units gbcplfn^rtonu toUnioT"v* . ITi>Y.rfUr.W4»nvtww>w-rt#3oi*i.ijW# 1 ‘m (^PR* «« t: W«s£ mt-! f*s, ( wfi-at clefsigned, 'ef tWwb«>T«liilcrcn of; trtf®-* r .,nicrit Went WrtyHaftmiand' Thomas S.- Wrby/lirtV-bf^BeiiTCifc.6-, dee’d.. i li e ■i.vfthtf siivto l« vote for Car- i »i>> expose tol ailqby:Pu»BftY«d(ißor onu if/,.j.l.i{y:;:|Mtboat;JtW»tuVdtoi j 4"*! 2^%'| <ar ' ."i ,r ( . been over foarteetf tf.wlii hf. ' T ; a j ■ the VoldrerB : eati , ® or f'‘i in I,ou “* in? lot,lSw« reaPeitate t ,J. TLK 4Kf ti.fcoWediead6.cnn- <thb ff. fcthe ~ jri tiie-fir 11 ’ 4 }. /•,,. R! ■.\ ■v -.J. i village pf Sknioa, an? bounded an follow*:.On ,O Lv that any ofjthem wejfe brpngkt witf b/clkaß* t" > ,•' S'.ftie to vOttfL/^Withtnt the;Cready, north b'r Mick Morgan,!'and South ipl V‘. rI ,te die Copperbe»d»,-tohire by Chrrlea W.gley. •G.Sf.'. i . j,oldie r C v -, .1 ; r j party' l -strength'■P'l TEUMS—One-half of the purchase money '■SSK ’^Ss^SS<^Saftig?lMMa^ in . iWfKrti,.*** • ar * te •■ l08J0T»tJ ,aa;labt; mo Uaj*. . • ,lsjr the Court: t r - f ,i.ld have been-:: Buttthin ha* | ; i f. .;■• , ■ MART mr, -I i‘ 1 '* T .jie case. The roi.tilt.of ,*he i ■ jt ‘ «J»|>w"'n* thill uiateiw!' ~ cctim ■ j y.fv/: y.\ v '.W- .. 09wU»a.,r; - #t ~j- last year,, lJiiioii,men f} - v •'xN’GbSbt?.- : .„rctnne theirr flrf the ..rs Court min?,db^^e^coun-' •r» teil '. *„,{ secured for tbemsetem X tyof Bcircr'ihd State* j*t>TwmiyWah#. fl V „f frm two thousand to * nT ■ * ** , _ .t the feaVcsiate of 1 Wm. Price, decoaeea. una ilmoran'd ih* ■cnifiitaNorr ■« n bwi to-'wit, Oct.'l3th 188i,-ihe.C.<wrt v granl 1 • on'the ba‘ia.Wd .down pi r , Kule 'on!! lie heir* and legal) re presciV-r nIS3C iioail'T and shOiild filthiMV hd." tires of ail? deceased. to-Vit: Wm.l'nob ■ encnuraijemont-— Pitts. C<}w.^i a “4 iiulitne enc | Oj. - - ed in Conrad Kihnltj, ?.aa>ep i - —TTT - Jj TVl«Plolln'n ‘ Price, and Mary Price, cow ruidiog in tbe Fremont and MoGiellan. of Micligaa: M«u-ga^t '■?&&> lyfw^re-j contract belnfeehiehiing-fn.tl**[Svaie of>'ow Me'crinian j fhere.sa V|<m reaooo!- un j itl Price. Wp>. ir.ee, an? Elisha Vnoe,. . omldren ! t#c«e two ■men,.lii| o> p.•_ _ 1 ; 0 f aVm. PriceJ wlios?. iateiorte are reeled .m-j ,-h, altnijelher I" hivor °f | -^ r ®' no, t - ; Conrad-EiboiU. ;H'mclitL6 Price intermarried \Vli.rl lie acct'plcn the Cleveland nom- with Eliaha J. Moore,! >n4 fiv? children "of | . • . u iitioairli ho had no.hhanco of *aidEU«£a and 'Emelinei* to-wit: Kills, iiuiior, firiTtnotlv reeienc<r.hrB’P«n<a». M.; iViiilaea W,,.Jjane Bnd ■, r luU'."'., t,e . F' VVJ g whose guardian Mi .'lidwafd &, Holmes,! 111 : , .|; I . and all others interested'"!o’ show!'cause if any, fi.dlaii. ahho.itijh-iJ't* ti'tcnun‘ ■ " J they hare in inquest to makclpartition. ilc about the joertamiy'Of h» -« ji of the tealWite nf.aaid deceased'shauld not ?' ■ lisiuis uni l<> hif comndasioh,,; be awarded at aq-Orphans’,'Cojirt, to he' held .iH.ies to iff raw monthly the;!'at Bdarei in snd for. iadd! .County, oh the od.rOtiMyWj j do| ,» r V for j Monday of Nt,remh.r next., ! ;a ' : nfet? fin cnhlinhei to.dr6w.i TJf THE ’COUItT' OF'COM- U<wernrt.eni..'WH \ ; .r- T u ; ; Jr MO-\" Pip AS l?f .IitAYKK COt/JITY. ;ln! p'iV o‘ '-tbrCforif ' . >' , ' i 1 In) the matter of the'Account of lames .p-. i- ’h believe ? a f» f; MicSaU, CotamiVtee ef- jsitph Caldwell. ,» V„.ir but for fi* r °f *ceit|i».n 16? bold'f; inhatlcl . f , ... | .), ,wVbi-i a w.-lttin, proldHntr i |And now,-| Get. !3; ,18C1. on motion, the I <9 - ‘ i.'in Wicortafiay. • ' ’ iciurt direct; notice to be giren according to 1 I u.c rcraasH lj_ ' ' - ••- r j KuVc, of; tbefiling.fcf >aid Account, kaittiii —7'' no u Tnrtinrbfc i tho svne.will be confirmed on tbe first*day’ i: of ; .fl[..rton,v Ot.Jnrtiaftß, . n ; if {em> ti f)M c « 34bc shown to the eon .. in wkd Uio.sttimpm ««"»• • > {oiis’sn 1 &yt.jrsf.\SD:Vvk - ! • ' i-K • ./•! I I ■ ■ il ki.pven to all. ow w«i«»i I . •pyg- pjHPHASs’ COUdIT;:IX- AND FOR i -Jamw H jfW, Brtgh- j ' tbcounty-of Hester, State of IJwwjl- j ‘.■■'cun bo liajfii an excellent nwovi- T“i»- la'iie ««wr of the partition of |kc | i ' tx ' A x> a •ei i real eaUto ofjMarj Ewing, deed, to wit,j **•-!( oi Pry 91106* *na | Sept, 13th, ISdi the Court grant a rule ou | fir {%] am\ -winter wfitr/; the bcira aLd legal represcuUtWee of laid f ■'. . . . i " . « / rd&’d., to wUs-Alo*aaJ*r Swing, huihando.t ir. i un much, to* Mary Ejr\j*g<* fourth'Jane, iaiemavrieii r ,, w";julp»a!e inirket. G>« k»*n .*1 mtbWm.XlUu.iM, 'Euji.Ewing,-JiUmaa Ew-. j ■ Mag, and aP'Otbere interested: you and each <if 'M ■ . . * ' : ! you kre. Uereiby oiled ka b» an 4 appear before ~ . *****’ j '• j tUe Hon. Juigos of oUr aiid Court At Ucaver. parlTVlstnoe I’rinta, ICobare*. Al> ion the second Monday of November next, to •• riVn.Mni eg, J accept or re»u«e tap real estate of Saidr-deVil., ’ ■■;■*’■ fMpnus. lU}- , 1»i the appraisement pul upon itibyan inquest ShaVl.’l,'KkitiotifC t duly 'awarded by said Court and ! returned ,b» • ,X„ J. J rVr. iXinrf n.n ■ tka Sheriff to Sept. T. IS6J. and;found to'eon «•••!' ; Sho# i 9 •*'? GJo'lvinj?.-Mn J^ n S4 „ re isg Piireiiu,. valued at $26 i rC'-ajl Jfii'nra' 11. Stnk'ca’, # w i per acre, and ip the event .of of coo-aecept- to. tfce Kcy.tnbf | anca td sb»"lcause the earn kitall net be i V'-.M ab<! (•srni'no. c■ V | -''>(' J , ' - JCS. LEfctlE, ' 1 1 Ojtoher lift J?’l*. t Sheriff v.V sW.tV AT BRIDGE-; vfcvi'BH FOC.VM\- -f! 1 cjiTini u . ; J 5 t DouW« Jlornert, ; I'wfkii ■-'ltd, • j \ fiuii, ' I i'rh'l-slcae sjiu Mandril, 1 Arjcrsoa Drum Slot*, ( . 2 !;sV*iur»i. I ‘ ' Bt.TH'O9. CA.MPPEL Hi iSTEp’S NOTICE ~~ i . '~_ I :rsons interested in, the following , A>i>uiiti»trMl<&i and Guardian acrobats,-. I PSam been passed and filed' in the’ * Office, of Jdp.aver ebun’y; I’*.-,' will . y n.iicc that tbejsVme wii! fco present ud" to ! i t; i- jiU «. i«»’. Co ■ ir>f Vn be bold at Heavcy. in, . I ir i! r. the c-jUDty’pf BViver. on Wednesday, | i. • •r„« I',;u'day ot N\jrenib»i , ‘ l 1864, for cctilir- to , and f.llowanqc. * and iy account"of Jonathan Taylor, acting ' .pply! V ecfoutor of the last Iwill aid, tett&toent of; t .'iH'l'h Taylor, doc’d. ! .. j R.IS IMBUIE. an premises; ■ V l , Tot aicmi'nt .ojf James M.' Ew.ing, edannis- _’_J ( ,v . j ; —r:j' I triLor of tiie; estate 'of Henry, Ewing, dee d. j EA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA, ' TV fin»riceouni|of r Jos. Johnston and Joa. j ' »" , HA JIOitBUS. ice.— Certain anTri* j ; Mvfia. erecutors o(f.fhe will and lefts- ; ’ 1 re. i This celebrated I.'UBEiiOEa j rf /iiep’ of■Msrgarct. Johnston. nec’l . 1 oinTITIOV hesn need with unfailing success’j i ’ The di'fal accoprlt d{.Jlenry Kirkpatrick, i‘3 ajt A Ivlit IA Alii • olcra aeaaon of, 1 Sit’d. A single I a •'ia.’ihiatrator of the . estate of (jicoTeg JT’- ' j?s the Orphans’ Co wfefßtaver county, lily chcr k the, Diarrhota in a lew'j , Ettn. dec’J. ; . » : JL St* l * of! I’ennsyWstia. In the matter-of ftinily should bo without a bottle . | Tlie final Tssouat ?p-wi'a»l) ef Semi Reed. • *ie panitiph’ pf the.rtM ..estate ,of Gotleib iof the rear. For sale at the / Ilnmiatrater of the estate ■ of- Kev. I)avid Michaels, ,4e.c'd ■. Tc the heirs aha legal rep- i Sthre'in lJrida>-Tnttr i 111 , V rt. e v > rose'atatires of s»ld dte'd., to wits Willisml • • > J i \, J . i • Jan ecconnitof Robert I>. ard Wm. C. ’far- ! Boswell, and’ Julia ’his- wise; Peter Wagner. | ** [cnlyi do ceata.-andsa-ung fas,. , j •lipr- Tin, of the -estate of-Win.. ’ and Amelia cUf+ife; -Lowis Michael*. djawinf J _J_— * i —, — l ! | ■I- Uotßers. .doc d. - - . , ~ , jHeddy, , ant fell' .other* interested r Toil! C fc*.t P HR-V li V ,ihe account of ;ThcB. Nicholson a!nd RobfeWi each of yen arc bkreby notified that an -rPT^ 1 U "'.rV UU • : ! c.T'ecittors'of the last wUI and tssta-'i inquieition to make partition.Of-tb.* realjiee-jj. j J ■ r {.» ■trtri of Ilayii! Stephen.", deoil.. - }Ute of said deceased, sit pat eip >'orth ; Se- 1 ■ i _ ; j-; ; ■ 'd.le'iV a;e»uf.t of John Wilson, adroiais- wickly tp.,’ will be he’d on the;.premises «mi • : r .. 1 - . | I •t'i'i’r cf-tie estate of John tlun<i»ules; ideo’d. | the aisl dak of Ooiotorj ISht, r.i ; whieb Time. U|»j| j, r i-it |t«lt TIAI7 0 ftA.i’ -ti ■t ■ ecoont It -rreotiai) of,- Afncw Huff, ad- and place yt u alien'd, iff'”,) iv.u.ipropcr.i. 1 1, 11 Vj IV’ ' jlj |! l | : |')||| X, 111 i j ■ t.:|’t;..Vor of the fnato of Jin. Sharp.dcc d. | ’• , JOS. hit. bn tf- jl S| lliuU lj ]iU LlJillfl W VlflV { l l nc final; Kfcrnttt ef Cba-.lei itrown., ad* Sitptiitt’s Ofjicf., T ;■ | j. i nafvrHt.ir.;o<.'tlie eetaro of Jeremiah | liana-' Bearer, set. o’ill, /. j ' I . .f }n*V:»rcotmt W John M’fUnk.ed-l ", PATIIIION.-T^ I '' ' • PA l ' iof’.Beleatate of wotn Henry. •ys the Cottrv in'and for the ewt»|; . .».I**wU«w»i ■* j. ' i I ty of BfiftTor. ftud I'witJtsyltnnjn; Ii * -f • „ L ■ Iht account PUs:»ng» 4tim r. ■ m atj4r of thr* y'.rtitioD of ill 6 veal iea .? 1E t. .TE R- 8.T0(/ K F OR\ T-H S ‘ r •'Kurh Sc ? ot.t,\ec tie- . tate ilobmi»on. dcc®%>ed. ilUa ij\J ‘ ' ■ .> ■\U L \ X^\ ni ut ind lejgai rop^scniaUVct:^:'Baitl SPE'H3iC3* C® 1 1803 ..vr, n, C, M. add«, L ot i ov i ttf R. R'lbmson, residing in .thy ,| J ■' * .., V' «*. • i -leus ot M Fadden. dec 1. . *• State of Ohio; IT4 ( N;jJ. (intefinamed y?ixh V • fr r RnwytT Mi»rrttjuc». , • t : account’ of j Darragbi iuar- jw*iUiam Motrow) residing in the Sutc of ; Ur ..'»ar. 25/53 *\l i ■' ' % •' ' f, - 'y n i; ? n 3- •rainojL«aa:bf leaae i inoU . Annk Mary KoqibHnn. miding in jthfe- .-r -V \‘r 1 ,|- -vr c |'" r,l!ecd J-.-. , 4 t;L ••■State-of Olios Theodora Il’ahtWn. residing , ifOx*, OOIBfSc CO., | * r *■ 4ccv*i^uls\fif| June , Oinarcijan »•»"• hf *bft Raid Xta Aoitk ~ r « r . .. • .. j- . &iaor and be.hg'tninofs nitd hariitg ot : f i.« of liavni Gi.liland, deem, s ■ J■ • guardian; and all oihera.interested-—yon and Jyvifc: fit? iVr 'ittv not 1 . •i'.ci.’.’.ni» - i P*tl!N Ct 11\KS OF ALL , • K“brn Stewart, .minor non* of qlliaition on the real'estate of said docea’sefi j i .['Tjnpfa'itrialing Materialsi’ ! i . "lauci steA’H.’t,; dec ih ” *~T~ ~ will be held on- the pfrewises en the id | Ato j . i-i-ccuuuie of das. yaekell, Guardian of.. djtV ji oratn ber , af, wnich tim- :and i 1 r V.. ; !_ 1 -Vf., • ■ Oct/mh. ; 6i . A ' - M 3«er. i i Ecsy*. 9 et ’ Sth * lß ° 4 ’ .. . ImAr a h:i t ; ' . y ; 1 ' m tha • Orphans*' Court. | . ciSZ, J . Works I; ■ .-eJodowing apprahtement. unda we A* ; . jew Brighton, May 3, ,1864. ■ { .• JD. IrOHS. •' !; -rl .r -!!PV’' e^ he 'i itU ’.