The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 10, 1864, Image 1
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' ' ''-4. --: 11 girearageS are aetled i ., I t ~, ~,,, .‘ „1. „.....,..,_, , . ______-___ .., • - . - -- : . . _ , ... ----_,.- ' i 11 ---5t,.......2,_-_-_........ • -,,„ 4 : ..1 , , Lott 6.3 Awl covaiinniclitioWs., 7'oo , ."‘•O2- - .3 1 1,, -,. I 'W,St'i 14,r_lk - ... V.l. .. • ' :., ”" - - V, ' --:•.^ • ~- , ,C ' ' , it, . • J - 1 , 1 -6 ''•i , , .. - . .•s : " I ,, V' Cr ./ ..• 4- a , ..1 _ op - loop , -0;.,A.k - 7, , ...::: , .-.1 p:;: ,- .... .r .. .e - ,,,1 we : e s :Amt-- ,, ... . , . ...,,..,,,, 4 , 4 ..,..t, • 4 ..„ _ .• _..... inJVhive'WwP 1 aftfettlionV -*!- 'Time Tal:j;;l^:v ■ *i-i,EVia ; A>-D & PITTBBCEG -; Beaver '4«aoiwi>. : Mrindfy,.X'op. 1f.,;,3 Statu»to*/<>ypthi. . x. at, Piltsbnrjjt y: >r. '■ “ - *-* ■ *54 r. a. “■ ’•_ “ ’ i . . GoiW West—. iTknu Pitlshurgi asfoUnwt : V. Ui. Arrivepat BeaTeJ,...^ V45.p! «!'■’• ■ TfcocSester:. ;.i .’ : P A ' 3. S. McCULEiOtfoi IF.’S-;MTEIUS." ?*«*«< 4y"> | ipiTISSL'RG, FT. ATKE K.( . | Bechssfer. Station— Going j l ?■ , Rochester At i J pl.BngV'ai Aecoci, 5:40 -As nrf I'riffli n “ <:10 A. ■••> r. ». rv . ■ ErigWoa 3 :M p - Jl • ’Vu ‘ 5:15 J>. A. M...... 1 . fj.l • , 2:0-Vl>. ncin’ti'r-xp.. ' "• ,l v : rv •G0!t:« V. F.fiT—■ ■ , r ' . Leivfs-l’iils.' '»LTT. k r ;L '=t;lne A - p. M... 1 - . Jptnrtc!rii-Vccc.;.i.\ A. fe..s. .. ; IjdliricMn -J -... *i:3o P.-,M...>i. ■J;b' 0:>0 P.’ M.. | . 7:00 . Ist .Kipn'M. i:4j.A, i'il ’ . *1; SS ■J ~ A l‘G, IJJtADLET; Si; '.Quarterly [Statement’of Edavcr, County ; •. Nn-rliniOirTps, | "i' RESoVItcEsV - ■ .ii-i hr,!:--, flit-cf.'nfetpfj; act Ire Siinc tvmicr ‘-nriiteit-..'. r . s. .>*. t’i - ;'ierosiir. cov,p'niandjlhen jloiapse I into dl«fletj-<foria r..,5. in** not* f«w mirth**.'at- tha. end4f which thTO to savp the Turn..nVaa: l .offw^itur^..4 ; tiirie he rose, fesasil -j-. W’" X , '•*, ;^V^TKK ,e,I^ b . e :s°** m f ?' ’ s Trou^urv 1 not.-; j ..Souris his b|at anil went instantly to a , ~ J » ... . r . .: .......! J.i:. T. 5% osi nliglvWi !and vvassbowri into the- V^ es b >’ o ?g° 1 willr*f joo pay .................;...J.|.. .1 il'lpin lor,VAfith tl»o information -Jhat **’ J?** the j*sUnlan?ows response. i " 1 ; i' 1 W*ut r,ei!her norililistPesa were •. -“f iS“'- CO ,"H M- I ’me’! ttl- -i' | ile to! dthe scMht that he H it»i M«; : iisirt in...-; fio :• nether and ifqiieked that f. in ci(4ulii*ion;.i-Oli) no \, | die hdusokpeper bo bim. Sbe rp.T-{’® <O ?T' .; ; m .iern-itrrs msj7 25 - j earno and the gentleman tbits addres- ,; ■ W^9' in M biiMVd>mm«WBiUl».f...* '.-2,”2n IT ' s ■ ipd [jer * ••{ v I. ’ - -bnl'ijejiyvas oi) ■■■■' : 4 %%U ' f ( ’‘ :^r«K4iii,av e knoWn yon| formanv cowi^^ : to.b| , beert told that ? ! .> , ' SLMr.,f)is a 4 '. j 1 want a wife. foil aro tho only svo- Aaj -■•f.' isWjinaUmrr I lt;n>W-tbafc*J should be willinir caill T t ' o • be fj l j— -j- ’ , .<{%: "i ■ ■ ( i • -riOid. y> nut is.y mr answer V ■ • I ‘ •• J'.. ..■! ,j . ;,.<•■• •.•, ■: j • ...,•*•■••. ■. JA>a k t -sJ o«‘- { " .<*!!%.:■!!<; ,jiu»’.y mat l>!s oflV-r was seri-. . , ' T " .1 f‘ l ; V.l u, T ■ -ill ja,q- though i*jin in vJLiVit ‘lVoUril pOCiHI.Ut ' o' Bta VU3£ Cu'criyTY, f ! -' ■" ' fV r.v, 2r. 1 ■' -p I. ; r- ij i. ■ v • . , iV-.-r }■.-• <r*- i .* )rr %: n v /I \ r .7 < t.:t•••.ifl lip T * /'•' t , 1 =II i .\'l ' 'r;:.. j - t ', jV A , rt El to >!h*w <’ p-n .tV.MjSf; V'l- i. iJ.'vii: v ; ‘ x-p~. .! Stz : .\ r;';v </!;t iLx COuiXTY. sf 1 ’.f.llh tl ..-tp-rio, < ••wvr. m * •• • j ■ .1 to fi tnstnn xon i-r ti*<: * * ■ ir,'■'‘.‘‘l o’l ■ Up-All ,lilS aiiCj: j; ji’oij -ri'.(-iii;uivp,- an .?ais« /.iis? . iho same v. eiis i , vln.ii-' ct toarcLu< lib .Weph fiaUcridzeiJ Ann the VOIlng: • ti|lo elder,’ ! aspirations :• uiiry (.'•!« ss ■.. ' ,- I rathe: i"r : jii'titiou- /yoUr hones f| ;>■«• IV-; ami if- Ahau Ll-i.-s, '* *«» &*] a UiMk'j'owt. ull iIS ■lx* li:is not No\v, >mt!i ■Un? ; v« Uk; -VaTV 0 ■ nmvo, 'viiy ; c?1 ; i, Jrn , d mIH.L anr.Tt a,U;or;; > ■; ’ i . . ’p«v ? n «bc •• Oo I'fi* 1, ' .'“lf ftoinyWdy doved' a« I j ’ ' Somfsßody swniboilv •PT Apy-' w,l ‘ Aarry sbuiisbodv;’... j ! “ I ■•■ k * • - 15 «*£• lliO'jn i ~■ ’i i* ► i ' ■- , *■ 1 »'■- !] - i_;iG;;k f 0.,r. j \ /-:u*4t Mvmaiued ■ with Tris head up. .fertjPi?] ff™ Wwr ’? ou ' .tliejchimVy aft«H this 1 spyw-lW’SiloiU ■■; * “T? I {- FARM: I Vj1 ‘ *«*-fcln«iVWll 'ho ■ *s*LK i;. . • Jioh that ll came forth frofin liis? j.|ae?> of ifefiigc: ■e’t-r . at priV.Tto sals .bis",' , C at the O^most!/Solicitation Of Wftibvri •?’ .« ,> 'l? ! ‘ lli l , v , ? ur • rahfi- j 1! Brown, jjyth ajfaco'.glowing Jilcet the •tin'^R7?t7’.vf^K^ am,nß I s -°P aratod ; I j -ir • .] Retting''s'a'u y-jThc Bhing' was done,' ' ; r!,^:v;lo.,r/iri : n Vnsd ■' , n ®atlhe-timc MpiKnnt-i, l * ( 'A v M - er v and •aCark and .Sally I .fare, ;: V I ■^'■■■iin !l i-,,vc:bpins cr,n- .< y ‘» the yot: rig mapß.ismountdd'at,.thc \ married'in a fe&v. weeks, after. arid wd’ ■’ use, id- 1 11 feel,, ll “ or °T 'M houso of his ■’ hew ijfnde j are con.vinccd thai: ifoithor Jof v t|iem :i() by /i.j i friend, and wa r s heartily wcloome-d.— j could lie-induo(!d''to, talk; now aft6rxa •e-* r ,.;i Old ;-The ha>)ir. bcsfoir -jlinner .waslotosuih.j trial of a' ddzjer.; yoai-s ? they aVouM ' •'l' f e<n "^ lc ’ oli ?Ver the farm, tli b young say itlnit were ismiirely ,sa(islied j » Wef’ ?" an in i a dmSring jits ['■with' that inojd’6 of-popping, thejques "S3, }l ], ic ! e? ' 1,1 j o‘f 0 ‘ fe ‘ old onm in approving oi tlieiSensibio’ ■•, \\-l ■ v Y £ i..: v " luaW « a " J P l ' u Vtidal rentarlcs of the Amp% the oidditios of the rtjsUry- Twrrvr irnrc i "’hen ; the rricld Was .annoanf«d, utid j flics que U’ijir; whitdv wo have per>bnal-: ,'p hu t - u ,,.. t 11 J'71 ln n . ladies arid, theirily.\Vdnddrod miicii, occurred in.’Phila'| i.'u'A'.v”TillAil. afl’,l nl(> ih<;r we re introduced. _• Xh|>y were i delpliia/ within; our own.kjnoW edgo. r. r,*«*n::T »r.r „ ;dl, ay th< Void a e nUcman h|d yaid, i, A -lad.y and f gentleman J whb Bad y/' .gijiis-, -;|hc jyoiuigcf*, Vrsy- i bc|>,n ';scqaaiulc|lbut one -[week.Bridi ■nvt In .•f -\trnc!* •> ' H'J iTt* (»l '• ix v. ti'-.-v , t; ; i. ;ir.d 4 1? ;M ■ : .■> v. oiji-.Vr \\ " i : ’.Tapnc:l iT. Ssi:r«? i 'v<:n 'andiv'.v |M*C !» v d.. of OhicMix ir !*' •T'>hfi Jonsf 03. ir.:iTri',:irr;cu viT: ■ s —«.* Li h »;*v» tp. Lv.-rrlj !Iv< "h ? p. ' ;’iy. . * ov;V.( njt I \Vjj ? ; ‘v- Ttxjjji. " < I Ai.-l r {£ a n y f i hdji - ' 1 ;-.1 n A t ')?. \y ■ -o Vji-I‘l aV,Bn? Maroli noxt. Vr --;'V- r.i piilp. x * A c f \y( j ' X r i »;v:- •» ME aj- v AWja; LE fc;; r ‘ t. , ii ■' rjl -Hr-!' /. =EI r ; t•~ ._ x->. ’Sfmm {[■W/\hs!x9 > J PP|Bg’'f eumatances, thetm«iD6B i dred dtbftr wb! would 1 known mei ing atafii; Injy who i conversatic: II„ k';R. . J East: 81(53;— -Tjrains 10:00 ' 8:50 p. m. 8:50 p. fi. .dc?. ,tTT3(>\. m. .y.-ijss >.■«. ..-ofOO-P.M. ;.;8:10 it V. H,.f, u it.T'■ : possess thii gree, but h nex't bist, j preeiatibn show by. t tion-s “Do you ■ V.Yes,’’ r surprised* ; ““Bultert : “yea.”:/] “That .rs stnuiga ;-ao do ly I»et s ns get married.” d-v Ay : . There hs nnot be that the lady wds taken slightly aback, a fact , that (lid not proven t lhe giar riago fropi comingofF in a month af- the accession of the la dy to quo of, the fineat eslabliWments Hit ..; r , ; |v'■v-'.-i ; ' 'a/ripocirnier; of ‘the abrupt, we shall'.cite the casti of a gen itlbman-whq biwj retired from business fat the age of uj ; d built determined to.enjoy iifjj to the 5 utmost.; Or/e day a>friond was dining j;with. Vii or itrtd said half jokingly: ! t “You have everj'thing hero that the i,heart can" desire, but a Tifetf- ' , ; - “ghat’s true - |l must thijik of lli,” A008..R. Ssrrr I Pitts! 7:20 a. if. 8:40 : a. m. 2:35p.,.5i. 4:50 P. if. 7:00 p. m. 2:20; a. M. 3:30 p. it. 7:50 iP. ’ x. Il .-.-I i Rochester. J 4:00 P. Mj J11:00 A. m. 1:32 P. mV 6;,10 p: h. ,7:20' p. »!, ,8:20 A. .M. ’3:00 a. m. ;<ioo ?. pt-., E. Di Banlc & ! 4, 1865, .■? <!S nil) on . ,32,890 00- J 4,3T<«f>o .. 1, 053^5 ... 1.».075'5C nil '■ ‘ • (■ I r-,y. ’'■•m-'-cI .ihajiiV j " W ill V v.i ;*<• j ■-1 ',; , 1•, - t • Ir ll b | - M v ’ ‘ • i'f h [i ,1 vii;|i i ■>. >■ 11i■ i I> ■> iiH;;ift(*Ts r. " ; i";r f v h.rJ ! -■* ■ ■■'V . ■ o-i i?.« :i i-:•; ''iv-o roi. t"-iK'^hlyr- ;i ( tni ■' ! ht> flist f?;:^} .mi.'ooo rr -:"*\ : K : riiklvu * * • i }'(} f~ ' /*i - r>f : ••vrw\> ;lin. Vlvi.ii 1 \* : jij i' nll . \ • if .--T.iV nt'Cr-r-Srt '>! m-niji,'' ; :.i: -- A lt .:J s y ;, oou a V.>rV.-A>\ ■ it -j . r -vV ,h\ 1 IjJ 5 J'r I:: 1 \ i; la. ; * r I>vn i: | ']}..* i *'«,•.'afi K' J.uit h;< ify. < 7 ' s into o inmni'ii l*UCO{l •uun: cajjcsT |j£ singular iciti , the excentri«j*the abrupt;. -c|jt£; tjbe , ca6e-', "Veil-! rcnant*. who; one. day din jnd’s honue, aai bcxttd a possessed rare charms -of n. TKe raercbanVifiid not i faculty iu a very rare - de a ccmld.dotbatwbich was id could appreciate, an ap- V blob,| he endeavored to he following mode of ac- liko toiast, Miss B-———T’ isponded tho ladj, slightly t tbd (Question. / 'dtoast,?’’- - ; ' : V ; -,V n -ii! .-iv '.yi’K-v same spirji a i it; p.n | I't yhaj W !•>!, 5,v; ' ■ ! (he lykller c idea t Isori, \;iv , is;a' '.and ■s‘ «(yl(>.,sv(! us, \vhic!i ESE r ro n ■,'}•=! n s- -)C '? 4-ni,. *o ;h your, if tliO ill-kepli really .-pfl- nnelj?yj ain-s vyorH r. a t »lp-. i i i nj t\ ; i' ivcif i •y S to r> •lii't i ■ ni}A.S>- ’t.o it'akr. Icparf morir. ! - liousanrt cjc lie. coiilld r that. ■ ida to h-is h ■•vitlll'Ut tjSf a'orjfal, andl!' ■e. lie a!lo\ih hnv ‘ -T i til >. grKa!,' ills ' jiiin-tri'i f’iiicj'i' h ‘ T |'t ; is-ujir ,1 upon t- ’part tiuual! v n liis -rnind; a horseback .of Iho ohuji made ah 'di liellura tho ro:H, in I lies' jit,. n;i !q-ni;ifi. who' w;aS|' : jpggiiiw "hy; The companions' din-' er at a waysid-.dTip.n,\ and tj,;,p|!eafeatil!y, dq'riijJ; wiiieii 'iniim' opened liis|lioarfc.tO JeR b : i.s [Qian's and ; 1 1Iroywu ; ’ tjio-'yoimgw. j -yoiii my and j •L, way d toiliny your ! 'vouj will como andyjsee ‘me,; 1 iC-la'd.' -I have lbr<4,daugJi-.| goqd : < iris as e\vr!Hred.— i d'y.; one ot tiafai'i niay' be :ib-yom arc locfei A 1'of;. if.| 10, my best toward milking ■ a iof|Ahp. in a tic ['/-agreeable.': ■ ; a(hK fee me to - -Jiaorroiv, j V and (stay the af in noon. ’ giy|a ypu a faiiy’chaiic.e to j id jjudge.” ;■ I ,1 1 g inailjm-taiitly td i; di, {making only |b ■ eondiv ; ' ib-ylound. ladies shpild ' ijdfe 1 d df the nature ,t>: i his er-1 *' ."’as ngtWl to' &Hd tliev I s t , - RT’ -“ i BM ep, cbarTOea (ho espe cially, j The djDDer, piqre fwalked, oot.for^:jßhfcfe s v do tors?’? tra? ..Ml®; old qoesßqnii^Jj-j^ :.•; “Tjißy ar£t ;Dice, said tlio young man tboughtfairyj' "AM them: do yqd 'like best ?’■ wa%:tße, next ~| . j . is charm ing, and to bo/Your son-in law J- ' ■■■' ‘ * " • ’ •‘Tli ■pu must givp ,j,. , t ,Is i ikfil! ..never do ,to - take the. youngest and'by all odds the pretth’ :est", said, ously. • • ~ / v ‘ ' “1 must hate her or none," was the rfesjp( nftej ?I; :| ‘■ llow 'inuGh 'irtonoy; did* yo u,Bay you wanted V’ V' ive -thousand dollars will pnt/ipy farm in oxeellerLi prder,-andmakVu worth twenty then wind to-morrow.—• I most have ifjve thousand -dollars,'’ ' --iMli;givc you Uio;‘suni' with bithbr of tpe other jtlrls,” said the old man,' positively j “nut t will give but three thousudd'witib Kate.”' 1 > "V “Ijbdri I mhjy as welj go, to my home. Fives thousand* I; inust' hdY have set'my niiiidippon it,”,. T-j'!:- ‘ |[: havje just Os strobgly d|e_ter- do .Softly what. I hWe] dctSdi/’ was lh o pld. gentle j*;*so, I 'snpppse 1 the j iihklter" 4s' at ahl e bd.-r - lib good ’.friends,’ and .yon- must] oojnetirtes r *t? ‘dijref kwl' seefrilp.” | : j*-. |; '' V 7 ' ■ Thus ended , the ( £onforeipm \ and thcj’ jpartod. j Thd young man ’nibu nt-- ed his horse; and! rode dtnvn toward tbp’road, nu|,-’iuBt > W’ h 0 WuS iibdut opening the Igatp, stooping from his ■uldje .hr '■# ‘ Ell o'■. • ■ , ill; fin di:l s : i,y. bnt for Trjiik lie >!i. lii-i ni!•_■ n:v fKdiiir ;i nvuter of that- vh<ii lorlng jafiVh* i io'i| Zajd:-‘wifl».id 1 Ids f.i'-itnnii- : as it'it. proof l!i<* rh-Uff of ;iiid diiv srtii*.rcil [wiili; ■ :i.d,arm* of i.hd'idnlv ! i.of Uo v -.Vidrny -a |dj;oo i-l(|6!viifij trirl, .po'.-bssiiiff i {fiii’.f (I'.'pYj.di' rdlone'e as | Zaek, j;h not ii,| ouaiient a .degl <•<■. . J e lir-.t li neSZ-i/d; ■nhoxvi-dii;, iifw for -.v.i- in- sod'jru; i; ji >‘C t lui dcot Ml. !'i.i .V if -l ' Jib ■ 'Vlt-i ■to oarin' ; instabinaridl f;-v »• ‘ 1' a tit) s!io =:m I iMur; ~ „ .I" I lj'■ II ' '.! - ; iy’ : jv , .■ i I'Tv-j :it I iiat * . , tin' if (-•iiil-fi. '.nn ivho i]ianyinji .ii;7 years T noiliu'r | o IV JIVt '' O.Vr-i OM ; tlviij rrt 1 . i ti inii 1 :! a Hr. aboii hill',;; lilp-li •fVhhi. zLiJ .\bitc i !&'■ Tli.'s. fai'' ( Will., in;: ll Ilia h ■l'.ptanfe. V.-an cj to vo kn yf: aan \ns\ bail f.'d t-hitj'.eij in a iViahtened Avar, |;s ho taking "it a. hiinijiii'hjiouse.. Aftejj’. "that :si|emid lo‘b« perpetually |oh the i jCiir •fjfjpoftu.iillou lei .save the aliiy. ('rijni ;the heavier work. • t r o aueulinn-i e-onlii, nfot ” :ni attention «|f the ,v >‘ .Droapi, who. really I'co’pee-l !ie y’mm!£ nian, invili-ll Idrii'into ion 1 -.- iit si.a.-nd tl.c i-votiinir, aiel jrinn time Zaek was a If! Aho chi inner corner yJhl-ihihioijctl j liossye senreylv r»'!t)kii*y r (Hvi.-iiHjjr- hi? autpnfiotr V.het.wcji-n the (ire aii'l feijqtin# Vos 'oil ij.Safly.' Phi- two j esins yiel aJcjration went on, and the jors ; l l why' as .there. 1 was .-mothim ' ;to ,]n evewf'll. they dul.| not n|a-t‘i'y,. la. never has, heen k town .vvliethqr l-Ro ijiea aro»C onf of Zac It W grcn brain. ,cr.-whether it-was a! hint tiWif li' friend; hui at lait Ire .did find [to tj^e' fjnestion. i| tyas • (ton.- ift this wjiy.; The lime was!Xew‘. \ eiir jlyve. anti-i the lair Sailv hail .been proyrijriny a stjmtl.jnglof mulled cider', tba.t (she ndq-it/d'iave ' stiinotliiiijr' ( 0 clieer-jZa.-k's fejcactj -when lid catije j-n» ' zk-kyeame. Jio]drii|ik and took hid ae- Cuis.tomcd. si-at d riylic' ehinjnev. coifper ! where- he as ■•usually. ifhr a ' ‘fsW‘ then, 'Vuhi.i’4'-anv previous ,synip J.oii ,s, he rose up tWhiV l;alk I fceU two inivhesjjiiit ' tint,' his head lip the eldmu.ey so| ‘that I.iiKt littiv <>l ’liuii Avas M'cn’ aljoylv waist, and dcT-yercd the fi.ilowindv' or.- Taluablo', a ! iWoluta-; suvof-ud;! cluirifC ! .and the I i’llar.s to i of iiolj')' >ossib!y. | ay-jiinc-ss 1 (| c Vl -, n.ui 'o( fh. eniptiiiiT, cvcr , ; , , t|nanOiaLi, e q n J( fd them j,j„? U . Kids qi our far-,; neiirht journey y- ,i try, aiid; il {.■quainf ■ si'soir oi' eiw4Et , i ,4 * - ,' ----.,.,-•.:„.t..r„,.,?:,!j2,;. ;>>L t i -4 ■ - - U v !sr. vTiia cc'U'lmitl<|i wKir? first cycles, gWMgftmtt*: ?**•* -*he fha city! to their b&Tft wed ©mi see the cbri-j sphted, alotjd till Ibo ;, At the in stant,tne taking the lady’s habdio-IHB ; H»a- hbr hhresWt|ngly to the altar/ witbbat ja word'spok ©n,;and presehted ber|p the astonish ed minister, wUhthe rfAnost that they the | k not wsA ,|sd * b h’ayb no: reaadn' to ;belleye;jhave in the ten yehratthey hayexbeei /joined, seem cause to.rcgr©t the Sudden ness of ,-i,£ M- ■ ! X-.bA-lt J£& '.. •' \ - ■ ’’ ike .Flelcbv. ■' ifit | jbas UrV 'followrr.gj j exact//; I t^e story: C i ■ At the hattre’hifMin ff&pppliadhbcK) :Station, : aflpr, theepih TBEaino iad Igair.-- icd. : possession in Itheir, ; front an d [were .ha|yf in Jafc"g a w h ole ibtigado rear, Col. Edwards,:lyhb.wa b on«:of.Urb_first to reach the. ride a. lew men qhpst ;of J mohs pnscmbrs, supposing sonio : might be tryjifig. io get; 'away in the darkness of Following the line bi fortifieailibnS'doryn towards the river ;|he , sa\vjbefo/e him a long line of t coops; in,t!ie .rifte-pils. -Find lng.thatrh|}'was.ia’a.tightfix, ie deter, mined ;to pnt-ona hold."fatar, ■ ,■ . “Wlijtroi is the. oftiopr in (.•(iininand bfitliese tibops?” demanded - the gal lant Colonel. » “Here;’’ answerad-thp Colonel win;), wasveonuhanding the!-pbcil. brigade., “and wholafc yon. sir'7’l | !• ' | x “My nuiuo is Crb Edwards, ol thc othsJd. ’ ' A I kit 'afiQ • to. <”* nd^. tlu i robe , commu ulcT. qmck|y. mw:,]], h , lliovv ni;! the courtesy ot’ retaiivini* a svr. that , ",'Vra Hill, - ’ ,l \v ij I ‘lulcc. sjwon'N oi : thoso oiheors,’ - '! to- tlu) C' jsiJcb 1 \jfXov: jpVdor .yotif uib'n tir u- mi'i ;vi'S ib i;h" not, r)i) - Xhi r> .•£!><* ..'td, .-jnjd a ;\vUoi isiania'hp. the 'Hmoy • _ln'ina; ! i t lit jnsel veshto ,'b ‘ 1 i t<j) the roar ' wards, ids rudiment ’urd.Hikjroc thus giv-jB. -eah'd/jrjekop' I Vjl ncivjdr ■ aUcmpltWl.'fl a r< ; «»hco..i iLsliall -1 tempt i# 'abamV f l ’(ir' bi;n to , diaper, an[d had | allW,ed| my i botrayi;.] into linni<in’ sever; ! boaJlbjU a.i'fli"'vislijti’ to urn p'<isaiJb.!c J -Iji. - o'nti mia their pc I tits until; ray 1 O'.yil l alfept-eci. (jonsekohs.wai, I ; raysell at lietsy s lied si do 1; Villi crap s,Ui era,bln ■ lick : about njy; Ijierson’. ■ i l ad, , K'-’t I pCH'Seshun of.n-'liors J'vii ; way* borne, 1 and r.omemher ■, c-rUnky ; pb^ca-vas|iiiyJi Jn • |lie unifniriii, ii snapt • patty lively, and in a very lo I said. Bii-tsy; you rleeyi 1 have yoi ie, Eptsyv t eci ■.■CTaclkiwg; tlio vrlplp' bver'th have , coiru; to . Per-op-'ihuzty dtreainodithjit.. nilo jfiumbddy , a lio\se\Vhi|i jovey'i ihe ,sov | seck'iiojiye .limes;, ami wbei. up bfonp'il" i/.o had. ..1 drain , rauoh of janylhid'/hiiioo; :wld, : have , anotilej’ r cprbri'aiijidn’ 'hand. I sjiali lot it pet.!’ ; ; . " I - ! I- , ' ■ , of lUmi'i (Uli ti^ t ma'rehet vvili-, liy a dozen,\ENT QuKsnoji—Atth -.Hotjilj Lcbui'ion. a 'dajs t, fi iciids.,'|vorp. ('Driv/-!--i ! tL". nr tiieri; asked: j- 1 ’ j-l ’j •, the-<s|ay, .JVtuvj/I.S-l-T i your polities?"’ ?‘‘A Doftioc was one,’* ar "at; sir, because n '.savored [the peVso “.yiitl TvUa' ' i: A Protect; v:ns.;ono.f’ , '“Arid why "Because \ N At thiVm \harjk wHafl; Vd rruiUerinj. i !‘dnV(Jartil Don"I? hot lions'” t is your religion-, aat, sir,| Lc.c:;usoi|i' : are' ybiji a? Irailu;, Tiy father was.— ’’ imeat $ . : .hap; 10 "wasisaying, so wliatiVihc. usfe, willli y-o.iir-s =a d icn.'iriacle in C; tj similar |in I ••ptuiyipyjjira' j hap v rfctC' of o pjr tionfto ti very in lit Jer.j f f he ;i st^i posing .the , *o avfcrag6 frci iii - length, and from dob Ur "thicjtncsfi. I, J i ary ID, IS A Rebel View of t|e Coming IT.f The Rebellion D. * i i'Electibh'. l l [•. Strange as the abbye [From tie Jan. s»;.J ( Seem, Tiow that (. Leap year brings.lround agaih irJ ernn ' eut is cous *pi^fe r ‘ the United-S tales the turmoil and! ex- jP u,atio f‘ of the South), iu of f a Presidential,eleetlioA. | a £".M^teriing'invalsibry I Events jof fearful weight and imW u -1 Virginia and Pehn | Urncejhavo Phased i n |t,ho interval vr-hi£'h I ,e 18 mith - Tho J are P has elapsed 'since ,^e> o f the south jdL i tlielr lasl > ihek despair: sccnded a arid-took paU ! Keeping tlfat the time c in-'.the UtruggleN ; '®heta have madB a! of most ol what is left bideops and blpody igiflf,. which’ blocks * y cai ’, s ’,rnec is,about, to iexp, ■up' all jeturnj to tpd, feelings: and . in-i ' ev . en whole. aridV. wlhibh swayed us then. Yet l-Withdrawing North'do rc as it bears, upon the p -ospeots and tiie! ranks ’ 8,1,1 tlmt of.| yiemsitudos S [of this- rUthjdsff ATari w<e * ne^eV - again tajke tb;e jmuft| Jppk with r watchfulness [and opportunity with aM upon the! recurrence of that ■ a ele; force to make a bbH\ periodical- struggle for place and pow4 tbe vßafota’no -and-tlje Bile M-.i Although it is lliffi j'jrlt to penetrate.! Br ylat?d .and Pejnnsj P tbpdjirkicurtain' jof. tl | future, ; and to*! .•‘°; u $h-'I'ddle Tepnbsse disbein tjxaeliy bow' edr ownivclfure I •Wjestbr.n iVirgiri majf .be-affected .by; tta political Com-j T le '* r Bt -- tbemscjyes i ■plbxionpf the Umtied States, yet lit is l’ tllal - K i* attacking-tis be! ,evide|nV (lial the wlipl t solution Of; the ! leyic ? Are organized,i-the} ■ niighjiy [qnetflioif h!’h e h ;agitates th'e ; H’,. 1 * 1 ? (ignominious tb.nA / may! IJ.ifot* upon it! and :‘'i-’Si 111 dissefveranee it t i-s'earej;ly.| possibld 'that it’ will not be >fcknowle.dgiug ' their] i| essentially epncerAed by it . lAn'Wdnis ,■ j’ 1, ;t . - da .'; s of rebellion tbr n draws riipidiy to A dose, Already ed..,Slep.;by step we bin it ijs !cmfHp,cd by mopth' ' ' *’ u ' »'baclt from line ;to s instead v, . , *'s*• ,-q ;v-~', c-K anif sobpeare i^iiore^, cauldron he-’! V*r Reeled ana them ; inf order/ t,o.inj&ke ft fignt.upon a!doubt* .. expdbtai[i(in is t! H c at, ful 'word-or. plVrase. -.! :.; . . ' f arm’ wilßdtntob/e'i® ve fX fa.Pjl’i-n c^ef-y*Mmb; \\-hilc ; ..‘Does Bishop Hopkins ■tbs. Caucirs'ea. i bold an wit bj tenacity to.-wlnVll we [to see |in tbo[shit«a States the|poi.rey ■* is.jilaUoiyps iimi: obtained, wo are rc-offpiipzing,! and civilization tb&v ancien| tribes yhnc.his i lic ’f pecri i^. 3 i ""‘Mi, tbp’-i fold ; in-'Jadjeft? • Dpcs be propose, ,-fnee he • i’''guide pbpjular ■[’J'ep-iriy.ory „tp ; ilabii.nisnring; gives!ills right in[ ifcsbptaliw bnv- V4 e ; final kl-p>y, in I tbe [coining apighg. ! siat upbn.Brigham Yofir.g’s taking bis ' place oT 'courtly , r r 9 u Kbout the entire ib orthtberods ! loft?; yvatrcal esi the df d. mitihidv idis !in .„ ?. n fbusiaB ie andAun—men. [Does t'hcijßish ip' think lit ( |Syl*“sf au 4 aiijbrng 1 callr fpllowkjtbat a-mab grows Sn. wis-.L - c cfats pr.eisctucd M lt kyartjf-Support ioi thultC-iiypHi l A)p*p be-'diiiy harem, and • . c\'a(ihorelii : ceHo |-J Tlei •*?. U ’'V ■ ca'L ur .'nvcr-iascci tlmtylr'rrecf wisdom i .requires.ija man ' imitating ■! 8 ot men to reiaferte the c nby ; to haw* like Solomon, seven Jujpdred ; their ifbndncssHb ,I' ie 'V w ‘'l bo ixccomjiltsb- wipes-and three buud-ed concubines ? tbeir tiatidnal » fxl’ e , odil >'- lt -isfjust to sav that as ; a , t aiirlb.'dfl Juiv. 111 P-®' e u ‘ = U llu -e open.u-Jiuiii may .rightfully ’;buy aiid, sell. ' . pirbapsl: under :u-my| corps'* Ltuve rc,unlisted.;: human beiago; add gear* children from, ’.- :ky. :■ Ijincdlh is i l,cl y a bS/*bS, notes of p •cpiiratidri |jn-" pare ins, •■■and wives? ironv husbands,’***' ’ tpjaivb place-to.: ou^P' !l ! t; -\ 1 * | .'■) • . j,-f ■'• : nnd sqoujrgey thorn jtq .work without Airndo; urn?' it i Hr w le ?*. H 6i ‘o . suiojiiaj eie- rwagos;[apildpinytiiem.all inentril light, ‘ ’ po.Mt-i ilfail-' ho urelut in iicahvo'.of'|ru,;a ! ai d dpom them . to-'i|bjo’ot submission ■' ir; with t'lidiiur. 1 l ? I, e-;ebloi , n ; sUfU,for-,.hih p-e dray, aarypd;ic[wiil,--botkuse tbe yJd Jows ' . and- j-ouiin hta!|* Lc . pi ‘ {rays,.;-h.-ld ..West | ■ , !, ■ - . •' tbo®ecos|iiv Sr: ! n - »n : -Vdrl h O.aroJ-f wif lidnMtiho|' Arkansas. s gcherufl'dfs.. a:-gn'm[cipt w'yoh .imAmonds «lkrerjlit« Id remiil ell tiie J a ft e |-' l ’y n -, [ y, 110 hroverntr of tpej o|io a.l Cb,tykM'an ,heL-ausc- Al.rdbiim- bad' , airin' vv'aniS the' 1 fe - la t e 'f c ' u !'*bg a coir.-oi’.t'kbi i-> stjeofi.® ; stavcsipVben. t' .had-none; ;To shy g ■ 'be d'ispJs’cd ,to I and 10 t o- I |'e v bade, ; toi tbat Irp iiui'tiot lorbiii ■' their <>v ditav- 1 ‘■bp|Umpn. biic other has |So*it i*s ucl-y hccauao verbal y be aiiulonTncU very -' .2(1 Stales ■■ have 1 ®S^9 n . tq- Washington- jo foriiiXal tiew-. lew ,fnii ’ cor 'icnm puniin£ n . the'protldss tTO.yednraenta \|hilo -General i rsoig.hljdVs'bjujff.';-A*o.' no rnoredhaii ■ sP»r.w-sro.. Irh hnf i^ n tStaHa; > tbe i .DaiOskMrobi : .uoniJ inen t fee c-ob;demnedi l eii.-i;avi jg birttißut he sdppcniaey.nVAr; 'aH'X?kbrsf- VTb®|*TTvT^ioh,daaibout- tjoyssuo ad ajds j-feade usi love our peigl/bor- an-btrrseivestr (t m ¥■ dr ler?Ktb" 1 e r?Ktb" M-teld -idbat allVuical whde . coin s probable or. iJ n hjs own f;.& '-9> •, . . ~i r * nt\ K -•* * v _ 1 ; (VbmJt, <oo, there elaiin.s.t'o^^ 0 - i* U!d . a ;; c-e P t iho-rrcsident'h jitn : i. I : ,bc|-Bislir[pl of ..Vermont anuounceS InsimiYi. Tht- .- iibrlc. fntrHgirer s Seward i n i est >'l ■ " I ' J , l pg>o~.ts inCbn.trpvertihie •-* oookj :in. which he un|pbse.s to csiab- • have pud ' -bis :.hiy ! ,T!j:du-o • w.iri-fighting i(>r [lish tot Wio Bible.' [a pQv&irful -igebt iniej-eiltiig t.Hc| ; vaf, ai,d J o * t*»« t* s l lcri«^/i-s? b*• shovl> 3 ; tuj li.e is judged* ■j liis' is not th-qj ; to ■ ' u '^'ab -.-m •Hl/aaco.^.: criininai did ' ’■ "*' on. tiiKvjiirl \vui'i and uiredi t**-ii*\or ;w iy the:*/ . r ;oi .kp:r-y uiViil he.iivovi|d. that his‘houd '. p , "iriai.’’ ('have- is'bi.e■inui-k nowlrlhi h-ngoriq; To_ fight sinlply A’qmija' had hteb ; sl'icodt o^jiisriiphthly; bmT. aiy down ■,„[ t jp. -dviliaihs. . H ulilu* is {{ie Wvclrite : -*ln»h r >b«- pVnio. pi luefe will uoi- Lrodk J the-siuj-rp styovd «rrt ; it. - pdesflho goW i.-isid- with ;.H (iioeley.utid- tliefra Heals. \.'ti ei'ii’l' ?’ :i i r '.'* Z' 1 ' “oy ibindt is. ibe sure prek-; jkJnow that. boK Sas beer.V vx- ; yiiiTlTti;mn> and borrup’Jion >ik p j i l f»ou i -arid seoreii^- 0 I la*'''hrotigli £*to 'bear 1 in'. lavrir of tire-’ P 1 " 1 - disaUect.on lias v.a "lOiisrOti, a'. I.ino : life, of iconi-niya'l sense f, dV 1 y,; - mill,grr ij.-.h.' !; i°deH:of ijn -;som.c:, it ik ‘ - larityiisdikely 10 override thi.-m J ai " ! by curses, B-|tbj . Ipg.d and‘[ 1 [. ' --■' [iik-|,'.- aii'b , ip'ii hard •to foref-a(t the'cii'etU hi !. dol 'l-‘- | ! * P lO - soldier's, it|. talies thy ? _ 'Line -1 supers ol:: t )-; s elhc.-.iof aiuci. llie- nro -Vok of l-tbe ‘ ‘ u; ’ ni ’9 1 '■ kOesale 1 desert [on ; 1 hosp i Stories iess ■;[, is V) howCvorjthat.l ] ■ liir oju m',lhh ,'.iew ' y ' A anv ejiaugg will .be leiu-fk-ial toi tl.e lAec1 Aec m n o.\yds'to.'avoi. the- It 15 .m ■i % '’ f sb.ii lb.:,' ];inc'ojri"a'iid his 'nairiv'iiri?-sc. i !p,'T ,bi y ymsonptiou ;-t% pmj-ioso.J to' i; y bnjtj.icttor.r irrevocably tolnmitfed 'to,,a|mi in'dis-! , ,1° ,oal 'n o. 0; (Iwd [r ilcd'[ hiq-jj.r> atjikalion: j sylubl'y linked with.S't ui c-ohtinuance Wqvemiiiient sloe? di sir.y; of- :|l,u -;i-dr"'i*:i’tii/.c the waf.tlmi' .we! ian hdpo lot- rid-! a “. ~ u uid ( * 6siro >- t 0 miSavc.dr'ink. -ord - • rte&r id-! poice i fly uCi- rtbepi sdvf* l.fiiuif;M tp'-*-. cansP d,- 0 w 3 , 1 mre , agretf '' 1a 1 'wuh'iic '-ba.ast|on-of ibo moanSj oikiji.okecuti;! ■ Uo *pe t .ite, t.iej conceoy tjVo.* r.asto.j,i_p l .;| jy>.ie|_, i-self-to'lo '‘ li t-bev (aiV dfiybi frdiii •povv{sr;M ne * ,t that -*\ankeo ibiU-rills ■ cquld j-ivc are ;t t.4plo:k-lthev :qvTH : Ikeomo^oybittoiled o,4.p'.>:t bav :s n l a > n . ta '' lt ; a fith ; iue}i [.- ■! ', , T-f- :,1 ike-, '(i-ni ! neiii.t;of the ir sficeessoj-s. even if .they-,j duyqaty, ana digniiy. and trieyjl-bine | , vlSTjCtsss Hkvrd i,k-Smith’s 1 drliutin' ..emjnlij wai-(il):e fKiJjpv,Hindi ' v i t!l ,P°' v tlfe-' tiidfioV-, j-So^qol| r -“i‘"^stclass .‘ in '' Oriehtsl-- i; I bcl-atilc ■, w.ih provy a !!brmid;iblo oh.-taeio. to itsy or . l ' ll -'r. ll i t ' v ’* l ' ,s 't 'CuoSs |tney, [had; Bh.ilhsopby, ttand jip( /Thiii'bety. wb-af ■irdfl4n'fcil Jhuccd.-jsful inaintenuutfc.,- . J l ! ! r-Jn'stpkch, or i^iber.-ility .'wlfose’! is lit®/”, -ijife (t&isists 6f - , a‘ Jte’atnilc l’L.i.kcn rrfigin' 1 they bad sgorne. fa| c6\vli|idiy | bo.-.?e; ,a.nd a i'^hat ;d!)c-liiledii be to pal 11 rb!IV , \v;irlik ( .r i t W l * l * l ’. fhun. i-ioi.n^nts f i is'j|oyci l^;.?p-‘! Xb.(v'fewa.rii qf dboyiTfo- ■ i; 4 m^aiis. loUbwsli 'U.ntviliiii*' to I \‘' u a . l 'vij only nced-ifo | t'eiyed -tropi a discriimpat-' POn nh-ya-Umpciil Jiis r-.-pitlalioh.- and, like most -, c ■ t' val ': w,u * vi .s',y- ! .an,\l, 'Ja*o |tb/s | im'." publie.’t, “What <is religion . in • ejosuti ifioidiers, ynoro spnsi bid to, the. evils of .? r, °. ot - blife - tbh 1 old | ll junto:-ptiicrs as* youplease,, -,- W-jird-’b laval-, than bloodthirsty politicians a! 01 .Y. ,1i P 1 | ad ’ '• ptrr «us -dpi* fliej. vic.iiiries , w-.ihoiitjalloiying hi'c-turn (dit'byfcom'- be ibhip 1 genera! in power would mosturobahl vt ' IC ?i d auu ’ V? 0 | ’P h ' . c-ons.urn ,i;limcntir ‘-Wiiul is.fttiue.: M ■ PA' six- Hid yj Q ; ( . O a.-.-tommodatifciy. At all events, | iU0(1 -; j, . j,. |■ ; | Hue pu.fl. hra newspaper.”. ■ ■ f:- •<-aoifcin"i l,lo elevation oi a, -now? Ilian would re- j - -b. Tt'.V' ■". T .: -1 i ' ,-T - '' "I. i■ ’ „ ' itinund— i ■b'-'vetiieineditlv ofiaiutiics arid rogues | • j e . <-..,vern.p- ot *seohsiii, no ; younu-y fe bow th” .i r i W’ elose'" evt-rv thb - ! V a ‘ yW i nt ! - !,a,, S urai fe ,sh^B^> c of <tf ni^ va SM lhc other day, / ynut-1- pre-ei.l calumitoi.s 'win-.' 11l not im-'! J,MI V bo w|ieh wag thrust,oqt his, head (rote. • ima jaid opel-ative, it .would. at ‘‘iT'W b,lUa ‘”S! l^'Vl? iTJX ° W ■ril* ik:v™tygivo for the' hope aml = wbcr);.d,d. youy A ilou;-: nHsiori-.flies whlj-li (he .Lii-s-h-anuiieks 1 ' "l ; °“ !l '; toibc Tj niun .;^ ; -yoyilJ,be;}da-.o|g9 -might- Jhmk you - J f .-i-iuid'CiDMinaie. wiekeunbss. i.eVsist in'*. Vvelve nlanghler a.ealfs .' h ; heaping upon tl-em 1 ' ; .y :l eav,er,cs ,; t ~gn i; torep'.of., fecaa liiftngnig -out ,o(. the Jyufdoiiv.-.*! 1-, 1 0 1 ■ > ; • , ; ncar.y. I|hrt«e r-gmu-iiis 01 c-avaliw hud i - r-’ »-jb —(■ i- - .1 ••' . r‘^ack : ” l ri ' VAutAßiat >•( blkv* 1 -\k’.-'f Ob' iceo.-i-:.-? ne | ofsb^pßrukiters.. ''A-bar. i;' 'tstotch. -. nfce, t|wo' -V- short itine’ ti'nee 4wo men i e'o..e" f - v one-lvalf; of’ the- whole .-bu.-iiher—r'Ui. ii" P l ' ls ': :iol q.i>‘ : e'(iu)er.of! th|, temper.- • ;' \ a fcUow lodged, in Aibapj-.. of' in fB d awaU ß>ty- IV.,| | | \ •, .xvb & l;is j h A-”^naP'\..T^o, t ’’ Weslev',’ the- munutl of llk “i 1 ’? L, : l ! f K isi^j4vl W i M; il’* j®' i'prutr;idc-U 'niicpm:no,uH',l* and ■ asifetl a . w *-” '' a -j di,Kih. | . ;■? /j : (S J;;„ t what'hc:bad ip>t In .;-*-A'2 !‘ ' s®,A "nnmbyr fever hi IV futllbr4'$ a t^/ :d r j?V a ® Cv< ’y * vaB l f ;u r '; s l ul ;,"°- ■ -kbow “p ■ kpi- V.: V’b ; fbirtyillive were di.aifed i l.rro.Vi'denU.' ’• ,1 i , tl V S ’, •‘I •°' T s ftr , <lcX * : reinin./nkhfcimk-? Japghed at.f. J yn-otilei,igtma^;V" .or?-’! i: bun iqo ilua.ii, - t kn me'' -Whvi'-if voii ! aiv! and '-'' 1,c ‘ r<i i*y. >^.e, . a P'nE.':tiife|--drafW• ! ; v ii-f^ dm^f ,a :Ti' U ! t; ? P :l ~ f!!, klro>cry,n.ur 1 -wpPp<^ Sxoxixb- ;v‘Be.ili error Tiifc'-l-fovie—; • "-I recjkdii J sij.i,” ,said--Alr. Wesa-v, >cl ' e qaev j T .u-S| > .ian, fpi H-fe.„ .. ■ a l?'l s “tp ll isp^icp,rtTo«.in ;i nel-spapwaS'' 2y-y«9- 1 -big boar sitting yeny |■; ,y • im, ; -n ..hying, to get a perpendicular. • '■ , composed Uin Ur> ot tho roiid;;-; Irjsljjrmii, Who. Tvie-v of the minhoVv 1 ." ■■ ■.. .-' , *:ind as ho Idtpli'ncd to yield-thc fiiflu-sent-enced-to.'' lbet, L'orreelJio,n V' ; i : - ijLf.-L,; !. iiseoVoi-ylof t\-ay, the [driver upd passengers [-at ;dbr i year, was set L': fi® w W%on veil' isa a wilvand 1 ' laßftenla .InrAfe/l to stqnod_ him (jAf- tho .track -fo work!in,die blaeksn.uJf-shopA lie j beautiful put an InOmy - constrpc-; [Bnrin growled his .disapprobation of found the,, labor: v<d- r -bird. IliotiU;- 't® --your'-mouth- to -«ie il nivav the ■ ids,? Ipniy that mode of proceeding,, but- finally hand 4hi[,lferrd .Capfiia fa !"bWw •: 'r 'T ■ - 7 " 1 {npsjjeom- gave way to sapetior nbfabors. - change" * his employ-me* d,- sayibg. I, ~ ;[; !-■ '.' .' , ’ ■■■' ■' v , \ j•. bi s:xf<2!et . fj~T — ; '/‘‘Faithy-iCaplftf-u;. I ve Jto \vi>rlvj fight till you di^—'after* ' tiirod jn , 6®*Thd flower-girls | can always this hard dor a yca;r I shtfll,die'in lees jdp.iio' jiIMS five or six times; it is jtiay • 1 raise the, wtndj when-fcho flowers blow,, than a fj)rtbig.h(-."/j 1 J. 1 'i bj in-y as - i -i- •' , ' l . -y i years, . iXIVe |prniti;«,l giripingito babbie, afi. tit bused to hpe\vb:iti from ib agitated. .de[ Cjo nveut i o n s, resol u Hp n all that paraphernalia'] 'managed to form arid , will, ana which, ip repj iyirmnentji, takt& it io I potnj). raree-showt ?play in monarchy j'l’nlj, vcgue The L , resolutions of pat] l>t bp! | ! llupublicunJ ifpK anniversaries, ior l th bL’hicago is' the .plf | .the idea thatyit is, !. by no moans dispo: I any Other Candida [mights have been would dispense c.nt i niijjity of .an electl ,seat on the .pretest’] so .doing until the ! v.'ur.yyTo/io this \i support of,! soldiers \*all a naturh resist the exclusion [ orite chief.. The U _reached that stage 4-r; Established io>i a 1,.( ejjnc ii-ipi knd t lie' ‘iiy. | Of nit ■Hn* ti*- 3i ■*; •£•**>» - <^l; ’C ”7 %'■ I i ; 1 ■ ■ i . v | , | Advert; ssmcntp ported: at , t|em(«of7i : t subsequent hiwriioa ' 1 A, liberal jcHscount made to yearly. ’ | . | and on long adterliecifjenls. ,i NArspace equal td ywEtyis liu& <{rth& typt ■ ' !■ : ' | measured'as a.square* 1 ■ ■ 1 1 ■,./ ‘ , - j-' notices 2o addition to teg _■[ nlar rtttqi.-! V r "\ _ '■■i r 5V‘ ’•* .- i—Business'cards, 7J cents a line, per yowJ Q f 1 -aiid »R^h*, ; Political, 1010 ! and Notices ofi a public nature,, free.. U. Bishpp Bastect j j-atiinpc 'jmaj*:'' Som^bndy v has' r 'wfitteft a brief. and/' i ctlerate iErov-l capital satire aponj Bishop Bopkin*^ L } oniirb po-■.[letter (jLefendfng isliivcfcy upop Bible, tid .i'pf ’armies .j’gT**und|s, By {sabstltutiDg.'tfa'eH word pf Kentucky, j Polygamy fopSlayeily, the exact value “ isylvaniajl yet j of i.ho.Bi'shop’a argument’ is’ exposed.;’ ’ rfclpariijg for - hlor if Slavery be a good thirigbeeauwv rfg 'ftrujggle. .Jewish’ patriarchs .bad slaves, poly* if, cnllstiuent | gamy Js cqtiailby, lovely because they of tlyo tihi'ee.lthiad, hareras. j .And ,M slavery be i rg, aqilj that j t able; fijecquscj Ch rist did '.pio'f verbally •' cwrp^pare're’ondemn It, polygamy .must* he dbai c cruit-;JH>eir j rable ,because; he did allude } tli.eibj willil« l itlat!rettry“j''’^.i'fr*"-t’• •" <i --thetfisaizu; Jn fjut,- whlit f‘is'called the their ajvaihv.argument deserved : OT.lyg.suca treat dash across btneni; ijis the the contempt, nsndoah; to.;,‘ajnd sarcasm which dreso ■ania ; anti’"i djealt if .by sqiyb: -JJ we are, ; ’ iuid- Keii-; tp, excuse A otir [si ns-’-hy those' fit the.’’.., 1 aiiUiii)hi;o. I Jewish! ' patriarchs, land if the,Whole’ V ,the v |eli.of! spirit and tebdchjcy. |of. Christ’s teachl ►re thejj.ncw: ing arjo to gd- for' nahgbt because. ;he ; :au forco’us .’did not ehaii'je to] specify some of aeJuies-' there |is iio abshrdTtyj that may 2 CniojiV by i;defen.ded.iandmp' crime that,' fr ay hut ! ep.endtjence.l'be jnsiffici. -; | '’ , ‘A: ire niiin:ber-1 ;-Tlie partrkreats the Bible ex (.riven jeheria ; -aclly as' it cfoba theConstlitutioa., T,hd ibm stcpng->wholeTneani- ~.(’sr nirig. i'l r. s- ?' j. ' IJL , * NOTICE TO |ADVERTISERS. i - * L ■o-i-.N sjlMgT.—One of the latest oi .Mr, Lincoln is of jhj.s'i-iiter-t ;ilii - ill .dulsjouiifm of " l! that UicV-h'.-Kj much AfcJictjatbey 'were •admitted to' 'S<fiioef hut in talciI‘lT fcare one nj; remarked hp-. ivhsj'- our. ?i(le." M’ don’t fth |yof;. ’ L)f "course they ;-f hope, indeed, that, ' .fin_ llile.Lord’i .side"" 't h , %' ■] J'- ~