The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 10, 1864, Image 4
*' • ■ 'etas j i ~-.~ i!a*nj uol yii'hjk- fr: Joseph Ountap-var Sarah Dunlap'. \u JN the Couri cf 'Coriimoß' Tlea* of Beaver -M •To the respondent. in above case:—Tou are > hereby notifiedto beend appear before the Hob. Judges of the Conrt of Comijnon Ploiaof Bepferjsjtfbtty, atfa Courttp be held ,in Bea ver,] in said county, on the Ist Monday (|7th day) of March,' 1864, t<) answer' thocoinplainl of Joseph Dunlap in the above case. - •: ■ . •JOSEPH LEDUE, Sh’ff. ? J Beaver, Jan.6,’C'4. ' ? ; [ . •i,| • t' NOTICE IN PARTITION. . .BEAVER COTOTT, .tot—in| the Orphans’ Cquft of said'iCountjv in the matter of the partition of tile .real estate: Smith, deceased; : To John B. Smith. Tjsaac Jamison andfSusan his wife, heirs' and legal represent tatives of and alljrthers inter ested; Take notice * that ail Inquisition, to mate partition and valuation of said real ies tatei will be held upon* the premises on the :18th, . day of December,. 18C3, at which time 'add place you may attend'{(yon think proper doc 2 > • JOS..LEDLIE, Sh’if. | House and Lot for Sale- | gITUiVTE 1 in. the .most business part of Bca-. ver, Beaver county,'Pa. . There is a. large, re ' well finished, on said property —lately occupied by Wilson & occupied. by Anderson & Ort. The dwelling part, now occupied by the . subscriber, 1 is \pell | cnWulated for a Tavern stand. Good sta-; blin'g, cistern, Ico : House, Ware House, and all Necessary ojit-buildings. i- For particulars enquire bf .'I J. C. WILSON. |i ■ Bjeavei-, D5c.16,’68. .j i . j./ ... |l ',.V ' ;■ ’.‘V i Notice.. ■ ■ : jp i ' Bask op Beaver Godstt, 1 >i ! New Brighton, Oct. 52. 1863. ; ■ The Stockholders * of; the BaukjjJeßgsw County 1 -are hereby notified, 1 that the - Annual ■ Meeting, will be held at) the Banking House, | / in^Kew-Brighton, on' Ti»sday the 8d <dtty of; Ndt ember ensuing,. between the | hours of 8 nhd’ 5 o’clock, P. m. [And the-elebtioU for; } Directors to "serve the! ensuing year, at the ' san e place, on' Monday! the 16th, day of No vOpibcr, between 10 a. m., and 3 r-. ii., of said| duj. By'order of the Board of Directors. ' , EDWARD HOOP 3, Cashier;. , 1 • - • ' i *_J - I>ivid.exiid No. 11. of .Beaver Couttt,' V fit HR Directors of this Bank have this .'daj I decided a DIVIDE** OF FOUR PER, I'F.HT.oon Stqck, out of fKe-prjotifa oftlie Last 6 months, payable to Stockholders or Iheir legal representatives, free of,j Iha Go verimcnt tax, on demand. -i j , . ■■■<■■ ‘ -- EDWARD £OOPfI, .noxirfiß j, Ca*3fiiet ~ > - —* uable Property for Sale. iWO out-lots—Xo. 14 and 15—situated .in' i the town of Bnavhr,. late the estate, of; S. ‘Cunninghairi, deq’d.,!is nnty offered for; . Forifurt her particulars enquire of ! mlB . D. S. MARQUIS, £x’r.,- . : . " ’ Pa. i* - r-j | rr-s ; : r Valuable- V; . ttEAL ESTATE,! f5R' sale.- 1 * 1 Si’ - ' - i fHE House and Lot 'belonging to the heirs Col. Joseph If. .-WiinoK, ’deceased, situate the North side of the Diamond, in the boro’j Bea Tor; Alsoonf-lot No. 16. adjoining the t end of r said, boron gh, containing Eight |e«, is now offered for sale. For particn ohquire of • JOHN H. WILSON. Franklin tp. or ' A. R. MOORE, Bearer. I j.' AV ic23.Cit ' ' .. : .j ' Cffß A ci i lifrf McCord, Notary Publics 1 , ' office wim ■ - ■ B. B; CirAMBEBLIN’. I ATrr AT; . {Xear the Provost Marshal's office,, , JiRIGpTOX, j « BEATEft COUXTV.; I’A.[ . ' TVROMT attention given to .the drawing of JL | EXEMPTION PAPERS, nod rill molt ora connected with the draft: .also' <ml|i3 adminis 1, abkno-rrledfbneiits &a.| fdel|ts jure /its XOTirR that 'letters of -it upon ib'e csthte of [Ur. . hue of the herous'ii) of inly, Pernio., dcc'd.hare unde ’signed., All persons inilnbted: to said estate ade immediate; payment, liras' againsriho saine will •ly aiitbcnl icateU. foryset- Administrator, , ADMIXSTHAT< ' horjb ’ p'dmimstefii n Opouoe \V; .Vkuho?. j*cv - cv, Befitcr cm hoe? grafted to tlic i kutoriijg themselves tir«j ‘educated to In and those having cl present, tliciv prope: tivment.' f (THOMAS AM dept.23'63~r»t. S |TO|rs NOTICE.! .Lers pf adminislVationi on Aft.'llEEn, sr,, kit. of IFan ,*dec*)i, having been grant id, all persmii indebted .to tested to inako'.immediate having claims a gain st said I'thciQ to 1 the sußt-cribcr ijted Mr settlement. j ' ADM INISR... SherEas! Vet the estate of. i., Ifienver «o. he: mide?sign laic are req at, ami those ;aiwtVill present prpp'eilr authentical -r. i J.AME jan6’64, {; ; I .] REED, ji-., : Huhoyer Ip. T 'mERS of adi i j ;liAa|ac rr.iscE ifcnjTer po., dc'c’d, b'a ieriignbd, all perse are requested to nial those haring elain present j them to th thcnticiued for set tl AT R'S NOTICE. linisl ration (rathe cstaljeof , late of Big Beaypn tp, ringbecn granted to tlie(uh nsindebted to saidf*estate :oim medial 6 payment, aid gainst said , estate will e subscriber properlyiau cnieht. -■ ;| ; ; I. '> IRCE, Administrator, , j ■ " Darlingtdn.- ,w. p. il ’ i ■ S.Ji jm&l M’Ki . x>. ■ ' : r ; i US his pi zens of ; o f s ofcssional sorv BEAVER ND VICIXIT I ■ WCE IS! The S / %£G] Cannon fii I fAc Z>ta lildina. S. E. nond, Beaver, Of Co lERS tesla | Richard jof Beaver ihe nnders Ircd 'to ma ying! claims ichticated 1 m. | HENI o», Deo. 1 21 Estate .'t ETT] IjCoI i borough \ sued-to ' - are' requ those ha orly ahO L R ... mcntary on, (be estate ! of ,P. ; Robert's. late. of the 1 deceased,' having been is i gned. aIV persona indebted t ko ithmdiatc payiucnt, and s will pretend them, prop ;br settlement. RY,» .Executor i l, ’63.-r-» : I. - ,Fnllst( LISTO kIMNG h Rem ve i I till 30, 1 Jan. rs, T C, \ Austin George ■Jivines |.. - >n, 1 Jain'cs •, Joiiji i. omes 'I , Carothei Calhoun! Ewing,:! ' Harvey, Tlutchis .. Hideigei . Uußtin i Hendon : Ugt, TfU bn, Wm . [ ipt. Jack Vj ersona calling plerfso say the M.j. J-WNDEjERi ' i- '- H9EAV£iCsiATli>>V b«ster Pa;, irlfere he win attend to of his profession, jHe aUthe improved imethods 1 to prevent he extraetingtecth. : Ufork waryf nted. ,| • pan!3*4s4 _Ti im * ♦*» ? Applies ins in. ; v.' . - *»*?"'*.*!• iitvi Sjfabc-rf rAi;.ir RECEIPTS AT TjjE TREASURY t To Cash receivei |darilig Im account, exclusive balam Dr . .1. ; \oi.. ■ j j! EXPENDITUHJ By warrants issued daring the year on the counts, vie ;i • ; • '■ ]" Agricultural Society,, psr Act of Assembly, Assessors’ pay—Assess nents Ac., Auditor’ pay—'William Chancy, , ‘ dp ' ■ William K. BodenA do. , ;;.Tohn S ewa<t,- ■' , do*, Joseph Ledlie, (Stale Audits; Borrowed Money, Blonds and Bounty Loans, j ; do V . Warran ;s for Bounty Loans 18 do i! ■ vdo ; it do | i Interests on Honda And 841 , •. j , i-j Loann. Bridges—building, dp - repairing Ac, Commissioners’ 'payU-J, \ do •i do |—l I • , do \■do —V 's', do ; fdo —J "Clerk id Co nmissioncrs .Ccjjrfisol to - do Commonwei klthcases, v [ Clerk Qut rter SesSipi Constables’ fees, | District V f Darker cose, . ! Bparding and waihin . Ironing p -isoneisj Jsl, . Juroraißoarding of, $ Physicians a$ Jail, '. Sheriff coftroying con Watchmap, at Jail, '.Witnesses fees, Execution pf E. R, SI Recapture, after esca Scaffold, pafßn'and oi . Sheriff executing Dee Subsisting Guard at ] Oproners Inquest.-UOc ! .dp iJu do :■; ,1 Ej •do i .'-j' '| Po Courts expenses, viz; Cleric Quarter Session Constables attending, Constables returns nlnd Criers of Court. J Grand Jurors, $420,0 Janitor of (Court llou Prothonotpry’s fees, Sheriff;.summoning Ji 106 02 ; 178 88 79 86 ' 61 00 2,076 63 107 50 50 11 j 103 00r—^ ,*This amount} $'31.017.00 jwas not reported in 1562, among ! wis that thcjsb. warrants would be lifted by bonds, when an ac of tnt- jiVioii.! they were not properly included amolig the issues warrants in the'ordinary maimer; but their inters k as accruin warrants forj the purpose, (those lifted by bonds haring bee the same warrants;—they were omitted in last yea ''s report. ■ i of indebtness against thb County, and the holders, were Willing where, at the holder’s request' two of them, (amounting to $5O injit desiring to withhbld the knowledge, (although in-faei impart | at the end of ,1862} they arejnbw included in the Expenditure! |ne t issi/ct of 1863, The warrants for bounties "ecnwtAl ir.lo j Ueuniiapaid, .■ "i-'i . '[.' '■ p - 1 'H:'| ■*■■■■■■' pr i . i- I i- • r ' ' -3 ■' | January 4.1 1864.. | A ! To balance in Treasurer's hands . I ‘ cash rcceivodbaonseated {and, prior to 1563, j“ •" ;or collectors. | ? |“ . I “ *] , do .interest, 1",,. ; , s“ !)“/“ ■“ tax-pnyers,i before Au- Ist. ,‘f “• '.v‘f do. j ,»» Sept. Ijt,’ • •• , ',‘f collectors for 1863, “ - ido poll tax at elections, . ‘f John Brown, bondi for .coats. i' 1 *j‘ .1. I’atlerson do ■ *» ■ ‘‘ Eli Heed, fjoroner. •Tames Wilson, for brick & sfonc Washington Co. half repair |brie Relief mon4y'returned,. i borrowed money, ■ ' redemption; nipnrys, levy of militia* fines. 1363 Kxcess of premium'from State, it per ct. allowed tax-payers, omitted on tax-book, batjioi.leci State Treasurer, refunded by “I of Claims,?’ 'Volunteer's Unit Ac;, 1861, | ij-i.', •- _ I I | , |-; i I'j ■' I, '• To balance !in Treasurers hands, Jan. 4, 1861 1 M |, , I 1.1- |V «« * **, ■ ** 1 I* «• I* «• u ! KrUgewatcr, Pi. ME TABLE OP TAXES LAID IN T ' Amounts Credited and Due by - *]:r| ‘ •' ,» I i. ; ' TOWYSff/P<s \ e Cliarfe d Paid bj Unsc.i- Co:m. |Puo by Collectors , M • coiiec m y ail’d \l —p -; collectors. \;i ■ ■- ; ■ I' ■ tors. Lands. Cols. Co. Tax. St. Tte. j ,jTj. '.•j |j ; V "Si I t if * s2's3SStef' ?rid^e W afor boro.. 'S If. 15 $ H"-"*" no 2 ' I Swa Lo"”' 4 °? 2? ,? S T- J "- »» 74 WiUiomf Lindsay. .(• fSSSJmtZ SS'SoVmiJj SpWfefe l *! Frankfort horn 2“ JZ o 1- ~.34 .;. Thomas.Parrott. . ’I Frankuntp.4:::: ,3 1 -I&It:;::x;:;:Lj-.!! —d sA“- ;F ; Freedom b0r0i....,, 169 18 C 8 ............. Ig 45 00 -- U.••••■. lob M H Nje , is :, j? ■« .2? I s ~T$ PF-"' y “ '3: -BSSSCTS:.-; ni-- Uootstown b0r0,.1’.*..;... a!7 $8 j 94 io go •J'S Treasurer. j| Hop%e}Up .....; .37 91Q 41 "62 16 768 80 150 . 7 Nathaniel 1 - X Industry tp.*....;;.. ;.... 842 95 875 69 41 20 428 06 127 06 8 <ir 1 ' <hU .4 7“ i- * Marion tp.*_ .....„.. v .. Ui 32 477 85 . " 6ft' 115 8? M 1 ?** ~T ? " fi Moon tp.....4,.;....-v.i..,.. 1171 79 /632 25 .. 44 48 495* 11 154 75 si S IW B #®-.'-' 1 f [New New SewiekVy tp,:-...„U„. 729 65 ' 223 1 f - \ North. Sewickly tp........ 1 .IS « 282 aft - JSrr ' “gl*®—M»r- WUUamZ.#. o ™. owe tp r ...zi.... lio "‘F« * ' Patterson tp ... y 224 30 815 R On- f ™ 'oi’a’oi .—•••• William^..! Eayl. Phillipsburgh b0r0.......... 62 83 49 72 i'? "”T ! 2*«t : 1 ............ James ; , .2S w- 147 $ *4O Lj!. • "-TmF Raccoon tp......... 43a 81 297 0o ro 7 ! ” vsq oj ? Rochesterlmro... 484 81 449 08 ■ i'i 1 80 ‘“'tiZS * 24 “*■ ' ' Rochester tp_:f... v ;... 2 14 ?S 176 29 l« 19 i •"" o» « Sopth Beaver ip......... | Jl }* -;3;; i ’• 1 T ' J' ■ . ,12G03 (|l 7299 145 92 188 88)-,4968.51 28*97 j 1 -■■ _■ - —“-jr- 1 ' ! g^g^gaag =g g!>i *^ <ri ‘j'''^~V Delinquent CoUeotorpTor Y iars Prior aiid Balances of DnO Co^t,CT ®“?- *pw|t«BiPß [ I i?» po-Xaz St,T*x tmiuccou. j Towjiaßm m>' 7rt <io. tax tax ” “ *■ 124 421 «70 t lurieiMMi ' 9 "TTT *N*ip...’.;...-;..uw%v.1861 W 74 . ! .pjU •. fI l8l'd» 1164? ’- 'jl ey, ccs t'o ithe - '' i lj : i Corner , ol Pa. ; . sits. OTTERS ! ' ia PosPOffice at Bea-.: 1964. Enos, M A * Kramer, John ; 1 XfcQuiston Merriamn, Maty J | Phillis, Rebecca j Rodgers, Clark " .1 Strock, David Weight, Lou ; , i ft r the oboTc ij'are advertised, -i .Tanderson; P. M. ,j* ! - Jr 1. • . . . t ,:`• MI i-Vr 1 V I 1 imea Wilson, aniel B. Short, 'illiain Barnes, aim- H, Boghley , Richard H. Agne«V Roberts jc Hicc, Es<J.,s 1*; s. foes, .J '= • :es, including Counsel in ’Jj : ; 'l. - g, prisoners** , ' J ,2a. Jailors fees, $20.00 59G.00, JuatiCca fees, $2l. ricts'jio Penitentiary 4c., uts.rir: vj jo from-prison, her expenses, ■ th Warrant, Ixeodtion, V . toners fops,* ' i' rors and-Witnesses, I i pensjes, of, , i i st mortem examinations, < |,'goieral fees;'■ ' nileagp, ■? I ' vl • ■ v “ \ i; Petit Jurors'sl666.s6, le, Join Oibsoa, irora, 'll ; ■ 1 ' ' ■ [ , # i QEORG-E C. BRADS: n : ■; <« MI Leyy of Gr a am-i;Gj-’« a m r t ' trcas. t)f 1 b: Sep. 1 1394 X 7 Ifei rislei .—.l i3(K2I 9«, 1089,140 23 R 4 930 711 CSrcS - 51 43 .i.„. 1008 00V 744 90 22 66 ...1... 1407 Io MoOT 12 i27‘ 41 :aii 20 26 6010 ........ ail 74 181 40 . . 2o|oo 40 1272 04 78 87 ...i..... 18179 94 1007 22 ,36 80 -4 (<l9 16 454,80 19 50 214 59 173 33 476 969 99' , 814 00 11 60 ...J..... ; J(80 31 405,02 010 /267 92 152 94 . ......... • 184 51 '■ 69, 50 ... 1957 91 1298 00 29 48 .... . 2721 29 2058 78 198 53 ... 4748 22 4748 22 .i.......... ..; 101 l 70 217 58 • 1741 87 910 41 • 62 16 1292 63 82a 68 18 24 842 95 875 69 41 20 694 32 4 11 85 . ~f 66 1171 79 /'632 25 =. 44 4b 12398 ,47 1256 82 64 6b 1906 48 1118 84 58 49 ..i., 1842.09 ; 491 1 46 45 .......M1b3240 1254 04 108 97 .... ; 56a. 00 380 64 f 420 17 867 84 -. 1 725 97 413 85 18,05 1435 01 -918 26 ;85 94 ; 1677 61 &33 93 ST 08 "800 83 821 56 24-54 ■lpo7 -01 1194 09 28 02 •. 44181 05 50236 '' r 1341 64 it-'S*rsn- T-'r : [■> ! ■ a-®*!' A]V JJ ay.;ft;f: ! : :a t- : "Sip! iFBEAVE^CODHW.DOajN^iTHjj ■- ■■ .* V V •' . -| *• Igs ■er’s'> x : $53,765 6& 55 3.785 68 —■ ’!■ t • year, «s per pe of lost year *' f * ,*% wing ad-, FF' $4O . 1<32 00 83 00 4,200 00, > 1,017 00* ■ 8,953. (JO 5,425 58-44 ,05t.«7 287 63 —t 866 00 424 00 423 00 04 00—1 inn i 148,60 i 124 28 lie ' 525 81 819 68 21-26 - 5, 117 15 ' 64 80 56 00. 104 00, 721- 58—: 134 76' 46 45 12 00 11,48- 42 59 27 25 ■ 15 95 4220- lIM A??, ES< I-':*- ‘ ' $8 22 87 * 6,660 49 50,230 CO 1;341 54 7,299 70 1 65 57 38. 131 50 j 10 OQ! s®*:’ 6,358 00 107 40—5, over .ed,'; card orms V f: T :b sbve iolleoto^S '.-r - ;< i t* c : pr m v j ' i • ;-|j■••'.ji-ipjf, HtKljh ■■'■ -'\h ' $64,288 96 Court House Office and Jail," vis 1 * , ■ , ' I i v :i“ ' ' •81 Ddeketsl: Implicates, Stationery, 4'ej, -t i- ;y94 86, ii •Pmug Furnace, Attendance." *«-,a Jail; Jr,., 2Bfy 00 .' Fdel; &<r., C. Jail $23 1.96, . .iX ~ MB 66 Incidental eipenseaC. H. $9O; jai $6B. ■42,1 ; 144.03." ' ‘ ji' Printing $294.40; Portage $7.BtJ W'-P,. ; if’ Recorders’ ■ '• '■> ' . <i6 j»u - .■ .B«fpaira,C. Jail $196.28, v I ; 240 40—-1543 89 Elections, iOchcral and Township,, vise ~ . . 1., I. ] Amms'oi!» spending, Ustsi.&c.,! ; ! j V v'fliaP BjK • ■. -. X’ d« * notice*,- ■ - Kj. jJ- i 166 ii." • 1 p it- ■ ■' Suction; ot%rsrpay, \p■ -v 088 74 ■ ■ ■ lights, i,| 62 Hospital—Western Pa., support ofrjmßateifv.’ - 386 42 |i !*' Souse of Refuge; do] , -J ■ ■'■'tto ; 4"' 664 46 J'l ,«® ' i ‘ i-J cbirtreyiigto;lK ; Jr ~p22'20-' J Western Penitentiary—support ofcOnriola, 187 28—101)0 401 'fees, swearing countyand towtohip officer*,! i (■ , f 1 I’ and.issuing-certificates of Fox scalps, Jr : ‘ "62 78 Poor House, 'pauperis, JTI .J r |' J ,8150 00 j.' I'.do, iDirecfots’ipay, Henry Gtoewfejr x ■ 26'00 ' C-L ’i' -jdo ■ | ..• do ; I • John ■ ■ 'li> •* 25.00 ; ,.V :'V : do .!| ■■ .do J Samuel Wilton,, r* ,'. >26 00 —5,225.-00. Railroad Bonds and Coupons, '..K ' . J' u 8,767 ”P Taxes—abatements hud exonerations, ■*>•■ ■:" Errors iij assessmiint,l &oJ,'- -': / , Harmony Society—on Railroadßonfe, 1861 ,i'H52 , ’6B refunded, : - r »■' '• ■; ■' ->'■' ■’ liost Taxes, Collectors’returns of, | '. - Militia Fines. 1868, & prior, nncolleHable-,.. .Supervision Ketuijns, Cnaeated Lancs!. - ' ;J ' Taxes add costs refunded in land, improperly Isold,i - I do and. Interest due State, arreagps for years,' , I ■ prior to 1862, iVolnnteersj Bounties for 1802, jdo Relief of Families of, , ' ! ■ Ido J Secretary of Belief Hond.j - • ! v ;-iTi r- ■ i r . J Deduoi Warranls fori Bounty Leans, 1881* ** - T- ;o~r- ■■ • J Nett.amount warrants, 18631 nett reCeipt i, •5 5° 7,99 \ !•'• v ' * issues of| warrants for lliht year. 5' 50 I fdr the purpose could be procured. Under thd impression l that of their year, as thjey would! be substituted by bonds, and-never i paid by oi.her warrants,, arid thfc bonds-'prineipel and interest fid t then already cancelled and filed away)—thus effecting,a redi HI however, the Uegislature by an net legalized them i to rctaih thooVas each, until finally. redaerrt j _ j n d >) Were liftid by bonds '—Findingibis' omission thus rendered err ediby the Treasurer’s and StocKadcounts in amounts borrowed and ; of this year, as of ; 1862, anld deducted at the end of the account ’'oira to th« County, last yqhr as embraced in; th s ■,! m aoc’t with seavbh j r '> "• ] •; •.• *,]. '• January 4,1£G4. -i,, j By jcasli paid on general warrants, “.I *■ - ■ on'road views, *■ - ■ /■' “ j ; “ Fox gca!psj_ “■[ “ “ redemptions of unseated lands, ■ “ abatements nllqvfcd tax-payers, j, “ jCommissious.aliojivud collect ors.of militia fines, “ exonerations 1“ “ ■ . “■ “ Treas. comms'n on'amount reij : d, $57,312.91 at J \ ■ 2 per cent • i j t ! do --do jborrowed money $1405 100 i ' I per cent, ; #. j. . paid ofit $50,728 92c2 pr. Ct. 1, i’ Bilance, - , j 935 26-' ,»>o 79i 943-31 41 50 ’9O i 5d 80 '25 9 00 E ,465 4dl 865 00 r - 197 81 53(2-t •17.0-98 l . $62, 700 94 . $; 390,84 “ V I , *, j' j RAI. TOWNSHIPS; FOR COUNTY PURPOSI for 1863. | Also balance.d|i© onStat©‘ '■ '>■ '■ viSS'- •y & ■, : ■. • a =1 • • • ? ir -I, - ..I , i ; 1 1 At the I into of isiiife, IME EN i !■ [ ;• , • ; 'i-i i I * MI ==i S Tjr» !»:' s RES I*l z:- ISeSsR;!- ; .;*•■':> f. vm*i '~ 121111 te -7 ' ' 76 84 20 96 - (T . I -I* 4826 73 , 712 ai 110 0Q 2,75 18W i- * ■'>;> 826 'OO 834 06 60 do- 79,928 60 1,0\7 00* 48,909 68 4,856 00 J 53,766 v' I ■I ■ I derstanding. in. this Stole redeemed as ipdly paid by dphcation of as evidences me instance roneous, and outstanding to show lh< amount; of Mil SSS,SOCS' ! -1 155 GO v 111 5 ,511 8; 32 81 35j5 5 8i lw ; i . —325; 5-; a i|; 50—1,300 2' 1 -’<l I'M Of ,125 s: 8—2.286 48 2i,&9o„ei ME $02,700 jo- -% i is, Anc Tax- \ r& V., >;j- &£•***&- f -• ]•>•■{•:■■•■ .. ; r \fj’; •; - H«<v -%:i M--> 4* 188# - .t'V.^‘l To :«moiuii cral»Undin r on gmenf ’“. ; i '■ «j -. «• Bounty I T:-I?i - v -vf-’ , ' l '■•■:} •I :-i : 'J'' * f ' this 28th ° f January, A;i.5T ; '■ Ir; v! Qi, jh );■■; • ; J ; y ■{.I. r .T£AjST3S JLi |hqM - Attest. MCHABD H. AMEEWi Clerks ■, ■;,j. v .. v . '• ••■■■ ? - ’-tv. ■' J€^n^i ■ * r ■■ (■■ , „•:. o -■" ■ j : - JyLO > moneys, r . '» 4r lr., faience in Treasury |Dei 'o cash rec’d of County] '[. [ / • James t “ ‘j proceeds . . , , , ,r’ ’ t -55’i , 11. . |.|/ Expenditures. for Merch&ndiio and groceries, | Support of .insane paupers, : ’ .Jo _ out-door Ido 1 Pl<mr,whcat, ibeatahd butter, ij- Insurance,l ■ I-' L ■ . ~■ ;i. Clothing and Shoes, j / : ‘ -| ‘f 'Ferriage add iSoll.j J - . , ! l. “*, Stave fixture and ehairs, .Constables’[and Justices’ fees. Taxes $S,2(k recording Deed, Clover seed, ■*! ■ [ •i, i Smithing and Tbreshimrj i • I' j Coffins, ■ | H ! Postage' and snbsc riptioh to * r Advertising receiptaaud expi j Male 'aid female litre,. ’’ Stewards’salaries t i [ ' Miscellanies items,! i■, Kemovingprivy, U; Medical attendance, Uit-dooc Removing paupers, ,|j . . Stock 'hogs and caittle, ; j . : 'I I■ ! Am'l oarrioci forward, * 'i? • fr leash paid, ( ] " .* - i *1“ ■ ** _■ (1; ** - ■ r**: . il- 11“ Y_" ^a. ! vs 'i _,*< »• \y\ -V 1 I • V! . 1 I . I it, - I t. iln'-i-fe' J- *< 14'* | ■ * < it' i ■I ■ ' . *? • i l-'.Cr, K P % . L. GKIM. TREA 'i - ■ i.i .; ij • 4 . j 7" —n — Os Balance in Treasupy per ■ cash,of \y rh. Xlaii.r* op,ji *i John Border, m il- <c. -• l''* '• Proceeds of sale, bank of Pituiu. dividend, j Biidgewaler Prei rffil I 1 • . '{ < r I T - ,1 Exhibit of the i ,: .j ■ .. i- -i 1 t i ot judgments and bonds,- with i ■ **, •• Kotos for Tujtipi], ji, ]' “ ■, ■“ Bal. purchase money,.Acnd j''*< “ Bank Stock, s 1 ' I , ■: 111- BEAiVER COUNTY, s i f; j We, thi ur.dersis ;the-foregoing account Si aud Exhibit of the Sloe wherpof ; j>vo ha\*e 4ieret|c K-’- " Mr ■ --w : ;; i- ■- ‘X loo; Account of Collai I= ' ;j 1863. rp Balance dgjsjaat y« | “ pash recevvtedlrom (< i'- u [ ; i - ,i.i ,| 1 ,(I ; i, •i t. «• . ■ M ! <i'j| i i'M i ,1 <• j ■ •« ‘ «• j , >< -V V? / ! I t| .foiiCnjCik ,'r|\ tstitslk- & BEAVI®COUNTYSTOCI ;' • V:'*- 2>f?s*:cf. i'-Vj:-,? .-i; cr “' U»a% f »,286 68-4T.62S 61 ■■' M,M6 48 j t , • Rdoe i. 1 hs. M ■ 1862, !.v- M . Ejasmfer,, !' s ten GonmittcM I 'I ' !'{■ ■ I K '■ i'll , ; •1 ~ 'ii ■■ Si-- i . h I i / (. ' •’ i ;dt; - - : ' ; - I'' ’ i : 33!ES. iiiER last repd !dgmfrnt r LCaileUlY gb it i^y h^teriaQ i- "i j EMI '.I 'iiiarn ■Ain’t carri! |nedv ; Aiidito f. Philip L. ik of said At p set pur ha El ... \'- J ( - lijKet :gfste| eral iar,' ■ eslal teof Sti johi Jao| ; :a i. 44 t, It i'l Tbd Job] • Alei <» f la n I» • » SII I. 'f r Na' ! 1 •• . JHa OE BIN : j--. v v J. ,S' ; \ !4:*i • r- ‘ ■ U y-'J il: a r.i.' ■■ ■ i'-p 1 M i:l ■ ' $87|89 94 ■ i ■• _ ' tjf ‘ I i | —" "■■ ~ . '■> ; ’ • ■ ■!'s“ 17 » 6150 00 .-| 184 33 ■ | £ ; ' 118 16 - —5422 48 • J i - j . *‘55429*65 1•11111111111111 i I I $394 56 1594 08 837 63 44197 222 29 35 25 87.04 . 11 333 F I 3' ■25:85 80(H .85 29 60S. '7' Off, SI.SJ, jj .p ji '1 i 88 9S 28 62 Argus''£ "Star 7 581 ijendituresi 1862, ' 23 00 ’ &70 S7i : 837 SO* . , 17 47V . 2 00> •i.r- i ■'*, i|'> 69 69i: , 102 991 '213 501 paupers, „-||J 4iV>s 62 pi ' 1 i t. *i '• [ v-\ aJtnESJE*. IX ACC'T' W&B. BRAVER ACAD i-i;' ; ; .. .-I y .■ ■' ■■- '!rt,--Vi.; J 994 531 J 1 1500 00 , and Nov., 1 , . 400 00 Clumrh,. 50 00 82564 531 HE I, . 1 s of Beaver Acadeky, for the , t. 907 2.5 By, Am’t broug [ 1 126 64 “ One Piftno'| my buildings,lsoo 00 c * Am’t Acadt J '5OOO 00 finished, 1 • ■■ “ Cash in 'fri d forward, 87533 89 Interest, • *1 rs cf ■ Beaver County, do hereby certt: Grim, Treasurer of Beaver Academj adetny, and ‘bolieve the same to be [ids this 4th,day of January, A.' D, IS' -■ »‘ ■ I■ j MI UJHTIRITAJXrpB 1 stance Taxes received and; Alfred! R. Turing ihe year ending November 30, 1863 | ME i8(53 ; i! ; ;-r: y f ';M- ;■■;•■ Febriiai y 2j By State Treasurer's Reoeipt'a! 28^. v T iV ■ Mapoh 28| . i: “ , ’ April 21, “ “. May 13. “ XSly, ■ 30, " •*; Aug. \ •.* Sept. XSO, “ Nov. i IOJ. “ 1 .i;Mar n, • i-. slo*lB 92) . . » X,! - ' BBAVER COUNTY, ss. j- ; .. ’' ' Ido hereby oertity, tbdt is ■‘■of tho Collateral Inheritance Taxes i disborsed fay Alfred R. Moore, Esq., Rbgis( ‘ % •, & Ctonnty ofßekvbt during the year endk ■ ■: , ..A f D,lB(6S:iv , ' ;M. B. * - pf ' Kf- 1 "i ” X. 333 ipheit Stone, *l7l 80 i Shafor.7 p4?43 »Shafer, ' 26 85 yj. Shafer, 5 22 49 i Boggs, ' 42 50 eoca Hull,! 125 88 Upson Hull, 169 .68 i Shafer,,. (4,50 If. And. 18 85 verson,; , icb Miscampboll, 88 59 Ib&n Thompson, 108 90 inah Shannon, -16. 62 bo A;. Strickland, 29 00 Eh V-'"' 'r.r \ 'i w f ME v -' ; v( -i ' ; Ifty inTruMiirw‘t i' j. •?-• Matt la Collector*' bend*, jqfte to IU3, ’ : SM ' *•**«Si M.;- -1, ..••vT- 1 .♦« ' j Q&V, -I ■’* • .“ ' “tmieeted lends, prior •• , 1 i^m^KSl* v- i . -V- i ; !| ' ’,” ‘£ohn Bobprie, Sheriff, prior, te'.v .. f , ioai»" TrT ~*Wl2 "B. fjatberlend, for ttort,i <(. ■ ■■ ‘"‘*l - V’ \_l I *' - r 1900 | ‘®>sTo oj (i - t <• . , i, a. ~' J ■*; Bj? amount brought, forward, . ‘‘ cash paid payment on fanrif* . ( Treasiirerand Attorney, ;‘v ‘ LungjSr. ■ •; ‘ Building grain house 4c..' i -= ’Skiff,’ :V - ■ i , f. Kitchen ware and repairing,' ■ ■, ' Fanning utensils and repairing wagon; A ~ Repairing buildings, ■ - Physician’s-salary, ,I . Directors’ do • extra, T- ' Carding and winning, 4c,,'. ! - Ba\anO)e in W,. i$6S, " l: • vS:. Li I' : y: < ’A:’ “ s 14 l' ’•« u <4 ,.* «« 1 4. i«» • , ■i ,1. . s -Of the a Brittain, Uic late S V: ■ }:i: 1 ■! 1 vs > ! / / / v ■ y / . I. ! ' i£y paid i J 5; B. Mercer, war rani, ' (| J 4 .»«■ twi/) X10U9.) “ 'Rev, W| ! 'W. Laverty,' ; ißsv. i).jA. CunningKarri, bnilding, I®. new buildings: - " S. B. lifireer, D. iKauaej,- '- "I : - r ■ • i- ido;v , S. p} Mercer, '■ '.. '■■" r . Treasurer’s ‘•al!»•.)•, 1 rent, .• j .. Balance. U 4f <• ~ 44 “ ./« ; ■'' i, i 111111 * i . __f 1 . i r !-h> ! . ■ -rt—. ! t. ■ i | j 1 i .' ■* i •( \ >'} NZ LtA - .P' ■:!; ■f' * . , ■ •£ i; .I*. V Expenditures. >ove amount $116i.4l were disbursed br Jtmti ;«wort, $4,038,, William Shrodds. prescnt jtiirirt. MN i ; '-/ A n:.. i , I / KuR TUR TKAK I*M. v OR 'lL'` i _ is ,£k_ yfear ending Deo. 31, 1863. ht forward, ' , imy lot ■with", new improvements On valued in .piiesent condition; at tasnry, • ;. |; ify, that wo have examined and ai y, together with the vouchers for the j eorrectas they stand stated, tin w 64. v.. ~ . - : v JOHN STEWART. WILLIAM CHANEY. J. McCLURE, ! ; L] I. it .< ; ■■-h; •i* ii , i /.«' • ;«*. . '.* , 'Ua • Appraisers! receipts,, Commission on 81018,92 balance due Commons - * ; ** I EM ' - .h. • . En= Jr- r . • . 77. '• V'Cr i tj‘; 1 1 7 I i •-, 4i, -■ 1; ■’^ . nding P er: 3.1 T r' ■1 J - .'I '•>' EMI $4605 62 200 00 85 00 ' 87 75 ,! 80 00 ■» OH -14 SO i. 1827 52-85 r i ,'i" 82 <» «oo '■V I" i fs£ --22240 $5429 65 )SoM UO.OO -30 60 500 00 134 00* 1000 00 200 Oor ' !:■; inO 00, 26 00 ' 198^’ ,ff»564 6S ' .r~ I * S9 •V" 76 00 I , •' ' t ooW 193 00 506 : 89 iudit«d esame ■itness Audi! =MI .~ knq. Moore, S 3 S !52 7* 97 09’ 38-88' 7928 17 99 41/00 98 71 14 2? .4 60'- 60 94 20 20 ;'-V • i !a:> sal tn, 101^9* a. *i■ “« jjnen| •,»n“ >rtbe afSO, 1 true Stati received 3r in- and ft jr JJcTcmH iditor