The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 20, 1864, Image 2

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<■■ ■*-"■■■-■ ■■'' , f |i~ V ■"
| Wednesday, April 20,5&
P.j t IMBRIE, EdlttTrfc "Proprietor.
i f F6r in 18ft
• ; j- " j OP ILLINOIS',
f Won President,
"j : ! ' 6» PENSMT.YANIA.. ■
jf.p I;notice. 1
HAVING. sold to D L. Imbrie, present
Editor i Proprietor of tbe Bearer Argus,
jaj accounts for Advertising, &c.,
itll those -indebted will please call 1 and set-,
i tie with hijn. ' T. C. NICHOLSON.
REMOVAL.-- -The Aeous . Office
•has been removfed [to;the room over
Or. Cummins’ Orug Store, nearly
opposite our old office, where we may
bo lcjaiid ftt all limes, ready to attend
to the wants of our friends* and pa
Irons, Entrance at the/ North side
of the building. || j
A|l , those who are i« filvof of the
preservation ftri'cl pfer|ietuilyol the
TJhioili at every hn£ard,- Ihe tfoh&tl
ta-l)pn^hdstho Laws, and thosnpprtesi
of Rebellion, are requested: to
meet jat their places of holding
tioris/on 23d, at 5j
p’dpck;, p. m., in the country districts, I
hnd 7 c’clock, p. nu in the borough**,
tjp appoint the usual number of Dele
gates to, the County to be
ffielij in the Court Jlocsk, on
Monday, April 25th, 1864, at 11, a. m.,
forjthe purpose of electing delegates
to the State and National Conventions.
t By . order df County .ConSrnittee.
j.i D. L. IspaiE, Ch’n,
lie UopperheA d 'Platform Set
I ' Ixtrfch iii Congress.
j the Bth Jhst., a man named Al
exander .Long, elected-by thecopper
beads in :1862 id ijOp'fcsenit the.Cinciu
liaji district in Corigrefes, belchel forth
tbo treason of this {jarty which elects
ed Jiini. in rongh. but plain and dhe
qu vical language Thi§ (ellmv. Long
is p. coarse, vulgar, illiterate and in
tqmdus exponent of,tbe party which
ip alselv called Democratic, lie' is a
nh n. of no standing, r.d character or
ab lity, buti is one, of those, reckless
and unprincipled demagogues, who
are OeiaBidn»l|y.'elected by the lowest
. and most degraded beings Who sOrn'os
tiipealmsittp t»j? '■■'’S' mnKniij rrr OUT'
grpat cities. He is one',of those men
wlio may s6me'[fhiVs .be found, who
ore wiUiiVg to be in.lamous that they
Jiigbo themselves j fpmpns In the
speech winch he made in Congiess
be declared that tbo war for the Un
ion, wrong—t hat t,he Sou therm
Sljavelioldipg Slates hadn right to se
-o,p|le, and that he was in*fayor of ree
onjnizing the independence :of the
Southern Confederacy. , This treason
able doctrine was,promptly 'anil !do
ni|lediy endorsed by the ruffia Jdlar
rip, Qf Maryland, and that infernal
ficWndrel and traitor,Fernando Wood,
of, Hew r fwo’ Worse men do
| npt exret prt the earth; yat they aVo
' t|jo leaderp of the so-called; DbuVoci'at
re party in CongrpSß, and express the
Sentiments’Of the whole party in the
rTJnited Stklos. i
• | ‘ •;
’This Fernando Wood, ihe trflc r6p»
resentatfvo'of the' blackguards, and
rqfHanaof New York,* some time ago
p|fered ip resolution in Congress for
(be appointment of" Commissionors
tg go ; to Richmond to negotiate } b
a| peace'Upon any terms with the rebr
elf leaders now in arms for the dS
struetion of our .Republican Govcrn
ipcDU— that in this leader of the
Democracy who' Was willing
a|>on; his'belly through the raud' of
Virginia to kiss the feet of the men
Whp have’ repeatedly proclaimed their/
fixed and unalterable doternsihaticn to
agree upon, no terms yhntbver, exr
_ c|pt upon the unconditional recogni
tion of their . slav“eholdipg- govoin
. n|enl. They treat with . s'Cotn* and
contempt every offer made to' them,;
and they despise the miserable cop
perheads of the'North, who wllti the
most dastardly and disgusting niearii’-
fnpßS, make any offers of compromise.
ace the offers of peace and com
promise; so often made and advocated
j itf our State Legislatures.
Iby copperhead members? Because it
ipf .the the plan adopted by tbe lead
e^ 1 of giving encouragement .to. the
j saying to thera holdj on. and
vdpntinue to destroy the lives of oof
-.brave and patriotic' soldiers anddo
ajl yon- can to destroy the hopes'of
‘ fipwn-trodden everywhere, and we
with the aid af‘ foreign .powers,'
spon be able to give yoit such assist*
apee as will enable yon to dU (ate your
oyn terms of separation at Washing;
j {tipn. We 1 will then shary with; yon
1 fi lor Y °f kaviog : destroyed the
best Government that ever existed
Opthceartfa. /' •-
’ j|Tbe members of the fionpe of:'fiep
3W|fRU» permit Long
d,;H«*A’;lo’ retain their seats and
proelahn their [ioft and ' ttfoff
treason, but many «if them advocated
the right of any member" to speitk
forth his -sentiments, however treason,
able ar.d repulsive to the patriotic
hen ti menu of the country. They say
Ihat tho fi'ee&dip. |of speech is not to
Upon the iaJfhe ground
freedom df acVidn re-j
strained, and every platant, copper*
hpadbas A right to take up arms for
the overthrow l of the- Government;,
without molestation. I If! freedom ot
speech is allowed at al time when, the
life of our Government is imperiled
at Jbe hands of trhjiors, then truly
are the bands of| national authorities
paralized, | add the enemies of; oar.
cause strergthed and encouraged.—'
Under the Administration of the ira»
becilo Buchacan,iLe Southern traitors:
in Congress were permitted’ with im
punity, tojutier boldly and fearlessly
their disunion eentimenta, eyen {while:
they sat and fdeliberated in thej halls;
.of " Congress, under tne 1 flag of-our
country, andbonnd byj the soleipn ob
ligation df ah oath to be faithful to
0 , . (■ • j v.- i ■ • .i • [
the Constitution:. and 1 Gpyerpmeat.—
Yet what did: the . hiorpise, d! , this
privilege clainied by them dead ltd?—
#hy il lehd! td arnle|d teSlstence 4-
gainSt COnStitatidn and laWs, ahdtd.
the jjfeSeht; attempts to overthrow,
the Government Eat it IS Wholly
unnecessary to argue this point td in
telligent and lt
is clearly the duty df Congress to
purge itself| of j every disloyal 'mem
ber, to expel- every reckless and unt
principled demagogue, vjhoi
utter treason, whether bn the floor or
{ 7 ( ► • I I; I *i.
in- the streets, and if Congress ftjils
from the 1 fact that more ( thad 6'ne
thlrd of ita| nunb'or is composed of
traitors andj sympathizers of, treason
to do ipi dpty, then jit certainly’be
comes the duty of the Executive to
bavethe traitors arrested and pirn.
| ashed for their wicked and flagitious
conduct ': |;•!' ■ • . 1 ■j;
1 Whatoyop may bo done by r Con
gress or the Executive, the country
will hold the lekders of the Democrat-;
ic p'ariy responsible fpi tho speeches
of , these men. jin Congress.;They
have refusejd, by their votes, to expel
them, under Che resolution of Mij|
Colfax, offered | for .hat purpose; or
even to censure thim, add the renif
son is. that I they but fepfesd’nted-the
views of the leaders in 1 the North, al l
though' they Ware considered by some
df the'm as promaturo; They consid
er that tho|cor.9plracy to operate in
"favor tbe' rebels 7 fibouTcf not have
been divulged until the Chicagd Con:
vonlipn,'wlien tho w iiple party in the
North could he united against the
Government, afidthey could have tho
power to' say in the j language of the
Pennsylvania: Woodward * “Withdraw
our armies North of Mason and Di
x• .j.r v . j
on’s line,; aud recall our blockading
fleets.” Then the Northern fanatic
aboljtiohists will be under dm heels,
v The,leaders of the party, or rather
■the members of jtlie copperhead party
hb Congress, bad bettor go South, and
join their | friends at Richmond!, for
they entirely agree with Jeff. Davis
and his friends.) They have all [altkW
violated their duty Ito their country
i and their G(>d, have ail alike
been' guilty of the dVi-t: damnable
perjury, j' ’ \V ,;. ■ I
■ For Jeif. Davis and many of his do
cdn.spiralcrs violated’, tdjeir oaths; by
trampling'Untiler foot the Constitution
Whitth-tHby iiadiwornto support, and
the present mo Tiber s',, when taking
their sbats; swot s that they had not
and WbtiVd nbl do or say anything
that would* gibe aid and, 'encourage
ment to the rebels, and 1 that they had
not been and wo>u)d.not he concerned
'in rebellion against.,the Government.
This they; have jalready yibliiled; for
o\;ery day they manifest their bktrod
of the Gpvoinment of the United
States and; their Ipyje of the cause of
treason— ft is certainly fortunate for
the cause pf freedom, that these .men
in their wild and 7 savage ravings have
{ventilated {the sentiments of the; great
leaders of the copperhead
We. now.know where to find them.—
It needs |no argument now to. com
vtoice the | loyal men of. the count! y
that the leaders of the Democratic
party are §t:tihg id harmony and sym_
path'y. with thd southern traitors.
But W%|than6?jGhp'lhat there is yet
a large nutriber’ who have heretofore
acted with them'ap’a party, who are
at heart true to theiV cOdtitry, and
who when they find, that thhjf art in
bad company will join themselve£rt(f
the, friends cfj thje ,',lTmoii. I ’ The
ihaane ravings |of the men who
have uttered* foulest ’treason and
disgdatedltbfe whole; nation will; driVe
from their rtibks tbettsands of good
in'dn whojhafre heretofore been misled,
ar.dthefrfendi off the'Union 1 will
stand firm” togdlhdTf’ abdjbattle.w'e
have no 1 " doubtj arnlcfefo'fuliy. for the
life ofittm nWirmj' aad when oßr'hrrave
and soldiers, - now in
the field;
orhsbingi out Southern trepan; th'd
copperheads of the North mdjs t\SSil
hie, for. a terrible fh « awaita'th'Mff 1 ilf
; tb'c witheringWpr i of all good’dilß.'
' ' "j > .1" i
) ■
• ' : V:' •
v'iie gi eat extent to which this spec*
nlktiugirtania ss| carried in New York
'rooklcsß, speculators, : has ciiused
£re at. amongst meuof
Bob who arenot influenc
' jsd by jnc: feverish fluctuations to
wh bleed subjected hjr thbse
mdimplations iyho arc interested in
alternately inflating and depressing
lhe[ price. What do our readers think
bl anch a transaction's ifay
last week the fericei of gqld .started lit
V I . V*-' Ua * «i*»t H*' V a/vs
ton minutes oefbre ten o clock at 1,801.
•5 .1] f S.. : ' 1 t. i.t-i'
In three minutes it nad, fmvanpepto
1,81; thirteen mine tea still later it had
run cp to 1,85, land twenty minStps
later it had got up to the figure bf 1.88,.
Thus, in lless than an hour, gold bad
advanced nine I per cent. Tbifj was
atj 1 twelve, minhtes past ten o’clock,
but in sixteen njinntes more, or tWen
ty-eigbt minutes past ten it bad de
clined to 1|,82, a;nd at night it cjosed
at 1,74, or fifteen per cent, less than it
had attained at twelve minute* past
ten o’clock. .
; Now, this is nothing more than the
imost shameless; gambling. It iShu
miliaUtig ilnd disgraceful in tbej ex
tferib: ißd frbefi it is known that, all
i , j LI "*:*
thistlme, the Government was offer
ing gold at iM it becomes ridiculous,
add ' frightfpllyi so. It is stated that
the paperaCare conniving at the-decep
tion, and tjbat whUe gold is puilicly
Stttthd to nav| gone up- to 1,89, it is
only at 1,65. Thus a monstrous lie is
palmed off upon the unsuspecting
onii's, while thelclever managers who
are operating in the market, have on
ly to 1 purchase at li>s, and immediate
ly sell iU at Such bare-faefed
SM iridlingfone would think impossible,
even in NeW- York. But it is [there
practiced openly, and thousands of
poor dnpgs are [fleeced as coolly and as
completely as at any gambling hell in
San 1 FranCisco. 1 -
ThesUrde feyerisli spocclatiori la’ -Si-,
so manifested in stocks o l f all descrip
tions, railroad ’corporations, vbjjse
Bonds are hot worth fifty cents on the
dollar, are run up to twenty, thirty
and sixty cents premium, and, find
ready sal? at Oven these fig
tores. The obvious result of. ell
wild and, inordinate desire fdrj gain,
cannot but [be manifest toj. any
one who will pause long enough
toj consider* a moment. Ruin--com
plele, desolating ruin and banbniptcy
_—cannot many who
are now y'orththousgjids.
i . jVYfI-Ji!i>|« Congraaft—grill ac>s f-idSto
’ measures !to [stop this gigatftfi; gam
bl|ng,for it isj Khtbrng less, and so put
an end to a coprse which mustienevi
tably ruin thousands of unsuspecting
fools, who, in their insane efforts to
become rich, are made the sport or
Clever gamblers and
who, when once .they have, plucked
their unfortunate geese, will tun them
off with cjontCmpt.
I: ' r— — 7*
Meeting; in Behalf of the Pltts
, | burg Sanitary Pair.
We invite .the special attention of
the people o ' this county, to the call
for a"public meeting, at the Court
House, in Braver, on the 28th
behalf 6f flip most laudable, humane
and patriotic object. The care of the
mtel? and wopiided men who are now,
and .have been, engaged in battle, per
iling theii tijves, and forsaking! all th i
com forts arid happiness of holtae aim
demands at oar hands every
sacriflceTn-dar power. Forty thous.
.Ana of our b rpVo soldiery are now lan
guishing in ,be hospitals, and gs soon
as the spring campaign opens.thous
ands wjll be added to theirinnmber.
- Every patriotic and humaue|feeline
will prompt those who arc Hv-ing in
comparative comfort and prosperity
at hhfribj tO' iwake to thej necessity©!
prompt" dnd _ liberal action. ! Every
part 1 of the STofth' se'etHs -to be arous
ed in'this gt od’eahso,' aiSa it behooves
Bearer cptin'ly, which basPlready
iddrie. sb much to support the govern
men I and toenconrageour brave ar
tniea, find jbas contributed so many of
pur best men in the glorious' cahsb, to
be up and ’doingt ■ . _ 1 | :
| Let every! ra’ah atfondand givoyms.
aid and counsel. Our own soldiers in
the field wilkfeelitbat they hive kind
friends, at homo who take a deep in
terest in their Welfare and *nfdty.
{Their arras; will be' strengthened
ihe hour of mortal conflict, by\tl
knowledge that' their noble effort*
their country is appreciated. |
j The pity ijf Pillsbtirg, and [the snr
irbunding counties, are moving in-this
piatler vfgoro usly. tetithe peo
ple of Beavpr cofinty, show, too, that
jthey are awake tif the importance of
this great matter' - f /■
j; Come all,|and show* youfgpod trill
and determination tokrdad flip aayou supporting thekrafe r who
kfjß suffering for your”liieyiy,. your
safftty and all you hold deceit earth.
j ifeaA Tt) ti* TAXM).--Tbe domiriil
tee of Waysand Means j rejtortW a
bill taxing thef ownersof all dogs'in"
ttrt State, afj the rat? of ope d ollar fof
ith'e first, and two'dollars per annum
‘ f breach adiptioiia! dag.
; The springcampaign, Bo far as we
are able to jndgefrompresont appear*
ances,' prpmiseato be another great
struggle for tb« poi|«w»h»n of thie Cap
itol- (tf the Southern ■
6en. Grant is eVideijjtlypreparing for;
a 'simultaneous movement upon the
enemy by the armieejßast-and West.
We ore to'bave what we bare long
wished for, a definite plan with the co
operation ofttUho foreesio the field
in ita execution. - What ; that' plan j|(
erectly, we cannot Of course pretend
to say; but judging fooih present indi.
c&tions, the capture of Richmond is
|>art of the programme. . ; Richmond
may be fallen eithariby way of Fred*
jericksblurgv.. the or North
Carolina. Two; of theito/rbutes, via:
by. way. of .the Pemnwia apd Freder :
jcksburgjhave in^fectnallyf
heretofore, I when, there boena cp
operalipn from diner quarters, success
mjgbt. have crowned I the . efforts.—
WhenM’Clellan rootle bis advance-by
way the Ppninspla, hhd there been
a force advancing Freder
‘icksbnrg.'and anotber by way of North
Carolina, the rebel array mnstneCessa
riiy have been divided, and the cap
ture of the city withstand
j ir.g M’Clel lan ’a d clay sand indifference.
Gen.' Grant disposing of the
forces tinder hisWmmaud wiih,p vlewj
as we believe and trust, taconlrol ana
advance by each of these’appr caches
We heap.”o! activity apd preparation
in Gen. Rutter's; Department looking
to offensive operations bn the Pehin/
sulft. again Geh. Bjurnside iamassing
his +roops at Annapolis,, with, the evi
dent intention bfstriking soraje where,’
i most probably in North Carolina, flie
Army bt the Potomac is Ireportod
ready for aforward movement, o'dly
waiting good[rpadsi and other
sary arrangements. • j ■
. In'the West, Gen j Sherman is hold
ing bis forces in readiness for the tor
ward movement. indi
cates' a united effort and; an active
campaign. Let out armies all move
forward at once, pressing cjose to the
enemy in every quarter, thus prevent
idg their wilhijrawingfrom or.e place
to relieve another, pod with pur supe
riority of numbers, |i equipbients, and
endurance, the resujt canaot, fail to be
advantages, victories, alncf triumphs
for ns.. We Sep more to encourage us
now than'at itly tTiym.nef^tofbice, |and
soon wo hopo |,q : ch|;oiuelej the .fall of
, Rfohmbii'd, -tip; of -Lee’s
nimVi »«<f| t li iißatirii ij'il'r aSirf m 11 ill/
Me cVertMow/df the rebellion ’ Gen
Grant is pursuing the right blsin,'and
wo confidently trust the icxeculifihj
will be all tbat'is desired aiid unlicipa- 1
ted. Four Generals have failed iri this i
“ . • ■ „ ii f .. 1 ,s I
attempts horetoforoj made tp ca^lprej
’Ritfofopod* we hope a 'fifth, profiting
: by. their experience! may hemore sue
Cesslul. Mors thaq Sfoui’ Generals fail'
ed to conquer flanmbal, but at last a'
Scipio whs found, to fend the. Roman
ai my. to viofory. ILpt us hope wi
have found aßcipfo.' whose' effortb,,
like that great General's, indy
all be croyfjwd.Withjlsucccai—who w|lli
relieve uS in.pQi' |eatpre 4 tby
freedom of the' Republic, and Wv
throurand sdbduV atl ils-enemies. \
/ \
/ BeaVer County:
f “ Zeisberger and: other Moraviaosj
who established a Mission to. 1770,'
were the first white settlers in B caver
■» l■■ 1 i -w ' 1 1-
county. Tbp Indians who then fre
quented this Region were the Six Nai
tions, the Shawnee), and Delawares!
The same year Washington examined
it to select fond for the soldiers of the
French war.' In 1 i7B, Ft. Mclntosh,
near the present site of Beaver, was
built. During the | next seventeen
years the country was so much infested
by the Indians, ~ as to be incapable of
habitation. This state of things-was
ended by'Wayne’s 1 reaty, in 1795/ A
rush of settlers tbeil occurred, but the
land titles of the North-west corner
of the State bad bf ’*»nde v id so
tricate by pre'
the ccnflictity
dies and of ii
a 1! yoaS-is its i
ally retaVdei
wad separate)
naibe'from tl
previously ci
. In 1805, the
in terminated b;
He pieme Cpnrt
L to
since which
been steady.”—[SnW Book.
V, yon want the Ladies’ Bep&i
BqdayLadie*’ National Magazine, Ar
tpar's Home magazim, Ladies’ Friend,
Ballon’s I Dollar Monthly, the Moun
talnPrince*s\Madam Demoroat’sMirror
of Fasjtnop*; Frank! Leslie’s Monthly,
Knickerbocker and Atlantic Month
ly, gW to the Literary Depot of
JaneCL Rohingaon. .' -. ‘
Sukn.^—Some six!
supposed to have’
the recent sheaiingl
eying of Eliza Stei
Ifosaj in Young* to
been summoned by
ewerfon s saitfor
is In
gredtly indejitsd. to . the gallant com
manlier of the Second Brigade. Geo.
GJ Heado,who rendered \ me i efficient
aid [until his wounds compelled him to
lea\|e the field -..Jljvthar.lcs are; like"
wieji dui> to Colonelßoberls, command
inglEirstEegirnenU Col. Sickles, com
manding Third jkeglmont; Colonel
Hava, commanding Eighth Regirfieftt;
Colonel [Jackson and Captain Oath
bortson. of Ninth Begirejeol, and oth
er birave officers not commanding reg-
imejits, of whom, Lieutehant-Golonel
McLitire ■ and' Major Wdllerton 'are
«mong the many wounded. I must
alsojname as entitled to favorable nptice
Acting Division Surgeon Stoicker,wbo
accompanied me in early part of
the day and assisted i n communicating
my untir slightly wounded in
the wrist' by the (fragment of a shell.
Indeed to all are ray bo3t thanks and
praises due .for bravely contributing
lA;tpe important results, |iiamely, the
4efepce pT,|lie immense Supply train
wbilp paasiug.tlyil point aiid holding
th|e| pnemy in. -upon i ibs
JpArjtfl.t road, wheferhe strove desper
ately to cut in two the-retiring- column
of the Army of the Pbto'mac. ir
: M * i Ijiave stated that both
my I flanks .were, .unavoidably?, moire, oi:
less that pn ihe I'ejh I have
already described. -On f| /rigbt,
, i# later in the
daJI s Battery wgs charged upon, by
thejenemy ib great! forcpji! tpij. with a
reckless, impetuosity If:
equaled), they advanced oyer a space of
sixj hundred yards .Of dpen-ground.'
Tb<s guns’of the battery them
down at every discharge, iyet ] they
V #SF f» f .tnqaketry
was,poured into - -them a|i short, disr,
tance, by the Fourth Regiment, in
buppoit of the battery, but it did not
fornn'instant; they dash-*
ed jon and bayoneted oi pistoled, the
caponiers at their guns; l ' Part of the
Fourth gave way; thef remainder,
however, : t with part of the Seventh
id -their riear (then coming forward)
stood their ground: like heroes. I.
was with 1 the battery at.thetime,
ana it was my fortune to witness, in
the! bayonet fight ■ that there look,
place, such a display of ; reckless dar
iiid .on the part of the Alabalnriians,
and of unflinching courage on the'
part of the Fennsylyanias, as is (rarely j
beheld. My men were; j however,
overpowered byinumbers and borne,
.offjtlioi ground, j’ The battery vfnS; ta-f
E‘et';,bii immediately abandoned; by thej,
enen\y, ‘ who rapidly *etired. These
reverses, on the'flanks were the only
seripus.discomfitures during tlie day.
s§|e report of Assists ni--Ad] nla tit-
GenoraliCllarke, Captain Ciithbertson,
Cdlonel Roberts, Lieutenant Wat
mpdgh, A.[ Di C , .-and Jolliers) here
with). Just [before sunset, about 7
o’clock P. M.j at least two hours after.
Hooker reported my whole tHvsion,
i;9.ropletejiy pouted, Copper's battery/
n fyorit dhthdeentre was, gfter sever-:
iljcharges dad been re|mlBed|ifinaliy
aken by the enemy, but .oufyi tp be
otaben by flhe Ninth in a,
ripflt. .glorious’ charge, ;i(seg ..Captain;
Juthbertson’s report),: Wherein the
tatidard of, the Tenth Alabama was
aplured by private W’illiqm,J Galla-,
1 er, of company" F, who. kilted the
color bearer" gnit, oejited Vl .the
iindard, which\ho> preienled to me
the. ground,- ‘ " J "I :
* •• ■.*’* •>- " *• \ I'/ ''
’ptmt John Cutkberison.Qth Rig. Fa.
Reserve*, to General McCdll.
• ,U.- [Extract]. j.' : -
“Washington, Not. 4,13621-rrGen-,
eraj:—ln answer .to gaesstipnaj bjKydo
relative, to’ xipi .conduct of: the; Ninth
Eegimem at too battle Icf NaW Mar
ket: Cross Bonds, June j 30th, J would
rCspectfuly reply, this, at
comniencenr,|ti% of actjbo
id Battery. The
dpemj consamed a couple of h/pirf jp#
Inis Jiattery, sewi«r’times charging
up within i a few yards of the: guns,
but ouch timodriven back with slaugh
ter. About six o’clock this rbgimeht
• Wjas ordered to the left, thej enemy
apparently making headway i in that
direction, and moved to the position
assigned, leaving other troops to sup
port the battery. "When thej enemy
on the left was repulsed, wo 'ynoved
to the reai of the battery which had
just been taken by the enemy.. The
regiment was ordered to. retake the
battery, and the knen Advanced, cheer
ing lustily, to the attack,although itr
possession oi > aba peri or force,
anu;t|je enemy defended it) With great
wgbr. A hand to band struggle cri
sped,. muskets Olubbkd and
bayonets were used, the'enemy
djriyen from the.,;, guns, "fleping tl in'
great confusion, our men afted tid'd,
to the road leading to Kiehrnond, —;
Here opr men were with difficulty
hailed, I haying to catch hold' of the
cploi bearer to stop him. : The legi
meat then fell. Ijack. ; Soon | after, .a
body of the enemy, several times our
number, caiTTp ,tfp and' were once,
odgaged, oprfmen behaving with a vaU.
or and heroism that could not be sur
passed. Although not over fifty”
us, from thel enerpy,
an<f officers and'tnen felliapidly nnder
the terrible fire* not a man faftetm).
Iwf few rpinates a musket bail passed
through my thighs; it: was.thW near
ly dark, as I was carried off I
uhld see gallant comrades were
ill msintainihg. ihp unequal contest
dth a recklessness of life that ao
mishes me npw,' when |; oalmty/rei >
set on it. lAs nearly as 1 ciur etti
■ ’ 1 . li'l!
ky. of-the persons
been concerned |n
| tarring and featp
am, and Emma O!
|n, Ohio, Jjfceri
25^00i; ; „v~ ■
knots from Qen. M*Osll’s *•-
t of the Peninsula Campaign.
re nuke the following extracjta
pi J ;tl»0 report oi (ten. M’GaU.Vji«i
■5 papt.; Cnthbertson a veryhlgh
ipliment for, his good oondnpt in'
jseveral battles on ■ tbePeniosnlsi
bre 1 krb sure was. not unde
irods ■■ ; . 'V • •
kff •’* ■ ' The conduct of the
vcsylvania Beaerves on' this ’fc ard
;ht field la worthy of all praise i,: as
ally /abated by their stubborn
itance r tind their heavyjiloeal.ip
d and Iwdiinded. Besides the loffi.
I hay«t, ntuned Ham
mate ft wa« netr elght o’cl
I WM-woonded. ’’ • -
T-T- . JOn : -.1 \ - i'
Iwast&nior C«pt*in,ternpor
cominandyOfthe regiment at tjfc
•Thi* regiment, ■ during the:
notatanytime in the rear of th
battle adopted iy'idu.' •” ■" |
{junior Captain 9th Beg. £a. F
■ i 1 ’ ■
. v .
Co uhty ti
i ' 1 \ W 11HAJJ AKDAItOF TH«
Theundereigned'Kaviug.beenT squeal
ed by the Executive Committee of., the
“Pittsburg Sanitary Fair/’ .to| a
public, interest the ci liens’’
of Beaver county, pin the
most earnestly invito the of
Beaver county to meet. injCOCNTT
CON VENTIONr .<»>& Cdr/rt| j&use;
in'Beuwr, on Thursday tke'%9tk <k April,
1864, at. 10; o'clockpA. Uu-to appoint
an Excniiv'e Conpty .Cpmrbvttlee, apd
also a committee-fin. eftefeutownship,
and to take- such .other ■ measures as
may be deemed [best calculated ‘ to ef
fectively carry oiit, eo far
county is concerned, the humane,
praise worthy and prtriotic objects of
the “Pi ttsburg Sanitary Pair/’
.■ In view pt the great and .1
causeforwhich the Fair it tp
commencing in the City of-All
on the Ist day of June next;
gently appeal to thej citizens j
county to come up’ to the Igi
igency of the occasion/ and,
that, Beaver county, whose
sint-o the rebellion commenced
mained brig!
not, now suffer larnishrbr dan
any indifference or neglect
part of her citizens in c
tihg relief and comfort-; tO}the
wounds and Sufferings of [sot
iftousand sick and wpund'ed
now in the . hospitals of .the
inent, and to the many tl
jriflj-e who maybe ex peeled to
fliero in a few weeks. Wo at
there,be a tall tarn | oat on ti
pf.this itapntb Corad up wj
mane, zealous, patriotic- and
foeliligS,; to assist. in comfort!
soling and encouyagiji" jotftl brave
sqldieis, whoj left, jibe comfort? and
endearment ,of borne .to defend itlie
life of ourrValion, our., own ljvt|s,our
liberty, bur • our - firesides,
and’all that is dear find sacred tlo lias
man existence. 1
: [ April 16,1864 i • ' \Cora
I. ;■ . :i.' K
:■ • - ■■■ - -v ’A
J; t'. Examinatio
i|.Tj?o(.ij6llowmg, appointtm
mails by I the undersigned Igr
airaination of | applicants for L
Common Sjciiools, in Heaver
/vizn J : \' '
\ Beaver .District—April ,I!
School House.- ,
i. Gqprg'ptosyn ©istricjt— April
Georgetown School House.- ,
,| Big Hcayqr and Chippewa
'-7T April, 25th, M’Kinley a
House. X —■■ A’ A•-
[ Ohjo l>isiriGfe-April 20 tb,
view School -.-./mX
| Hanover , Spril I
Miller's Scht • o r N •*-.
j Moon Dial 29ih, at Davis’
Sehool Jiou! il- ,
1 South Bet Jt—Mt.y 3d,'r.t
MTlhonny’s tse. 1 •; A,\
j New Brighton DUtricl—iiay 12th,
at New Brighton School Horse. ’. j.
Freedom Disi r i c t—May .1 oh, Free
dom School House. ‘j v j
The examinations will beWpiht 10
o’clock, am. .4 X -■
Teachers will procure therrvown
Stationery and revenue Stamps. \ ■
- School directors are panic iisriy re
quested to be present at the examina
tidns. - '■/. . ‘ --.M | : | •.■ '■
| Parents/ also, should be present tp
see the qualifications of those who
are to instruct their children: : I !,
J.; I. HEED, Col Supt, ,
. Enon Station, Apr! 15, ’€sl j |
I’ ■j'
■ WABHiN(j;rQf*, April 16.—Testers
day- afternoon ,abouts o’clock,' dis
patches were recievcd here 1 "-of Gen.
Shopman, confirming the surrender of
Fort-Pillow;and the brutal bondnct
of the rebels iminediatelyaflerwards,
which bids fair to he amply retaliated
in,.that quarter Tjho Star
says awarding. t&i'Gen. Sherman’s re-
Iport. our .losawae. 50 white troops
killed and j 100 and 300
black troops murdered in opld .bipod
after the surrender. •Fort, ;| ‘Pillow
is an isolated post of no. 'valap- what -
ever to the defence of Columbus, and
utterly untenable by the rebjejs, who,
have no doubt left the viptnjitjj ere.
this; having been dissappoiDttjdiUwiiht
[considerable loss, in the .-opte'ctlfr •■oft
their raid, which was the camure of
Columbus,, whence they werel prompt
ly and repulsed witpj no loss
ito us.
t&i- the best authority for
jdefcying .'uth ; of a mmo* current,
in Washington that Gen. G tint had
bad triable with theSecretar: Stanton
respecting the movement cf troops,
and that the President -bad sustained
Gen. Grant. It is' averred, b owevor,
that. Gen.Halleck bad .beea.nimiU in
carrying oat. Gen. Grant’f"instruc
tions. ■ - .i ;• 1 ,
- ' Apri l 1
>The bill to pay interest i
State debtof Pennsylvania f<
ture’in legal tender notes p«(
Senate, after an exciting den
ing all nigh t, and until 12 o’l
morning. If otilyawaits tfal
nor’a signature to become a
will promptly. |
tfew ■Orleans ‘‘Bei
7th inat a^ye : tbat the Frenel
ed Maljpnoras .without a hi
tljfat' two regiments had bet
and all communication with)
rior waa for the time being
' 1'
riljr ita
9 time.
'e, \ teas
r A!R.”
* -
be. held,
we oir
o{ our
■jftV ex
ha* re
i age by
on the
: ntribu
0 forty
1 soldiera
te found
l>i that
i.e|.! 28tb
itii h il
itf, con-
‘I -
it*, arc
the ex*
SO.tti, a(L
23d. at
at | Fair
!7th, at',
1 ,f " *
1,1864. V
1 ,1 V -■
upon the
1 the fn
listed the
:«te last-
L'tjnck this
i llaw. ind
( jl of the
Sit landed
the inte
the matfS 1
Arrangements fdn thn
caUed into service gZ tJOo P<.
September, 1862, will =
facilitate the wort' U a S e M
the Stale into,“ ie[a e ■)
supervising pay master- fo f “4
First District,. Maidr t**;
Philadelphia, era braces lhe^ att ’ at S
t-Seebfid'District: Major; D ut ’
Pbaii, at Harrisburg; The cn3i ;
Adams, \Blair, Bradford 0 f ?" t - le - ; °f
Cumberland, Dauphin Frnr,M- atnl,ris i
**"»«.■ tfU,,
Montour, Northumberland 0 ’ r>® ln ’
S, fc U i ion ’ Wyoniing i
Third DistrttrtrAlaioiv o n s
fett, aV RttsWrgW »&..
Allegheny, Arms Jong, Beav er u“ 6f ■
©rawfordtvErie, dndiana Law" I '*’
ate aJUbe coar ties in wHch wcl
ganized any oh the troops infel*-
i Any, information desiredbvm ,
interested will promptly; .bd&ifff
pn application, to thc-pniper
mg’paymaster. -.. .■v ' f| - u
Each.wftthe ■named snpskisiiJfJ , ;
cere WiHwrrange the details
his^ct|faoL^o; t b e ScnS
of and fbe &fei% i £•
\vork_ assigned- Mm,!witi»
practicable delay He will feign !
the points and dates of rendelvcfa,
and . thf -paymasters .to officiate
each. These,at the proper time, be wilt
L Where the officers br, needier canbo*
be hitfl designated nliee J
rendezvous, toj sign the rbjls il )e pu- ’
■mqijt may• bc| .made to* his, altorn*'
upon power duly executed! ; ;■ I ;
Forra; ; w.fH‘ ; riot irc’exieted. tbs'
simple author! ,y. in few w'orde. sjign
and receive, will be sufficient." Bittin
nil t-esee tbe.fK.kvbr must-be- ackuowl.
edged before la -notary, justice or
other magistrate,;- If the ; first, bi»
peal notarial jin fist-bo affixed. If the
others, fhe exe nplifleiition ‘ under tliu
scalof a court qf record. 1 ■
'" These conditions are .indispensable
to protect the Government
fraudi-f ■ • ■ • - I ,i/
V ■' B l W : e t-?i-y/nssierj\ '
. A Candid
procure of an;
nndlvio'hity, D
intyrt. It i.y asi
sore - throat, v
SXA7EME.VT.~F ou J wn "
■'. dniK^v w \\ii, G j tv ?
i-.. Tobias
ii '‘ft undJapeeik twc\tu
cbroic rbeumatispi, colic, crotuis, U 4
pains in ihe'limbs. \Vo advice
one to ’give it a trial. 'The! exper.U W
a m «:re trifle— 2s cents-r-and we m
"confident no person will over bn Yah;; ’ Every family should' hives
Settle in thejiouse in casejof sudden uq
cic cdi as cuts’; burns? scald iq.
Its dfieveing qualifies are mira
cu \s fvir icroap. it has Saved
hi! we have the certificates tn
pro . Office, 56 Ciprjtlanilt Street,
Ndw-Tork. 'Sold byf Druggists.
■ 9*4-A story is ' related enter
prising editorih an interior tow-n.|*whd
finding the, body of a man.luni;ir)£.! f '
alamp po»k ibne mght, after liej bad
gone' to press, cut it down and j.-arrief
it home, to prevent] his rival frotji
publishing the news,, and was himself
indicted fortpurder. ■>
r; y -
l@riFrank Blair,-is is snidv will re
sign his seat inCongr'esH -on the 20th,
and - immediately ' p r °ee&d,to jdu fit the Southwest. \
■ • ■, j
\l®“ Dr. . Tijos. Donehbo.- I«:e oi
Wellaville, 6hfo,. ; jhaying. Jocnhid -it
Benverl will receive .calls at his offi«
in thpSouthern extremity of tluXs
-tional .iHotet.f in , .
t On! the 15th of March, ns*
idenbe of the bfhlei‘ father: j ny[ H eT -
D. W. Carson, McHenry C r ’- 4MP "
BSLii to Mias B.' Wtb <f
Raccoon tp., BCrtvcreouhlv. p
DIED: \ir-j
April 7th, 1864, at the rrsi-ience
bi^fatherrin' New Brighter., •
WresoN, ;inltbo.2sth ybar
;:Hja illness was a lingeringpe. and !
ho profited t»y it, toprepare himsel/fop
the realms of aierrml peace, i * I
..'Atsbi.vlato No. 483i8« T *
morning, April. 1, 1864, Mr.'SiE'ty* l ■
S. Boyd. qgsM yekrs\ -j,,- *| t ~
The, 'was' Yorraerjy '* re»
dent of-New Caatle.Lawreiici ««»s•’
.Pennay- ’fllaVing". long \been p “l ea(II |
boat reap on the. Ohio and-
rivers, he had acquired! a 'larg^* D
extended’ acquaintance. pBS» .Sl'p
social qualities were such as to m£ie
him a favorite amongbi* •
friends, Alike bdk>yje4ond admire-
Dyingaway ftpja. home; ahp tboo?
Absent frpjn’irelatives,.it is • ,0 “
of gratification to know that,
bis briaf 'illneas, be was attended
; .warm and devoted Iricodp, tyhP, f .
the last tribute id their departed® 0
panion. , 'i • '•r.;
. “Gna he the turf abate it*** i;
’ 'Friend of .bur former d»j«.i '
None knew thee but io lore thec-^
• None nemtd thee but* to pt»> s *
, J. H. »•
On tbo 18tb inst., ilr. W«. ®r
OAghp*', *1 Brighton townetoP: