m 4 -T*/VT*Ol‘-/VTI ni m? **• B»gU Otto! li# War kai Began! ! *V£\ 1» wii i^- v yI |» I fij’i? • Hot \. of-Exienammtiph cgcimt Bad Teeth ■*' . Breach, Wistated Game . /.v-.:OrSieri3ta4b^-k- ; -..-' VFI ■ « -Tj. _ * A> *IR Y ' 'edbrorwritofiwaraaoetonstha ATBM W • «>u < »»Ptgtr.T * h— been f jcad to ba a coktAetk txt or rb*ibie«»j>b .»ttmedr of *re»t •xwaene#. .ad-wacUiy : pRKSj£HV<]«« THE TEIA’II .tix eonfldnoe of tha oonmanttr. - I. ‘ _ ■ . .•. ■ t . / • ' Punfhi.nq sin& Bre&th Md * Jaouth HON.JXMBS COOK, 1 T ■ •• ■: .. v.i.; Mvor of U>vmb KASS. : hon, AZtSiN beabp, T'■ _ Kiyof cf ffiSSOA* N* H* HON. E. W. HAKKINGTON, , ’ itiyor of K. H- A* ‘HOST. . T OHir ABBOTS, V jjiy M Of CONCOHD, IT. H. COST. A. H. BOTiIiOCE, ‘ ItMjor of WOBOjBSTEB, MA33. HOW. WATS’!. SILSBEB, ! ' - 2ltjof of SAlilSli) MASS# ,;ED2T. F. w. LIHCOIiTTI Jr., •. Miyor;of BOSTON. MASi ' EON. TO. M-. RODMAIT,, . : M*Tor of B3OVJDE3TCS, B. X. vr. pbeki iob, Mayor of JSOBWICH, COOT. . hok. j. h. harms, _ J s Stator of HEW LOJTDOir, COOT. HON. CHAS 8. EOMER, r ■ I jCsyor of MOOTBEAL. O. X. ' BOR. D. P. TTBMAWW, j . lUt® of BEW YOBK COT. BOR. H. H. KUfSTBBT, Mayor of HAMILTOB - , O. W. f v HOS. ADAM WILSON, _ ■" Mayor of O. W. •HOW.’ B. M. BISHOP, Mayor, of CUIOIKWATI, OHIO. ’ HOW. I. H. CBAWPOBD, I Mayor of LOUXB V) TtT|T»| S7* HOW. JOHN SLOAW, Mayor of LYONB t IOWA; HOK. JAMES McPEETEHS, ® of.BOVyMA^yU.T.TI, HOH. JAMES'W. • Mayor of AUGHoTA, US* HOW. HEWBY COOPER Jr., HiIIiOWELL, MX. HOW. BBBK,. H. B. HOW/trai-I.ABI) WYE, . /Mayor of NSW BEDFOBD, MASS. /HOW.' J. BLAXSDELL,' • ;/ 1 i,Mayor of FALt. BIVEB, MASS. HOW. W. H. CBAWSTOW, i i Mayor of NEWPOBT, B. X-, - HOW. PBED STAHL, Mayor of QATiPiWA. ~TTJ». HOW. JOHN HODODEW, Mayor of DUBUQUB. lOWA. HOW. THOMAS CHUTOHPIEIiD, Mayor of CHATTANOpOA, TBSK. } HOW. ROBERT BLAIB, . Major cf TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HOW. B. B. ! i _ Mayor of MEMPHIS* TENS. HOW. GERARD STITH, , Mayor, of ANS. LA. HOW. H. Di. 3CEATTTOW, ' J I ! Mayor of; BOCHEBTBB,,H. T. > 1 HOW. DE WITT C. GBOVBi . Mayor of UTICA,'H. Y. 1 ttdH. GEO. wiLSoa, , Mayor; of PITTBBJTBO* PA. nOif.'C. H. BUHE, ; Mr.yor of JDETBOIT, MICH. SON. HEMAN *•. PAGE, , \ . r TVTrcynr* of la. K 1 By W IA. V HOE.. W. W. VAPGBS. i Mayor of .MACDSE, TO hohva.eaeb, i Mayor of KENOSHA* vViA. WpW. Jdmg C.'BAINES, y \ Mayor of CHICAGO, TT.Tw AOS’. :H. J. A. HBATH, Mayor of BST/Ttf A > ATiA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Major of MOKTGOM2BT, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBfAD, ■■ Hiyor of CO XJ u METTB, OA. DON ESPABTEHO MANUEL, ' Mayor of VESA CBUfc. BON PtETEB BE CASAU.O. '' Mayor of MEXICO. TE EODKIGTTEB, Mayor of HAVA JJA. {■/ DON . DOD ANTOIfIO ECHEVEHA,. ( ‘ t , x . MayCT of LIMAi 'EEBU. DOW M. Q. ItmAWGKO, Xd»yor of VALPARAISO. CHTT.T. DON MARp SESQUIEJiDALIA, I Mayor cf 310 JAITEXBO, BTtAftTT* fWttfr flat I’m resident DrmcsUt* barf i . ttrared them ■ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Xt bo excellent remedy, end worthy the coo* t, fidence of tho community. Spring Dlittiti.. j ' PArlfylnx the Blood* For Serofnja or King's Bril. ‘ For Tumor*, Ulcers. and S*na : Far Kmptlona and Ptaplei* For Blqlcbn, dates.; and Bolls'. Far It.'tathwp’i Fire, Roi«i ar Err* i*or Tetter or Salt Hhmm. [slpolas. Far Scald Read and Ringworm. * Far Cancer and. Camerons lares. Far Sore a.y<>, Sore Ears* and Htaairl. Far Female Diseases. ‘ Far Suppression and Irregularity. : Ear Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. . . Ear UTeir Complaints. . Ear Diseases nf tha Bears. V-r t-. -• I V ; . • Tat For ia . -The Mayors otjh* chief citlaa of tha tTfil tdd Css2u3if iad British Provinces, fn.ni, Pert;, SrcsO, Kesieo, and trilaot al : most. sll-the citiston this oonUnsnt, bate signed this document, to pafora thair people whst remedies they may nsasrUaaalsty and v oonfidenoo. Bnt oar spaoa win only admit . . ; T l : : ■' Ayer’s* Sarsaparilla, h . Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, . Ayer’s Pills, and ' Ayer’s Agub Core, r ,*;■ *'■ ' < rr,ETAi;rD cr V. ■; Dr. C. A. cp A ;€•* X •V ■ i.ovrr.LL, mass., h ■ '' aedioU hy r>tr"’ir*s errrr trhsrs.| i ■S? ■ .... - . ■ ' • ' !l ■ HOUSE, ’ lOUXSON. PBO'K * hr:*P. ;> ,-i* • .. ; ' .5 •; ; i i iftfißwmi ■ « m -V urlng Toothache and Neitfllgl** f rboXTFNTS;I , Dr.'-jßjSnT* Celebrated MO C2*H WASH,-one bottle, ! *• ;;!- i Dr. Hurd's Unequalled TO&TJI POO£R t D one box. | i Dr. HurtTe Magic, TOOTHACHE DROPS, one bottle.- ' , Dr. UurA, UNRIVALED NEURALGIA PLASTER. I' i J ! Dr. Hurtle MANUAL on the Beet Meant of Preferring the Teeth, including Direction! for'the Proper. Treatment of Children’> Teeth. \ FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. , ! ; Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, 77 Fourth St*.,’Brooklyn, (E. D.) > ll ' Price, OXE DOLLAR ;or SIX SS. jgy* The Dental Treasury makes a package eight inches by five, and is.sent by express.: 1 tSST Full directions for use is on each article. I Thefollbwing articles wo can send iieparate jly. by mail, via: .. ■ I ! j The Treatise on Pres erring the Teeth sent, post-f ■ paid, on receipt of Twatr* cexts, or four r stamps. , I ; . I' f , The 'Keuralgia Plasteri Tor Neuralgia in the. |»Fa’ce, Nervous Headache,- and ■ Earache, sent. 1 post paid, onreceipt of Eighteen Cents, brjsL i stamps. ' v’ v . ; ’i . i i The Keuralgia 'and Kheumdtie Plaster (targe { size,) for Pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Back, ; or any part af the body, sent .post paid, on re-; ■ ceipt of Thirty-seven cents.. J . , ; 1 / Address^, ' i ■ 1' ■ WM. B. HURD, CO., ' : Tribute Buildings, Kew York r . ’ />T .. Hurd', JOUTB WASH, TOOTH pO IT jER and TOOTHACHE DROPS] cannot;be sent by mail, but they can probably be ob tained at youi* Drug; or Periodical Stores' It they cannot,' send to us for the IHJNTAI, TREASURY,.Price,i Ox* Dollae, which inn toins them. ' j l*ow,j •( lUT--DK. AMD'S. PKEPARuifIJIS Clin The best evidences that they are isj that thel firmest friendsand best patrons are those who have used them longest. .Dr. Il'taJ B. Uu.-d is an. eminent!Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer nf the New Yofk State Dentists’ Association,, and these preparations have tfeeu used! in hia 'pri vate practice for years, and no lending citizen of Brooklyn or Williamsburg questions their excellence, While eminent Dentists of * New York r'ecommend them as the best known to the profession. Without the aid of advertis ing, dealers have sold them by the gross. | The Editor of the Brooklyn Daily TV/niwsays: “We are'happy, to know- - that our friend, Hurdi is succeeding beyond all expi’ctntiond with his MOUTH WASH and TOOTH POW DEU, ; .The great seerct of his success rests with i he fact thai kit article* art precisely tchat they a e repretentedio Le, 'aive tan tetlify from their long uk.” .1 ' ' i The well khbwn P. T. Barnum writes: “I found! your TOOTH I’OWDKK so good that my family have used'it all up. ITe find it the irti fipteder for the teeth ice hare erer need. I shall' Teel obliged if you will send me another sup ply at the .Museum at your convenience, with -WU.”:. / -'1; ' ■ ' . '; I But their cost is so small tbhl evcry ouemay test tfic matter for himself. ' ' ' S&- He of tlic<>nlinm;jy' Tooth Powders. I Dr. Hurd’3 Tooth Poodei? contains no acids, nor alKall, n»ra?li»rco»lt poliekea without wearlag the enamel Use no other.. *!. WHAT WILL DR. HUIID’S KEMEDIES Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder will jftYe young Indies that finest charm in wo* tuan-rfa sweet'breath ahd pearly teeth. Try •thcm‘4 ladies- *■ * \ • .Diif Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder Will tho tuouth from all foul exhals ; tir»n£-and ifttsed in the morning, .will make Use breakfast tnMe sweeter and the’day hegijh pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can n ; -ify to this. Try tUVin. gentlemen. Ori. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder; are the-the best preparations in the world for earing had t reath and giving ,firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of , Diseased li!esding s ■ (/ 'ms, Sore ' Mouth , Canker , | etc., have been (hired by Dr. Hurd’s astring ent wash. . ■. . i ' •. , 4 - \ . j Dr. Hurd’s Mnuih Wash.aad Tooth Powder give an additional charm to courtship, and make husbands more.agreeable to their wives • and wives todheir husbands. They should be used by every person’ having -1 1 ?- , ARTIFICIAL TEETH, | ! i which arc liable to impait a taint to themo'uth * Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure Tooth ache arising from exposed”nerves; and are the best friends that parents can have in thehouae to stive their children from torture and them selves from loss of sleep and 'sympathetic suf .ering. ’ ■ -I ■ . Farmers and mechanics! you cannot well af ford to neglect your teeth. Forstrifling sume you can now get preservatives, than {which Rothschild or A«tor can get nothing better. Remember that Dyspepsia and Consumption of Ike Lunge often originate in neglect ,of Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch’s observations on this subject. If too late to arrest decay in your own teetbL save your children’s teeth. ’ ( NEURALGIA PLASTERS:— Dr. Hurd’s NcuralgiajNon-Adhesive’.Plastcrs are the most pleasant and successful remedies ever pj-Cscri ed for thi4 painful disease. : The patient ap plies otpe, [soon becomes drowsy, falls Asleep, and awakes free from pain, and no blister or other unpleasant or injurious consequences en sue. Fo t Earache and Xermus Headache, ap ply) according to directions, and relief will surely. follow. Nothing can be obtained equal to Dr. Hurd’s' Compress for Neuralgia) Try them. They are entirely a novel, curious and original preparation,! and wonderfully success ful. They are of two sites, one small, for the face, price 15-cents, and the other ■ Now is the . |i. ■[j ;■ CHA-kcEPOR AQRN,TB. | j Shrewd agents can make a.'min fortune ta j carrying these articles around to families. The Dental Treasury is the neatest article,'that • manor woman can carry around. Send foi one and see, or. better, a dozen, which w« will sell, aa samples, for $7. ' Agents supplied liberally with circulars. g®“so'ir is t&e time to to go into the basin ess, todog'j>i>d.kndmak« ia profit. We ara (pending thmntands for,the benefit of agents. New England men or wo- Jmen! hero is something niee/and a chaueeto lake the tide at iU; ffood. ' Address, , wm; bhubd a eo., Tribune Buildings. New fork. That remittances miy be made with confi dence, W. B". H. A Co., refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn:, to G. W. Griffith, President: Fam '.ts’Ad Citizen* Bank, , Brooklyn Vto Joy, Cost ip.. New York; tt jF. S. iaraam,Baa, New - '• - *• ’i it r :i -f- .j rFfTctir ~:~" j .: i • ! i -i GEEMAirrowraJOTw'tt and an Agj4cuj^kj^|»^ | •■ >’••• ... i' DBVOtEDTO - ; V' 4 ’- r -v.. t; CHOICJEI.ITEBATUBE, ' • , ' INCLUDING ■!; ; : , <*>;. ■: •j--i .■■ • \ ' ■-. >- r.-, \ .. •_* , Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, - AND MORAL AND MtERTAIN -INGHEADING GENERALLY. tn the Literary bepart metal. we shall. pre sent the choicest, varieties within the reach of our : extended means, ; The Novelettes, Teles,, Poetry, &c.. ehnlt .be supplied, from the beat and highest sources, andbe equal to anything to be found in any journal or magaxine. i J Vi- Agriculture and Horticulture, Farming. Gardening, Fruit-Raising, 40, h all their branehei, at conducted on the latut and motl appeared eyelet*. ‘ Our labors in this department for over thir ty years, have met the cordial approbation of the pl|blicl Our purpose has'bcen to 'furnish • -dseful and reliable • information ■ upon these very jmpoHant, branches of industry, and to protect them' so, far as within our power against the false doctrines' and selfish purpos es iff the many empires and sensation-adven turers by which the Fanner is incessantly as 'sailed. Thislportion of the Germantown Tele -1 graph will alone he. worth ;’the whole price of subscription, as every. Farmer and Gardener, : who has a proper conception of ibis calling, ■ will riadily admit. ;.t . " ' NEWS DEPARTMENT. . The' same industry, care, and discrimination, .in gathering and'preparing the Stirring Events of the Day, expressly for this paptfr. which hitherto has been one of its marked features and jpven scj; universal satisfaction, will he j continued .With redoubled efforts to sheet the i increasingideh)|hds of the public. The labor required in this'department is never’fully up- | preciated by; tiile reader. It would be im-i possib’ .0 present, the condensed and enre-j fu v . made-up form in which it appears. ; a .rrected mass :of all the most interesting news of the week, without involving much physical labor, ikcl and. judgment. We annex thevcsA (m«», to which wo beg U*.avc U* cull iih ••lit ion of all who think of for n newspaper: Advance Cash Terras. . One y. one yewijSi; one copy, taree ye;u>. f 5,'T; three copies, one y» ;u*. Five Copies, One Year, ; Ten One Year, $15,00; Twenty Copies, One Year, $28,00. , ! gQf-Subscript ion not paid within the vear, 52,r.0. j . . , ' ,: Club of five subscribers, at s-3, will entitle the person getting it up to a copy for six months: a Club often or more, to a copy for one year. . All Club subscription* stopped at the end of the time, paid for, unless re-or dered. ’ ! 1 . ‘ - jcii.No order will receive attention unless accomplished with the cash. Igb-Specimcn numbers sent to applicants. PHIIsIP R. PR HAS, Editor and Proprietor.' Germanloum,Philadeljihia, lict.tii.'&>' “ V AWIJY FA IR.” “This is the first really clever comic and satirical journal «e have had in America— -ami really deter it is. UJs both sharp and good-tempered, and not Afraid £o sny that its ?oul h* it* ov/n-i-rWhicli shows that it fcn* a *.*ul. Our readers will be glad to knuV where th«jr can find, .native ftm -Urnt 1»m something better in\it than' mere patoit/'—Atlantic Month!*/. • v | “This paper is excellent. . . Remarkable for originality.*'—A'. )\ Trarftltr. i \ “V.vMTT F.vib is conducted by a vivacious witty and intelligent corps oV, journalisls.*’— Litchjifld (Conn.) Enquirer, - ; “Will wield as potent an influenc.e as that of the London Vuuch.'' — JZ'Mlon TravrUcr. , “Whosoever finds himself laughing at t%e wit of Vanity Fair, and does not return u yrrd/jro quo. is fitlfor ‘treason, and Bpoils.”V .V. rJ Crayon. *| isThe very marked and fiatteringßnC6.es* which' LasNthus .far attended the publication *of “Vaxitt Fair,** Kimbles tuespublisher to announce that, with the commencement* of the Second Volunih, is* sued this day. 3»rthJune. Hew Features, both Literrjry and be introduced, which; will increase the value and interest of tlie pa* peri and fully nmintain'thc proud position unanimously accorded to it, aVihe'leading Journal of Amerl .. VANITY FAIR ISSUED HCOULARI.T EVERT THURSDAY. ;fcnd Is for Bale by all Newsmen, and at the office! of‘Publication, No Nassau*street, Neir York. * j - TERMS: ; Three dollars per anmim, .in advance—B ii cents single copy. ' 1 \ TERMS FOR CLUBS: Two copies of Vaxitt Faiil will be sent U one address f0r.................. 00 [ Fire c0pie5.....;.., •. ...12 00 Ten. copies...... 20 00 i An Extra copy .will be allowed to the getter op 1 of every Club of not less than five copies. ■ This paper is: Electrotyped, and number! may be procured at any time. i : , LOCIS 11. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors." 113 NausSu-st . i '■ Sew-Vorli WHOL WILSON, M’EIMICO. S 4 Wood St., OPIJEB THE IB STOCK FOB THE issa. I “ At ih* Lowest Mabkii. Fbiob. Mr. 25,’68 M:i„ - 1 ; . /CONSCRIPTION ACT.—The fn. 8. Cori \y scription Law. or .National Militia Act of 1863, official end complete. in pamphlet form. Also, information embracing the only honora ble and lawful way of escaping the coming draft;. both'sent .(post-paid) to one adidrefs upon receipt of $l,OO by the-'Agent. . ■ | H. W. HARPER. j Bex 1334, Pittsburg, Pa. | ; 6BSC> - ward, j I WILL give thoabore reward for tbe 'ar. raat and eoarWllon of any pmon fwmJ trwputing or dbhiffaialletOoa mischief on air ' property, adjoining! he farm of AbramWoCr Vand -lM of John fiaber.war. the bonj. 'bf teborerr -VhifWWTO BTOlfc* , “ r ' I I*.***..,. j; r r’ ■ "-■ /1 ■ ’ ’ , r *V> uIJT'-S ' I EMBRACINQ SPECIAL NOTICE SALE DRY GOODS • * ■ f j> PITTSBURGH, PA, 1 C - ' f'-~ I-' ‘-‘'fe - _ nev , Act! that seven tenths of the female patients that are, committed to odr public Asylums, to be treated for. disordered minds', are reduced to that lamentable condition through precious physical disorder. By a well timed and judi cious treatment of chronic and nerrous dis eases, all physical disorders, in- the majority of eases may be removed t -and thus the mind, haring suffered,' through .the medium of the body will when , free' from the exciting physical cause, throw off the shackles that pas bound it to worse than midnight darkness, : and reason will, once more, resume its sway, [ clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted j • excellence, lienee the necessity of all those, rkho are laboring under the predisposing' or ejxciting. causes,' calculated in tbe end to im pair the mind to resort to sin - early and: judicious course of remedial- agents., | The Institution is a large brick building* with a stone basement— stories {high and well ventilated; I '' It is situated on ah elevated table.land which commltnds a.vSew rof entire town—adjacent biHs—groves and heighborifag Streams; all {of which are calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon the disorder id mind.- • r I Tbe'lnstitntion is complete in ail of its ap pointments. Haring been tastefully fitted up ikt graet expense, in order that it may meet tbe approbation and views of the must fastidl ! Ous. i 1 , i’, The water closets! and bathing apparatus have' been gr tton un tinon the most approved i nodern scieni ific principles. This department embraces not only th.e ordinary baths but, iilso, thO medicated, Warm air and ascending ipd descending douche for the more effectual ihd successful treatment of cutaneous and Other scrofuhus diseases. , We beg 10a re to say to all those who may be lisposed to commit Ihe interests of u dear vife. sister or daughter,-- to our. charge—may jp assured ftliat no-means will be spared or ifforts wanting on our part to ameliorate their mndition or tjo effect a' restoration to their ao ■ :nstbmed health- and vigor of mind. ’ r particulars send for a circular, aliens should be addressed-to. For furthe All communii . E- KENDRICK., M. D. Of Now Brighton Retreat! New Brighton . Beaver Co. jPa. Supt. navl2’C2. DRUG STORE" HEAVE Opened iii the Boom formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr. Minis. THE Subscriber haying purchased the Es tablishmen t' will ■ endeavor to keep con stanlly on hand all articles usually found in Drug Stores; i ' I'.eing a-Fl ysieiati and Druggist, the public may rely oh bis keeping the PUREST and BEST DRUGS. . ■ d A variety of other articles will also ha found his establishment; ict of Coffee, Rosin Soap, caps, Pprt Monies, Combs. 1 ICLES- FOR THE TOILET.' JTTON. LEAD PHN;(ULSI S, STEEL ‘ PENS. HAIH ES.TOOTU BIIUSIIKS. 1 iCCO. BE«ARS, LET ii. NOTE>A FOOLS- , (JAP PAPER \ ‘ Tea, Exit; Fancy & ALL ART SPOOL O NEEDLE JiKUSiJ TOBJ TE Carbon hi Lamp.* and Chimneys. a few; of the articles, and only a n band. Qail and see. I. : ry, 'by attention and fair give to all who may , C. PV CCMMINS, M, D. icnlsr .attention will be paid to ’hysiemns prescriptions. [aug27 “to These are few aiway* < He will t clpaljng, to. ttfvor him w *SulV‘' putting up I’ PHtSK THE undersigned'would inform 1 Physicians and Druggistrf that, owing to an increas ing be is now prepared to manufac ture on a larger scale than heretofore all arti cles of the Pharmacopoeia. These will be of the strength and quality' as dispensed, in the Prescription Department of my store, and will be found superior in strength to most in mar ket. I guarantee them to bf of the proper strength and purity. ■’ Some preparations offered are new,, but will be made Officinal in the new. Pharmacopoeia soon lobe issued, and will bo found to be vajl uable remedies. > ' | - I \ Any information as regards their strength,' uses ahthqualities will be sent to those desjr injß.it- Xs 1 . ■ • - i I would advise Physician who harp been disappointed effect of any r'emedy,|to try those of ,my manufacture. j They -include — \ i j Compound Extract of Cblpcynth, 'Fluid Extracts of Ergot,' Gentian, llipulin Valerian, "Wild Cherry Bark; and others, . - « \ , Citrate, of Irod and Citrate of Iron, and Quinine; very, soluble, , i ,j. .N. ' Wine of Iron and Wine of Iron and Bark> agreeable; ehalybealcs, * Syrup of the Hypophospbites, Cerate oij the Extract of Cahtharides; a more reliable i preparation than the common "Cerate, j ■ . Oxalath of Ceriuni; tueful in obatinate. vomiting, i ' ■ Elixir of | valerianate of Ammonia; a valua ble'remedy for nertoua-or lick headache, where a nervous stimulant arid antacid is in dicated. Solution of Bi-meeonate of Morphia: same strength asj Laudanum and more agreeable tn its effects. Pyro phosphsteof Iron; soluble. These, together with all rare and fine chemi cals and other medicinal articles, furnished fat so; quantities. ' I am prepared to make chemical examina tions of Ore’s, Drugs, Oils. Wsjers, &o. GEO. W. WE7MAN, I Cor. 8d & Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh; Pa. AMBBOTYPE3 !! GOOD. SUBSTANTIAL. LIFK-LU TORES can now be bad allbe COURT-HOUSE, Mr BEAVER. : These pieterce are not mere dfinhe, hot war ranted SUPERIOR to any that bare errr been made in Bearer count;, by any other artist. To be eonrlaecd, eall and eaamnie specimens. I •'ill remain bat s few weeks. - the same reees occupied by me in 1867. - ■ ; C. A. OBIPrIS. Aoe* : | , Photographic Artist r' hereby giren that I bn Been appointed as Surgeon by the Pension Department, to examine wounded and inralid Soldiers, die* charged from the aerriee; that my authority extends to any County, State or Territory, and that I am new reody to eater upon the diachairo of my dntiee. L*. aieltpK :v XHMMfM. iiuiepn- & DEUGOISTS. TVotloft At UOSOCXH THIBD STREET. i : , ' PUUddpUa. Kor, !, 1862. > ( HE undersigned, bariur b««b tptadluted 1 BCgSBBIPTION AGENT by the Secreta ry of the - wrfrepindui db >iiMt rowr, - ■ .!• ' '• lit .'‘lB'-'i New Twenty 6 per et. Boms. of.the Cnitod Statet, designated at *»KVe- Twentiet,” redeemable at the pleasure of the GoT«rnment,afler Are years, and authorised by Act of Congrats, .approred, February |26, l 862« T ... fy I -''l . : —h. ; \ The COCPON BONW are iatned in muda of $6O, $lOO ssoo; $lOOO/ “■ T . The REGISTER BONDS lb tuna of $6O $lOO, fbOOi $lOOO and $5OOO. V ; Interest at Six per cent.; per annum will commence from date of purchase, and it T . PAYABLE IN! GOU>. /! Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PERCENT: PER ANNUM. . . .. , |V .j Fanners, Merchants Mechanics. Capitalized and all who have atiy Jnoney to invest, sbotild know and rememberjttkt these Ronds are, in effect; a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail roads;;. Canals, Bank Stocks., and Securities, and the immense products of dll the Manufac tures? &c., &e., inthe and the full and ample provision made for thepayment-of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise 1 Stampa-and Internal ReVenne. serves to make these Bonds the 1 i [ Best, Most Available and Most Popular Investment in the Market, i ■: Subscriptions received at PAR in LegalTen tier Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par. in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will reieiVe, prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will, be afforded on applica tion al ibis office. I 1 ' I ■ Afullsupplyofl BbHds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. . ■, ' | j ■ JAV COOKE, Subscription Agent. ■ yCRITTENDE3rS r 7 PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ;COLLEG:E, I N. E, comer of 7th &CheatnutSt. , PHILADELPHIA, PA. f -,p /j'HIS Institution,KWhich Was established in ' 1844, and is how consequently, in t e pigthteenih year of its existence, numbers among its grutuates, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and 'Business Men of our Country. ■ . The object of the Institution is solely to af-' ford young men facilities for thorough prepa ration for business. , n j i . The branches taught are, Book-keeping, as applicableto the various departments of trade: Penmanship, bptjx. plain and ornamental; i Commercial Law, mathematics, Navigation, ' Civil Engineering, Drawing, . Phonography,! and Modem Languages. The system Of Instruction is peculiar;'no classes or set lessons are madcrusc of, butench student is taught individually, so that. he.may commence at any time, and attend at whatev er hours are most convenient.: Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the -stu dents* for the year, and full' particulars of terms, Ac., and may be obtained at any {time by addressing the Principal. - i ; t . In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for .business, and -to pbtain at the same lime s n/rttaiV, which will prove a recommendation for them to any Mer cantile House.. . -i ‘Xjtar CniTTiHoex’s Scries of Treatises in ; Book-Keeping, how more widely circulated than atiy other work on the subject, are for i tale at the College. ” 8. HODGES CRITTENDEN. Attorney-at-Lair, • PmsoiPAi. M»y 7. JOHN B. YOUK'G, i Atjj’y* at Law, r I (BEayeh, pa.) -1',.; ' . { • ' > J . ' IQrOffiee in the Court Hoove lan.,2n. NrO COUNTRY DEALERS School Books, and Stationery at tVhole \ sale. | The snbscrfbef hasnlwnys on hntid Osgood’s & M Qnfley’s .Speller &Boa ders, Bay’s, .Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic, 1 Pinnco’s Grammars; Bi bles, &c., Tcstaihcnts, Jjettci: Cap.jwd Commercial Note papers. Envelopes?; Blank Books, Pass Books, .Steel Pens and Holders. Copy Books, Slates j Ink, Ink stands. Bonnet Boards, &c., &c. Usual' discount for cash. Goods packed and delivered, to anv part of Ihe city. ■ S. DAVIS, feb:lB ‘ 73 Wood st.,. Pittsburgh Notice. | {f A - hh persons having unsettled account J\ with me, or Smith & Collins, within the last twenty yemrs.'-for Carding, Spinning, &c., will please call at the Fallston Woolen Factory, before the first of October, 18H2, and settle the earoe by caah or note. ; 1 : ■ jylfi.’ti?. . EPH’JI. SMITH —s r— ; : j ——j Beaver Seminary. , S. B. MERCER, Superintendent ’ . BOARD OF DIBECTOBS. - D; ]H. A. M’Lcab, D. D. A. COSXIXQUAM. ,1 “ CI'MMiSA, 11. D. ■ i ■■■■: rpHE rAibtßeet tfe&K wiaVreßef.. a xpt. oTAliis 1 *ad : (Batment; . end whetV ! the S? l^ ALEWOflpN<| * COOLING nrol^lW UHhe.aha yob leee bheesto-ewy (rotn home s^plnß. 0 .ib«}Ur pre*e nt ..'.T*. tad fiiebdt. ‘ jmstoatheytav, fcet eb lh'al fatigue.. ft eil to be, tbe ,?? fe* sootbee apd reqeyee add Stiffened' (Up het4.iH; beepeeday removed and SABRE CUTS AND OtfKSHOf WOUNDS ■ • wired: bj..usinfc these admirable at Btanda unequidled,;reSp6»l4ig aid' preventing , by- paying prbp'et attention to the every Vestige ipf inflammation . ibd gently i irnien ere attached WMcbPof or n«.’T' ( * l drawing the 'edges, together, it ' quickly ahd j SICH HEADACHES AND WAnt.op/JLJ ! completely heels the mostfrightly wounds. * : ‘ j . TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLIm-id”^ - [WIVES AND IMSTEBS OF OUR VOLUJf- 1 Those feelipgs yLicitso |. .. - ~- 1‘; TEEES';.. . • [- . •■'• ■ *risefrom trouble or.annoyanccp. To cann6tput_into[ the Knapsacks of your perspiration, br eating aiitl driaki,,- Husbands and Brothers, i 'inure valuable nor/ is unwholesome, I thus tf't 1 !'* 1 more treccsspry gift than'a supply of tins’' l [ action of the liver; and str,inn’”h ’+sl EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE j gans must be relieved,'it you ucsi-aoT SN f The lonely' sentry walking his [rounds at! [The Pills, taking-according toVtem’J,!*- night, exposed! tojidrenching rain»_ and chill elections; will quickly a produce night air, is often Wised the must fVIOLENT;!%etioaJn--bolh liver and stomach ■ , IIPV PAINS, . eoUOHSj And i. SUFFOCATING . natural consequence a clear bi»d li-a HOARSNESS, Ifiret' symptoms of" QUICK CONr-TietUe; ’ -V* lif supplied .with HOLLO-i WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INbl rri i WAY'S PILLS j add HOLLOWAY’S OINT-| j ;;j • OVER FATIGi : t;/ : f# MENT, all dadger is few Pills taken 1!,. Will soon disappear by tin; u Jt . T night and morning, ;a’ndlthA ointment briskly, valuable Pills, and the Soldier rubbed twice a dnyibver the throat and clnst quire additional strength. -Nerpr |m ii v ,l! \ will remove [ SEVEREST PAINS and Wop els be .either confined or'unduly acini ‘the most distressing or DANGEROUS GOltO 11, It may seem strange that liollOTra iJ v? Thefore we say to the whole "army, ii ehould'.bc recommended' fur l-votidl’o I^' f SOEDIERS ATTENTIONr: ' ' ■•! p!u*.,ma i dy>rsodB eupJioslngthhttiirH See to yout* 6\|i’n health, do noY trust ip the mtTeiise tite relaxation. 1 This is s !»; Army supplies!a)tlibugli most valuable. These'• tulceV tbrthdse Villa will con-ect (be PILLS and OfNTJIKNT have been .thoroughly stmnich and thus remove all the derjd " -tested they arjejtiii only remedies Wed in ihe >! from the Thismedicin.eVili European Campkahd Barracks, forover and yeark Doctdr HpUpway has supplied All the ; cr deranged, while health iuid strengt i armics ih Europe, and during the 'CRIMEAN j a-mattcr nf course. Nothing will ? ;,v CAMPAIGN.be | established a depot at Bala* • relaxation of the BoweU so sure aa this t clatq, for*tbe ezclaaiTe sale ol^\!be?e GREAT pus ; ihediciuo. , i REMEDIES, rnanyj a time hia special .Agent jA’OEyNTi.ERS ATTENTION ! INT> there has solrf hirer a ton in weight of the (|' '|:\ ' TTONS OF A OUTH. Ointriifeilt in a pingteday. Theae terrible andM ; Spres and f Ulcora, Blotching'* and SaJlr fatal enemies of the Soldier in Camp, ' certainty be radically cmcjS \e DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY. SCUKYY. SORES Pills are taken biglft and inoniing. 1(1 nhd . SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS, all .disap- >inimeiit bp freely,used 'as plated in tl,I pear like-a. ch'arthjbefore 'these/PILES AND treated in any otiilr m OINTMENT, liid [now While the’j Cry" .rings ner they dry up jn one part to oifi throughout thdlapd. r' ( 'I ■>; other,' iVhereas' thisjlnimeui will jlreai ; TOfARjIS: . |lhe humbrs-TroWthe-system.add ; W not let these brive men pcrSji by dis- j f lent a ease, place inj lheip hands;■these PRECIOUS fluirc a little pex*spverunco In bad easel to KEMEDIES,. tiiaihvin enable them- to resist ! >m*e a lasting cure'. ' _ } the.. dangerbde|.exposures, thfe Fevers, the FOTv- ROUNDS EITHER pCC.\Sin>(Ep Chills, and llm wpunds which they c«hiK*r | THE BAIONET, OR SABRE OHTfjlElt 'avoid, and what is;tilore.; cannot frcViuently get i | XET. BRITSES, | succor in the moment of ue(s, whereas if our j To whpeh-every Sohlier and Sailer arc lU* brave men haiUionly to put their hands into fUnc nre no ntediemes sn safe, -sure their Knapsacks and find there a sure remedy ; yenieni as ilo|iu\ray*s Pills mid for all the casualties of the battle feldp ilow , wounded and almosl .suCVifr.a;' many of lives would thu^ v t*e saved [have. his, wounds dressed imi:mai;i;o!j:, ]< who would otherwise pcrishjbeforc relief tould would only provide himself (villi ihii| n,**!- 'be obtained'.' )r| V{ ll' . j * pintti*cnD. Svhich. should be tlin.s|:atr CAijttO!Nk’ t ” I > onc ? T * ?ch«lne' unless =ti (r ? u P d “R“ smeayod nllnrouiul rt|:.>/ the. wonts AV:r I’rtr/r arid Lvndcn," ; with a piece of linen Irom hi? l are dlscernjabiea waicr-mirk in! erery leaf [cornutessed ; with a Jj»ndkN & iliil i.K. IiAML L. ■ 178 li 175 GRiND STREET AMD 215 ,V | ;•' j CENTRE STRjEE. (BTABUSBSP |fjBBi • : N. V. ;'.s»TAßtiB«ir.W 1888 : r'pHlS Establishment lias been n successful | operatioh tor 24 years, and is the largest ■ sfthe kind ill the United States, j We have on|! hind or manufacture toordereyery description|l 6f Looking-gtaitsii lMcture anil llortAit ilfpmeCjij plain and Orndinental IMcr.ijWdll, Oval (iiMan-i tel Glasses, (Connecting Cornices; Ruse (and. Bracket Tables, 1 with Marble Slabs, , Toilet] Qlasses, &c..j 4cJ. &e. Mouldings for Picture Frames."in Itjngths'suitable'for transportation,! either Gilt, Belling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra," Birdseye. Mdhogkuy, ke. Our Hew manufac-| lory and extensive faciliticsienablc us to furn ish any artic c; in 1 our line ns good as the best,: and as Cheap as the cheapest. i Dealers are invited to call upon us | WJten they visit New York. Wo claim to Jjk able to.supply jto supply them wit i every arti-j cle in our lino which they can possibly purchase elsewhere. ■. | ..I •" . ’) Orders j by mail at tend; d to ; with promptness., Donot fail to call.w fen you visit; New York. | v ! . , J- -■! ■ Office * Jfmnjiii.V Ao. 21S Crntn 1. 1 ' , IfOKACE V. S IGI.E R, Ayeiil. May”—3 mos- ; ' 0v _po MALE OE FEMALE,, TO SELIi i|- ; Lloyd's yr.w St ed PlUte Ccxhdy C : Map of United Stales,. .Canadas, had Nnc' /?n/nW ' From-recent surveys, completed .A: ISGl!;' coat $2U,Ut’O to. engrave .if, ■ year’a time. | Superior to any $lO map ever mijdt 1; ton oi- Mitchell, and sells at the i'W " ; Fitly Cents;' 370,000' names are etjpt’ this map. ; . ■ : | It is not only a County map. tutsfa COUNTY I & KAlLlto-V W : of the U. S, & Canadas conitinci inia-- Every Railroad. Station anddis:alice| bet j Gunranfcciany woman or man J® o, [ days-add wilj take back all maps djjf* ■( Ibe Hold.aad-refund. tLe money.- ' j Send for $1 try. - Printed instructions how to ci" n:l furnished all ottr agents. | Wanted—Wholesale Agenta for oat' every Stale, California, Canada!.: France and Cuba A fortune ma* with a few hundred dollars eTapitalj • ptlitiMUjbt* F. Li.oti«, 1(54 BrSwdwije.£ TheJjfat Department uses our gimajTlaryland, and Pern»ylTani».f‘ l;iA.-rXhe iaap -is veryf” cost'isbutilo omits, add it- it the be purcheuedX' '.. . I" . Lloyd‘s Great ifap of the MievafP, From Actual Surveys by Gapts. Bovrn.Mississippi River Pilots, ot|- Mo., shows every man’s plant si io" **! name from St. lioms to the Gull.' 1 *! 1 1,330 miles—-eVe'ry , sand-bniv is,a landing, 'and.all places 20-milesdsw rrier—-colored in counties and **•..; $l. in.sheet a, ;$2, pocket form; linen, with rollers. Heady Sept- - t . A'drs 1 Vettoromnl-, Washington, Srfl- ■ Correspondence Wanted, r , *:. T /^7 d *T Sir:s «“ d “^ e oU Lr • * \j.-i -v- -r. r, |. i Mississippi Eirer, with price r TJOUK of] Cnole. s nephews desire 4 copies. Kcar-Admiral Cbarlca «• JP with srmajny young lft- : Lauding the Mississippi squadron, dies between'the »ges of :J« fthd| &fn View of feed id jmwhtsfc sr matoy haring some |faiu tasking lots of iiHendS among us© of thftMquftdron. the fain or whfttorer the result] nifty: beisnd , GIDEON WEL thereby make camp UfeagredaWe. . : i Addu»»b—'• WiiliamH. Hißßiaojr," “By. I _ . JOHST* We | nos Fitubald,” “DaTt Cxocrta” or 7 “Jobs BABBEb ft - . C-Hk»ab." -c-- ■!>: rA' I- :j'. (Shop ow door cart of V : ; ’ ii li; ; . ; \" -?*! ' . j ; r SFMIN \UV 4NU INSTrCTE' :Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M.,Prin. Mrs.A.S. Tivlor, Governess. I ■ HE NEXT TEKM WILL iIOMMEXCE I ' ■ ‘1 [ ,-h ; ■■’!!■ : i • Tuesday. [March 24th ,1 1863, j And continue' 14 weeks. The'|sim of (he school is to| make its pupils thorough, espej < ially in the Common Branches.- ; . ! ] : A. Normal l' for the beilcfif of those wishing Ito fit them selves for teaching, will be formed at the commencement of the derm. j , I ‘ Board, Kojrd rent, 4c_.. ~$3B 00 Tuition varies from 53,60 to sB,t>d j /.j. ts f*For further particulars inquire of the President of faculty, j; ' " ! marl’63 v R.:T,.-i TAYLOR, j MILd A. TOWNEE N J>, -;•’ f .• DEALER IS I' i *; 800 TTS, ST A TI OyA R Y Wall 3?aper, TOYS A*J) FANCY I BACLEB ‘ no 6. yii\V BRIGHTON. Pa. | BENTEL ARBUCKLE &C 0 MANI7FACTUTEBS OF O-AJK/BOlfcr 6lTi, I ROCHESTER, .BEAVER COUNTY. PA. fai>2 f . ~ $1,60 REWARD. I SAN mi from the subscriber, living ini : New Qmlltei'CeaVer'coujity. on : Sunday j Inst., aWindented boy fromltbe House of, Refuge, named CaAßLfea V'. Losp ; about 16! years of hair,' heavy countenance... .slender form; .had on blue jean rou'ndabout and! pants. AUj|p|ersons'hra jvarUedjnot to harborl or.trust Mm on Imy account. I will pay the ! above reward, ! and no further cfajarges, to any one returning him. ‘ ' \, | . ■ j| yH : . THOMAS OBANT. \ /. \ \ ' 1 : • : : , IyiARRIAGE. i ITS loves and bates,. sorrow? {jppts and fears.'resets' and y>iiV, OCH>, liow lost, li cvr restored 1 ; ’tht/LiU* Uireatmenl and radical cure of s'permUtr or seminal weakness; involuntary jimis<; sexual debility and impediments to |mar I generally; nervpusuct-s, consumption. Internal hiul physical incapacity|resu|t i iSiCLF-AlU'SE—arc fully cxpbin?4 u (MrAtmf AGE GUIDE, byfpUsG. : ; ’J hisrhost extraordinary book should] b<* j hands ’of evpry yoting person -cqDt|u’ipi ; marriage, and every- man or woman wl sircs&O limit the number 1 of t vheir circumstances.- Kvery pain.-}d&.e>?< uche incidental to you;ty.maturity and,ok ''\b fully.explained; every.particle of ifeiovrh 1 that Ahould.be Known is jlicre given.-jMth ? qf engravings; |ln fact, it !l, every one shouljd know; still it is-a p)#! must be locked up, and not lie about pel 1 it w ill be sent to any otic Cn the reef i| twenty-five cents in specif or postage, ■; A,ddrcssl)R. WM. YOU>*G, 416 t&nn jj above Fourth, Philadelphia. I I f£f b J A£h I ctcd and Cji/ortutuzi'f, j, may be your dijeaae, before reu p'mce Iself under the care of, any of (be pjic I Qi'ACKS —native oy| foreign—wha.Rifyeni.s I this py any other paper, get i Young's book, and! read it. careftilr| b 'fee the means of earing ydu many a 4c j jfour possibly.your life, j i Ifa. VOCSGi cari be pomtulicd on.TP) ’ [diseases described in 11 is"j:i;blica’.i 0 r., r office, 4l‘t) Spruce IJtrcct, aboveboard j ' B®,Office hours from 9to S, (HiT^