\ Attacl BUrE the Se•*- be«e. vi.c"*y s -" o . ek; s ■ • | r j«i; for JI* .lijir tlii’ir li.hors v Ti» 4 .1,,: iisiiii is good. I„ \U ifiaJJ- of i*«' M P on * „.i lath!.Mas»:i<-n i Now Yoi .bodily. j’ i’-; ;l roads south 0 !,u' forces ivhs I'*" V.io rebels i re: - .■•iPIVH'OrS. il,o ii'Sido lrac ’;Jui lirst.'tlicy i‘f | W. ooiisisiint;» 1,00, whiolt 10,l se; ■'Sec Stanton’s : \VA'H!NCfTf)S,*'J>i ■ fi, ihipr JisjialL'ii Ims j'l/'t- I ncral Hui|*x‘r: - -I liaCo tW' l ’? r Cmr csr' 1 * 1 '' 1 .' 51 .-" ‘ ii. nifiit Uh Un.''>'lK'Ul>', ! '||> ■- V iv .; ;I U\UUU' 'ilils ' • u.tiavi-i'-iivv 1 -!'"' .tncV ' jM-rior iu f“ r ' who Vo.'isl.'inllv 1 front If"- a (.•jrijfl'. f i! iviiH'd in’ -I ji)U*' iT’''.- t>’ Hi -■ i aMiwlutiV* f.VlhfW V* '!i- iui'ilV cnriTiT7>'iii L'.viH'l.ly , ;'l; ii nIU-r :i *.:.vi■ ■.• 'i " mi.V il 11} y lulf i'.i;'.l■,'.!> !Jci: 1! iTi’t, 1 : !'iifrH: C.V ;i:- I.''.-- * mv„ lEEE -■ ;l' H-t 1 IT lit* :i.' ’ i't iln- ’ ' i"i hy. Fndl:i ■ I mid. 1 i’ur. ..jf- ui 1h• > p;ii : \v lj idli ,j»n * t.) K l \i~iti*>;T llu ; V'iU' -.v'.irJO:^ 1 iu v\ Vni"’ -fi I-'-, j-ifij ill' I *'-. v :• " iln IMIE iuiii ■'i' r 'l 1 I'ho’Retielsli Youiv, .11 I'.-'hlVd Hr: ['•■tmiiui'.- ,J i =ME ll'Kll.t, an ,) I'C.ll'-l ex 1 * \ :ni \ urjfo 1 ' 1,! ‘tl fifil i.i ii Vj L, 'll j ~~-an~rua.t~ ■■ it ri'txi 11 j> 11-t *sl i-J-VS flic c •'IT Vi! '"«i iiliiii ».I\. i-cli!-c i ■l'diy viii :■ s- - ',- l;:i! ino n f- ‘I i ME ■>' WrlV ii i ! ivik: Ml-.* •v!. t. -11 'Vc-idcn and Eel TTTiTTr^iiuiu .a_\- ; ! ~J Vi -•' i -I - -i J a ■‘l- ‘ I . \v tic re i ' 1 i-l!. v 1‘ wili 1 j I'■ r • 110 11 If* i' ri -i-iii iLe'ciVra i l' S. l !- f i".-' Gee Graft nun’ c 7 liir-.vc />! t bis <)\ 1 " ’■ f ’ i*■->! nujnli 1 "f- UH-rS; T, ■ rn* i ;n>: 11 ~'c~•a 11::., I ‘r '• ' i* • in ,Sj|e :* r -i >■ iU . Official Bulletin j ~, , ~~ „„.*4 m bci’ii 'recuved' from hoult) 00!). '}l , he Uw ;' 5 ■ 'foffcylo;- -.di* ti>i repi>rjri.thiiLi| Olell.tn. 2'd /y-Gran t been extrJmolyh 119. Gen, Haneoc iosrl'reat injury up-' equipment*. Gen 1: 1 ■viriO.ritms in- ovy j at^l. Mi‘«. Geii. Jlnrn bunnini*- short pf’l honiu-t imiintfiit 1 bf- < _ ~~. nt ”"*J while dn. the j■ rc*>- j }>r Ft.,*. i believed U. be Ml-» Welin-..1e. i Ohio, 1, •e in numbers, 'and'! Beaver, w.'lf rewivc refoivo re inforee-. ! ,n fho exti miemli -and olhcrli t,u,lal : Id, " ei ’ ,n ‘ ! 's! t<> return. unili - „„ - inin- So without sci,; y*. 1 .where 1 , ! . v , , i Ivci-.'i’a.., May 01, 1 itKHl. A •• / A .Mir upenuiulis WISI.I ciiria.j JuUu 5 _■ ♦ ,i.\ iilialo-liv'. The c.MU- Cunningham L ■ -A '.t lit-ai-! iwi.l•!icaith;i oAmisnng J‘ , |l few Jays." rest, lor ' torJ , I ' . v , • •- Oruwlora •*; M reel Oil ' i» i'.iiiu ;t t'lijs morn- ifyops Mavv h v«*l IV* »m* Urnnt or ..Hjsrby3[>> !!• *-K. I '■ C | “v ' In man* N.dson V 'WITH 'lsk. : X, ,r ' • i*> . *tmns L ,t> • . Uvilc V .Vcv'.-ins c.iUin^ l*;:inkfi tit Ipiivci'iii.r;’.' \ i t v-',li please -ay IheA ']. r< l inpt, ’-P * v '" <■ •>••,•! tiii iluhu'ic -Moi’ifa'ii'sl |.iVdce Hour* from 7t. , t i . t . • 1 r'j ’*• " ~ ■ Jit tlld 1. l.f-S, (-...r.-.i.fi ~1 - QS" IiEiPTBKS ■ . i town.; ri - ' v'' li !' y "’ n Mary-'i J. 'Milldr Mrs George , . -j ln ...ii,,,! | ■• 7 • Iburgv <* ii 2 •; \!iiche!l PavM ho.i .WU(, • , . s ■! Vweil oarab J' ■■■ . township. flliiv CO n- j JU ; . Uhodes -I-ol.ji •■;.* -■ ] Thdele,. :' yi - ol | Hub3)unLMinnl;} -- vSiaiford Jus U , j nipot. tV'U'istMr The (fc- ) Üboi vr ff J-’ & c<>- .‘j Smith'Miss'KUen ■ Ttitj- cfc« i>‘ l Irdsl rule*' 111 : Holman Andrew . ‘ vnith Mi'ss-.SoiihU at thd sell. ’ hi,’; vm:■ x.-i - <='*; ‘ ; . M , “ lulinvm A v, li ■» . N:oii joiiq." > meet iiti li y- hl.iit irii/ftiM ~ AVintersiriU..John. /. : said‘-i|u\vn ;;i‘;tiiiiiai().li.“ evi! ; MV.-,;;!!-!_ dem'-ge A ’ iVbetsier ileniy, 2 ■ | T'U) eled •;1 ✓I ‘ - ' Mai tbcns Miss Cii / . • • V me«sUt tk. . ft’;- ;-• V #. st. TAYI.OR', RiU'.' Ai-Wp.l • Pcree- : iC U'juvj, (I.i-iug ttic buauitcf, Tlid el«; I D ■ ' ' r*. in. to'T'p. r.i. ■ i: meet t l t t'l. A ! ribun'l. .. ... -- , r i Thi elei An,, y ■ 1 IC E GR EA M S A L : 0 I ONi mc,! ‘r.yV i-Vi'injn-. : ■- • _ .Imp.: «%;ij vi-i-v •' In X»i'»clsr«>vat:Tii>. i „ ei^< J ij t ! it .4 ' ' ' - . ; ill lU hoi;: ,1 ~n r t : ‘iji* •*ub , 'cYiher filled nr». in sin decant j / •H t ‘ 01 . and lVn-..a.v 10K CU'KAM { ' .V* ■l'M*;... |SA h(K)N\ las' Imuse'*»n the corner Urldg'c * incus H |JyI Midi vital Mulberry Streets. *, - ‘ [i->i jtiiat uiuy iiic ; Cakes' and ■ C snfectionarles, /'■ M blWhc! ill I tJHU uruVOlA r r It >• , • ' ‘ . •,/ ' , !, i v - ;of itll kinds, coHslnntly kept on hfiud, ; owiisiup. 'AoKDinirsvroii [ ( ‘k .rucuirafiA'! . ' i ' l,i - - ; el6 1* 1 r r i;ii ■/ ;-et the hull 1 1 Lit. LI). ./ jtowuvbip. • !t I'KKmOUICK/W.U.Z. 1 The e.le 0 ' f t lh} pioroagb. J, ■ L-iLIO . Tt,o ck| eisiuiliii uerviees tn ifftect nttb; .SL Ri.OUNLi- township. /; ' . 1 , 'I ' The dci psbm-g for the iireient; , vvin mcet:| mulled ut any lime; . . '[-j. e wbieh days be c'an be,; „.j;i , ittsbin-gi- wliere bs'bas 1 e i el 1 twenty ycavs. ‘ will meet , itentnm ut the atUietcd i township, es:—.Sei-oru*!a, Diseased j. >j- llc c ] ( . l i.-itic Au'eciions Female ■ ~t ,i.„ .SPUM’S oflong landing 3 wan remnrKnble.suc- j at t j ]o ij 0 j: , decd-jr-U , y The elc< r ''v-^V~^ : v at lbc r bou: [ ..i ship; . i ■ ’ , • tsiunal .bervi viciViw. 1 tlu -‘ Co i ir , t • ".Hadiiy th: J ■ -v' 7 1 . A i there to [ lu y C'>r/ief./ ot \ theny-by 1 \ '/ill. Hearer., Pit 1 . ■ ' \ .'\viiere a , feculent, i Judges, tl taken, ch:, t i'Merks of 5 nud perto ■ • unable to -i a ',[ uiMnont ' :no.bf*m .iot",ri!,i- , -illjii -tljOfll 1.4 11. 1 j ; •• .liuvc ( p> Kjrijlt'iti or 11/eir Uxi. UtA a'uinc:!. I Ins prul’i i \ f «*i< i/om of UKAV Position: ,^v^ v * E . s - lM ' ; , r il!s OlHfl* p 111 1 hllll J. —1 be i.h/dto. .s when? Ik? ran be evi poll‘.lent* of*/Wetl!te*«lnys 'Mliuaiion of I lie : • s '; ,:n al 1/53 inice An V, uyUoV.mi!: “>* . ; • Dr. ( lets WU lire a 1 al{ J',h-a‘> po ,J IC tu lluu;?ri- ».li-e;is I.- - -ipUlL* ‘ -j.* \\ oiik fJ j:s t.oii.c Chronic -1> ll'i’i’uro boon llu; u *’ l he irciti ut ppyiuuj on tin; ; a • I • ' ■:c«n'!nvd’ tlmi.v? v/lW |T> V s«t i!i ■ ij'.rc, IV d c L <1 I -!r-: .*. *li -I i on t. !MI tfnJ Poter«- K I*. .jP Lt>. i OUllg v | 3 niutlo.i'S ■: 111 7~nO‘ 1} \a i.ceu' i- ■ i *<'jiue time acting a-a I fu/ fbr MIV* VV - Sni - -'eoa In rhr \ rmy/liavlng icturhed ’ illimiHfUiattiy l'a»’l.efe - P'» UcalcU himself ill, hivvovtir, 1W to‘( Freedom, B layer COunty, i >■ rliriiiiu**- nilv trains ! ol< l" ers his Tn|ore,.s;yn:u Uorvi-*e» to rho putdic. .. n . n. iinuiTis mukiiig.j: ' B *®- omc fr iu i>hilii h' •'Jibing, _[n.iii«*iJ3 1 one. - r , P. M. KEfe'Si it’gHCaiptUreS ' ' ! . W'* ka *'rriro, to fMTefyU bf. ; R . U ‘isoilj sayst "Siiifu j.**, 1 ' A ' :f -'f'® V *VA XI TV. I uimug.ti j’llio, fiariiilan I >n> * a nhaie :om-re,ii l ot i»»- j- • * 5 ■i. ui-e.ix • |the&*c| ilio last I'mirm- five j Kerr’s [Hotel, Beaver, iPtrin’a. 'j su«it wri 'km in ,I|»h' lliilii one- : .Wlti.’CSj ’ .1 every Sli ■-■r. -Vn%oiiur ■ Uie rc-C "T*~" ' d-- ~ >■ mamling •iv ni.j.i '-■VC' sixty- 1 * ~ Jk „ A »V, li . : m.uMun-,' SpßGi:cLvmiNTlST>- , i each city •v nil snv tli 'v wC!!i T* nl Lls j-’st ng-i’nl.-' ul IiKAVI-tl STATION*. \ “' r ? P u .¥ •y all W'.tl.ej were | K.,.i, J„ r iv. wi | l nUca ,i l 0! prm.clli : IhM I *l!ji ks. its ' tui-ju.-, nmnoho> of l*is prciiVs-siou. lie .i '*•***' .'T ~ . all tlio i.uj?n!»veii n.otkoda to jawent j ! * s *‘I ?I ■idarPs Cavalry, H: Jmm in ... .faclio* t siiii —A UmihrX , l l s ' tt.rrliiv-X.- i- ■ ' {j:«nr,:oi J‘^ 4 f a " the ii7thj; ~\ [ *r> i_ -■ ! thonisaua ißui's jv>« ili-lW- rvi'. ■ —I La\ IOiV. i i&e'tpuq- ; ss i hall, twent v-fivo; BIiOAJDVVAY A ii'l’f.K STK I'lK'l’y j :ll!d r il,il and KattUsJ. |:Vt -w fti Pa.' ' ■ 'ueidland en to t|o gretlt ,.'\Mi-olr:,ale anj Ucl.iil. Dealcir 1 in ' . i Ihf place btiv/ uot Cophcf; hm H*a«.' ' vUi f, i : . !f. i . '.i«uaSthu - And the most oppu.vcy or I and sh eof Sherman. ‘ ' ■PMMuw, Cooking Pa/lvr dn*7 Hedlinq- j tomiiud ; ‘io rebel awpat* ji the” containing, onrihe inside' thereof, it I' B° PJ ,r P° se °. f hold ‘ D £ “.e c«» wd ’ “Against the amendment.” The elel 2; The where such electioA hc or againet the first amcndmci l.i 1 * * !‘ _ 1 > T shall be considered >as voting foi* or again SmSoß* HLI thfcJnh the propold foiirth station to article three J° s EPH IiEDLIE lligh Sheriff of the conn- {hn S ti(utioni extending the right of sv ty of bearer, dc> (hereby make known and Elector! roting for or nl lt° ? gainst the Bcconll amendment shall be Jconsi county jof , jleaTcr, that on the ;' • “rod as voting for. Jr against, ths. prbpos aesday of Auenst next, eighth sectim to ortiolet|eleven of the Constii B . ' tioii;, and electors voting for or,against t 2d day of tlidi month )a Special 'third-amendment shall bo’considered as voti ill be held a ! - the several election f or or against .proposed uiuiU section ablished by law; in the said county, eleven of the Coiiaitutioh. i at wmqn lime the qualifit d electors will vote = • • *' y'y billot {upon certain f amendments to the ; fi KCTIO * 2. That Use election on the ,propt OenatrtUtkm of Pennsylvania hereinafter men- amendments shallj in ja.ll respects, be fef UonedL'yu: ■ . ducted as tbo elections of this Cqmmouwca • ! riusx amkvdment. • ; arc now conducted, and it shall ho the di WhUevir any of the qualified electors of if/ ,!lc ret.urn judges- of the'respfeclivcj cm this Commonwealth' shall be in any .actual; al ‘ d d '»'" cl the W*. 