II 4-’ \ i - is E AVER.AR«6rIS^. r D, L. £diS^^p(Miir. ■ - : --*■ -■ TERMS— I D**3)ou*». tadFmrCvi** . per gusts), ik AirrAScK:tititrcWTwol)oL lam will be olurged. . No paper ifliiponttAti ■ &gl all arrearage* ai* aoulad; ,;ji r Jf&'Ltlltlk and \f »»W !' jfeafl bare promptattention. ;'; v ’ •* iv 1- ■■;'' " Krw-YfFK TBIBDHE. ■ ■ ItiHJS, - Tst Nbw-Tork Tbibitmk, first is tnieJ in 1841, Jn lt» twenty-second yeirs. hna obtained both' a larger and a more widely diffused circnlation than any othe^. newspaper ever published rf _ . ■ ; „ in America., Though it lias f»»e have received. says the P)rfla in common wi'tb other journals, from delphia News, frbiji '.the publisher of tbo volunteering and departure of ‘ the JMionatl>±mocr&*i Little flock, ten 3 of tlumsandfl of it* patron* to r \ . i • #f* 'VTiJItL fc - cprre 'in the J?ar, for the Union, its i '! I can ***’ 8 CO PJ ot * n Addriwe ,B*n circulation on this 6th of December, [-®* ,** *• people of thatfState (Injiar ‘ 1802 Jh as.follows : ‘\; licnlarand to ihe Sontliern peopto in , v -jeneraO 'by tho Hon. E. W. GanttJ Y- unll f recently* (iencral iq the rebel ! , i . ' ■■ ■- .V', army. The views ho i puts forth being ’ p re .emSS l Southerner, of LBeratpiy. The Tribune fias-politl-- anf the... tA - T’ after !? n S . ohiWorf.l... who fond)v' hail Jr. ,*7* perils'ard calamities s,.M«.dv thrust\\"l p®”""*** being eb,nt l*me - L-, a _ ul ‘.v their American 'coa.m-r-r } a,,v ••«'* out ot lije part the everthro v abd ruin of wU ’ . • Model'- Ror.ubHe—Republican in its ! w * Qr 1 fr . et *'J”??- , Ji': | hope: and irn-p; its MkitS and effort-.! ln^- v . 10 ; t tmi4rng K l ¥ ,is*i,rtw ? ' that il.is arroeibus ReKelli.m . must: lo .’ !, V co " ‘-« I . , j l * ar «*y land in. resnit' ill-th-e dirnal o% errhrrp.v of it- . P r !' ,,,n - 'f' U ‘ 0 h r« "> front and in rear plotters; ami the. Hr u t-tahlishn.ent ; f havo . fr?' 1 .‘'■Ub; you and oi you us . ij-Insand 1 q'i a 1.1 i.ws thr ,; 1 v. V c l,<, !'i **' H {- roß }< -tw wl l er>•• iu. Lihi-y tv-fln . Southern home, and to deed be m.nc'abd'in.cpr-xhlo" hence i' ,u St ‘hlol/ ,eop --“l wb,^r uni tWreve- , . , p!e *uff--i mg : s bind me closer ,U; them : ‘ ... - ‘‘i ■ ■ . . i how than ever.- 1 . ’ t. • , i : Hr. i RIBCNE tlevotcs attoiflion 111 i T I. .11 , . i . 1 catmi r times, and to some extent in ji| A.i- n • 7 T ,U'l? an ‘l tonn ■tiieso, to Education. Teuiperun-.-e, Ag-I.A, i|-mA, ,i i'i™* lall^*3' i. /♦ a . i uii And-itsi column- are ma.plv lie- hb prococ.lA td review the Vpeiiai.t im-kle.u of ;I,at or«,t strug- :J r f . - T o°. ! b |“ despicable ~%k which we trust tU result in the sgilal and c.m.-Umive kniimph' of the! “‘,VJ -*£Vvj i ';| nUJ % !Ns;ional arms and In the restoration ; • 1 ■» -d mil, oj. Pence amf-ThrilVud our distracted", l)l<-cding country. Wij believe that not nihenviso can hi fuller or more ac.cu ■rate view oftflho progwwi smPci.arm ter of thSs-.-iii<-.iuen*ou>' c.iidlici lj,t ihait• • lliroH‘*li. tfhe ivgu!!!. >y )i' our ooluutiW y.' so i-rit tlio fO l .oprr:Uion of ailti iyinU of t N’.'ifronjii omii-v.wiiir h wt> JliiH i!]>li')M a.i that r.f I. i- - v<;4<:ii il'iynstn,ity. .!•’> a:ti in tciiiiiiiu i-is,iMpaila.tinn.,- ’ , rh. .';.orm|.UK i;1: c airi *!;?■ p: * _ on!!•«mirily tried, convicted, anil the aT>!,l‘'Veil in one day ! The ; - v . !,u . ,1 K s ,«*(«»•. to. per«nn iirired their ’ youth and inexperience a* on. excuse. 