• -• V: ; " .i Oct. 28* --' r * v_f.-: ;pftJ iMBRIE, Editor! m 'ls tnal Union Jf< For Pfesldenl RAH AM LI! Or itLISOIS, For Vice PresM b,i'Bf J O H j\ ■' ■ "of-. «K»*SS«S. ■f* I Ui lion Presidential. . ; / SENATORIAL iln M' MlohSelrPhHsdeip ii CuuningbaTn, Beater ■ ■ HEPBBSBNjTATn 6j)6ri P King Morrison Coat* inry.Btuntn . r illiam H Kern, t, .rton II Teaks . . I inrles M Hun Vi.; . ilicjrl B«rko illianj Taylor- = bn A Hiealand lobardH Coryell ditard Halliday liarlcs F Reed. ’ J 1 E f* C Irma bfßubaoriptl is* per annum, in »dvan< In the ,Tca*i... «i. if thd yearJ no tcrmswEll he strictly Rates of Adye square, 1 insorUon.wi... subsequent -insertion.. imn; G inos. umn, 0 unrni (i m0RJi....... ssqional Mid business Cl ;ding 10 line ...1,. ulora, Administrators* t ices,- each.a.v. I notices, 10 cents peyli atlia >iid Marriagcsj t s where the same dqei for each additional lit rged—excepting iir the r ijiofs, which 'will be publi Tei Argi jWHI ißba )One Eacl ll I I’r ■**i3 j-Loq 8™ line «h»i •old “Rally R*und thi; , But a lew day# ai*o wbicli to prepare for t Mi which is to determ of the Repub lie. i irk,- work, from tl [ of the Bih of Novc 1 be satisfied as to, U i ge majority of the; ito, yet there is mu( me ih preparing for ut in November, Srs; get'every man t i 11 , voto for the' !f» jahtrji; Many, ho ; II thAiugliJgnorapc itc with,th> traitors nvinced' of t heir err isn.. Endeavor to c i, eir mistake*. Sh o u V 01 W...# ■’ r' -ii .ise liiat ihey ui'e scnuclvc* and their •ioriTTke ,; Sol?ior ; it be denied t’aat 111 enielv close one; an ICO to tho'Tact that ■ the JSoctb. and it! ■pe rating i iy Boldier iehoovej| t ■ v 'nii * el CO portents should |ri: ur he traversing . ev :ry hill arid valley of Beaver ooun» tj; and of our good ok. commonwealth, ciroulatingdocu merits .reusing the peo’ pl(! to action and exerting thorn jociu ’v. /.fT'i et work begin note—fo-day. • mnijt .necessarily' be .. fcrie£ Lei us pp such a.majority : lor the Union cause rod Us .standard feeirers m shall overwhelm treason Noi-lli and South. ;tVo have the abil ity to do it; but \ all must work.— Iwysr Plose . up the.ranks; let every man be «ady :afcr!:*lfc mighty siruggfr, then for ' for victory, "iDown with the 1 i the traitors, and op with the flag." 1 .VVehave elcctejd seventeen, and ably eighteen, obt of the twenty, members c>f Congress™ Pennsyh h- : : We harp oarriedboth branch, the State legislature by at least tyiWnjority. This no one will and yst the Copperheads have {he adence to say that they bawcar thp State. We can afford to let way every time. .tne‘ lias that copperhead* and' ora can Invent, will not carry the e ofPehnsylTanfy for the Mac -3lbtbh;ti^ot.l ■ pro i font ran i, eto ■ tblrj ' **y> - iropl . Tiefl cm '. Air trait ; '-BtM T *p' Del » iDe *v ,pri ßta,: Cobßnr», Al, f I*o4*, Poplldn; Checks, Mn«Hns; Sat l |i«(’«, SKfc tdgsther j«n»W <?JkX* ijjngb. ej»n.. 'Jit-‘S*6kW V.ifejv i-fjoiMj toon.KbpbwHo ;J --' A.- •-» : 11•111 . '1 • . i i El . s. • Proprietor. iouc i COLN, If SON, Electors. sia. * poanty. eh. ■; ins W HgJ* ’* asNFhrlner .. hn;>Vi«ter M’Conaugby ivid W Woods aacßensnn ; bn Patton ■ inmelßDiok. retard Blerer >bn P. Penney M’Junkin : W Blanchard '•is,® "•14 jCI • : 1& Hi • 16Jd ,17 D 18 li 19 J( ,20’& 21 E 22J 23 E 24 j l in to Argus ie ...... S 2 00 2 60 , 3 00 adhered to. rtisiog: oo , 60 l2 GO ........ ~20 GO ,.33 00 rda. not ex- > id Auditor’s 8 00 i le each insertion, i ill be ’ published !. not exceed fire e 6 cents brill be btices of deceesed died free. , • lag Boys ” lofi for ua iai he groat con<; in* the deati 'hen rally,boys! ,ia until night* mber. W« may to loyalty of a peoplej of our :h work to be the great coo-| oo your neigh* o.ihe polls who kation. of ,our nest democrats e of, the Jssnes, unlcse they are or, _ See all Fuch*. jOymoe t|(om -of * them the dis- *■ bringing upon posterity, .'that ’’ ballot., it mar o vote is an ox-. d| having-refer- Clio Copperheads o; rebels in the Ogethsr to pr«- i from »votirrg as. « tp be actively^ and p<?r do.to 6a sietently at work <j near at band; r that the loyal roused to the nc » not sufficiently we should have allfrtst twen into vote. There d mbrOj to do iiiipiesAed -with nttpt "and Vigor the tiine |8 there h—that may be slfctdj* a tiOu. I it wer ipponet^' on the jh inough, k must bo. ■ for pro Short as ir y mil ot ]sei I to work iver County, we ! Arouse! The. =II EIEMI Sb of ft bid; Rebels- - 4 | ;•; ; Un be muregntffytng to, b dftfae Uuioh both ; Kort|i. than. thi„dwjg«Hirif ton* the Copperhead. Ur allies the rebel |»pei* Spite the mights efforts y the Northern topper* fit is evident that their Dosyetkilol j /. ’ i -i:'. 1 iNnthing 4 the loyiirraej and. Sonth j assumed by Northand tj South,. I»cs| pot. forth b head press, lilss thatjof “Bob, Acres//!* last 'oozingjioat of their ; fingars ehdftf-, • and wspiie khoootorions i»lß|fccatM»o» ot.tfae Bichreoiid papers, there is nch A deaponddot ione pervading/, the whole of their press, that it is evident , even to the most obtuse that their faith lit fist leaving Iheiiv. And why nolf |The victories of (itaht and Sher man' pave, Sheen making such heavy I inroads upW t& CPP.fede<a<y that every effort of Lee and Hood was tax* ed to the illmOst to counteract them. And theMctorios of Sheridan up the Talley were frequent and so pot snt that Jeff Davis could stand it no longer,. • Ho'therefore dis patched I<< ugstreel with the flower of his ►iVerosh oht Sheridan,” and drive him ,>Ut-of the'valley. at» tempt was wade; with the intention of carry!n g out this programme to the very Utter. In, the stillness of the night! the enemy massed ibis at;* ; my behind the hills on ihersouthwest i side, of Ccphr Crock. At a given mg- >my marched rapidly in-aoKj is of regiments, drove out oyep, toe bridge on said stronrn ah iVeachedthe side of the hiU occupied i y'Thoburn’s Division oI the Eighth Co rpi, Colonel Thoburn was killed anc the- Union forces routhd. For a tinic it .teemed"as though all was loalj mt Cen. Sb'eritJan, who .was R Winchester, soon made hisappear ance upon the field ot battlo,sncfas Napoleon! at the celebrated battle of Marcrigol die snatched a Tlclory trorh the'very paws of defeat. The enemy bad already supposed themselves vic\ arid having driven opr forces aibmfcdiai|iice,wcrepre paring td’gpth' er the fruits of victory, when Sheridan rapidly reforming the scattered troops., soon made another charge, wh'ch i drove the surprised- rebels and soat ■ trred-.th'cm in.!all directions This victory was one pf the; most] brilliant and. important of the brilliantseries of victories which have already made the fiiihio of y-LitUe : Phil" j immortal- The effects of this great victory can-, i,oi bh (justly over-estimated. [lt will I prove the .death-blow to the-rebollion 'in iho. Vallhy of Virginia! and this it istwhioh gives such a despondent tone 1 to-the jrehel press’North and South, 1 nal the en id.'colurai men -buck 8 00 driring, himfoai oftlie’St'ateandGen •sral Shnrm'xn is rapidly clri|ring Hood betore||iin> General Grant is hold*, ing a ligbi grasp pop the throat of the rebellion before Riehmond.-and al together look bad |or the rebels. I’olitiealKj jhings do not look much ' beltci.;' Ipd|iarva; t :Ohid aud'Pannsyi vania lia.vo|voted the wrong .war, and the rest of ilie States sippoar.to be fol. lowing in thi lead oftliene three states. It is. irirfact, now a question, whether jMoClellan will be able to carry a «ln-' gle state ir. November.''" Tlialioart* of 9 beat high with: expects iopc.l The riobelikn is )w]r to pieces before onrv miijs, and .the prospects nek” wanes cpaco We; i rnnVe, a .brilliant charge? r J find.'.wo shall'drive ali i We have noV got. the' ; the tight places, and -it i he intention 6f the peo- ! -shrill remain [tli.-rO. So Copperheadif rn ‘ is being •cd out.’' Auer'thc elec- U bo scarcely "a roslige of .• ■- • anize 1 Organize!! ~ the 'Unionist tion find Crumbling!si of ‘"Little tn have.but.U in Nofombc Kufoio | US;' fight men * it seethe to be pie that the] mote it be. rapidly ,: p!‘a; tion there wi it -loft, i j Orgt In'- i«|=s tb« for President bo hold, and decided.!. Ui the salvation upon cirryir should work i You can cor or if tbo interests t riots; i You n I ifo, week? kn election and Vice President will he destiny of the nntjon ion men, who believe of th? country depend ■ g the coming election, i>9 they faa7or‘d|d before, i thinly spend a few. necessary, to [look after )f the party in yoni die are hn>o>rth^|oir> ( tf • 1 ibot;ai, ,(f men tif See that the townships 1. -Arrange to have ev ight dnl oq'tlho day of ir.k .ae oar soldiers fight nestly,determinedly and if need he.:. Let ns roll f icjority for * Upion; and is stroggle foijperpetni f boar hour part well, hereafter hays the con. I yoo v | did yjonr dhty^ mon’u rightH < you cannot, are organised ery votef bro election. : Wc —bravely, eatii continuously, np 'a B peace. In ti>i ty and liberty i thatyon'miy I ecionsneuthi i ■ , v tbatat Jaipea toc r can ba foi *oir» to dll 'ojir nadeM H. Stole***, Nfwßngh iiiid «B exiAUent 'attort ! rood*, Boot*, 8 boo* and tail «nd wiflt»r "f4r*ar, 4 ; nant of Dry < Clotjjfbg 1 /! for and >r r» Trhftl/wal* •'W:I i - 1 - I- * j -' * 'j- f. 1 1 ■ ! . ME •lives ;.w« ~i \i.‘r , ■; - ; jM.. 'Ji i’fv I > |/i , ' p 11=21 r jati. 1 •?%... i'i- 1! .. . ]V ! I " •; I V dBcSTK.v l i »«••<* •I j, Jn^eWAter..;. I >•«•••■ ••••#»•••••••••*•••••••••••*• r,\,v„ rti rivlri r. n> r >••••• •• • •••••• •»•••••»• ■•*y * ;bpr Ip— Frtnkfbrt dUV »«♦•••**' M’Quire’B. dlit»**»***«* - jumoaj ••• Hopiwell > t lDde|prDdcncc i.— ; .Industry (Marion ...... ; Moon , v New] Brighti Jl ! Now Sowio) , •••d. Son *■' Ohic Patl Phil PoU - ulUei . Poo IRoci iSout EVE H3TEIC E b Bewi ierson .. iipsburj ifc00n....; ibeiter bi tester i] b ari T ■ -j' . Aw • rto* | ].■ . [ i• . i < I Politi 3&1 Preaching. , ■ ..[ 'here ip' a f real ado made now-day* l*K< uti" politics di preaching. . When a* mi ilsior of the gospel, in performance vf his-duty aid his-mission, refer* to j>oiititaraiiD9 and'national infirmities* hejis jat once lonounced *«a “political biecasaij : forfctoth. ccilaur hekrers Ire'jDiityJ.6f.t!ie sin, or sup piWr.oflhe iniquity. . .A«aninstance. wlUnevor 8 minister 6f the gospel ppjeaKS of als"very (which the whole Christian wojrld unite In denouncing as.'a*in against God and humanity) oi| tjiUs his .hearer*, in the language [ of the Bible,! to -lei the oppressed go; free;”, his Democ-ruiicf?) hearers pt once leave, I lie church because mf {o lilical pfenning. j It is.also-a minis yir’jjjluty to counsel. obedience to the Idjr* and I h.yillV to.lh J i? : government.— | But.even' this dirty, though specinlly I ciijpinodj in tjic Bride,-will not be’suf -1 f|rod by, a certain of ihonrers Wp wonder Where a )rarty : wil.Wven tkallyh«jad, that now attempts to chisc ijhe months of God’s ministers nod lr feventi the' utterance oflruth,even seek irg the truth, they' would: ijsel thti .there rim b possibility they were wrong arid the minister right:, especially When minsters of ail de ijo ninati6ns almotb,unanimously ferjed irom them. Whenever a man's Ijjnlitics jhecqfncs tlje role; ol his ac t|°rt, and religion hnP tft gire 'tray or measured by that standard,’ vc T n ?' conciade his profession of reljgions con notion is mere, bypocriey, Ijaye reft rred to ‘thfi matter jjow I Hecjaase all over tho country we'hear.' l|ii| of pnitiicaj. preaching,' and lU<|u*ands ars leaving tho churches •P consequence. We vilth to ask onr Bebiorratic friends, wjio"raise this pjy, |hich tljey Iqvetfc most—their party Ojr , their; Gad * Judging froth your : you {worship' 'tWf %rracr*— Whenever your party re jniros lyon to [separate from y-our church, tp i differ with’ a large proportion of Christian ministers of Ihi p-esciit and of {the past, have you hot reason to (kar your party lies are stronger thah jjojtr roligmus ties, and that your par fi» wrong ? ;If wrong, look'at the sequence:--yo« break off your rch relations, soon .become recon ciled to the wdrld again, and scoffers - • lßqt;wbat is j Worse; your c|Hdreh are thrown ouWide the re- influence of the Church, and bearing jr.h abu*e chufcbes bhd min- Islers, ‘soon idse all respect for them* and grpw.up scoffers and .unbelievers. Ajro you hot working .oil yo'nr own; c< hdemnalicni and their ruin 7 We to call jthe attention of DemoW cratp ; who not! onjy.complain so.pnuch ofp6l|ii ca ’ P'rteoVng, Wat who hi eon. chirichei topthid th,a disrespect manifested toward the, chart* by Otis party, anid the abuse Winisters.; Their papers arW firlf ofdt, and’ their; Wahile speak, eramabeitthe harden ’ oftheir'song And yet ,th<Wd who belong to tho k'w. and i applaqd I Infidels thi>-why to spread-Infidelfty ini France and. they suortfctfed to the rmp of the as well as the Like evils wilt come upon cburchesj are to be broken a p or j diytdod.berause parties qp the' world 1**1?; “O* allowed--to dictate to God’s, A n<l w* tin caWdidatef.at e is kjotiQr I6r\ tbe Octob«l loTdJara” ?n-.W 1 -«: . 1 i o Cragr 'l r ~~~ 'P- S, IP if y l4:-- 1, •••••«•••••••• •••••••••••*••• OllatiMit ■ ly tp—Feetil** dUt...... : —Freedom dirt..,. iisq::s ===za loro * *••>••• * •f*?*.••••••• \7Utbtm, tJ...2M0 | p. H . Bttdunoc.D.-nSS I T I ! Democratic Consistency- ,W J have Jspoken innjiothor article gf th? ajdpinvadohy! Democrat* about “political preaching." W« #r» re minded |of h' case that exhibits their cpnsiptoncji in a very »trong light. A Bev.Hr. Macksiy, formerly of George town, in ihjis connty, isnow'preach ingtblho -Rpisoepalian* St Mononga. iioia hpi'ty,! or raibcr to a few who eo~.-. ceded from other churches there, ho cause of political preaching The church la Composed of those who love 1 the South,j and because their former,j ministers prayed for the f»oyci;i<mcnl | they! seceded, cMahlisped. a of w:j eh arch, and employed ihisljsckay toj preaph. toj them ilio .GpspcU a* they Haid| and |frbl polities; and yet We are. informed his preaching consists of ,po lilical iiaijaiiguos, of .the Governjnipfrl, and ivindicaiinhs of sla* very. .fEhesc Gospel-hunters i arc peh-‘| feetfy satisfied now. we prosn'me. li.( nbl the GorpeS they want after all. I Vo ppepume this Mackny ij» the only! pVekcherj in Wes torn Perinsylvapia Who tej 'So regardless of doty and re ism. He hasTTieitlWTmlT^sTi-'tfiftfir. ac % n pf .patriotism’ to lose, because ho is. tojtally wjthout either. This is the same man who got into * quarrel with a dt,of United of United Stktej ;Boldierii,j while in and t this comity several hundred! in prosecutions. Wo are crcd ibly; v inf.)rn-.ed he carried a cane with _ •rdajt’grp in it, for the purple n f »•. tacking si ihose same ;soldiei*B.. Ho is how a tdomltcr and leading"spirit of m. |‘-E; figivtajCf; the Gulden Circle,’'! |h»jC hoajti po much of his dis-- | conduotthst wc trannot re.jj traingiving him kg an instance of what! Demjocrklcy. will ioal id:’ jY«t thin| manirsq ijdojojd of cWactei- and re-lj appcl, who slandered a \wom min this ! conitly, rir.d is ho w waiting his trial, who boasts of his. figiitiog.ftbility, is the ipan selcctedto preach the Gospel to th’oso whv-coaid pot stapaX'goliii-’ cal; preabhing.’’ -Verily, bis i\a 'fit representative of what Democracy wijl lead to; _■ j- j. '■ \jl| SATios.—Wo ‘learn from!) Prof.|Ve;n that the examibatiop ofjj of clssso: in the Boro’ Ucion Schools will nenco oh Thursday morning! of this w ;ek, to continue;' throughout" the day and the forenoon of Friday;.; j Th® reaching contest. will cbegin at ii-j o’clock, p| ni. on Friday, naer which|i awarding jpf pmes, and a regular Meeting’bi the ♦■frying ary Sjbcijity :[ Tbb friends- of ; Mon- are hritcd’t«jattend.' i. 