..;..- ~',l ’
paid n gUto 6f-Cofcnty’T«i;'’irhW» ihali tova r - V7OUR boychetwOonilMr-:»«• of IftlnM^AS
fieoh asseesod' 'beforo ’tho I J; - yaora id .food■ -a .foiir ’ejUadOtri pristtnw j
•lection. But a_«mi#n of tho CnltOd SUt**, proai. Apply imptodiaiflv JUf aho'Bifefera;
a’ qlholliiad »m»i> of Co>a v «»3,Stto*alilvi? •,? i■' . |
..''■'"j. 'J j ' •iscvryiv'TyV.: ;. , i|i ‘ - 4 "H-'
j Tiia electors. of Brighton township (not em
braced in Industry district) will- meet at, the
•ehool house, pear Richey Bakin's, in said
l township. ' : • • : i ,• v
I ■ The electors of the.borough of FaJlston will
i meet! at the Academy in FalUton'.'.ji., , •
j : The elect orsof Patterson township willmeet
I ift the school house in iho Tillage of Brighton,
j,‘-The electors of Chippewa; township,,will
j meet at the, .house ■of Axarhtu inniuan, pi
{.said| township;... ; " ~ ■ J/ ; .
) ■ ' Xlih electors' of South Beaver township ViU
; meet at Uie house of .Johu Uuwe. ia sjad fown
-1 u h i‘
j -j. The electors of Dhrliugton township [will
miet at the A cadtpay id Ifariipgton.; _ i
|. ■ :The electors of Big Beaver; township {will
| meet at', the iwusc.of widow ii.Uer, ‘in Said
itownship;' ,■j \ r ’b ' .
I The electors qhFranklin' towhihip will inept
jat the house of Mark' i£. Clark,'in said town
ship. i ! . a
T!it olectorsof Sewickley township
srilh meet'at the house of Katbnn’;Hajen, op
land formerly'of Benj. Chew; ' i’ . Z'jJ'
, The electors of Pulss,ki township will
• at Dougheriyls school house, N'o, t <,, ip, said
• township. 1 I.' “, ■ : , ;’li in-'’ |
ii _ The. electors of Marion, township ;wjllLmeet 1
'al the, bourO of Ue-jrga IlariicU,; jr.', m said i
. township.
1 i-This- electors of New Brighton, borough,, and
1 district Will meet at,the schoel house ,iq Jjaid.
[borough-.' ■ ■■ i
| • T.he 1 electors, of Rochester ijtoipiship will .
1 meet at-the Bolesv'ilio School illouse, in said':
township. 1 [l,.'' . ' ' ;
The electors of tho borough or jßoeliei-tor
will m,ect at the school house in IlocUcster,,
! The electors of Freedom bor/jughi iand ,d;s- >
trict will, meet alike schopl hbusciinFreedom, i
’•The electors, of Xew fccwickloji township ;
will tfacel at the house of John ,Fcaicl, in-said ”
toxapuip.! , • , |j i j!
The lndustry dlptricj. | will, meet!.
at the school'holise in Industry. jj I • " ■. ' ri
('The eleetors of liartuony toWnihip Will-meet
at tiiolfbtol in the Economy, ‘.j*. 1( • ,' i
• The electors of Economy township wiß.mcet i
at the house of George C. Minis, itrsaid.iown
ship- . : .| i; : , ' ''|V _ ;.[[-[ •’ : v i
At Jrhich c’.ce- [
tors as aforesaid- will elect by I bajlot —- |
= Twnhf-siz .persons of .a
President and Vvy President of' the'
United States. ••|! ji , - i
11 • ; «* •;.
I, -V
I $
1 v
: i.;,, ,
} ■ i /.
1, - J ;i ' xi
-y» c!irii thence -qp ; wld Utile Beaver
creek. iuctodingtuifsamo sud.lhi! bpnk£therfc
°f .nortfi ■«. rfeg.;wiwf
wwt. W'yer,
dO degrees westr-SiUpor to
68 deg. west, S 8 jjor .to "u rock at. the State;
line. I hence with thpßtslciine and crnsnicr
tho Little Bearer; acock: hoith? J af udhgtji *
(roppwSed'fflagnefldel rarlalion), 100. per to ft
white oak busk w Lor a a w3iitoj>a,k4)Uß|iJt2Jii.:
in diameter ifeehrVsoitl!? -T-> c
ft blftric osk of the fnine' site (bears'north 68*"
.west 80.1ino»i, t Lenco: by -'a line'
•.*pa**t in B this oul'oi the. original tract own
ed bg-the legatees of Thomas Dawson, dec'd,
south CO 0 east'67 per to a potjt'. wKretVplia
oik 18 Inches dintief'er bears north 76° cast;
40 links, and achesthot oaklo inches insli—
inches nofttil TS* 1
lihks.. thence- south 44° east 82 per tp a post
where n_white -Oak ,?i6/incuts in diameter
qears south 22° wesji* 61 links:'
w hite oak 12 inches in diameter,. bears north
80? west‘4B links, ‘ thence «ou»h -56°. cast 67
por to a hickoty near marked cult,' thence
soulh 05° west 60 pjr to tWplaca
rung.,, ■ , .■■• ; ... ‘ \
■ Terns, easVupou confiirpittfiott: of the sale
.by thc Court, or upon rhorlcUveryof that deed'
to the purchaser. r ' *"-! ‘ • '
SeptiS'Ci '
ilt'OH M’MASTE!I, :
4 ,A(3iu;r’of desM. T
iep£2?S &
. ' ~ u .
IS hereby given, tliai tie undersigned CAibi
luissioners, tiled' W- the Court of 1
ler.iSeHsiori! orUi.e. eoar.iyci'^‘fle.ii.y^ib,;- io
view »he bourviariVjs: of a - new and indepen
dent School District,'!Composed of parts iif ihC
Schno*. DNtriets »f; industry an<t oliu> triwh-;
sh:p» iiv eaili oobuty; 'bounded north by f'lir
toji of :Ije. river htU'|.east by Sock run., ikyah
bj- Ohio fiver, ap'd west iy 'Sfattheiy '£!-
lioit’s lan !?, ets.* report their opinion 'of
the expediency or oh,'bet cwtab-
Hahing t!ie_’s«aie.; ; iiil meet ‘ «V /heili&uM? ef
Jordan S (I‘iiio Ip., on }s#dw, .the •
Slfct day October, i&*4, r.t; ifo’c,rsh, a-it..
and fruin ilieuceproceed to the- -Ihchnrje iif -
the: duties oftheir fiLpointmeuU , ■
: 1 r-J)tr.l|E2EKiAft--SRt<atfjf;'r‘' • -
f JAM fit? If. TKIHKiji, . ■ J
JOHH. AKptt £V$,,; 1 *
' * , CoSi:aie;iiiBr»; jr;
;Oct.*, A-i
Perfumed Breath,
4 f?ci
I 43 ir ea*iir;
Wfciiflidy or goiitlpmda ioulvJ' n nr ,
der the cur*« oX irkes.
by using.the. ,‘ ‘■ . - r .-' ,T ■
BALSt OF A 1000 fX.OWF.iIB,
■ vl- - S'-, ■:?:*.'
it couldbe .secured; Hdw DjjuiyloTersiibti
separated' How ipmy frietuli forwrer
Tb« subject is so Delicate,' your nearest fri#n J
will solsiestios it; nr.d you are yourself, ig»
norwnt of* the -faot.L effect a radical cure,
us* tiic paint &» a lOcHi wmu Morn
.-.tgs T'
of ancient tiTp*«urs<l hoW*j-to ; tbelr
couaple the; oombmationiinth p»lxn, J
*ll nnd oftier TaluiVhi ingredients makes it
still acre raluaWe.l :-?or balhlagßufferißf i«»
fants,H.f«wdrop/4poured;into a basin ofw
ter wm dispel; ait ferer, lolier.&o a t«ir
drops poured on your aliarihg.fai-usi, mattes »;
bc iQtiiu! soft lather, twring , tSi» ftea para
and while. - - :
When urmt for w.nWn* nlg&f And
** aradictta alt Matfef. and
rwjftig the skin aofl ami wirii* 'uni' HIM
j f- r eal* at- tka imMdgaaUl?
131 , 14044 s 4F, :pm-.
- ; V .
• I\ c
i •
'* s
■s*. 1 * v