'Mfl'N-R;. ! and hej'i'cd' him tof let; them live, as- him lln-v, would shovV binj; if / •. . "ji.iri'il. what soldiers the} - could gtake. v.ir,.. • ••- ~ . i'n i'ir fcray Inured sire; bear!n* about '-r> i j • 'C ' t.: ■ U " ■ ,f he «n»rk« of wo.ur.ds ro .... •■•>//,rri. *l.htV each. An ' t!l ° 1U . ,,1 I 'M*» *l* ■!) V .;wiil be-sent do cv-c , e !i.b Mexico. with breaking o; i -'ij ’ ■ , • * .-noart, ,now*.*a odoro him, and.cruvod T'v- ntv rooms'' dnW/aWjvss on« ■' f “ nl " n ‘'T !l! . s too.ighi less arid inno year, ?jy, an ii :l „v turner number at Womer,,'«ln,ek .tvilj. ITice.. An; extra c^r.,v Y will be IVT ? u,l! ' . an ‘! ) | " 1 " IW "“- w.lh tern*. .» «• t ..ejnbx. of. tWen‘,l v. To .d'.-hs of yfl«4 e.,frettliex h.r the f! ’!' II !•* vf i U’PPK'T'V /r nr 11 tllo 1 1 ntiiX c o youths! Butrin vain . nk inex : , - a r : J huno !>AILY TRIBUNE will bo s«toV.. W,f ™*V c g*. «*M cr . a teiiUor and touch- ■ ir ij; ; s ~ I ijOst tare well. victims to the ambitior.- ' ; A.bhvxs '.THE TRIBUNE.. j't*. v b" : was, misled by the erhyltyj , TiiE'':iio Building, York '.l; rT’ ? V* ?P . U "? l, '*i . llaitei’p. Htyie .of .discipline, took tip! \V i.iii .’j.-.oV.j. ~ ■ , ... • (the elnh of Hercules; and- so, not be,! "'.■id, r i iVrenX- Bank Bins!! 5nK abi * l ° V ai ‘ l il - int,,; ■t\.„ n \ ,*L • , a more murderer. . * i I J•' .i.iin! f ; t.tno . Post Oftleo and ; r .- . • ■ ,-i ‘K. -'Siite should in ail cases [/' Uo, ‘ reviewing the, situation, the; .wriiten. ‘ writer proceeds as follows:] ■ , ' .S.-il/5. : .-s b eo. whtf by : ' r ' what BHALL we no J* ' j ia,»u**s, .must.i will b 9 deducted from * *Th« question..patnrally comes tip "V/'.' itrriricf.. !after all that has preceded. If Mr. •r.»' v’cnr i K) is.f.Jcn) ’i- v . v l, C instead, iravrit over to op. •ipi-ae and saiisfactoryman- i'p r es-ion by his pets, what have we to _, -' ' ' j I liope now that he trembles in Rich 3 ' W lj UiCi'i Of Oysters may he oh- 'up at last to the terrible reaiitv ot his rvw;.S M ! V son -. •"?f'n^ red ow !‘ ™‘kncss, folly and! iiidisei-etior.? v; .. e.inh* u;»!ied with Oysters. T .. * '. « ■ • . , ... i- \ • d'W- Tl-i tabic is furnished ■ 1 s *** - wero «Ot Drolectod when we, pol T ri f e hixuries the Pi fTSitUiIG MAR have been; and if we cßnnot Tli-intr^r' 1 ' j| now be protected, what |mo«t wo do ? f or« 'j r Ule , liberal patronage fcereto-1 Some say Continue the Slrtlgode, Ojet l ,m — ce of lhe tliej lUrst itian ditff, kc.. &c \J b .., X. Pr.s;Kvfre4'l~ * - ?e I think differently. We ought to ■ P«-4*V^"'5 !aia ? ,?t **"?;' n i ,lr ?in8 ’ •hS- the' 'straggle and submits vßut Vcott'on.fi: « go more uO-t for latest the Drug Store of [than to surrender when whipped. - ' ■ 88.0. V. CUMMIJiS. .} Wo have done that often. Always >.*) a c- n! V : ' Bikil2 • ••-; .*/?* r-T-<> V ■->£ 'Ui MN r.r. pewt Stinisfe and Ujreu by the Bon. IB W.i Gantt of Arlc., 1b General In ■; .the Rebel Service-I' And ',v ’) coni*, i MEE ! •{. =I -,' I ' !y lp B.'Ariv.i,.. 7 ** ir 4* -i isl 7 i. s ? iv'i ' lr.». Ti' '‘-'Oi -it. t.-f.tr'' .* : , * \ss'jl'!&ir:x&! :a i> r i oi'> V„.: r r ,jf -j-vr/L- 1 .."( . .: 0•!.1 . ' '','• • '`'.. ' 1' ...4;'' , .. ~ 4 , ' , t.l . V,t; i* , • l i p , . 7 1 f. i ..i , —• . i.,41, :,, fyi fi-l'i f - -' 1 ott : *,_ •... 'XS&v KO i ...9> *u r : lfT» isLiii&iM-vS .Sjj> ~V' u! W s'{j>-i *rn:&r*■/'■■ ;y r€ i% ■i - >.?