The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 03, 1864, Image 2

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    ( I
Wednesday, Ifeb. >,',1864.
—-i—u—.i,--....ijA-, ...—:—
Editor * Proprietor.
' rrilgf.»» rK-'-r „ .VT,.- • ■ •' .A' ' ■ 'itaj. 'f
Fof Pmldent in M4,' * *
.. -O>IIUXOIB. . J >'/ •- ,
~For Vice Pmidenf,
akdrbw a. jbußTiir
or PBnrmr*iniA. -
I. -]tST_ A good Adams printing ptess
for sale-at this office, price lovfr. j '
' ■ST- Wo csll altention la the adv« r
tis'cment of John RcoVes who offers a
Iwrafor re'pi. :; : .
| r JST We.will notjcondecend, atjpPßS*
ciit,’ to notice the limping and
Jto-’•.JafeK-awi' that' .furnished tbo|edl>
iprial' sqaibs Jbr the last issoo of the
Star, . . .*) ' j--' Ui
thank* are due Meesi
' jptejiiy and Ifegley off the Boose, at
ConnaUof the Senate for docnmentai
,fa*o : 1
|)ri Donehoo;, h
fill©, JOliioy i having local
r, will receive call# at his
Son them extremity oftb
Hotel, In this place, or
be river. , 1;- ' L
r! •■•." T
next t
t .J- h . •- r | ,
KAobicoltural' Meeting.—T
niial election for officers.' andm
{era oftheßeaverCounty Agricul
Society, will be ; held jin the shy.
office in Beaver', on the first Mpnqa;
of JCtjreh, at 1 o’clock, p. m. A fu'
aitcndaoec is requested. By ordefo
jtfab ’ | _•_. -j • |; .;[ i FttEs;DKNT. :
| Correction —ijpthe notice to -iui
jtieesof the Peace in our last issue
number' of • mistakes in words!, an
punctuation ; were made. In oho! o
two instances, it is difficult to undet
stand.the meaning from the cliang
Of words.; Wb have not tporii re
publish,»nd hojie pur readers will over.
look i thernistakes of the . “Zts. nt
|wbo set up the piece. ’»- t-
Ftnsi National Bank.— At an nd>
jpurned meeting of the subscribers ti
the stock-of First National [Bank tc
•*o located, at Beaver, Fa., the Com.
ruittec was not prepared to' repo-t,
arid requested an adjournment; to Sit
'UrJay .the 1 -5tU day of Febrjuprly, at
B o cilock, F. M., at the Courtllcu sej
'agreed to,aiid a punctual attendance
: pf'„ the subscribers to' said stock are
rcapt-ctfull)- requested, ;;
Tiiwj. AI’CuKKRr, Chair
Oen. .Hancock.
Wo (ako great; pleasure, in. cn
the attention of the people of Be
HJrtuntj* to the advertisement of
Gen. W S. Hancock the gallant
tr 4nduf of the ‘Jd corps.
s (ion. Hancock has - received a
dor from the Government to I
■ fifty thousand m«!n in Pennsylvania
for special Service} and will recc’ic
volunteers various Pennsylvania
iltigimonta.. -J. ' i,..
The officers of the Government and,
the people have entire confidence linj
the great niilitarysdill and‘ability nf
■ fjon Hancbck, than whom adnrayerl
or better man does riot live.. 1 He is 1 ;
exceedingly} kind! to the then under
his,coinipind, and careful ut their lives
aha health, .never leading them into
danger without a reasonable prospect
of sifccesS. He, has proved
upon a hundred battle fields lope |of
the best kn i most valuable officers in
: our array. Those 'who. outer the ,ser-
hii :COrpS;may feel assured
that they will bo under a
wbo will lead tbem as but few cgn do.
for prudence, bravery and. heijoic ac*j
tioo he has no superior in this or anyj
•' ■other country.; .. , „ j, !
Wo ot'e glad to see that our higldy
esteemed! and, g&llant
W. S. Shalfenberger, Adjatalit of tile
140tb Begiroent has been detailed firij
■ epocial service in this coup* I
, ty for Gen Hancock's corps, andwiil!
receive volunteers for tho 140th or
i sny other Regiment. Thb 'bounties
Which ‘ ‘are liberal will bo '.promptly
.. paidtolho patriotic men wbo mpy
'•.enlist. -. -j ■ ,'i |
’ j Adj’tSballenbcrgor although young
s already distinguished himself by;
‘ bishcroio conduct on s ''several' battle 1
iields, especially the battle of Get.
ysbiirg in defence of. Pennsylvania,
mderour lamented friend Col. RohL'
»rts. .Ho is certainly'a most excel-
Cut, gentlemanly aftd kind hearted
r and those wlio seivu with bint,
’ will be glpd they have such an officer
in theßegimcnt. V , ! ,
2d corps is famous for its adi.
‘ 'mirabio -and superior: officers- for its
1 discipline and bravery, among wbfim
, fhere Is no One superior to Adjutant
Bhallenbergcr, !who devotc| bis whole
, mind and energy jto the duties of bis
profeseion and the care of his men. ; |
1 We> would advise all who* desire to
. serve their country, in tho field, and;
Bpeedily t-yasbing out the rist j
| l»ellion to sec the jAdjutant at, his «ffi J- j
|‘ Brighton;.; ;The war'wi!l som| j
and ithoj rewards bf «grifefnl 1
t pimplo.wiU b.& uccprded lo those whd
i- nobly aid In result. ' ■ 1
:'j vcp-tj .. • i
‘M i
i 1 >
Tli^ present state df affairs Ini the
revolted States pres ents the most rom
-1 pleto picture of alreigii of terror, since.,
the horrible days jbf Robespicrnejpnd,
his associates,' filled : Franco with'Joi
mentljtidf'and covered it with bipod.
: Wie -ro|dioi s* who enlisted
armies at the breaking pat of the war,
have been ruthlessly reconscripted,
after the 'pxpitotibndf their time of
Borvico. Thoso'who furnished substi
tuteshave likewise beep conscripted
in the array, notwithstanding the pro
testations; of 'the j Government, that
such should neyer belhc case. As it
now stanfe no one is 'exempted, those
who have /paid the, highest price for
substitutes, ate no better off than if
they bad ney er tarnished one. ■; ' /
Thus the , Retail Government has
deliberately ’falsified Its.most solemn
prppiises-to its citiseiis, and not cpnj
tent with, this has actually employed
the agency of blood-bounds topuniue
the trembling 'fhgitivea who sre com*
pelted to hide In the'swamps and wil-j
dernesa from the mpveile&s press gang;
The Rebel Government, has ■ usd
deceived its citizens in thematter! of
cdrrcacy. The for
currency which thoy, Compelled their
people to take,: was worthless at first,
and the Government compelled its ac
ceptance at! the point of t|ie bayonet,
now that its notes have rundowp sd
that they are quoted ac fire for
a hundred, the Government, coolly';
proposes still farther, to compel the
holders of the notes to refund them in
Confederate bonds which will ereaUia
still greater depreciation . | :
Add id this,' that the tenth of all
• ; . •• , • ; , - I
that every-farmcr has is impressed by
f |he Confederate authority for theuko
of the army,..besides enormous taxes
which are levied-npon every, branch of
induslry. and we have a picture of
robbery not paraded,, by the worst
I lespotism of the Old World.
Tp these scenes ol honor, mast lie
the frighttul starvation tbal
exists in every portion of the Con fed.
crapy. The rebel, Soldier receives but
about half a dollar a mouth for his
allowance, and of course when bo. is
compelled upon fails pittance to main
tain a family of half a dozenschildren,
it is dasy to conceive the result, beg
gary or something. Worse. ’
, Such is.-tho scene presented in that
unhappy country, its lands desolated,
its lionips destroyed, 'its men Wander
ing exiles, or Wretched conscripts, its
women and children, starving. This
is tod I glorious Empire predicted by
the RuctU| arid Ifaneed’s j tbisis the
unhappy endto which the madness
and folly of secession!has led its blind*
ed and/deluUed. followers. ]
! To this j beautiful ; Stole of affair?
wOuld onr loyal northern States havli
been ere this reduced, ha>l wo heeded 1
I ■ ' • . ■ v- : •• -I
the voices of those miserable copper
■.head demagogues, Who would have
persuaded the nation to I (eject .old
Jeff. Davis. 1 -s>
Let us beware of them in time, add
• *•*- v ; • 1 ■ ? ‘ I
noveri let 'them by their siren voices
lure tlie loyal States to their destruc
tion., -_ . 1 ■' ‘" l ’
illi igj :
. i .
i .
I®*Thei President [ has issued ‘bis
Proclamation for five hundred thou
sand more mer»,to the end that tins
hell born rebellion, May be speed!lV
crushed. Let us maktj another grand
rally for frcodom«nnd the right. Let
us throw all parly feeling aside, .and
acknowledge tip political obligatior
save that of assisting, by all -Un>
means' in our power, the constituted
authorities of the land to destroy §h(
causeless and wicked rebellion which
I threatens the destruction of pur Jfar
tional Governmctiti j . ,
”, 1 ■•••>■ -1 —; ; 1,,
“. AttBESTED.— John Berks, or who is
commonly known by the name of
“old llmit.s,'’ was arrested on lasi
charge of “assault and
battery with Intent! to kill. It
pears that some little boys w'ero playl
ing ai marbles near the door of this old
iifessian’s shop. . When die ; hobbled
out and threw a red hot poker at (help
which struck an interesting and rnnolj
cent little; boy of David Woodruff, ol
Bridgewater, : on j the ankle catting
through ihe boot and flock nnd badly
injuring the lirhb.Lhe boy is probably
disabled > for lile. entered' bail
for his appearance, at Court, 1
•■- *-*1 —h —= i'‘ ’ 1
.t&i Our member Mr. Henry ‘has
been highly honored by. the Speaker of
the House in Jibe construction ofthe;
Committees. .He hits'been appointed'
CbaiVman on the Committee to cpm-(
pare.lbillsr.and second on the Com-i
mittee of l Ways, and Means, the lead
ing Committee of that and every .oth
er legislative ' j|le : 'is also pni
Education and printing both impor
tant Commit,tecs. j,: -
Mr. Henry will do credit to bis con
stituents! and honorto himself in what
ever ! position* ho may he placed by
honestly, faithfully, aud ably discharg
ing his dados. J':
**,_, j , ,v
Wit iA stated that ! thosnow in
lofty feet deep on the Eboky Monn-
Utiii»-r->a greater depth than hail been
{jrevjoaily knows there ior jr«ani
: :i ■ ;i V
. t i ■ * • , ■ . ■ j* . f
fought onabybaitle field, yet meo'tih
accustomed to ; irar. pah never fight
likeivetcranajeueh a State of things
might, and woukl probably proredls
aatrous in the| final cpi&
fiict for the tnaintepanpe of tho;Na?
tional authority and' the owrthrow of
thianiighty rebellion. j It must thurti
fore be truly gratifying to oye’rjf
friend of hia country that the soldier?
of the army of the Potomac^and !the
Cumberland afn willihgly accepting
| the genrrdha ofierof thegovernment,
and are re-enlisting in such Urge
numbers, that* it ismore thanproba
hie that the organization of those |ap»
mies will be maintained! inoil their
original power Tbo soldier wbobos
carried a' mnsket sidcpAprii 1861, ind
Who has BUryir-ed, the disease! ofltbd
camp, the fatigue, of. the; march, j*m|
the dangers ofjthe battle field wo feel
confident's worth fivenew recruits
never smelt .powder. The
veterans in the Virginia campaigns
are soldiers wljo ■ have no ‘Uymg/su
periors iothe world, fcr, courage, in
patience, inplwsic-al endurance,, and
unswerving demotion to the flagi The
men now composingxthe splendid ar
my .of the | Potomac, ahd. our armies
everywhere hive lost inNMffering,
that romantic ieourago and spuit of
daring adventure, which at ttro xhe
ginning of the war hurried, them Into"
the ranks. - But they bare gained far
more than they have lost ! tvlio in the
north But has been often startlpdwith.
the recital ot .thp innumerable and he
roic deeds of ouybravoand patriotic
soldiers. • j| • 1
Without a mijrmuf they have per
formed the most arduous anchscvcre
trials in, doing duty;- and, ready
and wilting at airtimes ,ih’ obedience
to command to! charge hi the most
spend id manner in the very face of
certain destruction. *We all know of
: what material pur armies are cora
posedj and it is surely^#-litonst of
; the government] of ev
ipry loyal map rianor
should, bo awaTdod v |hpm t: and such
I bountios and pay, he glrad tu.
will show that their services nro ap
preoiated. The revalue can no niorc
beoyerrated th: ptiterr valor. •. •
What would inVc the.t-bndi
tion of an army fresh volunteers in,
itho positron of |tho army , of-the Po
tomac, who i driver, back, froif.ltich
[mond to Harrison’s Landing?- The
bravest and m<4l. skillful Ueiieral in
the world could not have been able to
save it from destruction.
When the whple coantr
, 4 _y waspanic
stricken at the occurrence of that ter
rib|e tliBUßtir, t Lie veterans of the ar
my of the Potomac, by their indomi
table courage { and self-confidence,
changed it almbni into a' Victory.- 1
| The rbadiness hf the veteranshf the
armies ofthe- Potomac and the'Cum
bcrland. whose terms pf. service will
expiroduring this year, to re enlist is,
j not only holiorabloto their ovii bra
very and loyalty], hut in n higfaclegrue
[to thei military system of United
States. If a^ything, was wrong with
that, no bountiesconld ihdiuie iliomto
remain a day (oncer than tbeiragree
ment required. '-These mcn ! know all
about war, they [know theTßufferings
to be endured the petty j vexations,
I tbo dangers vrbicb ho historian has
written, and which no onefoan Write. 1
Tet they promptly answer Co the call
6f theiri;ountry,lwilb a noble firmness,
and as they shw the gloom and disas
trous beginning Of the war, thcy arc
willing to see its glorious end; 1 1 What
ah example they have shown to the
young men who have not yettakcu
any part in this'great struggle for. pur
national existences. , ;
i - Wo- have also reason to 'rejoice .at
hhe manifestations of (ho patriotism
of the people in filling up the thftmod
i ranks Of oar noble hr'mies, every
where the loyal men of the north are
enlisting, thatthVy may bo. with the
| ycterans at jthb d j ealh this terrible
I ByspjTng wo will have an j
I army | that njiay defy a .World in [arms,
arrayed against the cause of human
freedom. ’ |'
LeicstCr, Vermont, on ihe
ull; the wifti pf'Jobn C. JJullpek
died; and on thef2Bth bis daughter
d eceased, and oh iho29th the husband
and father followed them to the grave.
id| werevictimg ojl^diptheria.
•Sfiiiss Key holds, a celebrated
English horse-tamer and breaker, has
|Tjeeovhrcd s2sp fre in lhh ofvpnd
,« hhrhjy
ns if ■ and hence-whfoel lhW ; H« pilgbl
'w ; "aAol'liiB^ ;
the tcomendp^strav
••Mialf bd, pQBBtt(Bi'|io. iui> extraordinary
! <duw«cU* r^yrlklchj
lhiur fij.’
. ■ purpoiioand
Mb been; ‘ wSJityr 4bb tWpgjthathas
fetal' ascendency during tithe’' war^-*'
By commons, haring entire
confidence:’ in, ■ bi|| ( » hare
been willing: to .trusthiinwith ah
rtirtountof ppwpr to save (be nation,
which l they wotdd probably have bocn
unwilling to bard given 'lolafty other
jman. ' The hitlof and inccssan*, abase
heaped upon him. by demagogues and
ignorant and unprincipled,, partisans,
tympalh«ing - with * treay »n, ! i staling
hini a grasping usurper, a mean ard
selfish tyrant, a iubverter nf the con*
ptitutiou and free government, was
godd and loyal man to
be .utterly, absurd and ; The ab
solute confidence, with which' by.Jhis
honesty and alulily, ho; Inspired the
people was that wfaiphisecitred to hint
perfect ftecdom toact/indc'peiulJnt of
|actions opposition, piid that alone
saved thtf and the grcaicaiiso
of .freedom. Ev|rycharacior of th'c
: man and all the &cts before us go to
siiow. that .Un ibintoin ji«j the man
sirtgledout byjir|eVidoncc| (!o continue
in the Presidential !.chair :
, us. .until Ihc^rejUsllioni shall be * put
idoKhr And theautbprityhf the goy :
ernmeht inch pi,
dnpufbe^Mpjß^^.; fa :. -j.
ttire oi IVnnsylraniuharosigncd an :
address to lift. en(roTstug lint!
jadniinisli-ftlion of tlie I (Jcivcrnm'ent,'
| ind sympathising with tlipijiplic-y hoj
ha- so eucccsstullgmantainop throngh |!
put the trj'ing ordeal by wjUjicp'dic has!
peen <o terribly irieil since ihio Jirsl
day he entered upon his dutici.
fTho Legislatufe of Ca|lifpi|iia has
donelho ind the and
of'Kansas has alid ex'-
pressed confidence in him
and endorsect fully Ids ro-noiniiiatioh.
The press and every where j
are looking toliimas tho oniy man
who cap now snccossfullj fcBU»rcourl|
country to its" firmer cojjdi'liyn'i «lf
peace and prOspefly. : \|
j : Bui«buve
fall elections in the Statcls were
» full and complete j endorsement of
!hls whole polity. Their I result, in
spired the. valor pf our brave primes, {
and thohopes of Peeing him tmnjtinrtcd 1
at the hclm of Ship of Stale'i&i
again rapidly filling up theurmies ]
with, veteran*, 'and ■ other |iittndui j
willing,to batlleon until eve rtsiraiior ■
T 1 ’
■ji" ■;•••■ OKmJART: 'l,' ,
jPn Jan, Iltii, 11864, W.
Bllms, died aP«vP briof »Une«»; at the
residence of Ida raon-indaw, Cant. B.q
JfCniphiJl, «U Rophpater, Beacon coun* '
The OKOfirlnCisft an a |
ntiaen and Christian .character rwere ]
known, dwiefyhs more than *
pawing nothm. UHeJwas q Porn ,F<d>.
48th, ITSi.lniPhMMjd. Sullivan conn
i ty. New Hsaapsprej'where J-hei ■ lived
'until be was w4|iitePi yens of ago;!
he;then Yermoht, wliere
bo jafterwardeßtudum j taw, and prac*
ticed In hie pA&sioh more than
twenty years. In 1882, hei hiada' i
j pretension ot hiasfiuth«in Christ, andi!
j In ,Oct. 1837, he painu to Beavef court 1 -
tyr Ba., _whare hh Jiyod until.the ilirae
of his diseaae,_ abjwhcih timejie .was a.
t n ' or ?.bor of Cliurch,
ox Briagcwaiei.l lrii this coupty he;
was the propritfor lof j. i i Hdtol. iof
nine years, was aijOsUce of tlie peach,;
three 3'caiW, and; arw: PosMCaster in,
K o ehe«ter,«ighfx-(iais ) thc,datlpaof
whichoffice he litebvgod jwith .the j
htriptestfldejily. iHpiivaß art iiamblef
i u,i^)>^&Hng tbe.
latter part of hi| |fh waite<l and Tpngf'
ed for the coraingjof hia Saviortr i J
.Truly may Itneiraid of bint—, ,S : i
“HoW i lilcst. the Righteous whch he
■ dioa'!' J 'ir,'' ■
‘ When B;hkB ! *?u|e«»y reat, . : '
How mildly* . bdm ’tho closing eyes,; ; •
How gently' hpaves bxpiring
breast! ; f V'di
Life’s duty done, ip, sink s thrt clay;' \
Light from it* wid the iSpjfft flies ;
While'heaveh *Ui«»a ! earth cojuibiiies Ct
■ " - .*441 '•
noHow ittovirigbtppoif; ht
tho* hat«
• n ;sr-[ :.-•••[ •.+.
In looking fart;
of theSenqu^am
the Republicans,
marked oiit a co<
racy, from wbh
' igbjfist tbem,U
done bettor tq Wi
: have furnished.
poUUeians acted m<
baTrpioTeii it6'
’ Comnaonwealih.
die objectof ’up
Almosfany other
- who npw ruloitbv
wouldhsro yield
of ttm.Seoatototl
nghifully ;; W _ ,
other seiidt men woaldbavpir.nouncr
bd ( to the public that they caifio to (He
Senatbtosceureai.d promote the
pubhe facilitate: and push
on,the busrneu'uf legislation,jandMib
it«*d[ofobstructing biganixblibn, to
hasten Its completion, ; by yielding it
gracefully to | lhosb [ who , have the
right to fill jta'offices. I But the Dem
ocratic' leaders; bare ip»t their bid cun
ning. Treason ha* not only blunted
their conviencbs, but it has blinded
their eyes. [ They have nojbtlior ob
jects in: view [now bul thoso which 1
conferprciei.t benefits. They barb
np epunfry tpnelend, and hence their
hand* like tbit of [the Jshmaelite*, is
against all nien. They have no cause
to uphold, and bonce they are. never
satisfied unless thcy ai e assailing truth
uidu justice, ‘or jeopardising law and
order [Truly] we. may repeat, the
Democracy have lost their old cuii-m
ning, The once powerul leader of
Democracy—men of soul find brain|
tind ; heart linye { passed
u|ijfayi,.to give place to the leaders who
represent the {'imbecility ofjllje ago,
ah imbecility, aninfated only by the j
rancor of. treason and; the petty
spites ol party.; j [ j; [i; ’
—lit would seem as if it was it part
of destiny that! the Diirrmcratic lenders
shoUldbedrivon 10 political iujcidc.—
Certainly they are most effectually cut
ting tbcir own throats. In tact the
tigers are l slinging themselves. to
•death! .-| J ■ {j
Tr~:! 'll' •.
, Tuk UsA rr Constitltionai..—ll
.Will he remembered that |hvjSuprej)ic|
Court; of Pennsylvania, after tha de
teat bf two of its members' by tlic
people, declared the conscription act!
unconstitutional. It was done in de-l
hancelbf the uniibrm teachings; i,f the |
framers of the constitution, and in the I
face ofvthq fact, tbsl llic same Court ]
would; reverse itself [in a few weeks.;
But Judge Woodward must inflict his;
Eeity,; impotent vengeance,] and he
uriodi an opinion agin list the prescrv a
tion bf the jgovenihieut [ that!
Clltfbeiiuiaed by all the . reckU-»smws
amt bitterness of a.stbinp speech; troiu
a dii'npjiuihtcd jKilitician.
{' ; Decently Judge Agriewf; became
j Judge in place pf Lowery, and a
[motion Was made to dissolve {lie pro
-1 hminary injunctioi. granted- against
liho enforcement of] the {coii'seriptiun
jact. It was ably argued gnd the in
junction was dismissed, andthe {draft
| of the militia by! Congress j declared i
j constitntionalV vJullge Woodward and
j, Thompson of course dissented’!; but the
| irrevocable decision of the court de
clares theieonscripiioniu all!respects
lawful—Judge Agnew delivered an
elaborate opinion [concloding ns foi'
•owM ■ -\t •![." ;i ; ['--
; r .“ Tho constitutional hnthority to
| Use .the national forces creates a cor-
I responding duty to provide a number
;adequate to the necessity. The duty!
ip vital and i essential, {falling{back on
the fundamental right of self—proserva
tnn t and thepower expressed toj de
clare war,.!raise, armies, maintain j»a
[viokand, and provide for. the com
roon j defence. Power! ‘and ilkj now
jgp hand in hand with 1 the extremity
| untilleycry available man' in' the na*
j iion is eniU'd into Bcrvicc, if the enfro
1 gency require > it;, andof this, there
j eaq bo | j
! yThcy may proceed Lhercforo to the
exhaustion of the [Whole elenieai|troni
which fbp State idraws its militia, for
the! people under {«* the
same; while the; Miprehmcy of the oa- j
tionulj»owcr, provided in seclipn 2 of 1
afticluG, . neccssarly [draws- ib itself
the; whole inoaiber it required by the
exigency,, ip thb exclusion of the State
Pbtfeiv-, _){ , -• j,fl M'.'h.j ■
f And in reason why should a major
power be restricted by a minor. . The
POUjer to' raise armies .compfdliends
for its purposes' the whole aeopsiuf the
purposes armies, while thb autlvor-
Ity to call out the.militia;. i» cbnfinpa
to; toe enumerate three."—^i'Vaatfm
IkpOSitOTyf H*. . [j , :'{ : V'; N
-! d&u there Is b' Democrat ip the
i Pennsyivonia Senate ] who; desires to
immprtaiiao biinseif in the estimation
of hbnor'able’ and patriotic mein—who
Would be a manly a,nd generous act—>
who] would ’ show to [the nation ar’d
the Commonwealth, that he is rbnlly
gibatful to those who aro poriling there
Jives jrt defence ofthe- Governmept—if
thoroj is such a Dcraburat in the Senate,
lahim off w&h Senator White | [po
forb feuch an 'act of nable courtesy,
party- malignity iwould bo struck dumb
—|b Bach ah attitude the people would
support aiiy min, as having not only
discharged bis full duty to hispparty,”
bot as[having made a precedent which
wbuld; pave pur legislative bodies from
ibe disgrace which is now - being hcapi
ed; upon the Sebate pf Perinsj'lvania. 1
Senator W'liito is absent from bis
doiamfid- by, pnpmies of his Country.
What. Democrats fnends bfthit coun
try will display' the courage the
honor of off with biiiil;.
ij^HenryvWard : Beecher--hjis [i
Mfsented his .congregation ■
.tub, »5,b00, i n addiUoh ti
*-V’»■ . . ■ • -
' . i;; ; ; [i :i\\
> - j
r n
®oaY©r Markets.
I.: «uteni> :«i«M 'iat m •*»! •
Be. ,••••••••••«' •«•••••••«•< Ut7 001
M.•(8 T 5--
ye* ba*h»1............... 1 '6O, ;
......... 8 60 ;
............. i. 1 *26,
V '■ ; i...... I, 20' ■
•| “ J ~...1,i...| 00
-h f **„.J.. 1 ............
Clow Sewl, <“■ “,J 6OO ;
Timolfa; IMV, •-* •• :L.;..<.,...u tOO
i 70~.
Onion*, “ - “ ............... 100
Con Mm 3, : -/• f .1.26, '•
Ini, v*» iottn ....if 20
: Battatv •%£•%-' •• lb vBO /
~;,;. r .^ s i'. - io,
SbMri4fr>, •• 1•• .1 8
Std**, v. " ;m*. -.L : .i....,..i.:
! T«u*«r,;. : .*i •:« .1,..;.;...,.J. 1,0
'Lard. v. -i«« -i .. i i<s
,CrfSB4ICSf’V- • _ ( m 18
■8o«p.:, .i....;,,.., 10 ■
HoUaw*. ,i <• a*110n............„ ih
i !||9^i9E9Eflß|R
; ; cLTrvEU*i> al pmsßVspii. b. b. ;
!,•■’■ I art.
Commencing, Jfov 16, 18^3.-}-Train*
leave Beater Sutisn 'ae/oUvatt • ; '
.8:80 x. J». .'Afrlmat PHt*burgb, Io:fX> *. m.
2:20 p.m. « I - r**;:-! 8:50 r. n.
&.64>- m. i e- ■ 8:60 r. x.
,!'■•■; Goiso W»*»— .■
„ Traine leave Pinihargk mfollotve : : i
6:15 *. ■. . Arrltisai B«*ver, ..L...7:46 *. m.
B;oo'p.;ji. ,i «f ..;,iL4:25:p. N.
I:4s’p. *£. . *i. ! Rochesler 3:00 p. «.
1:45 *. M. ~..J.3;10 *. *.
(Oil; Pree't.
inu. j
r. B.MVi
Rochester Stition—GoiNo East. :
Leares Rochwtcr Arr. at Pitts.
l»t Brigb’n Aecom.iwJO *: 7520 A, M.
2d Brigb'a- : |7:10 a! * Bt4o A. *J
Sd Brigb’n, •*, J2;30 p. «t 2:35 p.n.
4.h Brighton 8;00 p.- M.' 4:50 p. m.
Mail, |6sls P. %. “;00 p. n.
Ist Kxpreu, 1:05 a. 2:20 a.m.
2d Etprpgg, i 2:05 P. p. *.
Uincm’ti E*p. 'i 0:45 p. m...... 7:50 r. x.
\‘ ■ Obiso Wk«t— [• .1 ■;
\ LearegiPitlg. Arr. at Rochester.
(;»ostline Accoin. ' i2:15 P. jk'oo p. W
l»t Brigh’nAecom. 9:15 a. m,...:.11:00 a':
2d Brtgh’n •• 12:00 a. x...... }:92 p.-!,iC
3d “ : J4|Bo p. M...... OltO p. ».
4th *• “ i i Iff 10 P. f:2O p. {*;
Mail. , J \ .. 1-7:00 A. 8:20 A. 'irJ
Ist Exprcsi, tI:4S, A.‘ 8:O0 a. ’».
2d Expresg, ■ 1:44 p. ,*J. 8:00 p. h.
’ - , r ; ADO. BRADLEY, SupL K. D: ;
i \ ; . T !.■ ■ T i 1 ■;n:
j i- Tr- 1
Quarterly Statement of I
I, ' Beavw, County- 1
.NKtr Bbiohto<*,|«oT. -I
I. *REioreoES. i.,- I
I Noted and bills dlscounted.actiTe $1
I.Same under, protest.j. ...I 1 .....;, j
!- U, 8. ft-20 fit percent! coupon bonds, i
'! V. S. 7 3-10 per con i. tress. nbtjes.. j
■ Furniture,and offiee fixture5.,.......,'
: Due from other banks... ....i.L. X 1
i Notes and checks of other banks andV
i V. 8. Treasury notes ii.l.
f Coin In ran1t.,........;. .....1......
| Protest account.......
/•■■! ~ s2i¥,^lar]
(ILITIEg. '; • I J I
00 “I
L...:... 1,400 on
Uh...... I %72» 17 I=r
J«7 16
r g MAT
Capital rtoek paid inj
Notes in circuiationJ
Due depositors..j..i J
Dpe tlie Commonweal
Profits', and 'earning!
Dividends unp»id.’>'
j $216,925 83
MT« statement tsjtne and
the best bf my knowledge
Bdwxbd Doors. Cash'r.
rihed before nejtliii sth
lb. 1868.1 ■. • N . :
: 11. B, BbISSL, ji P.
I certify that theai
correct according to
and belief. 1
' Affirmed and subiw
day of, Sorembert A
V - ' ?’ 1!■
List o£ Catties
Term; 1884,
Monday. !
■ - 1 Ist
Ii W. Decker'* ex't ,j>
Jacob J. Xosa,
buken* A Beeson, 1
Is John Mcl I on, >l
‘ John Biake's Adn
I Darlington MB cl
f W. M. Shirts, et'i
Y Martha Sanders
■■ William,Gill, et a
i“ Carrolls Martinet
!•“ Wm. Alexander.
. ; fi - 1 - - ‘ 1
James Collin* & Co.,
I Patterson* Davidson
I A. B. Xye,
T. AW. Walton!
John' 11. Camp,
' WKKK/ I |,. ’
t s Alexander Roberta
■ Sanuiclllßecd 1
• Thomas K; Watt
Y K. 0. 48. V.R, B
■ sul*
*'■ ■’ ■ game|
“ Geo. Alexander
2s l>
Robert Hall,
James F. o’colft
Abrabnm 11. Dafis,'
Johnßeatlj’g Exe*l
AVilfiaih Jones, *
Andrew Smiley, *
Abram Toms;
Commonwealth use,
Alfred Campbell!
Fred. Hirer et use, ■
•I. S >(cCoy’s exe’t
}, 16W; ; ;
*! John Duff's Euci:
‘■l R. Campbell's l Ail
•' Wm. Wglsh, el »1
“ James IjLTtimblci
iT\ EMAININQ in tl
Pl, Feb. In
Becker John. ' |'
Dorks John
Bradly Clarissa
Campbell Andrew - 1 ':
CarryjWilliaro :i
Diiljr 'Miw Nancy
Decker J A ' ;1
Evans Mhs Hattie
Slibi-Mrt. ■
OunAer Georges i
Heins ■
Jasen Bren ; v ,! j
Mercer Leyii *
Merrlman' Mfca Ada 3
X r ■ Tf
« Post i
t, 1864:. , .
Seyler Junes
Simpson; Hiss Mai
Schadt Mr. 6 j
Stewart ;P J - ! ,
SeatmWMrs Ms
Smith' Miss Laura
Thopipson Mrs. N
Thompson John
Jutter George V
Taylor KM •, | j
Young Joseph F . : !
Zinkhaun Margaret :
1. /
■ liZST OF .
Remaining in'-ti
rer, Pa., Jan. 30,
Carothehj, T C’
Calhonn, Anstin
Swing, George " 1
Marrcy,'} James
Dutchmen, James C
Hidciger, John J.
Hnstin Junes .
Henderson, Wb
Jolly, Ckpt. Jack. ■ j
I t®»Persons calling
liat, will please iay th
,-t • M.J
leiUiT oi administration
if f the estate, of Hasar. Cowan, Sr., 1 Ii
of Greene township,', i Bearer ~c ounty, 1
deceased,haring been dulygranted to theje
Jersighed, all penddii | indebted to said esti
are nettled ,td make immediate {torment, a|
th«e havingelalmsagainst the saill will pi
eent Ihem properW authenticated for sett]
eaent without delay. , •'mIM i
I:-' - i HENRY COWAN, Jr. i
. fthS’oi; ; - |.f, Adm’f.
’■ V.' : I’l.'V-:r ; J'
tank of
; l-.- w r
l, 1808.
■ . joo.
j 4.850
4 I 5
(5.718 85
|7.1W1 08
I 141
1 i.
, a 1 I
tee it Ui
a • i
7 J
| nc y
Mlbb 8»lly—; —-
I it. ‘ ■
lie Poet Office at 1)
i| ;■
■Knox, M A
Kramer,Jobn ’ i ,
McQuistiJn Maggie
Mernmah.Mary J
Phillis, Seneca ;
Rodgers, Clark\
’ Strock, David N,
, Wright, Lou
[ for letters in the al
*y areadrertised.
ee*Md. /■ ■ • , T “ 0IU »s J|. W{
the finxl eeeoani of j OS .„ K n - I
■‘’J*. •to l*m •■Mxedof
filial acoUt fperS^H£o
u»S .wT" of ,h *
■■§S«at fee'll *i
The final account; of Jacob' n -•
tsf* jf
The. final! account of Uli ’
-’ The final account of 1 ■
£3PV lt: .* 11 *' *? ute « John oyNhtf-
-The final account of Jmei X&T'M; ■
1 fir *‘ hnd final account* of iLK,
Samuel S. Hamillhn, deed.
Thi final account of. William ki it* >
a 'S^?£ T of / n *" c; » Marr»J. de<rd—^
Thefint and final accounts ...'
Dsrld Bakin, dee d. , ■'■ TP' i 'l' !
The. Guardian accounts of Jowntl il v.-’
Guardian o( Josiah 11. & Ann lr‘
U TL“n° rh . ei ” ° f John JWt'all iel-d^
, Tut Guardian accounts oMf m- bu.
GiuHiano? WllliWm, sttfeftfj'
ps%^r' aot i b f*'* b 4.
’ ■ The Guardian account of Itanlc) IliJ.!'
Guardian of Wm. [.Morion, iK minor
[Vtm. Morton, or., deed. J , ’’ f not '/
I The 0 uardian account of nj. i v p..,:
Guardian of Marj-KmmaPowell, iinotS. ‘w 1
ter of Elqazer Powell, debd. i ] h “^'
• jTlte Guardian account of Jos.
4 mn of-Maria J. Scott, minor heir of
Scott, dec’d.- ■.J;I .- -. ■ ' : r.,1 j °
the Guardian accounts of'Joseph
Guardian of Eliiabcth J. it . M arr
Glenn, minor heirs of John Glenn; dee d S ' *
.. the.Guardlah account of P. Mulriniiy.,,,
dian of EdWin «. Douds, minor
it. Dottdp, qpc u«. j i- Ij. j f
The-Guardian Account nf, J ..J 'I .
Guardian of Thomas 1). Dahieli njL?
Dak tel Daniels. i.i ' ‘ VT n f,
ThcGuaWlan J» Piua k. J 1
dale. Guardian of; Susan K. f'./i..-/,
heir of Thos. 1). falhoon. ..
The Guardian Recounts' nt
Gunrdiun of 1 Sebastian. StejiWi »«,
Small, minor children of'.Martin rinv,
-The Account of Itcgina Miller, .V\J
trix of John- .Miller, deed, who wa# j
of John, : .Martin, t 'ailinrine and Adii
cVrrn; minor children of Adam Presli
Ccnwd. ; • ]-'■;,, ' •.. j i
The Account (real- estate) of |\V
... -. \
ndminUtraiorof the estate of Clcmei
Jots',.dcc'd. , i
Notice in tlie Oi phanj’
. The following appraisements nn<lc
of Assembly, of the 14th of April
property allowed t<i be renting) by
ebDjlnenof a ; ’ Ilia
$300,-have been 6leU tn-tbeiJHief) bf
of the Orphans' Court, of-, Ite'stter
end-approved hui / '
I'ereonal property to the amoi «t
elected, to be retained by the with w
mirth Hanihal, late of Economy tow
censed, Chatlcs itrown. Adiur. [j.
—. ileal and. personal property. to tli
of sflW, by widow of Samuel Mill
New Gallilce, deceased, William IfJ
Adm’r, -.p l_ , ' -.| ,"
Personal properly toy I lie an.otii
by widow bir John Kwing, liite of i v
of Frankfort, deceased, Thunms
Emi., l\dmy. . j "
, Personal property ,fo the amount
by widow of Christian Geffler. late
ton township, deceased; Peter Ang
■ Personal properly to llic atrioili
by widow of George Dawson, lutein
rough of Glassgow, deceased, Ilenon
son, William Dawson, Ra Vs.
, Personal prope>ty';lbjtMi amouti
20, by widow of .Milton .MeMinn. )i
linjctotf tuwnsHlp, (lepe«*eil, I. .V
Eaq., Adm'r,, Mary Jane jlcVlinn,
Beal Kstate, lot No 7, situate in
rough of New Brighton, claimed to h
cd in-part or otherwiieVo the amount
by widow of Francis Webb, late i
Brighton, deceased, MnryJ. \Vcbb ! , H
■ Personal property |o tike amount ..
by widow of Br.Gcofge W. AlliSoni hit
Borough of Beaver, deceased, Thotfiat
Adm'r. . , [,’ ‘ V _ I '
Personal ’ the amount
property ‘Jo the amou.
by widow of James 11,feed, Sr., latent
township, deceased.. .Tames I’.ct-d, Jr.,
. Personal properly fo tlic amount jot
tbe widow of Terraft T.’ Bhafferj .1
late of the’ borough of New Brighton.
Beaver, Feb. Bd, 18t>4,; [ r
-A.;‘Vn. 1 tl« l».l elPa
Fop Salol!
THE subscriber will- sell a tract
1 situate in North Sewickly towns! I
ver,countv. Pa., cobtaing about 114 a
the State Hood fromlSeavcr to. New
near the Conncqucnessing Bridge. Tb
of .a superior; character, called locust
very productive,, and" being hrst and
creek bottom, can nearly all be ma
meadow. It Is well wateredby legend,
of excellent water. There are about
cleared, the balance .in I C<
bundaat near the'Farm. J There '
premises, a good two--story Fran c
which a Store and Post'Office arc
within good Slablc arid, out-build m
is a Grist and Sawmill,* within hnlf .
A Presbyterian and Baptist Ohlurc hi
male and female
Schools, within less than a milo/[ Tin
borhood is good. Person? destrijus o
* good Farm with superior
it, hive now an opportunity m- porcine
l;l ■ ,i At’t’y atjb«
■•r ■ • • -'.I, ‘.li "iteaVei
IiniEBEAS letters testamentary on
Yy! estate of EricMs, late of
herb; of Roirh est er Bear erco. ,dec’d,b eying M*
granted to the undersigned,; all perioiw «:
debted to said,estate are ( requested|.to _
Immediate payment, and those haring cla, ®^ ;
agsinjtthe same will present them' y»op M !"
authenticated for settlement. .
* t X - MARY LIjKINS, Adsi'n
\ , ; 1 /Becheetpr, .ja^-.
onlliratodifitrni neprVj*
-Brigtitdij Pa., pn |ery ' reasoria 1 ) _
terms, f ,_ - . Y’i _ ,
Well Watered, goad "bnildit K R f 1",
fine fruit tfdea>For further psi l^' 0 ”
enquire 6f ;
•; Feb. a,-3w New Brighton*
fl'LU'Vun ‘
ic»rn, dt- 1
in.. Wli«n,
it' Z. Sjiii'
r the Aa
1 i 1 !
a witluf
_ outer!
uf Jen 4 --
jflnp. de-.
r, life i*f
Ji. &«■).,
S cM>nn.
Of fsto
;cl. A'ln: -
ill of if
>f tin* ll*’ l
v r
;0 of l'«’'
V Eilf«.
'u Irar'i.
the P"
i ’ rc.riifl
of fill*.
i>r .N>»
•f $:W',
Ic-of lb*
Allis;’ I '.
offf 1 .
ilm’i. I
if U»sr
ip. f**'
t land,**,
if Inn'!;'
lift wS”
1 is V*
ts OD’lk*'
111 raw. >P
lov’r kepff
, 9 .. Ther*-
tile >r
ie ;-,anJ a
C ominoft
re ucigk-