■W A: 'Hi 1 I A U IBTn n j July 27,18tf4v BRI6, Editor & Proprietor! •■= ' :2' *: . --r’ii-iU ‘i'i 'v Liv-l National TMon^ ;L ,1 :' ':! ? |B BA HAM Li NCOL H, ,p- V;-'‘vf;dr|ausioiv;‘ If 'Pbp Vico PAsident, ■ ' • 1 (*'■’ ‘4 -tk TKtSEBiH*. V - 'i»- ‘‘ ■ ■MI '-..lf' <■■■.. ■■ ' ■ 1. tTntpn Presidential Electors.,. ‘ - S.ENATORIAII. IJorlbnM’Michael.vFbilßdelphia. fhomaBCurmingham ( Sparer ' i ' I’ 3 REPRESENTATIVES; f'- o ;, ■ Hale ■*■ .'f 6 Morrison Costs' l-lChasH Shriner. ;8-j Henry Bumm , ... 15 JohniVister S IViltiam H Kern ' 161) M’Oonaaghy § Barton IT looks ’ 17 DsridiW Wood ' " ISlsaac Benson •T> Robert,Parker. 19 John Patton ■ -fiAarop ‘Mull. ; ,■ 20 Sanmelß Dick ■„ .8 John A.' Hiestand , , 21 Everard Bierer . 10 Richard' H Coryell 22 John P. Penny, IpEdward Holliday - 28 E M’Jnnkin • ' 12 Charles P Eeed 24 J W Blanchard ; tjaion County KomlciatioiiS' J'; f i..-” Congress. ■'..'■?,•■ ®Hp’S CUNNINGHAM, Beaver.. (Si}b;ect fo decision of District Conference.) I y President Judge. L. L. M’LUFFIN, Lawrence co •'!, , Assembly. ■ if. S. QUAY, Beaver, RGB’t U. EEEI). Washington, JpLMES R. KELLY, • . •• f . Ji Prothonotary, MICHAEL WEYAND, Beavers J: 1 County:. Commissioner. SEPH IKONS, Hopewell. . . Poor House Director. M;L M’MAjj.AMT, Economy tp. j '' Auditor. ' JAMES WHITHAM, Hanover. ' | Trustees M, Academy. . f A. R.-IMOORE. ißeaV, JkO. WILSON, Bonver,- Kp: L. DEMPSEY, Beaver,' f . i?erm%|pf Subscription, ft) Arguq ■lrgus, per annum, in advance ;..... ?2 00 Within the vciir. j. . ~... 2 §0 : End oftho.yeari...., ............... ;..L..:. 800 These torir.s will be, strictly adhered to.. ' f Rates of Advertising: squavp, 1 in5erti0n................00 Radi subsequent Insertion......u.'.t. ; 60 J column, 0 mbs. IS 00 fi.iiop ..... ;..............20 f*o Xcolumn,' - 6 mbs u............ 35 00 professional nud business. Cards, not ci- I' cecding 10 1ine5.....];... ■ " -sefcutqrs Ad I' c Esecu ~i :rmnii |jk>ticfcs,[cnch..... liuticos. lOcents.pcrliae .each insertion, j Beat ha, . arid: Mhrriagfes' be pubUsbcd crati? nheVc tho' same does nor exceed five fittest for each additional line '5 cents Trill be on v»ged—excepting in the notices of deceased' (llddiersf winch trill be published free. >:¥ AMENDMENT, kpoeial Eleclion--Shall Soldiers Vo^e? ' '• f ’ Ttr'ESDAY '-r-jpnxxr’FXni OF THE BEAVER COUNT T ! .JL, AGRICULTURAJ.SOCIETT, Trill beheld (Lc Fair Grounds, near Beaver, ; on ■ ■' yTcd»,\cd,nj: Thursday, .and /Friday, st . 22d and 23" iy ••;:,, Third Amendment, .-•• *} I^i^M° r . * tio ,A^®ndrtcnt < ..tickets .’are to be aded up With the words str the 'ticket dn! theioutajde.and the otbei foldcdin. Tp*e sto' kltfo baHots printed: against ■ 1 : A mpndrhents «Vr« ; .rdjto: ! |lbii»iAeTi4m«uv!i,Y£(: j j 1 •■ is j IMatM {‘ ILwt' wjeek" weoalied of the people. ofvßeaver Special Election, which' Tnesday, August 2d. 1 motion of.onr readers, i .‘tbreo A meirdir ehtS to bl as follows:. : : , 'I ; Whenever ,-»ny of the {qualified electors of; this Commonwealth shall be in W.«tu»iimilila^aerviee,-jihdef-*!TeqhW : tlon from the. President ipt the United States,. ia&ajeagaißSM*« I each regulation na »r*. or shall be; prescribed '&li *Mf ppweiit. dt j weir nsnaii placecf election.’’, , j .^y . '‘Snoosb. y.o .hill shall bc-pssaedljTths Legislature,con(*iuing more thin one which ehall.be elearlT expresiid ia.iho tltl*, except approprialioh hills." ! ' -""'h ; ; “THjnD. ,? No, bill aosU be.,pa|se<|l by the powers,- or iasnycdse, whcretbesuthoritytb grant' saw powers; or-privileges/has been, or -ni*y here after be, , conferred • upon libecourts ■of ..this Conunonwealth.!' ;, - - . } , H -,l • ■ : ; It wiU be seen tlint rnout is the'orio, which m to illo w ‘phr spMters to We, have:.looked; in •vain through the copperhead ‘.papers for,artything-advocating its adoption. They donolnrgelhejioopletovote for it. Can it ho guessed why ?[■ Itis because thesodisloyal creatures drdad thesoldiers’ vote. !olhecy dalrtf, not;op pose it openly; but they are doubtless organiaing'semtlyto tots aghipst U. If it had'riol Veen,; for the copperhead majority on .the bench rof the Supreme Court,’there would nothavebeeri any necessity for this special election. W'e hive a ,l|iw fiow on;the statute book permitting the soldiers' to vote, and it' is well known that, under law v the votes of pur-soldiers in Mexjch.were polled arid confiteld!;: ftg said t|eDj against* the righT ol9p| soldier tQ'Ja.yote.jJjO’b, jip. .But When the soldiers, whovsvet o fjgh'ting for ns in' the | South, attempt* d. torexeYcisc the righlspf freemen, the copperhead Jndgo AV^ofadward eduhl., ho found. ; io decide it, ancoiiSlitutior at. ‘ ,P'!i,, ' We say that the copperhead Judges •deprived the soldiers of our Stale of khe right to vote,” and no respectable Journal caf.'poasibiy havof the hartli-1 hood, to deny what every one, knows. It is true that the peopl 3 of the State of Pennsylvania, Inst fall.set their shnl of eondeihriatren; upon the copperhead Judge, but we now intend to fix the ,who|e matter ourselves: ;| ■ 8 00 tor’s ■ t ..... 3 00 ors am) evon klio a reason against lho : adaption ,%f Vl,ig ; amenj me“t;. and h'pnco, knowing Unit [ the so dicrs votes .almost m.L -! against tlfern, they adoni the i■ ‘ I'A' hbt been .fti* Ihd copper. I>eaJ. majority /on the bondh of the there.reouia not have Hay ■'? e , c f 8 ‘ ?it y. f'>F- thia special i election.. ,\Vp .hnvft ,a Ja,w.permitting soldiers to ing; and under wh ah :.th| temperate jjplleA and ot'iheadi- 1 diei;a,.ii-onj . PonnfiylvaniS iabseai iiio 1 l*Sf- •"'Shi %;/i/ ,boea«s6i v it j favored ; by - ncenira* tion of thetr forces there; is' r chance tor accomplishingtheir ehd.itj ; d; -1- v * 'rffi l: j°- eecur f diheir defeat fa tie have full yote, and this wecsnhftve ! it every one takes interest enough to Vote as ho feels.: Those who are jit f°^ e ■*»*».«"& «.«• to tbpse who kre n the field the.duty :pf-pbt«r.ing fob privilege belonging to them of right, and withheld from them ty py a copperhead judiciary. .V ij < 4 n «w arid weighty reason fop.sc eqnng. thp:. adoption., of this- aroebdi fooptis to-fad found fn tbe.fact that H oew , ca, j fw ; men - war p.ltreein the fiolib inconsiderable por tion of those now at bonie -beforethe rpgoiar eleolioh . oomoe"bttl It is iof the utmost importance; ihat should npt lose .tho,right: toyotoiin ,p£ gping.ta thedefewd,of their,country., v ;-- i j** , e : t^ t! » therefore/ithat onrredd. oupwid *Hf iwiil (‘emembernhis np. their minds to'rdnderri laaticalop leariny.'•? Yct« : < ‘ . i ; i j The’following, which 1 wo clip from the. Pittsburg Gazette, \% soj trite; arid, *tropposite 'to fli tj that Ihy our .reiiders: v. M “. • Tlt e-co ppt-rl l c ad .paj>c ps a rc• n? eiio ll l as thegrayo/.n.tbe.suHjkc.t t^iho,spe cial. elect ion, itvAu g u s t /j)h tlltr arnci Id >. intent. to allow, soldiers? tkvoto. ■.% They never advocale its, ver say a rifor-d thal,;bi’yi.ny ii'rdir.ec lian,., plight it. They, ignore it. ApisUihsJ^fo- , .... long, delayer brareljtdwD ... Let ther KjuOEl- "'."f -v j-. the feVtontlon fcoabtj to the Jcoipeß i spr iheibfojU hO ; d ss|£, b; Al|owvief pqt th§ *t nuiomppot covflwljr.' mg to depi their dearer we glv»* ie vflted ■ Itoni most malty BiOvJMgtb ' Ve ; RnM' ionofjiidj ;Conrl f pf;E’ Fifiold^fl. Penn*ylTai e&t in die <*<•&> iTJie-jquefUi aelawiiliir ifesoed 15 by :Staie«,’ ! w'ei inolbeir.wt jnenif.oftl govern me have as cab, afe abrogated, io ,-.’f«tr r .-'oi tjicf seceded States; 1 are; con earned; 4‘Caking- ithat ■View of-the’case’wo are'S'irpbintbf warwitleanoihor nation, entU lied,to all the respect privileges that a nation could. have, jy tead of fighting;to suhque traitoriMiaffid qnelV domestic insbrijoctron, ! |l# the T|nlqn. is desiroyyd'aijd th'e ntiph. ab rogated in tjtje.Sialoa of the South at' .war with the United States, then it follows matter of coarse t hey are lighting lifot tbjbvCrtbirdiy pur govern ment t^irjj^wn,; AV-ere this opipmn to jprovaii ,x|rE would hav£ no rightto pniiish traitors for - then* treason o|r visit‘ ! upon 1 the ■rh-tbie consb?. tjtiencos qf , them crime.! j ‘We did. ; n^; ampmeiiftih|it v any tyejj in formed j manjio.tho Korlh woidd j» could’bold such an opinibo i n vieuHTt all thp- fsifets; injnch- less; men' ! bqidiiVg. high judicial- ipraittym un.- theTpoui]- tryj,. 'Yet. jWqvjfind Judge ;^Voodward indeliyering ti prenie'Court o ing 1 out, of Ihi argue at lengtl is rpally. a got regard the (pit importance am pic sh’onld bo 1 5 renders will ri Judge: Agnpav plcio repljPto ttoti(r'di»,itn(iM'd^‘tti^ ; of'the attentive perusal of'all. ■. I VTeare glad I we i have a Jipdgo ■ pf ,tbe ! CQtiiOxt-f^lW-|^*T~~Ttfffaoie? : of ‘those wh6«o*i»'tp Pjory B ®rffy Ip rejEer p.iha matter at any length., ju» the,; qnefjtion r ,ia bo tnaeh more pbly; , presented in khb ' opinion than-we pdssifc ty coo id ~ that wo only need refet our Veadbia ; i(> “* : Tudio: ,ai; Oonftereba Conleireps jof Jptji tMpyt at.:the “Leslie or.. th» 2oth •wif.g are the nabibs of j ru‘ . riib rip, itiep, v. _ j: ; l’°* M’GandleBß,'Henry hh Elder, J. Ti's^ott, ee;; wtus l by >brib to thb CKair, aod ?le« M Seero ;V:.v | - Charles MsCandleas, M’GaQn was nonurja- . int; Judge by .acclo' i Meeting t>f ] ! ' ’Tbe' TTnlon ’ ; JTndk-l&l Disirif j ilftdtw/’; injj( j inst. • Tb 6 .folk the ‘Gorif cross: $• v £utler-~ Char Pillow-, Ji ji b Iscucrenee—Jr Isa ac‘ Phil lips. -■ ■ . 4he Cohleiiw railing D. L. ffi appointing ®ha ‘ Oft WitaCapt. [Thi UOlbiiejf’liP. Itajr lit ib JuV ,v Sprg\Jphjj He( ITl? JohcslOU, !i ,W hooper, Pijilj amy,,E(iw.in)K.:s . pied ,of TfV| . Ajeaj Hartsoagh, Jpb NeWl.;. (j ,.j ■■Wouhded—Sej shoulder, son, itbiftb, . 4!jgt .A. ai MCa^k W ,tbigi .White, :ampjo,.B CB M Gtim, (eg] .Vibijlrgi #mpptated;lnt j loj putatad;l?bomaJ Sfiiifm,* i%cW >0 tlio Sa ‘ Pennsylvania. iraret-'* record jtp juntcrf and i that ‘the ] gojjjsrprncht ernmeint facto.- Wpi Btion [as one of 'great one on which the peo iformeil.' i 'We ‘ trnjSt-'Vii?rf 11 Tea,d the "opiniob- of tt .isia fujl, and cojn dudgo .vVVjoocltvard, an : f*? ,0 y? 1 lepers -of ilO : queued to pablibh tie . : • Confejfpnco adjoarnt d. mas Hi - ■( ‘ U: J-, i.pnry, ofOn.P, | c i SOtliUfceif ;„ijji': , AndruV M/jPitfdy. 0r W»! G ; s “ght; HligbiKj Fr*n-; jarbpjilatoclf, Ja«ne* ,T g*? iAM /oot Ki?kfiy,fat*«od»booi hWod^uhnbt; ♦ tViflb.ReVoro; »• WPotflfetbi; ftoh* rhjtjSa^M’Donidd,. :" : . s '^*' v : ■ NWRI <®^wki®6is666Ss6 4?ao^^ ? Afld Ministers- haveaeknowledgdd- 1 that tUib-bbnsideratmn'■/mnfibitd«)i£r- J tbilr iTi f *ft®. j to l»ritea«ipiqHit?OQi <8 hamiila ■iinjjcto r?bobava so-* long lasted thatoTiey ;if eVe'btbe iJ Jgreitpit ; ‘‘£ritUpi% rples Pgna iohi-baa claimsupon British 'protection- ara'Bid;' lait-winter was gainst praassa and tjio first i to ;f,;;; . r "V- . i ■•.; .•. mom .than • mere empty. poasti.ng;n4 Front* this declaration'. England .has b»6n : compelled -to recede in a most ignominious |knd pitiable .vrbrtb nO more papmv and ,Dfn raarkds to dily- in- a worse; condition than if it Had never beferi made. v ' ■ " , ’lf En|;lkiivjtb Jfo.n^owdryjfAJabama..' pnllip i; weftt : W>oqga on. the, north. ““ ape cQiiKccUi* v?itJi ,C ."BWl<|sP lie,north. aDd thd, Alp- Jidnijuf and; R^“ l hpa«Vj|«4lichen in thjt sjjrprJ^; JfW* M*& 1 5Wli J Mvpfr>>hi3W»-;.i|»' '. ripif-rti AndtronoV pbbllshed.aiider.thb t|tlp‘ IpWMffAHd m&afal& ’*/ -ib/ A - 0.-JAS3. 20*' i.Lu.'.i 'asss±3?;?% Jh-iaWWSrXIG*^. Economy U Harm0ny....„;.... - 2 Independence ,*..~ , 112 ... Rochesterboro '26 ' Rocbeetertp'^..;.'' ■ s'(J ;; - Hopewell ..... - ,16f > Brighton-......... , 13 Industry i,-.n>.• Darlington,2B;, Greene .h.;;.....;;. ■; 26 Raeebou ...1..;.;..!. < >lB. Bearer ibey ;i2l'>s South Bearer..,..’.: 1 , -if, ■ Newi 34 ’ Fallston TOTAM J „...0iv...i.--'WI ,! ; 891 ■' -, •..JOHN' CUTHDEETSOK, . C»pK & Prfl. JJirshal, 2411* Pist., ; ‘ From General Sherman- WASHINGTON, July 25. The SepMkim extra says ttoat dm.! patches: to' the G-oyernmont'represent that a j*r6at fmight in At lanta on Friday, resulting in tholior* |nble slaughtei and a eorppletbrepulsp of. the enemy atey ery,jjoint. -The rebels holding tha 1 largest - part’' of the cify, assaulted “our works on ; that; dayV with great fury, evidently- ex-f peeling.to drive our forces out of thir city. ■ The loth Corps, commanded By General Frank Blaiij seemed to bo tfao special"object of rebeli wrath, as ithdy massed, lagaibsl, it in|; overwhelming, force., 'received the shock, gallantly aiid hold Us’own uptjl Gen. oral Dodge, wio the lQth Ccrpsnnrmei up, whep;.lho rebels-wer'o btiried.back with' great slaughter, . Go.n, ( Jjogan, at tbe hetd of t.holTlh corps wentTlntpj battle with'th%rally. ; irig cry of ! -iterr,einber McPherson/’ This corps", us well as Blair’s, both constituting tho atmy under Jkfaj. ;Gem McPherson,: fought desperately/ the news of tbe;deaXb;of mender having 1 ' been ' communicated, to them'just before going Ynto battle'.; Our troops- buried 1,500 rebsls left on the field within 'our lines, beside which the rebels bunted .many of their dead near the works, -lit is estimated that the rebel killed and wounded on Friday ntffnbcfefl 6.000.' j • Our; loss' is estimated 'Yll 2,500 i;ii killed and The loth corps suffer ml severely., While the work o ‘ burying the dead kind j rcipoying' the wounded was going an, on Saturday j 'the,"artillery wa& playing on 1 the city. At the same timelur^e*fires y’ortj ob--| served in different, parts of Atlanta, supposed I todie: caused; : by the dustriie 1 ‘hoi carry off and did not.wish to fall ini •dtp pjiv bauds. "This is.,.considered evidence intention to |eyaenr ate the pjace. j Seycrid rebel (jrenorajs are reported Ip jbol jkitlod , bat’their names are not yet giye’n. .i ’ _ ! A special to the Nc-w ,York ' Pos/, dated , Washington), 25th, Ways there has been ii 6 fight) hg at since Friday, . All officially , known «.» to the occiipalion of the city is that Sherman bolds the first line of the enemy’s entrenchments, r : ,j ■'•[A dispatch to day from General! S per mar. states his loss in the tmUle ofFyiday at lest than , 2 000. while that of the enemy cannot be less than I Ujthp advantage, he took 1 - , '.^rbm;Grant’a Arm^. : A letter |foni tjtg, .Army i'f $e .t*?|j*w| ? .$a ted,, ■ Siiturday, : fairs' thiijt nothing, of[particular interest bps oc>> .9«Te(J ii>j. tho past few, days.-. The skirmishing in Burnaidp’s "front on Friday afternoon wist quite }i'*d!yV biit withput injary to onr troops. ; This eeems io bo the only part’ of the 'line •w : boro;it;'inay be said thp.;firing id i; olJ 'liiOiijt unceasing, scarcely minuted elap«Ttfi»rin the day or night Without bearing mnsJrctry pp : 5! ' G®b, Grant-has assigned? the [ TjWi.tf pf the'lStb army corps,lto Geh; Pfthey, who pioceeclod to his new oh Saturday, morning. Genet al J Birney has: well mori tad this' jprbmbr - tion, no.division in lb© army •lhavfn» !: Campaign,, General Mott, succeeds fo Jthe command ot ' the 2d. division:--' Many rumors of other charges*.ai e copnsrit. but. cannot bo' rt»lien on • .|p“frtJaly 24.—24^-TIU: , -V 1 ,P<*io t cor ijespo riae n t| of s: Yesterday Major Ge t-i to .’.thp cpri-i tbd IBtb ybrna I .yice 'GchCrW pnd i Major «®r»®mr; 3l«|ney to the ‘ jsth | cdrpsJ" ys\® : these, worn. mMa‘ bV dflipn. ahd;, with ..thejrnew! cpmnift^dgra,, ; .u ■’•: r - ■„'■• :•[ to.. til.p J Gpluifrttßtipp i allowing ftpjdiewto vote..iHThp would ®pgleofe; tht« i,' -Tbi'c^ paniM^pre 1 •w«i«t«4 *sJi & ■;~S~T •‘"■r ctKair #■ j.- m 2i , ■ ci 6 v 12 -I is .m :i ' n ' 'J-iJ ? .1-*^ 6 1 i 22 ; 2« !'> 'l5 I full.- ri7 V nh >2l V'j b r .hr: : t ■j. news) :nttara. Vr > 1 ]Thy ll|a~eiiU / President for 500,06> Hditmnlmen is 61,700; !l'hfs~ftn‘, T»nnjtine» has been made byaletter; ffbm Fryj to Governor Curtin; ! M ie fttinSted l||at aftefr iall previous' OXfta pei ten tage and supple mental damages, there are not enough able bodied meij' remaiuing-on the tboGtatejio .supply the onm* U ««! th? locajrepdrf er of a cowhide, and. jhe icaovera..wliippli%J^he.«»ii»ot»ight, i the transaction, mot the “woman dh black'’ oo tlib v BCr|eotand;|»4yr Her; a tremendous thrashing With a wagon ■rvk.’tvyv,-.:i. j ■ editor 6f theJJnW; YorkTVrtune three dollars; for'the" siihitary Gomraission, pdds : ilay you in. anti Holy cause troubles, and hecooie a'nnitfed.i grcat nnd juU re fiublie, is thopiayer otcveryjreforinor njtKfs section pffjCanada. I • i Colonelßomfo|d, Assistant Provost XTarshul Gerieraljlpf'PehH'sy Ivania, has been jordor tojta |le chftrge Of' Mi o ppst on Governor’s Tslaiid, Kew York, apd Captain 11. J. Hodge] ii detailed to uct:as Assistant Provost MarshhlGer.- Oral of the State].-.' : /' tbatjotleas|’'eighteen re giments Of tho 24,000 men called out ♦or one bund rod days are now ■ ready for organization in difTeVent parts lof llie State. Two regiments' will be ready to leave Camp Ctinin this week. , ..{r.he, bronze fetktue of Washington captiirod by Hu liter’s command, hav ing served rls .purpose at the Sanitary 1 .bair ; | Wheeling has peon removed-lto • the yard of the Lindsey Institute,the I temporary enpi at of the State, vflieio 1 in attracts c Davis mml Hoimchj Greeley, to agfes 'upon terms of peace.;! They [wanted mk'miHnon to go to | Washington; and| from there to .Rich [ luond.-y Rut it. 'turn’s on„ti ; that, tncy Ihtti.rid: authority to act.' ,Of course lj® Avliole tliinK ended .in nothing, nor.is it'beUcved that any! liirvg ever was' meant,by’ifcj e’xct'pt to get up ty peiieo diversion' in favor of the Cop'.- .perhead party Oft the A'crth. ’ v ''. T|ie; rebels liave v j 27;O0,0 [Union prisoners at Macon; Georgi-t. -and the United Slates Government has about CO,Qs?O r.ebe! ’ prisoners, ; The rebels i Uo|ep tliuirs.within an. Enclosure which | ihjifilacon. Journal says is , ton much I crp'.ydcd.' 1 Wo keep ours; distributed ■ ovpr thc most sarnbriOiryplaces in tht-,1 Sqjjutry. , •-A.f’Jlacqh they; j tiic at [lhcj! ■jj-ate oil-sixty a dad, winch: is a heavy ;! rate' of mortality- considering 1 that ’ the-wounded ai|o hot ihclhcled in t.hoJ number, .'and does} r.ot 'spoak - "very hioiily. ior ihty. aeeomiaddatidn .and nil rn/m!«>♦.— J | ; iYTlispaltdii frpm Coles : jemmy, 111.,) that-life two O'ifair.s, the ins'i-1 and. kadorij in the i.iots [Vi fasfc iiarch, y ere iound i ‘ Ol of tiieiri'ti’itl# m>vera! bnllbt’ jho leii through jtlic. body.! Some ox citbment gxists!. iir ithat bouiitv- and fears arc entertained of another out-' .;break.J,; ■ Kl t ( L) ;t ' ’ - \\ - •h -a*^’l c»y (i ndon will not leave: W for! Maine|undar a week j •or tepidays. ' T ( hp adyertisement fof j the riejwj lean Jwill soon ,appear. I^ 1 i will bo; limited pniy, by,the figure Wf! Gt.y two hundred -millions; iljj Of by a brief appeal V?}f * l ° P*? c P) e i shewing; the exact con-, ditjion of , tho. r finances, and asking them to sustain their ,‘|(tovernine!U iir carrying on .tlih war. j} 1 ! r ~ ~ ?' ybyeynor Seyrnfiur declines to ap 'P°i nt " ’.‘gpots ; _toife«ruit in t|io iiisnr 4teiil Stales. The result -wm be that: hiSj “lnends” \yißr .to istand the j drsttginiesa theyvoJuhteer insufficient! nh pbera to escape the operation ot ■Rif > be'y - The GotJernog is. mnkini' ; bjs prejudices|rather expopsive to-his “friends’’ who will hardly see 'the point of the joke. ■ ■... 1.. | ' • . \ w Tl»::lust words of . Washingtonu WilgH, one of the editors of The Mbrn. \ « who; died recently ! whilespeaking in public, were: “The! Keputilici’ at which f death closed his irpsforoveir- m ,¥ a j; rJaraes B XT Emerson. bnelj of bur ablest generals, waStkilled oW rnday morning last. Ho- bad gone' forward to reconnoitre, andiwaa sdiho distanceJn frpnt of his forces—in was in advance of fins stuff—when -m 5 1 a hall from! a rebel sharp shorter. To him tho rebels gave all f*'? the Shermmi expedition j through Mississippi, and acfcnowleiig, ed bun to be a dashing,’ talented hnd I I!!.A 0^'l5 eneral ' ? ntl dne who gave i piOinise of n-mtin* brilliant future ' He occopies no inferior niche in Fed- i Thriis e3 ' ir, ? atifJn , A'though only! [rf*r* 1 <»M.iM;hft-s;.left a $ Hi p > sllfttJ goneralshjp. years exphris ejice mighthavo envied. 1 ■; ... . , in- “Grant jia dMi Whopo Him to be,” yet i taking extraordinary pains wit^ their armiesTatiff thefr raids to -tfet-bim out of his present positioni— .-. , ' ; The Wat t«.do 2% V Ai»n& leltor of the 7th says that within th’e las{two or three weeks, Uea. Bn 3- gping to help Johnston, scan has levied and .'collected iAik» himself $j40,000: from rebel citizens for; th« He, murder ; ofr four soldieK j !n J ,s - iK partment; and he has th# .the wM Hi ” 5 " thh vikinily pay «« f Hhe rebels; ?10.000 te.- -Such a measure wilUb* * phtootlon-than psgime»« « xttMer ■ ran^ftir^H 0 > roih ; wkfi driok« a irbisky |igw ,;bbtliV- ~*dU».*pdt4liaadachtf..l ■ -|.j ' r • > i|ppisss' authoring the ■'" tre'df -ariy b^tKina? 61 * 1 « M.cr t*, -to iWrr. a T Cl r ann iJ3ou ntiee, ; or t hc_ptfoper : n.uilioritL ;>. etleh 'districts. Ji>6 so provided. appointments-: --i i * .made by ■application, ’evidence ‘of character iunli c^uT : Iforr^ 11 »|r menW must designate th» 'd;atri>->- ■ the revolted Stoteg ,to w!i eh - .th«-n' i-voUed States to agent-is to be wfijt ~ J f "®. f■■ AU r-orroHipdnt!end«. reiatmo p, business coming under foikordar T ji. , bo’addressed to Col. il.jSi Qiiav, an. ilary Secretary,,who is]cbpj-ged its supervision;. , > A. a. duKtx . jWistrKts. 'd.'Mrpgj jin -aTair tb-ni. selves of dbo precision: of ifc ;iot r ,.. lorrcd td .should , act: ptorepilv,‘j, ,aj»**ri;y /ro m ; oi b (jr;Si«i * -wil}. pool* i* d.nUlle .field,'and X’sharp. .may bo expected.; ’ . | Headotidqf Grant's Army, “ j, Tho>KiM;itin_ mov by tin Arnvy of the Pd Am; ae .is A •lyfavoraiJo to the hsalt.b. |Uiera 'during'tl,k6.i>'sek!y >,;a [ year• They ate •nftt.’iV i j hominy swamps wm-rv t killed more nnne;* i.tbe battles of’ Gniiii’* j, r ;paigti bave tc.k-ii Si--m -G ’tlio ep!i?|r.a->-y. , / , ai • 'has be.eii itrom s t cni ■ t »; healtiiyy’..U.it" the rebel m eai ly d tidily war, - mealed-ft if.iilsat I’lit p.nuft A -r ■t j ley of -I?irgfti'A, when; 1 yiv j Staun t.#n are, : .Vh« landjlbi | Apppidgttu.x and Iftadkvy j-Abnyo}. jSandy Point J is j iff : lie ,Slaty;., ,i | ty ol Pistioe.,Georg «. x iV(!;'; j of 6uP. {army .Is; : uo.\y Aw !_fiua DOplliug bpf.hig&’i oil tposity .under eiijkfviition, tjucn'.lvl quiMAl» inpnvcA levers are, holder ; therepiiio pi , eyai!intf''e r nii I Uiuse ari- ing fn>nv‘;v ■ dftJ —pjpobably.Vlhi* most !;Oi all discavas ai a ■d'aia. ’i' the Potomac lia-) nOvcr b» condition th-yp iu Is ,n : nv ■health, m-trifle, Alii Apiii -a, den Co, numbers, .po.dri'n, inatioii.i (ion. Grimftp bn mortality- lists sifter actio j losses, from eamp sink no j small indeed., -He figh| j bard,’ . gays General Ing/ j takes k o o ( . j care of tlioi i j Shocking Accident- Schuylkill Havex.,J’a.. JuK- 21.- An accident occurred iit'rhjpiilsi CVI-; lijery on Saturday tfhifci: ». hulunijin the instant, k.Uiug ty-ona'.men r'J.'bey . jvere a slope car, coming out of the jhino* iron .their | work, and Arhcn 'ijtw the top of the slojio toe chain, brbke, k-y.injr the] cif'.rjio, jiacki / diktan ;cVoi' six. iiatr. d!%'d'|feet 'oh a slope ;of seventy five ■d Cgi'cesShilling a 1 Iwh > vre.re in the, cur.-' Ir,' o ' ■■ _ i CSftl.T be. friends of ilmyur: i tlw Tkmes. are making etrolnnous.crfnrt; la' procure his release, eilheijun-ier .tba : .operation of i thof Act-'o? : O’jngw* granting writs of .habeas ar/tf - w persons.Jmpijisone|i yntheut trial*S» a ceria ip-period |or b[r personat ap ■ peals id. the atf'thorili&f. fligiih - i"- 1 j fitwMlid :- paring' in 'ili]j>r})»kiyn f.tl I New Tofk aroiinterestfng tliuispkSs,. |, in Ins. behalf. In ih«-.Vi)ieantiihe-il®* - 'ard is said to’ have added i-mtnwisi’fr to the enjoyments of, tlho iiiraaief Lafftyotleiby bis- genial b’uraor niirlh loving ftincion. ; • i. i. dSuiintcboll ike conrediiLu.-savs t lB was. pi'osbht at the Wii is ftlouvj Other-day tvhcn'lho foll i'-ving ***.' perpetrated.. An old farmer from ■in* knew-PresWoni .Lincolnitfj■, days by gone, called tops- fi’is.i' 5 r* cls at jihe' - -.mariiie^-, ol«P: ping the Chief Magistrate upon IP 8 back, he -exclaimed, “iVeH| \old' l^.f 1 hoar .are. your’ , .OMi/Abe, trboro_u|«hlyDembcratic ip .. and Vyrithal relishing ajoiio, i6 B P9„, , ' M So:P)f:i an old boss, ami? -Wbsl , 'kind of a boss, pray?" .* ; Wtiy:anold; j draft 3 hpsaii td.bo;>uro,” was i jo: ndor /' Good, oven' foil - ; '-; Air r —S- % ..V ' 1L *>■* '^•■‘cnur.Vr, 1 tiifi' «i ->O!J. of til! h»; -Cisrckj. ;p«On;!tarii :i>. ihaii a .. ■(‘‘■ciit cam-- rraiit. _ On, iid v-i'.-initv ■’ -so tiiyri ties, cir- ho* fjj.' ■ ; I 1 at." :''barg b.m4 i’-vi-ecu -tho. :«l«r ■ Ihe v^ry it liVe v •e t. Wei iijj ail'd' for.^ I’l'-'-I - vj,; i.iT>m ivi;a b'.’iii;’ bed :i" C ; trcliiibiv- of hVAmiv s f t‘!: iii ui v !tcf.: '■•ithcr-in f’o'j i. poh?. Or Jp'tpra> iiiijprosbiiji ■ nSi iSH are ycf. iis. hrs iiirji ;Lf