The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 31, 1864, Image 2

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! I': ,4
if -
«-' • i =9.
jgifcijgfrigC' • ~ *Phe idea Of Settee- .
jieofourbxcfikc|| i'-.Tbj# following frdm thto Richmond
llMlowibg : l&im xa Examiner, ono of organs <ff;the.
le-field: 1 ifcbel goyernment^buddelivers.itself
liand in jtaafflpa|ion. in Bomelpo-- as to rebel idea 6f peiice miu.
fff of our-'doiuWmcountry, exact keeping-.with all that' has goge,
fa. and Iky TdotidldgoiUei; inUi.gbt before on tbceame subject, and ought
K’iiarindnK 'dir is; rich to l^tidy.certain crtrlhern journifls of
I fi^iuirance.audlwßwith thd sprig the wickedness -of thejr- cogwdjjdy-*
sdd<ft|)Tjr thofe“ nfißes printing week after week fierco.dia
sound of fierce#] music anttftbd tribes against the Government ot the
idffed' itaWpa pißj Unhled Staley for not ekding tbd war
yWaadroTiß eaftkrwith by ih ?t eoiU!|usion,of,peacp, wh»e|i.tktJ
MOTi and -fills #';:kristlingjStill rcbelk are and in-ow
dlffln the'Si(u^|at?ir tier loisbow-spme shadow-iot-probaa-
L riinkto JtinisaPtflil bilitjr, they garbled
[1 are arraycd;l u #VsshoniiGod baa and untruthful extracts from rebel
ie in tbo samd lilfeneaa, wbpse na* papers; t The; lefistj-thk, peacidoving,
KV- .tiicjsanie if therojir,e any ( tbo.trulhrtyytPg
;fr 6fia —the iantelHiebrt biats, jourfialardu the: Nirth
f-e iti all. In iholmoraentaryrpusU,. pony the Examiner's paragraph onthe ]
i'ithl'liliarge, ritfesibe*; subject, and, for oncy let their readpra;
fi tberatmomprieff b knayrthe rebel idea of'-peagpr.'-.-.h.’;
bufdcou [Erpiy the 'l
|t,-3ijc^ii^ek;j^f^re^v s -, ■ A-j.' Lincoln .wants' a-peace‘on bis
'ij affiongst th’eiiflsrlontpray|rs— terms, so wp also! waiit. a peace'[is but,a mpm|^t,.wken;a|! : o ii ;pur«; and the ex*
laities art swept, ,ja>yav, . traipplexl! and destroy each other. ; It is
|icr v fooi, by,, ib|[ hpdj|..ibe :j nol.j'lhWcfore, the same peace that we
|:utipg r fbt'U: reni|l tb e j.desire; and the Word; itself bandied j
|!,lbe,simineribg|bomb plpugjha upil ahaat ; n tins ; way, loses all meaniiagfj
i:.ea£ib, the dbjif P? t,e >! -an'di'idgnifics litentlly notbiiig iit alLj
iron pail cuts tM.quivering|ne!ih, (j t jia«. become a ; halefut‘ word, and
r cannbu tbruhgn j Mf exclusively! to. thensC of
jl .raiilts, ..of ;lmokc j jj n g a id cralors .iri a neighboring Stale.
|;t. hides both pai||i : arid hoiivcu, thc,{ {y aby ~f that sort still" drivel ’and
f perato'istru'gglo'|;oes,'b,ii.: Ti]e day j snivel. Lut us gel rid of the whole
fees and thoi conflict tCciisifs;., .On •pf thendle cant, anil- say at'once we
ii side there is, viltoryior. 'thp|dthor breifor war; and nothingbut-war-nn
lleatjftbe, halls c| the triiifiipbunt til, | a s Uavis is said to have said, ‘Hhe
|y dr.c lighted: tide of this generation falls in khis
llacclumuliori j along her streets tratksV’ and then thnt^ 1 we meap to'
i[,ho jorgan from [its Igroari j pPsW itrto the next na an inheritance.
(Ij breast the ;pet|ls of thaliksgiviiu'j i| lbr those who have uivjusfjy and 1
jjut under alC,l||B yunrultuo|.us jdy j.witntoniy invaded pur country to offer
jhaarc and |incon-> j vs '|jeace; and when they'do they yfill
f able tears, whetfierin dofea!|od :or j t jn offer It in vain until their armed'
htorics lands,rtlieije is or-, ; , nell 'withdrawn from the. spd of
jannge and- widWlioodi a qbill of i ti ie -o Confoderute Stales, and the fel-
I’Oand death, thatMbrodpaSttUjonglv i OQ flag i>f stripes' is hauled down from
IjT the laud, iTh(|!niec|i: tpoop,ponies j e ve,.y.fort "our bordecs. After
i amilireaks ih(||lissigatitigiyeil of- ihjit’ft--will be 'lime enough to prate
I ebnflict, arid r<|ls its' calm||splon- j about peace Now, the" very word is
■r"'-above the dliid. See hUw:’tbe nonsense. . ' ‘ '- i "
rconeEs cf man’gi'passion, lljp folly ,- 4 — : —- i ' ;.
:his wickedness,mjisplayed ill those During a c-i-leOrntiori which' be
jols of -clotlpj.l b!|pd—that’ leptpriug ,-iiyred- in .Now York City during tho.
!ap of slain, mature never ; jnadu the life of NVashingtorthe General
I'ch Jinriors!,! Alp. When those fat- wps presen', end a Scotch.lyirse who'
|iing bohea-shtdlijavo long ihouldor- ha i c.npfo: a liulo hoy
|into dust, slut \fill'spread dut .lux* 1 to-eagoi-lr lift him-up thWho might!,
piant'LarveVlß toflJide thoip|fof.;vei 11 0 * k upon the Father if his Countryj,
.pin the siglitf / • *,'/ - ; j-Sha- wa^ not sathfieU' with thwhjpyffi^f
- —--j;—■'■" >. I:i' ever, an?l the next duv while outwalk.
J>o.\’t CupfAit — |T4inlevcr Pise ,vilb the .Child, she sa\V tlTeTGen*
*, or don't do, .do crouk. j Croak*.in a store, and darting in, ; sho ex
g j»n*i iho]iiatuisp|' c .j^ niv a % s .-iMeaso your ; Kxcc!]eiicy ’
Uii;< voices. ; Let .|hu birlltrpgs ami j i ; ,.i,. e ,'s. u bairn -that’s called a flip yc.’ ,
pporheads bavc^ ißrnonopolyt of it. j Wiar-hinyton iiiriie'd’ bis bcncVole'ir/
J sure you are nd |rue pijtriof, if yon , c ß |.|'fuiUpoa the lad. smiled,-laid hil
oakr true jpatr sas neverj c oak, ; j ’n-py,, tJ u , boy’s .bead and gay.i
katever happen* :|i . 1 hij> blcf.-ing In' after ylurs the boy,' want Pavj s • *'.»! ihlen.a distinguirdied man. used io say
'■os- >|v r lli'* >rtli, but j’i.m-a’ ..nM-fni p, inyijMijjill ll HUlli'iljif
tf.-cioaki-i '
.The boy was WasUr
ut ° . , * S'iiij'ion Irving, to whom, perhaps a** f
.■esi W. r'ght | j-,.|jst ut.ihal wo are i ml out-;
Hi- -I vt- .«-, •.“( " tl e "! : cd for the brt*t biography-of Georg if
'you 'vani |Gra|i|,- to faij to take; - m^ tou . Gj
icbmond!. and to|l|e whipped by. Lee,.: •*■—i ; —,, , L--
it doti-Uy-ay.l Vo|4j any fighting-" 3 m 1 fBt®-T- r oii.-Goo. S. Hilliard* a Don j’;
iber Mdb. wifi he 'tliv. b«|rat. who voted against Mr.-Lincoln!
iost. olUi-leaiV ai(l|j«u- pan j iij IWO* intend* to vote far, him. ita
■ford, ,\vith leasbfi hie slifcty to your'.,lSf6-4 -Ho was advertised \o spcallf
Toleskin. j" Sayi s.ohmnly!, with, a! at a recent McClellan meeting, buL
|ttg.facvJ<hht troll will sooiji he 800; ; tljtl- not make ins appearance on. t(, f.!
iVise pehple ;to .barred of sugar j stjuud. - LLs reason* may bo; ihforrjjl
| >foi‘b the price g|> ‘s'up cleir out of ! fijiml a remark- be snbsequ' & j
| ght; s’niflh|.'.ovci| dreadfultimcAj tpa-Tricnd. ‘After claiming to bo M-ufj
H hiclv are jui-t, :|l|c:id for [{ho;j;QgV, :i ',af iJtunocjaf. and to differ fifom
Pirn iip.-youf «fy.biM'ilh holy|<bdr ffliftttl' ;jijresent Administration, in certain tjb- :
Breens{i6ks,'Wd.j|f't intimate that spccivlve added: -;As the rebdla wept
five no! fee tpem jnfid by t&e , njt»t under, tbe present Administration •
iislicl for‘ r tji,o pr|ui ( f*.|Kj they shall, by the grace ot God, come
h- hbOri,;cfp’ak/e|c(tA-, ciioal;.! ]■ ! i|ack undtjr ill. Lshalljvole for Ab^tl
•RutifVyou ire ft St nib putjdotfif yVm ' hum Lincoln ’ will fie
al'ievetfi God; iffyou :\vani (tie conn- . eciaoeif by thousands ‘Of Du.imfcrtUs
~V to' succeed puUinc dojvn the who followed Douglas while ho-lived
belliosS if jim to dip your jiart, stilt cling to, the imperishable
aidingjili towaferj . tjiat glpr-i’utis tim pnnVipica of his stern patriotism. I
mtntifidnr— dbnftScrpakl j ! - i ! V 4
■! g— l4 — ft. - ..’ | >AVfc Tnt-i. Lnifoiims.+^Hc-hope
-Tbefejis; ijjtn's the Pilala'lelpjiia ■ ti ipe pf our soldiets will 1 part' w th
rcs4', iwl ofiarbr■ ot tjro Govern- the uniiformsoin wtiich thov fought (rr '
enl. ‘and vciyfaw nieb tit the army ic ijniun, upon any consideration i
votUoljit, thonvar I'ivbaiavef. The time will chine 'vlieii |
• nnnc|oBsarlly.]; The rebel j fhey will regard those did blue chajts
adyiß are! tbem.|glveis'piriitcd hccaase . pj. rct | caps aiid trovvaera, as the ebbie-1
10 North , does|i|ot bate: tb® South; • pst .ireaHitro., they possess, i It won'ld.;
icy are-afraid <|f| its iwigtianiipity. j M .» a proud tiling: for' : a fatiier.horyaf-I
nd dread the theii' follow- 40r.,t0’ my .to bis boy - or girl;-yfliat
ST6 -biiall ful’y to the great :4vnt,Was made by a bullet iii. front ot
act tb'it-tbo t' - a§ js «n(i .waged ; tp H : ftichlnond.” It will, boa» -precibits
pirlt ot Kalredg>’r . leaxe behind to tlioso wlio
’be whole county, jp UtC? is aroused i jo take our places.' Save the 13in
|rt'- the'. eo,hsciou|lf|esB lhaj| ;lhe yeryiff ur „ w _; they will hereafter he the best
of Stfio ijvur that, it i« ; ji|tti>s to hoivor'yand respect' a man dau
krgeM- in j ibe, iKl|e,rcst- otj peace, and ho-sscss —Hary Tel. .. . I ;
Ind-’tbat |hot,hii|jf w- so ttiuch desired jn - - T ~.- ~ ——t—i. . j
Sy'tbo -Adin i n i sfra lion asithe conclu- ; j A spirited, jiatriotia lady; in
lion ot thjs wai'pfiy the subinission ot jjillcliigan, who has lost oneaoti by feb
|ho Sou.tUlto jFor this end |el bullets, and'has thither :in -ihei itr
||he-National partyf-is niy, said, on reading that tliie assump
So sacrifice everything bgtprinciples,! Uoo iif'tho rebel wm, debt was one: of
Slid to discuss -alii peace ex • tho conditions of peace, that., she no
[fUpting those are hasod upon . ver a.cent of it! hut would
gtvtivision of th 4 (Republic'.' It is the j die in defence of-her propeirty before
K wh||i desires, and has jit should contribute to so! vile a’tax.
I y-j^tWer-to nflike, such a peace as|This lady (might changei«garments
I ! \ru® i \tncti c&ifld accept, it.ib the j with some' Copperhead, lo' lhe bcnof
I r sf the fcountry. of the masculine gender, j •j,
tv- Co*f •■' ■ -I -T'
E , 4 - is sts ted that af- AKfijmu UAPi*y;H.JL'brd By iop.
j vers® it joriXAtmtioiijßroyost Mar said: “Thtr finecbanics, mnd working--
j the threeluMjr^ c °Ucluded to re- men; who can maintain their families,
•Vp.aidjby parfifes relatibif to ale, id my opinion, the happiesthodj"
last JdDaertniK? oln,nut 'H' on - of men.. Poverty' is wfeiehcdtbss,
- shorfly to b^hroniulhi{H a^c^,^. lir ’ but even poverty is preferable to the
ail those w|£ paid ibo'S" l l ec ' B > on heartless, unmeaning dissipationof
Jof i three hlUred !dollar^ xe,n i >t t* l ® higher order.” Anoiher autbor
I'iolls.Bn Infoorlaht^ik^ 10 ! 3 ♦ ul bav ® no propensity to; eiivy
alike just it| its character nmf rCQ I an 3’ ono > least of all the rich atichgfeatj
ontia in itslMhdbncyJ ffx 'M..jand if I were, this weak
. : ~~ — — "H ;- 1 ne’ss, the subject ofmy enyy’"would bo
■ nrr|o • i bcaltby young tnan. going forth in
■ tytt&bulM. (rhi/n/,, ■ J pi morning’to - work lor his wife land
' I } D ‘ ° r bri D « homo w H e f ut
i!v i .
i U p,isio|o6 set
do i 'a t
' i : ' • t b
Besl heavy draft*
2d besi ' do
, 'Beat do sr hl°4 - d 9 'SDO I A niai .' <W*-, ' ! ■, M
kSdbest-i.V do ii 1 j tr yrB, “ ndu P 3 t)o| cr y nne daj*. W; our general deliv
irSest ,: do /l-l d» ]i., : d ,° 2 j moment to be fi 1 happened jorthe
» ; ‘ J( M >eB V. -do ®'„. <j o L f r *ed up 3 00j the office. Jfo S J^ ed elsewhere in
1 ;fn»B.’win nlu 0 (?‘-°PM »o tUwii&fcN 1 loudly I
t «M 0 ?L *lir ““ P«*4? |!R do< T SaV T'f
s' Irr . [ i ; - , , » ■ ? vvihoih.
1,. - V :..|| - j;■ . \'. ‘ 'j M t- s|: ,-r
• - ,. .griiiol4l - 0 . 4 t
22d, ot
HAJtafy«]gtid £ -yfiarB t aiid:-& ntontb
ap&’onAtje 25tt ,of inflaqiatioivofll
Er,Lii!i agea>B -months an&j
dab*, cpildrefl- and Hd
Itjepa Sefrickt^pE
' ■ i ■fc- 1 —‘i I' 1 '
; j^ : ANDREW- W f WRAY, [v -;L
Attorney at la\v|.
iTVFFICE in the Southern extremity pt,the
\j; HpteC : ; [aug3l’64:ly.
I; gTBAY';s»ee;p,
td»p premises .of, the auUctibier,, in
tp.,' county, about ,t to
l4lh of iAuguKtji&ve sheep—l wether; 1 ewe,
ind 3 Jamba, ' H on.onepidejpsbhfhr
Otoppcd, a hole, ih' the right ear, shorftails.
Hie 1 owner ii’ Requested 1 to , come forward,
prove property* and laketbem
away, otherwise they will be disposed of «c
-iordiurto law.] V ‘ ' (’*’ ,i •• i ■
aug29.’64 I};= . JOItNHABTLIHG.
r[E undersigned will offer at* public sile,
ott -| i]:.;: ■ .f "4 ■-
*-J Thursday, Sept; 15th,
;he. personal Effects of s)ohn ImhHe, -3ao’ L>
tit ihia. late residenob in Big Bcavpr township,
vii:' HoWes; Siilk Cows, - one yoke Oxen, font
ycars told; young Cal tlo, Bheep, iHog*, \!i g
' diis, Buggy, three seta of Harness, Grain it
the :IIay;-Fanhlng 'Hou >c
hold and, Kitchen furniture, &c.! ’
i Bft-Tcrms made known on day of robe^
i Q., d; LI IMBRIE.
-j. ’, L? ' • 'B. S,IMBKIE,
| sngSX’Od- | ,; r>i ; . i Administrators^
SAX.B j *
■tt TVILL otiose to public sale., at tbeFAH
|i GitOUNLS, pear Beaver, on ; "! '.l ’
fT FRIOAV.SEPT. 2od,j 1/ -L
(the last day of the Bcavdr County Fair,) jlhi
following vai uablg Stock, vis: 1 I
V One MAL'i’ESE JACK,,known to beagoo
breeder, 8 years', oUs Two JACK CjDLTo,
years old, audljWO JACK COLTb, 1 year pj l
'bred from ~MALTEH^
RENNETS; two gP.
old; 1 HORSE, 7 yei
,jior3e WAGON
j made 1
: a|ig3i;64 m " '
ijjtiris i)
f mon:
prljr pf >
LOWAUY-; formerly Prnncijial of
i Union Sctiools, have UccU rtt.’Ol , ■'
e I’riu ipnl.s audlnsw* —
W ACAj^ui*^
TTdT, fjjnn
IIEV. 1?. V
as Assoclnj
•| Our iNEp
| ■■
.. .jM BrancJbs^&cggStfy^Sfß.yjounjj men
or UUS^ESS'oPxOTLEGE will be labgbt.
bo irding can be bad on as treasonable
■j terms as c'scwberc. ! j 1- | £
liiTp will be ho advance in Ifte rules t>/
tuuion. For further Iparticu'ars address ei
ther of th< Principals, or the undersigned. !
I. UTCL, Sec. Board of Trustees.
Aug- 3U, TSGi. . I . . .
I , Beaver,
E Is hereby respectfully given that
ncetiug. ol' the SlockholdOrsVif the.
Company iof leaver
Ivill bo held at tlic o!uce of the (,’oro
loohester, On the stii f orrOcToi)E«,
| o'clock, p. in., for thei following ob-
4 1
j.any. iu 1
180-1, |U- 1
ject, viz:
| Ist.:-' T<
April Till
•2U. Ti
■ dent mi
Uiicturin i
o. rciluco the Capital Stock 'ol' said
as authorized by the I9ih alia 2ijth
of the-Act cf Assembly,! approved;)
, 1849, to: encourage manufae uring' [
113 in the Commonwealth, Lo. i
0 authorize' anil- empower jthe Prcai
. Directors |of tald Rochester danu
; Company,, to sell, convey*, and dis
the- lauds; buildings, &e.L belonging'
id Company in Uocuester.!
J. A. SHOLESj President.
A| P. LACOCK. K ' "1
J. WOODRUFF, j j '
HOR’T. JACKSON,. Direc.ofaV
J. HI WlllSltilß, \ 1
SAM L. MOyilE, - 1J
’Btor, Aug. 29,086-1. : o J C • '
p6se 01.
to the si
_i L_
any SirtiUeryl
p6r One YEAR! 1
e, ' I . i
•‘ 1 ’ • ' 1 ' i t
Gallupe’s New Regiment.
W.E have received authority from the V. r ar
Department to recruit l a • / f. .'
Comp my of Heavy Artillery fpr I Year!
This C unpany is'to form a part |of Col.- Gal
lupe’s Hew Regiment of Heavy Artillery, de -
signed for the defenses around Washington.
lllccraits will bc,mustered into! lhe“|Compa
ny imu ediately op receiving the local bounty
from' the sub-districts to whicli are
credited. • • / \'• j j ,
Now iMte time Id serve your country, a
yoid the Draft, gel a big bounty, And get
clear of inarching; . i . j '■ •
Pro. Alar., Office, New,Brighton, and
' v e.
’ i 128 Fourth st.,‘Pittsburg.
A Sweet and Perfumed Breai
J , 'I i
• --v-q \ .
J. Ba‘d 33i*ea.tli.;
_ J ' ' I. j>' A ' ■-
What l*dy or g«ntleman *oulil remain uh
der the eurac of a disgrecablo breath, when-,
by using, the 1 !
•T , ■ '
it coul dbe secured? How many- lovers it hi A
separated! j Uawinany ffiends forever parted
The subject is so Delicate, your nearest friend
will not mention it; and you aroyoiirselfig
noraw-of the fact. ’To elfect'W Wsdical care,
nse tbe Balm as a toolh-waahnlght and morn*
ing." !.• ■' t-.:, - .j.-' ■' -j ■: |
.' I I • I ■}.. X’! ■■ 1 ’
of anfcient times uaedhdney to beautify their
completion; but the combip'at on' with palm
.oil aWd other valuable ingredfenta makes; it
still more valuable. For bathing suffering in
fants; a few drops pOured into i basin ofwa
ter Will dispel all fever, letter, &b A few
drops poured on your shaving- 3rush makes a
beautiful tfad, father, leaving the I face pdre
andwhite. ■: 1 - j j .
When used fpr washing night and morning,
it eradicates ,all Tan, IHmpUti and Fmkltt,
rendering'the; skin soft , and white and free
frotniblemuh; 1 - ■ , : f -'I ’’
■ For sale atth* Drug Store in HyidgWatbr.
Organization I
TrVTTlrtue ofSnhdry WJdw^;l*£aiLFaeias
.x>' k«* “*>
sued out QnmjnonPleas of the
County,of JJcarerand *» ; *d dfcpbtod, I jflt
the borda^;«fßfOWtin'ft?;^™t^>*
nil on'-. ‘ •’'::••■>••..'••*■■ : i; ’■ -
H v
aC the thefoUowing
~ ('*•-'• . •!
- All the Hghtfrtitle, intowstand'claim- or
defen lent, of in and to the following desribed
toisrit: wi
lond.»Uu«B9Jto.lS«wai»j*% toka» :
shlp.BcaVcr c.oualjv’Pa'.," bounded on the
north bydatidof Jordon Ali 'Nyb end. Joseph
Uaien, on. the: south by.laad , ofßohj. Beno
and Jno. Wylie, and on the, west’; by land of
Bcluser and JenkinS; containing ohtjjhundred
and twenty Sores, nmre :orrless,fd-.Of -whiter
are cleared and under fence, on *which are
: erected s log house and log stable,’ ftuit trees
and gooddfater bnthe .premises.!' f*jjr r-f.u •>.'
. geited and taken in . execution an the prop
erty of'John Wylie, at the- shit ’of Thomas
, Cunningham.-:- •[''■ >• •• r.-.i.j.-.s.ij'.-i.J
-. No:-2.,„: >-•' #>SO. ;;;<»> U.s
lit the same time and place, all,lm right li
tie, interest and'claim ,of defendant if.inaitd
to all that tract Or piccoof land\sithat(! itt
• Chippewa township, Beaycp county, houpded
and described a» follows,"visi
- post. on the north-west - corner; fof thotfacL.
thence by land formerly Jh-Mnaoj Stratton;
' north 3r degrees east, ICI pcfches io a
•> pOßt;’thence,by land formerly-ofgunnel' Adr
ams, north 87 lOflKperches to; a
r psst; thence by land formerly pf John Hill,
* north 3 degrees we*V 181-6-l(>perohM ; td a
1 post; thence by land: formerly of; Jonathan
' Hill, south 3 degrees west, 106 pirchps to a
post,'the place of beginnijig-. eifcitsihittfg 100
acres, more or leas, about ,7it acres df which
are cWarad and inn good alalefof jstUtlyation;
the balance well timbered, and allupdef fteheo.
C There, are.oh the premlwWrwft^e'-dwelling
-v -houae. a large stone spring house, Xih«*npper
story of which’is now used as a dwelling) arid
1a hewed log barn* There iaaijrejniof excel
lent coal underlying a Urge portion-of the
I tract, with opening hear’ P. Ft.j W. i'C.
Railroad. ■ •
| Seised and taken in execution as the,, prop
ertyorJamts Fiffe at the suit of MaryHazen,
executrix of the lalit-will and testament'lof
Beni.Uaieu, dco’iL !■ , V ■ ;I
,e No. 3. .- , , . iLSGr , ; -
t At the same time, andplsdo,' all tittetf,
o* interest and claim of do fehdant, ofinshdtn
' the following farmjor tract of land-situate in
-a’-tt ihip. Be- ’ -ouhty, F“" J '
and.placet all tfae rig hi, ti
>icrest and claim’ of defendant, of, injand
parcel of land; situate in New
sewickly toWnship,, Beaver county, fa.,cou-'
taming HO'acres and forty perches; bourided
,nd described as folltws, to wit: Beginning
at, corner .of. li nds of William M’Don
ald ana John Boggs, thence ify lajid of John
Boggs,'noith two, degrees tvest, fovtyj-two
perches to a post, thinch by:land of James'
Wallace, so nth 88 j degrees west,; 100 perches
Jto a. post, thence by"iand of 'Bradford, south
two degrees cast,.42-j perches’ 16 a post, and
laud of William jM’Donald, thence'by land of
W.illism M-‘Donald, north- degrees, east,
iltiO perches loTt poSl' and place of. beginning,
(hi which <»rc erected a s'one lioaae, one j and
a half stories high, containing 3 rooms, a log
barn and out-huildiiugs. The entire place :
cleared and under Ifencc. wqU watered and
has thereon-an drehafd .of fine fruit trees]
Seized and taken i
etty of James Logan
Carey. ' J
■ JgfPurchsers will
cent, upon all alnouiij
quired in hal'd.. All
required in caslrat
these conditions are
property.’.will bere-si
Stamp duties.
Shekief’s Office,
Leaver, Aug. 13,
the citato
late of I'allslon.,
deceased,'having be
dersigned, all persi
are notified to jmak
those 'having claims
sent them profierlj
menl withoutdclay.
A. 1).
U. E
OrrioE or ;Intersao Revenue,-21rn Con). \
Distiuct, Pa.; Tf*y Aug. IT, ’M. J
'Vj'OTIGEis hereby given to all persona
who havcbcc n assossed unJertUepxeisa
bawu of "the Unwell Slates inS caver county, !
that their taxcaarp nbw due and payable, and
th’at the collector will he pla
ces, at the limeSsjaled, viz:,-/ f ■ \
Aug.27th, at Thus. Niohalson’s, Hanover tp,
<• 29th, i‘‘-D- Kwing’s,r(accoozi tp. I
. 80th, “ Alex. GibH’sjl Independence tp.
« .'r«.lVm Johnstoltfs,-Rothesthr. ■
“ 3isl, ‘(Robert Scutt’js.Hoplwelll . 1 j
“ “G. \V. Hamilton’s oSce, JJeaver,
.Ist “ Wmi BHiott’s'. I
“■ “ The|l{uron HSpse,' li Brighton.
2d ' “ Biinb€r's nnte',Pl4Sipsbu.rg. ,
■ “ “ John Giacbing’a.Kjfr Gallilcc.
3d . -Trimbles Store, ijobkslbwn,
ijrson-orhy depujj,tb receive tbe samc,
if saidtaxea ar£,hbtptid within toe. time'
e mentonne-d, jtheperaon or personi so no-
Lliig, to jpay, shall be liable do
iobpcrccht nm »3ditlohalupon thlhmodnt
cpf. * Unitcdsthtea orNaUontifunjda only
• x InomyjhcntlofTaxc*.'. J.’-f-r.’ 11l .-
, j \ J)A|I , ID SiSKEY,
C<>lle«t«r2«h ,
la p
and i
■■■ 1" y i ■ ' t ■
Tuesday, the 6th tf Sepitmber.
1. An efficientand accomplished Faculty.
2. Thoroughness in its classes. j... ..
8. Superior advaftnges for^Vocal and In
, Music.|. |j‘ 'j
4. Extenpbfi it* English 4 classiiial course.
@_Send for k catalogue to ; fl
|ugl7’64,.| . [ Key. R. jr. tA
Trial lait for Sept. Tezm,|lB64.
. I W monuayJ ■. i . _L‘
James CotUoa feCo-i ys. W.M. .Shirts, at 1 i
Commonwealth tmc, •• J6hn DnlTi Executor •
Mullen},. ' Jps. Ammon, el al
Alfred Campbell. •• -RebecoaCampiells ad.
E.| Kiser 4 njife. “ tVa. Welshi etial
William Hats L •• 0. w. Rill/ |
tokens * Bee*cm, “ liarUngton ME ch'ch.
Ao|nst 10,18*4.’ H.WETAND' Pte, 1
Quart of
. >.„.J. r ft- ■■"■"■& iissneaouttotftho-.0^
I'Kotia «n®bUilfi«<»4ieiMcttT* s»,s«k|T: Expose
> a.«B100 TO tlie on
»3SfeUt«i tp B%vbr bounty! Ta-:
- ■ , jpostW - tlieSouUi -Unp of
. '■' V'K.' 1 X; ,-IffrKtfk- to-«n yffljßifc.
C.BIUI - y, :
. i» '*t*h on -S percfce* .nprtboJrdo.:
-i 1 .4,;:: ;.>,--■.:* K : ssosoftMM*#
'ft#': ? - ■».>■-wi.>.?
Sity-sfx’acrfei', and- tUlrty-tlrfeß
■ <.’3‘ v^i'^
‘“Tbeland is all under] f«no»—about 50 acres
clcMte'd.'and in a. good tt»te of cultWationv the
balance in TietiakstfawcUwatered,'
ftU'lblwwbundanceoi jure
Heated' on KOOTiWtf-slOTy;bfevi r
od tig dwolling-hous^pnltSgoodfraiUQ ; barn,
and out-buildings., Jr; j ■’; ;.' !!C . .i J. v-.j
1 of tke
On ipijfirtnation of sate; byl_tne : <3ourt,'‘ and tlie
Loving NEW
L GALLERY, in a neat stylo., -vriti) all! ~<
necessary (for gating Tine FINE PIC TORES
of all kinds. Saving a LARGE SKY-LIGHT
in, oannection adthSUlß LXGHT. jp nowfvcr
‘ aired ie 'modate all who' ~ff Li’
in' execution ns the prop
9, at -thej! suit William
'r' I ' r . -
1 take notice fljat 10 per
ijt st of their hidi will tie ro
ll bids unilfg- x>o ■ will b,e
the time r.'l tire sale. If
e not complied with the
sold, ilj i
ire required to pa r all
ISEIUI iEIILfE. 6’iff.
■■ r. * • ■ ■
iTplPfc SSOItfCE. I
.era ol administration oh j
ef Ciias. M. Stewakt, !
Bearer [county. ! Icjnu’a.,
eu duly granted to the un-J
ni indebted td said testate j
3 immediate payment, and
i against Uie same will prc
' authenticated for eettle
- ii 1
GIU.IUSI). 1 . ln .
APJ'i.ETON, j j ’
Ne|| Brighton,[Pa.
:.or. i
sSeubeaiiEry l , ,j, :■ v • . .
I vs.-r . j-AUas.Subptßnn'Divorce/. /
[Rebecca Pry
. iCuiict jo, t'ry:—Xfnt axe hereby |com
njahdedto be and apjiear in y ( our proper; per
son beforfe Bearer, at Uie conn--
tycourtof Common Pleas, to be.UeU.on tho
Second Uonday oh SeptcuAtr, 186^,-to she w
cause, iffany yout.have.why the said Reuben
H» pry shall not ; be divorced flora the bonds
of matribony contracted with'you.. 1 .
. :£ ! P :••■■■ ■ JOSEPH LKULIE, SU’ff,;
. Sonnifr’s Owicß,' ■ T • •
Bcaveyi Julyl2,’G4. I , . ■
Notice in. partition, j
IN Orphans’ Court of Beaver co,inthc matter |
.(if petitioii'thc rcadcstate of,
Oavid Robinson, dcc’d.i To thciheiiß and le-|
gad representatives'of said dcc’d., ; to-wit-■
Lddowjv W. Jl. - Robinson, residing in, the j
Slate of j Ohio; lva V: J., (intermarried > with 1
Wiiliam|Morrovr) ,vesidlp~ >T low State of ll : j
I jinois; Anna Mary Robinson, residing in thd [
i State of Ohio; Theodore: Robinson, residing j
[in' the Stile:of,lllinois; the said ,IvivAnna |
l and Theodore; bc’.ng minors and haring no.-
I guardiabi aud all others interested-*—you and
| each of you arc hereby notified to be' and
j appear at an .Orphans’ Court, to he hold at
1 Beaver, Beaver county' on the Secolid More
-1 day of September next; to shi;w caus'd, it, any
| you have, why an inquest to .make partition
of»Pestate of said deed, should
awarddfc: JOS. LEldUlii,
s ~AufaSt ,17, 1884. : ~ Shet-iff. ■
li'|. 'OI.IOLKRA JIOBBt'S, &o.—Certain mid
'immediate ctlre., -This celebrated DtAt.auOE.v ‘
RtatrbV has been jused with Unfailing success I
since the Ciilefa'l season of- 183'Je A single ;
dose will usually check tire Diarrhoea in a low j
hours, J\'o family should be \vuhout a'b title •
at this season of the year. For sale at Lie
ji'. ■ J)r«i/ ‘fiiorif in liiiJjfWuU-r. j '
■ guy'-l’ricc'oiily 20 cents,'and mUL-g fast.— >th
Try it.' , ’’ : _ . let
. Tf ETTSllS'ofadministration on th,e : estaio jtf
REGISTER’S; HOBCE.., -.,|a *
ALL persons interred in ihe Rowing V) <ltcd t 0 tbe • 4'dckgned, ail persons-in-i r j
Administration and Guardian ■ jj e j Jtcd (_ 6 s AiU ts|aie : afe rcp-msled ;;to make j' j
wnich fiare hewc-passed and filed. K ‘bo i, a ym«kl. and those, having claims t J
'Register s Office, of Bfeaver county, Pa;., Vill i .. , K * |-. ; n d v-»nt them I nroperly ,! I
Ufe notice that the W iue null be PT ese|i.e&io, *;’ foCttlW.i-nt.' , ri- $
the Orphans/Court, to baheld at Bearer, oil: - - r,<; rf ’TUOMPFOX) Adin'r...' a
Wednesday, the 14th day of Sept. ISsM, • £of\ -- ...a r‘*r j,' ' • xl-rtli S-jifiehW' ip:
confirmation .anil allowance. i • | V w • J j 4.-• • ' * J .
: Thelfinal account of- Robert Minify aajj ISTIIA’TO KS 1\ Ui* 1C
Elizabeth. Mui»?er, executors of the last will i \ J.t • 5, ■ .. ...
of Masser, dec'd. ■ T s ?£ ‘ '
The final’ accumit, of Ream Gamble and > Jj oVKanr-nx Moom., i i .- o. $&».->. ' r ,
Geo, M. Uambo. administrators of the estate i townsbiV ho-ivep county, deed., *aviiig been ;,i
of Moses ilimbo, dccld. , . . ■. . fir ameu .Vtna m-. ;
The final Account of Rosanna lindijss and | debt cd to £«-• o-fM.* re.--,. e _t> . j
William iShnufelberger, administrator ,of ’the'immediate pdymfnt, and mvmg claims
estate of John Enddss, deo’d. -.. ' > ' egam»;,s4Xd. V f l/ltf ‘V ? !
Tlic fiuitliacceunt of J. Hi Miller; es.cnuior l suosciiocr. ,v. s-. .
Of the last will.of Dt. John, deo ! d. ' --i Wvsj'-'tJ c -J ~ • r
, The accounts (Real and .Personal) of lifcno- j ' • JCiiA^SC^.iZ^^ .Vdm’.n.strato. ._ • |
hi Andersonj admimstralor uf the oatalc ol j jy-7 Ui f - 1 .• uu t0u.......
Alice Anderson, dec’d-l •! i T~>ii i '
1 Tue nccuuht of Thus, Allison, adiiiinisifai j JIA. ~L . ,j. jN'X.XX'V jt.-j;JL\»JtV j
tor,: deb-nh, mn, with thjs will annexed, of tip. /l{ iW/c L e ,j ai fo of.
estate of Henrietta M. Lyon, dec d. , * y 'f; .-•• V
The final apeouni of Anthony Knit, execu-. ]} £J.\ V‘;E Hi AN JD tJjlLtN’.I T Y 1 !
IhOlaH Will of Henry. Shafer, yco-d.- i !lcd £ol r,. it g. a eU in e .fif public f
. I The account of; Andre.v. licdch. expe- I. -. : ' ■ .■
utor'afi the'taet'.will of Ilanitl Leitcii, deo'ii. |- - . -1 in ; -
' The final account of Benjamin Andcfsou,.’| KfiPf’s , Hololi, Q aVCP,, Pwiil’a.
eic<Utof of the lasj, will oT' benjamin Andcr., 1 . dncl H y. G : ;} ; 5 i ' |. }\
sent or;, dcc’d. ~ ■ '' I ■' ' • —a.’
The final account of Beujamip' Anderson, i.
executor of, the last will of Alexander M. ’An
derson, dco'd. ■ . j
The accounts (Real and Personal) of James-
Torrence, Administrator with the will annex
ed, of Robert! Criswell, deo’d^
*The account; of. John Udsscn, admislratra-,
tor and trustee, to make kale of the real estate
of John Orees, dee'd;, under in
partition in Orphans’ Court of Bcavcr oounly.
. The final kccouut (Renl) of John Hi )le-
Bonald, administratorujf the estito of Fran
cis Marion.lrwin, dec’-d. ' I ’i■
j Tb|o guardian account of Thomas Allison)
guardian Of jane A, Thorniley, mmol' daugh-,
tef of Thomas and Mary Thorniley, deo’d. •:
i - Tlic Guardian account of Philip.Gelbach,
guardian 'of Adam minor son of Philip
'Biinta, dco'd. • i - a'i L ,
The second partial accounts of Philip Gelt
bach 1 ) guardian ofChristiiin anu Louisaßlinn,
minor children of Philip Blinn, dee’d.
■ 'The guardian accounts of Hugh Anderson;
guardian of Ararainta ,and ! James T. Andcr-
Son, ; uniitbr ohildreu of . William ■ Anderson,
dee’d- ' , . A. U. MOOKR/
Beaver, Aug, 10th, ’fi4. Register,
[J’ HE firm of B. ,& W. Wilde& do, was tlls
• «. solicd on thellth of May last, i>y the
<leatb- of Mr. Wo. Wilde. The business of
the late firm will be settled by, the surviving
paatnera. ’ ' BENJ.-;\VIH)E, j
;> ■ ‘ - 1 WILDE.
CO-PARTNERSHIP. 77- The undersigned
: have entered into partnership under the
the style of “Wilde &Co.,”.andwm continue
the business of the late firm of 8.. & IV. Wilde
& Co. [• "•' .BENT., WILDE.; 1 ■ ' :
: : iiOKAXiA v,'.jviLUE.
N«w’prighlpni .July 11,1861 J, . , '
Es tate of Hattie wGOliland, deo’d.
l. IJXTt&Sof administration, da. th e estate
' 1 y of M. of New Brighton
borough, 'Beaver having been is
sued to the undersigafcd, ali p?rB9ns indebted
are required do, make immdiate payment, and
those hairing claim* trill preitnt. them. prop
erljr authenticated for settlement. r 'l ' ;
, " r A. D. QJLLILAN 1), Adm'r. - .
augll ; ■ ,vj Sfw.*jftjbt«a.
. i 1
.tUion of estate of Ootlclb'fiioti'ae'.s,
ie&i.i. To tlf* UeirJj and'legalreprcstmuli'tes
of said deceased, ahJ! alf others
y«u :ih(l‘cach 1 <>f: yiju arc i hereby rhduircJto
Wand; appear at ait Orphans’.. £oupt,i Vfo, be
ho!4 iiij and for said chutjiy, on
the : Si:6oi;t)' Monday W Snr-rEMlißa',l \BO4, to
itte’dcaUsii, if any ?yo (ihave, wbyVn inquest
Vo.qiakc partition :of the real estate |of- said
dec d . ‘sliDulSlhotbs’awarde'J.' ' •• _
■ .... 30SSPU LUI>LiE,-jSh’ffj
Beaver,auglT/Ci ' \ ■ ■ j. ■
rpil'F.' EiVLiii, TERM • I*i.
-AIOXTHW, Will open ou , - u
Monday ;-.V«s - iii’/A 0/ vltwi|4 ' nJ --
■ Costlier'acui a. cat
alogue. Address J; ••) f
: : r...j» ; . *j) .I\-S.'-E. WSEIC3SB.
■ augiiC"*o4:4l i !'. l*ca\ci|, la-
, tfiDillNiSjL’BlATpll’B JS T o[i'iO£.
T". EXiiJRS pfi administration ontbe estat\of
r f j . Andx. SrivKXzli:, late of Rochester borwi
Rearer!>c<^.,', dots'll, having been granted to theN
undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate
are requested tpimakcjioiliediaie payment, and
,those having l claim gainst paid estate will
■present’ themfb. iho subscriber properly au
thenticated for settlement. n
A. V L.VCOCK, Adm’r. .
■ : ■ ,L i ' j ' j Rochester fp.
Dr. X>. M’Kiimey,
/"VFFEfIS Mb ; profession*! services to life
V_f citizens' of , r'
: •■; II .'. OHICI IS \ i- ’•
The Shannon" Buildin <j, S. E:, Corner of
!<?ec!6]; ' the iDiamoiiU, Biaver, |P<i, -
XJivdtlencl No. I^2» '•
, '.'BaSKiO*‘Bkavkr CbWir, ■
, Brighton, May 3,. 18U4. j.
npHE President and I Direct ora of-this Bank
1 have this day declared a IMVIDESB OF
fuOU PEII CENT., upon its out
of the profits (if tha 0 months- payable
to Stockholders or tkeir legal represent stives,
on (leoiaml. i ' • EDV.'AJU) IltiOPS,
■ ■ efiy ii,‘C-tI '\\ ; I ; . j ; fcashict
1 . }.
TXT HERE .1S loiters- testamentary on the,
W estal,9|of ANDXBsox,lUlo.of Big
■BoaVer fp.V Beaveroounty, Pa.> dee’d, having
been .- gruuteii jto,,tJiQ undersigned', ;all-persons
i n deb! cd:t_o■ s a : d esi a t c arc requested to make
ipimediate ptij l l{tentjv and those .huvtng 'Claims
against the .paths will I present thonTprdperly
authenticated ifor settlement. ; ‘ ’ ,
J : ' j6d., ANDEKSO.V Executor. '
•!jy13,(34 -! ' !i , Big Heaver tp.
.///■■mV; /aiited::."-J
tot? .i>o.Tv:b«fw.!crii'the> agc pf 14. and 1C!
jeai‘3 to ’fec.i a four cylinder pnuCingi
.press. Aj. i ,Uie.Pittsburg
Gazede, office.->-3'w |’ ji ' i, !
,yf■ ■' '■ ■ •'■■h;,'. • ' 1
Y)tASTEn it)FPAiIJo for jslc st the 11. !
| »»t« il;i:«g;St«r«i' 1 j 1
s|ii- Qbiixil'
feß-rdUune<i ;by ii^vHo^r
properly to amount retain.
aJm’rr* r- :> : st;j "' .-. -i -'
v' Porgoxlar property to amount of §3<HV re
taineqSy-widow Of-.Wjn?®. -JPSiffick, dec’d:' .
: fe!»oa ht:~ : '
tt personal property to anfcunt of , S>3JO, to- ,
tainfcd by widow of Armstrong/JiKiy.'dßOMfti
; Watteril)ir»iidTn f rc^?'' ■■’ f.'i r:;; -
* t<v.atpotfaf of 2Sr t r -
rgrafitcd of j Jtpm B&rfeft; Sr^d4« r <r ~
JobV3railcn,_ jr./a(lnrrr, , I V
; Personal property tOiftmouiit of
■retailiad bv-ivido* -of David iltoinas,- doe d. -
i”Sr &S3oj.lndmV4 h R n Er
;' .' Beil estate to amount of §Bpoi regained by;
widow Of ! Daniel dec’d.i
Cra y; | a»im% ;;... .J; -.»,,rt] , .fif -.-.
. is
fegitfeos, distfiKuteesi;nndjiU others] interest
ed, ti appear at fbfi aext ter'ra of said Court,
and'not later thair life tUird day,' being th*
14t U of.jscptcmbcr nost r to shew cause*-if-Wy
tlicy'havcf againstthisfinal confirmatiOnofthd
above appraisements.';.-. ■ -j.j • ' ■ ;
augl7; perk ,
'iLrff jtfr
.fee inrjU-rj' of ,
.... xif.K, Eaq., Bright.. ... . I’, Fax-'
Kr.yA.V, KM- 1 ., l’iii3bui-g, or l’n>-
office-, Beaver,- I’ii. ; JrS.'-birs H
"sOTldE’-IJi' PAHTIiIO.\. ;
T! thdOVpUaA’iGtourt of Beaverjeouaty, ■ sir
be ’roatter.'bf UlUfjetmOn for iartitien oV. V
real estate i’ounj, IdeeM V
beirsaud legal representatives bf-jsaivl. dvr'
icdV'toj wit; .Jftuq Vp'>ng, , XTtiernjiu-rie<i with ;
its J. .Cbriivay ?.if obn : y<mn?i V -Y«uiy»
JVrii: -Itotftg;.lne-,ili;lUiauj. 404 i aao
le iu B.eavcr connly, aptf Jbbniiibd Jiiiues
iboilatid, and! s 'l'bibPvs/iptcrestwl—Voa
eapa|jl yeti awfieroby iibtiSbfl'to be am!
isar; at ,ua to! be held at.
ivtr Beaver cojuuv, ’on-Jtbp'Sec .;, P
r.Uajjr cf Scptembbr nexV.'bo shjsSw (cause.,if’
r yplii havp, ivby*ati lufj.uboti,-1-» mate par.’;.
<in -of the real' estate ex’ sa-a Jueeeaici t
bid not bo aiva‘i(<lei~ -; ~i. ; ,■ ■ )
■ :* I ■; 4 -;>M:±fel}lAz.'.SVfC .
'jiiEßiri’s/Oindß, -.'ii’’-'. r i;,
leaver,aug. lT,G-a J ■■ 1 ’ hJ. •
the ]
the 1
ecus I
and 1 ;
‘ /' - : F|
•Jiiincrcasetl c
s' 1 pad JfLv'it
We clairu for it i
■ ' any uiul
ran grealcr.'vjtri;
cel .C'ilC'J or if cl
lio t; simplicity '
tinn anti manni:<
lt wili.
All without |
It i V.'Ol'ka t!Vj iiil
Lchc'>it v,
to the iu 3=i
~ii. 'kM
2>Vh4j . .i* ,*lcj
i aiUi;;
Mil*- iuVifti
bn Tii ii -
loom. Cisic-i
Wo?‘, Gv*ipc
f'Also. Sixn
Uow v^i
V .«IC
—r -f
ellcut \Vhhc
•hso river
. AU*>, iv Uj\
‘OUi . i’.aVO;
s\i;l:Jjlo for s
tpr:li.-n* parti
fitted in<U?-«
M:r, 2*:. h
o ]
N the Ojn
\ tv of s*t
• ivc r,
ill Ult:
|;iry v,f
.eh* and 1
aid county and
ioiar.kc p;v(»n-:
jate of said dec
on .ilio iU-ii day
(imo and place
'proper. ■ ' j
n Bocwcw July ‘
• N u v. \- '' " • *' • ’
. - - i -V-' ■
UMiV'EY, Sridgcvratcr.
' ; • i ISIOiICE/T 7 ’
iropKUOl,DEE®;bf'tlic New Brighr
i j faed orin g'Coin arc-hereby no
.i the annual n-.cotihg and election for
will, ba held , at of «> H.
•' in,. E4«i. *in New Cri&uton. .on Sat -
10 0; 1> day of Auguil ;ucit, between
sof 3 .'ind .11'. Nl. \
n'dbr of the Board of Directors
; EDWARD i'iOOl’SPScs’y.' .
! rigbton, July ICt'i. -; I .> \
A. S.
The s
tilled thai
oCiters, v
onlay, til
.the hours
By 01
New B
''JJlEAfe’, I lefters iof adminlstrall'en
; beeii: gran'Od Vo t& imdorsip;ned>on ....
io of Axk T. Into T
>,.Dpa!ror‘,.co, Pa. Vs.
; themselves indebted fto said estate- . \
tested lo' make;payment immediate’.' i
i; having claim's against the same will |
them t oitio subs'cribcijdtily autlicnti - -
■ settlement. ; • ! i *■ ’
t. RAVBy AJm’r, with will annexed, J
d . j ; '\South. Bcatettp. ,j
tlid P3(;i
Boavor 1
are reqv
dnd tlioS
cated -fir
,■ jy-tVt
New- Brighton, JPa-.‘
alesale. and .Retail - Denier in •
7<yppefii turf Shc'ett h'l'f- Waff*
id the most approved patterns of-
MY Govking, BufLoiland Beating !
ss*»». ' 1 [mai'2o'^
Tin, <
. A
litnate! in
I -about: -8
iblc terms,
ire clvaveJ
ie. /IMiure
ig-house, ti
jar story of
jitnd hits'e.l
elient •tcoal''
S ■ v-
~ r 7j T“ i ■ ~
TO Tlxil- .
& to\LSoti'S
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js'X-ottvrJfinVudj for lue.^utm
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tho paillt.loii u\ ‘the\, ilci!ca* '-I *’t , •
nepr‘.*?cnta{ivfcs of F-xul iK-, i
i U-cViiat by mfr w-Hi «;fv .
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Ton iis.vj, iv?uTiv»l it.yod tU:nk. .
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