>i .if jien, we,could 'so, op; jhjja' tiled' the . twice and ■ tojoi it bj.np means foolisli/ but surrender. r ‘jWtf arefiprly ber en iu tha whqle rfHalt, :*hoßld qo£e surrender the. point-.’’ . , we don’t gcttbebsppiness !pnJ6yed fn. tbe old jSpyecjjfnent; can get np.’morfr miiory than we ba felt niider -Dayisl-But Took /or ncMB there.' j Wehiid Itragi years. , Even whiloj Wo are.arravi Against it. (Kathostile, forces gwp mqw . .v ßgb.oi._ jpg., citizens than tbey.Tiiad whenttolmos " * •; , * l|d.nd HijidmaU'wer9,bpt^.' JV. is. true; ?'{•'•■ - f the Jiihnsisiia teU ydii that Goperal ’ ‘ ‘ mAyert. ’ Steele tids imhHsdned atvd.opprcssed r ’ 'i “j .# ** v t . , . people hero. Not. a word of truth ini’ -i *. m ““r”,-'#• oman- U. And tliej know it is all m 0; Id wdl s tand.; - If I Rdr rHpntha, whch po more Cdufedi i ir’f if le -" : ™<;iainly ” [erdto‘money can be!inveued,and aoib-l : “f ,** ?^?9O or^ a r^ lt ~,, Ris ing more made out ofthe people, they ! * lO ’W 1 -Tp y° l ' come they will sneak back and claim his your hands, protection, . ■, or;coinprornise oujgraduil emiincipa ' “But we are faltfy Whipped—fairly i t, " n ' yon, the no rbtnten. - Cur artpieiaro'melting and P° i n the way | «» rainapproaches ria/’WiIJ condnu /I*PIH r r**h'# , »» safely of friends W this >trn^le:‘h : Bitty ‘ V i' bailie wo might gam ought'to wriii* • f T “j* ‘’banpMi’.qw. sentiment, npon tears from thd bertrtS df South or a quest . have been ! men ? Wcate just .that mnelj wdafeer drti|-ioh«. Not many .years s-nce: it' j much nearer fhour fins) min. waiH by.no mesa,UtOHuai for the press i AngdQili. and sorrow and desolation 1 * D f phbli«iißefijbh?-.ifdJl'a*t tor the (ten, (.meet us wherever wo turn. The lon- l^ e . ifcnnrillly. m;Ahe ..Smuili. to concede jgerthe struggle the more df it. j that siiivery-WaSgan'veril.i and that- it 1 Don’t let yourselves be deceived ’ fhquld ever have .existed; expressing, 1 with the hope that the United Btnlds • rip dispftellion or desire to | will abandon the struggle. Thoycan I* o -fid hC It- ■ Yei.iW; tew r years more friev'er do it They pavo toiled and j demand ...foPafcdttdn having in spent too much losee (the solution of cr cWsod. tlie‘price of-negroe.s : having the problem, and not,foot np lhe fig.-l , T anc ®*f , . ,l ‘ l ld ■tb.c;;i»gitatLciri of .thfe. •ires. Th6y scarcely feelitnd war ah.i question having increased in I dme.; Their cities are more popii-: virulence—finds uadeffcnding slavery Inis and thrifty to day than ever.—a divine insutuiion, , Do Bow’s He l;or every hiaii tfian' dies or gets kil-i ' le ' v i and other,Southern papers and led in battlpv tWp emigrate to the,.* periodicals,, lt a uirion fi, eduntry. Their add towns, j.of Sputh prominent in their fields khd country' as, Ibis !ar ilf ncy on the ocean goes i, apd tin* whojr com beejomes suosid-iry to Up jl.ia he will uiallywitlj false hopes, how much ; we bleed iven suspect that the is to - us in France rest of this , sort, and that he is at the bottom of it. : But if- Lon is Napoleon does hot pro. | poso to interfere and lake us tindet] : his'-‘protection,”rwhat then ? Anoth-" iep Maximilian for men\'ri»s | “Forbid it, my countrymen ! Forbid Heaven!” Our forefathers threw I off colonialdependency upon a i European browned head.' It would • be ignominious in us to go bank'ja half | century-and more to accept wlnitthey us from. Much less to'risk a 1 despot over us. So eager a to, some lof our - leaders for this interference. | that.; I am told, it is,proposed to give j Napoleon Texas as a -bonus for iiis j good;graces and kindly aid I ‘ And the ! ‘ Lone Star” may be handed over by ; Davis at any moment, so far as he can jdo it.- ThCf thought ought, to make j the bjood of every; American citizen i mount to his cheek. I -Whenever this la attempted, “I isliall be one to meet the legions of I Prance under the bid flag,” to battle j for the saercdncss and safety of re-i ] publican institutions. Buti suppose : I he' offers recognition alone '! ’ Suppose j Jhe offpi-s it coupled, with a-iHisrnnee ? I It comes-too late£ 'Timeo Danaosmu- j nern ferenit/s. No ,more dangerous and i and destructive allmpce. in ,oiir pros.) irate condition, could be found, how-1 ever easterly we niight at first have | gntsp.rd iw For. even' if wo should! succeed with his aid, and the struggle! would' be a« doubtful as terrible (and j f b« Would abandon us ataby moment), i Hie French empire of Mexico, rights at bur doors, would, swallow up Cuba and all the contiguous islands, and absorb 1 that part of Mexipo that we its a Ration would hope to get. “And the day wo settle deliberately anion archy !on this side of the ocean, we prepare crowns fjir kings, and fetters f>r the people, on every footofground upon the American continent.. But, as I said, ther§ wilF.be' to interfer ence.”-' • ; ’jb ; a ; j-: '4i ■ fv" | ■ .. "• t>ISSESgIOXS nr THE NOBTH. Have no! hopes from a divided North! It i? on the surface.' Scarce ly goes to the bottom of their politics, much less shakingthe gfeat; masses of their determined people.- Remem ber, too, that much offthe Soifth is with thorn. TtaerW' ia%!o divlaioa sg, r.r .1 Aa the we be- fetfm its cankering sore, will Be ’ i Vip" say mat n hr one rcsentaiirM tiab Robert G ‘Sch^nek. : came aeirtHive;*, And «6 so, vigorous and powerful, rtnd, men ‘ i*!’ 3l I()l '?, rUl '' n M?« ihi-d/ilisiijict. (fiio; ■Geu.UolGrAl'GaiO 1 tba f the'North -liight f](ave threatened thirty, opulent ah f l.pppK . tliarj C ?tf e^ at « Sb ‘H* , -' ® ' with iig^nityl^&prife.-iisot• liors.es', though the scourage of war dm-i, -V 'I, : ' lla: ' l J- l| t^, wl,s : General Eiwriezm- Dumont ‘ixth or ' >,,rir ; P ”? dist.ieU ipdiah : ,;> Gen. G^’n^Sl' South would be'ablozi It sonic fanatic- sorrowful liei- lioai tiistones !- ‘ | .DoiuhUon. island, there , district '’Kentm-kvf Gpg took one tiegfoi Stfcb was - public The,soonei%o lay 'dowifour 'anris! .T-dp nG./T^'hf ,nsl: *; ,re ; ; ”< | Benj. K: lUati,'-sevmuh"dis'-vi : r' MUI sentiment Sooth, af; -the commence- and quit - this hope.bss struggle; tire r" .'V • . tb ° !l Ciltl (soyri; GeiJ’Prace-.; P IV*"- h.s't dGi jnent Of|thia most idn fortunate and sooner our davrs of .prosperity' will,: i, u with -pri,dejoi; Spat tard, r'triCa, ; - ' 1 bloody: struggle. ’ Btitr revolution return. f ' . \,,■ .] -J™'™ English,, at .■places made),.K .?■ ,»tiafce op mens thobWits. snidi put \ I shall send| this address to every ! .“k obstinacy-and - r 4„ o _. . 'T“~. i ~■.// « s s. T 'A^tSSSS .ftiffi , tte? to ■ ■witl; it.” As for the non-slaveholders »W!'-0.-otir present. resources ho would j; ~. -,« , ..{ ,- ‘ ■ l ca r |.Hi! returned*. 