°^ A r»!’l 18 °m of ! rpHE President and Dirdctjirs of this Bejtk MARKiET Sr IVRIDKEW ATEiR ■ jLailowed*ito be retained by|* widow I b<kT ,’ oi y DIVIDES© i !1 - 1 l - lT .J. .• A . lr,U | •; * dccedem, to the jr.lue of. upU itsCapitalStook.dat L V. .1 < ; . | . -J. \ -iVf’ r "i tc o<,, ‘ n tu»** in tbe.Office of the Clerk. . t]l , Dro fl ts 0 f the . lest- 6 nbnthf. payable i HpHE Sub«eriber . announcea-tO , tfae publie ;; OrtnisTis* VjptOt. of Beaver, county, to s . oc £ ho { d , ri 0 , tb ,i r u g al representatives, 1 th , a ‘V* “ to furnish to custo-,> 1 g ßowA Tr&ffl .... .‘•l* aal- prupertv bo»amount of $205420, ■T f TIERS of admihistratitin on.the estate ■ lipt. bn hL r, >lain as well | t*y V John Itribno. | 1 ill of Jqiltt j4f ,T|wsssve.[ Ute of Kiew,; ns Ornamkiiui, 'wfacUjty t ' ‘ H - 'ftH’fio. ,| *. Rrjglitoa, |Bea+er couiutv, dbo’dr, baviaghien hKnuer. -1 ij.-- °' 1 *j j..; I ,.'■ *“;•“■• pi-opcnj^..to'.,amount of s3<lt®S, ' granted' to the undersigned, ell persons, in- I,of Bpbert. Stinson, uebted to said estate hre requested to tni.ke i. ..•:• t j ,J : y -.‘■•••s. k.i’l’S.f.raplan;.«din'r.- • | f• ' i Immediatejpayment, and thoiejh»*>ng elaims ; '-j,—-—r4-n, ■ i-jp~rnw -« —r ~ , , 1 , - ” amount,et.sfri,y>', rs- : against said estnte wll prasenl them;to ;te!/,|,,■ H-HIA \/ H-I.W, :j. ■ ‘I ‘ .? 3: '' l 'towj,of,■,'Robert yroore.- deo'd;—-; inbsoribaal properly aniheniiSated for d**‘ \ j. f irr vitlV !, , vWI! IAIkTITITTr: ■ ;;’601.*. li-Ttfi’r-V .' •’ I -| '' Uiemeat- J.. i <■ | - J:. :.• |.SL’2J lA‘aK .. i*■ M * • ...IP T '’P‘'hy;tonteunt.of $53,7fj, and i ~, • OWM. I’n.TO’iVSSBSpi Adin’r,, . ! ,j. :. , .~; , i: I , " '■ : *' *?■-.,inst Puocsn| &. lldgarpT-’ sepli ; f Kew Brigbeoiii. TEEM WILIe JCOMMKSCEi nV,.': r ;:,> &JtSsTT*'i»ined by widow of! -i —“I '“ ■ . rp —r—r —i~. 1; . . , ...v.-VW.. ' 'I '. Cln ‘ e y. deo'd.’'Jjo!).' A. ~lV.ray, j.dm’r. j. HP.St.WI P.W. I * j.it ’Tu&d(ty; the 6t\ot Sipttmkgi j , s .w.;BßoaaivAy a WfL* srlujEjM, Ffr^as®S«SSsesu-»»k^! •t 0 x ’ an<i til others io’oreGt-' . | &ngiuon. Pa . j,. i ? :*x ThoroaghhcM nrlts.dUsta. j J■ s v»Vba ,?! ar noxvtem of said uoart, i TqioUsildtrKf ' Dealer to j. V' ’ for* V«e4l «ad-lln-; 1; ■,- f , ? ho- third d*y*j boiig j 7V>lt- f V4>PST| Iron IVirt .i r ' «rtam«nUl Mosie? , r: ' " J i 1 r 1 ;(■• , *9Pt»i»esilenljj-' | V ■ .■• I - Pil&b'Jrg Cookvuf, PnrM JfiyiiMg ;( pßkjfoad fm. u eatalogoeAo , -j-- i ' ,9 . »p«!»i pwißra.r.irb‘, IT;'-,j : .ijmirißi'e'.j •| : 1 '■ ■' ' 1 " li ■: I :: ‘ ■■■.■'■■/■.'-•i &c~:1oe. I TJt'lr.e Orpiar.a’ Court in’amf for,tb« county ! I of Bear-eft and' State of Penuayirania.— ; ilfttha matter of the partition of Hbe real es- ] ; tiaf.e of James Duncan, dce’di Tbe Commote- ; ! wealth of i’enr.aylrsnia: To fhe'btjra «adj 1 ijegal ropresehatires of eaid dec d,to.wit: Mar- jl '■ caret; ipterniarricd with James Jacks.on, Jo-I ’ aeph DunoAsl, "'Maiy Duncan, Bebrcca DunM lan, MaWinti Duncan, Margaret J Jackson, a miner, whose guardian is Thomas da-ltson, jtlarj Ann Jkckwn. a minor,’ whose quot'dUn [ it Jam'es , Duncan. anil all otKsrs iatcrosteti:' you anti eieli of yon an hereby oitrd to be and appear before, tbs Hon. Judges 1 oN.our j said Courts Bearer, or. the 'second Monday of XoTStn'fcrneit, taticoept. or refuse this real eststsbf said dec d. at the appraisement put upon it by all iruiurst - duly awarded by?" said Court, and roternei hr the- Sberiff-to June T. I*6l, 4nd found tpcontain 1 liiacvts.SSpcreb ea, .-raluetTai $3O pen acre, and in the srent of j abn-ieoepta ace to shew cause "tir thejiu. o iballnol.be soli.. ! 1 J JOSEPH LED LIE, fiVff. i Srjiktsf’i Crt’ci, 1 bearer, Ott. dC, .. ,f . qmy v T?- I^wijA^r«^t) •**:•■?i r^#, #^j«w%li |^^6¥^, risx>&tirfw^i^%&sP&.9S9#' <V ' OFFERS £is professional aerrieex U th*;.l JvM V f i -ft di«»iet and paid taxcslaakfortseid, shal be- j 3 <Jr:tSjc Coanf«j>f;Hsar^J»%WW*wl^ fdtiien*of ; 'f ! kil U win exipßM 'Uic v ty iP.tiiiU.j-T<aoi*r«r -_■ . i BEAVER ASD VICINITF. I j\V - s»^™K^ ttn(J hy •*ff ! d»e“?TO<it-crj-. ejJhb premises, ortj-r- | ■ -,. '•! ft, - J ■ ri„; C " A#* °l Bgßaiofttweoty^nEjM^tweiifeTll^Oyei« t 4M»U u #t j dclncV- n m r Vll deserilWd-' »S&d flrtflft • JS. -. er .of tb# ■ ppmnHNa-> h*vingTesidiHi iiv-*- q f «&•*«.,*/ Ftidrl** \f* &*»«**?* vLtif at All*-’-'’ ■' ■ tijß^e]' thft piitntond. Beaver. Pn. . | 1 | W wiiinfs *"* sax.r. i I *■• «*** :'jt t' - ,TTtr’-“" i »■ dffmliffisV 7 " :^*>sM9rol^iltolii^«B--SA‘ l —u personshallbo permitted to - -r slS^SSSSja>^W&iwsat?£ h Jp]** •£• ! ai j- -~r-' T^co: .p a .. 6 01 in , 1 *J ■, . Jjw. (fuardtmnjpf Iho minor; children of Jatncs,- Sheriff jff/ffioCnuatffj ftkßwpjpl no habitints furnisbbd afh beech tree %> inches in diasi*. %B°“ ld ?i' lch "’V. t jJ > ,M 0f waTTrik^TE ! ■ tty*?*?':!?,», o/the sjm«h-k<& Wd&f3MttA«*£4BK •’ , PIiAIVxIiOTiMRXVIiS. , ~_ „ | toibl■ in Wij county, deed., will expose to , electors oHhecountyflbwar. meet Within two voarkof a .fatotc. orlobuiityi J... .!.»Krtrtlr nf to!i(-r-r*ge . n .)I, lit..- ; . 1 »<1 7th, mi, I «wn "A WnwiMMlwiiiH of !■; si-. f i-- Weloek. *. m;i t&e InUrMt of eenl ntinor ■■■■ W ? .. ...,,-p ....,.>..»£&• pout noi^b.S4rdtti;^(^.3Bl^^'pnrtj{^Tl'^!»7-' Lwtiiiwbtfldiki o><»T«k«A+*hn|l«tthiwri»»tl , MW d F< l " tie •ewernl.gleokiba-DitittietsvMfollows:, reoeipt; »iiallmake oal£.of tbe.paymowpbejrcr t,- t , 34 _ ~ 38, 3eg.. wej»tS4.per, nartli" . r tfc* eleeiorsot township. *iU ineet ofr.or eebond/if V,fight, degrees Crest. 20 ’peV?o iWiS,' nSrth :- < ' AltisLitfSTuU^SSjuSStitfiEiiAtAiisi jitfvltA * l th *chart Himstiut thebbroagh of Stewed.UtJSMtS «.»«•«« or between the age. ofjtrcn.Q’-i 6 g lJc |_ , w « t< ,S3-.pey<t«;i . iv in lon tie porlU' br lland of Callioaii anfj JosT f The eleetore 'of (Bridgewater, ioroogi - will-.l ona and twenty-t *« pk he «haU defeose. on.; w ne . t hcnW wfti tie- PfaJa and crowing x« M'fjkaJjr- oh' the en'rt by. lands of Sitear., mefet M the Town HaU.iu li(ridgowateriii j," , oath w affirwatimrilidid dh.e . L i Ule Beaver creek north fof a dogi-*~, ; \ bi.^■. nl „-v L *- : ,iaEwi’aaii4 3; i'eeper, on |.tie sonti.by.laols 1 • ,Thei electors of PhilEpsliurgh 1 d&fcici ,wiU„.St«t e at least one,year] before his appliftatwn, ; (^u pp ( , 6(!a -: AI ’.••;<«>■.• I Anyth- etymSi' kwr>Mb... .'M’Ci'tmdy and M’Clurg, oontaihing abpat^dot). borough. ►-I 1 .•■ [ - .;' ‘f’-./t i -1 ■- ! ---Vr| 1. ' 4 dwtriet ib is-rettairedin tbte-aet fiwd].y»fe diaiheter*b«iin south :4W 0 ' MM^Mnkysjwfe'^ssr' A ■■ MW about j ?° eleifddland in a; good. . Tie oltotortaSf Moon toWnithipiwiU.meet %t j doea pertly believe; ffom Jbe neeount given ■ black oifcof'the eatue^aiio-bears noi»h(68» ,:> ' • t ---b^T't^. e l~ vS/t' W ■ merr.', etotS ofspuHiratioh—balance well timbered; the-hhii«* fOrthorW occupied liy Amariah jjl enr. linn that ho, is of the ago aforesaid/add glrc4.; Vest 3li lines, thence ’ bjrl i, lino 'diridinfor .lf3e • ;^r^^^ii - t ■• drlckson; now byi pohn. U; lEWott ; such o{£er evidence as|,U roqiiired-hy^hjai a«tj f g e: , arat i D g'-ihi s ont-df tie ortritiii tract tSSnif" Bearer,ug24j ■ PKQXOQEARB ARTIST... ~, Tkuvs. thirtlyof the . purchase 1 TUe elccltora ol Hopewell township*will mwl j-whcrevipoti-tlio uainca tW-person® autDit- j e legatees of de’c'd, • 1 ■•’ ' ‘ •- pn 'of the sale by the court, at. the school houeh in the; :*iUagfc »f bcotu- ted U vote shaU be inawtcdiiito the.ftipbabetr 6o° ca»i bl par to a peat where Um aaid-f-owtiMiip.-. ■;i ! ... r r ■■• | ...;= ■ .ical list by the Inspectors, and a note made, o ,k lB.incheV£iametc r bears north 76«‘feast* that date, with interest tncreon .fromj same. The electorsof will i opposite thereto by writing the word) mux* ; 40 iinks.ihd a’chestnut Oafc 15 inches in djk' -;‘ tinii'nndite ho secured by bond.and mortgage, meet'hf ih* hoasp Thoppsoni iif he abalt be -admitted ;t» voto by reason dv'i nc i Kearsilnorti' 75° iwadsV' ’ ■ octl2'dl |j JUS. .M’FERRAN. Guardian. ••■!• .1 3. .. . ; :rhiving paid a tax, or the wbed ‘>ge;f’ if,he links.'thoncfrl'aiuth^■.•■««' Just'per to a post 5 : vJ B; The other- portiwf of^^the.primisesi,, The electors mdpt- shall be admitted on.ocoounl^ ; of ,ii«.;*ge; fnd where ; n whiie.joak: .05 Jpohes.in diameter' nboVe deaorlbed .teing^ 4w«U •«»“»« of Dpid.Ewing, r.ia eaidjitown. m eituer case. the. reskns of such yoites shaU :^ew 3 :Bfluth,22°l. west etllinks,- I knth toSumbt thirds thereof, will hide be offered for saleV VL •’ -rl ■' '' wd* a- 1 • .’.Jf c^ ed # “ *? ‘derks, who shall make ; wlljte ; calf 12. Inches in dijimeteif,] beamh^rtli Webld lit the time'lnd place ,m4ntiphcd'ih : i r fleft«°w of |rnnfcrok district will meet the dikes;, notes in the list ofpfoifere Upi 7 by : ?u o >esl 43 ItheChove notice. - Terms made knowhbndaf' «I^o ? h*us<rorOebrgo-Dnbgan,; i» FraMfort., tnenTi ; .h YV '.-1 J I.por hickory.,.n«Sr-marked.,oak. thenW jy ljt ta • I ■ ki . J ' The electors of M Quire s d.istnehpvd]l, meet In alvpaajg whpro the' name* of s ou!h : 65°-wost fit) pc£ to ilhe place of begin- ’ s—i . ! V-- .—A at tK'i? house oriojin Porthr in.the riH)tge of j claiming to.vota is noil- found-on the list fur-. £.-,- { ■,;[‘ '■ v-|«.\U,'i; .X ."y.'JCill ’ Uahofer. .f ; .■...■-I- ■ -. v .4 nUhe«t\by-t^.ComnusMoncwlinddA ? ' dash upon conf.rmatiq'niof thc'saie ‘: The'electors of jOrcen* township Iwill meet his right to' vote, whether foiled there |_or, not,, by the Court, or upon tho.deiivervlof tha.deed. 7 .at'thftjionse ofElyah Niswanger;'in Uoolm-j is objected ih by any ituaUficd citizen, jit shall 1 10 pta-cHaser, 1- . ■ lo'wh.j'-’ 7 ■• : r- v ...jK. .-, be ti/c'.-duty of Inspector tff*Mtamiae such] •-■ •■ •', -'J- jjjjoji -MfMAS¥ER,’- . s • Tlhrhloetofs of bhio township will;nieet. at pefMus.oa oath as to Qualification,-aiji,,if he j “ g e rjt2B’64 .i': ■ -’f -■ house h'O'wkbeupiWbyJamUaii'Elliott,iinsaid claims to have resided' within i.lm. Siviib nVn '• ■'• !. *_ 1 ■-■—2 l -—-'. township', ’ (;■ ■= :| year or more,, hif path] shall be ht proof | ' 'T]f~*}*Hri i , The electors of ['rlglrtoli township f-hot em- thereof, but he thake .proof-by at least i__ , ~ . d /sik ' braced in Industry district.) will nioct.'at the otic tbmpeionl witaesg, who shall be st qnalifi- jX? S'^S—’ . k-i s®-. ( h school hoiise, nedr Iliiofiey Bakin's, ih said ,ed elector,- 'that.he resided' within] tle'dik \ ± ■***'***?’- 1 h °I £ ' township,. ) !-a ; i ~]. -.:|, . . . trict.for «ore.lhi ß <eh (days immedintply The electors 'of jlhe tortugh of Fbllstoh; will feeding shid'elect ion.,Md shpU aiMi himself, i* 1 ?. V?*“, t-ili g/«kA-' meet at the Acad jmy in FaUstL. r - i .swear hif bona .fide rekideuco, .iipiOance.iif .>? 1 tu liS?- Thc electors of t’attorson tdwnshlp will meet hii lawful calling, is within/lhe. disirict f'r ■ .. ' M j, Vi at tiio school hoasoTh the Tillage oflJi-ighton'. iiho purposc;oi voting ithereiiri , -i I 'T | f hlp, -»-**'/• . The electors of ChippeWii; townriiip will ! If any, person shall; prerfcni or l^v„^rmS&.libK meet at the'hbule of lnnhLl, in: prevent- afiy . otficer /an eledtion. or, or^ 1 said township, j'• 1' H .- Threaten. ahy fc violeAci to any sfich.officer-or;' £»*'•**»*'• ' etc - nn ,' l . , fe ,ic i r 2 P 1i.“5 1 The electors of South-Bea»j«r-towUhip will shall interrupt or improperly interfere with .-H?*£?, • at^ttiii'h^iis'Tfe meet *t tbe h'tiase lot- in said town- him in & l»is duty, or shall i .f.*. s , jav'ru.vA ‘^ n . tsl^ .Mp.‘" ••■ fv : . block up or attempt 10 block, up tho window or j U lM4^M^lFu‘ctook The .electors of Darlington fdwnship will avenue to any window;whero yhe snmy may! be-j J* »'il dkchariTof meet at.the i cadomy in Darlington. '; | holden. or shall riotimsly disturb The eleclprs of Big.Bhave* township .will such election, or shalhnsp or .practice! any in- duties of tfl3*d^aH.\fiTanvT-..;; meet house of widow Miller, id said lijnidation, threats, force or violence, with de- .. '-'jv.v■- ~ wV ’ . township. -’’ 1 sign, to influence unduly, or overpower any . ~ V.!',: v v[Ul- v " s •’ ’! The electors! ofl elector, or to prevent, him from, voting, or to ! _ . T v -;-*. "- ;J •.: : rkmmt«tV.V^ it (he house of M; restrain the freedom of his choice; such per--) -..-i'-X . •.' - -■ : 1-..- '■ * ’ 1 *-<•.1: in' any sum 1 ■ 1 — I.- rerarrii; -,r ri , j ~i - • .i. , rAO z , " 1 . ri " .ugile4C-Stiai ' etti ' -ft , in 4 lieu Syla ra wAh al f .i! :,. , S P. iii . PTiCti WWI ' S '. ttfl. a l l 11(0 / Z -b l a tri l • i all kinds., ' la za 44aS -SKY-LIG ~, :. • ait ih,WMoll4ollTiliAli - tit - • liildaiarriiirts •- - 1 ,;'di .•• 0 Ltaihi•o b•rii • ins :. w.x. Id Y 3141 t. |~\R. .fiEEEB. jqs. PE.VN- STREET; jp 9 Pittsburg l kttfcAaiitoiikttTsitthentijf M FT- !w|sE^jEa.OT^t^‘EyE,:. :;•■•_ fiatS pfcf forma neewaaryto their iur*r ] Refer* toßbv. W, M.Caitonandßer. yy. atp7 , B4!-H.i !.. f ’ j 'list OF LETTERS : ' ,Fr) in tie Rost OffieeaVßoehe*' rV leViPa.. jOctl T«rt, tBM; , f~A damtf: Mart. ’ k\\\ *, I T7Mter» i k Co;; Bent-, i ley 4 (’Gtririgl BiilLnjhurst.tf’m, .Coble >|f»s -[ teM'.lMjwj,. Dimon ’Oscar;’ Dyer.flm Sf A’, Xtb? RlfjssFanny j Pmt *; CoL. Grontart;Martin. Oartln RoV t' Iron J amis, ‘ IfmhsßeiTard, TCer/Mrs : M -A / 4;- Len^irdA)»Sia. ?l i«e nl lir‘Jbsi’ni Ht’Cb'lUlnj'WErr, Muiyy. Mftgwi.- hloyer Rebecca 2, r :Wlnierß. Rhode* Henrietta! Shafer Cassr-'Srmbn'Antcrn; Smith J A,. Sne?lbck' : Afelb'aH,;Sloan John, Walter Mist B<Wads*M«Cl. u 1 A ‘;‘ rr • 1 - v: - 1 Ta. nil tp P| ' "j* n "~ ] ! LIST OFLBTTERS i 1 TS EMXiMNQ, tfa It'e. T'pai Oflfe* >t B*»- jjv Mr, l r »'Vqot.'l»t,,iBM. |V iTjlafncs.tu tlerj Befghjr Haggle,'. Brlght'jS ■Cain iElizahe li, Cook K f A, Crawford jCaahihr-Beater Bank, Dale Letlie,\f reiicli M. iFrjla jßet J fl, lirtarsha Andr<;>T, liieariHbn Jeaee, Lloyd J J, jjLaugklvn Wm^M’jCjcanMr*Mafy, M’KihTay, Andrew; >rC :cary VVm; M'Kiliney Thompson, ■ Smith Lncini fii, Jdotter Darid, Thomas S S, Taylor Jaiaesllli jVfa’d’orf,, Joseph, White.Mr«‘ Sarah M, Whit* 1 Charlotte, i • A iiit4 Glarin' a 2._ • ’ •’ • , is milling for. letter* liet, is ill please aa y 1 hey arehadrertieed. : , [ ,r . M. J ASDSUSOX, P. M. ■ OSeedlait», from 7a.m. to p. m. : • ™aUXT T lEES, ■ : GFvi?it -VINKS, *e.’~; L. SHIIItDS ft GO’S eMck of h Trees, Vims, Ornamental P!atiti,d-e., whioli they o Jer for eaiethie fall, Uyary large arui.’ef -tfctf trm quality,in a^l ’respects, Via: . 1 ■ T aI’BL | PEACH, pbap. ' y jrui;uur, .. • rfßi/JC,’ i i -. . cjyiifcji, ■ * , s ... . End GRAPEVINES, N Delaware, Co ycord, IMace. a:vi ,ihe edgier nets Varieties Gooaaaaaaiia, C.c beasts,r.ariuw j.»»B»«si;and Small; t'nri‘.*._ ingreot Variety. Pat liaa’comiog to, the JSuracriep t o ridge-* worth elation, on the t*. Ft. W. ft C. kailstajr. iu '.hi mornta-g ir»ansr-oan;eei|cC their pwu irtitti. li&d r< ura in ti>o lUiroooa. i I J' [T. la SHIKU)3 ft CO;. Wtlj} ’’ ; Jenisklji Alleghejdy eo.i Pa, j ■m fdr Sale. ■; l^a ' 4 GOiOU . A I7c;>rir Count lingiob xo lit i w; jtjcj h.k. ton.; - niilaa aad:2jimli:s f lod *tre«, m< dwelling lion A hexed fail! ih«' dwsliinj In' good at ate . ■Oct. 12[ ’64. DUKRH jO HOU mnaediile et ilKsnnT bai erbee the Ch -dose iwill llouri. , No I at th • stiasci • 4A «; csr i’ricei Try [t. j 1 WHDL’ FARM i« Differed It print* mated in 3ig Dearer township jr, on the rosd leading from Dir i metfood station, op' the P. Ft. about! 1\ milet'£rom D»rling rorrv Mew- tjalilee, on saifbßß., ' Witdaiewoddp containing about ire.or legs,, on which ia a-good no, btrn'ahd other oiit-bullding-s. , ig spring of water retirement to ; iiouso. | Finn well watered.and i <or. culuraiion. ■F or terms'apply D. |L. IMIIUIE .Dearor, or | • -■ . areont% pVi^HM\^tbrifdwcllih^liouBc/a r;; a „ nc / shallicont^uo?a .tlTft | Tan, ■r. i v '■'•l/' '«1«k & i*ti- l largo stone spring hooso, (Ihe'.uppor, etory of S uf oop pour after th^;tizr.d *ypacas. also Si . f ■] . ?■. ~* || _ : . . a u\nn t'T/irta ibeenber tw&.i». l Dow% B |l « a h^e.lv r & th c opening bf the election, ils-, Qualified l superior axticV. > ■ U . BAuM OF ,A 1000 |,. (• u to lurmsh to TO*to-,ij 0 jJ jg s of excellent coal! votcr= 0 C tlic [townsKi?, )tf..s !! ? lr V cttc f M'idvup i.Mhmg, Cm/5, .(/’i-.i.l ■?».._ j... ... •: j'' l ' U k. pr*B«u *HU # lr««,'.ilthU Wch .,acb {Acts Otft K»v«: .• , or. I'lot* /»»J| Caj opts., , !it conld 1* enured? liow .i«ny .aw« U b«. to ir&nfiJ* u.rj J, “f“ bssMs [ssws “'•■J'-- S "■.VSTKURS & RIDDEL V «« re- , >V , FOURTH ST .V..i • • J o t nntient.Hiinsi n»/1 hotiey to benjitify their i: -*£“•’: - “jS. f -iJ r , to l iW A-.<essin'enw of toieivj »s Ibe i»ii j., T* .< : ooinvlesion: i\mt -tbfc‘combination Twits p*lm« | Alsolfa lot containing K acrei, «e mile offers to £k«t least , AV, allied; 5 -• ~- W j*r •I • . -•-■ M : l.d ■'.- ■ •■-• ! j :. ■;■ ■]\ ', ■ '■ ■;, _•••■. 'COUTHT SALE; 6f J Valuable Beal Estate.; , . BT virtue jof an order issued-outof the Or pbamf Chart of Bezier CoOnty.; the under-; si gi eJ, guarding hf’ George W. Marker and Ahu.-NlarkciJ minor .clijl<VrenJof Sampe '•one. Marker,;d*«'d.i, will expose to public sate, at imi the on ; II I tialnid ly.'.Qtt. 20tk. lisp-!. ■ th«| undivided one'-fourth of die Hinciindcd Iw 9 -thirds of the, following described rjeul. es atf, to irtt; |A certain piece sir parcel of land, sitd ife in Ohio lp ,! Heaver co.. I“a., bounded on'the north, hy land of James Rnsselt.ion the easl by ; iahd'’or thd heirs of Udsann'a iCantp bell dec d-1 ph the south by the Ohio river, and on theJwest by . land of Joseph Coopbr, containing thirty-thkee-a ares 9r> thereat outfit on;*hich arsS'erecicd one single eabiri dwel lingihouse j find liithen, about 27 or 28 acres 'cleared and| under fence. There is on the Tan< a good prehard of apple, beach and cher ryjjtretn and a spring- pf,goodVater. jAfour feet roin ol' lcoal is .believed tojbe on the land. ■The ■ Cleveland and Vittsbiirg railroM: runs thiodgh the hotter [bottom., ,1 ' of the purchase|t§incy, } enfuanfirmit on ofjsalo by tbejConrU «pnu the renaindcriq two i equal ; annual instalments from that date, with interest from samp lime, tofts secured hr bond .and mortgage. [ 1 ‘ a- i I - TUO-S, MAKREIty-Jr., T jsspCSj’S-i'' , J , Ouanlian,t'&c.| ship.' , Tht electors of null meet at the'! land formerly of , The electors ofj at Dougherty’s si township. 1 —irj rr: —? ~ ■. • . , . , ; , The electors’*f CHANCE FOB INVESTMENT! [at,the house of Oj TnlbaitSy# upw open ailthc stonS ofj 11. jf. ‘“Sw'S^re'el fcj to ,re- dJ SfctwM ceiye e-jbifctiptions-1 to |nn I‘Rocbesfer Oil - )nro , J( , . Cdmpsijy.’f .RtidiiviU remain open iiptilthe The'electors < ■2Uth inSt. OH 30.1 csahiine the prospectus* mO -t at the Bote! tite I>OIVER. ;; aDMTjNI;IST,RATOIi'S Nofl'SCEf »f .»dmTn ! UtT»dnn on tile of Ffjl nyicfat tbc t I Jon* moout,! late-flf -Greene iowuaMp.. ’ Thefclociars of *er'co. , 4*o’d,' having been granted to lUe will at pfereotis mdeb'tedtosafa estate ■^ lo e *^* o^ B f . requested to moke Homeduae and wilLmeeiatthe 1 l'Wror*: -li.;*. _ u UliTllMdr. ■ _/ (tint ■ th'em to ,tU subscriber.prepay *u- ] hou incited for settlement. ‘-I tw« *iU*tora of 1 I jMAROARET MOODT. ) ‘ , T h c electors on i | JOSBPaMOODY' . hAdthfrs ” | | ‘&AMDEI. MOODY. ■ - ’tl ■ T . J ® ~^*,23 \Ai* I •J ■ ; O'eeiietpJ ■at the house of 0 ■ v > i .lahtp.’ ~■! v r tj fina'of nJ & . iVilde & Co. was dis- 1 • , , lojved on the 11th of May last, jhy the j’ ■ fiC df lyir. Wra. Wilde.. The business of P/eiuh'nt. .jißil td fim williihs settled by,' the,attrsiving 1 Tilled Jfc i 1 . >! .JIBNJ. WILDB, ■ i ■ Ji • 'i j ? . I . W. WILDE,- .'■ ■+ ■ • >* - J. L 1 ■ ' ~“u J- ■ 1 ■ ! .7 Notice J MnT>'r.aSqil*. 4rr The üßdersigneil . ve entered! ihlo partnership utidcr] the ■ That every pe e of '“Wilde A C 0..” and will nue ' Peace, who s.am. lin&sr'of the Into firm Vi’. Wilde I menl of profit,or i 1-' ■■ iiilMJ. VIL'UK, | ' jofi he Unit cl fai ■■: !, UQRATIA W. WILDS. i | any. city or tneo BfigUon, J'h’.v I), 18d4. U‘ Zl 1 co.mm,isMfmed oil f i l ,*- ii ' ■-_ jI . ' i.r ( have been orv.pl'' lie® unil iVril d«ft> p^i ill* 1 >ty|' bu«i , ANDREW WRAY. 1 ' ! ecu \ lT Vti»f J ? : • , .. . m. |or,um tniteu-V' TTOU-Nlfi'V : AT , 1 ■ i i_ O J. i.r I ihf Congress. -nttd , RXAvez. PZXXJ. ■ |. o ftheSo^etoiis WFEICK ;io th|« Southern |eslrenj!lr of the ; jr Nstisf Ri Hotel. o-t: ly. ! is'by. i'.i'v i-ioapa: Jl-.l- Tifcv J.;- —“-T --- -- ■ 1 at !!'■•> Sa-ite thru 5 1 wt|:*tfi v 6IS TO THE ri'nr.Ui - 1 In-hector. Judg rHEELER &' WILSON’S 1*57^777 L | H II'A.M! I/V ■ • : - ; ssWritfk. ]^IACHiNEjs- ■" jL,£2k“th*iji! J:' jj | r , ', t j . jtfl iiial-tho loth :xn inernirod eonsder.ee in' Ue‘ tnorpe a? the l!.i, eniulx its t Und 11/rtsf llStdHzrF<r..iihj j Oi ■■■ 1, /!, tM-fc/niis. now’in us.:, i. ;■ ~ i su-u*d,so s= ‘.’I 1 ■ r |i’. : ; ■ .r . L ■: .. ■ . il_ - ■ b'/Vonzu ciuce.- We!oiiimrfbr it the following,advances* over i Snic .. o s r tr cirri ?; I and all Seeing ,•_• > t ( on Coni Far grcaiei rorieiy cfrvnrV;. bcauty| add cx-J And tie’said" : Ueljanbe ofi stitOM; speed and-qnn'tTunje .<jf mo- j cl J-slalingto hjon; Simplicity of ttonfetriiction; case [of bpoya-' wca j t i l( '’ piesc i Ttion Mid ntacagiyiicat; elegance ->f design and j Itipwli! jtjV'iil 1‘ --| ' I'j ;Ihat'tbe : jut |!; Btit!eh,i ilcio, ! Foil, Quill..; tuek» afoiciaid; shall N: jr' - ! • |pllait, : Q«thcr,; Cord; Braids- appointed for I j{ f I without. any previous,• basting. ~i trjcts-.to which ' | Jfe itforMa equally; well on the tijinnest or ; fore H o‘c.cok'i thifikMt if^briosSi, from heavy beaver or pilot j Tuesday , ‘ *S elothi-toitbe finutot oatnbric. J '{ '• - '.specters sea In fc£' 111 PE'IRSOLi, jyli'/Ollri ‘Sols Agent,for Dearer cjuinty. I cd the secon ,p| I^-^; 1 \ FOR SALK. , I the i-econdihig ;5 • ','| i ——, ",.r : , ■'! at i.bc|ncxt pri I A of ‘first rate land.. »ituat<i in i ,p ec tqr in his !■■ f\ Cbij>pewa[tp.,’Beaycr'l'cmimjj, about 3,; who siiall b»v guiles west of Now Brighton,! oti tbe V. Pt..W, o; - V nt4:t> for It i&J C. -;R . H., containing QNB HliN**Kfll> p rC v Cn t elocte iACRB?, : Bbfrered for gMo on layorgblohornia. j tor in his plac •A bout sp enfy acres of this laild arc cleared c d Judge shal pand in'o! n’ooll, Plate.of eultiyatien; tic balance,! Received -'well tiimhareii, i!atid j»l! tinder fence, .there j gjiall appoint Franklin totrnahip will meet firkß. Clark,-in said; to»n- l\*nh Sewiekley township lonso, of Nathan lUzen, un Bcnj.' Ciew.j : > ! Pulask; township will mett [liooV house, |i\o.4 in said ;• ■■ , ; L= • 1- Marion township will meet sorgo Harwell, jn, .in said ■ j; . ■ fj ■ij'htpn borough' and ichool house in said |.Now 6 at lb« .i ; ..I | i-;l • o»t or) | townthi p will sjioot‘lllouso, lii said If, R6fh| Uille Si fiat b< tciioo? f IFrpedo th« sell f S-ew. 01130 ofj ofor.gh of Tlpj'heaiof Rochester, n borough niid dis )ol house inFreedom. Scwickley township John Feaiol,!|iu said pc in Inluprry 4 •“ ■; j . jllarmo iv township will meet ke Economy/ ‘ - •j■ ■ ' i Eionarny townshipwi’.T Vaint (oor-o C t . M«ni«, in »»idtown- slid pUces the qpniited'.elecv will elect by ; ballot—;, prrsdfS for Elr.rtccrs of tt "'Yipt T'esidfat ,||»/ ’thn : Hereby Given, •3o:v except '.Tintices of, the 'hold any .office or appoint trust, under the" Government atev-orof this -State, >r of fjSSued .'.district, 'whether % (Cerldr .agent, who isjdjr shall red Sinilbr 1 the hegislaiive, Ex aryldcp.irtmrht of' this Stale ites; or. of any city.' or incor-' and also that ey,!ryi|membcr . i of life Stat«'l.egiriit)irc, and Ijornnifin Council pf'jnr.y city. I i of'atiy incorporated: district, j Lille, uf holding 'or irerciyng j i the office 015 ajipoiif'-ment ofj ... or Clerk |of any ef iction of j ihh. arid thn/iHi'-'iUidgc,; Ir.T i > khgr vlficcr-pf ghfh* clock inn, j > to.any to M then''voted for,' - j v tno lon.'i if section of an Act till of,April,. J.tl’!'.:, if;p, enact- I'scCtinn of.lbo act. poised duly , l d »u act relating'to elec [ imoiiwt'alth, 1 dial. ■ not. hccr-iLs-.l prevent any military o®ci>r. or ; . from service, as J»|lJrv. la l at ■my goacrct or tj»e hal-eieer irtqnweai’.h. yLctor Assembly. entitled “An the election! of this jCusHto.-' : I .July 2d, •J3dSf,"i.ij«sides as •>e and -Incjcctors ihesen as t meet,at- their respectiveplaces ioltling the election in| the dis -1 hey.: respectively- belong, hc an'tho-moruihg. of ti e Second leniher, and eo.oh : 'of satdf In* ..j,point onh cleric, ■wijJj'efaall be j er 1 o'’ paid district; ; ' 1 l ersona wlio.sihaU hero rospi*-! highest.number of votes for; In- j it’aiiend on the day of an ekc- | lerefm who Shull hav.e.,received rest iiujitVcr dl votes for Judge ceding [election shall act as 1 ln r; >lacdV>and jii case tho. person 1 received ■ the highest number specter .shall not abend., the I Ju jgc shall Ol>poiut an luspeo • • and in jws&tßC peirsdu c|cct not aftaniljfthen the[| Inspector the highest, number of votes Jinleo Indus place; land if'any - b -■ ' "oiijrd ftir.'thc i r r . ’ son on .conviction alfall be ffnedin jjihy sum ■ i L / p^ i *V/! :: ;H Ih-r 1 >'i c ; 1 ' not exceeding 8y«. hundred be iin- /a.- -'' ; i-ir ■% -it rr . ' prisoned lor an} Um 4 not less-: thap twelve . .Cgt. : J. J[Jr~?.a ,JllvKa. 3t '• months;, and, if it *Uall be shown fhit-by the •• ’1 v'V-fl- IT.. '-I ~ I•■ Cohrt who the trial !of such offSnctislihil.b* i, 2 .W® Institution. wrE,! »»., ro-.epeped.yen had that tho person offending wjs n)tavesi-|| *-.*,• - r''- " ! ’-o dpnt of the city, ward, district; or township.! ’DA3T, SSIj-T-. sth, h where ihh said offenc.es wascommituil and. not I tmdci^jngsv lair orahls auipiossl ' Vi! -,•?• , . dntiUed to vote therein, then, oa couiiction’Uc '. . The services of lEsr. p)." 11l -A. , ll l ’|bEi'3. I shall bn sentenced to pay-a fiuenrnotjlcss thair D.U., formerly of. Westminster College, and-' ' j orie hundred nor more than one thousand d pi.-- i Rssr, IiOWARYJ formerly d’rrjhcjipr.l of. fars, and be imprisoned not less than six.uionths | Washington* Union Sehojb. uaac'bccn s'eeurcd j nor roore J than two years. V j . ; | as AssSciutS Principals -dad. liis(ruc(|o-rd.;c , ‘ : , E I. If any person or' persons shall m.J;a any bet ( .Our{NEWhAiCA-URtyi EUlUl^ll'iCi-is.now hor wager upon the resali t of any .elec :ipn with- ! cociploied and ready Ihriinjcuphincy. ',] fin.tbisf OiwinionwcaUji, or shall offer Iw* matte j'. . AU-lthe. branches' nefj»|sity -tb.iu'j-ouiiigrfil a, ■ 1 any sucll bet or cither by vt [•bii.p'roc- ! for'ilOSlVE'fS'or- CGu.|KG!i rwiTVifo ii£igWt. , ’*:y l.laiiiatiott thercbf.ror by written or.fvjntcilyad-I Good bc.itdi.ngi pan bp| had na as .■?4a4i>o,»blj»‘ , ' vcniscmem, or invite any iMentis sis elsewhere. ■. , v J . . '■* | perrtm!* to make .such a bet. or- wager, upon { be atfeofirt in «/ -;* i conviction thereof, lie -or they shall forfdjtnnd j imtipU' Tor fuither pvticu'ars ■’»d.dr;B«r- «•' ■ I Tint three, times the anibuui so bet or offered 1 th»r of the Principals, oi th* undorsig:l?|d... Ito be bet. I ■ ° | ' li. HlOK v _?«c| Board or Xrtiltejs, Ttfgjadtwittv^ l ”- w»*-by l*w -miapr.ad shall . ‘ .ljrnxcr.4jnnL'S.liilPfSt- . . T“'"’ ■i Commonwealth, or being; otherwise {qualified,-.i , ETTEjtSi «fi«am{n>|t ration <«■ shall vota out of hi? proper district,! or if an; I of .p nr .rnt Srnuev. deed, la*c| of l-jig o“r»'on' knowing the jv.antof such-qublifieation, I to.viship.- in*’.r«p*n snail aid or.procuro isuch persons ih vote. lue; e ,. a u: t iio’ii'e iufi&i/ilbjn,, -ul* •person or persons ho mtehdtngsl.nl!J hn.connc-j t . t0 ; 5 ..115 i-Statt-af- ir-pwirted »p ma.aii • , iiiou, be UactUa-ahy sum .not ng>l'''oli‘iinm> l ''' 0 l i ‘iinm dial? puyiiicm. ■sud.tll;.;:;- elShnsy ■‘nuiid.-ed d■■•liars,*and' bo OaprispßjSi any:, their.’ prr.parly icrin not less thMii tfliree -ti .i * - i> vith<?u‘icßte , l £ftt’.rri^Ut.. li* auyparson •'hill rou a tnsn-one ; • .THtiMPSON; Afo r r::/j eleetion district, or lithcryise radiiientiy fold.u . !: ‘ . \Nonii gewieltiy :p-, and deliver to the inspet. ors .wo tickets to- . T t-.-rva : gether, with the intintic. to v tc. iGegaily, cr . JP; ■ i ’JLVi^.lrfcXV, saaiivote the same, te. wi}. i..feU-«• vise or nrocure another-*» dos, he pr they so Jty'-* ■ , .- v ’ ... 1 r i.vl J 1 offending shall; on.cpuv.ctioa, >« W',°d in V‘'li. .*■ yt. ‘P; }S' 1 sum hot loss than fifty nor-u»ore thfj* fiye.hpt- :,0^;^s.-iicits 5 thus oS hu ! 4j.Q a red dollars,, aid be im ? n S oned fH any- um ;,!. - . - | yd not /less {than thre> more'thbn'wretvc -• •/ ? - months. .li u .: -id ,;.f 1 d . <L X "^ ■lf our:person not qualified la irpte tur« ;• .net-,, u, i.ff ,j ’ • j , *' I. CommJuwealth 'agreeably to Ikw,, heicegl-she /■■;!( (s ,\J i i\' V Tipij_s is ci i ■ sons of qualified caizcns.) »hatt«^«br ; »t dnyc |^. TTr ,.. S eViiksttaiic-. o.t place of eleeiion for tne ’P f | L' -j Ivtc AttjV. Mimnitt. I ; ickota.,' pi of mfincncing the ; iHks-own; Uwrixrbohiq’dlSfavit.flM-.. ■to vote, he saa)l. on coUT,c, > on, .IopTC. .1 J_ ib the nudsrUgue;!, *!UI persons '«•, any Slim not' caecciiug one hnndjou . IV(> | - for every such’offenoe.i and-be inipysoiicd,!.’.. ; V .v., v iriC'n t . anllthosc hifiiinjtlMi-ims^y any t-enn *ot exceeding ■ n .. '.i<ist&te will' srr- sent .t’-wnt ti> Tho..ltcuru v • proLierW au-ieiGes'G-dVoif.sMtien-.c.-'i triv.ts'ln this roquircll *■'.m-jd at. t tA> i Tv£N ,; l :. , Vl the Court. House iq.ir.e borough of vn ; i _ , ’ .. •• , \ lbs first Friday affnr the; •e’eoivi I ,‘peSoay.of.l • —; - r -.- y.-.voinb’er arc i there I ,tbjrferform the ..Es'tatcMMfetliellifGilluaaq dm lee eujr.liie'd-npoh t hem '■rws. c ; - • ’i n{ • C.;- .-;>*• .Civenitudar royhan’ijalP.oaver, ;J. I K . yi..Q,xl,t<NT,|ii6fe':ar.’'--cn -4i-4t,->hc riHh day : * pi , Oct. ber. in the . u> y Jk^Pl . l-a-.i-a ' .y year of our lord tl-OUSand ( ,•" t- ■'::.icr* : "'.’" i, sd y r .eight hundred and sixtiy-your, au-i in .lhc ; o ' r (,-, u : r ..| ,o nakcifcm.'iis-- ‘h-y ; year of tip.independence ot uipj \ wPI ,•,•■■-,s»rt- Mi United Slii-cT. - . crly authenticali-d, for. JselCement,' celi'iH' JOSjKm irallLlE. •' . , QI-J.tilr.tSl', .-V - - I '■ ;I ■ nugl.7 -, : *.. j* - ; . s-i'- ■ I •. - , - - 15B.vvklte3CSiT,.Y j .T> E - J ’ bS '. . I.; I i ■ >ctf- Brighton.-Sept. '*s• 1 ■ |; ti '• •AvL,,.— Tn« »iaekJ»o!d.'.ta.of .tits Bank of‘Jlgaw'i l>A*o WA eoutityflaro barcbvi its titled ti.p.t- ih® • ■’ ■ . -j - . ■- I meeting will it* hVid at the l!*oki{ij kouMia i ' ■• ; - .-.PKICII IN. CASH 1 .Sew'Brighton, on. ruesday tlio Ist, day. cfdSp j -. 1,-' 1 » ember ensuing, between th* Mqwpf-U;«*tjn>*d!>ij »bd Vive o'clock.- p, m. ‘ At wu-.ra meeting »j .. ,] full utiendiuioo is IdesiceJ. ,a» tbq subject on . l At ' Cbero But* j ,' ' our organisation to tie National jtv ■ - ■ . j - Bank system will-bo then considered—and the j • iOa Oridgt’Stxwt.'* election for L'ireckors to sory'e the qnsntsg j• ” • , . i year, will be held Sat the same-flats, cn,ihe j ■: - , ' 'll: Cridge third Monday, rdlst) of Sorembcr. bqtwcer ; 10 a. ta.'and ~p. tn. of said day. By otde: of!t ri'an Hoard of Diredtors. . - L' | baepdSj ' I fit)WARD HflO J J ffiew! &<Hhk i; y \ irrVrtE mulovygu ;<i Hrb returned |fro:r,rr.;'yv 1 i | delph'ia, rtpd : hiva now opcrteii his-roV, |! , .. ! Good! 1 , confusting of Cloths, Sat-, , -1' j ’-v-: nets, Jeans. Ri>d Tweeds. ■ ij - I ‘ ' J-. , ■! ' -i ‘Whatlady -or gantlman wonU remain rin. IjiuUes’ IJrCSS txOOUSj ' for the ctxrae of a diagraeable breath, whtn - T..ekther. and >!o^o_r»rm?tt»*j-. >. •. • ~ J r. '■ Sha acalj 1A Sweet and’perfumed Breaifr \ ffEll > , t y • vxnsxs f ■ : . ? - A Bad Bronth. ; , V’*! - li J C J • „• r* *•», ■a , ..•vj-.: - - ■r-)y -.■■Mr/.. fpcy: l>Cf piec’d; ;•■: I-4ii* ' • vij’lltto )j .J***' n •A- • li i ■t:\; nr..^ in’i.,. • irri ■■ ■ ~ Ai|fwF f( c srarW M Whl- .'I ‘af''r, :T'% L r, i l . • • V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers