The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 02, 1864, Image 3

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    l , 4'itcs Excme Lawjrelatire to
lament of annual Mies. M ,
slstli section of; the act ipf
*U }t is made thedulyofail
: partnerships, firins. aseoci
rtrVorpbrationß, made liable to
nnua! dutv, liteiise, pretax, on'or
I Me firs* Monday of "May in each
''JhLke a list or felUnv-lto the
taut Assessor of District
located of the amount of annu
mne Joe . objects
,;j with I tl special MX,' abd the
■.. j orjoceupaiton liable to i»ay
Who shall to
Ijlurn by. thoday; specified will
b i e to bo assessed by the Asses
°,,idin* to the besi|infbrma;ion
i he can obtain;, andip such case
lessor is required to add Afty
‘Tentum to the amount of the
of a'ach list'.. ! .
,ry person who shall deliver to
lessor any false 0* ifflHßaleqt
foot statement, vfith-u|tenl toevade
f'volnition or cmJmfertttion requ.r-
. ‘ v . i« subject to. a 1 fine of five
and in l 4 ch * aBe the
St will be made out by ]t he Assessor
Assistant Assessor, and from the
Ration and enumeration bo mdde
there can.Vno. appeal- • I
Payment' of .the annual taxes, ex-
W pt those fe licenses, will irotv.o do
n a P nJqd until the th.rl.etl clay of Jun .
: The f 1 ou wh H‘
*o make retwn: Md- all necessary ma
io'rmiiCßTi, tvill be furnished hy (rb.
W '-I a mil ton’El. Reno., and VVm.|E.
Trimble, Assistant Assessors Tor this
county, ’to whom, the returnrshojild
he • delivered on or faefcre the Rrst
Alnndav of May" l .their otficeb,l ,n
i3eaver>'ew Bvignlonand Hook-down
V. ;
I • C. S. Assif.'ZitTi Bist.
Bearer. Fell. 271 h. 1504.,
Bearer Markets*
ffotir per hhl. • .;
iiti 100 ihs
prifd ' Apples per bushel.
do Peaches “
TTheat ' “ *' - .
Corn “ “ - •
Kre • • “ •
Osts ‘'i , “ - “
n«#i: •*
Hover Seed; , .1 “ ,»»
;; ..Timothy Will, “
TUiSeed, ■ •*
Beans, I *'
. Potatoes,' ' 4i
. Onions,. -
Torn Meal,
:s Hams.
It SlioxuderSi “
■ Tallow.
’ Xard, : -
.N'TVdlr*, '
' Eov.
•* dozen
. lb
>1 • 9»*
Tim e T abl e .
Beaver Station—Going East.
Cmmrvrinff, Monday, -.Vot) 10, 18S3J —Trains
fate Reared Station as foliates : I !
: ?:.30 k. m. Arrives at Pittsburgh, lib 00 a. sir
‘2;2<> M. • ' •! 3:50 p.m.
6.-54 p. «.. “ j. 8:60 p. x.
■s • ' Qoiso West— -*v
Trains leave Pittsburglfasfoliates:
P ISa. m. . Arrirosat peaveri-' 7:45'A. u,
"3:0(t . 1 , ......-I:2a r. Ki
1:45 p. m. ' Rochester.,... 3:00 P. x.
1:45 a. v. ' • a. X.'
. F. R. MTERS. (Jen'i Tcket Agent. •_ j
Rochester Station— Going jEast. ’ •
1 Leaves Rochester Arr. at Pitts.
1« Briga'n Accom. 5:40 a: 1x...'.. >7:20 '*. m.
Jd BriglVn' “ 7;10 a.1m.;.... J8:40 a. M.
Sdßrigh’n ■ 12:30 PJ yt 2:33 P. M:
■t h-Brlihlon“ .8:00 pi M.i...'.,4:50 p. X.
..vail. 5;15 pi x ’7:00 >..x.
> l-l Expj-ess, 'J 1:05 Ai M...... ’2:20 A. x.
ii Express, 2:05 V. M......13:30 p. m;
> nciu’ti Exp. ] •! 6:45 (P. M..i... 7:50 p. m.
t eaves Pitts. jArr. at Rochester.
r -'online Accom. 2:15 p.lm; 4:00 p. x.
litßrigVnAccom. -9:15 11:00 a. m.
2d Brigh’n-■•«. ,12:00 A. M i:32 P. X.
3d ", “ .4:GO P. x...... 6:10, P. si.
.’>}t “ :6;40 p'. x...i... 7:20 p. a,
■"W. r 7:00 A,'x 8:20 A. x.
Ist Express, r ;1;46 Ai m......3:00, a. m.
.Cd Express, ‘ ■ ;1;44 P. si 8:00 'p. x.
AUG. (BRADLEY, Bupt., E. Di
FoiPlßent. '
THE subEcriberi offers for vent, from the
Ist of April, bis house, situated-in Bright
ton township, about l-" 4 from Beaver. Said
nnuse is built of brick, and contains 9 rooms,
jto which is attached about 1-2 acre of. ground,
T ', u “ fruit trecs thercon'. 1 Apply to ’
, tv a. g. wolf;
adr2'64 . Brighton tp. i
UTHEREAS letters testamentary having
If been.granted to the undersigned, ’on
e estate Josuu Toon, dec'd., late of
?u«ty twp,. Beaver,; 00, Pa, all.-pcrsons
sowing themselves indebted to solid', estate.
. j to make payment : immediately
- 'hose haVing claims!against the saine will
v oseni them to' the subscriber duly ’authentic
OAted for. settlemeiit. , * ?.•
SOUS SLENTZ, Executor,
. Ohio tp.
oar 2, ’6J
for Seile.
V ■ r r H P V n^erib ®r ! offe« at private sale his
\ 3rfailM r “4 m B, v , Chi PP ewo ‘^^P-
slit, <?r l\'.- ch “ cl * ar * d and under a
cons;.. ‘ t ® f estivation. lie'improvements
whhVi. ..°. ne iH g house with four rooms, to
r ‘ or bunt K aclle( * - a frame kitchen; one supe
a gnoj arn ’ an 4 etWout-htijUing*. Also
Tifi. r te‘ ■“•«? *-“* “retard for 5 Unant.
B°«i coal * ater with: ibundance of
Sifted annW*!L % lsr B e .«rehard of the bear
«ih«r peach £****«“? hundred bnddedand
W a: SS pear
' hi. -v* u C °i? cl,on ° r May-dukee,
• »? - W1 “ he sold to
-' ;<?-• and -condition*
i W'f .
1 - i lp..;Bo»ver co.. i
. ' i . y • " ’'l ''ll'
•JO Pier* f*H— and "VendlUoni Expenai,!*/
auedoutof tA» Court (jf AuißiDaFWatof the
County of Btiftt sad- to «w directed, I .will
expoie to public saleat the Sheriff* office la
thebprough of Beater, lb the - county afore-
Midftoßj V V,:- 4 ,. -V ’ ,;..-.
Saturday, iop4,
at Id o’clock in the following
property, to wit: - }. i. l f i> 1
All the right, title, ■inierekt and elaitn'or
the! defendftnt, of,ia and . to thel following
tract of (land situated in -Worth BewickJy;tp.v
Bearer county, Pa.^'botunliid- a» ; follows:
Beginning 'at the’ north-wekt corner al a
< chestnut tree, on the east bank of the Beaver
Creek, thence by land of tbej heirs of James
Kennedy,, dne north 87 degrees, east 178
I a post, thence by land of David
Warttook, south i>9} degrees, least 42A perches
to, thence by land the
nuns of Henry south 78
’2Bo’ perches to a beach tree | on the bank of
Big Behyer Creek thenCe Up said cr«k;ttor^
: 17 degrees, east 99 perches to thie place of ble>
ginning, contaimngl7s acres, and allowance
of &| pet cent. being\ part of tract warranted
I4th j April,‘l792, in namej of John .Rhea, ■
about TO aCtes cleared, and in S good State of
Cultivation, on which arc erected a two story
frakhe dwelling hdUsC 20 byj36 feet in length
and I breadth, a double log barn and out
building, 1(50 acrea underlaid With a
Voirt of dnlmninous coal. | . .
Seized and taken ■ in exception as tbe prop
erty of Emmel 15. 'Thompson, at the suit of
James (Thompson’s Adm’rs., and Matthew
Thompson and Samuel Ktnhedj. •
No. 2. ' , - ALSO.. - t : ‘
jit the same time antUplaco, all the rightii
tleiiintelrest. and claim of defendant. of, in and,,
to the following piece or.- parcel of j land in
Greene, tp., Beaver county, Pa., bounded on
thelnorih bythe Ohio River, on the'east by
Hayden's heirsion the south by public -road,
and dh jlhe westTby Thomas Kerr, on which is
erepfed a small frame house, with cellar under-,
neath, also a steam' saw-mill, with engine.
Id | inch cylinder, boiler'|2o feet long and 38
inches m diaincter, mill in good running order;
godd.fruit on the premtsejj. ,
Seized and taken in execution as-tho prop
erty of Henry H. "Singleton,' at tbe suit of
Elif Barnes/’' : ■. ■ • i
No. ?• ■" ALfeO. ' ,
.wit: ,
Bekvcrl c
Boikli 1:07 fee
132 i feet by Nl
erketed a frame
ooj-buildings. Vi ox
■ 'seized and.takeri ii
erty of F. M. MoCalloi
et J. Cross i Co. ,
Nb. 4. .. V - ALSt
,csr on
Al the lithe and place, .
fid, interest and claim.of defenoh.
to all tbe undivided one-half of alx,
or,parcel of land in Greene townsU.
epupty of Beaver, and State of Penns;
and hounded'as.foUaws;
nihg at. a Beecteon the bank of the Ohio ri v
i thlenceiby land of Allison, south 64J deg west
, ‘52 perches id a sugar tree,, south 5 dbg. east
118 perches to a post, thetree bj laud of And’ w
! Swcny, south 86 deg east, 137 perches to a
pist, "thence by land of lJr. M. Lawrence,
I north OS J deg east.lOO perches to a gum And
post, thence by land of Andrew Sanis, south
!'6B deg east, 11 7-iO.perches to a-post, north
45 deg east, lit perches to a pSst, north 50deg
east, 15 perches to n post, thence by land of
heir's of. Ur; Goodrich, north 27 leg cast 21 6-10
parches to a post, thence by lands of Andrew
Swoeny. north 24 deg west, 11 7-10-peiyhes to
a post, north 62 deg west, 28 perchedto"n post,
nonh 48deg east, 11 4-10 perches to a post,
thence by lands of John' Cnristler, north 65
drg.westOC perches to a post, thence by the
Ohio river, south (50 J deg west, 44 8-1 C per
tyi a host: south 42 drg west-52 3-10 per to a
thence fey land of Levi Barnes,'smith 48
deg cast 36. V perches ro a post, south 'IS deg
west 271 perches to. a post, south CO .deg. west
IC 4-10 perches to'a post, til Once byjlandof
i lievi/ Barnes or C Hecalhornj south- 73 deg j
I west 31 per to a-post, theucefnorth 40 deg
west 12 per ta* post, thence by the Ohio riv
er, south 50 aeg west, 10 perches to the place
of beginning, containing One Hundred and'
Twenty-Eight acrcs.and bounded by, lands of
JohnG|mstler ( Andrew Sweeny and Jonathan
Allison; about 80 or 90 acres cleiiredjand un
dor fence, on which is'erected'one large brick
dwelling house, two stories'high, with cellar
underneath'. Also, one large oarii and other
out-buildings, fruit trees;-and plenty,of good
water. The abpve property has two good
veins of coal on it, one ul which, is open, and
•in wording order, .*
| Seized and taken lit .execution as the prop*
erty of Charles 11. Shrlner at the suit of James
, jagkson. , ■ ’
No. 5. : ALSO.
i j 5 k * . , '
i j At tbe sane time and plaee ail tbe right; ti
tle, interest, and claim of .defendant of, in, and
to a piece or parcel of land, in Itaccoon Ip.,
Beaver county. Pa.,, bounded north by the
Ohio river, cdjst by land of Wtb. Porter, south
fey land of Briggs, and on the west by lapd of
Briggs, Containing ten acres, more or'Tess;’
the above described land underlaid wit)i coal.
Also, one lot of ground in'industry; being No.
38. 50 by 140 fe|t in length and breadth, on
which is erected* a frame house. stories
high, 14 by 16 feet in length and breadth; lot
enclosed and, planted .w|th trees.
I. Seized- and taken in execution as the’ proper
ly of Francis W.vWalker at. the, fuit of James
fTohriston./. ' ; , ' • ..■ ■■ .
| At the same time and plhee, all right, title,
interest and claim of defendant, of, ip and to
the following piece or lot’ of ground, sitpatc in
ihe borough of Rochester, Beaver county, be
ing No! 389, in-Pinney’s plan?of.lots in said
; borough, bounded on the n'orth by the public
Square, on the east by lot No.-i. 840, on. the
south by/Washington street, and west by lot
No. 838, fronting 50 feet bn (be public square
and extending; back 150 feet to Washington
street, be the same more or less, bn which is
erected a two story frame house, and out
buildings; Jot enclosed and planted with -fruit
trees., "J -'v: . -•
' Seized and taken in N
ertyj of Silas Powell at
No! :• ■■■.■■ ' ALSO/; .
At the sanfe time and place,, a;
interest and claim of or,
| tbe following let* of ground, situate in*
jough of Freedom, in the county of _
i being lot No. 12, in the .general plan of'
I' in skid borough, piid bounded on thje north .
Betts street, east by Main street south
No. 13, and west by Wplf alley, bn which 1 is
erected'a two story frame dwelling house-.
Seizedinnd taken in execution as the prop
erty of Hiram;S. Phillips at fhe kuit of Wm.
P. McConnell/ ~ \ '
Ko[.B,‘ ■- ■; also, ■ '
!At the same time'and place, all right, title,
t&teren and claim of defendant, of in and to
swing farm or tract of land situate in
va township, Beaver county, Penna.,
lon.the nonh. by .Wm. Scott, jr., on the
Wm,>H. Mackey, on the south by Robt
and .west, by Jam Thomas, containing
es, more orlcMrSO.qf- which arc clear
under feaaf; -oii which; are" erected one
■y frame dwelling house, qne log dWel-
Ihc^ises! ‘ mamber ° f truU IAOMIpSTBATOIIS NOt^CE!
1 sad taken in execution osthsppop- jr BiTEBE of administratlononths estateqf
Josiah Fattersbn at the suit -of James Cpabiiipa Waaaaa, late of South Bearer
;s’rof£iraPetteraon,dec'(h ■ ■ tp;Beaverco., dec’d, havingbbengraatodto tgw
{. ’ ■ ALSO, ■/ ■ nnlersigiied, aQ persons indebted to said estate
and elainfof defendant, of,, in and to present :: them to the subscriber property til
th* following described property, to .wit: A; tbenticatod for settlement. I ‘ ;
oet tarn piece or Tot of groundjiituate fu thw j . J. STEWART ELDBB, ’ 1
borough ofßeam, Beaver conn ty.Pa, bound-' ;! - ,// Adm'rdt ienii new,
e'l ofl tho nbWi by Third stroet, on the .Mail 11 i . Booth Boaewi®. . <
‘ ; • ■." | *• - 5 y ,; ; | «• ■ * • ■
3 75 ,
........ 1 50
s (so
..... 125 i
..... 1 20
...:. 1
..... ’ ' f 75
8 oo ,
8 00
a oo
...... 2 75
.;... 70 1
1 00 ,
1 25 |
...... SO i
3O ;
..... 18
• -o j .
At the same time, and place, all the ;rigbt,
le.inierfeet arid- claim of defendant, of, in
to I the following described property, to
loots' J os. 90 and 91 in Gould’s first isub
of .lots in the borough of Rochester,
aunty - Pa., Bounded north 33 J-: feet
93, east 125 feet iby. lot
' by‘ Jackson Street, and West
\w i’ork Street,; on
dwelling house, stable and
' of w.ater convenient. .
execution as the prop
at the suit of Santu-
io. tol
'■NriT.theTigiit, li
in and;
in ihTjfJ
• PWinil
’■ircr, I
■lmg .
' execution as tie prqp
\be soil of Thoiaas
alljright, title",
otVi in-and to,
' Vthebor-.
Beaver, |
ft *as&&
ftwatbu Thirt Offset ft v 3W ft ,;
tpoutovy. dWol-,
eofllS dkdStMnOrh ttdifi*
Ool ishl
pUaMd Wttli Mtlf tress; .Also oaeOlhB)-jS
of gnnitifsituatodn. Bohough township, BCk-
W county. bounded north by public road and
Rsilteadjeau by alleyi sooth by ithk? OHIO;
and West ;liiy land belonging tutkdbttrTi
dhgh . Ofßeavor, conuining abwal acres,
mors orlsss; lot enclosed froit trees thereon. '
.! Seltedand taken in bxeentlon as this prop;
erty of Samuel Purvisjtt thesnit rofi] J outfit
Irwin, for th* rao;of,6l#orw ■■'* ;:r,
tfo Mh Vi'- ALSO, 11.-:
At the [same time am) place,' ulltbsright,
title, interest and claim of defendaatJ James
De Fombjelle, of, In and to the following lot of
ground intho borough ofKew Brighton, Bea
ver conhltyi'Pai, bounded On thjs north-west
by New Castle fond on the east by oltlMeroer
State rofid. on thesonth by land of J.P. Tay
•loi{ and west by,sWeet,, 'Containing about 1.4
rocfes. Also, two other lou of ground in eaia
■ borougb|being;Nos,l4 and 16,boundedon the
west %pritee street, ontho south byliMorket
sweet,'on thTby public alley . and on the north
. bylhtj Npi'l6; last described lota inclosed, and
on which ieereitetf a frame shop. ■ |(
Sciredhind taken in execution as toe prop*
erty of (James! Do Fomhelle. ono of]; the de
fendants, at the snit of the Commonwealth of
Pennsjm ania.Tor the use pf Mary L. Ft mbelle.
Ko 11 ; : \ ALSO, -i I',■.•;■•
At the same timcLhnd placc, aU the fight; ti
tle,-interest and claimvpf defendant, of, in. and
to the following piece oKtract of | land, situate
in the township of Indqs|iy. county of Bea
rer, and State'of and descri
bed as follows; to wit; Beginning ;at a post on;
the bank of the Ohio river, thetHje byland of
ChasH.j Shrine;, north, C-iO
perches to a plum tree, thence by lautfofChaa
H. Shriuer. north 46 J deg west 44 per>fhehce
by land of James .8, -Weils north 48 degKenst
62 BflO per, thcneo by laml pf Wig: CafTns
smlth|63s deg.' Cast' 50 perches.thence by the
village' o ndvtatry sctilh 2fdeg. east 63 5-10 N
perches ton post on the batik of the Ohio riv
er, tliensc soUth.s7l deg. West dc 5-10 peroh.
along tie. bank of the.Ohio,river to the place’
of beginning,! containing in nil j 37 acres .and
48 perches, strict measure, out of which is
reserved a loti containing one acre, adjoining
the Industry Hotel; Also one town lot (ordina-
formerly by C H Shriner to Ad
am fluff, lying on the bank of the Ohio nver,
and adjoining the village of Industry,—these
two lots being all that is- reserved Out of the
above fij-jt described tract of 37 aqre-and 48
perches, ’thierc is erected on taid premises a
two gto y brick’ house'with cell ir underneath
and kitihen hack; also. 4 frame stablCand out
buildin The above tract is n early 'all clear
ed, wel planted with rait trees, and
underlaid with good coal. 1
, Seized and taken in cxccJliOn »s the prop
erty .jof Jacob Ross and Mary 1 is wife, at the
suit of ThosjParktnson. , « j .
, tSF Purchsurs will take not! ce that- 10 per
centTupon all amounts of their hid* (will be re
quired in'band. All bids under; $lO will be,
required in cash at, the time of the -j sale. If
itiiesc conditions are not com tiled ! with the
‘properly will be ro-sold. - i (
.;v j I I . JOSEPH LE i) Sh’ff.
■ Sheriffs ;OrrtcK. ')
Beaver.. Feb 16, '64. (
Purchasers are requir
duties, v-
i FOR SALE.. . ,
vscrxber offers at private sale his
ituate :in Industry-township, four
NaVer, Hearer count v> cent ain inir
\tnj)Kkd Acres, 1
“ ftleHred jirtdj in a‘ good-
The improvements con
- House, 20 by 40 feet,
gratae, bartt 135 by 55
Stable; aigood thr
''lV |c. A P,
:Abont t4O
\ fair (feel
Ah Wnrk
;, uabln
I !TE mtb;
m tielmr 13ba\
-TiV() Ht
|crei of ijrljieh are
i . )f cultjyationrv
of a Pri.ipf Dwellings,
si orics jin heigth:
frame [horse and OOtrSy
•djof gr if\ed fruit trees.X,
passes Htrough tins'. faro
c f tMedOtvi is Underlaidsi
coal,, fpwi' in two place;
jlef. JSjg above farm w i
la wililbe sold at a bargi
i';/] a loti Sspntaiajng TWj
Id frorii alfeavcr —fmproij
ler 4 er lor Nurseryman.
> easy. Mi ROBERT
rarer, JadGj
one, 11
, •%.
one in
a G fn
ten is
For Sale at the Beaver Drug Store
burp oil wiijiout chimneys, a splendid affair.
Also Carboii Oil Lanterns, wii lioul chimneys.
po- sale at Drug Store of C P. Cummins—
Gun Powder. Young Hyson ami Black Teas,
ali;g ind; Cpffoe, Cat. Coffee. f'nndeiipn Coffee,
GoW pens, Golden Syrup for table
use; a primp thing; a cheaper article of Syrup,
?ej-y good; (vinegar, hominy, hand scrubiag
brus ica and suit. ■ .j ' I
Kt nt cnrbir.tsjand.Raisons for tale at C P
Oummii!<' i.: Store". , | '
List of Causes for Trial March
Term*; 1864/ Commencing Ist
.■, ' • i , Ist W£KK. ; ’ ‘
r . V|.. Decker’s ex't ,vs. John Mellon, et al
aspbJ. Spsj, i .(“ John. Lake's Adm’s
itikfenbiiSt Bccsonj •• Itnrlii gioh ME church
apres Collins <k C<W, i f ;W. M Shirts, et al
Stterßon.tpavidsotii" ;\fartl a Senders
J 'lt. Nye,i > . ‘ r WtUit m Gill, et al ■
,1«W. Walton," ' ' Carro l Martin elal
din H. Camp. ‘ “ Wtro Alexander, Jr.
2 Ml
- I.sil 3,
Robjert Ifa(l,
Jaimes F. ecolt,
Abrabain IJ. Davis,
J6hu Beatty's Exa’t-j
William Jones, ,' “
Andrew. Smiley; “
Abram Toms, “ Geo, Alexander .
Cginmoawealtb use, “ John Duff's Executor
Alfred Campbell, “R. Campbell's Adin’rs;
Freil. Kizer ct use, Wm. .Velsh, e» al.
J.iS McCoiy’s exe’t “ Janteu 11-Trimblejetal!
Feb .1. 1864. ■ M. WEVANIF, Proth’y. '
T JST of npplicanls for License at March
I 1 Teem; 18135. j j
r i inns; or tavern*: .
John Davis.,Darlington boro,
Samuel 5hr0ud5......... Hopewell tp.
Cl-as. F.jKaorcher. Phillipsburgh boro, ,
, William [Vest. ..A. .......NewjSewickly tp,
' Alexander Clark,.......Beaver boro, ■
Charles Laturner.......Beaver boro,
ffohn 0rabing,..........New Galilec. '
j Boons.; i ”
Vohn 8igger..................
. Mary A1exander..........-.'.Hi
S4*i° »P.,
tocJiesteT boro,
v .■ ■
A.VIKQ sold odr entire stock of Dry-
Boot*, Shoes and Clothing, r*t
Brighton, H. btoms, we. take,
great pleasure in recommenuijig him to the
citizens dr this ricimtj, as w exceedingly
cle rer,'- agreeable and .accommodating salos-tij
men, and; solicit for hlmHlie custom of our
former patrons, and dll othera-hr want of. good
goods at low prices. M’CLBLLAND ft CO.
New Brighlon,-Feb.
tbe.l ..
eoaUa, Adtf
>. Meoantvet"
~f£i ibui
non, wilt
. The tail
Wettewoh, «i
UkfirSeoO, del
ntniitnUor ot
' The Bui Ml
executor «f ihb
Tie fiyul
cxecatorof th<
istntor of ti
The final **,
ministrstor of
The first ant
Donehoo,' admi
Glenn, deo’d.
y The first and .
soaalVof William
‘SaptiXelS. Htmll*
lie final ae
mihutratbr of.
' The first and ,
sonal) <tf ■ Bichey .
will of David Eakin. tr.,
Tho Rnsnliuk account* Brittain,
■ eth Brit*
. . ..
SarahJan* &■
iwn of EUaser
)aniel Eitinger,
r.; minor .son of
■■'f. ; ); -, 1
SonJ. M’Farlln,
dl, minor daugh
■■•l I i!•’ .f
C Wilson,Guar
dian of 'Marls 31 Scott, miner heir of Junes
Scott, dec’d. I' j X,_
The Guardian'accounts or Joseph Mehasey,
Guardian of . Elisabeth J.ft Marr Agness
Glenn, minor-heirs of JohnJßlenn, deXd. ;
The Guardian. aceounHifP,
dian of Edjrin H. ; Douds, minor son Of James
H. Douds, dec’di - . | .
' The Guardian account-,of John {Thomas,
Guardian of Thomas B*.JWI|W*. i mi*« son of
Daniel Daniels. . -"rate •'i . ' ■
The Guardian iMOOUBt,of Jackman T.StocS-'
dale. Guardian of Susan Jk Calhbon, minor
heir oflThbs. D. | . I
The' Guardian accounts!, of 1 John ! Weaver,
Guardian of Sebastian. Stephen! and Ellen
Small, minor children of Martin Sniall, deo’d.
The Account of Regina filler, Administra
trix of John Miller, ,whb was Guardian
of John,. -Martin. Calharinoatjd Adam JFresh
corn, minor children of Atfcua-Fresbcorn,. de
ceased. j'. .. 1 >■ {■ , f ■
The Account {real: estate} of Wm. Whan,
administrator bf the estatcof Clement Z. Sen
ders. dec’d. ' ■ '.!,■• J __ '
y'j ■ Register
Notice In the Oiphans* Court-
The following nppnisennt’l anjder the Act
of Assembly, oflhe 14tlref (April, 1851, .of
property allowed to t?e • widow
or children of a decedepi, '.tol the value of
$3OO, hare beeu filed iMpljetMlic* of the Clerk
of the Orphan*: ] ,JWw .county,
and approved ioV-1 '-1
tp. the pfcaunt of $BOO,
elected-to he retained by the yridow of Jere
miah tyunibal, late of lleohdiny township, de
ceased, Oheiles lltown, Adm’r. s "
Real and personal propjtty do thejamount
ii vety
lin. X
;ed: suitable
Title,good, antr)
jy . k
Brighton, deceased, rMaryjJ. Webb, Es’rx.
PersonaVproperty! to !tu amount - of. $3OO,
by widow of Dr.OeoJrge Wl Allison, late of the
Borough of Beaver, deceased,] Thomas Allison,
Adm’r. t | ] ■ ;
Personal property to 'the. amount of ssoo,
by widow of James Beed,]Sr. late of Hanover
township, deceased. James Rccd. Jr., Adm’m
Pergonal properly to ibis aipounl of $80(1 by
the widow of Terran Tii Shaffer, deceased,
late of the borougß of Xefc Brighton. I I .
; i SARAH.£. SHAFFER. Adm> x .
Beaver, Feb. 3d; 1864Jj ! | Clerk,
nder Robert don I
■I Reed j
is K. Watt
iB. V. 11-B. Co.
ime !
imc -■ .
Notice in the Orphan's Court
I HE following named accounts have been
filed in the office ut' the CJeirk of the Or
phan's Court for 1 eavcr count:
The account of/TCm. K-Bodcn, Trustee ap
pointed to make sale of »%al fceiotoof Robert
Robertson, dee’d. ft , S 1 jI
Also the account of name as Trustee ap
pointed to' make sate of -real estate of Abra
ham Wolf. dcc’d. ' •]!': ' I '
. .Notice is hereby gUpoJto all persons . inter-'
estedin said Meounts, Insttho samo,tvill be'
presented to the Orphaafe Omni to bo held at I
Beaver, on Wednesday tho9tb day or March,
1864,. far confirmation andallowance.
A:Yn lualb.le pairin
• , For Stale I r
THE subscriber • wiU Beil a. tract of land,
situate in North fjdudckly township, Beav
vcr oountv, Fa., contaihg about 114 acres,.on
the State Rood from Beaver to New Castle,
near thmCohnequenessing Bridge. The land is
of a superior palled locust land
very productive, and being first and. second,
creek boy on, can nearly all be made into
meadow. . It is well watered by' good springs
of excellent Water. Theire are about 80 acres
cleared; the balance {in timber. Coal is a
bundaat near the ' Form. There is' on the
premises, a gbid two-story IFratne House, in
which a Stbro and Post'TMfiee are' now kept,
with a good Stable, and ont-buildings. There
is a Grist and Sawmill, within half a mile—
A Presbyterian] and '-Baptist Ci nrehes, and a
male .and female Seminary, andi Common
Schools,'Within lea than a mile. The neigh
borhood is good. Persons desiritu Of having
a good Fanawiih snperior advantages around
it, have no opportunity {of purchasing,
I ■ J- IJi .=;. Wltß. CJUUIKB,
' " j: " ' !■; Att yat law, '
| VjßeaTerjPa,';"
TkWIIIi gWethe abovereward Tor the at-
JL ym and coavietiop efaayperson fount!
trespassing ordoingmaUcious tadschlef on tan
farm OfAhramWoft
Feb. 3,1864. j
npHli -baTte
1 «n3l
jCtfs£.BtortSa r
,v B«thf 4 Pbyrieian and.
A-vaaetyofotbef iradn
-■ r '; ia bU agtaVP
fati Ettnct o/Si
. Phnty Soapt; Port .
Carbon Oil " Lamps am
tiuNtn* few of-the artie
fgw always on hand. Call and
. Ha-win toy, by eloaa att«
(fading, to give satisfaction I
l&ror him with their, cotton.
: J, ‘ C. 1 P. COM)
attention w
ffettingitp Pbyaiciaaapreacrif
fat BE subscriber respeclfalljy announces to]
STORE 'inJibe tooa ttrtneriy occupied by
Stokes AlWtbM, *«d dftsetly opposite the
1 im gOM,! whefti wo win keep constantly on
kmiiA end ft* ■ idle *»;i»rfe assortment of
Groceries, rtteli as J . ■,
| TEA, '"••■ JtOLASSES,
! SUGAR, ■; t iStBUP; '
Also, FLOUR, POl
all other articles nanal
grocery store. ;"H :
I Co,entry produce-talce
for goods, at the highest
I deed ; T. T. ’
- ! op the:
mistakes of kdlc
T C\UO; muslin, price 60 Oi
I / ers, 25 eente.
beeentby BiaU on reeeipt(
BeataM stftmps. rleas *“dr
; M4B South Fourth stti
. ‘•m«r2#\ i . I
r Beaver Seminary.
B B. sk, 8U p|lri(it«.nSent
; boXrdNjp ittfijSoMs.
BeT.D.II- A. Mtwi flp- •
C. P. GoUfcWs,
rTUIE TAtt ttttli.of foiirtj
I TUESDAY, the first!
Rates per t«rnt tor do
......1 •••••••
«ga- for full .particular
augl2:4t •
Rev.R. T. Taylor, A. M.,Prin.
a a Taylor, Governs a-, i
r |
l* j »
i Tuesday, March 1863,
And continue' 14 weeks, r The of the
school is, to make its, pu oils thorough, espe
cial! v in the Common Brai ches. ,
A lVorfflal Class, ' J/:
for the benefit of those Wishing to ;fit them
selves for teaching, will be formed at the
commencement of t.hc tc~ “
" Board, Room rent, Ac-.;.
Tuition varies frpm $3,5
. farther psrticl
I President of'Faculty.
1 mard'63'■ 1 ' '
; SECOND t -
A. r m y.; C of p s .
has been authoriied to
I' recruit men 'for the ■
140th Regiment PiiJ Volunteers,
or fof v any ’ Penna. regime at or battery. ‘.
"iiovr.rnment Bounty—
tof Veleranp...; '-f4OO
, ‘£ot tiers§3oo '
X'-ffeW \1 Botinties aie also beingpaid.
11 pkrtiiuhu s inquire at the 6f
ighlin, Penfli., opposite'the Post
Hi jlXOlhPa. Volsi, ’
[ j, Recruiting Officer
\lfcß or TBl
''U C'
PITT. t-T.
, ■ y
:V and
lie elec
at the
f Pjtts-
A 1 D.
ngcuc; in me cnj « j n®w i»r., »m he clos
ed on the Ist day of March, at 3 o'clock, ju m.,
and remain closed IftT.iHhtyltlh day of March
thereafter. (fe!7) BARNES. Se(!.\
\\ f HE REAS IctterstestamcnUry Ctt the
VY estate of. BwwJ M’G.*iriditj late of
Ohio twp., Beaver county, Pa-'J dcij’d, haring
been granted t0..-the undersigned, all: persona
indebted to said estate are requested to make
ipunediate and those haying claims
against the same srxll present tjiepi properly
authenticated forscttlement. , 1 . -...j.,
I, v AkD’.TC M’GAFFICK, Otihplqwa tp,
. I (Executors.
Dgtaver I
• ' ? , X3eayei
SAVING thoroughly
hs is now prepare
Is, and thepublic i
satisfactory manner. ]
-■-Special. :
mHE Proprietors of the Girard Rouse Phils-
X delphia would respectfully call, the| at
tention of business min and the travelling
Community J superior accommodalior
and comfort ered in their, establishment,
ana. 19:2m • 1 -■ ■.’ I i ■■' ' '
O/srs to Hit People of
and solicits a elite of-pnblio patronage.
r , pinca w • j! . ■'
KerrV Hotel, B«mn fenn'ei
’ dacl(V«-4 j . yf ;‘ ! j : v . . •
•, t j
'\k 1
leep eon
• found in
ie public
IT Vnd
: : i
1 Chimniys.
tie*,-and onljr •
tKtioa apd fair
lo all WEi may
nil bs fiU (6
Aions. fang 27
A 8»
I ■ •'
ATOfiS, and
y kept in a
n in exohftfige
market price
■T, LL;D;,
jentis; paper cor*
I of this book will
of the price, in
•e*»: ' .
•eet. Phil’a.Pa. j
S' i opens on; <
tember. T|
....$4O 00 |
fiß, Bearer, Pa. rtj
... |
....: ....$BBOOl '
0 to $B,OO
liars inquire of the
' Hotel,*
[<l< t Proprietor,
>.lfa.' ‘
fitted; up this house,
ijito accommodate hi:
[anerally, in. the most
[ - ,
; .rjl>i*aunL
JSO march**,'
edj and iimainM.lbetwWfctheaa ftAagfiuar
endur* |®mEBEE iHK.
. your sons aws grasping tjhair. matkeu to
. -danger, think' what ie* .^r
wfil §yk
edile ytqplota'-wheh faraway from Koine
stakes tdngh tht
UeyUM injure gij««t lt
ttli»TCs the infltmled end stiffened
ot.'fei! I'> -.‘.L
and preventing
ge and gently edge®tt>|ether, , ‘J it ! (Juicily and
pletely heaU tßfi'wiSt frightty wounds'-
r ES AKD sistiSg irj.bra vuLUNf
-1. !!>; . ■ TOERS/Uv,;.■ -
To jeahqpt put into the KUspsatlTi' '-. ; U. ' r
Husbands and Brothers! a more valUahlfenor
more necessary gift than a supply of this
„ Tpe lonely sentry Walking his rounds at
night,|exposed to drenching;rains and chill
night air, is oftenfseited the most VIOLENT
HOARBNEB3, first symptomslof QUICK CON
SUMPTION,! but If supplied! with HOLLO
MENT, all danger is averted, |a tew Pills utoh
nightjaqd morning, and the ointment, briskly
rubbed twieej a day over the throat and'' chest
will'remove the i SKVEBKSTJPAINS, andstop
the most disfressing.or DANpEROUB COUGH
Thjsfor* we hay to thd whole army.
i Sae to your, own health, do not trust Id', (he
Army supplies although qiosa valuable. These
PILLS and OINTMENT bate been thoroughly
tested, they -are the only remedies used W-the
European Gamps and Barracks, for ovier forty
yean Doctor HhUoway'has supplied I all the
armies in Europe, and during the CRIMEA*
CAMPAIGN he established a depot at Bala-'
clava, for the exclusive sale df these 10 BEAT
REMEDIES.many aitime his special Agent
thire has hold over a ton Jin weight of the
Ointment in a single day. ' These terrible; and
fatal enemies of the Soldieriin.Csmp,
pearjlikc a charm before! these Pll/LS AND
OINTMENT,| and now while the Cry mgs
throughout the land, ■ i | /
1 ;Tp ARMS! TO arms.'!! -K
-pb not letjlhfese brave -men perishi by dis
ease, place in , their hands these PRECIOUS
REMEDIES' that wilt- enable them to resist
the dangerous exposures, the .Fevers, the
Chills, and the wounds which they! cannot
avoid, and what is more, ca jmOl frequently girt
shccor, in the-moment of jneed; wheteaS if out.
brave men have only tolpu<> their jhands-into!
their Knapsacks and find tt ere a sure remedy
for all the'casualties of the battle field, j Howj
many thousands of lives would thus be {SaVed!
Who would otherwise perisl before relief) could
b|e obtained. . -j I / ''V-l-.l
At It
.i (■ TO
H;E undersigned- wool 1
and Druggists that, o
demand,' be is now pr
i on a larger scale than
of the Pharmacopoeia,
strength and quality, i
sortition Department o I
bund-, superior in stren:
I guarantee them ti
ingth and purity. ;
omp/preparaaOTfi offer i
fie made dmmilal ih 1 the l
soon to he issued, and will
juabie r'emcdic»i 1
! Any ihforifiatiah as their strehgth,
litres and quilitiesdrill be sent tolthose desir
jiagSil. .ij - A
I adviie .Physi iioj who ha’c been
[disappointed lit the effe< t ofany remedy, to
try tho'sebof my manufacture. ’*■
[They include— : M ' '
of C okcynth, • -
. Fluid- Eitradts of Dane elion, Bucha Ergot,
Gentian, Lipullm . Vale danj Wild; Cherry
Birk, and others, . -■ A i
• Citrate of Irod and Citrate of Iron. and
Quinine; very soluble} ,
, Wine of Iron, and Wine of Iron and Bark
[agreeable; chalybeate!,,. . - '; r .
-Syrup of the Hypo; hoi phites, ~ , i
Cerate of the Extract pf CantlTaf ides; j a
more reliable preparation {than the common'
Cerate, . I | ! - [■ i' A■ ! - ,
Oxalatn Of Cerium; taeful' in obstinate
Elixir of Yftlerianate of Ammonia; a jValiia
bio nervous of sick headache;
where a nervous stihiaiarit andj-antacid is in
dicated, J ; ,'j- * •
> [Solution of Bi-mecohtfi S. of Morphia: same
strength as Laudanum and ; more agreeable in
its effects. ‘ ], : j '
iPyro-phospbste of -Iron;, soluble, •; j.
These, together'with, alljtWe ana finp chemi
cals and other: mcdioinal artielts, furnished in
any quantities! , [A, j [
jl am? prepared to mate chemical examina
tions of .Ores, Drugs, Oils, Waters, &Ct:
Cor. 3d A Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. ■
h}s professional aervices to. the
ING VILLAGES., - . '■ -,j
IHis Office is in for the present,
iere [he can be ’consulted at any ■
Wednesdays excepted, which days he can
seen at his office' in Pittsburg, where he has
practiced for. more than twenty years; •
. [ Dr. Cleis calls the attention of the afflicted
tpthe l following diseases!—Scrofula, Diseased
or Weak- Eyes, Rheumatic Affections,j Female
Complaints, Chronic; Diseases of lonjg standing
A-all of which be treats with remarkable sue
ess. ' ■. A -I . deed 3 :4t '■
- Y»v. the. estate of He
of Uhpene township, ]
deceased, having been du
dersigne<h\all perwnS.itj
• are notified WdsSsg ithilj
those having claims agaij
sent- juUtl
Kciltnitiicu'.dslaj’. fl
■■■' ]*'■". HEK
-1 6*3*61. ( "
$ X^iCE.
WHEREAS letters tc»taihetttint;,pn the
estate of JojtSjM Lckens, late f tt>'
boro.of Rochester Besy%i 00. ,doo’d, haring teen
granted to the undersigned, all persons' in
debted to said estate are requested to, make
immediate'payment; and those haring claims
against thejaame will present .them properly
authenticated for settlement.
' J MARY XitiKISS, Aarn’r*.
fetoM; J.' .:' Rochester, Pa. ■
: ' • ; T. M. TAYLOR, P. M.
c. p. circpnas, j;ijl cummins, k. »
C. R Gummiris & Son,
FFER-tbeir profMraijonal «ery^*i(Vj(|
V/ .eieiane and of
fearer and Hoinitjv .They dim . always bo
found,’ when not professionty ehgaged, at the
Drug Store df C. P. CuntoinS« M. D. f
, I»ec3’62 ;.$•*!••.
•\TOCt»atjTe BtTDSO
PATUYftr the ttSttaW o? aU ! W
of.OiseuCs, sad no lo«Hatioh in t,his com,
try .greater f»cjliiia» for.fU Ailmtnl.,
•tttuoa ihiu thuC' ■ ■ - : 'T3,- ;.v t, ~;
- • ■ i/A :rr; n; bambiejo^,
"* xj- p "*„
!':!. 1 .-- , ,-I'.*:= - . 1
< At MY COOKE &100., Baikii^-
j ; -' 104 SOOTH THIRD STREET, :.-■ r >
3s ■ I'-V, rEa^eiiAl*¥ : SoT.l,ie62i ;
- :/:f -ivi, .':t, ,;"A* -..1
r|' &S undetapieth Earing been aspcintsd <
tj .M thelreasnxy, U now pnml ti lte':'
nisli, at once. the
&€&'■ •■’
of the United State*, deriftuited as “Fir**'
Twenties," redeemable U thdpUSMre of tA» ■
Oorerninenti altar fire yean, and authorised
Of .apßwrdd tihtruxf.i&,, ’ •
The CbCPON’ nONM areristued m sums o&
$5O, $lOO $6OO, slooo.} !"■*; ■ - * .1. A .
The BEOISTEIU BONDS la mm of $6O
$lOO. $6OO, $lOOO pad $OOOO. A.
; Interest at Six jicr best, per'annqrfirill -
ecnimenc*Jkpm daft jof rpdrohise, aidis
PAYABiIb'. ;
Setri-Annulally, which is equal,, atthe prdseak*
premiuthion gold, toabont EIGHT PERCENT;
PER ANNUM.. .I,L. TV.-,- ■■xf.-.'f V ,A ; > ■
: .Famera, Metchaiii3
aiid.all who hare any trioney to <
know and remember that these | Bonds 'Sik ia /
effect, a , FIRST i MORTGAGE upon all Bab- /
roads. Canals; Bank Stocks and Securities, :
and the immense products of all the Manufae* : "
tUres, Ac., Ad.; In the country} and the fall,. ...
and ample" provision made for the payment 'of' '
the interest, and liquidation^![ principal,' by .
CustomsDhliCs.Bkcisd Stamps and Internal
Revenue. serves to make these Bohds ., ,
Best, Most Availabte-and Most Fopytaf the Market: 5- “Vy ;
. .Subscriptions receivedatPAß id LegriTeh l ' 1
der, Notetj or notes apd checks of banks at
par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by maSwiß ■
fefceive prompt attention, and. erery facility < .
hud explanation, will he sfltjraed .ehipplieV
tloh at this office".; !■ ! *■ • • i -.
V Afdll of Bdsds kept on hand
for immediate delivers. ,
. JAT COGfcE.Suhggrlptioa Ageht. A.
N. E. comer of 7th &ChestimtSt.,
PHILADELPHIA PA. j ; ■ 'V; 9; ...
Tjr»HlS Institution, which was established in
I ISI4, and, is now consequently'iin t *
eighteenth year of [its -existence, jmnntbera,
among its gratuates, hundreds of the most »ni
ccssfal Merchants andTJusihcss Men of our.
Country. :;; - I I % |/' ■■
The object of the Institution ie solely/to af- .
ford yoithg men facilities for thor6ugh(/prtpa-;, |
ration for business, |• • . - 'l'/ -T
' The branches taught are.'Book-keeping, as
applicable to the various departments of tride;- ,
Penmanship,' both plain i and ornamental;
Commercial > Law, mathematics, Navigation,
Civil Engineering,. iDrawingTPhanography,,
and Modern Languages.- I r.
The system of Instruction is peculiar; no
classes or set lessons arc made dso of, bnteeoL 7
student is tatigbt individually, so that he may '
-commence at any time, and attend at whatetr* \
er hours are most convenient, |
Catalogues are issued annually. after the - '
15th of April, containing names of the «tu- ’
dents for the year}.'arid mil]particulars ;
terms, &c.,attd may be obtained at any time
by addressihjg the Principal j i .
In eklfchsjve accommodations, iide-epread [i
reputation, and the Itsligthy experience of -the r.
Principal, this .Institution offers facilities su-rj
pejrior to any other in the country, for, young
men tvishihg to prepare Tor business, and to•
pbtiia at the same time/a ntPtb«A„which-will
prove n recommendation for them tb any Met
■ eantile House, t: •- I- ' 'j. ■; . f
(Sg“,CßiTTEirpss's Series (it Treatises on?
Book-Keeping, now more widely circulated.
' than any other work on the. subject, are for
soje at the College. .„ '- ] . .
’ ' , i*vl«6nt«yiot-£air, -1 ’ /
Iffav 7. ~
-•;!! ■ 1
! inform Physicians
iWing to an increas
epared to manufac
-1 heretofore all arti
. These will be of
s | dispensed ; ih-the
>f iny store, 'and Will
igth to most in mar
jo be of tHe {proper
Jfd ifeJieW, bjtit Will
pew Fhafhmoopoeia
be fophd to be ral-
j disorder:
'• And ibtlier _ >.i
Nervous and Chronic Diseases.
THIS institution Is for the recepi' 1
■ tion. care. and- frestnieht} of the indipeii- -i'-i
dent.-ehui of patients who art laboring under ;
mental derangement;/ or other nervous {md';
chronic disease. We makespecial mention dr‘! , |
n'ervousi and chronic: diseases, from the fscS '! tenths of ji
are committed to.our public Asylums/io be ij
treated for; disordered minds, are reduced to ;i 1
that lamentable condition/through previous L
| physical disorder. By a well timed and yddi-v
j cioiis treatment of chronic and nervous ‘dis- I
fuses, all physical disorders, in jthe majority ■
iOf Odses may be removed .;'and thru the mind, ,/v
hafiitg suffered 'through the medium of the I
body will when free .from the exciting/,
physifdl .oiluse, ihrorw pffJJmdVklea that ■
has bouitd
4nd reason once resume its sway,
clothed in all its primitiyejbeauty and wonted:’ '
exceflence-y Hejtce the necessity ,of .nllthOjse.V ,
whoare laboring under the predisposing dr ;
exciting causes, calculated in the end to im
pair the mind to resort . to' an early and •
judicious cjourse of remedial agents. s j
The, Institution is a largo brick building '
with a Btoncbasemcnt—four stories 'high and
well ventilated. It is situated on an ,elevated
table land which commands a view, of entire
town—adjacent hills—groves and • neighboring !
streams ; all of which are calculated to pet? /
duce favorable impressions upon the disorder/
ed mind. J ; ■ / ' L j •
i . The Institution is complete .in' all of its?ap
pointments. ‘Having been tastefully (UtedjM '''
! at greet 'expense, jin order that il mltyjneet
I the approbation and,ylewß of thee ■
r .Thc -waiter closets and bathing ■. apparatus*
have i been gotten up uuon the most approved .
modern scientlflcprinciples. This depanment
embraces not only" the ordinary batjm but,
[also,ii.the medicated, warm air and jawendjng. ;
ajjd 'descending douche far the more effectual
and sueVssfiditroa&nentiof cutaneous and .
| ' , ■
u. l*»Ve-t{) say to,*Jhtfco£t Hflßl j»ay ; h* ,
ulBbMedj4(j|jecimmit th*. interests .of iadfcir
wife^, Bister (dr dadjjhvjr,' ■ -to our 'charge—may
be assured that no hieiins will be spared t or !
efforts wanting ;on’our their
conJi'tioniorjto effect a restoration .thfcit he,'-.
customedjfaeaUh andvigorjof mind." . • T*?’-
Forjfurthcn particuldrs 'eend for af'circularj o
.All communications ahould be addressed \
' 1 ; ■{,; J C E. KENfrRICK. M. B. I
: Bupt.of Kew Brighton Retreat / * I. l
i■ ’ V J . «•' • /; „Ne w,Brighton }.')
novlg’o2. >j 'T. V • Beaver Co* Pa. 7 .
•jR-s xoiicjsr
pt administration on
-Ik»t Cowas. Sr.; lite
Sparer counly, i.n.,
(ly granted to the un
idebted' to sald.JSstijta.
ISdlattf payment, an#
nil thp same T?illpre-‘
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