1 ■ f ~ : ■■"■ ;■ jot tiie S-.nrli. I honestly fthought!' the s.till tail... ■ATI in, success. |„. would he notVft'hsHndin^'lp 0 ' •='' '“The-hpVijc vvillmSi draw an inch.” ! struggle was lor him. inj'ije thaV for a Hu, , ,e whole thing Dj £urv of IhS.K ' ‘d did ho ted ti.ee he wdu|d draw^ . y. Tha.i, ,-i»>! froo tui»ib.iM;£ to prices. Soldiers :iiso ‘• ■ v < -L*• r r .’\- ■ friend/’sai-1 t!;*• -Orul’.-er ‘'l /iuiv; i*o-. the negro,would reduce to coni[iarai-, leaving, disgusted and 1; ’ t’uu'se livauenl ! l>e pieced'•i.s,.a live slavery the poor, while mh. I and many have gone to -heir h W JSiSf Idin drhwAud S o •!, hut he , now egret, that •instead .of war to the national galaxy Maryland -and ■ ( of • i£ o j- 0 ' ' U ,J Rars were \ noVncmy pounccjd upon t,hem. \£J ■ u • t it. Tids wKIU-learlr he the ‘ iiext the Unto.., behind a wal- of bayonets t 'I"". ' l * o .' V ?. l fe Cal | struggle.” - -H * in the hands ot hdmvi, sttmly' sons. l' T , .. . V . , ■ 1 vr- • a 4 . #t V. - niaui body ui the army tliut iliov C I 1 ;!"! o! that whether it is s'**»"” w ! '>« roinforcejj U.ough the ind !' a , ' u 1,10 'ustitution or hot; negro as MassaclfhscUs• ■ Itnines- — d U) - ,t ;lvJ Vitil ; slavery‘has a-cmplished its-mission” see hok-nvon, • f ,^ rim , Avlu , r 0 T . VVt) ,: o - clook ir hcro; A . great mission it had; A «n<|er thegdidance of her great p.h; : aUernoini Vtir .;4-k espjanu j,newjiind fertile ,-.M,nr.y had been idis. dor her old and :w,» ,na.ie I rh,V - rvinlVccn | covered, and must : be made »o wtlej • anehoieti tho Iciue-s were not sen- to' tlie'ir rescuo, no I Phc; necessities of mankind tal e the riiys ot l.ght from the. a .. e W c infhr.ndd’how .these iWo i •j ° r -fpeedy development; 'Nliicro State, ilaslyng out in tally hrfedos. cametMle thus exposer | slavery was the instrumental effect f ' -om across the. Iron . led ; vili , . llln;)St t - lL . ir an llhis, Ut alone could open au[ the/Gr- 'Vavea,«shoivghat she stirs, if mot h'st, are -ood jlil- apd miasmatic *egio.Ss of'the but is rojo.n her eiedt reasuns tfb.} nieso .JtmnVe I solving, the prohteni at tfioir s.?'* of ■ t^ Be . J 01 :* eun, slangcs.'v am) t that General nullify, which, no’ theorist could have ou !; h a S?!. n *, TllL, h «nh crippled v .-j|i upon inv.estilmtion he satii . r.: a ;*r,« # l;- it was the magician which yn«cs-W.lh devasta ed -tiel.ls-with [tl| h j- IWQ i .suddenly revolu, ionised‘the com.nhrce * r w,ate V! ,^“ Wr . , I U ! * J, ? t V ear . t ‘;" ed so ’'ioP the ordinary even.nalities of I pot tins worhl by."the solution of this «"'• worse tlidp all. «ith weak | wlli ,, h no i-j^ihn.-rlj eiu. . Iprohjen,. ft peopled and made. Opu-! ooV.M.pt U.tr hope ,s left I„„ . at . livi . tyro! Jj | leiiHhe,barrel. I.iiis of ;N.lw England, i lo renaming Males, b.u rs ; j ■and i threw . its j»o-.Vciliil influeneo I P‘ 11,1 I®, I opp’' ‘ ' I . MI V ll V"" jaad more desrjnrytlive to and ma -1 across the'great North west.'Miami'i tn Vl; ,rn Arkiiiuas - 'N-mc : Better. | t.-otho home while they are. j- ; , tl , ov aTI , pVeventedJ'tlJe ■it eaugntKnd roi . 1 northward the: |, ' U ; Open the way,tor ue W eo sufiers,to be l , wealth and population of the Oid 11,11 * * 1,1 ’ji ,|( !*’ ,- 11 ’ Ipijsed and poiin ■■ l-upon so sudde’i , World •- and held in tl.elr place, the; •‘ r -! 1 ~r;,k2; l ~nk* ''Vf ideserves : me Wv.fresl pniiishn.eiil I-Cstlyss adventures ot Now-England.! ”“* “The peop.o must act t-J i-p iie Army of Geii. Bragg hks ia’i of-, turned i|ie,n along rhd. gr.ai prai-: Ju . t, "V" 1 " n T: ,n " ncl “J" 1 ■■ buffered gia ally d|-dm i s^rprlseJ lies and vaHeys lof the (West. Tuns' ;! ';e K»r ; | w!l j uh ", poairiou ■l - rea-h..l| i't 'lirnax. and ;3^' r • V s.uler.ngs m<.ve,^ ;linJti ~y tll e J,iei«y, a,‘l tine wlf jllie North wcsi wa, ov >rg rowu of its y e,n .sjeaml, may muef. jage. While the Souflr wiii. Us negro v'l; 11 , ‘ a ! l I a li-antagengained by the balt^ j lii.liorers was spa.-seiy' settled, Ui : .l .hearts of flint v b coiupuhUively poor , Thus slavery " ,,! ' {o tt dollar or can wear , an I.!-;-- 1- i hud ijone liU utmost'for N.w E.giT.v e i^; let ' e tr *vr , are ~ .5 .it- 1 -■ ! Uni] the Northwest, and was a w-i'-du bnmlly. rvito a gr.e stricken m,l | upon, the suuit. It. at this point”iu I carl, I implore mother^ | disappearaWce eoiild have .-learl v ci.m'. j mUu r . s - Wi . ve f J »“« h ler t '? menc-cd, untold Miff.-ring |hy all their irta in saving tue.r loved sorrow might have been avoided! I". orcs fronl l , Ul * terrible se.mrge ere M>lts existence had boco.no in com- | r " in o*‘Ttukj» y>u undthem m.vu-ive Lpatihlo with the eScister.ee of the Gov- abi >’ ? Wuil l ° " U! - ernmeiit. For, wl.de it had stood as dauntedl.by ilo peril, uinl swerved by. u'wall, aaming up the eiirront iind ao ; pon»i*Jerationt of soli, I slmll give holdihg back the peopjo anld daborei-s you jny- teubjp ara, - of the. North, it Bad, by thus preclud- lo t11,,5(! vy,ho differed from me yn ing free intercourse the see- fhe coni.neneemont of this rebellion tioim,! produced a marked change 1 in —the extent and bloodiness of-which their, mannerslcijstoms and sentiments. n ,° mortal, could toresoo I niust say, Arid fhe two .'[sections were growing that deyeUiiHOi'i.'s show- ihat you more an,d more-divergent-every day’. w cra right and l wrong. rsutlet .pv- Thia waif or the Government,! oie K &ne9 bti t fo rgoUon, and let us all must give way. The shock *hafc.v t ;r. thy..p^Uf>>. 10., We fought lor ntero slavei-v.' editorial: ' t 1 • ? , |’? tt s eX l°;V V"* *v.uimeiiis oi v have lost. We.'niav have to tfoT U,,- ■. . f \ ihe "f »J "W !* tt fg-K c . ri - A s trii«ng. .bout it. The , inconvenience will( " f i**. .iyfeiHtngditfs just been great for, a wliilUl The Ijssheavv ,e ' lera *° v t!l,os have • been iso . nineh ; exhibled hi some prsthe-lowit ’ regi >i«, however;ln already' well r,>.?h bppn; the jpriWiw an{j'f«m»l-‘'dowiiin Abtara^'iSeirTaule;-- lomplished. ..Vet behind this da?;k n arnis - an,J N<: miich;| lhe?o«aoL>n»tid, canfihlatbJar (rover- v itfd i* a silver lininoy If not for ns m*t* *1 v ‘ n " ''’hat has been a.fteom-jjJi.oj'Mif fowa.who had been iilyar Demo- . . least for onr cloidreh. “fn tli'o fV!.*" e< *- ,! | at tho y havej lost sight of, nrat and edmmahding ( .:i!i t.ipg army,! dice of these bondsmen will come am i ° ra<>t t,,at mor ? s »rrcnderi -hjive ; got htit 18. WnW i-iit or G4l) V-t wo ■ mouse influx" of people-from nil J ,°P n !na ' e by their armies tl an by regrmtjnts. one it Cem.i.eeatie rviiwti,. parts>if the world, brtn.dn<>- with ' * l, ‘;. ar ". ,lc ' of ariv,°ther nation. I What : In (Irihown Wirnym ho got-btlt . ; them theii; Wealth, arts atidTiinproveU riatl , < * , V' > t |J r< ‘ <; y<*a«* Af war evtfr lo'.y- ’ votek Bin. this istoiily( one of jinat.yK, inentsy anmlynding the}? talents and *7°'V ’m-. r I imps in sem-m ; similar install cos. Wherever the troops \. sinews Jb increase oiir ag.Te<'at;e ! ‘ • • • r ® I” -1 '" ‘-'h’Veh ( ot.f.di. j voted, t S.t*■ result win 'thq, with,.' X ; wealth.’ mK !••■••" °, |;; surrender; shyx. (his. war lwgaiCb.iK regn.fd.fp'. pnjtioo.<»i»arty..- attach.- i Tin i/t WiHriidc'oiiil coirimon desti -i ».*.*/" at .- RaHavsis. atsmewusj >;ISo, (iirty Iliad Wifi 1 i.ot.'gh ' |T,y will.lifM its ing-iiber.Muchh erv rlv^'- 1 •'n*'V ,: - at - AjttPorf;-for •’heir county in‘its Itimmof gr.^tf. j(" the hilts of Arkunsadu vl-ill revep- ; m "“'e,': 1 - Island. Pi.il- j nst. ha.-d, vcii&p its irt*HjfiJif,, is.t.ijri- imr, 1 berate lOrilieniusle of (nWliiherv ii/ iv at -Ayka'isas- at; miheat daiigei’, will lie siislahiJ.l ;bv 1 . iNniv Engliind, and ibc whir>.f, Gcor- ' L ! C ' lt ’ l ‘ ,r ,V \P rtrt ff«ds-»n.; af I,'iwi i the p,a Hotje mor. imiiiE 1 death |ibr. it ; j gi:i spMi'lles : njs.n the slopes oF the liir oft Pimfll. h L- fc "i an : af punisb.inf-nf in i r ) ---—rr— «> I~ - , : •/ i, ; . Protective '.tariffs,•_if need.t.l, wU'ii *" ls ' ,,n n hst rh, .lisasters. Inn on tbo.j llopkms, iof Ternrent '-'I Hlrcloh in tb.-ir ’ Infliichfce ft-on( tl» ! ©' s^? o,rrtr >' has in some, rri-1 i|, e ;pi i-sinverv- ndvobaiie and |reb.d 1 (lakes to the gulf nod irom ocean hi bflhiwed swiftly iinV.ii 'heysvinpathizii.g pi.-ime '"in .the Nio. i;h ' kHiean bearing alike, at last, - l * r lr i V u ' , '! sl '”’j- °(l th is waif ,r a tnratiy art nigh apjm,rs to. be* In-Id npen Arknnsianand Vorriiiiiitcr. ,isnl' ' •"!"'? '•K?l I^"r tV n. ihe .)], h!£li Mitnathi.r in l|ie SonMii -The Ijipon, (Jy.iegian niid Californian.. Dif } .-Jif! iU !. v war, jj,;-- iehrnonrt Oispat'di, of the. 31sj 'n't,,; ' j ferenees of section' and local senliL ' W ’C.TV "' r, Hsui(renders (hull'; One of -the reiy worst irehel sfirteis nmniwiil wear,awat and lie forgot’- i !'•' P' , . a ' iv . pthep'.tin printed ! thus refers to the 5 Bishop's ■ ten,.and the next generuiioii bg morli. ’V’ ?” Ir "’" Hi®! ! efforts .ih bidialf of rsbdll.oh : , ’file homegenous and : United' than i any " yr,% j ,1,1r, i ; mank iJnd noble rej.lv bfi tliis r owi. since the days of die Revoln^.h.-i-^■■'■T^ 0r i noa r ! ;,ils I 0 Mb' i’af-pv!e pnldite to the and dah- And. t.be dosvenldants i.f these I tiinek ! a u "' lu fp Ssf, if-siege.. If onV hi'tiealj hitler of .Bishop rPoifer..' Peiir'.'.,, will read wit!, us miifdi pride and- as - e - ';' a,irt OL jinJci^tantls.why' Euro- vaplia. is vvorlhv the jKoveriiil ii). : ’ little jealousy, of those battles ,ifrbydiniJtr tln l Chrisli.ii, spintd of the " their fathers,an the Englisi) and Seoteii 'V :ll,,!l!1 - ll . v -: RW' a l * they idav lind s gr(hil ; c.,t! .inteliebiy ~'f tin- Nofthera defendants of the hemes 'of Floddetl , • !‘“- !!! “ ! . “'.K 0 f! ' u t 1 -he flag : .Ckuma ' AVho-> Aoi e;-, has' field, read ol their .aheestral 'achievei •" ■•'' '• f‘ i l‘° aaie.hg.the ■ yhaniedl the', aye I , s hop : iof 7er |montS in the glowing dines of Seotg i thongh , oftep ; hi'eo| so ; j the steriri. All /■onor'to thi> L.|t;iis live iirhvpa, i^ n n )la '-'‘'Ury, .made; an ■' '\ ' \ * distant, Wheti Arkansas will rise frbrii : W '.' !lhor i n » , stL 'am.ir_nidy not- 1 ’ ■!, '[-■— the ashes of he l r desolation, to .start! ! r"’« nc in thc CdNctßrss on a path .of Iglor}', (than, vy.jth negro] ‘ AVe d^n’i^,lltf 1 The bliiokfg named pffibersWeV^ BEE tOT" A bi slan; deretl wi 0 tbe cou/u f’orj wiih trffo windd. ~<»n go n>v.. ■ nliop andjworkiout a better cbuiacter'in Riz moiiths-tbau I can get io * court in a whoje y;«*r.” ; • I' I . !•-' i " ' ii ,v - JLAV liEl MIMI Eli HIM -• I -* **—l-i TGstabligslied 1818^ : . | A Ffau-jbX'l r read luk tragedy jwe have-" road, fn#nj months, is tilrat perpetrated I>jaac Wiler; ;i v-.vbiilt.-liy .'fannci k-iinton to w u-dnp, W.iviio county, on tlie'2oih nit. lie aniicke'd too'. 11 ijyi*t-■ wuile hue was' ase j shot lior through j'tho breast wit | gun, and nnwgl -ilji tier feat fuHy v | alarge hatcher knife. Sr.ppovmg i wife to bo tieadMid puHnejj his soi I kill diiin, after which he told -hisli daughter, he, wogld dispatch - hei The'son escaped by jumping, out Si second story w.i hl l o w-s -a lar m e d neighbors ut.d’ 1 brought them to rescue, in time to *.■ Wio jvcnt •into ati am !ir>i hont'l roorn'tb'o oibnr day. and saw (ns - shu , the I supposed) her liiisbaini very familiar it ion | ly *iuing'b«!sjJe| our ' P ! n lyi, border.-* lu,Mile lo.Xlje'GdvM-irtie|iit' of : t ~ the United States, and itlifere is.(ivory leiv '"dicalion 'that tilt) iorinjp if '|,‘ v hostility has set* led down into quiet w# ‘n aoqileseenee in the snpreir.a'.y of|t iiat' itch Government, anil l6 ( |, 0 j- have the jj.'iict) 6T t!ic ST Vito funbiir ’ (e of disturbed by the rebel OrgabizVuioDy ••••I [ :j@f“Who i* he ?” a most-i to a-|>rtli«.w}mjin, \yhor wasemlcaeoniig ‘ f tor to nai'Q ifij iiit<.xi(;;Vted iiiflivi;i;ia|v.iio-* |! by iiiitl ’ f;Vllt‘n ii.ito the goiter. •■•Can’t ‘ i'.Qf-. «ayi, /W’ trtniKfd 'tiio"[.-»lieeiimfl|' I : ie ]Ol, teul't; give aeoveml. of hiinsel/ ”-7- ■ vi.ivj' ‘•Ojj - cots; I .*'* ndt/' send..'«ho” o“ii«r/'|w jthi ' .’ojx, ■ee ,exjir,e'>.ei)i'! of in'lifii t-tftjw. c|i ‘ft yyiy expect 41 r. uccoarlt*-frdm. .i iTiih.; niau who hr.--!a-Ujijs:twianee.”: ■1 ■ . * the,:. ' .() to ; ? Grpnjvvidl first cdinejfhis' Itfe ;,moi cy, ah oid.ciivalier, looking Ipon i-.—‘Spi.e ;,of/11.0 new nieces, read this ..in’-' ot (itriptioii on one side: “God wilhliis;’’ |tii6 and on the -other:. “ The, Common- ;■ wealth of England. ’’ “1 see,” |(jaid, jifii.; he,.“God itnd the Common weaKlf are up- on sides.” ; -,j | fer .■ ■ L- i, . Cs?'Dcsei-uonB from Ihcirobei nrnhf; i.,” 1 1 are now more numerous than at khyi* i time since the expuWonh of ■ <3r * "from Middle Tennessee. 'I ho dehior- ■; j ahza Mon of the rebels.increases daily’... , jOn the other-hand Gen. Grant’s trlopsj , j ino-’are all in splendid spirits, re-enjist en- ] ments in veteran corps are more? aa. >! ?ep -nierous taian was expected, and good hoi anthority says that notloss thanfour# sc- fiiftim of the /entire force will «fiM* - J ‘ ; the army forth* n*w term ,| T'- : i • •’■ .1 ■' . '. ’ i '• ■ ■ . 1 ' • ? . ■ ■fjiv I; ►Tice To advertisers. *'W Ni • ; : Adfuitlii null* inserted at tbe rate* of 75 bents per square—each sulpstium.-nt in&emoa 25 oentr. A liberal discount roadc to yearly •Urertiserav tod onio&g fi A •!>«* **l°*!.to rtr*r.v»,tineaof;) bi s (yJt measurodas » square. ;V‘ j&~*"' ■ PpeoSjU poifci & per cent,:: edition to rVg ular rate*. ; c -. ! cards, 75 conls-la line, per. year.. Marriages aid ijeaUTgrit’cligiOC;,''Toiiiicai \other Koticos of a public nature, fre>; vl- . '• ‘ ‘ • !.. ‘ l.' " : * • T I;.. ■5. < '4 ~;~,. _~; .V 1