The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 19, 1864, Image 1
liJ*^±£ : S!!bzrJS: ” , ::? € .l ‘ nt 9. jM-fe!'-'g-4^ 1 7 A*a>*« s i!!fciiSikiT!£fc^|S^^ fr/j,, -snH ‘ '^‘^.l' -»!>'^%T^%g^g^lfejLttiwJ^<Cl iu.- ■' ,**? -.Sf*; I **. SjT,c,SL' fTS '%' .Aju JI fydfeS'- :umitMi»jjij, vf iiiiwpaftii. ivr ■r' ay t 1 [,t^2^^nr^^ni^^ ■ (iJJIMEa ARBA.NOfMmCT..e*tsr3-;(XV '. p a #7epS^l:lWwiNQ o ?^|Sk’ isa ttvai* $««•«• ;*fc ; '1 *i ; l .*_Jfa, ,^3to •w*» i;.: £ r k Stf Ar T‘' T ,n #« I -.RoeWsa«rf.;.\. M6 r. it: .oH cit Vn i s' '*•* *;<lt Wbi L- r ft*: ''citooftH-- r:*w sgr J; Ni. sloCUiLQlJefiii,!,flr4» , i;«r 'ERS, ' . {G, FI. jwAYNi iCHWAaORuB isfer Siatlonr GmsWW.i,h Unit Roche iter'; • FltU^ Aocoml 5:42 a. JcSO* a. M, •..«■ 6:45 a rf,;..!r8:20’.A1/,ii; 1 12:33 *.' U.Sull 1 2:3S iK;iC 8:05 p-it.i...''4; 6ft 5:15 p *.i*. l-. 00 a m...... ,2:20 a. M. . 2;U) r 8:2) t.'u'' 6:45 P m;'.l.,'.'’?:uO : V. Ml ■iso.WMr*-A-‘ -j uPitt;. Arf. *t Hoeheiteri i-,10 P-!M....... 8:30 p: n; 9:15 *. M......11;00 ,M m. 12:00 A. m...... J:32-p. M. 4:40. r k...... 6;16 >1 ill 6.-SO P; 7:20 K • M, £.OO a] M.C:Uh*. Ml 1:00’ A. ■ u.i.-.,.; 2rlo .a. ,■«< UlO r. ~....,2:20 jp. M. P. SHIKX, Supt., jE. DV j misfit ■ ; Rooi !sl 2d Diigb' ,Sil lirigli'’ Cftst e “ ' ist’Espn "•} Exir C.atiS'ii , Lea? .\ccom. AUiU'of , /d iirigl 1 3d.'- UU\ V; 'uAdccni MbII, l?i fcipr £ip« » wmm : LEU / SE BlApHlfiESr:^ st Be liable Sewing N<m -mi Use ! j ISe JBei 1 ’■ Mac it, M< hine ’> ‘ •' I idlings Tltcs- kdi-sn ;1> n!ik# oju less lhan'ia'f tlicliiireatl %.s vha; the pinglo. j-r dou :iru\ vi'si.*- and:>nV ala iopp-stij ijJ e 'ltji r W.VU lltcll i\o.| n TtiS Quill,' raid L'nnl, etc bas' ung; pr vioa that HilapU’d any Maciiii: UKUt c in change: 1131 red i reqii kcw'j ng v ,fro 11 se ■they; w sdf tv tide nessi ppijn r.ut : V . m t \; or stitch lerfcq! 10 li ip 1 gauze rithovi ii* Xrlu ngiiig ibo feei Lion, dr making ah cloth, v or te I'.cddic V T aen't fpir U h ' •! £ tb ees ov otbe r nil Far :er - v grei be mt exco a nr speoil and quic‘ •Hmpl )f Cl : cily:,' (■■■ tmmaj ‘ • X ‘ e*ne ‘aiul desig fini i an' e pe ese ai will, "ir li choii • - 7 c‘of a» J lease cal I. PI3XRSO ■ BEAvm <] Smilc A aug *«is fSTTRA rort^imtC;; rTEUB pf adml Urtratton doth* e«UU Jf JouxlM. T(wyrtßD,' Hu -ofsS«ir : t ton, Bca|rsr eon tty,' (lac'd., baring beta l ' d t 0 >ho tuidi rsVgnf4'*Jil JMnb«k| tft “> said estate »re ■aiate paynent, tad these having' claims ’fnil tjuts nil- present them to | the property »t^e?i^t^n<ta.tat- » TV n Adm*|r^^; .** ' ; p' , j ; . .»*' r ;'iT E * h 5^4 , iijmie ' ;•*« ‘Vpt t'SS^roS^^Ql pm IfctL 1864, with semi-dan©.! topMti irtb¥toeH : a^feyW^ hoftio bcpiidin.faf- uddfaWd toriiffl -These* pole* willba>i the writer., well, and; tlon of the holder et maturityi -fctir skt ; pii» r'di hist&ftbflhlf ettli nkiWisUtJ; * Mwf llj**.tMi*, thaofivenor mere, than twenty yenrsi ffoin tevterrttadd the ,-; sairwjßtAtaraents^lQi theiri dete,7/W‘the -OoToaibeili msy.jflectj|-i Of; high ..charactarin They will be issaeddtt jdtßdttihdtidM it $% s!<)<**s»s ‘M‘« >f«nw; ‘w subscriptions mastbe forfifty dollars Or: sea* which - Tt rofertv 1 Read the 'tr'aiJitnpt' *i«tibwiir«ty d'hUedi.' ■ r h wife will beitana&iffedtothe owners Watf^ free,of -^o e ;iftfe SJW* £**#&?#■<&& the rjoelpt pf the original Certificates'# 1)1- *%?» ’•' tefofciit l£ '.l.i. j persona ntahihg deposit* 1 subse4u«itJto,th# , J; .Da,-Oof.-8. 186 C ''■; date niustjpoyithje interest, accruodfroia date 'V*< ?ib]e 1 lOr*y OnV’’’rd/: kASiji yd ;v; T q«<N Parlieaf depositing twenty 1 thousand IfTPttd.-lftJthll dollar* ahd,upwards ter'these no tea at any i.? a . n A°^|?fi B S2^9i one tiro* fflj; b^etto jted ; p wmmutsi,oa: s*4* nksiiF M^efiL.aSl of a bill jfor the .amoun>, certified to m a{X m | ,f ae J j wrote Ut/, TOV >ifc .#tt oficw tJfe *H B tho.4epoait.was mad*,, jTfo wiiatandetl tdi ip«wt.-hft*jß»*d» cannot froAtbodepMtfc .-. ..v4 / »/ <! .J/. t - ;’’lt rs, t jftTtorfit SsTishs Saak; Offering - ijalao in October ( gaye i higher raleof , mteteB : tirtu'any ofher, «& tG m''te*& y; Uy trhleS <hasaUpd(several pay. p -lassiss&rsg® as; dium.of the country; hnd tt eantit pay in any- % m; .i • ■„ “ ~ .t Y ';^ v ' 1. a ;:' '£! ■• k ' ij! : / n... ! u CPP I »’-Oa tbet.eviaonca ol all lue >fttOt» thing better, for ua.own Ssaeta are either m r ’ 5 r-: V*> •■* . ~ ■ . : i r I «ir 4 your Tinoat obed t servant) (OTernment eeeaniieaior in nolea or bond* 'iJ,! ~ . •■ .0 J Biisru .' •-i ip' goTornment' money. |. j jato Surgeon of U.S.‘s.‘Jacob ReUl' ! U iaeftiallyeoß % temporary ,/, s B ' n^ra ;t/ F dm i|i* joaraitl permanent investment. The notes can always ! f c i ©going letter? " V ’. ). - be sold, for within a fraction of their fees anjd ! J j 'j, • • Jjur*-3Q,"I^G2 eeeunmlanid interested, and areUiebest acc|s 1 ghon ifrerpur anival^'at; Oily, nty with panics a. diswonla. i vye ieari : tltet Gon. " Model lan.*> ,p|llb Convertiblimta a SU per cent. 6--0 GM.-B/md. i bi,t*rin3 .haifjijrrivhi^at JTuckoy. Bend, 'ln addition to the very liberal interest op i andj we,'got ufti/ei tray,and; stood ,op the notesj' for -three : years, this privilege of F tlio |ri:yoi, Tiirkfy Bend n convwsion is now worth nbout thrce pcr cenli ' boot lioiin. ,Tb<J north:.-bank .Of the ’ r Bond!? ‘ linid '*h 1111 the; make both «Me«, per mnorc is not lea" to ro th» w; 8. »toek» b« «{ten ihi ' ie preaen fffssakes VBuiaeiil ijtcli Machines Hein, Fell, muiaeAiietl. »special Act of Congr. wain returnee AW-., uco r .!»r«o urnes (.white .«iey ~, . L'K-i disaster, --amat'Oria; - r . • r;i'WinnrW 'lrwin "thisi- , ®7 H":”: fr. ail bohdt afd TVeoiuiy notttfrom i<x<- . .lie Oaptuh. .warned him '[the hurricane dec*. 1 eaefc( time General | , 12. The r4hol<.| in armsbopp for • the f then ‘ic a-i App>ropltjr*rtidic 11011I 101 1 ll ? ...W*" T> .1 Oa tho average: ibis - Mdiption i« rorH»T to sl buttles of Whisky;— «McCl«lldti, the McCfea guccc6 '4 o 'f the Democracy .Sorih .«»! *• Exactly • iny I tho A ltw ! abluUwXTent; par*.nn4. soeordinr tf»WWh3ky was given the cpxswaini chinking - This tho fosuringtb.e r o V asuccess ffhereb; oaper^f^. about two pa of tbll in a Ibisket At aboil Bp. id. the fir forcibly] ns Mad GeW e r B in disguise hope for the success of trw.. d «;-.-W> «n»t vote Unco n m has chaU,^ A.HU O t«.t lo n nr iw . W £ A^lkisM n. Mo. ; t L'traitc« niri as ' instil ngf heir | *««. -fight bmup son. 4 noa* e stwaoseouritie. -iTheOffoct if the whisky success. ■- .r; •■; ■.:■ i If do then rodjafl: wiU. !t«b«li*ve d t those faeiwd-by tUitfGatena, a boat wsfc sent-- q,nd thejmadif&t, or. (the- tall aleoder-Pr|riee; ,jg The Democracy and the j ftlid left v«j ®.-• V „ ■•:. u_ Te o f,iy Kuddociioss,bQ|«'itb fresh and inducemontato OD .• t -mGbud.'l Cuula'n wilt G4n. 'McClellan* the i(Coniit),as Be reqoired'i maf«irial;oi(l; ve b e l hosts, are embarked in, the samo ; J? 1 • : n i countenance, ■ filing- the tpa.i,ber govemment. ,1a .11 forms of;«tejtej- - Pdnce do Itfris UhWs mpe of a man --aide, to,; Uterprle, and must sink or swim to- |- tbe afiernafron. of ”V J Mde many thonsqhdmen. *^* : Uy* ness, the of ability of pmate de' Chartres, and |an.fpla •toihe,q«»r.l ’■ 1.: ( j;"' * ■;. P w i >fttua \, u^ r l?«^V^^> R I,is kcc ” • W or etoclt emnpsmes, or separate ‘ £ j'^ o ffiilr Dbo l! nndersUKid. was chief of |tel deuki andjaaer a Httlo V\™e, beihg i 14, Our Union Gehci alsfip proper* iPP >cw>n VbeW-irrfeioas en- , - r =--—' ;. ■ only. isplWgcd for payment, while tho hole 1- j . not in uniform), : mlabfo do keep hia poiaition In | his lheii‘ failures ini tba tiyld. and ■ '^r ufef'fnVm and j •■ " ,»i ••* ii - ' property of A* beW to-, rteuw j 0 the Galena.- The ‘Chi- chirr, ikcUfea proposed jihat he oqou, vbelv mahiWst the r°: ; j d«7hToonhidhr the 1 lacident ofithe P^Vj discherge ,6f »U the obligations of the , d ! lc d . p j» B maUlp Jacob BeJliM hodiTij the cabin, be did belljol jj. t , _ • • J,i the t)mdiwas turning the «aletJa s by, the asswlanfce of one- 3Jor.fl. and in Subvert the connected with tbe driUt says the Su th,j government Offen Um «J ■JJ;.) hp litrenm, as wa tvore about of .the Princes, ; v ' I:' ’ soct«es,..and *eat ,rt Aal«r«.' I / ' Loulb'Ay»iWied«|is;tln\AbU.6'yi«^ erst terms'for .to- loans.-It behoves HUtihi n «lnp the r»ver to shell ( the . , Union; are they denot ncadphy thorn. , at. 4«wn» _ , • lated'lbn* byMr. iligbie, Vsond^r tbe.reryj strongest appeal will bo, to- »f*-r cbrjrioajClty.roedL- ;! meet “LGtle 3tfao 1 and 'Then..l* ; 1& . The Wuocrap3t|!Aprtb,. «{«veH s^v ß p, ntosi S; Pick-' on-ihe--St; .Loui|-;AUon and -•%!> • loyalty Wd patriotism of the people.... U| v iifeo .Galena Jacob Beit and, Aroos- Aye', elcctliittlo Madand then took i a ud a'Union General ijybtle he ls ! d ?T:! S Dickinsori sent the Haulo> s«g<* .conificatea will be issued ; lo ,oklatorid up the river to a point| out rfdrthe opening of the Sixth seal, j ; n g heavy blows to th^irebellton;J and j ™S?"’/ I counir Indiana.'Baring tUcvlrawing; deposits! The party depositing mast,endorse which w.o could roach that pdj..tb«n you may;expeb t the assump j they never dchourtceAi rebel .General j foudwing letter to au j ! ? » for 01m of tbo:suh;-districts, ‘ tfte -proj' fuponilie certificate the denomination wit-jilourshell. I'he Galena tlolnpfl the. rebel| war debt, 82, 000;d00;-j while lie- it doing- the same-to J3ri«j Pennsylvania, oni.t.he 13th tnst. coe jjb,, a V y6ro waiehcd with of nates required, and wbethcr they are, to be thb|cehter of tho slream. wilh-tlie Ja-iOOOi .Waiting!, with our! own, nearly j Union; t '“ ; - .1 :! ; ,f ■' BiSGtrASirrON, •JTj.-YJ, N Sopl 13. , a t jeusi! one; porlqTi, tv fcoy issued ini blank or payable to order Wubn. cobrßellj lapping up ; |iet stern.' AU'J : • j .‘r. 16 t The pemocracy say; had | .<j£y dear Sir: Your-very kind Inyi- dout p tAho-^ality’under; tho draft.— so ondorsld it must be left.witb the officer j|e. oiir! guns wore brought to'. War -oponn Elect Little Mae, 1 for then yo(li Way j they co ( »tiwuod in power , there would: tat p, n to .attend and address the tho namesyyere drawn he eeWinituia deposit to be forwarded to ,tbe|road, a signal officer, being on- thw may aspect U» pay the rebels for spo- baye been' no war., ITHaU ijrhiort meeting in yoiircuy.OntbclGlh. .cbiisidirahW!.-;'!.ncrvoii^e^—;was - iDenartnrent. - J,. I A<>ok<»ut!of the ..Galena; giving and rW liations, losses, confiscations, as much | true; for thjey gave up f,he Upton lobe .\vplild iinduce mo to ut-cCpt, were it particularly aW;oW about tire ifrice' : a v A .ti... hm b'r B —* bv the ceivihg jsignal.frbia' 100 bliore, in nr-; m ore, making your national debt ?6,-1 destitoyed; (by the rebels while they consistent, but pievious en» B ubstttule4 a'm thougii't it the Subscript! st Wasbinitton, £b»-Vdcr to dive tf.e proper diro.ctfoif loi 000.000,‘000, j W eVo in and theirctmduet since agom cnls will not peVmit, ThoUn- duty of all vbtdfiins re-#iiU»'- -'.'Fi utcrof life. imAdtittignnled *>xci guns. Gen. McClellan: was Oh the* •>'Elect Little Jiao, for ihbn you wiUHprovestbatlhey vtouW bqt'huye fought f oice ; g BC *m .be, quietly massing 1 na ijy «nbble h^^-. severs!--Asm *n . *1 hlobfeout" « shott time. At abtyit 4l[ ncvCf iWccit-o-a Depositanw, and by too , " J p. W.^ that.directloi) begurjj f or the spoliations po ypur commerce' 17.'' The Democracy sqyi[ pot m ore amused over the feghjlbiliobs oj Thomson, Provost Marshal. W pWce First/ rjatiOfirf' panic Of rinsD rg , iio [sjacicen. and tho . vessels stood coruaiitted by rebel ppifatGer*, fitted into, po\vet, and the war Ayu* ceaso. opponontSj than I ani coDCevned iu tbe Ifux, and erityf- ior.lh Third National Bank of |(j 0 i V 5 ( 0 qhe point' from which wti hnt in British ports undj manned with 'Why blWqld it hot? for; they propose f o r Union ,success. They held a peace' tu o [l nforturiule pi.i*ea. The Gol. po- ANbpv AT.L SATIOXAh BASKS J,! B Wfied; the old ferry: Before v|q golj British crews— a pice littlesuW 0f850,* to yield itol the rutiels all they-hwfo ov- c hnvpntion foi the peacptul, and -sig, ,ii w iy granted! tlVo^ ; ’Pl»c rii'di whiob sr« depcsiUtifer of ! Public toqney,sad ! u,nahr.W'ayi''G i en,.McGlp|la«i,' [with the-(OO^dOO.'" - '* ; ‘ ; r 1 ! r .* er demanded., - j f . ~ . by^pitched;. bdltla on the r 0 a chcd-fprth his baud', jilscqd ■sir - y ■ -the Jacob[--iElect Eittla. Mac. p > f or the gratification qf tbe. «nr the box. fottli a cafd Ou BESPEQTABLB BANKS and BpKEjKS 1 _ f,|- 7 ■ - toi- \ld D'i- tto those.(who havqi -‘-.thev ;de' datform for the 1 ■ ' I^is ow>- r.anie.,,.tt b»i^i^atber v C^tifwiOvOUl nif are better, other Sewing the frequent at variety t oi a fan'll); or one to lwen-| FnrseiUek withr I] make, every rom the finest ‘ 7::...'... ! navies; beaver line whatever! iwing advauta machines; . . ariety of- wqrk; lence of-stitch; =ME iess of motion BE mk^ructbnjica^e - i .*■ ' V ‘ it; «legane» ,•• . r , ( , . j■ - tiliar ,facte, ai determine tin itelligerttbuyer and examine; i tlor Boayer. u for th* current r»t« for 5-30. „ i -« ’ - ■ f SU' ttlia’n nine per cent, premium, and bei- ‘ pt prer,^ ir the'premium on six per oent; Cl j was over twenty per cent. It wUJ ! .1 the actual profit oh thf rk If i market sate, is rot lei SK jHwwib or la'fronl ill tie KlsonUgi throughout the eouatrjr wiU gure.fUirthw motion end 'S . ' !- ' Afford Zwrijyriic'aity 0 Suiieriiert. , *ttg.l^’64— t».- • - j ;. TTOPEN£D.