U U Wsdnwtday,' 0ct19,. lßtf4. O.L.lMBRlE,EdHerfcPft)pri#tor. Ratao&ai Union v Nomination* .?»/ i"/. : V '--y: iT-' i'J -r- r£ ‘ For PwiUint, v ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 1- AUlNuis, ■:.■ -■ '~i ; For Vico Preiidont, . Ar*l DR B W J O HNS ON , ■ - |>fe: ;-e'iss-'■-- j‘~-- -■•- : Union Presld^i S; - SE.VAT( M’Michoel, Plii ■ Stomas Cunpingbani', I ' BEPRE3ES 1 : 2 8 Morrison CoaU ■ . S Hbnfy.Bumin' \\ Tt Kern . 6 Barton H iOikr , 6 .Criarlas >1 Runk ■ : . 7 Robert Parka - 8 WWiaMjCaylor 9 JikttA Hiestand . It EdSjttriJ'Ualijaay ' 12 Charles :FUee<J ; . Terms of S'ubsoription t.o Argus. Argus,!per annum, in advance..] $2 00 .Within|the,Tear.....v....'.... 2 50‘ End lisfithe year..,..;.....!;....' ......J,.. 8 00 - TUese'lerins will be strictly adhered.to. " . Hates of Advertising: Onc.squaTe, 1 insertion...!.:.. Bach subsequent insertion..6o - 00; , J colbmn, 6 m0_5...............1.. 20 00’ l‘golumn. B-mos . .25 00 Professional and business iCardtf. not ex heeding 10 lines; .1... ..... ..."... ;... . Etecittors;' Administrators and Auditor's •vM&iiiea. each .............i— .....; 8 00 tocnfnoliot-B, 10 cents peirlin'e. each insertion, lieatfis and Carriages] will be ipublished 1 gratis"* here the same does not exceed /fire lines; for lino 5. cents will be charged—excepting in the notices of deceased soldier's, whiqb will be published frets. :b campaign “ arous” ■ 1 TH FOR 50 CENTS* ' 'ha Argut wilt be sent, to Campaign for 50 dent* a copy, in advance; Sent! ji* imme diaiCSly. ■ >v' , i y- Meeting ofEkeeutlveCommittee. \ Thero vvill b’o.'ft mbutiug .‘of the Co.j Exbciitivo Committee at ' tlio .Coiirt] lions e in; Beaver, bn, Satiiijdaj’, I the 22d ot .October;, at -!■ p., ni. All (the ma.mberij, of the • Co;himitteo aro«,ur. gently req'uente/1 to till end. Tlio..following are jtho 'names of Jtlioi nitmbvrs of the Committee W. |B., Clsrje, Kimuel G. C*ngli.«y, ft fic>: W. llumiUen.. George Seeley,' Jos. L. AhiJei-spn, Vita.- Henry, ' W/ A. I•aird; Joflu H. Wilson, l)v, Jolin; Murriif, jlaj. David -Waruock, . I)r| AJT.SlniJlenbbrges, w illii.m tV. Kerr, I IjT Jpg. a. Flei B. hnmhsi-Uin, Jphn V,’:ls,vj V'"? 1 ' -l gn ® w D “*- - 'Thomas Sial Joan. Reeves. John RJMob : .'M. M Cr.ril, Henry Dim! James: Pitierooa, R. H. iiarol i-plr. Smith, . -James.Smitt hr, 8. M. /Ross. , Bherlcck St ££zcuel | -j , JAMES 8. ROTA? fh I. Rally, Boys ' | got ' W«‘. i noppcrhcaila on ■ , l T ;r “. e an* halftrj.— afrogular ,; \VaterlboiTh No vember. Let Beaver county roll up Jnajnraly.; We knew ' she tan do we believe Bh e To 'ntn. Let no man may at home. See yooi 1 >l 1 on'j out, circa- Ja, .° 11,0 document*. make tho people understand Iha of the campaign • be r .|g''t. NW iVmst not do: like McClellan,,aficrl !ie battle of , Williaranburg and Antiefam-rwt. Biit Iqt tie;, imitategloriou* little Phil Rlwridany rfho not - only seh.t them • but . a^n lift tn whirlipg through Wh,. ' castor, now for a l-laher* Hjjj ska< ibyidle. One more Jrcat charge, bud. and the ertomy w oaw'andi the conn s, try. saved I : ■ -* #1 ~1 • : • 1 1 r- ? * ; - !v- •!l •- -• I- ■ 4 .p 'i,' *• * 1 1 ; aro roquested by t J» chair. TOan pf the County Committee to call tqe attepiion of all who bay© friends , !|i the army, to thejreqn.ireniects of iaw rogalsuing tho armv' ' Se f th “f «,H aye-assessed.,, the of Horded | J 0t I 1 Tlio to >vnBhip collector can receive* the, tax a.id rcceif.4 for tne .. e T e on the back of the eenificate' of «*»ce»tnent. Those-who paid, the tax 01 ten or who have paid/within IWO yß * rB ( that ' Nov.. 8,18621 fiot Toquirocf to again. To avoid r ™ slrka * friood » at hhme siiould ae nd ifnmcdiatcly.to tbej^ f . 4n ? r enclose “tickhta 1 . * h f r * *? ldierB are detached fromi their command, proves ] should be them at oncej to enable thenv tojead their votes home In i,** for tbe ***<*, The proxies, envoi by call >rg oh J.TS. Jfytait! Chairman of the committee. Wa caution ; rcco^ in « P«wie« not!to open, them • J :* u .^ ftt ' viil Noting re ceived by the officer*. Local committee in the, tpw B «hipi> * M n ** sm&:' c Hnveaii, ■ . M { f'' S ’* 1 : ■ J£* ytar* 1 A-jv^y : sXj f: [ diy. ©^s^iletndri news from the three greet States -of i week and « r juk ! [Ohio, Lidiaija, arid ■o*s* oW-li I incat glorious. Like the news of iwor 06pci lideuV victories in l.he-Shenandoah ley, each encoessi ve report ~ y i har.cestbe value of the new* ;tTh^‘ Rji coo teal- In' Pennsylvania, was most thelimits Jbf the earnest and intense. The Chicago-; £he I.P !I LondOn-Richino h< I j partyj. had descry % ilaj-1 Gee. G ' edtdl other -no d|dbt from h ■ upon the - Keyatime.:'•• Adopting: the sitioii, look*doni strategy eftheic 1 riendsrla Eaholdomy complacency? up) they mowed their an alta'blr in Btaver Couhij uponPeiiayivani»; in! the hope# and: snppdi V ‘fCNfl Al p expematione of Chir rying Stjbat thar.k* 'w^iiayi to the people ofCohr goad o)4' fully and atton'ti the )♦ mil; ihe j dWior.e‘|whi! right. | '.The eneinyhas-beentn'Bt iaod'j Jem i*Hem|y‘t<‘ routed at every'-point; : We. ,; Bavea 535,; which will be the". ver Wdrp Wo i: soldiers jib.",py«:' .SO’OOO.We' ; , ha|fe: cmnijid bred disco elected 16 oat ot 24 raemhers bej/rig | tbatjpb*flih|y ! 1 1 two-tiiirlia |bf tho'Gongrbssiona : t r dele--j Bbatd i r f c6hiity,-i gationjaiU have 1 i fair ppospset of| Mr, jHcnry i more. ibavf carWcd ; ea Of the Legislature by-sweepihg=ma-;j wbejtherMr.ill Ijorilies. If thlsieeoV victory, what i» an qr Lincoln;- it? ; 1- i ■ i • ’ V ' ' . matter!Bill tial Electors. " ' '1 IEXAX,: dlndelphla. : - • ■ Beater, County,.,■ NATIVES., i ‘;l3jEUa».'W Hal* :14)ChiB,H SJirinar.K, 15’John tfisUr 16 ft) MTfonanfthy : 1 ’ ITLD&tid W Wood* 18iIeeAc;Bchi=on 19; Joljn Patton 20 1 Saipuel 13 Dick . ' 21 •‘Eterard Bieror 22' John I’.-Penney ' 23 E M’Junkln ‘ i ’24- JW; Blanchard . ..-I ■ - ■ S 00 imiD j, Lt'.disli, faler. Eti tone, S;. CVx,. ' av« beat The' g late of Obid.haa^vntedeven jnorjj decidedly- \tban ;;Pepiwyjvania;- She sust uhs Xan Join, jGranty Sherman, Ssbejrldab and jarAgut; to the tnne o_f | Shy,’ib'i|B''rocked Sam ; Cox, LwiglEendleton ajnd Pugb ( by ovei&j whelming vote*, «nd ; haH deull Cop* perbeadjsni jiistj sdth ia blow us'ljiule Phil Shjridan did" w hori htf kent Early ijgK I giorloualndian a,;with j 11 we aVaid thy prnis itci had been COhaidei* j even the most 'san guine [ The ( tale wheie , Voorhoes eoncoctcd. hi* treason, -and Dodge plotted ;in secr< t_ , A State where the McClellan ant) Pendleton parly cer tiiiniy rlxpecteti to triumph* Oh| it was glorious’ ; Oh, it was noble to hcarj tlie returns from that: gallant Slate. ITwehly-five thousand majori ty for ilorton nine congressmen, be ing a gain of; lonr. and the enemy routed. in every direction^ It was agreed before the election that which over way these three states' should' 'o at tie October elpoiiori, they would Itccide the Presidential election. -,Wbai chance then is therefor'-Lil* tlemael ?” \Ve believe lhat with prop , .or exer ions, li old Abe 1 ’ will Vweep jr, i ery Loyal elate, and. not. leave_a jjiju “whirling! ihroi j. - .Bui Indiana; [ what meed sbu per? A. led doubtful b; • I- M, :u. --;3 '.. ■ - V. ■-1 *&‘E o'x- W. W:. Ketciium. is feport- ; etl to bkve beiiri elected to Congress in district. . Altbpngh Uje district is largely Democratic near two thousand, so great' is his pojrtilarity that he earn a near carrying ft on 'the homo vine. and with the aid.of[theaoh * ■JiopsVill bo elected. It giyeS as groat pleasure to record his election. No man in-this State js nioro worthy of the .poinfidence of the people, jof more de scrying of Congressional honors. Jle >B, a gentioma i! of ; fine natural ability, improved by,s:udy and observation,of • correct.moral.| habits, and winning manners, wc!!yc«lculatod to win popu larity aca'cpininan(( respoci in au>- po sition. lid will malty ati ablerepre spntaUvc. Tulb people of itbei State | will yVt learjrj wbat many already I know, Ibat Ketcbacn, is iono of! tbe best;-ns he Js onebf tbo itjoai prom ising, men cf the State. Coppnrhoad > Lying. ■ .[ : It.is most amusing to see Ihe-efforts made by ■ the- cuppcrheadH jto figure oat s omethin'; it a consolatory nature from the returns. On tbe n(brQing af ter the election they appeared iery giibilant, and -diimet} that 1 they bad curried the State by 25 to 3Q ; O00 ! ma. jority.\ They aLn bad Lazedr elected by an increased voteo *erthal of 18(32. and on WedncKday night- they were r ! l . r lbicg around, ami lii g and; congrat ulating each other, an I taunting- nn, jyitb' the r yipu ry. • Thursday word u little rriore sobeV But still elaumid the stite fay 20,00(3?, evening- limy tell to 15,00(1 Friday morning they had come'down p 10,OOO.jand given up Lazdar.r Sat urday they begalnto grow soleritn and hadn’t ,(heard the full returns: i Mon day vast majority bad windled down to 122. Twosdaj morning they *p> altogether, and acknowl* |d Hat bod: the Stale by j». small majority. ~ ;j• 1 '■ ■ . 'Jf , »9tHon. <y; H. Browning, of fllfnois formerly United State* Senator, who hw been, atoujlly elairned as for Jtc- Qlellfn by the Gnpperlvfead pupera. wntea alonglletterin which ho or. prespos persppul respect for JlcClel euDnfrt S kJ* K«“ nnot him i his support, because he regards his polit ihrin^v* g T alco - pro^isa^ tK; t'mipif. hearting throw in JVbt.a. «ti ■CaUfwii Tf*° h «w Copßerht** ihJ*tZi\ X> lh' inr P atriotl *n». urf«lblh lh “P r ®Knw»Mwt: Mak*to °9**9t iki Qa*. I: * . f utiidec fhi ajbl< iie<Mio [of, - slartg^andfiha ..Eng lf*h,an& co W«: LjiTrvk ,li|a tit rso< i ve7' tW CH? in.; ' ■•}!;■■■ ■{• i' ]|uow: then, county,who hi liViiji r-TBv't'i ot | itoaiity Jaqiesßudban iho; nominees* ' - -r| « . i.l. *. . (ioi— ;j; ißlißt'fcfius. ■d. f' J i ■.' !-• fleiS BO much ihajfc hfi;iabwil safety find dig tryj, »tiil wo'ot lifi| already i not bo If or gooh «( 2(1: Because Republican pu ;3ds ; Bejcatt* bem of .Ccjngr Crllter'deti Ci ,4tli:Bilcaui rpns l.iis be .tli:: Bejcaui irgblaipdur (ibiUiU'ti 1 a U ijtyp; Ut * ft *' year* . ago' bo . . . arggerm rete n ■i— StfWeit orn» ] b ft 4 to' hia |o .'•ih*.twlp^bP ; arrived iri Waifs, jthat bii.‘ iite»B for the time wapsuspended. be Is r ang. Ad.; Perth crtjjiat boj OVI ied bbdieibf land in lSio Sojptbtrh, ‘gotifddorsici; and tbii| bp liqkid! forward to tbo time wJjm. he would beago of the: grout amjdoeralisslave holders of tbo South ■ bavs how fair dy given, Jfr. Henry's reasons {or aiding and abet .llngj-lreintton,-by en {.porting the eun did|les of the Uhiiago 1 Convention iTbpy are iiotriiic uicvref nor better ihan| llio .lrgu net ts, that have Tccu urgwt by liout icrn traitors ever since the wap broke ■. ut, They-arc r.ot oea? ball k» detent w plnsiblcasthfjse con tained in tije I0U9: of Benedict ' i n<d| ;lo llib Air ericaaColoaisisY jdm s ;ofjtl4 Be vol ition. lr is with 'sue 1 |arptihienis, and with | such flim ||y pretexts as these,/.that this-man ['ieefc sjtp CJCeuse bin gross' dupiu-tion of ! duty jto; his coiintry in the hnuroi her i need.