;ir; rS r» v .1 Mayors of '#•> otdenigiud Utyora,: Mgr ApotbeoariM, ud itor I SAP ABUJA ; ltu beta Cxmd to ioady of great excellence, and worthy •oofidanoo of tha community.' ' fW. JAMBS OOOK, , SCayor of I*m|BLZs SCABS. HOW. AIiBIN BEABD, bIT. JOHW ABBOTT, I . f Mayor of CONCOK3X S’. H. SOW. A. Hr BULLOCK, • J .SCABS. BOH. MATS’!. SILSBEE, . ' SCayor of BALES!, SCABS. h6h. Vi Wi LUTCOLN, Jr.,';. BOH. WM. M. RODMAN, J| ’ Mayor of PBOVXDBITOB. B^X. WpH. AMO3 W. PHEMTICE, ° f |r.,of■ nottmcsC const SOW. J. iW. BAEBIS, , -7|" [Mayor.of IfEW; LONDON, OONN. S. EODIBB, ,7|f. > at months al k o.b. HOWi D. P; TIEMAHN, \ j | Mayor of MEW YOKK CXTT. •BbW., H. H<. EtNSTBET, , ij Mayorof HAMTLTON.O. WJ BpW. ADAM WILSOH, j. • Tl \ i Slay,or of TOBOMTQ, O. W. . abw. b.'m. bishop, ||. r SCayor of CINCINNATI,OHIO. SON. I. H. OBAWPOEP,. / : -' -jp" ; ' Mayor ot LOUISVILLE, ET BOV* JOHN SLOAN, •' jli" i. :’-V- I'" Mayor of LYOITS.IOWA. BON. JAMES McFEETEES, :• «‘ON. JAMES W. NORTH, ' . * V Ii- Mijyor of. ME. Htiwg]t COOTEB.Jr., | , ft-', Mayor of HALLOWELL, MX. iloN. JAMES S. REEK, E .< Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. B. ON. WILLARD NYE, | - Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ton. j.lblaisdell, - Mayor of PALL RIVER, MASS. ON . VT. H. CRANSTON, |:i 1 j ' Mayor, of NEWPORT, B. I fiON. FRED .STAHL, if • ' V ip, _ ‘ Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, ■jj 1 Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA.' HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD,; p- Mayor of OHATTANOOQA, TENN. IRON. 'ROBERT BLAIR, , K j[j. Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. RON. B. D. BANGS, .]! ' Mayor of MXJ?SPHIS, TENN., HON. GERARD STITS, 1 Jp' Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, I Mayor of ROCHESTER., S. Y. HON. DB WITT C. GROVE, . v | ■ " v Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. SON. GEO/ WILSON, ' [ ' , , | - .Mayor of PITTSBUHO..PA. Hon. mc. h. buhl, I . . , . Mayor of DETROIT, MIOH. L. PAGE, -f I Mayor of MZLWAUKI3, WIB. HON. W. L W. VAUGHN, |- ! Mayor of BACINE, WIS, HON. A. PARR, I 1 Mayor of KENOSHA. WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, .. I I P; Mayor of CHICAGO, ILLJ HON. M. J. A. HEATH, .|. !j; . Mayor of SELMA, ADA. BON. A. J. NOBLE, I', Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, I 1 ■ Mayor of COLUMBUS, QA. pON ESFARTERO MANUEL, :f Mayor of VERA CRUZ. |don bistre HE CABALLO, t . ■ .1 \ For DUtuti of the Uea^k | 'The Mayors of the chief cities of the Unl , ted Estates, Ounodtui, and British Provinces, i tJhili, Porn. Braiil, Mexico, and in fact al ■' innAthU tho'cttiee on this continent, hare jl. Isigned this document, to aasufe. their people • >' -»rhss remedies they may cm with safety «"<> ! jeonildenoe.; But our apace will only »dw%is ; j» portion cf them. . iSSWapaTilla, r ; V Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, |i Ayer’s, Fills, , and f .■' ' Ayer’s Ague. Cure, |i' : . rRETAWSO BT * . i --- i.r- ir :’ - MASS* , , | .< {fi, And eoM by D’nissiati crehr where.-. , 1 ~ rr.-t I; * ' '! BJtAVyS. rotTNTT, PA.f«U* i •• %H :& • , •■• y&'t fw . ■_., ' C *k' T-J r T ! ': r u mmiwrai, FIRST SPRING Prints—-fij from'lB.3-4 Ginghams, Diapers, / ! '* * M Brown ~ind'„ Bleached Muslins^ ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN 'i ,f •DK/ESS^QOODS. : - SPRING Db LAINES, .‘ ? ' •-' v •- \ ; - A Tejy'choice selection of styles and qaal ■ I' . \ .' ity, tff'prices within the rcach of sill. BARRED FIjIaNNELS an» WOOL ■: i ■ -EN GOODS, 1 .. ■' - i ' -i- i \ ,At ruinous prices, at \ FORTUNE’S! ■ ■CHEAP*' STORE, ' . • ' , |. ' ' ( . ' : ! \ (Near the Post Office,) - Beaver Hotel, JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, - Beaver, Pa. j . HAVING thoroughly fitted up this Souse, he is now' prepared to accommodate his friends, and the public generally, in the most satisfactory manner, 1 fmay62.. Dr. i’.M. KBRB f Offers his professional-S&meet tolhe Peoj>le of B BAY £lt AND YJ C I jf liT Y and j'olicits a ehaie of .public, patronage^' < !j - OfTICE IS Kerr’s Hotel,' Beaver, J>i’. 13.I 3 . B. Young, WHO has been for some time acting,as Surgeon in tlic Army, baving returned and'agum lucated himself in y - Freedom, Beaver County, 1 offers his professional Services lo the public.,. in Phillips’ building]' , [mhl'ti’63 , crox, cob & co.. Advertising and Commission Agents PftINTINtijINKSOF ALL KIXDji Type, Printing Materials, WRITI NG ANDTKI.NTIN. ' | • ,: Address D| W. SCO'i'T, 'P T. M. MoOora, Notary PnWici ; v ' . . Drnrs with '' • 15. B. CniMBIiKLIN, ATX’Y AT LAW, ‘(year thg Procosi Marshal’s' office, , BR aADIfA iv XE If. BRIGHTON, BEAVEROOUN’TY", 'PA: i : ' PROMT attention given to the drawing of EXEMPTION' PAPERS,'and nil matters connected with the draft; also'oaths adminis tered, acknowledgments taken,&o., &c> [de!6 ( : ADMINISiIATOR’S NOTICE. HEREAS |etters of administration on” T T the estate ofJUs. Reed, sr'i, late of Hiin oyer jp,,Reaver j:o., dec’d, having been grant ed” tot he undersigned, all persona indebted to ■said estate are requested to 'make, immediate payment.and those haying claims against said estate will present them to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement: JAMES REED, jr., Adm’r., Hanover fp. , J»nB’64^ Dr. I>, M’Kinney, OFFERS his 'professional services to the ■ citisens of ■ ‘ BEAVER ANB VICINITY. ■| OFFICE IS'- " The Shannon Buildina, S:. E. Corner, of dec 16] the. Diamond, Beaver t Pa, A (fynUeman cured of Nervous Debilky, In competency, Premature Betsy and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire others, will be happy to fbrnish to all who heed it (free of charge) the receipt and directions for making the simple Eejnedy used in his case. Those wishing to. profit by his experience' and possess aValiiabl s, Remedy-r-will receive, the taame. by'returii riiail, (ImreCally sealed,) -by addressing OQPPN, No 60 Nassau Street, NewTork’. cwjMeffATTosmtr: > , I SERVER, PEN VjL/ ■ it &k qehrt BUtfe. . RRIVAL QF ; DRY GOODS. it Chintz Styles, to 25 cents per ywd. f ' lecka, Ticks, Table feans, Casaimeres, .\r ‘ And a full lino of ROCHESTER Pa] I Pcnri’a. . AN,D DEALERS IN rpHIS institution! ia nowoj>«kforthe reeep- I tion, cup, aniltifatment of the indtptn dent elau of patipnts Who-are laboring nndsit, menl&lderangement ;,[ brother neivous Wnd chronic disease. I} We ipakespectal ntention : 6{ nervous end chronic diseases, from thefaot that seven tenths of the female patients that are committed tojour jpublio Asylums, to be treated for disdidered minds, are reduced''to that; lamentable Nnditioß" through previous physical disorder.- [ By swell timed and'judi-, pious’ treatment of chronic and nervous dis eases, all physic klj disorders, in the majority, of oases may ta removed ; and thus themijid, hiring, suffered j through the mediumofthe body /Twill when j free from' the exciting physical oaoße.j jthrow off the shackles that has bound it to w,one than midnight darkness, and reason will, ioncernore, resume -its ■ sway, clotjhfd in all iti|pHmitive beauty attd wonted excellence. necessity of all those, who are laboring pnder the predisposing or exciting causes,! calculated in the end todm pair.dhe mind ;to [ resort to an early-and judicious course; of [remedial agents. ' The; Institution jis W large brick building witha stone basement---four stories high and well ventilated. 11l is Situated on an elevated table land which commands ; a view of entire town—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams; all of Which are calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon tie disorder edinind. ']• . The lnstitutioi is complete in all of its. ap pointments. . Hafingbeen tastefully fitted up at graft expense, in order that it may meet the approbation and views of tber ost- fastidi ous. f Thelwater closets and bathing apparatus have been gottonup nuon the most approved modem scientlficpiinciples. Thisdepanmcnl I embraces not only the ordinary baths but, also, the medicated, Warm air and ascending and descending: irfoßcAe forthe more effectual and 'successful treatment of cutaneous and other scrofulous (lifea^es. We beg leave toiaylto all those who may be dispos’ed to commit of a dear wife, sister or daughter/'to our charge^—may be assured that [no njeahs will be. spared or efforts wanting on jour pan to ameliorate their condition or to effect a restoration to their ac customed health |alnd vigor of mind. For further particulars send for a circular. All -communications should be addressed to. . M E. KENDRICK, M. D. \ Bupt. of Jfew Brighton Retreat , \ '■ ji 1 , • New Brighton norl2’C2.j “ j j ‘Beaver Co.;Pa. CRITTE X DEN’S \ PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL N. E.ci r r* his I 184-. eigtbteeni among its cessful Country ■ The Ob ford you; ration for The bran applicable to Ufe v Penmanship, hot Commercial Law, Civil Engineering and -Modem Lang The system- ul' classes or set lessc student is taught commence at any er hours are most Catalogues arc ias 15th of AprHr ctnta dents for the year, terms, &c.. and may by addressing the Pr In extensive meet reputation, anditlc I Principal, this jltlstiti pepur to any other in men v isiting ti jiVc} obtain at the nsmetii , prove a recount eiida i chptP^llouse. 5X* Book-Keeping, tot than any other wot sate $t the Col C|;< t. S. UOJ 1 klay 7. BI SMINARY Rev.R.t. Mra.A. S. ts *HE NEXT I '/ ues'fai/. And continue! * ec 100 l is to mi chilly in the Coi i JK. TSo for the benefit oi se'ves for teach commencement i)f ‘nncipa Board, Room jTuil ion varies f jßs&'for furtlit Pifcsident of Fa ;i mari’GS ’j] 1 WHOL V • \TO S4r Wj • ) QFfER sipsi ' At timJ ma,r. 25.’68 " G i confessions a Experience T)D§LISHiu toi tne oenefit r mg and is iau ion to yqun fair from Nertbus Debility, Pre &F-. supplying it.fhe same tim Self-Cure, By. one who has after being piit;to great'expeus leal imppsitiopind; quackery, post-paid addressed envelopes niay be had W jibe author, MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kit | marZfely. ! [ i' t L ; ADHI NISjTBATpB’S •Tf TETTERSj of adminUtiiUoii a'j Cwmwpjd Warshk, late tp;Be»»« cd. t disc’d, haring be< tin iersignedjj atlperaonaindeh art roqueaUd-tc teak* inunedla Kii gainrt t praftait shan't *‘ihe fehftril thcntieatad.for aotfleineßt: ,• H 2 STEWARD t '. ■ - A4»’» < »MTr-.. > : to 10-B, ; &CliestJiutSt., A, PA. was established in I msequeutly in t e ■xistence, numbers ids of the mopt sue tsiness Men .of our iiohis solely ;toaf ior thorough prepa agfat are,' Book-keeping,: as nrious dcpartmcnlVof trade; n tlaio and ornamental; J nfathematics, Navigation, s. brawing, Phonography, nones. , ' . \ Inslructioi* is peculiar;' no ins [are made use of, but eaclf individually, so that he may imp, and attend at vrhatev anvenient. ■ijmed annually after, the lining names of the stu and full .particulars of he obtained at any time ncipail. imudntiongj wide-spread nglhy experience of the nion' offers facilities sti ff the country, for youilg jare for business, and to hue a' n/PLOHA, which will ’.ion* ton them to tyny Mcr- Series ot Treatises on more tfiilcly -circulated on the subject, are for ES CHITTENDEN, \Uorriaj-ai-LaK,' Pbiscipai. 3AYER V AND INSTITUTE Taylor, A. M., Pfiri, ; Tavlor, Governs?. TEUM WILL COMMENCE March 24 th, 1803, i weeks. The aim .of the :e Us pupils thorough, espe mtm Branches 1 [•ma.l Cl those wishit) ng; .will bc/ll ' the term, i en!, ici from $3,50 t|o er particulars ull y, ass. ;- .Jo fit; them orthed' it the ... : ...s<}B 00 , n-qUjre of the .TAYLOR. ffi GOODS. ';A Y & GO., ie m\ •j-4 ’ ’ m a st., :ttsb :gh, PA , EIRBTOC t FOE THE a- o: 1863, :st Maui t ruler, - ' i >f an Invalid. . • rticleln our lineaa good aitl|e'beat, andaa cheap at theVcheapest. '■ J; M Dealers are invited to call uponus When they visit New York. -We claim to he ,*hH tp aunply. to.gppply-them with, every. arti iele. in our cah’pbssihly purchase elsewhere.;' ;’ by mail "aKeildfe'd to with' promptness.. Do not toil to eall when you.visit New-Tortt: • ■ ' • •■ ;• 'oo* t'foi‘ef36ni,i' yb\2U ; Centri St.* IK F. „ . •'• HORACE Yt SIOEEB, AyiM. May7—Smog* -■ - ’ .-’. ’ t ■>! - -> ;-j : , . , 1 ■ MARRIAOE. i,]!! ■[ XTS loves , and’ hates, sorrows and angers, JL hopes and .fears; regr«, how lost,"' how restored; the nature treatment and radical curel’of spermaterrhma or seminal .involuntary emissions, f®*jjal debility and to, marriage generally; * nervousness, -j eongninplion,; ''fife, mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-ABUSE—are fully eihilnincdi in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WJLYOGNG.M. D, This most extraordinary b :>okshouldbe in the hands of; every young person Contemplating marriage, and every man j or woman who de sires to limit the number’ Of ’their offspring to their circumstance’s. , EreTy pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is hire given. I It. is fail of engravings. In fact, if discloses secrets that everyone should know; still It. is a,book that must bo locked up, and hot lie about the house, it will he suit to- any .one on thercceipt of twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps.'! Address Dr. Wit. YOUNG, 410 Spruce st., above Fourth, Philadelphia. ’ . | j. ,’' 7 tST'Affikted and, Unfortunate, no matter-whnt may be your disease, you place your self, under the, citre of any of the notorious Quacks— native, or, foreign—who’ advertise in j this or any other (paper, get a copy of Dr 1 \ oueg’s bojik, and read jt[ carefully, 'it will be the means of saving'you many !a dollar, your health, and possibly your life, j , 7 . Dn. YOUNG can bo consulted on any of the diseases in his-publication, afliis officc,4lfi Spruce Street, above Fourth, Phila- BS&.Office hours from .9 to'3.' daily; Jmar26 THE GREAT CAUSE OF ,'f H u iu a n IML i,s -e r y. •» Jute Publithed ina Sealed Envelope- Frier G cl".: A LECTURE BY Ur. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Sperms tprrbma, Consumption ‘Mental and|, Physical Debility,-Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body'; Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and.'the Back!; ludisposifi'on, .hud Incapacity for study and LaJjoi;; Dullness ■ of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Loye of Solituile; Timidity; Silfr Distrust; Dizziness; lleadache!,'|Affection; 'of the Eyes; Pimples'on the Face;' Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion, Ac.. Ac., -WftJThir Admirable Lecture clearly provpsj that the above enumerated,, often Belf-afiiicted evils, may be removed witiiout medicine and without surgical operations and should be read by every youth and every , man in the land. . ‘ I Sept under seal, to any address, in a .plain sealed envelope, »u the receipt,of nix cents, oi S limps, hyiddlressing, { ■ CHAB. J. C. KLISR 1& CO-, •' lew York. Post Officejßox.4sBB.- V 6 L L d (Tkl leioti Coffee. aration, made from tjiel best Java 1 Coffee, is recomoietided byi physicians at a superior SL^RITIOES'BEVEUiAGEfirGen j eral Debility, Oy-popsi.i and nil l|illioua disor ders. Thousands who Gave been .com polled to abandon the use of coffee, will use. this with out injurious effects. One can 1 -contains the; strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price l! ~y cents. i[C . '- I* ’ KOLLOCICS lEVAIX. | . The purest and best BAKING POWDER knowd| for making light, sweetiapdjhutritiouj Bread and Cakes. Price' 15 centai! 1 Manufactured by j - (N, * ! M, 11. ROLL OK, Chemist, j Corner of Broad'hnd Chestnut streets, ! [ ;PpiL.iVDELPItIA, j A id sold by all Druggists, hud Grocers, i ■aarffd' ,1 I. ‘ ,' > | A THOUSAND YEARS Work’s Great, War Song, Wol Music, in Janiiary Number.. A SCHOOL:, MAGAZISE FREE'. —Clark’s School ' Visitor.—V ol ume VIII. l'. j The' .Publisher | of ' thisj favorite Monthly' in order to reach aH.—hools, will send the Visitor on* \vuv'.-gratis to one person (wht . wilUuct as Agent), at ait post-office in* the United States. This is an unparalleled offer; " .( Address, with five cents enclosed, for particular*,? i , ,1 j ■' , r J. WADAUGUAT)AY, ’ • 4 s' - ‘■Publisher, , 1308 Chiiifitdnt. St'. Phi la . pi FAtiTSTOISr WOOLKN FACTORY, THE -undersigned 'expects toj commence, this week. Carding, Spinning,'l Fulling,; finishing and Dyeing; also to manufacture Flannel, Cloth,' ■ Cossimercs, Satinet! s [and Blankets, at iny old place in Fdllston. ;F6r wpar and durability, I can. warrant the goods manufactured not to 1 be surpassed. - For. the accommodation of those on the east; side of the Beaver, Wool, etoJ, canibeleft at my house in Pulaski township, or John Hougkinsoa's store" in! New Brighton. [ , : !i ' ' je17,63 _ - g - EPII’M.: SMITH., EXECUTORS NOTICE. > WHEREAS letters testamentary . having: been granted tothe undersigned, oa the estate of Josiad ; Todd, deo'd.jlatc of Industry twp. Bearer, do,, Pa,' all persons knowing themselves [indebted to paid estati are requested to make payment immediately -and those having claims against.the same Will present' them to the subscriberduly authenti cated forsettlement.! _ - j • • JOHNj SLENTZ.Eiecnlor, . .1 Ohio tp.[, 'o4 ,■ TlorTo Not from the Army- bit , from-the Townl v ■ i " ■of Beaver. " ■ 1 _■ ' _ r'..L t-._ .. ; 1 fi j New Shoe Store.: ! XIiHE subscriber ironic regretfully inform; I the citizens of Beaver,Ponhty th«t, in ad-i ’ -; 7:V'i.Vi; .COUGHS AND pOLDSAFPECTING TROOPS 1 , 'will be speedily removed I ‘And effectual!V Chrisd by-taking theaa admirable inidlcinesyand by paying proper .attention to tha! Directions whichftrbattochqd to eaob Pot or,Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANTGFAPPE TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. s TheaOfeelings which bo sadden n#.fu*n4Uyt arise.from trouble or annoyances, obstructed! ;I Mrspifatipn,j or .eating and drinking, whatever] tints disturbing the healthful action of the liver and Stoinach. ' 5 Thesebr-I g*fls must be relieved; if yoii desire tb be weH. TheiPills, taking according to- the printed - in-j I struetions, will qnibkly a produce a .liealthy action!in both liver and stomach,'and as a TOAtonil eoiisequeiice a clear head and ap petite. ■’;•.• jV; ■ " |i" ta----". 1 WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDCCRdBY . J‘. OVER FATIGUE,' | Jl Will soon disappear by the use of these ittr: valuable Pills, and the Soldier will qiiikkly ac-l quire additional strength. ■ Never letthcbow el* be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway’s Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persona supposing that they would L increase-the relaxation. . This is a grept riiiS-! take, .for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all tlie acridl humors! from the system. Thismcqicine will give tone; and vigor to the whole organic jsystenr howev er dqranged, while health dnd strength follow .as a matter of .course.. Nothing .Will stop the relaxation «kf the Bowels to sure as this Jam-, bus medicine. ’ j +. i VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION; INDISCRE -V; '• ! TIOXS or YOUTH. ! i. Sores and Ulcers, Blotching* and Swellings, can. with certainty: be■ radically! cured if the Pills are taken night and mornipg, and tie ointment be freely used as stated jin the print ied instructions. If treated in any other' man-- j ner they dry up in one part to Weak out in an other. .Whereas this Ointmeut will remove tjie humors from! tile system and leave tlie Pi- ' tient vigorous'and healthy mam '/.lt will re- ««p BPtlflPtwc quire ajittle perseverance in bid cases to in- , i 313,1 E » . *^i a /w?fi . J 1 ‘ • Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions, THE BAVON OU'TUEBUL* . M WM Steallm^vemnt,. and . ; LET. SORES OR BRUISES 8l ’ MUEa I »«:>•■** ««iA«a -i '.To which] every Soldier and Sailor are lliable POPS'LARGE i SPLESDIT) FA’SU'OE there are no medicines* so safe,- sure, and con-! SLATES, TIIREE^FUJ.L-SIZED .venient as Holloway's Pillsarid dintmeht. The; PATTERNS OF DRESSES, poor wounded and almost dying sufferer'might: . -i i cpmpbisixq tiik. havei.Kis. wounds dressed immediately 1 , -if he ' e '' Preach Waist, an Elegant,; Sleeve, and a !wbuld>onH provide himself with this i’match-!! / Alices Sack, and a ’Sheet of 'New less Ointiifcnt, which sliouldhethrust iiiio the: M , r * v wound and smeared all around it, til On covered 1 RllAll) | AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS; with ai piece of linen from his ■ knapsqcli; and I Together with nearly 100 Engravings of -compressed with a handkerchief. Taking i I I all the novelties for night and morning oor h Piiis, to cooPthe ays-j’l Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, tem aud prwicont iiitiamation. : Ip l . i Children’s Dresses, &c., I 1 Every Soldier’s knapsack and! Scataan’s I And jvaluablp information to M Ulmers. Dress chest should- be.provided with these yaluablp i Make!™,! Mothers, and Ladies generally, pre- Remcdier p, ; . v ! | ! seutiig i the largest and bfesl. Fashion Maga ‘■CA.lj TION. -^'0136 are genuine unless ; sine In the World, published 473 Broadway, ine woius *Sew Yvrk and J.ondon.," [N. YV, iind, sold everywhere at 25 cents, or' are disccrnable as a 'watcr-tcurk in {every leaf; sent by muib post free, on receipt of the nrii't °f'the book of directions around each! pot cr'i in stoinps or silver.. Year S 1 ,tHt with the : fol boj; the surne may be plainiy Seen liy holding \ lowing valuable premium. " .! ; the leaf to the light. A handsome* will ■ Each yearly subscriber 1 will be entitled.tq .a. 1 be given to any qne rendering ,such informa-j receipt for the' selection |of 50 cents worth of tion as may lead;to the detection of any party plain patterns, from the designs ! in the book, or parties counterfeitingthemcdicincs or vend-, or from, the show room, or they may be or- R|B the same, knowing theD‘. to be spurious. defed and sent any time during the i *** Sold at ijio Manufactory-of year, by paying postage. { ■ . , j . Hollowav, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and lnducements to Canvassers, by alp respectable Druggists! and Dealers da! B(3i,Suramer No. now rfadv; Medicines, throughout the civiliiyd world, ini'-i— r— 1 — boxes at 25 cents, 02 cents and Si each. ‘ 11 ~ Is and US KEWS! TJ BRAINING in the Post-Office at Boches- Jt\t ter. I’a., Maylsl, ISC4; ■ Brown il.j ... "ir ilrwin Mrs A guess Coter \\|iri j Ingalls (lhas I I , r Dunlap (Mrs Mary , Heller Miss A. . r~* /•“'v /-h* i i Davis Mrs J t'. . ; - McClure Japtes OW V/Vjl j; .Davis llellcrv ' Muilan Richard MALE 0E FEMALE AGENTS Davis Catharine - ' jMcDonald Horrace i i, Evans Mary E , . Moore Martha G t'i " cu-f r.i . I •_", ’ Easton Miss Lotti Moore. Miss Hattie if O #H -V-f c PMfi-OUytq Colored Oarside 1 Wm ; Niblock Capt. U I Map Oj the t inted States; . Garber peorge RapcMlenry *• I Canadas, and Ncic u Bntns'icickl !-’ Gasaway Maggie M ;S.hi iyev &Co From' recent surveys, completed |.Vat. 10,' Hoffman Mrs , iSoulei Jamea E 2 c*st $20,000 to 1 engrave it,) and oni l Huff •^ ,lines ' . jSibert AG years time., .1 ; Hartman Andrew 2 jStcwartW G. | Superior to auy $lO map ever made by Col- Ho’.Vernran Henry | i White Kev Kohl, tpn ob Mitchell.; and sells at the low price of! T._M. BAYLOR. I’. M. Fifty Cents;. 370,.U00 mimes arc cngravc,d on] j B®-Offiee hours, during the. summer, from '-is,' J®f*Tbere is considerable saving by taking tbc larger sizes. , ‘ I . : ; N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa-j ients in every disonlerarenifixeiPtncjach boi. '' May 7. | j • | ; tlhiKnapl/ ’ . ■ j i i Ij is aot only a County map, but it is also a t’pUNTY & JLULHOAD MAR I , of tilt; C. S. & Camilla," combined in one. giving 1 Every Railroad Station arid distances bet \vpen. ■ (guarantee any [woman or man S 3. per I day: add will take back all maps thpt cannot j. be Sold and refund the money. , ■ ’ II Send for $1 worth to try. .' •’ | ' | ,h Printed instructions how to canvass well, I furnished all our agents. ’ t > . j . f ,[j Wanted—Wholesale Agents for ourimaps. in every State, 'California. Canada, i England, } Prance and Cuba A' fortune .maybe made ' with*a few hhmilcd dollafs capital.; .Vo contr \ petition. . J F.,Lluvi>, Iti4 Broadway.-NT Y. j , Tile Wai Department uses our map of Vir | ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost SlliO.i jOOO', on . which! is marked Antietittn, Creek!, { Sharpsburg, Maryland Mights, Williamsport I Persy. Uhorersviile, Noland's Ford, and all ; others on the.PMoraac, andydvery 'other place -in the above named States, or money] refunded.' [ LLOYD'S XOPOGRAPIIICAL MAP OF I iKENTCCKiV, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILL., at the only authority forGen.ltoseerans and ! the War Department! Money refunded to [ any. due finding an enjor in it. j . j; ; ’From the Tribune, Au|}. 2. ”’■ | “Liorp’s M.vr or Virginia, MaiAlasd and i Pknnstlvania.—The map is very large; ~ita cost is but 25 cents, aud it it the Lett, tefneh can be purehated.”, ;i ’ .(i- _| , LloyfTtiireat Map of! the Mittitiipfi - Hirer. — Fi'piii Actual Surveys by Capts! Bart and lVra Down,] Mississippi • River Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo., shows every man’s plantation bud owner's name.from St: the Gulf o’ Mexico—, 1 1.350 j miles—-every, sand-bar, island, .town, landing, and all places] 20 miles back from the 1 river—-colored in counties and ! Statics,, Price, | : S l\in sheets. $2, pocket form, and $2,50 on 1 linen, with rollers. Heady Sept. 20. If a rtf Deportm&itl Wotlmgtbn,eSept. jlO,, 18G2. (J. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send me your Map of /he .I Mississippi River, with price per hundred 'copies. ■ Hear-.AdmiraLCharles H. Davis, cow-- | mending the Mississippi squadron, |ia aiithor ! ixod to purchase as many as are required fo ils* of thnt squadron. GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of the Navy. \ Estate of Harvey Gamble, dec’cL ■Jr ETEKS of administration ontfje estate;of I i HAjtvEY Gamble, ‘late of Greene tonn shlp,'- Beater County* Pennn.;> deic'd, haying been granted to the undersigned, jail persons' indebted to said estate are requested to .mate immediate payment, and those hayibg claims against the same, will present'them properly authenticated for settlement. , T |, , JAMES BEITTAtN, Adm’r., ' ; i _■■■ Greenetp. VrOTJCE is hereby giyenen- that letters of Jn( . administration upon 4 the estate. of Wittxau Bi' McGArricK, late Of Brighton, township. Bearer connty, Pehn., dec’d, hate, been granted to the undersigned. All persons, knowing thcmselyes indebted .to said estate are .requested .to made. immediate payment,' hnuMi them properly, authenticated, *ir set- r Oeaest: - ' .''r j JOS. C. WILSON. Administrator. I C i apr97,’M Buyer. Pa. !‘’--i I . j jSHr-i-X"-.-" xlt •is; 4 . t.i A,.; to' ttpiU/fi-jalaiofit l t' ti;,';; ’.'vat 'Jo mu' 0 v„j •»*«»»* j«WM& II; good-tempered, and pot amid to say ibat&f soul {Key can fiftll iaitvls J ftin LS4 -better injl it than i.‘mere Vv '■r" : ' . exifeHcit;".v'Rhotarltsble fdr Tr THiveUer. : - l ~ i! ‘•VASh'r' r* »- is eettdiicfW by» : Vivac(oa», witty ■ ifiad' lihUlUgen't' journalists.' ’J-f ■&tehfieti(£6nn.)jEnqairer.' ' ‘z. • ; ; Or-: -“Willweld'aa potent AnirifluehciAsthslof Ute’Lohdoh Punch TVtt oilier. ::,, Whb«oeterfinds' himself laiighihg al I'te wi» ahd doea hot retum a giu* pro am. istilfor “treason, and spoils.’”—- -Croyom : - -V SPECIAL NOTICE- i • j ‘ The'vety markedand flatteringsuecesawhicb | ha» thus: far attended the publication of !•: ' “Vahiti -Faib/i . j the poblisfaer lo announce that with ] the commencement of tbe Eecond ,Volume, is-'{ ; sued this day, BUth, June, New : Features,, both I Literary anil Artistic, Will be introduced, which will increase’ the value and. interest of the pa per, hand .fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, as tjtaleaiiing . ' ! Comic Journal or j?Slerica- ■ ' I ISStTEIV REGULABI.Y EVEBY THtJCSOAT. ’ and is for Sale by all Newsmen, and ,at the office of Publication, No 118 Nsssau-street, NcwjVork. ' TERMS: ' V Three dollars per annnm, in advance—-Six cents single copy. '■ ' I, TERMS.FOR;CLUBS: Two copies of Tanitt Fair will he sent to oho address f0r..i1... 1 ... .-._;S5 00 _ Fi.vecopies. ...7............ '..12 00 . Ten copies. ....A......... ...20 00 An Extra copy will be allowed to thegetler up of .every Club of not less than five copies. ■ 'This paper- is Electrotyped, and numbers, tnayibe procured stony time. . • Louis h. Stephens, , Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Nausau-st.- ■ i‘ i ’ V ,; j ' Ncw-york. l , • LIST OP LETTERS- 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. LIST OP LETTERS REMAINING in the |l’osi Office at Bea ver, Pa., April SO, 1804, '' ' Apple Mary , Irons Davd ’ Bard J T - MackSon'Esther , . Rlaxure J 8 ■ Johnson Ulchmoad j Carol hers JC 1 t . ,M&-.« stamps. *?; ' 1 y . ; ten * , K t 1 . -aw RiiewiiUiic ' /gr-i„ | sue.) for the Chest. i or any, part af the Wlv. seat *©; B si,t ! ceipt of Thirty-ieptn ce afc. ; *!■ t 5! Address, . • unr. b:'ii crd. & \ TriluntJ^Uiny f/.V,* Dr. Hurd's HOLTH U'J.S/f. TOnrnph DBKa.nd TOOTHACHE imm sent by. .mail, but tbey-c*,, 'jir-AaV tained at your Drug or .P.enoaiOwl t It lira, is .suececdiug>hevimi r \vitii his MOPTH WASH -pDBU.: Tile great secret, of his vi«t« tUrf : with liie fact that his articles art pacing t\ , • they are represented to'be,, as us can U;p_fy [f tta '■ Litsir long use." ' ■■ | The -.veil known P. T. Barnum nrltnv y | found, your TOOTH POWDER so good tlii | | family have used it all up. ' Haj rind ,I ilji I powder for the teeth we hate ever used. I d feel obliged, -if you,will send me another i ply at "the Museum at vour convenience i bill.” ' ~ ' ' , ’ . f. But fheir\Co9t is so sma|l that cvc-v om i test the matter for himself. ” j ,B®* Bewar.e of llieordtnarv Tooth Pc ill Dr. Hurd's.T.ooth Pooder 'contains, no hr! nor alkali, no.r'fcharcoa!, and pol shcs «ju> wearing the enamel- ; Cee no other. ;K; WHAT WILL D,R.‘ HUKU a KhMfh'J . ..- •' • EFFECT? ' • ' |jf Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Pen will give young ladies that finest charm np man—a sweet breath and pearly teeth? ;i.i, iithem, ladies. ■ ’ ■.."•" | •]' Dr; Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth IJisie will the mouth from all fool ei kt'; tious. arid if used jn the uioniiny, will mil l taste sweeter audlljy day bifi mope pleasantly,' Hundreds of perso i,tii ■testily to this! . Try them, gentlemen. , Dr. Hurd's, Mouth Wash and',Tooth Posit ' art the tljc best preparations in the world; curing 4 fid iieath. and giving tinnnei; ut health t.o. tho gums. ’ Hundreds .ot.ebus Diseased llieedinp IStins, bore Mouth, wd* etc., have heed cured by Dr. Hard’s/»stt*| ■ cut wash. --'I 1 t* - • '/, j i ■ Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash ami Tooth T:»|» ) give an . addilionttl charm to. ciunsii p,hi j make husbands more rtgreeablc to ihcir land wives to their husbands.' They th used by everv person Having i j ART/FI-C/AL TEEfJL which are liableto.impat I a.taintt’o tin Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops. 1 care I*l ache arising from exposed nerves, 1 land «' (l best frienjf that parents can bavdin tlefcl Ur save their children from tenure ifia « selves from) loss of sleep and sjmjuttiietk cring. j ’.j i. [.. ;,| ~| Farmers ahd mechanics! ybucahnojja ford to neglect your.jccth. .F you can now get preservatives, than. Rothschild or Astol’ can- get n(ithiug| Remember that Dyspepsia ami i the.Lungs .often originate in neglect.ol] Send for the -- 'treatise bn Teeth, and r? Ejtch’s. observations on.this subject, late to arrest” decay, in your own teeu your children’s, teeth? s .'■•. WEURALGIA RLASTEnS.-Dr- /- r “ r^! Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are tl emo^ . pleasant and successful remedies cter 'iresW' ed,for .this painful disease. The pad at; »f; plies one, soon becomes drowsy, tails ssH” and awakes free from pain, and no b ■?” : | other unploasant or injuriousconseqaejnt'lfy sue. - For Earache and Xervous //onwfh,; ‘fi, ■■■ply according 'to directions, and relieij ’"; surdly- i Nothing can. be obtainfa aid to. Dr! Hurd’s (lompress for Ncural^'» ; tj them. ’ They ate, entirely a novel, curious 1 -, original preparation, ami wonderfully ful. They ore of two sixes, one sma'. face, price 13 cents, and the otjfcr i ' r ?Vj application to the body, cents. • be mailed on receipt of price and one Met: - WJI'AT ARE THE PEOTLEW The American people nre'intclligent c appreciatepreparat ions t hat contribute 'to happiness of those using; them, s' wont them. Every mail bring? ordering thcTrcatise dn ![eeth, some ralgia' Plasters, and not a few cnclosu for the Mouth Wash, tg be sent by ■J to these we are compelled to reply dj impossible to send a half-pint bottle The people want! these Remedies. supply themt , I ' Now.is tha- 1 , * ‘ aUANGEPOR AOESTf Ehrewdj.agents can make a small ft | carrying these articles, around tSfanu Dental Treasury is the 'neatest arttclt man or woman can carry around., 9ne and. see,, or, better, a dozen, ” will sell, as samples, for ST. Ag*nU liberally with circulara, gST toito go into the .business, todagooo-. a proflt. New . England men!, here is' bomething nice, and s take the tide at its-flood. Address. , , ,WM. B..HURD* Tribune Buildings, be’ » That temittanees may be dsnoe, W. B. * Co:, jrflfer «W > ?aaapaci«ffie '■*■3.2?': 131 MB ‘betttf. »/«i* jl Y itii id -ft If r« b. iA /.vJ f Ü b ? : ‘ in'i itr*;*** the £il:W' Hat; it * f Oi rJ . ;C0 v r r lh iV .JoJrjJ