The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 31, 1864, Image 2
I i jr ! I': ,4 if - «-' • i =9. 11 jgifcijgfrigC' • ~ *Phe idea Of Settee- . jieofourbxcfikc|| i'-.Tbj# following frdm thto Richmond llMlowibg : l&im xa Examiner, ono of organs <ff;the. le-field: 1 ifcbel goyernment^buddelivers.itself liand in jtaafflpa|ion. in Bomelpo-- as to rebel idea 6f peiice miu. fff of our-'doiuWmcountry, exact keeping-.with all that' has goge, fa. and Iky TdotidldgoiUei; inUi.gbt before on tbceame subject, and ought K’iiarindnK 'dir is; rich to l^tidy.certain crtrlhern journifls of I fi^iuirance.audlwßwith thd sprig the wickedness -of thejr- cogwdjjdy-* sdd<ft|)Tjr thofe“ nfißes printing week after week fierco.dia sound of fierce#] music anttftbd tribes against the Government ot the idffed' itaWpa pißj Unhled Staley for not ekding tbd war yWaadroTiß eaftkrwith by ih ?t eoiU!|usion,of,peacp, wh»e|i.tktJ MOTi and -fills #';:kristlingjStill rcbelk are and in-ow dlffln the'Si(u^|at?ir tier loisbow-spme shadow-iot-probaa- L riinkto JtinisaPtflil bilitjr, they garbled [1 are arraycd;l u #VsshoniiGod baa and untruthful extracts from rebel ie in tbo samd lilfeneaa, wbpse na* papers; t The; lefistj-thk, peacidoving, KV- .tiicjsanie if therojir,e any ( tbo.trulhrtyytPg ;fr 6fia —the iantelHiebrt biats, jourfialardu the: Nirth f-e iti all. In iholmoraentaryrpusU,. pony the Examiner's paragraph onthe ] i'ithl'liliarge, ritfesibe*; subject, and, for oncy let their readpra; fi tberatmomprieff b knayrthe rebel idea of'-peagpr.'-.-.h.’; bufdcou [Erpiy the 'l |t,-3ijc^ii^ek;j^f^re^v s -, ■ A-j.' Lincoln .wants' a-peace‘on bis 'ij affiongst th’eiiflsrlontpray|rs— terms, so wp also! waiit. a peace'[is but,a mpm|^t,.wken;a|! : o ii ;pur«; and the ex* laities art swept, ,ja>yav, . traipplexl! and destroy each other. ; It is |icr v fooi, by,, ib|[ hpdj|..ibe :j nol.j'lhWcfore, the same peace that we |:utipg r fbt'U: reni|l tb e j.desire; and the Word; itself bandied j |!,lbe,simineribg|bomb plpugjha upil ahaat ; n tins ; way, loses all meaniiagfj i:.ea£ib, the dbjif P? t,e >! -an'di'idgnifics litentlly notbiiig iit alLj iron pail cuts tM.quivering|ne!ih, (j t jia«. become a ; halefut‘ word, and r cannbu tbruhgn j Mf exclusively! to. thensC of jl .raiilts, ..of ;lmokc j jj n g a id cralors .iri a neighboring Stale. |;t. hides both pai||i : arid hoiivcu, thc,{ {y aby ~f that sort still" drivel ’and f perato'istru'gglo'|;oes,'b,ii.: Ti]e day j snivel. Lut us gel rid of the whole fees and thoi conflict tCciisifs;., .On •pf thendle cant, anil- say at'once we ii side there is, viltoryior. 'thp|dthor breifor war; and nothingbut-war-nn lleatjftbe, halls c| the triiifiipbunt til, | a s Uavis is said to have said, ‘Hhe |y dr.c lighted: tide of this generation falls in khis llacclumuliori j along her streets tratksV’ and then thnt^ 1 we meap to' i[,ho jorgan from [its Igroari j pPsW itrto the next na an inheritance. (Ij breast the ;pet|ls of thaliksgiviiu'j i| lbr those who have uivjusfjy and 1 jjut under alC,l||B yunrultuo|.us jdy j.witntoniy invaded pur country to offer jhaarc and |incon-> j vs '|jeace; and when they'do they yfill f able tears, whetfierin dofea!|od :or j t jn offer It in vain until their armed' htorics lands,rtlieije is or-, ; , nell 'withdrawn from the. spd of jannge and- widWlioodi a qbill of i ti ie -o Confoderute Stales, and the fel- I’Oand death, thatMbrodpaSttUjonglv i OQ flag i>f stripes' is hauled down from IjT the laud, iTh(|!niec|i: tpoop,ponies j e ve,.y.fort "our bordecs. After i amilireaks ih(||lissigatitigiyeil of- ihjit’ft--will be 'lime enough to prate I ebnflict, arid r<|ls its' calm||splon- j about peace Now, the" very word is ■r"'-above the dliid. See hUw:’tbe nonsense. . ' ‘ '- i " rconeEs cf man’gi'passion, lljp folly ,- 4 — : —- i ' ;. :his wickedness,mjisplayed ill those During a c-i-leOrntiori which' be jols of -clotlpj.l b!|pd—that’ leptpriug ,-iiyred- in .Now York City during tho. !ap of slain, mature never ; jnadu the life of NVashingtorthe General I'ch Jinriors!,! Alp. When those fat- wps presen', end a Scotch.lyirse who' |iing bohea-shtdlijavo long ihouldor- ha i c.npfo: a liulo hoy |into dust, slut \fill'spread dut .lux* 1 to-eagoi-lr lift him-up thWho might!, piant'LarveVlß toflJide thoip|fof.;vei 11 0 * k upon the Father if his Countryj, .pin the siglitf / • *,'/ - ; j-Sha- wa^ not sathfieU' with thwhjpyffi^f - —--j;—■'■" >. I:i' ever, an?l the next duv while outwalk. J>o.\’t CupfAit — |T4inlevcr Pise ,vilb the .Child, she sa\V tlTeTGen* *, or don't do, .do crouk. j Croak*.in a store, and darting in, ; sho ex g j»n*i iho]iiatuisp|' c .j^ niv a % s .-iMeaso your ; Kxcc!]eiicy ’ Uii;< voices. ; Let .|hu birlltrpgs ami j i ; ,.i,. e ,'s. u bairn -that’s called a flip yc.’ , pporheads bavc^ ißrnonopolyt of it. j Wiar-hinyton iiiriie'd’ bis bcncVole'ir/ J sure you are nd |rue pijtriof, if yon , c ß |.|'fuiUpoa the lad. smiled,-laid hil oakr true jpatr sas neverj c oak, ; j ’n-py,, tJ u , boy’s .bead and gay.i katever happen* :|i . 1 hij> blcf.-ing In' after ylurs the boy,' want Pavj s • *'.»! ihlen.a distinguirdied man. used io say '■os- >|v r lli'* >rtli, but j’i.m-a’ ..nM-fni p, inyijMijjill ll HUlli'iljif tf.-cioaki-i ' .The boy was WasUr ut ° . , * S'iiij'ion Irving, to whom, perhaps a** f .■esi W. r'ght | j-,.|jst ut.ihal wo are i ml out-; Hi- -I vt- .«-, •.“( " tl e "! : cd for the brt*t biography-of Georg if 'you 'vani |Gra|i|,- to faij to take; - m^ tou . Gj icbmond!. and to|l|e whipped by. Lee,.: •*■—i ; —,, , L-- it doti-Uy-ay.l Vo|4j any fighting-" 3 m 1 fBt®-T- r oii.-Goo. S. Hilliard* a Don j’; iber Mdb. wifi he 'tliv. b«|rat. who voted against Mr.-Lincoln! iost. olUi-leaiV ai(l|j«u- pan j iij IWO* intend* to vote far, him. ita ■ford, ,\vith leasbfi hie slifcty to your'.,lSf6-4 -Ho was advertised \o spcallf Toleskin. j" Sayi s.ohmnly!, with, a! at a recent McClellan meeting, buL |ttg.facvJ<hht troll will sooiji he 800; ; tljtl- not make ins appearance on. t(, f.! iVise pehple ;to .barred of sugar j stjuud. - LLs reason* may bo; ihforrjjl | >foi‘b the price g|> ‘s'up cleir out of ! fijiml a remark- be snbsequ' & j | ght; s’niflh|.'.ovci| dreadfultimcAj tpa-Tricnd. ‘After claiming to bo M-ufj H hiclv are jui-t, :|l|c:id for [{ho;j;QgV, :i ',af iJtunocjaf. and to differ fifom Pirn iip.-youf «fy.biM'ilh holy|<bdr ffliftttl' ;jijresent Administration, in certain tjb- : Breens{i6ks,'Wd.j|f't intimate that spccivlve added: -;As the rebdla wept five no! fee tpem jnfid by t&e , njt»t under, tbe present Administration • iislicl for‘ r tji,o pr|ui ( f*.|Kj they shall, by the grace ot God, come h- hbOri,;cfp’ak/e|c(tA-, ciioal;.! ]■ ! i|ack undtjr ill. Lshalljvole for Ab^tl •RutifVyou ire ft St nib putjdotfif yVm ' hum Lincoln ’ will fie al'ievetfi God; iffyou :\vani (tie conn- . eciaoeif by thousands ‘Of Du.imfcrtUs ~V to' succeed puUinc dojvn the who followed Douglas while ho-lived belliosS if jim to dip your jiart, stilt cling to, the imperishable aidingjili towaferj . tjiat glpr-i’utis tim pnnVipica of his stern patriotism. I mtntifidnr— dbnftScrpakl j ! - i ! V 4 ■! g— l4 — ft. - ..’ | >AVfc Tnt-i. Lnifoiims.+^Hc-hope -Tbefejis; ijjtn's the Pilala'lelpjiia ■ ti ipe pf our soldiets will 1 part' w th rcs4', iwl ofiarbr■ ot tjro Govern- the uniiformsoin wtiich thov fought (rr ' enl. ‘and vciyfaw nieb tit the army ic ijniun, upon any consideration i votUoljit, thonvar I'ivbaiavef. The time will chine 'vlieii | • nnnc|oBsarlly.]; The rebel j fhey will regard those did blue chajts adyiß are! tbem.|glveis'piriitcd hccaase . pj. rct | caps aiid trovvaera, as the ebbie-1 10 North , does|i|ot bate: tb® South; • pst .ireaHitro., they possess, i It won'ld.; icy are-afraid <|f| its iwigtianiipity. j M .» a proud tiling: for' : a fatiier.horyaf-I nd dread the theii' follow- 40r.,t0’ my .to bis boy - or girl;-yfliat ST6 -biiall ful’y to the great :4vnt,Was made by a bullet iii. front ot act tb'it-tbo t' - a§ js «n(i .waged ; tp H : ftichlnond.” It will, boa» -precibits pirlt ot Kalredg>’r . leaxe behind to tlioso wlio ’be whole county, jp UtC? is aroused i jo take our places.' Save the 13in |rt'- the'. eo,hsciou|lf|esB lhaj| ;lhe yeryiff ur „ w _; they will hereafter he the best of Stfio ijvur that, it i« ; ji|tti>s to hoivor'yand respect' a man dau krgeM- in j ibe, iKl|e,rcst- otj peace, and ho-sscss —Hary Tel. .. . I ; Ind-’tbat |hot,hii|jf w- so ttiuch desired jn - - T ~.- ~ ——t—i. . j Sy'tbo -Adin i n i sfra lion asithe conclu- ; j A spirited, jiatriotia lady; in lion ot thjs wai'pfiy the subinission ot jjillcliigan, who has lost oneaoti by feb |ho Sou.tUlto jFor this end |el bullets, and'has thither :in -ihei itr ||he-National partyf-is niy, said, on reading that tliie assump So sacrifice everything bgtprinciples,! Uoo iif'tho rebel wm, debt was one: of Slid to discuss -alii peace ex • tho conditions of peace, that., she no [fUpting those are hasod upon . ver a.cent of it! hut would gtvtivision of th 4 (Republic'.' It is the j die in defence of-her propeirty before K wh||i desires, and has jit should contribute to so! vile a’tax. I y-j^tWer-to nflike, such a peace as|This lady (might changei«garments I ! \ru® i \tncti c&ifld accept, it.ib the j with some' Copperhead, lo' lhe bcnof I r sf the fcountry. of the masculine gender, j •j, tv- Co*f •■' ■ -I -T' E , 4 - is sts ted that af- AKfijmu UAPi*y;H.JL'brd By iop. j vers® it joriXAtmtioiijßroyost Mar said: “Thtr finecbanics, mnd working-- j the threeluMjr^ c °Ucluded to re- men; who can maintain their families, •Vp.aidjby parfifes relatibif to ale, id my opinion, the happiesthodj" last JdDaertniK? oln,nut 'H' on - of men.. Poverty' is wfeiehcdtbss, - shorfly to b^hroniulhi{H a^c^,^. lir ’ but even poverty is preferable to the ail those w|£ paid ibo'S" l l ec ' B > on heartless, unmeaning dissipationof Jof i three hlUred !dollar^ xe,n i >t t* l ® higher order.” Anoiher autbor I'iolls.Bn Infoorlaht^ik^ 10 ! 3 ♦ ul bav ® no propensity to; eiivy alike just it| its character nmf rCQ I an 3’ ono > least of all the rich atichgfeatj ontia in itslMhdbncyJ ffx 'M..jand if I were, this weak . : ~~ — — "H ;- 1 ne’ss, the subject ofmy enyy’"would bo ■ nrr|o • i bcaltby young tnan. going forth in ■ tytt&bulM. (rhi/n/,, ■ J pi morning’to - work lor his wife land ' I } D ‘ ° r bri D « homo w H e f ut i!v i . i U p,isio|o6 set do i 'a t ' i : ' • t b Besl heavy draft* 2d besi ' do , 'Beat do sr hl°4 - d 9 'SDO I A niai .' <W*-, ' ! ■, M kSdbest-i.V do ii 1 j tr yrB, “ ndu P 3 t)o| cr y nne daj*. W; our general deliv irSest ,: do /l-l d» ]i., : d ,° 2 j moment to be fi 1 happened jorthe » ; ‘ J( M >eB V. -do ®'„. <j o L f r *ed up 3 00j the office. Jfo S J^ ed elsewhere in 1 ;fn»B.’win nlu 0 (?‘-°PM »o tUwii&fcN 1 loudly I t «M 0 ?L *lir ““ P«*4? |!R do< T SaV T'f r s' Irr . [ i ; - , , » ■ ? vvihoih. 1,. - V :..|| - j;■ . \'. ‘ 'j M t- s|: ,-r semi, Beaver !litiedh tallion, *”d(T • - ,. .griiiol4l - 0 . 4 t ikfiDt 22d, ot HAJtafy«]gtid £ -yfiarB t aiid:-& ntontb ap&’onAtje 25tt ,of inflaqiatioivofll Er,Lii!i agea>B -months an&j dab*, cpildrefl- and Hd Itjepa Sefrickt^pE ' ■ i ■fc- 1 —‘i I' 1 ' ; j^ : ANDREW- W f WRAY, [v -;L Attorney at la\v|. iTVFFICE in the Southern extremity pt,the \j; HpteC : ; [aug3l’64:ly. I; gTBAY';s»ee;p, td»p premises .of, the auUctibier,, in tp.,' county, about ,t to l4lh of iAuguKtji&ve sheep—l wether; 1 ewe, ind 3 Jamba, ' H on.onepidejpsbhfhr Otoppcd, a hole, ih' the right ear, shorftails. Hie 1 owner ii’ Requested 1 to , come forward, prove property* and laketbem away, otherwise they will be disposed of «c -iordiurto law.] V ‘ ' (’*’ ,i •• i ■ aug29.’64 I};= . JOItNHABTLIHG. lA^dmxriistratoi?s* jv. r[E undersigned will offer at* public sile, ott -| i]:.;: ■ .f "4 ■- *-J Thursday, Sept; 15th, ;he. personal Effects of s)ohn ImhHe, -3ao’ L> tit ihia. late residenob in Big Bcavpr township, vii:' HoWes; Siilk Cows, - one yoke Oxen, font ycars told; young Cal tlo, Bheep, iHog*, \!i g ' diis, Buggy, three seta of Harness, Grain it the :IIay;-Fanhlng 'Hou >c hold and, Kitchen furniture, &c.! ’ i Bft-Tcrms made known on day of robe^ i Q., d; LI IMBRIE. -j. ’, L? ' • 'B. S,IMBKIE, | sngSX’Od- | ,; r>i ; . i Administrators^ SAX.B j * OF VALUABLE STOCK ■tt TVILL otiose to public sale., at tbeFAH |i GitOUNLS, pear Beaver, on ; "! '.l ’ fT FRIOAV.SEPT. 2od,j 1/ -L (the last day of the Bcavdr County Fair,) jlhi following vai uablg Stock, vis: 1 I V One MAL'i’ESE JACK,,known to beagoo breeder, 8 years', oUs Two JACK CjDLTo, years old, audljWO JACK COLTb, 1 year pj l 'bred from ~MALTEH^ RENNETS; two gP. old; 1 HORSE, 7 yei ,jior3e WAGON j made 1 : a|ig3i;64 m " ' 3ELA. AD -fiLo latilution ijjtiris i) f mon: IAY faTorah] umler'mogi prljr pf > LOWAUY-; formerly Prnncijial of i Union Sctiools, have UccU rtt.’Ol , ■' e I’riu ipnl.s audlnsw* — W ACAj^ui*^ Thfed TTdT, fjjnn IIEV. 1?. V JVVasliirigtpc as Assoclnj •| Our iNEp | ■■ .. .jM BrancJbs^&cggStfy^Sfß.yjounjj men or UUS^ESS'oPxOTLEGE will be labgbt. bo irding can be bad on as treasonable ■j terms as c'scwberc. ! j 1- | £ liiTp will be ho advance in Ifte rules t>/ tuuion. For further Iparticu'ars address ei ther of th< Principals, or the undersigned. ! I. UTCL, Sec. Board of Trustees. Aug- 3U, TSGi. . I . . . I , Beaver, [HOLDERS’ MEETING.i| E Is hereby respectfully given that ncetiug. ol' the SlockholdOrsVif the. Company iof leaver Ivill bo held at tlic o!uce of the (,’oro loohester, On the stii f orrOcToi)E«, | o'clock, p. in., for thei following ob- STOCE TVf OTIC 4 1 ttiuofiestei County, j.any. iu 1 180-1, |U- 1 ject, viz: | Ist.:-' T< ;Cumpany sections, April Till iteration •2U. Ti ■ dent mi Uiicturin i o. rciluco the Capital Stock 'ol' said as authorized by the I9ih alia 2ijth of the-Act cf Assembly,! approved;) , 1849, to: encourage manufae uring' [ 113 in the Commonwealth, Lo. i 0 authorize' anil- empower jthe Prcai . Directors |of tald Rochester danu ; Company,, to sell, convey*, and dis the- lauds; buildings, &e.L belonging' id Company in Uocuester.! J. A. SHOLESj President. A| P. LACOCK. K ' "1 SJLAS POWELL,. I - - o J. WOODRUFF, j j ' HOR’T. JACKSON,. Direc.ofaV LEMdS RENO, J. HI WlllSltilß, \ 1 SAM L. MOyilE, - 1J ’Btor, Aug. 29,086-1. : o J C • ' p6se 01. to the si Koch _i L_ any SirtiUeryl H p6r One YEAR! 1 e, ' I . i 3V-e •‘ 1 ’ • ' 1 ' i t Gallupe’s New Regiment. W.E have received authority from the V. r ar Department to recruit l a • / f. .' Comp my of Heavy Artillery fpr I Year! This C unpany is'to form a part |of Col.