| pjk iib i.rgt : merits' that would 1 instil tjtne fit ar school' boy i this 1 bhitunp _tni: top" seeks to pu 11 1 aio l bip .oiTe 11 .-.1 yetreason before Ids old Hno associ ites. Wc can tell Lb iin they ipnrn hi tr, and • bis' argument B witl| the contempt winch tViey morf Tho|o|d-|Jnp Whigs of Boavor county, bayh lopg si nco lea rood, to ’'lseep *tep to tljo music of tbb Union, and tbo-. do nfpt desire tbala re‘meant apostate wpo|Tipp dftgraced tiio paity bo qnce •“.PWK pd»*nd the epuntj’ where bo I waB 'i T “bon d presume. to lecture j theih.tlijrbpgh thb columns of the -Star a paper that e{.posed Judge- Henry (the honored father of thii rerreant. •son) ali bis'life; whose, coloptns, year after year;'too nod with tho fou|«}kt abfisjj orf HenlfClay anti tfio old* Whig I .party—l we saytlfty ( dp riot desire; to He ttjngj leotorec upon their dnty by bno Whjo hystciis tb pbnr contempt>p j bo bfs native country by joining; in" treaspb 10l .Vallandigbam® Seymour, the Woods Ac. ' ' j * ■ have perhaps given -more space to 3tt. Evan Jataes IJefiry than bin j merHs would j istify; w e can nntlet » • 1 . c#nin S atftrifioiVto * fact tn.rdgarjj fodii* eai. Shallow contrived to - W | il 6n rfo^n ?,«; arid M .%]'• beten : i many ilpco who Mf bxamplei '.MedlCt Arnold contrived that ** ’•W*, W*!i a tniJtor. and be bps hatf: nany followers rif fate. Wieu«that i»o Bf«n J.mda HenrjyofOungeNew JerAey. belong, •• • 1 ■'!! 1 n 1 '■ I: 3t MS eb nefiiy• ' ) ;, in >ktu» Stir bf last telbre, wrote u lotlftf w - TOTigsJnbnda iVg State of Camdek and espnt rrt|d4nc|9.. of. and hrwrotiblef »d«lbd^U : ffierfd» to. are going to (]■ '.•,-s!i'.' '-ij! 1 08. mhi . ...I ,'ioMe i<|uoe Mr. i iEvRn i«*lep,jrWcl»h4 ttiiat ii s* ; 'ncces- - ir'eai fvelj. ejh i n itakb afit, & ruH liatlnot ,bo ,| OUfcU''We-intlmjU.'e j liWiiw WHtgx ‘w ,'cava a^rnsh I ,’ W >url« he^* dbti'i p|bp«,fo fact; they »jnitcli votes fnrMcGiell tcß'-atalllorlliHl i ‘."lA'i prdebecU UK iinp $ Tsas6nss a-ipiser riiejft ;COpperlie*d !> ■ tjotbed .iti • bad tid ir. worsts taste, is, land Should, te ion whicb he met- se rv ligftl kl'men -of Beavcf sen old-lWe’Whigs, :S Iloriry fonperly'] ..who voted f>>r ropo*e« to Kfipport > Chicago Cohvetii loyescompromwe. uvorofcoippiomise to comprbtnißO • the of tho' whoi* coon* sur<* turn that ho trontiseju - liis • own r, for. loyalty but *l - sense, i L'oy ye, bi Jam atic m,;i f tii i i; ling nit£ n a. 1 :om] onl; imm doe* ‘hot 1 like the' • - ■! '• ' ho rty. *. Republican mem id'hot vote- for the •omW, ; :a*<J imp ie (ihe writ of. Habeas cn, 1 siiepynded. 1 • { the. war lias cost I of' money; find • io frite treason, which he Q I ** ’ r r- ijS |Vsluo of iindtwbuld go down , ■TJ’cioa Meetings- •. j - Bimlcr County Pa„ Tuesday, great ■>* ijtf, ar 1? ? $T n l* % .u’ 1 of : ♦ K : AwJL iftrt-Jl T sn, jji “]T- in&gbttt An.Thohiaa Howard, Hpo. & " lh # tiSM9P^ro6 dfro l ™ * T*?" ThOß»*VHarebail, > -f# *** f*V BfilTl J. S ibento P.lCnelJer ilSijilßes °p n jrfr ° a m * et '" r ': /IM m in aw. W • tt' ■the: am m.»r«t^ntaea4fu^^Tt^a ? art- Will bp again; Meat at to to iitji pjjd prosperity*; , ].. autiienficlTiyl~ fiur theeeaUcmpte ■» If | tiW copperbpWj! sjiould icatpy, in audaiop|nd ft apu P 0 V (of the apeonb rebels reason for^'tfjiurtipfitng oyer par I 1 Wgrttj&i r»«^i3tt.hfe)beensi pgrt v *iHj&ii 3ei ,Sns r iQf c V?*li«ndigb4nij> utid Sooiht Uii ri ■'« ikco pJr j csjlfd qwdtcdhy^ ffodtltjtOjftlrd inK-'fdrwiftdl VIT * , '-’t ». ' armnSi . In.e . that J'wpffihU senl.part of .and a le*vp^i)ttrt, ! -| of a War into -1 anil ifi&pmcn fi.hu; sijatliertf rei had ever bees thkmbrojrenl ;. • -i; ! v--I papers at tbi doubt that;.it madci ■ .j-' i : i f : T|io ; people' bei tbiti bo is iii ihlat :eo icunn have jeVur bin ibBilpH^l»n4j tbegicatSint nia, Ohi,6 and ’■•i -ihfel; I orou* cOpperJt the encioura trhicb their * conhlgive I } .. r J j speech ho >«ithf the pen ipcac*,pro*pd had, saerihcod bocniburbblM Thosp wltp pn« defiant tones the| people at the slimmer pi ferenibe Jh his anti overwhejn the beginning. people that ill -dtUitfofaneC the wer«htid.er the Oddtfnt ,ai : % military and. jjhe by nnwill j n£|»nscrlp W v ; Those bold i awerfi^nsi fi Jr ofoeiabroad. I !thong/it when -Cftfn; r» n| ji ahf•'tjKjpt*tjhe, armies /k.erx. so fap Tedticed l.j»at--Myi« r %a* jtjdm pelted, to “rph the cradie and the jrirbve i P'r rccmiti».’ F lhst h.v ha,t dra-(vr. : lar?e. Ij- npon bis' bnt [this speerli of, Darli jhppportcd !by jbeks; and bfgh authority, .prot-ea l jt to bo literally ffno: llerrfn .wa jbave, ."Ponf'rthorjty thi,t cannot be&ajplUf that the forces of. a roc xha nste<} .a rid wehavotho sound j fest Irakis forj thgkkolief that fitii'in ’a brief period ft will bo; utterly Wver thrown, i the Georgians are c!amor. : ing fir front Lc'tj's ar my ;nj>avp Jlieir JJtate|fV N )m ; Sh?rjpkn , a j vieioi;k)U9 w;bilat the Yjpgin ians' are demanding!from everywhere, -boraiiso Virginians the .piljai of the C? 1 1 b’|l ers cy ' ai#l',t|icy ;''Jnf.otde pend, anily , upon Loo’S army whieh;hua already too great a lo>d 1 to b * ap vyA n that an accession to thcirWnrcoB->frbjxi some quarter, is •thd'iojrc rieeil of the hour, the jkvJur of final tnal which pear at siJfncea of agitft *ow ! ft _ OI Hood, 6 . wcalS’icss in Georgia, * aijd by informing ib| tliat tbe in- Sin nmiitbofs in w Just Mj'SGectrglH, ;'v; ; : J||^riew jnf- the conditlbo 1 of the rofee) ; '*«?. [fftjjlr i falf; w|.»t i ht»>u^.:ai < the pjoplcj df the present mamhnii? i {^thd : fisst' J pis ce it is-tljeir Sherid|in» tp nnilo in. pashingi QEutbD oalamnß or nop noble dhnioattnltl peace "ip poiiv ' lh * ws ■ rOf hisr conntry f* to chearjon anr brave menfa th« field who are ¥n4'|ho]BTy .in orojit gJQriou'sThstifutrort., by, snpp preaentj Ad Wb »• tcafiioni by giving all onr secqre Ahraham Lin •«pb» «jJ^- ■ i||» ■ws^fn'igo'.'dwoago treasonjablo Cduvantion^o -Lb* v r. 3: • lhh peffeit; Mablydii 1s& wfmpMwmt* • T. ■ 151 Uilqn (jfoj Bswteir Jtmrw Stm. 1 • • ; | & w.i' k~e - ; ib«m; okuMd •fiKotigbl,' baV tbbrttjr rbicji ihdy;ha'Jfbwn pap<ri» ; , s*p*e»jßdl nl"n tb*t inoti' a apeAch’ | m.ile litpbua Sprit Unpaid jh. fc ah*poeOh-**»;> itpr : .'•!•;• -.'rf ; it f tTiV Wtt»t ir fn de«p«lr.; lit* «tra»»g6 , pp)itiw»u .... »tolbrtionein Pehtiajfvi* aiadswaro itimrnt .»«<i awiitence allfaa rtrtr ■ ■ln'' |hacting; that iijjjht, face W face in of Georgi#, .whoa/? }»}• and hapninnrtji he ; and wboao ptid* nail , by hiir fata) 'polioj | icmber the ringing | n *hicb b»; jfddroaaeil i the cotnmcnoiniaht/nf | ■npaigriv will aao.tbtyrfif*j ate nUbrantes of deep vr dem'indencx-' i-At I . . ..V , ,he praeUimod ,'thrlh® ror^niut«d ami cftnQ- ooa; and 4*l .Tjikf • rjif " | I «U4.~» dfß'nfirjp' dJpton si it Otittf, V' »tnrtn or tf 'tldKif wpuld a thriU jtg>itl»ODi(igli f ifeb liinW<i*j*W , IdfcSP irHtffeh, £re l Wiw jMSnsf-’ filia* i 3h«rfdu« 'lnUdoideJ j or lo [«‘»e what 1 liawJbwoft 4^,(,;■ tjaw abog^colq’ T .■ (Ef people,' *Ji 4'V^o, mnti' deroti .