'j ; ;; r ■ v ih'!’' r —— r.' V.-,j -: that you ans-asscssed On ojr beforp siturday 1 next. Jhat la the last daj’jhh whichaeseestnepte c»n bb nvade'. hope ’ pur.' friends jo tbp townships will attend toHius tbsvnone ire ©milled. ’r • t»e hnable, bn account of bflcial datiea,, ib attend tbeigeot og a* Parting ion 'at the boar aunodtin dp Probably if the friends thereto lid got op a matting that 'dght| and! inviie hini, fcc.' irbdW fce able toaitOndr ,'• ■ 1 t : .' ■'<' ■■ .-.i - ■ ■ ,i --- - ■ ’ ■f* 9im majority in Gimoo li 1431 vote*. y lii| . I 86& hit nwjdipty jorsr Wallace vasoror 2200. 1 |*wi|iicjri«.a popularity ft Greens tliat {|( (Ban a natch 1 forLozear’a* ii_/ f - - • ■ : • 11 i li •ttfTiijs meeting at Now Sheffield has beenjeh.inged .{frm ij; T:’p.;"b«- r - IWo* < tho :■ Dnrotv ‘elocUonJok *p, to about' c• ♦ " ■lt' • _ 3 OEM Offlc 1--*-' *-.fr-r ’ JLtaai ..1 . •TV*'- . < n ~. - ' SU iiiiiti .-i>- 'ff yj aIOO L\a 102} f ,60 m 68 t 160 < '.86 ( -TT "3 U 4 ,} • «S Tli -Mtf f: m MB5 -'*4l 46 192 : 57 Ido 54 -.s «8 s'9 :w 511, 99 66 [ «6 48 '69 76 i 48 .< 1 .|s 54 18 ft 89 109 3ft 180 ft 49 * M 2 1210 :92 !! 18 ; to 132 28 810 J 441 IS 110 , 76 40 138 19 ,24 62 iIG ,7(H 143 60 109 08 138 82 119 60j IOOi^OGO 76 1 184 ]• . 26 18 ; l-i 46 ; 109- 183' rs US 2645j1! 41 109 137 19 118 1 6rt 69 : SI st» 12650 1880 2640 I > .-..,...1889 ( ,• fw-i I ■ i ' i/ ■ -■«. SESIEIII j ' Ucibn Meetings ; 4 i Union Mass meeting at llurKiony, Butler County. Pa- Tuesday^Nov. | iHt. lt l|P M. Ron., Thorns Con ninffhairu llon.Thoinft« floffnrd, idon, S aij-Birviaiicfl i Thotiiw Ma^iilii Em? Hd'p. J. J.»ibenic HP- Mueller un|soth»e,i will address the meeting fyiondsin Beaver Conn, ty will organise -«ri|d attend this; meet;* >»»•: ■■44 'J ... •. ; :.;44| f Mass tneeling nt Darhnton, Tues daF; rtt s,P ,iP. ML aon. .Thotnfla.Cuniiioxham.Maj.jlolinAl liaon, Gen. W.;B, Clark, .otUcra, will address the meotiiig. I :-i 1 4 ' NorthScwickly^VVarnpck^School House. Friday evening. Oct 28st, at 7 p. • to. Speakers; B. fl. Chain boylrn, James Patterson. Moj. John. Allison, Jl: B. ; Welsh; apd &Magavy. •! , (j ’S Phillis School House,- in, Franklin tp., : Mdnday evening, Out. Sit, at 7 p. in. Speakers: S-' Davenporvi jCol.,' A.. .W.Taylor, '-JSE Wiay, S- Magaw,: add D Etikin. . : ■ .-AA H p.i'lrf: , ; Raccoon Ip., Nor. 2nd,al/7 p;mal Green Gard*^. School House, Speak ers; Col. A. Ht. Taylor; M.. Wtyand.iJ. S. Rut : an.S Davenport. /, , i ir- Smith* School 1 House,; Nor. 3rd, ;7. u. m. Speaker": •• B- B. .‘Cham.i>crl|n, ; Thomas NiclioUdh, A-• Wray;;;dud,,®., ; Eakin,, . ,j v '|1 ! . Independence,, Nbj. 4tli, at Tp.jlju* Speakers: Dr. A. R,,TlVotopedn,’i Gen. Clark, Cpl. A. W. Taylor; .Tie. “Patterson and' B. B. Chamberlin. ■: New Sheffield, Noy :3d, at 7 p ,m. Speakers; B. B.,Ohamberlin, Jarne* v Patterson:'.!;'- H,‘ Cunningham,| |My|-B. | Weigh, and S. Davenport. I I'.-j-j, " Meehan icsburp, Nov I*l, «t ;7 p4rh- Speakers: Thomas Nicholson M. Welsh and S. Magaw and James Pat terson , 4'-|V "j/- _____ South Beavenal McConnellV^iikdf?^ , —- r “i i r : "' IHouae. Nov. 4ih.at 7 p.in; Speakor|: How in Soldiers ■‘Talk.— rThe- j j£ utttn M. Weyand S. Reed Esq. following extract, which is tajkcn from ! 1 M’Gnires District M ill«M j School a 1 letter written by j a“ Beaver icouiity jHouso Get, 28th at »j». tr . ! :.. . i o : :ai l 1 iTho*. • Njeholsor,, . B B- .Ohamber- Yeteran soldier tn ,1110 •, Riuan; M, WeyandV “| - yegimchtrto a; ftidnd, sbow jij the Ijeple Brighton tp. Jaeksdn’s Rchrtdf hense, ings bt the bravo soldiers at; Ihe {font: Nov 6th, at 7 p in. Speakers; Blajor 4•' ' ' ; *!. * ■ I rcpciyedta T'o|cipl John Allison, .!. S. Hiilan und Samuel tjnd a.ticket, and pul it ih jfpr dirti'ict Mhgaw. . ' , 2nd county officers, pnd It-I liyf; till Meeting at Industry. .Monday Even the Bth of November I wi!|j]int one in ing.ov.N Jtb, at 7 it;;»«.-■ .'1 , iar Abraham: I was afraid fwe, wi'finid Other meeiinge jM be.appptftled at Wdrorlobkod by Hlie aasesW-dM 1 the request of local 1 •cjm.Aitleea ithC; - Wrote to you to bo aure'-df.'il ,1 Jjave Itienda will aee thatproW » Pdrpose orrttr V ermori ,Ra Inure ihteieet in lhc cOmir.g olcpiion giTen and will pall and gel . blank Tho Montrcal ! .-.n ah-e han.l ever 1 had eince I heca4e a billa , 4 f “JJ: ‘f - tntdhgentJnpnd of ihp govorjiio! Utor; and I hope every lc»yUli citizen * 1 si both icdes oXthe ..no, .n Will tnrn but and cast thdf \vfa fa A(Rebel R4ld in Vermont. , l tho rebel raid tnl.o A ornio ?t , ,^ T the Union, ar.d let the. rpbelH '' 4 . Sy. Vt-, -j tlie atm 4 « jeign nation" see that the N«Klh |i’uot invasion of this town took llope i -iwaren t 0 a “* T > I b o half oli theVrisoaiern frletoU. Wr ifwould this fall. T think if tbw 1* peraopes, supposeil to l>e in rebcl|e,m.jjV v( , iloubt - t hat\ui4su\«*v;:..viv| lap out we, tin reflect ployi from. .Canada,, made on * . k „Mwlo^!.'if iho Abrabarr by a handsome '•majorjU.. on .evoral banks about 4 o clock ( th.s, • d w . n 0 unU.J and then.the rpbela wdl see Ihatfthmr a f tento , )n , 'phe Natural Bank iwasl rtLris »nid iii onAof last hope is gone, and they w.t«'l?«ve robbed .of-iiliout abO.OSi) 1 ' p ‘ hw , th at thAA s ' in 3 ‘up. peace' men may dell; i;ry to lhilu , TlmSt/Aibans Bank was [mb - d.rospj-'t of 'fotpleniin Avo-r,krli [lo'the lijilis and monptiti.is to hed of about 870.000. apd ; ; Fra klih- h»rf them a'tid firm from County Bank of a large amouhtv- j a , e .t. P to o d,..thsifii. perfoc'tly grace. Generations yet: iiribori| a »,1 horses, were.also Nftr | r Uyeless, jif he mill; pirn «t the, ftnget; of seorn jat; them. desperadoes and canned off..; S.el-ci'al , 1 r. eß {!, f ,.i, l - 1 ..,us M Such men should be marked andjd’? n,( \ citizens whdreaistyd the i;iubcr« %r«te| L .• j.*'. j»«s,vN- wec fci ; l a l 004 nover'tiarc any parf in American ' deliberately shot. >\. l | , i Northern, border Hi#!? ?s r. v'vilij tT . • . ; —a •robbers at St. ASbpnf. li,at e| tieen.i i I I Here is an- oxteact' fpin ‘another j. • .i 3 !!J- n iu rt ‘ , pn«t»|• j bon». REBKtR/lf.us&Msv ‘letter,.written by tkd same; ;, ii .J® ••» f&'the Adjiit2.,t KndijfiwetorC^ * ■ •’ I • - J. - •!" «e Confederate servieci :T W cntv • • -i- 1 • '<■-■ ts&sr fM Ti§^ »: f-j-77 144 86 ,69 TBO 119 as 64 66 .88 I«1 . «i U 100 *B5 1 1 08 To' 47 •71' ■ 65 ■; 12 ! 62J. SI TOO." 800 181[ 02 41 18 illB‘ 176 -4l) 188 15! 24 60 17 ;,60 -42 66* 109 6»; : 138 : 66 ii 69 81 v m VI 81 j’;j,6o liiir L«1 | 60j 265! 118861 2651 1887 ; r i-■ T • jllflow, . - , ■ Wilson, V Vj26;3' i : Dempstf.C .....'.......-2619'; j. Futon, D ...............i.1785 Bigg»r. p......1.-...i.—l'Sjli , Mellon, D . ..-1780 ; , *■ Wti bare the,John-' nie» ii> a position that destruction is jcertain, .Aifew more, is all ,we j want, f>ood pinion sentiments ex pres *«d at homo. and the re-election of Qld Abo. If-we-aru to have, a ri! open .rebellion'atihomc this fall Uas good a .tiiiiji ns any. .There js- no .nsu talking .of peace. The rob* will J arcejft, no ] terms bnt »recognition of'ihe South*: j irrn • Confederacy. A whnt we have, we ‘ can’t jsec” [ »ac« on those lepras; and nnyi Northern j Otan Who is in favor of W‘h Sfcrms oughtjlo bo hungj and any |one.ynlirtg . for a 'man' . takch 'npr.on, the jCi| ongo platform is at heart in favor nf| such, terras. I suppose the Southern Wm» .patldzers at tho North* would think this plain talk: but I moan whntlj say.; and had t the power would pitt jit in to evocation. There (Aa day Wpeck onmg for such , then,.and I it j. not far distant. , |J. I'J.'Hi ,i. ■ — : —««««v i 4— j /; Rotten Potatoes! ,;r' - ML Eoitor:--Ii muy be of.i tmpor jtance to iame ofyntir readers,ting fall, xwuen pofntoos are rot ting, to 4 get all the-light and experience lof : others, that they may ■ by some means '[save the crop that