5 “ v |bi frjeml--* at; «;1 from ' i:r * {Tcl.«l>a< lii Suiitb. \ r ‘ L he distinction^ ■ p4 < yy e a " t * t " ai °* &f\rte''C6iif?3for*te'Cause ? ” ho .i;'oplS^;}^!* l weY;itakft orthefn Iricnda .undayra; yeu more freely because? we oy dimre lie to the gdod caasQ df ijhe !a|hejr-a clincher,; ttiat.roy Sew; York morning papers their price frpm 18; to ;24 •k', and decline id receive ibscriptioDS for their Week rates. ’ - ■ , l.art raise* cent*** f v ■«nv " lies st place selected foi the cajn ;-,ntt.is to bp called Prescott, ■ the ■jrclit - ial p! j.! !•&$; 0! so teKJX ijATITION;-; ■haas" Court.] in audfoi-Hhe coun (Tver, ami State- of Pennsylvania: I of the partition of the real es ]y Ewing,' [deceased.' To - the I.J representatives; of , said de /noticc that by virtue of a writ of "ued uiit of the Orphans’ Court- of ind to me directed, an Inobisition r>' itr t ,I T. I t y«fH -:*■ ji^T'atler .;.t e ..t, ;•!•■• c(1 fdl: T«W fs:d couhJJS ini; , ik i ’iT* I ' r t»£« «*’ M 1? ' f-n the -.''jl* 1 *:yic ft’i'yl'l* c a: ition or valuation of-the real es- Icc'd -, will he held on the premises _Augtiet, 1864, at which % ymi innyi attend if you think JOSIH-H LEDLIE, Sheriff.. SS P A: Xl> FOR ' 'A/ + ' i-. ; |R m EGGS, I. ■ ih’ . , L” i &SLVEY, Bridgewater. tr I: i » if*'t ! A. S. i I, ' T 2 iTKH . .JJ - : ' f ] ' :pc to'fijsi.ip, Jit |ISTR>-TdR’S 3STOTI.CE. | | ef.fiJioinistCTitioßi ’on the estate ! Ist Hours, late of South Beavcr'i Ivor county T decM.. having been ] )* undersigned, all persons’ in- 1 are requested. to make foem, ami those having ’claims j £<*?e •will present diem to the juperly • ant Kent icalcd'for | set- pVliitt'i ilch'oJ Jo j.nrredicie f*J >.ti i ■uk-cr^cr. p J.tcu-n: N SIANTZ, Administrator.! Ohio to.vnshijp. <:v27\'« NOTICE ‘ | ITLiav August piV*!' iWoh X\v ih ‘l£f • 'IONS will be received' tip ,_£o-j .tith, ISfid,’ for teirFem:lle"fe,ich- j in the, New Brighton • Union ! > Board of School IdreclorK for ' New Brighton. |i i). till-LIL.VNB. ?ec"y. Roof'd. i»n; .fitly 27th, 1534. jj . OTHER, A Oti’a. Extra Chemical i-luid, the bestial the world, at the Uvug Store. ■ Try it and be cBn- Kuf-.sc fared br the Amerrcan Ink Xfiv BOScMMU AVnii!.g .vinceil- [Mm r r.:)iHUV ; .oPTM ri;*? for sale n't the Bridget 'rug Store,' ;| |* ’ " J iWzsrKS" ■i A SCOURING! .TvT*AtSTK‘? vuii-r i Trt-j.Ti ■■ . !•> ip oJ cf -TAMiISHME^T. iio sT'rr.i£!E r F’, 1 iVest of Fer u tmmberjfcf years 1 Lstensive establishments in this ; :c cities of New York arid PhtUv ■fc uUjhe impi-uved appliances and ; ? employed. als'o in pos-r ! yfe very .latest 'discoveries and me-: *}>e:irv Dyers/ they dye and’finish..; : , and Merino Dresses in 'a i ■* dn many these articles j * -o:«>r and finish. very nearly equal J 1 / t'.» new Goods. ' - j ■ 4& 1 ri.'M-j'er nf l\i *i:. !;• uf Kur< ■!. «ik r.skyl MEE f'lviis return'd in hr* ‘ weeks -PrW- ci.-t < OLLOC K ’S i TV.-~ J-- - 1 > c;.i tv lei on Coffee. vraik.u. imuic fromthe'bcat Java ■ vf ; ?jiinn€*riued by phvsicigina as TRlTlorS-'AG-'E iVGcii nil billiuus disur inds who. h:iw heeu compelled to .'l:*, of cojiVov will use this wifh- ‘One can contains the !wo poimiU of ordinary .coffee, 'c'i;;-!,- ''Vn;^ ‘•rcri-Mr' ,r ./.LOOK'S LOVAIX. .I 1 ' 1 H’jil best BAKING TOWDRU :»" r '; v ■ !!1 ‘king light, B‘vtf'eet and nutritious Wn,.,! ~a , t Vricc 3;i ceutk; < ■ v stam.ia.':t'iiotl by •.• ■ ■■■ H- : K.OTX 0K; Ciieim>.!, ; ' ' ‘-‘•ru.'j.oi iiivad-aud Chestnut tdrecta, , • l-iIIL.VDKT.HIU,' ' 1 Druggists and Grocers.' Autpr.U l ov Pfission, B* >unty & Back .Pay Agency” IRS & R'DD EL. .AFiTH . 1* ITJRTIT ST, PITTSBURG. PA. ttentxoh. given, to. the collection CX-IT OK $lOO. due to "R OUND 'S who hast served, Lr,««T|t*x hiclt is how being pail. • . ex . . turn unications addressed M, above cj od liv return ofPoal. je8, : 64 "f the BO' •'‘owaaii < * ,vr vyi;4KB < ,f co A-\l_ f3e»twicl£. AY & APPLE STHISKT U’ip Brighton, Pa.- T Tn, ie and Retail Dealer in 'r, arid Sheet IronTYare, ' most approved patterns of . ‘Km! th TSlsbvrg Caking, Parlor and Beating , Stoves. ' , , £mar23's4 ': AUiIJiS; t KTTERS Aj °( An: l ’ n gHtoa i n Pwto.J Jv, , tii ba “maediafe n ?,B*»nst tU, ■ lui, i6ntieat( . : Aiiiii iSTAPvTOii’S NOTICE. * , of administration on the estate ■stro.no Jei.lt, ; dec’d, late, of nship, Denver eo., having been undersigned, all persons in d estate sire requested to .make tyment,. and those having claims amts' will present them properly d for settlement, i 1 - . .. JJiV W ATTERSOX. Adm’r., je2st;4 Estate oj 1 T «f bora’, fl ’“M-to the h , t5 ‘ !>«in rl -'’ »uth en Geo. C. Bradshaw,dec’d. *•# ratimi- ; eatpte, t. BnangHa#, Bea e»Xer e«.,;doe’d. Bavinjp beeir is- persons indebted . make imiudiate payment, and wSH P r es*nt lherri, ; propi 5. a l , “ d for .settlement, i •-•«-■■■. r i .DAVID JOHNSON, ■Adid’tf.-.;i ■JjcJO’Ot , ATTOISfA RUTAW; ■ j *VA If E-Yv AT T. A V t!K ,vSI • Mtnk. ■ i m^rnmimm . ■ '*•’ ■■' A&iksiiS&al^'' .Y B : £33t3lJ *rt'WS C Beaver Sfatfoit-’-GoiNo.&AsT. 2:20 p. x. «• V K« - . >8:60 p. k. 6:54 P. M. •• *r, - ;8:05p.k. ■ ■ Qoi»a Wl|BT- i- ,'■ Traint {uii PiUtburgh at folloictjji -,.- 6:loui.Jlf. : J vAMtiss'at . k. 1:10 p. m.' * <';Roeoester .2:20 p.x. 1:00 a. x. • kh 'iFv ll^:S 2:10 '*• *• i ■ NI M : 12:00 Sd'.i: 'f. : V 4:40 4i!r ” ’ , “ '6:50 Mail,; j .Vj J - 0:30 Ist Express,' . 1:00-' 2d Express.: : 1:10 i ... J.;.. WM. P. SI ’• OKPEAXS’ c 6 BY virtue iof an order o •of the icounty of Be cd will expose to sale hr out-cry, qn the premises, 1 Wednesday. A iigi at oneo'clbok. p. m. the property, being the real i well, dare of Beaver c lots iiuiubeiied one kund and one hundred and- se; rough of SeW Brighton. State df Pctmsylvauia. b by lot Jib IT4, on the eas on the south by Market -west, by Water street, lot So., 17d.*is. erected"a ty-five feet front on Wait; feet front bti Mdrkct ilrn ; the re to. thirtjkeight frori i eighteen feet, two storic i I contains nine rooms sind I under, the I front part, i I House silti|ou : feet sustai • ! Stable sixteen foot squat t •TEBSs.-w’Jnr.-third of oij’tiie coufineation-of balance in two equal, it itliat date, with- iutera: time. ’ ■By order of ti Executors of Georg OFFBtt TO WHIELER SEWI'W ,'Vlxa in'M O'iVcJ Jtesr a /id Most IVe claim for ti the fall ■; :;nVaL'i all S«u Fur ci* variei v of V uf flfi'ch; >peet liuu: ! HimrUnky of-censl tian anil t/iattageineni; '« fiiis.ii.' j it, will - Siitch, Hem, Fell, / . i’i/tit. Gratber. All ‘ «vithont finv It works ,w thickest fabrics/ tVopi cloth, fo the finest, cajm S. i-J. . PIDiRS< jy2o-’Gi] iiohi A gel r>r. D.;i OFFERS bis", profc! . citireiisr of iiEAVER AX . • v otfi 'The Sh.iiuton n>tdr did G] ' the liUiuio Brr|p; llo| has-born, tor ?y Surgeon in I-Ite ond located films' Freedom, Bo: offers Ids professional s - I'liilps^ •’i >i ; , p. a: OjTtrt ki* Vrr.f(Mifu\ai B EAf I; il- A « and solicits'^.share'of Kerr’s' Hotel; rtficlfi.'6S -ice dtiu Till? eilbscriliSr lias with liis C<>SPEG • ICR CH-EA\ in the XoMh-jTasi ‘coj where persona can l phiife Vif the publi c'pat i majio.’CS;. ■" i “PROE, DAVID fiOBDOHIt HAVING devoted a number of years to sacdesssiiUy caring (IVtw. Tmfort, &c., from motives.of, humrmty, offers! bin profes sional services to the public of- this county ■Hi* Hyst-em iasimple—inevitably produces a. cure without produciu ; pain to thp, .VoTt/ri'.nujjai/.', jPosf- office atGUntOlvAlle gbeny,ietf.,.Pa,i rr- v-.rx - ■je29’64,;.; , ' -■ GOLD PEW COMJ^ANY, Manufacturers 1- if %nd Pencil Cases of cvctyr/dcsorip tion. and 1,. : Sole JJanufoclhres of the ! ! ' , A supply just received and for sateat the “• iy2o]_ Bridgewater Brug\§igre. ; Y >>‘ j aadlHrector*Jot %his Dank; «hw day dheiared a DlflßfiSD OF VER CENTVjupon its "Capital StoeVidt; °f the profits of the tm i{ s months, ‘payable .toStqckholderaor, lh*ir legaV’eepretienfatiyes,' Bjrfgnton tp... '■ ' <■ > ' IS ai hispost againVAtBEAYERSTATION,' amts TivanoaabfancliM of bieprofeisiion. n^e .»#odr •% mm#: Fallsti Ba; : Going East. aster Apt. at Pitts u k.i..,. ‘7:20 a. ,«.- k. m 8:20 A. Mi p; m...... 2:85 p. m. p. m...... ,4:50 p. w. p. k 7;00 p. K. a. x...... , |2:20 a;\m. p.vm....'.. 18:20-p M p. jf,...:. :7:50,p;, m. :st— • •' •, . Atr. at Rochester.' x.'..:.'.’ 3:30 p. ;m., x..,,..11:00 A. w. ji....:. l:82 p.^H. p. ii...... 6:15 v. ii. L*. S.ioi.JiiD l. M, a. m. 8:05 A m. A. M...... 2:10 a l , X. •. B 2:2R p!. il. [INN, Sapt.,.E,l). ÜB' C SA .IjTL i ‘ the Orphans’ Court i aver, the Undcrsign i Public Vendue,’ ar on i 1 : ‘ ! ! >tf 17M, ISB4V : following described' nstaie of George Cos ■ nutty, dccUl;, being I red and seventy-five e ity-Eit dh the 86- ■o mty of Bearer and ounded bu thi;,' noriir ; by dJirißibu,’alley, street,,add |on the .'upon which said twen r street, by. eighteen if, with an addition lit 1 oh Market clrceth; t high; said building a hall. With' a' cellar also , a Frame Wash e, ani an bid Frame c. ' •’ ' the purchase mopey he sale by the court, . :inuV: payments from, 1 1 thereon.-’from same ie Court; - : . OH>’ UOSWEIL. iEX'j Biimsos; t iWswell; deceased-. i THK,PCI«UG aMlson’s iHiWBS- , •* if3.ua?j:Us aa'ilic. Fnmily ,Sacin• ional services to* the D VICINITY, 't: n:. S.fJH. Corner of i id. Bctver, Pa. . Ydung, ! some, ’tim# ncting-.Jis iruiv. havhiir rcimncU Ivor Coujity, irvices to tllc puhlirf; building. ' [rnhlb'CS , KERR Sfitiettio ihilfeoplt o/. ■ I) ' VI C I .\ r I T Y piiblio pHl^opage. ;£ is ■ v \ .0, Beaver, P^nn’a.r; orrf SALOON. ? opened; ‘ in'cotujectioh TXQNAKY; an '- -‘i x saloon: ■ ■ ■rncr of tie ' Diamond; te .accommodated.' ‘‘ A ronii'i'o. is Holi4ijUetl.‘ -i “' F.RED;fc 'Walters:’;.;; ICbtlM «nd Mils $63(219 tf «fl«**a»v jj. .£^t-*‘&altm Jse &pmp*x- jw^6is*t' •«"**■ C«»»JhUW)4m> ~-it~i~ Jsie-r i!r-n*»ni 1 WMrIH Prptfstacopimt, ■- ftgfStti gjp^ goe.dyiwitors...... .•«*-••■•••.. JUTipaMPyai; ** Ooptingept|funds.,i..;n'2,3oB; 8£ >n!r. »^pRid,f....:.,.-.i ft :; ! ;_s^t7P' ; f>2;,T * correct,according to ,tb.e. beatotjjß^toojffledge apd.ließtf.j ~>( „" ,' Affirmed I and eubftcribed before.»«, Uas, 4£b ’' ■■. ■ 3 -., '•■ |..'{,, £, ;M, ;McCceju,; Rotary JRb^BjS}^ ' OF LETTERS the| P6st Off' ’B!SV’-" ■' '• MST OF tBTTBRS 4k Ti EM AIDING! in ,the| i’6st Office at JV-Virflfc,3die MlB^’V'' -■j BrjncyOj'W ' ' j' .[Miller, Maud,. ,j.k : " Blythe fTs[V.•.: . ,jMcMurty j;A 8 ~. CalUgon -Wulsa ' ;.v t ,. i; Birr Fred.[ ",.j,,.' wrnuss[Attani^V[ ■“ Ei anil in! Pji cfSong calling for letters in, tie adore t^wui^e .ura,.from *•%.iiu.'tp 6j p". ni.[V*!,’^ tSTC OP LjßTTfi RS |NING in-thb ,pjist Office at Eocties !du,.julj Ist, l.fjfil:; . i •shall- ... IPoTter. James ■ j . islian i ; I Patterson, Mrs Polly, ■. Itinggolil Hiss OUa. - Bmith William' |> • ißhort Clara • Office H' Eemai ■ ter.j Brown Mai Bnrgy Cht Fogg Mrs F.reet Mnfj GuthricM| Kauffman} 1 moan • F ’) LoganCbo Lourimqre May Miss I JPCiUM [Sarah 2 • iss Alice ■ ] Mrs. ..| :ewartMis» Susan ! iU EE -' v ;! i•" ■ • avernsKettio -;[■-■ ; ogan John W j [Cora .1 i iVilliam LB . j[- : las E i •;• William-Jus W ' P T.jM.^AVEOUiP.iM tce hours, during the summer,-from a3_Ofli 7 a. m.' to tfOTIOU. Fry} ! .'■ ; ' . • j,' \ 1..: Alia* Subpoena Divorce. Fry- > j • i•’; f; • ‘ i li'-b'ciU [You nreherebv cora -1 be ana appear in y&r proper por ! our'judges; ftl Beaver, a« tliecoun ' rummon Pleas, to be-heW on the '/nday o( Srpletuber, JS64; to shew any you" have, whytheraid H cube a all not be divorced from the bonds ionv contracted with you. | ‘ JOStpll tifflUE. Kft’ft r’s rtrrieß, 1 v 1 ' - 1 ' '{ f Reuben li Rebecca iVotfre W manded to eon before ty -Court oi Ser-and Jfj cause, ifi-J 11. Fry sh of matritr Siinr.in 1 Bearer. ■ ■ - NOTICES. ■ jvr ■;' 'l' HE firm of IK & W,]Wild6;& Co. .was.ilis v .solre 1 on tlieKlltli jif iipy last,, by 1 {he death of Mr. W'm" ; lionati.vw.m’ilde. il The’’ undersigned '/ bate sntcredlitfto partnership-under jbe ■ the style of .“Wilde & C 0.." and will quntimie • flic business'of the late firm of C. i Vi., Wilde S (V- , BEXJ.- WILDE. ’ - 1. - iioiutm w. wiLbE. ; - i NVw Brighton, July 12, iSG-I. " " , tjTtS i’ c, ter of’ the \ of Moon t'En ;COT',NTY. utUSr oyikdappHcaiidfl forljiicfiiat'- Mt. Carmel ißrcsbytcrinn. Church jjwuship. Bearer oougty. I*n.‘ i £ tp,wiL Juniejs, 18ii4, Application le, the Court‘direct pijhlicatu D ap- D the'Act of AHaemhl a.nd thr I un it be ahbarn *6 contrarythe ijr incorporation will be granted by at the nett Term. j CorxTr, nsC | - ' •.'•!' ' itie extract frcrt “ha Rcbdfci. •’ ' Attest: M/WfcYASD; Pro! - Nrs.Tff A'JPO-R S .N OTIOSE. 1 !S ef rtdw:nirirat(<>n orftlie estktcbf . M’K(r?v:h;.'Wte of Kochesld' lioro,, dec’d, having been granted (tr the v ' Rochester .tji; jJTS’ftl’ N T IS to’OK’S NOTICE. ■ 3 ■ ; !S,-,cif adiuiflist'riition on the es- latr, ot-S. i’iarir j cbunj’y’.-'deciif, Mylng becnglfanl* P. are retpiesiep’toitailtt? /r^teduife nd those having' claims bind. them ,t£, ijie itheDticaled.fqr.BeUletiicnt.i r 'l 1"' 1 - k ‘ s y# Hearertp.; v ADM I T -SxjcEi 1 > tuic fll t_p., Bcavtaf eti to tile u i said estate payment, s, i ealatoV.V.;il JyT3 f 55 ' WiiEt 'eel Beavcplp. b®eii gran indebted ti imnjedi ate agaia*t th, aui.wil ic/ ECUTO R S/' NOTICE. V ? EAS testamentary ori the Ue of-jAtwt. ; A? uEasox, Ule of Big ed. ts>4ine undersigned, i »je jCjquegtei tp jnokc payment, andtbose baring claims ■■/uihfif wjli Repent them properly ;ed for settlements , li . 305,,] - i - - ■ r .0 i tp- U M liWf 4 jpsw arbje Wortei ! MA P ETSt.. BRIDGEWARES; THE Subscriber announces to tbe public, jhalUe is.pjrfepareiJjto f«i>iugb. to., bustp; niers aU k n'4 of work iahia lme froni it PLAtS SLAB id TOMB • jf’T-f, Airwricaa nkMu Italian Marble Kept on b ind, npd all kiadsofplaiaaMwcU as OrnOftt ;nUI l»ork done lit *•».' > —, -jv- ,I>r-lEOK3r iESji IE DRY GOODS. WHGi MIIROYti, In"c I - , : b»K2&'M J . I ; KS.-ei-iaa. ! ■flwtJafl If, .7: ME MEE TT| / HERE AS, aiiritissucd by, ■ W ■. His Excellency, theSotremor of Uie jSommonwealth xnd to mei dhe«ed, tmderf of Assembly, appro»edthaTwemy4hird day of April, Anno Domini; one thons*nd hun dred and sixtyjfourv H^U^ltUdo^my Aaty 1. ThepSrpoeo of holding, such election. . 2. The pieces iwhere sueh election' is IV be hew.'.;- ; //r.;'■::■•>*.■■„ k[--/i ! v ..■ Now,- therefore, in ;• pnrsutnjae; thereof, I JOSEPH LEDLIE, High- Sheriff of the coun ty of Bearer, do hereby make' known, and (being the 2d/day of the mOnth j a, Special Electiori wiU be held ah the sereriil election districts established by larf in the said county, . at which time the quali6ed_ cle_etori will rote by ballot anietKlmenta to i the Constitution: of Pennsylvania hereinafter men tioned, Ti»: I ir; ‘/, /, J". f. ' ' rmST AMENDMENT. Whenever-aw* 'Of-llm onflKed. eWetors of thisrCommoSreaflß'^tairfe_ in any 'actual militAijr service, underarequisitiou front the PrcsidenT.,or by the authority. of this Com monwealthixsuoh • electors. may exercise ftb right of sufjagp.m. all citi zen i, under | suchxTegUtolibnS its sre]*or shall be, prescribed by lawyas fully as if they were present at their usuaf-plaee of elections. I, SECOND AMESDMtJiT, 1 ’*■ ’’ legislature' cou£siniuj - inore than one subject, wmch’shifll be clearly expressed in the tifte, except ap~ propriationj bills. j. . « V; ' '/"j ' ! , i. ynihlo AMujfbMtsT. 1 '* ;| • all i>e passed by the'.'Legistatare granting .any powhr or in anylease where the I authority to grant such powers or privileges has bcenof may hereafter be con ferred upon; the Courirof thlsCjommon wealth. ’ .The said ■ election will bo, throughout the county.als follows: i . i I The’ electors of Borough township will rteet at the Gourjt House in thpboropgliofßenrer. •. .1 The electors -of i Bridgewatjr borough will meet nt the Town Ball in Bridgewater. The electors of: PhUlipsburgh district will meet, at tM pft hUft! t>ri«k ita. said borough. ; ■ ’■ ■£-> I ■ ‘ The electors of Moon township will meet at the house I now- by .jjtfia tnah Hen-, dricksoh in ’said township, 1 j j ■ I ' The electors of llopeiyeU township willmeel at the school house in the jriUagh of, Scotts | tiileplu snifl taivhship-K. 1 ■ I ’ The electors of Independence township will meet at the house of 'Alexander Thompson, deC’d, in said township.! \ \ The electors of Raccoon township will meet at the house of David Ewing,; in' said town ship.- ■|l•. ’ ■ ‘ ,j '.l.*- >[f '. ‘ The electors of Frankfort district will meet at'the house ofGeorgeDnngah, in Frankfort. •. The electors,of M’Guire’a district WiU ; meet at the house’of JohntPorlor in the village of Hanover. : .;i ■ v . The olfriorsof iGreeno township- will- meet at the botise op Elijah in Hooks toivn. j 't’■"*" l ip ; -l p-i'i - The electors of Ohio township will meet at, house now occupied by Jamison Elliott, in said township.' I i ■ ‘ 1 ’. ' ; 'Tiub electors of righton township (njotem-. braced in’ [I nduslry district j; will; meet ut. the; school lioust; near Richey -Xaltitt a, ii said ra otoxe. n>lll meet ut thaliiciidemy i® Fallston.j; . . The. electors of Faitgraon toWnsliipewillmcet: at the sjfhool house inithc village of .Brighton. ! The Vectors of Chippewa - township will meet ’ at’ the house of-' Aiari" l : lo n ? nan i m . said township. . ' ’ - .’;-’.,,(1 Thojclcctocs of B°'atli Bcavcrtojwhso ip { meet at the Wae i>T John’ Kbit'c, in said town- 1 The electors of Darlington; • township will j meet at this i cadcniy in DarUpgl o !'- 1 1 •■ ” j the electors'*df. 'Big-'Bcaveij-jtowhship' will ■meet at-the house of widow IMilwr, -in -said;] loiruship.lj ■- ’ ' - '’ . ; ;-'.j , The electors of Franklin township will meet ct.the houie of Marltj R, Clark, in; said town ship. ’’ 11’ 1 ■ i’-;.;, . ■ .• Tht electors of North Sewlckley township will mces’at the house occupied by John Mil ler, on lend of Bcnj. Hhew, | • The electors of Pulaski- township will meet nt Dougherty’s school house, No. *t, in said township^' 1 f ■, Thaclector,s.of P|arici at the house of George townehjplj .• j - .The ,clector& of,New i.- „ jrorigli and district wHI mjiet at thefichoolhouso ,jn sai *. . The electors of Harmony township wlU.meelj at-the Hotel-in the‘Economy. ‘ . . The .electors, of Economy ,towpslup will meet at the, house of George’ C. Minis] in saidtown sKip,'! ij! 1 ’ ;C'r. V : if the reat ctive Dia- ' 5 {■ BeturtiJ i '-5 ‘Th‘ .tetu.- -udges o. • espootiv_ Iricts in i!'ls CountyVjSra required to meet at the Court Hotf'ein the borough of Beaver, on Friday the olb daj' of August, id*;!, then and there, to i perform'.tbfl dufiba enjoined upon them by law,-- >’ ' / M ’’ ! v Where a'JUdg©;% pwoidM* accident,lie unable to attend suenjmeeting of 'Judges, then .ibis certificate prretutneni be token I charge of j>y ppe of i bonlzu^tofs of { Clerks ofj the election; district, who shall do and perfopn the duties required of aaiddudge unable toj attend/ ■ ,' ; > ' 4 ■ 7 By the Act -of Assembly, approved, as aforesaid, on the 23rd day of .April, A. D. 4804, it is, ; among other .tUinjpva* follows: Section l.Thnt for the purpose ,ot ascer taining the sense of the people'' of this Com- ln W>lje)adop}ion' oIP «wj jeoifon-ofjald amendments, dr elther'oTthem,; the Governor of this Commonwealth shall is sue awrit.of. election; directedto each.and eVeVy Sheriff 'or this Commonwealth, Cflih. manding ; them to giro, notice, in £he usual manner, ip not less than two newspapers in eachdUy'and- cdiintv, providedthstso many are ; published'therein* and by 'sit least two print edhatdbiih, W every city and couhty wherein no newspaper is published, that an election pwill be held in each of. tbp.tpWi^hip^. , Jhoroa^s 1 pre cincts ahd districts therein,, on the first Tues- 1 iday of,August, in the yean of opr Lord one. thousand eight for the purpose, of deeidihg upon the approval andratification or rejection of the skid amend- MMffiitiißii' andf wiuSi the hours at and within elections of ibis Common wealth aredirecteidobe opened and dlbsed; knd it shall be the the jhtiges,’ inspcc tors nnd clerks of each of said townships, bo- 1 roughs, wards,precinct»and districts, to re-' ceive..t^^^t^ i tei ?^# i exceed ing the number of proposed, amendments; either written or printed or partly written and partly prioted4fom rash of the .UuaUSeid and to deposit them in a' box or boxes for that pur pose,jtrovided by the proper officers, which ' -9~l—S l< W* vet* ovwT wwsiiiwa* - MME 4 etf; as there, are apendmente poV WWOTcdby tfidinj bOTUihing, : ‘%|fi . ehalbbe I ociisldcredTM - rating iferrvoruagaiisi ] j therprottceed fonTth sectiontodrtielethrtd o* the extending tho Tight of ref-. fragei EUcaprS TotiDg 'fer .nr'av | eohsid-i | bred asl raliog for. otagainilf the : proposed eighthejeeti-ijitc article eleven ofthe Canstitn tfon;andeleCtort voting 1 for or; ngdinftt the .third apendmentehalltHi eon tdderedae Voting fcrror-agiiiriirt•' tlie eeetipn ;to arUole eltTen bf the Consitntioia. i v. . " SefcTtoW'i.! That thocloction: on the propo »- shall, Inalf retpeetai-ieconi dttoted as the elections of this Commonwealth are'non- conducted, and itshaUbe theduty Ofthercturn judges of respeottra cciin ties and district thereof, :first carefully ascertained the pomixmof vbtea given or a* of the ; Said amendments! in the mannferaforesaid.fc make- out duplicate re* I (urns thereof,- ! express«4in : words - at length, adduot infieures, only one of which returns so made shalibe lodgedth theProthonotary’a office of theC-iuijtr-of Common H leas Of tho proper-county, and the other aealed and di rected to the Secretary oC theConunonwjealth,- and- by one of saidjudges (forth with inthemosl convenient post office, upon proper county;. v ., : ■ 1 JStciios* 4. That* the several-duties'reqnirr edtoibe performed : by the' Sheriffs, Commis sioners, Constables, : Judges, Inspectors. and .all other officer*" whatoter in ami' about the generSmgsiecttona|: of this Commonwealth shall be performed by such officers in and about the election .herein provided |for r and .aIL persons, whether officers-or others, shall be: liable to the same punishment for..the- neglect of any duty or the commissihn bf any ; offence at, in or about the saidelectioi, jas they would for the neglect of like dutyi or commission.of like offence at, in or about ,the general elec tions of this Commonwealth. - ' Itl •boCough officer* from sen icq S®* silf on favorHbU terms, apector or Clerk at any gc lerelqr.specml elec-|. ;Xb fVI ' • ’ - ; •. ' . ■•■;•; r largo stone Bp (tbc'Upper: story oi •• -V; • v j’%t ■«J • ■which is no«r iiscd as * dwelling, t-nadtheWi ■ That «.e -Judge and Inspectors chosen as , j barn _ Tll £ re ig a ycin of oxcellsnti e'al aforesaid shall meet at a , c .® s , unde*-iqga iLrge portion of!the. tract, With ( api>'>>nfed.Xor boldmg.thq | opehi/ S Vneat tie raJlrhad.- v :a! It * | tncta to which; they ‘ , . JS ?. Por AwfcibMifcMrtUlii it.quLV of tore » O'clock on the morning of he Pirst Fj B Brighton, l>a.„ X. P.SFet- Tuesday of and each, of said Jnsppc- , I . KMAX ,. Esq .;| P i, l£bu fg‘ or M . .qv EIASp> , rro . tors shall on? ~ s, .• »«• ! ; h ott otary'# office. Sparer.-I**. | j’eSWwtdf qualified votw .of sa:d. d»MMc!. | ; ) w-v_n._J._K- j—iAJi-Hr— •-, In caso the persons who .?“ a “ : “r TC rcefivn j-'amcs Thompwn's Adin-fs: 1?' in the .Court ed the second highest number 01. Tf> tes fol j In; : 4od Matthew Thompson & | of Gommhn: Pleas spoctor shall not attend on thb day of ak Samuel Ifennedy, ! ■ j-cfßeavercounty, tion,’- then the person who shall ba|ve rece|ved| 1'• • - vit. rj ! j | Vend. Kxp.jNo. the second highest number of votes for; Judged Emmet It, fhompson. '--J 11. Mar. T,'|lfte4. at the next preceding election shall BCt.nsjln- 1 ; June 11','1834, on petition of-Sheriff Een Tela .o t to lho i , ln3Bb f od . to;B jrd:egtate-arc Vequested to make rights ot any persons assessed by Jhem toeptc i^ ci Uati'pay n? e apd those hawlbg claims at such elections,; or such'o. her matteri m ,«h | . { ■ wfll p resent ..^ e b lation to the assessments of Voters aa the said - i r J nspectors or Judge,.ojr{cither o t pe«on°slaTh;p r mi.ted to vote. at any | i , Ik S. DIBIUE,; Imrlinglon, election" as aforesaid, oilier x;-or bn failing to proettro aj receipt, shall mafce bath of tbe payment there-; of; or second, if he claims a right to/vote ,by : being an elector botweeA the age of -twenty- Onh and twenfy-t.woj years, he shall depose on. oath or affirmation that he hhs resided, in. the j State at least ohh yehr before! his application, and jroake such jroof of tne residence.in the; distjWcCAils CSidre^ifOh' 3 -®® l CfihWhy ho doS .veinly believe, from the pecohht given hmrhat he ts o'f .ihe a’ge *Torcsiiid, L ah Of votefa keg* byj .them, . v -Cv'-i-Xlj-I'r \ .'v 'Ttt’aU'tiaaea'.'Where- th a name of the -parsOn jii.tining toivbteda not-fouhd on khe tliitl ftor -nlshad; bydha jCodimiasitmfcra and kis rtghtt wvotis,' ahktherfonnd ikaia ne not, is objected to by any g(Mdifipdjeitisah,H shall . sysr-Mi]. - • 'fcajasnJ;-.' Tt-m'7'f: ;4 ; will, jaeet in said WWI OE • * * jj» ~ i. 't ' Notice Is Hereby Given, . That every person except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office .or appoint ment,of, profit or trust under the' .Government of the. United! States,'or of this State, or,, of any l ’ ‘ law' vcf— * hr EMI .son _ jomtaouwcallh agreeably to law, (exfcepttho sons bCqualificdcltiiens.) shall appear at an; place, of elect!"in. for the. purpose of issuing tickets, o„r of it tjucflcmg the’citizens qualijftod tovbte, he shall, oricburiclion, forfeit apdpay any sum riot e tcccding'-one hundred, dollars for eviry such iffence, and\be imprisoned j for any term. < 5 Iren under my hand at Beaver,. (, SEAIj Jih( 20th dsy of Junb, 1864. . JOSEPH LEDLIE, Sheriff. NOTICE, THE STOCKHOXiUERS of the. Nowßrigh- JXanuf'acturiiig Company are hereby no tified that the annual meeting and election for | officers; tCill be held at the office of B. B. ’ Chamberlin, Esq., in .New BrigliloTi.on Blt- tjie bth day of August' next, between Ihfc houis Of 8 and BiP.jjl.- 1 v 1.- *' By order of the’ Board of Directors' J ; , . .. . EDWARD HOOPS;. SeCy.-'j ; New Brightdnv July 19tU. I ADMINISTRATORS rNOTiOE. -- IXTTHEIVBAS Utters of administration hav ,' W ihgbeen granted to the on the' esUto pf Arx T. I.u;GHLIv/latebf Bouth ißeaver tp. Besrer co, fa, dec’d., alt Jtersohs knowing themsolrcg indebted M said,.estate | {are requested to make payment immediately rand these htrrtng claims: agiinst the samelwJU {present- thethlo lit e:Mbscribw dul£ : aVthenlf [ coded - *;;t ’ t ji. ,' ! BOBT. 1). KAifLi Adin’r.with willnunexetj, .;jy2o’6t , ■ f South Beaver tp. I;;'Npl-ftfc IIWHEBEAS letters{ot administration on LIT. the . estate of Hvon Yohso; ;ut£ df! ; Ecoqomy .tO'vnshig. nnnhty, ienh’a., j ! deceased, having beep duly granted tdthojnn- ! dersigned, all persons’ indebted to said eitatc 1 fin hoUlifedto payn^ht.lan d: those haTing elaims against the saKfe"will|prß asn£ them 'aatbenticaieff fir-WttlO-i mehtwithoutdelay. , [., i ’. ; -'•■■'-.{i • ']• WM. TOTOG. Adm’rv / ; ' 1 r ; - *'*l EcoTtoniy ~BJUtROADHOBSE,' . -ttt'C-Vtj'i ‘ J •. I • ■ ■pv1 ; -■ :-i , - ?I; z t :• 1 -_, ; ,, ; .' : ;-. 5 .,: ; ..-.: , .. , -. 2 , :.: 7_ ...2! - - . -:,,f.. - 4.- . ,:-....±5 , :cf-'7::::':;'' - Thhitliii ' ". -•-- - ''.•,,..•,- .- • . • I, • : i! •; n/ormation for ae : l;. ' I .. r ..v . . ’ ' 1 r . j: at Fortune 2c>3:3 beat Mdko f*»l 14aSe f fine bleached J . V--; lawxs, ApLAipjSyL DELAINESI' , . And a {uli .lliio- of . [FIAm. and Second ilonrning Dress Goods’, Cheaper than ever. - i|V'. ' shoesgiiOEs:: shoes iiJ Lasting Congress Gaiters,’ -i! ■ [,-•• ; i>aimor,al .• ■ Morocco ; - •• ■_ -.-Iloojai’ . "" ■ Arid a’ large ask rt neut of chilj*■ ■ :.■ ’’ .» Juat Mil ’i‘jew fttord '] - r ;fc.C-n • ... , :.t ' c' tt& va: | tjST ROC 1 EMI r ; ~!Tq3., L 1( ilori calico at' ■ 18J p;.i,.c;•-••« -tr.4txq.iV i muslih at : ,'id. IS CUAJiLISt * j VE£OURS\ shepar: . -# . •-Cheat variety;; • ■"‘■■l ... n-« '■ >; . Men. and boys’ Ha s end Caps. Sim 11111 Umbrelhs. or French
. and cumin* our sleek and, prices.;? ••; j V J Ailig iarriop ci ROCHE^ffER, “7“ —^' BE .it enacted /by ;Lh. l3urgeds ami Than . Council of lUoj btrcneh of Hookstuwn, and it is. hereby enacte Iby ,the .authority,,bf the satne; thru from an i afterj the' 16th day of" Jutuv .18114, #ll teiniijbejrs hiutiiiig cbSl; td citi- ‘ i zens livingin said borough of iiookstdtjn, Pa-V | required-.to have' 1 their cbal-Sagons ! measured and ‘ diraiijied corrdiiily,: indicating ' the numbet) of yonvcyaadeiwill ■ hold, aridrthe amount hauled the isdid citi [ zona in saidjjofoughl -refusing to comply with said rcquireaiOntshhU papr# tine of‘slo.oo[ aiulievefy such ' oliVnce; said fine and forfeiture tuibs-rleyicd ■ and collected the 'aaivieMs any oihor’duea cr lines iu said borough!.’/{Approved May2B,v'le- JR eal instate ."I V , FonisAisE. ,:v fIIHE subscriber offers for sale hisre'aidenre JL; on Third Street q Hwre und Lot. The' improvements are a Criijlt House 30 feet front , by 36 feet deep containing 10 rooms.and &ora , : Rbtitk,* ClsternV Watenrlfouse, fHhble, fruit Trees,Grapo,yines,&c r , &p- .. Vi 4'' Also, Sixty acres fl-st .rate,.land, 4 miles below Beaver,, uninipro fed, standing With!ex cellent White Oak.'timf er, onO mile from-'the ■ Ohioriver. - -f-' .'•!■. , : -v . / • Also, a . lot containing 12 acres, one mile ! from Beaver, nith a board fence' suitable for a Gardnertr or Nuseryman. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber. Tilles indsspiitaDlo. . -; ! • May 24,’64.y M’CREEEVV r m. GEO. CLEIS. 1/TvFFERS his professional to Ike V/cUuenSvof HEAVER AND: SURROUND INGVILLAGES.! 'I 1 ‘ His. Office is inli’hUlipshurg.for ike present; Where hk'catt ha consulted at' any time; Wednesdays ekccpted.iwhioh' days hecanhio seen at bis -office-in Pittsburg, wherehohaa practiced for ra,ar