The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 25, 1864, Image 1
PRIN IM. 7 . .E, S L. '^ beC h,rge<i.' KopapWiioniitttied 'Jji stress** Me “« l « d -- _ ;;v : ■• j tetters end communicatloni/by Statement of! Sank of Q uarte Beaver Countyi • ’■■;• : ■ BaipHlos. 'May 4tH, ! lBW.' tIESOI'BCES. " / ■ ” V ~.;«a hills disc'ouoM, active «63,270 46 - _ pretest * '*t* ItX) 00 -II; percent, cbupofilxmaf SWIM, .r- •:■ W cent. rtreas. not«L 4,8p0 00 I-;- :■“ e - e! ,v. legal tender....-..L >• -00 00 Tt-; 5 ; g -j office fixtures. •:•;• 1,-58 95 Rotifer banks .4- 26,9*7 57, of other banks.and, _ »!,,, Treasury, b0te5...—..—20,36n 8< I'*' • ~t» ' •••'••••fie* . WjlOl ,'B7 V-fjia w-f‘ . ■ , r ■ I 41 ,p4t iC counU...t....-‘— . LIABILITIES. :•} • | . .. , , V-vtid in $115,400 .00 IS'ft D-riAeiiis unnA-d— , ■ '> :i ■ $212,774 6-1 ' . ,tf r .Wttlie»bo're statement itUruc and 1 rt ! .',itorilisg lo tte be “ t af knowledge jorrett au fc Env.-.,?.u Hoops,- Caeh r. beftN'me. thiß 4tli 4*y of Notary Public.. '■ REGISTER'S NdTICE.v . foUowiWj A L W n^.!i(.-! -.iW and Guardian J\ A . " pas--*l andf'fflW in .the! Vs lienver county, 'Pa., WilV p cj ... ,r. w jil be presented to 110 ' 1CC -A', t.' be-heldiat Beaver, SIK aav «f June,. IS<U. for 4i , ~:.p ~1 M'-OWiiUCC. ; j.‘ ILi?[ MfAii*3re\v Watteraon,Ad • -t ‘Tlr I'-rl- • vfitovid Scott, dec’d.. *"tr r %Z;X, Watterson, Ad- Elks-raior-oi- deflate of George A. Hun aeeo.unt I.f James Anvley," Adtuin ucarv'r.« liieestate of John’Atialey, dec’d; ".r, !t , j acc<■init of 1 James Mackall and - -i i'a.ii.ji..;. Bxectilors'of the, ljBrt will and •:i!-?'.»'tu-uree''?aiiioon l dec'd. ■ ' ’sc S#»V>eepuiit of William H. Frazier, .•dai»ir«Wr>fihe estate of Jonathan ilogc, I f ; .\ ,t; Vf:> il s.’.’c.our.i 1 (personal’!, of bold. •; r.vk. A&uii'.i-itcafur ef. the rotate of panics i -eit’d. . jv.-i filial ndCOaiit of P. M* ,Kerr, Ad ,i!iiiir of Vue cslrue of Samatll iison, who Kxoeutur of tiie, will.tOf Sum* iii-I " j'.-ou.l-sr. . j ' first, an-i Hh&l account of Margaret, Ucmier, .-i-h-i t. l i' tb ‘‘ estate of Geo. itemlcr. dec d. r:;,e luv-iim.-, of ill-. 1*- M/Kurr, AdrniciH tr.u.n- J -,itc of Samuel Wjlsm, deed.. ,-.i- «.u Gnaroinn of Saptnel Conley and- Ann K V.-ai-iv, minor heirs of Sichnlns Hanley,deed, ■fiir fui;i,. account of)Janies IV nrnoch,. Guar di-., [,f .James J{. Toddl minor son of James, T-Al use -i. | ; l\ic aco.-a6t of Win. w. Irons, Guardian of, I? irons minor ■ ' of John ’.r J . u?-,' >l* •! V.* * 1 *' * • T-r;-, Vin-.iit- ;t Isaac rjftt'l,- Cimv-lian .of Mui-Wa Merring, minor daughter of William .!<» r.f U nv. K v Uci'iii'n, surriv rt.rv.r.-.r -of'.iseUsi will anti icsiauici’t of. ’w\\ I'-tc aw-iutr vjf Jjjfigy ♦r aid testament of Oct'avia i AVison/dicd. .;[ - . ,{. T;.z T-rut ac.“-‘<>]isl Hf John G. Bou'iel, Admiti-1 jue CMaie of Caasj-e Hanley. dec’U; i ‘ acj.onrif. of Hubert linger, Admin- ! ill*' estate of Choa. Baker, dee d. ]j.= arcouni of Helena Lainpbrigbi, A-I i,'?l‘Vft;rix of. the estate of Adam Lvnp *u»c’«i J . y. 2 Him! account ,of P. 8.! Marquis, Executor t! la'.; will of' Dr. Smith Cunningham, ■i-K h.. who was • actio? l]?ecurr>r cf ilie Icat of I»r. Oliver Cunningham, deede i 'Th* srl-oum of John i>(W<vell and Benjir B : n Uciii”.-.'!. Executors of the last will and li-un*!;! .■.■fii'lcueg" Boswell, dec'd ■ - . ; , f aecoutil of Thomas Niehqisqn, EzeeuJ of 'ij-.rlu-ii wEI and lesiaiuent of Matilda Ci.ej. dee d ' Updford£ Bill Forrest, an extensive j negro-trpder at °V ? icksburg; and iAa j rpn Forrisl. general agent, and spul-i "\ driver to ; scour the country tor; bis it* wow u f F. l'ayW«< AJm'r. of i oilier ■‘brothers. They accumulated.' './•iisif t'Ailwi -Ic-:jl. •• i iarire sums.of money-in llieir-ncl'icri-1 tpo-.ruma! j. 0. Lent el. , ,'.. . * • • 1 ’ .! n ir. .1: ifeury U«l!ar.U. aiiaor ton of: ous trade, ami Bedford won by that j iL-ihud. 'ieo'l. ' ' . and o»hc • influences a natuial promo-! The, 'luareiKii secornt .‘of .T. G. Bwitct, • • . .. . .. i t.; Citfi-t.fiu li. miuor.Bon* ’ tiori^ 'It* C.I bnijiMitor 111 tu6 f } k ;:irt UviUulu tti.p a. v ■ (whipping. baby-lealing Confederacy.! •:i:.:m ncolimU of Robert; Ei Moouv, t „ I. . : %,, . 11 1 fionia-v.f.ios?p!. an •.ll.( ; l¥MtVmU, fHV is about 50 years of age. tall, i ■ ■.•,v-!r.bVi-en of 'James V.'iiilel.iU,, dcc'd. jo aunt, sallow-visagodj with -a Iqrigj «ep.>,«rt ef -TuiHen Scott find, I'r.vid ** ‘ ’ • .. V, , , _ r..n ; Execu!or« of the k'st will jaud testa- f nosc, deep, set, black, snaky, eyo«, full, of dear, Seen, deed., wuo was Execu- black beard without a tuonstaclie, and j ■'•-r theda.-t will a*laeMament of Abraham ... !..»•• u . ~ ..,.11.. , A ti e dec'.’ t • >. It air worn • long. He usually wore,! , L' f.i.'.l.account of John LV.c|icr, Admin- j wkiLs in the “nigger’ ? jtrado in, Mem»l of Gin estate of Samuel Searight,.J ft itovc pipe fiat worn on tile | baViv of 1 an arijgle of forty-five degrees, tile was accounted mean, [Sv-indictiv 3 } cruel and |.unBcrupalou:s. |lle Had two wives, one white, tbo'olh let colored (Culhafino;) by each of whom hej had two children. His ‘‘pa> triarc bkl ’ wife and liia Colored wife had frequent quairojs or domestic ~: •.~, .fart Ts;; r. icconri of Kmmot. An<lerj*on. Guardian of MfjviJane Clark* minor daughter of Joiiu I'lark.iU^’d. of William Iron*,. Cta&rdian of Hcnr*’i»uvjs, ciiuor ftoa’of Alexander Davis, (i -' .A. K. MOO UK, Uegister. • ‘.lay- !th, ‘O4. . LICENSE NOTICE.v T )•'!■ nf applicants for l.iccnsc at June ' Id .. V .. ,• ■ j . tSxs ori taverns:, • j 'lor.r? Bimber Pbillijsbufgh boro, v Kemp. k. .......Rochester boro, • i nhatu -Johnston do do •bib/Baker ‘ ..Economy,. , . Hackpohnstor. j Hanover tp, ■Andrew trweauy Greene tp,*' bamel Barnard.; New Brighton boro, J l »r.,i Johnston .Big'Bcaver tp, - Henry Ankeny..........Bridgewater bor A Jtlookr bor. i'rou'!lcy...„..jßridgevynter bor. • rvhn S. Anderson J... jliWheslar boro. ' “■ p.Marker... jNe» Brighton.;’ *° **W. LUi.L'OKA .QUANTITIES NOT .U»b THAN- ONE ot'AKT,' WITH, OTHER - i ‘nlODfl. ; 1 • ■ . , nphn A her Fairvtew. Ohio tp, .'n> : Breitenstcin...b..Economy tp, P* : sr Angel ......... Bridgewatet bor, !f ca - fepeyerer. Rochester boro. . S_? mtn Cottma .......Economy, tp/ ... ; 't-!.o Goiillen Khillipsburg. j , u “nS. Dickey ....Bridgewater 1 ’ »»yU-,'C4 JOHN A. FRAZIER, Clk. Estate, of Jas. Carothers, dec’d. I jITE&S. testamentary* bn the* estate of 'StB i'^ BTnEEa * late , of . Greene twp,, sueil ili c ? ' deceased, I. haying been iai' »„ .5, dci-signed; all persons indebted' j ,0 make immdiate'payinent, and. etiTsi.ii • cla ' in * will present them,.prop-' ■ - Tauth 'b‘icMedfcr settSemeut. > spr S DITEH lib, Executor, . .*° • Hanover tp. for c «ninon2‘ in ?f Co -’ W - M - Shirts, et:al . e n ?*‘ “■ Joli n buff’s Executor • Join TT r,~ Moa ‘ Darlington MB church o 4 .7! e •0 T-f )fjT?ihrj,s - .'n T n-.rU. '\s £ : Zt • :V. *s ME ,':f - -- ,")3 jrU ; V'qL. ' [Ta* «i« pcetryhJi* produced ifsay, moretonching poems than ttiii ttliich follows) afad winch 10 Illustrated lß‘*H»rpef’»WKklyi”] A4l 'n 00 9 -ii‘S64° •*■ ••• st iujisa-b'iQEttiT.. l "■' | Three years ego tq-day ■ We raised one hand* tn-Heaven, And on the rolls-ef muster ■ ; ? Oor-names *ere thirty-Seven.' ! There were justa thousandbayonets, ! And the swords were thirty-seven; ’ As we took thejiath qf service,' ~ "' t ,s With'our right hands raised'to Heaven. Ob, ’twas e gallant day, I ’ ; In Trieihory still adored, That clay of 'our snu-bright nuptials >Vitl: the musket and the sword ! Shrill rang the fifes, , the hngles blared, !, ’ And beneath a cloudless Heaven. Twinkled a thousand'bayonets, K ’ . And the swords were thirty-seven. / I '5242,774 63 thousand, stalwart bayonets hundred march to-day: eds* lie in Virginia Bwampi, | .hundreds in Maryland clay !, her hundreds, less happy, drag if shattered limbs around. • • nvy the deep, long blessed sleep he battle-field's holy ground. Of tin Twi Hnndi Audi T- The .And c e swords—one night, n week ago, remnant, just eleven, ' red around a banqueting board h seats for thirty-seven; were two limped iu on crutches, 1 two had eaph but a hand ar the wine and' raise the cup , we'toasted “Our Flag and land -'' Foml Tin Gaihc Wil Tli'erl .. An Topo Ai And the room seemed filled As we looked at the vacai Anil, with choaking throat The rich but untasted men in silence we brimmed is we rose up—jusfelevek And bowed as We drahkto tjl Who had; made us rntanr General Forrest am: : A Knoxville qprres '■S'. Y. Tribune writing April 19 th, gives the ] Forrest family, from t that ■ they . have all b slave-drivers and \v< and that themaHsacre vyas but the .legitimate taj • education. , The “r 8: -'1 These Fo; rests, the oldest of whom* i Cren. Bcdjbrd Forrest, has by this and' i other’atrocities obtained such a reo • *) .. 11 -- ■ ! oid ot inftuny-J wore all: negro trader*. 1 ' There were four brothers— Bedford. who kept a negro pefif'lor five years before the war, on Adams street in j.the rear,’of 1 churchj (Memphis; John, a cripple .and gam | b!er,‘ who Avas jailor »nd clerk for Jars. | - The el:ivo pen of old Bedford -For* tent, on Adams street, Was a perfect horror to all.negroes far' and near.— His mode of punishment ■ slave was to; compel stout of his fellow slayes-to stand* and hold the victim 'streehed Outjin thcair, and ford and his brother John would stand, one on each side, with long, heavy bull whips, and cut up ■ their victims until the blood trickles to the ground. Women wjero often stripped naked, and with a pncketpf salt wai ter, standing 1 by, inj which tto dip the j instrument of torture, a heavy j er thong, their backs were l cut up up-, til the bjistors covered the whole sur face, the| blood of (heir wounds min. gling wuh briny mixture; to add torment* to the inffijicticn. One slave man was whipped to death by Bed ford, who used a trace-chaic doubled for the: purpose of punishment , the slave Was secretly ! buried, and- the circumslanoes was o|iy known to the slaves of ihe pri96n,!who only date to refer to|tfae ci reams trance in whispers. Such are the, appropriate anteced ents in thb character Wf the monster vrbo tnurdetdd fn eold blobdthoaaf lant defenders of Port Pillow, ii‘‘ : • ‘ s . ‘:i . • j ’ &- $ . ‘'^^:-^.' ! l‘> j * • LiL {'*'Bu*iune»i*3^^ ' -«ir*•]ki ;tncMT b»a " vi |i; J ' - ’ ISE ME a i :',(.., ]w>th whispers it iaeati, !s,i jre pushed aside lour glasses jive loved and dead ■asvjis i i his? Family. )ondeiit of the under date! of, Pedigree of the | rhivh it seern<* oen/trained } as tmen;wbippers, : at Fort Pillow result of a bra- correspondent ]■ 1 ii. Righi: ah' overpower ii piteOnelv.iU in vain; i to. * terpojio I f.r> i tho.niarh e' if behrtlf,i w'ovefoi nwlh.i«K; •minabio j lo Reload', a cljitig Rbn StIU V »at nra tod rlemples tbo thunj Inch one c which cor I'lierjsoom ouf-| burn rop ifrom ’ wearied li erous si •due of ed by a by the pairing e; pur blpusi tion, and < fully ami brogans, able strap ness of a f inillv * to' dare not stretch 01 low g '(rater, or wo w< ne had l*e< le. go still Walked' a wear Beside iw, whom yoarr'g ohnsiei ‘gentleJo bis mild 1 icon great, ansferrod i others, sc ■ I ■ acroam and k I had. be .eight Ho was previous, j low,|w id [tyraViiwc mot him took au i ins' hi tv from- ijnv r ' -I. .rescued di unken ramrvd; ry punis | formic th [ed yisiti I for j the teeti jf v at a .matte ver by tl out .carji'p crest jaS-di i •far'iis Is ositibn.’ and m from ast-ttl, wh is about u intent on t >o tittles I an attei n ;?s, and to I; Riiemedperl lotion ho] into bur' tr Micce-de 3 tjon, <!oe ! though i i tho «n\c K*V 'nr-tlj Hi* mode ;t’ fop thn to the mien. Ital. ()ft <<ll him, turn -Ho' w ; nr, and by self saciifid rough. Kil mo, how y ciiJen-t of lienl utY<;( Bu L tc along bv» is ilrairgingf ul« my Ti’itJ iv;n * Nufforil Ilia oyvP of |i>iy wi'.h pity 1 painfully ulry.cnij-l j litjlitly jic' I'hiWii* tlspi| |drS; injbi | do-wr hjl < > ony, pi'Jts !' Ynt lie toi i still i?clipe j On, towards ■d and bid I ling from nit one dr n wo dtJi’u'" 1. duv :'«»{: " ntd rt sling an a u e 'val 1 y, and th< . t by t ini; pkcuu >:> Icing cm] over into But no sid ii 'bod the (I UTim facos j mari lion of t 11 senses d feolii inlei thirst. iso Ud ino. grcul the ij diet: and -bpcl trying will is men, or X I II lien | longer joke, j Eye BVf \o\i •ive t*eoe sold foot! trie jet i, be fej rlxi sUoo saiU But on. iV i I 3 oil afle surrte wilu man. 1 CU cing lesfi loo) nsel fell. it W) bis wai “y| true der l; dnd lit seerned a I felt my • 7 “jßere, drltlV ikot mufelf ;li< ivecl. ih ajsack, anc look the p r e bad War ire my bi& glitterin /flickering is elf fttttg; Tom,'! Imjwl i rc km ;ki; jv-i v;:.{ i";: *. BE WAR. r- i-'i -. does . tKjrt..;; Bttt to f .v ~ d*p .mm .:■. - '.-.j »hpD,ho capnoj .tor ?e ’ jpoked BP ’ m£ ; . r nd cast Wiping nd,,ud I,e M 'V,«W. it pant ing col-' Hfo'«t' like 1 el »pjr>frioo^ save’ the dear! l i pace, anceliev- | would relioverihe; it) wmtp, v«Sp; i iid embhizened! a > fc* f s|*' I- W* \; met our' des- jfr«en«ibjc. :.jfc , j- 1 ..;#£ . vfa7 i * inarcWdV on, ! I was ;a wa|cen«d;by •* I, wiili perspira- ;<**»' er llilpo« hrobbii.g pain-j “itoro,” I giwp? d «; M of a thousand «?<»;'«,btf. ; t the innunver- man.kneeing Jko can iploto the’ bar was: placed id my lips, flfjaa'l dt ,d to sink grad- edit lo the ilaat drop.lrtcogniEec] ng flesh. We "gdod Ba,mi|riU»n w .“j the ranks and tie I felt soifaetliat rovi mbs on the yd- a« d my feot v j aid famish for “Come,; Joe.” :- - I , m seen lor many Bnt bo made no to n we moved on.- sittsn S a pale,blender IknecB1 knec8 - and Robing i the boys had is,” doubtless on i Imposition. Joe friends since ha ilong with some' ;me six months i meek little felt • of course was ; o rest. I often and eventually m, and protect* y, in my poorer, indeed, one day I lie hands' of a with an, iron r imp we Bumma -10 r Joe, because, allow had doclin tennaater’s tent, the qn&i rpose of realizing a can~ i .fter this I mndi him transferred riiia evident joy; ider my protee li-tly happyj for, brave as red: to baima, rough" dfj y formed a cap- j ty.and I would'•!’ Ids neck,- ns a ink earlet at some | my blouse, eqvcred jlhcj bice of “ very ’ fond of | Joe,” and re< led>onward.. ' lany a little in- ♦’ !*i j*. I knew llie pa- In my convalescence I both tie Joe.” ' jma of the e.Kain.' Taking it fro m irelv As I j pocket,- I examined it "‘ell . ;!riiy wearv limbs j tears would lot me. Attached ;iidl wiio, in spite | chain a jsinail enclos lag,' inspired ,me[ mbrotype of a;. giri-j-Jfoe’st, •balls' were turned' heart, perhaps, poor girl'. Or lie lids;- "Lis'dps i likely his aistey, as she greatly : l ding, were dra wu : hies him. I jlook-tlie' picture ill,;'his knapsack ’the locket, in hopes of fi'ndii, Vis nairow ahoul*; "ante, nor was J, I mistaken, im‘ p of sweat rolled j tbc hack was pasted a piece, of imp at mortal ag f«p'»n which was \yiUteii; ■ , i unwilling brain. i -“Any one who-finds, this, aftCi his burning feer* killed, will please .send it .to my : fiousands around, i er, Mrs. ~living- at ——• out: clothes pow«J 1 . ' ‘ Jo*Erm ly, and our lungs . . tteful dust. Anon j A VintliN at the End of u.s ,ng in. convulsions ,7_ a wounded field! officer,; jus srirgeon bending Fredericksburg, states that ll helplessnci-S. for j llK ,h<j . onf wuiu nded who had -e tl: ,lv' ' - : '■ ■ ■ is key. to have ion of “g ilqrn lb ,m •qss liis.u- •beck—a i .•d from ai o'up, and j tp the l tramped; ■btjard gr •ill).the In mate fall U’t were the only , urmß with thcrruip oo eiilorin our monotonous, city, were pet'sn td'edhy Mr.Slai of pommisera. I u,o ri .|,el |Mayor, that itlieir rei oggeil expression 1 arnlH torr fied iheinhaL that passed All j w jj () were j anxious to pqrso'on rere lost in one of woujndcd, and induced th o familiar shout store their ntuslcetsj &c. t in s as he rode designated by tile Mayor. No li ghasUy.smilos to waB this done, However, than th with husky voice p a fhisingi chivalrous “ Virginian” (to venture a mel- C( j his true colors. Assisted by ( i the dumb citizens, he convoyed the armsii they struck life hands ofj Boipe of the guerrilla i ent stumbling on. lanCB of; the place, succec iur- musket, Joe,’’ j thus securing some thirty-five paid sink' down.— j woueded, as thiy wandered, at cad and staggered' -wh ■ more unfre'- id n|e that gun?” 1 re- mm in boi cblone curse: a las he V take y ng ho; v ik his ti give be ba a taken a few iuoie W i like a drunken reel i ill rry it, m'om,” he answered i gratefplly. 1 saw it was njt hi ml as the brave little Id neven have relinquished iut that both he and is evid< bon fall unless ho prefore, I anslung [ leaving it in, my fece froni his shoal ajy gained another id-bogantowhlrl, j 'bayonets ahead' ‘' Sheet of flaihe.'— ennff* I • haVo’ abma wirt»r t '\ : V r - V’;[♦ sta aim up via um> \V: lif tv tbronghjthe more unfroquentei searching for food and shOlti inarched them off in squadt nearest rebel .pickets. Slaughter, Kelley, anO and others who aided Slanghtel and are now injail.j 1. Mayor Slaughter is welMcnjown to that portion of' tbearmy who former-, 1y occupied Fredericksburg | (end : 16 the Union refugees from that vicinity) as a vindictive, unscrupulous rebel; his persecutions, at that time, of the Un ion inhabitants. were well established; bat policy prevented him iqceiying his deserts. This last ontrhgeoaß act cannot, however, he overlooked. His enp ,of.- iniquity is no* •■fitll. . The bleeding for jus ofjottK nd- We defenders,cry to us for vengeance, upbn iris befell; r liei. it chine« add ba affedtaaL ' tomfcdnyh SaWM- I .i»ifcf hM«Mj'andT ,, ,-.'• ; *S " f. :j hiiGulpei^riwHfj an-uccoaia rfiKw f yi or sbfadvice -j rmt'.wd ofthol^u f ;o£ti l e. ; L 0.,« fu.ce,-i.lethal Jlwvtakf t-m pinch SICK WOUNDra SO^SP.; ? , ;J.; ,-*^\''4®!g»^*;yp;W| J *V , ;^ e Spoil ,i » 4 iUch Will fe. opminPiiisbHreh, durxpg twd ; I?°-i’Jj!®Mbe brut!e\Van tliey <>V>;, iWhciV you \ .weeks rn^trnmmM^ ■■- p^ n ‘iTbey. .'ftiiiirk'iirid ' Irir orry ! vbui’ liijr^e’ 'mill)n^'‘pt!'tlie ,;■ ~-<•.... ’'\ I^-—j ,i,.r v .-^^i : e^,j Li^*tfiVidifnlii»*Uteimtti wUhwtjon*rb*lB• by P |WlfehiYth6 : f*ttrw"it^!f*' J ai*n£p^tl-*if I ’/ IL;V ;: ; >fU S "iL 'Grant. ifaya the, writer, meases ]h m n vbu can be «|‘lVthejdfotkneo- bin-. l>j,s stuff in|a m &' table rits‘fftthiliafy 1 ' every'lt to advantage! it is of ■ttan ? »ilae»ai, ffautfnu.’ot ;lf #%,* d"?' ?IW?,: i tS^r. ».r y it|i « <* -imWWWmt nib biWda* it b bythe il?©: whet of night wjp-ty.failiy OBAIt»SIO^oHIESSIAM mylofJhe ami ;Tlie horse onjafi accrtt«btnod road. •_aiia^k l ivwi* khd iratWi ;dh sufficient in quantity, iß[jUBtl|MW..e- known perfectly Iw hut sort foh echo it .yS .;; a ■•l 1 U- !l :.. V e d b»* *hatof W thrifty -andA&rfbl ig q Vat nhould eomo>6m &veiy - well-. -’I mechanic in your «ity. A chop : kne - w „. , wa ll anil 'fe : n«f-frßm the c a cap of, coffee for breakfast:,* bft of boarding ot the fbarn, oir from! the .^-F -roast beef with potatoes and ,; ha:d walls of a gravel ho under . wek *' cohfroulthgft-dtefy.oß stands ! also *)>£ - the a^ in f P^“ e \ W'd.Ji. -iW« “greens;** serypd WthW.'fiVe---o^lwik- : toad rmto by . the| side dflan iexparise Premiums , Wor<h^omM«*ng dinner, which Was Coiieluded without of 'water. In a still Avinterfs night A '.pfcc Marble and Stage .Gutters ptFitts pastry or Uwsprt;.*cup *f tea l -ond 801 Ld travels. .'Mvice its!statute dis-i burgh offer a , read and tuttorf jtt j half paSl' tant-e. So it is that V-in .a night, "OTEii SSOfJO, to be giyeVtodheyCotmiy tile;'finished dp the dav.—! th i farnilyaM rvili bay -one an-l «f ,|W|e#tcrh Penney or; irk-ahiiply-camp polsi some ; „it,c# across Chb cduntfy ai a distance g»uw,; which shall donate to[Mthe fair; the .; hers ~without matressas; Wtjwhich 'thohdbW W hdt! heanf. My: •oilet apparaiits any where choree, r likely, bears] tbo bark of. to population.. The ; nionmnertt to ;hd j.a few, nn basiiis, a mpder-;, bis mvn friehd. 'lho hoirie-dog, miles ' orectod in the chief town ot the Couftty , of towels-a'bit of looking] before Kia rider'begins to listen for it. which shall gaih it, to theinbmory ofth«r Jborn comb. = ;At the tabloj 'xben he i« attentive lb caleli ' nciiri bfaye : aQjdiers slam in .* --r ' led liquor,nor wine is per r rounds which tell him wbnt is his ex- ’The ;Aneghe!rV ; County Agncultmpl ie,General will not ; buvd; oct distance from Ule’diicih. or hed-re,;! Society, offers S5OO hi Money to the ,Ag ibim, for his own or .pth-;, yn either aide. The!atari of a rabbit-: j ricultunil Societies of the which ; . I | 'ili the woods, or||the rustle,of tbv s,src|i shall largest auount iiitibo . ■entory of the Genbbaffi j^ aros j n the bedim. : wlieh the wea-:eV St<>cfcr :■ . V.-"S ten he ' made his brilliant dr 1 the rati rushes uplbo|:steep banki . Allegheny County is excluded from . < n;tho rear vf Vicksburg,: are^ 1 notices noliim. of lus longitndo competition for either premium. ] \<- it,. "Well uJ,<. -n 'thq Width' bfitllW road; ami Organize.yoar County^Township and ;eleseope,aßd a tooth biushi to fiirn than anCbthor sound. is School^'-Bistricf€ommitte<-S, ! !aiidapply • ■elates to personal adorn jl ti e c i lllk bfl bis own four: shoes upon evciy doctor, Jlawyef, miiyhaht,; Clerk* . V inisido of necessity of j t jJ e gravel rtnid. I \ famcr, toanufactumf, mechamC;, laborer, dr|nking. personiil corclfqrt,) i*rKis music of tlio shoes, the charm woman- and child, to gWc Mh&yriSyß , ; greatly enlarged his pos. i of w bi c h is well nmWstdod by horse' Stock,, Goods. Farin' fo Q W ct %yfebpfife< y His three stais indicate his i „J en who are often honieward bound tnres; Useful bt Fancy j >k, bnt to say- nothing has more^meahlr.ginjt than ties, Ponltry, Bnft^r,^ggy{Sfi|^bgkg; which, ir. soldiers ;eycs,; be imagined by those'wliftse cx| : Maple .Sugar,:: or Be :■ ■; lering marks! of'ranK] jiqsi;! pbriencesWretoodof'tbat jicder. If the feom. of-lookcd at,it6 J dwell •>; -' it itfihere isia comim-arial;:^ d ' to 0 f the 1 road Ibe soft, if .they bi? Let the w in&:myp«H. Slyp ~ s ariny who is as. plaiidyji bbiitlier^ojf orcen-’baiiksj the 'blink of Coul-Bauk, FdraKt(h!-3«|p)!ld>,.bW9«* ; ’t i |His clotliea ate worn : th c shoe, oif lbelhiird niad is, Us onh nory,?.an4 -of .etkrj\t«f#isnbBenhp|» ‘ ~ aiid despite 'tljo steady.] m i tfU t an: audible jcharl of. the least' one day’s ‘labor, pip - , I.f his servant fhey will.! for if oneb. coeds tothcTreasuirr. with.a.hheridrsuni ; . idity look, due no doubt, ! tt,i j updn the sipongy sward, also from the employers. F ; . ; L > - d’s ;ha,bit.. ofj' going weryr i ebon Aattmb’s throw, it j may' be long Ghnstiah DntjV'Hummiify and Patti- . :seeif.g everyatiutig krl 1 li/cnih up J — the beaten ptism,,alikecall ripou t;s|ohelponr;brave . 1- TfiW is noli alli tiieni- is.') Soldiers, jtweeii cleanliness, wndigdd,- : aWother-klnd- tif which is ; worthy of tlir'cansc .and of A gciierops/j liness; but iif his opinibn priiclioaily :\beic6!no';. and li cooicsi often-t»r Uic; people. '/■' .1 eyiit(tod,.there is us much of eitlier ' n comfort of those who indeed'are go- ■•'■ Money to be sent to a flatine'. shirt as in oho of Uneri of ; Jn-r ri-'hl Tilts is \vhat happens Airei'; .G<iods; to Felix R. i drawing, rimm iihmaetijatenoss., ! • _ | whenever tlifc 1 horseshoe] ■ tin* liind,: Chairman of- the, pro General Grant never swears No | Rtwe most o f ten brings a gush 'ol ■ marked “Sanitary • Fair man in bis camp ever heard'i him: give j sparks frtim 11 flint; fori 4 heir 1 know | of-shipment; Freight ntlerance profanity .in any ot its! .that ’is right so fur. illlliougli t herej burgh: | livany forms He rareljr laujilis, eith-1 n)a y flbftj, on the turf nv the road-i All the Rail Roads, hr; Cut ho has a sort of grim humor ; a 8 thej* are |not''beiicd soil j Tickets id the Fai^.^_ Whieir is not without ifs effect ylt is , L | pdt forth n:> sparks. It is trupj By ordorofiheE:v>-'u;i related as a part of thg gossip of !the . tiling flash,, once. and., agsiinef. I j. ; , IFELIX! U front, that an pffiett tittHClied to tlic \y|j),■), sheds a flare for ivifioment up- ]. , ■ i . . | . j quarlcrmaster'sj depart ntent Of f»l* jbn ,ibe-t»iik«*di.' lbough« jam! trunks off .Pittsburgh,, May ,f}TS64. • runny. Wanted one W|etj day to tr oes, may!, show a trhyeler Ids j.witii the (teneral 111 (dnef. 110 is a (mt not, in the usual way that,: , I,ist Of: JvIITOFS. [ Imlicver in the edd regime, and ,pf c-, ;| s ((o ,j, v t ), O flint anil df ; the V <or j lmt j lieed . lwlial. under McjClellan. 'f m* horsed tread.-, wlych uives a good ilia - / | ■']* , ■ ./«,f J.. j . ~. .) , I Umgiil., Ue liml a ball a dozer., limps I.niinr.tion aver tilih ohtirk width df\the ; . ioRAXD JUItOBS. ’' . Ito go.) ihore or less, -pfie ordered _ rtiitt.j ,1 0 . k1 In ii,jt)iiirm'' night the mo j f, • ; - ,L: ' u - r / | r - . his eldse-carrage and was |likWy j u ; lftnPV . „|, v ,. u of a flaslrof lighihingxi ■ •^ u£C ' or *-anM Barney,^r ? . Geo. I tlrut nibht would comejbcforo he could l i tB r o„ of tluth.lor; lik,H°^ rs - . ,A _ „ return; the lamps were tnmmiid and m iu . (j t .» the sudden iwaking-up off Freedom boro—A. P- Kerr. y , hung, outside of the driver s »®»«-iT*,l-rlca«le n efl conscience, showing a man | Gcm^etp»n-^fiw s |iodd. 7>^_ Then with an escort <tf twelve dra- , ljs rfi the rcaliiy of things in Greene \\mi Rj Trjrable. ], ■ goons] hfftarted happy no doubt.f b roi j B t if which he stands < Hanover—Wip.. lolton. i Uf. N llial he wasipgoof against the descend- 1 1 - ;■ , 1 .■! ! Harmony—John Beh;on. ', ‘ - ing rain. AppfoachinJ Culpepper, he * t ■‘ l ’* ’ ’ " ■ 1 I— George;X. Baker. JoM.Rj ,ntetanordinnry;li.'Oklng;nianpii liorsf j’Cmuw Thos:;-M^Kce.. J ' - back, attended I only by an orderly. tiiglc:'- :. • „• 'As lie passed be- recognized Hits Moon—David >y. BJiker.,. • ; . Lieutenant General, who. in spite of ■ B: ; Anderson; the rain, was making h{is usual rouh;l, John Bosswcil Rohr. Giilly. -.y • , , in'his usual modest wui-. To descend Scwickly—Henry Bright,, Wftl* from his'earriuge and Salute his chief lace J. Roggs, Christiaji Goehhpg, was but the work of a inontentj .but .Patterson—James; Fife, (Foreman.) Grant, iniltftcd by thojstylei and pre- Raccoon John Cooler. • tontion of his officer, was in; ho burry Rochester boro— Wm. Johnston: ito SCO him gain-the shelter of his car- Rochester tp—JohfJ. Foster.- ; riage roof] again. ‘■'Walts ] around South Beayer-^ohli.Culbertson. . With me a little,” said thej General, , 'tETIT JURORS. .;; A •‘I 'want'| to-talk with you | awhile;” , -Beaver boro—Tho,s M’Creary. ~ ' With polistied boots apd uncjxcepiiop- . Big Beaver-f John Davidson. ' ; 1 : able kids Mr. Quartep.niaster jlid.-as lie ! lioiougli tp—Garret M’Quillan, David was bidden; and with f touch of that M’Gieady. ! - I ] ) i , gnraness .to which 1 jhavc referred, Brighton tp—.JessC jCarothers. . the G‘* led him some of? 'Darlington—.Tohn Gniic. . the muddiest parts, of the 'houd; and Nichols; ‘ ' did not release him till, ho was wet to ■ Frankfort—lvobt. S tevcnt; . : ,- f 1 the skin —as wet as the General himself. 1 Franklin—Michael Deavenbangh,. F: Me was then dismissed with unud-j T. Wilson. | n -; / ,' hionitalibn that, will ho remembered Georgetown—T. S. Kirby, r.f though it was interlarded .with tip oath. Greene—Michael ;Cluistler, James M ,J . Grady,. James Gamcron: . Hanover—JosepJi'lWper: i ■&» • ‘ ■•' - Harraouy*-risylvest er Gayer: •: -.. ■. . Hobkstown—Satnu al M. Lawrence: ■Hopewell—James Johnston; Industry.—T. Pi Fleesonl . 1 i f ■ Moon—Wm.- Bums, J, W. - JohnStbn; ] Xcw Brightonjr—Alex. Fombelle,:Fra&- cis D. Hou'lettc/M. S)-Johns. •; > A ' .t. North Sewickly—r-llonry R. JfJtar, Samuel Robinson.; .| ]■. Ohio—SnlOSuoii F: O ik, T'hos.: MOOIC, Robert Reed, J. B.] GoodwiD; . ’ ■ f | ’ , Pulitski—Charles Price. : ; -.0 - IWcoion—iWasbiii] ;ton ; "Vy.: SheVdftf Rochester boip—-I .W. Seely,. Henry Wodds: ‘ l . ;! South BdaVer-^Jahies W- Gowan.-sTi j .-,;»■■••!] :-r-j’••/ ,nfl lojpo, liis ng off irunilo ought nr.iny is my to the ug an more esenr '.frorjv ", t i ,oi .iipon lajiyi-, , \--- { I lira moth Rope j ; from | ojie a thoir; ; that ghlev,i ainingi Tj • 1 itnnts,! 1 feedi erit to: house sooner e sym show i leveral itb the nbabi dedin of our night i treats r, and to ihe Clergyman in jjlaino.whd tfraa opposed to mirth in | Sunday*sch6ol, offered! to address, thy children and dhow they could bo (Entertained sen ously. The following dialogue. eu» sued :*r- 'I. - . . “Children. I am npw going, to tel. you about Fetor. : Who knows who Peter was':?” , , -j. i. ...No answer., ~ f-• •, |V. . “Cap, any large girls — tell me who Peter was ?” : | ; ‘1 can," said a littjji fellow p- tl\« further corner.l • | ■ . “Ah, that's a good boy. NoWj you come dp on the platlbnn beside me, arid stand aip In this i chair,, atd tell those largb girls who Peter was. ’ Jimmy did aS ho Wa» told,and:in the shrill voice of. childhodd repeated: > “P*t«r, -1 ; . I Had k iHfo and couldrft keep, her. . . • At this point he : whs Stopped, bat mot before the: toll pgjntsafaaiabenby the aod JJplhwr 9*** appreciated. . ' y ' ~ '..i Smith •, were ! A .Furlough | for Thirty Days, j | ,It will bo gratifying to persons | | having.friends [wounded in the recent’,-! j battles of the 1 Wiideijnbss to leafn j 1 that arrangements have been made. that the wounded who pro able to be j. so treated, are to receive a. furlough j for thirty days, while jthe great part of those- who are 'fit to travel will tic lor warded to the hospitals of their re ! spective .States. Friends having sebn the names of the wounded in the daily papers, have gone'to iVashington for the purpose of seeking them in the 'hospitals, and have met with but lit tie success. Untju lists are pre pared from the particular hospital a friend or relative is in, it is useless to go to that city for information con ceniing him. As spon 'as possible full lists .of the wounded-will be published with'the hospital designated. A largo number have already jgoner home on furlough. This arrangement will admirably, as ! heretofore; ; nd matter, what proposes "were made by their friends, the man ihujitl remain in tjhe hospital Relatives of. wounded spl jdiers have pledged "themselves to re turn the precious charge rtt-the expii -t -tion of the time, If it'was only tor a few daysybut military iaw knew- no necessity tor apy-iucli [procedure; and petitioning, ail'd promises were una' vailing. Thej giving the wounded | soldier a;furliougli will .do more to-| wards restoiirig him to health iri lliir ty days at homatlian sixty day* would in the hospital-: - Not that he does pot receive when, he is wounded, |wfheie his, home |s| there his heart is, and when he llongf for hpme all the chro jand PUcdliOnbestoWod upon him ia the boSpital' avpil.bntiit tie.. Let oi)i?;boys in . the .held know that if they do their ,s'h?fye tj»e $ n t&it on iho field] that ;sT)piild thW i be disabled fhCy icdhl gj h‘6die, it dilf; dp more towards = de?eating‘th'o' r than a reiaforceraentof tbv •and fresh troop . A WATCHWpfep.rrTho press haa the 5 follow •ng 'walchworij and T”-:>r A '* for these | momentousdays£-* 1 ■ fit&V -Grant—Vi<itorv- V', ‘, I 1 f r k 'o%f: ME 'C-j - - : : i. I NE . driinot, or ito the [ier • Cojnnjittee. ’ Send. Notice settled in Pitts- issue Excursion '. - „ ive.tpxnmittjecr- BRUNOT. ' Chairman^' 1 MI 1 ' - .1 ■'