1. •f of £»tvl A d riiV«n report<yi 'o«- 4ri;(he 3W|\W«Mk l»iivo 1# 1C; r - ;,j ’ /j-jic Coi- Woodward jwho ;V v ’ _ T r Tlioii. Donehto, r ijH« o! •SCvlKe- 01,io > ‘‘avijjjf locate^ iji St !: will receive calls at ins office Southern extrcnulv ot’ tbo Nil ''' Hotel, in tUs place. I ' - aver Marketss I3e ;cTM ) V»WU.T ■«!* I=2ll rwift* r " f ,, 100 UjS ~ • J e V Apple* per%wbch... .*<, re»ch« ;; / " Vo® 1 \ .. j Cf" - ViJ E. r< ■; / '- u ■ 0»(!- J p-'.t} r>,»r fitefl. T;s »iby Seed,- t:»t,^ ed v ■Jet?*. ; ’’ ** n. ** "* “ ti r **. . Vtiiioyif, ■ I'ornMe*'. X(S , - : '• • lluiier. •. ■. n#3U. ghou-4® ri ' ■ .. Ride). TiUow,' .Ltri ' Candlev » ' Ewp. ■ V Mt’isisw?- ■ “ do7.«n .V '.*■ - ** ** : t Hal) on.. if Ouartetlr Statement of Bald: of; '* ' Beaver County. J V. ' sVwJJbiohtos,. wbj 4th, J 864.. ■ "K. ‘ ir.siiuiiois; >M«s ini « wi ** ?’ s3 '“" o V S SV>H percent.-couponbonda. •95,J0O i r ’<■'’"vii'i r . c r, C nnt. ■•. reap. .notcß.. 4,850,' I- .Furnttnrtl:, 9s,B. I . i»ue fr.ir. etb<trbaui»....••••••• ' [v >V«s «nd clKcks af ctner Hanks «»d N ’P.'S. TreMtirj »«!«» f’ffin in voiilt ai, - :*: unf \. MABI&TI«f— -;r»Di!»i stutk rkM in........... 5115,400 00 - VoKh :n circulation,...;.;.... , - 020 00 lm». jepnaitors 117.091 7T Bue.ilieConiuonw oaUlu 1.888 19 ftsliniteut 2,3*!3 83 « j Vuidends unpaid. 6,1(0 52 . r : . . ~‘ a ' 's2-l'p74' CZ , 1 certify VtateflKmi is true and -comet according lo iiwij )•-'?! ofrmjSJiuowdedge. ltd belief. , - EuwAr.n Hobfaj'liaKirr. , ASjbicJ end subscribed liefobo me, this dth i*j 1564. , • > \ ■ 1 ■ T. M. MoCdiuj. Xotiti-y VubUo.^ C A JOINT EESOLITTION 1 ■ Proposing Cerain Amendments to the I Constitution. j '■ lieii retdhed ‘ y the Senate and Home nf Ktp- . *'>«<«.i(.'/r ri V/ .she Ccmmotmealth: tyi J’tnHsyhani#,'. ■*.n liintral Atsemily met. That the following! --iir.enVr.wnis be proposed to the* Const it nlion, i t-i vk* t’.t>B.moj»we«lili, in accordant* with Uie-j Vvov.swua cvlli-'tenth Article thereof: Jj ;' ■- Tncre shell be mi additi.ipal section to the i .iblrd a;ii<pe--,i tie •Cclistii nt inn. t o'be de'sig » -‘ lAtt! us scc.i'.ti f'-iii*, as foliotvsl . i I . •'•srtrrs-t. Whenever any of.thc fpia'ided ■ ste!err of tUa Ut-monycaitb shall he in. H snv actra. mil.'lie icrvice. tinder .vsreiptisi- W" l&r. fruu.ti,/’K-stde-nC ot the United. Stales, | eg hr,iie' iuuhr:?ry of this 'CoDitnonwealtb. f „ siicii rAttors niay-exei-cisc Abe' right of W:-, ; f’sgt ir. ,*.!i elections by the citizens, iinrlft* j >c;ii rrfaiiinion as arc, .or shall be, prescribed . ,jrru •L» ijtr, ha fully as if they were present «l (I—rr j li- .-n,— — - lirirnsual-piatfc-of election.” > ! .. iU. ' S.! ASSESSOR'S . 'NOTICE. ■■ - >tcTios 2. .There .shall be two addjtiobui )• . 1 ,'f. • swims to the eleventh article ef. the Consti-iT x ,;u,i;on,;t»be designated as section eight, and ? -j *? * dime, ns fulwws. 1 .. . ' ; ’ S • I „■, ■ '” : V' - j ■••SrclttffrT. ;- o bill shall be‘passe’d%y. thsj iVT O^^-* 4 lfcreb . v gj»«« to all cotice_rned, IrgisliAilve, containing more’than onh subject, Annual Lists of Taxes,fer 18hit, viiiojiAludl-be clearly expressed in the title, i are 110 i a ., tlle hands of ihc Assistant Asses txcept approY'Ciation bills.” ’• .' ; j sora, and! will be open to inspection for FlF ■‘.s/sciips 9..«0 bill shall be passed by thel TEKN d aV.S from the date hereof. ’ , J-obiaturc.granting .anv powers, or privleges, 1 ; .Duringlthal period, appeals will be beard in any case, where the authority to grinwAch.l by the undersigned at his of fowers,‘or privileges, has been, or may h.r&> i ?5 'l. . . • 1.,- * Idler-be, coofercc.l' upon the courts of, this 1 !' B - I fV P P ea . !3 “ USt be In .w«UnB.i*P?e -toaiir.jawealth.” • , / j trying thje pSirticular cause, matter or iHung fIENRY 0. JOIINSON, j complained of. ’ Speaker tj the Home c/' Ji preeeniatiree, i „ j’ , ... DAVENPORT : r * JOff.V I*. I’IiNXKY, ' ! 'b. S. Assrssoa s °mc E , J 1 .•> j ■ '.'Speaker nf the'Senate. ' Ibth, 1864. j , Office Secretary of Commonwealth \ ■ ItABKISBvE.Gy April 25, IStii. / - * Hu hereby cenity tliat- the foregoing is a full, ,tn>p ami correct copy of the . ( Vhe original Joint Itesolutipn of General Assembly,, entitled "A Joint ResolulPon proposingeertaui Amend-- nents to the Couptifui ioh/’ a# the <iitne re ?wins or file in nils offiee. ’ l , ’ j ‘S'lisiisiost ylicreof, i harts hereunto sot ray hand and CaushU the seal of- the Secre tary’s office to be affixed; the day. and [year .‘tote written, . ; ' E{,l SLiFERj* • Secretary of (/„■• 'Cowaoniceaft,',. *-■ - above Hes chit ion having bhhii agreed to by a majority of the members of Teach House, atltwoj successive,sessions of the Gou . tf u A'csmbiy of tin's Comtaomfealtlij the proposed smeudineitts will be submitted / to the ptoplc. for their adoption or rejection, l on the •tasr TctsDAY ori At r.csr, in the year of our usrd oat thousajid eight .-hundred and fdxty ■ _ r - in sccorjlauce with the provisions of the •tuth article if the Constitution, .uud thi act, tputlej -'-Anj act prescribing the., tinli and is&oner of submitting to the people, for) their ‘PP.roval and ratification tfr rejeetiotj, the Proposed amendments to the Coltstitutfoii.'’ap- Froved the twenty-third of April, 1 one ihous-' *nd eight hundred -and. sixty-four.' | ’i ; , ELP,SLIFEK, _ , Secretary nf the Commonieealth. r license notice. I *oT of applicants, for License at June Ju term, 1864. ... . Lj IKS» OB TAVERN"! ! Bimber..; Phitlijshnrgh bore, ’ xs'w 6 Keinp,.....Rochester boro, WiMism do do . - „ _Baker....Economy, M»c« Johnston;.-.-.-.-....,.Hanover ’tp, ndrew Sweau'y........Greene tp.- Barnard ...New Brightoaboro, „ 1(1 Johnston.Bigßeavertp, , „ enry Ankeny...;. Bridgewater bor jjJ ■ to *f Darlington bor ,. r Ke Proudley ...Bridgewater bor. S AnSerson......-ItoChestar boro. T “ Marker........ . HE *' 1 ’ liquors in quantities not LS? THAN ONE QUART, Wild OTHER - j ....FairVidw, Ohjettp, ; Peter f e "*J lst ein .Eehnomytp, ' e 6o C A T ••••••••■. Bndgewiwer Bor, ■ ..- Bi®orr;P,* yerer "-"- ;^6st * r ' W ■ Cn w Hewn*! tp.; Ditr-'"" •■ Phiu 'P»*Htrg.. RSPSOAD HOUSE, * *°asss^p«y« MEI • ' .-V v>- W S», Pt-Iffm. -ixa—W_, '^fEfeiriava, 3}ucd out of the; Court) of ■ Common Pleas of the llf ' I 1%1 I,J jj) Cotmiy-6rpfe4***Ba^o r ,«ii airadfedj I'will %iBHfOJIA^'O«A'‘ L B«a(ltlii€i& “V£fi3 expose to public tale jit; the Sheriff’s office -la nThees! ißAds ir* i» lL i.i, .ij- »,.• s-t. . the borougnof Shiver, lb'the countyafera-} Ef Jjfk • ; jrune 4lli. 1^64,? W ?het*to; the^»w .- tit 10 o'clock in. the; forenoon; the following hXKSIPT FfiOM TAXATION hy or under any therewith, ahd;fimtlng the, property, to wit; ',- ■' ' .’. nato ormuoacipslau^tority. 'Hubseriptlonato nnseaied' iand* for- «*t«, -l. All the tighl; .title,-linterest and' claim of these Bondsaro, received; 'l2^! defenlantj of gh and; to the following piece or notes o^Natlona^Bank^' ThOT arb TO BE RE- I—W-.IT parcel of lind in Moon township. Bearer coon- 1 nocutL nb r-rervr - lJ'- •' ■ ... *. . |‘»nd directing the rejbrn *®u | salO jOf fill . iff, Pa,; bounded on thejnorth and west by land , 6 °?" i estate as united lands ndtreoWlV satisfic iof Sami. Ussollon, on the south and east by wnmeptyat any period not Utt tioa tn nornort [lion of the taxesdueand unpaM.by'the ov[n- Ittnd of William -Elliott. anji , Thomas Doty; than farin' yian from their date, andnntU their j e ™ also, the ,*£•.'W* containing- and ; wdempfionmyE PER idfeNT.. INTEREST under lence, onhwhioh are erected atwo story ■mifj »» Piiriiwr-rvric' n.-e. : i. BrWge water Rochester, ana «uston, borough onck alimalKframe house and frame ’V •® E f AID “I cpiN, on Bonda of not j taxes the following lola and towu of unseated I b%rn. Some .fruit' frees. ohdhe premises.— erer ont hup dollars annuoatly and on all lands. Ac.,- in the 'County or-_ Bearer, or.h». [ Well of good water at the, door. {.. j other Bom’ li-annnally;! The interest is rauch thereofas P*7 ur r*®t.*Bei : Seized add taken in execution ,as the prop- nhvsble oi fist davsof March ahdSen- r< - y accrued 1 thireon tOr the ywra 18C1 and I erty Amatilih Hendrickson aW Jane, Wwitti fSU '' 7 tTM^ h -**. 1862.;and so much at-the suit 1 ot Belinda Usselton. ‘ ftemberjin remained- unpaid,tnll berexpbsed to puHic Xo.ii IALSoI -. v i Subscribe * sale, at*: the Court Hoiise.JttJtlie Borough) of ■At the siitieltime jmd place, allthe rightti- Couponlßoi . .Bearer? on 1 ' 1 .; . C ! tie, interest and .claim ,df defeudant af.iuand'ed Bonds i -- a . . 'irii’v ■a* 4' to all that tract or j piece of iaud situate in f i;. g Tf*as MOHuky lUO 'lota OI JV QQ UK Chippewa Bearer county, bounded K> ,j.i ■- v j j ‘ ~ and’described-as follows. Viz; Beginning at. n.“ e |T”' dontinuidg the same by: adjournmoiVdf n« post, on tie iiortb-jwest corper .of the tract;. a ‘ , * e be sary. . . .. ; .J,-. |. J i‘l . A thence by 1 and formerly of Thotnos ctraitod, colnmercial i • JOHN CAUGtIEV. degrees cist, IGI d-10 perches tb a Subscribt April Bth, 1804; ■ Treasurer of Bea'ret post; thence by land formerly of Samuel' Ad- of j gerPfcsons desirous of pdying the t( ams, nortl ST.degdces cast, 106 perches to n , * [ due upon any lot or tract in tbe following I post;"thence by land formerly of John Hilt; Mircniist., are notified to do so before day of sale; north 3 degrees west, 161 6-10 perches to-a coin—for i i no propwty iMltbb Wilbbeld- from sale posi;. thence my land formerly of Jonathan.; 0 f Satjonal promUeoir payment |) J ' fli - , Hill, south <B, degrees west:, 106 perches to‘,A : l , Note.—All property idarhed with a (♦) 5 post, th’e dlacje of .Winning? containing l'(»0 j*; . i turned under; the 4)s‘1I»e«»wo; <rf the a< acres; ffioro <|r less, about,:7o acres of ‘wd;ich j i, 00 "'[I® a ‘ 20th of April-1844'. '■ |I • ji " . are.cleared and in a good state of cultivalipl!?;! As these B< , aii -p’ llw ' ' - thibalance ujell timbered, and allundcr j EXEMPT r-SAffsla AjISTA »i | TUere are on the premises a stone i> A yaUri< FSi* the. TaXfiS | Of; 1861 ! I'ndj j house a large stone spring house,, (the uppjer . i : ' J 1 | story of'.wliich iff now used ns a dwelling) and j t® three pbj j a hewed-log barn, jUTere is a vein of excel- | rate offal , lent coal underlying a large portion of the I country, j i tract, ivitu opening near the I*. Ft; -W. & G.! ,■ l ” ' llailroad; . ,*■ . ; - . . . i I Atthep, ’ Seized and taken in’exeedtiou as the pro(p-(p a y, i erty 6f Janies Fiffe-«t the suit of Mary Hazen, 1 OVER Elfi HT PER CENT INTEREST j execi'tri,x of; the last-will and testament joflj n currency, aid are of equal convenience asls ; UeD). llazeu.dee d. .1 ! • 1 . . ■ v . I i.rnh ' ■ i [permanentor emporary investment. i 0; o. 1 Al,bU, . ' • , J . I ;. , c , . ■ I. At the eairie time and place, all theri 3 ht, u- U f b f l,<, T cd that no »ecuwties offc> so tie, ititere>»t hud claim of'defendant,'of,'in and great jiiidu[ceUi ents :to lenders, as the variods \Ui thejolldivitig described property situated ; descriptio is of U. S. Bonds. In all other ;in Borough of Rochester, Beaver county, l‘a.,',| fonns : of Udebtedness, the faith Or ability of • boimaed on tbe nonh by Ilamson street, .l .r. [• . ,hy lot of John Earcher, south by p ront i or part.es or stock eompamea or,separate > River- street, and West ‘by dot of Michael t*ommunii cs only is pledged for payments j Gifmp; on which is; ejected one Urge'three whilelfor ;he debts of the iTnited Slates the *. story. brick} house, 81x46. teet in length and w holo pr pcity of the counlry ja holdeu to j breadth, cdiltaining 15 rooms, with cellar un- j i . . ) ' ", , , , 1 dementh.,h* well of ghod wate K at the door; { ••cum. tlfc payment of both pnnc.pal an.d j al&*> one lixrgt fratn*s t atub]e. -_The.above jde- j internal, ir co u. . . ! atr-ibed used &nd by de- j These' iiqiuis may be imbstribed for iasum* fen’Jout at* ibdtel. - :, ‘ i [‘from $5O up io iauy mbgaitiide T on the Same Sewed and taken in execution a? the prop.. :. T . • ertst of John H. Cafajva, thfe suit of. George ,eras - R J e E ‘ nde ' «<l uaU y al ' adal >'« “> ! I’Gjlip Smith. l a ' i j l ho small|st lender au’d the largest capitalist, -N Oj. 4, ■ ALhO. i j Thhyjcan be ponverled into money at any mo ' semetime nnd place,] all the 'right, • mentj aid the holder will have the benefit of title, iuteresjt and claim .of defendams, of, in ! ,J ie iut cr snt ! 1 and to ol! t luil certain lot .of ground, situate > [ . , 1 ilf 'the bcrddgh of Rochester, Jiearer county, ; II may be | fa., .beginning on the east tilde of Panther! that the t, i lane, adjoining lends of Lewis, Reno) running ! gtntes oi [llleucc i-l.jcg the east side of said lane, north !' ( o, x weti ivaraly 75 feel to a corner, thence at right j i ■ angles to said lane nonh-ca.iU’ardly, 110} feet) * corner,, thence parallel with said lane, ming fi 75 feet to a corner, thence while ti at rigJiVnngles'sout'h’swettwardly, 110 feet'tb ’ ■•jj ; Panther s liue? at the. place off beginning, oil j j n {which is creeled a two atony frame dwelling j hern so j honsawiill cellar underneath, also coal bouse [annum, j.and-oul-buildiifgsi lruil. trees on the preniises.’r j t L jij 1 Seized and • tahAn-in execution as the prdp-. * , ! eny of \Vtn{ Carpen-er and Rucinda Carpcu- | * -ter, his the Win. If, Smith. ' **® e f sW I jKsf*Pnrphsers,will tafffc tytice that 1(1 per ! I cent.- upoaj'djl amounts ofl'heir bids will be re- I i cjuirdd in hand. ■ Att hids under $.50 ’will be 'required in cash at the time of the sale) If there conditions are not. complied with the property tjill.be r«-Solil; ' I ■.We-Vn 'chasers nro required' td {(ay all -Si auifi dui ies.’ , i ' v JOSEPH I.EfIUE, Sh’ff. C»ave/,|ir,ayl7, ’64 4 .s: on .. S 75 ; 1 75 • 3 60 . 1 40 . 1 20 . 1 00 , 75 lEEE ... 8 00 ...3,00 , 3" 00 2 75 BO 00 25 15 25 .18 15 IG 10 16 IS 10 .00 70 i ... 1 ’*** q MEM 25,861 87 5,164 S 7 1 41 min ;? ' $242,774 63? BIiAVER COUNTY, sii IN tho pi pfasas’ Court in and for the county of.Bekver, before the Hon. Judges qf said 'Court. In the mutter'of exceptions .to the account if Agues Carothe£sand Jesse Caroth ers. Administrators of tlie estate of John Os ro.tbe.rs, deo’d., Who was Administrator of the estate of James Carol hers,_,dec’d.i J i And u >tv. to wit, Feb- J4tb; 1884, the Court appoint James 8. Rut.an, Esq.. uh Auditor to take testimony.abd report the fai'tS on the ex ceptions -f A true Extract, j : JOHN A. FRAZIER, Clerk. ■ ■. —— . r ■ . Xotic The Auditor above j named still attend to the dupes of his appointment: at his office in Ihe.Court.' House, in Beaver. on Tues-, day the -Hit day of May, at 10 o’clock,! a. m„ at whicl?jUir.e parties interested, and their at torniesl mil! attend if they think proper. thaylb'64 J. S.-.HUTAN, Auditor. A LLiTIIE HOUSEHOLD GOODS of the estate of Col. Richard P. decidj will be.sold at public vendue,! at the bouSe of It. Hite, Esq., in Bearer, on ' TUESDA Y', MA Y 24 th, 1864, b'om'meneing *i 9 o'clock, embracing Bed itfadi, beds. Bedding, Bureaus,Tables.Chairs, Slirrord, Carpets,* Cupbpard ware; -Buggy, Harness, etc., ete. Credit given with'appro ve! security. WM. HENBT, tn«yio’64 * Executor. JfortlQE. ft hereby givenen that letters of l_v| - Administration upon the estate b'f Willi am B. McGArritK, !£tt of Bf Jghthti township, Beaver county, Penn., dee’d, have been granted to the undersigned." All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to made immediate 'payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated ’for set tlement. , -Estate of Jas. Caro there, deo’d. 1 ETTERS testamentary onthe-estate of I i James Casthebs, late of 6reenetwp., Beaver county, deceased, having , been, is sued! to the undersigned, all persona indebted are inquired to make payment,, and those having claufia theru/prop erly authenticated for tettle'hfetit. ■ BOBT. 'WHITEHILL, Executor, epclS'dt ifanover T* _lis for June. Tprm, 1864.; James Collins & CtLi v«. W. Jl_Bbir»»,-et al • CommonvfeariUi teic, “ John Duff's Execirtoif ;Lui#iv& Beosoti, . “‘ Darlington MB i&dfrbii jJohnH.Camp,; " JVm: Alexander, Jr. PUBLIC VENDUE. i JOS. C.' WILSON, AdminUtrater, apr27, a 64 V - Bearer, Fa. f< i i s frc 'll iiindrejl id i semi in the ej .cli jear. 4 (rawitlreceive.either Registeredor da, i is they ihiy prefer. f ■re recorded oh the books of the irer, and can be transferred only sr's itder: : CiJUJibh itohilt ore pay irer, and are more convenient for uacs. . ’ . rs to thisltian mill bare the option their Honda draw interest from by paying the acoured- jntereal in i United Stater! nbles, or the notes Banka, adding fifty cent, for >r received them drawing interest to "of subscription ahd deposit.— f uda are C , . Fr|)M MUNICIPAL oil state T, their, valtie. is increased form one bent, per annum, according to the Viviea in various parts of the esc it irate of premium on gold they r ■, ( \ •* i useful to state in ibis connection’ ,nl Funded. Debt of the United bieh interest is payable, in gold,’ i.y of March; 1801, was S7OH, 9(15,- iitUi-est bit ibis debt fur the cbm* I yens, will- be slu,'Jo7.l2b, msiurns revenue in gold for the year, ending JuneiSUth 1861, has f t the rate jof brer 100,000,000 per i£ il ‘Cal e c seen thiil even tlie' ftriiEfcxii- gbld the Government are largely in : wantsjof-thd treasury for the -old interest,; while the reccnlCiu bcjnriffwill doubtless raise fhean-, ) from customs bn the same a lipoitations, to .$150,000,00t pef paymeni crease o naal.rei mount annum. ■ Itiatri as load Sttite Ti firs’ll ,tb I ■ I . • ■ ■ I ons! to the NstidrlM BHHB3 itiirig j ut s t,-ere not'issued from the United itry umill Mutch tlti, but iii/tUe, Week# of April the subscriptions i inore than TEN NILLIONS A 1 areragi WEEK. , Subscription* will bereccived by the First National' Bank' of Pittsburgh, Third National Bank of Pittsburgh,' Aiib pv ALL NATIONAL BASKS , which ure depositaries of Public money, and alb. , RE|pEcmBLE BANKS AND BANKERS tbJocg ibut fbe coirtlry, (Siting as agent of tue National Depositary Banks,) will furnish furtner information on application and Aft ord Fucry Facility to Sttb crihert. niayJl’dl —inside 3-in.! ■ AD N IST BATOR'S NOTICE i'W' ■ borqlof I'grautei debied imraed agatQK’ authen njbo i IISpEAS letter# testamentary oh <he esthteof John M.Lukexs. late. of the [ Rwhester iieaverco. .dee'd, having been 1 tii the undersigned, all persons in to jsnt(l estate are requested to make ate payment, and those having claims tiie siune will .present them properly ti cated for bWileiftcht. MAEY LUKISS, Aam’rx. Rochester, IV ' w of Gi dec •ai der? ig afe h»j thosi? scftj t j-MIN f.S JTfI ATOR'S, KQI ICE ,HEREAS letters ol" administration. on j the estate of 'Hf.xry CowAS,Sr., inte tecne township, 1 Beaver county, •! at, ;il, Having beep duly granted to the un tiefl; all indebted to' said e«ste >ifii:d to tiiake immediate payment, and mving claims against the sutne willpre iet» properly authenticated fir eeitlvi ithc'oldeWy. ■ . “ ' ITENftt COWAN, Jr., J «4 , Afim’r. eXECUTOft’g NOTICE. ' j HEREAS Tellers testamentary k 6h flic / estate of S.oicei. Nei.sox, late ! of ;c< bn tp., Beaver county.l’a., dec’d, having in granted to the undersigned, all |>eta6Y(s lebted to. said estate are requested to itfdie te Hate payment, and those having clsirtd nst the same will present them properly ' nlicated for settlement. ' I SAMUEL tp., V»W Exeeutorr. Rac be® irnlf immi auth iAp. IBestwick; IOAi)WAY & APPLE STKEETS ( New Brighton, Pa., ” ! ■ fhdlosalc and- Retail Dealer ..in n, ( topper , and Sheet Iron Ware, AnxJ the most approved patterns of 'iksb trg Cooking, Parlor and Hedttng , . Stoves, [rattr2S’G4- tip •f'toa® MM; I*** 1 *** 3 ttlis post again, at BEAVER STATION, I .Otei deter Va., Where he will attend to" ii i t ariotts branehes of his profession. He es the improved methods to prevent a in extractingteetb. *. S Work warranted. m. Ba»k‘ or Biav»r 'Cdtrsrr, > New Brighton, May 3, 1804. 1 - ieiident'and Directors iit f birfunk ro tills day declared a Dl i|’BK CENT-upon Its' Capital Stock, 6uV irofiti of the lint 0 mohtlui, hhyahTt tholden'er their leral repfeaeznMtrW. S&- ID W«^v r iv: of n ; i . Braver borough.. j Thompson Win. A' part Jn lota Craig Neville U “ ■ i' *l>enny Wnt 11. '.- j“ *Youug Peter B' -J “ ' JioTvugfi < ic|i»Aip. ii - Dickey JuUu S, Academy lot. Bannen. Jane, part but .lot. ■■■ “ ’ ■; -1 Davis Jonathan . heirn K. U. 1-j out lot,; . / . j Mulvanun'and Shanon’s hpiri: S. H. C;. plan, *1 i taxi | Dickey John heirs of ;N. U-parij * out lot Sharon, . Stone David, 1 out 10l ; ‘V.' 4 “ 1 •'Crickmore S rauces J part Academy 10l *Sclson. 11.TJ,N..R v i lots Noss plan. # Xoy laS heirs <f S and Datidtcn’a j *Wruy Thos S. J hbj lot Sharon r ♦VFSietmore Jamee S. and lot Sharon */ *» p tL . *Huffman i Mleisinger'Wm heir! ’ i land 2 Ibtl S. and -Scott A. N. K. ; Rich’d L I liridoncatir bo-, Kenip Martin or Jol •» . •• 14 | »l Mendenhall i Harris Mendenhall's p 44 44 «• 44 '. ’ H*vs Jos, pu-t, out , *< *’!-•• • ■ r ■ ■ ■ll -■ . ♦Slewarti&Guinn bbitse* lot ♦ileseen ll hhiie of, 4 lbl, Utinri- Mliri Jilin'i .’I i * ♦*' 4*// '' M l\ | ♦Small John «ri S. Rjldt, >•; j I S{nelJs li heiri if,h *lf *• [ ♦Baker Andrew I lot !* ••■"! ♦MilcholJluglvN. U . 1 lot 11 I ♦Rairdon F; 1 lot OaTidabn’i pi <1 V ;. & j •’.H-.- r. ♦ a« - ♦ M l' ( * it -It * U * tf * a ; ‘iV ♦ «« * •* ; «.- f * ; V iiH out lt Tera’»;fil *Taylor .Milo, M, house ana lot' 1 Vf 1 lot T , ... *Power Thbfnos 1 lot ( t * “• • f ?■ •••■- .• •; ,1 lot ,i; ... I! $ Lffvtr (oirnthi'p. ClacU*H(rn’s heir?, I lot ' p Chippewa loKtuhip. '■ i Header cd, land l/arlinytoh iotriu/iip ’ |, *U»rdy A A, land, adjoining J 1’ Martin on west', DaHinylt>\ horovgh. Ownerunknowh,' Ilot •!’ i ' l'ronomyio\m»hip* ; PWlipsW l*, heirs of,ldt,Baden Swan" Joltn i . 1 lot ;‘‘ I Boyd Win , nil. s' " Sanpensliker M 1 lot §' -Bodgera James 1 lot i “ P F W & C HU tankhouso aid *• _. “ 1 lot Baden !“■ -■ “*■ l 1 lot Baden ■ falUton " dorougA. Bradford B E 1 lot “ ' “ 1 lot : ’ “ • ■ “ i 1 lot ' <• .“11 1 lot ■ Meaner Mr* 1 1 lotWilliami \V etsli Nancy 1 lot “,1 •“ *«• 1 lot •• i •• ' •• 1 lot ■ , >■ •• ..llot p •• •* ;j i lot •• j 1 “• ] 1 lot “, i ... .« 1 1 lon [ Dundas Jai i Mot i “ “ 1 lot. f ••J 1 lot ■ •• ,; - A ! ,iiot'-‘- *'• ‘"“ : || I) 1 lot Mason Elix'th II lot f ■ « '« || 1| lot - , •' “ . ". ■ I lot , f. 'I -1 lot. ■ '•« ' ‘-/I)' 1 lot “■ t 1-lot , , Presbyterian Chnrch, 1 fram b * lot,,lVilliaina’ plan [' Owner unkn suppo'd SDunbar : i>l' ♦Kelly Robert, 1 coal lot I ■ " ♦Thornily -TUo. h’rsofl ontlo ♦WaltonSsrnli 1 lot Williams’ pi * '•* 1 lot “I I * “ •• , Hot * •• . “ 1 lot, ‘ * " “ 1 lot; '• * “ “ 1 lot - • •« . 1 lot • • Olatgotr, borough. Ltpponeott’s oil site ' rblKipS tVib P- -V* Georgiftbicn borough. Oilnjord’s heirs 1' lot f 1 John, heira of, IlooktU ten borough. ' Wjtigbt Hugh; Plot : • I:, jil Woodroir Oibniel land J • Tnduthy toumthip. fjb ranker Adam llot Industry srsigerPet.er house and ldt ; ; i Pet tenon ii Scuddy land near • .CooVsferw : / i'V Vf rj Itta 8'64 V,'jl 85.39 ■ ’ r 4( n ■ 89 f- M K. R. itiae and 3 Xi2,s| i K. house R. i house r bonseii lot a of 1 , bouse i ! Co..; plan Sharon: 01,62 i iou*e 4 lot| ovgh. ;Li In., lot .] lot | or, J lotj an 1 1 otllayspl 1 1 i -j. - Hi t| o 1 ' Porter’s plal .. • P .[(■ P ■’ •• l o:-’ ’ t< ' • f *M 1 kk • 19 1.60 126! I 271 i2B| I 68| 89j -47 48 40 i 60 J 1 lo,t I ■•I .-1..' VuiderJ«ii**|b«fifrv Fittpktnek£d*»rd Hot OouUMtaCk JOdKO'icO bii| “ .Hot HMen D lF'house and lot'. Aikip Uriah •• 1 M'Combs pi Seibert. Nicholas! lot , - ,»* Winans Jno 8 , Hot I lot ■ - t ; " U’Oovan Janiini jr land Reno TT I lot• ~ ' , " Hot “... “ 1 lot : - ' ♦Mellon & Kelly water lot ♦F ombeULucien heirs of land [>- “ .*• : •> shop 7 i and two loti ~ , j' ♦Gill William tow path ■| | Sat lotcnkhip, |i *Mace Lydia 1 lok> ; UniouTille ♦Ben* J W land . [■!'■• ♦Ford William honse and land . / A'orlh Setekkt y' ipwnthip, David Ramsey land '. Hudson Richard land j ;■■. 2 Robertson Jackson- land ■ 2 ♦Weljh Henry: house and 10l . ♦Chew Benjamin land I j - Ohio (owiulup. J ♦Steel Williim land. > ; jji BHggb Henry I lot West Salem „ 7 *4.- ** r , II •, Ik ' M’Masler Andrew land, : Rhiltiptburg borough. Sproul, Loomis & co. . house and : lot andland'; . Pulatki towhiki)). ' M’Guire Mary Ijmd. | Phillips Wm P land . ■. ' il ! •*; lan(|, ; ; p Racroon tomuoip. ' ■ : NcvilloThoa land on river be- . tweed Capt Allen a Mr Jack i Stirling Wm llotjl [Roch'ttUr t tmuhip. Davidson William ; part in Jot 1 Bolesvillo RdrtbrWtn land j llannen Joseph li nd ■ j Hcnhon Jas 1 Ipt Hennoh’s, pi ♦Logan Robert heirs of land, i ♦P F, W & C R R house audipl Ramsey’s pish : il ♦ ‘1 . “ . land ♦Reno Eliia ' >j I. vf ft ♦Linton John two Jbtsparts iof ♦ ■ land .. ,|i . ?. m :1 v“ ’land 5 Roeketier'bonugh, j. Boles Chas heirs Blot-Roles pt ~ Ronbrigbt Wm 1 lot - Menden i , hall’s plan ... ■! I, Ghesney E l lot Gould’s plan Erbo Augustine *1 lot ..do ! 1 Erie Canal co I lot j. do 1, , Hallman GW I lot j; 3a ’ . jHartshdrn 11,D l lot Bolea’pi -Hopson John 1 lot Gould's pi Kalcr JJ 1 lot da : P F W A 0 R H land. Warnock Jas J lot i inney’s pi Wasson John ihouse/tnctlpt Benz Adam 1 lot Copld's plan ,Fulton Geo Wil lot Finney's pi Harrop Sami 1 lot do j f Dickson Dr Jos brick h 1 Ic'tj do do 216ta shop 4 stable t do *do 1 lot Bdhbrightjpl Blake Jno 1 lot CP& RR cb dp do ' do | > do do dp Porter Jas 1 brick, house! ..j/0 Dorsey JC 1 lot Reno’s pB; j do . .do doc j| l do do . •, do - | , Dawson Wm l.lot /, 1 . jl. |•do • ..do y ■ i ';|' 1 Green Delilah land Wassphj tr’t Muivbnon ,P 1 lot Stewart’s pi M'Qatv .lames land ■ 0 Jdvcns Henry's heirs 1 lot War. ' tUg’S plan j i ■ j do' do do I i do do - do dp : j I'-'do Pennard Rdi’t l Idt Renos plan do sdo do Pirliifey’ pi Pifer John 1 lot Gould’s plan Rawdon F 1 lot! Rawden’s plan • do c=dp , do !!i do dp - dp di> ; do’ do 1 do : do Ido i■ do dp i dp .A do Stienfeld Nancy land ' ' ; Sullivan Michael-1 lot 'i . . Shaffer .Conrad;! lot Gould’s pi Rinehart B houj»e i lot,'' ilo I Baiighton Polly Mot "ji ‘slahle ! Neil Lewis 1 lot Gould’s [plan j WriSiit David 1 lot Wassbn’spl 1 Waidschmidt: H I lot Gould’s,id •l ♦CollinsH 11 lot \ March fact’y ♦ do .do' 1 lot above factory; *C *, PUR co house and lot i -0-.. 1 , ■ ( * •:rt, xcs EtS, and IDj& iie tof 62. 34 1 33 [■7o V 20 J 3 62; 29 1 05 , ;15 1 52 29 5 70 3 88 2 09 : 71 95 3.00 2 CO 1 05 ! 80 i '4O 4C 40 95 00 40 18 -.18 16 >lB ■ J 8 2 38 i ■ i T 52 Ap'rlS JOHN CACGIIEV, STATE AND CO ! 5 frill E C(unity Treasurer!.prill attend -I I several fowghips and boroughs purpose of receiving fherColfftlH .ihii IrfiCs. fcr 1204, at the limps aijdplace .hated below, 4lz: I" L,■ Georgetown, May 23, jUnmuton’s Glasgow's Ohio,'do, 24, fimitlrs. Industry, . , do, 25, Plullipsburgh, do 20, jD fiber’s Freedom,. , ' do. 27, ;.H Caskey's Bearer, do 2S, Treas. Other Harmony. • do 80, Stcirc. : [ UocUcster tp., l'do ' 31, Wra. Johnsoi ■ • do: boroJ, June }; do’ Bridge'#attrr,'J .. do 2, Ankeny’s Patterson fp., . do •, 3, Robert son's Beaver,' t j do '4, Trees. Offic Brighten Ip.,' do 14, U. Eakin’a. North 1 Sewickly, do 15, N. Haiens. Franklin, | . do 10, Autenreith’ Marion, i 1 ' do. 17, G.jllartzgll Beaver, j do 18, New Brighton, do 20. I’ujaiti tp, jdo 21, New Sewit kly, do 22; Economy, r, >' do 23, Enlist on; • do 24; Beaver, do 25, Chippewa ;lp„. >. do 27; Big Beave|r, do 28, Darlington tp., ( do 20, do 'hortf., do' ,3t),' South BeaVer, July I; BeaVcB, j' do 2*4, Ohio&S: Beaver; do 5, Ohio t p,’, 1 ; ; do' (!, ■ Raccoon tp., do 7,i Moon fp-j i ; do 6i! Beaver, |,.j do- 9,j Hobketown; do 11,; .. . rdo & Vjreene, do 12, Hanover til Green.do 18, Frankfort ! do, 14, Hanover, , do 15, Beaver, do 16, independence,and Hopewell, do 1,8, Independence, do 18, Bhjiewelli. J. do 20, .. BSuEbynienU caw he ingdiiijricis. ■ ' 48 . 39 j 67 \ 18. S 10 .80 1 80 S 80 ■ «D : 7i i 60 I so ■s 78 I 88 Apr; 20,' ’64 STRAYEB 61 I 83, ON &hmky, May 1«, fromtho subecrib era, at Homewood Station,,in lig-Bearer tp., a sixedbayhorte, wjithblack mane.and; t v a\L<B year* old,, andbtyudof tie. left eyell Mneot ijoturnMg Min, or p»- ihg iitfo motion where ho can .be frond* will **i 188 j 87 j 1 67 .' *> ..I raises 871 and TIT"ASHER, WRINGER anil BTARCHER \y j Combined I Silver and Bronio Med. aIL Diplomas, jPremijoms t "and Teitlumiiliß received sf#om; ydnit on* |od4fc ( -.both lh&bUc andPriviAeii 11 ,s | J ■ Sell-Adjusting and ‘Adjustable: The onty Wringer with the Patent Cog-Wheel Regula tor; for turning both rolls t ogether and which positively preventsHho rolls from breaking or twisting on the shaft. f R.t is hot only aCper. feci irrtneeri but’ tbV Cbg-wheels'give* it a power which render* - jft a most Excellent Washer pressing and separating. as it doeSi the dirt with the'Water from the clothes* leavingthem dryer, whiter, antUntootJjerihan ] wheat iwAolis” by jiniU Thdj pressed from layge and small articled, easier, quicker, and more the or dinary. old-fashioned back-breaking,- wrist alraining. und; clothes destroying process.— The Cog-wheels prevent all “wear and tear” of clothes by the friend niff tbtf rolls or break ing of stitches by twisting. ' ■ Without Cog-wheels, tthe whole strain’of forcing thc : cloth through .the Machine is put, upon the lower'roll,! ahd-the cloth is made to act In the plaoeofj Cog-vrhecd*, to' drive the "upper roll; cansragia much greater etraifli. tup on the lower roll ihSn when Cog-wheels, with our Patent Regulator, areused.KesideS the ex tra strain upon the cloth. A Good Canvas -wshUfl in every ! own. ~ Liberal Wduc. «m e offered, and exclusive salegua'ranl’eed.' "C 1 . [U. C. BROWING, Agent. ! -3t7Brodway l ijew Xorh. t RfM. G. WOLF, Agent, ! ' ■May 11, ’64- i ; Borough township^- W 167 ,158 * 120 121 , 122 14,11 1 1 i .4" ’? •I ; ; 5 lao 2& i 9G 4Q 15 / i":: 05 05 108 6 90 131 260 1 79 BEAVER COUNTY, ss:, ‘ , 'J'\~ . >v TN the Orplians’ Court in f SEAL 1 J_ andfir said county, be fora Ithe Hon Judges of said Court. In the matter of the petition for par liiipb of the real estate of-Warv Ewiug, deo'il., and daughter of Samuel Campbell, life of Economy' fo'wnship, <; Beaver county;’ dec'd.,; and now lowiisi sarcb 12j 1864, rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said dec’d., vir: ; Sarah Jane,,intermarried with tVilliam Thomas, who resides in theedimty of Mont gomory,.State of Ohio; Eliza Ewing, at pres ent living in Cotiiigtdn, Fountain County, Indiana, and Thomas Ewing, now belonging to the Army off th|e United States, 00. i). o'Jd Indiana Volunteers, now in Tennessee; Alex ander Ewiug, father of ibe aforesaid .chil dren, and husband of the Ew ijig, dec'd-, now j residing in Danville,; Ilen i dvicks County, Indiana, and all others ’ inter i esledj to shew cause if any they have' why an’ [ inquest to make partition of the rcSl estate of [said dec’d., should mol be awarded at an Ur l phans’ Court, to be held in Beaver, in and for. Said cpuutyfon thedirst Monday of June.next! U 1 ■' ’! A True/Copy of Rule.' •• • r* .JOHN A. FRAZIER, CFlc. i l . -47 .2 to 3 80 : 20 4 57 : js|? 1 20 6 77 72 19 42 73 23 1 94 24 .33 ,14. NEW SPStSG .sn.it j (jup (stock will'ebt&prise' all coi j tUtfibe Novelties in latest import; ( eluding repps in all colors, plains blacks, ■ plain silks in all colors, 4 ,00 ,3 brocade bilks, Swiss and Foulard a 17%. , I .- '• wliiqh we will such low pricei !!-, 1« . Jh« Mirj and legal represcata-' can fail to M suited. ” I 8 j'l‘UTed of Slary Ewiiiig, dec'll.: iou and ekoix of " V. ar ® aptified to he at. •> i- .. ■- ! the timcjnnd mentioned in the foregoing I Kule, for the purpose therein set . 10 i'® . - ' JOS. LEDLIEf Sb."ff. I- "I? . jSußairr’s Oiric*, \ - ' '• : 1 10 ' | B «*«rr«pt > 42>64._ / U{) 1 10 J 2 48 I (.‘•I 05 I 06 ! 08 03. : 08 I 88 ‘i 1.15 ■n X Ur stock willb.e found replete, Nbtloe in the Orphans’ CoUrt- i oTe f one Unbred different styles; i : J _ r . French,,-Englisll, ftth: i ,_Tlie following appraisements under the Act 1 cst importations st prices as low * o: Assembly, ofth o 14th of April; l 18-51, of , -S-' .v 1 ' property allowed to be retained by a. wddow in •,, . , or children of a decedent, to the j value of I 5*300,. hitvo been filed in the Office of th'o Clerk of the prphanfc' Court, of Berver county, I and approved Son. . *. , • Personal property .to amount of $390, by widowof John MiLukens, tiec'd,, of Jloches fer JioM. Marjf Luketu. Adih’rx. ■ Amount ofcash $340, ele ted to be retain ed byiWidow dflteaj. McGaffiek, deceased.- Jesse M’tialfick.Wia.B. M’Gaffick and Andrew Al Oaffiok, Exrs.| ’’ , I i Personal property to. amount of ’s9o 45-100 by widow ofjosiah Todd. JohnSfcntz, Esq.. I Executor. ‘ j . Personal property to. amoitut of $3OO, by ; by widdw of Sata’l.. Kelly, lute of rite borough i<f Ncwv Brighton, deceased. Kobt. Mehard j dud F. IV. Williams,, Adm'rs. . .. | i. Persona" property to amount of $205,58|100, iby willow of JJOseph Alcorn, Mqon tp], de j .ceased., J as. Smith AAdni'r, j !i JPersOnal property to zinount SoOO. 'by Jlen ijry tliitt ith, Greene tp. James Brittain. Adm'r. if Persfaiidl property to amount of $3OO. by widuw.pf James Caret hers, Greene tp., de ceusedi ■, ilobt Atim’r. • ■ , ' | i .-Personal property to autbunt of s3o9,'by., widow' uf Joiinj A'. Braden, Uaecoua tp.. de- 4 c,ease<l|- Iveheeca Braden, Adtn’rx. ’ Personal pioperty to apioujlt of $l3OO, by ..widow) of Jiaiwoy 'Gamble, Greene. tp3( dc-. ceased; iltosaniiaii Gamble, -Adm’rx. ’ Personalproperly loiniount of $135 33-100, and balance oiitj of real estate in Lawrence Cpunty to amour t of $3tH), of Geo.. JPKean, dec’dl Henry. Kirkpatrick, Adm’r. ,■ ,1 Jt)UN A. i'UAZIEIt, May 1.1, 1801. ■ .. . Clerk. tv-1 K ■ i-- »as’r. ONTY t AX. • in ' ,tS e for the State i s desig- otei. [Beaver County, m:; .• •-J '. I. ; do the Orphans’.Courtin and do' !| SEAIj V'JL for it* couniyTof Beaver, do i * — before theUon. LL. M’Guffin, store./ : President, and his'associjuosi Judges of said / j Cotfrti the matter [of ib? partition of the real estate of Jesse Smith’,, late of the town ship Of Qhio, Beaver county, deo’d: The, Commonwealth jof Pennsylvania, To Susan,; (widow] Jesse Smith, Joseph Smith, .Samuel Smith. Susan, [intermarried. with! Jolur Bea ver, HaniiltonSmitb.'Raeiiel Smith.and Thosi Smith;' Joseph [is deceased, as is al?o his wid ow; but.leaving four children, viz: .Isaac, Sa rrih, intermarried with John M. Bay, Isabella and Su.-ian, whose interest is said'real estate is now vestedf.in Jesse Smith and Samuel; Smith; said Hamilton 1s deceased, 1 as Is also his widow, leading one child,- Isadora. whose" interest'iii the said real estate is vested in the said Jesse and Samuel Smith; John Beaver, husband. of said] Susan is deceased, apd the said Susan has since soULa]! her interest in'" said real estate to.'said Jesse ajnd Sami Smith; Rachel Smith is now decoabed, no is-- sue; said Thomas Sinith still living,_ but whose , interest in said real estate is now vested iuthe ‘ said Jesse.and Samuel Smith; said'Sami Smith noW deceased! but leaving a widow, Margaret, surviving,', ahd|foim'cliiMi!cu, .vizi John 8., Susan, intermarried with Isaac Jctnijion, of, county, Ohio,-Mary Aline, intermarried witbjJames Ba*sotpaad 'Louisa, aged 18 yrs., whol-egnardiau is j Daniel Dawson, said John 1 ' 11. Smith being!noyy inline army of -the United States, iu the army of the West, .and all oth. era, greeting: Toil and each-of you are hero-, by cited to be and appear, before our judges of said Court, at Beaver, iu.and for saiiLQoun-, ,ty of Beaver, at an.Qrpbana’ .be held ■therein the first Monday of June~ to act' cept lor refuge the real cstateo'f saidSfcceaged, ;«t the appraisement pii£ upon it by mKlnquest duly awarded by said Court, asW retumed'by the Sheriff;to March, term, ,18^4,.-.Valuation, S'JS,OW. ■ .\nd in the event of non-acoeptahpe, Jo shew caime. wnyVhe sdmo sTiculd not'behold. Witnetis the) Hdb/'X2*l>. PresiS dent of-jour mid .Court, atße'aver.thij 26th day of March.jlfifid. .1 • !■ T'-1 ' > -1 - ■ i JOHN A. fSAZIfiB, 9 ~ aprfi.’M. Clerk.- rt’aliotcl do' do sforc. ’ s store. Treas.. Otfic Hifvo'h' llbni K.i Wallace' 6. | Rausche! Geo. Minis, ToTl house.] TreSs Office Grnebing b< JAP: Dilwo A. 1 Ji Cbokj Joi*ej'U Law Treos. Offic Ken "is stoiif M. R. Dart I). Ewing’s Wm.Elliotf Office. j Swearings! ■' '-(loi. ••(' Geo., Millet IT.rf.M'Cu Short’d sil Offiie. ngbam’s. 1 iot el. mb’s, -i irrence. j r VJ Eager’*. • i f • i’s bofel. doE ; fa. • _ ) iVAiotlV ■ ! * , . i EieddS Kelts' storej l 3. Holrn'etf ./■ \ Robert Set tt's. ! made in any adjola- C AUGUST, V Treasure LEN. ■ i t li HI ...q..;..-.- : vrlicf StiN^et,’, To the heir» *nd legal repreareiiitfWts of . V•. ■ ; ••*•, f ~'-—I - • .» ■ • -! • .•■■ - I r -f -;j ■■’ /-v»r ** . ’i. STO MVO r, * mmms yrr- *lfesO • *«» t» 1111L EVOP . ei „ ; T -ir-:,;|'i 1 i’JLa'j;,,;, IPfewW'sif.ii .ssj.'rf.ai-si • ' t.7.47.A., , F,` • ' r =.;," "•=1 . 4 1; 7..'" '• GARin&Sliniff i ■ :11666tieosir To fe R. GARrWER £ i 1211 : bb ACafketSt. #iir ts or; c \ k'\, - ;; Bet Ween Fifth §u andlHft WM W -- *• ' I . .-j-N, ‘-'.I , T-t rfi take tbb liberty to infom our friends \\ 'of. Bearer couatytiiatwoharn large-, ly increased our facilities for carrying on the t> o els; flusl: ■ ' ' * i - ■ • ■ at ouf_ old stand[/ Oar attest bo devoted to the increase. of, our b wliich tbe interest of ourcustoms sustained and promoted by-every obr power. T, , DRK?S GGOT)S. __ i 01 G LS :A E S!j k U \' : 7 /-■ ; ■■ - v ' ■- r--Uufi ■ ; i: I.ACR GOOI'S. in ' receipt of daily k tl and lourj-assurttnent, ,abd apness, .will, he found second to r. .. To this department wo-cal ration. - . 1 1- We joi cht :cit; ait'i ■ ■■ v '.'r:-,Wd ■ ! ::. N - V ; HOUSE FUR^I&UNG 1 ! ■' , , r j~ ,r ■' "■ Linens, sheeting and pillow Msrsoiles. and honey comb i<jui blue and -piuk| napkins, to-.vle covers! and Irith linens, alwayj theJotycst prleei. ■'l ; ■ i'-W' - ■■■-; ! CLOAKING C’LOl ■■ | r ■' '■ -ft dissitneres in plain and fancy, reeds, anttinett, corduroys, a ij-s Vcarof all kinds; the bes y, at the lowest prices. lmoral and iioo vrliich wo-ftre the sole ngcnt of BCTer»h lebrsitcd mutes, which w»" will- »ell to our s' wholesale price*.' .I •.< \ v DOMESTIC GOqbs. - - ■ it.! SDomeatic and imported flannb ill be found large, and ir prices will Sc made, Btf m ace th«a' rriihia react of ' oaaj HOTJItKIKGGO CHEAP, CHEAP) KID GLOVES AKS Persons visiting the city for •purchasing Pry Guodd, -ted io call, as ourentire stock Soo jJeiirdbU and *r : ’ \ BARDIE** SC MMI UM ~..._ ti} 'M. i-fCI pt IBM •~sJ t.m- *>■> '■ic-J' •-■; rUiSibSj, vTOSk' _.‘j Mi m ru'Of.- /is- 1 of ra! c` r' "J.. , : P Jf-'f i :: > /- 1 .\cu} '0»» vm . .....^:;Tr ■am ■•.• _;Oj? Pr - „L ..f I ■r. ■: "• 1 '■ * i aess;'' o* ; wft-be, itlnee«,”in • Witt be. JWfJWin . c r_ ' -i ’ i 3 im'priH'aU lalions, in >tid figured ojifeokHind lilts, all of a' tUal none - "v ~r • -- '-e-i-V , comprUing ; in French, i rips, of lai. ssyeeraago. MEE ’JfcS’nj i ■ ,■> S. ■ from New prices, T for, iDO«oln-the 11, particular ■ I- . • vi> GOOES inens-lojiet. ts, in, white,- , lined onband, at. NM -J MS. liniunctoth*,. ud .men t stoclc in the SKIRTS, I ■ y. ! .'i * is.' Our stock; j selected, amlj lodcrutc M to jj; o 15" r .. | -i H I JDS-. '• V CHEAP •> cGHsHts: t of jcctfully inTlr. will bt found. •'• J'," ■mfe '■j- 1 -'Vi • U; \ : i*' •\ • ' 5 LEITER; t J ' Si, ] i ‘ ' X ' , • ' i J y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers