The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 23, 1864, Image 1

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0. X. IMBFUE, Editor Sc Proprietor.
TBBMSHta ftouak mdiiinam
•■'ftr annum at abtajtc*; otherwise TwoDoto*
Uts will be charged. -Xo paper discontinued
- sntil arrearage* are tetttled. ' -
jgjjrXettersj and communications, by malT
iaU hare protnptattention. ~ ' ' ’'tm
,{JF,rom McMillan's, Magazine.J ' 7HT
■ ' rO •
'j. i ; OAsmancr. ' KA
.Speak thou the trutji. Let others fence, I . -
’And-trim tbeirswords-for pay; t
in pleasant sunshine of pretence i
Let others bask their day. ■■ . |
- v .. I
(Jmd llicti tiie fact, though clouds of night
Down on the jrafchttowrer stoop; 1
. rioOgb thou ehould'at see thine heart’s delight
i. | Borne froth thee by their styoop. ■ ,j-
Yncc thou the wind. Though safer seem ii ■
; la shelter to abide, J
ITc were not made to sit and dream;
; The safe must first be .tried, ■ ■
' Where God hath set His thorns about,
Cry not ‘-The way is plain;-’' ' J v
His path withii forithose without J , jy
is.psved with toil and paia. i'
»Ose fragment of Gis blessed Word,*'
Into thv spirit burned, .
Is teller than the whole half, heard,
■-And by ibine interest turned.
Show, thou the light. If conscience gleaml '
“> .Bet not the bushel down; "
fhestn&lleßtispark may- rend his beam
1 O'er hamlet, tower, and town. -
< - , v r'- . ’ 1
: , Woe, Woe toihirtnoa safety bent,
Whoymps to age from youth;
Tailing to grasp his life's intent ,
' Because he fears the truth.
Be true In ejery inmost thought. . ■
~ And, ae thy thought, thy speech; ,•
What tiuu hast tot by suffering bought j
'Presume thou lot to teach. ‘ ‘
Hold, oof hold on£?hcu hast the rack;
The tots are on the sand;
The Srsnlirorld-tempcst's ruthless shock
Scatters their shifting strand;
. wild mist .hall clear
■Wc now see darkly through-, : ‘
|nd justified at last appear ■ (
. ‘And .true in bird that’s Thun. ' ‘ ■)' '
Oui; Buck’s Jleaxness.— Lan
castor Vel»te»- Ibo follawihg
oldi parsißiony and
ncann&.i; r. : _ ,'r
We findcrstand tl at'whA thr '
... .i . -jo coini- i - .ansas .
m !^ e r: i'P o;fit^] b 7 iho mi zen ,oH ,ln attempt, they mutt e Bi.-i: ...
•L|n<^e r fov-nßh.y to eojlent- bnt *■'**& :'*A*'Btes3PlFrtNi'tK.'fcl.
fO V- 10 * :U bounty,-.- waited upon exj *f°® n ne ? e «ary,- in «^a e r (o ‘ f
I’rotiddc.i Buchanan'. they were
' fe'JKKfi'Sr ,«. rfrS in: Jt-. •*■<— 4
I;'- -3£W! 'i^SSi
i.^ ! ; 8 ; ! C,! h “, w^ a h 6 S r l-' ,n - att i Ck 0,1 H* rofnt on I ■Base .11 your actioni
•■. d.a, O ana ...urclu-d' to- lUtimbr*.' ‘“° Al| ‘ urJtenable. TBx'onv pIS <if right; preserve 1
4- ad>-i' ,e W UJiJ - lioh ‘ lhC m^t ' er -' ,n -ib/b CtM ’ i^ f th&rai^ road -s<ttn£'foree' of.chanicler. ar.d in do
Sldir ; i v ' . - - roc kin on the cost. ‘
on-'ii fm V"'" ' .be c-oiaipittee (bis i “-! “Ifts been effectually do'. Remember that sclf-i
wtroii 'J : '!!; 'n • T,o,s . hh °r B ) left, with -j, jt . J*/ t Bridges, culverts' iifeoly to warp .your Ji
misciK- 1 ! ''i*' I*'* 1 *'*f l t -l | i*'&;nputriojLie burned, and rails bent so as' to. all other circumstam
if. i ir - r *'"*■ tbe '-bii tj'ajf-- j render them worthless; and we sro tberefore.ldofi; we!! to Ji
u ‘ »srds. wner. th,.,. fay an !. ..... ! , \... , 3
-•pofan! woiKf.ii!' 1 ' llC^::,laa -that*!H aware that there are not /aij.l.feß j your .merest .« concern
ihjfcfr t v „,..-V;all : 'ho would subscribe I'P.’? 1 * 16 to replace thelnij. . Inddedi *ever make money i
offer Poorer] • . lf * u,,der thecircumstances, of your!repuUlion. -
> si b.nler tricn * dhin thw^o)d <1 otard of i fi 1 ! 6 ™" d could .be P«t .fa running .or-' . Be: never lavish nor
iVtf.-t.,;,,! >?,. I',-,',. '' 1 -1 i.fler'in four months;. ■ i / ~ ‘ . .the- two- avoid the tat
.'. i .....i.'i-Uiiid ui,e amount necessary ■i D i -, . .., .-i /•. ’ ■ „ . . ]
P'i 1-j. m..ncv, (f'l-avrii-ifomith»* UtVs, 1 i r“V i,W Wa “' ~ot a,b s T' h ® ,nan 1 18 desh
ut .v.ot govorruh ent jic.h Jl'done Ws ! t°“ ®^ h,S roa f Wßl " d as far lie favor is a. stepping;*
!>• alio destroy, was cdiwideratelv and *!• C T,,n,b, « bee . al,d perbapsfarther, men*.; therefore gone.
r '|bte«a»ly refused I ' -1 t i bou R b w o have no positive informs-! shopld be cultivated, t
{ 1 t|ioi> uporijtbat ptiini; and : ;he Mobile i S|ay ..but'little^think
1 »,nd. ©bio road was rendeied equallv | more. N
wortiilessi as fur south as Quitman, Bet your'expo,
•id ' ' -.ii ! ,L
Tito jlvindf'i-honk Rough' JVotes
off; ilv*! following j(.ko about Job:
'■ }> ! Hy many unthinking
i-rsnnv .* ><;• icati 'the Sofiptuies in
‘kail-.- t-iitiiunher that they.
„ r ?fc tlnt.ui.j,, a luvA^paper— or
ilu.y read in a litoral sense—
‘ :.l ?’*a ' V:iS actually affleted
Wita oni;*. or eruptive sort)*. N[ow,
'" lsaa ' weadei-this is
'-|j* ln on hut 'when his occupa
v ta^on ’ ,,to consideration,: a
conclusion will tie ar
w al \ it wifi be recollected,
' S l*««‘teK~pr- what is about the
tn« lliiiigj bo wished hia-■ worda were
a boukf -and these boils
, -inotlpng moro bm'noh pay
i?^ 038 ’ the iK'<mghtV'4ij»
h im !^" c,ea were -feaHy* jt.plague to
« mat -7- s .h'ihforpapcr, or oth
ipii; t>r ' : ■ - i,me •}%“ M’ c ? e 8ut) "
i z . 5> <;•» were depktled on tp real
fvV«?? lt * Untd^-5-'V^th «r •"•re
re V? CV " io f uu of things.hop
riot -.solii •p. l *** sil «! a .r'Ce of things
that . Mien.Mheso ‘eoihtortere’
Cr edi; O U - r , roU L JCCi ' lli ' ll hey W ® re his
pav a-n ;V ose c °niinual cawing for
JVv iih i,;'. ° n P u * b to make a mail even
V “ ticnce ’
Weep ] J ■ us m °an enot gh to |
w'irh" a ' ll lK ' a "’ and •scratch ;
shell bv mo 4 t 1 ° tl * ook or a dlam.
Ir " bile. V** " orkin £ off an ex
»>tli 'J„hf *.« 8 w,iat lbe matter was
L| ni. for w « ° C i s . vm l ,:l thizo with
Sa "iß,- fi x . n , ar . 6 ° lLon placed in the
ion Dow‘ aV x Tu- 60t ch a
* , ° th,n £ b “t »lew
, »»« remove it
{ i •'
t ? ■
Mw 723 . U*,
i« beginning to be diapolWd pJjT T 6 « n <Ul Order immed by
.course oi events. That lie ns i^^ e,d *' nt that Gen: Giwht
returning leisurely to Vicksburg. I bo active
without the least apprehension >*** continue In
danger, appears to if we . the field ' ,W Y do not nndonrtank
aref to bejieve statements of the !l° W^ Ve J r ’ either *rom iKe language If
rebel, tel«%rams, tearing dates, anti T Order itself, or from any otherar
sent from diverse points, by. different Si"” 0 80urce ' Gdnerab Giknt
parties < and their general concur- C °" t,nU ° in t h;o South-west &
re,ice is evidence of i their truthful- a “ 3 ' otho ? partienlky..field, ■ the W.
ness!. | I'l | g° a Se of the ■Order :i#: .< the hckdk
Tpe question, then, n'aturally arises ? aarterB of lh e «o in wisW
~ wbat were Lis designs, and how, faf I " eton -/ l with Lieut. General
»as he enabled to.accomplish his pur- Crran£ lhe fie W;” which would .sderii.
poses? And preparatory to answer- T that tfie headquarters will
»ng, u will be necossarf to briefly rei* r *T P T r Get." Grant is.j '
for to the situation of jiffairs ih ills 1 . ' Bj eo Gherman having been is--
swsippi. .. . ; • r ’ | signed to the command of the Miliul
Tlie tarniefa of i the northern'and T/ >!yiB,on -of tbe! Mississippi, it in
central portions of the
oh a Union advance, and feeling so- a °T however, that Get. Grant wil
cure, on account of their isolation DOt 'H l c ? nfii>ed w»ln«ivel£-to that' «■
fromjrebel had planted * ny olh T quarter ,of the country
largey, both of corn and -potatoes: u «has Already giv& evidence of wi * ;
but lotwifhstanding the hoped for ..T ,at ® n T- ln this reapebt. JLike th,
immunity, no sooner had the crops ' P . C “R tain ' that understands the k
maipped, than a heavy cavklrP force °“« h,y . h f b “ 8 !“e *.> will *o*g|.
and Forest, wassekt thith: °®' :er * , ai f «en, wliile b f w |il
to gather them, aud s«jmi -them to To* * b T 118 -ancU'
‘•ai|road. ;B tations for tranaportktim, to “T squire. tfe; wil ptuir.j
Georgia. The. subsistence-tiimsf oh- 'TTTTI 1,0 Abate with
.was ai matter' of theffiretim- lum whatever yj that poai
portaijico to the rebels, and'WelV did “Tk His that'so mubfa
the Richmond \Vliig declare that to g T/ fiuB T c °h h t r y- • ' V
cut these off would bo to damage ®'. aro ' ; T li *® adhere to'the
them more than to win a O . p, - n,ob tbat Y en :^t ant will, tor sonio
111 the uextlplace, the railroad from >T l i 0/tom f- be'fpund more in tile
Selma to the Big Black was A run in 1,10 Wjsst, and that tljo
r.jng order; and we have reason to be- K{™ y ° f th be made Ho
lievc that it was meditated at Rich- w P T a Very important part in the next
mond |to seize and hold some point W. c * ,n l> a! S"- i- scarcely probable
tbe-.^M. 9 irajgp {; q t least to bold it tha t he wifl lead pbraonaily. bat he
long|epough to interrupt cbrnmubiea- wlll .fipuP
non' for some time, and perhaps? to 80 J* w direct ail ■ the dperatfoni
aw reinforcements from 3Lrk *“ ™*4SiB||s f'
and |to a place'twenty miles, north of
Meridian. ’ ... •. ~j'
| 1 his.will effectually ent off the corn
fields oh North Mississippi, and will
end all apprehensions of a rebel raid
on the'M-issiiwiippi river.,'
It is.almost certain'that Sherman
would have penetrated asfar as Mont
gomery, bad not' the expeditions of
Smith and Grierson tailed and ren
dered communication w(th the Ten
nessee iiver j impossible. \Muc.h has
been lost -by ilhat failure; put-with
this "drawback Sherman’s expedition
has'boen productive, of as |many\ad
vantagos asany since the War
began. - ’ p-< -..X
| We will also refer to pno thing
more it effected. It is not hdw out of
place to refer to the weakness of our
araiy during the account
of the absence of two thirds of the
men on veteran furlough; the .return
of the greater portion of ibeM’lrobps,
with the arrival of largo bddies of re
jcruils, has rendered it useless to hold
|tno'Becret longer. Thediversion eto
ated^ by .Sheimun prevented’ Johnston
from attempting to take any advan
tage of our weakness; and If netting
but this bad been accomplished, the
the expedition would, not [only have
been fully justified, .but absolutely de
Springfield Itepullican die*!
tavern that Brigham Young U better
off than the 'King of Ashabtse. ! He
sen have as many wives as tie .want*
I While the African sovereign ia limited
to 6835. .'r.X'\U.
\* \ r x .• / ’
. ; -i
r ■■ 'I
■ ’ •• . ~
• r\ it .
■■■■ 11 t'i
• • ' ./:!
•k- •■ ■ ‘
Vol. 40-
1 I*} , >V»>
r * *- •! 'JISt
o ~~-
leave!a balanceyryour pocket.'Ready
mofioy is a friend in neejd. s j
keep «eleir ot the laW; foK even it i
yon gain ike case,- you are generally L
a loser. '
: Alvoid borrowing and ‘
, Wine drinkingj'and si
are: bad tfijoy ini
and pocket, and illeud :
tirr.e.j-. 7
Neveiy relate yonr mi
teyer £iyo over what
recent death of Hon. Jno.
i'E. Bouligny.ofLouituati v will doubt
ilcs*| recall to rho minds of bur readers
noble aii<i indopeiider t stand taken
ky'hl ll ' a jk the lipie of llio seeessioh of
Sjiaotbur Southern nieiri beg| of Con
gress, 'Amid all the scorn and sneers
of his labj followr ; morab ers Ihe closed
bis speech with the fo! owing patri
otic words.: | - T j ■■
“jWhop I l ook the oa£h
to sustain the constitution|of the Uni
tedStatep. What does this mean ?
Does not; the constitution of the Uni
ted States-mean the Union of the Uni
ted iStatoh? I so understand it; and
tc thut oalti I shall adh tro firmly to
the; ejid.■; Whenever I a in! instructed
by |my. immediate constituents, and
am requested by them to withdraw
from 'Congress, 1 shell comply with
those instructions as soon as they are
redyed. Then, and notj until then. I
slmll resign; and after, resigning my
position, ! shall yet he a Union
and eland under the flag of the ooun«
tryf w h ich‘ gave B»rW#*b/^ A . - :v!•• - >-*vi
■: - ■ ■■
. o ~
Ijl _ |'
; <«H ijl j|
\'t ; - f
. . ,«raJf
upon apnoci- |
roar integrity t
jog this never 1
merest is more |
udgment than
ids combined;
our duty,when
t the expense |
niggardly; of
ter. A. moan
ii'aed, but pub
one to preier
•oua Jceliiigrt
much and' do
ie such as,to
noking cigars ail
pair tbo raind J.
.o a waale of
afoptbne, and
you cannoc
>!* rr
- "A*
letter wi
Seaton, |j.
! V'Th
*«e tiiatiV
by ii
oia and fiihcnd'
dno da not ‘
ward*. 'yfo
the liiillvp
a blanket,
of tea, and
is lolling
dren arobrvugi.
to be burieddafi
together i#:filce
hungry wolvqV
I for, their
•eenoce womaa
ilrind word.soch'
coming, and bett
and they, edbaa
hysterics front;
I Visited,.tibcirt
wig before, ihM; ,
i the womari Jf Ji
“ Nt >.” "he]i'n^
are not so, liadf''
the table ‘pdah)
them my Vroritr
deadchiidfon 1
things. IhW.
j farmer|s ; Wiitf>hp
I on,and 1
| poorchildrertdjb
; mothers 1 , base
| to see
anything I
.e mgbt nr of the
The old jWoman-, wl
supper, entered into il
With the visitor, and the
IqqUy took place: .
‘ Stranger,! where »
From ?” . | : . ;
‘•Madam, I reside ita St
.‘ritucky." |'• *
‘• Wall, etVapger, I ho ;jo ,no o>
•i t’ what moot you be c oinf wi
iete 1” ' . i V| ; - . /
'(Madam; I im searchi iy furtt»<
<ep of the House vf
('John; Joh ill” shouted the old
cjjme right hpro’this mioit; beri
jthiiiger all tile iyaydrtLshelby
hunting ilbjkj.and I*ll
be; my life that tangf(d-haired
wn that's beep in our lov <or t(id
Y«ok is one; of hU’n I‘* -'
(|J The ANTitTAM ''Bit 1
The Baltimore! ;AmtricttK
aierylahd Sanaio;tlie Cort
Antietam battlefield i-epf
ojf the pui-chascof twei**:
hai tie-field, andjoi fitly w
of Nev# Yorki j which u
half the expense, to rj
.ue remains of the sc I
ion who fell in the
lib) propose- Uie porch
JctesN upon SjUlh' Mt
■lnch ta erect a mboii m
■ •V 1 ! '■
fO. V '!
' ,\J ‘
1 l®-“Saiubo,i s tB your u
farmer J" \ *0 lyes', \maas
fur uer— bo raitkott ton
!yetir.” “How in tiiaCj
l‘- W|by, he sell all im ha
l and make inoiiey once; del
lie krill dp hiilc'i ob dk cj
for want bb. dp jhay, an
mojiey twice.” J|' S'*
j WhThe Copperhead I
■Delaware baa voted dowi
the bill for the; relief jof i
Resolutions favoring a vi.
ecution of the jwar, of tt
brmy, and l symjpbtby' will
ed and the families of ebli
disabled, shared jlhe sarai
ml.-’-' if?
Two yearaagoiw
nation ti> slaveholder* j fbi
their alaveswa* offoi
Wei.deH Phillips
romupked.i - Gentlemen i
now ia your time.tdrtjll.?*
fQaod it, oak j,, ''. .J
TilB ;Am|srio»a; TiUct: Society expended | mace; the, began,
liftayly. IICO.OCp iofu rrlisliingana die*
• .J-
VS 2s g*i. „4*"i i »S!SssSffl3te'
" wWfritwri
gWCTW ’i£» toiffim* tf^ nke lK lo *»: •JWJ; M«*.%% to a Gindn* i
MW *|«r--^«!^*ti W .-. B btel ih W* hiA dell to ib« tollSu
P***F # imercst d «to of February S»r«!!i i
* toHifiSff.?-*"]£:. , 11 V- £&& P&wqt, jfcjr.i-oan>y banks. |»«moko I
?6 percent, for ciu- banks.' l ' btfum > Mto -tlßkf- 7 ttiiL**!%%&:.&'■
Joibspn ivt(e n hb f e l|- ! of banlf"»K k ™ a^e *° r thedbsing j h r ®akia*t from r>
manr a frdm'W ! ; . b dB .^ to.bne third of I ver F hungry, 1 expcwe .Lbsalf
frejifd thiTrtd VP* be has often la |* a c irb! f’r whether' banks •'«“« | M*»d.tocontinue tfie beatitudes •
the Chief strear he would have * lat.on lbr|them*r itot. ; ®y hotrdage. tfho wbuKoi 1« » '
Tan lo los t lua hid largo pistols f?“* ?P” ui,l « fr 6ru| jthere date that °t the &übuqfi 0 ’StJIm
Jtf •P'ptr. *ttU■.wdifflCT J
f ,th hi#, horse oil tha '«i ?’ wll P eontessedithat they bekuwr. thl °*° ‘i 10 15th oi February, aa ;
g gun and bounded forward like a £5 £*, K«? -iWfrft exasperated ‘ mS 'l^ o’r 0 ’r Tbe 'Mte?tog
lA" ' ,or f’* nd "hoi near the centre ofJ° lie hundred iof Th» W V b^ T thipt y d »y«''
** r-... ;: ■ !
: T An^,(M i . )br rri; op4 .i, «i ti»iA^^.SSb&
p| The lollowing i 9 L 6 fder by bafbe thore 16 b P ««to tld| I ™Fw‘tiS'
of the Un ted States- 'L * mi! A comrnen Sf etf the eetabltoba? 6 *" F»«h»: of Tankel ' ta !low E$
I?^ P t^Bl,^l 4 1 of Aieh cawtob
*?q« >red to. bp f ll .*'*, *'} tL oducaf on ot I er Thb
to Provide, an. tlU,,dreds lt hlgJli paMe'pf >V*~
> syfnpathTzers the name of “Beast Bu t- 1
ler,’.’ llii-t last act of fals is eyen wbrse.!
Who does not, knowfthat education
makes “Abolitipnistsf" And then*to
adopt the MuAßchusolts system tob !
“’tis;too horrible.” 1 j '■}• "’
mar i.
lid eat
j give'j
>d the
, .€>
M • •
February lst, 1864; the call is
hereby n)adc.&cd a dfaft* ordered for
two hundred thousand mem .'fur the
military service; of the army, navy,
*nd marinoeotpsof the United Stales;
The proportionate Quotas for the dif
aior.t wards, towns, townships,,pre
inis, election districts, andi counties
zill lie made known through the!
royost Marshal General's I bureau,'
account win be taken of the crcd’l
ts .and Deficiencies'onj former Quotas: i
The 15lb, day of April, 1864, is'dc*ig
patjed .as the time up to .which the!
numbers required in', each ward of a.
city, towii, &c., may bo raised by vql |
qntary enlistment, and draft.*; will ,bej
inale in each ward of' a cityjtpwn,
.c 1 . which .shall riot have filled the !
,udU<assigned to it Iwiihinlthd time!
e * forjthe lumber required to 1
11 said; quotas. This draft will ba
pnimencedi as sopp aspracticable.4-
'hogovormont bounties as übw paid:
Ut be [continuecf until April loth, i
86i, ajt which time the additional'
iOui.tic| cease. Oh pnd .after thatj
late one hundred dollurs bounty only!
will| bq ; paid, as provided by the act!
approved July 22d; 1801. J ; I I
;(Sigi.ed) I
"• Ojßcikh ii. I). . -i ’ J I
Tht Notorious Bili| Haapea kitli
wn.j—-Most of ‘ our foaderslvave heard!
t f lo . notorious guerilla and bush
whacker Bill klarpejf; ,|rb.) has been a J
the loyal people of Ran-
Tucker, Pendtotbn, aiid adjoin-.
'PK counties, avei since the ", breaking
out pf Ike rebellion. Well, fltll Haf ,
per « po longer in the land' bf the liv
ing.j A few days ago, Captain, Samp
son jSrtyder, of thej Randolph Home
kqaf'isji hearing , that I Harpeci was:
stopping at the house of Leonard'
Harper, a, rolative,who|jreiside» in Pen
dleton county* took asquad ot bis men
andjwpht aver locapture him -They
shrrbnndpdJho house and demanded j
pupfender. Harper refused jUj sur
render, whenlm wps fifed upon anil
. Hoslillfought despcraleJ
ly, e ?en after he was dpwn upon the
’found, and said tp bkve cat Snyder
severe gash' upon the arm. When,
pally conquered and subdued, it was
|seeyered that some thirteen''pr Vopr.
ten balls had beep lodged in bisbody
r Snyder’s squad. Harper is said
have, murdered more men, stolen
we horses, and. destroyed more
■op wty than 'any other single indi
dual In the State. He -was a plan
Fj most desperate and ;'3«tcrm|n(ia'
liariicter, and al wpya hftp,
gang composed of men
buld,— WKeetag LUeUijautr.'
j ■ : ‘ 'l
• ft»r
iilc; prep
' i 1
' r M<g
iell)y <;o
W ci
epi, &i
just 41
jolfl' <J<
last fil
Ifts-Bisi®— 4
kii'i* i
Amittee of the ..
<|rted ih favor '
• ' ii d
y RCfeiof the
rib State '
Jgrcen ti bear- ’
;pfker, tyruih
IjJiers o+ji the
y*Ml6l They
•as* of ihree
unta?n, j
snt to Gei
sa, a fuca
jcr'cips in
ijvin de
aitie tlat
iid dal in;
n ig
; io
1: - *.
I' ■ ■
i, l.or It 4 t*>
?oJu nicer*.
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ten compon “
emancipati) ®J
wl d)y ConiH
1 caustically,
They hivel™
' I, • , |E r
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.... . - T . H- i
IfirOAco settled by f reo Americai/
working men who citrry with them'/
wherever slavery dt»es not prevent,’
schools ana churches, hejoks ana news?
jiapera. inach’rieiyantj intelligent ia|.
bor; the South must quickly rival *he
North in wealth. in inteiligeßc-e, ag
well as in loyalty. " The future. of
that rich region;ii. written in the his r
lory of the free North; with free la
k hor, I tee 'Speech, anili free schools
j Maryland will • equal j Mtissaehuseft”,
.and Virginia New Ydrk, Mithissfpp’f
|' wi )l blqs’soln as; lowa, Alabama ias
i Illinois,! and Tennessee as Ohio; and
| the marvelous development
j free’ western Statcvrnust repeat. itself
| iualltheSoulh;
I llow.Sam wrAs'C-AuaiiT— An old la-i
|-dy who; was isome jam was I
: called npotr by a neighbor " 1
! rascal,” she said, “yoii’ll be eating my:
jam when 1 I’m SanVproieKied I
he’d die first j but tWwhiieii of lus i
eyes rolled hungrily towards .the biib- !
blingciimspn. . “See here. Sam,vjaajil!
llie ofd lady, taking up a piece'-lbf I
chalky '“I’ll chalk your;.jiiipj>raild then,
on my return I’il knowj ifiyou’vo
en any ” So saying, she passed "her
forefinger over the thick lip / of" her
darkey,' holding the qhalk in the palm
of her hand, and not lejitintr ithtouch
himj .yf hen abo came iback; she did
not nsjt; any Maestiohs, for
Sam'ijipk .were chalked a quarter of
an infch thick. • .'|r
i|i" r ' "
Congress mix.—ln order to
rohtinae the rebel Congrefejonal del.
csetiofl from the State of Missouri.
Kentucky ar.d Tennessee, the local
])oll*|have been mostly giveh up. and
the vptea of soldierslrdm those; local
ities have been made to answer'., the
purpose. In thiit way twelve Ken.
tucky j have- recently hepn
chof.nm ■, They were voted for on a
singlojlticlCet. The highest vote re- I
ceived successful pandidate
was 998. and the highest deceived - by
any unsuccessful candidate was ,427’
The average! ebtire vote was only
■boat 1000 ] Among; Jthe,' members
ejected is Humphrey Miiriba.'l; and
among thwsedcfeaWdU John C.Breck- i
inridge. \\.J ■ j ; : ■ ' - |
A , “Pat Taxis" Low.—i
Williams.ahlghly respects
tor; for twelve year* past ah]
in ttio New York ‘Timet, die
pop]day'on the 21st instil fl
ed four hundred and twentj
and it look seyenteeh yards]
cloth to. make him an out
was : vbry temperate in y
neither drinking noir dsink
His humor and wit in said]
superior order. Barnurn ofi
, hua for his popu|gr ( resorti
; exceeding eensiflvetiMs I wot
- become au
r popular curiosity. ]. |VK:.
‘V l•■■■>!: T’ ! -~
»ble prin-
I eiiiploj’ee
ktj'of ap
[* Vejgh
y pounds,,
for broad-
Uat. ; He
jisj habits,
t tobaooq.
[ to ■; be of
oh" sought
I biit bis
did never
object of;
A NA.,,.:4„.
• ."
■*-v - ■ ■
■ ti&rSif* iidbeittW, :
* ndoth “ - ■:
Dalilgfeb' was srarefeljr
more than twenty years old. Jjo was '
woniidecrJri 'the le*j
aftyr littttife of; He!t vl> u n[m
daring 'lie Mt.-J*-<u4 ill'’ '
capturing the rebel, deapiit.-ivs’ fiioto'
dfrfiln:w)i. Davis Lpo. His" '
leg was subsequently Uikejrofiv' fi.iir •’
I weeksagq lie-; u-ii.s k tali. ,light. pale
i fttCeJiboy, sitciiiif quietly hr Washing
itt.n, and laying. -‘I am ,
(Waiting for m'jr neef E|. and their I V
anal I see whether I ca,n riije agafu.’' -
7 , " j . y
■ >tt.A Massachusetts youngstler baa"
g;.l u giasvioye that is worth;more to
him in lliesb days limn a good farm. ..
He enlists, passes the surgeon, pocketV 1
the bmi.nty, goes into camp. is.ilia- j
cliarged fill; dofeoti revision. and trips J
the sanie game at thejnext j lace.-l Ho ’
He hudreceivedsevcn bounties at hist • ;
accounts, .and was about to - re enlist
as a veteran, when lie was arrested,
and jipssjbiy he will nc.\t go with Ilia
eye out. > -
\ r- -
lady teacher in Jlay
itainu, -bad u reff ”
pupi-1, whom
ordered lo be luild by a ledger
boy uitiill sbi; flogged' the' yoiiitgsjtep
heartily. ;AiS 'action -of asMinlt was
i raised,j .Wt (the t;our,t declared ihe
Has a rigbt lo do : ; a<
she had dotjo. i !
Wyofield, an English. pl)0>
lographor, ihjsaid u, excel all Lis w}ir.'.
peers in liis art. .1 fie does not require)
tniq.obility in the sitter,.but direct*
him to move slightly, so tha» “ali tbe
|irres|and boundaries:, of bis form sbiil 1
be . modified arid softened. The uu|ly,
features of a photographlikn.ess arofhy'
these simple modifications entirely re,
movejlJ- ■ i ■ * ‘
CBuf>ebol Gcr.enil Lee .lives 'ip! a
tent wi h'oiit [anvi Laving,'
refused tohave tine putin. as others,
were Laving! done; He keeps v*try
much 10 himself, drinks |or
swears, and is very pppnlar with the
army, who have, implicit reliance jin.
m the map. ; ’ I ■
ji'wrtfd Qats was baoled
T, r . e '‘^ tly,or b ‘ sfttin S f >M» Wife Hhd:
children. On 1 senieneedto im,
prisonment, tliobijuto remarked tfclat
itwaa yery hard U»Ht*ma»i was not
| allowed to uiij owuoats. . |
' ■ ha* become to high tbitfe
the mint will not. bo able much longer
j°ni rn cent* for ».
dollar/>€rov«rDir ent itj considering
the expediency jof issuing iWo new
coins, to be ot bronze——one and" IWQ
cent pi’eces. j ■ i ; i- ; J
„ «entJeman lately arrived- kfc
T olk -with ; 114,000 in Snnthern
money which bo bought of a wbrfots ~
fivedoHarß! 1 V'.f" •
take* tliroo monilm payof h
ilrylj.'l »n'di«p to bay baa Uoiljti iu
■ \
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