The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 18, 1864, Image 1

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    . f se-SlairtelkAA~f.
1004alr' a :-'% 611 1 '-'849011-
~v iwEEESSEBff
1 urwtft, is advasge; cjUxerwieo Two Dol
»*Wb.charged. So patferjdiwteiin^wl
W* 1 * . »- -• ' ' ' A
til .Trt»rege» »«» e “ ua -; .;. _ ■:_- 1’
and communication*-, by mail
.. ... ;■■ '
i iii © T abl © .
Beaver Station— Gfpiuo East. .
Monday, JK>ij_ 16, Is63.— Tratn*
£1 Bum'Station M/elleUt : •
s . Arrives ut.Pittsburgh, 10:00 A. u.
«U ' “ “ ' 3=50 p.k.
' B=so P- H
ti „ «*
j Going TVest—
,jV„iilS ItJt ruwmrgh asfoUim:, .
J-f-r « v Arrives at 8eaver,......7:45 A. M,
- . “• ■ ...:..4:25 p.>',
; Rochester..... 3:00 p. v
j!,: .V. ’ ‘ 3:10 A. M.
*■ ' j. McCullough, ywt
p H. MVEKS, 6Vn’i Teket Agent. .
riixsßur.G, ft; wavne & ciiicaoo^r.
Rochester Station -rGoiJjo East,'
incites Tlochester Arr. at Fitts.
i«f Accom. 6:40 a: m 7:20 a. m.
’. d lirieli'ri 11 7:10 a, m...., % 8:40 a, m.
oj rtT-icrh n ‘ 12:30 p. m 2:30 p. m.
Ah ß ßrighton “ 3:00 p. m...... 4:50 P. M.
Vi : l- - 5:15 p- M —‘" 7:00 P- *■
U Eivr««. ■ 1:05 A ‘ M -"- 2:20 A - *r.
iii fepr««». ■ *:• P- »■
Tvntia’iiixp- p - *••«••• ' :s ° '•;*•
G mso I\EST
Leaves Pius.. Air. at Rochester.
CM Bn. Accol-..-2:1« p. 4:00 P. M.
wr.riL’k u.Vccoai. 5:15 A. J1......1 1:00 A. M.
MBneKk “ l-: r 'o A. M....... 1:82 P. M.
jL- - •• ' : 4:30 p. M...... 6:10 p. mV
4,h ' - 7:20 p. m,
, 7:'X>, A. ....... 8:20 a. m.~;
Ist Express,: 1 ; 1 ; ? A ' 6:00 A. M. I
"i Express/ *Wf P-. * .. 3:00 p. :u.N
■ ,tnj. JiiuL'i.F.v, b'lj.t., E. i). !
ij.L persons .Interested in the following-
A'iinijii.'jtiM.-iln .inul Gaardiau'aecmmts, J
. which, bnre. been - patted, arid i filed in* the ;
?.fci?*c : r's Ofiice. <•» Beuver county, Va., will i
•uf notice rliat t 1.6 eume will he;presented to
'Oi].*|iobJ?' Court' to be field at Denver, on
ITcJncj'day, the Mh dav.jjf June, : 18lU; for
sjr.d allowance. * ‘ • . y
TbeJlnal adoum 'if Andrew Tf nttevson, Ad
m!. n .h*:r>itor of the estate of D&vifl Scott, dec’d.
The filial account: of Andrew Ad
uiti:«:ra:.’>r of* iheestuto 'of .Meorpe SL. tlun
£rr, -ice d. ' >. v M Sr'
Tl.e fimil account of James Ansli.ys Adfnlh
w:r?.!ov *'r‘the cMate of John Ansley. dee'd.
Tiie foi’il account, of .James MacivliU and
Mir.f'n.Caihoou. Exocuiol sof ilic last s will-and
if'Viinent of George CalLooii. dt-cd. ' y-’i
The final account- «»f W iih.-ui l . if.- Frazier,
.Ad’jiiiiistratarrof the estate, of Jonathan Hvge,
’thr'A. . . ‘ ; 1
riT«i and final account, {'personal) of. Uobi.
G; ii, r.otnititMiViiur “f tfie estateof James
Cfx'-V.,- •-- x
Arul account.of I*. Kerr t.Ad
mrvv.vV ).• "1‘ ('rile of Samuel’ SyiKou,
N \.|*ri.*o w<- or. of the will. *ol Sitin'*
; S.V. ’ : -.-n ' 1 U- . *
Fit.*: nn-l iijiai ueuunx of M argferGt J fiiairtl*r,
..i v oi’ tieo. U-emlrr,
life i*. Mi Kepr, A*laiir;i.^
trhti‘7 f'l rl»f
v-io- rr:i:-. wyv.iuri O'onley und ,Ahn
Crni‘\v. iu-irsof?sieUoli;« Onnley.dcud.
. Jit- « :iu:u i.f Jaines Warnotk, (idid--
ti;an o; .towc* K. Todd, 'minor hm of -Tame*.
' 1 '
The *av. uiit of dCnv; -W.; Irnn-j Guardian of
So-anheh Irons,. minor daughrer of'John!
•Ir;-r,<. dee d. • t* • ‘
Ike aremmr- of. Isaac PJist, iGuardian of
Ma'ilun Herring, minor daughter oi William
Herriug.,doc'd. * .: . ■
iiie ana! account ofUnK.K. Hodon: surViv
•.■’.j'KicVi.tor yfthe last.wiil; and testafnent of,
Ticmas Scotv Jec'd. - • - I
1 tinjil .4-jooimt of Jai'nes Allison, Exoeu-
Tr,f <*f ii»e !a«*£TwiU anil testament of,(>ctavia
IT.l T . A:’Seu, do-;;'-!: . ■]-' i |
* I:.'- 1 .vcuuni of John G. Rehtol. Adminj
»h“ e.-dude of Hartley! deed]
1 .e Kul'H'l thi|:er, AUiu^ji
-p t>f the estate of ('has. Baker,, dec’d. v .
Vhf Kccaui'i *rf I.ampbrightJ: Acl
‘ji the estate of Adam ■ Lauij*-
dcV-l. • " T
*‘iiu; apc-*unt of- I). S. MaiVjiiis, Executor
t'lU *q-; -viU of l‘r. Smith Cunninjrlmin, |
whowos acting Exeouror oV the last I
I>r. OU\£r Cunningham, dee d. | I
■Tiie aerm.nt uf John )m’swell anil Bcnja-j
fiip ijcilisrtu, Executors of the last will- and]
(leorge lloswoll. dec’d. I .*:
Tht account, of Thomas- Xieholaon, Execu-;
h>f of-the last will and testament of Matilda
- ■ -y ' ' ■ i ‘
v 1? rtccdunr of Jop. F.*, AdoTr) :’df
Ac yfjAlbert Feezlc,. -lec’d. ’
Tie account, of ,J. -O- Bcntel,
on Henry Holland, minor 'son of]
*jvliau lloihmu, dccVll • *■ ‘ . 1
f! f Ginrd\a n account of J. ,G. Bcntel, ;
Julian <d Christian jl>.Holland, minor son-;
Holland, dec’di
r accounts of Robert E. Moody,
wdian of Joseph and David R,; Whitehtll,
children of James.WhitehUl, dec’d. \\
-‘V' ~ Cc ynl of Robert Scott. and Ha'tid
Kaecujors of the last will and testk
w\. of Scott, dec’d., who was Execu*
i?* 01 last (will and testament , of Abraham
deed. ■ - ■ . 1 . "} 1 j-
The account , of . John thicker. Admin
*ke estate ‘bf Samuel Searight,
TJ ’ 1 ;
j< ,|T ai ' c i , unt of Emmet Anderson, Guardian
1 ■ »r_v June Clark, minor’ daughter of John
’ieo“.l. b , ; !-•
i B.J/ l ?f c ", unt °f William Irons, Guardiah of
I /.-■ t ■ iT ‘ s - minor son of Alexander Davis,
I V' . A. U. MOORE,
t * r * r > '' ll . v dth, '6l. Register
*• KH COUNTY, ss: ' ij* •.
I /;! Jfpljans’. Court in and for the county
! ? I svcr ' beforewhe Hon. Judges oflsaid
tccoaiSi? - llie of exceptions to! the
.-, 1 ~*/■” Agnes Carothers an'd Jesse Caroth
r-ib»r. s m - e | mors the estate of John Ca
i,,,-', who was Administrator of the
Ami l ?)' 5 Carothers.Jecd. ' „j
‘Pnoin? w i l * Fcb ‘ 24tb * 1864 - the Court
uiic S - Ru,an > Esq., an Auditor to
£ en ; cV. and-reporl the facts on the ex-
P “?• tf true Extract J ' • f
1 JOHN A. MAZIER,- Clerk.
A ■ !
* R wd Auditor above named will
c£te “® ““ties of ii.iA appointment at hii
Uj ih. «, nurt House/ in Beaver, on Tiiea
-11 °? U( o’clock, a. m.‘,
iutg-ested, nndTheirat
«ni!« “""' 1 S;i,:
'1 -
\ a' «d..ii,ur , D ea!er U
'\^ er ‘ and s hect iron. Ware;
*PPw«d:patt*prt of v
9 <**"». and Hewing
.:iroT -WjV? %o£inoJ<
'• f';'- ,vtk "... 1
T ft®
Vol. 4G>~:No) 20;
A, Great Banituy Cdntmi salon
Fair le. 'Aid of theSlck and
i Wounded Soldiers, : •
Will he open in Pittsburg, durinq two
weeks in ■ the beginning of. June>
Tim arrangements for the Fair are on’!
the grandest scale.,. Fiyk EXTENSIVE i
BUILDINGS have already, 'been erected,
which, with Others,-will befillod with con
tributions of f things useftAfipbautifub. cu-’
rious and wonderful. ■
The Audience Hall will B<jat bver SOOO
persons, and[ will hie open nightly,, for Ex
hibitions and Concerts.
- Among the entertainments will be Con
certs by. th|c.< celebrated , GERMANIA
BAND, of Philadelphia. 1
. A Military Exhibition of HYATT’S
CADETS,.I6O in number.
will be given, with 200 vocal, and instru
mental performers. ■
and ANTIQUE CONCERTS, and vari-j
orfs unique and attractive entertainments
are being prepared.'
Premiumu Worth Contending For!
The Marl le and Stone Cutters of Pitts
burgh offer a MONUMENT woBTH
OVE-E 8200 0, to be given to the County
of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio or Vir
ginia, ;whicli shall donate to the Fair the
largest aggregate amount, in proportion
to population. The monument to ,|ae
erected in,'tlio chief town of the County
which shall ?«ri it, to the memory of their
brave soldiers slain in battle, j . .
The Allegheny .’.County Agricultural
Society offeijs 8600 in Money-to the Ag
ricultural Societies;of the Country which
shall donate the ; largest amount in Live
Stock. - ’ -„ j,; ~ ’ . '
j Allegheny’ County, is excluded [from
■competition for either premium.' j
-Organize J-our County, Township and
School District Committees, and apply to
every doctor, lawyer, merchant,, clerk,
| fanner, maululacturer, mechanic, laborer,
( woman and child, to give Money, Live
; Stuck, Goor s, Farnf Products, Mauufac
! lores, I sefui or Fancy Articles, Chriosi
i fk-sj Poultry,-Butter, Eggs, Shirts, Socks,
| .Mhjde Sugar, or anything which c.-iu be
! S(?3(l, or looked at, to swell the fundi
] ;Let the AVpItlvlIEN in every Mill,'Shup,
CoalilJank, ,| Furnace, Boat-Yard, Tan
nery, and 'of every trade, subscribe at
least one day’s labor, and send the! pro
ceeds to the Treasurer, witli a liberal sum
abo from the employers. , ’ , i
Duty, Humanity'and ’ Patri-‘
’ otisro, alike cailkipon ns to help our hraVe
; Soldiers, .and" our beneficence must'• be
.worthy of the cause and i of a generous
i people. V j:
| Money to be sent to X. Holmes. Trcas
■ urer; Goods-to Felix, K. Brfinot, or to the,
I Chairman of the Committee.
| marked “Shnitary Fair.” Send notice
of shipment. Freight settled in Pitts
i btp-gh. j; ‘ S,-#' 1
I All the Rail Roads issue Excursion
pickets to the Fair. ; i ’ , . !
By orderof the Executive Committee
*J)ite of ii modesty which
underrate hm own ability
■6:p»s Liniself content-, with
tte command.. On the ~Pe
e was twice severely Wour.d
thtietam lie led a division in
corps, and'cliing to" the ficld-
J icccivcd throe "wounds.—
■eovery lie was assigned to
the .-9th Corps, -was sub
i ra ns for. red to the sth, undi,
GKASD JUIJOKS. U e 6til >hich he has never
t , ) aken—never till now, and
*Jeo, 1 death. Jn tbe^ChanceJ
.Freedoin bdro—N. P. . ! nipaign, his was tlie move-!
Georgetown—Jijnjes Todd. ' ! : j. merit! on Fredericksburg, which did i
Greene—\Vm. K. .Trimble. j all that in line man lay to retrieve the’
Hanover—VVm. Ykilton. I, j disasters-of Hooker at Ghancellors
llarmony—John Besson. I I ... A , - u i • j
Hopewell-—George X. Baker, Johri R.j v ‘ l,e j A - hn arrived on
M’Cune, Thpi M’Kec. /• 1 j the field la’Jo on the second day, after
Industry 4-David;Engle. , a mireh of thirty-three utiles, went i
Moon,—lbtyid W£ Baker. instantly into battle, and drove back i
RdbTcrili®’ A^ e t° n ’ fe,ny.wh(> had forced-the-2d j
New Sewickly—Henry .Bright, W Cor|»-to,Wtreat and were pressing
lace J. Boggp,;Christian Gok>hrihg. j- therrjadT intage. He never was in a!
rattersoiif-i Fife, (Foremanj) battle cut of which bo did not bring
Raccoon—j-John Cooper. | .awayj great distinction for himstTlf.
Rochesier boro—Wm. Johnston." •! oil .. s ... ’ t
Rochester tp—John J. Foster. Bu £ fiV( f n h,s famo as a ,n,lltar y com l
South Beavjetv-John Cujberteoa. I manner will be less" tenderly'cherishF
> PETIT JUEOES -•" ’ i ed-than tie memory" of his; personal
, Beaver boro—Thos. M’Crbary. I ; cbaiijcter by thosp who knew him in
Big Bcaverv-John Davidson: I ipriva.te lie, who have Shared his hos^-
- Borough tp-j-Garret M’Quillan, David. pitality ir memorable ojimpaig ns, arfd
S™*?- i I r wlo lean ot to kno‘w. the solid worth,
Kfconoiny—Hampton Nichols. j - ftolm £ s > f hte £° nerous traits, which j
Frankforij-rißobt. Steveht. characterized him. .'We pass those 1
Franklin—Michael Deavenbanghj F. memories hastily—-the news of his
T. Wilson. |j _ ' . ,■■ ■!■/ death is 1: ut just received.’ The bullet
GmeSfLel James M’- aj 8 at ’SpoUsylvania
Crady, James ’ , ! has gone to the heart of John Sedg
■ Hanover-lrJiosepli Deeper. ' Wick—ha j added another to the cost
Harmonyl—Sylvester Gayer. : )y lives which this Rebellion has de-
Hookstown-}—Samuel M. Lawrence. mantled as a sacrifice. There never
Moon—WmL Burns, If. W. Johhstom ,tJ Lot no fr,end of bi “ r «-
New Brighton—Alex: Fombelle, Fran- member bis loss sc mournfully as not
cis D. Honlette, M.S. Johns. io keep bis memory,bis undying fame,
g North^^ewickly— Henry R. Altar, ever life 1 limos an example.and ap
Pittsburgh* May ,1, 1864.
! List of Jurors. -
Drawn jor .Session* ..1804 commencing
. . * »June Of A. |
•lamuel - .:s, I John Robinson.
Oliioi—Solomon Frank, Thos.' Moore.
Robert Bccd.J. B. Goodwin. -
—Charles Price. . '
Raccoon—A} r asUiiigion AV. Shclito.
.'Rochester boro—H. AV.-Seoly, Henry
'Woods.' ' I- . ’ ,
Rochester; tp—Alex. Davidson.
South Beaver—James W. Borns Jas.
Cowan... ■ .
A Good Sios.—A. Dumber of farm*
ere havßTrtadb|in the town ofßowe,:
Mate,more than a thoupand-lbs?of eo
garesch ibeipset Beawm,aomaoTer.two.
attwtfnrtyjwdi'bnaiinans ,taiinad»fa*t
tV’«:l*a hundred pound* r - '
& jffirTA orfrmoVi ? £aiki
5 ©
i *h
o< \T
X - 1 J
, • JoluL Sedgwibk. '
dew; of the corps-dommanders
<Sf thje A rmj ’. of* the Potornne, the VJt.
oransol lier|wh,osc ionown is idenlifi-’
cd with it, uii'd whose personal fame
| h|ta c’ont ribc ted^ the' r^ota*’
; t|on' l h'tt oijai [for the
i general tv'ho bits; iwicobeen been (effer
ent aiid tktic i refused the oomuiandlof
the’ irin f— fobn ; Sedgwick—fa dead
!T|iei,|r!lr y liae suffered no? such loss
sihceri'je or**' ' A; l(i ; ' 1.
bestood a
its 6wn !
was Itbjc':
beneath I
by Indci
•and by t
gived fb
to iiotd
• £
t lO;
nger against up overwhel
, to lead it more surely on
se which any. other will
aid have deemed, forlorn,
ry Out of defeat, and’ to,
fhislic hope amid the moijt
discouragements. \Vc
hero to. look for bis sac-
than; Lis
« i
to wuuv
knoy n
■pesspr. _
was .ho who gave its
3 “Fghting Sixth.” Who
.uale it? ; ■
nami to
bbaflj pc:
;wi(k was born in Con-'
1817, wns graduated -at;
in 1837, went into the ar
made First Lieutenant in
brevet as Captain forgal
ntreras, and Ch'irubußc.o,
r in the battles of Molino
puhepec,)thd the San L'os
eeivcd his- conimUsion a»
1841), was-made Major in
valry in Colonei ol
valry in' 1861,. Brigadier
Toluntecrs >iii the same
L and Major-General July
i- tliut brief detail of facts
.‘ho gallantry of a life ,de
military serviccof hU
J finally laid down to save
West P(
tliiery, \
1839, w|
and as S
me Gate
, l .
i captain
the list
the 4th
’•year I ,’ At
4, 1862.,
is crowd
voted to
it.” i-
!: Q
, re
Gt] bis
fought iyi
keep! Win
an.djjK’as i
coni mu n< i
u cor ps',
led, him
and lo j
Rubo-ciir: i
ninsi.hv 1 i
ed. At 1 !
Suroner’i i
j comiiiuhd
ifinally to
sin<*e| fin:
(inlj! Inow
lorevjiile o
•oor in the Army ,of the
is enough to -say .thumbs,
high distinction in oveiy
which his woiinds did not
»way v lie rose steadily,
•ccssircly appointed to the
'a brigade,-a division, and
. Tre 1
coin,to t
Hni» [and
dollar. (
against c
tO, tll-B-
Trust/’ -
the other
tad Btat«
Iwij-Cest, Coin.— This new
je inadeofbronze, iVin size
; wnj- : between a Spanish slid.
an, Ajnerican quarter of a
[>n one'side is a shield reeling
■roused prr|jW6. with the mot*
scroll above, ‘.*ln. God ; pur
- underneath, '‘1864 ’’- Or.
■ side a wreath qf corn, &c.,
America.’’-, rf rt-.
y .[cb -.nil
. ncilii
•J : ' "-li • >
1 fV
W :
. / i -i ”i
Steadily we march aloag, ' -
; (•’
Kaddto band, and heart td heart;
aji »dltl
tTe ar'd *■
'NfeatH tbe old jiSugC Byste : tli^ x '- v -
Steadily .wro march alohgjfi v; k,-: r V
Tiraing siep te marolnqgisdpg;;
W bat tli ough4oud»
Though bo bright or
We are eoldiera bound jjp -
’Neath oar
oh to vrcfpry. :' i* •
Steadily we march along, ,
Ringing ocathe mai^hipgL«9i>g;;■ 3
What t hough rooghWisoldiera fi
VVVatre,all oiir care—
All iU-fadphAnd all its .rove)
And i.u diug rajjtaij'hVa^d'ye;,-;"’■'l'
Flying, '! |
And we march to victory; - '
arch ,along
, fear',
■ J ’» foe bqiitearj •
for; the&jht,
of the ijgfht,' ';
flag ay|lg Tree, 1
■1 Tictpr^f,
Steadily've nil
To the soldier’
Lillle carc we,
If our cdu’ntry
We are ready
For the battle
’Neath the old
Starry sigh .01
>'■ *¥M,. ■■ ■ ' j. 1 ,
PhllosophicalyPaota ■. 11
Si hinds travel ..dt thV rate of 11
foet per second dn air; 4,960
water, 11,000 it: castjppn; * IT,OOt
steel, 18.00 in 463&|
U.OoO in woojd: , . *•
Metcury freiazes at $8 degrees Fi
renbcit.nnil beep mesa fpiiil hihss t»
able under.the., j if
The greatest height nfcvfbich visi
ohmua ever exist 1
n»51e».,/ : f! r ; '\l \
Air is about 816* tinMftjgbter |tt
; ; ■
The pressure of tbp |te4ify|iera’i
OIT I I 111 J llljlMM S fl 11l ffi VlihViwiiiil,
mounts to iJlG^pounds. 1 ' An ordini :
sized man, supposin'' Ins surface 1 6
14 square feclj, sustains the endrmo
pressure of 80.249 pounds. 1
■ Heal"rarefic-s air to such, an c.xte
that it may lie made to (iopiipy 55(
times the spaie it did before..: j
The violence o£j the expansion
water when 1 freezing, is Sufficient
(.•leave a globe of copper of sijch tide
ness as to ,rtquire a forcejof 28.C 1
pounds to produce ;tii 4 o same effect.'.
The explosive force of closely co
fine 1 gun-powder lia-.six and a half to
to the square inch'. ■ ’ , ■ i
During the conversion of wat
into ice, 240hdegrees, of heajt a're a
sorbed. I - 1
•Water,, wli
increased its I
Qnc hundrj
of the Dead'
of salt. . !
The mean annual depth of rain £b
j falls at the'Eqiiatpr is 06incheS.
js Assuming the temperature of t!
interior of the eurth increases un
fprmly as [we descend, at the rate i
on«r degree injdG feetj .at tho depth".
60 miles, it will amount, to 480,000 d(
greob of Fahrenheit—a degree ■ i
heat sufficient to fusel all known sul
,j I ' ' - 1 *
sn converted'iritp ,steai
ulk 180 Q times. !,' '' j .
ad pounds of the ■svat
Sea Jcontaine'4s poun
' I; ■ ;
stances.- ~ ■, f ■ , • ,
Hajl stoned sometimes tail With
velocity of 115 feet in a second, an
rain at 34 feet in a second.' 1 . |
Thegreatest artificial cold ever pr<
diiced is .91 degrees Fahrenheit. .
Electricity moves jvith a greate
force than light, which traVersoa 200
000 mileji, of space in a second of tim<
Thunder canjbo heard at thedisttdu;
of 30 miles. 4 ; ! '’ ■ j | j
Lightning pan bh seen by rpflectioj
at the distance of2oo miles.—iV,
Tribute. “ . \ | J
TbeVkterl.v Keherves— Thf statc•
ment in |thojfNcw'York papcrw.ilhat
Gen. Grant hais dotai inin|cd iu disband
the Invalid Corps, Snid' solid t]he atjie -
bodied to toe front, and the perms •
r.ontly disabled to their bomokv is ut
terly unfounded, and is. behaved tjj,
have beonibsplred by name di>ap
pointed aspirants for tha t
Cua*, 10a 1 a ITaving bee i
afflicted with a cpuple oKtldona \vitbi i
a abort timepa»a,'l:ibpugbf I would
send itiy, treatment, for I
know fliat cure if applied iii
aetadn jw the pan begins, to
Swell, get Ap.Tincturp of Lobelia. a/l 1 I
jwf affected thick witb o
Sfotbi ItWrfghly With; tho
' £«gp'H' : fortv
—■- fv>i.
&•' B^a*f4 h ;Pt;'si<&eft^g.)
-r :
~- ■ • 'i : fi & &ef|&.
!■ ! ■t^^r'lk*'»l
?,°r * er l D 'o^ihis city.' pol.j
; Jackson, ot vbe 6ih
' ’ ■ rs^fion J $ ,fi'|tt^i a! oif|
It's centre stod&fourtee i roerij as :! Sn®|
tfi!ji>vii ,: 'Op : ;
i tkdvftC^sh^
ifcen*® c£;~-Fort! Pilldw, scenes l ifikt
■ Jefc'deSpe t biifkhew"bn.
’ ||>i>j>|(ir- I «{f' ‘f' f. j
' . Mrs.. Booth [ came ;]forwkiiK' In
*‘er hand ‘she ahd
clotted with human bipod. ; ;iSh6‘ tciok
a: J>osi|tion inf front of’tho-fburiV'en
heroes’sO lately ]ijndW bid deqdasedhuß
bundVcomtnand., ' '‘i'--.'’ : ' : | : |i •* ;
' u Tbd oiriks before b’eii obsei
hencp that ,wds full of idle
•Many ft hardy face showed b|
fling' lids and, hurnu? ‘ pj*ds‘ :|
I sigHt 'of tj»o berepred | jadjj|
I bdsoms that could 1 meet s|
; drew ion the fountain ofitearj
| maineil dry cden amid thy.
flights witnessed on tble -ba
afteKa fierce aCjiion. ij, j
. Turning to ttyo men before!
; said; ' \ | = ’i|’, |
; \ Boys. I comle frol
to the hospital aflMbund Cit’
_. - : . *. . . ,:■ -«■ Vi.... f
I saw your comrades,
hI (iody st r D ggl el tv For ; PilloJ
1 found, this flag—yon fecbgn
One |Of,-your comradei. [savel
the insulting touch oft;
Pilib'vv. ' I ;j - ’
' I' Have given! to m;
bad to gjroirmyjhusbaii
Yet I have freely given
idortt and my country.
Next my husband’s
the next dearest object
world is this flag—the
c’d in proud defiance
of Fort Pillow!
Soldiers! Uijs flag.J
.Itnoivijhglhat. you will,
the last words of my
surrender th
i," j‘:
p', it, - -L i; i -‘J 11 ,s the blood of ; pedigree, ahd
Colonel Jackson then received from ,i L wi ■ ,
. L**- r , ... ■ ,’.l ! the question is: tV ho was vour grand
bur [hand, on bclialf of his ,command,^' father'' ‘ ■
fthe blood-stained flag. I lie called V r ,- i . ■! • . ,
j, ■ i - ."r 1 : •!, fo Cincinnati, tiie queen lard oil
on too regiment to receive lit as „-l, „ . . , . ,
1 i 1 -i. i .1 . -city:—How many hogs do you kill? ‘
such a gitt ought to be received. At■{l t A.’- • f , i ;
,ii ,' V 1 i ■ j ' -. ; i :: in Chicago,before tlicpame. it wa*:
that cull - ho and- evciV nihil i T ° , T ,
f.lf U|»i>n IWr'knbe.l ,„d iole,u,,lvi“7"-'P^ nW 4
;»|.p»ling ii tie, Croil oflbauU « M i. PS"
une snore to’avenge tljie liU ini■S'"'” 4 * b >' •*•■•«»»•!« »™wor .0
i r n ' , . * i I ‘ th<i question:: Have you-any* interest
and fallen comrades, and ne\cr, nev- •’ ji V fJ J \ ** • i
, i ’. | 1 .] ’ , i mla fur company.' ‘ i
er lo surrender the flak to-traitor*! ’ -• v ,A , , ,
rp, ; y ..| ■ { .In. A«w Orleans, south of Canal
: -the scene was ope never surpassed ' , , • I- : i
-L ,• . ~ J Street among the merchants it was:
i|Pi emotional' incident’ Beside the ■ , , : , ■ .. „ 1
If; ... . . ! i Hipw much cotton do you ship ?—i
fW.ift rolling waters. Of the Mississippi - r “ t •
ii 1 , T , [ , ■ r, . 'J 1 , Aprih ot Canal street among the
—within the enclosure that. bristled . .• , J j i
, :■ ,T | i >■ ? „ , hrench creoles; How does he dress ?
with the death-dealing cannon-, knelt ' j r „ k r , ■i,, . v I
'1 i V 5 |tn Mobile, itis. manner* that makes
these rough soldiers, iwhose bosoms vnU i .u • • n 1
, . ii i l.r i !> I . i the man, and the question is: How
were heaviqg and on; d^s he b()have ?
mauj* of whoso, cheeks .quivered a I ; L I —j. . ,
tear they jtciod to hide, thangh it!; Dean; Swift,it
did honorj to their iminly nnlures.—[■ ;.P r i eut ?' lln S ‘ an l upsize sermon, was so'-
-Beside them ' istood, in|' jipr g -i'ef, the verc upon lawyers for pleading against
widow of the Lvj>d offiegr they lost, i' lh | e ! r . Atller a
dnd above thp'm \fas hjeld! the bloody !3'°« n g. counseljjjr saidj some severp
| flag--that eloquent rCeoj-d of crihie, | ugainst the clergy,* and added
j which! has eappek .the ciima;: 'of re- j riotj|d6ubt, were - the devil
i bullion, and which'will bring i, reck- j a pdcson be found to
I owing iso fearf«L ! . : , j pr|e*ich a funeral ' semon.i “Yes,’],
In few but-pointed and ncisjro! sa : !(I “D would and giv.e the
words, Col. Alexander pledged him< !,d e |Vjil'his duej as|A did bis children this
. c I i o i • r i ! ■ fp : ■ / \ \'• \’'
i*elf ,und his coin mandl .to di:icbargc r ni f l : nin S* 1 'X \
to the. utlormos; th< foleraa ohlU| Steelu has been compelled;
: ga|i° n ; of , justice liad| tbatj|t o |rL«turn from Camden to Little Rock
day taken. , . i v % | ( iby shqrtnesp of His [supplies.' He
Cbj. Kappan followed Kim, oh the 2Gth till. On the
sing himself; [in favor of sU insC.bis -ejtviilry had reached Lit
tory acts of justice gs the tl o ' and ’ his main force
wurfaie requite in acasje ojf sue Lfiend [ whsjwUliin forty miles cjt tlie place.—
isb-and[ wicked crioltyj' ■ j; [Tho|onemy harrassed him during-the
Woo to the ’unlucky 1 o falls | enlite niareh bulf did'nujt inflict inucD
into the hands ofany ofifne con mandltJ damiao'e. 1 hi-. ; * f
repressed d'clarai |; f]^ BAß Atlwi^t-’-ThoLon!
ticn.. ThedptcruphatiAn k; tje offi: and [its glides have much
com of the dlhKs. Artillery l 0 Bisy übout ü barbttroUN .. maan(}r
f has in |which the yfhr against the Rebellion!
been tnpyand they been j 3 U nduct6d ; by . ,B ut : wMttt will
found I- : to thoßietAhat thc. nllics in
A'uood CpMfAW Afiin'hark[ opeheA 'fire upon iSunder-
J&yf York papers pomnarbs tlr ! burg withoutihotiedi anti killed eighty
tisher of a 1 newspaper who aljo l
papers logo to all jparlsW‘ ort j> oy ;rS V ibes of the sth
itry. before W f«»n tl bttv „ been received: fTi.e rcheltroops
a farmer who would sell bis vyi Flo >^ ( ai ; d Sau^
f-redicand, not more p Carolina have bebn sent to’
bushel to any perf»on'| Ifpny farmei
will.try the experimentjp|f. Uijis dis|.
tribiuinij, the - •_ li||j'labor
over two or three Monties, with an
“l.i ' tr~ dial-
oct-aoi^iial. busbel [or la,r &
■tan.t States, foj ohtfyovj, piarj
[[antee ie .never yvill' that
year's expedience £ p|ttbliBhor! : te
' Wtis^J
'm K^h
,'«d|P. ; : '■s&ji 3Moii'' tte&is i,
•! • [i-■■!■ moti : ■'j- • ■■- ■ |-
f ]«. ;
r> tn *r i * ; i• i *, *l..i • * * •■> - > v.
; All risoWfeiii;
jV flrace Qieonwood, jnlicr lecture
InChicago.drt wthe followlng picture burned lsopt wore a
: , ' “happy .couple,”rejoicihg Ai&’cajyjjfc.
■*■■ “Backfonthese troablcLa limes
i„'i '• • •- ■ <--■•>''•■■ .paper parcel; and a.“B!eemngchetah?'
:opr plpyren .lopk gu&iehiy the tittup a M/oftaipo
ns 'three year-’ experience inthisstrange
i;fwiU da' r e.their patents.of nobility op world, awoke*.from ontypT, tfy»o4otlg,
igraadei • battle-fields than Wgincourt: “hd^turbeU'Muy.BerVtfi§£af^iihong
dr Bannockburn. sucb'patents 6t no-lM 1 of
! u-i*. 5 * ; ‘■ ,5; £ climbed op «&: a?;, 40 standbsftl .k£k
\ T %’■ •*!?? W4'' IWBW I; 9,®? e , over the back, of;,tbq Beal, - iTtjeo -care
1 .fy.*Pw>U.., ; ouffim.enlly glorious for.—, worn, travel-weary and half-awake
Ufonjq.j,. Q«it .ot.arius in, those days mert 'sat directly |n front
hanging empty, ,T hc Y fotikedj aS■■ jifotiik
• «wk «:‘,..Vwc 'il ‘ 'tney kad- been on brtard ! df rdMrtfcil
h cars K>r,a .tenth, and
.t’dple y pang Jade; some ton iroin the regions-about subset The
ji-TTf*™.-bentfe,,thus .proudly .accopntjpg grejat, jeurious «ye r s .at tlije | ehiJ<L> fell
j forj 'lbeir , Qrphanagcrr-an drphana«'e - u P3 n ,
| which ' the country should sec to
1 kl> b li nrtf Kb , !■’(. ed her to have bdett hn trifailtilc rihysi
j-sbaU , , ; .. ognomist. Presently-000; of‘t^m
j ° t L^ ~father foli.m beutmg looked at herr that
; bank' the invaders at. shp rather liked him; /or inslaritly herj
jSdys. another-^ify lather fell d ! ,t •**ss voice, was heard askhp: pipedwui
j Lockout Mountain, fighting fcbpvq theil^f^ l^ 11 1 u‘i. •■?;,■■■&■ •. -. • >
o • ■ ,■! ; 6 „" ••,-., : + ./‘•X>o yon love little girls-rf
j tl ?S d ?-.t V i SaysA : ;£*her ■'
j eunured rnarty rdom in Lib by PrjKon .* rather grufflythenToplied: ? y.* :
1 Says,another— I '{My father,went’ down I don’t.”. -i: ~j.. j- •
,In Jibe Cumberland,”—yet another— A Wiadc of
iUlheriwas rbcUcd into sleep be,- was
-•••. -v f- . , con ntena nice pf- iho ! child
, low MlO wa\e,ip the iron cradle ot the |, v replied: ;
iilonilpr” jAnd there will “‘Yes; yoifilo;*! -
jlads who will listen in modrhfui eiiv.y. j The man Jromied Him
'saying, ip their Secret hearts; “Alas | another look} ho-was ' uv
i V have no part no.- Jot in such lasted,
! ■. .. < .. b ■ “How do you know i” - - 1 ,
fiuhfers. were jrehels and And shp said, ‘‘'’Caaso jjddlobk tis
here and tliei c a youth,; more uhfor-' if you .did.” ' ] I : ' f ■
|turiate, who will, steal away from his ThU thaWed liim out a
i comrades, and murmur! in bitterness Pa *jJ. r: ‘‘f.havo. ir little gifj at bdnie.” ..
a cojipeihead / and sifter a looli that slid .vpd that this :
[! ibcAi.' Aristocracies.—ln
!.,• ! • ’ •••. - j . . 1 . ’ i.expecteu viewof the affair, renewed i
ilia o'nly recognized aristocracy is in- tbe'i o.mversation earwsily-,, and:.the :
telleel; and the question put by ja following colloquy ensued:.! ij. ! '
Bostonian is this: 1 - Wbut do you “Do, you love your ItUle.’girt?”
know? ■: . ; ■ ■ t ,
' Hi. v v 1 •* • "! I• ’ i .. “1% Site a rest! good !iltj!&!gl¥l f’*
1 -If" N ®* York -. lt « -.9k.«>*re matter -Someti is.’ ■ Jlf-:-. I ,
of wealth,’and the question is; What j. “Does she go 'da wn iii the kilgh-
younvoi th? . i! ~ j'. ca A<-hon she ouglit not in ?|?, ; . ;
Philadelphia it is blood'.'the es i . “Yes, soim3tirnqs.”i ; i■. . ,
hd quality df which is! decided by whip your li.U(?.g,rl
• , ’ i J sbe is nuuirhty- / •. •* —* v *
your answer as to what, are your re . “Sometimesi - V
iations? | Does jsite, cry.;wltuit-Viiu talk to her,
ijlii_WasW^ton, i wijoiu.;p6liiic3.'gov-j>udtel! hci\sbe,i^ ; naugiii^^-.’
>r* " ! ■“ ’• ” ' ■ u
y twitch •••)
low the
;eel, and,
1 that tov
. piteous
' ■ J
her, slio
1 ... 1 ,!
in a visit l
y. There
iteji at, t.iio
V. There
lize : it.— j
Sit from j
at Fort
| . >■ , ; '
jjtfly-. tolfl:
iijh a gift!
for free-
Pi co “|
left r|ie in*the
flag tljat : war
per tlrt works
p't hubs,
ever Remember
I I'll . <
|ejflag‘t6| .traits
■ pii bl~
1 - i •
vh hi*
cm, tp
eat on
arnij-. '% female ijiot'oequrrcif in
Savanna.!) oii tlje ult. ..Stores
: TOre i.opei),, seized
could Iw fjiutidi '
Patthen/' tliergrnat
trotting atthe.U£pg Inland
Onion -ti'oll.ihg <i<}ure'< i ( 'on- thft’Tst idatr
’ At)shtitt -llkc^iffgb^liis l o^nerVyt l is aiji
■i .> 1 :'• - ■' ’
ii: How'many voles; do you corr ;
trbl? ■.. ■:. i‘ ■. .. i ' ■,•••'-■ .
[n ClfarjesiOn as in the Quaker cl?
' i' 1 • • .•-■! -I,
r*—-IhTri, mil iwTiml riiiiilliKtnwiH ' ‘ '■'-
•)(* nifi&irttimhbmliimlt tU*M«
nlirwus;;,, ...siiVnuai. W-■ !;i !
Business card*,' -Trents a| Hie, per jw,'
: Political
*-'Yfes. , v -;- .
'•Then Jo you whip'he
‘ : Sorn‘et!mJ'
‘•\Vhcu : she says hhu ,ie
whip. her then ?'’
6 r never.”. •
|. : Then the little,
■ edand spaiklcd j
i eooelnsipus no d(
I peridn'ccl, she-exc
"Lam real gla.
Then looking
; had'refused to hi
' had put" to him, i
II y made friend, i!\
i ‘/Thar man wol.
1 he drive little girls ?’■’
The man had - a, hear
/and he thawed\ont- li
: seif, he 'extended this hi
I and siiid: i,
I “Ho«’ do .you cio-, sissy
j Add the little creature,
!er at case, rcplicjd;, v 1
j ‘Tin pretty well; hoW:
j By/ this time all withii
| this colloquy were, movei
i eyes of the parents cif th
| tier were full, to over
j those., who were - neares
of] the men she bad quest
the other:..
. ‘‘She s a little witch.”.
And .so she was..H,
beauty- add her infantil
pbwerful enough to
tho roughness], the- we
. reserve, und ind/ ITerenco o
worn met. of the world,
them to tears, j I •
‘ rj' -I ' . • ■ . I-T . t—To lattcmjot Jo;bon
row ■ money . on, the -plea ot extrema,
■To f make y Ly 1 disa-*
greeahle, ah J wonder, no.pne, wilJj vis
it you, unless they gain semie.palpable
advantage by it.. “.'".ij’ . J !
To sit shivering* in the m|d because'’
you won’t have a fire Jill November.
To suppose reviewers/ generally
reail more than tho Title plage bf the
works they pi aiseor con Jeipm V \ i
To keep ’ you r• c lerks pri ! miserable
salaries, and wonder ‘at tl oir robbing
> otjo go to, bpd. when you.are tir
ed anq'sleepy because Ml is not bedtime.
! To make yoiir setwptiX<ljeir-lios|for ,
you. and after•vards be angry “with
them because they - lelll.hes jfblr ibSnir
'selves. ■ ■ ; ’ I-,- j ; I' :' • /I,'
_To render-a man a sett ice volunta
rily, sin.d expect him tobigratoful for>
Jtl •/
! To fancy a thing is flirapbecuuSe,
a low asked for. it.' ‘;
at this! 1 ,
niiu froi
at tlie pt
she said
vviifca lo,c
li’t apcal
S3u‘'lleleh,” paid ,a her
servant. “was .there any fi|re,.Tn, the"
kitchen last; •!*:
•Hn« np
“there was a went
dowh* : and’ T eoon : fanned jit ilnto'fc
dame.-' r looked]' bus*
picitintr &iHhe ihoiocriiiU girl
wehi:\ dn 'VWhßnijr, tfchd J’hftmftide
*‘l£aty Darling;” 1 J- '■
.We KhVo j ustreligion ef-b
un‘hate, blit hot|^nobghtc
v ‘‘'■•'■re.'another. ,’f|[
red upon tho
i jbut passed
■ I* ‘-."X-‘
self, ami tbpk
djjnily Both-'
mid he said..
, : , »
r f'
i - '* • •' .
' f “ *• ' •
ir'sjuVtit dUnC'
. and drawing,
m bur ownox-
hortnian who
s question she
tdk Her new.
debt WoiMier:
t to mu! - Dobs
■ p. 1 -J
-: somewhere,
oiising liijrf
•awnyl ’hand,
,übt akbgeth
treyou ?” .
i bearing of'
1 to tears;, the
e |«tje prat
losing, and
t -beUftllono
iotiorfi Buy to
tr, jbloaniitjg
o iirtfitfne^s
; threats thro?
irfnes.s, 'arid
■■‘.the tray el-,
■ ;.!i r ■