The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 16, 1864, Image 1

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"%ednrtday, ■ ifetf.. 18, 1864.
jj, L. iMBRfE, Editor & Proprietor.
'Osi potwa and FittT v*kt»
Wanna®- is ADVAXciy Tirol Doi
'will V s charged. Ko papjer diaenpUaued
,i-iiU all. orrearniges are, settled.; ' • ■
~ Letters apd communications, by mall
’jjl.hite J>*oippl#pM<M|>.»i
•rplrn e. Ta b
'• BtiaveriSfation— Ooino East.
r-r.'iehrinv,' Monday, Ann .5X6. 18GS. —Traitu
‘ ’ Vij* Jhjnr Station', ta/tUlwi-i , •- > •
"n n v Arrives at Pittsburgh, 10:Oft a. m.
' «1. »«! ‘ . .•• i 3:50 p. M.
f", i, y “ ; ■ “ 1 B;5OiP. Mi
T v . tloiso.Wßar-l ". ,
Uarr-I'Utthmffh a> ’fn!loa>; . <
f.y, \v. Arrives at Benver,'. 7:455 a. m.
: ."i “ 4:2‘5 4'm--
' : i-V) p m. ■ ! I Rochester..... 3:90i p. Mi
a: V; .1 -• : ' .3:J.Q!'a. M.
■ J i .1. Tret’}.
'y. IT..MVF.RS,' jTeketAgint- ■
Rochester-Station— Gois’a-East.
Lcavtis 'Arr. at Pitts.
],t-3v : '-;Vr/Acc= : ni'r':in aV » 7:20 A; M.
-M Briijls'n f. “ 7:10 a.-m.:.,;., b:4O A. m.
7. I!r :.f:,v | -■ 12; SO. M...... 2:35 p. m.
"• - a: f’ p - * *
. ■'fr. . . •. P. M -»i00 P. m.
gV.iecs, 1:05 A., j:2i2o a.^m.
• 1 ilw-js* ■' -2;Co P/W S:HO p„ !t.
•Cn-.iD'iij'.iT- - 7i50 P. M.
• • ’ G rpi >' t
Xr-'tvcL pfct*. S.Xvr. at
„;.” W ,v t. ” ,4:00.r. 'Sj;
: hii'irißit‘uAccmt- - .
i' "i flrair. ?• ■ 12:>'*VA. -$32 11,I 1 , u.
i M.
s>». j.. ' *•-. 1 r»:r. r. J!,
■'•mmx. ' J''- .
- Ur i-‘ i.-I-v'- 1
■ ;-ij | m;?-. n..fcon'r.-a.
• ’ .1! uvi.nv, d.
. amity phj'siciun.
. i c(ipfortuity will
' ‘ lady Wfs pemo
■’ |(W>lel your«brown| hair jus . -lighted op i the Stnffe of 1
■” s! (I. :A lii.nv . r n „ gol "‘ •V waf'.lakdtv so' c
' • • • - . ~1-nU on your >uf.tilaor« again as of -aid; „« ,1-. , .-.‘l .1. ■ •
—-.•--• r r .. h fallom my forehead. toy light. jrM.JlOrKjin.wn, but it Ij
■quarterly St.aUmsiH of Bank awav f r ,m thc,lsgSt •' hot* famtlj' had near r,
. -rt I • \ *. ' wit i| ■us«feuan < veagcid fdiadfvu-s ones more . : u •*t ’ r .
Cy jyill tLrnnjr the of i, v^*' ir V
<■ .1 I^' 1 iV l '|’ 11 l,s [ po^'.v • h- bright bilhws niveep— , tinudd’ toilncrcase. tin
' its:own. V. V • ■ .iltock mo,to-sleen, mother! "rock to”"Iceo • ■ ’i_ 1
f-o.i’hi"-- •ii’cm.u-!). acq-U ?o/,d47 on;i - ; [ . 1 ■ • P- necessary confine i
•■' ]'•■■■■•’•mV/'- '. l : in r "U>’ dA-Jod dd ’ !>Joqier. jarar jiiotiior! have long j j • *Sl»b* how.ovc’
rs. 7 -M-i p.-i- re..;. inTiH.ofi-'.'.c-o : -on • £•«?« I 'p ,r ‘‘"■‘'"-■(I to vWte tiSlfhy song! ' tpaku!g= her; escape,;
Ffirnoii.v d.H [ ,"; ;c l/'-'-S then. nicl unto ft kiidt scf’m ,' i troiit•iWmale"'elof >im
rip,.-,- hanks.' '....1.J.V5. '*"inrmhoo.l s years have hectflW a drcaoj: I' 7 urntale < lot.ics
er’.sof oUxr hank's ni>4 • c]:pl'l»'.piibracc , ' : drum cprps ot a Mid
o fnrv I»>Jtes....R,J..,27. gig 41 ■l}'’' 1 /’ ymirdfeht lashes just sweeping my fice, i her SOX kno .Vn r
5 754 ,51- |-'ev*ur hereafter to wales or to weep—' ; ■ , j. c ' n
' ’ 1.|4l 5 0, ' ,i “>c-to Meep, motlisr, rock me,to sleep, j Her;re<jirneht was sot
■t- '-f -yy-: Ofty j, _• • ! ; _y>f the Cumberland a
' • J sa<!l-Duke. the noted g'r errilla chief; bnHohljw of the Kent
hue-depositees.* i.; :lp3.v>Tl si • • . irrut h'crso-tliief. wji: ' ’ ■her'- 'roog' men' f
■: re the U’eninJontrealtb.. j.s. • «SB'W J' »t. .• >tr'rtr Snmnt'n
1 oaniinjs 7 0 S ' ; I'tH at - tho ™ lemaiM
1 uuj-ajty.—‘J.l6l 'OO '.jtisj. ih\ ft nuthber r»
r',:. " J; ' .Spoils, r ; eiiy.
• I C5:7 : .y Vtairmea’t is irtte and ; ? '*•'(] Foyrt Oelty
Mirtit according Jo* tliehest Cbn-fen ;pf-JitijnrytJv
»t.4 huV;i.i, ■ i'.!.wAni. TTenes, 1 iash’r. t J '..ii,.,! dn r„,,_ !.}.«,vot-tSe. this^.l; d oI
iCVy- ~ ■,t\.. \s>Vij ■ , • 1 Jjl 11 jor’n;
Pah’tc. _ Iforjf i he. orjtlered two
Sale W^Hb
j. , , „ T ,.^ v , -. , " s< .Ui ;t eitnty jQufto’i oy the
on r.ame?, uMhto jUujse rebel;
: rCl v ‘ l,n " r - Han.-v* Asseinblocl aii<l present-
Ji-Mv.yr .1 fnnr ; • 11 P u pl\£ to tlic,'|vell known
r'l-V'!'* 1 r./--*VV n a*}rr*i ' i*,ni.t< >r.i :Tlus proceedpn ‘the part'
>: .\C,tj{i* : ' f: t. t T ?'f>*J''Statcs officer jw.ajl uncali |
•'• '*' r t*te.tajy..'-i U :.i!,iTie4:. •lnvcn‘. - 'h-,-• h.lrli; i: jd pi", arid'shouhi be by I
m > 7a " i -' i, 4 to fr
.4 i r.;ir;*.'ha!.le‘and if yksnx I'crllarl of good .' iibstanding'ajl ho Was jpro.nic-.j
-l!- rn ' vopprty will i riaded. t|p and down ’Chestnu t slreot.j
tf 'Sg. *-..v aa>t oh ceasotrtKo twns. • i I , ■'
j Aho; V 0.e.-.ianMiptcjrtd V'i: V -. a valuaWei' T‘ IcU *5 the O.atrrtn Of thedojyal’ 1)00 p
!"yV A : •.’’v "■' lr r/nirjinyijg SI acres, so u f -rile wllo'Tqeognizodhim,. Wbilsb on the!
-.iiiip'a; in Uvcaod staio, of enl- • iLi-.i • ;>• '*»• .’! .Uj '• "
te.a:- r .i!i. -J ,i- .toll .ii is; 1 ! 0^ " e P?’> _M>o...jsnaWi wero-j
! 5i . -Mi'i .••j-j-ains' r.n nhiindinice to walk yai’di? in j
'i ; y. pf u,«c and >iic, Major;j
1 tA:v h e-was. lihally F.jif X»tc.l .-
Uio ■ cu i ,rd lnrn^
,r> v «4ry,‘P3,, or t«; the. itiS-... r <j n .* | f»om which, wo glvulnod, tbo
% .- -! „. S s. s f '• npori;'p ■ s Bas»li Duke, has srisomo
Bevtngtan, n ashingtna, cn.!' -J ,1 .- - I ... •>., i ~-t
iiiVi 'A,: " .■■ i__ - 7\tjme been confined tn a atiC
d~-v " ■ : - —4‘- - -••. {iambus. Ohio, ' frotit which" rjace' he
SM : 151 !pfassent to'the Port; underof
. ’-. I iloiptzeiinarii Prom-
T E P vab.-yriber yv;n •ferk tr.rct qf land. ! I here here he wa- indulged’ iii Cataw-
X. 5:? oltc in N-ort|li, ii), Befi-. ■.! ’ . ■ , . ♦ ‘r . I! ■» Sr< ’.
■ JM., cr.v&n£ jibJiit on ,’T ' V, " e and Qtber [tO* ll\e
"y M.<tc .ft-ia-.} n-jilii isViyerj pa 'Xe’jv; iCaatle,.! tiipe of about one. hundlrod dc!laS'S.-4-
acir rn >’.C Bridge. I Tliis land is ■• W* , !,■ t ■ ir, I 1 .-J t,
?f Or chao etev) c.dic-1 locus:! regret, not, kno nanfos 01l j
,'er_v yf-.-k.; UCl jr-,., anil -bci-Ag jfirs? andl those who participated^!a tho 'auquet j
3K«» if-'- >»■ <r (<»<».., : ftey;*+i4j
; .Hiere wc itbon? btdacre?** bj? serred up iu printed torm',~~PM'lai !
Cieiir-.lj the t'difhijt* .in ’linvhcr. r-ijiV \lt* 1 .' ' ] '? ■* ", i 1 {
:: U if- r f n V ; ? Kiinn. Tiinrv oi the i * .•*’ : .* ii. J
>T /i "f two-su>ry triune Itouse, in I *' ', ’ - -7 "'l
1 Vsmi OlBc’o j.irc nop - krpt-, j " . * '! fj
land-^iir-buildings. There | BaYOKJSTB ' RXpiCAt,.r-G3nJ |
; fipeq|b; x wolcqtning.'the : return of |
i- Seminary, and Common j veterans 10 St JfiOuid, said;
f h£h£! • lan d m anyot h era have ,hero:
a Tyiih superior advAntages around ; faithful -senUiiels over every man's
H,? rr op r^s7iti^«Kit' ng ’ '•.‘| n f« , ’ o; T ' ,e y rebellion in
• . i ojder to. open tho-slave trade|- They
Beaver', Pa. \yore afraid ofjtb’e growth pf|popula
tibn 'on this gran'yl
country, and broke tbe contiactt under
wpieh we worked and when
ttjby ; brolte that 1 contract, I said we
would make a now cpnlracl j which
would wipe out slavery. fCheers] J.
s.houhl never have interfered. ‘ ]' was a
• I .1..,'
r <
r om r. \.o
TV*!'?** ncomTit....
'Current tcxpcnscs
‘ i'.i
/arm; lor I
lucfenbi-r o:sr's-at private--kale i
■ '.-ti iu-iOhippo'.va topuship,- ’
j. • New Jirigblsn, containing 2fd ■
I,lf Y L ’''“'gj* W_ cleared and-lender « I
;- r Pbbita'tinn. The imprr|V-otncnfs j
bogi-bonse with fo'ur rf.oins, to j
ri '- l acbf'l u frame kitchen; one stipe-J!
"o* s * r “» an <* Alsoij
-.lifvV' '/' ■ -bit- :iu-J orV-honl for rortant; 1
'iM'ea'' 5 '' i'‘" ,u . r 'f' l * l abundance of-
Fa-tr'i' ' - i’-'-' 0 - large orchard oftilhe best ■
°'bk- n '"°-S OD ® hundred - budded and !-
tr<- M ■ l , rc . es '». l "bent y.-live grafted, pearl
E9.1L1 * u collect ion of-May-dukes, :
ernes, plumbs.,&c. . ,\l
suit% 1 5 M and will be sold toll
easy good, and conditions -
■'J&tZTrs- t>AVH>' THOM AS; . |
-"H'f'v-t tp., Heaver co., Pa. |
..i. Ifai
t executors Notice. I
\\ b.e E ei l^ S \ e J* e ' rs testamentary having/
l ic estate of "in t0 _ tlje undersigned,'
Ind anrv - , ' Tobd, dcc’d'.j ’late of
Saowir.g I vP - Bea ' r s r 'co, P«, all pEreona
«• reqUrJl'*. m 4° bted t 0 said -eat«e
W thoat v-J.. m . a f* payment immediately
them ££{;■-* ’*S ainsi the fame will 1
Wr tmie» e n* Subscrib, ? r duly |authentl- !
, *>» 4 -jj " T '’-IN Eie|ntoT ;
\ ' • Ohio tj»
r ' i
Backward, turn backward, oh time* iL your
flight! ' . , : - j . * * 1
Make, me a child again, just for to niglit! '
Mother, come back from the echolftf* shore, -
Tflkc me again to yoUr heart as oF'yOr&—
Kiss from my forehead-the furrows Of care.
Smooth the few silver threads out jof my
' * hafr—• I •
Over my slumbers your loving j watch,
Kock me to sleep, mother—>rock me t
Backward, .flow backward, .oh tide of ,
i,I am solweary of toils and of
ij Toil without recompense—tear \ all in
j Tn ke them and give me my childhooc
li I grown weary of dust and dccai
of flifigii^gmy soul-wealth^awa
of sorrowing for reap;
|i Bock me to sleep, ; in6the.r-r-roc:i mis. to sleep;
j-Tired of the hiollo'w, the base. f ; he untrue.
[■Mother, oh, mother, iby heart.':ails foil yojil-.
i[*Many a summer the has jpr.owii green ■ ■
j: Blossomed'an.d faded—our faces' between—
i|Tet with yearning /and- passionate
j!, | ."pain,-» ■
Long I to night presen
Corne from the silence ae long
lißbtik me to'sleep, Mother, roa
r ■ j\ -1 -
|) Over my heart in the days that
No love like motlier-loxe cvci
iN (pother'worship abides and.e
Faithful, unselfish and patient
;jNone Ukp a,mother can charm
:| From the |fc'pk soul,, and th
:• . J \!rain. ‘ ‘ ■
j.Sliimhers, soft calm . o’er; my h
IRdqk me ty sleep. mother, rock
A- It,
A. «.
- - '-,
CWervative in times of peace;-Always
btjvo been a Conservative; 1 tharjlc God
mj* father gave 'too a| trade;- arid when
-he? sentj mo out ho was putting a loaf
of ndder my armi. I neyerasß
e f dj for n public office, f felt- ednserva.
tiye; lfc!t like sustaining everything
tl;at skept peace and quietness betwcjen
ourneigbbOrs. When this war came,
I said wo wjll [have a new deal enfife
lyj and| before this war Is dono|«iiH do
cadie of [it Yogniay
suppose Tap idiverging into ltd line
of politics; but in this 5 ;\pr a soldier
cahnotj tal getting into pdli
tip. Every £hingi» pdl iii e a 1, ;
onets are radical." 'f ■. i ,
| ; ’j.l • q ‘ j: ' - ''S' « -i • -
°- 11- l " ' .' Be&yer,
" j,h 7i *»
**' *" ’® n "'
40-3 ST
i :e again:
and sojdeep—-
me to sleon.
are flown,
has shown—
like yours,
iw.»y pain
i v;orld,weary
;avv lids creep
me to sleep.
if,'. iu *
antic Bisto:
''rom the Brooklyn
is now about a yt
nineteen years 01
oiighby utroot, B
:dnpatod, and reS
id bi a singular m
i nken a great int
of the war, rsat
nyi'dity. all the
papers of battles,
e imminent debt
1 think and talk
rmswar. Soonli
at; in this partic,
i had been turtle:
i-iasm.and she Si
lishment and grin
mt shewas a secoi
iof i Atc; called by
Our arinics to cei
great civil contei
are., wealthy ah;
tried to combat
i deep.
I again!
lv tlvj
tliis .
oh uni
tlio if
cal advice was
{of scene wni
;i'iient to wl,
it a place in
battle of
Tan - girl
■the |oft side by Jlinie
borne ioL the surgeon'
was |discbvered. She.
■fturyeon 'that her vfou
and he advised hoy to
i that" her' family migh
; her fateJ This she fir
Uuclahtly consented u
j one of the regiment, !
jlng hiniSclf from a pai
1 came jntorested in 1
.prevailed upon her io
I despatch to ■ hex ialh.ei
’ luted in it lie following
v ' *. Mr _^. i No
Brooklyn:. y
“Forgive j-our dying duugti
have but. a few momciUs; to Htey' My
: va soil; drinks ’my blood. I ex
led to deliver my but* the
s would not have I amcqn
", J’ ra yi P a - me. Toll
to lfiss my dngpdneoiype.
. ■ V ' ' Emily.
F. S. tGivofny gol f watch to little
IS.” (ThV youngei- t brothor of the
Wpn-\. **T I '■
l?h6 poor girl wa
on [which she ft
:icr country, which
I Insulting ths Flag. ; ®
A little. wasp of a creature, flamed
Mrs W-,jianfi)ng|by theomblemjof Amer
ican fkarsand
|ir|f looked at* its - folds, and;
theii/SvJtit air air of,disgust and a
hoggish icrook to her hose, rand nn- 1
•' * '■ i ; . '
doubtedly a hoggish heart to her na~ :
Srd) she gave her. hoops tn elevated
,/ing, and was heard to say: “I; hope
the nasty thing won’t 'touch my dross.”
This compound of secession madness
and stupid ignorance should know
that her? bettors wra p fbeirrheloved?
dead'in. the same, stnrfly folds—that
ere her corrupt being was a foul spot
open woman’s fair faihe, the mothers
of.tll the Presidents of the Republic
lovodmndworshipped old
flag—that, after this little aeposh vix
en: s dead’ and gone? and the worms
have even refused to taste of such
cog 'uptiop, |that flag will be looked!
npe n as the mothers of the heroes of
tbe revolution looked upon it—with
eratidude and rfeveronce.' When' a‘
” f\- • i f if' t,
woman unsexes 'herself, and becomes,
a lojathsomo esaenco of depravity. she
must anti does receive the execration
of mankind. Ef.stCid of being a bles.
i, slie thon become;
own’ hand ebb jbr
•lers that protect
poison to Ler own
ater ( tbe vengcaa
a h«r.~ iWttmore j
U W\
’ and: Death
;m Oilri-
Daily '
e ar since ayoong
- ngc, residirtgih
ipooklynj beaa ti
sed, became pos
i onomania. She
(refit -1 iothe pros,
i With tfiO grdat if
tcjcoants in, the
sieges, “’scapes
ly broach,” and
of nothing but
ei: actions show
.dar at least,’her
J 1 with military
ntjounced tojier
if-ptricken I fami
ne! .and modern
’ to
Ptaih victory in
t.j Her triends,
1 respectable, in
hpr delusion.—
(ailed inland a
rocomfended by
within six ot'i sew
first marriage, became
temperance, the ) effect
Crated on thelmjad an<
Mfife, und in, a few ip
was numbered Lritli Iti
death led him to }epv
jv here: he resided and
mend, where hoisoon:
tion. But bis habit h
and beciUion’aily' be; f
jolly/frolicsome spirits
liaii revelry. Ills true
tnlatcd ivitii biixi 'to ’ei
the injpry; he was! dpi
Biit he still persisted’,
began to fall oft and nil
° . , j, .
him as oh the sure road
• - - - ■ • 1 r 1 a i-■
was ad vised to get marrP
of correcting hits habitT*
son ted "to dp, iJf the'.ngi.
feriyd... He [ Sccordingiy A
drosses to Miss' Gainb|d.,fV
month’s attention, be asSjW',
in marriage. *sShc replies*
‘•yir. Wirt, I hav'e. bpeaj&elf aware
of your in tcnlidr.s ipa» time back,,
and should bays giydn 'lm tpnndor
j stand that your visits attentions
; were not acceptable, reciri
, rocated iucauoetio,n which .yon eviiiet:
;od toward me.'llpt']t}^
■ my assent until jyoii niajtt&e a pledge
jTiever - to', anj?
j intoxicating drinks.’* ;
| ; Tlrs .replv” to 'Wirt;
:! ’ 11l ii_ •..}
pebted as npyelij illis
| lie regarile'd. tlial prop
| tri all further i*ptiB'
istfhjecl, anil he
bis counsel, the
ved to Ann' Ar
f icbigan. Why
reAt a distance
n surmised that
vslalivos in that
jthwovor, .cotv
was found
er to ter apart
”, { succeeded ( in
•epuirjcd'-to Dc
a{nd joined 'the
i gan regiment.
:>iily to . herself.,
t jt.p; the 'Army
id] the girl com
a. 4 p. drummer
e I survived the
upky campaign,
:sll| ijn numbers,
an f inscrut'ihjp
... s • 'ir
!■ jell slip was aU
i ipW division pt
s during
fell, pierced ip |
■ hull, and wholi i
s l(i:U lier sok 1
. was told by thp i
lad; jvdfc .mortal, i
giVo lufr-J. hitm|oJ
i L bo 1 informed (Jfj
oily, though rp-(
ii djo.and tboGoi-1
although Bufferv
iirful wound, bik'j
hori .. behalf, ' anil 1
J lot, him Bend la i
dv w
Tliia she
Uotighb*’ stl-eel.
to thy ’.Util? 5 grocery ahd groglsho’p
'a lie[discovered
pthe handkerchief Kt which,he| looked
for the name that was | pa x iti After
pansing, he;exclaimed: ; | .[
“Great Gpdl vs ho left this with me?
Who placed :thl3 o‘iMny J fac'o? , ’ j
None kne jiie dro pjjcd the glass
exclaiming: ji / > " ' r
1 “Enough! // h
lie rolled instantly fifinj the ptorc
lorgotting his thirst, blit not 'his de
bauch, thejhandl|crchije£ the lady,
vosymg ; that: “|f ■ Gojl. gave j him
strength, never to itouchj, taste or ban;
die jahy intoxicating drinttSf’’' j v j
Tctmccti lliss Gamble was the hard,
pst effort jof his life.' [ r Tf|ie mod her
in hoi- carriage p .• on foot]’he popped
around thjo nearest) i;:'.’. 1/:
She atMast addressed ni|ia note un
der her awn bar|l,tnylt|nl hiiri td her
house, which lie finally gathered cour
i Buried on the
tlfin ihc servico
she fondly Loj>-
age enough tb aceopt.| I j&4»told lieri if
•ho jto:i he
.would agree fb' lirmti.i HJer
repfy wisi • ''■■-* i' ; 1 |'! ' './-■“j’
“My conditions are iiowljwhat; Ihey
ever have been.’| ; j ■ ji. ■; r j 1 ,
: “Then/'jSaid he, “I a< bcjit J jthorn. o F
• They, soon mairiedj I* nd,j;frora I that
day he kept his WoW/iand’ .hfs affairs
brightened, while ihopt)r| and glpry
gathered thick 1 Upon his Brow. [ ’
1 :• I- "",
Noah’s Ask, ,a AfoliLf Ship.—The
• | < ‘ - I, 3V 'i- i
largest ocean steamship now: plying
the Atlaptib iieairpre'bisclj/t th i
port!,ooa in length, breadth odd depth,
that ;aro‘ recorded concerning: Npah’s.
Ark;: The dimeDßionsjof th e A tlabtic
efpamers are: length, 822
f*f. beam,, 50feetj| doptbt,;2B> foot,
dimensions of : the;Arkjt wi re: length,
SOO cpbitS; breath, 501 Icub tsj depth,
ao caWts. Tber Ark,' was
nearly|twice thje Bide |i a tf'and*
breadtli of those yesspii i, 1 the |ahitbo
,i'“g inches: .ipth-^mf. tip.
Pd r stpries. iho equipment
oif. forjty-two whi«#’l^avo
elapsed since the dejtngej'the shig hhiidL
,«»■' have. lfiwaai'aii
ft cnrso
eaks. down' the
her. She puts
lips, and sooner
• , •
f ,
• , - '•• -, • - , ,i:- I ''l i
. ' • • ' • •
I' • , •---,•,:l •4' , :.`••s •• 1 - ' ' '
—;.=••; .1 ,- .
-.l t-.4` ; ` , 1
J - •• ' ' !•* 1 v :
"! -j -
- • -
•Anbiher Blunder of iff’CleUan
_ a Ppeara.toi be cn
fott nne Jn Ma. criticUm of portions k ot
*b f 4-
er. his
ip in-
'k °P» l? pe VTWf ol ™ng “Oder hi®. I( Will | U . . •.. . : . <ey are
of bisi 1 ?? r0,,0,, ®eie4. that b« nnjastly cdii^h 011 ? an,,na ? °^ the h rute V*™~
4 ; th« Army f, na ; wbo b *»I *<"*ry M% awiide
sMk' Potomac, aftdr tbe baulkof fteitof natur, and:<flini! in; under tfie
Mhxn f ln t Pag py man.. ate !n<>t vapbonos j
e^snfonuiiMK5 bo, f!; i f I, ff
*»» corienre of Cer t iTCaIIW Din- ' . Tbe lllct endeara lllom tew ue, i
•biw! rfon.. the ■ ' fc d a l' va * rated. the dog a>
*Ub which, be accostof. itilLcohdueV at tf «? v bnth .cumd tew the hu.
*»aiui?»' battle' Of Nelson |g\ fermi or
.CSr^::-4e^ B ; r ‘4ili^f.;'jrinW #V bs B j?S'T a
the Con' Com-- .§ * W®***!® JpjPfk %
JretttWto- on the condVctl* .the war, .f w:
bikbw: arteLof fSPVfcW byt'Lavejgdt
kbo^-’W? also thk f W'^T^*- f liU
wmii'of.' **"* ef the rebel officers on tWi^-f" n W P'-j 6180
fought on that day .Ws<+. *■ ’ ' f in d VS- ,i^t_Tarriei^Afe.n?«t«l:ite»
ticp band
Ugl iJU
gallantry: It v
.makittjfean attack np'on MlCatiV »|- .L,.- ..
vision to , break ahrpujrb j ibe Union P* »'
armj<; an.d off CIUkHnV 1 f*» *1 *
Heint/.elman’a Corps, wljiclj' formed ° ee P. and v
the- rightj.wing.(This attempt wasiE 6^ 11
defeated by. the f Save Fitz If ’ 1 f
H* heldj7^
bis place [on - .the New Market Eoad, 1 ").>•
June.SOibJ llKit line of march:; of tb.o I }'*"■ lha ' aint P roffit : ta
Federal atjmy Wdiild have Veen cut byi f-£* ® ?t . ren ) ol f
the ■enemy.” Says Gen Meade, -“It; iaV f lew H. CO P a V“/ l/
“• • ■ - tant make enythipg o
as nnex<
;was only tbc stubborn resistance bbri.L , . . '
posed by pur $
ilia prolpngijift tho contest" p- ° g " 1 kno,-^, bat
till after dark,and chebkingtbeadvahoe : 1t V a p lll *
ih 3 enemy that enabftd l^con: ]
Oration during. tU e . nlgh<6f .the ; TbuB
-lo :a T my. *u jJLblM*',. whiph ISf s '
MV "If f.^l^n\i'4l'bka|^ ba^ t t S T"
Gen. beQn }■ %?' }S ?i* V
,ed. ar e^fbrco / kse4lyihou;-i m! « i ' l<)g ’ 1 Wlth ; lh j
nvcii;jaccording*Bb>, f* ce P s *‘ n "£= •*; 1
Btet|mes^i!d ; ;
<t ;4ht the wago^tb
igs bi’/lhe fedora! amv, with ; dw¥b‘f'’ , J- eS IT^r! , . !a%>l
IS also said;in 'cbnyei-satipiv If / *•’
ijyti sqrgeDti; aUribuiedithe',t / m, !SI
he attempt to tjio stubborn : [* a u '5 a ; ‘
lOf the Keservbs,ar.d shan’t el
t but,- for : the 'cheek,: Le tha
t -apti.rcdll-flie .wWe'Un- f'T S'f°' Vn theJ
:vyhaf:wiii■■be.thoughi of: bac ?';r^ he sar P ani
Han’, which ijrttfds *- ] n ■ winders,
tntradicted fn a point, by : K . .— r —■
iv nirn,.Gencral9 r one -.0f.!--}' Thwack Sot.r.n;,
.oSom friend, ;-but by IheJcol.Hallowell.ayorf,:
was. that
in* ;i of itio
r er’^oo;
If, it
a Uni
re of t|
ted tlif
uld ,liav
. M’Cic
flatly c
m - l‘i ;m
uriifbtrh! tjfeati hang iff those homes
where the Koldier'joincß nO; nu.>rc: ;
•What. aristocratic legend rotors, tpj a
prouder fact than that Which shall
often biji nfeited- in ’,th| still.; Summer
fed Ids where lie labored, and by the r
Winter firqsidc where his place is ya- !
cant—“ Hot fcli in the great war for j
llJnion and Freedom!” Sleep; sleep:
in quiet, grassy graves, wherever the j
symbols that you loved so well shall.!
cover and spread oVek'you—by day j
tho flpwci-s of red, white- and |l>luo: j
and by night the! constellated
whjle out of those graves tbecjp grows
tjie better haiwoSt of the nation, and'
of-lirr es toCc mo.
J Ami; while we - praise the Divine
Rdler or all this good, s and ask to
cbfeipiehend ihclsc lessons o£,dbedi*
ence ind f&ithjfulhgss, ajlso 96 m* I
i mi| tolbear.t the itrntivitbat, whatever
may exist in| Higher rcalms of teing;
Whatever tt better ancfjgoiaen ago ntay
require; iftq%Jn' ( tttr^Seb r t- time, qijid,
present cdnMoWsj the' deepest,loftiek|
possibility of any sphere of Ijto-.abd
dittyi blossoms and flowers in te
roes and its mattyersl— E. S: Ghapit\.
.• ? ■ --U—^ ——I■*" 1 ■*"- —■
■ thing at a time—tha ,’a
the rale. When yna b»*e done slan
dering your neighbors. begin to say
yonr'p r »y9ij« :i '-l ■ j ; : i !■'
\ ■'
le great est •
ntontion in
'I - '
bf f tho cnomj's generals !
'• Chicago Jonm:al
i— f<, T.f '-fJyt tii:
A ' "
t-. / ' • • \C- J
' " v. ,r- ,:i
»' -r. -j:,- ■;
■ Ki 7 '. • •• ■.;> <
, ' "i Joait Billings oh Doga.
fir ■' - L - ■' '
■ogs aro s various in ' kinds, - and
hanks f lew in.. all wise. Providence, 1
.ba are various in number. • ’ Th
oteli rats/lint tiro ra
ile after'j’m; 1 haVe'ti
_ zoiijtc iii- i are pmiv-;o .in n*en in
fidolphia, and a veteran' iii. lof vooihlj/ .Kilpatrick .is t wpntg'tigjit
commanded the 'MdsUchisStt* 3*lh’ «•«* husbeon a wfdowc\- tbn
which behaved so: s, lendidl,
.. ■ , •• i r “ . r ; kf*nrral hi air.-service, is but . .twenty,
tespeiutc battle oj 01uistee,;c R? \ four sige/; ahd : . vvas|-*»ii.sirricd
Pond,- as |t is termed in jlhejofiu j-'Piilyl • thredact’ four jAvccks agi>.- .Roth,
patch ’oh Refdtrog’aid. |An ' t ” ose . bijaveVv-oVng inon are West
w.-ite«.‘^or»ii. 4 rWtj ) * battle ! S^ duut * d ]n^*y
ti,i, .-is, ; i same .«ff«r--tUat'pt lobl., ... l
ot®’^V>t,)ced mile, j. jAvcrilji who made the bril
and. as ,Uiyy ,weht in Seyrpour j I'arit 1 raid litito ,'Western 'Virginia, ia ,
said| to Goionei Hal|ovell; |‘Thc day .is |a little, senior, pf- these .two. He is >
lost; jroirTmtfst Ao in and> save the j now } tx y' m 0 Ip Washington,, with hath .
poriiH TTa ;i;,r ~ ,1 s h-j ~, I feetsnffenhij sevhrelv:‘-rrom frost bite.’,
J°T' „ ? trrf , fiaVo * Yin- ;
I 11,? ; ene mJ. heljl the held, and gndaf ho Aas:af one 1 thilo' forty-eight
was the very, last to kaye, hand cover- hdurs in fjhb,saddle, byipo'sed to the fu- •
od the retreat.” jeorrospon- ry otja bitter col dgs form, and.,he has ;
.'dent sags: <1 hear loud praises of the been eve? s.nee.i The public !
/ j ana Ist .Isoi} th, C|imLnji (eolored)c —■ e d to (earn jtha't beis- ‘recovering; anil-.
They wept up ,st tbc| .double-quick j will; t'b,j bflproloiig.'pnep more ,in the
when opr advance' was|hoarily destroy- J saddle
Pfl; a’nd r saved the left from being tunv”
e]d, jhi which lease -the whole force
would . have been ,annihilated. The
conduct ol the troops is represented
o have .beeh ’.uniformiyl adrpirable.-A
I —^r.n, r „^ 4 - ro.-ivjs didi nbblv. iiol.
’lowed, bean gadress to' his- rcgi
meritv Ulld them ho, could not '-find
fault wUh a single officer or mam And,
I.’ cnuldXbut 1 aid mifej their patioacc
\ !■ • •fc I •-I 1 :•• » .
tlo bave their, wounds,
dressed, and to bo conveyed to the
pital fronv the .steam.qrj. jn tho,
X*. S. colored, one of the. battle-flags
Was .lost, but .hot tllj aftcr'icight men
in thc tblor guilyd had mi killed.”
Education. —Make honleaninsiitu
tion of leanng.; Provide books for the
center foy^.ijic libtityj' of the
family. See that all liio younger chil
dreb attend the best snd inter
est youTsjelf in their'.stjtu)iesl If they
have thoflaste lor tHorbngh cultiva
jjob; bui;«ot . Jhn means to Ipursne il, N
if . possible provide foi ; edncalion.—
Paniel Wchoster.taught at| the .inter
vals of bis spllege course,j. to .hid a
brother in thepnrsuit otllnA education.
A volume of ; tiis wpfkls is .dedicat
ed to the daughter of tbaitj brolhcr, w ho
early a, ; briUanjt--X!ar i oer. /. Peel
tjhat an igflorant or jsistor will
bo a disgrace to your .family, and
trust, not the prevention |of such a
reproach to the oaaual influcqce,of 'the
press, existing, instithljons; andthe
offices of : atrangers.'lt l the ' family!
becomes as if may: be an "institution
ot hlarui ng-v the w bote iapd will
ediiratCdA' ’ |.• I 1 - ..b 1 '
v i
:t ,
••r ■ nfe ’ Itio ■ nU.fiirf^. :
,dl«c!>9nt‘ s»Seii'; •
odTcrtlasra, and onl6ng sdrWu«<nh«iita. : \l ;
v '■&&s #•*!* ■
measuredas s gqmire. --/' | ■■■■■'•'< :
•■ - Special potices iis_p4r cent- addition to tig •
alar rates.. •■■■ . '■' • V-. '■
Mottoes qt o'pubti(s, 3 ii^nr^*ren.
"Gen- Meade and* HlsAccuse?a.
T- " ■ ' ' ■■■”
,g: - j-f 81 *-, .y
and Doubled ay, and which Laye been
yyidjely eireuiiptoiiTip thoj hewepupep*;
'wisher of i officer. ,
,N. Y-.; Jjjthet,
upon this subject, njakcs the following
judicious rempidts:..; ; i;;-v<.
] - * iire. pu Wy ocj^tyt;of General
r Tor ,anj’ yihprVgeaeril. ’
‘ acKivowletfge no tes ft; of!Vnititayy ahifi. fi
ty except thh^u 1 t oC campaigiiir*^
; tixt^weypyot^stwiigiy^atirti^aT*;
d hgy; <yi I led •: -
Gens, Sj^c|i§is^atod-.jl)6u,_pr. aoy- ;
■body else who sepres Ttndcr.'him; for i
any .order ,dfo%avs 'oy
any Whore bl«ef';'’lti ac-.'j
: ithowledgad tbatt.h ire - iHnothiDgiadro';
fatal;• to .the ruscfoifioss’ pf- : .aji;
t-hap the prevalence
of" lhe.yii>bi| tbe'jJ
thjsfr chief- It'han already.:;
Worked terrible mischief Arnir j
' lias 1 '
.*ir .
I'ph'ol tb'’" "
->e |iad . warfteu . »otreat .Ay
/ds'vfront. G'etrtyitraiJjj, instead'"Vof;
liToatcon iis is alleged,and hud given if
iirt order £6i that p It jvrh ,i*o"6j.
the business 61 either Gen.. Sickles •or :
: Gen. Doubloday- to coined-or to oriti-
it.- Their business was simply i
[and t solely. to obey jit-•, He did Jiufrer.
J treat; the I battle'jcfl Gettysburg . was
fought-and wo'nj -ah|| lie has, .stneo •
| then; by his conduct in Virginia,given .
decided proofs of.jaj high order of tal- [_
lent. We jknow .hat ho iisj the only
I genera!- ,who . has ooramahded on tbp
<efui tew drive
ew- go And Ibuy I
’■l' •! r ) L
pa}' more fjnapl
Seep the dog ,bis
but. if; }• a ;
ire lap avr-bUie |
. jl.e a'|t ■ Bull> j
ukefjij, .but i
tew.jor else }-a
n| the dog. ,Tbp |
iste .Uefullosti' l>,^ !r "‘ c '’0 : w h9ra Gen ; Leo
j \{ - ,• - not JtißiMn th^
;|>u bar gof, 10 ; highest .dbgrt-e [absurd Ip arraign
tliat ainl allvj-iis Ifov. a retreat;lifter t6e
i ni realize Trom ! Sr si: d,aj's fighting at Gettysburg, dp-
See, itlml -Whllefe 3 .:SOine};% is JibJe \io eay,wliat ,
Le i a c would; have happened, if he baa re- ‘
ft,1 > tfmre are • trfci> [V B^ mu Mla < vy e hsiVe
1 ‘ y* promttable. had! pybughlpf this_ ftolly ( ' Pppa?«
liter «dog, nor : a wafe converted imp horrible
lali fek? uhiartu- ■ bnte i her i i &ep«a« ! Fi|t* : John ported
’’ldreadfiii hard l it in|o% head wa*bound ,
,4 s ~, . |to■,correct -/Popes strategy. „ Bern
’arf a H! n i sideV wa*T marrddhby.ihis
p| r itiail»!!B' what vtilScjefs•irtjtertajiinj* to carry; their-or- .
i jWlit* -trill abuse |ders| to jWishingtori and.ia eancns ftvcr ■
iijivin, and', enny.l them 'Uoblre jobeyi.Ajj'- them 1 , land wo'
:Vhn4iriT-thtr‘’ ‘eatly-tebu-^^ ..Mieade.-.aafe
• i during-the coming leampaiffTl
neamr 'thar ; ;> U^ VilUti _
e pijo my si ,-jj.liac‘gojierals'jqi' .division..'are Co.n
tngo them -sktornUj' inspect ions,• rd i strategy,
the carnal r^ed., vpth ,the : i lust: _ oKdetg.-tipg
iump - on fcflW* Uiefbiundcrs iind
1:* ■ ( mgs c; imir commanding oiMcop-J”
leased to rig- ' i f- ■' 1
'■ Ji ' ' !
; , Yockq B
1., ' 11 -.'arc-to ilayl
IN |l*,|
eilj ofPMM’’ ' Pi fi
i ' ■llo|:T,r, .E-bites at ti|}b/‘ 4 i)r6aiH#.’.<
The . proprietor xjT>=n Hesse in
Idaho) ban posted tho fallowing ‘tHijlcs .
and j Regulation*:’’ V Bonn; njpstbe v
■j)aid ’i|i advfeneej with fcoans wilh'-
out S} : 2, salWiVeo: boarjlenij not -allow;
iil- - *
ing v 'atmeals phdcdly
.rpCn arc expected towash oa’t.crt dborsi
ntid find their own- water; no, charges."
for ice; towel at ,|tjiVend of th.ct, -.;
house- extra, charges for sJeate aroupd ;
th'exstovo; lo'dgers nnist'fii'rrpsh their-'
ow ?r straw; beds on the bar, room floor -
reserved for,regular customers.,' Per—
.soils ■aiccpi'n.g in the oar are iequaled.,
nqt to take .pit their boots; lodgers ih
i feifle rise at/5 A ei: in the barr. at ,6 p’-
1 clock; each mauswoepsiup bisowhbed; ,
j n djpi a r tz" takprj: att he ban no fig hting. /
aljtfwjad ,at‘;|tfie, table; jny-ooov violas
; ling the above bales iv|U‘ bo shot. [
j. | f |- Ji | -1.-. j . .
"iia-lu.a jPhiladelphia paper an ad* .
yertisemoptJ oi patent jneiijcihe says: '
wili act on any eomploitft;.
wbutjcvcr.if the reconciled
,to’lji| fate;?’ ' ..This, is giving fair warn--:;
ing, end anybody r .wh'o, lake, the mix- '
tore after ihc beconwhendation, must 1
i-be ‘‘reponeilod tp 1 his f fatc. l '. q j
I ®SS»An old old that
a yOung inan-oi mo had;
just got married, cxcluraeiij m'“Alas !
what a city it' is I cjrie slfotild .come
mislortuVio eo .young!” : , r ‘ r • • '
a. re ecu tjditincr of shoemgfc
crs; followiud toast, was givenrf-s
“May we bayo all tho women iri tbo-
'tty/e ; j all the men'-to
.•• I .
. .
. .
. ' I ' .-
.• L . - :•-#::,,.,... -.
• • .
. ..
• "
,' ,-_,. , I .*',,t**•,' - : - !:` - - , Lct.; :`,lr-lif-,4:,
, ~ 1.
jUoJiuhlic i» familiar. wis thecbar
gcs.which have made fi*
rairist Geri.'Jiloajdo V Gens. Si.ekjv'
Id lias had much to
fajiflres. If G«sn
tb | retreat fift
of tho Potomac, an
do wnh its various!
J'Lo.dD e Moral., If.i'lpatrlr-lf
:li '£asM, w;(ios<J iL‘X)lioiti
jibe lendhui thomp-ot iiewd
mor.V'.airid of 'nodal remarks
tl'‘“ Ure ; h'i,va&'
T -|ir'
s '• ' L