The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 05, 1864, Image 3
j) !a' -i)lEDr^' w *" ,>■'•' jver County Poor ilt., iIAET B. Dow o rougb. i in tha Ml - ‘ ■. 1 ; -JA Jt th® ® e b»2' tb :U tcr,W cr layjsr Cour.ty, Poor ilti, James Halet,; Btiyearofhisage. .the he2C‘ h in the 4 fob nrvESTM now open at tlie store « in UOCHESTEE, Pa ptions .lolthe “Boch« ia will remain open ill and examine the pn SAMUEL A. PC fCE Books [SEEIK-. £U^cni Jinst. Ca Jsja, _ ""r jotloe. of Direetori of Moon strict will pay to mate certificate*, 'ateraging h and for those avei to’ open onfirslMonda iIOB’T. COOPEIt, jEßoarf School Dj ■ai e ,)od per m°“ Schools i3'M ISTBATGjR’iS NO'J ladroiniet ration Wtlie ,dv. late {of Greene;. I j'd, having-been grant 11 persons jindebtedtos o make immediate'paj ojaim ghfristStEaid . e to the subscriber pr< J r ,settlement. tI\IIGAKET MOODY, iOSKI’U MOODY, n.MUEL MOODY, ‘ ! : G’l iDMINIi eiiebs . Jobs >(? (urco-.Ji .rsigned/’ ■cquest«J e busing-, cut t]ieni iticalcJ ft' TM B IX I*ARTIT ,I,atis' Court of Bcayt I’-cnr.svlvania. In the ; of the reel estate o l c 'd Ttrtire.heirs and of said dcc’d., to wit -Juti* hi!) wife; Pete b'is wife; Lewis Michai alt 'others interest Uu are hereby nosfi« m make partition off th< deceased, jsitunle iitl - »iU he held on the. pi ,v of October, 1864, at- T o« m«y ~atrr| Owcit. I \~ earer.o?bo * _j . / I (patiMnV'''- S the Orjilijns’ Court, in conn 1} of Leaver, and'Slate of,Pennsylvania: tlie i»at;e ■of tlic th® real es c of Dari 1- Robinson, .> To tho rs'and leg il representatives ofi'sjaid dec’d.f lnv.ica-.4Vi: B. RJbihson, residing in the leofttVtiiu: Ivn X;. 0. (jntern}MTied with liaijiiiliiriow) rcsitling in tUp. State of ll isJeAnifli Mary Robinson, residing in the e of iUiiw Theodore Robinson, residing die. State of-Illinois; the saiflplva Anna ’Theodor: ■ minors nntij having no rdiant und all otheVs interested—you andi i of . you arc hereby notified! that an in- lhc real dilate of said deceased . jio" |,(-| 1 on the premises on the 2d of Novonlher, 1864, at which time arid e von mitv attend ! if voir think' proper. . ' ' JOSEPH'LEDUti, Sheriff, pater, Oct. stb, 1864.' .i’j “^OTiOEI given, that ihc underfilled Conn is, appointed by this Court, pf lonS'Of the co*mty ofl Beaver, .io mlanc* of a new and indfepen \\h\xMy. composed of harts of the c\s of Industry ana Ohio town l county, Ibfliinded north by the irer/rih\ HocHniii, santh river, nndjwest by Matthew Kl eti-., and| report.-their opinion of y of ‘eFtnbliehiQg, -or not £stal)~ anic, will meet at - she hoiibc of f], io t'lhjo (p;, on Monday, the, bet. at *ll n’clbcki a. m., icc proceed to the jlischnrge of their appointment, r f Oh. HEZEKiAI! 5* JAM;ESv U.-T 111 MJ] ■johj* auduisw^. Com? :.OTI€ i tlic' Or gutc ‘of , i rLae’.s, '3' snistires .well. - atr| 1 Amelia 1 Jdj-, _ and 1 eaoa of jaieiften i >e rif said y\ icNtt <1 k ihd'plucej Kuxnjrr iienrer.o ‘f hereby t jui^Kuioi' Me.r l\u*.Wui \l ScViuM ut<A U\§u iy* iw. sa-i i file Phio i us hu^F,, . Mjcdreii' 1 tint the ■ nlsh S N» : > d.i r (h't •iiitfoof : s 4 ray.ed or Stole ■ Fair («round*. -i ly. tin? 23 d inst., i oars übiiiit in her foi'eiiuad, 1 side. and one .Icr and pacer; h idle. -Five’ dnlla an for t» of’said maror. .five'll for there’ the capture of n to bo ' !3hij)ewji town&hi "! • John From tli. liuusd Or, a \ iidd stay Itiici ie :j sjr, irn and *a( •Ibe gijr apriTib'iiji Kwill bo aijo add format bill ;npd,- in wGooa ER r mi node I delpliin ■ tjs, Jeans, M**clre. ' it. Wend Alpaca's TOriorarti K«;>- jKr'-.ccries, will b '!*s aiid car i'' ' raigncd has returnee find bftfr now opei *iix\Z of <)loths, Ca«; AodTwejeds. ’ Drews C m Leather, ami Mp hlku .Silk Warp*, B 1 ;lo • j Clothing, Conti, ' ■of Cloth anil'Cti! Hardware, Queeasw ' f»oVa at I a ii-cJ jj THOS. M and Perfume AjSwee- 1 A 1 TERSEfe , , -1 Ba<l) 13 re * ' ■ f i 1 ; «r gsntl eman aroul sc of a_d agreeable J ‘ lid '■=t|ihc - cur *J «MUg ti V!. BA f ,1 ■M OF A 1000 FLO' “\epiild b e ' ‘'Pirated; ■Tfopubjleet not |mo q»t of t Hlheßal uig, ■ ' lecured? |i How raaaj -How many friends 1 is so I)elicate,your itiun it: and you an ic fact. To effect a « as' 0 torth-wash ai ■iOST BEAUTIFUL. ■■ tllK “pcjoat toutftlijlid,. ‘'•'■l wl o, 51 ' !«p wilt -j ypps pbui ; Wh'ei 11 er'aO Qatari for limes user! honey to i lint the comtyinat j ** r , valuable ingredi •aluablejj For bathii ’ drops poured into « Spot all fever, yette i eiboa your shaving-1 1 ipft lather, leaving i -1 " + washing night Tan, Pimpltt, toft and 4 <r i _**6 Drug Store i HNE.Y AT B EAr£R, PK.vy :li. !. ATT( :r\F?K y Siit iCas! WUI 1} r '»inj stors. ■ . ’ .ouse, lEt, Ot i year CLKVKLA ■ HI I Ml Beavar j Uam BimOr Si 7:46 x. u. A) i. 6:54 r. *.Aj, louse, |>f OLip if H. w. t , ib re ister Oil mtil the i speetns. : WEB. IV«fn» 1 6:10 a. N. 3:60 r. H. 1:10 P. M. 1:00, a. u. I 1 F.R.Jt' PITTSBD ownship teachers I or IJ, aging 2, J of frOT. Seo’y, Roohi let Rrigh’n 2d BrighV 3d Brigh'h. New Castle .Mail, I ICB. i estate of l ownship, lid to the ! tid estate tnent, and Ist. Exprt :d Expri O.ncin'ti 1 tsi, ‘eu, Exp ithte' will perly au- Alliance Istßrlgh Jd Brigh 3d • 4th *-s* Mail, Adm’rs tetp. let Kxpr 2d Ezpr oar. r county, matter of f Gotleib legal rep : William • Wagner, la, Lewie Wi Yon <1 that an real «s; ■forth ,Se on hich time nk proper. J, Sh’ff.. The B Till lock-s and u and x hie tl t \y do., 1 Quilt ■ * -i Cord,; i pr viou!f adapted Mach im changes j&wiiig theyiwj fy tlnckj J ' £ _ e OUI V KtOj JLSOS, iinsjoners. stitch pi it Hoar or. t-light bay lit banTls two wliitr | white spot J , nl or. bri-' | :s reward I n k* to the ' If- stolen. ] .urrijof tin; the ’ tlicif-I ho under i gauze 1 cloth, w iteedle p: adjust in It ha: WVlsos. <res over •r : ; s ! Par from Philv iel his new limcree, Sat- i • be luly speed a robds, i Lc Parmettas iitek Alpacas; simnlici I•i ; | , ami; management; elegance ofj Pants , and tnetsi I arc, Salt, and le profit from CEEBUV. design and finish: '[ These are peculiar facts, and I■' I I ■ ’ ■- . • »il|, go far to' determine the choice of an intelligent buyer. Breath. SO —Please call and examine. S. tR PEIRSOL WBAVKit. pa;, augl7j Sol<? A 11 remainon breath, when ’EKS, ' lorers H has orever parted aearest friend yourself lg radical cure, rhtand morn- BBIDGELETTII^Gi OEA.LED raOPOSALS will he receired by! (3 the County Coramisspnierji, at their office in Reaver, on Saturday ihe 8th x day of Octo ber next, between theJhoursof 10a., 3 p. m!,i for the. building of a. Wooden Bridge, ' with atoneabutments, over this tittle Bearer Creek,; ■where the; public road crosses sait’streajn it; Imbrie'a Big Bearer tp. Whencci-, traded tor, its completion will not bo requir-; ed until tie first-day ofJuly or August, The reason for this delay’ U to (tarnish impjo time tot the contractor to procure his material' daring the present season at (he best adraq tage.jwd to frame-his r .bid accordingly, plan of the rrrrk will -be exhibited! ■" !' 'By order; RICH'D. H. AONEW, ‘ Sept.2o . . -Clerk, •Ta WOMES >eautity. their on withpalm ents makes it g suffering in basia of «r»- r, &c A few irush makes a the face pore and morning, Jutd FreekUt, tite and free a Bridgwater iyT "", li A W, A. _ tremityi efthc tug«l'4frly. BRQAE ■ Ncip Bngfiton, Fa.i . . \ ' Wholesale and Eat ail Dealer- in -! ' Tin, Copper; and Sheet Iron Ware, i And the most approved patterns of i I .!Pittsburgh Cooking, Parlor and Heath g ;r - :, l stsrte ,n [marSJMU i > >- ; | '• L »t tJj*3ridge- e"Ta . abb. A PITTSBURGH, It B. [BR .ARRANGEMENT, i / Station— Going East. . foniay, 'Mag 18, 1864.— frauu ■•ionatfettowtt , Its* st Pittsburgh, 9:80 a. m. 3:50 r. it. 8:06 p. M. Q'ontd-'WMt— i PiUthurgk at,follow*: .irriTWAt 8e»Ter,......1;40 a- k " .S 7-. . " ' k. , f “Rochester;.... 2:20 P: k. . . ... 2:10 a. Me J. Jf. MdCTJLLODGH, Pfa't. 33. Oot’i T elett Agent, T-; , J FT WATNE 4jCHICAGO E R ter Station— Goino Bast. Learo Rochester Arr. at Pitts. .acorn. k 7:20,a. *. .. «• 6:46 a. X 8:20 a. , 12:33 t. 2:85 p. x. “ 3:06 P. x...... 4:60 P. X. i 6:16 p. x. 7:00 p. x. ‘ 1:00 a. 2:20 a. x. 2:10 P. ,x. 8:20 P x i, , 6:46 p. xJ— 7:60 p. x. Going West—l • - Leases Pitta. Arr. at Rochester. om.i 2:10 P. x.;.... 8:30 p. x. ceom. 9:, 16 a. u 11:00 a. x. •• 12:00 a. x^—• 1:02 p. x. • 4:40 p. it...... 6:15 p. x. •• 6:50 p. x......;7:20 p. x, 6:00 a. x...... 6:16 a. X. 1:00 a. Xu...: 2:10 a. x. 1:10 T. it 2:20 p. x. WM. P. SlilNN, Supt., E. D; KB I WILSON’S IN&MACHINES. Most Reliable Sewing Ine, Now in Use ! . Machines make : the %lik(* on both sides, lass than half the thread that the single .r'dou id loop-slitch Machines rill Mitch, Hem, Fell. uck, Gather, vA • 1 raid, etc., without basting;.and aKj! better than any.other Sewilig ■ i . ■ ' - in to the frequent and great- variety of equirwl in a! fan il>; or I from one to twen- i i . , ’ i essesuf Marseilles with-! ••■r ■ ping, ai.d make every- srfect; or feyoi the finest lo the heaviest heaver i thou* changing il ( ie feed >r pension, or making any cut of machine whatever! ■! i ' • • C. j.” - _ _ • thfc following advanta all other machines p vn. reaier variety of wufk; i; ; ; ' irid‘excellence of stitch; si! . ' n<l quietness of "motion; ty of construction; ease g’t for Beaver cq. Bestwiok I WAT & APPLE STREETS, I . I. ■I. I T)T viHne~of '4tf* oShrma/f- Orphans' {Court, " Til of the County «f‘BMT«r, the undkraign «SjwUt expimo. toj sale by Public Vendue or ou£cry,onthopremises, on : •.d - v ’'l}; Oct. 15f A, 1864, , «*• 2 -o’cloeltj j£ in.,' the followingdtseribod nit.eststje ofjAndrew M'Master, u{e of Alle gheny county! dec’dJ, tit.* All that troetof food, aboiat .84 acre* being the same tract of! land conviyed-toi Andrew M’Master by John D. Copeland, situate in Ohio tp|., Bea ver co., Pa.', bounded as follows, to Wit: Be ginning at a beech tVee 80 inches in! diame tir,. on: the south-west aide of Little creek'and oh or noair the bank jof said creek, and a little above opposite wbat'ia called the spring rook, or Dureys clifl, licence up said Little! Beaver creek.inoludlng the same' and the banks there* \fa north {24 deg.’treSt 28 per, north 1 71 deg, ■wist 84 per, north 88 deg. west 24 per, north 48 degrees wist, 20 per to a red oak, north 68deg. west,;BB per to a rock at the State line, thence! yith the State line and creasing lile Uttle Beaver creek viiorth }ofa deg. w. (supposed niagnetical variation) 100 per to a .White bate buSh where a While oak bush 12 in. in diameter!bean south 41° east 80 links, and apblaCk dak Of the same site heart north 68 s West 86 linear, thence by a line dividing or this out cjf the original tract own esd byjthe legatees of Thomas Dawson, dec'd, sbuthutki® east 67 pei to a pbst where a pine 6ik 18 inches diameter [bears north 76° east links,land a chestnut oak lj& inches in di inches: in dim ncter, bears north 75° west 86 links', thence south 44° eas(|B2 per to s post Whereja!white oak 15 inebjesin diameter bears south 112° went 61 I|nks, "and j another white oak 12 inches in diameter, .bears: north Ijd® west 48 links, thence south -25 0 i east 67 dor to d hickory bear marked oak, thence qbulh 65° west 50 per to the place of begin ning. : I || Tcrmsj cash npoi by thy Court, or upc to the purchtser. ' j : • [ stockhoiSi WrOTICE lb here! ! |]_v( ]a of itochester County, will be he! pauy iu llocl ester, ' J 864, at 1 o't lock, p led, viz| ■ . > Ist. To. reduce t lie Capitol Stock of , sold Company, as authorized'by the I9th and 20th sections! of.’ t,he Ac; of' Assembly, approved April 7th, 134‘J, to encourage' manulacltiring ppcratiojns iu the Common wealth, kcr I 2d. To authorize and empower the.- Presi dent and Directors of said Hochcstpr Manu facturing Company to sell, convey, and dis pose of, ,the lands, buildings, Ac., belonging Jo tbe said Company in Uochestcr. ji 1 - .J. A. SItOLES, I’residcnt. • ■ |, ‘ A.JVLAt'OCK. , V ! i ' : SilfAS.. POWELL, I . , I J. WOODiIUFF, 1 | ' UUIVT. JACKSON, [■ Directors, ‘.J I . lewis uExo,. . r I r • i J. imvillSEEU, ' ’■ ! ;i 111 SAjM'L. iIOORE, J : Ucich«:stcr,| Aug. |29, 1864. * ' i confirmetiou of the sate ib the delivery of the deed HUGH SI’MASTER, Adm’r of dec’d. MEETING:. sty respectfully given thkt f tW Stockholders "ft the curing Company of Bearer id air the office of the Com tm the Oth or October, J.' m., for the following ob- | BMYEB - CAbBMY. I r |'HIS Institution will bo' re-opcneU on i. P If : i MONDAY, SEPT. sth, 1864, I under roust favorable auspices. 1 ! I the services uf Ktr.f l>. H. A. M’LEAN, D.D,, formerly .of tVcstmioster College, and- Rgr. !1)J P. I.OAV A H V.. formerly I’rrincipal of Washington tlnion Schools, have been secured; as Assolijiteil’rin ipals ajul Instructors.' Our NEW ACADEMV BUILDING is now completed andxeady for occupancy, j ■ T All.the branches necessity to fit young men fir BUSDfKSS or. COLLEGE wnl bo taught. Oorfd boarding-can be had ■on«s-pe«Krßsbic terms jag elsewhere.; - ! ; | SsJpl’hci't will bo no adranrt. in the ratet of tuition: !'For further parlicu'ars address ei ther of the Principals, pr the undersigned.. . i j S -,H. lUCE, iSec. Board of Trustees. ; UeiTtir, Aug. KU, t ALUAJBLEFARMANDCOAL' IsAXD FOR SALE. | | .4 TRACT of first, rate Innd, situate in*, iJ\ Cbippejwa tp..' Heaver county, about 3 : Hiilesiwcst of New Brighton, on tile P. Kt. W. I C.i R. It., containing ONE -HUNDRED J ACUE3, is offered for sal? on favorable’terms, i Abouj seven y acres of Ibis land are cleared and in a goi l statejof cultivation; the balance veil limbered, and all under fence. ' There are on the premises a stone dwelling house, a largcjsjone ipring’ bouse,’(the upper story of which is noi’ usedas % dwelling, (and hewed ; (og harn. 'there is a vein' of excellent coal underlying a large portion of tbo tract, with | opening near the-railroad . .■ | i.'flSaSnFov further infer.nation implies of.l James Tire, Esq., Brighton, Pa., N. :P. Fet-] EIiMANi Esq , Pittsburg, or M. Wktand, Pro-I honorary'a office, Heaver. Pa. ' jeB,’t)Wl4-i Valuable Real Estate : i i • ■ IFOR SALE* f ftll E subs cribcr ioffers for sate his residence j -bn Third Street a Ho"sc and Lot. The* Improvemec s are a Brick House 50 feet front, by yfi feet d. «p containing 10 rooms'and' Store Room,| eisl tni.' Wash House, Stable, Fruit ; Trees, Grapevines, &c., &c. . i Also, Sixty acres §rst, rate land. 4 miles . below Beam r; unimproved, standing with ez j cellent | Whit 6 Oak Timber, one mile front tbo I.bbiojriver. i’ Also, a Ift containing 12 acres, one mile from; Buiyerl enclosed with a board fence, I suitable for a fjardnerer or Ndserymnn. For {further-parfjiculars enquire of the subscriber. iTitlek iadisputaMc. ! May 24. ’>4. [ v 'BEATBB . (skminlkv and institute /J'HE FALL TEEM WILL COMMENCE 1 j Tuesday, the. dtk of September. Among ilk advuntngeaare—■ . . 1- An efficlentand accomplished Faculty!. 2.: Thoroughness in its classes. •- | '' 8. 'Superior adrirlagcs for Vocal and In ‘ atrumental Music. 4. Extent of its English iclassicaf course. 'or a catalogue to . > Ekv. B. T. TAYLOR. OTIGE. I ] HE fin • J,solved death of \ the! late fin a of B. &■ W. Wild* & Co..was dls on the llth of May last, hy the Ir; Win. Wilde. The" business of n will be settled by the surviving BENJ. WILDE,' | ' .HORATIA W. WILDE. paatnera. | the style ol the boainei *<**; Haw. Bri — The undersigned intered into partnership under the i "Wilde & C 0.,” and will continue Is of the late firm of B. & W. Wilde BENJ. WILDE. _ : HORATIA W. WILDE, ghton, July 11, 1804. BEA VtR SEMINARY. PAiL TERM OF FOUR ES, will open on .* iiida the I 29<A of. August, insl. For further information tend for a cat alogue. '; Addrsn ’' I • \ ; S. B. MERGER, aaglo'6' :4t 1 \ BeaTes, Pa. BENT MM£ &CO ' o^R®oi>r\OiXi, N ROCHESTER-,. ' I I, iJOSSSPH 7 Sheriff of the Coontjr make known and give tkia pubfifi Mtloatothe electors of thecounty uuafe Sen oral Election will be held in said. oooaijf on ■■ '■ . I Second Tuesday in October fco*k, at the several Election ~ •• Wjn^e: the elector* «f Borough wnshta. tjrtll Jneei at the Coart Bouse in the hiroO« w Buw r - the elector* of Brldxpw*tor,TKWiiWyT*Ul meet*t the Town Hall In Bridgewater. </i The. electors of dlstnet wfll meet at the public.brick school honsejln said borough. 1 .•■■■} - ' the electors of-. Moon towxt*hip.wul| meet at thi house former!) occupied by dmariah Hen - lobn p. Elliott; drickson, mw*by John U « A* l *'- , T the elector* of HopewjeU townshipjsillmeet at the school house in the village of Scotts ville, in said township. ! :.] : V - i . Theelector* of Independence townidujj will, meet at. the house of Alexander, Thompson,' in saiid township.-; Hr - the electors of Raccoon township will meet at | the house bf‘ David Ewing, in aaid town ship.' - 1 ; -i „f/r i-y'!?*. ' > The electors of Frankfort diritriet will meet atiithe bouse of George Dungan, imj^anjtfort. the electors of M’Guire’s district jwill mast at {the house of John Porter in thevillageof iUmnover.-. vr j. 1 ’ '-ifc*—wj-. : the electorsv>f Greene township i wffl meet atiithe house of Elijah Siswauger, [ln Hooks toivn. - .■ i ■ '.I- Jf he electors of Ohio township will meet, at house now Occupied by Jamison Elliott, in said township. ! _'J} ' , ;The elector, of *“ bnwc|lm Inquiry d, «‘" c ‘>l? out by tie clerks, whd" shall make jschool houses near Rihhey Eakin vte UJIo noteii;in T Uu lUt , k tb | township. *• <v»-il,«m. .' ' ■ 'f.\. | '] ! [the electors of tbe "B al!^n WIU . In'.ll cases whdre the nam.if tbi person lEThe'elltot'rf'Pduirwm l" vol * "j?? 1 . found °^ tl f fur * j jThe electors of V , to by lahy qualified citisenfh shall .rteet at thr house of ' f Rector to ],xamln4 such - “IjJ L t0 * nb '“ 1 l?- _ X « ■ tomshin wilF PW»° ns oh oath a* to qualification, and, if hc : j |;Tbe electors of to havo%4ided .within .the staie oni mcct al , v y * JP* r or more,' kits oath eUall be Hufficicnt proof “!P. . i,' !•««,# A « »Awifll,sn• tout MAW make proiif by lat Icaal i. jjThe electors'of Uarii g f j;? One competeul'.wiifncss. wlio a qualifi imw at , th ® cad ! n i? "iu-Lm ed elector, that hi has resided within the dls . (The electors of Big Mil : irict for more than ten dayu immediately pre-. f the house of widdw MiUW, .^<i ? l «ud elfcLn, and shalT himself I township. • " ,iwaar hi* huna fide residence, in pursuance of iTheeloctoreof hhflawfulicallihd, is within the diitpict•lr>^ ! af the" housejof Mark R. Clark, ; elector, of S,rth SowicHey- •** Arson |haU fP revefilj or attempt to I r... l l e . 0 , . y r any othejer of au election, hr use or j will meet at the house o . any- violence to any) suclTTjlficcr, or j Uml formerly of Benj. i ' "gbUlf interrupt oh improperly! interfere with j [ The electors of. Pulaski township S**. tho ea^citic/i \T hs duly, or shall •a! Doughertys school house, . block upbrattcm|pt| to block-tlpHlie window or ; township. .' ,1 Ciiithiiaiii .aveiiuc to,any window where (tho sa r me Vnav bo I Tho eleclors of .lanon ? faoldeh, ,or shall riotously pl.t tu b the peace" of Isi the housejof George Hart»elWy«;., ; lor Jb'uU" uicUr .praeticjs any id ' i n. •.. 1.1 .lirfq.rAifrfr U»»4a<ivn» threat®, furce’or Yioieuce, with ile- I j The electors of >ew Bnghto» v 7 ' • 1 ‘ ! .d|stric< will meet at ilescbuoltfoui* wyiild i borough. | I I, jTho electors of Koch.calcr tosraship | nicet at. {the liolcKvillc School "House, in ! township. •.1 . ;. \ ' '?..>'•> *j.-„ . . ! [The electors"of the borough.^niwchejitfet will meet at the School house in Eochestet: ■ The electors of Freedom borough- and dl. tfiot will meet at the school house iitfreot^Uß, " [The electors of New Scwicki«| wjill meet at the house of John Feawsl, ih-k® at the school house in JlXlie electors of Harmony township will at "the Hotel' in' the Economy.. ,■ "j [ The electors of Economy township will ini la. the bods* of George C.-- Minis, in said to' ftp- ' ! v j I ~ ; -At which lima arid places the|qiialified; elec- ( Vcrtisemenl, htors as al'oresaifl Wall elect'tjy , ‘ I persons to»,mi i. I;One person! Congress of judre U. States,,; cjjuyictiou ! th« ' ill, conjunction wit h Lawrence, -Washington ' pay j three ftmi : afrd Greene counties. 1 ' ® to be bet. • f fine person for President: Jtfdge, in eon-!■ If pen 'junction with Lawrence" and "butler counties. • fraudulently v i ;| Three persons as. members of thp IlOuse ofj Ootnmonweall: Representatives of Pennsylvania, in eohjunC-; shall vote" out. ■ ti,on with Washington couptyj ( ! | ! | pcrSon knowir j I One pefson for Prothbnotary of Beayef co.;. sbatl'aid or pt i i One pefspn jfor Commissioner of Beaver co.: 1 person tir pors | One person" for Poor .House Director of ■ tion. be fined ; Beaver county: ' j- I i hundred dplls | One person for Auditor of Beaver count j; j term not l ess I i! Threa persons, for Trustees of Beaver Acad- : 1 If any p.crsi emy. " i -j. ' ’ " I ;■; {election distri f , i : itndi delivey. I gother. with t shall vote the vise or procuf o(foriJiog shnl sura not less t dred dollars, i, not less than months. ,Jf any ppm Crunmonwcsdl r sons of, qijalifi place 6t elecl tickets, or of i to vote, he shi any sum aot for every sue! any term not i The Reiun tricts in this 1 the Court Ho the first , Pridi October next, duties enjoinc ROB’T.A'MTREERV. ■I Notice is Hereby Given, i . i ■ , -., I. ■ ,<Thatjevery iperson except Justices of the i I’caceJfWho shill hold any' office .or-, appoint- ' rajest of profit or trust under the Government; of the United Stale*, or of this .State, or of any city .dr incorporated district, whether' a ( commissioned officer or agent, who'is|or, shall , htiro been employed under the legislative, Ex-. ! ebutive or. Judiciary department of this State I oV the United States, or of any city -orJncor- I pOrated district; and also that every member | of Congress, and of the Stale Legislature, and ! of'the Select or Coipmnn Counpil of hoy city, ! 'dr commissioner of any incorporated district, i lis by law incapable of holding or- exercising at the same limp llio office or' appointment of Inspector, Judge, or Clerk .of any, election of Ihe Commonwealth, and-that- ao Julge, In spector, or ifny other officer of each election," shall be eiigible'tb any to be then rated fori ‘ • Also, in and ijy the fourth section of an Ant approved the 19th of April, 1840, it |s, enact ed that the ISth 1 section of the act passed July 2d, }839; entitled. «n-aet relating to Itha elec tionis of this Commonwealth, shall no| ho con strued solas to prevent anymilitary, officer or borough officer from service a* Ju|dge,' In spector or Clerk at any generelorspecial ejec tion in tljis Commonwealth. " j ’ ■ , ■ VAnd the said act of Assembly, .entitled “An Act.relating to eleciiona of this Common wealth-,”! passed July 2d,’1839, provides as follows; j ' ■ - .. '{* . \\ That the Judge and Inspectors chosen as aforesaid, ahall meet at their respective places appointed for holding the election in! the dig tricta to which they, respectively belong, be fore 0 o’clock on the ,morning of ,ttye Second [ Tuesday of October in each and. every 3 year, and each-of said Inspectors shall appoint one •tlerk, who shall be a .qualified voter'-of said district- | | • :l -i f In case the persons, who shall.hrvo receiv ed the second bighestnumber of votes for In spector shall nek-attend on the day an .elec tion, then the plerson(who shall' hare received the second highest number of votes forejudge at the next preceding Olection shall acta* In spector in his place; and in ease, the (person who shall have received the highest number of votes for lnspeetor Shall not attend, the present elected Judge shall appoints* Inspec tor in his place; audio case the person elect ed Judge shall not then the Inspector sfho received the highest number; of votes Shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if any I .vacancy .shall continue In the JJoard for the ppape of [ one hoar after the time fixbd by law toT jthe opening of t'he election, the qualified • voters of the township, ward, or distriot - for ' *kich'suoh °®oers(shall' have; been elected; present at the place of election, ehell elect ope of their number to fill such vacancy) ' t.t he the' outy of Assessors respiot- Itely to atlend at the place of holding- everv , general, special or jtownship election, daring the time such election is kept open, fbr the pur pose of giving information to. thelnspectors andJudgos when called bn, in relation to the '■ hytiemtovote > I elections, or pneb in .jsh- at Bf : thebThhal '■ - .thd lh tot* ataoy ‘than a white frye ■one yean or more, this State atleast idh district wbeyehii a days immediately id wUhintwoyeaia ■ which shall hate { :tst ten dityi betpre tte 1 iienofthe United States* beena qualified Vote*. Of ited theriftem abd yiturn irercbdediin' the election x«s as’ Sfareeaigh '‘dtal die e residing inlhe-, State :»ix that- the white: frienien ijted Slates, between the qnd twenty-t wo years, and to Slale one yeat v end, in paid beenMwsaedat election. , Bnt a ei who h«lprß»l9«|>ly| tbi»Btaie; and'rtmj shailltj district TUid paid' ta entitled to Tote afle months: 1 Provided] citUeus' y ur the -Ut ages of tWenty-onaj having resided in tj >K ‘ th« election distri) shallbe cntited to i paidlaxes. . :'1 ■ • No person shall bj natne'Unot habitants furnished bus, first, be prodij tnant within''two y tax, asaosacd agree :t teu days' as aforesaid, ote altliougli they have hot ’‘7 • ■ i ; f- ii , 5 -- I • " I (•• )•<?& ' & volet whoes >id in the list of taikhle jn by the Commissioners, ,uu ;co a receipt for.tlitf pay :ars, of a State, orj eouhty ably to the Constitution, and givessutisfactd rat oath or 'tffinuj has paid such tux, receipt, ehaU'inakc : of; or second, if, lie being tin elector bej .onV and twenty-twj Ottthor affirmation 1 Stalest least one « and make sitch pro district as is rcqdii does • Verily belierl Hint that be is oftl supfa other evidencj whereupon the nan | led to vote shall be { ical list by .thej Inj opposite thereto bj) if be shall .be adm having paid a tas,{ shall be admitted V ry evidence either, on'kis tiunor of another, ithat h.o jr on foiling to procure a oath of. the psymeht thcre olaims a right Vote by ween the age, of 'twenty* i years,'he shallidcpose'.on that hejhas resided'in :tho ear before his'application, of of the residence in ;tho ed in this act;’and that be r, from' the account,! given to ago and gives i as is required by this act; 108 »f the persons so admit;- inserted into tbeialphabcti ipectors, and a; note made iwrilipg the word] "tax,” itted to vote by reason of or the word i'age,” if he t of his ud .. ny or p> llenge or or such a bet or* wager, upon 3f,i he or they shall’forfeit and he anioutit so ibet or offered not hf ;hiw, qualified shall ; I at any election diibin ithis ? \}T Keiug lotherwisfr qualified," lii« proptit* district, oi* if any j hV such qualification, - ire, such| personal b vote, the j i fro otfenuingsbuilitm oonvjlc- j any sum not ng two and be; imprisoned fo? any j ti three n i• e. I | shall voi a : more than one or , otbe;f/ iso radulontly foM ic inspjej; ors iwpjiickefs t,«-1 intcntic* toy ; tc illegally,, or: nc, rsori shall tul-i author *jo do s i he,; or they so i •a conv .clionV Ijc fin&l in any ’ k fifty nbn more than five bun-.' ■bo imprisoned for any tenn‘i breo nor more, ! j, .li,: | jfj qg| tocl i,not to v.pje in this Igroeably to law, /except the eitizcnti) shall appnnr at any p for tile purpose ;pf issuing |ucneinj&hi j on conviction, forfeit and pay ccc< 11iio one- hundred dollars fence, and be imprisoned for ■ceding three iudges of the respectivc’Pis mty, are required iio mett at in thojborough of Beaver, on tflep the second: Tuesday of ph and j there to perform the tpon them. by law.-l { Ac(. |r dating to ffhe Eke • Coni ’linnipealihi ’- punned f 'July, 1889, it « procid ted as follows; |j ■ ■ ; • jl'_, ' ; Suc.;fil.'Wbeji two fir more counties shall compose a dit trict for t ic choice of [a njember or members of jtho Semite of thU| Common wealth, or of life House of representatives of the Uailctl Siafiesj or of this Oomioion wealth,' j the-Judges (f |thc election in each' county,: having met m aforesaid, the Clerksshaflmake outa fair sta ement of ell to votes ijhieh shall noire been givch at suqb election, iivithin the county, for every ’person voted ..for, ns such m<§aber or mjenlborsi wnich’sbaU designed by said Judges aha attested by the Clerhs, and one of the said | Judges shall take charge of suck certificate] knd shall produce the same at • meeting of] one Judg > from each [county, at. gach plaeee. in (such dii trict, as isor may be appointed byj lans forllio purpose: Which meet ing shall be held on tin seventh day, after the election, ,Kr * . ■ ’I And by “i n tmns the 2d da / < . ed and dijrei Judges of the seVerjkl counties qresaid iballeast dp the sev urns si id made {duplicate re volts given for, stich • office in id of. tho names: otithe person ed,.andi one of said fetunis, for (l be dejiogited in tfio, office of •y of the Court of CotnnionPiens in which they shall meet, , and by said Judges be deposited in ice, sea ed and' directed os in ' three of the eighteenth see-: ' .•> . S » ■■ ' ‘ . ksc. 82, hare met, era! county W turn* of all thi mid districts a or persons elec each office, shi 'the Protbonpti pftbpconnty the other shall nearest post of parts' two. aitt lien of this sot Sac. 8& It f torn Judges in pftha persons, the House of l wealth, a cert pali'aU erery i elected Upresei lifioato _■ tbe| da:* *fUr| The Return eforeeald ifi jiudgee, jreqaeeti rrrrr -1 tbs'second 'Tdesdsy of o'clock,m., toperforn ed by Uw;'-.4. ■ ‘y —GWtn und ( SFAX rte 6th (Uy I of oar eight hundred end sis , eighty-eighth yesrof lb ; United States. . ■ I sep6’6* JOSEPH 3STEW GO of ever arred and Striped: Red and Only T 1 rilled allr BLANKETS Uew Styles Atpacca?,. Detains, B es UaaU, Hosiery, l.oj CELEBRATED Coqk and S In It: <> o 'J HE guttscrihcrj having fii .« GALLERY, in a neat st; TilK LATEST 1 Ml’R neotxsavy tor matting fine Et of all kinds. having a LAIl' in connection with StPK Lit pared' to accommodate aB wh with a call, with , ~v‘j ' AAUiIIOTVPF.S, v f o.dt s ('A ill) EUOTOG ISA PUS. LARGE SUE EHOTOGRA ’ I’i.AiN riiuTiKiiiAiMit;. f j COLORED I’IIOTOGUAi’i i 01. l nr • ,1 1 i hirtjcd l-dn Phol"ij || A huge assortment of , 'gI.AKCB ASD.SII’jU KosK-.Wih; jalwnys on ham’ I yUltwork warrant; '■cv in tlit cbunty, an. * Cull and be convinci i ba the duty of the Re use, to each' o serve in congress,orm tatives of thjisCommob f bis election, within of making jap suohre of. the servers! districts )d.tQr'uK>dt si tfce Court :'.v RSeher i those tl let hiy.haSadel Beeter, { | W September,* in thsT 1 Lord .com thousand ly-four, .sucLin. the independence of the LED! i: ?; '4 Plain Fhuine ■ ! i nd £ Dies irred ' 1 .Detains • French Merino _isingiinms, Pan I Stuffs, e'J Mii | Skirts/' ■ and tplcacl Hoop <ii Skirt i Palmpm fcadiLa* and Cl lildren ife, I.mlic Meu ami Hoys H*| llovea, , T NOI'KH YANKKI A full iluckj no w re (i,)’ for ii Sit FQR r CIIEA I •!', .. IN ROC El ESTIvII if&r.; ’ • befgro.puniKasYug, nnJb»c ice. Jlernembt t the I '■!' ■ I’OST|K | NEA.U THE I }• • I K IFOJK,' IE? RE-Oi Beaver County OVJOH IV A few doors, bilo C. G Beaver, ug24] , ADMINI'M'iI: WHEREAS lct» the estate *’of Cna late of -Fnllstcu.’, I’euWir dcccksed, having been duly'g detsigned, all persons. iudcln ire notified to. make immedi; thtfsc baying claims against l sent them properly men! without delay. 1 A. I'. GILLIX. G. E. APPyg' ~ Xw »n t ß.24T | .a WE TO TH WHEELER &, . FA MIL SEWING MAI increased confidence 1 Best arid Most . Reliable . Slnchine note i We claim for'it the followin] i#ny and'all Sewing ! Far Variety oif work; cells speed and tion; simplicity of construct! tion and management; elega finish. It 'will .1 • Stitch, Item, Fell; Quilt, • ‘ nail, Gather; Cool i All any prcfi i It nopis equally well b i thickest fabrics, from best; cl,6fh, to the finest eamhrie.| S. H. PEIRSOIiV jy2o’M] , Sole urgent ffiff ;' ■ .H •( OFFERS liir rrrafoMioiu eitiitns of ■■ ■ ■ \ ; BEAVER AUD V] . ■I-’ . ' %'ke Sfijrinvv Ruitgbift, t/ie’ ZHtmmtfy I 1 neitfWv (SS diigt regjmv- *• ■*' ••»■. AN ASYtUiM FOR U. TIQN,£tIEE AND WENT OF 'MSI ALIENATION DISORDER - JBL Nervous And Chxfcnlc rK-'-’- ■ " Sheriff. 7 .* -> T: : ■ vV-- EXCLUSIVELY:• FOR PEHAIES. \\i | tion, care.and trealpent of pKfc»n- ; V dent Han of patients who we. laboring under • mental derangement ; or other nervous ahit- ,: -v 1 chronic disease. Vfe special'jaantldS, of nervous and chronic diseases, from the fact *. thatseven tenths ,of the female pat ienisthat are committed to out public Asylums, td’bo;, treated' for-disordered minds[ are reduced to i ; that' lamentable condition' through previous physical disorder By aweQtimed and judi cious treatment ofehron island nervous j'dias"- eases, all physical; disorders, in' the- majority of. oases maybe removedand thus the mind, having’ suffered through, the medium of- the body, will whom' free ’from the Sxeiting physical cause, throw off kbit shackles that has bound it to vOrse than midnight darkness, mid reason will; oucol morc, resume its sway,: Clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted excellence. Hence the necessity of'all dioaw who arei laboring under thepredispoaing or exciting- causes, ealculsted in the end to ini-, pairlhomind to resort to. ah early and judicious course of rcmediall agents. i : , i The Institution is! at large' hriok jb.uildlng with a Stone basement—four -stories high ana well venUlated. j It is situated on, an eleyatod table land which commahdswviewofehtira town—adjacent liills^—groves snd neighboring streams: all- of whitjh-aro csVlcplated4o-pro-' diice favorable impressions upon tKe’disordcc’ cd mind. • ’. -i i i , ./‘The Institution is. complete in all of ils’ap-. pointments. Having bocn tasteful’y fifted up ■ at graet expense, in orijer that'it may tpeet the approbation and views of the c oei-fasudi oua. , .'i . ;, - I i-_ " ■ -■ ■ , . The I water -closets and bathing apparatus have been gotten up nbin the most approved modern scientificpnnctpfes.| This department (embraces not only the l ordinary baths but.- ; also, the- medicated,. waptu air and ascending .' and descending douche tor the more ‘effectual and successful treatment of culaneottslund other scrofalous:diaeasesi i ■dyc’beg.leave to say. those who may he ' disposed to commit the interests of ij-dcar [wife, sister or daughter, to pur charge—may be assured tlijit not means /ill be spared, or » efforts wanting on our part'to ameliorate their condition or to effect a restoration to their ao - customed health and vigor of mind. • ..For'further particular-* send for a circular. All communications should be addressed to. 'E: KEXDHUJK. M;,D. Supfc, of New Brighton Retreat : New Brighton Beaver Co. Pa ffeal • ■ i "**}>. inti. i - Flannels, Flannels, ■ ' i> Colors,; \UA WLS, Goods, ’opplins,' Wool •, - Prime Brown ■ lini, i IMil ■Sb<'o,«, uovl‘.Tt>2. ■ i , COLLjEGE., ; N. E. comerof 7% &ChestriiltSt,r 1 PHILADELfUIA. PA. J. , Ji. rpius Institution, wt|i<;li was established in , , I : 1844, uni is consequently in t;« eighteenth year oft i;s eiittcuco, numbers among iw.gratnaie?;-hundreds of the . • cessful .Merchants and Hustneis Men of our! Country.- •.'• / : -r-- V i . • Tlici object of solely to af- . •fordjjoung men facilities; for tfibrough prepa- ’ ration for . i ~ eThc braitiheS t aught are, Book-keeping, ; PeumdJjahjp, both' jtlkia-'^d’y^n^«tal| , inafhemkti^eS^'y V The system of Instruction is peculiar ; act ” classes or set lessons .aps made use of. .bid each* . student is taught individually, so that Lemay commence at any and attend, ai-whaioV. er hours are must convenient. / : . p> . arc issued annually after th* 15th of April, .oonlaining names of thevsin dents, far the .year, fuid lull particulars of' terms, &c., and may be obtained at any time by addressing the Principal. ' ;* In extensive accommodations,. \v.ide-aprc*d 8 ■ reputation, andlhe lengthy .experjnnnv^Y Principal, this Institution offers labilities su v perior to any other in the country, lor young,- ■men wishing to prepare for, basi’ruvs., ttjd obtain Hit the same time a n/rur-vi.v. "y> Inch’ tv ill.: prove a.rc'commendn:if>4 for them tc any Mer cantile House., 1 " ' . ■ B^“Oni , rri:::np.N's peries. *u , Treatise* ‘w* feook-Keeping, now. mure widely mi-cult*c<V-. than any other work 'on.ijthe subject, are lor" sale alrthe College. . ; 1 j S. CIUTTENIifeN, Attorney-ai-Lair^ ‘ 1 , pRIXCirAI... and Mi; Hsiii . rimiiiini 1/ at ftFpCCtJO Jrei ORE, P 8'! ’ourselvea unuced h«w.; : FFKiE, 5 T E It, LETS. ■EI). led Up |n f NEW dc.- with all iOVEMENTS fSvEll* KrTGRES light 11T, is now pre i» may-favor lain i • . May't .. jj uuraioL'Ar iWfliviT.HV, H hdi.kka., f'HOLEU.V MOJfrtJS, &c.—i.-yriWip »i.d„ iimnedinlfe cure". ' TUid celebrated' r>n : traio\< \ Ur.Mr.DY lips hecn used with ■ since the. Cholera senseis ot' IW2. A singt«% ilose <rill u«itaHy-che-sH the A)iarrhn-a in -h lew- - hours.- *hiiViid be withest-H Ivitr’.a ( at- this season of the yjs&r. For sale at th« - V Bforr tn Hri‘tyonif*i\. :* ; ■ ' ‘Fidy “ I’rice oniv 25 soiling r.t"> I. - ■<’ Try it/- V 1- - 1 . \ ze or style PH'S, V l- , ‘- 'ihr‘ttrn if.fii. . •' \* rtaTj I’k-amt:?, aiiy oth 'bp AI) SIf ST ISTA It TO K'S .V OTIQ K LETTERS of administration on thfe estate of RoDERT SnssoN. dee’d, late' of Bij, Bearer' township, Beaver 00., haring been 'granted to.the undersigned, nil'persona in-, debted to said estate; are requested to' make immediate payment,, and those having ~ claims' against theeame will present them properly authenticated'for settlement, . . ' of Art, 'TJl'ltfl: liV, 'IT IST- . IvICJS. ration on JAB. K. I'HOSU'SONTAtIm'ri. 1 North Sewicklv tp. [ Dr. H. H. EERB; Offers his Professional So viets to (JieJPehpU of B BAY Eii A JS T X) VICI il .T Y i and solicits a abate of public patronag*., auglO’64 . M. ‘ Stewart, bounty, fenn'a., ; tinted. to the tin-' ted to,said 'estate ite payment, and tpc same will pre* riled' for settle* \ .(■ ; '' OFFICB IS % •.* Hotel, ,j«ave p, P'eim’a,' 3»D, 1!i , \ ' |>N, f ,hu rs -', ! Bright on; >Pa. • SPUBLIfc ;■ ‘ VILSON’S \N dec! fi.’CS „ NOtICK. LETTERS 'of on. th.e es tate 'of James M'p. jiITCHELL, late of Hookstown, Beaver Oo.dc'd.liaringheen (fraslk-, ed to the undersigned, all. persons ihdetiedto, said estate'are- requested l to make immediate, payment, and those b,av ing claims against said,,', estate will present! them, to the smtiaoriher properly authenticated for settlement. ‘ 1 -M. LAWRENCE, Adm’r., . ‘ J Hookstowni" ‘ HINBS i its merits as th. FdrfiUt/ Sewing il 'use, sep7 . H>i-v-l(tentl TVo, 13. ■■ r_ Bask or Beaver Cotint, V ' ■ ■ New Brighton,, M»ji 3, 1864. f ' rjIHE President, and Directors o? this Bank 1 hare this day declared a ! DIVIDER ft OR FOUR PER, CENT, upon ita Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last B months,’ payable th Stockholders of their legal representatives, ’ on demand:, i .. . EDWARD HOOPS; ... - mayl!,,’lU ' 'Cashier over. Machines: • 1 beauty and ei- I quietness .of mb-, i in; ease of opera iice of deSsgt and Bind,. Tuck, Braid. 1 , ’ oua basting.. ; r»' the thinnest op y beSveif lor pilot a V- I' 1 : "pETER jANORL ■ ’ v • “ ' . THK HiGHKST MARKET . ■ : ■ . ~' • -.i . ■' **■ .BEAVER. FA BeaveV county’- inney. Fcfr 13 litter and Eggs^ i services to ibe V CISIIT. At his Cheap Bine' On Bridge Street, ■/ t a#*n; •- ’ -i'-,-: , ■ of il 3.R.C leamr, . mzac £VT IHuttgs. in cash; I- ■ U »* r 13 Ini MB