The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 10, 1864, Image 3
r i • er .........., g*ukettti. 1 it _ ~,...., ea V _ 1 • \,OOIIOOWWIIIaT ralts iAsa , r5 ... /i , ' -. • .p.r- ...•__:. lag ,.- • lbw Pr., ,', ''''' .."7:' , le•••••,* r ,/ to II WV WS , ~ :Dried Apples per busliel.l.. ..... I ..-_, 1 60 Penekos '.' .., : • i i -,:.... . 44. .... . IS 50 - do l , .: 4. 125 Vie" • I[ 1 Corn , ' .. „. ~, 120 ilyo —' - /00 '- 00 .4 ' ” ''.,...... J ... :.; 76 fisrlei .. t 4 r ' 4 — • . 1 ' feer 5154 " i ...... 800 TiTimotlii Seca, 5. i . . 8, 00 ! , 710 Seed, c ': :: , ...I -8 2 20 ' 5 kW., ~ fOtlitOet, 1 70 onions. I 100 ' Cort 11e 6 / 4 ::- " - . 1. 25 O+ , , dotes r i . 2 0 ' Thater, .. 1 ,0 i . Igo. •• , ", " i 13 1 . goulders, . .. _ , -$ ' Tlllocr. ',', .• " 1.."... 10 :,..1 . .5 1 ! 16 Candlee , ° . 6O,P• lases, '.. 9' 16n 4 .... . 76r Mo I:\ • Csflon Oil. 1.. , !.. -. i 761 :Quarterly S t atement of Batik 'of, Beavf3r County. • e s , . NE•.l3r "o wren, , 1854. ' , • • 'Notesgandibilis discounted„ao l. tiiti $51,9100.47 00 i 'Same uinier ti-rst est • 00 U. 8: 5-20 6 ief dent. elonpo!ibont3s. 95,150 IL. S 7 3-10 per ceht. Xreas.. notes.. 4,850 00 Furniture and °le& 6xt tires .... .1... 1,958. I JS D'ue frona.oilier banksi 'Y 1,95 Notes and checks of ot.or bink4a!nid , 'C. S. Trtftelliry .neter.J.ti ... 27,212 44 Coin in ..... .. ... . -6,754 41' -Protest account •.' !. '1 '4l Current expenses • i. 400 _OO • . . , • • •: • •• ,* 2230;950 ,65 ■ • . i ■. uVbi'uiib*. . f \ • • vL . Du*- ■..'-•••••'* ■*** * •ktii'U'i ■ i«. * Bue , ijWgjW , . :•" fiirldemlß unpaid., V./’f " 00 '-■* j• , ; . 's;’io,9GO Bs’ i < I certify that the uhiia e rUtcnvbptii! true find correct according to ;r lie best? of my-knbUfledge and belief. ~i _ Hoops, Cash>. . . Affirmed and jubacrit(c*r'Bfefore mu,. this 3d day of Fcbiuary. /1).._1864. !'• , . V . I]. M..McCoko, Notary -p-;; V. SECOND; ; ,J 'A. rmyiO . has, been Juthorhed to X h ieu f° r M 1? '*:■ , ’s’ r f' ■■ * I4pth Regiment Pa. Volun'eera, , or for any I’enna. regiment orViUery^' ' Goper-rmr'nt 'Bounty-*? {. i *_• ’ T« .J.....p..i. . "Olliers..; _ ’l/iirgc local Bounties ate also he rig paid.; . jig”for fulLpartievtVixs 'ryyiin at- the of fee, Net BrigK«on. .Benno., oynositt the PosC Office. WM. ‘B. S;t.U.UBS:BKI<«SIu..- -JT l. Lieut. Adj'l. 140th Pit.,Vnl.J,.,.Ty ■; febtO’fiL- Recruiung Officer; v UCEIBt'‘lijWCEltF -r'-IST-lf .aitpliop-nlij ftgt tieunse-s|t Marche Vj leeiTi. ■ ; w. .• , j',' ''• .T 1 ‘ J■. ISStS' °* :WWlf*' '. , ’• hskn t?cro,. ■ 11 ■^iuelSWo«4e s :; ! ..^ 7 Uhp«^elUp.r i ' CtSe. & boro.";, I : - \ . A\bxoeder 0U;h,....... I’exyer fccro,- . >’ '•■. .CbMttftt J pifuraer.....,.:Beatpc boro, '' : V* • Jolin,^nbing. Galilee. ~ <’; ' ‘ V ./W. KKLI ls /Q > NOT { •\'T.KSe -TUAN ONE-iQUAPT. WiTH OTHER ooShlSigger.... .;li. iin'ii ty„ ; ' i : . 7 '. JO UN A r FRAZIER, Cl k; : , i 'Beater, Feb.lo‘GLh | 1 ,' \ • :‘'BX«Gp-T(^R‘S|,.KO. i !i9 B - I! VS" HE REAS Icucrn testamentary on the •.»»; . Besj. M'G.imcK,- laU-i-pX Ohio U->; BVAyer.caunty. 2 rS*; dec’u, haviig h«n ,tq\the im.dcrsigncd, all persons . , indebted," to said estate ‘ are to.niiiWe Inlinediate pay vaeiit, and those having claims i gainst the same wijl present- them projler'.yd -Mit'ur.nt'catcil for sottletaeTV- ••' , . ■ Wm.’B. M’G.VFF.ICK, ■* J.ESSC-'hPG AFFiCK, -. M'CfcitPICK. <f fehlO.St" ’ ; ) ■ Estate of Harvjey Gamble;' dc^’di I.ETEiIS of H'io‘Ati:iFJr;iUcn cntlie if Gahblk. late of'Grctnc toun •'lip,, Beavef Cisucty, Phnnavp dec’d, having! grilled toUlio 'andovsiprned, alt peraopd iD.ieliiell to’aaid estate'are requeeted tppiaSi immediate payment, and, those h'aimg claims gainst tlie same will present them properly •uilienticated. for settlement,. 1 ' .j: JAMES BKItXAIN, Adin’r.:. f . Greene tp. , -fe141(%4 A V;a lua b 1« P \ s-j: J l^ori'-Saie^ THE subscriber Kill sell a ; tract of land,' ®'<i ate in Sortb Bewickly to\vnsh ,p, .Bon.. ; ver, coubtYj Pa'-containgaboift 114 .icyes.on the State"Eoad’from Beaver to:,N,ew| Castle,; aeirtheConne ( quenc>aingßridge, thblandis 1 ef a tußerior character, called 4ocuslj .land— ’err productive, antihb.eing firtV’S.tjd.i second . ,ereek bottom, can .nearly mdde- into - ' U iswell .Watered bjr good -springs or excellent water’.; ijTherff are (iboitt 80 -acres ' f' £ll j Cd ’ i-he balance: In timber. Coal is a , handantj near') the Farm.; There vs on the - R ' good twp-stbry Frame House, in aich a |St6re and Post Office are now kept, . . y»ith a gpod-Stable and out-buildingi. there ii*' ri i t .within" half,a mile.—, n Presbyterian and | Baptist JChUrches, and a . .“‘le .ahd ; female Seminary,-; and Common ochooiß. withiu lesa thana mile. I. The neigh-, ■hood i> good. Person* desirous of having * good F&rm.with superior advantages around u . hiTe nbw an opportunity of purchasing, i . CLARKE, . ' fi I h ;Att’y pt Law,, ! . . ! h • | .■ ‘ Bearer, Pa, LIST o: EEMAINIKG in ter. Pa.. Feb ' fiteker John ' forks John ■ ' - vampbtll Andrew ' i' C&rrjWiUiam Miss Nandj . i: £' a “ s ,Uisa Hattie r..-°V r ' rs - Charlotte CrinderOcorgo 'I , ; SelmsWl ■ , ii' ... Mercer LeVi.. . , - t J. , Merr »nian Migg I ‘Clairvoyant’ • Brighton. Pa., V ‘wms. . : |\ \ji w «n ■watered - fraU iroe'al ! en 2jßiro of . - , -REGISTERSIIOTICE--- lira .* 'YE - a ' :. o—au sT° . t 41_pr . .tns eintalsted in the II - ' Ope — iieil . inii . - 6 - liotak ." ' iortierlyik. '' .1....,,.......zatt_ _____,_,..___,,.,.. ~,,,,___ ...„,, • w telt have been passed and: filed ht the • cur= py 'Axe Mae Ani. "IBM Registers Office, off-Beaver county, Pa., will .• - " •""-' /.7. 4 ... ; , . < lake notice-that the same will beineedated ti. lIIHEI Subscriber' having, purehased • the ••V -. She Or p hans' Court, to be held at Weaver, etc J. tahlislitaent will alide4ror to hweli t eron . .Tk Mednesdayithe ittbday of March, itihicfori 0 411 i1tVia• 1 4.10.".. 1 0 31 i1e 13 1 1 4 - " 14411 ? confirmation andnllowance• : -7,, •4. ' ":' Drug it - • '• ‘ " ` ' :' ' '-' ' The= first aiid final .a.ceount lof ;Michael. Be / life pityaiiii4 and Druggist. theitthirot .I . Conkle,Sr., Administrator of the estate Of i may'rellc on his, t' keeping the PUBEST and '' John C onkle, dec'd. • r • ~ / 2 1 EaT 0114 / 3- :, /. 1 .: - Final accou n t , of James Nelson,tadministra , variety of he r, tiatie:les will also he found .. tor• of the estate -of dThomae,Moctre, deg ' - • ; " in lik establishment: . • I "The final account of 'Joseph C: Wtson(art- Tea , Eitract-4) C° ffC °: " BP ' s i ll' '' )sQaP ' II ministrator of the estate:4f Patei'cleFiating, Falicy , S6aps, Po 4 Ifoniet 0 Combs. • , ‘ deed: ' .• ' ' - -',/ ~- • . - . Alt ' - .Si • • t; `• o final account. (real and -*Bona) cif 'ALI; TICLI. , TORi, II 11: .TOILET. 1, , J hC. Wilson, administrator de-lxinis - - I:BEQU , L,COTTON, LEA $ 'PENCILS,' ' n 'With will annexed of John dible, dec'd. NEE RS; • S'IIEELNI t .FE.S - HAIR i t i • * • The final account. (personal) of i.Andreu, BRI.7.SiLES, TOOT( BRIUS • 1?..5, Witt tenure. ,-executor of _the list will of Wil- . r t J ali - 4,,Cc - Q: gEGAItS,' LET- Eam Scott, deed. /' • . L, • - The -final- at:chant of Johii Didemiller, ad--.. , , 1 T ER, NtYT,E. k FOOLS-.,*.i , I ministratoriof the estate ofj. c.. letile„ deed. l i 1 . GAO Ii'APER. ' '' . : k The final. n4tionnt •of Jhcob l Householder, c ar . 0 1, 1 ;Oil' Ziamp s and littian4.e. 1 , executor of l the last, will of ,Philip 11. Pfillg,, . , its ' dee'd. - 1 • • , . : - - v. ,These are a few' of the Artie) , and only - Ai_ Th,e • final account of Eli `Ramsey, acting few alWays on ban . Call and see. _ , , executor of thelast will of Seibert ' Homey, Ile:ill 111, tiy a close attention and',f.' ___. deed. " • • 11 -.. . 4 , „. detain to give sotisfactien to . all wi ..iii - rt -The final account of - John Garrard., admin., - , fav o r iiiiail*.th their ,custom • J , • istrater of the estate of Jolla .' -Eaton , deed. 1 y'.-_ , •• r,p ~, i'. CUMMINS, Nl,'-D. f 3111 4 • The final account of James, Todd, Jr.;. td- l, q Particular attention will be paid to 'I . ministrator, of the estate, of James Todd;Sr.,• , putting up Phisicians prisscriptions. [aug 27 1 , deed . ' ___•___l • ____. ____- 1 The first and fural'aecoutit of , Daniel .31. 1 , .1' IV - Jr ‘ q Wi (jr' TELOCIEk; le 1 1 Donehoo' administrator of the estate orJohn f • ' ' . - 1 Glenn deeld. ' '.l, c • '4 ... 1 AND i ' . 4 The first arid final aecounts /geol .: and er. • ~. .• 1 ,, ; 1 ...., ..t:. • ' . t i sonal) of Wiliam K.:Bode/I, administrator of f.' PRODU E S'I'ORE it, Samuel S. Hamilton, dea'd. ~,,,,. • , • _ 1 Tle- final account of William K.. Boden; ad- r 1 1 f 11/It. su . 4criber respectfully announces to p ministrator of Francis Martel, deed. I, .m . t e citizens of Ileaysndir .. lci l l t tgiZ The first and final acchunts:(Real and Per sonal) of Richey Etikin, executor .if the last e De e DPe n n u .. le , GROCERY will of David gakip, er., dec'd., STORE nu- the r,oodi formerly occupied by ‘ oke. Et Talton Fr directly opposite the ' The Guardian accoun t s of Joseph Brittain, ... . • • : ~.- , , : ;,- 4 tg-s office, whe ewe will keep constantly on ■ Ihe Guardian _ . Qu&rdmn of-Josiab H.& Ann Elixabelh Bril- j taiii, minor heirs of John-Brittain; deic’d. > Tf O' "-diari accounts of R. M. Rhodes, the Guardian -oCoulttH of R. iu. >, \ T'vTSii‘C'Ti'l?. i ■= RIV’F. 1 Guardian of William,, j, Sarali Jane & j 1; Ann.ElizaU o.well, of Elea*er TLA, KMOLASfeEB, Powell, dec'd. . ..." ■' STFGAR; iA •. LY.RUP;. ,v "lie Guardian account, of Daniel Rrsmger, j ■ -j ■ • ' ; of Wm., Morton, jr-i minor son of JJ'L O . FLOjDR, ROTATOgS. and Wm. Morton, _ > ’ .'l , i all othe r ' 'articles usually* Kept in a t ( -rhe Guardian account of Beni. ■ MFarlm, ., i , i, • . . . J,. Guardian of-Mary Emma Powtll, minor daugh- 7”T '• ■■ . tferidf E}^a?er.Powell, deerd. " .> 'i,- ' ■ ‘ produce taken ttl exchange Tlit Oukrdiaii account of Jos. 0 Wilson.Guar- ; for goods, at the highest market, jmee dianjpf slaria J. Scpttj Wnor heir of Jamesr d|l>o . j jT.,T. McKIBBIjN. I Guardian apcOunts of Joseph.Mehaifey,., ■ I • 'Aj TsT h iAft7~ /. , ' -Guardian.!of Elizabeth’ J. Map- Afncss j I ppaitT'TT'PTlLi EDITIO’ IflJbnn,minor heirs of John Glenn, dec d/ - j Ulz ™Tlie Guardian account of P. Mnlvanon.Guar- | .j Ql THE A dian cfEdwin H. Bonds,minor sop of Jamta.j JI|SXAttES OF'EDICiTED M y.Douds,.dec'd. *A» _ . '- : r. V’ "|‘. ■ • ~ ;! ! Tlw Guardian account *of TOUTS TT'ART LL’ I) rttiWiftn of Thomas B. DanidU, mitfbr son.of ; v |J5 It { JUIi JS f 5-. J T r 1 o. W : ,;. f v . Al murt», nnce.oO cents: papejr cot- account of Jaekuikii-T.- i| J 'e*)'; 26: ceil* Gopies of this book will 1 dalt^'Quirdi'an,of &Wn,E. Calhcp,’• minor |be sj;n(>Sy ,re c eipt of tbe picc, in i heir of Mi. O. CalUo'on, *Te*ld. ; j * , P^g 6 ■ Swill, minor cKildrepof Marlin Small, m»r2b._ .... , 'J; -i -1 .The Account of Rcgjna Miller,; Adbimiatra- - -fc£' X,i SJomilirLl* V. iriX of. John Millefi dec d, who was Guardian ijeaVCl SpniUia 3T*l jvfJolin. Martin, Catharine and AdamFresU-, r*- -_ . ~Z " - . , ,_. 4orn, minor children if Adam, FrtsU.corn, dtp S- Superintendent estate ofG lenient Z. dou-- itjpv.D, II.A-St D. , . uers. dec*4. , ‘ E, >. A- CtoKtSonXM. : 5- ;■ '»■ -v Al/piIED-B. • r « G. V. CiLimw. 'M. D: ; J ‘Feb ‘3 'lB64Vf , ■ ■„- Register -fputE yvii rfinAof fovirfOOh wceklt opeus on ’ i tJ-i—l | T,UEBDAY,-tn^? r ?- daycf’Scptdmb’er. > Brigtt »n Ip, XlppVwa tp, c Kxe'iut.oia, jiITTERS Post’ Office'at Roe bee -1864: : McConnell Malinda Seyler James , ■ Simpson Mias Jifary ‘ Schadt Mr. G . 4 * Stewart P J' Seabold Mrs Mary j Smith Mias Laureta Thompson Mrs. Nancy Thompson John ' ‘ Jurrerr George. ' Taylor E M Young Joseph F !< . -- Zinkhaun Margaret f.S !. / •! "i-Mjes Sally-\ ' ited farm njtar.New on . very reasonable ■. I •i „ ■ w 11- good building* and ?or farther particulars lOHN , I'e'w finghtotiit f*a' ffetiee'ilinl tb© Oiphans’ Court;'! ikt term. board ..atMl-' furnished j . j ■■ S‘ . ..-i ! There Is «•« police ,iu y , . , «.s P” Is ~ . a .J.;$4O 00 I'Flok m«ny pebons ».^po»mgt&tthey.would th^ • ' , *W"M>W«nls Act addrcSr ■<■ <*"•; ! <■*«* **“»? U W T* 1 " 'ff Wf» f “ ,s : I : N. B.—rbirectioii ’Off *C the 44th of April, %1. of fc *r .g MERGER, jleßTer. Pa- * r r “kp. for these Tills fill liver and lottery disoi -property nilowed l« be retained by ft Widow I *7 , ,- * ' .'stdumch ami t!ms reaiori all the acridlrmnors , MiyT. ■ ■ ■; or;'children of s decedent, tQ. tlje value <jf \ 1 . } f !. j from tfre cjStem. . This aedtcTnp wni gire tone ! —■ “- t - sg,lK), (laVe - , ' of thp; Orphaha Courf, of Beaver .coUnty, - "Taion' ITITTI? i** t«d. whife health’aid atrenglh follow * r ’ and approved nwi. ■■if: ' j. • - , > , A It\ ' A NIV I *Sk!.l ITti':* R a= a-raatiicr oft coursk ! Kothing- will atop the PUYSTCIAN . *T : . ■rellaiUdn Of khe BiWj aosur&Wthis fam- [•T-n.'X DXViajS elected' Vv the widow fcf Jere-, R. T. Taylor, ous medicine! ' ' l 'i. _j’ '.-i i . , miaii ifanibaT.llate hfEconomy'Vownship, d?- f - Jyr ra A«l Taylor, <JOVerHSa* VjOi.USIEERjs ’'ATTENTIONJfv IKDISCKE- T* ■ . ceased,.Charles Brown, . . ;! ra'hK-Npv.ii tFUM‘ WILL COMMENCE f - TIOXS DF| VOUTII. ~: JL tj) amount •*. NbAX- . * Sores ned Ciders, Blot ching? ind Swellings, |og oenaM, he M i i , ot Saarne) >lillerri.te of * ■ [ ••, . . >-» , / , ~, can with ccvtuinty be ri llicmUy cured if ‘the ture on adajrgcr sc ‘>A V n nan. .■ -Jiaph Ulh, Ibl.-l; l-ill? n J taket^' nigh\ ,*Sr mdftdie, and thtf olc » of lhe ph “ rn .> ; , -’I ,*/- /Ac l-continue! 14 weeks. The aim of Ihe.l oin! nienl'bo tfiely used aa sintldin the print,, nnd <j • }. .RIJ*: P er, y,?°! V U|C onfOunt of-$3OO, ~chool is to, make it*pupils thorough, espe-'(• j in str ictioiis. If IrcntotT in ifilv'other man- 1 ’rescription Depn • b f t ?*^ gs fc U R r<h £ ?5 r ?P« U - ! !«y in theCpp.mon Ilmnches.' ■ . | ue r tlie/drv Uin 'oiejpWuilycsk'ont in an,Th° fwu B «P cri 9 r o( deceased, Ihonja Class, 1 otherj .Whereas tills will remove;! *cV I 'TO.?. 1 ® 6 . =■ propertv! tp the siimat of fo - ?h« wisVlng to fit..‘ttkesns b'v Widow lute of 15 * for 4aihing. -will be formed ; at. the j Uojt a min. ft wit. rt- > ton tUt|nahj|r,' deceased, tW. AngeC A® f eo|mencon> e“f ierm.-x ;:, . j ‘l«*e i* ,e ca?os tc ia *.j^ tt > 0 l« i^ned, r ers^uai 'property' to iU« amount ot jp>| :fe r -S l4 ,( '? 1 .1*38:00 i%y>id|iy of Ocorgi Oaw e on\ iTtdof L“ S3,ftO toSB.OO ■; . A,.y isWtid. iPipK-m efiavtotp* 10 ' ,nqtt *®.? tfefeoufe on|?4 ; Hjr4 .• ■•*. >'■ ir«“ nd . 4?®' ,M i • ftmrt priperty to’tbe **om*%s3oo.- F i*' :;■ . ' .*•• .T> TAYJfIR. • To oven; s|ldfe‘ and .|a,lorarc tfnblej “S. 1 ■j _ f 2 O;-by widoW MiUon MeUinn..lit. of Dar*.| f '• . ppV f m t tuwfiibip, debased,' I. 'A;ty. Edgar, 1 J Hot&L k V -f I»" «»*• * “ IgA •«.s*, M*Vy J.auc McMiiin.ldmg’*. .1 f, fffjf T&T .rr *f T ■ p,„ n Sf nr ?. \ T ? a ? d ,‘h om . 'TIW include-. I Boat Estate; lot Jfd dn the .BoJ J U " • L * 4 iHAJ.L^PrOpri^tOr t .‘ Jwye h.i woftnda d.W * ,e . , Ext3 ’frduglt of Sew 'Brighton.'elainie'd' t.i».be>dta.m| | ■ • .-.y ■: ? ? 7 f^r l V f ?^ J ''; ll i ,, ,” Uf ' /F! • Fluid Extracts T ■Borou&ii ,of ißeayer, Allison, Adm'r.j | ■■ • , , !■■ ' -if 'l ■ Personal property amparft'evj' f 330, hy/’widow of Jame»'ileed;.sr., lots of Hanover. Abivnship, deceased. James Keed|.,Jr jW , Adln’r.l f -Pttiopal property to. the atnbufilof S3Ud by. jjtbjs widbw of Ffcrrao v Slui-ffpr, d .VAsed,) Elate of theJmrough of New Brighton. A ■ * p BENJAMIN BEDISQN, Adnr’r. ' - J i SASAtI E.ailAFFKlt. Ad(ifx. - 1..’ ■ JOHN A. FRAZIER, ' I Beaver, Feb. 3d, 1801. V. ■|. jN‘- Clerk. ‘ Notice in the Orphanfc Court. '■ I iE following named accounts havebeen a. ‘filed in tbe,pffiee of .the Clerk of the Or phan's Court for Beaver county, jto-wil; . ,Tltc account bf Wm. JjTtßodei", Trustee ap-, pointed to make sale ofrAealeslate of ; Robert , .Robertson, .dop'd; - * ii E”.- ■ . Also the account, of same as Trusted ap. pointed to .make, sale of 'real [es>i ate or Abra - hamlrtVolf,.d,ec‘d; _ ' vV I j ; 1 i Notice is bercfee>igiven t 6 all persona inter, Cslcdin sajd'acbacgHs, that-IhcjiJariie.Avitl bV presented to'the Orphan's Cpurtjlo be held a Beavcr. on Wednesday fhe 9th day of March 18$ft!"for confirmation "and allbwkride., j , ' ,feb3’ A v . JOHN A. FRAZIER, Cl’k. . ..:i •i* 1 ■ • lJ • ! -ii •• .-I •- List of Causes for Trial March Term, 1864, Commencing Ist Monday. t ■»J ' ■ . ~ j r ’! ! , i .l6y VfEEK:;- j J. W. Berber'sex v t tb JohnMelloh, «t at - Jacob J. Nqss,’ -, “ John Biake's Ada's 1 Lukens & Beeson, “ Darlington ME chares James CoUinis Co., •• \¥. M. Shirts, et al P'aUersonsDaridso'n “ Martha Senders ,’'A-.R. ; Nye, -....1 ... William Gill, et al : T. &W. Walton, v “ Carroll Martin et al John H. Camp, •« Wm. Alexander, Jr. | ’’ 2ND WEEK: /\{ . ' .’T ■Robert Hall, 1. ’ »s'Alexander.Robert son ■ James. E. Scott, “-iSalouel Reed 1 j iAbrab&m H. Davis,, •• Thomas 1L Watt' ... ‘! fJobn Beatty's 'Eze’t >* N. C. .& B, V. E. R.Ca. [William Janes, ' “ ‘ earner Andrew Smiley, . [AhsiimToms, ; [Commonwealth use, [Alfred Campbell,* ? iFred. Kiser et nse, IJ. 8 .McCoy's ezeH j ; Feb .1. 1864. ■ 1 BCHOLAKSH] I A SCHOLARS HI A LEGE.” PIT’ IWaS*t DlSOWSt ofics.Bvfur, Pa. : ip 15 “h TSBCRO, ■Enquire »t whete two wi]l keep constantly on liand I and for. large assortment of Groceries, gtloh as •• v ■? ■. r > ‘TSBtfEG WATER CUBE’ r 0. Curative Agency is superior IMU) JL*» J’ATHVj of till}- form; of p>ißea?«k3.-iind.ind liistiiulio» - in: this Conn try possesses igrciitor fitcilil’ics for its adniiais traftiori than'|liis.; ! . . > . 'lgUFtt Pictorial Gircfalar address *' V [ |l>b.- \V: K. IIAfIBLETON. >1 ‘ + o '■ t’iUsburg/Pa. ", . t <siif Notice. of the Girard House Phi Va-: jjj delphia' would respectfully call the at tention pf business' pieu andthe travelling community | : ! , supejdoruccummodatioxi anil comfort j ercd intheir establishment. ’t • / f KAKAGA. ; r | J |7tOGD. SUBSTANTIAL, LIFE.LU3 PIC- Vf TERES can octree had ut li A m „ ] CbiJJiT-liOUSE. i.v BE A YEFg ' - Xbeif ’ pictures: are not mere dahbs, butwa'r ranted S.UPEEJOK to, any that -have ever been made^ib.CeUTer'abufaty,. by atiy otber'nrtlst. 1 T(j examine specimens. I rdllpanahi bat a few weeks. * i fl@LGallery in the same room occupied by mi in 1857. s .|i ( C. A. GEIFr IN. -ytnr9 W; '\] Photographic. Artist c.Jk ccsMiis, Hi K. ccMHiVia/h., i) ,0. P-Xlummins &rSon, /tiFFER their professional services; aaPhy sicians and Surgeons ■ to the citizens' of Beaver and Ticinity. They can' always' be found, when not, prqfesgionly ; engaged,, afthe DrugStoreoff.;! 1 . C. s . ■■ [Bec3’62 ] ... Jv -„■' __ ■ : For SalOjat thoßeavOr,Drug Store iCOAL Ott^UWlEßS—tnfi Itl ‘LITTIrE MONITOR’- to burn oil without ,chimneys, « splendid affair. Also. Carhop OilYaiStorns Withqut-chlmneys. j.’JPijr sale aCDrug Slore;of C, P. Qummins—' Gun Powder, Young Hyson-and Black .Teas/ all good; Coffee.'Eit. Goffee. Dandelion Cqaee, Gold Golden--Syrup for table use, a prime thing; a cheaper'article bfByrup, very,good;’Vinegar, hominy, .hand sorubing brushes and’salt. - ; .1 , J '[Zant cutThnts and Raisohg for tale, at OP Cmmnina' BrufcStore.' •-.» ’V . ■ (Mun.e O Geo. 'Alexander .. V Jobs Executor EU Campbell'sAdin’rs Wm.l Welsh, cl sVr- James H.Trimble, et m WE Y AND, Protb'y.’ i ~POB SALh US CITT GOI»- for nXt, st » ■othtnottry’ii •j., - .irwst Frouii ' > > m&dmmm BEAVER COUNTY, PA. f«p2r . # # • t • - 01) - T , A ' -. 4 t.' i fFil' air t.*- - • •• '-."•-;--' - r ' .. - :i • - 1, -//1 - ,-1 1 /0 9 0 ; tigl • ae,tice... - .. ey - -•• .r; %It . 74o l iealro l 4". d tei44...liiai .• . 4 01! iitt e i t • . - - .. . • P 3 /0 1 itt• i , ; T'I ll '• '..,' '''' J . ~,!Y,0#71 0, t ttene, ethei,' fro •:.,,• ealiiiiii o erWi, iota( 4y:l:ie, paift:o k . ho# i,,tid, pi T i • • •coljte)iitart4. 4 \a).., ' ,. iifilei, j • 41 ne• Out. • Ikotinna. , g.tle st ; tip* ies, pint in the , a qB**, -ta4distiqbed .sleep, Which orititfronitiferiWliewiefi!,444‘ , . i • ~• ' Dr Qtuiiisernat&ill*.:L -_ : tai - ' - 1 't, - i I- 4i( -. iii - ii was , e eommeneemen o a' i re . ~ 1 t ttatp4nt of thaie irreinlerititis.%o4f.Ol-- , Lions which have nsignO4,lloll,kini iirwris i MATV.TtZ. CiftA7'^''! • CeMilde .„ ' , P ) e)Y-.10, heath anleeksirs' .. • regufin'.l we wiiViever an' , ula ill abstrnetitaitakes' p • ce thel f j ' ,iteattla lie ' . 'ns to decline';?! :1;...' I :, \I Dr. 1618 ii4ail f it l i i i4iiii' . •:' tir.r . tw-tnost effeeilalliomOdyjotwif. for 'all (complaiatkp oilier to POl.loal 10 - 11l , elaisa lady are 'noel blo,.l.4tein , ,ritia eirt(nit-' 0 : 1 4 , Bei*lice )tvgt tkic i--'O lO 9 t 1 tTl. 4 "iip cliall -thousaidf„ .4:.l f 4ve uisedi' a diffeient I.periodin, ,tlii:tighOut ihe l - cci6tt — iilript the 1 sanction o f of iii tha t; ' ' . itit iboi i . FT 0 6, ~.. .n , I! tiani in A* 'ee l . ' • r ' '1; 41. e. . .. , ; r„ -1 Explicit sterna Iliceing A . ti4sh . oulr' - .wit 1 be usicf, wit each itioxliiie . . ,' 4gtotii,E.6 l lar. per Bei, oo• tainin .fretn'ir c G I iits...i ~ Pii_triseig mai? peopo, . ,• ',I/kitting .. 4 Ithe Bropri tar, • r. riti!h'iiif ridge Water f l w so:!1b agenf, or this I , only. -1 ' • :II • . - i 1 ~. - • j • B. B. ,lIIITCHINOB,4rO I :rietor' - anl • 'cr§t 'y '. 4 1.0Vedar fit, ew York. • ERIE tIS NEVWE ''rIVES i 1‘ *t OF TUB . '(• BRAVE JAILORS. tl H<l T ll HW A Y.’iS i PI I:t . Is REMEDIES, milky a, time his special " . j ;,r* “ “ “ there has sold over, a ton in weight! v Olilittaient. > Ointment in a pingle lay, Tipeterribllt ■ | —iiii!>\ -i. fatal enemies of ithb Soldier :in Camp,' A LT. WH6haveEritjnde|»nd.RolkHveg in the r DIARKttEA. DYSEIi TEUT, SCURVY. SOI [Army orXa*y, shoidd tnke'pspecial hare and SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS, all dis. ] that they be- amply feuppliod will 'those Pills, ’pear like a charm: h ifore thpse PILLS A 1 i and Ointmbnt; arid where th« Wave Soldier? ’OINTMENT, arid now whilh, Ijhc Cry rinj | have |negl|pfed ,t«j pi ovide Uhomi tbe.innd,' .•• I ' ielveb riulil theta,no beiter ■’ i 'TofARMS! TO.ARMS;! thtjml by tlicir friends.') They have-been prov- Dp not let these brave nioiK perish by. dia ed to be tlic Soldier’s never-failing friend; in case, placq in f their hands these" PRECIOUS thelioiir.m necdf ~ f ’ i• r REMEDIES, J,that y fli enable ,fh :m 'to [resist COUGHS' AND COLDS AI'EECTISO, TROOPS the ■ 'UarigCTpus^.espcktlrey,'Jth'c Feversp the Will be speedily r'elnt ycd[and [effectually Chills, and'thp wounds inriichl they cannot cUrcd'by-iisiiig ttjcse fnhje medicines.,and avoid, nndiwhafl is tiore,.'ca,!|not frequency gkt [By paying proper ! atihntim ti the Directions succor,in the njomeiit of need. wLerch'S if our which arc attached 16 each PM w Box; ,| . brave mcri’havp only to putKheir bants;into SICK lIEADACHESj\N]) WANT OF APPE- their Knapsacksancl find th.ere a siufe remedy IrITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. - ‘ for all the casiiaUie:i of the jbatth ■, field. How These f :elingsl which sc saSdnh ‘ nsr.lUSlVally mnny'fhousarids,of lives yojdd thus ‘M saved arise from trouble or janioyancik- who would otherwise perish before relief could ' persipiratim, or eatihganl .drinking whatever be obtained. , ... I . ( , J ,is uniyholfesome,, thus disturbing! he healthful /. AIiTIOX. —None ire genuine .unless •action of the, liver 1 stomach. .These or- (be words “//oWoeoo, Kns \York~und London," ~gaban?us( be rclievetil if you desire to be. well. 1 are Jisccrnoble as a-watcr-mark in every 1 leaf ThefPills, lakingaceijraiiig to in- Q f,fbc bookof directions'around [each pot or strnction:. will quickly ,ir prudiipp a healthy ,'The game mny>be plainly seen by ’holding action in both |ivcr and stanaqh, and as tt , wj; [ C c.f\o the lighi.. I A hanksomei rewardi will natural consequence ii cliar heat! and jsoodap- given' to any pnp rendering such inform:,- petite. .. i , ...... !_■_ lion as may }gad tojthe'detpctionlof pny party WEAKNESS OR bEBIIITTINDCCED; BjT ‘br .parties,'epbniorfoitingthe medicines ohycrid- I • OVER FATIGUE,! ' » i, ink the game, knowing them to Be spnriong. Wm soon disappear,by the us* 6f- these in- s f*«Wsold kt the) Afari«flu*wryl of Professor valuable [Pills, pnd the Soldiw will quickly ac- Holloway, 80 Maiden Lnife, New York, and quire additional strength . Ncvtfr let the bow- . • a u respectable Druggitls, and Dealers in els : be either cbnfinrf oy unduly^'acted upon. tftAieiiUL <hA>AWoiit thekiVillaWl world, ip J ht»y ed> kfrando ;|tl mt'HMloway’g Pills boxes at cents and $1 each: i ; should b|e ree6mmci)dcra for. I(ys€ntt*r jinn I : *JJ ' 1 i-J EX. t era and prevent ii v ' hvec,f Soldicr-’sSkmv .ebest should be provided ’periled ej! ■! 1 ' ■;( lli?.' L ■. i MARRIKgE. TI TS loves and ; bates, ibrrows ■ and angers, i LM.J hopes aiU fears, regrets and. 1 joys; MAN.-, [fHQOD,, how rietored; the nature’ ITrdatmcnUand radical of,i|speitnatcrrh'oea. br jseffi inal involuntary- einiisions^ 'sexual impMimchls’to’ marriage generally; I nervoiUnesK- consuniptfon,' fils; mchtnl and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF ABUSE—-arb-luliy explained .in * the MABJ lAOE GUIDE,fcojHfGr AL D~ This most ex traordinaryjbook shoutd be id the bands of every»youiig person! conlcinplatmg marrii.gc, and every 'mini or yvoman who de sires to limit the'nuptlierof their tUcivbircumstance« Everypain, disease, and ache incidental to : j%virtil'ma>urity andoldngc, is fully explained; everyipartibleof knowledge that abouldbe kiitiwn isjhere fcisOn.- Hiafalt of ehfravfags. ’ -Ttffiicf, jldisoTpsessecrets that everyone should knowvbtiU itj is a bookithat must be locked up, and. not lieubout the house. Itrwiil, be bent'to any one On the receipt of tw'eWly-five bents in specif or bestage stamps.' 'Address3>b. Wii.YOUNO, '416 Spruce ,st., j above Fourth, Philadelphia. , " , SST Afflicted mid Unfortunate 'no matter what httypeydur disease, before, yoif plabe' ypßrK self , under thi eire of Wy lof the notnrjohs foreign—Who advertise 1 in’ this -or. -WBy other paper,' get; a copy ofDr.- Ydnrijg’s book,-and read it carefully, It Aril! be tfaje means of Isavingl you. inany a dollar,. yourJhealth, andjpossiblr yoiw life. ■,;' '! Dr;- YOUNG cin on any of the* diseases -deserfbed inihni publication, at his. office, 416-gpr&:e Street) abevie fourth, Phibi- h|urip from] Wto -8; daily, fmar26. ■ v I: EOIGJJTO WnBRRdEK Vetters to tno estaae late cif Beat knowing ] thenyfairci ini are requMtedici' make ; and those.bating claim? present them sub eated for settlement. •• i ‘■■lit. 4: ’at* 1 ■■■■■fcfc ESTpJia. OJfenJiu Vrofenionii H ' gnd »olicit« a- shaivofj i l ■' ■ Ws*T ‘iiir-jolnfa. Hotel, 8 «*IV« j"i, .?V * .S. •> r •: ■* / )-1;:. '. • ?» *?■■ 1 T ONO marchea,>sptti jind stiff jotoUi bllslerr | < ed’knd all these thesoHler to nieeV danger, luiinkivrhii belief t pot of this ALL i COOLING SiVTrawillgive to theoneyou-lave, when far olniyi post home and friends. Jlt hardens and makga toughrthe; lt, soothes and Telieveslhy inflamed aidstiffi tied , joints, leaving them supple,.istiong and tijgor ousi While for 1 I ■ V-i i . ; SABBECPTS AND:(3 ONgUOT WOUNDS , at stands unequalled, lemovingnnd pre verting j every vestige of infl4 mm! ‘ tior i and.- “fl« ntly i drawing the edges) together; it and completely heals the mfost fngh'tlyfiwoundi. ,’j WIVES AND SISTEfIS OF OUR , VOLUN-il ■ ,X< ■' i-TRERSi :; i: 3|- ■ • < i To .cannot put ; int,o the Knnpsnrik; . : -r. I Husbands’and Brothers, a taOre ivaluabl: nor. more necessary gift thin a supply) bf-this . I f EXTRAORDINARY MILITARYISALVE , r ; .1 The lonely sentry walking hiji| rounds at to- drenching trains and chill hight air, is'oflen )sciipd the most ■ VIOLENT PAINS, , COUGHS and SUFFOCATING IIOARSNESS,.first symptoms of OUXCKCON-i SUMPTION. • but) if ii.pplied vj-iih - HOLLO WAY'S.‘PILLS, and I HOLLOWAY'S OINT MENT,aII danger is 1 averted; a fewLj?ills taken night and n>PTniiig, and lbe ;oin|tnent v briskly rubbed twide njdajr oveir the throat ond jsht at will.temove the. SEVEREST PAINS aniPstop the most dietresiitigor DANGEROUSCOjCRU Thefore we -say Jo the wboTO arinv, - ’ 1 J • f j .ll See to your own health,' do idot"trust to Army'euppliesiltbouglfmoEt valuable. ' FILLS hnd ! OINTMENT have been thorol tested, they are lhe only) remedies used' i European Camps [and Barracks,' for oVcrj years Doctor II olio wiry has'snpplipd al • • * 1 -_J* jJ.JIi-'- L. ■ ■ armies in Europe, ani CAMPAIGN hc. eatal olavaT*Tor the exclusr :km.- , (lack ani Seaman's With these valuable ~<;ne o.Ri. agreeable:] chat j , Syrup yt,tlto. li Cerate more reliable prj Cerate, Oxalatn iof C vomiting, . ' :• Elixir of Valeri i)lc . rente,4r for where a’ltervous _dicatc(l, i 1“ ■, ‘fiolutioiti of; BE strength as Lana, its.effects! ''l : 1 fPyro-phosphste Those, togethftttw caisandbrheriiio any(jhantilie3..r I afll iions'ct Orcs.^Uri GEO. - Cor. 8d & Smitl t to make chemical examina -oup,.Oil«'.W(ii!ri,’ 40. • ~ . .[W. WEYMAN,; ..Infield sta., Pittsburgh, Pa;:; , DR. GEO. ChEIS, FFHJIS x ju9 to'tlie ciiiiensdf'BEAVJiK- AND; SUK RQUND ISU VILDAG£S% • 'lira Office is 4n FhiUipspurg for-tnC present, where 'ho nan I bp Cbnsitlted afrhiiy time, which days.lie can be 'seen at his offifce] in Pittsburg, where he has practicedjfor Utpre than tWenty years. .» ■' : Dr. bt'lhe'ttflliEtcd loitho following, giseaaesiJrrSerpfula;, Diseased or Weak j Eyes.! Rheumatic Affections* female Complaints, Chrome Diseases of long standing &a!l of which ho treats With remarkable sue-;. ■„■ .I-' "]■ ; deio33 :4t ADMINISTRATOR'S j Tnr7"nEKEA& letters of administration .os': ‘ Wi- the. estate,of Hsskt CowASfSr., law j of , Greene | township, Spfrer -county, !>., j deceased,'havingbeen duiygranted to.the un dersigned; all person* indebted to said estate arenotiflhd tp make 'paymept, and; those baring cipinis against .the same willpre- 1 spit them'progejly authenticated for settle" ment without delay. r * ' .NOTICE; testamentary .haying' tbs unctrslgfted.-on 'Gtskir, 4ft.,' deo’d;',: !ft alp persons letted' to 1 said estate myment: immediately against! the.sarne win amber duly authenli 'l', j . - . . f - yt'j M [‘ JOHN SMItEP, : 1:» KBjftcnt'ew- TmwmH mica ta liie People of k VICINITY «bll« patronage. j ' IiENBY COWAS.'Jr.; , : ■;• 's£’■■■ Admr ’ -IT7HEkEAB aelterB teWmentary on Aie VV’ of licK*»vlate of, the boro, of granted to' tHe undendgmid, alr«ser*ona In debted to/3add| est»te are ,make itamWmlfe and tbo*e Karfng cUima againrt'tk* e»me|win preWt .them property Il*OTWßViirtfc' ■ i ■■■■* Ji--i IV i.j > wy»p,i; Penn’a. m cgpE«.: : 'r. /?" • BCBBCSfFSK)N AGfflSTi At JAY COOKER C^|Mk«M, ' 104 SOUTH tHWVIXBfBt, 1 11 i»j?SE iunde^^^; ! •I' BUBSREttTION AGENTby.the Secreta ry pt the iwMMjrj S* m« : ppojiwild U far ! ‘- .1; * - • i J\Te£j: Ttcetity -Yfar ,'6 \fer, jcf.' of tiie jCnited Btate3,(<|e»4nated v a* “Fitc- Twenties,” redeemable. St the pleasure of the Government, after'five lyeftts,;»nd authorized .by Acti of Congress, approved February 25, i 186$Si~! "! "■ •> r -■ ■'! ■ j K ']■' ' 1 Tlie COUPON BONDS are iaeuk Jin sums.of $5O, $lOO $300; jSIOOOi, f ft V . '-I .‘I , The REGISTER BQNDS injjuai».:*f£soi $lOO, $600,,51000 and $6OOO. f ’ ■ I .. I ; Interestant. Six per peij annuntyrill oommence from dateof purjchaa|f;and is • V PAYABLE lit OOliD, Semi-Annually, which iscqual. |al the-present premium bn gold, to about, EIGH,T PERCENT. pfeß-ANNIBI. : i,' 1 - the 'bese' ighly n the [forty , dnrifag kfae „CRII jiiahcd a deni al’ \re sale of thepo Q lo saving.Ny taking 'i ' |; i ■■;,j .■ i' c .guidance; of pnj affixeJto each hoi. D«id£ru. Il‘ I I (p for tl rUer,are| TO 5 (Itroulf Uhnt,|<> paw „pn ilc tl)nil icopocln unlitv !,J, tmentf in Mrenj them t H3TS. inform wing to an i icreas epared to rnaniifac ■ heretofore, t U arti- These-"will be of r,S dispensed in the :f mj- store, and will i grit to most jin mar ie : be of tti.e; Iproper . ■ - i - •,*' ■ . arc iicw, ibutt will ucw Pbnrmacopaiia be fouiiil lobe val- •is offer in, ilic aiulwill xn* tljeir streupU). sent U> those dcsir :|j wto liiiye been it’eSoc of.'any veinedy, to iU.ufnrj;;r'-. ;/> “ ic't of ■ Cwcynth. Vj’ . ' , iff l)]ur t d|oich. fetirhi', Ergot, ■ a** rc£ tv'iil be Valerian, . nnd CiynU |of 'lronedml iiw’r;' 'i\ ' y s ", ■ nail V*me of Ipn anti Sark fteat-es, i _’} - t ‘ * .Wild , C Kerry J >• ‘ > • (yopUosj^ulesj 1 i' * ■ Jli X (r.: <*tj;’oT Gan!lsnHdeaf,. a :[iar(itips thnp tHc common : ’ium; i aeful.'io obstinate” iinaic of ArnLiouiu: a- Vftlu&t nervous or headache, s imulom and antacid' is in-* *. ’ .’* i; . , *■.. Morphia; aanu* o num am I more jagreeable in. !of Iron; soluble.; ' . „ « «rjtb ; all raf* *and : fine - cbe'nii dicinal article*,, furnished in- i Formers, Merchants Mechanics, Capitalists, anUalhVhohoyc anytnoney tq invest, sfiqnld [know an.drcih'etnbcr thatthcsesßSnds are, m ■fffeirt, *; PIICST MORTGAGE yipon all Rail roads, Canals', "Ili>nk;Stocjts «ji\d Securities, and the immense products qf all the Manut'aC-* tares, &c., &c;, in th.e coun.try: ihd the; full and-ampic provision Ttjado[for the payment pf the interest and Uqn'iqatiqn of principal, Iby Customs Dqties,. Excise Stamps, and Internal dlevenne, servesto make Bonds the. . j .■ ' Best,' Most Available-ahd Most. Popular -Investment in tAe Mafhtt. Subscriptionsrcceivcd atPAjR in Legal Ten der'' NotOs, or notes and checks of banks' at par’in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail trill receive .prompt attention,; and every facility and explanation, will be afforded on applicai fiqn al . : A full, supply of Bonds will be kept onhand, " for. immediate delivery, | ‘I ’• . . h ; JAY COOKE.Sub seription Agent.' ; CRttTEITDM’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL f ; s , N. % corner o£ 7th &ChestiiutS:t^ •. Ji*HJI>AJ)ELPHjrArI , A’. ’ ’’ f J'HIS Institution,lwhich was.establishedin ' I -18-14, and is i}ow. ; cfmscquetuly.iu t e eigtntecmhi year- of its 'existence, numbers amongits gratuatea.hundretfsof the most suc cessful, Merchants and Business Men of our Country, --• „’ J|, | ■ , ; . .. , j ■ The [object of the [lnstitution is solely, to af ford young men facilities for thorough prepa ration for business. * The brunches 1 , taught are, Book-keeping* ad applicable to tbe varions departments of trade’; i I’etuhahsliip, both plain] and.. ornamental; Commercial I.ruv, mathematics. Navigation, Cavil Engineering. Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. -I . P •, : ■ The lnstruction is peculiar; no classcs.or set lessons are ihadeuse of, but each gtudenti? taught individually, so, that he may continence at, ntiy tini’e, anil attend jat what ey "cr hours are most convenient. • Catalogues arc issued j annually'after’ the 15th of April, containing names of the ,stu ' dents ,f.jr the year, and full particulars, of ! terms. &fc., and may be obtained at any time. the-Principyli ;j . ' ,fi . I .-fin, esteris'iye nCoontmodA'ipiis, Kide-spr/ii reputation,|and the lengthy] e^pecJjr«S« of th.?, Principal, this Institution] offers su perior to any other in the] country, for young mem wishing lo’.prepare for. business, and 'to obtain at the same time Aflitl'U'MA, which, will prove a recommendation fbrthcm to any Mer cantile House. - rl [ ; JSgy*CntTTr.:toEy’3 Seines ol Treatises r>on Book-Keeping,- riow more ; ’widely circulated than any other work oh tbjc ;subieci, are for’ sale at the College. |j . ; N ">r ' S. HODGES CRITTENDEN. Allcmeyral-Lctr, '. ; May 7. j \ ■’ l PnisciPAii. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT. j ■ ■ -1 - V ■ AN ASYLUM FOR THE RECEP ION. CURE AND TREAT MENT QF MENTAL ALIENATION OR . . . , v ' ■ I Nervous and Chronic Diseases. !•/ ' ' ■ ji-' ' v . \ EXUIiITSI VELY FOR FEMALES. THIS institution is hqu [open for the recep tion; care, :in.l treatment of the indepen dent'dins ofipftticntsjwho arp ; laboring tinker mental derangement ; or ptjier nervous and citronic disease. ■ Vie molo- special, mention of mervou/ hud chronic ' from the fact licit seven tenths bf the (pmafe patients; that are committed to our pu|ilicjsAsymnts, to, Ibc treated .for disordered ntpidlj are fteduced |to'o cepdititm through' previous ] phyeicai disorder. By’a jjvelf -i imed arid jndi- | cious treatment of chronic and nervous idis enses*. ail physical disorders, in the majority of cases 'nt&y be rmubveduand thus the mind, having suffered through? lit? medium: oil the j body- -will when free | from the exciting physical cause, ' throw off the shackles .that -ha>>bound it to worse thah midnight darkness,- and reason will, once more', resume its sway., clothed inwall its primitive beauty and wonted excellence. .'Hence the-necessity of all those,' who are lahotiug under [the predisposing or exciting 'onuses, calculrijcd in the endjoim ;pair the 1 mind .to resort: to an early and judicious course of remedtal agents, s } The Institution iaa | largo brick building with a stone basement—four (stories .Uwj and well ventilated. •' Itia ah elevated table bind -which commands" a view oreatire. t hills—groves a’ndnelghboriag 'streams: all' 'of which hie calculated to'.pro-, ducc, favorable impressions upon ti e e]d mind. . 1 - • The Institution is complete in'all of Us ap pointments. , llavingbaon tastefully tfitted-up at'graet expense, in order that it may : facet the approbation.'and, views of the most fajstidi-! Otis,'- ' ' ’!!!', • '";■ . ;j ■’The water closets ah'd- bathing apparatus j have- been goltpn up uhdh the moat' approved ; modern sjiWuGcprin'ciples. "This department embraces not only' tne j ordinary baths but, also, themcdicated.wann air[and ascending and descending! douche fdp the fa effectual ah(l ’Successful! IrealmeSl ant| qthter scrofulous disease* ■ i\c beg leave to say to! alt those whoiaay he, di«p<pcd-'to- commit the*; interests, of a dear wife, .sUtcr or daughter; to our charger-may I be assured that po means will be spared, or [efforts wanting on our part t pom elioratc their - condition or to effeet'a restoration to their nc - I oustomed health andvigorof mind. bt 1 -lior-fnrijjsr particulars send for a' circular. I'Allcommunicauons'shoulJbp'addressodio. t , [j- ■<. ' " '&• ’ E.'fBfENDIUCS, ! MyiD. 1 , ,'Supl.of Jvew Bfighlon Retreat..-| . •••■ ' I New-Brighton • ’’ -f’Bea^er-Co’.[Pv H if I® M ': : \ " •- 1 ' ' |- '* - r ' 5 - y' j- Giiaeral > Commission Merchant , ■ il- -,/iwb. ■; t L*. ’,,i; -Jfeafer in Fljdur,-Gfain, .anil \'all pouritrh] -IPinw .■. Liditar.L CinarL Tobacro, . >[. j i i g^Llbml^aTMietk ■•■■-f ■: . ■ t- *»f *»• A F»i«Uy *nd «n Agricoftaral EMI . k;'. -, j . djevo-tm.ip . . % ITERAtUiI** laoiDDTjro • v'v rv.- - : 'i-'i -j • v-*’i ■ /* Ftfbyv ?f <>> | A3fD MORAL • ING JREAIHNG .!• ,_j In thftWwrnfy Depiirtnient ’ ;. Mint the jiKoiilett rarieties witlkW tie wwk n , our exited •- Aexu. Tlio HorwrttMt Tum ( . Routryi.&c.,’imn J* suppfi«dJ*o» the bt* ; shtl Hgfifot «ourcen,:*nd oe eqbnl to. anything . to V: found in>ny or mngMme. V I'-'l Agriculture imd Horticdture? •I ' ■ *'*' • EsraißAciiJoJ : ,: ■, •,/ ij 'r ••x- ;j Gapde r ’ Fruit<Jßthi|igi&P' fanning,*<9,- ; r .y I {n all thttr iiiantluti' i*. tSi fatal , / apjyu'>i typroved iytm*- ~, - Obt labors in thib department for orer thif-,, tyyeaWhaW'metlhecordialapprpbation.ol 1 the public.;; Ounputpose has been to; famish ! asefu\ uni' ’reliable iutormation open these WerynaportauV branohewof industry, and to 1 protect them .wic far js Within our power against the false Idoetrines and selfish purpos es ofthcinany - empires and sensation-adren turers by which the Farraer is incessantly M-1 ■sailed. Tins portion of the! Otrpun»t<mn,TfUr' graph will alone be wisrthi the; tthole price of . subscription, as Farmer Snd Gardener, who has a proper conaeption of his calling, will readily admit; : - .| ■! ■; HEWS DiiißTips|,ry . The same industry, ci .re, and in gathering undprepai inglhefttirringl Esfentsi, of lhe Day, expressly’ for thiapnpeißw(hich hitherto has been one oril»|raarfed features and given no tmiTorsal satisfaction J jwijl : M> continued with redoubled efforta to ineel the increasing demands of the public. Tec .labor required in this j&y*xj fiilijf ap predated bytlie reader,.'.],!; troqjgl bf) im possible ;o,pre»en|, ,|fie .condtnsac ifind carer made-up-Tom .in r which it appeared sj Afreeted mass of all the most interesting noire of. thbj week,| without inVo.ring miieh physical lalnjr, met and Judgment! X [j MI We' anneijthe. cash term*, which we I leave’, to call of. thin a newspaper: Advance’Cash Terms. \ ■ Onc\Jcnpy, oneyeaT, $2; one 'copy, three! years, 55,00;; three copies, one-year, $5,00; Five Cbpipa] (Jhc: Yeefis“sB,oo; TenCopies,’ , One Year, $15,00; Twet'ty Coples, One Year, '528,60.:: .'vV ■. 'i.\ i- • 1 ■'■Jv: ption not pjua'Wubin the year^ $2,60: r- - |/, ■; ■ j. Club of five subscribers, absB ‘wjtl 1 entitle‘the pe’rfiSni getting it up toa copy for. six months; a Club of ten or more, to a[popy - for one year. Jill Club subscriptions slipped at'the'end of the lime paid for, unless *rc-or- x dered. ■/' ' ' ■ M. " N. : order wjll receive attention unless accompiUbed with the ca.sliJ ; H'. ’ \ , Bffi-Spccimeniiuinbcra sent ,to applicants. \ PHILIP H. FREAS, Editor and- Proprietor. . Otr&Gr.toirri, *o2. . ; "VANITY FAIR." * » . r ». ■ ••This is the first really clever cointfeiand - satirical journal we., hays: Had iil A:;trricii--- anil Wally clever it is. It js both sharp and , good-tempered, and not afraid to say that Us soul is its shows that it has a, soul. Our readQr* ’\T :, .rtic glad to know where they oat; find native-fun Thai has something ■hett.ier in iv - than- mere - £«rir.'’-TiWcntfe- - ihptihlg. '■ . ; \ • '.. t | “This papcris! excellent. ... - Remarkable for originality.’ I ’—A*. Y, iravrlltr. • S ' “Vanity Fain *is cou Jiiclcdby a vivacious, witty {and intelligent corpa of journalists.’'— ■- [Alchfiotd (Cohn, j /'inquirer. ■ - “Will wield, as potent aK influence as that of-. IhcXondon Punch.’' — /Jmian Traveller. - “'Vhosoover finds himself; laughing attSe wt Lot. Vanity Fair, and does not return a ' quid pro quo. is fit 1 for .‘treason,, and spoil3.l"— ;.A”. r.j Crayon, / fpr hroaeon,. and apoila." - [ ' SPECIAL Si)'lic» ■ The Very marked and Si,twing 2 ucccssb Ic h has thus far -attended tlie/ publication'* of ‘<>Vanttv fM’’; • ' j-.:] Enables the publisher 16 dhnounco that ..with ft he conimenccipeik pf the S Volume, is sued this\day, 80th, Junci 1 ifi :w. .Fcatijres. both. Literary and Artistic, wilthp Ml,which, will increase the ynluc andjiuteresl pf the pa-- .pPK'ai«T ftray:. nmintcin Jt itL proud position, unanimously accorded to it, uTthe leading i ■!a MEP.ICk. i; Comic 'Journal or VANITY F, •iISSCEP RKUt.I-UllT j:vi and is for Snle J>y all Jlcn ofacci of PuVucalion, No II NewYork> ~-T - TERMS;; V!’. Three dollws pet aununiL in"adianr::—-Six cents, single copy. •' -■ { " : ’• "■ [TERMS' FORCLUBS; , v 1 Tiro copies of Vakitt Fit* will be sent to one Address f0r..’............. FiTe<(0pie8....;......,..,.4.'. f ,v-.«i..12 00 I Ten copies.: 00 An Extra copy will beallowSff to the get tier up of creryClub of not Icm t I This paper Is Electro!yped, and numbers 'may be procured at any time. • l.. r i - . j LOUIS H. STEPHEN’S, Publisher for’the Proprietors,] 118 Naneau-st. : ■'' -' ■ lj~ I;! | Rew-York.' jl'V MM R. DEMOKEST’S. ! Quarterly Mirror pt Fashions,l - With GieHl /inpr&cwwftj'anrf Addition’, THE aCJtHIE NCKBIBOOKTaniB / ’ FOUR LARGE » SPLENDID PLATES, THRKItEULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF pRfSSES, ; ;■■■■. V -f.4,! >■ ■■■.■ New FrcbchWaist,.aif. RleWnt Sler»r. , i»<i ft; ' * • blisses’'Sack, and|« BhMt- oS' Kew; >!■ " -and- Beaotiful p - 'BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, ! Together with ncarly ltW EnfraTings cf 1 > \i\ . •’ sill Ihe'nbveUijCa ftri_ ' I \ f Summer Bonnets, Clo#kfc Trlmrn!nss r j i ChlWrenV Dreasis, &c., And valuable informatiopjto Jiaijjier?;, DresS| Makers, Mother*,' and JUdi v> pre-: sent log the largest and best IwmoarsJsgaT line in the; World. published 4Tfr;Bfoidw(iy, S. y.. atjd sold'everywhere at ?3p«nfs. or sent by rnnllj. post fecdlrtfof the sra’t in slimps-'of silver. Tear Jl,OO with the foS-f lowing viluable premium, j -I? J .. :' . Racbyearly subscriber will to e, receipt for the. selection if 60 Cents worth o{ plain jpatterns, .from the deaigKJ.iirjhj bock;j • !or from the show' room, pi' IwjrmajrK i derNl and sent by mail iny t{a£ duringl tha , jpfcpSummer No. now readr. RAIL-RO*D 4i)i » io^s =II mpmtra. (r\ t V'-T* ''l r I beg t of IET. THOfcSOAr. stneri, and' at the IX Kasaau-strect, i; ‘ ji; m-:■ HOUSE; . m. tino'& , V - f-'f