The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 31, 1864, Image 1

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T:|£ P> - B V® R- AR
pj il! IMBRIE, Editor 4 Propi
P lWia-Twa Dott*M 'per
lit pipTApß*; otherwise Two I)jpj.i.
Fim Jssti will !>• charged.' No papi
eoatipned entil *U arrearages areW
ggy Letter* and communications, O’
ibail hare prompt Attention.
forPresident, f••■•■;”•••>•’.i|:?
ttF ItUSOIS, - ; : H |
• yg:
I ’
-■ • V
k ■ ■ i For Vice. President,.
1 • Of TWHHWwi : •!
U nion Presidential Electors.
Morton M’Michael, Philadelphia.., .
I fhomaß CoMiiagbainißearer Comity. : :
j- , ’' r V- BEPBESENTATIVEa. ' #
1 1 Robert P King 13 Elias.Hala i
I 2 G Morrison Coats 14 ChasH Shriaer
| 8 Henry Bumm 15 John drisferl
i 4 WiilimaH Kera 16DATConanghy
6 Bartbn H jenka 17.DaridW Wood
i 6 Charles M Bunk 18 Isaac Benson J
1 7 Robert Parker 19 John Patton ;
| 8 Aaron Midi 20 Samuel B Dick
1 9 John'A Hiestand 21 Ererard Bierer
110 .Richard H Coryell 22 John'P. Penny
j 11 Edward. Holliday 23 B M'Jnnkiia t
■ 12 Charles F Reed 24 J,W Blanchard
I Union District and CouutyNi
! ■ . Congress.
I GEO. V. LA WHENCE, Woshingtonco
! President Judge. ■ f".
! L- L. M’GUf'FIN, Lawrence co ;
!■> iv‘. Assembly. , - t
M, SL QUAY,.Beaver,
i KOB’T R. HEED. Washington,
i r, kelly, -
* Prothonotary. P
j County Commissioner. .
| JOSEPH IRONS, Hopewell.
| Poor House Director. !
SAM’L M'MANA'MT, Economy
i Auditor. !
Trustees of Academy.
A. R. MOORE Beaver,
. I J. O. WILSON, Beaver,
D, L. DEMPSEY, Beaver, '
Terms orßubaoription to Argus-
Argus, p«t annum, in advance.; S 2. PO
Within the Tear.. '.A . 2(60
End ef tie jest.. &JOQ
• These terms wilF be strictly adhered to.j ‘
j Rates of j «
. Ione square, I insertion.j
J£ach subsequent insertion i LpO
■ , f columri, 6 moa.. ......................I2w
i coliimß. fi moa. ......20 00
, i i column, 6 mos, 85,00
Professional and business Cardp. not ex- j' 1 .
cceding 10 1ine5...........,.....; 8 0)
IF.xecufqrs, AdmlnistratorsandAuditor’s L- -
| Sbticea, each .-....» 30)
;I.ocal notices, 10 cents per Uni each insertion,
j Deaths and Marriages, will! be .publisher
{gratis where the’ same does {not exceed five
! [lines; fov each additional line -6 cents will be
charged-—excepting in the notices of deceased
soldiers, whiih willbe published free. ' j
' Beaver County Fain.
AORieULTORAf- SOCIETT, will belleld
in Ihe'Tair Grounds, near Bearer, on ' j |
f Wednesday . Thursday, nnd 'Friday,
Sept. 2W, 22<Z and 23d, 1804. |> ij
. Competition is invited from adjoining counties'
1 . FOR 50 CENTS- ' v |
O’ i ■■— •—V ; J* J
The Argus will be sent) to
Rubseri berg, from the: J7tli of August
until-the 23d of November, for 50
Vents ft copy, ip, ndbantje. Send in
■your names immediately.’
J\ » t
i._ j i
Meeting' of ExecutiyeCommittee.
There will be„a ineeting of tho‘(|/'o.
Executive Committee ai ,lbc Coiirt
House ih Beaver, on Saturday, the
;3d of SeptcmboKaf 1-[rn. All t’he
members of the Com mi j, tee are ui&
‘ , gently requested, to altepd. .
, The following areitbe iifunos of lib eh
- members of the • I
JW. B. Cllrke, Caugtey, j
Geo. tV.; Hamilton, . George; Neeley’, i;
Jos. L. Anderson, Vim. Henry, 1 - 1 - j
jW. A. Laird, John H. Wilson, • j
t ’ f)r. John Murray, Maj., David Warnook,
X)r. AT.Sl.allenhcrgcr, William W. Kerr,
. jThomas.J. .Power, ' Geo. Rauscher,
Sami. J. Cross, ■ ’PEg'!
Joseph Pendleton, Dr MiLawreneeir**
J. J. Foster, Tho_. Nicholson, 1
JI. J. Marshall, John A. Gibft,' |
Wm. Thomas, Jos\ Ai Fleming, 1 j
. It. B. Ohamberlain; • John Wilson,* ? j
.' Him. Agnew .Duti, ■ Thomas Stahdiah, j’ ;
John Beeres, John It I Mohler,
T. hi. M’Cord, . Ildnry Bimher, l
. James Patterson, K. H. Barclay,/
Eph. Smith, a , James Smith: \ y-'A
Dr, S. M. Ross, Stone, ~;-' j
Satouel Lawrence, | • ' I J?', .
! v'- i
Sew Brighfon.Aug. i2th, 3864.
[ Allinquiries on! ordinary snbje<t«
with tho Enrolment) Draft) Exemption is’,
1/ihbilitiesto DraftWrcdits pndAccout is
pf then addressed
tq the Provost Marsha! bf theiproppi
District, who, if not able to answer
' thbav.W ! ’ , l seek information from the
PrQYflSt Marshal General |of the Staid.
Answers may thus be obtained mole ’
promptly than by addressing the Pro
vost Marnhal General at Washington;'
, where more important business often
- r prevents prbinp’tanswors to the mnlll
' tuda of inquiries now' addressed- tb
the Bureau ob personal and other
questions of miner consequence. i'j
p Substitutes cannot foe iaecepted. or
any ma.n -peder, Circulai f 230, who
•. leaves bis District for ■ the
\purpose of presenting a
Boards of bthyep Districts! or who au
thorizes RrbicV«-or otlu'r< to transact,
• BuchbqdneW>foi- hlrrt. i-: i
1 By order A.A.P.M Gei|. tor West’i* pa.
’ i ’ , 3OUXCOTUBEKT9OS. »
fsplain nn-i J’r jvjiijlj 24f!)'Pi»<. j
. ...... .. , i w. i i ' •[■. ■ ■■■'.-■■■'. ■•[■■■■
" -■;■ ‘;...V V~ .: i'; fcv Vfi'® V ". r ' ; : /
Ihni, one of ouh*jM%/Vt
i iai
hope- to< mppljr bis place
the i jonr i
» '•*■
k ' agt'We call attention.
;W v Wrap, Esq.
eoltf^,; : :Mr. i Wrwr
office from; New! Bri
place, where be
located,.': f : . % : .Tj ■ ;.■]. ■'' >•■'
'.»cjulk e I&tQ "
was nominated vast
'Chicago {toventlbo,; m tie fcdpi
head Candidate for President.’
have no t|ine fbp |omiaent jthija w
EiUedoatjie Railroad
’ lira. John Dunchn, livingl near]
Galilee, inJLhia county, was kiilei
the lasl.wpok new |httt pi
Wei have not leari edgthe particul
hat understand she was walking
the track at the time and the ezp
train ran over her. Her hash! ind
the, army, in the ' ,01st-regimi intj
is now a prisoner. | -NS
' ,:t L -- '■ _ ; ? i ’( -
SOLDIERS’ Ali): soon as
The Army Committee, of Bna
County desire to urgef upon all
Soldiers’ Societies id-the - soar
the importance or immediate act
in providing Stoijes, C|othirg ; i
Money, ah, 1 hundreds .of oar i wldi
are sent-toitho hospital every d|ay, t
some . days thousands. ] There 1
never been a time of more press
need for action in ihis department
humanity.; Send Stores to JoLepfc
Wilson, Esq.. Beav|i;;«nd -to Goo
C, Speyoi-er, Esq., jEochpater;- |Moi
tp jjr. John Murray, Bridgowai
aud;requests formeetings' and i|pe
era’to Rev.W. G. ’taylor, 800 ijer.
■-r h:4r
" Beaver Academy..
. We crtll attention to the>. notic
this.lnstilutio'ii in another, oblui
Wc.taro pleteod to Jeetliat-lhcl
tees have provided |i new drosa
fortn.oi.a substantial building, fi
old Aeadijiiiy, and that they bp
j cured lire services of- expori
teachers. We boi*fe the Insti
will-; receive a liberal patronage
places are ■ more favorable for
tionah interests, than the old t ,
Beaver! -As to have two 1
Seminaries in suc;essFul ope
brothers and sisters leavings ho
seek an education, can hei-o fi]
. best advantages, without threnei
of distant separation. To p
tjhis] is an |tein 6t no sipall im|poi
Tho advnr.tagcp cf this place-
access by railroad and rive
plied with chqrchnk of differ?
nominations, and a. staid anil
population—give it,-; mCjuliar clai
the h;iends of a-lihii: a)#tlucatio
wo Hope the Acad oin j- may Lave
the.success'll deseiyes. ,
V v
| .
1 ;■ • * ,
s. ' NewrStf.
r Some two rjiontwfsinca we n
ahe buruingef the Beaver Static i.
expressed tlio hope Jhatr it would
replaced by a bottu one. jA fei,
car has been made tc answer! tbn pi
posei of a Station sipjee the bhrn ng
the old one. A now Station {has -b'
erected this week, and oh! wtiat i Si
.it is about as large, af a gC
sized dry g|»bds bo;:, and rosy
one jvery much in apj earaWce, I
framled in Wellsvillc, wo bel evi
brought up in a hat id car. ■ W<
not give the size of thq.hdillinL
judging front the Amount of | shin,
required (apo|nt a I urge armlull),
bannot be less than -6; by 10. Th
have; erooteii it bn tbie lower fid'
■ • f 4 1 ~ \| -■ •
the load,,ton stills, to accommodi
the bpya/ihonld .they desire| to ovt
turn it thtp the riyeri The oil S
tion jsfas a palace compared 1 5 tl
one. i Senior .sly, within kit a dif gr.rc
to the Borough anjS.ft worse disgrace
to tbe . When the first w
erected, thejteornpany was embarra'
ed, oiid for that Reason nothin,'
said, j They are! ’ fiow I fast grb
wealthy, and 'should; feel more I pride
and display more taste: This !
of the best stailops on the roid for
pitssetigers, and top that reason v re are
entitled to bjetter aoeommodatk ns.-|-
TheAagreement with the- road,, when,
they obtained the right :of way, was,
,wo. are informed, that they jSioultr
build; a goo<l station. ; Qur. 801 ough
authorities should look into this jnist
ter at oocel and compel a fulfil iqgpt
of tb’p agreement, 4 I ■ ! ,
'O-^V :*Tf; v- : ' •-u»,;4 1 ’ > ~-!
Vtiwt ftnr all
id the Mi&idaiea fai.Wy'before
le, introduce
raonally; JWfe' have bwn pei
>bappy lii thia County and
Wdnof' andfiftieß?
position they jasprrej
confidence dfjthe pstirty' 1 and
<»ot of the poodle. ■ Wo bave
f|atibn' r ]tlje’nf in| f publicly
ling tbem; an& wb would glad-
of thbirmef*
•wing ; the baiter’ they, [are
the nibre, votes they ‘will
1- Uo ■p.--- ■"■=£:•
i; Tlio first on the' tlckof' ia Hon.
V. \srbßb|n
gton county. Kfe are jfree to’confesa
Mr. Lawrence not our.firtot choice
for. that position.•.; In] bommon with'
*• the loyal citiaens of this county, wo
supported, urged anddesired the nom
on. inatibn qf our own talented and vtor-
f e * thy Hon.|THOl*i*Ch
a,r8 ’ ninoham. We believe no man in .the
°® Distriotwas mbro worthy ojftlio po*
** fiition. and we' know ‘ that ,;fotr inch
’fi 88 could fijHt iQore honorably. 1 Altho’
dWppoioted titat our oboioe was
•j . not nominated, yet we belioVe it to be
| our duty to suppofttbo immineeheart-
BS. ily, add wo to" d<i'tK). " There is
much in thw election tof
the " 8 eilhcrJa openjy bpppae or coldly
lt - endorse the nominee of the parly-—,
iihn Should wo IpsVj the member.of
and g lo ® B i Q Ibis District, Ijt! in>ght giye a
lew majority in the lower House ofrpon*.
#n( j JreM | against tlie Government; and
bhs w h° could tell i the evil rbsuUstbat
sine might lollpw ? ;Oui cairtdid belief is.
t ihavin these tirbes the worst Uhic
. q man is jgfinilely preferableto '
irco -Copperhead, is on;
no y ,en duty to susiair. • those-w
tg-j.. tain t!iie counter; Wbf'havr
a jj, Mr. Lawrence for many* j»
ican cheerfully bear testimon
fitness and_abiiity. Reafedi
farm, and his oWh-bands act
to toilj he ; wi|,h th
I of. of ,tho]
• — : (life lie was flontjas a representative
•us-1 from his county*to the State Legiria*.
tlie j whore he has served,
b' B ■ twelve yearn—six .in the Rouse.-and
se- ■jiix.ini the Senate., Her was elected
ced ! Speakf-r-nl the Senate on.o' year, :find
,ion j acquired'an eiivlalile .reputation as a
’’cw presiding His ijiegislative cu
te*l t rocr was marked by .ability, energy
pf j and success. Quick of. jlpprehunfioi:,
lulo au( j 3 ptiring ini energy, he took, u
* » * » ' i j *1 ,*t
lon i r high position as a Legislator; uiifi So
* lo.j great iv.aa his .popularity that! he [w»s
* l h e .jselaonil'knc-.yn tp fail in
S!t 3’ j iindertjook. Fa dr men occupy the:|>p
'.‘’Hi® * silion pt. homo tliat he Joes. In his
ance, j own county 1.0 ioj the iiio of his partyi | and yd have never Itnqwn anj - man
■> Bu p-|so uiiiyorsaily- pdpnl.ii at' hpine. [As
it de-' an evidence of \ this wc ‘ need only
'.oral, refer to‘the election of ISGO, wtien he'
8 . on j W as elected to the Senate Id a Uis
and i t-rict giving about fwelve hundred Do-,
sll 'inocratiQ-majority. His triends now
| assert < that can j caVry [one
j thousand more votes in his end of the
I District thab-any other man, undj we
•‘ed i p'resume ho can.. This,hpino popular
■H.d j itylspoaks well,for hini.; Affable in
be his manner, obliging to a fituit, always
ht pleasant, with a roroarkaljle memory,
and wonderful capacity -for gaining
°l the affections of the people, wb
,ee P not wondemt his popnldrify. In the
V early part bf his fife ho was a Whig,
•d- but was one of the" first jto join [the
ales .Republican party.; Ho has over been
true to; the party,; and has,, sineo the
and commencement .of fe||o wdr, contribu
te-[ted as much as jman to >,be
.support of the Government. As a
glcs; speaker, ho -never fails to hold and
t please bis'audience. His 1 long expo*
ey rience and unquestioned c ipatity cris
bare us that wheaelecteti be will mike
>te a useful member 'of Congress,
if? will present usfaithlullynndably.
ita- we haye been mis-repre'sented the
'•* last two I years byai peace pOpperhcad
■ e jof the worst school, and we must nob
I permit the like .again., Above all
f things wo must not load a Congress
ifl“ man, because it would be attended, in
as all probability, with injhrly, add pos
sibly ruin to thewhule country.
Our candidate for Judge is Hon;
L.L . M’Gomft, 6t Hawrence county,
whom most of onr readers know.—
Judgh Id’Guffin is a self-made man,
raising himself, to bis present position
[by bis own industry and application,
i Ha was! regarded as a fine, lawyer,
[and enjoyed a large practice before
going upon the AipracticeAt
’the Bar fcr twenty years,-; with close
application added to his-natural abili
ty, bas fitfpd bim for this responsible
e of
been v
f'« if jt• r ~ **•(••-■ ■■ . Ai •-^^TT" T 7? "- ■.*“ -» >~ L
tfhHngvthei. lirao;h»? Peace : the- North;— they: are
'4ifri’ lteiuib he l lirU mode pa«T ihtf ■parr ot' thc'samdparty,
id cpiribihed in ieagae agalnsl'onr com|
A tbo ptllii j mori th»td
>i«t .tiotfihe shadow bl wdpnbt but £h«t
,? therpfc I an. understanding 'befweeii
no’ are—.tyrHfiiiienl : Sf>uth; ahd'lTpptbv'aris bound together
;,lsr a . vdr.d, I |r©‘ Mi by*;thoelrongeattics, and Vallandi
gbam Jeff. .Dayis have the name
i#iie.,wiH math nn;cml
f ftJrtd j ijOaje../^rea^©«‘., ~inlax* S: .«e t t lt v wn as a
I- in ythe profe wioiit f certni n j fact,, jftiiit ’- wheneverthey see
w.e have three bahjjyjrt’ing out Pcpee 1 Peace! that he is
LQoAr.of Beaver rohepf : fciends. aod] one
ibingtoh wbhiyi VebeU. ' Thoie ls onoroadto "a|
idrTy ;a memlMr^of, lasting and honorable-peace, arid the
jistrict, and ji. one South can have’fhat atjaby tfine^-lay
the Dis .riot. down' arms, take. bath
men for when wc pfaUegjahco,; sot, free their slaves, apd
than for Dr. enjoyjail tbe 'bUjßsinge .ol ppaco that
manly beariiigand j rbodthelbyo ibe -war bi’oke out.
lined with h'is|piojwJ And lesw *lf a ■ this* dor popple will hot
pg ‘manner, makes i have. A'iicyi thing
ante. jffl ahclthat is, that-as Sta
soorgy.and ability - vory was tbi®| cause of the robclliofi',
eosSbc in the l(C'|j It shall noijmgpr curse the na lion with
has already. jmade;|jts oideous presence.; Let j Slavery
d Quay: it. j»,al«;;idie Hnd|thcirebellion pods. 1
*,bo well is Jin _,. • " 'Ti r-'T ' A ~ i J■'
;|pr’soieral• l 4 B *■?* Ju*w»forSept. Sessions:
lonotahy ‘ Oij thia fo^ A , Y T HE 12th - "
If^VMjm^atioiir' I '
forgotten . ; Re- , Q ro eb«: JII Deihl, (Poriynan.)
/ar broke put, hej Rcjchbsthr hpr; J J .Anderson, Geo F
Rifles,” waielcct.! L«kVhe}'C--L-, - •}■ : ~i— ,
to. Assistant Com. Cootey . _ |, |
bf Pennsylvania! Economy: Jacob Breiteuatein; John
hold for a year, Hicks: ” - ■ 1 '*' ‘ "
A . iv
aiid N
R- R
apt «ntf|l
He bad .car
sia mi
t! #4
joined* v
'b ! t&». fa'
>cv nold. fin . y ,
in- appovutod birahla
ate Buc{Bfe|ry, wbiuh position be
.he tColp
t. t|pm
bathe Oi
it of ill
igtu'n., and
' 1' I’,
ary | and
i;; It ih a
M'!. .
.*cochperfect iO )
b, t-baldt ia’nosV generally; twice-1
I lie master; oflall kinds i
ttasinbsa. ,‘ Wo have boyor .know n
ioUeriibußincsH man.|or a..''rn.oie
sty With g teal yTauiral
lity, improved I'}' study anp obse;--
;iois,' lie is destined to lake a. tifyfh
nd among oar publiy. mow? iiltep
u and obliging as Lbojscapable, mo]
erestdii isiedror conn tv or its. citi-i
, 1 ’ • • I i. 1 . . [
is -will suffer in llis. bands, and Ids
eu’on- is more' desirable' and will
dor. nipte'. lionor upon • bis-, cony tiiu-
Irj tbcU upon.hini.' Dup Legislative
' ■ ‘ "j ’ i * 1 I? • , ; I'
kef could ntH bo betlorf . ' '
iVe. xvill,|;onc-lu(Jo id otir ribxt. 1 '
Shill Wa Have Peace ? i, ; |
The Peace ' Democracy at the p.rea- |j.-
, timcart/ very bu.-dly engaged harp- j|.
ifi upon thoinei' Waco, j,;
icb,isVtb,e of their a6n,jj.-rj:
: d whatidoour readers suppbse they |
i ejn 'by .'peace ? Why,-nothing inure I
in a proposiliioln, to abandoh every j
'k wo have done, and give"tbp reb i|
i..1u1l power again' to 1 comb Jnto.i llip
i iibn with all'.their slavery, jusi as j
iy .weifb before.,ihe ; rebeltipn.' In a
[tJ, they ddsira-lhut the" Govern
iioit should give ap in despair and let
:ry thing go to chaos. For the ,
ders of the rebels have said, time
.1 r ■]' ■ ’ ’•>
i thjat they do npfdpairo to
in a back—'that the only 1 tehms they
t are 1 ‘sepal ration from the' Nprth
ff!* entire independence. \7e pan
ye no poaop with them bat on this
•in.: Jb#.. Davis stiiL emphatically
dares that be’ wilt*MLen ip po oth
ter fps.! ,Tho pla ! the peace
a then means jastfrois, and can
an nothing mo'rp:—
at. Thai the North has been in the
Sng from tiro beginning, arifi hhdn}d
blbri_Ceaso tojprosecuto it. . \
i d'. ; Tm»t the South'baa bean only
1 its jaht rigbtii,.and ought
'layp thorn." :• i ■ •[; |'
id. That the right to hold i slaves is |
inalienable ope in the - Southern
i toLt,and cannot bo infringed with;
la, grow disregard of the rights of
to who hold slaves;, ; ' ■
,er f
'hat the Administration la now en
ed in aid unjust ffaruppn right*
he South, which ought tp be ‘ oudj*
it ,once. , - }, ■ i ''i-,; 1 _
heeevJt eoema to us, ore the viows
of Vhe' peace raeh when dearly ek
proved, and, when compared with the
*ie of the rebel* they will bo found
to (:pincido remarkably with those pi
JeffrlHivia and his crew;*«nd in lac|t,
there is no diffarenco ib opinipn ba
tweer»;the'Jf«,bei« of tfce South, autf. the
• i." ‘ • v\'*'
r T 1
Mfljbr GfinjwM iWxs
the 2?5(;h T , Gpijienil' tTancoQ#iwhowail
several tirnpß dnring
repaired the cpetny at bvelry^aksSflftc;
At bulf-past-h combined at
tack waafliBdeou;hiM , 6»)t,rba»il left,'
which', afyorone of the moot deeper ■
a(e battles; of rttC;waj% rc«idtediu>the
enotny withdrawing from, the : figld,
leaving: tuoir - dead and. wounded oo
theigroinnd.. Oar forces hold the yFel;
| don road, and in a dispatch: dated 3p.
j m yesterday, Gen, says- that,
{their loss: oT iread. seems to be a
blow to the enemy he cannot stand—
I think 1 do not overstate the loss of
the enemy in the last' two weeks at
{ton .thousand killed and wounded. Wo
ihave lost,heavily, hut onrs has been
, mostly in captured, when the enemy
gained temporary, ad vantages; .The
.number of rebel prisoners taken On
[lout, sidohas not yet been, reported. ;
; Gen. Grant makes the following re-,
port of an unsuccessful attack Jby the
{enemy on Gen r ßutler’s picket line on.
Thursday ‘ Yesterday, ■ Thursday
{morning,- the:enemy drove,in Butler's”
.picket line, > The picket guard soon
rallied, however, drove the enemy
back nnd.rcstablisbod their lino. The
result was onO killed, sixteen, wouvjd
edand fourte’eiriiiisniijg. {Twocom
tnahdihg dicers and fifty enlist
ed men wjere captured Irom. the en
jemj l . What their.casualties were in
{ killed and wounded we do | not know. 1
1: E. M. Sianton, -:
j{ , ,‘£- j.. Secretary dl Waf.j''
jj : August 29.'
!! , Major-General Dix : A dispatch'
from Gen. (Grant just received, states
{that the RicliknohJ. papers ofyeAter ■
day. announces that Fo'rtfMnrgan is.
in oar. possession. It is riot stated
v.- j, u - whether the- fort was surrendered Or
i whether ilj was blown up,|
Another dispatch gives live tbit owing
extract; “Fort Morgan is in the on
Cray's possession, whether*blowniip
or eyacuated 'is not khdwiV.l .
Gen, Sheridan, in a despatch dated
yesterday, at 230 p. m , reports—j
“The.enemy {loft my front last night, {
falling back toShiithridd,. or .mid way.
Wc captured {101: prisonerfvyestcrdayj
and inflicted a Ioss ; of T5O-.ldlied and
wounded. {There have been a Jtjw
feints to cross the river by cavglty at
Williamsport; but . there was |io
.strength shown. The indications tb-'
-T— , .
■ : IvirriT rraow: J M ll, « ,Qilier re,mrts-state
-1 , ■ ~ li. •'ni'e. _ K . | that the etieiuy IS leaving lie bhenan-
UopiiweU; jpaytd U| Scott, Arch d j vbdiey./ .Nothing has been re.
Agnew; t ' ! i | ceivcd from Sherman for.two tl’avs.- .
.fliidepcudeAce: Matthew Anderson? ■ E. M.Sf aSton, Sec. {of War J-y
Eaccpo.n: dailies Bredm; ; i : -'i • : ■■■.„ l’ - .1 /
Sywilkiy: John B.ixter, Rich- 1 Tho State Guard {
ntmid liarj, !,.{ • • ' Wo learn that Governor burrin lias
n ; * decided to-call out immediately -folir
- , I- i op fivo UiouMUuh.of the State Guatfd.
tr^ C ,t • *■ • i!lUe orgariiziiti'on.of which was autiiolr-
Barclay- John c| Legislature -at! its receiu
" if; VT i r? / session. .. These recruit,;
■ 1 ■■/ivf.j’-' \ , ed all ovor jthto tjtate, ami when ,urgan-
Baker, Elijah !«*«
: i,..‘iiVv r 1 * alon«2 the uoituoriur JoitMtce.-*
'onpgii, Allijed , ; o.‘ 0 .‘ ” .f 1 - vlt— =ll «lW br
, J r ' i: ■ ■ r •.
Glasgow; SI ilton Brown; .*• |i
' Now 1 Brighton; Samuel Coibus;
Clarion: Jejremitb Fisher; , |.
' Borough ip: o ’.A' Griffin,Sawuel
Karheey; '' >'
New Sewickly;. John Heaton, Kob’t
Mcßcs; "■ . -.jr; ■- - ■. ; <■
' Georgetown: David j Hamilton; v
, 1 Freedom 1 boh Oliver. Hamilton;
Chippewa.iAndrew M.’Gaf9ck; '•
SlaiiOinh, Jaiiies AVnito; .
| Piiiili])Surgjh:»l>aiiiol 11 Weigle; ,
Big G Young; -,
FraDkUDr.i)a»ioV r ßiamTK. t ;l -
BeaHr:- VVm Gallcj,-.Moore
Warrick; dif" V j ;
AViHiam Goering; •:
Freedom: fji'mou G;-ifn; ~ ■
liiigjitou: \ Gibson,; Peter
Reisitlgov; ;• ■ i ■
I- Falistdn: William Henry, iSamnel
iKcnnctjy-, John 1 ,-IT K abler; ;
' 'll an over: Henry Kciffer, Wm; Mc-
Cullough, Ged' jMiller;
’ Rochester :tib:;AlmerP Laoock; - ,
: pordugli* Ifii jl)av*idl Minis;;
; Chippewa: Platt; ,
PlulllpHWglij: Robert llmth;'
Sainvioi Spencer;
. Newl Brighton: John. Tmsman.
f '■'. I’■' Sharp Speech
A Mr. -J. Hi Wpodwui d, a young
man of about twenty, had made him
self parllculafty disagreeable to some
by hi 4 expressions of [loyalty,
hbU out of . was ' called upon
at a publie meetieg to moke a speech.
Hp respooded lo their palls in sub--
as 1 . i
} Gentmmen; 'The great cry that I
hare heard to day, has been peace,
peace! I toll you that there is no
man in the nation who desires peace
morcitban I do~~a permanent,, lasting
peace. £Cheorsn And, gentlemen, 1
will tell you howijwa willgetit. Fight
this War out | Take oVery negro in
the Rebel Slates and exterminate ev
ery rcbeh no matter Where yon.
find {him, [Misses.] Gentlemen, you
heed not try" to | hiss me down, for I
am an old soldier, 'and have faced ah
most as mean |d l°okiog crowd as is
now before. iriki- I* mean the thieves
and bushwhackers of Tennessee; I
know I was called upon to make a
speech put of d.drision, and .1 ‘ intend
U> tell you 1 think of, ybtt. _ .
;,.! ■Whon-iGod said he would save Sod
dm if ten righteous men could be found
then, t have lipid doubt would, have
saved itj and tO'day, if y,9 u i all .stood
upon the brink -pf hell, and ho were
tiTsay ho woul^TSave. you one;loyal
man cnald be: found among you, I
have not the,'least doubt but there
would be a. groat many strange faces
in hell lor *hpi>er. V '
Gentlemon/tjrhen yon wish to hear
front;mo again) noa have only to call
oh me ! ,f’ni r nl|va\:B at b'bme; ,; . .
| Mr. .Wooddard Is a resident of
Ohio, and has been adjutant, of an In
dianregi meet, n -. v ' "
>llO regiment ot cavalry wii .-q-bp
raised iiiunedialoly. . Jo the .meantime
: ilio cyhoieftm-e ol filteen'dlion/uuid au*"
thorized by the recent actof the As
sembly, is u» bo'organized, subject to
orders from the |fommander-in Chief,
to move at any moment.
Havioglup requisite authority to
call upon the eiiijbens of the/Stale for
military support in the discharge .of
his duties; Governor Curtin is -now
Acting with' the: most commendable
promptitude, and is determined'to-be
prepared to meet any. fqiti
of the State The patriotisih of our
people demand cif them prompt and
immediate assistance of the Governor.
If ' the li oops Are not forthcoming.'
.there will positively bo a draft. °
; Keep It Befdre'xthe Public^
j ’phat Mr. Benjamin, Jeff. Davids
of State, has issued. il circp
ldr t iii which; it i* distincwv, and om
ci ally declared that the South will lis
ten to no torms of peace not predicated
on separation: This has beenassti t
ed before, but not Officially; b.utAnow
we bare it set forth in a Stall dOyii-
that separation, independench.
is the only condition on wbieh OayiS
& ,Co. will enterUpn thoiidea of peace.
JfirGenoral Sherman is reportedto
be, moving the bulk of hie forces to n
position on the Macon 'and Georgia
.Railroad, in the roar of Mood’s army.
This move is indicate a
movement on the city l of Macon,, and
Its capture. General Schofield was or
tjered to march'on the 16th, with fif
then daya v rations, and hie destination
supposed to bo Macon.
Hk Paid in Advance. —-A/cotcm
porary says: “There is a mab up in
par country -Who. always pays.for bis
paper, in advance; Hbs never; had tr
9 : ck day in his lile-i-never hatl any
corns nr tnolh ache—his'potatoes n<
vor rot--the weevil never eats •’!
wheat—the host never kills his at,!
or beans—-his babies , never , and 1
nightanct bis yyife '■never siwops. j
always wears moderate ‘Siamese like ]
j Pleader, if you would,,, go, thou,
| results on your own
land do likewise- .- w i
I , being made by,
i, eff(^ e Northern part ot j
Copperheads;/ to gettirrloaobed sol-
Sew York>‘ t i nto Canada. 1 Such are
diorsjto d wh6 claim: to be:aa loyid "»
the but who desire peace, ’ % N
auyb JJ ’ ;
''C 7 I ! ‘
!~ t ~ 1
v.. v
- ; Uf
W Htv
Ikraghf Borne, bf
: deni i-**
1 tYdn
fortp • witbX ? ‘f I pi‘
. lif&e laid ft if weft! i
adft Thare kept:i
meX Now Poor B!c|tisrd is to. |i
tbp couhtj y ronrid r lpbe aVveiy s
did v •wJsd'm|
for Bichard never ilcaitlfid ■'■mytiblipgtt
didn’t know how to niafcc ah3 |:
wjsdom f and / prodeawl had becoin.e-f;
proverb, go, when he lopk ; out 'his' s |
mgs Mid'bought the nows, mor& than ■; |
, was Burorised, hnd it l.l
Mr.' Smith dskcdwhyv ' |k> Poor Bichn |
irf;a very" qiiiet hidiple hthu -f,
e|; assumed ahytbibg^replied,'■‘•P-fiafe
p|se, ,|Mf. Smith; yon hjiiJwf'a
better than 1 1 do what td do ; witlf ,’mcih | j
and how to invest ;1 for had inn;
and ail I .got 1; had topork hard' for \ j
| Butijhave lookedrouh|a godddeat • =, i
|oh my neighbors, and sclin what they
with their money nud I trill tell you s_f>.:4’
1 things' I saw mid a bat thought of it *
i Onb very rip;3J»an was ,|lways dealino £:
! money. _ and hh Im. tde aS great ileal, i
was never satisfied without high hi tore •;
So. he’ lent most money to so;f
people who he thought ere very rich,.
a'very high) rate; and h| often told.htir
much; ho got, till che d|y the people
lent to went to' smash! He- got bn ;
abolut ten cents on adojfcrof |
1 know another oldj genSemiri, whpfkj
some bank stock and hq|wcrit to thebe $
and got ten, per cent. |dividhnd. ’ c T '.'
President and everybody said it* was
best 'Stock in, the count|y—paid‘;tea. 4 *;
cent, j But whal did tliel olii Utah d<) t
sell his stock the nektday t Why twiii
said everybody. Because, it pays; t>
much dividend, And ip; si* ; months tv :
bauk’went to smash... that.;!,
'to'hp a fact. Well, Mrl| Smi/h - , yonj s|J
railpad stocks ’are best , because they p
high-dividends? Can you teU'hdw Ip ■%
they! will pay them! I. ; like railroadf,; |
helped ltd, build, one, and Igo in-for usl;
ful things. But I tell lydu what I hncl|
about themr One-thirldkif the railroa j
don't pay any jdiyidead| and two-tfur |
(and sotne of, them cracked up, too, j
not pay as much- as Government stt cl-r
Now that brings metoUhe Govcmiuel
securities, and I .will telf ,you whyilpM
fer .l"take it' ydp; will adiuj?
Sm ith, that in the long)' run the inye 'i
meilKyvhich is bast should have
qurlmea: First, it shohld be jfrrfict S
scourby secondly, th:it tl|e income shin: J
bennitorm and' perman|nt—not upj o; r
year ahd down the next |and thirdly,jtL «
it should be so When v.'p h
wet day comes, andi you- want
money, you can getjit b.-ifck. ~And I thii ,?
these notes or bonds hayp got t
ities more tlian any loth4; kind of
al property you can naute. -Try if.' .
‘First, then, I have Wien looking ’
tliat great Look ypu culithe Ceiisus
f used to thinkf it wasn't:wL
ruuchl; hut since I |bega|i to Study -it,
tell yoiii I found., odi aigpod many tbui/ .
-very useful for me I found
[by looking aj the crops,|and the faetpri -!
land shipping, ic., that|re (1 duo’t mei’|
! fhe lEebel States) are miking a-SiousaiX
[ millions of idollars a year niore ,than. yf
spend. So yoh thk); (sin«» the 'i f
creascof debt isn't half that)’ we j a ;
[growing rich-instead of| poorer, as Jol 1
Bull and the cn>akerB|,jwould have v|S
think. Pheu paid. dn, f
how, no matter how| war
side's; did y«Ju ever hear p.fa Governni'? i
that broke before the; popple didf.
into; your; big histojricajMr. Smitli. u r
yon will ’find the people break before 1| 1
Groyerumehts. tflea, I call ih
stock perfectly secure. | j ’ ' i, ) J
I ‘Secondly, wahtithe injpmb
form and permanent., I waiit yl 1 ?'
to take up a list of banks) railroad?, mind
companies ;4janything ,rd ;1 :
choose—and .fell me |[ho|ior bright, .notyf f
how! many have paid h uniform income ft
ten-or twenty yearsl ifpt one in a hut
dred. Mr. Smith, apd you know it. i f
.‘Now here is the will pa |
yonlwithout varying a tiftle. Now I Jil i
somOthing that gives inc? my income evel |'
1 you want seething i
marketable any day in pc year. ;> if I
if. yon will ask any ] bank Presj) s ar , e > r
will Ml you that Gpvpiimeht ‘lwat-g ' )ii|
the phlV kand of iWpeirlpr
salable, because tbey .wilfc v , * ' |
in the world.- i I stocks.. 1 ,
‘Now. Mr.'Smith. l tft j£o help pat ; t
little savings’in Qi is mgbome dtmr i|
confess, too. thajegf,,’ pidMr. Smith,, f
‘dear old alHbisi! There is a, 5 1
my fa -what yon say, and
•I hadn’t tV, M to put too or three
the censciousness of ; • i'»
his country andhta feUqy ; |^
.and aid no Hfewt-U id a,' lioy*t|i
is good eT^^^yp a n 4 iSepiMl
League, and, doVpg^l
demands an welcome: to. I
thialilouiu i'-l
\ }
U i ;
‘---t \