- Gal lupe’s Hew Regiment of Heavy Artillery, de - signed for the defenses around Washington. lllccraits will bc,mustered into! lhe“|Compa ny imu ediately op receiving the local bounty from' the sub-districts to whicli are credited. • • / \'• j j , Now iMte time Id serve your country, a yoid the Draft, gel a big bounty, And get clear of inarching; . i . j '■ • OKOKGE M. IRWllf, ■ (MIAS. D. RHODES,- Pro. Alar., Office, New,Brighton, and ' v e. ’ i 128 Fourth st.,‘Pittsburg. aug24] A Sweet and Perfumed Breai J , 'I i Tv, • --v-q \ . J. Ba‘d 33i*ea.tli.; _ J ' ' I. j>' A ' ■- What l*dy or g«ntleman *oulil remain uh der the eurac of a disgrecablo breath, when-, by using, the 1 ! •T , ■ ' BALM OF A 1000 FLOWERS, v > it coul dbe secured? How many- lovers it hi A separated! j Uawinany ffiends forever parted The subject is so Delicate, your nearest friend will not mention it; and you aroyoiirselfig noraw-of the fact. ’To elfect'W Wsdical care, nse tbe Balm as a toolh-waahnlght and morn* ing." !.• ■' t-.:, - .j.-' ■' -j ■: | .' I I • I ■}.. X’! ■■ 1 ’ THE MOST BEAUTifUL WOMEN • of anfcient times uaedhdney to beautify their completion; but the combip'at on' with palm .oil aWd other valuable ingredfenta makes; it still more valuable. For bathing suffering in fants; a few drops pOured into i basin ofwa ter Will dispel all fever, letter, &b A few drops poured on your shaving- 3rush makes a beautiful tfad, father, leaving the I face pdre andwhite. ■: 1 - j j . When used fpr washing night and morning, it eradicates ,all Tan, IHmpUti and Fmkltt, rendering'the; skin soft , and white and free frotniblemuh; 1 - ■ , : f -'I ’’ ■ For sale atth* Drug Store in HyidgWatbr. U: :U' clerk BE! mm* Organization I TrVTTlrtue ofSnhdry WJdw^;l*£aiLFaeias .x>' k«* “*> sued out QnmjnonPleas of the County,of JJcarerand *» ; *d dfcpbtod, I jflt the borda^;«fßfOWtin'ft?;^™t^>* nil on'-. ‘ •’'::••■>••..'••*■■ : i; ’■ - H v aC the thefoUowing ~ ('*•-'• . •! - All the Hghtfrtitle, intowstand'claim- or defen lent, of in and to the following desribed toisrit: wi lond.»Uu«B9Jto.lS«wai»j*% toka» : shlp.BcaVcr c.oualjv’Pa'.," bounded on the north bydatidof Jordon Ali 'Nyb end. Joseph Uaien, on. the: south by.laad , ofßohj. Beno and Jno. Wylie, and on the, west’; by land of Bcluser and JenkinS; containing ohtjjhundred and twenty Sores, nmre :orrless,fd-.Of -whiter are cleared and under fence, on *which are : erected s log house and log stable,’ ftuit trees and gooddfater bnthe .premises.!' f*jjr r-f.u •>.' . geited and taken in . execution an the prop erty of'John Wylie, at the- shit ’of Thomas , Cunningham.-:- •[''■ >• •• r.-.i.j.-.s.ij'.-i.J -. No:-2.,„: >-•' #>SO. ;;;<»> U.s lit the same time and place, all,lm right li tie, interest and'claim ,of defendant if.inaitd to all that tract Or piccoof land\sithat(! itt • Chippewa township, Beaycp county, houpded and described a» follows,"visi - post. on the north-west - corner; fof thotfacL. thence by land formerly Jh-Mnaoj Stratton; ' north 3r degrees east, ICI pcfches io a •> pOßt;’thence,by land formerly-ofgunnel' Adr ams, north 87 lOflKperches to; a r psst; thence by land formerly pf John Hill, * north 3 degrees we*V 181-6-l(>perohM ; td a 1 post; thence by land: formerly of; Jonathan ' Hill, south 3 degrees west, 106 pirchps to a post,'the place of beginnijig-. eifcitsihittfg 100 acres, more or leas, about ,7it acres df which are cWarad and inn good alalefof jstUtlyation; the balance well timbered, and allupdef fteheo. C There, are.oh the premlwWrwft^e'-dwelling -v -houae. a large stone spring house, Xih«*npper story of which’is now used as a dwelling) arid 1a hewed log barn* There iaaijrejniof excel lent coal underlying a Urge portion-of the I tract, with opening hear’ P. Ft.j W. i'C. Railroad. ■ • | Seised and taken in execution as the,, prop ertyorJamts Fiffe at the suit of MaryHazen, executrix of the lalit-will and testament'lof Beni.Uaieu, dco’iL !■ , V ■ ;I ,e No. 3. .- , , . iLSGr , ; - t At the same time, andplsdo,' all tittetf, o* interest and claim of do fehdant, ofinshdtn ' the following farmjor tract of land-situate in -a’-tt ihip. Be- ’ -ouhty, F“" J ' nib- and.placet all tfae rig hi, ti >icrest and claim’ of defendant, of, injand parcel of land; situate in New sewickly toWnship,, Beaver county, fa.,cou-' taming HO'acres and forty perches; bourided ,nd described as folltws, to wit: Beginning at, corner .of. li nds of William M’Don ald ana John Boggs, thence ify lajid of John Boggs,'noith two, degrees tvest, fovtyj-two perches to a post, thinch by:land of James' Wallace, so nth 88 j degrees west,; 100 perches Jto a. post, thence by"iand of 'Bradford, south two degrees cast,.42-j perches’ 16 a post, and laud of William jM’Donald, thence'by land of W.illism M-‘Donald, north- degrees, east, iltiO perches loTt poSl' and place of. beginning, (hi which <»rc erected a s'one lioaae, one j and a half stories high, containing 3 rooms, a log barn and out-huildiiugs. The entire place : cleared and under Ifencc. wqU watered and has thereon-an drehafd .of fine fruit trees] Seized and taken i etty of James Logan Carey. ' J ■ JgfPurchsers will cent, upon all alnouiij quired in hal'd.. All required in caslrat these conditions are property.’.will bere-si Stamp duties. Shekief’s Office, Leaver, Aug. 13, ADMIN IS PR W HjEREAS lei the citato late of I'allslon., deceased,'having be dersigned, all persi are notified to jmak those 'having claims sent them profierlj menl withoutdclay. A. 1). U. E &ag«S4*s3 UvS. OrrioE or ;Intersao Revenue,-21rn Con). \ Distiuct, Pa.; Tf*y Aug. IT, ’M. J 'Vj'OTIGEis hereby given to all persona who havcbcc n assossed unJertUepxeisa bawu of "the Unwell Slates inS caver county, ! that their taxcaarp nbw due and payable, and th’at the collector will he pla ces, at the limeSsjaled, viz:,-/ f ■ \ Aug.27th, at Thus. Niohalson’s, Hanover tp, <• 29th, i‘‘-D- Kwing’s,r(accoozi tp. I . 80th, “ Alex. GibH’sjl Independence tp. « .'r«.lVm Johnstoltfs,-Rothesthr. ■ “ 3isl, ‘(Robert Scutt’js.Hoplwelll . 1 j “ “G. \V. Hamilton’s oSce, JJeaver, .Ist “ Wmi BHiott’s'. I “■ “ The|l{uron HSpse,' li Brighton. 2d ' “ Biinb€r's nnte',Pl4Sipsbu.rg. , ■ “ “ John Giacbing’a.Kjfr Gallilcc. 3d . -Trimbles Store, ijobkslbwn, ijrson-orhy depujj,tb receive tbe samc, if saidtaxea ar£,hbtptid within toe. time' e mentonne-d, jtheperaon or personi so no- Lliig, to jpay, shall be liable do iobpcrccht nm »3ditlohalupon thlhmodnt cpf. * Unitcdsthtea orNaUontifunjda only • x InomyjhcntlofTaxc*.'. J.’-f-r.’ 11l .- , j \ J)A|I , ID SiSKEY, C<>lle«t«r2«h , la p and i abori p»y< there take' BEL&hTCEiBt'i MISARV AM) INBUTUTE I UE FALL TERM . WILL! COMMENCE ■■■ 1" y i ■ ' t ■ Tuesday, the 6th tf Sepitmber. imongitajuavinUges'iTe-^i-1: 1. An efficientand accomplished Faculty. 2. Thoroughness in its classes. j... .. 8. Superior advaftnges for^Vocal and In , Music.|. |j‘ 'j 4. Extenpbfi it* English 4 classiiial course. @_Send for k catalogue to ; fl |ugl7’64,.| . [ Key. R. jr. tA SE T Trial lait for Sept. Tezm,|lB64. . I W monuayJ ■. i . _L‘ James CotUoa feCo-i ys. W.M. .Shirts, at 1 i Commonwealth tmc, •• J6hn DnlTi Executor • Mullen},. ' Jps. Ammon, el al Alfred Campbell. •• -RebecoaCampiells ad. E.| Kiser 4 njife. “ tVa. Welshi etial William Hats L •• 0. w. Rill/ | tokens * Bee*cm, “ liarUngton ME ch'ch. Ao|nst 10,18*4.’ H.WETAND' Pte, 1 A J Quart of i . >.„.J. r ft- ■■"■"■& iissneaouttotftho-.0^ I'Kotia «n®bUilfi«<»4ieiMcttT* s»,s«k|T: Expose > a.«B100 TO tlie on »3SfeUt«i tp B%vbr bounty! Ta-: - ■ , jpostW - tlieSouUi -Unp of . '■' V'K.' 1 X; ,-IffrKtfk- to-«n yffljßifc. C.BIUI - y, : . i» '*t*h on -S percfce* .nprtboJrdo.: .a^HSaNNigH^: Wyrry-TOrM -i 1 .4,;:: ;.>,--■.:* K : ssosoftMM*# !m^*?&ssnsaMo^^ 'ft#': ? - ■».>■-wi.>.? Sity-sfx’acrfei', and- tUlrty-tlrfeß ■ <.’3‘ v^i'^ ‘“Tbeland is all under] f«no»—about 50 acres clcMte'd.'and in a. good tt»te of cultWationv the balance in TietiakstfawcUwatered,' ftU'lblwwbundanceoi jure Heated' on KOOTiWtf-slOTy;bfevi r od tig dwolling-hous^pnltSgoodfraiUQ ; barn, and out-buildings., Jr; j ■’; ;.' !!C . .i J. v-.j 1 of tke On ipijfirtnation of sate; byl_tne : <3ourt,'‘ and tlie Loving NEW L GALLERY, in a neat stylo., -vriti) all! ~< THE ; ’ ; TjU.TIEiST" IXIPJj6 vjSMBNT§ necessary (for gating Tine FINE PIC TORES of all kinds. Saving a LARGE SKY-LIGHT in, oannection adthSUlß LXGHT. jp nowfvcr ‘ aired ie 'modate all who' ~ff Li’ in' execution ns the prop 9, at -thej! suit William 'r' I ' r . - 1 take notice fljat 10 per ijt st of their hidi will tie ro ll bids unilfg- x>o ■ will b,e the time r.'l tire sale. If e not complied with the sold, ilj i ire required to pa r all ISEIUI iEIILfE. 6’iff. ■■ r. * • ■ ■ iTplPfc SSOItfCE. I .era ol administration oh j ef Ciias. M. Stewakt, ! Bearer [county. ! Icjnu’a., eu duly granted to the un-J ni indebted td said testate j 3 immediate payment, and i against Uie same will prc ' authenticated for eettle - ii 1 GIU.IUSI). 1 . ln . APJ'i.ETON, j j ’ Ne|| Brighton,[Pa. ar:l'ax. :.or. i RE- sSeubeaiiEry l , ,j, :■ v • . . I vs.-r . j-AUas.Subptßnn'Divorce/. / [Rebecca Pry . iCuiict jo, t'ry:—Xfnt axe hereby |com njahdedto be and apjiear in y ( our proper; per son beforfe Bearer, at Uie conn-- tycourtof Common Pleas, to be.UeU.on tho Second Uonday oh SeptcuAtr, 186^,-to she w cause, iffany yout.have.why the said Reuben H» pry shall not ; be divorced flora the bonds of matribony contracted with'you.. 1 . . :£ ! P :••■■■ ■ JOSEPH LKULIE, SU’ff,; . Sonnifr’s Owicß,' ■ T • • Bcaveyi Julyl2,’G4. I , . ■ Notice in. partition, j IN Orphans’ Court of Beaver co,inthc matter | .(if petitioii'thc rcadcstate of, Oavid Robinson, dcc’d.i To thciheiiß and le-| gad representatives'of said dcc’d., ; to-wit-■ Lddowjv W. Jl. - Robinson, residing in, the j Slate of j Ohio; lva V: J., (intermarried > with 1 Wiiliam|Morrovr) ,vesidlp~ >T low State of ll : j I jinois; Anna Mary Robinson, residing in thd [ i State of Ohio; Theodore: Robinson, residing j [in' the Stile:of,lllinois; the said ,IvivAnna | l and Theodore; bc’.ng minors and haring no.- I guardiabi aud all others interested-*—you and | each of you arc hereby notified to be' and j appear at an .Orphans’ Court, to he hold at 1 Beaver, Beaver county' on the Secolid More -1 day of September next; to shi;w caus'd, it, any | you have, why an inquest to .make partition of»Pestate of said deed, should awarddfc: JOS. LEldUlii, s ~AufaSt ,17, 1884. : ~ Shet-iff. ■ X\IALRIIGK jr. iDVSEStfiUY.i|H»>{.KKA. li'|. 'OI.IOLKRA JIOBBt'S, &o.—Certain mid 'immediate ctlre., -This celebrated DtAt.auOE.v ‘ RtatrbV has been jused with Unfailing success I since the Ciilefa'l season of- 183'Je A single ; dose will usually check tire Diarrhoea in a low j hours, J\'o family should be \vuhout a'b title • at this season of the year. For sale at Lie ji'. ■ J)r«i/ ‘fiiorif in liiiJjfWuU-r. j ' ■ guy'-l’ricc'oiily 20 cents,'and mUL-g fast.— >th Try it.' , ’’ : _ . let ' ADMTNsST.VIITOH’S aOTIC S ’. \ S . Tf ETTSllS'ofadministration on th,e : estaio jtf REGISTER’S; HOBCE.., -.,|a * ALL persons interred in ihe Rowing V) <ltcd t 0 tbe • 4'dckgned, ail persons-in-i r j Administration and Guardian ■ jj e j Jtcd (_ 6 s AiU ts|aie : afe rcp-msled ;;to make j' j wnich fiare hewc-passed and filed. K ‘bo i, a ym«kl. and those, having claims t J 'Register s Office, of Bfeaver county, Pa;., Vill i .. , K * |-. ; n d v-»nt them I nroperly ,! I Ufe notice that the W iue null be PT ese|i.e&io, *;’ foCttlW.i-nt.' , ri- $ the Orphans/Court, to baheld at Bearer, oil: - - r,<; rf ’TUOMPFOX) Adin'r...' a Wednesday, the 14th day of Sept. ISsM, • £of\ -- ...a r‘*r j,' ' • xl-rtli S-jifiehW' ip: confirmation .anil allowance. i • | V w • J j 4.-• • ' * J . : Thelfinal account of- Robert Minify aajj ISTIIA’TO KS 1\ Ui* 1C Elizabeth. Mui»?er, executors of the last will i \ J.t • 5, ■ .. ... of Masser, dec'd. ■ T s ?£ ‘ ' The final’ accumit, of Ream Gamble and > Jj oVKanr-nx Moom., i i .- o. $&».->. ' r , Geo, M. Uambo. administrators of the estate i townsbiV ho-ivep county, deed., *aviiig been ;,i of Moses ilimbo, dccld. , . . ■. . fir ameu .Vtna m-. ; The final Account of Rosanna lindijss and | debt cd to £«-• o-fM.* re.--,. e _t> . j William iShnufelberger, administrator ,of ’the'immediate pdymfnt, and mvmg claims estate of John Enddss, deo’d. -.. ' > ' egam»;,s4Xd. V f l/ltf ‘V ? ! Tlic fiuitliacceunt of J. Hi Miller; es.cnuior l suosciiocr. ,v. s-. . Of the last will.of Dt. John, deo ! d. ' --i Wvsj'-'tJ c -J ~ • r , The accounts (Real and .Personal) of lifcno- j ' • JCiiA^SC^.iZ^^ .Vdm’.n.strato. ._ • | hi Andersonj admimstralor uf the oatalc ol j jy-7 Ui f - 1 .• uu t0u....... Alice Anderson, dec’d-l •! i T~>ii i ' 1 Tue nccuuht of Thus, Allison, adiiiinisifai j JIA. ~L . ,j. jN'X.XX'V jt.-j;JL\»JtV j tor,: deb-nh, mn, with thjs will annexed, of tip. /l{ iW/c L e ,j ai fo of. estate of Henrietta M. Lyon, dec d. , * y 'f; .-•• V The final apeouni of Anthony Knit, execu-. ]} £J.\ V‘;E Hi AN JD tJjlLtN’.I T Y 1 ! IhOlaH Will of Henry. Shafer, yco-d.- i !lcd £ol r,. it g. a eU in e .fif public f . I The account of; Andre.v. licdch. expe- I. -. : ' ■ .■ utor'afi the'taet'.will of Ilanitl Leitcii, deo'ii. |- - . -1 in ; - ' The final account of Benjamin Andcfsou,.’| KfiPf’s , Hololi, Q aVCP,, Pwiil’a. eic<Utof of the lasj, will oT' benjamin Andcr., 1 . dncl H y. G : ;} ; 5 i ' |. }\ sent or;, dcc’d. ~ ■ '' I ■' ' • —a.’ The final account of Beujamip' Anderson, i. executor of, the last will of Alexander M. ’An derson, dco'd. ■ . j The accounts (Real and Personal) of James- Torrence, Administrator with the will annex ed, of Robert! Criswell, deo’d^ *The account; of. John Udsscn, admislratra-, tor and trustee, to make kale of the real estate of John Orees, dee'd;, under in partition in Orphans’ Court of Bcavcr oounly. . The final kccouut (Renl) of John Hi )le- Bonald, administratorujf the estito of Fran cis Marion.lrwin, dec’-d. ' I ’i■ j Tb|o guardian account of Thomas Allison) guardian Of jane A, Thorniley, mmol' daugh-, tef of Thomas and Mary Thorniley, deo’d. •: i - Tlic Guardian account of Philip.Gelbach, guardian 'of Adam minor son of Philip 'Biinta, dco'd. • i - a'i L , The second partial accounts of Philip Gelt bach 1 ) guardian ofChristiiin anu Louisaßlinn, minor children of Philip Blinn, dee’d. ■ 'The guardian accounts of Hugh Anderson; guardian of Ararainta ,and ! James T. Andcr- Son, ; uniitbr ohildreu of . William ■ Anderson, dee’d- ' , . A. U. MOOKR/ Beaver, Aug, 10th, ’fi4. Register, NOTIGB. [J’ HE firm of B. ,& W. Wilde& do, was tlls • «. solicd on thellth of May last, i>y the <leatb- of Mr. Wo. Wilde. The business of the late firm will be settled by, the surviving paatnera. ’ ' BENJ.-;\VIH)E, j ;> ■ ‘ - 1 WILDE. CO-PARTNERSHIP. 77- The undersigned : have entered into partnership under the the style of “Wilde &Co.,”.andwm continue the business of the late firm of 8.. & IV. Wilde & Co. [• "•' .BENT., WILDE.; 1 ■ ' : : : iiOKAXiA v,'.jviLUE. N«w’prighlpni .July 11,1861 J, . , ' Es tate of Hattie wGOliland, deo’d. l. IJXTt&Sof administration, da. th e estate ' 1 y of M. of New Brighton borough, 'Beaver having been is sued to the undersigafcd, ali p?rB9ns indebted are required do, make immdiate payment, and those hairing claim* trill preitnt. them. prop erljr authenticated for settlement. r 'l ' ; , " r A. D. QJLLILAN 1), Adm'r. - . augll ; ■ ,vj Sfw.*jftjbt«a. . i 1 .tUion of estate of Ootlclb'fiioti'ae'.s, ie&i.i. To tlf* UeirJj and'legalreprcstmuli'tes of said deceased, ahJ! alf others y«u :ih(l‘cach 1 <>f: yiju arc i hereby rhduircJto Wand; appear at ait Orphans’.. £oupt,i Vfo, be ho!4 iiij and for said chutjiy, on the : Si:6oi;t)' Monday W Snr-rEMlißa',l \BO4, to itte’dcaUsii, if any ?yo (ihave, wbyVn inquest Vo.qiakc partition :of the real estate |of- said dec d . ‘sliDulSlhotbs’awarde'J.' ' •• _ ■ .... 30SSPU LUI>LiE,-jSh’ffj Beaver,auglT/Ci ' \ ■ ■ j. ■ f BESySfJfMINISy. rpil'F.' EiVLiii, TERM • I*i. -AIOXTHW, Will open ou , - u Monday ;-.V«s - iii’/A 0/ vltwi|4 ' nJ -- ■ Costlier'acui a. cat alogue. Address J; ••) f : : r...j» ; . *j) .I\-S.'-E. WSEIC3SB. ■ augiiC"*o4:4l i !'. l*ca\ci|, la- , tfiDillNiSjL’BlATpll’B JS T o[i'iO£. T". EXiiJRS pfi administration ontbe estat\of r f j . Andx. SrivKXzli:, late of Rochester borwi Rearer!>c<^.,', dots'll, having been granted to theN undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested tpimakcjioiliediaie payment, and ,those having l claim gainst paid estate will ■present’ themfb. iho subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement. n A. V L.VCOCK, Adm’r. . ■ : ■ ,L i ' j ' j Rochester fp. Dr. X>. M’Kiimey, jyl3`6l /"VFFEfIS Mb ; profession*! services to life V_f citizens' of , r' - BEAVER AXI) VICINITY; : •■; II .'. OHICI IS \ i- ’• The Shannon" Buildin <j, S. E:, Corner of !<?ec!6]; ' the iDiamoiiU, Biaver, |P<i, - XJivdtlencl No. I^2» '• , '.'BaSKiO*‘Bkavkr CbWir, ■ , Brighton, May 3,. 18U4. j. npHE President and I Direct ora of-this Bank 1 have this day declared a IMVIDESB OF fuOU PEII CENT., upon its out of the profits (if tha 0 months- payable to Stockholders or tkeir legal represent stives, on (leoiaml. i ' • EDV.'AJU) IltiOPS, ■ ■ efiy ii,‘C-tI '\\ ; I ; . j ; fcashict 1 . }. TXT HERE .1S loiters- testamentary on the, W estal,9|of ANDXBsox,lUlo.of Big ■BoaVer fp.V Beaveroounty, Pa.> dee’d, having been .- gruuteii jto,,tJiQ undersigned', ;all-persons i n deb! cd:t_o■ s a : d esi a t c arc requested to make ipimediate ptij l l{tentjv and those .huvtng 'Claims against the .paths will I present thonTprdperly authenticated ifor settlement. ; ‘ ’ , J : ' j6d., ANDEKSO.V Executor. ' •!jy13,(34 -! ' !i , Big Heaver tp. . .///■■mV; /aiited::."-J tot? .i>o.Tv:b«fw.!crii'the> agc pf 14. and 1C! jeai‘3 to ’fec.i a four cylinder pnuCingi .press. Aj. i ,Uie.Pittsburg Gazede, office.->-3'w |’ ji ' i, ! ,yf■ ■' '■ ■ •'■■h;,'. • ' 1 Y)tASTEn it)FPAiIJo for jslc st the 11. ! | »»t« il;i:«g;St«r«i' 1 j 1 s|ii- Qbiixil' feß-rdUune<i ;by ii^vHo^r »&^»ia^fc£S.a! properly to amount retain. aJm’rr* r- :> : st;j "' .-. -i -' v' Porgoxlar property to amount of §3<HV re taineqSy-widow Of-.Wjn?®. -JPSiffick, dec’d:' . : fe!»oa ht:~ : ' tt personal property to anfcunt of , S>3JO, to- , tainfcd by widow of Armstrong/JiKiy.'dßOMfti ; Watteril)ir»iidTn f rc^?'' ■■’ f.'i r:;; - * t<v.atpotfaf of 2Sr t r - rgrafitcd of j Jtpm B&rfeft; Sr^d4« r <r ~ JobV3railcn,_ jr./a(lnrrr, , I V ; Personal property tOiftmouiit of ■retailiad bv-ivido* -of David iltoinas,- doe d. - i”Sr &S3oj.lndmV4 h R n Er ;' .' Beil estate to amount of §Bpoi regained by; widow Of ! Daniel dec’d.i Cra y; | a»im% ;;... .J; -.»,,rt] , .fif -.-. . is fegitfeos, distfiKuteesi;nndjiU others] interest ed, ti appear at fbfi aext ter'ra of said Court, and'not later thair life tUird day,' being th* 14t U of.jscptcmbcr nost r to shew cause*-if-Wy tlicy'havcf againstthisfinal confirmatiOnofthd above appraisements.';.-. ■ -j.j • ' ■ ; augl7; perk , 'iLrff jtfr .fee inrjU-rj' of , .... xif.K, Eaq., Bright.. ... . I’, Fax-' Kr.yA.V, KM- 1 ., l’iii3bui-g, or l’n>- office-, Beaver,- I’ii. ; JrS.'-birs H "sOTldE’-IJi' PAHTIiIO.\. ; T! thdOVpUaA’iGtourt of Beaverjeouaty, ■ sir be ’roatter.'bf UlUfjetmOn for iartitien oV. V real estate i’ounj, IdeeM V beirsaud legal representatives bf-jsaivl. dvr' icdV'toj wit; .Jftuq Vp'>ng, , XTtiernjiu-rie<i with ; its J. .Cbriivay ?.if obn : y<mn?i V -Y«uiy» JVrii: -Itotftg;.lne-,ili;lUiauj. 404 i aao le iu B.eavcr connly, aptf Jbbniiibd Jiiiues iboilatid, and! s 'l'bibPvs/iptcrestwl—Voa eapa|jl yeti awfieroby iibtiSbfl'to be am! isar; at ,ua to! be held at. ivtr Beaver cojuuv, ’on-Jtbp'Sec .;, P r.Uajjr cf Scptembbr nexV.'bo shjsSw (cause.,if’ r yplii havp, ivby*ati lufj.uboti,-1-» mate par.’;. <in -of the real' estate ex’ sa-a Jueeeaici t bid not bo aiva‘i(<lei~ -; ~i. ; ,■ ■ ) ■ :* I ■; 4 -;>M:±fel}lAz.'.SVfC . 'jiiEßiri’s/Oindß, -.'ii’’-'. r i;, leaver,aug. lT,G-a J ■■ 1 ’ hJ. • the ] the 1 ecus I Jaw and 1 ; rest' and appi Ben Moi any titic sho i V.'H OFFEU BEELER! ‘ /' - : F| SEWING FOUR •Jiiincrcasetl c s' 1 pad JfLv'it We clairu for it i ■ ' any uiul ran grealcr.'vjtri; cel .C'ilC'J or if cl lio t; simplicity ' tinn anti manni:< lt wili. Emu Plait, All without | It i V.'Ol'ka t!Vj iiil Lchc'>it v, to the iu 3=i ~ii. 'kM 2>Vh4j . .i* ,*lcj i aiUi;; Mil*- iuVifti bn Tii ii - UprOVcUK'Ui-s loom. Cisic-i Wo?‘, Gv*ipc f'Also. Sixn Uow v^i tin,, V .«IC —r -f ellcut \Vhhc •hso river . AU*>, iv Uj\ ‘OUi . i’.aVO; s\i;l:Jjlo for s tpr:li.-n* parti fitted in<U?-« M:r, 2*:. h o ] N the Ojn \ tv of s*t i-haws • ivc r, ill Ult: |;iry v,f !i;p' .eh* and 1 >uri:iion, aid county and ioiar.kc p;v(»n-: jate of said dec on .ilio iU-ii day (imo and place 'proper. ■ ' j n Bocwcw July ‘ G. i i: • N u v. \- '' " • *' • ’ . - - i -V-' ■ UMiV'EY, Sridgcvratcr. ' ; • i ISIOiICE/T 7 ’ iropKUOl,DEE®;bf'tlic New Brighr i j faed orin g'Coin arc-hereby no .i the annual n-.cotihg and election for will, ba held , at of «> H. •' in,. E4«i. *in New Cri&uton. .on Sat - 10 0; 1> day of Auguil ;ucit, between sof 3 .'ind .11'. Nl. \ n'dbr of the Board of Directors ; EDWARD i'iOOl’SPScs’y.' . ! rigbton, July ICt'i. -; I .> \ I A. S. The s Man tilled thai oCiters, v Chamber onlay, til .the hours By 01 New B lIKLStIIATOUs- NOIUCS. , : ''JJlEAfe’, I lefters iof adminlstrall'en ; beeii: gran'Od Vo t& imdorsip;ned>on .... io of Axk T. Into T >,.Dpa!ror‘,.co, Pa. Vs. ; themselves indebted fto said estate- . \ tested lo' make;payment immediate’.' i i; having claim's against the same will | them t oitio subs'cribcijdtily autlicnti - - ■ settlement. ; • ! i *■ ’ t. RAVBy AJm’r, with will annexed, J d . j ; '\South. Bcatettp. ,j ADJ WS: tlid P3(;i Boavor 1 kno&ving are reqv dnd tlioS present cated -fir ROUT. 1 ,■ jy-tVt I>\V.VY A/ttPL^iSTKEEIS,. New- Brighton, JPa-.‘ alesale. and .Retail - Denier in • 7<yppefii turf Shc'ett h'l'f- Waff* id the most approved patterns of- MY Govking, BufLoiland Beating ! ss*»». ' 1 [mai'2o'^ HROA Tin, < . A GOAL litnate! in I -about: -8 IVFi.'W. iDKUREB iblc terms, ire clvaveJ isbatuicu' ie. /IMiure ig-house, ti jar story of jitnd hits'e.l elient •tcoal'' CSeV.Avitb S ■ v- ~ r 7j T“ i ■ ~ TO Tlxil- . & to\LSoti'S ILY ! MACHiriBS. wi tidcnoe ui. f;a 4 e j* ts as t! i* SeuruHf ?r e now pt' «S;j.' ' 4 ■,. hr ToUo\nn»:roiv:|n!ascH : ov-4' ill iSovvm;:Mac’i’jtio.;:'-; :t\ u* >Vo;*k'; r be-iuly ii ?'ek*cc!l au»l ou;ctii»*3 os 'in> ,f ;oiiitrpcV» of bpcm x -A ia licr; Oor‘U' V*r£:l Tuck, |aay previous*. Jly, w-c-u ot.- ilt \\ T-v/ll llC:Vvy I caw or ip-.f-VKi:.' l tj Agtut f«iv ( y^ ;U p Ji ■■!'< ■; «. i Jw >H SALK. # ■ i ii. * ftfci-s ’.C'i' .vm : ; e<?X 'a ■ ;i;1 ■ y-' r-" : nt iv::i*Tn .i-OT*-* *1 \Vs:sU ■li'.ul!C v jnrVtt i;?; «v., \ h>- iii>: j.iif itf*: l -., j* ?*•■*"* Uiipr.v.-o-i nSV.M'T i, viiij iiv'iC « i* ; r / f: . ;.; ■ 1 - ao!r i- - p Im’, - o! i ed with jiii Iwaru .tVn'cu r-lutrcr _ Fi.« - •s rn-jiu!'’- .■ ei?kv- \ ih- i’.Vi js'X-ottvrJfinVudj for lue.^utm , jtiiil .'l'Lau* U ru.ia; tho paillt.loii u\ ‘the\, ilci!ca* '-I *’t , • nepr‘.*?cnta{ivfcs of F-xul iK-, i i U-cViiat by mfr w-Hi «;fv . . uUi.Ol* UK‘ laUs" CjUl'! xil v- -. Ito uio.dji’ccteU, .m iuquitiiio^i. V :u'iiy vabiatb-u »f \» ,v *. ■ \ d.. wlUbe.hclJ on tKv . . • of iVucueU i.VVJ. •at ".vlut'h | „ Ton iis.vj, iv?uTiv»l it.yod tU:nk. . ’.JOSKI'iI LIiDLiJI, .SliidC ..-■/' ■• -I ' -‘f - J ■; !-f V A i T) nvjp. I, A u ti n "INN A H T i TV '' 1 •1 i,W\ *. ME