-.rrm.:-rr.rjfT ..., 000 -9 bo ißulw£ncU }xU& topperhrjwJß and for- thp -overthrow <J| Bar r gfori6 > u6 Rcpublic.j ' OunboVt hT ' ; A‘- *' The- L The Copperbeai try strives man! li ulo tfeorge trofcn ihgspenf the tim J'l ilileern, on the t’yrillnbt do, hoi ibg %cstMn«j)ny.gi wnsikgtiesrf-, asapj STCJlelliir., ftdinrVn thooghjhh ■i(riv«( proved! Copporhei I himself‘clear oflit ! ''Question; At ’’ i miming' were fb uu>e of the battle' at what ftnib did-; 1 ' i shortly aft4r dayl ed! obcapietl sonid ortr -the position, ground in 'thy a think aoiiiewliero' -’dock i pa*t |two o’ci whole position agi ■,Quo»iiot(. lla.d roonced ,i'n, tbo : c : wrr*-jpiK/r.dm ffi 1 fieliLflnlil ret Answer.Twasji HajcaJlfa' house. ■ Question. ‘AVore Or oi> board thug p-W of that Jay. you left the field a ■Answer'. I do i possible I may, hai w.a« directly pp,ifa : Question, flow frOni Hasali's. Answer, There gunboats inf the ir {taxailV ! Quostior... Row the heavier, lbs (|by? ‘ Ajiiswer. FVom.' ' whore the be avi< suppose reds two | three miles, fhev line-Ifiat ■Were- ,wii probably; oi- leVs headquarters. •» .Mark that 1, Gen der loath, caA’not re w;i* far off on boa his army wat. brio field. Tnioka, u hayp been." , j Ip fair cowattfi wbiyh being conii be bis fault; he s absolutely at tempt of. a{ disgraceful P° little fellow woob PrcaiJep t.~Phil. J ■ f Col. Chart 3b Shrlueaf.i .' ; jp .I’lit* g«r.ir«rn«!| l - > formerly! $ of this coonly, h 4« b«?n elvpiod totiib Sta|u Senate■ from tbo Union icoubty Je |roU ijry.fivorublr wmany if mrreadersp ; A life i-bbit!;.Cemobrat, ,b c't. trnelAo iip teaching*, wivyn ike rebellion 1 broke •Ootj be took the-elide of bi» country. an<l. bat, linee acted' tHilj l ’ the parl£ tHe jCgrerbm©ii,fc.'‘JSft* electionae Biale Sab ntm bytbe t|nioji pwtyi ie a jhst'i ecbgnitioh of bisscr pHo will ma&c hia nikrljvif, the Settatr; apd *o doojbr not" win fila "Wkv to.kijjbiar ~ j':|, : '■ &’■'!&• j ibiTiit' yjoitipri' w&«- ’abbbt ; 750 which can ••wily ■ bte increMadt o WW 'We.'ap» ; 'Doeble to.pchfitbthetable thia weeli.Tbe in,- tbla willing eafbiiyßililfdo October olcbv ! ‘ ' ip iwini »rUI~#L toi. CB* ||| MMIEM€ :giorie*nftj'.he fact ippfenjFUlW m kta-ftf gallant -pw ■ ceg»ifo«» a nse.r* Iqp ■ jcoep |in tiofr |to ; bs decided , }] ** , iDD OT- ,IM»UhH>t|rT aatd; for • Prettv Jejfii patriot’who ha» ltd, .V.tyh’i.'pr loaißetp; . proaaytetbecOhsi illy* to sluotd :! ih»iir ihochirge of hay -9; dUriilgthaba'kle Waiv with groat nn »»*ar* oil lt«; face, by by; the charge, -ftl hfterl the moat *ji- Id.. fashion, ip yjpeiik vbat -hoor ; 'io’; t l he 'i oh 4he field iat ihO il Jdalvcrn UM, arid rod Jehye? ;; ; l | j ’li on: tbb groejtd i vtiryij ight, and, U-prcwun loiiP hours in ridiiigi I te'S" again ijn! the iternoon—£ (should ■about' tWo;'or| half nd 'ovey the - -.... inrat' -|j, the Shilling tu’m« idrriing :t«46ni j-biV ; if J>* f'bf. e -trme jauVert Xbej irfiod 'Hj n '■i : ;.j: ' i bcadcjnartc/s, njevr ytmdown tfieHrjer,;, '-c a Memoriam. .j ; ihlnats during Any! W.bSn a good mail talls.Ht is 'meei; bota-eori the;, lime! that id yobr retard bis'dcpartqre,’’ but.dvheri to thnmoblc i tot ss’As ot manhOo«H»rAsiJdod the ’? my|carnp I .Witnesso! the patriot *oldicr;.-a grates c river. . l.fur people sliould rendnr tribute iiiii ”a«* «»■> ihe'grilnbpat j-mfmorj*, ■ , ;j , .r : ■ j'. ![• i ,In Lieut j John Ij.. !Sto!r,o.s wre rccog w»« gcheraliyj some each yl.d-w U> I divingtalid'igratelSj. imcdiatevicirmy of i TOmsmbranco,; Ha ' was l ari buncst ! “ | ; 'j’P ur b * gpod ; aiid ,trap Jiuj*tauil,:faiiioc far wai tfiab from | !Ul '* tiiend, a public-spir U:d citizen. I'fiijhtiog Wai duix' a V t- a r e b^ Bt ' a .o~«(rd i■ bravo soN v • | ' JM B I’bnest, pimple and. useful J * 1 ; 1 c iV*.“.OP'TP to the \v h ole- eh mmanit v, | aiid-llio i record is pure and of uhtar ,, pished lusti a.' i Th an ommeni degree ho .wait Vrtili gontln hiipinos*, fervent m spirit ibrv jmg the Lord.**' . ■ • ■-.,i 3, , j!. T ril ,'y bps ha loti holunribim (he in jeenso of a, ‘ good, .nime.’* To vifown this yirina«, be wiU-a-'sincere patriot' l and in Jujy .1863, rofnoteercd in t iro J Union arniy, ami nevo.-rrecotho-bat i lfCK:of our conrilrv fauvlit bv .a truer, soldier, . -Z ■ ■ J " ’ V a Lieutenant in J.e IdOthliieg, Pa. YnJ. in vhKll pOsii lion he discharged, every, duty faitht and..‘,con.jcippyu>u«ly. ’ ' ij In lho L l?atUc py.ahancenor;vUy flic marked bravery «1 ilicu-, n " bo was t ailed, tval obscrv, ed By the commanding General, whO warmly commanded him in Idaofficial fepbit. „ j j i .?-! ybe battle of Getlyabnrg he ox.. hibilod equal heroism, and lhoral on the soil rr; Ida own native State.:whila brnvely defending her homos, be received fhb faf a! wijun 1 which cost bfhr the lomt nf 'hia inOd and.e^prfiunlfy'df- -HlwTlife. 'sSdfelt ijdsSiyfctbAi OeVor fl'iy recovered, Snd/<d* r*nny months. ;hi* :fntchsh,:ihnngh ibotiio witß, cl»n*tianipstiehcft’ aha rb! signalions- 4 seconrj athputJaiif«Vri»i comjnen w*^poHV,,. me i’i at his own requeat.rdjiit it too mueh for hi* enfeebled 'frainpi f ; ; jD iseoiio sai : niulatmn. of •uffering. hn rapidly sink. l^. 0 "u S&b - 'npfbJcg. Sppt lSt h, !|BG4, tbo silver oordi was, looked, knd, ; h - 18 :*<*?». resfed forever, sleeps, pow.-->ut ; ho bleeps emulate his ▼irtnes, J .nnd gfatafnHv rb; member b|s^teb^®£ oneJofoahcStfttty^bre^ 'ijc' -'J’jvoji .• t 'J^onn^^smtn 'hMmm ag»'PM | . Ip j i .wtaflVtn the pofnl' si f mUcn, anri V li,alf,>r i o w<>ro parts jrtf <>;ii r Itiin ji' lidlf a miir, than ibav, of rUo I. bt&l M’Ctellkn,- nr>. Kihber" whether lid irdft wlilt.i 1 iii the "poMibto h» mnj i?*. .•‘nd imfc'ie'lity, ( itri t’nrml. rtitiy not ! ;Vrf upT }<? i t|> : , atal ■ i to.iio hihlVelf mil nitTcm.' Teruy, tlife. an etecrihi W. , f illmdtlrea* the uMttng .. M c.*« i j-ipndx irj B«»w .Coup- ' IjT WII 6r^*ni*e;»dd»lt®nd:.tUicjsg«j l- *»»*/. aft f iV*v4 ing. ; ”. r •■ . ■ ■ ', ■■ W meeting it f r-,• %-;^ oB « ffPtpj o 4‘«“ai ■ < FteadSl Oct 2ljt, *!««. „f u,-, tft : ?' : p- ■ m hoifiarg; Mar. -M !>;> btb«r»- ! «Ht » fif >r.3K*#jf#3 With him leixjrn-^ «k.-, " -K-—’’ —is m. - Geiii'vv'Bv CUrk, M?' Weyand.j S Oayanjpft#tl Samuel •Keed. wq*/ iateiiofv :Hia«ftUH. anfUi Sfeßuta.iU-' ■: ■a '-ist-ijn; '&& vjqfci; rodoaiiy. Friday erentng; Oit 2Jat; Speaker*;*J; 1 Hi -€Jui»tlmgSi and U tltalKdaM&^^v*;;-£-*3 '■'<■•■>> '■< J>f i.W«r pdckfsf •-owABtKM*.. I,>V„ T cKritb & (38«li;|Wi7 p. m. Speakers; «5b WMWlpwi U&WpsJ?*l t«p^ n jlpL; jJpJyi ■ J - L.M iT 7 ! fe&te tp.. Monday PZ&P-.- ■ 5 Grech garden Hejurol H(»u*e. Speak er*: 'Col. SjKinahi S 'DaWnport;. *; ;T \'f ; "* Selina Sra'/Ti >ihilti«'Scl»Ov« i<'ur>e. is h in? Slicker*: 'D? B.; Tfidftbn »itsbofc©«;% v Eiikfn? •■•;; -^hj' '■’ 'iritVraenilen'io.-No^^i^ 7 aF ; T K : wi; Srfcilcfcr * r®*. Ar ftf/fP£b f ®wi| ... a. i>; , % Wi B. Clark A Col. A. Wv-T*yW,\. » >%heBL'l4,^<>y4th , :at 7p, -p. Speakers: #. j Pul lonian. X. it-. Qi^run^hap/^B.. : »5 .;• JM.,'at, f'P- M. Spco'feer*: Thomas 2ftcttoT*pH • yfcVK. terson.’ "., 1 ?'< ‘‘jl°. P .'!''- •, Barclay U rtoV 'irdUK jjjil mf tp, Oct-26th, at;TX^ 7 n?:‘ W*yih*'iVSi Butah '“Cof others. V'*? H f' fai :, Sddth' Bcarof.si Ilnh'se: }foti4ili"at X J. jffi- k-f&edi|fi«qs; ’l'isirict slit]«r«/Sdhw>l st 7p- m.Sp cake tvs. TFllip*. ’ Ni< - hnl*or., ;B . B- Chamber lin, J. S. Butuii. M. \\>yan(s. j.. /»•-;■■ ■ Orimi!-Union Rail 21 ton, Friday Evenirijf : iU, 7. p m. Jiav J.,T. Piostly,i|„p.' D. j Qo!. GhitrVes .Shrincr svud- dihrr* wil|’ adr ilrdpvlU/s jpjfjsiitys, 44 eV.j i\: Olbrr mewling* ki.U bo.apppinleu a.t ; jjtno request of loc«y*.«t^KiiU^jpU l ls bill*. Vi.' 1 V'V - } - rtf s!.- MEI all over with mo," ami addmi ..0.. . Wtoldre i Trtj record right in ? ■ r,tsmlr§;l 'Dim I .would dd iji r ~-?W *ni fcrK-ihis asrjring me Ifa, [a 'a would be olcobed,tt ; xai,l, ‘U,, i: *•: kind - of; r*tfkk%'f 1 3Iit Ij n,*r * ' S*#S^ ini 11^:1 it'if’lL 00l Jyiri in'S canMr,< U«7j pU«k >'S&sJi art honesty [mr crt,p.wm to W* hii The prophecy or U. 9 ;•■ bittlo - «f" Wn4* Tfeit f qlutjdflt::, ■{•.to,, ir.if« Xhiai; om .ui' \L it,; uebeUion?.... I .iblmirilirtraiionjOf • ( *««•-* w lie will h«. s tW “Well; J ■ | ■ ‘ plaudit, , ana (ai:Kf u ! neiTiint," >Sevsr has .intuit I,ad «««!» >i task ol such ,respolSihiiitt th«r World, as', Pr^}4i s nf-L;rfje.,lir *i ;u . h #|/VT-W!!r yea^. W:! 31r( IVrk. j,,jy \Ut|fVr'ri- ’witbil- <Ut|fV«crimn«c Ju >xi<Ky.ji>.,t 1 -hi be tried wit f.ti, R 5 n Cut.- »(» at inv Tuku^j ’• biriij 'lbbi;|Jbow f irtUe c:f all w^O^a.gfaa l t jr> ‘ifiMMfflimppi taufelf S > ,uw«.«i, Freniiipiif, I in! mans'llri[f •)!( jealousies and dinpa'tes. tl>kt fi-o-i isV" 1 «!»'»• •)'>y V c‘»tn'»ut.- ja'ct 5*V •nsrindny, arid ViU ft, ». [body fyr Oi;i Abe * ■; | iron Aopember J'eriri, Oapm^tipini ' • ' . MvhUj. | ' ‘ ! <SHAND JCttOHs: ! Patterson tp—John E. iLi.-ms, (tore-' I man ) , ■ • ■ •, [" Uantivcr IJH-. Benoni AvWdon,' UAt I Chippewa rp—-John Braiishv.'. i : Economy' pb,mmii!ML_- i Obio Cloud. y . •Bpro^li3pf^^h>VPput(v ; v , Fallalou boro—F.lijah: jEvan*, Jam*" Biz.P?avcr tp—-J ams? D. FoattholU. £ Darlington tp—Goorgi O/ecr. I 1 Sama«| f . Kottlewoo;!. -■ | !, Greetiir am"a ki!j| |Thompson., ■ ? | ■'• Net*: Brighton ;hdro—Philip J Marion tp-^Hugh C. t’hiiliV. f j:: Moon *tp--G .*W.-Shroti ! ;s. ' North ftewickloy tp JapaT-s'K fe.icp |aou.".(j, .v;. i j' V !.'■ I"--:'-- •] V. ' SENO f; . , yEETiT JL'KOES. ; • .Eranjklin tp — •j£nglt*h*!rc Autrureicbl,- Baxter, Jno. ,M'CL-»?liev. ' Big B&ivcr A .--Aci'lenpii:' Boot. Harbuoh.r :i, * jt Marion tp -PliHip Bimber. _ ; Freedom lm:o Eeutcl. J; jlndepepdence tp-j—Bouj.. Butler, Jobs Baker,!, ')■' " - • , Greene, tp— -Levi Barnes. Ar.'irc* Swaneyr i■ I • ••■'.. j ,[• ■ Parlin ton I tin—Peter Crow I, Jai J oijif. , 'New jSeifidkly Cable, Arftfi Fra-mpton. Ja». Porks, ;’T,. F, Itob:i»ct | ! Honlpjtown boro—,Top> Cain,' i,- Borough tp. —-S. H. Darraglv G. Hamilton, Jackson . EiTward?,, ly* Thomas, ■/ v fp—.Robert ijunlyk?'-- , Ohio itp—Alex. i)crri^ge,r;'Jnba singer..,, ''• industry tp~Joa. Ewing Nety"Brighton B »*•»• jiPattersjlm Mitchell, Milton Ijawtieeafl.' ' [| ■ Hopewell , : Rajcpoon-tp—John Jack. : Soulh Beaver tp—P. 6, I.atnhlifl'b I Uarbison ftl'Millm. , j HarmoiJy tb—Jonathati Lent. : poro-G. W Morrison* PjdastiAtptTdlugh jM’Gnire- : J2fco«m|njt Ijjipp-Gao.- -Neely.. ■■ Rocb«i|icrjb6ro— George Otto. i jGen- Rosecraos. L ..-Aobtrcsponiloni ot trio 6une,\f citing frb'm St. ■■ nmrily ojispogda of tbo j absurd , lhatp ibriibrayeand gallant.. s lioHeurans will roio loir the. ir>» f ' rl . candidates: : 'a ■ - “Among the Copperh^ad,!^'' l,l^* ; been staned in ihi« scetidJJt;, 1 * . On# referring' to Gou. Jjiosronfii* Jp is eaid Rosecniin« will saUport lari. ' This 1 lianas n$ |Wh n but it ia indtt»triuuklWhirca Ut ey i■ i to® hotels; twf > bar-rooms j’ ;isp 1 wa r ady lievoil by rftady Qippbrii' ad 4 - ’s«|v will support 1)0 ,!ff eoldier>»nfi <dva» oo.taste for dabb.t:^ in politic*, J Besi(lo that 'fa?r, H« ~Rt .• nothing'tpy McClellan; him of thrilidnbr Wwnrlingstbe vici j, ry at Bovotiy “L %rWit*« ‘njb.'ps? l : tbb boDpT 'Clalfned Jrir McCle!!*?,' by. lo;i ~ causetodoveliUloMac fiu* bnf ettar to gain re now u ariotMi '® *. 'r i;' -■j>i •? yyv.-.i a: t : >m. .f czc«ed« iPpo r Huridred i '' ’ ■’ ■,- i • •• ■l. .. 4 ■ 1! i _!!1 * El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers