bEAYEB ARGUS. Sfc, 1«64. N iRIE, Efftfor & ftfcpr K C IM tf 5 'Fop 1 President In I8(U, ABRAHAM UHCOIH, ■I;. ofillixots, 1 A/ ■ ;.'W ! Vice --J .: W &. C tjR T IW ? • vi; AN DR or p*snm.VAiajr. sod;Adams this office. .iljitiep Ipw ial's OrncE 24th Pis few Brlghtwi^^i’S, ' rgus: Dear Sirf 'The ( ’ $l5 for tew recruits Cruns, xyill bp paid t( 38ioned officer, priva i.o presents do kpeej his office, ri .. . ?N CUTHBEBTSON n and Provost Marsl for saleat PhaALias ■ .Editor tneiit fep p 's2s fprivo' noniCjmmi \'citiren,M " recruit ai 1 v. ' ; i. Capta ■ ■ *»■ ~ -1 : Thos. Don oh 00, la Ohio, having locati >1 receive calls at Ilia i .heru extremity of th ;el, , ip 4 this place. | ■ , ier Dr. Wollsville, Beaver, wi in the Sou ttynal Ho > Another Term for Mr.. Lin join. . j Tn tbo’ fill of 1860, Abraham coin elected {Prcs ident of this great Republic. tbeo entire; and unbrokiri; butflwhen. he commenced.- bis. administration he : found himself almost s ent|rely power-, /.tlees in tEe Slaveholdinjj Spates,- jwhicb I jthen coyer id 'such p largo extent of our National ;! prritory,, that jnaby jof the • iijWisesi and best men, and dll Knrdpc,! that the revelation: was | accomplished, fact.' Without any j ; k 'wmy'°r-.B tyj%. without credit Icjit-tSefij v at home or abroad, 1 without arms,;: "'y?iihput' any financial powers, and we! I inay -say without the confidence of ali ’ laVg'e'mihprity; of tho Not-ib'ern 1 peo»i p)le, be.wps corapollrd to sheet the great' Crisis d'hicjb met him Jit 'the. thresh vho ‘th'as 'met it-,-Jot a brief;j eventft show., i ; ; ■■ | reated fromthe people on. | mod to the ans of peace, ! owerfuljarmy the world has i who] by their' d|eds of’: ive|; won' for ofir Republic: imo ipn battle-fields, which 1 ] and inagnifude stand un-> : 'jjold, .Ho history of j ' He has J ly acenslfl . the most j . ever seen. -heroism; b ■ ini mortal f 'Tor numbei ■ paralleled, which can power in ; i i-hop-h. its i»f IS aval •> He biei |cst it u(jon'so f. * ! , i ' pitch cxtr: i ■ loaitoifist .Ho jhiis created Kavy j not b.e -surpassed;..'py.’any 1 he world,- and* which I has! superiority to the aj-stcins , carfare of all it her nations.. abliglicd the IXationaT crcd-i strong a basis, and with \ i ordinary fiscal power T.s Bind confound all Em ope. f; our readers just when the war will close, 'fordo that would require n foresight jhat- wo* do not profess; to have; yet we ani rtf those who believe ; this cruel, desojlating war will soon I be •over,. peace restored by the subduing of rebellion, and , the national unity t/OBtoreci again. our conctii sums, for the future from the present j condition of [affairs; and arguing from ;; pa strove ids, we hone ip see a speedy li issue of oni* difficiilHes. We ask our | ■i | readers {offtake a glance at the pres-,.! 0. ; courage, energf jent conation ojf affairs, North and, iverance of his administia-; |South! W'e have now large armies in i met every ; disaster I,p our, j the fie|d in: good condition and, oncwed-csertion; and every; ant with hone. Laigo accessions aro j been made .to find i 6cr.el , alsl.| being made daily, to, out armies;, vol- j It .ability to lead our gallant j untcering never being more, spirited i d;h6,fca«i^aped-victory •or rapid I since the first ;Ush after iii.e ijcn it Was evident,thaj the; j outbreak of the rebellion. .; The re-:en.-J in, coin in and were - jjioti fitted !lWing;of the Veterans, Whose tin>W‘ of ! ilace. N For tlieimm'enho>BUCT j servWoihas nearly expired, so general i have achieved, Mr. Lincoln Kind unexpected, is of itselfsiifficifent i ho credit. as the gfdat lead,’ Ito cheer up the- most desponding.— ias; been lijgld. to dlrict aci i Then* look at the posilinns otir armies |ne enemies of the govern,; occupy. Wgth Kentucky, Missouri, ill our disasters. IIW theri ; Tennessee, Adcansas, -Florida and y entitled to’ the credit of, [Texas almost entirely -in our posies-! jes. IJ6 :s now in .the lasf{ siouj Airginia, North Carolina, lion ji -administration, wh6' isianii, Georgia and almost at ; iat he lias not hOnestjly an.tjl ohr 'disposal;. the‘Mrasissppi, dividing j administered.'the’ govern- the Confederacy.. east and west, con-i iince ho appeared at Wash)- trolled by* us .in its entire length with President, hit,has rcconj-j, unconditional, oyer Victorious Grant, I d brought into.siihjtction tp'i with a lafg© .army within ninjetyl (ution.tnc larger part of thfc j miles, of their last communication, tales, and liis authority urj-|Nort|i and South’,. find Banks, :Gil-j nstitatipn ovcp* ltndre[ Butler, Meade and Poster with' l , West '.‘Virginia-,, a iimrt 6fj largo J 'armies belting .the Confederacy j irginia, Kentucky; j and compressing it so that Grajnt .may | Onri, Arkansas, Louisiana,,) the more readjily reach and deslirOy its i 1, and the Indian ‘territory; j vita|s., WVtiow. hold* the ion be extended oVcrjNorfb for* which, wo have contended-; Georgia. Alabama' jFloridal since the war began, viz;-Nashvillef s, land if be should| not lie -Knoxville,i Vicksburg, Chatt anodga r,another terni, will be jablejand the Mississippi; Laving taken yer to his successor an un-P these ,onr future operations- Wilt | be mpn, whilst he cfnly'fouhd jless difficult; Suppose we are as sue* id President of a portion of; cessfnl in the coming campaign Ww«f blic, as it was left tpjhim liy i were in the last, and- we" have evbry and imbecileipredet’gssor.l reason to hopefbr; evert greater sue nis present tiiue- expiries be cess, what will beour cobditioii atjtho probabilhy, ;bavoitbe satis- close of this year ? [Banks-will occn seeing th|o Unionnfetored py and control Texas entire, Grant 1 jtional authority extended will haVe'ctil ttie last communication 1r foot of Oiir'ahcfefif terri&-' between NOrlhand South and 1 tins b star slriken fromtho did id effect given !,robeliion iUdeath ’with the rebellion jernshid’i bTpw; and Meade at least ’wi I: bare nfamon j leaden punished;") demoralized Lee’s army. But let!, ns ®ry forever | exterminated | look for a moment at ibe condition of land of the tree.A, jjVhat has! the' South and see; what’ we have to j». r bpf«i pse4nt;;d&lfWcied .of ,this. ■ ~The ;|ate; of -duvi condition; Add first we notice their ijlire*l } Virginia, i counsels are divided—the hwaje is di- and Imnlsian»i i# fvid|ed Sgaiasi itseU 1 ., Davis aNd* hia : jibpaT b!- l-;v-|-' k’v ■ - - r ■Heved us ft-pm all depend-. foreign '(iapiiSi/ and has;; States jmorol pros-]' dcpowerful thuri.they ever' '•? v and Las enalblod’ms\ 10:! enormous drafts) upon « B liniL/haj; r I Y-tice ujio \i made jour •' perqu I* wore i stand l)> : 'a' hefsi ' his unfn of - ,5 i... idimoney without tho'least exh'au«tion- or , murmur except, amongst the t^is-r fi|i* tn ctlgna aint comp )b3‘al * T i !C nc anil pors' lion' has arms' by i effort has of enffiCioi armies; an success w Generals j fpr their j cess wo deserves 1 cr.; :11c count by, nrtOTitjfor is cfertfun our vickrfi I: . * j .year of hii can-say th faithfully mint ? i- ihgtpn, ai an the jPonst revolted; h der the Cc Mary land eastern V see, J Miss I Missipsipf i and will si Carolina, and Text■ elected foi to band c broken ,1 himself th the Eej ul) bis weak . Before ■wili,,sn at faction of —•the Na ovareyer *y, with' i oatcheon, pdt, the and ' sla' ft-diiithe hoc a d6' •w&mm ifttol.-tbi rest fifthsslave States j TV ~ = Why sbo^ 7 not snch a tnan here- i elected?. it bat *i pimple act of justjcdthat he should continue in the offi& anotber term; JSdotbcn man in the; natipu so fitly illustrates the'era in .which we live. He, has bornje the tremendous responsibility, the iritonse ansiety, and the reproach es which have been.heaped upon -him 1 by the unprincipled and disloyal par tisans.' Surely then he should enjoy the glory pf success and the fruits of victory,,' (Fhere are other men who bnVe been great and shrewd in the councils of the?nation, and- have• shown j'gieat ability and skill in the field, but no one. has shown so much moderation, ufiswayed by passion, such justice, and unfailing coiirage amid alljlhe disasters pf this terrible crisis, such ■calm , and dignified prudence. Such jeobtinned devotion to all the Tearful trusts committed to him, and such wisdom; in every branch of tb 3 pnb licsexvice as Abraham Lincoln. Hi a name has become illustrious, and will ;fe6 tjandefl down to the latest icprta ioftlmoasagreatand ms fi—as a b|nefactofi pf Lis nd of race. , . 5 .• Jttst4bo, honoir, and evefyihing demarrd that he shoiildi be elected for ariotber termy Let it bo unanimous!}’’,accorded to him cheer fully by a free, loyal , and* generous people . .y. «wgn. bocoifta nopopo*l tjj'r ‘and odious to a largo poVtiqn of ‘tlie Confederacy, North "Carolina ijs ready and will si rely rovpll; Georgia hasbobn dcclam by its Govirnoi. and Thumbs abkncwledgejt to . one, obediencij to, '.;bep- and.nonc other. . The'soldiers; whose Vitnev hVf expired,' refdso jip reenlist.; Those who are liable to military duty are adoptingevery pretext to avoid ifcj.very many fleeing! from the country and others only entering the army at the point of the bayonet. .The people are destitute of all tbe luxuries and most of the of life.— They are in fact all pCnsipners tipon the Government} Their-1 clothing Is coarse and scant—their}, food J plain and scarde; theirpay hlmdsttidthirigl Haying lost East Tonnossloe and Tjqc-" as it is estimated from the Yiestani thority that they [cannot grow enough this year t©supply theirsctuiil wa'hlsl that starvation must come sohn.! Wild their their | lands their slaves in '1 arms agajnSt them, their, money worthless ; ddfei * pay less than six y cents per month j, their means expended it! famishing substitutes and get ‘them aelyes forced into the ranks;! their lib iertyj of speech ant? of ajctipn takdif away—homeless, ' ’shelterless, [friend} lessj hopeless—how long will they —hpw long can human nature cndatil such suffering. Wo have not over drawn the picture. It-is but a fain; I ~ ... view of the reality.- Tjiey cannoij How taBfc^“ d w i m " ol ' Bub^ . ; _J *| | We already see prpmonitiona of tb s The’above gnesti’oh is often and coming storm -Soon it willburbi. ’anxiously asked, and the answcrsaro forth ip terrible, uncontrollable powcfi} as different and vajrtcd ts are the per- comsuiiiing within itself thei} despot sons whJ attempt "to answer |Wb ism \treason and confederacy-1 tpgothr i feel encouraged though, as we hoar et. Yet- those who dohb*y 5t as): th£question prcpotandedjriraost daily themselves how long they would eb hjjon the street, and- in the offices, durq What rebels} are now enduring, stores and . workshops, by the hope- or what be- the price Af -theiiv ful and confident tone of the,answer, submission tq such ills. |Hainan ua» as there ace few, very few, indeed,, turojs the same every where and i> who do not prophecy* a speedy" and' governed by the Ejame laws.; jProhrJ .successful termination "of the .war- — the po; With other reasons woi cannoij The- question whLn asked indicates now but [believe that the end of th 3 that the iptcrogfiflnr believes x ; flie lend war will sooitSSome —much sooner lit ' * 1 - 1 j i=7 | ' ' ' 1 ’ . ' , i : l ■ is approaching}, that ho secs signs jof may-bo than we anticipate. 'We of coming peach, and that he de- the North are not}fce!lingstho| blight sire’sjlo]seeif.tftliVrs are as hop’ehil as ing effects of war yet, aid ago com-; he. ilf there were rib reason to hope,. .pamtijvely easy, as to when it shall rip cahso forj the faith that is Inihepij CloEe. Ohr democratic friends, lie | if everything was dark, gloomy and lieving now in the final so mess of oujr unpromising, if clouds/, were as cause, are rapidly preparing for it by heavy and lowering us they* were in- plu( ing themselves right 3sn the f< - the . beginning oh’63, we wonljd not cdrl. They-arc becoming ve|*y loysi bd greeted with such questions or and patriotic all at once.' I [We href swersy Edbry one woqld partake}o£ ghtd of it. -It convinces ♦•he genebUjjlconi- Wd'diJ nbtpjophsbywigiciiy/and gives ns reafon to hops to answer j the qdeslions and ipform for their .final conversion irgip the hr- etor. ■i —. press T,£*A, nlifit any or table laL ! b. of id in iffice, e, Na '■ i:’ rorjof then ways, Jmpo for in may.ftpd »eo the end. A little Ithiger \va more privation, if nece's little riioro ettort on our tair and uphold tho Govei the end will cuiuc—oul crowned with succiesa, an eminent be established' 1i during.’ loi r . » liosT— On (Tuesday n tween denee' of ' Esq., in Bridge water, and sionera’ Beaver, rßelonging. to the 102 d Re York'VQl3., a Silver Hta | scribed onHt. runidiig lit pan the points/tba ' nutnc ferent battles tbut regim engaged in'. Th" - i 0 ovnef H:. WiisoN, is inscribed.< of the star==idig finder allvj leaving Wni. Barnes,’ .in Bridge any, of iho County] Oifict .Difference . in , Bou;; soliciting recruits. slionlj iind they Hhoulcl inform i the!Tact before they a'r .that recruits in the Ist m artillery receive 5: merit bounty, and only 6 i while all !blher branch'! vice receive 8300 and S4‘J ext|a or local bounty. 7 tion is madg because th regiments are to bje kept! garrison duty;- The ought to bo made, by t officers ' is too vent- ci Unii cialjeh— io \-i Senate, caused'by the r •Ma|or Hbrry White, now Lilpby Prison, Jlichmonc in the Indiana and. Amsl tm Friday last. Thb ; r« indicate that Dr. St. Cla candidate, will have a ni; | dianacouuty L of aboutfif As Armstrong county more tbaatwb'cfr' thteo jority against ■ him, Dr. elected by aboutvwelve jority in the district, j ; W“A. corroHpondont; tills uaenignuuieally, tl wiukjy, Beaver county, 1 is the location of flour myj “O, pah&w!" Why notice inphlnl(in^))i^ yiwity V !'/: ;■ | | 'diem the pay doe' flOl diern tollovving-an»wer has been re MaMefl rfthe A/]-. aturderer.. ; i >fl TheM*ldenßat.k robber «1 “fJC &en arrested in thepersoH <5 P|*°J- .VW lte«2WnlesB(s tdhis kndijiicwt, i oi r 'tßo stolen money, befeh [ v-4' s lt ■ V"••. v T r. Green is 2T years oldJsfi4 baft a abd one child. Ho.hWlmrofcL fore borne ago >d character. ' 4 £flaf the search '.of Green’s person -hbjwak conducted into an adjoining ropm, where be'was informed that be hajl been followed 'and watched- for soipe time. Thereupon—without anV unusual emotion—be confessed.' He, stated that on the day jof tne-murder lie] visited the bank fwice;: the first tiaie he found there a conductor, .who loft a pair of skates; the next time it was hfilf' past eleven., Immediately on jpptejfing he went|r.lo theldirectote’ .ropm. arid seeing 1 no 0116, drew his pis tdlj—a a|X'hnrrelled Smith s, Wesson the muizel within a foot of young Converse’s head arid 'fired 1 , the ball taking elfeet under or back of his ear. He instantly discharg ed b/Second barrel, the,ball; tekingeftr. feck |ri Converse’s temple, while his victim lay on the floor. r , jjLftelr-the consummation of thodoed, ho seized the bills in the drawer, about five tpbusatid dollars, andwent to his own' office. Ho info: med tlie pepoiis/pTeseht that a portion,' of the was concealed in a pick? bf-news [ippbr, in an,old boot in the ppsti-oMec. hftndred and fifteen .dollars, were founji as hefiad directed. 1 r He further st ile’d that tht-. balance , was, secreted ut tier Uie fiooriit gin the attic of- Vpf ufiteer* 1 ginelhoiuse, and,'o|n iiiaking seireb,'three .thousand four hundred and fifty-four dollars in Muid.ejnßank bills w‘«sre found, making, in all,four j thousand sixtj'-nine dollars. This I wjjth several sums paid' by him,; ah counts for the vv;holo l amount kloiei from the bank.. ! V T ■ T .He alsc|’stat.ed t.hiiit• the piatcil, wu.* iaJ a drawer; lat! his boarding hoii:« .and going! there it was found j ’• ' j • Green wasbfougbt ; to thisicitv .an cbinmited to:the Tombs. 1 The feeljn|< -of [his wife, on hearing of fils arres can bebetter imagined [than dc9c<-lbe|t —Boston paper- i‘;J i '''’A — r~ T~r— : ; .«<!- ■(' TlfE FnoaiTlA ExPEDlTON.—Cof,'q!t. -G ill nfore’s;ox,pedi lionteo Florida ha Been crowned Ivyith complete success Tljie rebels, offered considerable oppo sition to the[ progress pt .our arms [in different parts dl the country,.but the spirited. .infl well disciplined Union •—' .it troops broke throrigtiteTery bafriCr, The Snvolllsect Abt Passed- ,1 abdibarried their flag onward tb vie . The- Senate arid House on Friday totV. Among , many extraordinary’, adopted the Report of tile Gfinferem* tef“g B to; Hgh’l by\thisl “in. Committee oi the e'rirollmelH hills,anti r vaM->n ” 'fl “ ‘fo'-’umcnl emanating the act now awaits the; signature of ifif™ the 1 Cpmmissariftl Department. the President to become' a law . Tbfe 6f; Quincy 1 iFlorida. in whitihftherijj (is vole ou the passage of the hill in the stai i!ing'pi|!denee tdbe found of tee Sedate was .twenty-six' to .'sixteen.]-- desperate |condition] bf the enoiny.l— 'The House amendment of the c'pmrntu- Beef and b?icpn-arc entirely exhauk tation clans d, fixing tlie rate] at lOrjeii et | throughout . the South, and from hui dred dyljaj£,ya rejoined. I,‘AU per- »• i quar(crk afpl arising for re siins enrolled, ts subject to n|ii^t K a'ite--!hp , y?h'^j9ijh ! i.| .This circular.., lb iorm but.onn^clasa^the limit of . age ''itended only jioj private circulal being from'vwenty fa forty-five years, q'hoiig l-’ftho prtfficnl 1 people of ; Ail able-bodied black .men rbeVwenu ' *•” ; |: • J '••• ‘ | ■'these,agvs arc to be enrolled;!h' siaVckt' ■ belonging to a loyal man shall bo draft-1 • A DESPniitATE Resoutl Fhe i-eni pd, tlio laller is'to rec\cve a ' “ ■ Qovcrnrir of G,co|*wia had ' thereof and a bounty-A one j luin’drftli I d ? red tliej abandonment df that p£ dollars, and the tpnner i« tp l>econt«.j 0 f west of the Chattah free. ~<Free men of color who may' life i a striking proof of t drafted or wfco. volunteer, al-e ih IboJ rebel cause. : T credited to -he c{ub;a of. their district, i il *i ’Cmpl to a desert Pf a lav ! 'the excYnplibna arc reduced id the lb>- i I’#’ 1 of Ge brgi,iv, by the compiilso [•toying narrow limits, .“.Sui'h--a*- are - ! ‘•ejpovahl fa niftes utid properl rejected as physically’or. fmenlailv "'4] resisted [or evaded by the p unfit lor service; ail persons! UctufiHV’ P ‘i 3 a n apknoiVjedginont bf in the military or naval service dfilbe by;.flid rebel chiefs, who say United Stales* ut the time vf'lliL* draiw 01 *^ er ;tho|j?: tiro no and all persons who - have’, seiiVcdl fii a | ) | e 'te rosist the advance of Cft; i the military or naval service t'fvo yeaijs ' v ' il ’ n l f h hut depend upon an alt during the present war.- and been boil- \ n V 1", 0 sa epst'.y. so ruinous, and orubly discharged.” The remsed law i‘f l '' l l P' lhc Pk'l>lP ' vho arc ilsv will probably be more etfeciivc thah ; 1,1 K t !'« t -, no [t.W 1 ® have- ever I tlie oj initial- act, leaving , fov:pr j adopted dtr^tjrilj i bolus for the escape of ppnsoiiS who! dfespblic: power, ,reckless of .dor fbrmctte claimed ■ I]' I'qjycncee, Can enforce 1 1: j-- iVilcen t \ o<> ?^ R P | iat expedition disclosed some .facts, us the sai.staction pt: considerable importance: i Almok-thf T ' 1 tho .worda-vor.ownoil . entire ponulatioa of that seetion i hnjma bas bben ,n a Chin, J. . x *. ~, .. I if potrL. It is Ihe uuivorsab law ot : Alabama througii which it parsed, and 4 . . , . • 1 *l i T !tHk-e that all things, mundane mi tor u. is honcstht.’ intense •,• . . v / , [..=?• ‘ - . , , ; i- . > 1 . J l’i .■ 1( J 1 h ive au end; and!it is to be hoped t A? W T' 4 the Alabama is no oxcepiionlogo. ionnessce the loyalte ot thh J\. u[e At ,fi st bun i' tbis : frecbc fhlv?h» ! IT-i 9 I s ’fpv oi- of the odoun -Sbems to have ft: they obtained knowledge of m Eust-V 1 r» j. 1 ! l Tennessee.. There iteuo , w4,i ig al ftv the: Chinese, borl bout slavery, and aboiUion st-, bo Afiuoy Asftlie Enghsh and hre 'itV oifbuts;’: j,hey are for th I t.IJi f %! lralay ’- n ° • f°^ ni ■ Union. l Men who h 3 d livecfil- tl o I L , hmeso b^ alrc 1 n mountains two years to lebk °fr tefthUiave aimr show service, came intend L muki jHh .^ uh^? 8 . b ?« r ; tefed tts soldiers in the fodcH J r rm|. ‘4V« for. , • Jim One Alabamian, M’Curdy, dur ng the . Be " u T , he , r *. "\ ,d - 1 expedltiPii', made up a cte.ftjafiy, efi- A n *' «u a ;L m ite r rli/ ’ J c ie: and it the Alabama can o«cs ”***; • nam «P" «P f lhfi # oi,s iu a genuine neu ! JnS “biiteV. BhJ htesl bekikih to the Flyi and a coit'pahy of \bush- v l .! e . whackers, called' homS.-gnardsl tefid Lbrld M b j k « t f brought them into our Camp:' , A,‘; jl ‘ ,J k s. ■ ~ "**’' [ i!. , ,1- A Radical Organization rx Ki Phooeedisgs of tub [New , Jleusev' Tancv.—A 'meeting of Ivehtuoky r ■ Legislature.—The Scndte and i/als was held in Louisville bn the 1 of -Representatives of lhe Now J'ersey inst., for fhe purposebf orgahizinj Legislature recently held, in reljatibii; at ti-slaveryj 1 party in; that;.Htete to the' nominating of a candidatc fpf R 'solutions were ad jptdd approvi the next Presidency, are published at Itbo course ol Messrs'. Andetepn, C length in some of.lhc eastern papoils, Hnndall andfSmitb, in Congres", The'address to PreBide / _»»-■ ejstabtishhig Lregulatibps fc/a gri cifes the causes arid conduct bf . the orgaiilzaiioh. jV committee j war for the Union; discretion; honesjLy appointed* to ;prepare f an addi and palnbtisrii of fhb the to the people of the State, and an] popular ariprbciatiuri'or these virtues er to make arrangements for the fr exhibited by bim. tho rhfipbllsibHitl'es fiom corivcntlon, to bb Hold pn tfie wilh whicb ho bas been ebateed abd ihsl|ariti I : k theif moro than sufficient mlfilmentV ' !! It tegif tbdtbca; the" woTide’rful fruits’ alteadj’garnered'in the 'testp ration-of many States, and “with feelinga tekin to affection" presents his {name' lor the AtnoviCan' 1 pboplejin 1864. ;.\ : ' .- T -• ' which explains .the p'rocesa to suesd : * ’ ; Was -Octii ! r 23,. 186 V General 9O. '.' The following pacing to the famniesbt offlqgMand aola"ioSr» in tire sernce pf t^&^Diiitcil:States, wbq lire or may tmbojbe of warj Bn ms d nfbjf the governed t, ha v- ! n ?^ S P'C 4 ]sy ‘ the Unpublished for the Info'rtnailonoF 'all concerned. F - Payment will be made to persons presenting a,written authority from a prisoner to draw hie pay; or. without such to his wife, theguar dian of his mjmor children, or hiffVid owcd inother : iirthe other named, ; for such pay iriu'sl be; made to the senior paymaster oi the district tp"which the regimented the pHsonei is serving, and must be ae= company by s *Uie.Kpertifieatio pf «j judge of the court- of the \ Uhl ted orpf a qtislf ict attornc-y of the Statics pr pf some bthef ; party under a court Of record of the Slalo m which the applicant is a resident,- that the said the. wife of-the the guardian of the children; pc his widowed mother, atf<ii j if.ipccupying either, of the Ijist two relationships toward him, that there is no duo in i existence who is more nearly;related | to him, according to the above hlassij ficatipn. ' - I''! i ‘ Payments will be mane to parties thus authorizedand ideniificd, bit their receipts being''made out, in the inan ber that would, bo required of thp prisoner dumself, at least one month’s pay being in all casts retained by.ihe United -Stales. The officer; making the payment >vill sce that it is entered on the last previous. muster roll for the payment of the prisoner’s company, or will: report i t, if : those rolls are not in the possession, to the senior, pay master of the.district, who will eithcr' attend to the, or give notice of the payment to the Paymaster Gehr'. oral if th.e'Tolls have beeo forwarded" to hie office; .1 , , By order/ j . L. Thomas', Adjutant General. , W? the bcgii idve every i tiuujre. \V c mi!j; of- 111 £ ■ & 'i tihgj. a iittl. sary, and ; part; to sut rnment, an<l r hopes |b: d Oar Gov it - in ei bo i r*. ; fm.l Barnes the i'Ccmirni: by a sbldic girhent r, hiving i ie!c and tort s» of; ibe • dll’- lint had bee ’s name, W ji on tllec insid. will belibei it with Mi water] or j'£ s in Beaviei •tt.—Officer rcimembei I their men c ro sworn iii nd 2nd bear] ■loo‘ Govern id. of il'down ;s of the si;r 00, besidethi This 1 distun; icse ar til lei y at bonyo fm explanations he recruiting late-r-to pr ruits id re 30.—-The spu fancy in tlu csignation'Di .ECTI aiprißoter n , itook plane 1 .ron£-district turns co fm r, the Unicr ijority i|n In : ;oon cannot ; give hundred ma St. Clair iir hundred ima- of tthe s<t.‘ at pprtjbl Se 'enksylvania, A cade not give, the rij 4, yanity! ’■ ; is repppleVl from Knoxyjilo that Ken tacky Bowiers,wli.o} wercfar loaghetl for thirty days on condition that ti;oy would are. taking: proclamation; ana] trill obt f jrawmJtQ . . T : fi* pprp V7d' EM *xiS* iati i: ii i'l ce, ad* )epart| of sol? •rotsure - M ceifved,- be 'par i L'J m : -ow the i,i A' ■Retort.—ln a speech in the House of Representatives, a few c aye since, Fernando Wood, with sublime assurance,' declared: “ ife of .Yew York sent 'A fourteen. ( regiments into ihvad jd’.”. •‘MWe of New York , A witty Pt nn- oicmbeV replied? -sotto v ) ce, V Yes you did, cets pat you* Went to Georgia \fheii the war broke'out came back' 1 to. Peri i syl yahla at Gettysburg. Fourteen’ i •eg i hnepts of your friebdi, abd n ore. theml i f vp:' %.!y: 'I \-\-lA | A dispatch from:Cai«o of tne ; 2Qjbl\,, fpye:,An ; officer from. Big Black rlyejc,' :that, just before reaching Jackson a-Bkiriniah ensued between a pprt 6| Gtoeral Sbermftn’a tQircjja Sind • &bod}’iof|four ,or five I thousand - robs dto, injwhighthe bnomy- were defeated fjfld forty of them captured. jOiirar - my passed through Jackson, In.tlwo the enemy retreating, across -Pearj river so precipitately that..hi9 pontoons, two piecesof artillery and j a! number .pf fell into pur bands. Our forces seized .provisions I !pf. all kinds, and swept oh.j Griali dissatisfaction exists atnonjf the JKlen j thckiy, Tennessee, and rug- j i merits, anddargo pumpers of desert- j ;ers are corping into our llneol 'Gbn. | Sherman reached Meridian in ienj days after leaving Vicksburg. A pbr- j tion pi Geponil Tutilejs division -got] behind, was.catoff.froru the expod i-j tion i and returned . tdj Vicksburg:—i I General M.’Arthur is in command of: •the jdistrict .bf' yickspurg, General : MTherson having T acepmpaniediGen-1 eral Sherman with most of bis ciiriis.J A jf efugee fronv Mobile reports’that i the inhabitants of.thiij, city feel se ’i cure | frpjm attack. Fifteen thousand rebel troops, areToported in and about the pity-'. The Union sentiment pte-f vailed to a considerable extent, which will bo expressed as soon as protection is afforded. Nothing wa* known of the ‘reputed revolt- at Fort' Morgan. Thu report that- Gem-Smith maijd a cavalry- expeditioq intp|Mis-J .sissrppi,, is doubled. The ’ inhuifi-yl •j fig hit with Forrest, pear Grenadpt is j not coiith-mod. It is hot believed,lf at i the.guormllas keep up a inu«kotry fire upon the steamers (below Memphis.— General Biicklabd, in command of Memphis, Is guining much fayoythere administration of if lairs. , j SSuTbo camels importodifor'ji)>c .Oovyrmoiit six years' ago. .arid f -sided' jeep I neur the TeJoa reservation on ifio plains, have increased Ir.oiu fifteen to thirty-seven; - They are no.w re moved to Benicid, California;' : Th’dy. can tjusily travel fifty miles a day, hat they are not allowed to do 1 more thud thirty. One of qliem Lias cavridd fodrjbales of wool or cotton. . ,[. St: S!l- I- 'Bs9»The Governor of New 1 , /fork has [signed-the'bill allowing soldiers to vote, and has appointed the second Tuesday in March far the-matter to be voted upon by tbd people 'Se!y-1 iilna.r-'would pi'obubjj' have, vetoed ;this;bill, but as the Union- men Kaye ,ovci| two-thirds of the 'Legislature - jand can , consequently pass-a bill pver |tbe head of tlid (fovernor, a ycto_ |w<>uld not have" defeated' the object, if. jlthe Legislature. , • j : I iLleqa-l .Marriages.— There, Ins] fbgeii hotwoen two and three hundred 1 |iliegal. |mai*iis:\ In cor tali ti counties 3n West Virginia since the vyarj broke .gout, owing to the fact' that thjo Officers . /its |uiUhprized to grani licenses had'abaft' thoir positions.-' The ,ypun|g hoPp'kfc-«;ou1d nothAEait. and iu some ip j SstaViyes perinils | marry. 1 A bill iijddjont to be, , fi|^^ ue “ this Legislathre'to legalize )r.#»U the ; ; iirtf “I— r^T—-' ! - ■ Washinotos,' ; Efeb. 22.—JThe'.day is ! bpfr.ot kept as a holiday here, thp’ Cot - .' hjjjfcrcsi' is not in session. : i • ''fsllf- ! Tiiero is some rejoicing here over : of a great victory ip thespiuh •l»4' Nothing is-cerlajnbpet, but i’t-j understood General Sherman. h:,b j d<g!| completely oul-gcncraled the rebel , m Polk.'. J :.'v. , ' gipj Several ladies are here, from Bic i i® riK»nd, refugees. ‘ They tell sad sl-oW >s e||| or the. general famine at the Shutw s§; j-<ieV- Meade is hero prepariitg.for-a'j vfgtm us campaign-in the spring. ■■ A of mijubcr of paymasters go to flic arnijy • a tomorrow, ; j - se- ' V, 1 ' - Heavy .'Damages.—Tiie j hash if, Andrew Luke and others, dfßrpbt-l lyn; New.JYork, ofcerttuil i buitdiifgs on-tbe ’Atlantic dock,'and a ! grain elevator in the Busin,, which wasalestroyed,,hy fireOn the night bt the loth of Julit last, during the prejv-v alence p{ the ’ KW’ York ribts,. tyUS tried last week, Xfbe plaintiffs said thecity of Brooklyn for damages'to the. amount of 5120.000, Tb.o ! j«i-y gave a verdict in their favor for soijSTi.. ■ ■ •,, 1 eso tat er ot. r soldiers chastis ed the iCoppcrheads of Maumee City. Ohio, for calling them llpga,” by-fifst “threshing'’ : and'Chfen, milking them take,'tlie oa,th ofialfW giiiuce before, the proper officers; aruT pay for it. It is said that s'ome twen ty-five were thus added/to the loval ranks of that town. I j x \ . 1 .. ; tat r a- RO Wuat Prolongs the War. —av )e; li. Pi att, a refugee from Alabama, says tha t the j-ebfils are holding out inbopes); that a Democratic triumph 'at the next j Presidential election will enable thjem to obtain the rights they have; beep fighting (or. _ To| entourage, find sins-' taih that hope is the .object of the speeches of Fernando Wood in'Cjon .gres*,’ and the Ghbqrnatofialjiries'siigcs of Horatio Sej'ir.ouf. 1 EJt id- Oth an mg ay, ind and Albany, Peb. 19. Townsend Jias r received a comnimiea tion from Colon'll Fry, ioformrnghiin that" districts . will be credited on thdi call ior men ,witb all enlisted from the 7lh ‘ of July, 1863, to March 1 9;,1864, arid with an drafled men ivhb have responded in; person,' hr comtnU tatibif, or with substitutes.' * '! 1-f n%.Michaol Dan Magellan, Esq:’ gentleman who’ was formerly W known iii political circles "at Har burg, died,'Bqddonly hti Johnto Cambria county, a few days ago. .was iress oUj. 3retf-’ 22d t&.A correspondent of the Cbii Journal say* that the, largest and i formidable fleet yet seen on thej now being- fitted byAdmiralPorterl.! f.'. • , -V IwropraSui: ; ' ANNljAti TAXEa roa 18Q-t ■ j; TBe attention of taxDnv«i« ; . .'fcyionjlod’ to the provisions United Siutcs Excise Law relnif lh * of annual taxes ' -° By‘tbe ajxtb section of th«„ r ; July 1,1862; it i.s.madfe the duty J f ' persona, p a rtneb.hip s , fi rm - a W> oc > any annual duty, license, aria* / 10 IbefoythefirstMonday of j year, to make a list or returV u i k i, Assistant . Assessor of the lh ® j whebo located of lha amount ,J an * ct ’ |al,; income,: the' articles .'or tjjffii; j charged Vflth a.: special: taxrknfef | business or occupation liab& to 1 ‘ jany licence. .',t' i‘. Every person vrha sHLillfai] * 0 1 ' j such return by. th*;d B W sp^iiied l j be liable to be usaesscitiPby. d,,. V isor according to the! best inforciM i Which Ini can amKin^srfeh 1 , the Assessor fe-reiju!! :ed to aid | | per "cent ain ?to ajnuuiii of i ( items qf such list. . s'. ‘ ' | . | Every- perkoh nvlibahsn'' ; aif Assessor any. fabei orj: list QiVßtateineiii, with ii'jtLM the,valuation or enUnenuii ed by iavy, js subjactslio hundred dollars; tyidpn j»Uc.j list made dutiibv thi or .Assistant ? ''- and 1 valuation a'hfi .emi.riwyatioa there,cun bo no j," Pay ment of ; tlio al; Icept those for licenseji, „. ihanded Until the thirtieth. da ' •'Tjje; appropriate jhlimlcs to. make return, antfjilll net: formation: wilj be furnisher W. Hamilton Eli Reji|p, : '. aim Trimble', Assisla it Assessor; county, to Whom the' retni bo delivered on "or., ibetbro Moodiiy of May.- at their Reaver, Sew Brightori a-adll. respectively. -:' ' ’ ■■■ SAililj t>AVEN*P; , , ■6vU.'.iV.2J ■ Beaver, Pell. 27ib,| IS.Gi. ■ JS?'Dit, Tobias’ Vi has given ini'vor.ial s the ioiirteeii years; j (iuccd in'o tlio D'u b oing tried by ' miu, proclaimed the pain world. ’ Pain .caimi lioimeitt is spited, oil it cannot audney single instance. F and inflaen?a, if Ca 25 ceiil bat fit will beside being iusefal . lor sudden. aloes dent cuts, sealds,. insect' perfoc-tiy innpeel l 1 ’• to and can be given to i or youjigeijt child. "|i cents a bottle. • Qf Street, KewwYortt., gists, ' ’ r a ■ ■ A letter from, wippi, dated the 2?i| •‘tr?ueral: CormoiVot army, came in vest j taril}^si?rreudei - Bii i of war. The cause! signed-by him for tti thought the CotilV played out.” ! J •. TUE Widtl.D j3jlnVl.No.- York JUtrdfd. |s o.ut in support tSumricr’s proposition' for the » extinction of ■slavery; Is it/p > j thdt'the is at last gettir | eyi)ii;ojida-tq.t,he fait that alaver; j lebpllioa, are•. i.fontical and inui put dewii .together.! ' ■ ; . tjsy*Tlius r fiir 1 tl ’ 1 hundred; and nine Union,ofticor.- i escaped ft 01A Richmond, Ijave a \vitln,n our : dine£, ojr heerv heart as sate. Twenty --livearoj repot ; lhe\Richmond ;jqiirf.ais. :: .as • In ■seen're«iptu.fed.jl>:aviiig twenty; yet to "be-he a rdf frdni, 'most of , will, ahdoubiodiVv eofna in safe! j - The Fugitive LAW.-^N'otj fhs .slighlest doubL exists,tba. ,4iri«; hlut ute; o nacted Wnd: made mor,; •• tri m r gent b}’ Congress'll t tbe iinle ih : promises .of- ISsDevore on tOj. pleiise the-slaveholders,- witl , -wept;'* from the statute bcbks by ib« p eaebt Congress. ", ■WB-Brighana Y6iu\g is'-iji na'liuir, th have' the mines in . Utah w.irked He save; '■ When it isndees'sar;' tbai wo should possessigbld in dance, the Lord show|j,t; vision, and wo shall not. have If TO peit and dig to to as t Lie; wicts edhaye to-do. ,\ V • ' b 'i •: - t i - w '\ ■ Court, offho L n;l -,cd Status* has decided, to j .tiio application lor a writ of • certioh'ti the easej'ofC. 'C- * XaUatubglfsim. <? n the ground of a want of jurisdiction; ;ji'n Hon. Justice Swavneiof J Ohio, dulivercd the opinion 'of the 1 Court. 1 iV.-V, ' ■ 'S&rls the at-Hali- r. fax Judge-Steward, gave a fmal j decia- i ion in tnoGhesapeakecase,. The . i sei and. cargo are: restored to tlic% ! original owners, i ■. \ X y j^AVcnsijile' Jftrs.eymqn haslwillcd’ to. the N.ew Jersey Bible Society spectaclcr*, for 6! J so may see to read. .•' •| ,yrai;. jfpgaV. iD "i cfeaso of the gold product, tryjs stated -at nearly forty mil** on# pfjdldllars. ' j '*».Tbo Wilmington Journal thing, tbat an attempt will jbe nVadejo.iaKi-- : North Carolina out of tije.Conle-” oracy? . -i«. : i»fThe New 1 Jewey the ©ti)y legislative body in the BP 1 1; - majority .y. revenuo j! :-i $22X,811,040 ot'.wbicb .S9C(,qOO.W 1 obtained from.the-tax on braudyr \ ■ produces onp hnndw , millions of gaUdna of. wbtskey r,. annnm..*bd <ifihki m°*t of it h - i 1 V'a 1 ;ell ri&i s^n, ago noat iia oal MI ■ -V disks' wifi ," vs «Jr ■ < * : ■ i fifty . ihp.; ! !;i ‘pent ’ iva'fe - ; qiii{.' i ■ I f iW - doiiy trajirl ft lOi >n- v o: i cuu 'A l ': f'.oi SQ esso,r ■ tw: rn;ld(y .yX«* ioi !j ex-: >a dc«; :ri i !lll“. iy ot , on v ;s«ir yl'ii'ii f ■ 'V. V!-'* ■ /ijO. | --•ij 1 for ns s! Uie '.ffioo this/ •' mliliiJl / first,! s.. iu 1 . « town: ], ook vl: ',oirr.. •t th fySIMEXT o'ti durini! een ■intrcT. Afier EN’ETIAN saftisfacti it jfaa’s b btli Slat JOBS, it r detro v Ol ,b'e. ,wl:t‘rt If U5r(J i,s l flj l ifer'fwi -Uied m &■ \m coVAj eo-ZiLn'' in-’i be. V‘S v .« •' euro nli tbps'! ‘' in c«ry|sai s’, such as s s tings,'£u | i t»i«e i liter! the oliiyil jiJ [Price ,S 5 a 1 lee. 53‘ Sold .bps T ■ L>9 ’ ■ r has ’ I been' 'j'tfie [iflij ■s er a fw'ej- ■ {.-: MCI sift it l U W* ■* JnaUv^ i. . • * , (LTHOII nd W, tlanilt ’ P ra f?:. Cor a!! emu- N-aifj'ui Ai. 'uiiirr^ IT .thjo, Ci jimsotf i I Umlu ijie.iua, v •tleraey 0.-sa' it z ohm- • sian «’)' t l >OIUT, . i. sift— i I, at. h» iboiit; I vua Th a c -.air-) ' .-iW’S ' lv >t -fcs ,'e ona 1 , who;’, •laved;* 1 : Hrnitr-. :ed i;v u sewn, vtioia. =I n. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers