The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 20, 1864, Image 3
1 ' r l« , K. 'I ■’hSier Markets; 3 75 ■ l4 i v 'Yes per bushel -1 76 Dri-d Ai ?- es r, „ ... ; 850 '**•*■% 40 ; . i* 1, 20 ,‘(>111, , ,ii, .1 00 ft,' . ,< •• .75 ' ’ 5 F.irl-J „ . “ • 800 (W Seed. ... . 3. .3 00* ■ Tiooi 1 ? . ■ 300 n«i S ee “’. .. .„... 2 75 pV«n5. ■ ■ <4 , 70' ' ■ ynti"** ;,. .<•; 1 00 ; .' Onion* • ‘ ''1.25: f -. rn Jle»l. ~ •„ do:en 20 tff»- lb. • 85 patter. - ; k .* * ■ 17 ■-Bo®*'. " • ' »• • '«■ IS ■ » fUottidere. (| - . ;.. , lj4 . Side* *1 " -J'o : Tei'.e*. ■! ... 1 iV ; 16 iM- .l-.i' '' ‘l6 . i „ io T dallon..L ‘BO , •.--, -.- __, a Tim (- T ble .. co - . gff... CLF.VRLASn &-FITTSRCRGH, S. 1 B. ' Beaver Station- 1 -Gfisft East. - P Station at follows:. ' ■«/. 4%'f M Arrives at Pittsburgh, liM*. «. u *■ .. . ■ S:o0 p. K. iSOr-?:50P. Going 'Vest— I ' $ \ _ , jV.iinJ Irivt l’utshurgh at/oUovt: [l . , ■, •lSs . M ’ Anivesal Beaver A. A. ,S:1o a. M. .• .. 4:25 p. K. J(;00p. k. . ; Boc hester ?:do’ p. jit. | <•! 8:10 A. x. J. McCUI.I.OCGH, Pra't. F. 1U Oftii Tcket Agent. *5l p. »■ H:Vi ?■ M. j;45 A- M •■yvnsßCßG.n- W.\yXß|&cmCA<tO^.B. RfichcsterStatioji-fioixa East^ ■ Rochester Air. af Pitts “■is;4p a: m 7:2of a; m jtajlit utfttea Ro‘c» ■si s:4p a. , -4 j ir! P 1 i’ n ", m.'p 1 I Sil-lingh.n, • . !-•* ; ■' Mi Brieii'on " 3: J I. ? ' ■ Mail " r,:l ? r ‘ i i .llipre-*,- , I:'!’’ Kxl i rt>“, 2:0o P. . ' Oaiia’ii E*p. ■ l i M ■ - , Ooino WeiJt— « • '‘l Ceiivos Pitts. An - -at Rochester. ■;iwi«w Aecotn. . ‘-:l r o p. M r ..... [4:00 P. X. 0:15 Mi 11:00 A. M. -gtlripb'n ;• 12:00 nj. V. ij:3ff;d».'x. 'vi •> 4:30 I'.'M 0:10 P. M. •• 5.-l(i r. ! M....... 7:20 p. x, ■.Mil.; • .7:00 j|. M...A. 8:20-A..x. - :.«i „ ;i EljWs, ,•*<§ 3:00 J. M. *| Hllffnlali » »•*»*««, ,5:0 2, t M ‘ : *Beislnger Wi ' AT.G. IUHIDLE7, Supl., E. D. ■ ( ani fo lot j, .« 1 1 - ! “f - T" i *Scott A. N. 111. STATE AND COUNTY TAX t *G urtlner Ricll rnilK.l'cmniy Treasurer Will attend m the , JiriJnejcah J[* several toW.shipsJ arid fop the j Kemp MpPtin purple of - receiving iW, founty and jStato ' •• “•• isx<.-. for lfcOl, at the time? and places desig- i • “ tiau-a-heloivv, iVti: ■■ ’S • -V, ■/■:■■ • ' p' j Mendenhall H ■Gtii.-getoWn. -1; Maj-bs, Hamilton's hpel. j ; Mendenha r,V«a<»e « lifiio, do 24, Smith’Sj d§ •: , laouarv. ' do 20,f JJakip’s d? I ' . . VhiaU'Amrgh, .do £6, [ Himher’s . io I HaysJoo. part Vre-M./w, > do iT.'MVatkej - ! stiipe. j “ •Beaver. t | do 28, | Treas. Office. {f . dWayne,, i do 30.! Store. | (letiaester ij»*. ’flu- 31. 1 Wm. Johnson’?li'.,:-:!.; j, 4-i i Wio , Jane 1. do ;do Bril-4e»r.iier, «4<‘ ■ , 4,Ao)*>VV; /di> ' : - ‘ tp.. •{•> 1 :i[ BofcoHsou'Hstbrs. ' lleaw, i ■, 'A' i V., Tresis; 'i'viglroii'p-.i ' Oo i I 11. Eakin's. oorio .-oOi-iist;. J" !•'•. -N. llas<;n«. ,O',, do Hi: Aulciirelth“s store, ’ .. do 17, G. Ilaji ,'ell. i «■ j.xor, . do ,- 18, Trcae. Olftee. i- ■ I'.i-igMon, do Horonffllloo^e. I i.laskl li)., do ■y.l.j U. Wafihei-'.s, S-« ' do «2.l <i.-RW,tscher-A -LS Noit'.V, . " M". ri on. IT-lJ \«eo. Mir.i? a. ’*i> l ['M, 1 -iV'Hi htm-’f'. 1 do tiA; • ’!di fp.. do'• |2T, Mrs. Cunningham'*. Jo US. 9jr.-i.eMng hoteK'*- ''t ip., Jo 2- ; , J/l*. Dihvortb^. •i>* boiv., <pj- JM, A. J. C«»pk*s. I ' f;. rt r»r. *Jn?y 1, .fysefdi lmvrehpc‘ s . do -TreMs. Ojliiue. J •.‘l:’ IA aver,, J.,« f> ;• K»-n'-s *t;ore. ' • M/i-jr., do ■d, M-*H. UUringer’s,. ■ je sc J- .n J 'p., «n 7. I>. KU*in J g’s. ip/, ■ Jo 8, Wm;| KUiot , do iVj,' Ulfcrc- r( ■ iU‘l.s:a.>-n, - do j 1,-S'rcaringeiCs hotel. ’’’ do \Vneme, do-i, Jt?, doj r do. t\Jiovct* k Green,do Miller’s.! ‘ Miikfnh . Jo :1 If H.MAM'CutcbeonV do 15, Short’s [store. N'aTi-r, -■ . do lb, OiEoe. I • J _ and y" ’[* - Alopjewcll, I do F-oed & Kerr's store, do 19, J- Holmes’ lUp'v.'cli. • du 20,- Kobert Scdtl’s. Srs.J*.iymcutB enn be yjiadc in any . adjoin ;n* dittos. ’' • ' - v ■ .1- r. ision " , ver 1 ~1011 K CAUCHEY, . - Treasurer. A‘jir. '.’O. >;( , -NOXILB L\ PARTITION. INUie Orphans’ Court, in and for the conn-' ty of Heaver, and Stale of Pennsylvania:- j‘J the heirs and, legal reprehtat,ivcß.of .An--' ‘i rci ' Class, latq of X)hio tp. in said .county, ''d: Take notice that by virtue of a writ of I’aYtitiou, issued oUt of the Orphans' Court of; '■u i county;, and to me directed, an lnqusition to make partition or valuation’of ihe real' cs tate of said dec’d.. (situate in Ohio township, .*h.said county) will be held on theipremises.on : he Ill'll day of May, 1564, at which,’ lime atul place vou may attend if lyou think prop-, "• JOSEPH EEDJjIE, Sh’ff; leaver, Apr.- SO, ’<*4 . -' Si S* ■ ; - I GREAT SALS OF LOTS’ IN ROCHESTER. /pifE subscriber'will self at Public Sale, ini • J i lie Borough of Rochester, on the 4th o«y of May,-1864, from "5 io 100 Town Lots," together w ith si number of lots of from one to jv-j aerts each. 1 Purcbaaers can j cultivate the lols this seasuu> without fencing, as they are tncUsed with an outside fence. ‘ Terms, which arc easy,will be made known .t the day of tjalc. Jl'V f u, cmimence/nt 10 o’clock. • /. jqn-,20'61. , „ • v wy; PORTER.’ KXECUTOR’S NOTICE. - \I7II Eft EAS lei Cera testament iry ci : ‘the •u ' • Male of, Nbusos,'lil'c of uaccoon ip., Beaver county,Pi.; dcc’d, having been the undersigned}- aIE persons junebted io'said, estate iaro rcquested a 'to make nntrirdiatu payment,! and those having claims ‘psinet the same will present them properly 'iin'entlcated for settlement,. '■ ■ ' SAMUEL NELSON, Greene tp„ ' *pr. 20,(ii * ■ _ Executors.' A,ROST--4>n the 4th cf April, between -n'^v 3 -Edison’s ' Store . Bridgewater ? r, !hton, a memorandum book th. l 'l niu S 4"1>76 in money, -an order :oh 'iom. !n 1J Commissioners for: 27, (*V- and , ,r P w re l Any P»«on tndmg it, OfW u *. l “ e * Ja< * BB ’d papers at the Argus ' ce ' cen ikeep the money. Apr 20‘>«i •- ' A - ASDEBSON. j - 64. , Darlington. Rail-road house, i • AM JOHNSON, PRO'R .' I nOCHESWIt. TA. TRIASURER’S SAifc , is' hrrilij gircn, tin! Id pnraJuice of an act of [Assembly of this Common* wealth, passed the 18th day ofMaroh 1815, entitled “An act td amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes,’[&c., and |the seVeril subsequent- octi supplemental thereto;" ":and the' several acts in conformity' therewith, requiring and directing the sale of unseated' ■ land! li'fprp County, State, , Boro’., School land Road taxes; and the 41st section of the actM>f April jijjth, 1814, authorising andldireclffi g' flieirVtuvn and sale of allj-real estate os \tWatsd lends new geld, in satire* Hon of the taxes due and unpaid by the bwn erssthereof; alsp, [the acts authorising the hale of unseated lots in the boroughs of Bearer, Bridgewater,Rochester, andFallston, borough taxes the following lots and tracts.of unseated lands Sfc., .in the. Cfcunty of Beaver,bfity much thereof aa| ‘ will pay the-arrearage "of tasks accrued: thereon for the years iSSlj.and 1862, antTso much lares oi .previoSSsyearsßa remained unpaidlwill be exposed to public sale,- at the ■ Court House, in the .Borough of Beaver,,on t ■ : * f , ' »• 1 "tt l ’ 'i Mondaythe 13th cf June □> ■|■ ' ■ i,.i v | • , i continuing the same by adjournment if ,n ' • sary. •. il i , , JOHN CAtGHEYj April Bth, 1804. Treasurer of B e *t T ' ; IgyPerson desirous of paying, the due upon any lotj or tract in the following are notified to before day ofsale; noj-property will be withheld from sale promise of payment, • ' I .Nora.—All properly marked with a (*’ turned under tlie 41st section'of the 29th of April 1844.: ' ' . - j.■ ’ SALELIST. ' For the Taxes of 1861 and I ] Beaver borough., ! 'Thompson 'Vm A part in lots ! CraieVeville B : “ I *i)ehhy Win H | *YonngjPetfer' B |. } BfTrcfyht | i HannenJane, p i Davis Jonathan .i ,f out. lot", I Mulvantip and'.' j I a,-A.'-;p. 'pi Dickey John he: ' out let Shai Stone David, 1 •■ t M...... 8:40 A.' St. M......'2:3p p. sc. 3i.i,....! ; 4:aj) P. M. 7soo p. M. 2:2’0 M. K.,..:. 3;30 P M 7:50 P. .M. ; *Cri'ckmbrt Frai ] ' part Acadci ;» Kelson H.B.N, ►if lots Npss pi , *jToy Jas heirs | ■ [ and Davidi *ilVray Thos S-1 r lot Sharon ♦'V'netmorc Jaii 1 an,d lo*- Sli Stewart & Gui Hessen H hei; plan (John ct, . 1) bel' •. Amirev \ *fSTit-:lnpi il*igli T. 1 '< 't •] ■ .. :!• - “ * • < *• *i ‘‘ p't pm ll Vera's pi "Tuy’.o- Milo VI, home. and. lot * *< - 1 lot / I I grower Thom ja 1 lot, i ' H >* “ ■ 1 lot .. riot • |‘ |- , = 1} g Btavtr loicr.-hip. ;■ \ Blackburn's heirs, 1 lot | ; I ‘C/i'ppeua tbtemhip. | j Beaver Manufacturing co,land|3 ' j Ijarlinglbii lotcmhip \ | »HnrJy A A,i land adjoining „|i Jl* .Martin on west >L • t ' " ligriingioh, borough, j Owner (unknown, 1-lot. , j ' Kcnnoriy ioisnshipl, "-I iW P, hjcirs of.llt, Baden John 1 lot 'i‘ 1 lot <;*. M 1 lot ; !8 1 lot j It tank home al’dj 1 lot Badeti I 1 lotßaden i borough. 1 lot ; 1 10l I 1 Jet 1 lot 1 ' ! ■ ■ llotmUiamspl 1 lot “ ■ , Mot ' •• 1 lot' : ‘‘ 1 lot :i iW - 1 lot “/ . 1 lot “V - 1 lot \ 1 lot 1 lot I lot ■ 1 lot . , 1 1 lot ■ r lot . t ' I.lot 1 lot , ' 1 lot . i lor . Chnrch, 1 frame Williams’, plan -tmppo’d Sliunham it, I coal lot- : j lio. h'rs of 1 out lot ;h 1 lotWilliams’ pi 1 lot “ 1 lot “ ; - Mot “ i . 1 lot “ ; 1 lot •• i.« | •• l lot ■ r . Gbirg )tt borough. lappehcott’s oil site ' ' Phillips Wm P i ’ Ototgeiowti borough. Gilmore’s hair* j lot ‘ ! : j. I John, heirs of, l lot : Hookrtcum 1 borough, ] ' Wright Hugh 1 lot . Uanovtr loimihir. ;< Woodrow tuhniel land . ' •, f. ‘lnaumy towtuhip. ’ ’ Shumaker Adam l.lotXnduttry Kraiger Peterbonse and lot Patterson; &}Scuddy land near; r- Cook's ferry , C APB Reo, land J Findlev W« -i do : I v illLiL.. i ijhilipsi S\v;iri J lioyd W Sanpen Kodjger P F W I •Bradfo: Meanoi Welsh , t" «i , ti . H Dunda; ’ <i tl -Mason tt Presbvi i ’ha Owner i *K«l\yj *Th6rn •Waltd » _<< A i * i« :■* *•- s 4 “ ' * “ tctuhtp. Academy lot iart out lot i heirs N. R. 1 Ijianop’s heirs . in,,'' - j-tai ‘ B.parf rpfl, * i puttlot ♦•• "5 ■' I inces D. N. H. ■my lot •„ it i R. house aadJS 1 an' '.i of X. K. house; ion’s, plan i A house and A! I. oesX. R. 1 house? iaron ; U : -IV . house* lot 1 heirs of house", , and Co., plan' , “ Sharon, ti'd L housp * lot r horovghi. 1 . or John, lot •• i lot “ lot darrison,' J lot, ill’s plan out lot Hays pi ; -?• i. nnn house * IpJ, ; s of,lol,Hcmp- . N U. lot. •• •s of, h* It “ 1 1 lot “ >*. R , riel •• ■ ' (A liaviii--—.'" r' “ Porter’s plan “ |-» 1 ■ t n j EMI i sliker Jami &CK t’ullttot rd B l Mrs Sancy ; (< EUx’i t*riai ik.lot, unk’iv I Bob?] lily Tl mSars -■ i-j x. . 0 • Rambo Michael house end I’t | ; .Hendrickson Amerieh : <\T ' 'Kp&jMrlfU* borougk.. k ChamoerajMark 1 out 'lot 81l .Townsend's plan H: ■ do, [• do’ 1 lot do 1 -do •Li do 1 lot dp : Gill. Wm tvaler lot - | Honeywell R 1 lot M’Combs pi Leslie Elii’th 1 lot School pi Pander James parts of lots' PUzpatrifck/Edward 1 lot Qonld -Maria 1 lot \ ’"Hot : HhTcn'D'li boose and lot Aikir Uriah “ . M’Comba jl Seibert N cholas 1 lot V'it . 1 lot WinanS Jcp 8 1 lot ?;. ■ ♦' i lot M’Govrati James jr land Rsno T.T l lot ■ “ -,r « 1 lot “ 1 “1 lot • .{ ♦Mellon'Bt 1 Kelly water lot j ♦ForabeHLucieu heirs of land 1, • and two lots,, ■ j, ♦Gill-William towpath ,' !!. jVWr ; •Mace'lijUta' 1 lot ■ Cnionville „ . fcßetra.J land , ■ | . be. i 9P? William I'onse and land * " ’ ’ U\’,&’orlh\Seiiicklg tov'nship. I , Da.'v’j.UapaseyJiind ~. i .•? *1 FluJiionßicUard land , 2) * n ■ Robjcrlaoii. Jackson ’.land 2- °V-* .. .‘Welsh Henry house .and lot ■'Chow Benjamin,land, j , *SU-clW'lHiamland' j* 2( Briggs henry. 1 lot W?s‘. Salem ,*-( *|V.; : -. *Ji . . t« V; •• M’Mr-ster Andrew land PhilUptburg borough. ' ‘ Sproul, Loomis & co., house and ■■ lot and land Pjulatki tovmthip. M’GuireiMary land 1 - ] Phillips.\Vm P land ~ 'i .“ ‘ land.;!-.. k ~ .Rperoon lownsoip. Neville Thos. land on river be tween Capt Allen * Jlr Jack p SterlingjWm 1 lot Rochester toirnship. . : ‘ Davidson William part in-lot Bolesville Porter Wmdand p Hannen Joseph land' - li Hennon Jas 1 lot Hcnnon’a pi - ♦Logan Robert heirs of land U; ♦P F W & C K B house and loft j.! Ramsey’s plan j ♦ l !i p ♦Reno Elisa ■ | ♦Lintdn John two lots parts' of “ •• land ■ , laud ■ , i-i... flochifler borough. } | Tloics Cl’.as heirs 1 lot Boles pi j pqnbright \Vm 1 lot BJehtfen,- '• , .ball's plan , j 1 ! Cheaneyt E 1 lot Gould's plan ,lugUßtine 1 lot" i\«t do,; I Hnilman fi.B' l lot,, del j 3 pn ! llartsKj>ra-11,.D 1 lot Ilplcs’pi o Hopsop John 1. lot, -Gould's pi T'oe ! Kaler J| J 1 lot \, r ' db,,, ' go ■ P F W i&CBR fed ' | Wafnock Jas I tel \1 Innejrs pi ( Wasson John 1 hensb and lot . le i Bens Adam 1 lot GohM’s,plait: ,g I FultoniGeo W 1 lot Pinney’sp! ' Harrop Sami 1 lot da ~ '! • Dickson Dr Jos brick.h t lot do | d 0.2 lots shop * stablcl’ ' do I,do 1 lot Bonbright pi; , Blake Jno 1 lot C P-& HR co |\ do’ |l' do \do , j - do - f do ,*.do Porter Jas I brick house , Dorsey J C 1 lot Reno’s, pi ■ do ‘ do- do do do do Dawson Wm 1 lot ; ■ do-I. do I Green Delilah land Wasson tr’t j Mnlvonon P 1 lot Stewart's pi I M'Gaw James land i’Javen'flleury's iicirs 1 lotWar rirg's-pian ! | Aa ~j uo, do Ido ! do do . . do jdo , -Pennavd'Kol.t! Ilot Renos plan d,o I -do ...,d'V ,M f *nney' pi Pifn- John’-l la 1 . ’•l’oultl’a. plan Rawdon F 1 ict Ita-.v-lcli’s plan \ do I do. !do | do ; ;do ' dp; I Ao! !; ' dr ' • do ‘I _ dp. [do Stknfcid Xaucy laud . ■ .-2A j j StiUiysn Michael 1 lot j Shatter Conrad 1 lot Gould's pi Rinehart JJ house 4 lot-i .po Rnnchton Polly 1 lot 4 stable Neil Lcwip 1 Jot Cmild's plan Wright David 1 lot Wasson’s pi Waidschmidt H 1- lot Gould's pi l ♦Culllnsfi II lot 4 atafclJfact’y | ♦ dp do 1 lot above factory I; | ♦C &| PRR co bouse and lot, -j. J6HN CAL’GHEY.'Prci 13E1 ext; d.‘ . eces- is re ict of 8624 ■ Hi 38,89 1 69 1 34 1 33 70 38 7 20 8 52 4* • 23 29 1 65 15 1 82 20 ■W 6,-70 V. * It 3 ?3 3- 6S 7.1 95 67, Gil ;• 10 95 60 40 18 • 18 'lB I 18 !8 2 38, 1 -98 1, is M 12.1 l‘i •2. 7 52 ■ I. Apr! 3 A D.M l X IST K A TOR’S NOTICE, 5 16 WHEREAS IctteiPs testamentary ■ on the" estate of Jottslpi. tpKESs, late of the boro.of Korhester lleij/Terco.,dec'd, I'avingbeen granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to sard estate nreHrequesled to make immediate payment', ’and those' claims against the same will prekcnt them properly ■authenticated for settlemfenf. . . ’fV * MAEYLDKINS, Uln’ri. fch3‘64. • . , Kochh-ter, Pa. i • 31 24 24. 5 00 ■69. 1“ - Beaver, Hotel, JOSEPH HAXL, Proprietor, ■j ■ Beav^ivPa. HAVING thorpnghiyittddkup this bouse, he Is. now preparti to accommodate his friends, and ’the public generally, in the most satisfactory manner. >.. . • famytS . •i 26 ;«! i 22- 136 137 | Special THE Proprietors of ihe Girard House P&ila : delphia would respectfully ~call tije at tention cf business men and the travelling community -C, superior accommodation andjeomfort ■ ered in their establishment, aug. 19:2m - • ■ , . KANAGA, FOWLER, & Co. , | '{,sl NM LOST OF MISLAID—Scrip Certificate, is-' i sued by the Delaware Mutual Safety In surance Company, t N0,..15p7, dividend of 1849, for :$65. J • A'pplication'fias been-made ]to'said Company for'a'new certificate, in place of the one’ so lost or mislaid. ' ••’ ' j ■ aprCj, CALHOUN, i j fW I i5O •! ■ 26 i 27 I 28 I otice. i WHEREAS my wife, Anna Maria. Ham merly, hasjieftmy lied and boarjd,with outj any just cause, I, by t bese presents, warn thejpublic dot to to trust her on. my account, as 1 will not pay any debts nf her contracting; i JACOB HAMMERLV. Economy tp., my9.jg#.- ■_ > . ~ i I f. Beaver Seminary THE Bc*me3l Term, of on 2Bth of For particulars addres ‘ •fl.'-B. MERCER, - m«T?IjP4 & 50 SO 100 / 49 of Harvey Gamble, d'ec*di pf administration onthe estate of Haevit Gambia, late of Greene town ship,. Beaver. County, Penna., dee’d, having Spen granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to ihalta immediate payment, and those.having claims agfinsfthe same, will present them properly .authenticated for settlement. •! ' ’JAMES BRITTAIN, Adm’r,, f<blo,6i Ore w»*p. 1 88 I 81 let i i- . ■|k iS . }: s> MM •rf-' . JBBAV] SH, PmiJrA^' i CLARK,’ J-i TH addition eonyenlep]«s ! M.» «r, r «m» Hotel, tb« l Propnetor hu fluted upjU his house, in a and satWactorynuin «iW S , • J OYSTER SALOON, . j[ i Micra the bestjcnUHty of Oyster* £fotd .dorter! weir season, to any desired Families baa beMrnished with Oyrt««, ferXlfeean or dolen. The table: is furnished with all the luxuries the MiIR-1 01 caniafford.) • •.,f. r ' 4 ■' Thankful for the liberal patiyage her fore continuance of the same . Hw®e«tfnUy solioited. : ■ ' j deel' r liwCEiiir” V-63 1 80 2 67 JO6 2481 2 48 888 800 160 161-2 871 ‘7B 78 8 76 600 .-76 75 125 63 260 41 \W. BODKNHAMBR. M. D., Office 854,Brotdway, N. T ;• Wl H. B.dIDENHAMER.'ja. D., . Moaoiyfaheta.J House, PitUburgh, Pa, Tiipiß ATTENTION ,T 0 I ' I / Medical, uni Surgical treatment of; 1 CHRONIC DISEASES, Espiecj>lly those,’Uf the LOWER BOW such aa Piles, Cbfcstipation, Fistula, Fiasi Falling of thß'pO'veLlJHceraiion olf tke B el, Slricluro.'of tfi* 'Bollrel, &e. Also,. various Chronic Diseases'of - the Womb, j Kidneys, the Bladder, etc. • . ■ mri 120 .121 ■122 42 42 12 25 2142 6 18 148 14,16 21 25 1 11 1 4 4 70 1 60 J! 34 96 40 . U..S. INTEBNAI» REVENUE Annual for ’O; The Assessor, of At’Bth Ac 11 District, of- Pennsylvania, will, meet. n ,the Tax Payoff of said District for the : pose of, rcc living reports of-Income Tax applications fori License, as follows: Moonti ship, at House of H. Bimbm-, April 11 Hopewell; .township, in , Sheffield,;April. .1 Independence lownshipj at St ere of G. Mi April 15th; Raccoon township,‘at Stop Andrew \Vauhopt, April 18th; Hanover Hotine trfll McCutcheon, in Frank April 22nd ;vGjpeene , ’tovvitship, at Store i H. Trimble & Cot, April 20th. *•’ ': , I, I. . WM; R. TRIMBLE, ! Ass. Olb Dir. 24th Diet. F ~ , .* > *>•,». „ ■ . ilbtters . 1 Ttl ; n the Post Office at . ver/P.i., Mar. 31, 1864 '. < ArlTpgt on, Alice riMcClean Richard! Beam Sample ‘ . Miller Elisa BtfclwnjSusan 'j * Park_4lter..■| / Elwftj Batbony Mary Preston iWm; or 'Ji Carlton Guy 1 - Roger* Isaac Cleiry. Molliel A ! Smith JTalian.J £ Dotjevan Thos. Stoner David •’ Foster Edward , " SwanCji ft,W Oillrland Litvina SehludefhergXrei GasLgarah ; I . - WhiUol Samuel Hursclton Sallie White Wm. Haworth Jt ! | Wood J W Hopkins John .Wilson John. Hummezell. Fred 1 calling will please say.thc j; M.J OS 05 1 08 690 1 31 2 56 1 79 .6 10 , ■ \ ‘ 47 2 75 3 8Q 20 4 57 land U 1 26 ■83 1 , 144 Ustl 23 194 a LIST OP LETTERS EMAIKikG in the Post Office at R< ter. Pa.. Mar. 31st, 1864: narpes ’E A|j ' ' Kileing Miss Ljiii Florence Fannie L ' ; Morrison John J! Fish Sarah Jaijp Pajia Misq.&aimi Oraham Mrs Sarah ' Shintt E)fiabat h Miss Winnie ' Stewart Miss Vii Hooher H ££ Co. Williams Miss Lo Hatfield Maggie E : [■■.;! :.v.l.= Ks. Office hours, du 7 tf p/nl. \ Spring atitl 18 limii ;.CtOOX>S. THE subscriber is now receiving; his.' GGOpS.[Airect from Philadelphia, newest stjWof : rt, 1 ':. »■ '( -I Ladies’ DrteSF podds & which were specie Jby one of the able most experienceJVrncrcliavt-S'Jhsp'C, ah be sold at si strrall advance from cost. f Beaver, Apr.-t.'O t. TH OS. M’CREF Beaver Siemiimr; S B. MERCER, Superinten - - ' BOARD OP DIRECTORS. . D. Hi.A. M'Lkas. D.D. N[' D. A| CcNsisbnAH. “ C.j P.-erUMiss, M. D. s THE fourteen weeks oj TCESDAV, the first day of Septen Kates per {term for board and fur Rooisj,j|. {...., SQT' For full particulars address . 8. B. MEUCER, Beaver. aug!2:4t ... ';,'j j- 1 ' ' ■ 05 05 \ 0E l 03, 03 US' 38 1 15 , o ft l v-A. 354 JIJ W II i ooKANITItBEAUTIFUL EDIT Is'l1 s 'l- ? •• '» ’QF THE j MISTAKES,QK KDtHATED •; i i .•! * - i * • AT; S. HAIjIT, LL.' I i I iTV" fTK, nlisim, price 60 cet^s: papi } J.j£ cr ~ 2{| dtjttis be be sent by mftil Oh* receipt cf. thp p postage stamps, liieas address. ,i* j JJ C. GABUIGUES. Tublisl 148 South Fourth streets, Shi!’*, inar26 -. . l . .._ L :. 1.7 02 A.: Bestwick BKOA DW AY & APPLE STltl ■ Kew Brighton, Pa., j. Wholesale and. Retail Dealer Tin, Copper, and* Sheet Iron And tht most approved patterns' 1 Piltsburg iCooking, Parlor and Be .I ’ | Stores. ' |ma X).r. B. Yori: it,' HO his been for some time ao yy. Surgeon in the. Army, hgeing r aid again located himself in - | Beaver County offers his professioMl scrrieesjto the p Philiips’ building. [i t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT *. ' f • . 1 . : • \IT H£sE AS:Jett era ipi admihistrar IsYV the estate of Hesrt Cowas, f OT/fhjeenß IjeoiWEhip, ; BeaVer coum deceased, Wiping been duly granted tol dersigned*. ail persona indebted to saij are notified lid- make immediate payme those-having claims against the'sarnie 1 sent them p roperly authenticated foi mentwithoutdclay. 1 . i 1 HENRY COWAN; feb3’64. 1 "I , }]! 14 weeks, wiUopen arch. Superintendent, . BMTerj P*. !AL! ,'CAJR- for letteta in the., •y are advertised. . ANDEB6ON, P. M. TAYLOR., P. iring ike. summer ReV. It I f',-. i ; r l: Election. THE Stockholder of “the Comj tieetiu otct Big. Bear* at orj near Wolf £»ie,i in' the county herebynotified that an .elf it; six Managers, and a ;eldin ths Toll House of si li -test; Monday (25th) o at ]0 d'ciock,' *'m. ;? >| JAMES ALLISON, ; one fresiden rcr, win bei p&ny, on thi commencing: mar2l’64 ; EM Qffen kill BBjAVI and solicits i Kerr’* deol#.’6B STmThej 'nfettunuxl Semes* ioth*P\ Rj A & D VICIf L abate . T of public patron ■'=: qmcais r Hofei. Beaver, -Pe TAT’ vbtjia tftu■ |wdsiw)f' .Orphans’ CrtM, : i» of tie Consul of Bower; Ute undersign- *ale by ; Public Ymdut or eht-«ig, op thoprsmisi*, da I J . •'■■ it.vj o’clock, Hhe following described the estate of Samuel Killy, late-of the Borough of New brighten,' . dic’d;, sow btlangiar to his minor ehUdreh;-J- 1 to wit: The ohhequsf moietyorlheundiviied ; half of toat f ieee, paroel orlotaof ground fat j thei'sjskt (Borough of now! Brighton, being' parts of water lots numbered seven and eight, ' 1 adjoinihdeaeh other; and hounded as follows, to-li Tiat No. if. measuring forty-fifeJfeet inyriSfh . island from, a thirty feet street,"oh ■ the east sue of the raoe of, the Ke w Brighton . Waler,Company, westward tothiißeaver river,- ’ No. B,' measuring fifty-feet in width and ex- im. above ftom said street to 'sold Jr’Jl.fiV- j, - V •. 'i' 1, The' pcrtfcnp’ of. said lotsJjiing'Wtuided- as , , j follows. corttj by wet MV lot Xo. .♦ 18, now thejpfOTerty[df B, i‘4 -W| Wild, qn 'the L_ ; «hsti by etr«t l_efore joeiitiotfed; 6n the least rr | .j-ernJ side of sald’jfacd,’ on! the south by water flotlio. 9J also belonging io. the said'B. & W. Wilde, and qnthewestby said Beavei rivet, I also,the equal mbiefyolr andivied halfofjall the residue of Said watir’lqj. -K.s*!7; measuring forty-five feet In- width anu eitending from the banalto the thirty feet street, beforfe men-: , tionedr also the sanke'nhdividedl oneinndiyided half part) ;otJsivinshSra.ofwa ter,|esch share being eqnalf o th'i oa«-finhdredth part of ill the water furnished by-sa>fciace, upon which is erected :a new Stone measuring on the outside thirty sir fistVslx 1 inches in width by feet six inches in ‘length, and. measuring inside thirty-two feet inches by forty-one feet. Three; stoneshigh above the basement, two water-wheels and [ four pair of burrs, ||, , ' , v l j ill ’TERMS—One-third of the purchase(money ( on confirinatioti of Sale by, the CourtThalance j. in two equal annual payments from that date, with interest from same time. , By. order of the Court, j. I 1 FBAKCIB W. WILLIAMS, | I ROBERT MEHARD, ‘l; i - Aldminislratators of the Estate, of Sainuel Kelly, dic'd. • • .| . J ,j ; April, 113, 1864. | ; , i• ’ OM ire! }W-, the the orphans; court sale. : BY virtue of ai tjrder of the Orphans’[Court,! of the county ofßeaver, theunderaign'- ed will expose to j iale by Public Vendue,, orf out-cry, lon the promises, on ' i' Monday, May IQth, 1864, | jj at Vo’clpck, P.' M.jof said day, the undivided tw.b-.ninihs, part! hr moiety (subject .(to the life festaleof Nancy Harger, Widow of Mich nbi'ilatger, dec’d.i) in alt the following -de scribed Jreal eatatedjelonjging to Thomas Har gtr and, AnnoHarger, mihdr, thildren.of Mi-1 cbael Harger, dectd., to wit: interest of said Thomas Harger and Anne Harger,- in a’Certain farm lor .tract Of land, situlited in New Sewickly township,in 'said county, jbound-j ed as follows, viz: | Beginning at a post At the north-west corner] > thence;along formerly by .Thomas M\Kee, thence along lands Oarped by. (widow) Sarah M Cracken, 1: ,() ur g, thence nlongTaxids.ownedby George MCrack- I t)ie t ec; fhekee albngrlhnda.-'owned by William ! c i u( ]i n( r ! Ford, rhenbe along lands owned HenryN ‘ 1 Vfolf, alpug lands owned, by iSautupl brocade Hendrickson, thenue along lands owned -Rea-' . w | J ; c [ l . , v ben Hendrickpob, ■ththcV.along lands! cwntd ean fail by James Sproat, thence alonglands. cwrcd by John Reno, ithence along land canned by Thomas M’Kce, thence along la4d' owned by William Smith, it hence along lands owned by I William and David Stewart, to the .place of j beginning: containing in all nboui oho bun i| dred and forty-five 1‘ acres of land more or Jj less, at.iout.Bt) acres cleared and under ' culti vation, 1 ! balahte timbered. . The premises wa- | tered. jiiThere .isi.a-roiil-seat hud good mill dam oh the same- *' ■ •.| i ■ Th ere ~a re mtbc- jhrenil»es(~a frame fawnae .and frame barn of-good .size,. and other,out buildings, some frpit trees oh the premises water convenient: The undivided! two.ninths part ofj the above described premises will be sold, shbject to the life, estate of Nancy Har gef, Iwidow of Michael Harger, dbc'dt 'J'Knsis.—dne-third -uf the purchase money on the jeonfirmatiqn of the sale by the court, balance in two equal, annual!; payments from that' date, with | interest ” t h'ereohr from same time., 11 ■By order of the Court: \ | ~s j. -MARY HARGER, - ■ Guardian.(f Thos. and Anne Harger. ctprXBd)4 ij ' ■ „■! \ ibove ches- ie ; 9;... i gici.v i iisaj 51. M from iOf KEW f the Vear, ’t and 1 'will •y} lent- 9UAVER COUNTS ss : -j, ; ' ■ ' i i TS the Orphans’ Court in, f 'JSfcAli' J JL' an 'l „ for said county, be- V .O. lore, the Hon Judges !of said Court, j lit. the niatler of, the petition! for par tition cf the r.ealjealale of Mary Ejving, deo’d.] and 1 daughter of Samuel Campbell, late of EconomyVucwr.EhipJ Beaver’ county,,-dec'll., aridniiw to'wit: i March 12, 1864.riSle on the heirs and legal representatives of saiddeo'd., I viz,: Sarah Jane, intermarried, witp ■pilliam i Thomas, who resides in tie coutuy ft Mont gomery, State oil Ohic: EUu.aE'pag,. c.t pres-, ent Hying in Covington,- Fountain -County,, Indiana, and Tiioitas Ewing,, pop' belonging to the Army of the United St ntes, to. D. o2d Indiana Voluhloers, now in Tennessee; Alex ander] Ewing, father of Ihe dforesaid chil dren. and husband of the aforesaid Mary, Ew ing. dec’d., now 'residing in Danville, Hen dricks! County, Indiana,.and all; others inter-, ested, to shew cautu if any they have why an inquest to makc|paititioh of . the real .estate of said dec’d.,' should pot he awarded at an Or phans] Court, to be held in Beaver, in and for raid county,on (he first Monday of June next. I A True Copy of Kulc. • ‘ j, Attest: ’ f JOHN A.: FRAZIEE, Gl’k. - ens on tier. aished ikfl'oo :on lE\. *r,-' ■ r|cov- ORwill. tee, in I. V.: ■ 4 BETS 11 Norite.—To tpc heirs and legal rsaresenta tives .of MaryEwihg. dec’d.: You and each of you are Jereby notified to" he and, appear at thedhhe and place mentioned in the foregoing Rule,* for the purpose therein set f,rth. i ; : ; JOS. LEDLIE, Sh’ff. Ware, • Sheriff’s Office, \ .. Beaver,apr. 12,64. J alma r23’64 ; • IN CAUTION. , 3r>: the Orphans* Court., in'and for thecoun [_ ty-of,.Beaver, and Slate of Pennsylvania: o the heiranaUd legal ; representatives of JamesjDuncanjulate of Ohio in sftid county, dec’d: I Take rctrce that by virtue of a writ of partition, issued out of the Orphans’ Court of said county, and to the directed,an Inquisition tOjmake partition or valuation of the real cs-. tate of said'deojd., (situate ,in Industry tp., in.said county) will be held on the premises, on the 12th day of May, 1864, at which time send place yon may attend! if ! you, think prop er. !!, -i ! JOSEPH LEDLIE,; Sh’ff. i Sheriff’s OSfice, ' > , •’ ; Beyver, Apr, 1 12, ’64. ■;( fife tang as eturaed itiblic. tnhi6’6B [GB, ii® on Hr.,late (y. ,1 «•. jthe un it estate nt, .and willp're f aettle- Estateof Jas. Carothers, dec'd* ■J 1 ETTEES testamentary on the estate of' I j Jamis C.uithebs, late of _Greene Bearer county, deceased, having be® is-' sued to the undersigned,' all persons indebted’ are required to make immdiate payment, and those haring claims wilt {present them, prop erly authenticated’for settlement.. ■ ' KOBT. Executor, . aprl3'64 ’• Hanover tp. idm’r. rtny for w Creek, iofßea etion for .jiyeasu aid Com lif {April, ' walL pJpSrs. , '... ii WINDOW I SHADES, ..... { ; : i ‘ • every, artWedn tbe »-| } jPapcr Bibgtng jine, are, now. (offered to EheTrade; and buyers generaßy, at the lowest prices possible. see at No.. 107 Market at.. near Eittfc, Pittsburg: J 1 h ■ JOS. R. HOQHES.. U i* of ■ W.* & ■! Ij'AMfed S. RUTAN, attorney attaw, ; ( DISTRICTh A TTORNBY . ) BEAY ER, : > PENJPA.; 1 ta tk* Coqrt Bona* - ■'-I 't* MlLilil lARiiMf SUCCESSORS PIT.TSB 'VTTK {ate .the liberty ti .\\ of Beayer .couaty t! ly increased our facilities 1 Dry Goods IMI W our old stand. Our.enti bh devoted to the increase which the interest of. our sustained and promoted-, our power. ' Our stock-will he fount over One Hundred differe .French, English, and Ge est importations, at price i •}. ' ****.? BY POR TBX IMII i ’ '’AT K • -p. ' '•*■• ''l E. B. GARDXE ■ r• T: OS M&rk 1111 ■" J‘ v Between Fifth st. < ■■■ ■ t I!'{ ’ f 1 i : r- : - ' : ■, r ■STEW SPBIJS T ( ilock will compri Novelties in late: repps in all colon jplftiri silks in al silks. Swiss and ' r,a wiil sell at such to be suited. J a - i>BE-5 G' C L O AK s. s LACE G We Shall be in receipt .York, ond our assort m cheapness,-Will, be found city. ; this departinei attention; •: '. £ ; \j_' f IISuSE FIJBNIS Linens.'ish re* ;r,g and Marsailes lin'd honey c blu,e dud • pink, napkin* covers; ar-lt linen: the lcWp;t trices. '. T ! :’ ‘ V ■ ■; ,j; ’ ■ CLOAKING CassimereH±»Silain at tweeds,: Sattinetl, cerdi boys wear of all kinds; city, at thej lowest: price BALMORAL AND of which, we are the* t celebrated makes, whlcl customers at wholesale,: I Domestic i Domestic and fmportc will be found large, ai our prices ‘will be* mad place them within read j ’ : i MOUIiXIX CHEAP, CHE KID GLOVES 1 PcrsonsWisiling tho purchasing Dry Goods, teiftd call) as our entir I ' r 'New, Desirabl INA V ■> NER £ CARD Mil ;! W IM * 4\ ! Market ■ ’ v *'• y <•:>- pit * s r 1 Berwnir Firrs CO ■j: - v fe*£> ls£*Tc\fsS& f , mUdedt, and his 4*soci«*»,Joagew of Wd v Court.. In thethafMrof-thwpartithm of tho _;• rw estate of town* ship' qfji Ohio,. dsjfdj . The ■/ CommonweaUh-JW PetthßylvaniA, To- Susan, u. ;'• (widow) Jesse-Bmith; Joseph Smith, Samuel , Smith, Sujuiph intermarried with John; Bea ver, Hamthon Smith, ’Rachel : Smith' and. : l!hoa. , Smith; Joseph is deceased, as is also hi| wid hjfi-mit leaving four children, rii: Isaap, Sa- , - rah, intermarried with John M. Day,' Isabella \ and Susan, wbhse' interest is said.real'estate t\"' is ndw.yeslcd in Jesse Smith .and; Samuel j x * Smith; said Hamilton Is deceased, a* is also ' i his widow, leaving one child, Isndore- whose interest in the said realestate is vested in the said Jesse aid Samuel Smith; ■ John, Bearer,' ; hnshand of said Susan is,;deceased, andehe gajd Shsan has since sold’ali. her interest in skid Veal ee|»rt*'Uv»aid Jesse aSid Sami Smith; j Rachel ShjttlT isaSw deceased, leaving no is- 1 aue;,said Thomas Smith-still living, but whoso .ihtereslin satd'real estate Is now veifed in the said Jesse and Samuel. Smith; shidSaml Smith now -deceased, but leaving a widow,* Margaret, Surviving, and four children, vir: John 8., Susan, intermarried, with j Isaac Jetftison,_of , , county, Ohio, Mary Anne, intermarried yrith J'a&ss Dawson aad Louisa, aged 18 yrs.,’ whose guardian. is Daniel Dawson, said John : being now in tne army of the United States, in of the; West, and all oth-j < • , You and each of you are here- : by cited tche and appear j before our Judge* of satd Court,'at .Beaver; in.andfor said coon- ; ty of Bearer; at'oh,Di-phans’ Court,to be held - ’ , therein the firsV Sfohday of jUncneat, to so- [’ cept or refuse the rtsl etd'ate ofj said-dcocasedi i . at the apprkikemeht put'upon jtj by an Inquest " , • duly award stk-ty' ; said- Cpurt. and returned by the Sheriff to March Urh>“ ISSV'Valuatioh, 525,000. And in the srmrii of non-acceptance^,. to shew cause why the same ahott’d not be sold. , I Witness the Hon. h. L. M ! truth n. Pros;- J rient of our said Court, at Beaver," this 20th w !day of March, 1864. i f* \ ’ ; • •; . JuIIN A.; FRAZIER, - ,kprf.,''6l--, ..Clerk.'. 03 , , -. c.T. : * 1 ciraw HTERB, R & CO.f ts» -• • 1 >f St., ■•r/o-ih:, ;i- -- '.-S! . nd Diamond, ■ t ' jl ‘Tb .the heirs p-nd legal rejteftsfenlatiTea. of Jesse Smith. dec’d.i- You and each of .you are hereby notified to be and appear at the time and p,ace mentioned in, the Rule, fbr;t he purpose therein set forilh. , - j : . JOS. tEDLIE; Sheriff. infcrin'bur friend? sit'.we have large st {carrying, on the I'-*' -K '' , ORPHANS’ COURT SALK. } - BY virtue of an order Of | the Orphan". Court of Beaver county. Will be expose. 4 to sale by Public Vendue, or put-cry,‘on the pretSises, on *■ y ~ ri '’'Tuesday, April iB6i. .% a"i i - o’clock, p. 'msfethe following described’ usiness. i re attention WK! be of"bur business,' in ; customers Trill be ,6y every' means in property, belonging to the estate of Joseph ( Meorocad, late of the borough of Bridgewa ter, in "said County, detM., to wit: All the . undivided onrfllijalf; of ithat.!.c.prtain lot .oj ' - •ground situate iri Ibe'bbtSngjh of. Beaver, ift the county aforesaid, numbeed 104 in. tbe,_ . plait of said borough, boundpc south'by third, street, west by branch bank ille p.nbrflrby turn- .. •pike alley and cast by lot. So. enclosed, on’ which arc creofen one latgc double frame, house, Iwc storics high, witb lritcheuback.ohc , shop,&e.. some fruit trees op the lot, conveit ient to water, Ac J i . Also, all that certain bouse and lot situate .- , in the borough of. Bridgeware r, county afore saidf numbered! 3. 'in Harrist n\ Aten icnhaU's . plan of said.borough, bounded north by lot So. 4,;tutsfc by watcrlstrcel. south by -y— al ley,and west by walnut alley, all enclosed, oh which is erected .one good v;o story brick; : dwelling bouse, kc., all in go )d order, ; ' • i TBKMS—One-tlhird of tie porebaso money. on confirmation of sale by tie Court, balance ;in.’tVnoTetpial annual payments with interest fr:r> confirmation. . , 1., |- -i . •Bv ej-Jer 'of Court., I r- )• 1 - I 'mor iVi.:-! " JOllly A. PRAZI7.R, tjTkJ. - l\; ' } SIjTsKS. se Uu- comprise all! it importations, in-! , plain;, and figured color?, check and ?oulahl r silks, all of. low prices that nojhe i.GDS. : Replete;! tcrrprising ;fit styles, in tVcEyli, •man fabrics, ct iat “s as low as years ago. BY virtue, tif an order . ,p.-nrt 'bf ibe .county of <jlersi&acd''r'i\l cvpnsp'ifd sale '- • S lIAWLS f: oat- :ry,.' en tiii jiroiass j ‘■Friiliti/-, ‘April "29fi 30 ns. ii> 1 jh m. of said’day. the following descfio-J" cd property belonging tothe esti*;*.* af Fran eft' ’. -Marion Fr\yiu. late' of Hopewell: tp-, iirsaisf cpi;ntv, dfcM.. to jwit; third of all that pa.rret>f !•». id 3tnmt<kl inlho’’ ■■ township, of Hopewell aT ri J, bo'-icdefl 6n" the north, By land of Jcjhu G -lines, xn the,’east 1 ’j ; by land-of Jairlca-Joncif, souih by land irons, ami west 'by lands of .jrsuiec Irons, tdnr taining about 25 acres, more qr le»s. about 18 acres cleared,- ,cn v.hich are erected one two' story log. .luJUse, framb Src/; a* good ■ •faring aun sonic fnyt .trees . the premises; i also, the undivided. one4tliird pf ull lhat tain other lot of ground situitcil in the town ship aforesaid, bouuded-on the north by lands ■pf Ovid lMnncy,c*n th'c cast by the. Ohio riv-' ; . er. on the south by lands,-of John and, on the west bj* lauds ot\,i)av d Hrose; contain? .lug about 02 acres, more or loss, on which are erected n frame dwell lug 1 onso, frame barn and other out-/buildings,‘g.o?d well of water and some fruit.trees on the premises, -i.iy ] TKRMS-=rOne-third of the purchase money- On confirmation of sale By life Court, balance . In two, equal annual .pjaymer is from that date, interest from sameXinic. •: ’. ; ; 1 . v ! IJy birder of Court;*} w . JOHK R. ; , . qir29’64'• Adm. ofFraiicis tf-Ei^vmldec’d. t of ’daily from Ne ** i *nt!,l and prices.: f< r second to none inflc : t - wo call particcli r RING GOODS. pillow' linens.'toilet, stub -qhilts,-in. white, ; towlps, linen table , always on hand, at CLOTHS: d fancy,..union cloths, iroys, and men and the best stock in the * 1 •> > " w t ‘ 1 . , ' A Val ii a l> 1 e F ar- ijx For »a.Io Jr'l '■ ,■V HOOP’SKIRTS, ;i,. : -v’ $ , ;010 agent of 'scleral we will 1 sell to our jrices* THE subscriber will sell J a tract of land, • situate inNortliSewickly township, He*' , Ter countv. Pa.; 11.4 aopesj on tjie _S(ate Road frouv Beaver to.Jfew Castje, Inear the Connetpieaessiag Bridge. The land is* it superior character* railed locust land— ’' very productive, and being first and second-’., creek bottomi can nearly all be. made| into-'' meadow. It yt well waterfejl by good springs . \ of excellent water., There I; .re about 80, acrek ■cleared, the balance in timber! Coal is a- ■ Tjiundaiit ncar i the Farm. There is oh the '; i premises, a good two-story Frame- House, in which a Store and Post Office j are -Bow kept, with ’a good Stable and i out-huildiags.'i-. There ; Its and Sawmili,UTithih half a mile.—; ii. Prejbyterian and Bapthstj Ghurches.aM a l ' inale and- female Sowihary, and Ccbmoii,’ Schools, within less'than a mile. The neigh borhood is good. Persons-desirous o£ having Ja good Farm with superior advantages t around - lit, have .now an-opportunity [of purchasing. 1 IVM. B. CLARKE, '• Atf’y at-Law,. -‘ ..- - ■ ' '-i Beaver,.Pa,- - =I GOODS ! I funnels. Our stock i d i well asserted, and ie so moderate as io j of| all. .. ' f, GOODS. , MI £P, CHEUP, 1181 NB CORSETS. ity forthepurposc of ire j. respectfully invi atdck will bo found/ and Cheap. SCHLEITER, MIMI Street ,■ < ». . . V nr tD-Piunra: U,S; INTERNAL E£VE>’Jif. ■ Aimaal* , THE Assistant. the 4th Diri- t sion, of the litthT'Otslrict, hf Pennsylva nia,. will meet, with tha ( Tax Papers of said V District, tyt the purpose) of receiving returns • of Incoina Tax, and appl.catieu .Tor License, aafoUcys; North Se\»ij;kley|- at Woods Store/- in Homfewood, April 18th; Econdijiy tp., Bef- 'j ry’s Mill, .in Baden/ April "2Ulb; Hanhotiy - tp.,'at The Hotel,- in Economy, .Aprij .21 si; New .SOivicklcy tp., at) PiersdVs Store, in* - Cn- , ipnvillc, April 22d. i. > ■; [ p- ■ ! - ; 1 * 1■ [ ; Jt U BESO. ■ Asst. Asa’r. 4th Diri24th Digt. P*. "... ADMiNISTiJATOii:S NOTICE. ‘ I ETTERS of’aSmibiatrationontieestate of Warden, late of South Bearer ip, Remer co.,,dec'd, bavin* been granted totbei utUerpigm-l, allpenoiu',hidebte<ftosaid ertate arc roUueucd to make Immediate payment, and Uiiiaa' iiaying claim gainst said estate will present them I subscriber properly ail* ►•he'mieatcd for settlement. - i "; .■ 'i' K i: J. STEWART BtOEIW ■; I* -? Aim’ i" Boult Esavartp. f.MT b4s' 7 \ z v 1 ■f :r sTt;r. i’f; tVft ' o"phans* un l.y us, oil . ' h