The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 07, 1864, Image 1
;;P\" • I frflE BEA^ER^RCtTsf ,s advance; otherwise Two- Dolimm arid jiriT Jests will bj charged. 'lpo paper dls j/iatinr.ed jntil ail arrearages a*rsettled. , ■ shall have prompt attention. :• I J •J.‘ ■T i m e 'T ald li e£. &' PITTSBURGH, if-' R. kI MME« ARTIANOEMENf Beaver Station— Going ‘Kas*. ''■■'r.riwrimg, A 'ovdit;/',Mtti/ IC,' 18(54.—Train* j. JSeacerSlaihn . I >-.4S a. m. Arrives, *t Pittsburgh, 9:30 a. m. t A'-o ./ ii. '! !’ “ ; 3t60 p. ji. i “ 1 i “ .Brf)s p. M . |, These Gf::.N<i"Wr.sT-f s . i - 1 nC f B f rV li•'l‘.,r/ J’itlftyirg has follows : \ /r : " j '•.10 a. m. ArjriT<> r aat 8earer,..'..,.7:40 a. m % lock-Stich R.ooi'.H. “ .. “• v; „.. r . r ; ~i,ir v Kochoslor 2:20 p. m. I.' : , V „ -. I “ V:...2rt0 a/m: anti use le .1. ;v\ McCTJtLOTJGH. ' i \ .f. U. MVEUS. 6V»’. T, ehel A'g'mf. ' 1 a .jjUu pirrsipKG. FT, WATNE & cmtiAir.n RR. |[ ' , .Rochester'Statiort— Going E|ast. \ hik threat! Leave? Rochester. An 1 , at Pitts, j i ■ , i ' IfiißrieVr. Accoin; '5:42 A: m...... 74*0 a.„m.4 [ } 0 M If &'■ ' ‘I. Ribii'n- “ 'V;' A. M...;.r 8:20 f.. M. , 1 'I r,.V.rv n . 12:83. p. m:..... 2:35 p. >i. i 1 !I. 'f i 3:05.p. At..,.:. 4:50 p.. w. '.TI r Vail’ • 5:15 p. u. 7:00 P. M. ! 1 '• |j ! | * -'2: IQ t »r- U ££ jCfa, , Btjlid, i r-.hrfi'liEM' " r ' : ' fs 7: 2° r -.' }l - I: ■■ • - f '■ ■ : , ' Rochester. i'P r Vi ° US . ail Ailispc* :V<-C«3l. j 2:10-r.'71 ,3;30 p. 31. 1 f :J' 1 ; • ' l'.ois, x: m... •...n010 a. ». j adapted than any ot •iM Brijrl.’i" a Itp r. *. \ •■'■., J) ’ • 3,1 v ’ 1 -1; HI r.-it.—■.. Cpl ■-> r. st. ■■ w , . • [1 *,. ;r ’ i:V5t» p. pi It. 1 iVljichiile Jn use to.! ’i.-;!, j ■ ■ jfrOO' a. *. m. i } .• ]■' !| ■■'l kS , li:io *: £17.’ 2:20 p!' t ; cll |anges; and great ■■ 1 m. i‘. supi.JE. i>. •• f, • ;i" 1 " 1 !sejEviug rehuiretl in a ■ ; ■ j, "• j l '.- _ ■ \ Ifey will sew from < 3:5 i'V. »!■ ovall "ss Sale*. IT'') V- t.f' Sim;ary \vi its’of iLcvari Fticius IV. ( t L' * |l. -- . Kuc.iaH ami -Vemlil intii I'iSji iiyis. is- j tjf t UICknC.SSCS Ol Nl Cl nut r.i.ft’ Common Hcjls of i,be I* j • j [I . ' 1 \ ■iTiinniv f»! leaver ntid" to me directed. ’T .will* ",.L >■- t n;>-!p ■ r public snic ill tlie ShtirifTs-jofficc &fid ! iilu' ot i’eavlr. iu die enmity sifore* | ■ * f r ; ; : ' l!n ■ I -V ! . : . perfccl; or;from the<finest j Saturday.. Sept. 1864, e : \\ | i• J ; i t,fe f ,,,wm «igrjuze. ; 'tb| ’the' heaviest •boaver ' J .i the right.. th]b,. ami olajm or j > I . *; ’ •, . . idcii.-m.Tnt, of in jui'f.Moiw f..n;-wing .irsribed | cloth, witiibu* changin'? {he ’feed > r .t-r ty , 't Oi• : -AH that -certain farm or! F- j. - f X , . -.»! O • r . ’ 'iraol of-liiii.t silnaic* in, Xiirili ricnicWv | • !| | i•• . . I )•> ' -i.-p. lifavcr■ l’a , lioucdrdj on llio 1 lltedle Of tension, Of making any fmirrJi hv ]jin»J t-f M. Njpj and .Jof-eph f j _ *j ‘ * , i j ’ r . ' Tii.i/.tn, on tiic . t mu.h.l»v «iatirl t*f Ueiij. Kemi ! ir , /;■ j! »•' ! I 1 t i.,.,.. '.v-iiie, ml. ti.c o- es t .i, y fU,i « f j adjustment ofcmachme whatever! i'V.utihv cfmtnliiiirg one humlivd ;• i-'‘ i - j ! ; as ire > or‘ !c;Sd»; 74 of wli-icli 1 - j j ; • ‘ l ; v;-j ch-u'.'-l :;u I uhllor feii'j’Vhm which av« 1 ; t. ami. iv" t-litbie, trees 1 1 L r " t i :v.n>;r on lie / •*. I .tml if'kcnj In execution as the prop — ■in ‘Wvnj.; at tl>»i suit of jTliemas . -V' " / . : ALSO. 1 •i ‘.' timd am! place, all the.Hght !i.- aml-elajiiu ol uml '‘ tram, or piece |>f lam! sUiato i’u j‘ i:r pv* \y: t -1 o W (S,. i'.e.iVor; county. l-.A^nulr'i as fj» lows, wj/: ileiziniunjr at a |•north-west-corner 01-the tract. t!i'*uco o;‘ TJir/ja-ja .‘trallon, •iiM'-tli .V-*1 *; (jay;. I'll •' l*t ;c':*cJie° to a U..-:tc(v liy la:lal f»,nm:/iy of A-l mas. nor: h b* i , *n?t., lu»l perchc: to <i per l !: thence by lajiii TormorK* ,nf Uohr. ,111>], n ‘V , ’*; ,l t . v • v.-j .{ill l n perches ton I'.'*- .‘tneitee Uy hj cl J'oniserly oJ JoUafliarj .. iicyij 1 ■ ’> 1 pcri'liV s.. lo a Vgiuinjr/;. 1 r*t) i acre? •>{' ivhich :■ / ■'ij.i of ifuh i'val inti; i,b«roil, jun*l aUumler Iciici:. «» .u*.»uo P;n;r 't* 4 fiVt* uppm* *w nsc>l ns aMwi’-iinir'. am! vein of excel i)g ,:t portion of the near i:!.v I*. Ft. \\\ \ tj. CM’ *5 I uifhu: MEI nv.i. i'.-i in i*V m!jsqcc well nil ;1 vrvo mi Ijio ’"e n; ‘m *rv }’ li*. e<l \a>r Ijjtrs,? :U*m4 . ou::i U'JrV ■ft.' i; .. ,i- • k ■ m iwj n-* tin* pr«‘p ■l? t''‘lit i»f 'I;t"V M \\’\W -niT r comment ?jf !* ,r IMSV' C'-‘U'CU'ix oi* T <’ 1 JvpJ's ’ ALSh/ '* v ail *c ti-iiij! :mil ]»l4cr. Ail ri’iilM.Miilc, 3ii'Jiii.ii cbn.n ml’ «b; tV:!.d mt. of in-:in-1 fo iit'lo’.vin'r innujor tract! (iflanil situate in. 1 -townsbijfv-jM'jtyhf >county; I’eunr*.,' lu«>n<l-.>-!rnM,l ,]T:VTi|u‘*(i to wii; Ou i } ’ - übyllcm a* Warner. cm>j by Capiam Jui!' - *'. ll:n!'<.nn. Ibibt*yt Mackey; by V. illh:n • contain ■n* 1 cite brrn- t_ : . tr , 1 ••-r-1 neve*, tnub- \-X -ib-.m S.i 1 [ HE subscriber bn ring fitted, up a NEW fi'-Vts ed.‘on {Kvl.tcU =nre lc!ctic«i a - \o]z \■ 1 (} AUiEKV.. f in a.-nnat- S srle. wiili all . hon.-c- wii.b cp’iar aW Til H LATHST ! MENTS >:C «" ' iicpo=H r y for fin* FJN*e' PrC.TDRBS rt-v I ~[V' i 1 *tl ht . "‘W I :V.'v L ' ve 'l wn- ; or} all tepiK it riving aLA lUS fcl SKV-VJG HT c -[Y ■” a loc [ v, -‘ ! " °f:,! inn with SIDE l,l<( 111’. is now pre set.*- P •vTii'—l/r 'i H W /T ! P , 't rcd *«.a«*o[nm..t!ale aU vdib may faVov.Jtim ! ’ •,•’ »«p door of the dwel- wlib a call. »iiih- ■ ■uiti: li.»u::o. * .[ t ’ll * > • ! . i •-‘*‘••l a:.-l tnWctlj in erecution a- the prop- ■ of every size or style; «-y hf J.i.-jfi.'t suit of Jajneal |C.ARn,. V" ‘ ■ v of Ez ™ 'Pftttcreon, deb ! d. JLARGE SI&K PHOTOGRAPHS, * , ... 'j: y< " iA LrbU. ■ iI’LAIN PH UTOOKAPHSi At ii.esariu' tnnolnnd pHec. all the right, ti 7 fnOlollED PHOTtifiP ivilV: - K «*. .nton-s. and chiltn of defendant. of. in an,l £ OI * M ‘ bU 1 H P IOGI ‘ AII,S ’i ' .. l “ c <«Hi>«riag parcel of Jaut]. 4 -i tU a;c in Xe«e 4 ! H”* JDayiieifeotpye# *or t A'moroti/pM en v.i»*vick]y i A\riivbtp[ leaver couuiy, v i a., cou-T \ larqZd info jPhotofirar/hs. :** .a.nn,.v 2fi;acro S -.W fo«i boundeU £ A largo aliment of ' ■ . > an.l oescimed as-fli.low*. 1o ‘wit: . « T s o' „■• . • • t at a post, corner of lan.js of VHllii.m' \ri)on-f T’ K G«w Fp.ames '«jm lioggls I lienee by lan.l of Join} •’ • -Mways.on hand; and Tor 'sale low. oog;j«.- north , uvo| .legfeei wesl',- fo, iv-two C 4" 'vork winTanled superior to,(o any oth- a .po««, itie'nce l»y laud of .Tome? ' ''•n.connty, and. equal ioany indbe State. iacc. so.iiU hS.Vdeirees west, JOO perches t 'j l " eoiiyinced al tho ' j l^cbes^o iI I‘T ,i ’ sd t^ 3 ? eay ® r Galleiiy of Art, William MrßoLld. I lienee bytaW of j f' ’STORE, ’ ■ • ... . Jim.; lJ: i AT'Dowald, ii'-.Hh BS.J- easij L'l -ft'iv dooi;s \bdow the Rational Hotel. 1 • w pn-clics (o n pj, st jia'd pin* oriicgi'nniiig! jO. Gr JFt T-Tofl*' T IV ;' "Si." S"S|7ZiS" »liS 1 1 N~n..'i!2oj' ~ riioTocimoi Atist * Ay; au orcbnrd of, fmp-fruiM r,*r.s. *Y\u. * . t ® aduimlstraiion on !llld lu "ec->u ciecuiiun as the prop- I, '*X.- eslate. of Ciias. M. Stkwakt, ■J of Jain-;, Logan, ai the suit of William 1 i J” i 1 * 11 , I ;'*®-. Denver conniy. lenn'a., ■°T - j : " ' 1 ... j decked, the «n -ri>s^°' I,u cl ' s< i vs 'V' l that 10 per I^. a P crs Q ns indebted: to said estate • . »n. m all jmmiujtg tfl'ilieir bids will here-1 if® . mok « immcdiateipaynlont. and fe-.Tr 4'V>idi,>under,S.-.0 will be 2“^V Y,n S^ tt >J?s '■-gainst wlllpre, liir ." j at the time of the. saio. lf sent! tliem. properly .autbentieajed l fdtf -taettle ,!r^^'^^-soßM>'' CO ' ni,flea - wi,h tbc j- 'i> :"Ta *D. ■fflj.MCAKb,.y : - u : omiT* 4 LBI,L^ Sh ' ■' ' I>eiVr . A •• , -r*' ; ■• - t ■ A JS- I’.j i IWal lif t for Sept Term, 1864. -- , .. • |:- '2d MONDAY, j . ~ . ANDRSW. W WK a V •• • CentalW. Wf.jva.lf, . . Commonwea, ‘.‘John Duff* Executor 1 1 OUNEY-' AT I AW-1 J^hn MollenJ;. ' .> “'Jqs. Ammori. ct al ' • I ■ - ' . A yy* Alfred Cambell,. ilehectfaCampbaUn ad. ot^ ! lh - l K £ n, PESXA. I ; I;P. Kizer& wife, \Vm. Wtflsh, et al - F . Flc l- in fho « n „n i ■ ' i'William Hays “0. W. .Sill, , jj I', uth . crn e*tMmuyjof tbe jLukeiiA &BMaaß. , *» OhrUnglbn\t Ech’ph. ; [»ug3l C4il‘> | vm. : . M.WIsrAFDj V>*T - ~-~i 1 >3: iV;-. * - * '. ' }''yA . .’n ? ' ■ \ ’ i Vol, .• ‘t r-f - f ~ ■ .'-"4 -4=o Hit: R i i'SEW KG MAC The Best, Machi Most Jle ne Now t. i Machines alikjp' bli ss than ;ha j,hat the, si d ioop-stiU 11. Stitch, uck, PI I ■ • i etci^ \ Vi, -j ' i - : }t Has. the folio win 2 advatrla (■if .! A’ ■ ■ ' ii- " - A;- i"gek oyer, all machines:, f . i . h f v ' .■' ’•* , , ; par i greater variety of work; : ■ ' \ • i’ [-'• • ■he iuty arfU excellence of ,stitch; i v , s-pjtsed i am! quietness of I motion; -■ '■ ' ’ •. jsnfhplifcityj.of. construction; ease .rrtini.agiem’eiit aiijii design; and finish ■j'rlifeso are peculiar facts, am! =I will go fat to determine the icljoi.cei of |an iutelligerU. buyer ■ , '! ' •]. ---Please call ai.d examine IT. pPEIRSOL 3 PA., 1 J I) KAY HR, auglT] Solo Ag’tfor Beaver co. j OPENED. tCtt’,'' '"• , ,nk/^ i ‘ ! ;' ,',. .•••’ ~j/ ■•■ ■.■•iiir-iv' «f' if -' '~f*' /•:■•=;'.■■ .-: ..-.V-.-*- ■- T".,..:. '" " 1 '.!■' |.v« : : ;3Es]ba Uiny .AB.r p ' „ fil** vgn. : d6fmih& > .ejr ’ ur cam^CTMtyiMtJ 0 arly,; statement x»£ JS ank of ;iL w ßeja.srei;Couatyl:;: f. ; s , ; , K*ir. Bmpflros, And fSO, IBM,, |; . 1 BESOCnCKS,I.'T |1 ' Notes an|d bills discounted,'ictiTo's6o,sso 3l Bsini tipkler prpte4t^Vi;;J;,;^.Vd;iV.U\ ! L 'lOO Op' U. Sj6 percent. oonppnbon<i*;..;...Ll2o,ooo Op U. 8. 6 per ce4t; treas, n0te5......,,, 36,060 Op i Curietit Eipcnaea„.....>;............1. : 466 92 : ‘ Furpilure and olßce fi,i;tureg.,.'.. ; .[; 1,908 95' B'ue'|frtto ; other 44,805 36. Notes sn 1 ebooks of otherbanks atjd ’ ' : -' ( |. ; ! XTJ S;- fl'reasurjr : ndt05. ; ..J....;,.ii. 87,023 ‘-W tCpid in Tau1t,,...8,508:9b- , o lj^i. WILON'B r t hinles. ileSewing tse! make the Capital! Kotes ii Due clcp Ductile ( Cuming) Pividen) Piofiiß.n both /sides,- f the thread ogle v>i; clou ;h M&chjnes . I cert i I correct :t and boll; . Affirm i day of A i Hem, Fell, it, Gather, all without i • ' ; > d are better The S that nub Treasury bbe rate principa fulmon These tibn of tl cent.„ g( •ban fir* their clh They wi Si (lit, S snbscrip mull iplo The b her • >■ -he frequent variety of fant ily; or jne’ to twen- ■seilleswiih- make every i , by the T of a bl] officcr-wi dcdiiclip' from t b e Sgeci; a higher the ib**.! . pays ns -that it ,i dimu ofi «thing hot , govcvpm f payahife I -*II is g'< perniahe he iiold f I accitmul: ' rity with : Cof\vcrfth ”■ In mW • ihej noh i coxiyersn elegance o! , ' 1 '• ' pcrjanni: j is not le< j fore ih.c j S. Stool; be seen : thejprcsi per cent j Ilf Vxcn 1 a; cmltnera j all\boh(U jiOr! the afioul tv the; rate count rv i It is.ii indue ci 1 goyernn ness, th or koitk ■ / r . , , ...... # ' tTABIiITttS. - 1 't 1 oinmlatipn,...,r;7SO 152,881 'oiomonwealth 12,189 tut 5,8(13 If* UDpßi<l.‘.v..V.L.... < '1,086 nil eirijlngß.-.;i.,.:i> . 0,800 ■ . $305,408 fy {hnt tbe'abffvc statement i ecording tblba bestjbtmyt if." TJpwannllooMv 5d and subscribed before inc ug. A. D.18G4. ; ii. b. beise: . 7 30JaO. tt; cmary of the Treasury, igi icriptionp will bo received fi Notes, payable -throe, years i, 1504,. with' se ini-annual I of 7 3-10lhs per cent, per and interest'both to bejiai fy ■ notes wilt be convertible a ie‘ holder at ' maturity, ipt Id bearing bonds, ; payable tier tnloro than t Verity yt tc," as the Government nia I-bc issued in' dcnomlnjtibt 100,- $l,OOO and so,ooltj an ions nuist be for fifty dollar jf finy'doilarsi ites will tie transmitted to tl raiifpbrtalien charges as s pt of (jbe original Certifical bey can be prepared, notes draw interest from .1 making deposits subsequet free of Iberoje posip ns| Asblf persons date mu t pay interest accrued o datejdf deposit." of nolje Ibi ri ii s deposbing twenty-five.,' :nd upwards for these no will bei allowed a commissir dollars one time f one per cent.-, which wi •easury Department upon : tl< for.the amount, certified i i!t, whom, the deposit was-nt is 4V>r commissions must [ deposits. •, ' !' ’■; ■ 5 of this Xqani Bank offering rate <;f inlcrea, than nny other, anil j cenriiyX savings bar k whiolj depositors in LV S. Notes, consider! I faying in Ute best circulating met he country, and it can : oi nay in nnj er, for its. own assets five {either ill or bundf j fr is mt, seemnios or iu . notes n government money. liially convenient as & tern t investment. The nmssci >r within a fraction of theii !«d inim-orited. and tjie , Vatiks [as collateral! for diJcouiits, !' into a Six per ml. 5-20 cjoH Hindi jit ion to the very liberal' interest ort U for three years, this privilege of n is now. worth about three! per centf m. for the current rate for d-tidllondi « than nine per ernt, p/rm/unt/aml bet' var the'prcxuium on six per cent. Ui ! was over twenty per cent. It will hat thoja’ctua! profit fln this al ■nt market rale, is not lest than, tciij per annum. ■ . ; >lion/Tom Slate or Municipal Turaliou- Ule from all the advantage:i we Uuv| ted, a special Act otCongresa exempt) and ' Treajunj nuln/roni local taxauurii average,' this exemption is Worth o per cent, per annum, acc of ta-xalion in various pari eljcvcd that no securities off* enfs to loaders as those issa ont. In »U other forms of > faith of ability of prival' companies; or separate con pledged'for payment, While of thejeountry is held to’-i ;e of allj the obligations of t only, sa' prejpert; discliari States. Wale the government offers (Jiff era! teims for| its .loans, it ■ be)i the vcijr strongest appeal' will loyalty m<l patriotism of the people :ate. certificates will bo jssi deposits,, The party depositing .niii upon th s original certificate the den ; of hotc! required, and whetherthey issued i n blanfe payable to ordci il must be loft tyith the i ceiiing ‘he deposit, to be forwardi Treasury Department. ... • |yibs< riptions receivedby 1 ut-er of the United States, at Whshiii several Assistant Treasurers and. t l>o|tosit tries, and: by the', : . . Fifat National Bank of Pit isbupgli, Tbird .National Bank of Piftsbupgh, ./}• iSD PY AIiL^ATIOKAX. RANKS . 5 whicli are depositaries of Public raoney.ank a,I S 1 - ~; ! i- RESPECTAPpE .BUNKS, AND "BANI&RS tltf ongHput the; country will giro fUyi her infor mation tndi..-:. 'l' i *ug.l[7. , 6.4r—inside 3m. ~. ~ tt :.\ • Estate 6f|fethew6iliaand,dec’d^ "I jfETTEUS of' administration on tjbd estate JLi of ,M_. Gillilano, late of New Brighton borough, Beaver co., dee’d„ Rkvinj been’ U sued Id the. undersigned, nirpersoiS indebted are required toi make immdiate payment, and' th«|se having ,claima will present! them, prop, erlj authenticated for. settlement. I • * ’ " New Brighton:; j ! - 1 j.ii ■* 7 NEW M Hit TARY BILL.' aappijcsj, .storeadr w»i at '.•"‘’o'" s ‘ u /TWj??-*?-;!' 7 -- 7- ■ : ’-V V-S- -- 5 -'! 1 ‘ i '[otheriinilKtary stores shaft be' Ipaidf until whichJsuchapWifeaudn shall be beard, '•■ ; ' ;'wbs' n w : 'military-.billin [reference; to. "go 1 certified ’and' approved; theiirisTCctiprs and to notify' said board when they cijrjT' frS&^^-r-''' organization of tlid .militia has ,pateed J so appointed shat reach Irtceivh'j. fivV del- wU i>® to bear Bnuhiappli-. W&f ca^° n - ,«i, .' . , 7-iv .%.|the Governro viz* < ' ployed in the discharge; of their .duties’, That all7lhqr duties in refer me&tb Valley vie * SUPALI MENS td the art fnr^’’thJ-andshall severaUy be, sworn or affirmed tb eon Tollmen t Shall be performed:: as ' AI nfflitiltbf nf^PrOEided,That ithe ’Quartermaster Gen- supplement, and that the physibian so feiAjW* • > appointed to hep. .and d<£i&; jt^ap-: Sblkft ”7one j;:- 1 ?®’””; .ibori : • 6 r 7j| jto obtain the supplies, ordnance/ and ord- for. each and, every day so. employed Vi; **.■ ™ 7 •Be it * : h>i '#*»■! nhuce Stores! or other military! stores,'{'! or tbbsiimothveraollars.-and the bounty. I ‘A F«i r> -1 and Siiiisi of' Bmfesenhiwet of ’. ; «hyii?wt thereof mentioned ih. this section,' °n ci ty.<&rnmisK|onerB thesum Of [tfireeX s hrpAhsM Lm ; AedJnited States GoVemffieut i piiy-' diem, to'hbpiid of vtheU *1 Aismbtv met 'and P ricc * Stato‘Tre^ryt r , -.- : :,.o- ■, L: -7 w „ f Ji. - ,f- ;thh(Governor and State TreaaiirL he haye ppwer^to tuority. to.-. make and.eniOrce ali or to Berrvville PccMaary, derA.which tnky j ia^hfijnd^ihehVbe 4 Aefe3t& o¥tl^ 1 aud *ierehot to, affiertlae ent^ whfchcJS nt 6Uie-m^'af buWhbd!^? l^^^ I£E wost-expedfew. Ibr^lhed4^ M o f ;the^¥^^^^ ; actual,cas i, th.s |ommonwea|th,; - r ■ All the While •• : hereby dntbOri zed ' ipablp • • belonging. fO'the^ nardSto yftito* S‘ to Vganiaof St^the-p^s.dr but keeping very j annually .in: the citv otHiiladelnhia 1 to called tl e ,n t« tbelstpte-treasury, and Jap mpmingj the 2S our w bich certificates of loan 1 !’S f aW.t*fii»rd.’ to| be ct mposeit of fifteen doelnejd neceaSary- ;byi|the, ’ ! l .V e 4,PP^ ie .'¥ shall ndf be subject K ta State M- lodal t-i-r re S’ t j len is,' 'h J dne ‘f ropotion! ot’ edv- Oobthapdeij: .In Cbiol;; iq. addilionlto ready the to gcneral done roe w^ l^r !^ n *' 1 shall be reimbursable ’teJn-'jft'' P o| itipn deemed rie- ward|i the pitKchaso of; ordnance iind rclimeiits shall qW drdnuneestfe f. ' - .. 5f ,;j; Jtemt B.) lMvisianii feyethtjyhdek n BBj n 60 ro J. P( il ; •,; y?,«V.b’*. *>? composed of .like? number, Sec. 10. .That j wherq , thb^-brigade;,- over thej mucli^thereof 1 as^^',mir jae uecessarv xiiall he ai med'And ?c[nij)pAd, 'cloth'- fohd tQ ; there thpy had a mq. t'T^'lie-ah^Uid f - lt -‘ > ' gpvbrned ::and paid p'ai* the•' aVprovideii hy.dib were compelled to fc, but hpf; !»• •the cxtx^BeswhiiSP mW V ■ ,n qctuill} service, as • simnlar’ third action of ihe this ’•*. fop?- we had. gireq ;Sbgn ar-cqnsfdem.v t jJJ }*t troops In; the : hLiW ot thd-UnitbU «? > supple'mOn ■; the said Sssr 3 , ble quality ,#.Uj aqd Wn:;j Our X ! shaft |b(i enlisted;, hi tire SWH be p. id several citied lament her^imadejtmoqu ted charge on b on d‘Jha’ll be iWd fi.t W lil t*! ° f ; service-of the Slate for a not - »«f* wnntiek in 'which?sneb| assoss a'Brig.xde Ofiriahdf comlnamJ^K^^l^t' l '^^l««t.- - ■L^P?|V ! Jl r, '!dischqrged, shat.’he: liable <- th he ';l very heavy both ■We v , l 'a"cd into ihejsOrvilo of this 'State, -i Are fehey; Traitors' ?.- i. - li -?S f lh * Dertdferaiic mbii.;, SiicpardUti. '■ fetchifigfup pawned ’Passing repi^lling in jcx|ellcnt standiilg with the.limny.— ili-'l *. 3 ha f ! Major General Lind BiigadicrGencr- •g«vd-:Val.'.yil^|bsotut - e,yenc^iridn yisioiu I, We wemJMn‘;<wlered ..hp>;to'l 7 1 ;, Q ! c 'y r y? U i- r f' : als. liiufall regimen al.and 'company A short, time .a® a parcel of hiikesof rfiakc a nioUntedisJl»;chaige tii .a iW n °.®?® 5 |9?fP.K. %.shall be citizens •of this Coin- arms arid ammunition, Tdesigned ■ feir #««.-# 4 -&n. sL;#: loimd that we wdqracbargmg a massed f- . immcaiqteijj rcpnirca, or it Uon3 pi the said corps aa.l lie „,J S k 7 r L /i 7 , • force of InfancyMeWbods; and i'werfa "^ 3^ f “u^“ t 0 i"to actual sen'cc, .hall Impup- *f} ,n : terca P tc<1 r **: Gojrerti^f..; obliged o fall-.&SWhfchwe did; after l hmnhhe proeepds ; of the per- plied and proyidq d .will. ! ordnance !’ ««th° r , the ofwh'ich going directly up, Our loss jn this ;" , S Z uu , l ° rlzl : , . store's, as provijlcd'lih in" X h>'nct, dfut fo‘! to t h;o ■ implicalSon of ‘Mr. IrpOr charge was hotß'eOCatl©: was looked for ’, ‘' E . m! ', tb « bondsorefftificates of,, when not called- into actual! service. hoC-s. ; arid upon «i‘e : examination bfliia’ by all. ,;Wo howxlhack on the Harper’s ,oa " f under the of tins such; supplies. Ordnance ami | ordnance -„ a U B lh b followin-t leuers ;l withnm : i' Ferry rbad. fighliiAconatantly uatif w e : act> .^ a \ «N-Governor "nd , stotes shall be hntii niqulr- J.,,®' fiZ 7'f 1 i ami,foiiihd;theirb^fiadeeased.itheiirpur- Andjtoi‘-fecq«pl j; «orrep i t:'. ac-< ;= Snchf. The the Coin "!' - suit...i unrt bn.vp ■ pnratc..registry yt the, sinuo phaU be kept mooweaiih is horet r authorized Ho i A/y Dear Neoheii-i ] remained proyido 1 the Hcccßsirr hbtpitah V* ‘We'.ry ihtHyoii to yesterday. Oompnuv 4 lost ih wounded ?*? ,i e ®. 0 I .*? . iangoqronts,eiiippa o ' iustrudlion. arms 1 100.000 men in readiness as five men,., namely:' Lt. , JafiW Potter,; e ,lal J J nake annual report itSerc«sf .to An; ana at-eouirements.gaiTkunianii hampi hoy; soon/ we may war amt taken David: L, ;f ,s >r "W h prehy eqnippagp, ■iran'sptT-tal'ioii* I .and ‘ rill 1 t. !: [Signe ( y ,: ,( J. Ua Stone, tikenprisoner; Corporal 4. Hart- iil 1 ,l)rlzef .°- raw aarraqts.p •, the State things r,oeessai|y for the sirnting’ahtl "Aaprcssed ■ on 1 *hq enve! fort, rebn Mceullougl,; w.. "t*' fI" ! 6.1 -iv.roiu terhouse,..wounded 'i : pay ;ue properyxpensra i ipciuint to tm- subsistence when in so.rviee, quarter-! ./i V- r' F" ' ... ft is currently reported here, that the ° E f jd’rebaration piaster’s coidmi-sary and. ordniin.c'o _J 7 . xniA\ July rehs arej!crossing,,:but what truth there is “ th * T’! 18^(.•‘“rtijicapw -Pt. .ban_ hq-■ sioros of the sahi Peniisylvania Suite -M VeAt 1-oorhees: -j ( in it wo arc not able to learn. ’• ' : ••' ■ f“®JJ*ed. fo.bcussued liy: : thinj act. land .Guard, and ' to! 'make and adopt ail.. - -J'Skonld like‘;td-;fehe We have dniwn sufiplies, amunitim.,. ?iU<i ,yal 7 ell J S ’ ,lall ,JC Pjudtyutnof .any _ nhedful i tiles ahdNrogulations, tb take-;*s <>' thfi prbs ffie., and]arc now ready for anything that Ji. L O ji ‘ a ' nti 1,0, ‘ ;iOS arliU- ?o ithat T-.nifiy -have s may tad. up. •< . ' ' tours, &c. ".I '•>. P o *. 3 * r . hftt . l “;Tj“ bft and ie , lery Iscrvice, tor winch fall eomponsa r u ß^ n v Do yon think ■ ' ■ ■ i i? SOLDIER I i?B|»ewby > .wnth:the -lions-shail be ma-lfe Ivithih kik months iK j4 >n '‘ ,CCB ‘ chough ’to ' ''. ) : 1 . : V- •. • . : consent ot tlie Senate, WappWnf it after the taking of and the 1 bay, and lit ”7 . ' r !_; iPcfciif person of milimfyHdniiatipn, ex- persons liy whom thl> ' r sainei shall -be.7cif n i.tioU| of Ihbif-' in List of Jurors for S.ept'. Sessions: perierice and skill to havci.cbiktiiand of all. L.kelu skill oxJi ihiti lit liie owner there- i Diiiebln’s army. <• H f ...' • .-the militia forces of. PcnnsylVsuiia' to be iiqfhiis authority for Wfizur- , a ,i ( l sli-di ! har)o • t commencing MONDAY THE Uth., -railed under the provisinjis jof i this act, at tlio lirho'give Id it lie owner’ a eers i wb i ich 1 b .Ave ,no(t., to enab 1 j .i : , t . ; ,:; with the. rankjnf . Glffiral ■.• who,., lifieatu.stating of hor-es ' fo, ’i n sotnesOpinidd-li lies -... ] ‘■ nA! ' u Jckors: J., ’ 1 Willie in actual semee,fhall be.entitled to taken, and the time- ' when' aiul\ bV I : CSignbd,-]’ -; ;. | Xij ■ Greene: JII Delhi, (Por'eniatl..') : , ; the pay niid emilaments of a niujor gener- win,ml am! the service for which ibe! [Di;n’gham is .the Sr ale . I‘oehester bor: J J Andersoni Ged F al in the IjJnitwl States; ,aqd he shall haVe same are rripiired, and 1 stnrhseppiids : • (Hjoiilk evidence -e : Lukcnsji -. . ~ autltontyj in manner as, afordsaid,' to ap- .as in- hisjudgment hdiieceV-a.VN ft! i 7 .1 1 .‘ , . Bridgbwator: Jas. Arbuekic; ‘v, point two persons of like nhajtd railroiidskiid' 1 other i' i T ! '- y T'-.S 1 ' Hanover; -Moore . 'Bigger, ! dldb(jrt'': tioxj esperienpe and skill,-io |>c brigadier means ol transportation :,s thcexi>-cri- :S 'A\! '' V '° * “ ,>irb !'-fr e fti as Cduley;; ,-i .; ,j. t'i IcnCrals, \vho,|:whilc in actual .service, cics pf the case! inayjdema'nd. ° ! 'of tho. VAHantfigham- Gcduojray: -Jacob BreUensteiii, John shall be entitled to the pay iaud uinolii- / Sec. 7. The Governor ,of the Com- Democracy ? Can /any bnt U! i- 7, ' i 7i : ■•' • 8a “? H n h :i0 ls alsoUjoyolfy aiithorizpd'j spai-k^"of patriotism j ivhb • Glasgpw: 1 Milton Brown; ~ j army ot the. j United State?; , 1 rovided. and cmn.owercd to. cause to ihe made : miiU nP'i»»«i],T» • k ;-' ' Xmy Brighton:. Samuel. Coitus; L , .howeycr, That such geiicrii! shall ar. ilhmodiato eiirollincji.t and dassi j'Murion: Jereihmli PHshpr;.; j ' qot bejappoihtdd or assigned ;to duty; by ticauidn.ot the militia of! the ' 'v'-h 'r . led Jjy such . Borough ip: C A Gridin; ‘Saniuoil .the Cdmiuander in-Chief,except yrheh the’ wealth; and itihalli jiboi his duty to i ? Ills nptfthe posil iiunisey; ■ [ , - - force herein provided for shall .aivc been . call and keep in service, lorigHis he j ly-indcfensiulp— pdsitiyely' i New Sowickly; John HesSpii; ..IJpb’t, called? in to ilcluali service ia sufficient mayj’deoni from ’the- body blelwiili an\\.r!neinle ohnat Mclvoo; j t )'. - .1 1 ; strength to reqture such; officers. ■ i ~ ot tlie said militia, dtj gheb- 'i„i 7. V ' Georgetown;.David Hamilton; 1 Sfip. 4. ThatiwdiCneyba .Bip ; military. tion|.of the Commonivealtli as lie inay i" t, 7?“' \.® a PP?p! in-eedjam lior: Oliver llaniilthu; . j force provided for in this q<« shall be call- deem necessary, the safd Pehnsytvak. I S oO M sense pnd capable of . ; Chippewa.! Androvv iM’Gaffick; 1 ed into service by- the■ Gdveiniijnri °f the ia Stula Giiartl, hjf volnhterit.a- 0 r 1 tbo |j!. T'erwoping powers.. ;. T; David-,;llcbd, Thus Commonwealth,it shall of the draft.- Prorhto/, That. anv ..persbii''' r ~ Star.ujsli' Janies White; . Adjutant General to ; up'tily>ip ijrritlng.tbe-. who 'niay be deemed by tho“ board,of : PbiUipsurgh; Dqniel B Weigle; Quarter-master General qud|Cpmraissary exafnination able td do military duty Big,Beaver: Geo M \ r ouiigj -! ; > General of the point or pointy jvlierc tile may !b"e received ah yolunfcei’s m the Franklin:‘Danicll.Stamm. ! men niy to Tenwzyonkwithjtlie number, regiments provided to bo .liaised ■by as nyar as may be,pnd said bfficer shall act'without relcfenco to ' ago, advertisei for prhpqtiafa of sup-; Sec. S. That, it practicair Innlii the plying to the Commonw-^tli 1 ; such Supl time [fixed by law for making the en plies, Cjrdnahce, ordnance as 'may : roilirient of tlie militia of'the Com be necessary for funnshingij t|ie troops : morhivealih, the Govern me n[. is, anth aforesaid,hs ard provided by the laws of the ' Prized and empowered to 01 ganizo tbo regulations oftitkpiitcd States, said pro- militia force authorized by This act On posals to be directed to thej,said Gommia- the basis'of tho enrollment [-made in' sary Genial. and, Qum-tt-rmakfer Gen-, the several districts; of the Stale by Wal respectively, ai\d to bp opened lifter tlie enrolling officer of-, thoi' General ■fiye day’s notice, and the cenjrhcts fp he Government,; biit if praotipahle the awarded to the ow-est bidderby’the,proper Governor is hereby directed; to eaiiso officer inviting said proposaiihjand ade- ar. immediate oijirollnient of, tlin tiiiii qiiate jauntyHo be taken fuf the faithful. tia of tbo Commonwealth, to [bo made of the contract| before [.the .as provided for in the actiivhich this sanie ahd said officers'shall; S'hpplemcnt. .• 7\ 7 pUblisli and kbep du file |in| ljhe|r several '■ That wbeh[assessors refuse or fiog departmerits for public inspection; a list j lect to enter.upon the perrormance of ofajl proposals offered, including those re- tho Unties of enrolling the-citizens of jected hs well as those and | be-; their respective districts, for- a period forh the,aceeptamceof any | supplies, prfi- of five .days 'arldr.l being mkified of nance stored, dr other military stores of their duty, the,governor shall appoint .any kind whatsoever purchasdd pnon ion- a competent person or persons ’to tract as herein-provided/. It^jshMlbe| the-make ihe enrollment;' duty.of the QiiartennaSter [Generali, or!, It shall beTbp duty of Ihe /Gdvoi*- i CommissaryjGiperal, aathd;puse may be," nor to appoi (,t coatpetent citizen in C.onnectidu with the Andhor, General' in each county'; who sbalf be a.physi ! and State Treasurer, to,appointfrdin time eiain, who, in conncctior. with the 1 to time, df radro diSidtefJ ,;-hbantjp; ; !<NTftnn^!o'rii£i > s,'hr'^ Iqstedand competent inspectors! familiar, sioheirs, Bhall conatituto a' bo^rdj' threa | with fpe value 1 and. quality [of. Ithe sup- [of. whom, the, physician being : ouey plie.s,[prdniuice, orani^icq:;Bto^j' i a/quhrnm, ,yilh, hpwor. io military stores so co f ntracteid ) fpjr, whoso ,w’hp, r are exempt IfrotitFeii' duty itsballbe to exhniihe apd'pccent act,andtfro-aettp reject die same, and if (iecepted|td give uipyhich itA-t a 1 Supplement; And' if shall certificate.thereof, tfttheicontraotornip veii-' po the duty ;df the'e'nf6'llinp offlcer ;n ,dbr; and no bill rendered for any ,»nch ff've iintic-e, by publication in a nc -I■’ * i' '' ■ •- 7' I - ■ ’■ .l-V : ' )5,46l ; 1 »■ : -J 00 ■ 00; -1 81. 83 .■ ■; 85 ■' BT-,, 95". ■' l ijSi-,v id. w true aha ihbwlMM i, tbW ; «s i resaqticp c r Coupon i fromiAu -1 al imium,—- id ia'lpwf t the opi >■ rx “per not less Attf ffOUl r elect.-rr s of Ssf), 1 all nubr or,some ie owners obn after ea of De?- Ugust lf)| t Lb that froindat? thousand ea at any n of'one* I bo paid o receipt iop by the ade.; 'Ni| be made iporary or lon-alwayj r-J'iicc »n<) )>esf Rcpui irding to Is of th^ r ?o trrcat indcbted- ; forties, mtmit tes, the whole ecure the ne United most. lib. 3 i ievcs that >e to the ••' 1 | ; ‘ PETIT • JUaOBJS: : . David JR Seoil, Arch’d Agnewj! ; j’i. , ;. ' -];■<' '> ■■ , .. . ’ •■'s eel for all >t endorse tminatioh are to Ke r ' When officer ed to tic Raccoon: Jam^s'^BruiJin; North Sewickly: jTolin Bdxtei*, Rich* monU ‘ 1 i.- j _f- V . ■ "$ rl cl gp\y a ter: Job n ABvo w n, ‘Sh ai;p iiemplull, Clias G Aloore; Econcjmy: ; Edmund Biown, .Reuben Hendrickson; ; . ; Darlington: Win, Barclay, John C Buff, T-.VT. Morse; , Moon; 1 G W Bciney; ', J ■ feow(ckly; Geo B Baker; Elijah Alfred T. . - Beavgr: Alex ylajrhe^.;' .Ohio: |Samuel Flsb’erj -; j- ' y South!, Beaver;, Win Gaileyi Moore Warrick; ,\ s --' , - -.” 1 ..•Marion; William^,Goekng; ,« Preodpm: Si mob Grim;! . 1 ! Brighton: ■ Samuel. Gibson, Peter Belsinger; :\y : V -[■;[• .. Fallstin: Hemy,’ [■ Samuel Kennedy, Jpjjaß[ fabler; „ 3 I: Hanover: Herify Kejffer-'iWm, Mc- Geo jttlller; :]: , Roeblf-tdrijp- Ahi(e.r P,'Lacock; ; ; Boroaglir t j>; DinVid . Jpn&h Platt; ! ~ v. Robertßouth;, • Industry: Sarriuel r; j ; .i ; '. !Now Brighton: JobnlTu sman. ' ' ‘il- the Troas igton, the. esignattjjd IINM ■ , |. ■ ■•' ip , - ■ ■ -'t\ ■'! j ..__ ;:. : 0 I'.'-O-I i - ~- , - f'l. =I 1 i~j+ i~ T jpi.' ■ .11. yV | . jt • • -.IE-18 tflishe MT^ißementfllnUrteiattbe-tab to t| W cents. A liberal' Amount made to yearly ' oirlbrng sd*ertigwaetit«, ! ■ to'sf»»x.vr ji^type Ineasmed as a sqnsre. ‘j • ;• » Special noti6e» 26 tpirotnt.' addition, to rog nlar iatea.i.t j _r •fl-pr ;Nr n ;,gf '-, ' l ' ‘Basinet - Marriagea andlieatlis, fetßgion*, Poligcnl and othep, ; Kptiei»jS'f a public A : ! 1 £**?*•*} •/ • .: ■■-• • Eli i* i - ,n T“ ** : • . Ifow Coin Maris per sonal aMearaucp; of, ■notjvbht&lftdex of hisdm r u eter.i ' Ilia ■ genic j J al -air expressed the - iuthori\y . wbjcb lie know so jhov\ jiff oxer-, jciso. )His light gray iiyes. kiridlW ea/ j subjects of interest. Ho Ivan I t:il 1; and- wojl formed.'. ilia complex— jionjwus fair ancTfrecklcdj andinclinooL Jto buddy. Trouble, soon tiroedl' nis ligljt hair gray], and at thirty years of age i.t was quite w.hifc. Moderato in food and siinpld in dreSa, terr peratb in language, bearing biniself. with opiu* teqqs aiid gentle''grA.vity, rcliglbrjs ■; Witjboul being a ■ formalist, r reprissiiig his jjrritablo temper wiih a lolly piety, lie the model ofaChrtaiiau-gob t.lenjan. The devout reference.' ot his successes to thtj Divine iavor^w.itH r which ho concludes the report of'bis fi/st voyage to the sovereigns of Can tildi is. Highly : characteristic irf tho man.—[Oiic'c a Week, { 'H i . v ; ; = , J^Proridonp^, tl. I', 4** t^kigy . jdred ■ and eighty -two eitizc bsJwhofie 'Tjprojwrty is assessed at ifSQ.OC fr . ■ * Amortg tho;i,aumber'i»r^/threo- ■ > who are tixed 1 for jover; bajf.airmilidqj; apdf^£t4>TCf> ' wdi o . are. taxed. foVovof a Quarter of a rni||ipn.' ’V 1 ' ' f '' <i "“ ' - fylknin Si; Loots h «»ki a lively dfti>.<e of’ terror-j ;Sov;on anccon<ia«i f .. lately | fro ip the East, escaped from ti ini;whichithoy bad been kept, ter| a three days’ search bad, not been recaptured. ~ 7 `~.~ ;.;~, --.rf lioin iUiat' >v«; dil- not' I tHetn.?' ' RDESTtf. >pe. Hoi). iate,‘ Ind; 1!, 'lil. . of-Is U)(i t lu;:S. )r j>rivalor Jpf* affairs, to irq’ fat h ; liuVji Ijlii; >l r i ion ioor» nflri fc'|)<'n ash I >fj in! oif.n a ri> t’ivmv/ i-t lli tIIHIIU f formation O Vl»Il lu ; .matters. MUfAJI.: , r of intj. j' niijwible ?. inrn6r/dr to .the do-r Yoorlioes Avith » jo! aid's a td operate »( man - .- ti s ion title r' / noompati tjb rnen bf xerbisihg rr :J K- lv^- ifef ia*-. ist-now. nporfed tejtWk andai* at lall' DB ft T :.MJk '^W