i« f.ow threatened ]by the rot, Fifteen years ago, I «hw an citractxfronv an English Agriculiriral P ; tpor, giting the ’experience of ah ag. ricalturatmt fop r ngrobef of years and T hare tried the same prerjj. ycW since, with!thgAathe favorsble’iesuH. One rear, ohe’Vthird of .njy prttatrtes rotted, before they rt ere' holed,! the remaining two thirds had not more than half a pegk rotted in ‘ the spring, wbofi the potato henpVwas rtper,rtd[— The process .is thN: V toko nboht a peck .of onslaoked Kme trtj twen ty]fi vo or thirty brtshcl* rtf potelfoAaiWing moet’ef iton the ; bottom [ahrtW {the bentog of the' h’eap. r f keeping the hota* bWefrott ihelimebylayingeotWßticks Upon it.) sprinkling abonfond third of the peck of fine lime tbrOngh ithe heap, spy every layer rtf ten or twhlye W abonl thou*. of Saving proxies euiaaiUi. Tha Commissioner basjjdecided | (hat no sumps arrneteessaryon ; or ■ anything' |Conn«ct#d ' with proxies' or; soldiers’ ' j i J ; '■ NM '' ' ; '. Ifiw Yoi*,; ; o>oloJ»ri6 WMbingfcn special Jlßth I|«ir, York Mgunent have 'toMitf '**' follows Lincoln, .285: MoGloltan d- F-eiito^.294, .',.& u[ d|*;j '■ : -.- irT''. ■•■!-, ■ ‘ . T ■■■■•; ;. ; l‘i : ’ ' V on. i »th’£ it- *a - ■fi lm P v. i v 5 si-V' -v --Sf r :'-i' -a.-- ** —•-». &•.* •; V < ( 77 50 66. ... . . . ,61.,. ... i ■w----r:r^r r ! ■ 26 ■ 64 =•/ 64 ; 6i 66 f. > * 100 69 168 :,jBi 61 ';l3 . m ■ 71“ 1 •“ '• 64 ■ i- —. >•6l no f lao 4f~. ]■ i . !■! .41 •; >:[;j V' ' : ii... :■ 69, --I:'- ' 64 i -oa- ■ ■ sin, ■; - I 60 - 91 $OB ' 92 18 1897 2649 jn i • .i 1 ; ■.l i 1 , t t. =I !i-i I •*[ l;ih tlire« persons were concerned iii the PA^id,. and the amount taken: froin the bank* was 8223,0n0U s | : The Evenir.g Telegni ph, \publMiod atSt. A'.bar.s, iuy|: “Fears are enter.-, tallied, • from tRe sympathy slioivp at St. John b tor the robed raiderf .a-f St. Alban*, that an attempt will be'made to rescue them A troop of cavalry baa V been caller} out, anil are now guarding the jail IHno; J.-J. Abbot. li. Laflarame. nndlHon. J M! fcamor on have, been retained as connsfjl for the'rebels, and itr. s)erlirt for the United States authorities.! i Uieut; .Bunnot i£. ‘Yoiiirg cjonan ingthc raiders,, bus.sent to the 1 ing Telegraphs a letter,' in why charges the citizehsjof V'ernioju '■ violating English fapd -Canadian A Jewish Bp la tig tothalib; - 1 . head Gentiles , L Thi Belmont, (is -thJ: ,bi» Iname,) who writes bimsolf Ctiail-maii joi the Copporhcvd National Corhmit tec, ha* issued n utiUotydrdcr to Ids deluded followers on the result of the recent eU;tiohe. licldlalibern elections have: been the oh iub. Mountain of (ho 'political/) war, and _ that, 'November will prove the Antietain, ,/ < ■ | True,; most learned Jew, we thank' you for the word. McClellan's elec lion,' if such, an improbability!; could* occur, 1 would be another A fruitless victory, res'ultinjj ir. emMer tbircr 'dftys ftrtniitics -Oiitior cov<(t ? * of whtch rebeil arts would triumph.ana a Southern Confederacy be &ti acknowl edged I fact. : v ' i |Tlm lioino Votb-■ i k3»nr Goprerhcadfi'iendshave Jind a groat deal today aboßt' oarrVini? the Slate on the »hoino;vpU-,” at thbuU the homo vote wa»;-'.a' more !'eiicrad thing than that cast by ,onr blittie •carrsd heroes of k hundred fieht*.-- We tell them thoj soldier’s vote as modi as theyplkase their viotorlas will live in; bhfonL wboJher gameJ. on the battle fie do? fctdhe ballot box. They wHI W felt m Washingtoaaa .well ms Bichmond, tand iMkloyal people. willrejoice itike over them. Let us hear nh mK' ,! bDut the home vbtb; ltd* fill «*£otast» ” whetherbdihe battle field er Tb the quiet rctreats fsr removed Jwnwatfer, - „ ■ ■ \T . ■ It.; ■ v Alexander Starno,"Copperhead cindidate for TAaiqrer of IllinoiiL in * Whohaald;' trotatbkfteld pf r|»ttle iO'btOpm order to irse ihw negro." | Hr. turne eundson aiprirtfomthat exteadatb^toldi^W^bkfleldrthe :u ■'B- ■ j-r *5“ Army Corps. GrrU Bi rne . ■ wjll bo i,i s M , ’'- Ume pf live recent. roty l^ lhs Cen. Satis « cavalry, at, ,i, ,i !)n offtia 1 lb. that had W„ excitement aggravated huconi.. • SS to be qd maoh worse that Uik d to feis.3ioiroe.Jd Philadelphia:'],*.. rsi i «*'l <kr ( 6 n tr lodes o|ri<i dWU feesi and biavest 7”? ers, and onr cause one of„ 8 m „ s , , sistent amr earnest dafciKjcm •'■ Movements of s; ;; 'New YoEk, o‘ct(>hei- W.-i-nn ti twWßno : ir f<!r f;J <r ; the 19th. naj h\ . Sherman l.i* h„ t . !‘ r ing! Hood, but; rutheij ijiana./j^” powlile, to poop: l.iro Sp jn “ and «tarye him fo dwft-ijj .y wdeiullyWilodjH . supplies, llew Iry.ugl,;, feet)l b B /■ void ,a fight. ..fie aUeimitAl to 6 h ea ..: ■ backlhrough Snalie ,(,r(*ck 6»n. fa finding that blockiirjed n|U;. s * bandpned ilieaiUinpt." 'Hl.is heisreported a milejam) a VuJ Fayette.; S(iorm«n !», i j milea.from rim. : f - /.SOTURR ADV(^(:ATf,>OR CfiMitAS.—Congressman &, Georgia, in a recentspo.nc.h, al' : 3lai:or, ! 7orged upon bis hearers tlie Sherman, kjiying:.-;,-*" ' "If Lincoln is defejiterf nn'djhCklk elected ifr the- coming election :'ire : tr ihave peace. But] there in no peace 'iylje.fei North-if t*o ftubjugUlcd. ■■ All Will, eubjuguta us they can. Peace can oj»ly Vonr? the defeat jbt . the eneniyi. JjcOttK will: never he elected unkdt Skenu?. defeated ", The preservation of , honcr, ibd preservation pt, our Ht t\j o>foct io|»?o t McClellnrrana ’.lie curing of an.boroPabhvpeace, nil / pend upon the defeat of Siierfnan” • c-al’s office.dated .Richmond.' ; 1 20lli, published in i\\sMnaitirer 1 the Chief oi.’tlio_ Bureau ot Oc!Jwf| :t0 take measures without. iio!ir>| place in the''fieM-.-ono-fifth bf iel us . men.employcijl in bis duding.contractors and ce«.- All officess in chaiireoi'sr'i-'J.!, depots^; cK,. m.i V over.to the n.dar&t.re'etaiting((iliw», fist of, names-. Three |hiyit',are stor ed for the execution of] the nniW.ni> it* receipt. -The C|iieV of, (h- Y;?; and/Miiling.’Bureau is| orleu!.;" 6 the same in his department V . Nkw,'YttßK. 0..‘. it. . The Ueratd's Washington il - ?*;-' say* that General r>is!-> c uirv in j;r dcring pursuit of th.ri St. - 'V dits across tlig Canadian burJoiyniji sustained. , - i • / ~L It is now alio Ted MuJt Soai-v sw ■ -ton will be offered the ChU‘ ship'.and fhat-ifessrs, *l ■and.-Butler are mentioned flir-tlle-If**. Department. ; i Ket'ugoes from thcShpnand'wiifa Tey .‘report that •.r.olwii.hs»art(' : »4 >:'• devastation by Sheridan, t ! «>rs ■!. still.an immense quantity'of g'd* • • this outside track taken by oar hand- Kren- ii-h he [will! laws; per The New 'Louisiana United Sr.*? o Senators,r--Mr. Smith' is a by trade, « .TTniouisUn all '«»«<*• who was' fihmpolled to' flea hate of'th'e Secessionists, an;/ i age { iif New Orleans li lider t' lt ' e .'i ■ General Butler. He 1 ns,been of ; and is noir the State Senator his own pansh ‘ ' ’MV. Cutisr'i*. 11 , ing lawyerof XewlOrleans.:-«M»• r filied several important poßls ' n .■■ Parish of Jefferson. He was a P 1 ? 01 ! went member of the' Consti'-a 11 '-'I'* 1 '* "■Convention: J ' ■' rW*»TB>B*r;VFrtra the Wloshl which,we clip from thb Oil. City ister, it will he seen, i that ' t s r* Jake Hill wants ' to siiqw the ,!£** h *>y makj,ng » ?m „* Oar cotemporarj eiij* : ■ faill, bf PiLißburg, ri que?is us w f f thhl ho rt ready to bet froin oD ■ ten t boa sand dollar* that „i Lincoln. will be elected; Bresiiicu the United Stale at,the ensiling lion. Those who want to bet f ‘ l . cure the Same by ap-plyfog 8t !: '*, i flee,or addressing nim si P> tl * 6U : o-r ■ comph»i nc<i hV defeat bn.the Peninsula was .('« n the President not furnishing # j|i a'anffleieut amount of rnen. & hare the same coroploint to m _ his party 010 bfNovember. : i-.skt’6oyißrih )T Broogb, of ftowsor Andrew, »r* ■ %, e f In Ueir’To.rV lOjlk*^b»»o»tr«8 l»a«t*hw r . • , i aua • Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers