The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 04, 1864, Image 3
1 El IVTARRIEIV*'' } Oct. !l; 1863, at the Hotel* 'pjttsbnrg, by Rev.' Win. Snively, Mr. L. Itsioffi' to'MiaslTißGiN’A r lUHrN^ H , 6fTTid^B tl ‘^,'BWiver • , ’ •* • If- r vl county* , . ••• ■ .. - On ilic Bib inst.-, hj£. Mr On’Aßti's He/beoer, of Rochester,’ ♦o Mips CivrnAßiNE. daughter of Jacob Vogt, ot M°°n %" . - ; • ; | ' T)lEi>! * Sr:-iron, April !7,ih| Catharine .wile of Mo Furling. V ’■ -j Beaver & WuUWTS». WKSKiy '» sRs\‘‘AMCB.’’ flour per "bM- "•f v ,......-$7 00 j do ..,100 lb« ...... J......;.,. -a.5 I Dried Apple? per bushel......»i - \ t 6 ~ 1 •< , 1.20 - i i oa 1 *?, 75 t o*“ s Earley Clorer Seed, Timothy Seed, • Flex Seed, fcfain, potatoes, ' O&ioDfl' .'J’orn Me*-. * Buyer, , flans. Shoulders,. BvJc|?" v l Taßf'.. lard.'' - .'Caniics. -■ l . . Motors, • CaTbcn 01 E:=El'il M ■' >i “ doten ! ■• Tb *. '■ .. - «( «« • » •• “ •' ■Gallon, il. ' “ • T ,1, Cll A DLEjk r: 1 * , DK.N’TIST, yT IS at hisjiojl aRiiX at BEA\ ER STATION, ■ KocliMcr I'!>- where *bu will attend to »ii jis rariwisi’r.iirehes ofhfcprofession. Ho: nppiiejf nil the impim-til methods to prevent pain in pM'-aoringteeth.. p. S V.'orit warranted.’ [jaulS'G-l . 1 Trial List for June Term, 1864. James Coliihi iCu., vs. 'V. M. Shirts, ct al Coroniomrca'.rU use, “ Juba puff's Kxceuior r hnkena s Uecsun, . “ Durlingl on M K church John H. Camp,. • “/Win. Alexander, Jys* | ' May . Ml Vi’KYANI). DJg’i* —On' Moiidkj morning, between , (’ onn the residence lof Mr. Joseph j Mr. 'BwclnyVat ore.; a • sropU purse cout uljijug !" l( . hJ'ptbdrtKt Ip-, also’a.bVlvcrtlimiblc, No. jitlApr William G..1‘....,.;..'....-'U..I. Sliding sai.l uvtible '.viUteouler a furor by \ rf-; v j- er j. J 0 I IU 1.... lurningitto. . V.MMA A, .H VHNSTD'f. I ' j ' S r\c ISri'jhtou hv V TREglster 1 OofTceX” | -ilfc!:: 1 LL'persons iiiterestcd in ilie folfiwlngi , J.j. ~.14 »• •. Administration and Guardian accounts,.; Kenncly William 1 ;. which have been passed -and tiled iu the, Meyer C' ..14 Ucgistcr’s Office, of leaver county. pa., & Thompson../.*-.- T 4 *.aVe. n*jiice flint the same will he presented to ; Ingram M J.. ihcOrphaub’ Court. to.- he held at Beaver, on s*St<»kes J ( ames H.. AVedncvdr.y, ti.o >th ddy ! of Jane,\ 1804, for.{ M'Clai ghlhi M ......Ai1.... 13 ‘ eofiftur.uUoa and ajlowauce.- • j'Keusl’ep C I.; ...... 1 The tel account of Andrew W att.erflon, A dw*; Joint. r .....hi..'..... Bviutstmo? ofijic estate of David Scott. dcc*d. j HerjsliUtrg .5:..~ Ijlte... 7bcfin!tl account of Andrew. Wattersun, Ad- i Townsend & Krilley ......14.-A*., jurahtnuor-of the estate, (if George A. v Hun-J liestwi :k.A.* .......14 / tnvdccU i 1 I '■ j4Vinter C F ...'I .'...14....v. Tht tel Jaxnis Anslcy, Admin-jHddki;:son John ..J..,..: 14..*... iftwgrof.ffiveffii-c’of John Ansley, deckel. - i iVflliam S Co.. 1 14...... The te' account hf ;J4mg3. Mackall and .TOilklai O,. 14 Mihox(.Villon, < Executor*of the last will and j_G»llilaid M..—....—. .....13/.... /wfanient of dec’d. - - \ • \Xew iciric/c/y tp. i 77i0 fioril account? of WUlikiu 11. Brazier. or George 14..... fWiiimist.afpr of] Jonathan Hug-**, Picrsol Hkrrison .....14...., J-iSU. |. , , . i'=‘“ ; ]r C\ • The final neegnpt of Wm. K. Bodcn, surviv- \ ' .Jfortii SticicJdy !py ’ng Executor ofthfeiiast u ill and testament of Pattvo 14. . Thoina* Sco l t. (k-’M. i Wopdd - account of Jantcj .-Ullson. K,tcch- : • :or of the last will and. testament* of/Jctayui' Kerr J jl. Allison*, dec d; j . , * - \ A her J. fThe.iihaJ account of John.G*. Ucu!?l, Admin- i McKin' jhc cMaUioi Cuu?.* Hartley, dec'd. J*Gunninj . I Tbe final account of Kohcrt Baker,'Adtnin-J Milter J \ of the estauAof ChaS’. Baker, dccM. j - | . ‘ The- account of Helena Lniupbnght, Ad- ; ‘ Knappcl trf' the ie-.uae of 'Adam Le (iotu - deo‘d.l ; 1 . ‘ *; The- ticrouiU of John llbsw*c\l and I'enjn-! Patters l I’cdi.-cn, JCxcculjijrH yij the lael,wilt aiid|i v '♦■•Msfnen 1 . ‘*t’ G C''rg<:.Dos well, Jec'.d. - j , r hlV:iuhoi ii-i.* of TiTniuas Nicholson, Exectu ■f tfi#» last will and tesfament of MatihK I^ co tt J Aut l. .ice vi • . ■ r ! The 'icoo-mi of Jo?j • F. ft r.Vicsa, Adm*?. e-ra'e .-f Aiherl Fccile, dye'd. • I i" "_!•► nccoujityof-.J. G Rented. '»*iiriUn 'if Henry- toinor eon 6f4 HrrbLf.rt Holland, dec’dSL - . 1 '■'; The GiiMdran aCeouiit ’of J. G. Bentcl. ! . Gtwrd ;r.ri of HiyHlan fc liolfaml. minor son { Holland; T „ ' ' . j TLo'Guardian accounts of. Koherlj E. Moody. ! 'ivnJNin of Joseph-and I.favrd ; ,ip*n> r children of Jumca iVliirifthiVl!|dec’d. • I Trc account JScott and David j •Uted. riociiiorn vvilljmd testa-) n;ciii of Ji>hn %ott, dt»*d., who was Kxecu-1 t*»r of the Um will aiid tcMament of Abraham ! 1 - j Tbo final uco'iim't \f John Tucker, Adnitn-; . iVtrKor of the t.Vate of itenmel Senright, ! I dtc'-il, * . * j i Tin* frhil account {hf (icorgc Uambo and : H;nu I>li>, Administrators of the estate ■ Kambo, \ • The account Guardian of HoW.rt and Julies mUior children of h»mucl .S:e*an, dob’d. * • . The account of Ktiiraot. Anderson. Guardian Mary .lam* Chiik&hiiuer daughter of John Clark, dec’d.,. «; f .■* 1 . ’ Ttie account ofHVjlliam Irons, Guardian of ' minor sou of .AlexUm/cr Davis, dfc , T 7:. M a. ii- moors, • Reaver. May 4th, ’Of. , • -liegistcr ... LIST OF LET'tERS . -'J gPMAINING in the Post Office at Roches ter. Pa., Maylsi, * I r a,H J 1 tlnviri Mra Agness J'olerWni . ':. Ungalls Clias 1 -Idmlnp Mm Mary ' j ! Heller Mis? A •Pavis Mrn J 1 '■ 1 McClure Janies utvis liollerv - iM«U*H-IHciiai«dh ; , i'svi.,< ediariiie 'MePonalil^lorrace invaus Mary Ef. \ iMoere Mmlia'Q s- I . Miss.l.otU Mte Mies Ha'ttie ■ ‘ I SXibtoek Caji K I '» r br.r . fUajie Henry. - a"Maggie'Shrive? & Co ' • i : Saule. James’E 2 ;‘u,a. JaW*.. ; , Silicn A G , • V.r f»rt*an i Stewart V; O'-, * f . ■ oller ®an Hifnry (White Her Eahth ' " T. ; M. TAYLOR. P. M. "BUOfficc hours, during’the euimner, from , i*ja. to 7 p. m. LIST OP 3 fDEMAiMKG in ti ■ j x . i ' kUtur* J 8 ' <taJC : '!. , ‘“IPbHi Mollla lr t" E I >, er Ph.Uip . M.J * i -! A, pp r* ai'se in exi t. -., j--. |-, ;- •■ - ■j. ~ r fdid a, L * ?r«r.3>s^»2!i m 'gptesMaa6«saiar«Bfc % ■ ■ : ’"'''"'T i “ 1 *4” ao 1 and tbe Bcvcra. subsequent,. act*supplemental i : ,,| 0 ; do ; •■, 1 lot- j- do -: 1K....„........„ ; .:..i..iW. ; ....:.. 7 I«ior6d;'riiuTtbe kovekf .. *& ' - Allwonj Jame 5..........- -14......... , « w requiring sad directing HgVeyweUßi jotiM’Combs pl 6 Anderson Hugh .14 . W ■ -(■ ludaf :faf : Stotq,l;Boro% Adnm»]BeTusniin............. ...14 r.i'-J II Seßoi! and Rba3 taxes; ‘np<l, Uiodlst section pander jaines pjtria.iof lots Barclay John .....~.13 -.10 W df tbfe act ofApril 2Gtb. 1844,i autfcorixuig FittJatnctEdawXlot Barrngjh M& 3 H ...W..V1.....-14.----..- p«.£P nind;direciaik llie return and -rale. of, )»U ireaJ, (2duld>!ari» Hqt' t; McKibben'TT..,.•Vi.... J .<■ "V estate as, unsealed lands new-sold; in iatiefac- _ v .* j lot : . Piersol 3 H j tton'At tfie taielrdUe and tiipaid'.by ifep iMrn- fcotmeand lot', McGrefry j -also, tbeneta aptborikulgtlte sale .v JX-Coinbs p ■Wjia -1*;;..'..;.; -- T irf m seated!'rotsin tMaboroughs; of (Beaver, ipj** I Iftj ....>..v.vV . i..>....1«v.“.. -; i JJJ7 Brfd( Waiter Rochester, andFalloton, borough 1 Jf, .| lot-.;- V •’ •( w (Ufa tbe;Xotibtring I<#S. andtracts of, unseated J ]!,.1,10t ’ Hurrah William ......i.;i...... 5 14-- < 'W fiiiids inutile 'County of Beaver, or; ad i :-ii ij i Big Bcvte*. ip. ■" . f'* •1. tiuci thereof ,asv will , pay, JJie arrearage of inJes-jrl^VlV’■ 1 on & 1‘0.......—■.... 13- ■ tw tHt ie&ued‘thereon for tie'years 1861 and lot;’ • • • m 1.,. ..;....-.13..;.....• low 1802, and so much taxes of, prevjoSs years as loti l &-Atchison—l3.....y;.'. Iv-'Jy remaned unpaid, will, be exposed to public- lot! t.aiawell J P......i I* 1" yj) j e> M Court House; in tbe HorougU of ifiatef.lot, ; r - - , Jdbnstpii JBH 14......... •' " lieav>r,ori ' ~ ;i , teten biira of land 13 -iv Sriigtaakr bars. ■ . • * n ; - n'lli- “ abop ' lrB n,lt - .* 1— «r v> Mulbeim i....;......;.; v v...-14 -00 1W i / -Jr ; 1 Potter Jatnea.,... *7--v*v l r » *Fofd William totise and land 4 - Dicker J .145...yw. '7; 00 'tforlhSetrickly ‘ \ Hiirst'A iJ:,*, .-..12.... 12 50 David llamserland" ■ . .•.5 ; Angel Percp,.... r .. |4;...i.v.. 7 00 du Hudson Richland j 28 ’ Braunjlnseph......; . < 00ra|r Robertson Jacks^ v lapd j ; 1 i 24 Reece Philip.. ! 14 7001 no *ffelsL Henry|boti£C dndlot-p j Benjaknii land; • I 1 Ohh towruhip'.. | ; •Steel WilUtoi iknti 1 ■ '’ ! *0 [ BriffcsHenry l lot A7est Salem T M’Master Andrew land !* ; PhiUijtsburg-biyroagh.,. 1 , - Sprool, |.oomis S co,, bouse and lot and land .Pultaki toiAuhifi. i M’Gulre Mart- . labd i g| Phillrns Wm I* land j ' g “ ' - (-■■ 1 ’, land s'-, '(i ]tncro',n Unqftoip. \ | NeviUe Thoa jajtd on river be-’ tween .(.‘apt Allen .Mr Jack q Sterling Wro 1 lot' ‘ < * . j I j 1 • Rbehetttr loucniMp.\ i, Davidson William partrin ‘ Bolesville , , - Porter Wm land ' Ilannen Joicfib laud Ilennou Jati 1 lot' He *Logan Robert bcirs o *P K IV & C It R bouse plan ■ 'rt -- "'V*' _:~ , . i IE2 >vi A !v fl - ' arkets. 8 oth > 8 00 f | .... 3 00 i j '•••• 2 ™ ; i .... 80 n 1 00 ; li .... 1 20 ,15 .....•■ 85 i is: * 16 j .....; 10 l6 IM ...... 16— 1 .... 10 ..... 1,00 70 Mil • < • OE LETTERS ie Post Office at 8ea ,'1864 1 ■■ *; Irons David •?„' . Jackson Esther Johnson Richmond ' Mosd Cyrus* McllhadyJ McCarty Mre'Henry •ScrogginaEllcn Smith GL - ; Searight John iV.hiUeUL WhitceU S C Witehla Catharine Wilson’Martha, AXDERBOK, Prlfc^ ’ ' i ;i J - .. A Darlington Ip. I - -.H Imbrie 11 5;... Mecktiin A M....... Marks. Crawford & C 0.., Duff J V............ .. Sterling J0hn...'...... F Buft»& C 0....... Marks John Y Brtiicnstein J & Win Cotton Simon... Economy tp. Fdlielon boro. t>uncn:i and Edgar..'. ......... .Cannon 'VUliam Godard ilolm ; I ‘ '/■‘i" Freedom boro. Wagofnor & Vowrv.- Beirtls C, 1| :... McKaskey J i R H 1 | Greene Ip. Kcrr,& CalUooir lieihl J I I liaibsev Stewart : Trimble ! M'Fcnai Elliott,. • Charles.. liitiul..! it ..Siuiley....... ; J H'& Co. in Josvph. 1 :..... i ijaaovtr ij>. William H.... ~. in & .50n..... .....;. -.1 .u...,-. 14..J, Frazier Morriap rfhort Zlarinouy tp\ • l4 Baker , ■ . flupeirtll Ip. ' . IV illiara. M •.. i 3 • ••• i'nHuflr>i 1p ,11...’. Fairer Jliinn C. i Juim.. Janie 5.,..,..... Jaaies.&' Sou Ohio Ip. ■ ihn.t.t... ley John j iglmm Sntnue! PP ; J'uiWptburg ior f . ir Anthony ~H. lon FrancU j i 1 . Pol arson' Ip. 1 jtm II 0 & £0....... ll'icco'.'rt Ip, [r Andrew... ao r Daniel, mice ..1.. Franklin ip. tii E llor.h'Mtr lor. W.iodrii: <Vhoh Ij Alcjca!n<] •Uigeiha Cross p i V’oiumc .Wmstq Couwiiy I JtuQlsj C i Seely W r Geirpef! (Icr M...;.;/:. 111. : .1 i (J 0...... FJi-.iv....:. iK William D, >r John Marion ip. l4 Buhl V/j Compound Medicines* ion-—Cummins C I‘;-...3i.... Moure J0hn..'.... ! ,..K..... ■ j(£r;—Smith Stephen.,.2... . ijhton —Kenuap K I*' HftuncnJ 11.. 3 Marquis D L.........’..2..... Shallenherger A L...3....'. ,1 Breweries. . i —W'ijisgravia’ Conr»d_l 0..... ■ tier —.loscph Vera 10..... ; - —Klein Ootleib. -.10.... ' , Distilleries. ;■ Her— rDerr J0hn...... ..10..,. n>—Matson, 5..:,.'.....‘.10.... —Kced John V & C. 0.10.... fif-tircr Bndocia A’ew Jjrii liothmf; freedom liridgen Bocheeie Jlridyeic Ind'trlnj Or'tnit t Ohio lp- Judrpnu Hannon, & Childs.,... 10 inc--3l.ootlof.TOw 3 8.10. I /p-JBaker H L 10...... ij.peal will be' at the Ci ft Beaver, on .the Vnh.dn; ’clock, a. m. to 4 o'clor ■ J. S.v' itprllT 04 Apjfrahef- nf ilei The a Office, i from t ,N PAKT JTICE Orptians' Court, in am. ‘ Beaver, .and Stilpof Pennsylvania: heirs and legM of An- „ Glass, late of Ohio tp.m'said county, 'ake notice that by virtue of n writ of J i, issued out pf the Orphans’ Courl of j ply. nndto me directc.d, an InqUaition J partition of valuation of the reat les- i Laiddec’d., (situate in Ohio tpdrnship, 1 Ipun'ty) will beheld on the premises, on J | day of Slay, 1804, nt which time 1 ice j ou inay attend if you think J. i , • JOSEPH LEOLIEJ Sh’ff. ' t* f. 4tpr. 20,-64. ' ;; -y : | IS ih« ; 0 ‘ To the 1 drcb’S. ( dec’d: Ti partition said cum to make' , late of. i ib said c 'the 1 Otn and p,la'< er. I Bearel Confessions 4 Experience of an Invalid. -ObBLTSIfISI) tor the oehcfit and aa a: warn t ing.anda caution to young men Who suf fer from |Nervoua Debility, Premature Decay &c., supplying, at the same, time the means ol Splf-C’urki ‘jifr one; -who-; hae cured! himsell after.being fcut'to great expeuse'throiigh me<b io«limp<Sif ifthVnd quackery. By p&St-paid bdd&sscd enrelopeg, single may* be '.bad of the' .author, NtTflAulEt ;7’| -' 1: i ■ ■ ' • JOHN CACOHEY* ‘ ’ j ~|pjril BthJ 1861. Treasurer of Beaver Co. | ic upon any-loi. ertraot in the following lists, i •c nptified to do so 1 bcforc'day of sale; and pi opcrly, will be withheld from sale, on a mi ise. of-payment. . ; No re.— All property marked with a (*) is re ■aid under the 41s! section of the act of A April 1841,. SALELIST, the Taxes of 1861 end proi 700 I t '7 p 0 tjirni < 10 DO 2Dth .. io bo I 7 iOO 1 .... io bo t ■ ...1*.., •43..:. ..18.;;* ..14... ;.18 For 1000 10. 00 10 00 T] J 'oo Sis U. 13 •13... ,u H . r oot.J 7 00 1 ! 7 00 | u 7 00 1° •IO.'OO j p ov 14.. 14. - 13.. I Jonathan heir* N. ft. 1 j ' at lot, , _ inon and Shanoii's heirtj .H. C. plan, ■ J tax | y John heirs of It. K.'partj ut lot SUaron. i | , 1 David, il out lot j 51 ' i M kmore Frances D. I*. 1». ■ • ■-1 |nrt Academy lot : * 1 - ' 7 00 ! .1 7 00 , 7 08 | r 7 oor 7 00 1 o 7 00 S 7 00, ,u..„ ME 7'oo 7 00 7 00 Lii 1.14 7,00 7 00 7 .00-i *i 7, oo;^ 7 Oo i * 7. 001 7' 00 I *i 10 00 Ur 7 00 . ■JO 00 jJ 7 00 7 00 -" 00 Mi 10 00 | , 10 00 | io oo i 7 00 i jjL 10 O') i, T 7 001 : •■7 00 • ! \7 00 i\oo »si Z'Sj *h 7 00 (n. jo 06 ; • i»s 7 O.V .7 00 '7,00 *Bnto‘r Atuirew I i>*t '-•* ’ \ *Mit< K ,1 lot ■ l)u\idaon*s pi . i* < *» ' ; »v ** ' i *. \ \ U /» 'N. “ • ' I’urlec'?' plan, - ::\.r 7 00 * 12 50 * 7 00 » 7 oo * 7 00 i IQ 00 * 7 00 * .14.. "7 00 , 10 00 * H SI jj bo j * “ y’t out It Vfni’s pi ’avior Mil<> M, house and lot C.j , ■ ' 1 lot 'omci: TUoriti't l 1 Kt *■ -I - .1 lot • .. • ,14—i - 7 .00 I , , V 00' . 7 00 14'../. * .4 7 00 . li y lit'cir* hithAip. Iliad v.iras ;a:h' J . 1 Fut 1 (lapp-:rn'fcumship. : i ■ 1 Bts.avi ir Maiiufttprurlng e0,.1auJ.37‘ K Jiartingtoh i-ttr)uhij> 5 ; *llar tv A A. i.aml adjoining j P" Marlin on tvest'. •• Dc.rliny'lol, borough. . I Owner unknown, I lot ■ ', ! I Kconnmy township. j Philips W P, heirsof.l It,Baden Swan John 1 lot “ Boyd Wm ,1 lot , • Sanp ;nsliker M ’Mot “ j Rodg;rs James 1 lot, 1 “> p ,W-& 0 BBlank house i I'd o • . •• I lot Baden >. *• Plot Baden _ l'allston borough. •ad brd BEI lot 1 ' ( .•? “ Plot: •■ ■ ! 4' •' 'I lot: , •, ' I 4 . Plot’ :? -1 T '■' j MisaiJor Mr* *l.ltifWiiliam» pi Welsh. Nano/ t lot •* “ *• " llot •- Til ■ j i ul ■■ 1. lot .•* "1 lot •V •• , -1 >lot~ •< . “1 lot).- nndas ; 1 lot •■I -v ! 1 lot' >1 «•. x lot ■ ‘ I I lot <• 7* plot aeoi lllii’th 1 lot « “ i 1 lot <• - •* : 1 lot •• •• . 1 lot « . >•' ,1" lot ~ -| •• ~<*■: 1 lot : i i; real yterian :Gbnrch. 1 frame 1 Mot, Williams’ plan vrnt runk’n suppo'd SDnnham icily Bobrrt, 1 coal iot 'hofmlyTlio. fc’raofj put lot talon Sarah 1 lot Williams’ pi *’• . I dot; “■ ’• Mot “ 1 loti “ ■. 1 lot? - " llot “ llot , GiatgoU Jiorough. ipp< ncotfs oil site • Bill ps Wm P " . Georgetown borough,, ilmore's heirs ! lot J 'John,-.heirs of, 1 lot i Uoobstf-irn horough. .■ ~ rig it Hugh 1 lot V : ' , r Uanacer tovmshi- . j ; ' ’pod row Othnlel land i . Industry township, i inn akerAdam l.lot.lndualty raij er Peter honse and lot attc rson is Scuddy land Hear *"Cook’sforry 1 ,, ~, ~,-T: -14.. ...14.. ..14.. t‘oo io oo 10- 001 ao oo!b 80 00 .10 00 30 OO 10 00 15 00' 15 00 15 00 oo ■■ ; 15 00 , D '' 15 00 I.V 00 «s 15 00 15 00 Mi ' :?■ -I ~~ >1 i ■itfiiiTirt- 1 "-'--- I ■ / l t.l .. 1 lieiitur Loruugh. . jJLi "• e - 1 ' •* oulpson V.m A part in lots: , !38,89il 1 59 aig >'.c»Ule U , “r j . 241 j 1 34 leimy Wm 11 “ I j (■ HI 1.83 ’ JiEg Vcttr U•J ‘ “i i | 39. j, 70 . Horouyh l. zcntiity. I ;k sy Jolin S, Academy lot ! 4 en-Jane, part out lot ■■ 1 5 loi lelion U.ii.N.U. house and 3: jots'Xoss plan •' ‘ ! pvl Jas heirs of N. K. house; imi IwVidsosTs plan j rrijy/Tlids-S. ■' house and \\ Jot Sharon . > t inui o JatuesNgjt. 1 house I Lftd lot Shardu ' i; house «lot} Win heirs of house' t !’ 1 'J ii ft S, and('o,. plan; leoji’A. ’ i" Sharon; ’man irliici- KicVil 1, house i lot! liridgcicattr borough. | up Jls’/tm or John. lot j ' 'V ' . »•■ lot , I ‘ ' ' let feuhal! Harrison, t lot, .Meodenhairi) plan Jos, part out'tat Hays rl! ' 44 . «» -j Itev art i Guinn house 4 lot If si cn H heirs of, lot, lletup ii ill's plan • iiuh[l John v*~. J>. K. lot, * 1 f ! hie2il» 1> heirs of.U alt “ j « * •» i .. ■l»* I • *• n!=la=MM *••“ ' i un = a «■ ' \ •< *. it ' x 44 K. 1862. . 38 1 -2f). Soo A iW| '!Z. 1- 05 > ‘1» » II * 20l ♦Ucno Eliza' ♦Linton John-i«o.lots , ♦ f* '■ . •* i land 1 * •* j .land RockttiirianUgl r, 88 i Boles Chits 'heirs 1 lot ! Bonhrighf IV m 1 lot 3 ' hall's plan ■ , Chesney E l Gpuh Erbe Augustine 1 lot Erie Can:i,l col 1 lot H oilman O’W I 1 lot Hartshorn U B, 1 lot il jlop.son Jplin,l lot Got KnltrJ'J 1 iof ■ d 1> F W &.C U 11 land ; W.thioclt Jn.s 1 lotj 1 in IV a sson.John Luqngc J Benz Adorn 1 Tok lion]' I*Fulloii Geo IV 1 ilot.l’ir KoVfop ttarol Ijlot , [ Idihsou IlrjJos brick 1 do do'-l lots shop , do. vaali IhJ Bonii Blake Jno llot CP &' l do do - j < do •do ' do, I > ,|>lo I Porter Ja< 1 brilk house k J C I lot lleho'itpl do do '■do ." do. j no Da*Son,Vk‘ro!)ll<H: '' do ■ , 'Vo -1,. ;| _ Green Dolilalfland Wftsppn tr:>i o , Mulvonon V \i lot Ste'W'n.rt's t*l I MTi.iw J:unps ■ * I'j U«»ry*s heirs HotWar>- >1 | ' H»s> |»Wn * ~ 1 i - T I do . ■dc 1 ' ‘-‘do.-i • c*o do | do do 1; do • Priimard Uohjt 1 lot Uenospliin jfjt) 1 do tip Piunoy'pl | Pfrcr John GouMVplau t KawJnn FJI lot Uawdehs plur [.do v N -do do - do do da do 'do | j do . do * | do’ ■do | i ■ do i .Jo • do doj jSr Unfold Nancy land, .*■ ] 'jo.i |Sitllivu!> Michael I lot [ JI T ! s?!ilifter Ponnid 1- loj GoUid b pi? j j Uinehart it house* lot to : I .i lot * Ftvljlei ■ Neil. Lewis 1 tyt Gouldis d.*inj Wripht I>:(ivid. jl lot pt j, ' Woufti«?hmidt II 1 lot Gould’s,pi K loii ± f-'taroU lajcVy; | * do (L»1 Jot kbovcfactory| P Rlv tfp' lio.use and lot [ il : ‘ ' i.' 1 .’* \ ' ■ . J . ■ ' j| 702 N Aprlft ■ JGITN„ jCATGHHV 1 52 2a l,v 5,70 2 09 ' 71 95 01,6fj ■I 11 3 on 2- 00 .1 05 80 27;J-.. 60 ' .\-<v V. ) '!■ ■ 15! -.161, ,Vl ! 46 13 18 18 i 18 1 18 2 38 i-os i os 05 4 70 2.1; ■iji UW.i 5.50. 2 08 J'c.i 1 G 4 2 08 .1 03 i - V 1 03 1 ,Sf 1 0? i -i 103 I f>: i 041 c>! 1 04 I \}» |1 04.! lX •4 o) i 2.0 |Sj '04.-; u;i I'^ r ! 2 05- ; 42 •:r 42 ■42 STATE AND^OUI^TY rtniE County. Treasurer will* alfcm several totvphipb . #nd\horouglia purpose ot receiving the County nu takes,’-for 18C4, at the t lines and-place paled belo'rf;. fix: -. 1 1 ' \^ Ueorgetav. tj May 23, Hamilton's Glasgow 3c Ohio, do 24, Smith's Industry’ do 25, Bakin’s ; 1 .Phillipshurgh; v do 26,Bimber's r ". r , do 27, M’Caskey’s Bcavor, j do 28, Treast Otfic Harmony.’/ j do 30; StdrO, Rochester tp., do 31,'Wri. Jbhnsi do bovo., Jun€, 1; ■ do Bridgewater, / dol 2, Ankeny's Patterson tp., do 1 8; Robertson'; Beaver, ■ ; do-I 4, Ureas. Offio Brighter! tp.’, . do 1 14, R. Bakin's. North Sewiolcly,’ do 15, N.lltyifitia'., Franklin, , do 16, 'Atttenrefth' Marion, - ■ do. 111, G. Battle!!: Beaver, do 18, Trcas. Offi; Sew; Brighton; da 20, Huron Hou. Piilaski tp;, do 21’, R. WaUajce’i New Scwickly, do 22, G. Rausehc Economy, - do 23, Gdo. Minis' Falblon.i do 24, Toll house. BcdVOr,, • do |25, TreasOffioi Chippewa tp., do, 27,; ; Mrs. Cunnii Big. Beaver, do 28, Graebing hi Partington tp.,, do 1 20,. J. P. Dilwoi do 'boro., do 80, A. J. Cook’t South Beaver, July 1, Joseph Law) Beaver," /' do 234, Treas; Offict OhioScS. Beaver, do- 5, Kdn’a,sto're Ohiotp., > ,dtj 8,,M. B. Dane Raccoon tp., > .do ", 7,1), Ewihg-’s. Moon tp., ) ■ do 8, IVhi. Elliot'i Beaver, .j' do I), ‘ . Uookstown, ; i 1 do 11, Swearingen’ ~r do & Greenc. do 12," ;■ do j Hanover iGrteu,do 18, Geo.-Milter’ Frankfort *, 1 ' do .14, H.M.M’Cut Hanover, I do' 15, Short’s ,-Btoj Beaver,.. -do Iti, Office. ,| ' Independence nod ' Hopewell, 'do 18,'Reed & Kerr I Independence,do 10, ■ J. jUolmes’ - Hopewell, do 20, KoCert Scott j : can bo , made in any ing districts,. i 11 /'■ ~I , . 1 .jobs cAcfeni j Apr. 20, *64. jj , . ... v. Traaij 1 S isfoWGEL i \i / HEREASI letters testptnentary i ■ estate, of Saunai Nansos, I I Baecdon tp., county,Ea,, dec’dJ I been granted to lhc undersigned, all J | indebted td aaid estat* sre requested f j immediate; payment, and .those', havingj i against the same will present them n > authenticated for settlement, : -fl, ■ 1 j4^U»ll«ELBoN.;Gr#en*J) 5 Ip i 31 ■r 43 [LOB \v' PS 24 hi . ** * I 5 00 59 h 59 n * •r 19 ' soj ‘ ;26| ” 7 i 28: 18 6 10 ”80 80 > 80. 71 60 50 . t 1 00 40 1«8 87 167 . w« -f * J ~ &W 1 -TXLi,-., i . std ('1 **>■’ ;Si?lsl]i ; ;.|2>i;a-48,i«t i fofic. ;4 . i.3 1 ft | Kelly, late'of-thVßofOdgh -fcr ! Xett.'.l*righton, ;v t ;. 3eldccM.,now. Wopging.tUlhi* minorchildiren,,, 1-2 , S 00 jlo w{tr. : The one eqniV wihcMihB|ivi3t!al ißOjLalf of that piece, parccVjqr lots of grpund in, iO'\ the paid j Boroughof ■ j!New > Brighton,! being ; 70]i parts of water .lots nunl hcred seven and [eight, 180* ,3 75 adjoiningeach other, ng|d {bounded as follows, 1 p ’ LjS QO, vii: No. 7, measuringforty-fivo filet innidth ,: ’ 1. , ,75j and extending from a ithirty feat "atreet, bn i. 1: U 75 the cast side:of;tbe race of the S«tf Brighton ls7|j i2<s‘ WatCTCompany,^stwardtotheßcavcfriver; ISB4- .63. No. 8, measuring fifty-feet in/widtb ahd'cx •ii2 60 tending ks.'above from said street'to said I2oij| ''-41 r rt|er.r,: : j '■[ ■' 1 ’ ['V"j. 12111;. , 42 j'. [The 1 portions of .said;lots being bounded as 1221? ' 42 j follows, 1 to-wit: on the north by'water lot No! r2,)12 251 6,1 now the property of |B.' & W. Wild. on the; ,21 42] cast by street'Wore mentioned",-on; the east ern side of said, pnl lliejonth by water lot No. {>, alsobelonging tqthe said B W; Wilde*, and on the .ircsltby said 1 Beaver river, also, the equaltnoiety orimdivied, half of all the residue of saiii water llot/ No. 7, measuring ; forty-Ste| feef' in, width and' extending-from: the canal jo tbetMjdyfeel street before men tioned; also the samffhhiljvidqd proportion(or btfe undivided Jialf part) ; bf soVen sbercßlbf wa ier,cttchBharejbeingyc(tialtot jooncJlmniiredtb part Of all the watcfifunusUed By said nice, ppou which iaerect cdq new Stone tfriSt Mill, measuring on ithc out side thirty sixjfpefsix inches in ividth by. forly-fiVe feet six inches In length, and nfeasuffhgiinildd thirty-twoi feet inches by: forty-one feel.. 1 Three stones high above the basement,, twbj watcr-wheels and fourpair'dburrs! . -j 3 • j v TERMS—One-third ojf the purchase money pn eonfirmation of sale jbyj.tbe f'ourt. balance in two equal annual payments from: that dpte, with interest from samel time.-,.; 'i | By order lof'the Court,’ ? ! , FRANCIS W. WILLIAMS. ; ROBERT* MEHARB. I - i Adminisiratalbrs-of the Estate of Samuel Kelly, ieo’d. i ' ■April, 18, 1864. j. " .! '-| w 4 * i * *;, - ,15j 5 13 1 ! 143 IIV - i . I 17° . J 'l6O 284 : ■ -196 ■r i«. ‘ ’ 05 os iI : 108 6 90, '260 l 70 1 .47 2 75 3 30 ! ’ 20 ; 457 0 3i r; loan an<l Jot land- jU ■ iuO'i "X;7fi .7 70 isris oft i Ift lloios jjlj I [clldelt-| 1 l’s plan! d 0,,. ■ i ■ |. do . ! do t I Soles’ pi ' 1 Id’s pl[ 1. ij •i' iH 76 ■ ! 4 \l 1; 4.:. 42 , - 1[ f 7iv 1 , , j|J: . ’ ' *.'l 04 i°.:|r 241 7<-;i r,i • T.l ~ \ I iiey’« pl| m ,i*t! | I’s’plani iney’s pl; do -| i Jt *, static right pl >R co i .•;lj2B is '{] o 7 8 s ! ii :■ 15 ; oo | .05 I 05 ■:o.l • 05 i: 0.-, ; ii i‘» 04 j BEAVEJI COUNTY, as s |- 04 i s' " TN thcl Ojrpbans' i a-04 1 ( SEAIj V X , anil [for: said comity, be -04 1 V loro (he I Him 1 .ludges of Baid •; "2 ! Court. In the matter of the petition for par -24 Ititioit of (he realestate of Mary Ewing, deed., ~ 24 i and daughter |of Samuel Campbell,' late of 40 i Kcotlomy township, Heaver county, deed., C 2 j and now to i'i!t. March 12,-18(54, rule <iu,.the lo i, hfir? and Icgal'repfcscntaltves of said dec'd., - Jfi . viz : Sarali Jane., inlcrnjiirriod with \Villiam’ 10 i Thomas, who resides in the county of Monl -17 021 gomcry, State,of Ohio: Hli/.n Ewing, atj pres-. 1 soienl living in Covington, Fountain County, 1 o.o} Indiana, and, Thomas Ewing, now belonging to the Army of the Vnitcdl Slates, Co. X). 52<1 Indiana Volunteers, now in, Tennessee: .Alex ander Ewing. father of the aforesaid -chil dren, and’husband of the aforesaid Mary Cav ing, dec'd.. now residing in IVirtviUc, Hen dricks jCotmty, Indiana,! anil all others, inter ested, to shew canto if iiiyj they have why an inquest- to make partition of the real estate of said dec'd., should not be aityarded ah an Or phans’ Court, to beheld in Heaver,' inland fat said county,on the first Monday of Juneyicxt. A [Trite Copy t of Uule, . ■ '< ,\ JOflS |A. FRAZIER. Cl'k\ en»V AX. id iu tfae' (cur tba i Slate u dfiig- totel. < io, do do Bioro. nVhotel do do i store. - ! !' \p «tbr© ic e. - >uie.... i ) u i- ! , Ingham’*, ■itch . ■ |thV... ■fence. gar’s. - 1 % ,i • hotel, do. phoon’B, . fc i r< 8 «tore'. Ofljoin- KT, Surer. lon the' kstfl’.fif j hiving persons jo moke | cliigas ifoperljr QKPUANS’ CJOIJiIT. SALE. i BYT virtue of an orderjuf tl>« Orphans’ Court, i 'of the county of Beaver, the undersign ed trill oxposo'fV) sale Ijty public yen'll uc, or out-cry, on the premises, on ' '. - 1861. , , j at 1 [o'clock; PI.M. tjiidlilayt,Jibe undWrded iwo-hir.llts, part ‘or nioiewl to the life estate of Nancy Haigejp; widow. of Mich ael llarger, dcc’d.,) in kill the following de- ? scribed real- estate belonging to Thomas Mer ger and AiitWllaVgcr, udnbv children tlf Mis ohael Harger’, tlce’d., tc | wit: All the interest df said Thomas Hnrgdr 'awl Anne .Hargcr, in a.certain" farm ;or trai t-ofßand, sUunjted in ■jtew SoWickly tCwf>sbip,in.Rßid county.'bound-. ,cd as follows, Ivii: Beginning al a post jat. the' north-west rot-ncr. thrice along lands nwnedi formerly I by Thomas | along lands owned by (iyidujwyijarali,' M Crackeh.. thence along lands owned by Ge.'rgeAl'C’rack en. lltencc ,along’lands. owned by William J Ford, thence-along lands owned by lleary j Wolf, thenee along lands owned by Samuel * Ifcndrtcksiin. thctrcc along lands owned Reu- j ben Hendrickson, rlitnec along lauds owned 1 by .Tomes Sprout, thence, along lands, owned j by John Keno, : thcncc ilong land owned by j Thumbs M’Kcc. thence,! alouj; 1-and owned by. j |-William Smjlh. thence iilong’lands owned by ] j William and David ‘Stewart. In thotpmee of] I beginning;, containing in nil about one hun ; lived" and forty-five, acres of land, mitre or. I loss, about 80 acres cleared and under; Culti vation, balance timbered. The premises wa tered. There ,is a null-scat and good mill dam an the same.. -. j There -ofl-thc premises, a frilincjhouse and frame bant of good siif. and other out- 1 bnihiingsj somT* fruit trees on the' premises' water convenient. The. undivided twoydhths. part of the above described premises will be sold,'. subject tollhe life estate of Nancy- llar ger, widow of. Michael Harger. dhe’d. I j j ’ T’kiims. —Th e-third df the •puieha»« money on the coniinnnltion of the sale,by {he court, balance in - t Wu{et|ual, annual -payments from that date, with' interest" Ihiieou front "same time, f Dv order Of the Court; . j , 1 T ' I-’.." i i MAKV H AUGER,.! • i 1 ' Guardianiof Titos, and Anne Harger. t | : rP rl ; i M 4 ,V'l .*■ i’• ..-iV i ' Attest: Some.—To i'lie heirslEnd legal representa tive* of Mar visaing, dec’d.: You and each of you are 1 ere by! notified! to 1 he anil appear at the time and place mentioned in the foregoing Rule, for the purpose therein set' f.rth. I • .1 JOS. LEDLIK, Sh’ff. Sur.Eirr’s OrncE, V : •} , Beayer,apr.l)i,64. j ‘ ; 2sotioe in petition. TN the Orphans’ Court, in and for tbe coun- I ,ty of Beaver; and State of Pennsylvania; To the beirsand legal ■ rejrt-eslntotiTcs of James Duncan,;late of Ohio In, in said county, dec’d: Take notice that by virtue of a Writ of partition, issued out of i'th^ Orphans’ Court of said county, and to me directed,an Inquisition to make partition or valuation of the real es tate of .said dcq'dl, (situate' in Industry ip., ifi said county) will be held on the.premises, ion the 12lh day of May, 1864, “at which l time and place you may attend if yon think “prop er. • | JOSEPH ’ LEDLIE, SEX SiiEtiirr's Ohfick, : , UcoTor. ApKi 11 ,4', Estateof Jas. Cajrotbers, dqc’d. |-|. JETXERS -testamentary on the estate, of JLi James C’ABTtnjM,: Iplp of ; Greene twp.J Silver coudty, deceased# having- been if* sued to the'.undersigned,; all persons indebted ore.required to 1 make immdiate and. those haring claims jviU pressnt them, prop? eriyaulhenticatcd for settlement. ■ .j. . KOBT. WIUTEHILi ( ', ErpcutorV • y aprl3*64' • I'' ’ Hanover ip. ;j wall’ papers, ,v j WINDOW SHADES, ; 1 : 5.' V , . •. jj; BORD-JliS. DECORATIONS, and every article Jn the Taper Hanging line-, are now, offered to, the Trade, aitd buyers denferally; at tbe lowest prises possible. *®„Can and ace at.Sd. IDi Market st 1 .. near Fifth, (Pittsburg, f .' r “ • -• ■ -JOS. B*HUGHES. • JAMES 8. RUTAN. ATT 0 aJr B t ; ATtAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.} - in tik Enf. is;-"!* I ~' T )' 'Ms 'r i •' 1 1 -:iOn • ' i -."'i 5 -ff. liftp • E. R ipit L^etwei i i ", WE take the liberty to infirm our friends of IJeavor county that tve hale! iarge ly increased onr facilities for carrying on the ’-1 ■ 1 ■’ . i'i ' ir* ’ 1 , ii ' Dry Goods liusiness, ;,■■ ‘t • . J .jk - :•/ . ' , . • *».«»■ »v_ ••• ! at our old Onr entire attention will be bo devoted to the increase of. our btwiness i: in which flic interest of,'wit* customdisf tviiKbe sustained aud promoted by every, means: in our power. .<■' T i V' X'EVV BPRIiNG SIiIkS. ■ : ii ■-v ' ■ •. Our stock will comprise ail comprise all i the the iS'iivpTiics in latest i u-1 eluding re all colors, .plain; ami tigui'ed I,blacks, plain silks in all colors; check 1 and i; brocade! silkW Swiss a ad, foulard silks,’ all'Of pvhich wii will sell at s heh low pricer, that none ; can fail iqj lie suited. . i ~ '"j ' Our slock will be found replete, comprising idpcr One Hundred different,styles, in French, V rcu|eh, English, and German fabrics, of iat * cut importations, at prices as low or ycarb'aco. i' .cloA|&s;.kir;A-\| ; L! We -eliaU be in receipt of dully froth Xcrr Vork, ami. our anil prices, for cheapness. wiW he found second to'none in the city. To this department itc- call particular attention. , 'i . ,' - - c i Linens, siu-elinc and pillow linens, toilet-,. Mar.sailes and honey couth quilts, in while.' blue , and pink, nripkius, j towlos, lineu t.Sble covers, iind Irish linens, 'always on hand, at t heitfwest prices, ’■ V.,‘ ■ , ~. * f ; Gajaimeres. in plain litjd fancy.. union cloths, tweeds, sattin'cU. corduroys, and men and hojs wear of till' kind*; the host-stock in the oitv, at the lowest,prices. ■ i.■ i . I'i f , BALMORAL jAND' HOOP SKIRTS, of which we ails the sole agent of several celebrated makes, which, we will sell to our customers at wholesale prices. . N i .1 ■ 1 ■ ': ■' ' / Domestic and imported flannels. \ Oifrstock will bo found larged and well asserted, and our prices will be made^sp - moderate ps to place them within reach t - CHEAP, cktiAP, CHEAP, KID GLOVES AKD cdjRSETS. T Visiting the ,<ii(y for the:purpose of puVoliasmg Dry Goods, are respccffuUyj invi ted tocali.'asour eWire stock will bo f)und. GARDNER i-SCHLEITER, -mI i r ■ 1 • . ' ■;* i ~ 1 ■•' • >.; VTSJSp KiWl*. «* loiii,:! ' ■ --fl - •! ■:'- :(’' ;• '£k| ■ 1-1 1 teal, cslato'bf jesso- Soullt. la't [ ».of ; .tfe«,l|(>g% r \ - | ; I tilup. ■•' \v , -I ■' •*:' J Common w«*lt£ •; T a.iTbp ,T-iQll ;, ;siiiih.' .Sosaa, interraamcj, witb.jphpjlja? - -■ \ . 1 ..tor, Hamilton Smith, Itacbct Smith and Thos. ' ■■'..■'■ i, -, ; - | Smith;' Joseph is deceased, as ij a^hif-w{(h£ - ■ | bi>Lleaving fourcliudreii.’yu; Tsijc; ’o*-;. ■; . . nJ" , : ijruhiMbtcmaTriied witlt Jji'iu''l)sy,.iwVill»' ... -.i A . {'anil Su.-^n^irh^c.liittereit^ iswlA MnVeidlUi i. »••'»■• I jf _y j? 3 i jn ;|joss&-,jSifliUf> -and- Saracol 1 ■'.■• * 1 '*•■ -.“-Iv. 4 KIV-L- -! Smith; Isold, Raimltpu is l decebaed.l *b tp,aiaa j 1 v 'V i j.' s iiis widow,dentingbae «Wii • ' ' V, *’ • ',i a, jintbrowi in »K« Roidlrenl iu the % li-illil i)- n«fff anjl Samuel;. Smith} John. AW n m al iH'ltlVll I lvl*\ of aaid.HuHaaiy.depeased, and the 'll ImIL tv l ijl jilijijii iyii.Ll» 1 solid SUsah'bVs »inc!e interest in' ' ■*•■■'■* ‘ J|: -" *i% l- jUidS ;eal estate to iiid iJesi'e and Sunil South? ■ no^v.decsased,- leaving no is-', ■' [sue; Smith»:iUUving,.>ut .whose ! iiitercshjndjid realiestotc id now vfested ItftW . baid Jesse andSamticl Smith; said Sami Smith ' now dcccasciivihtt Untying awidosr,‘ j V surviving, and JPpr, children, vii: John 8., i *• Susan.i jntermaiTied; with .Isaac of J yVayhel,county, Ohio. Mary Ann*, InVe'rmirried't with James Uawtentaa<T Louisa,, aged 18 yrsif 1 whoso guardian is iDjinifel Dawson{ Mid JoW : - U. Smith. hctng'iiovtj jj» tno army of thoUAitoa Stateß.liii the uTiny'.hf the West/'pud all ptb- . ehs, greeting: by cited to be and .typpea^.,before pur-judges of sntd Couri, nt Cde.Ti;r, in and for said coun; ty of Heaver, at an. jOrpliftfis’ CotjrMo be held therein' the first Monday jft‘ Juneimiit, tp ao ioept prirefuee the reaf estata of spid : at thc^'jpprais it^-iyun IhquesT duly a warded by said Oofft'. andveturued by' I (the Sherjlf tb_ March jeroi. 1864, iViilu'aiipt}/ | And in Ibfe event uf inon-accetuanee, j 1 to sticw iduse lyny tW same .4lionld not be sold, j Witness tLo dtoh h. L. jM'Oafiin. -I , r‘'*i- . Went of: our said,Cofiirt. atliaavcr,this idiiv of iiiarch. 13d4 - ■-•',■ : V-i • I ■ p- ''j '■ • , J n.N A. t'-RAIZIc.R-;- '” - bpro,i,'3l. ■ ' ■ ’jr.Clerk. .' iK.TSB *.» £ [ , •ucoiseotia 19 ; * GARDNER & CO<, jS Market St.) ' -i ’ ;1 ■ •; t >-! i TSBTJBQ-H, sen Filth si. and Diamond. [•> ;: if -: --l ,1 ■..•:( ' J)RE. ‘S GOODS. .* LACK GOO OH.' ! i ; ’ ' r HOUSE j.F rj KN I9slir>‘G i G OOPS. 'I CLOAKING CLOTHS. . ■ '. ■ ■ .'I . : i I ■ DOMESTIC GOODS. ‘ GOODS. • r • ;. 1- : 92 , ■ Market Street, .1 - . '- ! J :• - : ' f x \ \ -‘ "RAIL-ROftD HOOSE, «** '°gss2&.fr > ‘ 1 : ’■'iL - ■■ 'tvl ■■ • ; •;■. ■'•-!_ * - ‘ " ;i 1 ! i- ■ I ~moo,. • .sue MM! } '■: : V ,To tlie heirs and! legal repfesentotiTcs,’of Jcssc'SmUh; dec’d.:| You a tpl each W'you. are hcieby lnotifiAl to he and appeaf at the time anil, p.aob mentioned in the forcgoiugiKule, j for the/purpose tubrein set forth.' Vf_j ' ' JOS. LEDI4E, Sheriff; ' i-Y) li IiKIS'T. A; t'liAJ' Commbdionp and convenitent Tavern X slated, well knotyn is the , / sitaaf.&Stfv Bridge streej. New Brighton, Pa, ‘ Tlie tlO by .Ctj feet, and partly fur-' . nished,] It contain?, in aU,. twelve rooms.— - The bar-roqin and dining rooms are On the prcmisesvare tbyec .good stable. 4 itind dther out-buildings. •„ TWp ■ OUT -l-OTt! go/wilh, it. Thisjstan'd i= well sUaatedl'orbiiamess.bev ihg.oo the principal street leading from the .. North.arid' West.into *tovgt.- ,and aijW ednyen-, ’ iqnt forj the of'caualdtoat horacs;'y.-1. ’ ’ ‘ Posst ssion givcpi.on day’of June.' Addr:ssTor impure of ap*7] ALEX- New 7 vji .^TiSyrT.T-l ;<h'cret'j giyencu ttai.lettcW.of". .* , nuiui hist rat bin ujVm tli.ej estajc 'of ,7 1 ist • HeOX.igmj:;;; liuc 1 “of Briglitonc l/1 towjisliip; Itcav.jr, county* 'Penß.’r bcMtgjj.nicdjWpie iiji'icr-igned. Ail persons ■_ knotvihb-UWnsdvcs 'tadc.btcd.tto kaid. estate' .' . ■are fytiße.nefl I'oy.n.nUe. yuinibiiatii payment. , ah 1 i'hfjscUaving Mifcns yg iinst th'e same will ! present th'cm property au'shent-ioatiid. for Wet- ' ■ !; % ti'r- I i JOS; C- \VIiEON, AJniiaijjrrctf.f, , ’•ittSVM ~ ~' ' - ■ i iPa. . Ifo!iNlAriuTOß;S'■ ■ Is <tnt|i)o . I ■ uif'j l)i*.iT''r trii all ’jicrf,'.’- iiiJ'-iilcri to>»iJ <vfot« tfre,r«*pu.“<t<yl jn laakfc’iiu’v.cJuvtc ptvincnUfji(3 tjigso £«inst; aaiil "t-Mitic -frill prn'o'tt ili/'rii tau- ' Xjtentl«a>c : i (■ t ’• > ■'■ ' j.'sir:v,\it:TAaj.Kß, j. : :v i ' ' a’r non, . i Pouiii Beatortp. : fch-;; XDM I XiISTK AT-OR’S NOTICE; ' \T7 r letters lestaniChtarj- on Vnc •\V I estate iof 'LvKß>*a' laic' of th’o boro.of : granted to undersigned-*; aIT persons in- Mebte.d'fp sapl estate are requested t“ cqnke immediate pajinf*ut. and.those clajins prc*uit illeiu properly aUCheciioaled for . • 4 - r ■■■; i MAW i,UKj[K«.;vii.. , rx.'. ; feht?64.'{ - A '■. ■: . iiloi-hc-tcr. P». carlk ;; W. iJODUNiI AMIlf. 11. D. . - . I Office 534. Broadway. N. Vi t -< ' W. If? KiiLiKMl AMEJI. M. ,l>., . Hons?. ■ I‘iuiVurgii, I’a., DKVUTEwTKEIH .ATTENtIiIN TO .TUB Aledical'an)! Surgical treatment of' ' j CHROMIC DISEASES; . ~ y Especially} those of \hf> LOWEII ' BOWEI.^.. such (.'otstipaUuu,'[Tistula,, Fissure,- Falling ofi the llowcl. Clceraiiiin of the Bow el,'Stricture-.of' the Bowel, &c. Af'sn, I lie various Chronic - Diseases of | the ■ IVomh,. the . Kidn^ysi-i.he Bladder. ptc. | . • ;mr29 ! * ‘Uli, betweeft' Allison’s ‘ Store Bridgb.ifater i and Rew | Brighton,'a "memorandum;. book containing 53,75 jin t mousy, iia ; ofjjt&b:* ou tliP 'County -Commissioners ; for j and ; some other papers. - Any person finding ir, and leaving Jlte book and papers- ol t hciArguV Office, can jke'cp the money. j" i, : . ; ■' " -A. ASUEHStTST, v [ !• " Ba.-Ungi.on. ‘j., :A.i ; ■ BROADWAY A APPLE' STREETS ■, \ i-AVic* Brighton, \ Pai, ". j ■Wholesale ond ‘Retail Dealer ,iflTj - Tin, Copper, i and . Phcet Iron* Ifcrc, • And i he most approved patterns of i j PUtshutg Cooling, Parlor and Pleating \ ! V ’ Stoves: . [mar23’6J i)iC ;p. b. Youiift: WHO lias been- for some time liict-ing pa Sur’gpoU ia the Army, haSi-iq;-,returned: lanU.aMm IbcafAl himself in ■ 1 ,li ' ■"A Tl ° | - 1-. ■■■■'.■■ I\- ■ ;,■ , Beaver--County,, r . offers his iprofcsaibnal scpvidcs t<?’the public. ’• - .] ■•BSSbA'fh*: 0 in Phillips’ buHdin|jr. [jnhlff’fiS' I ADMijliisriiATiOirs iso'xiGlj: \\J lIEBEAS letters ol administration oh I\\ 'Rotate of llkn»y <’ow.vNf r Sc., late (olf Greener township, , Beaver. 'ctmijty, 1 : deceased, linking hcpn diily.granted to theun-1 ' dersigncd, Jjalfeperaops indebted Itosaid estate' fare rtoiiSedi to make iuuiiediatc paytnent, and ■ (those haying claims against the same will pre sent tbemvpropcrly autltenticated for settle ment without delay. rV--v ... 1 Ij . , dOWANV Jr., • A ■ fchS’Cl. i : . f-• -lA'dm’t. -> jl „ Dr. P. M. KERB offen <>/■,. B EAy E K A Nl> ti c t i-im. and of. public pat ronaga. i ” Ken’s- Besvsr, " J d«riA , |s.r T ;. r. •nr -'ja IMS!!==IM At.r, 20. '64. NEM *.- --‘i; -WVM P»nn’«. Ell ./