The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 11, 1864, Image 1
4 - j * I!' •' ' ! ( _ j ■ j ; Is - C.; Ita. AWE re mtetls. ~,• ..• ' -r w — ditiiiiattyAwairHl44 • Q L.-IMBRIE, fW^rf3tpPi ■ ' aaiiuit »» UK will Be charged.' jNo paper discontinued w ,ll airarre*azf»’«e .• . : f - : - agrteitfjs and CoiiphuixicatioM./oyßiail, a n have prompt o( tention • :i.0.0f0. p. ’ - 1 -r < : flie ibilowiug Preamble : n uttoljwonWlyH wtcjttsd. lßj| Lodge,hS;o 450, ’ t 0.0fJ.0, P. il*yi’l, .■■l ' .\Vjiiiiijss. Udder iihedispensatiori 6r ,!; 0 -Oi'vii/e Grand faster, ouj-tyorthy beloved brother (tes^qe-C.;Bhao a u ' uo a,| d laSoret- in ' tM j/adL'e. has been from iN-islwr in this life; as . wo- .have;; rbji ' CmfO* hope and believe, .torthe ‘thies- , lial Lodge above,as>odd Fellows, ’•d&irelo record- our ..his Vorth as .» t>v,ot!ier, : of our- chCmned order, iand also to jconvey torhis- pe ’TeiVed family ami feUtiou^jn assurance of m't deep,' syinpai'by ’iu the sorrow wbidii how■emdiiouds them; therefore,; : fostfrifl. 'fliat. iirtlns‘death:of dpr • r el! Uidoved Brother, GcOrge G, Brad ■&»«■.we, ‘the mem.bers :yt Robertson •1 ni f.-p! iiioaru-llie foss'.of a fried-and X ' ..<••• ' Ih Siibiul I:; borer in tbV't'U'UsoJ of v-~ , r '--pi {■ ‘t , ,‘i, I- 1 eiowshii ito jii:/bi^-;d^liy i .. Walk in j statesmen mentioned ib ..connection | •T..-^T.^’“*^"7 oar bec6hyes‘‘kt renienjbere'Wiiilfl exempli■ j witti the same great office-by the! »*>H binding. In >yi Ushered ion .men of the couiitryjLnbr to have -pWbrrahncp of tliis dutyi'we *re ■ • ito iiouV ot-trial, wo earnestly-' and j trolled by uny r selfish-adheranco to a 00 ]*J® ,p y» we are invoked to contend Te-pictMy. lender the assarduce of| mere man, fn inis %e h6ni i of a free. a W in d the sacrifice 6jP what is essen«j (mr,dfi ptM <grmpathy«n4 viir ‘ heai t- people’s struggle for tlleiip existence. Hussary for tho permanency of S l ,|S r by* Jbf government:. >\T;e are asked- to riiat-tlia'-ij i> aueniu-v life ebiered up- fAe re-blekion. of Abijaham Lincoln (^‘T*'* o '.° Ur P o,ltlc ft! drganiaation, on invite** uliosc-.carthl}' career has { are such-as mast influence all patriot* n p ’ l5 n, l‘* o on, a : tHed and faithfa 1 hern ikusiraied by an liu-faflerinif jiq men in adopting measures that will ® e *j' ai! L |o order that the contest at irnst in tiie sacred promise of the :tePl the safeiiy! and parity of lh ? may,hah victory worthy (iivtre .Vasltr in faith and , hope can-I . . df omnlnUnn mf not paFi in full frCiilion. . ' Government, tbclonor and-gloty ot [ - u *• *., fellow-citi-, Kosojvcd, That, though we can add of its people, with their speedy tri ; l ze " 8 on u,e battle-field, an-victory I not,fjirg to Lie future happiness of the |.urnpt over the-muiderou's corabina- whicl will' forever' spai the doom of give no additional lustre to; tions of a wicked rebellion’ The Ad- *troas<|n in all this Stutesv In the coir hl *' i>inl»tratl<in. in all ns huitudes/pre '*-£.** the Presidency we have (V in sdv.mVr Vurown .u^-fulness and Lap.' nl! \ the power of Government in aV Q^ r P >wer materiallyjto> pid-those who pir.rss and by recording l l>is' name lip- ; its mighfc'aird i Whatever af- carrying on a struggle where blood j t.>; mw hearts .wd*i' ; %h6w the world. |-fbcts the cm*. must, jnons or teas, iiiw j tn f ,-k * their progress, itnd death hov-| ',<cgr appreciate. those gentlerfluencc.nndimpair the other. If’thel ep f•°F r " th ' e combatants. If We. sac-: *»« H o&Z.!“ u l! 5 « v piwvvnnu consolation 1 in a, Christian’s t-hc Administration must,.! —j l brothers in the field-will triumph ,&•»*. b. ' |of c<>up»c, iblloivi It.the conspirators, j 0 ,ke ar ioed foes ; of the ;GoVern , ,ii-.-.vdved. That" we wear tpc* a«ual LWli'o dp the Da" reaffirm tliepOTVer Of the »-ri'{"g yir r.liirtv,.days dn.d < v j 9> tijiumpb,. necessarily tlie. brave j na l by pndoraing hion« J mi4 doX. * *.' * j: me “ 10 obey the summons and I D: i tiolia i athoritios in the’ re-elec Thar tiny in,{tj)e -fight .foi the undcro J P ' Abraham Lincoln, rebellion xGwe T- :y '. ’.rinriv .yecerds^of-}-the gel.ernl direction of the President i n Vf fit .f eas ' s -i ' Sowing" is ii,« 1.-.-di;.’a;.d>a c«»f,y- U, 4 ? .t to the t hoj trilled States.-mast also be de-] 1 ”? more desirabtp. 7’• ; iin-cisSfcJiQ£^f : ?b« j S° dowiti}* Pres- U<l ° j.w»w fee pnbHeaHoir.' '- - nlpnt censes, the representative a . ’|G t p i i 1 01 the Rational Adimnistra .-VI. • •*, *V. ‘ * r > • v- -rT •• • »|1 -I ' ro *^OrVmrtlTt* Jl ljrirx?VTtr.- i o 'i. ItAi*4iH. -v Gem- i^p*Bftutop, : -Wiia al! men who,are nowi h .. . . ■; . <- j, u- .. ;*• ■••• .4- : f--- , , . Iv,. • W ith that claim rcstihg on nccos. 1, j..t--i*.VASB, -1 • free atr.d uidependent; either be sac.- l. ! t, •• ‘ v \fisr * 1• il * - ■*, . » -If'- c _ sitScs (A tne (ravenutient; and «uuor^ •-' -S rt ll i ■£*: ! C ; * -Intwed .to the , horn#s of* war, . - r . » t ; : -u ■ . -i , . .. h ' . eu by t,hp preljeronues of tho people. ■ : ;i>> b*4 Ulpotnod ito the still £rentj r • 7 ... ' 1 t l , '/it • c ,] r 1 **i ” i i any merit, wlii/jh the man may have, liorrurs .of slaverv. these aU * 1 { . . » • , ' 1 . •• t : . .. *. j. • ■ > '• vk iof personal virtue and unsullied vopu-) tevnulives tnere is no escape. /Ouri. . •. . • l 1 1 ,r t ». i * • .1 . .. :• *vt . .j tiv iof , sinks into insignificance. VAna i pohUealcneniics have so couched then/ • . r f.., » •■.,i, i * ' , _ ■ ... . ryc.-t tie. American ’people to name cry as to render moat odious/ - *. .j , I l i - .. . ~ i , .. thomse ves. .as - well ns to Abrahams tho-e \\jbo now represent the Nation. , \ ’ it I ,I, • j .i* Lincoln; to acknowledge the snnaencc al while . armed iocs, r . y•; . • . .. „ . v v ... , .• .;• which his personal -virtues have oxer-’ (the natuial, allies of tbbsc opposed tp . . ..J . • .v/- ... \ , v » • >1 or the. contlict.ih which wo are us political!*!) have scapolod .their fol- i • • :■■ 1 , i • .*• A Ik’ now. turned. . ihat influence has lowcrh in the same prejudices iSo h . /• ° • . l B i *, , * a - // more than once dispel edi the, grove U-1 i clortdv arc tbcKw identified.* even now . [ . . « V 1 fe ' I : . . 4l - /, 0 , mg iuspiciou of : demagogues; and i iiF w hoHStcp in the revolted States an . ,* # . i «JT ,C - I. ? I , • ..>! . v hushed inro angrv . jar of factioii. Tlio 1 being on I v necessary fpr the success • I . I i ' b 11*" ii * i■ i ' a . nrmitesss oiMuh rule has disarmed the ol rebellion, that the pence Democra- • r T 1 ■ ~ . *Vi . • . c,:- • machmationa of the Northern eympa cy a|iould succeed .in the loyal States: I t • J f * .. a I • • a j thiize’s with Southern rebellion. The while the peace-.'Democracy insist, as', i ' . „. , i.. . . ; tl . . {. i mipa *tiant\* of Ins official nets and rthe.oaHsot their success, that tho re* .r , . .. . , , - = . [. ... ;• . / . . <■ |. .y: cdnstructionshave preserved the Con-j S Imllion must first become a military 1 ■ ■ * i .■ l m, . v . i«. ■ . ' islitution he swore tersupport, pure, triumph. This is not an assumption] i, }■ , , V i '* ' ! i I •. ■> *• • ■ ; ar.d tine law hc-w:is pledged to enforce, rot our Own to make an argumeut ai. i . i\ . ® T . - • . i / ; \ mvio ate. so far as lus authority cx gainst pur.enemies. The history of! ,i . , f , ... - , . . • V "i, r,- -r, .«_ iv i . it , i tendul and Lus official power could bo .the Whole course of the/ slaveholders ] 1,, , , , • 1 ; . • 1 kh- ■ • . d. • ' . i wielded. -In the first straggle for in- A Oaniud .Statement.—You can rebelhou»corroborates it on one side,:- { . k;/ . nroonre of any druggisrt'in; ibis city While the career of those who aympa-j etce * OUI a i S«d viemitv,.!),.. I>blas>\M.ciianLs«.^hi OT - with ’treason on thc i h f ? bfeen of W a«h.ngto,. m,iu. Tt?s usu-om.ikl Kpccdy cure tor (jt , r H e „ C etho neeessitv of so'iden.i tl ah f ,rc we, in this ; our present btrng ►ore Uiruat, ;. -hcadachh,.; tuothaeli'e, .- . ,•.,,, . . *ivi’ , ...• , glo.f( r a mpro perfect indepondonpe,' curoic rlieinnutism, colic,' croups and 1 V&.VIB. Administration s with Uic [ * ..,■ h tincnln Tlic fn in the limbs. 'We advise every Governmer.t in .the' coming: political ‘ f Ab J‘ ih am Lincoln The fu- j ono to.give iua trial.' Tlio expense is contest, make them inseparable l^ r ®| WI M enhance the grpatness and trifledcents-and wo- are : ,_ tho ono potentiallas the other- | gW-wbicb.-cluslor around him in the a S ainsfc their|combined enkiPf “/ l Anfi ( t .1, l.iu\ tiiriuK 7 , should hayc a . • , , t ; pniinibk nfincmk nnd A free! 'buitle in the house in case of sudden ac- mies, North and South.j TMs can only ; *, a . i‘ / . . cidents, such as cuts, burns, scalds, &c. ibe done by the.'re nomination and re elcc j r P ve se arc ,10 s vices | pai/i riiiieveing ' <jualities are mira* (ion of Lincoln. Until' tlie of Abraham Lincoln in the Presideuw i/r : • As ¥^ I>! !t k a3 / aved ' rebellion js put down, or at least unt h- li fl « mir for anothey term, we ; will bo mmdrous; We have the ccrtihcates to Bne ; ecinferring tho greatest, possible b^on orovo it. Office 56 Cortlandt Street, • l “*' a !™ed force and vigor are broken - y .“ - k ■ \ . BC(!UP : nff the eterJ Sold by Druggists. \ there should bo no. change in tho Ad~ u P° P ost r J’ i S .. mimstration nfl jerpetualioh of a free Govern.| piont. Obvious reasons, impress us na i ent , t ' l ' B en( * W Q invoke the co with the importance of this position'. «Wi°n of our -of A change of men would involve a this rnd the other loyal States. Wo change of that while the a l k / true me, ‘ to J o,n wUh 1,9 in Be ‘ lojiftlStates weroundergoing. such a coring, not the mere triumph of apar revuision, aro in rebel- ty, coptinuation of the rule of liofi would-be aiffordedUmo to gather noan--but the sueeesa of , a principle ne4'i strerigtb wherewith possibly to ~vindication of a overwhelm and' the Govern. Gf d-inspired right, that the life of the mbnt. I Campaigns theft just project- ty-P" “ r «' be prolonged; the hope ed ■ would be immediately Counter of once more animated, and EiMEIC==II /'•'r.AssiFicArJos ■'of TjFhockasy.— i P'Orolouvu Mas’.-yi .the .high priest ct I'r, Ohis. classifies the various cliques in' lbc-X>cntii(. a r:ilie party as Tu11,,) w§. 1— Them oj. woul'i nominate Mick Lrlicn.on a why platform 2 Tiver.i iz Vouhi nomiosto Mick.' LfUou Oh a pecsn pia:io/m. 3 T.fci-iu ez'wcui'i iiojiiioato yuilan-, dyffauV-on'a.peei'Q platform . -- i i —Thom 07, .’■voul-l hoinnialp vaiiup (Jyf!irT: a-ivYiV platform.. , Them iz favor, the vsr cf fbrVry cri<jii ’be lot ulope. " |.' fl-jsTimm c-z js lopjgjfioii to the war] i|i rni-.y shape. . ' jj T. —Them or is '] n_ Kaor. dy in co:i:-ek ■ i tr.n* uv drat S->Tm b'Oy.ixr sui'l ht-lWceucrs. or ur.our "party and tmi hoo’flbie tor -enny f*ro with Nomocracy e/. (ho Mk-bigaii '•rs is'with Ihc.itcH —\vood liko 2 git ridjii, bill oaa'fc ' ' - 1. Tjie \v. vv ro do ! It.—ln' London, a tew years ago, tbo butchers .cojnbined -to put, U p t Q O p r j CQ 61 meat, and tbe people resisted h, resolving to con *Whj-the article but three days in a -/ V( r* {: result was a tumble in- P r |cos, that must' happen here would r People do the samotiung,noL only in regard to- meat. but to every other wliieh is inordinately high, and consumption of Kvhich can he,dispensed with. . I . Edward Evoroll fays that w acn ihi> history of-East Tennessee -T tlio .first two years, anti a, Uulf JK ie, w>r g’uali bo wriUon f j u will- dis '.oso fctcnbstof tyranny and -oppres— wi|ich there are few parallels at annals of the world,, and this •be -i hands of men who pretend to war for self government nor'i . ' pro . tePt the rights of the tfli jnaj Q \ a S ! ' i ' i nst the rale, of- ‘numerical iho^p r ,'- an( li in his lecture ,im RartiK at,o t>al Heart,’ 4 defines a con is n6f-Annhs nnvthing->* •Hit V■-*»(«« ';•> "t’i.jti . .. , ■J * . , 'J j bps'. . ;qu ■ ’ VSi tljj; l;if.!:nnH};> i-:•; 1 1 ja ”: a•;-Ah m ■ * i’f v■i, i i y.r 'i a I- j.'} jx ’ vlrf a« ■ vu's: <st>> 7-vyr r --' v Y.Vft*jii 'lO ! T^‘ ; r Kv i 4O-3SF<!>; ' -Yfi ■ y I . 'ii i o «j<{; j i* . Pm with SQblsip J>fiw(i' %9. ; n idDfitftte; Coavetttiott. i '-r - ivvijnsro tho!Uniaiii »i novr« tron’gV'bnd patwiuolt&ed , _.. j -K '’- T!!l ' : "'- mußt,bo' a Tft lltfn ? : •W: to; I^rg-awc* 9 follows^ -! 7/ /j : ,,' ~„■; jifibjsrogJrin ifc»^pre^ij ; a(dmtui3tiiltion, ■h :^'^'-^^e: ’<>f l ;i 4n’ **¥'&. who >.], presenting the name of T.'i'n. a *f .#•; j»,%y;[of Arfnvfnj^ coin) for re.election to the P f •JflWij^OyM.d' to; our fellow cilizeps- of Pehniyl& : s«sto ;. v f.;v>»■ -MVi.;. r- uji*ajidrof Other loy:jl )Stntp«> *o> •'4 , ! ,^ 0 * ilo ?‘' a safety Worth d piw- paWsbigent yi.^: are ] 8 ; n f b,eBt have lft!WP*d; U: 'egofe'd qij*, what is-' the principle- involved ; i^r! d ® f i wiU «»d. Ini the sp%^j^))'i^ bf iigfly tb set wMch a .H W? ; a A4l‘psf|isfl[eiK impel us to ln dding I dear or ; : vajpablp,.th6 noblest j udiiir-L! i ’so,, w<j d esis e-ieniphat Jc ally *to state I 'PcentiAWS tpi labor er pnf political V Tba£ ,*fiTfi£flr ) d’ |£^^,i;^; .that oui ardent tfaje"P**^ e i^y®i'"‘, 5 -• jM Wo do,; that. i?am|nWipall?»#,<ss|dds^C^bk^Mp' re-election of. the.present-Chief Magi. j'^T r °i but tone .pnn^iplooPp^jtics ietiate of the Union,: ftibonfrolled : by |®® jMthe: •n°>O b li } , | t 9 tile; ho hasty intention tp neutralize thei involving,the purity of .th-Oi^pfep4ft tW* high \ cfami to patriot iir if' '- GoWernment-aod^^dpto’-of► l .iHcif l ffi^.^^^tlpbi : 4!d ! maiided to appease the rage ot pari t'isaci rivalry. Leaders 1 faifiy tried wouldjbe reduced ip command toijoakp the : ambitious, incompetent and: useless imbecile- The deprpciai tion ot the currency, now. so : eagerly aimed jat, would fhetf jjo # a<f compli shod. The ruin of ibc national Credit, now treated : as a jCst, wpnld then be received as a reality, and mocked as .a descrying rbsu) Opr , diplomacy would become channel of conveying tg the nationa pf tbe | j: lice St oiw;aij^ifrifct the feet of onl* j^aj^idal A 2^av^ '** r i . .*' fci ,». tfc o down-trodden of all: countries and Cl iftie S filled; with joy 1 arid gladness./ i ABSOLUTIONS. R&vlved, That the' vindication of Ifie national lidnb^'arid the meat of the 1 national anthprlfy against I lie I aggressions of a 'desperate and wicked conspiracyarc the only ob jefets which 1 should' now" claim the at tention of parties and. engjigdthc .ef forts of those who, represent the Gov ernment. ; Until that authority-which isi the supreme jlriw of the hvridiSt'ec oOTiiod in all its Widow,; tifcrt npt an<|<far6 Hot Iwahytef ms >«CI. ■ ;». :i ■ ‘- 1 -' oti ifjiT'H-.01, 1 Lki!!.; rftfi* Ol i operation ftf that ! alone pe ri tj-of_ a\re3 tored, jPpjp,o.., ,Tjb a. : pu r.ity of.jhis ; ’o|ryio ><a. of 1 iu aor,, tioii, and th|a,reg.^;^hitU: lioi ever it him 4>rp-eraihenUy forth* diction, jfj ‘the affairs of, the a ithoiv' -i ty ‘ is ■ recoaalscd; 1- jr^piv^d ; .andye* spectpd iiigfrtbc qf the imer iean Umon;| yW**- ■ > \ ’• 1 ■ Itesolced, .That' -irrdresponse sentiment of -the iayidl men of sylvania, andin j u slide, to «, tru faithful ‘public cfßcap r^th'o ! ’the this convention j tci tolAndfeW Gi‘Curts,fW®iati<Jr}tijf Commonwealth'- 'RujiUtofty' •f the li id diafe’*— ' stone State. Through: the ac) ergy of Governor Curtin, Pun niu has hud the jsatisfuction of irig that, her /Slate flag has lit almost: every' battle (ought Union,; while nodCoihinonweii given rhoroi of its ;material mi ;uid of the, Gojvernm^nt ; lb:, which the wise and frugal nt of Andrew G. iCnrttij have, this State'- to -extend t'oj lhc Ji Government. , , , , Rtt~oh:e7i, That the Highest of iho nation arc ; diio| fto ,ll men who are nmv’-in the fie! Ing their lives; in! a atraggk base and ivicked conspiracy; will over-hold in grateful ret the memory of those' who,’-. >ready-perished in 'th|e [fight. Union, and extend to those \ vivo to return; ,onee inorq homes the ric|por,i-svbiob : . the has fairly wan, an 1 the peac which their labors so 'emint ■ ■ ,1' ■Bcrva_.> j i ,i ■. Resolved. . That w - i'bP metnberst’c f tlio Legislature steady ,n!rnl persistent 'coin which they have maintained t and credit pf lUojpomtnonwe the Hternjpatriolisjtai withwl also resisted the rei’olntionarj of the minorities in the: Se ' ' f i i_ i i ■, ■i • | House. The'attitude of the l _ uv iV'A in both branches, on the question and on the enfram of the soldier, was controller ‘regal |d fc|r. economy and a d( lion to recognize in the dot the Union citizens, deserving est rank and franchises;' \ course of general legislation such at least as to deserve fpi the ■ session to cld»e, pur frank approval Ijtesolved the than i whole 1 people, are duo to - tin i men wh( arh now in the leu applies, and that wa hold mil readiness, at a moment’s' via \ to second: the efforts ol these the summer campaign againi i the final! end' of the strngg peace of the country apd th i cognitio'h-pf the aptbprity;jc vernmenvin ail the States.. ! tSST" The BaJtl more Amir “not hesitate to say the gn a( the votewliioh > i ail Upon ibncl anil Kehtnoky, yrill jb M’CleHanr is raff vptg~that~ most'nkdodMW cast for Jc next best ipso. ■. | fein I ' >fyjl aiii-illi'si iivi n;-U ,7! ; ■ --\ . r —■ ~ ■ , ; x .r — ■llal^«i|sB64iß[loan v>DE&tatoiMigiii ’l©lfiB *- n 1 ''• : ' ! • - ■■-» 1 - - - HijJ io't '-kk :;iJi .'0.f..-• -GfliuCiltoow’HOfßdialßeporfcOf jßxpeditiOX i*ri Gthfttffe’e official iWporf'W FtoHda #,^a' , jkWp%W}sted;a l 'iTii'i kißWh>aH«|.thttt i&f tfiiifoW distiiSot lw>ht S«catee: j ■ fth *odttel jlatabjifj'Ac. •■; ■•a-iii, 1 r._ 't- j,;><^j:-:; ■’■ <£* Tb cite -off -%>hi of; «ottf w» J o£. ‘suppiiek Acp'« 'iob'any'Colop 1 W;regjisrtb s tii' •','<] .'•■ -*■'4. 'fDo-iba|igttipate jni tfcfe‘j 'speedy? Florid»| t6 ! *of j alPegjdhf/e, ' ViU-j l.bkc Weblved frp'm -thft; 'Preyaiebt tli|‘ fends dolin' -Hay/'yisfclstdijlir Adfnfitrili ’Sbtr. efaf: !>?••:*;;!.> )> :.r-jj j-.iij.j ,''TBo r epiir t f urtKdr shOws |t bat ‘batird'b’f Otnstce "-Wak’fqugki in cofc- of an adfaiibs |by &eir; S'ey.. moii'r,’ ddt orily wfth]6ul, b.nt Olearly against, General 1 1 Gilmpre’s orders.— Wei -qttotff -gnagoi' • ••■' :r> | : H;-'' - ••Aft. ' ' Mi ’ ■■?■•'" .eParratigingi With General Sey mour for the construction of certain 'defences at Jacksonville} BaldwhWtihd the Soiit'i Fork of the St. Mary’?, I started for Hilton Head on ; ths loth, leaylfig’behlnd Eoesel of the Engineers; to give tho necessary instructions for ■ the del enceli! referred to. 1' I: considered it iw e.H undersU d d at that ftilina 'betwtdd Gen.. Ssj. ; n?onr, and InySclf ih;|t no}' arlvaneb should; bc niade witbout farther in .tioftr from }me, ijojr until ;|tbe;|de ;es were Well advanced. ! ! j, ,J- ' r tf'tbe 18th 1 was greatlyWfirpiisied •eeeiving a letter from General rntraf, dated the ITth. stating that 'tended to advance witbout'snp in order to destroy the railroad .the Savannah’ river, 100 miles . Jacksonville;*' | . ’at oncdl dispatched ; fifep: Turheij! acksohvilio'ticrsttih the dfidvontentj i^«:iltt ; ibtfdrer i -6f|a toomBj^eh; : ’iiioob'. -IJpdh arriving al’Jael^bn:’. i learned that Gen. Scymour was eriga ; jred, Avrth • tlie enemy * in front., .wear j Olnstee fort}'-eight; iiiilcs troid Jdok- J sonville b\* Irailroad.i ■' : ■ ■ l ! ; . J I > V , 1 * J Cofnmcnting uportf this or ij Gen.jGilmOrs, the, syrw York 'Tribune i remarks: ’ . '■ } j ■,}'-( |• . “It follows, therefpfb, that tho Qop perhjead chaige -agaihsl the president of having caused uh exposition ijnto ! Florida for political j purposes iis r dn ! tcd ; by:tho testimony of Gpu. Gilmore; jand that ho responsibility :ibr |the [disaster at Olusteo [is femovpa 1 alike frdni the President! and frpthiGen. '1 t.' %■ l • . , -;| ... J ( I j i-Gilmofc, and now rests fixedly lupon ikien. Seymour.,-As,, the ~laltch, jhas ' hcejn rcliovedfroni Lis command and I'sui.nmonodrto AYashi|igto9, w,e arts to presume that he, is to go before a Court Martial and re'cei ve d just laity ipr.his crime.’-’ ij.' , , |,Vi'} j '}• o . the Penn, dahd nksof ndered Ofalio fdfcnco ,iVa on- in sylva- I khow oatedi in for '(he dth has cans in n, that icasuros enabled Rational rewards j o brave] d, ppriN ■ -with,' a i that We ] ullection ] save al—| for thejj :ho sur- | to their; r yuloi* eful host nlly tie- i ■ I . J ' jVT ! ’ '‘■•'■l- Confession of a. Drunkard; Sometime , since there was a pam phlet published in ;|Englartdl ienfillled he loyal •'The Confession yf‘a for the Theistatoments se . with ; autlKjrity to bo authentic, .and 4 what lio honor does the writer say;? .. J .1; , J thank ijtb, aud «c*f. my condition iiHei's {9 fip! li|opo leh they that it should over change—but out of schemes; t bd blacltdepths, could,l be! heard, l! nalottnd 1 woa fd cryouttoall| to all those who have sot a foot in Ihp perilous float!. | interest , “Could the youth |to, whpini! tbe-fla hisemeht yor of his first wine Its delicious as tho ; alikoby bponing seenes pf life, or the entering (terrnina- uowly dilboverojd paiadiso, anders of look inlo in y, desolation anil bo. made 1 the higtegl j 0 uuderstahd what'a dbeary itbinjj it. r t hilb is when a man feels himsqtf gding has bebp' {j OW n a precipice with open eyes- jand ir Lo, a positive wjll,to see his destfllclion about to and have no povvu to stop It,, arid;yet 1 | to feel it all the way emanating from is. pf thp; himself, td percpiyelpll goodtess pinp- V .gldlant* tied oat of him, 1 ami, yet not ablje to. jd ofonrjorgot aiimpNvhon jit wufatherwjjse; pselyes ini to bear about- the piteous spectacle of fnirig, io ,his own self ritin; ccnld > bo see my fe tbireeder; Vcred eye, favdred with laSt nigbt’e ititrea»6n> and feverish locking' fop to -0 for* the' -nights’repetition 'of. the 'folly; cbuld y fall re- j lO f e bl "the death cbt of which I (cry t thc Gpj hourly with feeblor r |and feebler out pry to bo idoliverodf it were dhongh to make him dash the ag|j,tp the.piridp of its mantiing temptatioh-,’--Jpin<i'()n Quar. Revkw. 4|..., , ■: i tcan'i does rajter part lit 'Mary -19 [cast-for vpuld b|e aff.-Davis, > ] victinvpf-e&a-sickness dos* rib id sensation than “fib 4 Wtibijr tt was afraid t shpiifl‘dieV anti ;ond hoar | was aftriad T shouldn't/’, ■t 3 14 4, w j jw tfriJ..sfiJjjt'j; tuq o(U i«{1» 6x !>■•*• krJtfin:;. ».«ll TstTftsdhq ai!dir»| »*'d ,vifi niV/ ib •Uio-iX'i t-J .Oil»'?/■;.!■ ! ’£Lguiar '' , y*'.* • jvij Jr n\ *•• fiUI * t»4j *».*, T ,'L, ‘ \ - ; J ‘ L : .' . Arnjdst all- Xhft^.harrq.r.'*;'Af .war, The; sale mttie’ An fraltcry of th* , many opcunfaijialHig ' in Fairi on the j ♦u kf i■ * v* • t''.’*.- * ■-■ ™?‘r- -• wa,s*ooo of tbo prmdipal'attraCtUhfii wpfb’m mSr’^iu?- 'MreiUs-' 'hours ahdahalf which wore consumed ' I have Been Volliers chase -’hares landl fte< K TH,i ' N -ma&i qth & fr|.-’ tipped, |«flg t thcm, and "9welt"nphmicli^:'repre»eri ) tßtmh8 J do. many’ other coo! Aiid foolish thidcs; Reeded: fih , gaining 'j JMWs? •*s,jfls9fit j •-—Wlion the portrait -v' J Wfli!hinJ)fS«f, -tojhaye ever pppn den was pi seed upder the' tgs pr r , haard-b On : ode, of,.those biting &T&!™ &'JS&P¥*' fe B< w; ’V- at each .the, most formidable. 1 ■ | other little riyqhjt; kiidwq [as Minejßup, whep nVomphts pppearpd .ypnjJ the genius and labor yrhi6fr.“ap- ' jto he hours and. hours' days. so. bear at P of *re<-1 on : thO'canvas Sddri aYter-fhh ihand seemed the deadly and - ■• r. •'■’ t I ••.-,■ ■ v•■ n 1 , ,v '■ the:bids.createddoudapnlausetiior;, *7 | solitary sheep leisurely: walked along : iaid"the ' au'etioneet i the run on. the rebai side. . | .■ ~[ . ";.now to, ofiey ,ypu -,a :valuable ' j A rebel videtle fired and killed''the portrait! of the great r 'T3hg!iBhfilart i [.sheep, and; dropping his gun, a^vano- ; fis< * ar 3 C °¥^> iC* tn ■••'' ! ‘. “ T . and‘a great manvand’ycu ,r eatf -60^' ,cd : tp j remove. the p W , In-an,,in- b ; ‘■, ■: • * /fV :: K ; | stappho was gun in>hc Mn Richard : , bands of a IJnion Yidettc,j>yho said, man betaose you can’t.fcuy hiim >Tb« ‘‘Divide is the word, dr you are a dead 'vhole gristocrecy of England couljl Johnny." . Thi 9 .proposition i was con, ?'■ i,'' ’ ". VVell, gonllelnen; cobtiniucd thtl' pn ed to, and there, betweeu the twp auctioneer,‘jwhat phall we hayo ißir • skirmish lines, Mr. Rebel skinned the Mr. lt isr.worth .five vhousahcl sheep, took one half and moved‘back dollars. . The portrait ofaman you ~ {.'witthjt tp. his canT.lrfiy is w6rth[ that..; Wliat shall. i.tho rpn, got ~teo..other..half of ,the. .Auetidneer—f“Gputlopxeri.tllat is Vio J sheep and [again rbsiifped thpjduticsnf price for p' I *.' ■'•,.] "\ - j his post, amidst tiie cheers of his com,-, \ , *^fcb :^highi-^rilie'gmyvi: 6w«afr^efy > Irades,, who expected to held him eat ■t«o.»e;iitfhco when- I, lie,.most animated Of the hundreds nf men |hr- cpmmyncedJ , ’M’ > •.. ■■ , 1 ■ 'I • ■■■ portrait - rose ;to nine hundred‘.and i rayed agavfist eae.h pth|eron cjt^or,bank j fiiVy.'doJlars;.and as^’the' auctilor.cei- ih* ‘ j’ot that, rub,, not one dared to . violate pealed-the Bid! '/'■'■ t| >-•'-•»'■' • 1 [.the truce intuitively, Itfgroe 1 by j A voice exclaimed: ‘ ! o,u6 tboiisdhd^ ; these two soldiers. 11 , \|„ ~ J'! • Ildars.- ' ■;. <-X '• . ■•'■ n ’o- . ■ 'u ' 'v ' v \ A^otianoor— thoui?ar.a dollaca i' ; Th 6 Soldier- [ " . wh « V SI T-^ a &f 4 d -t*'' . s., ■ i . ■■‘■V ■! •. iXiOir.gv going, gone. Wcois the bad- ■ ' | It there is 1 a .being ■j.vhp is ,dc- j er?’- 1 . • • •.. ..’ :• i ■ ••> caerving of private dffeetipn[ and ,puo- r | The answer ; wfcB-^ u Wiiiiam -Cnllen , lie •gritiiWde,‘ir'ia' t|id ■sdlilier‘.who- j: ' [marches, in the thb army. ‘.O , L » 1? £»v- J \ ■ -trait purchased, caused ilond :to [figbf j his pianrjc.r ' V :,; 1 blobd'bnd life as d SattifiM ■ for itho \ . ; Jifl" “Aw-mtAr, l U--».wy n-m*nt. .belnw-liia ■ and,snow, it is the; ptivi.te‘ who. 6r&fs 9 1 p‘9!’ «• ~ ' j ■i - ; ;is taken from Mr. Clays, sppeeh, ,d«- • bridges over swift; stjroamp and ve :f/jd-before the' Aragrloanlipi'dooKtil-•! .’the. lofty fortifications, and; It W i.tho {idij'Soeictj’.-?.l Washinglunj.'jaTidary ' private \,vho, with tpe bayonet [set, *2O, ;1827: ’ • * V' ’-' .:, ;n... ’ charges bn the dekdly riiie-pits ami t could ho ; J|»6trhmen'iat ln;etfsi. I •■•.*?< ~i . ■■'■ iJ <■ I rating this deepest stain, slavery, from , against the squaredyo umhnf thpon- t - he ,.^ &r aete r -of hur coilnttyi iirid^fe |cmy; and yet hpw ScjlJom is it that nlo ving. all cause' of reproach" oh- ? at.— the receives thei- honpW and the-; rc-l count o.fdt,’l \voiild ndt : exchange-'t'Ke : wards df : bis noble eonduct. • - -- M ptjoud? satisfaction, which 1- fehonld.; 1-fHi^nv' tolls us '(lf thd countries /hr the honor of all the; 1 ~ i v , ■ , ’ j ! jver dedl-ecd the most:successtal uoii [which Alexander conquered, and the.' i < ... : !.-.. | battles Crbsar fought.put that all it was: ~ : the iron-hearted soldiers which these | j nvon corUmaiided, who wo a t hose vie- i jtorics and conquered those countries, j I : No j army of ' hhcieiit nr- tnodc-pii [ times, no! array wnich Alelsander, Cicr f |sar or iNapoleon ever led, lias excelled j ‘tliie army of the | Union [in personal I suffering, patience, endurance, herd- 1 istn anil glorious [military .exploits.—l Wo hope that the time may come j when .no higher, compliment can be paid fo a citizen-thar to, pave it .said of him-T“He was one of the Aimj* of the Union-.” ‘ ’ , i; y Butler at Wouk.-4-G Butler has. stripped tho shoulder-straps from Cob Charles Henry Foster, a genuine “soldier of fortune.” yrho jias managed to win dpiubg the war. Ho got into Congroßs last yopr ai a represen .talivo from Nofth Carojina, |bnti the bogus, character ot’jiis election was exposed; He has sipco pretchded to lead jthe Union ipoyempnt'inXortlj (Carolina, and is,beliovodlto Havo bud [ I . • ■ • j . , ! i some connection with the many false ! reports from that quarteV. In railita-, ry matters ho bas!bekn fdund as great a sham its in politics, pud ..General [Butler has done well to consign him | to private life.- |. - y.'■■■■■-', j 1 have tiptoe drop of the great Xapolcon’sbtopu pjydur veins/’ said testy old Jerome ojno .day :ihja pel;' to, i>U'...4o^b[c^ t j-tjt’e!-;Empehw*.-j—i replied lioipa “af all events I. have his[ while family pn -i my eh&ulders.’* . y: . _ j | ' , .writfer iri tbej “3£ iicfeerboirklep iMftgazino” .trying, ;t£ upi?n? Boston,!is 6n|y; fnnßy ho soya tbo city |s calle4: % tli'o.‘‘hub’’ a /ftfoitt geta tired / going about 'it,~ £BoLsterpua merfiment,]. j _; [ ' •9*4.0 able,physiologist bis |rriv tss’tv j|TH^^£ t^^e.'l^man'^po^r Js ire (nr tW ntmvberof match** 1 mao*; ! ! ' j ‘r I’- ■ ' ' i' f - lIM U I,lli 'ft. ,j ' 1 ■ r i dtasjjams-finfles : Special tor*| ul*r rates.: •■ ■ \ ./■•-■-■, C yean , anlroßiA frotlcer'of a^ubueifitWeTTrtS.’*-., -* - ' ■ ‘ ~ -'»*l w, ■ ‘ I " . / I©*A Farmer, in Canada, recently ' J<)«tJ|is wite.ruid on the day appoint* j eli fyr ■ the 'furioral, w hen the ghosts ' i \Vefo' assembled, he persisted in pnst- : • !jjphi hg,tho fnrieral■ Several.sympathiz- • " | ing friends, >yho endeavored td reedit*, eilddiirh to a. final .leave'of the loved remains,!; elicited ■ from the, dioti-aqtgd man the’ fact tha|t lie'beondihvp' pointed in tb'c attendance Of' a pfO- - fessional gentleman, tio ext ract several tbeth containing gold filling wiiioh had cost bint $512 some.year* pt;eyiohB.mii John 1L Thompson, C a‘_ C, Ist 6hio. CaTalcj", 1 was ijhpt oh th'd 29tli Ul.t.,- .at near Alexandria,' .for deseiaid.n.ko' the enemy and for robbery. : T.his man r ,-was with a part}* pt l llas in Loudon ( county, in .September last, whpfe fifo i hadj been a- ten or ‘io life inhabitants >- 'tpr months previons. .lie was scarSe’- ly twenty years of £ge. ...-. - 3 . I:- ••. ; —■ • . • ... | . fiSrA western paper tolls this Story.' A farmer prosecuted his mother,;nli»V tly-due; years:. old, for the' cost ofh*r board, with him tor nineteen: yo#fa past. -She hail been Jiyitig with huij,, takiiig'caro of his children, eightor nind in number j knitting stoclthigsi ■&e»j ■ TJieijndge disiirissed.thc case'fitfd reprimanded tho bard-hearted sort *; ■ Be(;iK:»in6.— ft is announced that • tho-firsi Aiulitor of the Treasury I)d>» f, partmetit has received instructions to remove..hUfba'reaa to Montgomery, Alabama, ft will certainly, take, the money fn tlio treasury to pjry the ‘’expebsc of thb'renipvaT. Some of the Richmond papers admit that flic tread* my; is literally empty, oven ot: paper 1 liasb. I- 1 ” -Tasrrb, tawitlini ■ft nfeokVthe subscriptions piado' ; to-tfic fond relief of Urn Suffering ; Tehr Massachusetts,, Mti EsOTr ettj announces to be 8p0,.3ia., am evidence |td the, living, gjpsyjag patriotism' and philanthropy of - toe CHd Bay Stat*! ; • ■•-•••••' ‘V ,:0! '. ■ -i ji.U'w dSfKaep out of ,bad t .comnpw/ the chance .is tlyvt'wKsQ tbp intb [tho flbcib: L h'o l, Svnt hW'ff^Pbbay, Spurgeon, m, announced, to sail fpr this country tho middle'of thi» ■present •mionthii.’'’.' '’t'-'i- '■ '■■■■* . ‘‘ldaho’’ -• ja,. an Indian t ,wprd r tfee Ko^IH 1 vaiWiri'i '}""]: .'i"''[‘“-' V '-■-' -'■’•i r ;^V i. - ■',■ 'f‘ Tirr.; l^ i - i 1 1 ■ , : OE