The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 19, 1864, Image 4
>1 v. ■ ■' " r >. r , v . ■ v i_ ■ 1 - ■ OF TH# -GrTeat Cities. Wo, the nndhraltrnod Mayors, hereby car-, O/y ; that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Thy"«««"< of oar aovcroi cities have signed & toounjeot ot aeaor arise to us that &.YS ll'3' r a Ttßft,p ATtrrAA has been found to bo a jedlo4y- .of excellence, and worthy the EoafldeQao of tho community. HON. JAMES COOK,, • ' * tSsfot bl LOWBLI*. MASS. ti&f: Aißiir bbab®. . , w _ ' . itijar of : 3TA3flroA, N. Ip HOJT. B.'tCT. fiABBINQTON, ± ju* , • nr* itf— - - • _ 2£aypt of j£AUrdHS3I33, W.- H. HOW. .’OHS ABBOTT, ; ■ • ' May™ - of GOWQOBD, XT. H. HOW. A. H. - BtTIiIiOCK, Of WOBCE3TEB, MASS. HOW. WATS’I» SI£SBEE, •V • • ... jfeyor-ipf SAIiBM, MASS. HOW. P. W. IiIWCOIfN. jJr., .. . 1 Mayor of | BOSTON, MA.S3. HOW. WM. M. HODMAW, ; Major of PBOVTDEN ODj B. I* HOW. AMOS W. PBEWTIOB, Mayor, of HOHWICH, OOOT. HOW. 'J. W.'ifiARBIS, • . :1 ..Mayor of OTXtf fiOITDOif. COOT. HO# CHAS. S. HODIEH.- . ,;■ Mayor of MOHTHHAL, O. X. HOW. D. P. TIEMAWW, ’ 1 Mayor of HEW TOBK OCTY. HOW. H. M. B3WSTEEY, •’ - ~ Mayor- of-HAMMiTOW, 0. W HOW. ADAM WIIiSOW, ; > . . .. of TOBOUTO. 0. W, . HOW- B, 24. BISHOP, - _ ?. ’ Mayor-of CXSCIOTATI. OHIO. HOW* I- W- CBAWPOBO. . , '• >|'v; jjayor of LOUibyiLMii KY; HOW. JOHW SLOAW, V Mayor of LYONS, lOWA HOW. JAMES MoPEETKBS, ' - Mayor of BOWMAHVXZOiB. 0. W. HOW. iLAMES THTTI WORTH, Mayor of ATTOUBTA, MX. HOE.HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of H ALLO vJ LLL, MB, HOE 7 JAMES S. SEEK, : FEEDEBIC3TOJJ, H. B. HOE. WILLARD EYE, <1 . Mayor of KBW BEDFORD jjMASa. HOE. J. BLAJSDSM*. i | Mayor'ofjFAl^BlVßßj 1 MASS. HOE. 1 W. H. CRANSTON, , ■ Mayor of NEWPORT, B. I HOE. PRED STAHL, Mayor of QATiKKA, Uiu HOE. JOHE HODGDBE, Mayor of EUBUQUS, lOWA 'HOE. THOMAS CBUTOHiTELD, Mayor of OHATTAHOO&A, TEOTT. HOE. ROBERT BLAIR," Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HOE. R. D. BAUGH, , Mayor-of MEMPHIS, TEHH. HOE, GERARD STITH, - 1 jjgyof of ZfEW ORLBAWB| TiA* HOEv H. D. SCRAETOE, ■V • ~ t - Mayor of UTIOA, E. T. HOK. GEO. WH.SOE, I Mayor of IPITTSBURG. PA. HOE. O. H. BUHL, Mayor of]DETROIT, MICH. HOE; HBMAE lJ PAGE, | Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIA v Hoe. w. vr. vauGhe, , . K Mayor-of RACINE. WIB. Hoe. a. parr, } J Mayor of KENOSHA, WlB. hoeJ johe c. Haiees, •Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. hoe: M. J. a. heath, '[■ ■ ? Mayor ol SELMA i ALA. HON. 1. NOBLE, l v , ilayoi' of MOSXQOMEBY, ALA. HOE. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, 8A DOE EBPARTERO MAEUEL, .}. i Mayoj, of VERA CRUZ. DOE PIBT&S DEj CABaILO, * Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE KODRIGTTE3. . Mayor of HAVA2T£ don'antonio echevera, . Mayor of LIMA, BJ3BD. BON M', G.MHiANQNOi i Moyer of VALPARAISO, BON MAEO SESQTTTEEDAIiIA,- Moyer of 810 JATfBIEO, BBAZU, .. Ccrtiiy that ths* reaident DrusgUta have iwored them < Ayer’s Sarsaparilla T« an excellent rpmedy.inad worthy the eon- redone© cf.tho community.. r ’s - j I’.,’ ~ - r . ■, ‘ I’W Pprl r ttg DUtaiet* | Pnrh'j lag the Vloo4« ( : I’or BcrofaJ« cr XlngU firll. " i -.- . . i •. . j -■ •». .■ * . Vor Tiiniorfi 'then r and forti* KrupiiOA* t>nd Pimples* ■ . Par DUlmy and Xtolli. . ■ I-'or.St. Kn*i or Ery*. f;For T*tt«B.oir Salt Bhenra. • [•iptiu, - I'or Scald Head and Rlngtvorm* . I’or Outer chd-Onerrbn* Sore*. Pef Siito K>«», Sore Kara, «t)d Burner*, for Mnil« tllicuc:.: - ■>'*• ;; Far' Knpprenion aad Irregularity, fu tn>blli> or Vrnr ral Dlitaitl. ■ -Vet.Llm Complaint*, .-'Wi DUmici of the Hurt. i Tho-Stayers of the ehllf aitie* ef the Hul- led States, Cr.nadaa, and BrjtishPrprince*,. - Brazil, Mctaco, and ia : &ot air ! mott eai the oitiea on tUs continent,b» T o - «(£nri&fhis document, to! assure <Jt*irpfeopla tafalyaiS“ ■'aonlldeints... But curspueexiU only adult ; -njmitto of theta, , vf. „ , \ i Ayer’s Cherry "Pectoral, i *V i! '- Ayer’S Pills," and i-l ' dyer’s; Ague. Cure, i i'Wr. Wye*'A-/ir - 'A. ;/ - - - t J i',’", •• ij^i‘fxi : ?<ASs.; ;• BEE 't saglOUjß l*oy* ago of -ii'-ind itj %. P y**r* «o feed »; faur cylindtr printing *1 ,A* JPUMmr* nhfc%<tHee —*»;, J ’ ~.' “ V A H 1 ■•This is A* .flrtt Treally. oierer omnio and; satirical journal we have-hid in- America— and really cleror'll I*. 1 It sharp rand good-tempered, and not afraid to sjty that its soul is its own—Which shows haaa soul. Our readers will be glad to know where they can find native fun that haa“ something better uTlt .than met;e £ Monthly. | j . I “This. paper is' excellent.. • . Remarkable] ; for originality.’’— W..T* traveller, > _ ■ -• • i j - “Vasirr Fain is conducted by'a rivacious, ! witty and intelligent corps of journalists.”— \ Litchfield (Conn.) inquirer. ; ! , ..Will wield as pbteni an influehoe as that of the London /W*.f WRoitoa JVdreller. ~ ■ “Wbosoeenr finqs- himself laughing tat. the w>* of Tasby Finl, and-, does not .return a quij’pro jnoMs fit foif ‘treason, and S’. T. Crayon. j' | L . ' ' ■ ’ ' ' ‘SPECjIiL NOTICE ■ The eery market! and flattering success which has thus far attended the publication ol .. “ViwtTT Fain,” Enibles the publisher to announce that with 'the commencement of the Second Volume,, te*. sued this day, 30th June, New Features, both Literary and Artistic], will be introduced, which will increase the raljue and interest of the pa | per, and fully maintain the proud‘position | unanimously occordi id to it, u the lading . ' ■ ■ ■' • ii- : *’• ' Comic Journal of America. " VANITY FAIR IB SU*H BXOUUtKLT IYKRT THCSSDAT. and U for Sale bHall Newsmen, and at the office of Publication, No 118 Nassan-street, New fork. | TERMS: 7 * annum, in advance Six Three dollars’ cents single copy. TERM ■ Two copies of one address for... Five copies.:. Ten copies.. An Extra copy up of every Clan This, paper is may be procured Publisher for th „■ ' MME.j J}EiIOIIEST’S | i; Quarterly' Mirror ol PasMbns, With Ottat Imifmenentt and ' j TH» HOjiBBECOSTAIBS. FOUR laEgE FASHION. Elates, three full-weed ■ PATTERNS 6F DRESSES,’ *, { compiiislvo tbk ;1- New French Waist, Ilia Elegant Sleeve, and a L Misses Sack, and a Sheet of New; ’ | " and I Beautiful I- i BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. Together with! neariy''loo_Engtqvjng«i of >• | ; .all the novelties fori; jr Summer BontietSjXloaks, Children’* Dresses, &cj, ‘ j And valuable information to Milliners, Dress l Makers, ajnd Ladies generally, pre senting the latest) 1 and best Fashion; Maga sine in the World, published 473 Broadway, N., V., and 'soldi everywhere qi 25 cents,, -or sent by mail, post Tree, on receipt of, the ain't in stamps; or, silver. | Year $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable premium. 7‘ 1. . Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the; selection of 50 cents worth -' plain patterns, fromj. the designs in the bo( or from the show room, or they, maybe dered and sent by. mail ,any time during i ------ ICE |CR M SALOON „ lii Bridgewater. r subscrib*erhas fitted up, m an elegant I and, modern style, for an ICE CREAM SALOON, bis hjmse on the corner of Bridge and'Mulberry 1 tre«tsj , . .. . Cakes aid Confectionaries, of all kifids, sonslaniiy Kept- onhand. ORDERS FOIL lUE PROMPTLY | FILLED. „May 25, 18Wji-4f , FREDERICK WALZ. ICE CREpI SALOONT THE subscriber bits opened, in conngttion with his CONFECTIONARY, an >t " ' lOE (htJUM SALOON, in’ the. North-cast yorner of the Diamond, where persons ’can! be accommodated. A share of the public patronage is solicited. • may2s,’66' r ~ FRED’K. WALTERS. The said 1 eTtcjlicll', will be held through the' county as follows: > Estate of ijohn Imbrie.dec’dT LETTERS of iadministretion on the estate of Joan Inn*;*,, late of Tfig Bearer town, emp, BearerQounty, Pohna., dec’d,haring been granted t« the undersigned, all persons indebted; to said estate are-requested to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the sami will present them properly authenticated for settlenient. j D. L. IMBRIE,,Bearer, r K. S. IMBRIE, .'Darlington, Je2y6l ; } - Administrator*. T. ml^tocord, -« Notary -i - ■ .WJIC».iWITB' ■' .■>' i. *. v • B. 8.. CHAMDERLI|J, ATTT XT' LAW, {Rear* the Provost J£arshaV< 'fVce/ > BROADWAY, Nm *Uul.ON t | HEAVIER COUNTS’, PA. t i -ThBOMT atten|don'gtfen to ‘the drawing of Jt-EXEMPTION PAPERS, and all;mat£era connected with the draftfalso oaths aduimui tered, acknowledgments taken, &c., &c. [del’6 f A Gentleman |ured of Ker Toni Debftity, In competency, PrimatiireDecay and Youthful Error, actuated jby a desire to benefit others, will bc happy ito' furnUh to aU.vhotieed it (free ofohargi) the receipt and directions for making the simple Remedy used in hie pose. Those wishing td profit by Ida experience 4 and possess a Valuable f Remedy—trill 1 reeeire the same, by return mail; (carefully sealed,! by addressing ■ / i. JOHN B, OGDEN,’ > £ '; ' No 6( Nassaa StHet, NewYoth. augl2:Sm '.-j 'HT' v • -, '• ■*? • . f sV. INN I EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. _ WHEBEAS, tbeProbate Conrtof.Colu*- Bisn* county, 0., having, grantetjto ‘be undersigned letters teatameiitorakVDjba ♦state N-. Barker, late *>t Columbiana a# .Ohio, knowing teems* »e* indebted lolekidUtitilte I are ' Veaen?Ol#?;W V*??- ’ is!6y4 ■:]■■'■ . $•» , EEO TIT FAIR.* FOB CLUBS: Vis itt Eu* will be sent to 1.. 1 •...•12 00 " pr .20 00 Hll be allowed to the goiter of [not less than five copies.. Electrolysed, and rimiiber* at any lime. ' i ' -il I {Lorns H. STEPHENS, i s Proprietors,ll3 Niusau-tl. • New-Tork. • If. 'i l - W»lherf|prc»*mg( andsoparatlng. « itdoes, the! dirilwiih tkje wafer from the clothes. Wing them drytk whiter, andsmoOther than whin “ Wrung’’ by hand! The water can be pre«Bedl from' large and email articles, easier, quicken ! and; morja thoroughly than by the or dinary.! old-fashioned back-breaking, wrat- I gtriinini, and clothes destroying [process.— The Goaf wheels prevent all “wear. and teari of clothes by! tie (friction of tie rolls or brsak inglof switches by. twisting. . - ■ . Withoht Cog-Wheels, | the whole strain of, .forcing the Cloth through the Machine Is put upon th(i lower roll, and the cloth is made to aotlin ihe place of Cog-wheels, to drive the upper r<Su, causing a much greater strain.up on the iowerSrollJlhan when with our Patent Begulator.are used,besides the ,ex-, trajstrain upon the cloth. A Good Canvasser wahteipn every town. I Liberal inducements affSredlWnd exclusive sale guaranteed. - ; i--r- j , Si C. BEOWINO, AgenW _ I i i I 847 Brodway, New York. 1 ‘-i 5 V WM. G: WOLK, Agent, May 11,’64* 1 , | Borough township. BIVTODD-is Agent for Universe Cldthei Wringer jin the] Townships of Moon. Raccoon, Greene,] ■ an< Hi.rover f ■ ■ | [■ ■ ■' ■ . B l MARRIAGE. . _ ea.-und hates,Borrows and. angers, -«nH fearvrcgrets-andjoys; MAN HOOD LUowj lost, how restored; the-nature, treitmej it add radical: cure of gpennaterrhian or lentil alwenkness; involuntary emissions, Sexfiali debility "and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness, eonsujnption, .fits, melfal ind physical incapacity .resulting from SELFJADUBE—ar© fully explained m , the MARIttAGB G ijIDE, by WM.YODNG, M. P. This foiost extraordinary book should be in the ha'ids 1 of cilery young) person contemplating marriige, land every man or woman who de sires tbjlinul the number of thei# offspring to their Circumstances.' - Erery pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is'fully [explained; every particle of knowledge that snoola be knowri given. It is lull of engravings. jin &ciy it discloses secrets that every ion© sboul I know; still it is & book that mxtet belocied ip, and not lie abdut the house, u Jwili be ffent to any one on. (he of i IwlentHfive icents in specie or postage stamps, i : 4lO Spruce si., abiveiFourth, Philadelphia. _ •_ . %Sh\Affikti brut Unfortunalt, no matter what 1 may befyoulr- disease, before .you place your self uhuer the care of any of the. notorious Qukoda—native or foreign—who advertise, in this or] other paper, get a copy of Dr. Yofmg'e book, /and read ii- carefully. It will be]te [means of saving you many a dollar, rodr health! and possibly your life. , ~ , i I)». YOIIKG ean be consulted on any of the 1 itasCb described in. bis publication, at his ' - Uth OCENIX ffiHl MKMI&&PMJTBWMUIB r [[manufactory, NOS. 22llEiAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, 178 *175 GRAND STREET AND 216 ■> I ■■■ '.'CENTRE STREE.-, urknUgHCp 1838.. N. Y. established 1838 . THIS Establishment has been in successful operation for 24 years, and is the largest of the, kind in the United States. We hare on harid or manufacture tparderevcry description of Jioplfing-glase, Picture and Portrait Frames, Plain and Ornamental Picr, Wall, Oral & Man tel lGtalsse»,j Connecting - Cornices, Base and Bracket Tajbles, with ; Marble Slabs, Toilet Glabsps, &cl, &c., &c. | Mouldings for Picture Frames,- in lengths suitable for transportation, eitpe^Gilt,i Berlihg, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra,, Birjlshje, Mahogany, &c. Our new mantifac tory and extensive facilities'enable us to furn ish|a!py article in our line gs good as the best, and asichcap as the cheapest. .. Dealer* are invited to call upon us When they visit Near York! We claim to be able (o: supply tjO supply them with every arti cle in pur line v hichthey can possibly purchase elsewhere. I Ordiits by - mail attended to . with promptness/ -i Eo not fail to call when you visit New York. '!r .■ Offut'i Warerbom, A’o. 215 Centre Si., A*.. I'. j L , HORACE V. SIGLER, Agent.. Maj7i---3moß- ; -■ "I cjliEAT CAUSE OP . Hj fi' ni a n i s e r y . JtiUt Puhliihedfn a Sealed Envelope-, Price 6 eU: A , IiECTCBE BY Da. GULVERWELL, if! pjN THE I IAIISE And CimE of Spenua 1 torthteii, Consumption,! Mental and Physical DehSUty, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu. tritionof the Body ; Lassitude; 'Weakness of the Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity for itiidy and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; Lossof Mej&ory: Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude;] Timidity; Self-. Distrust; Business; Headache, Affections of thejEyes; Pitmles on the Face;" Involuntary Emissions, ana Sexual Incapacity; the Conse quences of .you hfnl Indiscretion, Ac., Ac., SjSUYhie adi livable Lecture clearly proves that, the above enumerated?often self-afflicted evils, ,may be r imorod without medicine an® witpoht Dangerous surgical], operations, &i should ]he reud-by every! youth and every min. in tfie lend. ’ , v r" ’ ■ Sent under si lit, to Any. address, in a plain sealed envelope? onihe receipt pf .si* cents, or istamps,' by Addressing, ! -U ! CIUB. J, C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowery.Nejv Yoi k.Post Office" 80x,4586. . ; T_ PR t , OF. AVID GORDON. HAVING deroted », number. of years’to .pudcessstilly curing Went, Turnon, Ac., froip motires of humanity, offers hislbrhfes siMaliserrices to the, miblic of this county.— ;Hia| system is produces a .cur* without pi oducihgnoin its the'patient— ’,P£st. office nt Clinton, AUe ■ ij co.,foi \; r • ■■ ■ n —■ — " gWßPfeii;-.- c-oK^sAi, jT|rAWFACbPPpERB af Oold. Pms «d “JMt w,^, c K e 5 (lefcriptlMH tad JJ?PJ '. Amgemlef Drag Stored m Jnv«W. »jeantton itojrpbng mwwhoaot- Vbm&iA Deeaj .1 s*•3 Cfo aeiii o< j , >•*>« *»£• itfered' Kmrtli SSSTfcrpetue’ tftoafk nU. i m ■I ! -I J; i 7 1dtiol)gli r D^ - = •*7 • : i , r , i' -k ! fOBVIHB 1 .. ' ' .1 , . - ;• , I • A • ' i - I , ; ,. • . ,i. __.Z...,1 1 L I 'l 'XI I X QP. .., .I - , - •1 1. '.l„r ...- . - , - I ~.. I I ■ E . 1 - ,i * M 3 1 ■ ■'l ';i Hi ;..U * I ' ■■ i -i ' ; v'- '■ IiABD ~. ~' ~. i n i, . r ,il i , ij | <ICOOIU«U.t6 1, f. J 'I *‘i • • *. I -|. \ gardner&co., j -• ! I 1-; ■ ' ’■ . ; . I ■ I c E. R i.-1 !*i- 'M. , v. ~ Market 1. f O: PXTTSBtT 0* BC, 'Betww n Fifth : at Diamond.;- .1 ". ’• jl' /-\ i"‘.' :« the liberty tolnfgrtn our friends lekrer comity that w«r lj*Te lkrge. >or facilijiUp tot ! ‘' 'r ' ,-i. f 1 • .'V i-.j - , ’*l- :-l .!■:i-- "i,*' Dry C -qo ds B^Bines|s« ktini)-' tiji Wr*-] If u<nue at our old ata nd.<; Our entire attention wiH be be devoted to the increase of our buaiueae, in which the Inter**! of our customer* will: be sustained: and: promoted .. by every neuM In our power.’,-; ; i S ■ lif . ' i "■ - i", ! ■ EW SPRING SILKS. ; y i m.:TI ■■ :• *■ ■: «■ will .comprise all comprise .all Tellies' inlatest importations, ih ipi In alhcolorvplain..and figured inwall • colors!. chV£iu*n4 is, S.wisasnd Foulard silks, all ; of wUVsell at such low prices (bat non# e« suited. U/ . r *' N s’* -3, Our Bloc the the -N’oji brocade ail! which we i can fail to i ~ } bBESS GO,OL‘S. ft ■' twjdlbc found k-eplete, comprising ukdnd dlfforentßtjlee, in french,' iglish, end German fabrics, of {lst-, lions, atjiHoes «a Ipw aa years ago.’ * Ouratoe! wretpaaf French, B «ftt import) U;8 1 ft* LACK GGOna , •■I 1 ,• V : H ■;=; -H I ►a ,ijt\ receipt ordaily from -Kew bur assortment, 'and prices, 'tSt will'be found second ly nonbin! tbi iis-department we* call particular We' eh&Il 1 Tort,; and cheapness, city.; To t attention. f ■ 4 , FURSISaiNG GOODS.' Linens, sheeting and pillow f linens, toilet, Marsailcs «bd honey Comb lquilts, in white, blue; end frink.napklns, tqwles L 'lhen . table coven,'and, Irish Unens/aftrays on: hand,at the lowest prices. ' * . i ' ■ .i ~ hous; S- / : / *.: IoAKIXG CL OTHS. ' : f i cl' ; ciuinwril tweeds, ia.ll boja wear ( city£ at the Mia plain and fa ] linelt, eordnroya, of all kind*; the lowart price*. ■ \ ' v !i • BALMORAL AND HC • 1 ] • ' !■' ■ • of which we sre the sola celebrated makes, which we customers si wholesale price ' f ' [ j , ■: ■ ■.. ■ ■ ?7ff- ■ _■ ; DOMESTIC; G) ' Domestic indimported’flai .will he footed large, Snd\ w oar prices Will be nmds -sW pises them Within.reach of g Mil • f f u ÜBNING G CHEAP CHEAP KW GL ■FfiS-iJJW tUngtle ehrjr nr nf ry Ooodv*r* raptfetfally inj. oar Mtfaajrtoift.igral bo , ’ Feraoiu m parcbasidgl*! tedtociD, i) "M:- ■ DmfrafiU Mi . It: *> Jt"■ ' m * f -!ir 1n77 ' Is ■.«*.* -V i. ER 4 SCHLEITtR, I !-'■■■ ■ ' Ef= , ; ! ■: • GiiRDH CIE Elailil irket - ;■ ' . . ' - ! ■ .“.‘'if c:f r i} i i' jisf* fM-rj. 'M- • iijr i-v;- .rrl* -- . 1 $ v • \ 4■ l \ - l»t« \ , f W i I -1 MN • .• ■v?. k -., ORAVE SOLDKRS AND SAiLORS. I'r A. xid: Qjintmßti • •; A-U, WSOhwMKeead TV' ': Arsay hr.;Na^,;e^d-«karaapeei»hntoa: , jut they be unply supplied withithoßeioßJlla. hnd Oint^t; K ui4lftßrf s ud Sailm-share U|IM4, to pwMf Jhf»-. eelres with Wrtter pruentcenbflKipt them by their'friends.! They hare been .prof-* «d to bf the Solder's |n«Mr-i«hkg friend j in. ; s MCGftETiro ravins Will be end effectually oared by usingthese admirable medicines end bypsying piop«t Dirootjowj which aro-,ott*chrd tot Mch Pot or B«-f ■ • , i SICK j SOLDBBBS. ; , - These feelings whidh; sol sadden.MS, .usually ; arise from, trouble of [annoyances, .obstructed; perspifitioni creating end driniihg whatever ; b onwholeaoßCu thOhcaltbful action of the direr And stomach. - Theater gens mastsbe MliirredLif you desire to he well., IhePiUa/lahing according 1 tb’the printed hi-, st ructions, will quickly a produceV healthy action in both Urer and stomach, and as': aJ natural consequence 4 clqar hoed aadgdod ap- o». MEitm: t". ■ - ; ■; Will sooh disappear by the n»e of these in ralUable Pilts,and the Soldier will quickly ae quire additional strehgih. .Merer let the bow- ■; els be either confined or unduly, aotedupou. lit may ~ seem strangß that -Holloway’s"Pills! should. bo<,reo«nfafi»s»<i fori' Dysentery |»nd Flax, many- persons supposing that they would ; increase the relaxation! This.u a great iois- Uko, for will correct thelirerand stomach and rembre all the aoridhumora from the system. This medicine ifl), give (one | thb. whote organic system bower- j erldeinngad, artHe hpaltb and strength follow as amatter of conrstj"' : Nofl»jwg' wi]ff stop j the I irelaraliou of sb (ture ‘as lhU &m lousmedicjhe.' ■ i> - '. j' { j. ■!, ■ ~t ; J|,.- votiisraEKß .atoktiom: ixdiscre ■Tr,-xm» >■:, Hi;.* ij- ■ Sore* andfCUta'm, plotchinMjbdSwelllnK*, can with certainty «»,radically cured if.l the rUlaaratahen and njoming. and i the HI? X ' y j r- \ ! ,;-V y r : i NEI ■, _ I i ’.I ■ ! '- 1 ' I i f i. OM IN !>*© MI icy, union cloth*, L;, and men- and K«at itoolc in the [■ ;?■■■ OP SKIRTS, I - -i Sr ...» vgent oif seVeral fill sell to. our ’ '-• ' i !' ' •OD& ; nels. i, 6ur Mock til eele&e’d, sad moderate's* to klsseri V.' ’ j- ; 'CH::•• ■ i ‘.i. < i -v )OI«. CHEAP -y •> • ■ i~: ‘-'■tf.f ’ rjjr: ,'f.t ij,- nwtbey4w J » ta-oi,r.rt*bhrcafcoßt idan- but thej other.W?«W UfittotmwfwJU'-rdiwi w Ponod.c*l Siwev^;.; thihuriW fori and leave thifPa- &.? r “gT * p *? • Otsi '■ * tient a vjgoroqs>iid htmUhyrtiau./’ It wlUyot TftEAMIBT, Brio#, Ok£ Dollar, nhujt to^-.j quire aUllleperßevei'anec’in badcasea tofin. tama-thcm.. —, --- _ - ;-p-_- -j — ; 1 sure a! lasting cure. H ' ’: lj ' vV ,T ;- • •■■ | FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCC-VSfOHED BY il I f " j THE BAYO.NET, OR RUL-; | '•0St»:/>n Trad's CGebd t '■ i LET, SORES..OK ] .. The beet evidences that they are is, that their To which every Soldier aud Sailor are liable firmest friends and best patrons are those’who' there ere no medicinds *0 safe, sura end con- have used them longest. | J)K Wm. B. Hurdx% renient as poor wounded.end elWosl dying sufferer might the Sew York State Demists- Association, and have his wounds dressed immediately, if he these preparations used in his pri- Jrquid only provide mnuclf tntb _thls match- va t e practice for years, arid no lending e'it jren lest Ointment, which should; bo thrust into tbe Brooklyn- or Williamsburg questions! their -round and smeared iliarouddit, then;covered axce Ueneo, while eminent Dentists of I New with a piece of linen ftqnr his luiapsqch; c and York recommend them astthd ‘beii> known-to compressed with a handkerchief. Taking the profession. Without! the nid: of adyeriis nigUthndmorningKlor BPilht, toeeolthesy* fc’L dealers have sold them bv thei gross. ’l"', tew and prevent inflimation! ,1 ! The Editor of the Brooklyn Zfe7yY-fheisav», • BtfldierV'Knapsack; and Seaman's i.We are happyto’know that our, frlendl" Dr. chest ebould beprovidod wiih these rvalpablc Hm-d, is succeeding beyond all Orpectiiions Remedies : ' I. , : , jl with his MOUTH WASH! and TOOTH POW ’ f CAI?TIOHi-i s ' 0 ? e unless, DER. The great secret 'of his success | tests'! ,t h ewo fds t *lfollottay\ \tis i'ork and London” with the Diet that his article* art prerisrly frhat ' are diacerxmblcas a bater-mark in every leaf their arerrprrtented to if, ns tee can- testify from \ ofthe hook of directjona arhund each pot or their long use.” 1 ]-' .; '"iI" ; • *j box; the same may lie plainly seen hy holding The well known P. T. Rarnum writes j “1.. the lea/ to the light. A handsome reward will found your TOOTH POWDER so good that my j be given to any one jwndering such informa- family haVe used it allupj yTe JlncCit lent \ tion as ,may lead to t tne detection of any pahty, pmoderfor the teeth, vs hart iter used. I, {shall'l or parties counferfeitingthemediemes or vend- feel obliged if: you will send me another siip-‘ ing th'e same, knowing them! to - lie spurious. ply at the Museum at your convenience, 'with n£jie f Slanufartoryof professor „/> , . : l, HpLMWAT, WMMOTpTaWB, XWtw prX, T SnU gut their, cost is to Small thatevsrjr one may" to Ust tho matter for hl&elfe, ; ’]■. 1. Medicines, thecivil.ied world, in of the ordinary Tooth Powders hoxMat%mMa,;te|eettuaodsl ; Dr. Hurd’s Tooth Pooder contains ho'acids,' i Jgr Thtne is •oasMorable saving by. taking ao j a ik»lr,nor charcoal, had polishei without 1 o v^ r w ,W i- I ,vJ •!> VUi- wearing the euamiel. Use no other. I• j B,—Directions for that gntdanee of pa- WHAT, > WIDi, DR. HURD’S ! REMEDIES if&tria erery dbatakrmr©affixed loaack hox. EFFECT? 1 HarT, .■-p ' tl , Dr. Hurd’sMoulh Wash and ToolhPow'der willlgiyejrouhg ladies that finest charm ip Wo-1 ; man—a’sweet breath and pearly teeth.! Try i thorn, ladies.' ’ j -j ; Dr., Hurd’s }fouth.Wash and Tooth Powder: will ejeinse the mouth from'ajl ifoul, exhah tions, and if used in the morning,, will make j the breakfast taste sweeter and the day begin ! more pleasantly. Hundreds [of| person's can testify, to. this. Trythcm,gentlciucn.!' Dr. iluid’a Mouth \Yash and Tooth' Powder' are the the best preparations in.the world, for curing:/hud breath and!.giving firmness and health to the gains. Hundreds', of,cases, of Diseased Bltiding• Gums, Sore Heath, danker, ele., have-been cured by Dr. Uurd’a aalring ent wash. “ : H ' i, ■/ : : t.--T-• I -Dr. Hurd’s Momb Wash and Tooth Powder give an additional charm to courtship, add make husbands more agreeable to their 'wives and wives to their husbands. ■ .They should be , | used by every person haring ' ; i \\, \ ARTIFICIAL TEETH, \ • liabletq impait aiaintto the.mouth Dr. Hurd’s Toothache IDroops.'cure Tooth- arising from, exposed nerresj and are the best friends .that parents can have in thehouse (o sqyc their children from torture and them-, selves from loss of sleep and .irmnathetic suf ering. ~ |. ‘ *; * , 'I ; 60QJOOO .. MALE OETBKALE AGNTS ■ ; to,sell ZhiyiTs 2sao Steel^Plate.County Colored j Map of the Unitid Stateei v v- Cdmaas, and New Brutitwick. j From redcnt sui-V' ys, completed A* ft- I®, 1862;’ coat $20,000 to engrsve it, and one year's time!. -• i ■ Superior W iny $1 ; top'or MHchoU, and i Fifty Cents; 870,000 this map., ' , : It i« .net only a Co tnty map, but it is also a COUNTY A PAILROAD MAP of the V. S. & Canad is eotnbincdm one, giving Everyßailrosd Slatii n and dietsneetbet ween. ' Guarantee any wot tan or man $8 to $6 per [day, add will take bade all mspathat cannot :be sold and refnnd the’money. p ! , Send for $1;. worth to try. _■ j i Printedinst ructions bow to canvass well, furnished nil otlr ageiUs. --J ; j. ~i. Wanted—WboleMila Agents for'our maps in i every Stale, California, .Canada, England, [ France and' Cuba' A fortune may be made with a'few bundled, 'AVcom p«frij'ea. J F.;Ltoro| M 4 Broadway, N; Y._ ■ ,The' Wa Department uses oar map of iVir ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, costtSiOOij -OUO, on which'is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpsburg, Maryland Bights, Williamsport i Ferry, lihorersvillp, Noland’s Ford, and all j others on-thoJ’btomsj!, other place 'in the above named States, or money refunded. I. LLOYD'S topographical map of, I KENTUCKY, OHIO,f INDIANA, and ILLi, *4 the jw4y authority for Gen.Bosecransand the - War . Money rsfnndad :io ! any o«» finding an error in jit. \ , J H’ • -. t t From taa Tribune*Aug.,4. j! “Ltorn’e mat dr Tißoiitis,» Thotmipfo Very forget its cost, fo bui sb;himt».u|nj >it Me hen K&ei eon 1/tpunJuutd." —1 1 . 1- 1 ! !'(. ■ _ Llhyi t tfcmt Map y._ the ihuittippi- Rhtr,~ From 'Aeltml Raiweyij by Caplv. Bart and Wm. Down, Mississippi 4 Elver Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo^fahoWiSevaryinii’apfoafotion an downer’s name fTotSSt- lionis jo the Clalf, of Mexico 1.8&0 miles—every Juad-bar, island, town,, loading, and all places 20 milesJiscdrfrom the river—colored in eonntieaandStatlie, Price, $1 ia theeUo/i foria, 12|(0 on linen, with roller*. Beady SepU 20. , TfoesiVnartmvU Hfcrtßtsmn, B£(. 16,1862-. : J. T. Lloyd—Sirs Sand me ypur Map of the Misaissipni. Bffor, price .per hundred copied.,- Sear-AdaiiratCharles fl- Deris, Com manding the Mississippi squadron,’fo author | tied to pnrehase as many ss ars required fo ofthe Navyi- _ - &WA ----, 4.Aor:lr-.. Mr '' '- ",.'' - •" ,4 " -4- "•"_. _ , :i . i t p --- p lir , og IK’ 1 Tkt SvgU* taUsl' -Tftt War Wwr if £fi*mfyatvn ffaput'Jfad.Titoh ; ~ Bad JBWfh,, 2hi ’«bl S«W i;-i - lad : JftarViguu •“ il v - 4)0» ARTILLERY 18 v DR. WM. Bi HURD’S ■ dentactbeas"r: t; r TUB ; :I*CTI»'j: .ii; ■. •• ■ i: -c /--4 i ■ *r |. V AND i ; ■■ ’■! ‘ tiring Toothache and Neutalgi CONTESTS. . Dr/HttrKtlUlebraUd MO UTH WASHfcom botiu.' .* , ■ r jf- . _[■ ■ Dr. HurSe UnegpalledTO OTHPO OER, D one box. . 'I -t - ... ■ -Dr. Hurfi TOOTHACHE DROPS, one bottle. J ■ ’’ ’ Kl- .. ‘I ’ ‘■’ Dr. HurPt UNRIVALED NEURALGIA PLASTER. ■ • ■■ : '■} 1 - :'v ; Dr. Hurd't MANUAL |m the BeelMeant if Preferring the Teeth j including Direclione for the ProperTredlmefU of Chitdrpn’i Teeth. \ . FLOSS SILK for. Cleaning between the Teeth. TOOTHPICKS, tie:, iti. j. . Prepared'at Bri Hurd’aj Dentaf Offioe, 77 Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D. V , 1 v 8 Price, ONE DOLLAR:: or SIXSS. :■ ■MV Th« Dental Treaturvrm ak ea k- package Oightinchca hy fire, andU>sint hyexpress. ; 1 jjffTr Fult db-ectumi far tueit on each article. The following articles we can send sepsirato ly, hy mail, rii: ’ L ..J-;. - The Jr'eatite on Preterringthe j paid, on receipt of 'Stamps. ' v -ij : Th e Neuralgia Plotter, Tor 'Neuralgia in the Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent post paid, on receipt of Eighteen Cent), ', or si Stamps.'' The Neuralgia ana■ Rheumatic Platter fitted size,} for jPiini in the Chest, Back,- or anypart af «ent poitj{>»id r on re ceipt' dh Thtrty-teveii V'-; ~’.j j..j ' inr: - Tribune Buildingt, New- Park 1 map ever made hy Col fll* at; tha loir price of namee are engraved on MIMI .Farmer* and 'mechanics!' you cannot well ef fort toneglect your teeth.' For»tri9ing:>utne you-can now get prescrVatWes, tha'n. which Rothschild or Amor can ' get nothing Remember that Dytpemia and Cmmtmptiuri of At iunyi'oflen originate ; inheglcct of TceTa. j Send for the trcalut o* Teeth, and read' Dr. ' Fitch’* observations on this subject. If too late toarreat decay hi your; own teeth; ears your children’s teeth. J -j -j - NEURAiLOIA FLASTER3.~>- Dr. Ilm-d’e Neuralgia Non<AdhesirePlastcrajare the most, pleatantwnd successful remedies.ever prosori «d for this painful disease.<she | patient iap plieaoM,-soon becomes drowsy, rails - asleep and Awakes free frompain, and no blirter or lather on pleasant or Injurious oonsoquencesen sue.- For Earache and-Armour ap ply- according to directions, and relief will sorely follow. Nothing can be obtained equal to Dr. Hurd’s Compress IforNeuralgia. J 3Vv them; They are cntirelya:noTel, Tjuripus and original preparation, and wondcrfullysuccess fuh - They arc of iwo sizes, one small, forthe facs,_prico 15 cents, and the other-large,! for application totho cents.' ,-j Will be mailed on receipt of mu. and ode Harm. 1 1 -WAT. ASS JUS PEOPLE DOISOP- The American people Arerintnilgent enough to appreciate Frcparationsthatoontributeso much’ to happinesg of thpsa using them, and they wont them.- BVery'mail bring* tu letlers,~Sdthe ordering the Treatise on,Teeth,*ome the N»u. ralgia Flastera, and not a feW enclosing 87 ct£v for beseht bW mail;:hut’ te tfa ese wa are Compelled to replytbat it fa impossibl* to sehdWhUf-pint bottle by taaO. these Remsdiee. . wiU * a- small «tr*yin£th«9 artteUsafoundtofsttillea. Th» Tseambyls that neattsst'artiale'thait, j waO nr woman cat oarry «Mn>& 1 ■ send to■ I **** • •4*»*v -whleh fit | »?‘ s :A*Bnt**uppllW Uherally wdth oiipdars, gar Now is thetim* to togsisdoth* fad, and make * FWf ’’* or* spending thoasandsTprAhs -Egents. - Kew-thigtoemen or wo- J . Aihttne BaiTdiaga'New York. : . That radtHfmiwa why ho.mad* wiUFooufl- JffWh refer tofta MwfM ?bs3t,-ato.~, tie. 1 ~>r>-v.- _ - , sem undersigned,OitTinT v ' i ■*■ SUBSBEIPTIOX AG : ENTw* PPSiS: «l ry of the Treasury, i a no _ . j»i»h, »t oaq«; the - ; !o jV tje .Omted ' States, dosienat.rt • V'' Tweitias, redeemable «tl*m®L* s "V Government,, after sve V*arV-Jj rc .stilt, \o* y .^s£s*s V Tie CODPON BbsDS : ire;j, w,'^ $50,. $lOO S5OO, SlilciO. ¥' H ' <! !IIIC . > The REGISTER BOnm i ■ . $lOO, $6OO, $lOOO ana <i Mw I- tta .' »f Sso - Interest al SU pci cenu.'L. commence from date cf r .urriX , • ;: Gmn a Semi-Anmtaßy. whirls 0V,.,! LI V . i premium on gold, to nblmtiio'iiT I^h« iPBR annum. •• ■I , : p ‘i:n:vT ■ Farmers, ■■MerchaWijdccV-V'- ■/, ' . p*hd all *ho have, any Innhev t!, V .ta»w and-remember thatZl . UUst '' i: effect, a .FIRST- JIOIVTG.t w*.« "roads-, Clinals, Bank '-Slocks -R»a and thtf immense product's nf ij'/ 1 ., turca, ik.c.„ kcj, in and amplefprovision made f., r e ■ !| "JV; the interest and liquidation , f Customs Dnlies,:Eic;«e StvX, pri “. t! N- % Revenue. Servos to make ihest j '" ls n>sJ Cesf, Mott Available and l . . • ■ Investment in ;tlieM,'tka t^ r .-SuhscrjpUons received atpjtiiin i - . det . Notes,, or notes. and «h.U. ;>?*“?*■ ‘ par in l,v V‘ l receive-prompt attention, and ev.-rv r ’ ra and-dipUnation wißibc e d oir. i& i »W|a.. .A full supply .of Bouiis' iriirU L.. . ,! ; r-Wlai. ■JAI .CGOK.%;. •SuhWption ji . iitiA ■i <) n i :s’ MEI j-i DYEING OURINg , ; • KSTAttLKIIM KXt; *' « 3 » OHI6*''STHEPT' r r' •?. Proprietors of . this ..L' fov » « £.■ 10 tM, BO»^t* n sK.i> sM( Ui«J.«eM S is ■country, m the citlesVif Xe»ly oi-V 0 i-V ~...' v* oil ihe«m«rov^inp!ij B U apparatus are-employcd. Koine also ir - session,of the'very Wesidislbverie, and at I nods of European Dyers, they .dvc and <4 Ladies Silk,- .Satin, and /mm Di es's«"n i superior >fylB In mam; ha<L w.' WO padc in color and finish, very nearir ih appearance to new-Goods.. ' • ,{ i 1 BPEU A U Gofuls rrn/rri'i’ ’ ■ ; ' .Iv 0 L LOC K' S TDandol ion Coffee. I“'“ ,c *"» the-best Ji^,, 1 A' V°.^' e -JccoinmcnJi'd bjr physUitos ul a supeno-MTRITIOIiSCKVEIiARSfgrGeaJ |eri»l DebiV.ty, Djjipepsiti and iWl.iUious;di»'or ■ dors. . Thousands who haveiden compiled tn i abandon Uie use of coffec.U-iH use ibis out injurious- effects. One.ckh conuaiusVlh* strength, of, two pounds of ordinary coffee Price -5 cents. 1 ' I . - JSOLLOCrCSL SIM IX. j!, Tie '-purest, and best, POWDEiS jinbwn, for msking iigld; awfcet.atid ;nat.h.Wal Brc»B”ahi} Oai«a. jrfc'o 'TSlccats. '•'• • S Manufactured bj * \ ■ -;a iv- ksi:..a. Koi.r,/)K. rhemiyj tjL Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets. gpl ' ■' PfIiLADKLPH^^ Aid cold by all Druggists aid Grocers; 1 ' . taarSß, .. ••;»;■ '|.- 1 -|9 r-MND;]i- 9 oPRQDDCE STORE. 9 TIIHE subscriber respectfully anniunru n 9 -i. the citizens uf Bearer and. Tiouitj,-liijiß be has. opened a GUOCBRY & PROpKi fM STOKE in the room i formerly .occupiM Stokes i Tillon, uml directly opp'iitt li Arjut office, where jyo-will keep cbustactl; s hand, and for: sals a muormuai ;■ |;J| Groceries, such as I | ill COFFEE; V RICE, jlf -I- i *. AIOIjA.SSES,'! H . jSUGAR,; ’syiU'! 1 ,, 9 •' fFlour, FoirrroPAvsH'B allyothcr. articles u»uaill y Kept jc t E Grocery store. ’I- , t B ."Country produce.taken iri excoirii H for goods, at thehitrhes-t' ni.'irkctpnii H I deed | - L , L, T.'T.i ! MdvIBHIS'...B WHOLESALE DEV GOODS I iWffillM <54 Wood StL;...' ' v ■ fts FFER, TllE 1R StJcK FOR XS*' - S OF 1863 ./At- f|i* Loirtsr ; Mamit Pb io! - •. w»|fcJMsJB-VI , . - ' >PdilBion, Bounty & Back |«y Agaff' ARTHURS & RISS& No. 135 FOURTH; ST., V V OPKClAXatiention given i<s 'it ‘2:.%, :(> of the BftTOTV OF $lOO. due EUSpLbIESS', who; have' feryed Two vsam, which is'now being‘p»w- - coromunicauous aJjrcsso'Jsj romptlj answered by return of F^u ;^oi:,:.QP^'& 7 C9^u ! ddvertitirig and; Commission as 6 . - ' -ri'.-AN» OKALkHS IN PRINT MW INKS OF ALR K - u * Typo,. Printing Matpriawi ( . c ; WRITING AKDrBIjitINaPAPRR ( ' A - ButldinC, IJril>una Buildings, New V ork. m*r26:lr : i>. 'iiwxs,-. i Sr., BIUDIJ fctt Af**-. , f IAHIT Subscriber umouices ,0 . prejJiwl to fs ,rB »“ witf mere ell kind of voririio hisllme > r <>® * • 1 SLAB to# CARVED TOMBI STO-Nt- - tottidaix and Italian : port doiiq ,jn * •• l i. AUm'* *** . jnnelS’M : .—■»■*- ; t .> ,IWS»B*Boto4itf Director* of Moon it»> wte.jiB#»te Amt 4St W fKJ. School*toopeaewywS^fl-v U** * [ Jn '' . I .------• ._,-_--... -... . . _ I or ..,,o ,