The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 13, 1864, Image 4
Agji.i 4:.. I .. f-v ; - ,-j . bosWMife- -aaS', k 6 bas '*oen fo-jUli ;;U,s>» oftho -•. . -' JffdjH. JAHES -hi s f:£*- :-; t -i : '.i- _j ,'. Mayor of XjOW-hiLX.. U1A.33. Bolf. AMIH BBABD, •’ ‘VJ^, )-•/• -Mayor of NASHtTAi.N. EL BQH. B. W. HARBINaTOB, ; r '.::-&- r N.,s. 'BOB.'..|Sair ‘ ABBOTT, 1 • I'j;' „ .TJ*.-,.'n r Mayor ofOONCOBD., 3T. H. BOH! H. BtJXLOGK, > : | •■*.T|T- ; Mayor of WOBCSBTEB, MASS. BOH. KATB’X, 6H.SBBE, : ■:'“{. | " 16X303 of SALBU, MASS. • #” ’ H. V. Vr. liIHCOLH, Jffti; I ■ i : .../ 'L Mayor of BOSTON; MASS.. BOH. Wil. F II. RODMAH, : ;I.' - L Mayor of TBOVXDBNOB, B. t ’ BbH, AMOS W. TBEHTIOB, : . Jlaycr Ox 17 CO3TN# BOH. J. H. HARRIS, ’j - : i-V Mayor of NEW BONBON,-CONN. BOH. OHAS. S. RODIEB, > ■ •” Mayor of MOilTii BAX, O. 32. V apß. J>. S’.' TXBMAHH, * | Mayor of NEW YOBK CITY. BOH. W M. KINSTEET,, I . .. : .f|.! ■ Mayor of HAMILTON, O. BOH. ADAM WILSON, :f - Mayor of TOBONTO, O. W. HOH. B. M. BISHOP, |j Ir ~ Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. _..pdH. I. H.‘ CBAWPOBB, ! 'V Hay or of LOOTS V il |T|T\ JOHTT, SLGAN, i , j i Major of LTOSSf IOWAI JAMBS McPEETEBS, { ayor of BOWMAjrVXLLB, 0.!"W. JAMES W. WORTH, j ■ . - Mayor of AXTGUSTAra^EQ3. HEWEY. GOOBER, Jr., ' . Mayor of HAIiOWEEL, MB. JAMES S. BEBE-, : Mayni* c*f 27* B» wiEilajid Wye, . - itayor of HEW BBDEOBD, MASS, J, BLAI3DEX»I», \ - Mayor of FALL EIVEB, UAS3. W. H. CRAWSTOW, - 1 ■ ; Mayor-of WEWEOBT, B. I- [ON. BON. fir.'... a BON. BON. ,|oN. •rk BON. | ' M HOST. : ;|sbw,; Sbw. ; >LU PEED STAHL, , < . Mayor of OMiEMAt ZLXa JOHN HODQDEN, j ' Mayor, of DTTBUQUB. lOWA. . THOMAS CEXTTCHFIEIiD, layer of CHATTAUOOGA, TEHIT. { EGBERT j I Vliyar of THSOALOOSA, ALA. . & D. BAUGH,>--\r 1 Mayor: <sf MEMPHIS, TEOTH. /, GERARD STITH, J, \ | Mayor of NEW OHLBANS, LA. iH. D. SCRANTON, j ‘ I Mayor of BOCHE3TEB, v [ DE WITT C. GROVE,| e Mayor of UTIOA, 'HOW ■I ■ ' ! HOH; HOW ] HON. -; j'.HO® ' | lid: . geo. wHiSOTr, . Miyor orPXTT&BI f | 'soi ■ | ho: • i \ . O. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, ]QCB. H3MAI7 L. PAGE,; Hryor of MCiWAOKIB, WIS, ‘ . w. yr'.. yAUOHifc , Mayor of SAOES33, WZB., . A. TABB, ' I IftyU of KEJJOSHA, WIB. r.-JCHH 6. HAINES, I'; of CHICAGO, ZHk r.'-ii: H. A. HEATH, . 1 , j HO] no; I!-' VHOH ho: Mayor cf SELMA. ALA. A. J. KOBLB, Mayor of MOHTQOMEBT, ALA. r. XT. S. HOLYBAJMb - . ' Mayor of COlstT|Slm7S, QA. r ESPARTEBO Maltoßl., ‘ , Mayor of VEHA CHEZ. no; ho; (DO! fDON PIETEE DE CABALLO, Jltyor of lIEXIOO. DOW ESTEEHANIE EODHIGUEB, >j V , Mayor of HAVAS’A.' J DON ANTONIO ECHEVESA, 1 I Mayor of LIMA., PEBU, I DON H. Q. MIDANGNO, . ■ Mayor of VALPARAISO, UHIIiX. don mlaho sesoutpedalia, . f Mayor of ElO JANEIBO, BRAZIL 1 Oort fir that tho resident Drugeiate have 3. ;■ I = aaeured them ■ . y $ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla •' Xa aii ozcellsbt remedy, arid worthy the con- K; ■ fldenoe of the community. J For Tr" For ■- ; For : |" For Sprinfi Dlatutii. ParUyiag the Blood. ' ScrofM* or King’* Erll. Vahkorijf Ultfers. and Soros. r For Krpptlous and Pirn pie* • : | For Blotches, El«lni, «ud Boll*. , ,_| For ft. Anthony’* Flee, Rote, jar Ery r,“ Fox Tetter or SaU nktnm. ' . ,|>l;ilu> w , For Scald Heed auditing worn. - I tj Foi Cancer and Cancerous Sores. | jfoi Sore £y*s, Sore Ears, and Humor*. J I'Vt’oi Female Diseases. ■j. ■■ 1 'Foie Suppression a nd. Irregularity. ' I ' For Syphilis or Vsnernal Olssasss. !■' r 'i : - Fol Hirer Complaint,. Dlteote* of the . ' _ 'I ‘ ‘T i» Mayors of the chief cities Of the Tint 'If -j. ted .State*. Csnnddsi and British Provinces, (i j ChllivPern, Brazil', MoxieOiahd mfact,al*. all the cities oa 'ihia continent,' hare ;| ; tiicnoa tlus document, toseshre, their people I ' reipeclica they mytacMcit'J safety and 'l’’ looili&aee:. only Admit f portion of them. . ~ ; "{ l'', * I-- 5 - ’J •'■J ■a ; ' ! ' mV *• ■' ' '=■■-C | Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. ,:| ,4 >r 1 Jiyer’a Pectoral, v f.; ; Ayer%. Gufo, p' - 4 cVi ■ Vj r v Dtv .Tr C. A,cr .'p-f.: mass.. ■•• ov,-cy J>V) ■ 'j - L ta _____ I fiEllT|tir-ARBOCKLE&CO | . r .MAWraOTOTEHa.'OBU T : . r mji^ißC^'cyGxr&w ,lm ««£X - ;. ■ ' if •' tm i .n ' i ■ s ” ,71 ■ ri Q ., - 1 “This is the first really eoraio and ( satirical journal w» hare had in jtoerioa—r and really deter it is. it -is both, sharp and good-tempered, andnot afraid to w that' iti soulis its own—which shows thaV it has a soul. : QOr readers will be glad to know where they natlTje, fto Jtpnthlg. ... i' - 5 ' V--;'- ; J--* “This paper is excellent...... Eemarkable 'for originality;''— lf. Y. Traveller. “VaSltt Fiis is conducted by a brjonr : itrcA/Wd (Conn.) Enquirer. I. “Will wield ias potent an influenc ’ the London Punch."—Boston Trav ‘ “Whosoeverfinds himself laugh w>*. * '.VixiTT- Fair, and does.nt quid pro quo. is fit for ‘treason; and Jf. yi Crayoni‘ ■ c SPECIAL NOTICE . Theverymarkftdand~Catteringan|: has tlius fit'’ attended the ' pub) ;; “VaSITI FAtt,” Enables the publisher to announce the commencement of the Second 'I ■I sued this day, r BDth June, New ; Features, both Literary and Artistic, Willbe introduced, which ; will increase the value and interest of the pa : per, and folly maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, as the leading JoDBNAIi w Ah VANITY FAIR : tsscsb KKQcaißar svebt is and is for Sale by all [Newsmen, office of Publication, . NpllS Ns New York. • ■, TERMS: Three dollars per ai .cents single copy. ' ■ •?. ‘ TERMS FOR;CLUB3 r: Two copies of y.mTr'FAiß r wil 'one address f0r.............’. ..... Pive copies . Tep cop!ea...„.. An Estra copy will bo allowed t up of every Club of notiess than This paper is Electrotyped,. and numbers may be procured at any time. : • LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors, lIS, ■ ' I g ; New-York. ’ X* AIAIE. DEMOIiEST’S Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions, . \riA Gf.tet Improvement* ana A^Jitiont, ;.■ |fni : ai'MMEa scmbercoxt'ains , ■ 'fUUR LARGE if SpLEKDID \FASntON THREE FULL-SIZED \ [PATTERHS OF DRESSES, ' , COUPEIMIO THE-!. I New French Waist, an Elegant‘Sleewe, and a - Misses Sack,' and*a Sheet of rfew ,! , - and 1 Beautiful ; BRAID AND EMBROIDERING [PATTERNS,• Together! with nearly 100 Engravings of all thenoveltiesfor V Summer - Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, !Children’s Dresses, jftc., \ And valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Radies generally, pre senting the -largest and best Bjahion Mag.a- 1 line in-; the World,-published 47 3 Broadway,- S. y., and sold everywhere at 25 cents,; or sent by mail, post free,:-oh receipt of the Km’t in stiimpi or silver. Tear $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable premium. _ V Each yearly-, subscriber wUljbt entitled bp a receipt for the 'selection of 50. c ciits worth of, plain patterns, from the designs in the bbok, or front the show room-, or they may Bo or dered and sent by maiPany tim s during! thp bjrpaying postage, •/ I ! \ lnducements to Canvassers- j ' BitU-Summer No. now ,j ,y I. T. GLORIOUS N Not frhn the Army but fr< \ of Beaver H. T. .iPA. ; ',f , New Shoe Store. subscriber would resentfully infora [ tf; STd citiiens dt Beaver'County that. in ad ; duiOTi to his well selected stock'of CLOTHING, ! ;aTS, CAPS and GENTLEMENS FURNISH^ *iG GOODS, betas .lately purchased a'wr.ll looted Stocker H (IAT ° I Hind and \ vari'et ever brought to I ined to sell, “chi I lilind the sign ol | ■ 'Sept.9.’63. S E li E C OpensMi Mathematics, Tanghtdr the most favor Address », W. SCOTT, T. IVE.MoC Notary Pu] “•! ' OFFICE WITH 1 B. B. CHAMBERLIN,, ATT (2>ear the Provost ifarst UROADWAf. FEW J'■ BEAYfIR COUNTS’, PROMT attention-given to I EXEMPTION PAPERS, connected with the draft; also ;ered, acknowledgments taken, A Gentlematfycured of Nerroi competency, Premature Decay Error, actuated by a desire to will be happy to al (free of charge) (he receipt end making the simple Remedy usi Those wishing to profit by his c: possess e Veluable Eomody—w by return mail, (carefiill; addressing . . JOHNB 1 • . s'No 60 Nassau Streel angl2:3m Confessions VExperienceof an invalid. Tor the oenefitsud asawdrn .ip ing and a caution to .young men who suf fjjrfroin Nenrous Debility, Premature I Decay 40., supplying at the same time the means ' oi Self-Cure..*By one who ba,s cured himsell afler being put»t o great expense through toed-; leal imposition [and quackdry.j | By enclosiog a post-paid addressed -envelopes, single' copies may be had i of the , NATHANIEL MAYFAIR* Esq.', Bedford, King* Co., K. T. marfi&tr. - - -.- . :0 ; : ; EXECUTOR’S NOTICE, \\-J- HEREAg lelteTSxtestamnnlaiy on 'the 'KbßciiT' Bmown,' late l of bounty. Pa.,dee’d,baTing been granted to the undersigned, all; person* , indebted, ;to make, jipmediate payment; and tpdsb baying claims : .'sanid.waijiresent theroproperly authenticated for settlement. _T i,» vEDMDND,BBOWNtE*fcuIor,- .Dtlfif Epaosdytp. •Si > "i i&T£tlS ofladmini atrat ion on the estate 1 i of.QEO v G:'|B4ii>ikj(w, Esq., lattof Bu« ; ■Ter - . *uedl£ all ppnf api indebted f are reqmred iroj£ evly aclhentioaled for m|, •' i 1 F , i>ATn> JOHHBOS; A4|i’r.. .. 1 : •, •' ■■• ■ .f-*; ■•- r , CO, . 1 +* i' ISM -V- >- . i vivacious, laUsta.”— i as that of sr. V ingat the t return'a spoils.”’— ieess which Llcation i 61 that with 'olume, is- TTBSDAT. and at-the ssau-street, Ivanee—Six 1 be.sent Ito , 00 .....12 00 ..;.,20 00 0 the getter five copies. EWS.!; i the Tmcn ! H< Principal S. AT jLAWj «i/’3 r Mce, - TA. the drawing of and all spatters loath* adminis sc.j &c. ( [delfi i* Debility, In and Toothful benefit bther's,' I who need it -‘direction* for id’ in hi* ease, xperience and ill receire thi ly sealed,') by i; OODEN, | t, New York. !: ijf.' - ~ .. --rtfcV.; sxCTfrsrmY fTTHIS InirtitnUon' Isj now open!, fori theVeecpr I tiori, care, and trcatmintbf the ttdepfH dentelatt ofpatientsjwho Sr* laboring under mental .derailge or ofhsr Mircua .an)B chronic, disease.’ nioko nervous and cUonior diseases,* front the {let that seven tenths bf the female patients that are commuted *4 ottrjpnhßc Asylums, to bb treated! for', disordered minds, ire reduced to that lamentable’ condition through previous physical disorder, f. By a well timed and judi cious treatment Jt Chronic and die- j esses, latte majority of eases maybe rtmjoved; and thus'the mind, I keying suffered tbrjough the jmedlum of the! body j ! with, when Twe;' fft)M the . exciting physical cause, thijow off.the thacltlcs that has bound it toworse than midnight darkpess,. and reason trill,' once more, resnmo'.its Sway, clothed in all its primitive beauty hud wonted •excellence. Hence ithe necessity of fell those, who are laboring under the predisposing or i I exciting causes, calculated in the end to ■ im pair the tnind .'to resortVto lan L early and Judicious course of remedial agents. The Institution . s'a largebrick building with a stone baseme it—four stories high andj well Ventilated. It is situated on Jan elevated’ table land which cojmmands a view of entire town—adjacent hilli—groves and Neighboring streams; all of which are calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon tl fdisorder ed mind. ].■■. ' i 1 The'lnstitution is complete in sll of its ap pointments. 'Having.been tastefully fitted up at graet expense, in order that it ipay meet I the approbation and vietys of ther-ost fastidi- j ous. . , •■ j’ - ■ The water closets, and- bathing apparatus i have keen, gbit bn jffe anon th» t miott * approved I modern scientlflopripciples. This department embraces not only}! the ordinary .baths but, also,' the medicated, Warm air and .ascending and -descending, douche for the mere effectual and successful treatment of cui aneoUs and other eerofolous diseases. * J ' We beg leave to shy to all those who may be disposed to commit the interests' of a dear wife, sister or daughter, -to our* charge—may be issured that no means Will spared or efforts wanting on bur part to ameliorate their condition or to effect a rest oral ibnto their ac. customed health and vigor of mind. For further particulars send for a circular. All cominunicaticni should be addressed to, - ■j 1 | j E.KENDRICK, M. D. 1 Supt. of New Brighton Retreat .’■ ! I . .’ - New Brighton ! Beaver Co. Pa. CA. novl2’G2. CRIT’I philaoelpl ; ! Vcpifl N.E. copier o .* ■ PHILA •' jPHtS Institutio I 1844, and la eighteenth year amongits gratuatc cessful 'Merchant* Country. C ■ The, object of th yect ty fordjyonng men facilities f< r thoi'ough prepa ration for business. , branches taught are 800 l -kocpirig, as applicable to the jranous da; >artm >nis of trade; Penmanship, both plain and Commercial Law: .mathematics, Navigation, | Civil Enginierinjr, Drawing, Phonography, and Modem Languages. The system of instruction is peculiar; no cliissep or set lessons arc madeuio of, but each student is taught individually, so that he.may commence at lime, and .attend a't whatev er'hours are moslponvenichl. 1. Catalogues | are I issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of' the stu dents fur the year, and Tull particulars of terms, &c.. ahdmay be obtained at any ..time by addressing the (Principal. ' ■ , In extensive wide-spread reputation, and tlJe lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution! offers; facilities su = perior to any otbe!r in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for bnsjibess, and to at the time a ntnbiiA, which will prove a recommendation for them to any Mer cantile House. | ' ipsg* CntTTtvbi Book-Keeping, nl than any other w< . sale ai the Colic^ ~ 1: 8; HO’ -! • ■ !' , \,May 7. iguagt ,ble terms. \ BEAYEfi . SEMINARY. AND INSTITUTE Rev.R, T. Taylor, A. M., Prin, Mrs.AiS. Ta y ler, Governs. rjfsHE NEXT\rEBM I mLL COMMENCE ' Utesdfiy, March 24<ft, 18C3, And continue 'll weeks. The aim of the school is. to make its pnpila thorough, espe cisllyin the Coirimbn Branches; j : A. Normal^Class, for tbe benefit o/'tliose/wishing jto fit selves for i|eacli ng, will be formed at the Oommeneement cjf the term. Board, Boom ent, &d v j..;....538 00 Tuition Varies from $8,50 t 6 $B,OO . fpfr-Pnr [furtl er; particulars imqmrk of the President of Faiuliy. • I 1;■ , v \. • maft’CS ri. . . * ,B. T.i TATtOR. )lic. NEW ■. i ,■ll. PRC: roiicri' ier respectfully u X' tbe citizens of Bearer and ricinity’, that be Jim opened. a, QBOCEftT A. PRODUCE STORE in! ;tbe room formerly [ occupied by Blokes & Tallo n, and .directly opposite tbe Arg<it office, where ire will keep constantly on band, and for sale a largo assortment of such as , ' . * !![,-. :l y : COFFEE, RICE. TEA, MOLASSES, i; SUGAR, SYEUP; ■; Also, FL3UR, POTATOES, anti all other at ticles uaualiylcept in a G.rocery awro,,--:, -,: s !r ■' Countky p rodeo taken in ozrhange for goods, at the higKeft market pried _dec9:h ; TT. MoKIBBIN. Adsertitiiig CoßHntaiion Agents k £i; ISBJS: TINi i JnMoP ALL JSINDS WRITIMQ-AS JPai.NTUSQ PAPIROABDO, *0 : ■.',)• ' &ni(KSfc Brown’s Bnildinft. Pblladelnbia; Tribune Biiildlag* Earr’Tork. ■ Jaa 1 s l | 1 '‘h I - hr6nitf°]Dboum i u> :vsi*u’i> ;;r^’ r V ’EJTDEN’a ;■ ... ■HA COMMERCIAL . M rJ-. -i—' •'* f 7tH ftChestnutSt, v i, which Trosjistablisheain now cb aseqn ohlly in t e of its -existence, numbers 9, hundreds of the most sue snd Business -Men Of. our 5 Institution is sole!; to af- is’s Setiee •of Treatises on |>w more widely circulated ark on (he subject, are fot i ■ [\° '■■l . ®QES CRITTENDEN, V | AUorniy-at-L rtr v , .I,' '' f - Piificcirxi. IBY^ GBOC EOZ - .-;1 AN® j •UCBSTORE. w 'lift, flips,. T K :v • ■■-i iff ; 5;-i« ,6-';: iai • >H i ;o-s-:»iil 'WI 'to %-iiSix>uM& '&*■. -■»«)] ~it&B!* y.#it-.:ufi£t ■&» ■■*s/&& ;'3O, -slaSi4.i{] pitti* >aaA’.ip! -if.v»«a d.-ii •„>'(•• c.'i ,>-'o'.'>.; Jiliia’ oi.' ,; »fjp''a s *!' »ti*'r.rvjlr** #!p-^ • " f”. 1 |.f v: i>-.'i if'ijji GARDIRISHIIRS, • .i, i■■ •; •■’■■H-:- IT; v ■ (OCCKMOKS to k.VvGAßpiriß:R^:c6./ " pSMairlretSt., • i»ia?T3ißxrie»c3-ii, 1 ■ .‘‘l l . “ f ■' ‘ ■ >\ ' ; ~ Betwaiso Fifth*: at and Diamond. •ITT’B take the liberty to infora our friends VV ®f Beaver eonaty tbat we bare large* ly increased oar facilities for.'carrying bn thi Dry Goods Business, at ohr old stand. 'Our .entire attention. to the' increase ofour business, In wbiehtbe interest of our customers will be sustained and promoted by every means in ourjpower. . i 1 . , • STEW SPUING SILKS. . jOur stock; will comprise all comprise all tbe the Novelties lit latest importations, in*, eluding all Colors, plain and figured blacks, plain’ silks in all colors, check and brocade silks,: Swiss and Foulard silks, all of which we'wCl sell at. suchiow prices that none can fail to be suited. ‘ Y-;'__ ■ GOODS. : r , i Our stock will be found replete, comprising orerOne Hundred different styles, in French, French, English,- and Gorman fabrics, of lat est importations, at prices as low as yeafs 4jo. CLOAK S, SU A W L S , / LACE GOOD 3; : , j v Vf4 shall' be receipt of daily from New York, and onr assortment, and ,prices, for cheapness, will bo found second to none in the city. -To this department we call part icular attention. ... j; V' ! : HOUSE FURNISHING GQQDS., Linens,, sheeting and’ pillo t w linens, toiled Marsailes and ho.nty. comb quilts, in white; blue and pink, napkins, towles, linen table covers; and Irish linens, always on ; bond, it the lowest prices. ; ' ■ S •i • . 0 j, * CLOAKING cloths. I '' i >? ' .'■ • t 'I ’ Cassinieres in ph .in and fancy, union cloth s, tweeds; saltinett, corduroys, and irieji and boys wear of all' kinds;. the beat stack in the city, at the lowest prices. i ■ ' - - ■ ir , A ■‘ BALMORALAND HOOP SKIRTS, ■- •• y- ■ t ; i ;■ of which twe are I the sole agenl of several celebrated makes, .which wti will sell to our castomert at] wholesale prices. I / DOMESTIC GOODS.. < Domestic and imported flannels; ! Our stock Lwillbe found large, and' well selected, and [6ur\prieeawill be made so. moderate as to I place them dithln riaeh of oasaeri > ‘ I X ■ .. MOTJIiNING GOODS. CHEAP, CHfEAP, CHEAP KID QLO VE3_ AlfD COSSETS. 'll -\ I:;N?< . Persons tintltyt As city ifor the purpose of purchasing Dry Goods, srs mpectfrtly invi ted to caU, m our enUirs .sto|ok will : ; Cheap. ME i~.. ,-|* , f ‘ .’ 1 MEMO ME GBDHER&SCHLEITER, .JifjV'l' i;>. SS-4 “**r ’l*i" J • * : . -’f: ••■' "• • v.fisto ■•■ ■£ ivf- si; ;ia haj.Vi ♦?.••’.'•■» F £n>» idJ iju li^jsta.-,■■' &J£~! OEM - - ~ ' ■ - -. -r ,- FHIE|i«MHtgIEATIY KS tEMtfcej:^p«ply>»^ia^.witt J tko»e Jiai*;|' •ad OwmeaVi .aadwhero the brave Soldier* ( and ?fe provide”tVw%] j selves] with them.nohetter . - ; ttoia.te fl^dKr T : v. Ifaft boor of necd# ’ *- ■•&■'•.? ’ GOTOH§ AHD.COII)SAPFECTINQ .TEpfflN ;-f, ■ ,-Will. be speedflyrremoy edi/and,' effectually ..'j-i; curedbv using these admirahle'medicines, and ",; by paying proper. attenUon to. the Directions ' ‘ whiolTare atuchedto each'Ppt.or Box. ;, V J SICiC HEADACHES AND WANT OP iPPEI ,3 ttTEJQipiw^TA}. . Tbese feelings which so sadden os,; usually arise from trouble or anhoyqheee, obstructed pertp|ratlon,or eating and drinking whatever -tsimwholesomei thha disturbing the healthful action of the lirer end These orl ginsjnust be relieved, if you desire to be -welfc- The I*ills, taking acConUngtothaprinted in structions, . will quickly a produce * a healthy aetiodlin both .liver ud stomach,- and as a natural consequence a clear head andgoodap- Qlt BEBIUTY INBCtiED BY , -’J: ;;^ J oyEBFATrc<UE,- ; ,, • :: 't 1 .. Will soon dhtappear by the use of these' In-- ... valuable Pills,'and the Soldier WiU quickly a<|-' quirel addUional strength. ~ Never let. the bow- e els be either coufined or unduly acted' upon, i It ,miv seemstrihge that Holloway’s Pills -- shouldrhe recommended for Dysentery ;and v> PlnxJ&nany personssupposingthatthey would 1 increase the relaxation.. This is a great mis- P SI take, for these Pilb wiU correct the ; liver add 8 , stomach and thus remove all the acrid homers <_ ‘ ;fromjthe.system. This medicine will giro tode * ai 'and vigor to the whole organic systeip howeV- ;P°’ ,er- deranged, while health and strength follow as a inatter of course. Nothing w}ll stop the ... relaxation of the Bowels so sure as.this fam- *? XI oiis medioine. 1 : : i •" ' I I ' ° r VOLtTNTEEBS ATTENTION I INDISCBE- EEEEMS =5ll 4: MEE =II ' i i i AXD 7" -- r ■ | • i. t i. MEI =ll .‘/I';?*T; L;:fe aH TIONB OF YOUTH, . ! ; is and Ulcers, Blgtchinga and Swellings; j can *llll certainty beradically cured if the * Pills[are taken night and' morning,;, and the ointment be freelyused as stated in theprint ed instructions. It treated in-any other man-, ner they dry up in one part to break out in an-' other. Whereas this Ointment will' remove the nnmors from the system and leave the Pa tient! a vigorous and healthy man. It will re quire a little perseverance in had cases to in sure jalasting euro. ) for) wounds,either occasioned by • I THE BAYONET, OB SABRE QRiTUEBUL -1 LET, SORES OB BRUISES. ‘ | ' To which every Soldier, and Sailor are liable: there are no medicines so safe, 'sure and con venient as Holloway’s Pillsand ointment; The poor! wounded an,d almost dying sufferer might have’ his wounds dressed immediately, if die would‘only provide himself with this match less Ointment, 1 wjhioh should be thrust into the wouhd and smeared ail around it. then covered, wittj a piece of linen from { his knapsack, and compressed with .a handkerchief. ..Taking night and mqrning G or. 8 to cool the sys tem {and prevent inflaiqptidn, | Every. Soldier’s knapsack : and Seaman’s r chest'should be provided with these valuable Remedies .h , CAUTION. —None are genuine! unless Ihojwoms ‘Qjolloicay, Arte York and London." are Idiscernable as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around cnch pot orj bozk the same may bo plainly seen by holding, tht iea/to the light, . A handsome reward will be( given to any one rendering such, itiformti tiorias may lead to the dctection-of {any pariy or parties cjonnterfcitinglliemcdicities or vend ing jthe same, knowing them to be spurious.;, I '■»** Sold, at. the Manufactory of, Professor HontowATj 80 Maiden Lane, NcvriYork, and by ill respectable [Druggists and Dealers in Medicines; throughout the civilized world,' in 25 gents, OScents and sl.each. . There is cnasidcrable saving by taking thcllarger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of .pa-, ienjs in every disorder arc atHxcd to each box. Jlay 7., ' . ■ Dr. nurd 1 * MO UTS WA SIT. TOOTH TO W DEH ani TOOTHACHt: DROPS cannot be sent by mail, but theyjcan probably! be ob tained at ycur Drug or Periodical Stores. If they cannot, send to ns for the DENTAL TREASURY, Price, Ojjk[Dollar, which con tains-them. ' - i !} - ■ | : I f. Kro^-:':SK'' m j DR- HURD'S : PRmiimflSS j The Lest evidences that they are is, thatthen firmest fronds and bestpatrons.hre those who have used them longest: | Dr. Hint. J 2. Hurd is an- cminent Dentist of Drooklyn.rrfeasuret of the New State Dentists’' Association, and tbcsejprcphrations have-been, used in his pri vate practice for years, and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or \Villiamiburg questions their ! while eminent' Dentists-.of New' York recommend them as the best known to the'profession. Without the aid ; of advertis ing, dealer-shave suld'lhcm by the gross. The Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Tun™says, “We jare happy to know that enr friend, Dr. Hum, is Succeeding beyond kIL [expectations with his MOUTH WASH and TOOTH HOW-; DERI ■ The great secre; of liis success rests j with the fact lilt:! hi* article* are preeieeiy trial [ they are repretcnUd to if, ■ n tec ran (citify /ram 1 v ... their.long tee.” . , - • -bif . \■ ( . „Tw&ty *%sar 'G'..ptr' k; Bonds, j The well known P. T Barmim writes ( ‘G it 1 i ’ W I ' found yotW TOOTH POV DER sb good[tfcrlt uiy’j of the ] Uaited Ptate*. designated is hFit*. family hate used it all up. His find it, the' leh Twenties," redeemable at Hh> pie*jury u f ffiti pmeder for,, (he teeth ure, hi ve eter yxed. Ii I shall j GoveminenlJ Wter five years, aijd . amb er'ftp feel Obliged. if you will send 'mc another sun- | by ;Acti of' Congress. approved February ply at the Museum.'at year convenience,' with j 1802.. ;■ * .ft •' ' IV bill.’’, •; j'- r . ■ 1 I ' I The COpryN-TIONDS b/e (s»ued in shay * But their cost is sp snail that everyjonoiasj SSV). SlO'o sshti, SlotM',. / , .V| ’ ’ tcst.tUeilmttcr for himself. . , i| The REGISTER IjONThSlitl Lew-arc of the ordinary Tooth powders. Sliitt, ’sJoOO, riOltu-und rib-. A. ■ Dr. Tooth Poddor contains no, acids, • Interest'at,Six-per; cent.,W | nor.alkali, nor charcoal; and 'polishes .Tfithout commence of { nrchio | wearing the enamel. Use ho other, i ‘ | , PAVAHT.t! IN Gi IWHAT IVILb pn. JIUKDrS" REMEDIES f SemUAniiuitily/.wiiinli Is cnimD i 'i , y" , a- , I i premium oil gold, to about EiUSI Df. Hurd s Mouth Wash and Tooth P,owder i j.j.;*, aNN<» ! .’ | will! give young ladies c tb?.t finest-chaifm in wo r ! y,,'.b-rch-int-. MVcVafaD [man—a s*ecl breath. apd pearly tooth; Try j 4 -who i(aTe a!l y:S: vn to rtheti, ladies. , . .j • ;■ 1 i,;|j •. . J tiiow.andvOmeraber that ibese 1 ; Dr. Hurd s Mouth Wash and Tomtit Powder i q TfugT V.fIRTG •UVF-)i wilf cleanse the mouth I from alb foul exhali ’ a 4.’ C :n ,als Bank‘s,m-; 3 ii Y i tjons; and if used in fhb morning, will make an k:td,e imtuetrse nroduef-of til thebrtahfast.taste.sweeter;and the. day begin Ul Li; ifc,v ;< &/;, in the .country t more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can' , ln |i ;ilr ,pl e provision made for t lesttfy ta .this.v- Try thrin (rcntlcmcn., ./ . th f illt ol-esl and liquidatiou-a.f Dr l H k d v ?r° U an lTu° - P ,T c" Easterns Dfities, Excise ate the;the best.prepatwtinna [wcyld for u eV i>nui. serves to make these curing bad breath anal giving ’ firmness* ana ' r>. * d, i health to the gums., Slluadrods of casts of Diseased yielding (7am, Sort Canker, , jHnStintPfDtl ■ ihc etc., have been cured by Dr. Hurd's aslring- Subscriptions rccepred.ntPAl ent wash. ' -/'j : 1-der Notes, or qotes and citerfc Dr. Hurd's JFouth Wash and iTooth Powder par In. Philadelphia.. Subscribe give on additional charm to courtship, and receive prompt attention, atid make husbands,more agreeable to their wives and explanation, will be afforjU and wives to their husbands. They, should be tio'n at this office. - |, . used by every .person'having i , - ■ v A full supply of Bonds will be kept , , ABTIPICIAL TEETH.‘ . for immediate l-1 . i which' are liable to^impat la taint to! the mouth , " •Snbs^rjplion^Ae«!-;_l , Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure Tooth- “ ~^z ache arising from # expoied nerves, and are' the J ( ) ■ best friends that parents can have in thehouse nvp » »v r> 0 et r-; AITD 1N ft to save their'children ffom; torture hud,'thein- ,U I bHi U fil 3 wl) U ■** *" “ selves-frjm loss of sleep and sympathetic suf , !ES;T A B LIS II 'ffJN T.i l • Ffinuers andjnechhmcs! you cannot well af- 30,C)19[1C) ford to neglect your tegth.i Fora trifling aume (iWest.of Federal.; • - you can " now get preservatives, than which . Vr Tirr-urv? nrV\T Rothschild or Astor can get nothing better. ■ ■ t-, I J- . Remember that Dyapej&a and>j Cotiiiimpilon of FTIHE Proprietors "of : ( tliia, .Estaris- -c the Lvngf ofleriroriginate in neglect of Teeth. , have been engaged for a un'nii'p 0 ;.? f ( Send for the Trro/i*« on Teeth, and;read Dr. in the most extensive Fitch's observations On thjis subject. If too country,-in the cities of New York uw late to irrest decay in y«iur oyh jteeth, gavo delpbia,'. where allthe improvcdapp!' 3!!, :'- t . ; your children’s teeth., j ’ ■ li! - , apparatus are .employed. Being 'V-i . HEURAHGTA Hurd’s session of .'the disci.verij-1 Neuralgia Nun-Adhesive plasters the most thods of European Dyers, t hey tiyc j- 1 pleasant and successful remedies ever prescri- Ladies’ Silk, Satin and Merfno Ifress > J cd for this painful disease. The patient superior stylo In many’ case?, plica one, soon bvcomes dpjwsy, tails asleep,' aremade in color and finish, very nc j r. and awakes free from pain, and no ] blister or in appearance to new Goods, i ■ . bj other unpleasant or injurious consequcnces en- ! .■. 'All Goods -rentrnal iifi**- sue. For Earache and Ne/vout-Headache, ap- —— —'' ply according to directions, and : relief will surely, follow. Nothing' can bo obtained equal to j)r. Hurd’s Compress for , Neuralgia! '.Try them.. .They are entirely a novel, curious and original preparation, ahd wonderfully success ful. They are of two* sizes, one small. for the face, price 15 cents, and !the other large, for application to the body, sfice 37 cents. HTil be mailed on rtceipt of, jifice and one itamp. [, WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE JTOIXG} jPhe American pebplekra'intelligent enough to j Rppregikte preparations that cont ribnt e so much to happiness of those! using them, and' they, wont them; Every mall brings us letters, some k ordering the Tfeatise.on Teeth, s6me the Neu iratgia'r lasters, .and not a few enclbsingSTcta. j I for the jMoulh Wash, to be sent by mall ; hul to these we are compelled to reply thatbit is , impossible to sehd a half-pint bottle by-, mad. 1 BRIDGE LETTING. ' J - The people ttrani -thei e Remedtee: HA* wiU 'kronCE la hereby sealOdprtipo j ?'• ! '(:• •! -.b. Jyl’saU will bo 1 recrivkd by the County Com- , ;Nowis the, J.. . ij[r -w -3uBsioners, at thelr office in BeaVer. on Satur- ' C UANCE F3B AGENTS. thcae artielesafouniilofamtUtffl, The l Dental iatho neatest artiole,,that « HAqnenMSlng oTeek,axm' near Alex, romoeu s, manorl’wo'nfait caii carry, kround.' - Ecnd'foi ; wU I I applied • ■' -I' - rtnwt' liberally .withs 'Now is tjhe time f ' ADAUNISRA'tOii’S, jljrO'WGE. I B profit. We [are Spending thonsandafcr th* 1-i tate of Ws.BrAXd>iK<ll lkiS bf Hojpewell Wta 6 : againataaid raay bo [made with confi attata winipT«eenfc*hsm .<t» ,the anbseriber dVnoe.’ Vr/B. pi's’CO.,] refer to the Mayer of priyerty autheiitioated fTihettlwßentJ :b;,': , 'FimoWyn t tblGi V. Gri!* Ftandent Farm ;■>!!>«, «£ib s.vl- -’AUllNGyrii: ;.■ fm’*iadCiUxiM.6<MA, Brookjyn j;lo.JToy, Gee, J isxn;'. > , E> >iSieis,?efi. »e^ Ja . v / ' rj' ' ? jf - fb ; ;«■ 600.000 MAT/R OR FEMALE AGNTS • - TO SELL at lnjd's J\Vtc Steel Platt CpuAty Colored Slap of ihe United States. Canadas, and Nexo ; Bnitiswick, From recent surveys. -completed Aug; 10, 1802; cost $20,000 to epgrive it, and one year’s time. 1 .... :! ; , Superior, to anyslo map ever made by Col* or Mitchell, and sella ai. the low price, of Fifty Cents; 370,000 names are engraved on thikmap. • . ' It is not only a County map, but it is,also a COUNTY' & RAILROAD MAP , of the V. 8. & Canadas combined indne, giving Every Railroad Stallion anddistaoces between. guarantee any woman or man $8 to $5 pcr day, add will take back all maps that cannot bekold'and refund the money. : ! 1, ' • send for $1 worth to try. j ■ Printed instructions how to ; canvass well, (banished all our agents. ■ , j ; jVanted— Wholesale Agents' for pur maps in every State! California, Canada', England; France and ■ Cuba A fortune made with a : few hundred dollars capital. tVo com petition. J F. Lloyd, 161 Broadwjay, N. Y. The War Department' uses our map of Vir- ; ginia, Maryland, add Pennsylvania, cost $10(1,- 000, 1' on which Is .marked AntietamCrcek, i Sharpsburg, Maryland . Bights, .Williamsport' Fdrjy. Bhorersville,' Noland’s Foird, and all others on the’Potomoc, and every! other place: in (the above named States, or money refunded. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP jOF KENTUCKY, OHIO,, INDIANA,}' and Tlf., atj the only authority for Qen,R'iseerans and the War Department. V Money refunded to any one finding :an eijrdr in il. ; . , T ■ From the Tribune, Aug; 2.. ‘lLlotu’s, hap of VmtasiA, Maetlakp asd risssYLVAKiA.—The map is very large; its cost is but2s cents, andlil it the hat which can beipurehated.” ,\ / [j \t,loy<Te Grtai Jfap of the Xistieeippi River'. — From Actual Surveys'by Capts. Borl and Wm. Bpwnr, Mississippi River PQots, pf St. Louis;. Me., shows every mah’siplanlation and owner’s nnieifrdm St. Louis to the Qnlfjdf Mexico—. I.SqO miles—every sand-bar,’island,, tdidg, and all places 20 miles l|nok from the colored in counties and States, Price, jin sheets. .$2, pocket form,, and $2,50 on an, with rollers. ■ Ready Sept.; 20. •' t J Ifftvy Department, Wd»hington,Sept. 16, 1862. , , : ]J. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send me your Map of the iMississippi River, with priceJper hundred 'copies.' Rear-Ads^ralCharles H. Davis,’ edm lending,I ending, the Mississippi is Vnuthor ed to. purchase as many as are! required fo le of that 'squadron, ' ; ' f ■ l; " ■, / dIDEON WELLS,. Secretary of, IhcJJavy. ’' -V 1 ' ■!. j * 1 •> PRSBKRVIIWH TBB TECTH; \D,dr> «iiSp ? S3K ;nr. 'rkr-s Tt'; u ..'jCoc-'iT'-* . ing Toothache and Neuralgii. .:r:..i v^rp bottle. i.. -j.- ; ;I, ~ , !.■-■ .•,•; , Dr. TOOTHFOOER,D oneboxi :• :{V '"■. '' j Dr.Burd’t Matfel TQDTHA OHS DROPS, \ ouc&olil**’ 'v 51 - * ■ 1 v - '■ - ■ ~ Dr- HunTt UNRIVALED HEVRALGIA PLASTER. ■■ ■'■!, ,■ '■ '.■•'•;• ; / , : i ;i i>r. HnrtfeMANUAL ion the. BettHeani of ' Pneertiitg the Teeth, - including;Dirtetiont . for the Proper iTteatment of Chßdren’t Teeth, j.i V FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between the Teeth. TQOTH PICKS, etc.,- etc. -■ ' ■ ' Prepared at Dr,; Hurd's Dental {Office, ,-77 Fourth St., Brooklyn; (E.; D.) ! • ■ ; Price, ONE DOLLAR ;or SIX So" B®i The-DrrnioZTVfastnfy makes .a package right inches by fire, and is-sent by express., R&iFull direetioru fortueuon each article: ■ The {following articles sjr.e can send separate by maii{, yi*: The! Treatise on Pratt Teeth senf^ppst id, jm receipt of T’ certs, or four .mps. ■ Platiet ;c, Nervous Headac! it paid, on receipt ol mps." 1 !■ ' f, 'txcL'eurattjia and', e,) for Pains in the .. any part af the bod; ceipt of Thrrfg-etven ci .{Address,; tirli tCI >st ;am-, T> ie. I Jill TK tia&i rftEJvs> it Floater (large. Shoulders, Back, post paid oh re* w»i. r jvrjdAco.; Tribune Building*, u\Y|ic iKor.t : '' 11--1,4,,,,,:,.,,,,,, *“»#>«“« t» proposed to the tf- jfol l(‘»h£ ft lep<»inW6titr Ba i^f in a iSSiS^ B "? *** ‘«*vtoiSSS&ifttf ' *,'?'• ConßtituUoi tl’v nated asKeclioUftmr, as follows: c -djtiii. Actual milUMy service; undt^, ■ tionirtmi the-President of the UnJtL or by the, authority of this' Stiles. ' *uch elector* may exercise ithe fragc m all electrons by the citl w ” *«• ’ sucK regulation as are,'or shall tt, by law, as fully as if they Vcrb\?, c their usual place of eiOctiOij ’• ; lit Sscti'oirO.- There , shall be tVo J ,•. sections to.the eleventh article of th 'F 1 *® 5 ' - ’ tntion, to be designated as section ' ' ninc. as follows. t B K »i \l “Section 8. No hill shill be p ! »L,., .-•' - f Legislature, containing more ih a n„,„ “f;tld ; ' which shall be clearly expressed in '- !,I X ei, < : except appropriation bills.” f a2 ,t«le; : | ■‘‘Section 9. No bill shall bo i* J,-'. 1 r' ! ■Leislature granting any powers,! Of X i’ ,in any case, ; where! the authoriiy !t 0 • ‘powers, or privileges, has been, or ha = l C!i ■ after he, conferred upon the courts Jit, : Commonwealth'." j . *. \ j °f Hit : • i • HENRY 0. JOH^r.V ■ Speaktr <f Hit Jloim; of k h -. 'A JOHN I*. I'ESNI-Y i ' ■ ’ 'frMi-triof tu s*:.,' Ofnce vSeeretaity of Common • ■ tlApp-isnciio, April ,& ."!y! ;. PENNSYLVANIA, ss; . l| L . , r > "-"V«U. true and correct clp T !( SEAI. Vf‘o original Joint Res% tl > T - 1 ’ General, Assiifibh' evftn. '* Resolution prdpo3inge w t a ]'i, . i; meptn. to < l\e • Const itutioa,: ; at lL.t Va . ; mains on file in this oiuco. I |l T4 ' Is ‘Testixost ■ whereof, F have hereurt, ~v : my>hand and ; eaused the seal of ; ! lory's, office to be affixed, the da* and ' above writleh. • , - , ELI SLIF-KR ' : ! _ .; - \ - Secma'ry-ot .th\ CnnwUwk : The-above Resolution having been .a*ti,.t to by a majority of the House, at two sudocssiveowasinns of the ■ drill iAssembly P s f this : propb'sbd amendments ’will he subinutcd loth* people, for on ih,V FIRST. Oi: Atccsr, in thfevew of <s"■ Lord xtqe thgusartd' eight' F-iV.- four, infficeerdahce with thp urorisiohs h-nii tonth artiolg of the Conatiturinn. and Ae s ,.’ entitled “*n act prescribing! th«*. lime mi manner of submitting lo tlie. peopli. f or their approval,, andf ratification or ndectiii u,.. proposed amendments to the Constituiioii>"fti proved the I.Cji-eEly-tbird'c.r April, l one tioii- : ’ and eight hundred and «ijuy-fimr’i',f • '■ _ olJi : Suretafu^/^^^ommo-iu-fallh..^ .euralgia in the , : Earache, sent •tn CenU, prat Ir'r fcflice of Jn frOltU,-' 1 , At JAY COOkE c< CO; 1 , Bankers 104 SOL'TH TItIRD STRSET, 1 ’ I’hiluiltlj.hil. IVit.’l.'lSei . 5 11K ur.iUr^jnca,-Wm K l>eei'tLT.poir!fed * SUCSKUWmON \GEST Vvihe&crtU? rr cfalie JrsaHury, i»:now ?Q ui*fc. at ofcceMlia | t Dandeion THIS preparation, made fr< Coffee,’ is recommended h a superior NHTmTIODS BEV oral. Debility, Dyspepsias and ders. jThcOsnnds who have t abandon the use of coffee, wil out injurious effects.' One, < 'strength pf, two ppunds ’of Drice So cents. V known; Bread land 1 • Manufactured by’iSJSnfc':' ■ v , -M. H. EOtt'Of. Conner of Broad and Che i „■ Tit Aad-*i)ld by all Druggists at' ■i map2lfc ' .. Pension, Bounty & Back ?*1 ARTHURS TbIDOEU- N 0.135 FOUltm ST. ~ > i PlTTS^lfp^ ■etPEClAliAttcntion 2& ( SOtI>XESS-who: have . TWOi TSA«a. ■ whiqh Js?no Vf =-;?r*arAll communioatipnfl addrfW" : romptlyanawered by return of ATTJORNE Y jATI* c ; i** _ \,{4 ‘‘•‘.as o.' rvh-L'in:' or. ■ m U J;i;o ...... - <~ ! aa ;CS. 1 irwssi. m-c,o fv ■ #>. i .1 it-1- v«I- Sornriw 1 the tlk/ti , k pr r v*n«nt.i: ; ’ ■principal. V H iiu.l Iniera! UouUs : .lt I'urk-l li in UfiTw .if * ! •fs bv evevf •d on ?.pr.: If'B, KO L L CH 31' t) of tee' •bintbebi'i ;KRA^ ,c f: nil b® o, '!u;. ■ eeu cA3 > r c ' -x ill usc,fb» * [, Kvo'ro^S | s *sV ,rIU cents*” "Chemist a ; ’.I V 11l IP