The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 25, 1864, Image 2

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|| Wednesday, Hay 26, 38ti4>
v. L. iMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor.
g, ... ,
Fop President in 1864 t ,;i
I r . . ' • ir -■ -• : ■
- - .■ of ILtpOlS, ■
I?-|. v‘.'-For Vice President,'|
I. l-.' .OF PESSsitVASIA.
, Ni lE. ■ 'll
hMrixTSQ Bold *tc L. Iraferiei present
4 |T| .Editor A Propri of t:he IfcarerArffuf,
?juy accounts fot Subset. Advertising,&c.,
!sftU{ tho&e • indebted trill) please "call andi'set
i.tM'with him.« % C. NICHPI.SON.
If i . v : '•
n 1 ■■■•■ ’ ~ ■ *
I , REMOVAL.— The Argus Office
Ibas been removed 10 the room over
|Di|. Cummins’ Drug Store, nearly
|<fpposit« our old office, 'Where wo may
IWiouhd at all times, read}: to jutend
fto the wants of our friends and pa
ijtrqns. Entrance at the North side
|of : lthe building . ■, I d
S. ir- ■ ■ ° ,
i S’'' J : 1
| i Militia tfbtiob. j }'
'■V\ Jilembereof Co. F, P.V.M.
|'pro ! leqiiesied to meet in Beaver on
lst day. of Juno, at 10. o'clock,]
,|jti 'jM., to receive their pay. Those i
|who cannot conveniently attend can j
|rctjeivc their pay at any subsequent;'
|time from the ejjbsqri.ber, As ho. will.j
of pll who are notpres'
■ ; pnt| tyhp jiavc-signed the roils.
,1; e ... J. S. Rcta x. Captain.
results in't}
frpm tho |
the gov
forces over so n
weakenin'* the i
Wo have ajlrcad
tion, and will V
j . Eneugv and Entekpiuse.-—lt is sustain oni p|»
|{■ ratifying to see so much energy dis- . r . i; When yutici
| played|jH the various branches of mer- b T of. the Union in Louisiana, it
|can'tileitradc.and in no place have we at bc rncar,t ro-eetablishment of sla. could corn*-’fro
I holier example than in the establish- very. tho thing ia now an inipossjbili- that it was meri
ment of James 11. Stokcs.NoW Rrigb.j S ! aver y as ah-institution which .fesullof thfet e:i
W His stock is very complete: iu!' vas toleratodj-by the loyalties, capture of New
Me 1 various articles of Drv GoodsJ has rebei!ed i Slav W a? an inBtitu^ n ble iportion of
TBoitn,- Shoes and Clothing/ This W ha 3 been crushed wherever the-War part ! 6 t Tixas
the persons wish to bas Slavery-as an Institution, have not cU
‘! select ‘ their summer wear, we would acknowledges its doom to,be from the tcWol
- \refir them to this wo. * mom< W »* « ur - triumph over treason sulpplics’of the .
C Itifeel justified in saving that they can- and rebellion;i an inst-itm ly accomplice.!
' I not find a better:-more complete, or tior. is responsible 4>r every, drojp of pe.Jition than w
j’ well selected stock in Western Penn- bloodshed, and every) life lost, and . t ltW» in* Vfreini:
IWlyania. , V '*• cveryAatorn of,i, amhcVcry groan Q p t l,e Gujfland
r - , „ -. v ; - and tear, from . the° bereaved, and) their IribuUricji
J «a.Tno attention of- the reader is evcryidoliarofi the inlpdred of millions j 4 5^5,
;|direc|tod; the - advertisement of "Mr. °ti dollars of debt {incurred in .this; fcJorady '■]!n a
of Rochester, in »an- war * It -Slavpry,-. an institution, i Bae< pioHt|a'at.k
Jkwtbjfislcblumh of this days’-paper.— could possibly .survive such deeds us, rc . B t om j ti l Beil
been very* successful in .these, ‘be deep, damnipg infamy | t()fl y n ioii, and
■'tini mercantile business since ho es- resting on the. Ilepubiic,in consequence • kindled am
■»catkldished h'»n«cl|in this v.icihily.— bo enough to sink it in eternal worU ,
-The secret of his. success, is—.jtbvEa-. scheino. • .1 : [.Stales.. Wij
iAisiNij—patronizing the printeij. Slavery, tfjorforo, elan never be re-j; n |j iat ;)dJ
| , | . t-r • I stored - It bas committed an unpar- 14] ow s trucl
’ •.|^nife , ilfio,onsfniotlO|i of the l^nion.; donnblo sin against God and -;inan, iaud'i ‘CiHift-deraiev
| growing out of s.y.he anti j for its sins it lias been tried, found ! operating Ji eel
; |: tiu.k-fn:' -.1 notious r.o-'px'Ciing cKe doejjguilty. '.and.* sentenced; Its pniiisß-; W c in: y c
|ti i!je | of (Piitralizatiori;: and the'sever-j ment ii death, for 'the! criraei it hak ; p |,] ts : in
•J | eigjUty of the individual States fcom-;| committed against humanity and- lib-1 J,|pp| mat! - 3 ot
; P ,,! j.*hg the Union, an. idea has aljwaysTerty. . '' !. •- Uhe instruinlnti,
—provailc-d' to some extent, that, sfonjei )■ Tiie vislaris of glory, of empire, of-j n l p lilt depart
orflater,- the Government iii|tiit he | digiiit j - J: which. dajzzlj) j(.| 10 n i ft ,t j tn ,^ r
.vvijcckcd' upon hidden rock.— 1 tbe • ejtes and led astray the Vjebcll j however, (
. vJJtjen-great statesnicri socjn at some j chiefs, will after the final ovorthjrotV j t J,* O pos ti in
Himes -io >'o oppressed Uio fcarpo/ the rebellion and the eternal aboli-) j,m CQ oflmj drt
,lh'a,t the United States was - growing j tion of.. find pb- mope . dupes I holding l|ie u i
.too■ rapidly in terfitof}\ in power and in tbis great Republic. 1 1 10 t j w Gchli dei
..,1 • P r P?P® r *f3’*". . j 'Tbo Southern Slhvts Aristocrats[ded.-already, e
b. [Aurob Rtlrr-was (lie first who eon- , j,ad. sbdong handled the - power of the | possession : (~f »
|-coiycd the idea of •.sopprating the 1 Governiment, that they began to per-• pai tly divid :d
i.;W)cstern States and Territories, and I suadc-themseivcs ihat^the'wliblo ro T j possession M .
, of| forming tiiom into a now and hide- j publican fabric would disappear as by ; jhis second su
■ pendent Republic. The Southern pol-! niugic; at tiie fire of their guns. Uain ! inan is making
jjicians have, for a long enter- | delusion! Tiiey have tried the esper | Atlaina, aiu w
,■. laif.ed the beiict the L 1 nion w»suld t:iit, ;, n e n t nnVi.f!onmi - oiit_tliat the people ! 1
| pieces, because; they desired) it, j Who obeyed tbo- Government, were aj 1
institution of Sla- | v !ast deal -wiser »ud letter than jthcyl.
i vg'ry'Wight be faslencd.aud protcked J that had always been masters of tboV
s bv a stfong Government, and ftlat jGoVcrnmcnU They seized upon abou t j
tße rest of the Union, would be .or- j a third of the States with., traitorous |
.jganized'into at least throe separate jhunds.auid usod lhein for murderous,
' iG!ov'eruracnts. "of which tho ilidaio [purposes. The Govcjrriment is grad- j
g*Statj?s and !New Euglapd would form; na){y 'recovering tltesb, by destrbjdng■
J, j one,l Ji-orlh-Wostern Stales another, the rebellion,, and this is.the only res
i 1 j opd tbo Pacific the third. j . to rati op ofthtf'U'nion (hgt ever can*
■■ i [ Tbo ingenuity of the English with’ • 1 : . ' « j
( • iheir coid, heartless selfishness, and The Union-, will bej jestobvd by tbp
Jhntred .of free instiunions, and jeal- wisdopi ahij firiji,ness lof .the National
, opsy ofj pur overshadowing prosper- Government, and by indcmitablei bra
,; ity, together with the "pplicy oUthe [very tCnii patriotism, and energy’ of)
~ -Slave, Aristocrats of the fSoutb, aided our noble armies, and tho [war will.
f \ by such men as Vallandigbam, Wood-, close over a : fabric of|lfepublicaiJ Fm-J
■- ward and'a few otbeis of the . piro more glorious in all tltb elements
j kind, have been directed to this gib~at of power and prosperity than existed
i R pd long cherished-project, eveu since j before the conflict began- Then the
. Ihe breaking out of th.o present rebel-- world will see our Union, really one
,-lipn. 'Bat it, is certain that all the' and indivisablo for all : time to coino.— j
j- loyal States arc Jroutid together, npt Bat?it wants no assent from the pow-j
, )•; Bp much by the Constitution, but by* ! ors of darkness at Richmond to effect
a common interest, and by the gloe a.rcstoralion of the Union, slavery i
fjies of thc piist in which - they have has no consent to give \vhich would
. Buffered together, and bayo triuppb.. bo worth receiving,for its ppwer is for
ed.ovcr nll obstacles and enemies that evcrgono. Thc talk about f the restores
; , bare, hitherto beset their path, and tion of the Union as i£\vas,. comes .on-,
;tbey will bo held together by the ly h-oin.lbo lips of men .who cannot
■ | splendid prospects and hopep of the see that the days wben they kissed
| J f itnre. , .. the feet of|the slave power, are past,
i J The - Slates have, kmcb, their local It may sefee for a party rallying cry
, .interests, customs and tastes. Bug to cheat and deceive tbo'-men whose
the nationality which, it was consid- knowledge is exceedingly limited and
; jrate.d, only existed br the imagina- 'yholiave no inclination or capacity
i jtjion of theJAmencans. is .thp element to look further titan they are instruct
which is paramount in nil oor nffjms. fed by selfish and (Unprincipled leaders.
Oor nationality Is, entirely: different ICbo loyal people of the free States
front that Prussia, Russia, have all the power and the will to
1 L 01: the Islands of Great-BHt«- .(orever crush Slavery andto pntdown
Win,: where what appears to bo a treason, whether it rears its bead in
S.'t Vr bal ' p > - f°mp°fed bf various and the South or the ■ North; and; will
risßimilar parts. not bleudedjtogelher Cxekase and maintain the Union np<
j>nliv- by tile exercise of power. For bn the true pjinoipieß of boman liber
:: tosjaneo. Rn»«ia lit posed of Pole*, ;ty' igsinst all their enemies
tuintbeirseparate nationalities. In
the Austrian, Empire. s thcy have the
Hungarians, tho Ge rmans, Bohemian j,
&c. The Turkish Empire is compos-.
bd of various! nations, and in|Gysj|l
Brittain; we Know Ui’atithe English,,
the Scotch, Welsh and Irish are npt
blended together in harmony; ThCsfe
nations are composedpf 'cbhqnei ed picb
ple, and held by despotic power ia
jjainst tiioir wjll- •' ; ].* .. . j'.4„ r »l
But in our great .Republic we ' look
in vain for such, separate nationalities
being forced together nnder one Gov-j
-ernment. We have the sumedan
guage, institutions of learning, r:ciig»
ion, commerce, and society. The\in
habilaiiits of Pennsylvania, New Eng
land, California, Illinois, &c., are alb
alike in their feelings and inclinations.
Tho immense' immigrationj'from jEprf
rope has been Bwalluwpd»*‘p, and] the
vast mass of bur population ifrom all
sources unTleJ into one body,-and' the’
■ effort lo separate the States by imag
inary, Jibes, is yam. |
~! We talk of jtlfo restoration of | 'the
Union;.lt is all an idle fhllac}'. Thbi
Union is one and indivisablo It
needs no restoration, bpcause it never’
| epased to exist, and has.’never been
J dissolved."- The war is to- preyent its
| dissolution, not to restore it, and|.the
j cpneJusion of tjio war will find, the
ji Diiibr? .purged of ihmopiy, rea|ly dis«
■j.-turßUrg'element it ever Containyd-4-
Slav'crr- The mightv effort to’ rear
up an Empire upon the basis of sla
very is vainylbr Providence has
creed that it shall not be, and itf will
never bo again attempted. ;
It is inti
ind expect »: sreed
bellion, to (pok i
armies andjipep,
ChpieS, viojibrie
future, ih|*.b(
with cohfidonci:
reason for the h
The fight Kob, ,1
tion. In order
isTicceTSTTy to 7
territory or sue
is most imports
pecinlly is this, i
which woilare
have ohS tlptrd ,1
tauts that >|-o 1
Spared for war,
ttirri toryVrarnisj
'and natural dcr
tbj their, si
for a harjdr
unless wo,;';
sess their >
positions, at
cations, any
three years
occupying ]
most impoj
tare il'soOY.or
ours -and all lio
am gone. ’Ve
feduracy art: am
ir.g its import a
rotes then fit
east aml.vreU,
their corn to
jn*' eoncsnjra
lake, toSjcomp'
Butler is [wl|hiJ
mood, iii jW'
most iir.jioSar
South, wljefc '
oif the city h
cos else vrjhfcf
ally but sbrtty advancin'
to! of the C'i>rif Ider.iey, cl
whipping htfijH army
vaiiees. Iliohriord is no
from throe or four difl
and will heritably fal
Grant, Bith r, Sheridan <
oes. Their Oupitalgono
is gone, aid they have »
available ilseo to- remo
.would no, qobn share i
hold, their sba coast, tlv
rivers, barters, tnanufa
tricts, ngrk ultjnral and
tricts, th sir . railroads—
feronco and theii contr
cut off'the r (supplies,
their slaves, ruined their
slroyed their resources, c
munitions!' aid defeated
Our armies ire advanern,
and their’b ictr eating,
day takinjg some "new
renders ojirlsn' 1 "-
easy. Wjhnt I
continuance bn
success ? j Our.
i j • i '
cpuld expoc,, a
tjora of .tho Go
bations.str lie
bi* g?venj oi i tl
> pi
isling C»r tfil
m, ~
mo *bo hop®
(nplnaiion of
iw of re«
ialion of oar
f an&cof
to to. give a
is in them.—■
p, and hi
ope that
(.has far,j!
fwvjij art'
h ports oft
tit to. trio |
teen forpjsi
sr ApbopleTit
iif Hold, their
iVas-ls' found
ienerny. Es
b the war iii
The rebels
er oftinhabi-
ho case i
iaVo, we?]
8 be tier pro
t{o extent of
l «
Hive u lai
iunt myjjjlies
, add greatly
might fight
»nces tha
[venj lhf: Wo
d'yearn ntid
t cff iiheir 'f
lory, the
estroy th
not’ conquer,'
[applies, pcis
ir important
kern I
id cl
I tH
of v
i jir comraum-
[frees. After
ur resbi
r af vo fi'i
td oiTr-armies
vero deemed
ous that
irorhisc good j
bled to profit j
ty give. ns.— j
M?oen asked
issipatod its
f oa ramies,
pel thoques
to faeUto
' \
are are end
tituges thj
on .1
has otteh
■nnient c
iucli torri
Ik, nnswe:
tow rdei
largo force
iglit np good
>eclilian, and
’ forcoj The
hiaf been the
was tho
m the ox
o waste-to
a coasidora
i, Florida, a
and An
:ansas’. We
a large ox
-,cnt off tbb
p j but als
enemy, ai
! rtToro ft
;c have in
t. Ila Vin
the ilis'f
i», vve ha’
(al portion
edition to
I Louis’ial
td have
pm that ox-
■ii dbzon but-
tj possession
nssippi, \vytb,
iv, access in
is of the Con,
| Ibis, Arkan-'
lu havebeen
as Stales in
sntiment cn-
' positions
a Ur.idnra
pie that isj
pti'rn of the i
ibero every !
irngliput the
Ukftyijrans of
[o easily ap-j
['•■greater rfc'- j
fti.S'F. Missis- 1
peil through I
- tho pei;
nn k tti6 r
C 41
largo foi
tmont, t
i -leU ihil
- 1 ft
■ ci , where I
lively arc I
;xpcf,-t Ktiij
a. Georgia
bn ■ rc:leoj
ility of tl
ijcnt.' Tfi
ant Stato:
’ )
>n aecouiv
Se, operations
[to .both- par-
L of its stra
n bold, every
to Suite, and
'\Vc ! now
aßoo in (1
st ■
lerlaia death
L Spilth divi-r
rest, by our
1C: jiiS'isij
■cjjrth und
1 1 junta n|
ippi is now |
[south The!
ill complete i
I Get.. Slier-i
in I in a reii, on i cap
\llanta or.ce'j
Confederacy |
cirt the Cpii
’farccs, hold
‘and our,ar-
P separating |
south,.sever. |
and prevent
long will' st
vork?. Gen-
jti'iviMon. l
a triump,
11 most ei
r later. ,
lesof the
al| - s
1 \yilli.oiir
ntl place*
ll>o cenir
iorth and
lion, liovv
letjO the
va.few m
session of
it 'connect
j® . 1 ’ 1 * w 1 New York.-May liO.—T.he j’ribuHf's
i one of Ui° j correspondent! witlij (jen;Sigel Saysl
ions with the j that the arm}’ left, Wobdstocki.OTr the 1
[■ time march loth. maidied eighteen miles, toXcV- j oiir for-'l market, fought the cldnbined tovcefi'cC,
... , Echoll’s and Imbpden, and ijcturnod
,■ is grrulu- tf) atrahsbnrg,in ibrty •eight. hours',
rtn the Cap? 'Die fight was commenced by |‘hc2Bih
slodgingand Ohio attacking I'mboden near‘ jjflt;
as he ad-- Jackson, drawing hi|m to Newmarket,
tv threatened p' 1 .' 0 ™ «on». Eclwjll^and'Procftinrjdjje
reinforced the hitter At too smile
erent points, , timo re-enfc>rcoti our.force. The
, cither from rebels charged twice on oiir troops,
ISigd’s for- the second chargef beirig successful;
idr prestige hut on reaching oiiri Second fine they
Kiiit ih'n nr were met bv seventecnj pieces of'ar
. ‘ 1 tillery and a destructive infantry fire,
i it to that j almost annihilating ' the rebel firs*
fate. Wo line Wechargecl in turn and drove
r navigable them-but bur batteries ,had to cease
Lurih<* .dis- vvor hing to allow oUr charge, tjnd the 1
. ° . . rebels, numbering I two our one,!
jr zing tns (be,’ drove us back,>wo'loosi ig five
ifcir cireum.- guns. The retrehtj then comi tended
We have in good order and succpss'.gcrcsa the
shiSncipated Shemlndoilh, the bridge , being burnt
inances de.-after crowing. Pur Ibis Ig- mjc biln
inances ae dred and fifty killed, wounded and
ptiired 11.e.r mjMi t 1 ’ K | *:•
heir armies. J . '. v '■ /-
everywhere >
i’can sit an
] c }
Gen. Gi
e are every
lositloii that
certain and
to hope- by
:cess mor
ave they
t ovcrthn
w,and ns but
s all that wo
v see the wis-
tnd ora. not
sgy vaod f
lit prtsrfwv
tin the combi
oreeight that
of the Potoiiaao'
• j 6:30 p.m. I
This datct
Last owning ijfrlifor&Waa made pv
right anil
yore d| ?
fel;hn«ds, bp
sidWmjyty; wo.andod. ~ Qai
lo*Owavil(6flo wreijW. wounded anc
IdO missing. \> ; j
t^ij,; probablyoar kUI;
od ted - j'
ted I .Kingston, 10 o’clock lata night,
slgle that during thepiny ho
ed a eolumh beydti.d’tt pur
Sait of Johnston ris Ifiir aß'Cuasville,
andthere Was skfrnmhiiig in the lat
ter part of the'dajt 'With Hardee’V
corps. The jjcara were expected to
roach Kingston to«dtlyi A. hard,light
for Atlanta t» ldbkedi|br. r
. No bare been received front
Gen. Butler today, | i ■ ’ ; •!.
„ ilaj. Gen. been,placed]
in of the i LeparUnont ! | bfj
Weal Virginia, ihcludiifg the
doafy Valley ’ : J ’Jj_
V ,v E. M; Stanton*.; (
Ntw York, Mriy 23;— A I'ribitne
correspondent 8laTo«| that- than
tun thousand new jlroops irepulrieu
threy .divisions of Ewell's Corps. At
three o’clock on friday moriiih'r.'liir-
an|lLßussel’|j divi
sions advanced. The was;
so. rapid and unexpected |tbat the reb
el picket lino was captured almost to
a man, and sweeping on until over
two miles had been, gained arid hun
dreds of prisoners.captured. : •
Prisoners state Lee, came with
theiri across the Ny .river, rode along;
their lines and;addressed each telling!
then) if they | were .Ijb .undertake a|
movement, which if; sripeai sful; woiildl
\be fata! Ip the! Yankees; nr;d adjurcdl
dherji to make it subetessful. LHe toldi
i lb cm they were close tijonr rich stores}
} and\imraenso baggage! and that a de»|
j termined assault •voulii give,them cv-|
[crything wc possessed! jit
| K’jsw'%oitK, May-2&—A“. Times spo;.
j; eial says L thqru was "no fighting spice
{the rebel attack' on pur coinnViniica
jtioo with Froderieksliurg ion Tllnrs
jday There isWopy reason to - believe
j that Friday aim ’Saturday’s• iriovfe
-1 mentis will be speedily found prodiic'-
! live bf important results. , ’’
I A rebel lieutenant smiles that fjoe’s
| arrm[ .ntinibefed, before the hat'tles,
j froini eijghly to ninety! thousand,mml
| that hc has lost frioml .twenty-five to :
j twenty eight thousand. j' Ho, also
! s:i}'s that the rebel, arpiy has plenty
*et provisions. " ■, {] f I
j 3Tr.w York, Hay 23.—A { World's
■'correspondent say's tlitif in the, event'
lof Grant’s flanking, {Lucias ho will
jevefitlually do, and that beyond perad-;
venture a’ faot whiebyeyen Lee bine.;-
self-admits-by bis urid-oided move
men't'S,’ the rebel army .will fall biickj.
! .as it ‘goes 1 , every
■ strong position, to thei imnieitWito vi
|einit.y, of Lynchburgy which d row
I learnilroin a prisoner is being heavily
1 fortified'according- 1 trt .rebel camp rhy
|_mor, rind, wid light l.thc main and do- |
cisive battles'of the war t iere,. l| ii
.‘J 1 I . :[ .
From Butler’s 'Druaxtment.
,i' N New Yoslk, May. 20i.i
The Roars’corrw-.p:todd t whh Uer>.,
Butler -says that* tlie campaign up to;
the. dose of Monday's severe' engage-',
meiitj ending with a!.Withdrawal jT.mot
our advanced pavilion tooiii*
mentsi-iii Bermuda Utmdivib can't b|e
legurdcd an a defeat/; The ohjept aiiii*
ed nl fv.n ('ally ratt:iimp],,aftd wja-i d<D
cided uponlry .Bui lur, even ifais whole
command had to he sam-tSt-ed. ,fti was
for the, purpose of the ait-:
tention of the rebel forces gan'isonirig
the outer defences of Richmond iVoin
tlio movement of Gen. Kan Is upon life
Danville and. 'l’iedniont,:'railroad, ,as
by I lie break tug-of.that’ com inn men
tion every lino of travel radiating
from, Rjichinoml. Jjv iwhieh. Lj*e eouild
receive supplies for his army*, woiild
he cut . ; ;| '■
;/This coinnSpondcnt says Gcti| lleek
waircapl urod ip Mon day is fight,
while the Iltrnl! cprrespondcntl dc
i tails, wilii particulars, how he ajid
j his .command (ought; their way thr' 1 ’
jtiio enemy h lines and , rejoiced our
j- forces. / ■- '• Jj’ ' ■ I __ ].■ : ; ‘
j Prom Slgel s Departing nt. j I
E Aliisoh will.pleapc
our tlmnkb for latp Southern
Our thank'- Isp d J
for fav
will in
llftee b
posilioi ....... ..
m favor of iwbeal than! yh<
qn«»iior «w volart opon. !.
qfhoNew MlUtda lisnf of ftaiiil« i Louisiana a {Free State ■
sylvania. . " I;, [ProMft-ingaigf CehTcation from the Kew Or- Af r w,.
_Fcr thcbehiffit of our readers, wo l«»o»Tnie M»y J. ,„j .AJwg tirNafioS?c* t
giC<r ,i g-6flt^e ? <Hho Ull,wwSh of Mr. Henueraon the
tftoef iMrtv-tli&o pS^l? W e ji tboo -suspend# the, «their
Minted mtpr. TO bill t|ar/(fr ||epotof|ho Committee on 3 n
? tß»VB&||B64, Mi : 'broraek rpiuluJg.i '***«“ *lt''"- il • >«
mt,ieSt able#died question! w«ls-.tHeirife*
nfadeat iW the debate tut off. ;., , , : f Monday. Jutt e fe?Kou^
age bfT\Venty^one’and nWrlfeo ago"bir-IJnpretary for thef o ;io W i„;‘fc 1 60
of ferty-flvoyeurs, film 11 be enrolled the yeas and nays or. itbc adoption of Jud ge,of x the s l]s , 3;'
in the militia, Willi tlie usual exetnk the Emancipation A.ct, wjiitih provides fg™; s i°oni°T e, % Ass s m % pl^
. tions of idio4, paupers, etc. | that -slavery and fep*. T«C
shall anufdllyi,and fia& c*»nipg--resolution was T^Vr ;
.' iiLXhe fiiimg.liQioiligy 4r<t r f
taking 1110 fisgtMmifitfr -or* valuation of. r o?uit» r
r«al : pß>|fe#tyV' record all {Um- legislatureAs 'W&T
..amps of those: liable to .d^varfd.l*#! | Committee' be ia4riT?l of ci
plnee .a rectified copy"lu .the pißite-property in man. . j .1' vwulbn id order and yreWd, I **** -flu .
of the- County Commissioners | ’! Mr. cxplayvlv.i? vote, tio.n.U j£tm«ntly;.<w-g*iifciJ|!! il C«,.
cpiinty ,ih the State, and such J recoifd ! but iisihd was branching r.offjinlo a' f.Jf-’/lT'i"! .an.j-i
shall uodeemed a<suocieHt notification, Speech: l*o was palled to order by the. cni P Delegates 13 foi]oiv B . r, - u Ai i
to all piefsons whpae liumes are thtls’President,who-said, his remarks wore W ■• • . t>. 1, liißp.iE
recorded that they have been enrolled.‘ W-sulting to the House, and, ho then x.'Sl 'm’Cokd V ; S«eii.. \-’ k *
-in the ihiliiiaL When the roll is coni- j voted'“110?” in a very lond|and oner- WiroJcH*„...;.,■ ’ ; 41 r
shall;put up in ; pubi'-lgotio y Ol : i ! ,J . r • , !!!2'l
lie places notice similar to the ; Uniiejl Mr. | Campbell' voted liol nol In a'rßig beaver .....a j
'States eWrdllment; 7 ■ ’; J tdiia of .“in-| Brighton | Wo on B /"~~
•Seclioirtbird provides severe pen- I tlie name id the wlpugtid 1 people ol j ’FP®?*••■.••-....4 j-Setrijjrtjw”-^
j allies lor assessor, clerk or conU I Lousiana,; I vote no| ’ _ j. Economy ; 4 i •'
commissioner, who. shall j refuse, or j Mr. Edwards said; ‘tin; thplnamo.of j Fklbtotf um'' S “ rt f £ V' *
1 mudect 16 porlbiifn any of the duties the people of Louisiana dud ireedoin,; Franklin^.. 1 «• > PauL",""
' :\: • j , j I;sayyes:” i.-.lj-j !. I .« j Phllfe-.:
■ SeclloK 4. The !cn'n)l|ed shall ; ; Mr. Thomas—l harq foag hcen in , -I. VuUski '
bojsubjeci to nir [active duty- jin favor of Jrntncdiale ..cpikiicipation j
Vin case, qf war, itfvasioni, the pfeve. » j tin’s Corty'ention, culled I ■ |
j lion of- invasion,} • the suppression 'of! Went before 'iny: coristitirdnU'and told |ilopi‘iv?u;.7..': ;
| ! iiois, ifnji to .aiddbe, {civil ''authorities ; them niy sciitpnents. They erected] : •
Jj'iu the laws of the.common- ]-|de by, a large’ majority:, and -Urnll j
| wcaitjlij dii vhicii case the .>'Commar iijayj ncitlsCc 1 violate my ; own '®n : ;
I; shall order out, by draft \ sbicnee. Or the pledge I made *o my
for otfjeVwi-se, as mariy of the militia is ; '-dnstildents, 1 unlike , smrie | otheds in,
I necessity aeinands. .’! this h01y.,/ vote j/cs.l ( ’ j i
|: Secljori fj Evtiy ,soldier ordered j' I Mr. Wells—For ! the good - jf the
| out for activ'o duty by the proper ; wliilo as well as the black races, and ;
f authorities,. Who. has not some nbdj-; for the honor of that flag, I vote yes .- J A^NOL^CE-MEX'rs.
| bodied substitute;, shall .serve, or pay ■ - Mr. Montamat explained iliat be j •Ws are autWizcdpo' aumiuatjdtjy,
; tbe-f6m of seventy-five dollars within had opposed it.on the.gro[uni of com- jof the following persons M f'.7;
twenty-four Ifours- from, such lime 1 , — I pensation not being , granted, _- but jdifferent ofiiegs named below; tjo
Exenintioijis are sjm.ilar to those prr-Would vote j - ea. .',[• ;. IdccUion of tie Convention! - ’ , ***:
vided by the* United^-Slates, service, i IJn motimriho rules wcreisiispciided j.- . ■-. '. _ •; f
giving oif the Legislatuie‘ to, allow the President *o vote. .'j fpWi-v, c -4 t . VV i v^! 0 ,* 8? ■
exemption While on : dijiy. anu fiftee n ! ■ vote yea With: all iny ! IJSUIIAM,
and after the splil.: ■’ T i. 1 :■Assembly;
actual term. ,[ ’ ’n,i : { • j.The voto sfqpJ—l-ycas 72; j nays, ,15. iM. S. QtJAY. B'rave;-,- . •
Sectidw fii provides’fdf armoies f‘.r, .Jin auiiouneilng the vote .the B. WILsO-N.••Bcaye#
companies. •’ I , . ' ' -j dent: said: Tlie first and 1 sl-eond .see- i SAMUEL CAUW HEY. S..ush
; S<Cjti;on 6G. When, a .co.mmaudt f tipn-, df the., report having passed jT. J. L’U AX DLBIi, .i;;jeii..-,ior,
orders ills coinpany j.lbr military duty iliuir tliird reading and been adopted, I . CoOntV CommisC
or lii’r oleetiiiij of oftieers, he shall or. are now a part and;parcel of the luW 1 j(jjj ft \IOH’£»ERj»\
d.cronejor n*ioro cbnimissioncd ofticeis of (he hind.” - ■ ; ' ! riuPa i Sf
■ • L ' 4 v*c *.< 1 1 ; . -i ■ i ; JA3I ro JVI LA-L Lli'i uiv
or privates, to notify - tiro: men belong- . jilm ;announcetiient was. received]! (Q.iivj.c CHRISTY f
.ingiio’ dieiC9inpariy' to .appear atsncu ivith great land loiid chCefrs 1 ELE.MIV?
tune gnjl place- toovery person wlinib The_|House ihcii, on I motion,-- ad-f jhsF.Pn ’ ’ Hi*,- ’
ho is,ofdci-ed pi iiotilv-J if-h’o. fails Co j jo-irncd, and three cheers .wefp giyen !., J 1 * ’ '
do h'u 'shad forfeit jnot less than jfor State of Lonisiank. ’ ~ • 7- ■• ru of /Icji
twjiijty {4l'bliurs nprl ■ more, than oi|e ! xjtxfosyvL salute—Alt oaji t 4 the j H..L. DRMP^RYy&tfel
hundred dollars. J ■ . ;;,i free stAxe of Louisiana f ■’• j D : 'H LO\\ r !iY.ii.;,i;r,
Sectiigi 67 ■provijip’A for. time ofnrt- ! i’At 12 o'clock to-day a tiitripnal '.sa- > W’VdAViti
•lice at iWtsf four days previous to cj, II j hu o .will bo firwl Ifonv the loot' ofj-i-C. \V.ILS()X,
—ten (fjkysTug election, and when thWi Jtreet, in honor of t|ne‘ passa<rc r,f! A- ,R- MOORE.-ij -avv--.
coinpaiiy fs paraded,; the cainnKindij g thy organic act which forever’abolish .M’COltM'HTv.. Br'.g'J
oflicei slnill verbal'yi notify the men j f .,s shiVory in the Stiuo of ’ Loiiisia- 1
to uppiia'r at a; lat.nre day not exceel ,] n a. aiid} fpliices oiir noble -jStato upon ! UxilqnCavalry’vs R.le
|ng ,th'ii|tv davs'from tinie' of snch i the U.nioli -‘free ISet.f We make tbisi . ; : ; .
tWradeVlvliiehl vcrjml notice shall lie rurinonn'ciimer.t bciprehand, ;lest wiien j ■.I.; JO »r are >o ■ ,-aptain:
a warning.. I , :(W ti ,ey hrhir the tllnb ? ler: ofUhe guns. ; | 9‘\ $
SeCliok 70' SI provides for , our .secession acqiiainianees:should go !or lUe war thos cun<d
diseiiJinO. itraiidng, inspection , and Wild withriov in.Vhb. beliet That T>iek ! l ! ,|,nv ''Jf® 'J
camp rjiltvJ .J, 1 ” " ' i; i Tavior}, is coming' to toiyn. , lle nomatter l.oiv
Section 82 to 91 !provide!! for -nk- ,'ttassageof. thwordinaiicc is;o»;o of.the -- • erman .*■
tors, ofdqrl.t liooks, rolls atid returns. 1 events: ;<d’ tfi.o times, and . it.j n ';' 1f command. mv.f e.N
Sec, 92, Provides for.calling otH, the j| s fitting that it should ccle. | "■ re:l .- tping? ivg i 1..|
fnilitia, in, u.isC ofj war, invasion,' i 1- } bfnled-i- that the roaf of artillery and eampaig.i. /».
sifm-ctioii, tnfhull, or ’ riots, i Miy ; glad shbnla should make the \velkin,i m^ nL ■ .v, ; a^.! ,V J, ‘
order' bu’t divisions, brigmlcs. 1 jxcvo.rbdrate runt nog 1 witli the tlian 'i ‘urge nuintier ..
ineiitX or ’companies, ||jr : ,p.' rs jof power |an'd the voices oU' v ; ul r have the fi.nw'-t v
may order to bo dptached’, pafts'or \joy. Louisiana forever free. Tliej' llll^- : !■■.,; ... .
companies,there*.f, pr anv number basigonb- fortfiAiiqd the action-.ofi •• ,?. . , “"- a ' r,£<r ‘ li . ll ’*'
men .id be -drafied ■ ’ . . }•• yosterday irAbo Convention i»-Ifrevo j '« Ul | tqmma.iy, am:
' Section "OH ] provides for. compcnja- J !e , .1 '- . W , d ? ct>_of oav
’lion, giving jiuy.andi rations same nsj; j ; r — r‘~~ —. . . . oral-qinetl.y .rep Med.
UnitcTi SiaicjHov.erhineiit, \ .i T , Thai Forged; Proclamation, • y-'ctly • ynej: li . u ' ,o ;‘,' !
s:.>..*o - : I il>,,t. Viroo.*.-* 1 1 1 ■ ' ; „di could.nave wislied -t*.
. be. .um J.|ip., >.tjes ih- t1 1 "• J 11 . The |W ashinglon j cofresponuonl of t f ,. r ” General Sheridan i< wr-nw
■mgs anil courts'.martial and: courts of i-,. s-iCn tbit : V • ..' JC ! ltra . ?u vi j ,
inoniW ul.-i’l! '1,.» j-iinilncted it. *dl roi ' 1 10 f o CpW/|«il<j»tl, • ‘li. 3 j tbp right in- the'.right,- t
snV-tsAs nro'ddcd' I’rir in the’ -Vrinr of ( ' e "i ,u 1 ,0r ’ 1,1 l '- c ! •prociainatuni |without 'exccUtton.- the best e-wife
tf £ nCnishmC.lfs! **»"*■ I His 1 commands the ArAv c|f
rA$£ 5C s:,.!!owann .former y' « Jvr.tcr fi.r tl.e; haHevel i|ad , ffe is q„Lk to P e->,
lIT . V! ’*V-V i'. - ■ I :-New .York Timed and' cm.-tlv dtstm- .C.. tQ -w j ia .-
viUod. Ihtit the; sti inoravo not mcoW •-\ . * i'. t • l. : ;.,?♦« n 1 U( *v ! _« n 1 tui r, •
• . • t .d '• • ' le ,t . .' ’JO I* Ills ■ ll 11 V HI I n>l!\n' fkp OTltiUO (‘‘jilAtifYliijUf'l bWWv
silent wilh the ]>rwviMuns of tinf r uc.t nir i , -i:,*' ! v ’ ,on n ' OTUU ° a* ui
%,}... y. 0 1 . , ' A . : • ,> ln(M:Tinc*e of iV alvs wlu'n Jn oun i ~- --
Sklionhs that':,all « tlvc allUlor o t f -,i.e
lies, exceeding one d4l f Pl . c ., H6 ' llt Lincoln-l .lis
lars, hy .summary wonv.cftou before | J hinistlr id cap xthile
ffi,y alderman shall be wuhoul eftcop- sili^thl . |)U! , h Baifimore three
lion or.appeal. [ . -J, ,7; i | agO' twis' inuilo-' a full 1 eon’fessio’n
. Whereas, ci •cnnistanees 'reader
not impoanibjct that, the President
the U ill)C'l Sta os inay,'within a.Blic
lime. i.'Jill on PMiiwylvauia For .Yolii
JLililia-for a hriePlerin cfsorvij
''And ll’/iirms,■ The example, of t
bravo in|en howm:f.ho field trout Pen
sylyaniit, heiotAjorc on every;, lain
fie!(l ' distinguished for courage ai
J v. hn! vl ‘ • i: ' 1):
, Out who. in the rcr#it
ties in. Virginia, have •'ained - aii c
viable i (list! action by. their deeds.’!
valor and jijiiduranee, should stiimild l
their brothers .at homo toi inereast
effort to fjustaini their cmnjury’s! fid
and t;rniinato the rebellion;; |
Now, tljorofuio, I Andrew G. Ctf
tin, Crovcrjnor of the Commonweal
of Pennsylvania, do mated this rt
Prot-larnailon, earnestly request!
the people, of the Commonweal
willM»S-lt«!rwp6n'd to.snch £all of the .i. ——.«r' ' . i'liis - led|ingtt'did noKiptM-mit
President,!to form-military; organiza : i'®ST*Tbe Mattapony river, jin Vir- j shake hands.*- Hancock.'* -re-jv 11 ?
lion* without delay, that they may 1 njok' ginia,. watering present j battle--! keeh.but courteous,
Iw. found. unprepared to (Ip «d. iAnii fields, gpts Us name,;oddly, frbin four | under the ciicii'mstnnee.soiyour
Ido further request that cWfomahdin’g [separate branches prisoner,that I Offer iny/foP 1 " -
officers of all., military organizations, ly. The brarch is called j . ,'| ■ , '■
ibatmaybe formed in eonipliancb>’ith Mat! tlje next ovis Ta, ihc next Fo. j ;»Snk'aii vji’s -.Strategy.—Art
this Proclamation do forthwith-‘import, and the jla-jt Ny. f.fn , tho forks - 'cent- rebei.colonel ‘who -wai
tho condition of thqirrespective edm- these syllabic streaips clip, arrtiietf«>-o j n *6 ’Vadhvlllo a n&sono'r, sky 3
mands, that prompt-measures may lie enacting the bloodiest drama of the L. ‘ .. FedemVl strali''-v bad beert'. u!
I taken for getting them into the ser- war. • fepbUsylVaniji! is situated upon brilliant of »|jo 'war— l
vicb incase a requisition ishouldj Ije the-Po, > stream which is only a few |- t#|t - „ -unawirag'
made bv, the General niche- deep, ordinarily; and half a! , :r .na fohnst'Qn “ J
Such call, if made, will be for a torn) dozen yards wide Anna I r 'led LbW n
of pot lessllhan one hiindryd dayk.'-p-! river is .abopt the size or Bull Run, ).\ -i , ..P 'A. m ir w piiN ¥:,
ff-Be troops will bo clothed, armed, and when swollen by tains is not! ■ . , i? -;r j
twe«>V *«. J* f **#• r, *
ter;'" 1 : ”“" rea ,T 1“ T,f ■;fsrv-rhTwS"liS;„h„c« s , ■...
; Given! under ray hand and which left Charleston on the evening -jt Gov AiwlreWk prty.-i- a
soal of the State at Bai-njiburg,j th ; is.<>f the VJth, arrived at Philadelphia toNtbo lueinory 'of
aiglitcenlh day of May, ond thousand on the 2lsty She reports no.fighting * ens £ n of ;Massaebukeits' H° '%
eight hundred and sixjty fqor,’and; of [ •t;Clmrf«ion. Thejmnly attack madoj hrta • died ( “ o ' ltc ,r-'. l , r t,
the Commonwealth the eighty eighth.. was_ toy j two Monitors on Ft; Sumter.; f a i| en the arms of } iC
By tHb Governbr, i'i. I .The new Ironsides! had not been 5m v™id*ttis «ratetul tears of;'a P e ' f i
KLI= SLIFEU,. , action lately. ! , j wlra J ,^ t L he has helped w
.Sectary of the Commonwealth 1 by his valdr; hts idevoia-a
- ■ I'J— ———4-i: .blood.-’ ; r’..' 1 - x
*®*We understand from tbo Pro-;
vost Marshal that a draft; to fill the
[deficiency of the -700,000 calf, will
'■ take place to-day. in New Brighton
)ht» H.
; ji ■
g' tho
'bod is
on tho
!- ■!
•to .(ji n.) Dix, and ifaet.bceri. committed /vears old' who wan lE ‘j
aUo -¥[l. LaiuyeOy- -~i ! • ', . '7! 'formation made, *Vj
[(•j, ••' 7; alleged that a the roiiijifyl Nfr 0 .
cfl ogi,Tibe only gbld modal over : coming enraged with a-linie ((layiiJfc
b>\CV«»|cres? to. Washington i.)i{«* 'junior by two i£ans.-
ib i is fibysale, its lias .lost b$ j punched its eye .mf wiili a i -11 ' 1 .'’
•ejj'the war that jsvalu- | and, not come nit with thif*, l ! u '
id , able, dicing compelled fkvlih it. | demon was deliberate!}' !]Vrort
It was given in bonnf dKsh« oyaoua- ipm out the, other e_V". V,l"? n tls-*
tion of'Bostcin by, the rbr|tishiOwj victims’ screams brought
the obverse is a tine medalliop jjrOfiio; A warrant was i.«,iiedi jbr tit“
ot* Wasjiington, ambon the rove| - se| he fof the off- 'dr I.'-"
n •
jli-j.--, - -rn-xs .1 . i » .'endei,, but . "•> ,y„»
iti- i andjliis {stall - ar<r grouped on Bunker’s yi ted him oIT to tlie countryjp-.
{of Hill, while the British fleet is.'seen j oflioers.had.time toseytiro “ ,(-
lie moving! do win the-bnji It:pontaiils Com. V ,
b?l: §lSi> of- is.iirlj •. ~y _j.
li, {preservation, having guarded by> General Ueo.-iy A
p j its owner with the most r.clfgjous , f ( , rnK(r ty fca*
tr- iic vre. Pit© Firladeljibia .Bidll'iiiisdyA j'^ n d brought to. Gen .
Ith j that five ■* thousand ■ al • jt.6r proffered hi? . Impii;
uyj ready beer.; "offered ior, it; bup J t\ ridueaipiW
ig j tjoveinit.ei.l. or to a historicaljso'cioty. di^nvl^.refused' live clvivHy
h; i it would be worth iriuch.mdrei: |J circuit 11 * 8
t&~Gpv; Scj’niour has directed' the.
District Attorney •, to procaro indict ,
monts against all who were engaged
in the seizure ofJtboi offices of the
New York IPqrW Wad J&tnuil of Com
mlrcfs -r-i; vW'J,-, J- ' ■
i, Can-bidates Will hour in Jai „j
nouncementj io ’insure insenion-' it .' U '
compiinicd •..-ill, Uie.'monte x < Z!!.'t
Assembly and-.Protocola r y, s3 ; Xf.n'-V
cr, $2; Auditor. &c., $l, - -
~ 1 I *i " 1 L. 't - a
■' Mayhem.—A case <?J £re*v-*4«5
Gravity came to onr.Tioiice vested
/when visitihif . the lil.ayorV A*
which,was"' \that• of a : l)yy
'General i
recently wounded m; t ic‘
Rosneft, passed tone
Saturday, t*n tonteVler V
; "il ‘l' ! I .■'■ -‘v •
...r.r-; - ' ■ ■
>• ‘lopeivell.
■ Hype Weil,
h- v ;J. >
/emy. T. ■
s - Biro; tp,
las Vfl,
,- '* - .1
VV.IIOr 1 : WC ij-i-
hm,m=i, ,, ,.;ro;
’ ■ p.' i;Vi
1 I:/ $ IT/:.-:-
ifiitiio i.-:l
o;uta.via C-
*- V. i
t‘ iv i i-!i ocvjsS
.•;iirV, l>
” in*
IVrfV-tf-v. *•>
o si/ie*; JM!V
>i* ijo'.niM,' ij;