| f t'HB iubjcribw listing fittedpp • 1 QaLIBBV. In s nest style,.with fjATEST IMPHOVEMESTS S in cenneetioo wUh Sl|>B pared $ sceommbdsUslt who osy fatonlilm w|th f fc'<iiU, : -trtth''' ••• -,'f "• AMBBOTTpBS. w etyltiV ' CABO PHOtOGBAPBS. tARGB BJZB FHOTQOBAPBRi ' | j , PLAUTPHOTOOBAPHS. . . i : CdWBBB PHOTOGRAPHS. , (fid Ttoyuerredfpya dr 'Afnhrofypa tn~ '■ ! Jafged into Photograph*., ; , ' A Urge AMoHipent of [% ' y,-.. L*»o» «»'B3»xii |l6ai-wO§o * Gtw ”» always on hand, end fot Tsie low, - ' , siork warranted eoporttw to lo apy jth > erJn the. pointy, w»JUa u ft tpsny>f»tl»e -; Cell .sad ho eoiiTiacjid pi the , -■■ = ~.-7 j Beaver GalJwy of Art. V OVER WYNJ 5, A few doors below ■^*^243‘^P^ Ba*e o» i w ' r "‘.’p -jSSvw Brighton, ivi vs fc*t«thU'd«T d«bJnr*d otth*pr^jotft«KlM! \wa\ and hfithj ■ln Uip ii dor. jf c Bell. i-. ,1 . - . qs.i j -k/3-i | I ’ iAttor pn introduction oJ the Gen eral and staff!\o the officers pf jthc '3d co.J),' Bell preaeife, McCloflsn saiil| ! “M| army ia demoralized,''.tend 1 ■ »hall'l)b compelled ; ld surrender py capitulate tips iffccrnpdn or to-nj|jht,pud 1 - , 'fcT ' r Mre’a gunboat, lo take tbo Pririccß ’id iForuess r Stdriifbis thpit it -would not be tttfoto eood ihem on a;»raiiBpui;t. iMeGriaa ..replied that p4pt Kogerf,«aid Uoqoujd.qoJ.aparoa gunboat. Tbq General andPrijiuea i nWiqd on a ‘p u t) bop* 1 ‘ M,u cb ‘ <fb|iyes> -nation took plaoe- between - tho’-ffepePv till and Jib* MoOrta jtftjp «oilf being prosen.l, ;aad> p<Tt ot. -Site timoi »• correspondent,, 4 .0 f r £hf , ; Jso> York timet, a« I’ after ward JfcUletlan.and Ihe£rinces apreed- tb'dt the Feidoral ca;nw.«9 '! ■ ‘,hr t *—laid unad with apldicr* nij dr ilieir c;vatt'enn. iHtjib'co was bearcj Ihc - prison. , ’-rea mqaireduf' wraeof whore (ren. McClell’ ton. shore. In about &n ’ : ! \d told li*vo to acknowledge tub Soniaorn vp* ■ :, rT6e rairalf; f if th'W^ fce taken | prisoner*; owiagt* t6air SbrtA pjaan relations, alao. d‘v*oa«Wd}'aod iftdllfc.ft waa ; agreed t(fcpuke£9j}£|i|& !(HKat ' ieti A* J % BtoahedecfcArtrcbeir .pv. tb» General tsft, jit l*» r n»t& Jaoobrfldlthew jjdt*' fsM>oa^o.ii?i).tQ i .<ai«;.L ; turnpd to Bend. . ‘ Aiftir Prtrn ■ rei^eSWd v M'<HJt»» thgo : Began .idaens: *.gnf jtli.em. to.f'oftrwt.Jic i F6 l i ptfpi. 4r4i '" ; Vi goiSMihat i>e Widf glfty is !£«•* 1 Ai<nii/ 'Blurt yeiife i<ftedl How. is iiiat. Mud tW C yootf ytisAo j'h and ''K b mthattfhe &eaqnU4piifc if he should b6aUao|{ed ol her yeuner ur.i le hero.* r 'Afttiu I'Hh w tl me ;SEcC?| then »a¥a angwakerf pie ifilt was £ a man cumeonlniapd i knowdirr bnstffee*: IK i Wasisny’ ton bW»r<i ! h«’iri{» aa ho *>o»|4bi are i.- " W® got underwav’alt tr h^^^e r i' andntiatiF* ple*aini%r?ji>( t whord -wOiftrriyibdjiAi & u\ tlie *l of » Tunes iis' a passengerff L, ttte vesselloMthd ' - dTharle? >»orb tgs connifefed ihja i|cj| aiicp-isod "W'ym ffift«r h U£tyf«y enmcdK from ’the’ convcraatio’n ,gf Jf i», HcClollan and.fheiPHhces, aWaptfi rent dcslgpitb surrender the «|Ay|bnf *#'pntVjtC'ol' ho onsipcossful eampai «■ throwing however, . the respojjuph feity upop the y>.' i niayd)e mistaken fn th?B,l)at ! oE ' mo " wh>o ioi6rpret?tKeir'ci)^or«iiti6n ; / e*-. I peeialJy:ftutbefr «<*»<<? so*-' Kreuatiri,«:4rmy:Wurii;oijp!£tlwiib 0 . ; ae ,k“9^WKWep{-«sii»o Southern •Cur >Jp x - - 4 - r iTlie wki«fcy bpUlo w&spa-sa. rental ! cU Ur U hjle .they ocCuiiied.! • \\r vour -troubiev.jy'payiDg ponaiou?.. wounded : «eb'eP for figblin? your :own /.brethren, ihousanda of wiiomf hava, beonj eyon jdenied.. burial by iKosb rebels ' j \ - l-"’ ''/, 1 V jSletv iiiUlo Man and have Jjee; Beauregard, Bragg,-'etpg eoi -gg. L . in lj> .U»s ,i«}ryicerwbiob Jlbey naWlteu. in dishonor,; and pay. thcjn front ypnr Treasury.''thp| same salaries’ that J’»u. \>ay Hji %e 1 patriot Gfehtrala -of .jib'd Union ’■; j • ■"■' •'' I- 1 .*;■•, >; f ; , Bkietlntlle Mac and abandon to the Snder raorcifti»|s»f the *Uvd oligarchs e pinior, far|i3ie9 ofthe South who hWeiidfeS and the" Uhioe 'fought dpdoroiir Sag. ■ o Bicot Lfttle'Mae and bade your nai .tioßul currency. anpanwded- hy legall* ceOank ttaah.jnd add B^,OOO,OiJU to yonr deht to achieve this feat. , . I. V - ■■■ ‘ ’ -etc* ~ Sli dellv «tc-, Qabiaet «od the SeD*te-,to oraokUiair slftvp whip* »- i'amaronnd tho earsiiif 'freompo., I I1jU1oVb!«‘, abandon \ ths cattso 06 freedom 7 i6wfi)r.~Tbil. Nor. BiW*'• -*■" i ‘' J ■'*' '*-?V;.' * ■ ’!, v ■' lwi' c , B. r for?'f What's ;hts naiilp?” • , ; tb%?ppty “WhVt. do Ihev'caU Wp i 6pn.B«i)|t ' rtT»e attfab MatSernVfljtJ “aV»d 4ojr* AOJibibg xvi- i , loC^ae y : *:itstWsTaitb#f «sa deseripttomby a'Cltrelnna-" 9 S.U»i i r .by*br*b pme* ’U ijphg tli'e 5 r !f^^ l^ d . ill '?^ expel that fajaegAa# bjvan ordenon jliil, ■ .tL e lujf*®r, j I “Mjoiftpyjwore •mied.on outside to euppi-esafcbSisnrper- I* ;,. ’. !frsw| tapttuifdtfr the WotlidHtr of ftb& !: «dnii; moots IdehotßdJgiiid mn>cfa Added -td> > ^ I !^ e i^fi , »^^ , oOhtnneW -‘lvEtu* ' . hfedade- Sy? TP iWWHfIb I *»% STlm. -Itfa^lear. Aptjeeljrßrf&it, £*«&#<'• V &&««£*£ ,i‘i 'U J. ■•«.; .□ weprehgblfag JEhb .te ?®^®® ra ?-T'.%'»^>4r iilncbln.' and kne^tort A - : id said l . «*?* r r,^\».b(l 1 led'Stiitei: under 3B*sb ‘! a h WqiMriMM lltam, the Contiaaonai r- ■ gunboat «-*uw *>** ortijesuiti. btorUtf shift 1 ®- ■•^??d b -?; av .®WSSji|»P' doclnpea ted State-v cab we safely --dr wisely S P®?, 1 " * crow* %cansp. to, 4* feith'Wn W «por»i«m- f “ yote out the identical :per?6n Whphi rg^*?£**&*s wife! LiiCeCleltab J« ®*’." 91*« r -f“®pw^f l WtftbeMAUo’aa With* forte khd Arias' we ate' W® ■%' [cltain* You n^°*[** it * Ko'ijewbt faqoefee; i»to'tl»bPreiiideecy , ? f ?V ''-•' i -y\ •s■,&** high, thin; and 1 planted! with sh V t b Jf the- wfQreadjdi>i. ; <>f, na 1 -; ,r Yoo justly; sayuho* ®“7 e «;Vqhei*entiAa the curf : a \ Wt do fi&brffi ?£ 9 H $&? "“moCTOcyl JSorth. nothing less than giv* lip tha veryob- .. **&■>&*}*■> 1 feo»if«»y towhi “r T® H ni <> }9. theSkeepibg. j>ct»,f the war aVthe ballot box. \she ««re rough ead;ePveM -with -redj»b% |n Ihe'ohAti- i , 5 1 3 ) ® n « b hltiod,; Vhile rooral stienalh which imakes^r’ioHl “«Mk« .oye.lightiln, color animated, ted will Tan! S®ep^rtmehtof L thfe N»i position Wledid dSs frb&t hot, though pestlbss and bounding" r 5. -I 1, ? ,, . i V I v OPe r n, nei»t ) i and eoijld have ua.-and when thktjatWngtiiAae iffee a ball fwfth one objeef to ahotheß! ‘** e rS a^ *** lP ow ®®®f^ -jdatton,. jfor ed - ■ . .'P'efejt? i ; *■’ -V'W ;! f ill :tJ «ffepavp t .Q«S «t^ n aivailablo. ].By«u6b ra ?S t f i 1 ! clpseaii but ppininauj , U- <t uddJunt Wi:^“.W-SopOT .•b|m «• proceeding wa r Uh,alfih»>e agrebd •*^ > h»rg«;.the-l»«i[d9'. and''-.lbbp.igK^,. Pont the timi*' wo aymßathd Und ed-oWefktipn of with tbp : eh,eitiy 'KndVgfVeo rfain?';the anythin;;tfae g&it a little bot 'however *s* wlib;>oTarkt *|»jtory.i;-'BaVi«»'J : iih»| niald if'there constitution and. the Ifoioh'-lwill have .elHjj^tast''..trac'd 3 ? tStfieiva'idii v.H»bpll\ott v ,and perished, because whed it Shall once ofpkot^nsion>.^e[aptVke,w^^ •; do f r6 i i a J *S ®t a,e the " lV t y ia j?’Cf.M9i ployed.' that a, majority;!; cati sy. generally; wi.Ui,'#^ji)qniaitid»>\ j.sel - ll r - he suppressed; farce o’ri'circumi’botion' defaat I 4>ia(|^/-'•ic'd .a '-i h B^ jptiie 7 ‘ th Icddcwi*of ; (the aecessfah of. a •boiistffutWpfti chosen ieyei‘ l se;>p( *fir^’' :, board’ ** e , ffiac, ‘ ali y ? !^ ort fai' ;WbpsiiittW tjeeH PyCsidont .theceafWr, elected 9rds#tiDgm^ed^|simp^^^ ; "bid'i Vofliy hyAFpr «p largo a/niajdritkWd .qua can , witll a cr<|Wn -"sand/ -dTpupit'S iiyimj hope.,to ejjercise ; iheceieeutiy e odwer ■oHm.'hnd yo;«.hoperas fair a''dd«rii>--,. ’t .1,-iuLj .I'lyaltK^t o . tW •tjgioh add /Jmpalby njiopnbsed ‘ilircmglfaut' fhe khble tion pf^ I tieWivYok .'reunion;' :/'■ '-'V '{f'*;• l " ionnfif. :n-;r- ; .rr* J s.-x* y.!*- , t= ■ ■‘/ewbu p'em- V'j !;i;"d '**}': .- ■»:;’• bK ftom ■ i l '*'- at’thje'North ofuwo wuaoithbrajfiiembdii'pf tho Bbrtiocrati fata,!, fee ror.; . ‘Either aicoatpei'^btmnu 1 !' ' vo ®ft hard by ilie) ianoie..' li«'. drowy.^' , 10 party, </c'jH!eaiakaiMb^t|^i«ip(y e ! yofirj>ewly felocted djtiipct>ui«e W*-.« •p^mdi-troiA^hiah^ltbt^wa'd,®' ®“n “m* mi ‘'4 ■-. ■u S }!;- it.: 't I'db^*“d usurper,! iH Wkicii j B iyg?,f?g?r. l ycf*W? •; VMoW; "• Those members oi the old fho usurper roust prevail, or flsl'a his kneo. lib wnilb willi ru^udr - ’ cratic panyjlfortb,: havc'Jsdksiibf cbmbinAtioh 'between them through '•/}'• . Tbng trfjops' irafadkW ed'iho 'Onvbrhniertt' in Its everts ’tp which.the usurper br .his ■; successor, t £ faw yjmls |b bis'.lront^anii],‘ fe; ■ suppress i tho rebbHioi», , Bnji whose wbVertiiig.yourcjOtistitutiob and sab- inaissed.ih a sories jor sjinpathy .a4d.pray'orkttred,or r the;saik,»tituting,ljrs own' wjli bscorpe ; presi-|! s P^ ft 4, in »,B l ;t6n •ftbid»‘ t 'ja-''vrbbfes«»*£■ by' fhb'Obnjdcracy. and havbc'easetf to iSiktba ; VUhotttfaKeiWaild.- : %no ii, cid : - v b ,: he-lij»e of jn«rch,|b'e blue.iknks bfeir! 5 i; ■ • ' ■ *-.( >r ■*-. -■! —■• J- 5 -■ ■■ ■ ■ 'tbc|:4 ' b/ De associatei •ulo«3Hio«h iM not'-other- who haveosj ajjdidjsnoum ermaeni to htivijl/bijiir. so an oiu «-iP, rhado , then .selves familiar with the ®° called Deibocrsuc party during the inauguration.and progress of thnrre bellion. Observation j and > reflection Will verify each asserted tayt inovery neighboib aod where an active Perno - cratic What Webkbxrr ) Did SAT.r'-Tbo Co]Spertieads are .pajblwhiug garbW oxtracV jfioin the speech- made jbj I)auiel Wfcbestec at. %ffalo-ronoj pX ibe Util speeches ho; \nader-<JC jthe J33«d jof ■ May/ 1851. What pS great.ipW -j jßrtglanti , Bippeman.did aav du that occasion- yr«s iiB,,foUpw£; If the South want any cpnoess.on from Pie Breadth lof it.: •: * ;.V * couldxonseuttbat there should.boptp foot of sljiye territpry poyoud n i?bat the old; t,hhtep.ttStatps had lbe-pf? j .nation of the .Uoioo. Mpr. «eypr ! ] The hihhjea n*i show bi«= j fe<?e tO;P\e and protest * ever fr?p 1 IhlidoctHhO; He : Wottld c or sfinlt ■Heten '‘that he might, jity what 4W A' to»‘hec<MfV jffe -for**" ?? ';kii/ wr^VCT^iiw^r..^>Ri ■ *HiV fintilmaob bonsaUttte** ito-thaw «*- ■ , I j/, a ; .., J•- n j .-ofc i i . ). -- - V jdi-fii, UjE»t£^a^^L€ aC^rt^, j there witlr> . mctt Nm ••ogv , r . frtu. -rtt a,sn.) !> is saj.notli' i ou»©d ,lhe,’<a|9iooif rebels* | i»£ ■»> moce feUJMfcilm; led tUo.cfforV of jlUe. '(i»v v |UinUd States,aud tLeit inn- ; i the’ ial Pivfeiae'nt, or tfie sa culled," Coilfed-: fstalcs anddbei’iibairiiiliiir P - ' ’ >y iw pt jk jrtty lof di kiduvalrip' iWesV fqepwHtio'.« f’sii ; ,1 «id»& ; ‘-rt* ■ W| jorgianitation- exist*. ; j- I'.# Why UnSdolntausi with -fo/eiffii interivfentibb jf iieeestSary^Sagainst li. (TbatVsn- Tabu stito b v th TliOje wUa avc'V •icir i. irpin - re?- ideut nj ast rule:’\tUHin •- the | tjrtvKs t>f-! Uiis m»u Wja. -/ff, thereofoji4gi6ii'd.ib>> ; ‘ a-couulrv Iclt us, iiytr tjn«*« i, element; -they mat - p>- pacific - , and placed upon it plumes, and pistols, and swords, and spears and ep aulets and emblems of l blojod-sbed- for the" belligerents, and yet the cauaoof peace; like that of its twin sister, true (•ye, does not i-un smootb.j The plat- lorw does not candidate ami hoj cannot wear it. tb‘o do not suit the -parly arid cannot tie adopted, and just now the party, the plallbPid, tho candidate, ! ar©- somewhat .like, the Ratchet, ,the staff and the kid in the nursery rliyrne. i and.the disappointed 4*e ing,—pray' hatchet; ffack htiifi- —stab. ■wont beat kid—kid *roh’t go.i. There seems;, to .bo but oua remedy, _ ! The peace convention, by solt- liltV 'origiiiai. fiipi perpetjuaU .Let :li reassemble' its nkers and h^ct,a,tough,,huiiaDle fr T ita,coJd. . ,7l7|incerely yourj;,., ' “D S.IUCKI^SOK:’ mil ri ’.'l;- . —-T.r - ' ,v v-ijUpW' Detroit 'Jbtvejrtiiter: relates tj»e foil WAffc: W®-werp *nw«Mi f the pihecinight dttpnj pro of thp loptostnaa. be-, qpnne * frootrie pnectß.ofi bie < favbriteUbwwg*.. 4b.<)woßottiioe ike pan^: OJ; tbe; ;Jtteaipsr« t : e candi dates. ‘tflifrik for add.; Pan‘ton-1 -X-, meirufor MeKellan and Pleoton-l : Vina*, I ! : HeKeTMie)'’and ■ jPel%ei^*f' Tbe i -noor fellose-Rot iiiithw ft*® tbepnarfe; i eMeXnpcndtUkßj^^y^^ 11 ■ ! , i Jeff fjsfiwW?! ,i|r; ■■fity,'-: ’„••.■•>_ : v' : i; **P»e« equal to nutra lines #fthfltyj(* ' h *.«SRS• ■’-■ ■’'X ' ; •■ r * •. #• ; MarriagiS > and other ".* 6lB j— T >i»R^el£pted i- A Sherman, i -He*Rr'' ,, ,4var| i lly, 'looked at him, ,t iij- jp'i'sljf,- tpv lo-»,<j;va»fc, an army" t)»e sol He • sees'hU oonnuand-fj or-in|ctiief Uui. Pa 'o ailut* filled byllho iG^neriUVriiiia^ .■’T ■ - 0y,.... . 'bio penyitaird ilUuaitihod; ,\ £ . ;F>;r a;.)ralf boutfl wuUi&oji Jich was writton — hisowijk.- is needlasii to. 8# tbit JilaS curiosity satisfied. If nofAlhc saiuUr tioa of “Xij&w J ar - you dohsoript?'* made him ifealize Uia position.' • ' •:; '*•' •- , -S ' ,-v r"-r' *r ■ This was.the hattlerbry of . els at |We battio: ot WiQchekt£r.:Pb»,i New- York,: Tribune says: . From out of the smoke ed the fdhel defence -of the ; Opeijuatirr -x-siud lromthe;l22od New York, aojl suppor(ibglf?i ^e n , l? -i that-were changed with it. 'pretit .hack ■■ reapousWe tberflurrab lor and wjib iba 'try wvc^tbe^. bayonets .that 6Wuj)Labo i PepbeX)eii^or^cy- J froia their Phi'ii t, its tji e uaUotsof ihjSftO]Jd~ , id u ' I Mdvamhep‘ ‘hew 1 : from, elbdir -TeliK-i YotS fopai matl for , Pi-ebidEiit-ot 4>|e U aited StjsWßiwbote : ca.pie, efktofe iVids,' fillitho mouths, ,o£ t'qbelfi.oOjthp fiehi 6P belief Nbt* a Xrue mifn ia xs I ©-'- V 1 1 ,irdiht ifnoTif lli i ; “Hurrah fbr. M’Clellan r "l&LjpVniiisoc, Post ffialor Ka» offered’Bponsth* iddtifcP PWMk office. ; (Spy. filsoniisott * business raunj affable and coniteou% ■•itfiSt Trail qaalmtfd for tbb pb^Mba-'*— •Si9 ; hVpoliitmint :i gi''Wi ‘^eo«r*l'r**™* ;;> ;> •= - J N V lf'l| ,;i ■ : ..■■•:■ ’ .'!'■■■ • • I-■ '-'I 1 -L’ ■ ■ ~ -I I-- %llil M •JC'v icir a'^nofa^ irtin'op