The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 23, 1863, Image 2

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    w ■>
Wednesday, Dec; S 3, IMS.
b: L. IMB3IE, E4H*f it f roprittpp.
For- PreiHept Li 1364,
-;U . ' orj ILLIJIOIiI, ■/
■- - r i ■ '• . * • > *
'[ vl E#r Vlso PrtsUeNt. •
IEGE.’V PITTBBTTRO.: for wtlr. at a
ÜBsid. pnror XT. Enquira at Protboaotarj’i
office,BeiT«r, Pa. ■ d«c23,’53
: will*, be no pit per issued
front I hi* office .nest week, fit being
co'tomary; with; ti*. and the country
pro** irenwillc j' not to pobiish any
dnring ! the !
x ‘ *%-Tberiv will;,ht» J meeting of tbe
■Rnitm Lent'tle of Btntvcr. in the Court
’ Honre. bit 1 Saturday brening. Oec'. 26,
. at 7 pxnt- to elect three DeWute* tjo
State Cot»Tenli«»it; A full attendance
•la requested. I -*>*.
■IWe attention’to the
otrd of Dr. SeorjfedrK ' who . lit*'
lately located ipeonrg for the
practice of hie profawioo
will-bo a anpperfiven at
the School. liall. in Rocheater,
on Tiinredav evening. the 24th iiiat;
the proreed«.t«» he applied for the ben
efit of‘‘t he, «iek and wounded soldier*
All life invited; laidiea «a well aa gen
tlemen. . ... |■|■ ' ' ;
The Progtoea Wt Bay* Made
? iWjpjihall. from time :to tihie, giro ■
brief notice yf thje ’National progrea*
hi restoring to the Union State* and
Terri|orie« which:? were forced oat of '
the Union by the infnmoa* crew of
of rebel slaveholder*. demagogues and
traitor*, and shall now commence bj
•bowing the condition of affaira in
Lonfftiana. -| ■
When oar fleets, after the moat
splendid fighting known in naral w'ar
fare.triumphantly pa*»ed the’strong
and almost impregnable form (f the
rebel*, on the lli*«i»«ipni. and took'
possession of the gity of New Or lean a,
the whole State ya*. In the possession i
of the the pr'terlr!
ankefftetb of oar!" government, and of
liwal Northern n|er; had been seia-d;
and converted^to’ rebel u*s. and the |
(Sty it*elf wai filled' with.-the vilest \
amt abandoned rebel ruffian* It he ■
esmv app~r»nt that, having be-an a
an interu-dy rel*e lion.*. the ’ har-br-u
A hr '"* the!
•dn’igWianW h»a;«w |£e of doty twfheir!
cnbhtty' and ’’gtyetninenl? Those
tnea«uro*.bo wt»ll administered by the j
patriotic and teare« Batler. wl o was'i
.wisely placed in command. «<e*n made I
» terrible noire in |i he world Bvery.i
—NwrlicrnflfHend |of ttic rebel* .-.(wajj
ti ran ll*r (Vpperljjpad Democrat-*) who'
wished' Well |it ihe f«iHP of; t reason,
si rl lie nglsi"! and France
wliii Ijatfc. ilib fpetjj principles of Amer
icans, feared ljiep|'in»eq‘’i'>i!c« , <nf iheiii,
and, denounced Bjiitler jn unmeasured
• terms’,a« a ihonsteiva brute, a despot,
Never was «{here in thr World an
adm'nistr itive puliev^afi.l
1 '- I - . ' *• 1; ' * .♦ -
fnan tl at of Gerijj Ruder,-and it,H win..
'%Hii was so nianiijest' llihl Gen; Rants;
Wh- was ;ip{io : ire I Ills -ncoes-ior,found
i> I-T»-pe»*ii }' I" 1 'fop* tire; course.
’■'S'iice then, •iwinsj to th'i <vi«e and
• Sii -i essful policy |>f Gen BnMer. N.-w
Orleans Jtaa undergone a wholesome
purjpitiTe -of rnnjpi > ator«. rebel apiea.
; fishers’ Jji-.d: kvbWn adherents
of the rebellion, | male and fen itle. so
, t 1 at it is host' oito of the most Ipyal
c :, ie£ of the Uiiion. It ban altered
mneh tie old cleijrtent* of society. It ia
materially changed, and there is but
little lelt of that jdangerous and com
bustible material Which was oaed by
. the fire eat-ihr leader^
}", Freedom pfoplniom on the subject
'Wf Slavery te : tioW:, undisturbed in the
i Crescent anil-for the-first time in
ila histor j-. emancipation i« openly
and boldly advocated. The Aiion;
, men of New Orleans, and
tenth* ;of all tl|e inhabitants, have
i been .convinced, |,y. terrible and sad
Inexperience, that in their peculiar po
aiiion, at the foot of the great| Valley,
Che only safety Igaitst alljiftare re
bellion, plots. conspiracies and revolts
against the government, and the only
aetni ity for thr, .prosperity of their
City and Stile, pa in emancipation
■ Tho the Germans
and men w a|l closes,, have held
their meetings and; conventions,' and
, adopted resolution* preparatory. to
| fthe formation of a new CoiistUgiion.
1 and of patting into operation an en
tire free soil government of the State,!
and all this is done by flic consent of
• prominent and leadijtig slaveholders
Snob will be the result every where.!
** we gain possession df territory
held bf rebel force; and the principles i
aowuely ennnditodby Prcfident Lin
coln will triumph, untilwo aballseloj
• the.stars and .etripos. float over the
wholiiUoion r r«|ieved from tbn parse!
eT aicrecy..' I/;.-;;- '■ '■?, }. j
»t - .it- 'Ja'' _L '.':■ 'V in ! our bu bat were com- ! ■ *>
. ■ ~<* Tu * . /. i A» I*l par tenJer*hmrerrau 4. •■ -■,•
n“V tbroneb the exorcise of the elec* _, r ._ •.• ,■ ,,■ •>•■: .• FkixiidNUß* 6)
live franehiKw. and implieitobeirlwitce.." '•'*•■%
»J *i at a POH.W wni.:;*" •s**WHM'' l, g^
•i i. '.y L. i ' . ■.. .- ~ ,n * * «ynop*!%' oreo&tment’mr \at tuff. .We
given, * .j®,» yey* 11 * n , tnln the metnaga la-well received end tialpqp
f°T f -TS W^K?r ,l T ™ ™^the-«ritfefo«.l^^^
U> the jrel! bem«p, bot la the very ev 1 : ; 4 ■ i . i ul piwti vbit
i-teare of L Repa blie. If the right. the *"*£%?
-J..-.- J. i.j i’ : v; * ,o«r worlhj;:PwMeii^4beWas? <Uvk
o f !thep^.le,fo r wl» o»e benefii I folly wriltenV -and its rotomaiend.v •‘egi
goverumoji. *e»* >» — t -., and
anv detfWftlemeJ or mfruitfid tipou • . ~ . . , ;w Win nldea aUthe xmd thickly I
i»-.w 'rr f"”'; «'*»
• ’ .. -*J_ _ ■.-. v Vi- JL, JLa P rW «°» n i ranninit throagh. ell>i.j!fol6tnm.OTawd'; verj: #*prdly, it k<^t)
•nent beedme. bat . tnere fareeand wblel. U
on empty j.nd nnnveenfhg **** *** to tho , #Blhl *, ThW^Whonesty
whether *He»e rights are availed or j_ i - and iittlud rft>r fcb#, near
tjtefr frejt zeroise withheld by .an as
sumed power of thono who-may be, in
Authority or by the brnle fore* of an.
archy or tlevolt. the result is' equally
fatal to the rights of the people Unci
alike at par with the plainest teach
ings of true democracy.-
It is perfectly manifest to all Intel
ligent men that it'is ngainst thesy ’es-'
sentlal principles of Republicanism,
that the rebellion of the slaveholders
of the Sooth alms its most deadly
ahiijtß, and if through of our
armies, the clamors of traitorous
sympathisers with the rebels, or a
failure or. tK« part of the national
authorities the people td tinder- ,
stand orrecognize the great prinoi I
plea at,issue, the Federal Government
shall id every way legitimatize the
rebellion ny any sort of recognition of
the origins ten dr leaders as constitut
ing a government or power to be treat
ed with pe pacified as such.then there
will be inilhat recognition a complete
abandonment of every right of the
people to
tanned df
Cirfes of
with the v
preMion nl
and unreal
their own
ci»qn* of
Uwon. an
th«* gnfe
hr ih»
and only
he in. coi
in harmo
naridy. .
The. aaj eet of the. present afrntrirle
»eom* to hare been utterly regarded
By ‘ h adera i f the falsely called
Democrat c party who are po eairerfo
cnntpi'nmiip with the rebel* in arm**
end to'ha te peace on any term*. even;
et the bf!> ell ,that freemen
hold pacrid, Snfpope that the cibal.
railed e eorernment, at Richmond
“were willing to makepeace on icceir
ing'onlr pui-Ti •p>ncep« a* ordinari
ly bout the? accompaniment of
a ( den.and'hy armed force, the United
Slater could readily grant, how. cohid |
J puch ronoepaion be now made withnil
• • a # |
i a direct idnindon of‘heir: rlcht to
(revolt and an explicit recognition of
. the paper on tv of poathern »laveho d
| ing * an»t jurats ? . This question in. nciplep jtlint are vital to the
! lixipirrct |of the .Government and if
dialed or disregarded by the
of the . Union, will open
onci* rejm
lovai m<*
wide the'
ruia Sn
ca«« if i
late cand
eftratio |
in the Si
abject sql
But hap;
deep, and
would hi
con o try,
tlpe cause
should be withdrawn and l .our glorious
Constitution and the elective'franchise
and ererj dear and* cherished' right,
Which w«J held under; that sacred in
strument/ bo permitted to be tram*
pled under, the feet* of. unprincipled
and perjured’ enemies of the-.human
race—-tor such are the leaders of the
rebels noW in arms, arid .their triendV
and I coadjutors in < jfha .North* who
have been giving them aid and cbm
fort. *I ■ .-i ■; ■ •
AauThi attention:of our readers is
dinx-ted to ?the advertisement of T.
M ; . McCord, which nfill be found in
anetber polhtnn of jmr paper. Wo
are well ioqaairited~with Mr. Jl’Uoril,
and,. feel Mle in-saying that any njnsj.
nesa left in' his care will be faithfully
attended to.. J
"i • t "*’ : • . <s> ■ ‘i ■
J®rThe Toronto; Globe dme* an
«ble art'cle on the Prmiileul’*- Mvb
•nge with the remark: .
j There will be commotions snd rui
■ morn ot comni<rtion«;. a great amiy
■ will b* needed to preserve ordt*r, md
the expenee wili be heavy; bat m the
end . Hr. J.Linw»ln , » .“pegging -•way'"
will bring the Southern people toeab
lutttowhMie ißCfilgbie.
i. • .-V '
the plotting* and raaehina
sconlei.l factions.andthe de
brate force. Not Content
irtnal and^almost total an p
f free tbonght. free speech
tncted popular electfons irt
State*, the holders’ «t
determined- ft) the de
;ho poj)rt!|ir win'»rt orer the
d&liy tjieir ietfg)r
•bment declare that thov
the decision* made
>ple at the ballot-box:
wJien s thone denari- pl*'!
iformitv with the will of
who -nunm" *i.t
i j with their infernal de-
floodgates of ar*aichy and
rh/wonld undoubtedly he the
uch pernicious and wicked
as'were advocated by the
idate of the mis (-allied derm
.arty in Pennsylvania,, for
And the small fry of leaders
ite who favored mean and
imissioa to traitors in arms,
lily we have escaped the
dreadful, degradation which
.ve been brought .upon our
ind the total destruction of
of .human freedom, bad they
in placing themselves in a
when they could - have; de
that our armies and fleets
mid frank net* ex presaio n ,tlea mcsii
oti thought; fort-iblene** of Ungdage,
with a comparative of
style* that strikes the reader ax the
production of ah
fnl. clear-headed man, of CorapFehan
sice views, soand jodgment. pod good
practical common Mnse--ja*t what,
| the author of the kessage really id
It in true there are few fldrirlftNera ind
high *cundiog phfisea, bat .'we are the
better pleaeed to-find them wanting
At all time*, an d mo re especially now,
dor we need a practical manin'tbe
Executive chair,’ to eee and provide
for evil* as they really | exi*t When
opposition editor! and ipcdkert cal)
PreaWertt Lincoln a pisctical Writei
ami pi€c(icll man, they bettofw npbn
him the highest cbiftpliWnt possible.
We are pleawd r ';too| with the firmness
With which the President qsys he will
adhere to the policy hie judgment ap
proves. At the opening of the rebel r
lion, we were accostotned to hear the
? • . V -i• A ■ , • •
remark, “Oh for Old Hickory now,”
blinding to hie charat<*
.ling to bin f.h»rac'teri*tie <li'tor
mination; bm.we are fully oomMnVW'
Prr*s'lent Lincoln' iirnof b#-
| hind Old hv thi■» rcupncl, and
Kwe honw Wnr for'it. Thi» truth i<
hi* irwimwa lia>>! «».?«<) the Union. a-;d
hst Wen tha f-au«p of jirit'f
*• H.-*
to rvbtls and tlleir ‘nUies. ('onocioa*
of the rectitude of hi* intentinns and
'he c irreclnew of his jad/meut. b“
lllB JU'U....
pr« iniiltß**'* l l> »•* Ti«Wa, « hi«
priicluniitiorm thru Mttj u to ene
mies o( tb<- (Tiivcrmn’-nt. N-inh and
S-iuth, in nf Piii Jamo*
••Come one; come ull. tliin t"ck shall fly
Froni'iis firm base »s soon as 1. '’
Tt.'at put on !'*- . ’.f-ship} th.ti
I reals*, of rn-< r?|■ ra- r : ■ i :t is iiW most.
iinportHtiti*-ai*>i ihe :*n rriileised.—
It is believed'! in,t re!< d ,:, »ifiLwill Moon
be crush**. I oul -«fvi of i 1 (hirsi!. some
plan must he -by which re
helli/ins .Stales oiaydw restored to the
'Union of Stn’es *£»)!■ Tin* question
had already fieeh freely disciis-ed in
the* public journal* and extreme iiierfs
,nro» iiit>ji-d hy met, of both parties
The Presfdi«?)t :|>'jssi»s-.iiijr happy
faculty of steeritiif equity clear of
I both extremes iii almost aj| disputed
IqneHliiins; ••and lluisarpivii.o more
Lnearly at truth and
ijin this rase He has prnjiosod the
jonly*praiical~ar><l Hal’*' way. for a re>-
iitpraltqn that we have y«t seen—the'
otdy rj-ie on wliidi) .we cun rest as/1
liope for ptrmai.enij peac*. 1 . AVe have
hut little doubt its timely appearance,
ofTeiinif, as it do->s. jeon*-r;l! pn'J in to
citizens and soldiers of the S • -itTi,
will be'attended . tfirh happy results:
Thousands of siidjHrin|s‘ half clot tied
and half-starved privates in uvesoruli
ern army, .on «il! ; avail
themselves of it* 1 provisoiis. Tlie re-
hellion in now sustained alone by the
leaders, ami when . I hey are descried
as thyy noon must be by the
whose- sufferings are beeo.ming unen
durable. lliewar will dote Wo have
not- *Mce now to discus* the plan pro
po*ed, but may refer to it again
An opposition editor stated in a
late mgap of his paper, that the oath
proposed to be taken by-tbe people of
the South, previous to their retbrn,
would not now be taken by half the
people of the Ndrth. We have only
to nay. in reply, that _ is not true,
thpt one half or onp-third of the peow
pie of the North would refuse to take
that oath: There are some who prtib
ably ", would not, and the reason is,
tbeir eninity and treason to the’ Gov
ernment under which they lire'.. No
loyaliman would.refuse to take it, and
dark and then hetnrhed to - where lire
had left our remained all
night and all the and' that
night, we commenced’ falling' bact.—
Three or! tdhr nrevlou* the
. MrDr. Thomas Otmehoo, late of leather had been'so cold that *e!got
Well»yille,.Ohio, and formerly of Now Ttsl 7 >'«!e sleep and we were a sleepy
W 5, r . J \ , ■ act; and to make matlei* worse the
■ ■ uv l j l- L ‘r nCe a road ahead of" ns was jammed up: with
‘Mtabiliabed himself in Beaver, for the wagon*, and every fifteen or'twenty
pprpoee of practicing medicine. He j* a rds we would have to halt and
is a*graduate of one of the best medi hi the cold. I went to sleep
call institutions in the United' Stales. f“* n<Jin * °" f'" d T-H"* '"'ft
L . . t i 1 . the road; the first thing that I would
,and. |n addition, has hadab«mttwenty wonld dn p out of
five years practice.- We hare been; my hand, my'legs would give way
I acquainted with him tor several veers, {from under mb and l.wouMlbo almost
| and'it gives u* plessnreto recomraerd j ni ' th * frouml, It was a relief to us
him aa a gentleman and physician-' l wk T n **•
ti .1- a -: v. * , ai«l we without
He c|jaytd /fine reputation in New haUhijfcevery fifteen or twisty yards
Wilmington, wbeib. he practiced ft>r .We grossed the Rapidan just’ after
aboutscrcmeerv years. daylight, and'then weworc allowed
.Prl Doneboo - possesses all the 3»u ««
—■-.A,.... '.J1... . “ „ „ • wasbAt a short nme until we were ail
qualification'; requisite to Micceed- in- asleep' At t% expiration of Hie fan.
tow |lice. iQil we A»p(*er»*lj Irunt ho < Hour* re id
may.fas his experience And ahility are Kappa liahn<H*k rjyeriti the .gfte.r'
mnehl'needed here a« 'his limn As a ll 00 ? th** , niglit near
ed in- have hut % snpenors. V* e |l lt OfangbaUd Alexandria Rail Road.
p him, to the mai^'heHtWMfcim^a'jrditK
Bfina.ii»r Beaver as a Hliysieiari worthy;■,***»•.%hr6: we Jwd‘iflin assigned anil
of their oaufidunce, a grptieman and
Christian <3ke I M*IL ikali£ml
'■. v “*r i * ** »auon#j there, we work to.erect
-' ....'J. ; CBmlmcwmlbrtfr
4*»v. li| (>..
do one who esrneatly deeire* the good
of Ik e conntrjr coaid make make each
* piediction. , ! .
pred.erickiib(M , #Ms>J iMran** j' H.
Plank. eonipapy r.-jwan
de;ajp^dori?picketo ; ii^l#4^^eon-
Ml uif iTroy a ioonvonteftc*, I
*o«hl Mnaohi?
itul had a- corafortibi c ii fg !iV’« 'Plea'p.—
'jia JtWaai liad.’nt : a. word to eay; in
| lie tnaltejk' ;jfljhe. fnigh'i' p.M<«ei off
tiir«irj I : 'ini<tii(| next mornfiig
VQfcpofled op*Uke* a*d wiarteJinthe
direction of- Gonion*ville About
rooa we ‘heard 1 edfifibnading ahead,
«kd we came iafe doncla
P'on that Were about,
audahortly auerwani we oame up to
where GieggfcfdivbiioD of eavalfjr
were botlyengaged~ with ffrerff. Oar.
cavalry JhyrntVstfr cavalry
to where jnfknliy were ported,
kild oar oavatyjr fradto pome to a fdll
stop. 'C»vahty«a» do. very little- with
infantry.. AejOnark* >vi» came up we
formed in Hoe & battle,, bm. we* had
t 0 advance jrenr cautiously a* the
fighting hadt-beka in a dense tfine
thicket; and apt knowing the
pr force of the edemy there' Wo* ikU
ger of i>at iiTlo k trap.
iWo AirWilhVff,/j»fth r tfora' a short
coming; on
*e vfefi ‘ ■
. k 16 "'wpemihoiiuli
'll*"*! » ; ,We' laid on; oar
krrrti Wl. right,,anil, lire next morning
.{wlier: wri"exported to. get the order to
XdvnnceV.we were ordered to fall Imck
ft appear* that/ we were separated
rout the real- of-fhearmy. they Heinif
W i«n*itKef A nij«^. r Je r t as \yu started
(tcoinrr.ejKied l rthdhe; arid orir pV.w
■lt '' *\ | ' ip t K’
pect» lor)keU
niitiirwp Vtrnck Uie f’ul
,]iirp|H>r.PUc^v'ij|vsr RiW*tri> T-">rn
,e-pper me** near . <•.
Where Gen. estahlintfe.l >im
Headquarter*. hutted a ahori
|/i>tmiee aud ‘ pn<-
l-eeiled jp?£ 'njtoPtyfik kTa«t^-rather
<tito one - . the flest chfico i
sv.o (ml hujV-o -morning before —.
We remain -d ttrtjiv ifiitil eveniiiiif, mi-l
Ihen- mo'>&>*« vtikkl-*, built l-irg" ’
(ire*. dried. jnayStrlviiH', <<nr j
|dn;J|er itjnij*;anil»tu riieii in It hi I
wo »j**ni a iol
|»rab!»l.<«»iiitoi.tahl«*.. night.; '(hie next
inorninVwe fouirlihe army |,-»''liy,*s,on-
Sue stilo of iliViQ K'lin and tb<- •‘robs ’ j
or ■■fillin' each*'-W® ! ~t«dk. our;
>u»fi‘ iii tho bU'. feli'iire w.-t* n »i V* ;
l me we t i;«'dl > a"i
bat bifw Warm
Work iiriln* morning.,,/ - dnjsVitni: ti|U
fin)' ih<t night aii -order i-amil rbtih I
in li iV> • th e'' men nji • at half
jiaul oi.e o’cjorfc in tin* .iiiorning. ge'
their br^WiM. U"‘l b>?.Pi*k ly to'm ivV'
at o’eloifk., W;i-ib one
Immo. die ihen Were vallWl up.
hfee we Mtaete'l and tu wed
.r»t<» a wood-* within kb mi -hWlfl a mile
if - the enemy's fortifications, which
we were orderedi«> aturm .hi dav
f'- ht . ' ‘V- • ;"
W'iteh we got into the woods, we
Mkcked arnw an ljforme 1 largo crekM
in liio leave* *'<id| eo*sed.each other
itroiind lii.ein-to keep from freezing.
iWo .were HlliiAed- no,-, fives, and wa
had to keep moyiiig,. ‘or if. liad turned
very cold ; iiuring the highft; If w<>
. '«>>-
Hat down ,we w.juld-be'-'Oinvi Bubvniimb
'fd that >ve i-iiiiM hardly;move..When
it bigniilo h (vak ,(iuy, we- I)«chin<t
anxious.-top wrtkijew il we attenipU-ir
to >torra'tf!*> k cnehiyV
have a warm (inieof il, an ivt wdijM
have been undi-r the enemy'* tire from
the time ie Marled until we readied
them; and we had to cross a run said
to bo from : three;, to > five tool Jeep;
besides they had cut. down trees and
ahrcwn everytfiimjTn our.way that
they could, andjf wy had been uusuc
cessfnl our. wounded would be. left
between oiiriihesand mu«t lhave "per
ishedwith.coMj About daylight an
order came to the advance,
and some timer after tre Vreiw'informed
that the attempt had. been abandoned.
Weremainedin the'woods otitit after
4r- ’ '
<atdark we were . <lo btiit ; *i v u . , „ „
.WopkMd ready -Ip',-***.- M-.nd.l General e
otderwae anything bit lilwat t.!bii l R ,rt *'' *“ ,l
w.rkij hardSiil ***&■ *
«**•- Pi 1 * Pm
iirhtlnr toogh • bet **■&%£*£
It. end here* we arc. ifc hare «lom ?•* l ®- 27th BfPB-A
filee Jher*hs"l (• mh« ..1.. _i„, ■«> little,mo re then one -in ten, of those!
I ttfnd tb* peds had belted f *
**Jf«edeaJowr~*||*h** #oWW,K"
bnbU match for W aad h- «** !w»|¥»-i
«on«en« of .heemfv If they ~4 V ,,n; ° Q' J “ «V. 1 ' p
•nsioafl fofj a T «rb.tyr let -^ pk "
Mkd i'W*J>unld -phonM ; * to. raw
Will gel bellle-. full of It j and j
V&ortUme. . ;\ A.j *.X li P »' ll bo rn * r «
" ■' • - -V 1 i:._':• ■ J obtained by increasipg the Win'v
s ; .•'■ \ 'l***: AtMiC| .•- tb* dnereitfng the ptr. ' Si'-'bH-.
li».» or more of el . res. .I.4liVVhfe hl,ve PT
! Roman JSii'pirc—nmch the r ’®T« °* tb *
peri of who*' w?res of oar the, W?“ t 1 11 3 I ""J
[while of ind{JSJ-Vl IiJS&tK ij ! ‘ i P mt>i t
bi*; Apostle*,appeared,-of adf support t -W : ' t . ■ »£,"S^r : •'^ d ‘ MH,rtfd ' ***
ed slavery: And, Mcoitdiy,.4*bSt the ,^°‘ fed . th V*^»^««« S..ptember and
kreat uiea tjfthe Jlteyhlathm, and op- t SStS£j tt V
on which dll one M a ? l^ d *-} ,r,e .V ?!”"
are; formed ia/aW. end should be lc ii d,n> nil . tion ■!i.S t ! r>bu - t<iJ io lhe '«-
pddiated as hurtful and injnri.nis |> q* Cre,l " ed P^?T^ ~t, i e> of errent.
a« individual* and a* a people, riei
“That all men are born free and equal
with, certain Inalienable rights ,”Ao.
IThis moetwicked. an«
antidemocratic book fep IrtW&fcnf
and almost forgotten uViiif, rtffsed into
noueo again by the PehiiWy lvania UW ,
ocratic Centrir Qonitinit'ee, who gate j
it drojilatioi- in' Penneylvania theiaet
$S n .*Tf nW -."aibrnw, a* an election-1
cerjng paper: ‘ This action of the Cen
tral Democratic Committee of Penn 1 -
eyiyania wjia iiotaujßHent to ahnwTttib'
high appreinalion aiid oljihe
of ,: D -unprutic party’i of
the nnti DdinicrWiC teaching), of [hie
leorned ; ••Bishop’’ and hie bo-ik—jhut
tiie wholet Representation of the pa;
•«*»nal "Dench:ratio party” ittCongrene
muni gire him and ihom their endonv'
nient also bv -voting forhimas Cli
j lain of Conoross this present ae<u.i
I ■ I send yon iho nante* of the m
j hors voting for Bishop Ilopkins
aphaplab.-. which please pnnlieh
the informali»h of all trut Dem«e
Le Rfond, !
Miller. Writ
> Morris, Jas.,
i Nelson,
Noble, !
Riibinion.!, !
I siwll,
Sinalel J. Bf.
‘ Voorhe»*;<„
W;.rd, '
White, Of A.
Wood Fern a.
Allan] ,
Allen] Vf m J.,
Biv>wli. J. S.,
<’.,{Tr..lh. ■
c<*. ‘ ' ;■
(?r>v«n, ■-
I Vnn.j i
El indijH, :
Under, (
lIuM ;
.Jlar'rU. B G..
C. M.,
Hohn-nr. ! ;
J nil I'.niil, V^rn.
Tiirf above 1 name* rhou'd bo )
nia'i‘liris> and|put up iiucvery 'Dt
urulie paper iii rlie na«ioi>.
‘E PLuaraut Unvm
Pao* Jlaasri vi;’- Office. 24th Diet
Now Dey. 21, .’6
.'Notice-' w : hereby given that
pero iii enrolled may appear hefort
Board of E iroll moot up .to Jam
.5. 1834 (to ' \y'ii<‘rrd«ffc itiH time h'h'hy order of the Prove* t 1
nlial .Weiveral), a - r.d claim to hart
.ild ■tie stricken off the Hat* if ho
-ajiow to the KaM'faoiion of the B<
tliiit he i« rot liable to military*
on arc mot of—' - r
1 st: Alimo-je ; c ■
2nd: Non-Resident*;
Sd: UntnUiiblenesa of Age; m .
? 4th: Manifest ■■ Pernvnerif Phyi
Disability JSO; (I'THBERTHO*.
Capt& Pro. Mumbai. 21th Din
V One of the Viotlkna.,
Milton SPfiotrn, one t»f the prii
ora recently released at BiMimi
died atNewcartlo the other day
was buried with ' military honor
TheCburo/)? alluding to hi* death •
TheJbody retained ;t** natural app*
ance*; but every one. who looked n
it mart have been aatiafled that
noble your.g man died of at at vat
Mr. Jan.. M’Gown informed on i
out of three hundred and uixty ■
had arrived at hunt
had died 'when he wai/ there, and
phyricann Hr-unod him ihal,t«iarva
warn tin canan of their -death,
friendof Milton, who had" been t
him iii his imprison pent, raid I
the ralionn coiouiited of about
onnc-e.metit per day trtoaeh man.
one pint of meal made ofpofo and <
ground togetheif, Thin meftl
mixed with water and dried* iif(
run. The Haute man.related in«tai
where nien had died in-tbeactof,
doavoring to eat thi-* bread and v
a pjecr actaailv in their mouth*.'
the Hfarving «nfvivi>ra bad taken
bri from the month of tba <
mao and eaten it.”
Saw York, Dpt-. 31—Speotah
lli- Tribune, dated Waahtnjgton, 1
ra -. A*!hough no nfflclal order
yet he ;ii famed, it may be conaidt
netti- I '.oat fieji. Scofield, will be
Ilev-‘ t, w t'-iu « day or day at hit <
r- qu -*f.! a< the ordei will prubi
read, act .that Gfen,! Koaecntna,
auc'-eetf'h’.in! A u*w command
**hmi h» ari»igedfor<jreh' Chrti*,:
Pr«»|dent having raid that thcdhai
agaihef him ihconhectlon with col
k : !
' Kr'
.--jtw ToarUD •«, 20.— The Herald's
special Culpepper (Va.) dispatch of
the 19th’ *ay* that' almost inf*
atantaneou-dy ; with the recent raid by
Colonel Jons* through our litres 'near I
Fairfax station. an attack war made
pn thbpicket lilies of the F'ratCav
alryilliTialoh jir. Iror.tof thi* place
One of pur packet* was gobbled up,
and jthen ihmr ended, C
,v Recent min*, have made the foadsal-
for artillery.
' T Ciliaeiia'ineye tell us we are soon to
evacuate their town ; but no signs of
each a morement are apparent. Cred
ible | witnesses just from! Richmond
state that odif prl*oneni there-are bet
ter -fed than, their own people, and
mhch better; than they would bo were
it (not- the djaaperate the
cifixletia of the Confederacy must he
•kept from our knowledge.. Fresh •
beef wae fon r! dollar* per [pound ’ja.iid !
fresh bread $3,50 per v lopf. »pclr - ; ae
.formerly cost’ only
consequence fa thsjL thousand* mn«i
starve or go into the .army and diyide
their mtiona with their fsmiliefc.
It has been! determined by the feb
el* to. conscript every male between
the Sgeapf fifteen and fifty five inclu
sive, fororte last desporatu nndjfwisive
effort in fpvtif of the’ conlederae}*.—
The ar ernpij will probably he made
upoi; Washington or tome rtortioivoftlie i
North. Ini ithis ■ hot ji j
nog»o«a and| whites are-to be-jnelii’ded. i
and they are kiltp. to be thrown into !
the same rank* tpgetlier Indiscrimih-;!
ately. With! this mongrel
army Jeß.mekn* ]to precipitate him
self upon Washington City, Pei-neyl
rania or Ohio ’ Perhapf all" three,
commanding lin person. Ha will en
deavov t(t af|in«ilato the-ipa-sions of
' at
,and ’ **r
plunder to h<»* oh unixl thfongh. the
victories. which ; ahalf he gained in
northern towns ai.d cities
I Wi;oni!ior ih. : I»e:- 2U -j-Th - .Toi.oni
; Coinhiilt 'O oi' th* 1 mid House.
)of .Dvleifute*] of V-rginia. at Alexans
Iflria., agreed last night op a,hill .call*
ing a.i-o'irel; lion f,r the purp-we of
ahotithiiig id Ivery in tha* S ; jate,which
Will be p*s»e Ito morrow' | 7
Tile fuhei *1 01 • Maj. Gen.- Buford j
took’- place ihisj -afternoon and was
; largely attei ded Right Major G-n
efats acted-«■ pall hearers iFr-iidd/ijt
■ iiincoln jttefded the service*. i : i
T The report of the X|;on'ii!f*;oh'' .an
P'lij.tini by the' -Navy D|r»:iPt'ilP!«t!.
. jcoiiaiafing of three' Chief
/who have mnde[ careful exp-rim; nt* ;
' for five monthV; «Howiiig : the practi
bility of u«iyg feirUleum or hydro
carbon oil* for the purpose oygenerat 1
. Ing he m i*sued arid proved
’•afirfactoryj 11-lis said by jtbosei Who
'have seen iMhitfc the reunite show a
/great eavingl not onlj for merchant
] Meatmen but! a naval ateamer can
keep the aea three time* ak tong a* j
• with anything else l , ;. ■ * t* ‘ 'j
It i« irndento >1 that the majority
of the Committee on Military Affair*
;in the Hoii*e| are opposed to I the re*
! peal of tRa IConimutatioß clan*e in
1 the no; a* reported friim
| the Senate Sen ttor Wilson speak*
j of iii* int«iition to offer an amendment,
authoiixingi the 1 enllstiniftrta in the
-rebel Btate* jto !>e credited to the
'quota* of .tjfe Skate (hr:,which the
officer* ppm-nre the reoruile. Whether
white or-black. V ] '■ ■ jf(
i Mrmhen of Congren aim reemving
large nnmhei’a tit letterij eontaihing
■uggeationa] and ppiniona I relative 1 to'
the proposed change in J the enriill
ment aot. Of 1051 'applications for
commiMidna jn the negrrf regiment*,
$OO have beep recommended for ap
'pointment. j ■ .■■’■'l j? ;f
—The fbl
m; received
day j Chat
order, Was
ury yoeter
a* brought
W guilty;
iitte entered
»th i bera'; > a l nd
the euittody
him Wit
and a Mbr
iu Salt Lake
have killed
[and eonfee
I rail
*«• : Sam. FaAiteisco, Deo. I!
the lpwinj{ despatch ba« bw
iom. bet* l)wn!LM Angeles to
•n< i Wttkim.- ii.duited tor nr
rith trieu grand j
iind day. 9 Thin learning. he
the: into court trial, and - p
«ad I When tbs Vigilance C«*nm
; i the Coart roma in large m
I [took the prisoners from i
the tlwnt and hang
hi, [| *nf Englishman,
h J tjwn. . Hi* parents reside i
City. He i 4 known to
wlbi> State,
, tsed shcotheh ImnnJers. :
Ky '1 ■ | : :
ki|l | WaaauteTOH, J)so.. 19.—The Secro
wlil tarypf the Hsyy has received, a dia
the | pal oh from Commander Clay, dated
gss. l n»)9te ttlk’acyinff that the Chea*a
ton I Mike had been transferred to tbe
I. jJjriOsb entbomis* f
v y:
' QSr,i «' n
h -'^
■&"* i^T;
confined mliel«' ail ..*! lr *t
id^xli )te i"V h.
mnn fi>r U
i •ii?«w»Xttl iU« wHantf. C.V
hash will be resinned. K •> Jr*
Ijaw been given t«ndlhg ,„}: ,''’ n V
the rights • B-.'{)ri*oi, e rJ ~t** soldiery whom the ■ "'
taken prisorihrs. wHelKe* ..rl,:•‘fj*
Wud.or free* is, incorrect,
contrary the mW stringent U *
h%>re recently b.*cri Uip-<l "i,h
wbi' h jebfcl, authoring., .; '5
hel.l ; to. ,the elncteat .= .ack»u,* K| £
with regard to colored pfisonert J
I i The Chesapeake having bs>h „r ;
i tore I in British Water* will, t)|
.bp-to'the Colonial nuthontics. v°-
! retary Welles and Seward jLl*?s
: telegraphed to - Halt taxi *
', believed, however that the pidite will
[W allowed - to pot to sea, Again.'! > -■*
A; : V 1 j ptroport!on If ah,
renew In oor hands, not It-tis
third,: pf, them;, it- is said. d|eir,i te
eniwt in the Navy, and It i«|dini, N
stood the Secretary at the- N|vy ! h,
agreed to permit them to doep. i
Mast on iii reported to have said th«
! he codid, m very abort
1 ten thousand sailors from ths
ers camped -at Point iiooWout, «
whioh he isTn chatgo; \ -.r -| .
A Times special from Wa«hingioa
dated the IBth *Ays: Tlie Ex Commir
[•{gftß*- qf ;Virgipia._ have m-ppared
their I! ate, and announce iheif sale to
>take place January Ifth. The 6 r , ;
parcel offered will be Arlington, n»
llie horaeelcad of Gen. Lee-, cnmprij
ir.g eleven hundred aorca, and fnvwt of
tlie remainder sre T locattki at Alexan
dria- ; . ■ ■’’ . 'y t -\ "1 4 ■
CHATTA!»oaOA. l>ec. 18 -Gc;i John
11. Morgan it« f,.f,
neaaee 1 :atj’ Gilespie » L.indinjj.. tixir
miles ahive here. ( On Snnda.vj alter,
noon x Ciipt. - William' Gnmmii |gi - .mi
Robert Ouinmihg’*; v wh'>. raloipc'.*
iron* Columbus with- him.'-werisjrapiur
fe<l, together’With hi* escort of :tii;r)r.
On reaching the id - tho
river they pleased every .cjijgcn ,t*V
! prevent A j ti:| ait 'gtijr h.ii
to itoss in ra‘l-ja’ thn
,mouth -«f Mule’-> Crciili, iif. ■■•.l's’o 'S,
citisen who eluded tii -i;- r. ’ : i < -
the Hlanii. ai:d it Wa- n -»r; \ i j ;
•ted Morgan eacap- i’ no': 1 -! . ] . ,
race florae pi-oaontiM Uiinji ,1 iv • ’’-1
Gen Howard.who c-oiiimS'i'V ■ j
has cnralrv aconrinir tlio fi -u : i‘.' 1
possibly H irgan innr \y<i h. , k‘ ;
-w ?
| WksaisoTus. 1-B. The I?
■ MilUan - CiifrHiiiiti'o lia<i a lo|i>i
failin’ J to 'lav, ou ainemliatiitSj to tin
| coiixoriptioii aot.Aft’er. a», i-iii
ilnbalv lhe.|3oo»exi*irtpii'i | _i " •
»triok«» out. Ami th'e t,c r iwk>s piilj
jirttii «|n6. ' ■rhi>ia: p -\r-!4
ik*f«irt«it aui <«
•nai)«! t*» -them ar onci-’J ■ ii*
i ih« biilLnw-Ar ■ '(-y.
before iWa-Ij’iuriiimstif lalial .-’.v.a
lioiidavH Tiro uli}tHi| ifi t. j
|io*tp{onemeril‘uf ttio.<ijnaf; ii ij
of Januarr. ■
■> ’;1 ’
CiscmsAii, ueo r;■ ai> - . Fair Will In* 1 it i |. ■
.‘•Uv’. ’• ‘ietv.Jtir'aiir'arrivaltv
liiii .• A i*(ivfia! tfijp- - ■>«<•
| mem tl dated t.Vinbyriiial ,'.i. «|v V-M
Ij ViiifKireft ‘iivhhS’l Vi 4 ;“' '*;!
j M•nilay part V‘ ■f
‘■■l- Bifrii.I 1 .Station .Oi* I; " ' ! -
i'K**fl.v’i« *ord. .jhe p'WiSM:'* \ i*
off Si.i.dt-fliord: '■ a"d.’l***
movsinont rtV-Gv«. -:Pi*fnier iV.J*;
Mife Irrthsl p[a’i. H-*ayv Vl<
h(*!jr|l \ e»ternjiay |)e tween' '|w ;v --'t'Jlj'intli rii’.cr L s - r~
: pf.rto.l; to bo TcjUtt-1 aod <i.ia Tori. l -' »!?•••
rcvtiileld, ToVnedd* cobHrmaima-.-
■ . , • .1 ■,; ■■ 5■- ■•
Vf l&HisoTdx -DoJ 21 —T;ol : i*®»;
Military Committee this ijioniiifl.
si;rfeed to report a bill boh* )|i
thy two flaiVeeql enrolled peivl>n>ja^
' '•till -not take vjfctlie ‘ thj-eo llati-M
dollars commaUtioo quastia.i lii!!; *S|<
leti the holidays. .* . : f .
i IV -Is now : considered ,ex|remeir
|Uo«blfill'whether Gi>Tj>>ro«s-will rt>p'>l
the; huhdrad - dollar piausMf the
conserip(,ioh act. , 1
The Ktissiab fleet Will depart in [i*
coarse of the week: TSie ?t
will rjslt it io-raorrow; ,• r.
Congress’ will apdoaßte’dfly
by Wodnesday.bver thehofidati
The draft will jwbbably'" l» pi> s>,r
ponod twenty days; 11,
lifCUAai of Soldiwb* Pkt-rA’ l
•ori# of proposition* tot iudresetoS
the pay oipnvate Mldier to Vjjcteen
dollar* « month, fifteen dollar* *
month, and twenty See u mo.jtji
already !thrown open 'Cong red- * n “
now'propoaitiuna are said to
to rise the pay of officers tweiitv p l *
dent. Petition* also come in rap'div"
for the increase of pay for l-cr!*' l '
classes of soldiers. ,If uny
i* made it will be uniform; It|i?*_.? n '‘
derntood that the Military C
hare decided that .much, and
that tit ay are decidedly favorable w
euma inonease. ;,h A
- New Tobk. Deo.-19 —The o|v<i ra 'i
tiops iii Charleston harbor were fr "
the' farooti* floating battery ije* I’"*- 1 ’"*-
adrift in tho late gale. an>l • , «|>r
through the other • obstruction--
nb*r l(ea ashore .near the norm •* 1 " 11
1 Folly Island. i
i-"-. ■- ' .V^
JftVBTT* ■ Tu*
tflittoehav* reiM>rt«d in favor V,* 11 '',
ing tHe bounty of f*uO only t» ■
et jari ,1864: «tt«r that io^• , o« n }s
beallowed •‘dbutitate*, and only. * ■
to drafted or oaiUtod men. r ■, .
,‘■'■j uni'll i . . jf
■Malrt wrya wiaoltis the -r.
b«v«( fV
Lfor<*t of»r
v. -■ ■■> ■■ l
` 1 17 1 ,: :NI " '