6r * military service; under acquisition from the j.«?cer tamed the tmmber of votes given or President, or by the authority of this Com- .S™* each of theV*. „ a “"f “j 11 moawcalth, such electors; may dxorciso the,' “«»«; aforesaid,. toWkp out dap! care • right of s iffrago in all ideations by the citi-I j sens, under ouch regulations as are, or shall I add ln , - v . °. nc , f rc } u ’ <*, p-f * m, ars sos^&^sirr prcs|;ut at their usual place of electrons, | cimuty ; 6cilc(l and i j, * second amendment. . j reeled to the Secretary of the Commonweal t jio b'i'.l shall bo passed by the, Legislature i and by one of .sayl judges deposited foi t contafpinj; more than one sbbjcct, which shall (.witli in the most convenient phst office, 11; > be' clejirly expressed in the title, except ap’- J wliie-h postage shall jhepreptud at the expo: propria’tio r bills. L ' jof rlta pnq'cr'coaiiißju / ' I - Ski-tios 4. ; That.ltho/scvcral duties roqti jcdto be performed'jbyj the SlioHirs, tjomri ! sinnefs, ■'ConstablesJ Judges,. Juspectdrs i all other officers vvUatcjuu.' in ind .aliuut t gexeral elect loirs ofj tius r>unnionrrealtir fiu be pbnoruipd by such, oflicei-s in’hnd ahout't cicclion herein provided for. and all perst i whether, officers or joiners, shall be 'liabh the same punishment for the- neglect of i duty or the* cinmnisb,!oii of any slu-liee at ; or about the said election, ds 'they would : ■ the ’liegicct of like ktity. or the ( ca.iunissiou ■like offence at, jin or about .the gencrai ci Ifions of ibis ' . ■ Notice is Hereby Given, That every-person except Jiuiiocs' of/ ’T’cucc, who shall bold pny ; uv a'ppui ment of iH*ofit’or trjist undhr- tlie Oovei-um of the United States, or of this Slate,, or uny city or incorporated ‘Ulstri l ct r /’.vhethe commissibued oibcer or agent, wh<* u.or&t have been employed unjclcr thol^Uiaiive.! eeutivc t»r Judiciary dcparliner.t, of ,S> or ihe J L T nilcd .States, br' o^ J ' lT , l ;V cil°y or iiu poratpd district; and also (hat every -mCiu of Congress,, iiiul of .ifaC/Siafe LegWraurc, j .. . .of the Sciect.or ; Commha Council of any cj * --j ■■ • • \ ' or'conimissiober of jiuy iDCorpuratijit di&tij ,'tors ofi’raubfort district v.-ill, nlgct .ijj by laV of bolding br ; e.xercb l>uugaTi, invl'rankfori: kat the saine office or appoint meat :lorS tjf s.l‘fiiiire's district will meet 1 inspecLor f or Clerk 'of, airy'ek-ctioi. sc of John l4*rtcr in the village \f Hbe that üb. Judge. U ; | “ x -\| spector. o)^auy,other offioet; of such election, •tors .of 0 robub terwUsbip " ill meet .'“bLaU to any i.j> be then vole.l for. !, ,so of I'iijab isbiwanger, in Hooks-; aalbv thc.fom : th seoli«m of an Act i *-•" -?r, | ■ ' j approved the IfUu of April. it* m eilart-* TMPOI^T 1 AJ^F i tors, of i()hio township 'will meet aj tub loth septiou of the a«( j.ac-sod . inly | ’-■ \ =. . : occujiicd by Jamiioa Llhotl, 18J9, entitled ilu act 'relat iuir to .. the tlcc.-. -TiT? a *ott T'g j. . I !•> •• Ftions of this Oonutf-nwesltW Shall nil-.hJ" ,-«ri- 1 v E f . kors of riglitun township-, not euv-l-slrucd su as to prqvciit any milifurv officer or I’ : '''f 1,11 ' 1 .' 411 0 n '.s. rt ' l u n.s ul hc>B , iOTUslrJ.districtJ'will’meet al >hc ''borough officer from service'.as Judge,. t.V ! . HUB » rc 0, ., a . a ?f . use. neuY lliilmv Eakin’k, in:/aid -spcctor or GlcrkaUi.v Social elec- 1 >-* CUw --. r V- v »r c ' ““ J J »f rai, . , ' a - 1 tiou jn this Cnuimonwealtb. . | a t> : ««««' ,a Wrcct.ng ,aU.tm-gn|.mt.cs, ; tors of the b,trough of i’a'.hsiou Will' ■■■■ And the said act of Asscruhlvj enlillod hlu ,1’“' 1 1 V’k*! ’ ru '>, u, f' • rein vipg> a p jstui.,-■ it Academy id Fallsiom- /• , Act relating to! the eicoHonsof .this ComLn-l ‘Tf’ f: : torq of Pailcrson township will meet-v/oalth,” Jiassed JuW JJ, f-r.ovidcs :t.'. '* , , 1 c 1,1 i : '■ he heart, , n,bl bouse in the villagcof tlrigbtou. ; fjUows; j " fv ' ‘ J wu.te,.!al| nervnus affec mm, fattaua hysuw-! • Hors- of Ghippowa /^township, will I T bat the Judge and -chosen as • V‘ m , '" the : bac . k and . lll !‘ l ’ s - «c i t • i l , 4*. »•->! i•v, B -i , . * ;i • slc«p,'winch arise iroui interruption of naiurrf. the house .of Azamu lumnau,. ;u ITroresaid; sUatlrnebt at then* rcspociiro p accs ■ «■ l l ■ i , * • hip. I \\'\ / - ' j appointed fur holding tim election in the dis- dJX* Olleeseinan S Pills’ r \ ■ ; ■ions of >>UUwtriels to U'hichjthejy' respbciiveiy . V.clung. he- , ' vn!r t^e coxnmenc&wcui -of a ■ nc/.* i.era; in }\\ , i houko-of Joiiu ilovvei-irt.said to\vn- r ''fore f) o'clock ondhe morinjig of the Sc?ond : lho?«' irregularities ami obstru .... •/ J • Tuesday of'Octohjdr In e|ieli N atid every : ear. ’ watch have rousigned so nianyti' a, pra- ; :*.ors. iU’>lhirhngton township will ■ an-beach of said Inspect or?- shall yippoin one,: lA 11 cuav n. - female, can 'enjoy gt,.v»d •'J-ca.lbmy lit .Darlington. ■ “ J clerk, who shall lib: a. qfialU'edXvoter of said hoalik .unices >ho iV ntgular, and. whenever ap . tora/of Die jlleavcr township«wilK;;districl. • \ ’ j:• . * ohstructiun takcj‘.i‘ia : :c tlnS jeneral bea'lih la ic house ui. widow Miller, in. said | In case thfc TKjrhbnaLvviiO shall heye reaeiv-' i=l - D '' l ■ ' m /* ! fed tlie second votes' for In-i i ■*??* '-'AG6Sema.n S .Pills i.t>rs Franklin township wal mwt 5 not F.ltemiTxin the day jifhmfclcc- : a,?i ' remedy kn'own for'aU sc of jSlark li. Clark, In said tovvu-j |j |], cn t i lL > p er S on shnU have veVnvcU ! oJ hplaiuta peculiar to tcinaics. To ail c'jisb | -’ the sccnjiuT highest huiAfecr of votes for Judge ' * scs arw .invariable! ~yj, .ir\th ccroun tors of North Scwickley township iat lhe ; uux| potion shairacl r'wdical ■reyulnrit'j.l They urb. known t* it tho housojoccupjbd.by John Mil- j spoctor j n a in. case the plv-shn f - t,,nUJ?^nd -S w ' uo used thcnv.al different lof Ucnj. Chew. . . ? I who shall have rcc*i\ox—-the Price, Cue Dollar ; who received / the .highest number of voids i pvr b.ox, containing ir'nd3f Irny i ! *j!(. wa/7, yroyi(y, hy roiidiiiug to !.vacancy shall oourimie the. Hoard for the i a *‘ i } r oprictor. Dr.- Bmilh ut ■ space of ui.o h N i»ur after the rime fixed by .law 1 •for the "polling of the Election; the quriliticd'. . IPHUiTk lh:i'j>ncii>r. i Voters nt 'the t ov* ; ;n>hi]iJ Hvard.. or drstru t. for j J^ 1 t"hly [ J’t Ynrk. , whieli sueii officers snail hive: heeih oh cted, i T“s~* • ( present at rho ptaeo of .ejection,'shall elect one; - jof .their number to fiUsyich vacancy. '! “pv '> TnAiV-i j ’ll shall be the. Uiity -of. Assessors re;peot- j x. . ! ■j ively to attend ntjthe,place .of J.uMiug jvery ! :JIAI?KKT j>tl li'VV ATKll'.'. j general, special or fow^ship-electiona »mring | “ j -»i .\' ,| i- i' :tlic timusiich »*lecrioh is’kcia operd for jh{. pm-. ■ 1i , ' 1 ■ ;1 ,; /.; : • | i. 09 «.0f giving t./ithu In H 4c:,.rs : n U noui.«n.t. ; , .he ; .üb,u-. I . | anil Jud--c»*wlu.-n caitvl.iui. in ‘i-vb.li-.m-i , .the 'A. I ' l ? i.'",, 1 ' i'r ‘'l 1 1 - 1 '"l '.' 1 ■ 1 t,u= «f Imlusury ilistriof v, ill meet ri Uts () f anv p er WiaWaJ hr Ihcatuvoto ’ - I V' IV - 1 -' 1 \-'-" ? 'V h.l h.uire-m . - ’ |ag s uch.clucfiuMV, or >uc : h ..t!.« ffiaitere n re- ' ! ? LAI! l -“ “ C Al ‘> L * J ,/ - ■ Uurmuiiy township wid meet*-latioQ to'the of a ot«vk•?».•* Hi t «aid American 'atld 1 XtillicUl M&vblC' I.U-3 of Kcunoiuy townslii]. wiil niect ritihC' linirrc-'nirc'' 11 ”'' lh , C ‘’‘' * U - aU ! ri, ‘ han.i.'uuti all c.i -is "ui.J of (icur.rol C.r.Miniq, iusai.ltu'v.!!-. -t<-to tm c « >U . , . , f«a < freament:.! -Work .bum .»■ ”” . . ■ .. bo person ritnU ne ixfc.mltc'* r» ':<>«> «l r.tfy i iuuuh.t-. . ; A>. iUION’.-j- !■ ' „■ clret.iott, a’s alorvtu.iJ, oilivritluMi a-wbit .-free- ; J Jjrl.rt M.-l JOxtr north \T. Allkin\s(c\e. man of ,tb_e ngc ui' twotlly-iiuci ye-ii-s or ni.ore,‘,! ' j u ., c i,3 li-i ■; \ : ! : . \ who shall have.’rcsidrtl |in this Fiafc al liMsti*- - y ~ S =■* - --v- ii D Ist. Bess. ,1 Junc6th,'lS(M / ot allowed to en ier being drafted, drafted meii wi 11 .h-districts Ifrom lifted, no matter ;• lias, or lias not iii upon illegal on i of - lIOMFORD, Gen. (>f Penua. IBERTSON, j; 24th Dial. Pa. mitary Fair. Across receipts uVt to about Sl.- irlV vote, stood: cook. 1.50(3"; XEi;\ 177; -seaticidrio; t the Liorse j ijill * .irney the Siting * ide.hc ■J Lferi'c J |upo| i : 'K f \ lonelioo, latoyofj .The so.ru aviti}?' l6cale(# ' \ i’Cabe Mrs Saurl t tlie hqUsc' \[' livide -V li ‘ ‘ dricks’un i - cill Tlios -y .1 . Tlie|.clct . arklaoa • ) avtcu D . • ville, pi sv '• Tin* elec meet iu 1 deed,; in i /liifcciL Tbttd mitli Wm . kano Ennly t' The! clot I 1 Hi ill hoi \ iliin. ( . ’ Tlui clct hi] hr ’hompfcuii Vi’uj 2 VaVLcr’l C ‘ oviiriaii A-nnie , * int ihd hoi juv letter*,Wi the above ; The ole \ r iiva advfViisc l. "‘-at the hoi ANUKKSUN', l\ M. 1 .. n». to ni. ' unnu' ■N- X V V W -V ,V - - ■ - ■«• -»K .■'*■*' i~ EJECTION " ' CLAM4.TiON ; Mas, by rirtuc of a T *»rit issued b> Excellency,: (ho Ooretnor of the kith at Pennsylvania,' and to mo ider the provisions of. an Aot of ipproved the Twenty-third dtty ~ ! - 13 tif '»nd ''>aiU L-torb.jof .llntlienter township . will j i IhdtavUlc | School lloust, iu said j tola of .the jboruugh oi* Rochester it tlie school.,house in.T*ochcster. tors of Freedom borough and did-' jeei ill the school house* iuFrcodopv. ctors of NuP' Sewickloy township d the ho'jrfo j/l l*Uiizcl) in said urn of the reapeenvc Dia-{ is. ure rcM|uireil to meet nt 1 ilouse in the borough of Denver.Vn i ar ;'^ in l! ' L ' • 'V- w }\ &lfi I August, i then and I vu,c ,' le!,Ht ; u ’ n .‘Mr* ijimiw -erforia' tlic|-duties enjoined nrr v n ' u:iu wit km «>.-.> . w _ .I ■ ■ . T- ■ . 1 > | l.i»-V.n.fclaio ...•I'Wy'Tkiv. winch sinitt 1 . -ill < been assesses}. M least ten Java b’ut.ir . I , Judge/by sickness or unavoidable clcc: | on . ,di lin . , ilizx ,,i of llld litcil s I “ ut.al.lc attend such UMtws m, w htia 6 . a |i| 'ill If •eji tili eerujticttle or return shill be : lll!a * ntct anil thhro-Vi.mV-ad r / irge of by ope of the Inspectors or ed; and w;m shall have resided' in the c; , ! election district, who sUalUo autricl .old. paid nfJre.=«i.l. s! oo V()t „ ~o ?Miui j n tf . s ,. 'r Utton 'j i : - .months: IVovidod. Una .ln ‘ .U-'mino-o ‘T* — iCiiizen.-j- ot the bolted Stale-. Pe?v.. \J ” -*.025 he itiltice that by the _Act of As- |V f i \von f y-oiie and twenty-vwo,y»-.f ■■,/ - 1 as aforesaid, on ihe resided in} the State one year -i i> 11. T lll SXO' »ril. A*. it is, among. other ejection district ten days asinfo -J / •, ■follow's:, i.-' .<■ ' ; Wndl'be entiled to vote although they b; JR/XIsTO- o; \ ppaid taxes. . !. *'. * • ;1. That for the purpose of nseer-' r :. \ y - ■ ;ic serose of tjie people of- this Com- j * person.shall bo .permitted to vote- *' r > i r ’ , . K . A-: AUt ih, in regard to. the adoption or re- ; J 1 contained in the, list of (a’x:. ,r *.- ■* i ’’ - I: said amendment *•, of cither of them, i * l:i ‘- >I! anls-’i f nriiirdiljvl by •he CVmmissionc f-, am- v* yj < fr-™ .V« >* s . A'A rfpp' ■nor of this) CommoiiWeaUh shall .is- I'f'duce u\eeeipt for ih 1 /■ 'A-V ' A* l " ,* ,j ' T^ 1 ' it.of vleclrhu., directed to .each and witliin two yours, of a .State or county ! XTTI I KHC.VU. tl*y IVohate.roUiM nf (bdnni jeriff tins Commonwealth, «hciii lo give policy, the usual satisfutftpiy, evl«lo:',ce either '.it jilA *i;,o om! r<-igtKMi letters lestahaenAry;'«.n the J ’ u iucw llclghtouj ■ I eight humiicd aod sixtVrShiV, * for • ( p t! ’id as i< in ilyf-.j ah and that lo* •—~ -- - ViV •T'v’j iNinp"'"" ■ 'Oaft’hf deciding upon the •approval l'. K * 3 verily beli*->|e. t :jo 'areouh'- ,Vl>Ai]N i S I 1 i: Ain Jus AUIICP:. eatioiij orybjcctioJ' of amend- ; I >l an 1 gives-, *v* id adiliuiis:iiitiv»i; .*n|lio e*i;|ic of> hicb tuivlj eieution shall he opened, ••yideiiey hr ,i ti-i iict; j ’.l.mv ilvn>. of loSvnjdiip. closed lijiuti the day last aforesaid, :a i '"’“Cretipau the ipityo* w f tho-jfibrsons s.» lolmit- j;. } ~ver cb . deoMT imvTtSg ilieVn gian:< se huvitig - elaiyi giiiii-jt - raid ; estai-? will till be l.he, dijity of the jiUges, iuspec- j ll admitted; ly VcVo. IjV' rea ; .hi of ’ pAv. j then, Vo ihi* Mibdciiber oruperiy ant derks of each of suid.townships, bo- I ,i°\ ! 1 u F a Vu* the,’ woyd •■uge, if he - dicuticau'd for settlioucnf.;- }\' | i >':irds,'precincts aud districts, to re- j ?” Ui ; J iC acoounAf.**- hi.- a]:e. 1 , JUIfN CPpio ip.|-’ j 1 the baid electjon, tickets, not' exceed.- j? n clt c i vSc * the reasons'of M'.eh vott s'ypiiil. 1 —mv ” : ; i Adnrihist.v^ior.j of,: proposed umend'menps. ii.® ea ;WM .mt by llje eNrks, Who khal ’make ‘-1 y—- —-—r— ~~ —:y —r — ; —r—- i iSbn Jr p.-inuid ur partly ltt lu ' u ' ia : list jjcj.l by Q.CM.+ Cr , 4'RR|J(jKl£ ; fi CO. iinUli.fjjm. |aeb pf the qaalifio}- .to- . i t’l V»i l i . / O} • , j 1 -aT “ * jioliiLf^To Bvot^ 8 vot^[ b ,^i : ulron G lhe he ife e fur“ i ’ I { ruV'-4t *f J" 1 ■;■■ -l--rv v ■ outside, “First Amendment,’ “Second mendmtnt,” “Third Amendment,” and tl \bl> aid amendments, or whQ-«o favorable to Mi _ ■ . . i of them, may appipw therei fby Toting each m many j separate written ( I printed, or partly writleVaM. partly printe ballots or!’tickets as; there are amenc ments appitbred by theta, containing, on, tl , inside thereof? words, _"fot ] the intern iXI-y.:- t, ?*? ' V A HP*fecUKlto. citizen, it shall i, LOO! btt' thalauty to examine such! ' ' f petibnsofloathasto quaHficatibn.ahd.ifhoi j , | claims,to.havo-reaided the Slate one' I : year of more, his oath sball l*u sufficient proof !, therebf, bttt fan'shfalt. nutke prdof by at least j - ! one competent witness,- who shell he a qualifi'- I ■ j , sd elector, that he lias resided within the dia- 1 trict for more than'tep days immediately pre- i ceding said' election, and shall also himself ■ ■ 1 swear his bona fide residence in pursuance of Thirs his lawful calling, is within the district Or.; the. purpose of voting therein ' - j ! If any person shall prevent of attr prevent any efecer of an election, 01 threaten any violence to any such of shall interrupt or improperly. interfei him in 1 the execution of hij duly, t -block up or attempt to block jip the wii avenue to any windowwhere ihfc'alitaof holden, orishall riotously disturb .the f such election, or shall use tJ? practice i timidatibn, threats, forue cr )ioluiuio,' sign to influence. unduly, or bvcrpou i elector, of to prevent him from votim ] restrain the-freedom of his choice ; siii I son on conviction shall'be ffoed injai | not'exceeding five hundred dollars, an prisoned for any. lime not i }ess. iliip (months; am},if, ft [shall lic'shown-tUal Court who the triqd.'of siiclil offence;i had that th'crpersoi} offending was not dent of the city, ward, district oriit: where the said offences waaebinmittui}. entitled t I person or persons so tiffendhtishall, I'orrcpnvic j - i tiou, be dined in any sum nor exceeding two ft hnii <1 r mb. d, j 11 a vs, arid be imprisoned, tor any ip \ ternv. fiot \ ess lhah three mor/ths. J efj' !■ iinjypcrsua shall vote at Wore’ ihaii quo ;C . I elhclton district. or- otherwise fradtllenCy fold ' Ui’id deliver .to ,the in-peclers t'.v,o pickets io-. /j gether, with .the intent ion to vote'iUegii'lly, or ■ (/' ■ shall vote tholsalile, -or if any person shallad- ' ' the ; vise or procure unolher to dp so, hoTor tbev a>o ' ;!. offending,shall, jr»u conviciiop. bo lhic'l in any \ & -nt j sum uoi less tWn iiity nor morc'fHsvh'tivo hui:- \ i, ’ j.tlrc>l-dollars,,andlbc imprUtjafui; : any-term 1 : » [.not lhau three nor ilitofo Ilian W.civv' *»a '!tU: months.. ! * { | j If .any person not. nualiftijd lu voro'ih this itc ( Ct.ninionwfcalib jigrecftVdy to law. 'except ilio •I t|vmlifiecl citizens,) s*balbuj):n;ar ifl any , place of election for the purpose' of i-j-uing • UekeiH,.or of influencing the citizens fiiuili/:ot exceeding; (-ini: luuiilroa‘'ijoltars 1 every such ufleiice. auv : K' ’• ,•* I • , } ; ' ’ - \ • mu ’ i - j - / 4 “51 '' c j tTSVi- W'ootl St., | '.V- j:'.'. i ; r - '/■ ' . S I'- ■ f ■ l^A,. auJ , 5 - 1 > •• . / * 1. ■ ■' . ■ in.J in ; £F E ll T li>M U SXOC K T I‘taui, • \_lf| ' ?! /' *, . * • . , ><• j s^iE^xisrca-. o^pisps. whouM At Tiu: ■ Lowest I’iutT W'c • , *->.-%,' - -•> ' 1- -• •'" ■ -—i ;•* '.'"'■A :mpl to | use or! iccr, br; nfopmu. •O . with • ! >r' shall I . j tidow gr! . f . • I may be i ’ ' -j j ieijcc pf*! - i iinV in-1 |., 1 villi dc- ! I ~ ! r’cr ony [ j, ig, br to.;, • : ich per- : ’ ; * • iny sum ; ; Ibe im- i, • , v .twelve; L by tho* 1 bkull be.; a rcsi- ; ■ J - nvuslilp . ” .aluluoi! •/' ctioulic • Vi csa ihuu/ j iuil dop' j . uioijj.tlia i ' / ' I V. jtny bet 1 | >uwith-j •’ ■6 make; .■ ■' '-/I ’ . i 2 cases boat Mai u last color'calico at’ 1 • >cr«ou or :■ ,■ j: '' , ' or, upon ; J jcaao J lino W« iclcJ ?uu»iin at rfouand j - ' I ! i ■ ir ■i i ; oUtICJ J.A Cl O, And u■full'll i Mbroccv * ■ •• I' ■ .i'ii;, ii lar/c :• jCiIL-l ; >.< U TO FEMALES. lii T lIMII '!*-< >C i OKI j; r U>K-, it j _j_J l-ou'ioil j t Ji.ao j t In* !- J'uuc. :i i 7-cn-* iiVliil; in : MJ.ill l*o fo*)t {•i ■..;a>*irc*l {ifii* 1 1 it..* uuii*ii£r »► I i;:'Hi. aii'Utho ! 7i*ns in s;»yi s ~.--per...-_.., v IMltag vm .QK ! f l 5 ! ! iK 1 X.' of Spring; Goods, Aryiy! ccery i*dy frecAf-charge. > ;• , /iTT Aolllii., . ----»**» ! \\ Cocfibincd I aud motuo nU, t)iplomus. Certificates, Preliiiama;. and * ? * \ls, huvd. lie'll .from -v»ri*. built Priyaiv.! ’iug. auff The only i the l4iteiVt : Gog-Whcnl Kegubui life 5 i ogetbewbi&dra from breaking ■bo - shaft/' It, i.i not only a poi* - j teci Wriiikeivbut .-^he *Cog-wheels, give • i power which a ipofci ..Excellent' . ! WislitT 'pressing and *lpCTafin|£4a: < ic doCs,;; j'jtljtt dirt. Iwith thei-water JVnm the |clothes, : . _ ! J leav ingildnu dryei| whiter, find Smoother than \i ~ . 1 i J, , * iv{ when • t \vi , iing M by) bond. * The v/ater cab be OI*tUQO S JN G W D tOrG,, press-rU ft our largo Vmd articles. easier* ~* ■ ■ v . J- k iiiul Ui«uVthr»rutgi;ily.than by the or* ’ ■ 1 Q uinary. pfd-i’aabioned .back-breaking* wrist . | , uVid eiothca destroying process.-r- . ; ‘.The Cog-wbcohj pyevent-'iU' “weir abd tear**, 1 of by the friction of lliC iolls or break* .j lug of stitches by j wishing. ; • ', ' . , Without ' Gog-Vvhoels.. the whole .strain of 1 . \ forcing lije chill* lUrbu-gii the U put ’ . j upon ihe'towcr rub. nmt the cloth is, Wide tc| -aut'in fb£ Jiirfoc < f drive the- ‘ , upper roil, c-lu-iili;; a ih'u.-Ji groa&r strain Up : ' , ,I on 1 1,-.: tow or. roM tia ii when, Gogijvvlieols, with * .6 j our VafCiif llcgnla .o:/n, v c iii'.ed. brides, the. ex; . ■•’ ira strhiu uponijw -chyth''. • ,y~ii/obd ijutiv.assor ' ,j wau'iod''iA every town. > .Literal fioduccaieuls ; ws‘orcd, t uiiu guaranteed. ’ * . 11. (\ i:uu.\ ING-., Agc»il. t) ■; .-' >' .. .uIT i)vod\N%‘iyf^.evv-. Vork: ' . ; \hc*ly W'ltLfc'i Ageni. , v :• ■ • May 11i- ’r>-4* -L f|llot ; ough tov«nSinp.' j. ;. ' • C— ’■•.■' \ \-g\vm' for^duVeraall-' miEJRARUH PL .I ins,' : —Towuai.ips ' 0^M00,., I - v ’ .'Hupewel ico, liacciyui.- ureenc, -1 nnd 11-nr ' * - ' iiion (or. ;*Tuat Opened ILX ; ROC Li ESTER, PA 1 x CIIALLIi ' 'i . ■ . VELa^ll*. m: VAIXIJS., v , ; , liiage: I';• (10 Of i’iaiu Black fiuil ‘■? TS . % Lrrnv*, sail ai^H, :Jy iiopc/^aiut-ie**.. ■••nfets and = joys jpAIAu 1 - ■ ■ ■iiOOU. how lost,’. how rksUnvd; ; ; c ; tr^ritj/vtii and radical toliro- t»i‘ pp£ilaaTiirrhu;ji ior seminal. .'wcukiu-s* s : mvlumaiv/ emissions;- sexual dchilrty ahd. Impediments* :«>• ’• generally ; net\ ourne.-c»*m.nimption-V' fits, i nSWai-ami pny.deal ioenpuch!/. »Va..uUii|ir from, ■ ' .SKiTiA ii ,> tv tV. .-'ftlaiiiol- \i\ ilic .MAURi.-vor; \vm; Vounu, m. m. This most cxuv.orojua>\' T-O'd. .-dtoardTheyn !,ho b’ajids of' eVcty v/ony p-T'-on . emo 'taplaiitr^ - ’ marriage, bind ..vci y yn;j u. orp.v.nusin who do- - . . 4 sires rd yiu* )iuji:Uoi-'vf ihtMf't<» \ KS. h.V» 'dtafli. ’ ■ ri.-ouiiiifjitu.'-bc. IV."* jf.H. %«»«**•■ .iu.f-’ • „ 1, \ ti i; iioi!.‘. ‘V-vou.-- Uis UiVl •« ]! ’*S ’ , • :"o; .. {:j iV“t. i= >■ >.-«•? sorrels lhai unit! Mli>o • iii ■, ■ v-jiivj-ii'-ti'ii'l Iviii'V-'iCvlil, :t, ’ o’lyu- Lhii- i te : .• 1 * ]..,ok*Ml :o.l O t ii«*‘ • f].V l* ! V .Viil M T Y.' . •>. - ■ s-lt wilhihe aeuh- i-;u* on liio. . j..- y; '. • l.w oK!.y';^vo;ct i '«. U*'-u- |m s i:tyVj tamps,-; v ii /%' •p ' • Aii-O'cs*’ l»i:. \\y.i. Vni'Vl. iln /i?prkuiV iit., / ' 3 - Hats ind .Caps.,, cun V e r’l.P.fUeiplUi.. ~ -i / i • rj>/KtrS, :.i-iu:vlt *l‘ wljat - ‘ n.:ij, bvy v'f ir , y*oi‘t»lae j yotjr^ *t <->3* : ac ‘ tv a—pativj** nr* ivr-’.'i;!,I—-.\,hu 1 —-.\,hu *'U‘oe ui . •. j . | *.»r Hiliy-nijlyr paper'. ;v-1 a ropy IH'. - - . ■ ‘ f-fi' ' ‘’ f j.u •'»»K< :;no!, ivAd -u U "iil i .- :; l-c ihr-of. tiyini uiauy ,i uukif, s j _ 'j \ '' ■' '[ yoisr hoaUlj,‘ir.'Kt , ‘ ' ."in 1«V -»J *mi..i!rj Of_'b© ti * j ' 1 uh'*’. ri-]v.‘'l’ . jit '• [v V- ‘‘ U^uv - 4 • ‘-'V Spnfce nlmvoi*vdp;»'|. rhila- ‘ Hhp-r ,liotir> if.ju? /u W\ j‘[ rnnr2 , » ■ ''A y) C l : ] f'S ' ’ .!! before' na l c A «miM- * ■? l't-| tlil: il U- 5 .. ■ :v : s ■;j.o.s..a:r. EASfr inv-ryo ■r.itfcr-Nj.rv^.T.. i I Vf•>k'lt A ,\ I !’ivl‘( i-1 .t'.f -iu l/ ■ ' J'l'NTl’'-} , • !, '• lU nti hfC )wss (jurjd? litiiOml I'l j‘ Che apcr iban «ver' : ; ’lops:: • snoxx:x- ns* Gaiters, ,ral : '• “ ' ' liauls ; 51 'jiimlni >t( • chtldfed'i " .1 i/X' is<;) i-:ts, ■ | UmbfeUrs ! -v i 11> 3C And ;i hirgc 'V f-uiserjx fiOMKSTLC :m,a s-i J. ! uoG)L>; WKKU l/i i r Q U”3 ‘t C Jt-UV .'loci; 6 lid 11i .v: 5. ~ avn.nlcil'is,* r AH .fc-x.ils V !/)it ft* oO‘ I Jit.' *.’v jua.'jtsi?'. /i I; i ; , , > '.-i ’■ ‘-‘f I IJiaIXIOIIQ- :afi rn^uw.,-ut.ui .•• 1 v „ it'-'i ' v biiiu* (> J. ■ * , 1 V ' l'"’** • . i ' •■ . ’ _ .<> , ‘‘ i.vc.V M ■ ■- wJ i;w' iy jS tc' : • ’E r ‘i '.UVr!j;- r ‘ ~j ~ “•V -x 4- /->, ''' ':>■!■' > *,* r i:-*w r|.ai‘*i!Vu|-_y ) ,J[ -. \ ~ 1 ear-i vo ts'ioi^iiit;> -unKbr i.s,•'-. •! -* i . . U‘ r IJ a* Uiu:;u» ;t» l:»0 cr^r ni ti.i.vT.i'ivii'Ji) «.»1 Uo*j3;>ro\vii. ~j- *• i 1 • . ‘..1 U- u:i.u:R?rl,-Tt\* tijn-autiiorii-y of, -. P6a%s;are irwJ? : iVom 'and tiv. tr ih*j> -1 "i Ji M.iy.vf' ' 1 ilt *-\ •' l ’*-‘ t v' c * v !• ll jiaulhur muii to hvil to . ;t iiciivoo.il-'vagu'ii-' 0I v - ,,! i.Mn-;. ,o-:' .V;. O ! • i -1 i ■ .I . - •,.. ,* •'\•■. |, L- ’ an. >u:n ystir,- •; ■ irli. ’ Vi’ v 'j. >r r>>-st iV.ilinc V ’*y. !' I* ;i)i'.!y with v,' ; ; ii!'c r no:o sb;;i. ' . , u j’ ».**.*m'» i,.y t-V-ry !T-. * 011 3 l FuKTU =EI r-.-i'iicii’i./' * i '‘ »'t v a In*- \ ♦’ uilVlK'c;l iiu; |au*i fjiMriuire •• * In} v-i*.t . iilc as.anv vTltcr -i.-v*: .INAi. A. s '< i.i'S 11 LN,' ble •X^ealJS-st"a^e : , FOR iSkliK. ■■ .• : : ■ ■' ; f 1 - - • v il«\’ j*-s■’.iv ; »„ khrU-ev mT.-.-s i\.j w xm }, s ;ui i I-'.,, iM Street ?it. :»!nl I of. / * ie '- Inf t ;t;u ;Vv Jor j--ti">; ;• j nre -a Hrick uuj-o oo jk.vi !fi;r.br; • r ..Jl ■i,”; "•‘r ll i ! ' U "h"- ■||\ iIK’S. O.V;. £•-■( . 1 .■.'.! !l- - v!i, < "••'■■•' ' h r--' ‘T' ; - ' rn.fesinl \ v ;j* r'• *:*lmrr wuli vs- ’ f , Oak "i»ku‘ übk; ikvi- ■ ‘ an.l-, c.011.-yic! T.•..*• in e-’i-v.l .] A: r.*l ,i u. Ci'k V. .Mini • !' • ‘ 1 f ■ V ilAtvXl j-ui.st o!* llvi *U- Kuora.’ t'i'T 'lrcvs-.'.^rftja* ** I'JUHV JV;'\ \y\ ■» i y:V • I . : •' * 1 t * ~*■ O'imVjfl c*n:p.:K,*>:.yj '■ j( ,. , bc f ei1 ,,;,,, M ..uisoek.ditijrn.l ;":«!>. a ..oar-l s ,| iitnt'jo.Joi' a v».ir-hicrcr ui , j.' nuin. .■t-or' 1 r, .• , j l.'-'ever '•Hrs-iffispinja; iCi : ! , : * M \ iU}\> T 1 L-il 1 J. MaV -i.'jO i«?' yij'VW-l*. 0f,.- :\TOTIJT. hcivny jihvu =in:\r H'n.lnd propo-; !-• »'s K.l\ i nriic.,* Ho:}. K*bf». *- Vi ijli WV i’<-rr *L; (Un IV 1 ' A ‘.T~ *iT~^r~~pi^ J \~TV~p , : i rlj'jTi; jii;’,'i*:»vovj «»u '■••'- ■:luy.. i !i<- linM.iliel'v«ii-i\ I 1i0,!....«¥'i’. \{ W Ji; tV‘ !r \ / 'M’fif I? V' -M.I u] K i-.fl •; [|. V 1 r*L. 1 S v f -Up'. .-f .• „Vv'nJ!l-«)f lilt* or llietijtlTl- .j • .-■ ' l . '! « • at Irncar C V M V V'W '* .*'* wt Million if.un.-ii?,.. \ v ■> .■; ; y-i . * ■ li.m li.rivd.l! \\ ..v1,i1,;i.11/t-># : .. to umr.ufacluro ■ liv order:!’ Xilli'irL. 11. ' ' ( " s ,mclv V,'i: l ;‘‘f^ tts ,IU 4 ■ ! , • j \i,' ’' t .' i{ r ->' '• ra loc j- - --r •- • -—:ii:i iuvl c'mi' w :i rr i in' !lLe goo-la;. 13i \ ' iu,r im iu-'surp.fcSMi«l.; ; Fop. tli^ - - , ~. 1 ,b; '! ’,i. ■>'. s ; >«>n nr.;fia tlit* -hiilc. of : >i ’ !mnk <>f bn.tvr.u <, ar.vtv h.„ ~ j.- , **/.. »v i -» *i r . ‘ , -.; . • . Mnc in-avi‘l', (*l-* ; (.an l.»r klfat.-ray -5 hi . ! * *-»,• ' ‘ - > .'••*•». > - in- niniwi v./\vn-!indcKmPou h ' ) -rir'‘ a r>r!i’v v. r.ril’Xt. ‘ i I‘<>(. u | I'.iiH'.i'.;* t. \r>v<|*it mil ;vpn-il nn *• j -- ' r—' of il-.o uf ’iti Ipt •; !t....!i!ir?,. i,.iy'.|j.lv, ;• _ ■y><><;i;i 1 pi I«<&%." ’•'• l '- ( ‘ r |' 1 vi>: t; *r : r 11.0,1:1^ HriiUrhin. • oli j, ‘ 1 W ..u ; .-i r r -. r ,Sf:.n:!ly cull .he «t -j,j. ■ , vi 1 “V 4 ” ;.. • i,.,j,.i,,.,i f’f iii.-iri-si 00,11 nml Ilia ;tiravcfliiljo 1 IiTiTJ Tn-o- '■K-.',‘irt; :\¥io f i iii ifioi/esi»bli£lmeii6. ■ LhTTt'.RS of liilmiJnbivnMc.n- ,on I '. iv- c^- ! a'Rg,-IP;3m • ; _ • late oil HM. .>rai i>inoL liiu of flopowoll I ' ;*.•• : ' V*A; IOWUB| &'<<<»•_. : tp:, lieijvcr count y; (leo’d. hoving' befeh;ar;,ui- \ IPIT', r,i/|7 fi'lJl C AI.A(I|N' ,: ■.* . i‘d 10 ua'Xn .'iutiod, all perfeotib indn?litc(] to ■ - i ■ ia d *6Lhir triqafcsteci to nake imatidiate in |Mim4po'h payipfeiit. ; -i.\ ih-;S8 pacing claimsagaicfstsa'id 1 i ~ His- CONfE I IONATI\ , \nn estate v!lj ■ ;ui,ithera. to the ' ‘ TGECfI f 4 jA SAT/OQ.V. ' properly aut'homicaied Cor'f.ettlementi; .. «r> *?'\e ’’’ v earner qf,- tboi Diamond, .. OjEO'. M ’*• ; • v< 1 persons can. bo 4 : .;; - A f'A i:S.uiio' v/iU apn-'AC - iVur public pa is^olic ], ; . |lop«wi>U tp. j’ n.>y36, dj ' ,- FRKJ>'K. X.-VLTEKS* t in.ir t i l.'-j t Jf 16'6-i /■- I / / 1 ■' •■ i jf 1-*:' i ■•f' 1 I !•'. i ». J li*ij Vj { I. i X 1.131 I; Bii ! Si-ia t/j •. <»?: f i'm M'i ’iwir.KY • ;#A,..t4- MEM \ /^K-n.. r: P3* i• . • '.>■■■*. y !;:t: ;br•nti ill :il i.-..! I'.-; ;. ■'• ’ ’ ' . -v \p.w»\ •> * ?:}:.*«■ *iTl‘i i t ■•■'•, Mu? 1 cd.»o-c£fus V.. 1 u ' *. 11/ru’.U J\E r ,r» «■>■'}»• .y. . ; ’f /.’l"’ r<* 1,-4 n * *‘ y;L'|Uia-<3-' oi‘ V. ;r.w-n •n i \and It of ’ ' I'j l :y ;„'A> Tljui-jif I- Gilt'S i of I •»'.|*ih;U ' t i'.i'ppru - )' y: 'i Li’Vtx. v ’xj‘ lores' ■;« t .*i-t vr/skii} alTiicftfd' \vi: ; h«>ui iu^vi•]!!££: and T"u;ni opci>:ui«j.as,’ aiui yyoiiiu u»'l c\yvj m : EMEIME iV-h's'-.V ‘-tf? -. T : u * ',i? 'nn < t i;v W a plaint r- I'n'P'.i i'-. ■if.-'. i -hr* V'TV.MVtI • r.j.s\ ItaMt > ■ '• £ . ' iV < .1 u a 'll:’. . or..vjrut; ,s • *■*>;. ■ v •v-<- 1 V-.; SK oil- 1 ' i V j. ■ , rfM.vK|nv,ii:r.^>v' r. • ■' i-