The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 16, 1864, Image 4
a. • -x 1 ; fIIHE buildings' are new, neat Sfld con»fn " vlrfiSt VltieS. ! (J. Sent; good I4brarievße«lihg : Booin and ,ril ‘ !' Apparatus: Instruction thorough and praoti - "Wo, the nndSrslgnPd Mayors,; hereby;cor- Vj . • i,--.--. ? M 5--.; «& thad fhs| Druggists, Apotheoaries.-and Tuition per term if, fourteen'weeks. $4,00; tfcyaloinsw of pur sareral cities harp slfenei Boar 4 $ 2 j26 per Week; $36,50 pars thti Whole adpeumint of assttranoolotis that AYER'S term's expense, including |the<lfase of test ;6ABBAPARILLA li»s beea fquud tp io boo kg. ", " | .1 : fi rcmedy ofi great excellence, and worthy Tlle Fall term bpens, August iB r 1860. ' ’ tfao oonudonco of stag , ] ; Send for Circular. .1 ■ , : . ■; j i J. A. COOPER, A. M>,iPrincipal ' HON. JAMES COOK, j . "j. ■ augs:Bm . j ’ -U '! \ Mayor of liOWISLXi, XttA.^3. EON. JiitDlN BE'ABD, • i >" ' *'•' lioyor of. KASIKTA, Jjf. H. EON. Br W. HABHXtf OTON, j Mayor of MAN.OHE3'2M3It, f l * ■ H. V'OHN i ABBOTT, 1 Jtfaypr of OOWOOBD, 14.- H. A. H. BULLOCK,. Mayor of MA33. i{AT?H’I>, Mayor .of SAI/2 Z»I, MA-SS ig. W:' 'LIKCOLIT, Jr., ! Mayor cf BOSiOif, iIA33. m H; RODM/UT, May or* of xL, X. amo,3 'w: prentice, Mayor of A'ORWXCH.GGNK HON. HO>T. HON. HQN, ! HON. HON. J. N. HARRIS,. f Ay or of SEW( LONEpN,. CJONN. CHAS. S. EODIEB. iV • Mayor of MONTBBAIii' O.i E. »„l. . D. !>. TISWAM . 4TV \" > '. , " ■ : iiicyor oi ivbw yobk CITY, i I Joseph Dunlap vs. Sarah Dunlap. \ '• I I fN llic Court iof Common Pleas of Bearer H. s -M. KINSTRBY, . -■ i I county, So. 4, .Sept. Term,. 1883. XibeT .. j! Mayor -at HAMILTON, C. W Jq Divorce. ' : ' .T> i tjtwit snsr' - To the respondent in above case:—You are ■ »sinSoTcmoi'r hereby notified tjo be and appear before , the Mayor of ..OHOAT 1 , . . jj Qn _ Judget- of the Court of Common Pleas of R M BISHOP,! i ; Bearer countyil at a Court to be .held in Bea ■xLyoi of CINCfk'WATI;! OHIO.-1 rer, in said, county, oh the Ist .Monday (7th ■ J 11 I day) of March! 3804, to answer the complaint EON, X. H. CRAWFORD,'; ! of Joseph Dunlap in the abore case; Mayor of LOUISVILLE, K.Y. I JOSEPiI hEDLIE, Sh’ff. HON. JOHN SLOAN, ’ i'< Bearer, .tante;'B4. >• . Mayor of EYOJ73, lOWA. McFEETEES, of EOWMASTVIIiiE. aw. JAM 33 W. NpRTHi , Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of iIAILOWLLL, ME. * JAMES 3." BEER,,; ,i, sMayor of ÜBEDEBICTON. NV B. ! HON ,'i WILLARD NYE, , Mayor of MEW • BSDPOKE - , MASS. ' I’SQNI S. BLAISDBLL, j - i ;|_ ilayor of iTAIiXj RlVElt, MASS.. ;HONV W. H. , ' -Mayor ;of NEWPORT, 8.. L FREIKSTAHL, • ) v ■ Mayor of GALEN A,ILL. . JOHN HODGDEN,! ' i ‘ Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA. ‘. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, I lay or of CHATTANOOGA, TBNN. ' V. 1 ' . ROBERT BLAIR, : Mayor bf TUSCALOOSA, AT>&, j ;.11. D. BAUGH, ,[|' ■ ! J. - 1 Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENEVj GERARD STITH, j .Ilaynr pf NSW ORLEANS, LA. JI. -D.' BCRAKTOW,’ Mayor of BOUUBBTEE, JK-Y. HOT! HON. HON. E 027. HOK KOX. tON « iVnoii. HON, I 1 - ' EON-. ' HOB ! ho; Ho: h'on. ; .HOB KO2 fib: r. J3B WITT C.' GROVE, ' ; . Mayor of UTICA, W. V. [. GEO. WILSON, | ; [ ,'0 Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. [. b.'H. BUHL, ■ '-I-. ■ ' t,,, Mayor ofJJETRpIf, JHCH. JV PAGB,,_ . I ' Mayor of MJI.\VAUKri3, WI3. W. WV VAUGHN, '. ; Mayor of RACINE, WIS, I}. A. UAiIH, •<r ; i ... - ; Mayor of KENOSHA, WI3. r. . T QHN C. HAINES, ■ c of CHICAGO, ILL, " .■jr.’ff. A. HEATH, . • • * ' Llav-pr of-313.1jL1A,. ALA- iiOfl h HOIS 122 ,r- ' t I / ,110* •KOS r Ho: IMI fiO ho: ;<. A, o'. utfOß-üB, ,i;ij I i.Mayor cf ALA, ij.-.w. s„ hqly&ai>* , of GA. w i:spae.teho MAircrai.. \ ' i ' Mayor of VEE.iI.- CHU3. k PISPRE DE GABALIiO... . A€)\HNiLSl{'A TOirS . N OtICE. . ; j Slayer j,'of X(TPiXtCO. ! letters of administration, bn i ' , '. r . . Mayor of EivAwA. red iptlie undersigned, all persons indebtetjd to ‘ /‘•rn- ; -vTn A ‘ said estate, aye requested to ma)cc immediate ' IX ayor of LIMA, i’ERTT. -Payment, and those having claims against said ■ ■ ' M ', _! i | ’ will present them to> th« Subscriber 'lv J; HILAITojfO,- /‘ / properly, authenticated for settlement. ! r Mayer of VALEAf-klEd, CHTT.T. |] ' " JAMES REED, jr.', Ailm’r., >, . U an6 ’ 64 * ' 1 ! Hanover tp. May or pi iio *■ Gf-|r i'.'y, Uiatv tile • reiidcat BwggWfs kav* ' ■ ■ ' r.iruro.'. 'thvai: i i '■'■Aj-et's fealrs^ipsMHa c Xa 3 a remedy, aiia worthy the con- cf’ thtj Icvr-iryinity. Spring Z>it<rasc?» ;i ’ j 1 i For Hmr&j’lns the S3looJ* j ,For Scrota .or-.King** Ev|li- , JTo'* Tumpr:, ylcer«, and;s6re*»* ‘ f Poi* F.rttiiklon%' ond Plm||lejS* -Forßlotcpei, ulalui, anjl BoU«< ‘ I. For St* A|nthbn.y*s FU*Ci or Erjr» ';j';ycr Tetter"or Salt Itiicnp. [slpelu. Scold pad and Ringworm* ' I *»nd Cancerous Sore** i Foi* Soj» 3b&r*, Humor*' '■ ’ Tajp FcmolC' Diseases* j i ' j' For Suppression mid Irrcp:alnrUy. V-yojr Syphilis-or Venereal ]>|tea«c«* f,, Fcrjr L!m Cov.tplolniß. * 1 ’ Tor Z-'svnatM of the Heart eo: r.*y [ . \ no: ' •, ,;l ' - J -ido: Ado: { \vb 1 • BO A Gentleman cured of Nervous Debility, In competency* rrenmtmje'Decay and Youthful actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to' furnish to la.ll who need vt ; (free of charge) the receipf and directions for '.making th£ simple Remedy in his case.; :Thdse wishing to profit by his experience land possess a ValUhble Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully by . j JOHhi B. OGDEN, cris Sar-aapcrilld, ' ft 0 ' 60 Nassau Street, New Vprk.. i Ayer’s .Cherry Pectoral, J—Li——, g - Ayer’s Pillsj and IMI I Xj Xj 1 *t?T ;-E] Ayer’s Ague Cure, *. • A * D • ' DRESS-MAKING. -Jr c- AA-ffltCe, l - MRS. .Z MOORE announces to “ rr T; , J rt>i the' public j that she has removed a few V . |/i' r TXT , Mass;, rods from her late rciidence, where she in • soli,by f)i7,fi-'_:i=T« wiicn*. ; ■ - j . tends continuing! the UILLINEBT ; & PR£SB r ;—r— ——n ■■ , • MAKING business, in all its verioiyflrrhnch- NTFL. SRBUCKLF Afn . |es._; Sk? kas lately received a well selected ■ MA'iiJ'ACTITTKRS, 01" ?, stock of MiixtSEßV : Oopns, r to which she in •^ r . r p - ‘cs the attention dfbercustomers. Aeon G-ndnc, of: the *atrormge heretofore *ptt. *->wed, ie i dCrecrfully solicited. ,- < EAVBR r V|4 i . N • Tpiin Mirers, o* the chi»r citjea of tile TTnl • ■■' IcSe Stutss.'OdriV.a.vs, and British Provinces, Ctuiv, Perrt,; v Pr siil, Jbaca, aiidiih facial" 1 v mfst rU': tab' 5 cities-on tfcis continent, have ! rfcieiied this domin'ent,. to aE3ure.,tiieir people ! ■ Skirl tciijedics they may nsovvito sefety end i . i- eoti"d' lice. But our space Trill Only admit I .i a j prtioji 1 of'thoin. a ■ , ' . |: t 'Vj> •I i^' .'I *0 '■ >J> -]’ I j B I ■ , • <3 "oroir, 008 aaoo.. Advertising, and Commission Agents : itND DEALERS IN PiItNTINCr INKS OP ALL KINDS T Type, 'Pointing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &C !-- OFFlCES—Brown’s BuildinS, Phil»delpU»; Tribune Buildings, New York. . mar26;lv., 1. ' .1 HOOKSTOWN SELECT SCHOOL, ' Opens M snday, Sept- 28th- Mathematics, Sciences and Languages, J jTauglit or. tlie most favorable terms. il ■i ■' ! • '.■ ■■' <■’ j; ..Address DL W. SCO'fT, Principal } notiqe in partition: , i BEAVKR COpNTli ss:Hln the Orphans’ j Court of said County, in t£e matter of the [partition of tiiej real estate of Jesse Smith, I ideccnscd. To, John B. Smith,' Isaac Jamison 1 1 and Susari his Wife, .heirs and legal reprcsCfl-' tat ives .of .said deceased, and all;others inter est edt Take notice that an Inquisition,, to make, partition and valuation of said real es tate,. Will be held upou the premises,’ on the! j 18th , day of ppqembcr, 1803,-at-which time I and place you may attend if you think' proper j,. dee2 ■;[ -JOS. LEDKIE, S.Vff. j , House ind Lot for Sale i OITUATE in "tire most business part’of BCa ■’o ver.Beavericpunty, Pa. There is a-farge : ?tore Boom, well finished, on said, property '■ —lately-occupied by Wilson & '! occupied by-indertun & Orr. ./The dwelling. , part, now occupied [by the subscriber! is well j calculated for [a Taveynxstand.. • Gb6d sla j.bling, cittern, Ice Ilqime, Ware House, and , , all necessary otit-buifdihgs. For particulars | enquire of j/ ; J. C. WILSON, f Beaver, De'cJl6,’63. _/V nltxal»le i REAii ESTATE' FOR SALE. THE House and Lot belonging to the heirs of Col. Joseph jH. WtLsqn; deceased, situate on the North side of the Diamond,, in the boro’ of Beaver. Also out-lot No. 16, adjoining the cast end of said borough;', containing Eight Acres, is now bffered. for sale. For particu- I lara eilquiro of| ■ . j - JOHNj il. WILSON, Franklin tp. or !. i A; R. MOORE, Beaver, j , d«c28,63 • ] • ). _ T. M. MoCora, | Notary PuMic. | ;• . | office"with . *' 1- ;l).. B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT’Y' AT LAW; -I ( jVear the. Fr/ivost Marshal’s office,. j , BROAD WAV, XE\T BRIGHTON,. 1 ■ - beaver county; pa. PROMT attention given <o the drawing of EXEMPTION PAPERS, and all matters ; connected with the draft; also oaths adminis ' tered, acknowledgments taken,&c.. &c, [delti •'/ A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ) | ■'./VTOTICB is, hereby givetiinThat letters of | , administration -upon the estate of ,Dn. {Geoiuje W. Allison, late o 'the borough of : Beaver,’ Beaver county, Pcnna., dop'd,- have ‘ been granted to the undersign®. Ail persons ; knowing thorrlseives to said estate i are requested! to made immediate payment, i and those haying claims against the same will • present them Iproperly authenticated for set l.tlement. ' : 'j ■ ' ' THOMAS ALLISON, Administrator, i dec)A!3’flS-3f. ■ v / Bridgewater, Pa., - X>r. iL>. M’Kinn OFFERS, his professional , service! to the citiiena of • V • ! r BEAVER AND VICINITY. ‘ i orrtCß in ■ The Shannon Bwldinq, S. E. Corner of declQ] the Diamond, Beaver, Pa.\ ., =1 Estate of Col. 1 B. P. Roberts? LETTERS on the estate of Col. KrcnAßD t P. Roberts,, late of the borough of. Beaver,’ deceased; having been is,- sued to' the (undersigned, all persons indebted ar? required to make immdiaie payment, and tbbse having claims Will prestnt them, propi eriy authenticated for Settlement. ' WM. HENRY, |Executo/& Trustee. : i Fallston, Dec. 21.’ ’63.—*| | ; . Tf)E&-KNIVES;j Scissors, Gum Hair Pins, JL Parses} Port Monaies, Xeeille*, Twcexer?, Pencil-sharpeners, Spool', Cotton, Phrea'd, PhuyAc, for saleatthoiDrug Store of IW2. ■ M ; DHrC.. P- CPMAWKB. ' mism’S wwacp r% . AdimiMßnnM taaiwaita mutvuiMf, •which,btTo.Wn. Tiifmrtt iLttdKfilwT Registers Officer cmatji *•? will take notice that the same will be preaeateojto thi Orphan*’ Court, to .be held at Reaxmyfin Wednesday, theflth W isf f«i: confirmation and allowance. : Lf ; - The first, and final acooont of Michael, Conkle, Sr., Administrator of the estate [of Jdlm Conkle, deo’d, .J, ; T ± Final account of Junes Nelson, sdrouiiwp* tor of the ‘estile ojr Thomas Moore, tie . ceased. | . j[ J The final account of Joseph o.\ Wilson, i minirtrator of the* cat Uc of Patrick Keating, dec , d« ; i ■' ''l The final, account (real and. personal)! .of [ Joseph C. Wilson, administrator, non, with will annexed of John Nihlo, detj’tp. The : final 'account (personal) of, Andrew Walterson, execator of the last Will of Wil liam Scott; dcc’d. ■. , ■■■ ■ | The final account of John Eiderouler, a<p 1 ministrator of the estate of J. C. lehle, dec’d- ! The final ac'count of Jacob Householder, ozedutorof the'last ’rill of Philip' H. Pficg> dec’d.. . • ■ . ■„ . ,i I Hie final account of Eh Ramsey, acting executor of thei last will of Robert [Ramsey, j dec’d. •-i 1 ->■ ' r _ J ' ■ J.iH The final.accdunt of John Garrard, auran- j istratcr.of the [estate of John Eaton; dec’d,ti ■ The final account (if James Todd, Jr., als j ministrator of the esti t’e of James .Todd, Si v( dcc’d : ~ ' |l r [ The fir'st and final account of Darnel ||M; Donehoo/'ttdmlnistrat ir of the estate of John j Glenn, dec’d. • j ■ . J, The first and final accounts (Real and Per sonal) of William K. Boden, administrator of I SamuelS. Hampton, icc’d. - ' i The final account of William ,K. Boden; ad ministrator of Fjranciu Murrel, dec’d. | the first and final accounts (Real- and Per sonal) of Richey Ealtin, executor- Cf the hat will of David Ejakin.lsr.,. dec’d. j ■ The Guardian accounts of Joseph BrittA n, Guardian of JoS’mhTl. & Ann Elizabeth I Tit tain,- miner heirs of John Brittain, dec’d. I The-Guardian accounts of R. M. KhbdiS, Guardian of William. .Elijah, Sarah Jane & Ann Eliza Powjsll, m|inor children of Eleaer Powell,.fiec’d. | •[' - .|l - Tho Guardian accjount of Daniel. Kisineer, Guardian of Wm. Morton, jriHminor. sdu of Wm. Morton, ar., dpc’d. , 1, The Guardian account-of Beni. M’Fariin, ‘Guardian of Maty Emma Powifilj’fiiinhr daugh ter of Elenzer PjoweM, deed. \ t;. f [[ The Guardian account of Jos.-p Wilson,Gimr-1 disln of Mariaj J. Scott, minoirheir of Jumea iScott, dec’d'. ! j/- ’ . L lr the Guardian accounts of JoSenlrMchnney, Guardian of Elizabeth J.. & Glenn, minor Ueir,s6f John Glenn, dec’dM f. The Guardian account of Pi Mulvnrion.Qi oaj-- dian of Edwin) 11. pouds, minor son of Janes H. DottUs, deejd. , ! P 'the Guardian account of John Thojnias, .Guardianlof Thomas B. Daniels? minor sou ol Daniel Daniels. I . I . * | . ■ ThcGuirdian account of Jackman T, Stick dale, Guardian, of Susan E. Calhoon,. m nor heir of Thos. D. Calhoon, dcc’d; I \ The, Guardian'accounts of John- Weaver. Guardian of [Sebastian, Stephen iind Ellen Small, minor children of Martin Small.dtcM. The Account of Regina Miller, Adminu tra trix of John Miller, dec'ißwho was Guardian of John, Martin, Catburiuo and Adam FrEsh corn, minor children of Adam Frcshcom) de ceased. i • , , , I ’ ’ The Account (real estate) of Wm. Wian, administrator of the estate of Clement Z.iiiou defs. deed, i L ’ ; ( - i IALFBED B- MOOREI . Feb. 3, 18G4. ’ Register Notice in the Oi phans’ .Cojixrt The followinjfappraisemenfs undertint. Act of Assembly, of. the I.4th of April, ISol, of property, allowed to' he retained by a widow or children of a 1 decedent,- to -the value of $BOO, have been filed in the Office of the Clerk of tlie' Orphans’ Court,' of Beaver county, and,approved, nisi. \ t Personal property to the amount tof "" elected to be retained by the. widow Of mtah. Hanibal, late of Economy townehi] ceased, Charles Brown, Aditi r. ■ . Heal and personal property to the, at of SJ9B; by. widow of Samuel Miller, h New. Gallilee, deceased,'William 'Whan. Adm’r. , ,!, ■ ’ Personal property to the amount of by widow of .lohn Ewing, late of the Bo j of ' Frankfort, deceased,' Thomas Nicb 1 Esq., AJm'r. i t . I Personal property to'l the amount of I I,by widow of Christian Leffler, late of. 1 {ton township, deceased,'Veter Angel. A I Personal' properly, to the,amount of !by widow : of George Dawson, late of thi ! rough of Glassgpw, 'deceased, Benuni It. ion,' tViUiam Dawson, Ex'rs. 1 j Personal properly to the amount; of 20, by widowjofi Milton McMinri, lateot litlglon tuwnahip, deceased, I>>\. W- E Esq., Adm'r.,. Mary Jane McMinn. kdnj Real Estat'c, lot No ", situate in th ; rough of New Brighton I ,'claimed to-be i ed in part or otherwise to the amount ol by widow of |Franeis M'ebb,! late of Brighton, deceased, Mary J, Webb, -Ex Personal property to the amount of hy\widow of Dr. George W. Allison, late - Borough, of Beider, deceased, Thomas A Adm’r—j I 1 .| ■ t •v' .Personal'property tji the amount o ' $3OO, by widow of James Seed, Sf.. late of Htantfrcr towUship, deceased: James Reed} Jr., Adm’r. Personal property to the amount of S 300 to the [widow of I Tcrrtin T, PhaiTcr, deceased, latc'of the borough of New Brighton.. ' • ' Benjamin bedison. At m’r. SARAH e. Shaffer. Adm x. if Jo'jlN A: FRAZIER. ~ Beaver,' Feb;. 3d, ISG4. Pl«rk, Confessi.onsj& Experience of an In PUBLISHER lor tno oencfit. and as a ing and a caution to young men w fer from Nervdua Debility, Premature Ac., supplying at the same time the m Self-Cure. By one who has cured after being put to great expense throii) ieal imposition: and quackery. -By enc post-paid addressed; envelopes, single may be had? of the author, NATH MAYFAtR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., mar26:ly. ] MIMI •y* IS hereby .gijven that t have been appointed ns Surgeon by the Pension Department, l»- examina- wounded and’invalid Soldiers, dis charged from the servicifi that my authority extends to any'Cpuntjj,-Slate or Territory, and’that I ant noiw reody to enter upon tbe discharge of my dpties. . iGEOftCrE McCOOK, M.;D . Examining Surgeon. l-i‘ ' = , OctSlfr—4t.‘ [Dissolution ri’IIE partnership heretofore eliating be X tween the undersigned. I under the name of Cam!pb*ll Lehmkb, in the Foundry Bus iness, in Bridgewater;-hois this | day iWren dis solved by mutual consent - . | / The business of the firm will, he settled by T. Campbell,' who will be found at tile foun dry-., .■ {-■ ■ .T | THOS.-CAM-PBEMI, Sept. IS, JBSS. ISO.!-8. USH3^£ J3B 50 Rewarv.. I WJLL give the above reward fat the; ar rest and conviction of. any perwo found trespassing or doing malicious mischief on nty property, adjoining the farm of Ab ram Wolf and lot of John Fisher/near the boro, of Beaver. | DAVID BTQI EO. ton. ayat.-- .■ ,' : '' ■ i Do Y lOFFEBa and Sumt mjne» eircnl AddrtM f-m _~- ~.. Esq. >3OO. ! dugb ilsqn. slgoo,. ;ngk dm'r. feuoo ■p| 80. tin tv- s?m -( Dnr- Etlgjir,- IV otic« * bu Want Employment. pleuant hoalneaa for iha'SpriarS her, With large profile. j Send for iar, containing’foil information. «KO. EDW’D BEAM, - TOlio T ■ rj-n » . . E ! • ' . 4 ■y-ivliffftV/ - - netaiTiiawanjMa; UR;-t<’-‘ cWAltllHiDiett ffSUiSfc Establishment hu becn in iraceossfhl ’:_£_- .operation far 24 years, and ialiheTar«sl of Ihejklnd io the United States,; We havelon. hinder manofactoretoordereTcry •■ description of LhOking-glaga, Picture andPortraU Frame*, Plainand Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oral A Man* ttl ffluMi, Connecting Cornices, Bate and Bracket Fables, with Marble Blabs, Toilet Glutei, &*., Ac., Ac. Mouldings for Piiitiire frames, in; lengths suitably for transportation, either. Gilt, Betting, Rosewood, fiOsk, Zebra, BirilBeye,‘Mahogaßy,.Ao. Our hew mannEao tory and extensive facilities enable ns to fujrn. Isb any' article in our line as good as the b :«t,. and as cheap as the cheapest. ■ ■'! - ■ ’ Seiler* are invited to call upon ui i , When they ‘visit Kew York. We claim to be able to supply to supply them with every arti cle in cur Itnewhichthey can possibly pure! ale elsewhere.- . ' j.-'- I,'.' fS?"Ordeta by mail attended' t 'W- ; v ith promptness. Do not fail to call whan yonjisit KewVork, . i •“ * OSict k "WaftroMu, X». 216? Ctntrt Sr., AT. 7. tHOBACE iY. SIGLER, Agent. | May7—3mos- r ’<■ i- ■ 1 ' ■ MARRIAGE. ITS lores and isles, sorrows .amt angers, j hopes sad fears, regrets and joys; HAN ,wOOD, how loat, how restored; thenatjirc treatment andgradical cure of spermatorrhoea. or seminal weakness; involuntary omissions, sexual debility nnd impediments to . marriage' nervousness, consumption, VSts, mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-AliUSE—are fully explained in ths MARRIAGE .GUIDE, by AVAI. YOUNG, M D. .This most-extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person marriage, and every man or woman [who: de sires to limit fte humber of their offspring to iiifeir circumstances. • Every frain, disease drill achle incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully ,explained; every particle of kn6wlqdge that should be known given.). It is full ofengravings. In fact, it discloses secrets hat! -every one should know; still it is: a book that must be locked up, ahd hot-lic nbput.theho ise. It will be sent to any one on [the receij t of, twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps.’-' • Address Dju-Wm. YOUNG, 416 Spruce sti, above Fourth, Philadelphia. ' , Afflicted and Unfortunate, ho matter what may be your j disease, before you place your self titter the care - of any of!the notorious Quacks — native-,or foreign—who adverthe in, this or any other paper; get a copy .of -Dr. Young’sbook, and read lit carefully. Jl will, be the-meani of-saving you many a doiar, your health, jand-possibly, your life. < \ Dk. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication, at his 416 Spruce Street, above iFourth; P! dla . . hours frotn 9to 3. daily.' [mirSC . THE GREAT CA USE~OF ~~~ it ii iii ail Mi.Hev jy -- ■Juie I’ublitheditia.StaleiiEnvelope-, Price 6\cti': ;‘| A LECTURE BY Be OULVIjRWELL. : OS THE,CAUSE AND CURE of Sperma lorrhcea, Consumption, Mental and Physical, 'Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu-’ trition of the Body; lassitude; Weaknei s of the Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity for stqdy and Labor; Dullnc is of Apprehension; Loss of Memory Avcrsitnto Society; Lore of Solitude; Timidity;Selff Distrust; Dizziness; Hcadadbc, AffeclioiS'of tie Eyca: Pimples on the Face; Involuntary- Emissions-, and Sexual Incapacity: the/Consc quehces of youthful Indiscretion, &s»f'&t., , admirable Lecture; cloany proves, that the abWc enumerated, often self-aff icled evils, may lib removed without incdicim and without Dangerous surgical' 1 operations, and shield be read by every, youthi’fltid every man in the land. ■ i, Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the recetetof six cents, or two'postage stamps, by addressing. ■; ' j CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO.. ; 127 Bowery,New York. Post Office 80x,4. r B‘>. Sjsoo, Jjcrs ?, dc- ipunt >te of KOL LOCK'S £) arj deioii O of^ee THIS preparation, made from! he 'bc't' ,lava CoffeoJ is recommended by physicians as t a superior NU T RITIO USU E V ERA OK f o t On- j oral Debility, Dyspepsia and all billious-|disnr-lj ders. Thousands who have been compelled to j abandon the use of coffee, will use 1,11?? with out- injuidons effects. . One enn .contains the strength of two pounds lof ordinary foffee. Price 25 cents, ■ I' J 1 KOLLOCICS tIKfAJX. I , , The purest arid beet RATTING POVVIJER knbwn. for| making Ught, swc|*, and nut'itioua Bread and Oakes.’ Price 15 (cuts. : j J Manufactured by ' L , i M. H. HOLE ; Corner of Broad and Chestnut street, • ‘ PIIIEADEI.PH by all Druggists 1 and Grocers. e Co ctftin- Aid sold n»!»r2fi New rlx. a Thousand Work’s 3reat War Spi 1 Music, in January A SCHOOL MAGAZ Glare’s- School, i V', lime VIII. - :•>. rf- -, j . The Publisher { of | this favorite, Monthly j in order to reach all schools, will send the Visitori qnoij'Car nrutis loymo person (who \cji|act a's A]jOjqt),- ,at an post-office in.the jUnijlcd S: tales.' ll’his is an iinparallelcjdptrcr. | ] Address, with fiyei cents: enclosed, for particulars, i j | '' i | J. W..DAUGIIADA\ r , • f , -j j .‘Publisier;, ? 1308 Chnestnnt ffii., Fb.ifa'.jf’a IP A.XjXjSTOIsri WOOLEN EACTOIIY. B*loo, of i lie llfcon, 1 valid. k warn liO Bllf- Uecaj sans ol bimsell h med losing a copies ANIEL Y. ' | **" j| ' f | IHE undersigned expects ~ to commence,' I ■ this{w««lc. .Cardihg, Spinning, - Fullipg; Finishing - and Dyeing; also to, manufacture Flannel,' J Cloth,' Cassimeres, Satinetts abd Blanketsj at my old place; in Fallston. For wear’and durability,*! can warrant the goods manufactured not to be surpassed. For‘ the accommodation of. those oh the east side of the Beaver, Wool, etc., canbe left at .my house, in Pulaski township,, or .John HodgkinsOn’s storein New Brighton". |:■ jelT.tsa EPITM. SMITH. Notice in the Orphan’s Court. 1 i ■■ .Ii ■?[; ■ ■ t HE following pamedaccounis hare been * filed'intheoffice of the .Clerk of> the. Or-: phan’s Court for l eaver county*,: ■ The account pf IV m. dC Baden, Trustce-ap pointed to'inike sale of realicstate of Robert Robertson, dcc’tf ' '■ ,5; j : '• •,i ; '■ ; Also the account' of, shine! us. Trustee ap pointedtrf nake sale of real estate ofAbra bam Woifi.dec’dl 1, ■ ||'. . Noticeis heroby giyon ti)|all persons inter ested insald accounts, that thef same will be presented' to-the Orphan’s Courtto be held at Beaver, bn Wednesday the:tith day of j March. 1804, fob confirmation andallowancey . febS | JOHN A.|FBAZttjii Cl’k. FHTBBOS& WATER ‘COM? i Agency, td HyDKOI J* PATHY for the treatment of ell form'l of Bieeksee, and no InetHtaticn; in thir conn' f tty ponwwi pMlw facilities for its -adminSe 1 tratirotbanlU*.' V- I _ I j‘. ; -’’ !•= [ Pictorial Circular address , ■ 1 PA. W. ■, E. ■ ■. ' 1 1 i’.'.H I KGB * /■; * ! . *. • -a. ;2 . ':,Z - 7`..) '-: .'', ::;`.t i ■■ 3, E .E UA, . i ': . ! d. ' YEARS, ilg, Words end Number. - r ' [yksq : llSfl'ofl.—r* Vo!- =I IS3E® BBAVE r BOLDIERSAfibSAILOBS. And Ointment; J A ii Relative* intot f\ AmyorNnvy, should'take especial care stoat they be amply supplied witli those Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and. Sailors have |negleeted to provide them selves with them, no better present can be sept theija by their friends. They have beeh prov ed to be the Soldier’s never-failing friend in the; hour ofneedi | i ' /. / . ■'( COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS 'fyill, be speedily "removed and effectually ' cured by using these admirable medicines', and by (paying properf aitentionto the gDirections Which are attached to each Pot or Box. ' | SICK HEADACHES AND iWANT OF APPE ] TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. T ; These which, so sadden ns, usually' ■ arisofrom trouble or annoyances, obstructed, perspiration', or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of j the livpr, and stomach, These .or gans must be relieved, if you desire to be wejl. The Pills, taking according to the printed in-' struct ions, will tjuickly a produce a healthy notion In both liver and stomach, and Os! a , natural cfthsequence a clear head and good ap petite. - '■ ‘ ill’. WEAKNESS OB .DEBILITY INDUCED! BY "? - OVER FATIGUE, .-. ''i j-'- Will Soon disappear by. the use Of these in valuable Pills, and like Soldier willquickly Bc-, -quire additional sfrtngth. Never let the bow els be either confincd or unduly. acted upon. It may seem si range that Holloway’s Pill? should! be rccor imended for; 'Dysentery and Flux, many pen ona supposing that they Would increasclhe relaxation. This is a great mis-' take, fort.hcse Fil’s'will correct,the liver and stomach(and thijs remove;all the acrid humors from thejsystem Thismedicinbwill give, tone and vigor to the whole (organic system howjyvs er deranged, while health and strength follow aaamatlerof course. Nothing will At£p the relaxation if the Bowcls so snre as this fiim ous’medicine. ' i i VOLUNTEERS , ATTENTION! INDISCKEt ; | 1 ; TIONSOF YOUTH.' j | ’ Sores and Ulcers, lilotchings and S’vellirtga, ! can with certainty be radically cured At the •Pills are takenTnight and morning,; (and' (the freely used as stated in flic print ed instructions. If treuted in any other man ner they dry up in one part'to break out in an other. Whereas this Omtment will remove the humors from the system and leave the P atient a vigorous had .heklthy miij. It will! re/ quire- a little, perseverance in’ bait cakes to ' iti ; sure a lasting cure. . ’ ■/ FOR . WOU;ND.s| EITHER OCCASIONED I BY 1 ; THE BAYONET, OR SABRE ORTHEBUL „ 'LET,'SORES OR BRUISES,. ; •, "• -.- | ,To which evorv Soldier and Sailor are liablei thjire are no medicines so : safe, ,/ure -and con- j | vcnipnl as 11 011 o w a y ‘« Pi 11 - au d ointment. The , i pftor wounded and almost dying sufferer might ■ j have Eua wouu Is dressed/immediately, if Kei [would only’pro ride hifusblf with this mtitoh- I which sbould be thrust iutb the | woiwid and Snu ared/ill around it, then covered | with a piece of linen from his knapsack,! and | compressed rwitli a handkerchief.; Taking i night and mbnliixg'U or Spills, to copl.the sys tem and pftwchl inflaniatiop. s Every,/Saldilcr’si knapsack and Seaman’s, chest should be provided with these • valuable Reroeuies ' •’) ; i - . - ' - CAUTION. -v-None.are genuine unless toe (words l \U6U<Xcapl'Knc,York -end Loridotf," Oafc disccrnable as a waiter-mark in pveiy'ieaf of the book of directions around each.; pot. or box; the same plainly seen by no/dm 7 'the leaf to the li/ht. A handsome reward will j be. given \o any 1 one rendering such informa tion ns iiufc'ku.iihto the detection of cnylparty or pat lies pout terfeiting the medicines orvond iugithe "same,! i mowing them to be spurious, *f*S.oid at thej Jlanufaeiory of Professor llou.oway, 80AIaiden Lane, New/ Yorkj'wijjJ bjj hll respcctuide Druggists and ..Dealers in Medioincs, throughout the civilized 'wbi’d, in bc>xes at 25 eeit*, 02 cents ami SI each/L ’ SSy There is considerable saving by taking the! larger sizels. ! -v Jf. B.—Bjifej Idoits in every May 7. 1 •jtions for the guidance fop par disorderarcaffixed to each hox. o ooo 71 FEMALE AGENTS .. TO SELL | l ~|| ‘ , . 'Steel Plate. County fiolored Map of ihc tin itcJ State*': 6< KALE 0 ! IJoyd** s JV-tj*.!' I CdtUKlad, 'ind Xew Ti humic irk. ; 1 • From recent .savveys, completed Afng. lSt>2; cost $20,000 to engrave it, *jnd onej fears time. | ' . ' , 1 Superior to any $lO inup ever nmde by Cdlr I ton or Alitchcll, ami sells at ’ the lov.'j price - of 1 Kilty Cents; 070,000 names arc jengnived on | this map. f. . - j i I It is not oulv a Countv map, hut ir is also a* Bounty & uaTl]!oa|d map | if ilie U. S. & Canadas combined in oni*. giving ) A dry ,Hailron[d Station and distances' b'elween. ) Guarantee. any. won>an or man $3 .jj.S5 p.erf iajj.aidJ will lake back, all maps- thaii cannot-1 Oej sold and refund thie money. | ! (Send for. $1 worth to try. , I . | [Printed instructions how, to eanviss Trellji Tilfnished all our agent?. I . ■ j Wanted—Wholesale Agent? for our [maps hr'j etjery J Sijitc, Calif rnia, . Oiinada.-. England, j France and t üba A fortune] witti n few, hriidred dollars capital. JAo coin- j petition. .; J F.Llovk, 1114 Broad way,' N. Y. | The War ■Dejiartn eijt uses our 11111^ of Vic-' ginia, Alary laud, am 1 Pennsylvania, cost SlOO.-I (.'(JO, on which is narked A utlei-OrV Creek,j Sharpsburg, Maryland Higlils. 'Williamsport' LFtray. lihoroijsville, j Noland’s Ford,) and. 'at! oijhcrs~on| tlie potomAe, and every other place iid the above rianed.States, or money refunded.' I (-ELOYIVS TOPOGRAPHICAL 'MAP OF, [KENTUCKY,fOHK>;\ INDIANA, and ILL.,- at the only authority for pan. Rosecrans.and the .War Department;' Money- refunded' to • any ono finding an error in it. •} '■ ’i C . f rqini the TrihUnek Ang. 2.1 i : “Lloyd’s map or Viboima. Mabtlaxo asd Pksssylvasia.—The map is : very large;: its cost is but 25; cents, and it U {he best tchuh can be.purchuted.’] ■ , ' , , i \ Lloya 3 Great oj the Mississippi Rit rr. —. From Actual Surveys by Papist Bari and Wm - Down. 1 Mississippi River Piipftyof, $•- Louis,, Mo.ysbowr every man's plantst'ion alnd owner'si name from St. Louis to. the Gulf of Mexico—- milesoi—every-sandj-bnr. 1 , island, tor.-n, lauding, andlall places 20'wiles back from thej ; river—colracjd in pountlcs and Static's. Price.) $1 inshccfsJ Sif. pocket form, and $2,50 oh linen,,with rollers.; Ready Si>pt. 2tV | All vy n-parlmmt. Sept-, M, 1862. J. T. Lloyd-1-Siri'Scndmc your Map of thtj Mississippi .Uiver, .vrilX.P”*? pw; Ijvlndred copies. Rear-'AdmirAllCbarles'lf. Djtyis, com manding, the! Mississippi -squadron. [ ptauthor ised' to purchase as many as are. reqiiired fol use of that squadron. -\ M'-, i GIDEON WELLS. Secretary)bf\ the Navy. | ,| ' Chanoe for Investment, jif Big Sewickly\'Station r : nn tf\c P. Ft W- <£. Q. It. It:, Allegheny County 'it HE subscriber offers ,for Hale *5OO acres ■i I of fine upland. ■ suitable for Dairy or' Sheep Farm, with : 4o acres of rich'Creek Bot t im; al#o, 100 ncrcsof Eiver Bottom. ,j 1 This valuable property will he sold to pur chasers. For particulars inquire of i ■> -I ! W. 0. DCNN, , I ec128,’'63.- . •, Remington iSlatipn, | Estate of Qaxyey Gamine, dec’d. f 'vETESS of administration onthe estate of | j Haevtt 9k mbli, late; of Greene town ship, , Heaver - County, Penns., dcc'd, having been granted to the all persuhs indebted to- said estate are requested to : mhke [ittmedtale payment, and those having claims I against, the same /will present them properly liuthenlicatedfor settlement. 1 - “ ; I ' | ' : JAMES BRITTAIN, i Adih’r., i | t*\9M ... ■ Ormeep.. i. ■” - fi" , -■ I -|v • \i.-U- IA Family and an Journal, ; ■ ; 1 • ‘ i '• «■ CHOICE LITERATURE, ' INCILI'DINO ’■ ‘ - 'I. v ■, • -IvPaetzlri. 1 AND MORAL AND ENTERTAIN ! ING READING GENERALLY. I - ■; fin' the, Lft cmry Dcpartment tre shall pre p«ntthe choicest varieties within-the rjsoh of our means. The Ifoteleftes. Teles, Poetry, &.C., shall hie supplied from the best and highest sources; and be equal to anything to be found in any journal or magazine. Agriculture Horticulture,! Farrcing.Gardening.Fruit-Raising^c. Inalhthdrlrdnehes, as conducted oh the'latest 'and most, approved system. ' J . ’ 1 , Our labors in this department for over tnif ty years,'have met the cordial approbation ,b{ the public,* Our purpose: has,been to, furnish usefill and reliable information upon these very important branches of : industry, and tc protect them So ftir as within oijr power against the' falsie doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many empires and’ sensation-adven turers by which the’Farmer is incessantly as - sailed, This'portion of the (JcmaWotra Tele.-: yropA'will. alone he worth the whole price O n subscription, as every Farmer and Gardener, who lias n proper conception of his calling. I will readily admit. ' NEWS DEPARTMENT. Tie same industry., care, and in and preparing the Stirring,Kvents of the,Day, expressly for this'paper,’which | hitherto has been one. of its marked features] ahd given jao] universal satisnict ion, ’will be ! conlinued with redoubled. efforts |to meet th|e { increasing demands of the public. The'labor required in this departinent is never fully ap preciated by reader. It would be ini-, poSsib'i To present, the condensed and care-' i u ‘iy made-up form iii ; which it; .appears, a :, no clod mass of all jthe most news , iuf the week, without. involving mudb physictl Übor, tact and judgment. i I DiVI/urrTt jfO UJII WAX ID TOOTH ro IT , DER find TOOTH AGUE DROPS catu.oi b,'. sent by mail,.but they,can bt 6b- 1 j your Drug Stores.. if Vihey!, Bend ■ to -us for t!ic- I'K.N'TAL TUr.Xst T «.'r, Price, DoujuC,vnichii*. 1 tihia. theta. 1 j ■; ■ W . . j: j^v. , }Ve apiies The casA tfrmS to .which,we beg ; .no . no’ nrlfn'tf PPPiUßlllimi 'rn'n leave to,call, attention of all who think of; ”, ,K v T' ». ■*‘‘W*" l >.“•« MB' , , - i. i i .The best evidences that ther are js that 'Vm subscribing for a newspaper : ■ i- „ il-v;,,. » o' ;, ■ Le “ ■C , b . •( _* . : . • I firmest Irtends, and best OatrOns are r;,..,,.-;,, : Advance. : Cash (Terms. ' 1 have jwed .t hew •Fougesh -Uk rw.Lß.jywb , 'copy, one year,. S 2; one; topy, three ; . ln Dentist of Brooklyn, L : years. So;OU; three copihs. one year, Ss;lif); t tiro Na& York State DcntisuV'AsW iiVn i Five qopiesj One. hear, 1S8.00: Ten Copies, preparatidoa’hiive been-.usej. ir jj.’.S jOneAchr, ; S16,00: Twenty Copies, One Year, ' va te practice' fir y„car3.,ahu no. l-i ei&A :528,«0. Li i_ i ■ - ; ■i of Brooklyn of .NVilliataabure ; L ’ J@rSiibjScripti.on not paid within the year, ; excellence, while eminent of Ktl' ' > ft-I 1 . ; -York recommend thorn as 'the i-.-,;! Aijoira-'i, IJ. TSffif'A Club of five subscribers, at 58, will < tUe profisjiiw. Witholn ti.i-.-J-o 3. fa-:, ■ j entitle) the person getting-it up to' « copy for : dcaUia have ib-’k t.-i :« e kjL, . I six months: a Club of tenor more. to 5 'copy i pbo Editor oi' f tfor pne yedr.' All Club subscriptions at or; led ! ,-v,Vlire .Uai-.pv: o. lend w-t fiat -nr‘A*\ V- ■ ’ 'at-the .end Of the time paid Tor, unless '{ciOr- ; Hnrdi. -13. suceecd’inbt Ijerond all tnjwki : dcred. '■\ ■■ ■ r with/his !'oo|iHbok. - - . ... .. a'n,. . BS&bNo ortcr will receive attention un}-ss _ ui-;K.'- Tho.giM -ieorCt of,-bis -stipes’ ma ■,Occon»|>lish«Hl'witli the cast.-. I . j wiilrUic-fact that llit Tructes «W wrucis i',dt numbers sent!to a?plidi?its. ! .h n ,.irc rtmtnUd to TaN «.<• at-icii-. tutih Si, ■ PHjisiP r. freas, r i(Wr'/c»/wf. ! -..:. v -■■, :'.y ' - Editor and PropriptorL _•' . The well known P. T.'Barnum writes-. "I 22,' u 2. J/~. . found your To or 11 PO w liJvK ?r, good'thf. c.t ! : £— ! fa&Uv UaVc-uspJ-Ii •alL.jup.i : .IKc jbnl it (h* Ua |j» ■ i rj il. * 'ptlinlerfor thttccih'icr hnve. iri’er .Krtd. -T .shall, r A ift i feel obliged if jyou semi inetunoilier a‘u{r m ~ i , “,' ' plv at tho Museum at vour copvctiience, wLU ,’h* the first really, clever cotnw and. ■ vjV v *j *i 1, journal* wc -hdve.had ,in - is;so small-that efcrv onejuij ami rtsilly clever itpis. .It is both sharp ; &ud ; jjj C mailerfor himself.; ■ •!■ . sou,l ift its sa.ows that jt has a j x>r.'HuvjVs ho. fccU» r * sou!, i (Mir readers, will •3* gla4 to kuo>v ; wjicre \ nor nor charcoal,, Jand .j/dlfthcs' wUlioiit they can find] native iun that, has Svlne^ in R ; rearing the cnathel. Ufjcno o,thor. better in U than 1 -mere patois. '—Arbntic j W HAT \VIU. DR. HURTS' ! RI'IMEDIW Monthly. , •f , j ■ | • nr/r.CT ?* ■ \ ■‘This ascdlent. . '...,. Remarkable | Dr ndwi g Mouth Wash-timl .Tooth Pokier for 'Vigiimlrty. —A. il ircceller. [ ' will give voting ladies that finest chirm in-vo. ■ ••Va'nitv Fair ,is conducted by a vivacious, j man _ a s £ ect bVeiih am! ipetfri v I teeth. In winy and intelligent corps of journalists."—s , h - q> ! la , Uej ;. - " . ' ■ /.!>V?fW (Conn.)• Engitirtr. • ’ - ..... ,i .jh-.' llurd's Mouth Wo?H and Tohlh F-ia-Kr/ |-iWill tvield-as potent an influence-as tjiat oj ; R ! m clea .' ls; . die micki tromall |fo«l tbe London Punch. hosl.coi imvclh'T. . . -1 don't, and iftifca in IbcmoruiiigP w".l rnsVc •‘•Whosoever finds Uimsoirjlaugbtng tie j dlc-hrgaUast-iawi ..lay l ogin of !\ amtv Fair.- and docs n.ol tty*™ ' * [ more. pleos£im-ly. Hundreds ofi persons r.i ' i/uid l‘T’> quo. is fit for ‘ircasop, and s]»ils. —j.esiifv u. ibis. Trv them, gJutlftmen. - - .V..r- Crayon. . ; - ! Dr.’ Utird's Mdutii SVash anU r j -. 'I a'rc.lh’b the best prcpalratiorisi in vhc worUI Ur :hn;V hrrath and gitingj firiun&» K hi\- illCiilth to the HuiuU’eda of ca s Diseased Gw: w, &ore (.tr^ eic.Jhiave been cured by Drl Hurd's ksincj* etlt Trajdi. . ' .r i *a. • ; j Dri Hurd's Mouth'Wash and*Tooth ■ ; give an additional charm 'to _ c^dstsbipJp^ 1 .make husbands more cgr-ccafcle 6b tholr jand wives to their husbands. Tiipy i,used by eyerv'porson having .• • ■ ! ■ ■ 1-1 jV f'r r I aIA L TEE.TiI V ■ Ujwhicli are. liable to-impau a taint to tuc J Togilincue Droops; ctjjv !■ b j aclie arising from cspo.'cd -nerves, iand ■j besi friends that p;u* ha rein to save tbeir’childrcn from tovtvre and, tiasr qclVcs from lbs- of sTeep aui svmuaihctic su.- cring. t i.-.T- 'j ' -■ ; r .. Farmers and tnecuanics! yoiicftnnnt vfl.s-: ford to neglect your tcctli. Fortyriiiinp yrnt can ' now, jfet prescrvntiv(>ia|Wntn, tflic* ilothscbiid or Aster,can, get' nBE.’>i: 1 Rem ember that Dytpepiia and gtSKnoft-t” V th^ Lungs often.originate’ in.ncglcct of , ■Semi for.tlie TfcuS*t‘,aii'Tetth,' and ‘- f - Fitch’s observations on this subject, j II 5 W ‘ latcfto avrast decay in your oyu teeth.. !S P. your childrbn’s teeth. ' • J. XEVSAIpIA PI,ASTERS.- Neuralgia 2<pa;.A.db'esfv( i are lac »* pleasant oiili successful reincdir|S erer V T(i cd for this painful duset so. TityV’y 1 ' s ''' plies one. drowsy, faT»J« ,iind awakes free from p lin, and no. Dlisu. Ollier unpleasant or inju riot;s conscqucC' 3 sue. tor Earqchc ani Scrvcui Usack:‘.i- tT .ply according to directions, fnd relief ,'l‘-j surely follow. ; Nothin’ri.can be obtarH?l.»#J to I)r. CompreSs ’for NVuralgia: Tt. them; ' They are cnt'ircjly «nsV|el. curious original preparatibnj,: and wondprfuUy fub They are.of two sizcs. one small.^ dorp' ! face, price 15 the ojhcr ls 'T e :K i applioation fb the bVlyj. price 37 cents. be mailed on.rtcripl.ofprice ttmEonf I WTfA TA PE THE PEOPI. E DOJS </ 7 ■ : ’The Ameiic.ati pcople are ! i:ilclligc>if«noug k 1 appreciate preparations that corttributeso in ya jto happiness of those, using .them. 411,1 i jwont them. Rycry mail brings iis Icucni-e; [ ordering the Treatise'ou Teeth, some tlic- - • 'Valgia Plasters, and not aTeWfenciosingO' jfor tho Mouth .Wash; to be seat by «s»‘ H )S -■to tlicso we are compelled to reply' impossible to send alhilf-pm'- l!o!Uc v.-,. The.pcop!e yv,uii these Remedies. • j ’ supply them? ■' ’ ■ ' J the • ~ , chANCEFOR-A Q jE > T* • . ■ i' . Shrewd agents can make a !?•' ; carrying.thcsc'articlcs aropnStorouu I Dental Treasury is the neatestj articlu^, man or woman-can carry arouncl. •r h one and see. .Hoy, .better, a - d«c • Lrilici I will selVas samples, for-it-, AK« n *- Ajiis* .liberally .with .circulars. £©”’ b° W A ! „ n amS'* "to to go into the. business, todi go • . ia! profit. We are-spending * benefit] of agents. Ncw.tngU .^ a nc c '■ , men.! here in' nice. »n< : take the tide at its flood. Adures-. . ■ J WM. B. ty. Tribune Buildings. be That remittances may be maae _ # { [ dence.W. B. H. & Co., ideal Gcnruinf'.- “ V • Tl»eV*ry marked an c} flaUpHugSucccfca vr.hich h?ii thus > fur attended* the publicnti'ofa b(. a ; ‘‘Vanity Faii;/'. lire publisher! to announce that’ vnth. flu* cpinuiencoxnent the SifeOiui Volume.- is* sued this xiny’ llOlb .Turn*. New, Fcniures,-both Literary aiid Artistic. will bo)in \ roducod.!which, will increase the value and the .pa per. and fully maintain ’tlie-.proud position ; unanimously accorded, ’as the leading;. ' (.'OMIC Joi’RNAL CU’ A .MERk'.i ' • ’ -!' * VAiSjITY FAIR " ’ i£si f r.n itEnrriATiLT and hy. all! Newsmen, and at the* .office of^Publication,*No- 3(1:3 ■ Few York.; * . ; | / : TERMS: f - Three dollare per annum, in advance—Six • | cents single <|opy; . ■ I ■■ . j' .. - , TERMS FOR CLUJS-j ' 1 . 1 ' Two copies of Ji'jtsiTt FAiriwill be sent to , one address f0r...,i..J ..........i. §|> 00 | . Five copies..... ... 1........ ... J 2 00 Ten - copies ;.v..L;.v..Ait) 00' ; i An lExtra copy will be allowed to[thc(j;cttcr , up of every .Club of not less than Cye riopies. Thin paper isEleotrotyped, anil nnn-.ben may be procured'at any time. ~! . i : LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors. 113 Nausavi-at. 1 - . Ncw-Ybrkl Mil E. DEMjC) H j Quarterly Mirror, ot Fashions, jufo Giedt Imjrfottmtiiit ayd Additions, ' IuiIfSVMMKIt ta’MBBB CONTAINS . ; FOUR LARGS Vj- SPLF.XDID FA Sill OX PI. A TES, ' THREE FULIrSIZED ' PATTERXS, OF DRESSES, . ‘ coiirmsiNo the New French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, and a , Misses Sack, and a Sheet of. Now ,1 ■ • , . and Beautiful BRAID AND; EMBROIDERING PAiTERNS. Together .with ijearly 100- Engravings of ‘ \ : iall the novMtics lor , Summer- Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, 1 . Children’s Dresses, 1 I Add valuatde information jto Milliners,, Dress I-Makers, Mothers,! and l-adies generally,' pre- I seating the* largest and,, best Fashion Maga zine in the; World, published 473 Broadway, N. Y , and: sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by mail, post free, on receipt of the ain't in stamps or silver. Vear $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will lie ehl ,;a receipt for the' selection of 60 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room, or they may be or dered and sent by mail any time- during the year, by paying postage, \ ; lnducements to Canv assets. SA.Snmmer No. now ready. : ■r-'^r X>ROF. WOOD’S KESTORATIVE COEDU F sodßlohd Renovetor, the genuinehrli-i ue.for. Mle *t the-Drug Store of I i vL or. owinire. DEVOTED jrO embracing SPKCUL NOTICE ' jjiir ► • - War vf Wcttrndmihß b,.2N | - piJZ* *gsP i : ' .. ■■ • jf: <">d-Kt»Talguxi . • '"C; v OCR ARTILLERY IS ■ I ! ' DR WMi B. Ht RD , s * »*» » ®*Mi3>rasr o J' : PftESERriN’G t«E TEtTTB Purifying /Ac Breath dnd : and upfyg Toothache and Neura Dr. Hards Celebrated MOVTII nrj . lotthr ' ' *• . 1 : tir. Hurds Uheij/uaTlfd- TOOfll Pi opr box', '■ • •.. ,1 'I ' - ;i[ ,/M Hurda Magic TOOTIIA CllE one bottle . ! i . Dr.. Hurd » UXRIVALED XEui PfIASTER. i; |' 1 1 Dr. Hurd's MAXILkL on the Rest Preferring the Teethe including JAneim, ■Proper Treatment of Children's Teeth.' FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between TOOTHPICK & Wc..\w.l , r” Prepared at Dr. ' Hurd's;-Bcnlaf ( •/Fourth St., Brook!yn|/(R; B:jV. . Price, OKE DOLLAR ;or SIS ESs'* Tile Dental Treasury makes a %igkt inches by flvfe, and is serif by i i3r Full directions for use's on'ewh . The following articles we can semi ly, by mail, viz: r 1 1 The Treatise on Preferring the feetb ■■ Jpaidf on receipt, ,of iTtfELTK ce.mS ■/stamps. • ' •. ~1 - ;' ’ ’ '' The Neuralgia Platter. f. jr Xenralzi Fate, KcrvouKiHefiJaciie,’ 1 and Faroe post paid, oh reefeipt of Euihiun ''Cai stamps . ■ f' ,* The Xhlrahjid antt • /f R’/ii< size,) for X’ains in the Cliest, Siioolde •or any part af the bpdy. sent p. w i pj csipt 'of Thirtyrterm ientj. j .■ J • .Address, |. 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