The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 11, 1863, Image 4
~~ GM: .' MAYORS .OIfTHE Great Cities.:; ‘Vim, tk» tmdftztiCDa* |i*yor*,>««by 1 , .that tlialJruaylita, ; . Fay sioiaat of oar •ovorslolties hsre b‘dswment ef aa«iriMi& to «• ATSKS S&BSAPABZLIA h*» boon fcand to b« «. mood? of *re*t «e*U*noe. ■?* wc ?* l l® r ; tbs otoU>4too> of tiy.cojinyinT'ity. 2;/ . BOH. JAMBS COOK, Hayar of IiOWBLL, HASS. BOH. iLBUT BgABP. _ _ ' Mayor of HABHOA, H. SL BOH. B. V. /X May* Hi a. BOH. . T OHH ABBbTT, / *■' ■' " Kijror cf pOVOOavi boh. a. h. bttlloqk, Mayor of WpBpBBSSTBB» BOH. HATITI. SEteBEE, Mayor of3AI.ES:, HASS. BOH. P. W./IJNOOIIH, Jr., I of BOSTOH, HASS. BOH." vnc.' M. fiODMAH, Mayor of PBOVTDHBTOH, B. Z. AMOS vr. PRKNTIOE, V 7 Mayor of JTOBWIOH, OOHH. /BOH. J. H. HAEMS. ■ - Mayor of KBW XOHDOIT. COirar. i BOH. CBAS. 8. BODIEB, j . Hay or of .MONTBEAIi. ft H. i HON. D. P. TTEMANN, . I * I |£*yor of NEW TOBJC CITY. I HON. H. U. KOTSTBEY, _ .... ~ Mayor of HAMILTON, 0. W. EOS’. ADAM WILSON, - ; ; Mayor ofTOBONTO, O. Wf HON. B- M. BISHOP, : Kay or of CINCINNATI, OHIO. BON. I. H. CRAWPOBD, b' jbyor .of LOUIsV 1 liTiE, ST* i lioN. JOHN SLOAN, ' i { 1 Mayor of'LYONB, lOWA. ; HON., JAMES. MoPEETERS, wtyflF nf BO iffMAji V j iiLS, O. W. ; EON. JAMES W. NORTH, . I Mayor, of AUGUSTA, MS. SON. HENRY cooper! Jr., i ' ’Wfayns nf TTAT.T.OW-ElUi. ME. : ~ " BON. JAIfcES 8. BEEK, | >KE UK- H! Rii'S ,S , BEr.IR,UIfI!*IS - G()(l ! - ’• Mayor of HUEDEBICTON, N. B. ■ b;v depths .that .they ar- is, ilia: tbet VtTTTT aT>T4 WVT? ; A.;. J best patrnna arc those who HON.* WILLARD NYB, _■ < . !n tv . (L '-vi longest, r>r. Wm. }t. Uuiil\i Mayor of NEW BEDTOaE, MASS. tl n::ioiu Dentist of Brootljrp, T;camrer of eon' J BLAISDELL. . !tto Nc\v Ybrl; Stale Den-:?ts A«s..oialion.!nmi ; " Mayor of PALL BIVEB, MASS. .Ucr.e preparations bare Ve>. tke<! in his prir * J . v : . ' ;i»i* if’*' £or ye;trj», reaui'njf ritize/i W. H. CRAHSTOTT.t JVnokhrn or WillianVburg Sqncf-tion* their of'NSWPOBT. B. I» - while cniinom of New V e j . •,rvcorrmieml them j»j* the K;\s hnonli to I.wOrT* STAHL, 'V; the Whhout the .-iVi of :»*lycrt jllayor of QAliBS'At-Hilh i,v.ler< irir»-th*e gross* - 1 . ...t —*rNT3*«r ' l . J f\. •» Ivi» r - r/ • :>«• Br.o'‘!:!>w Jt-.nhr Ti-v** EON. JOEW TOWA. '-•fry M.kmnv that -Jiir lrion.l, iii%: Mayjjr of DUBUft r tiiini.' is sn : --ceding bcroml all-.exnectatlima! nnw mOIAS CBUTCHPIBLD, . A.h bU MOiTI!-V,-ASH auajTOuill l*oW^ * Sliyoi of OIXATTANOOQA, TENS. ii,c &<*'■ '"-r'''.'! 1 b “ -f-’Tf vc '; ; * . U>|U si , . ■ , with i.V.lacl ill-'.! «n-,<■<nff j.rrrifely ir/atf EON HOBERT BLAIR, y'yrr r-.r. rru'vl jo I--, ai wc-tyn letllfy from *' " ■ Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, Ali A- /-~7 >i- .’ ' ' ; f ' ? • , The well • known P. T. Uarnma. writes: “1 HON. E.,D. BATTGH, -- ■ r-.uU'i/'.TOnTi! TO'litKlt sog-'ssi that my i■; L J Mayor, of MEMPHIS, TENIi. ■I;:1 y i;v i- I nil 'lj I . liV jlii'i [’ 'hr btff e-rointi Bmatii' ■ .’r ! fa the rt'M (k'-’i .-I shall : G3 E A oSJeam' M.'' f*’- oh\\oyi\. if .you iviir sen-l me Jt.noil. 'r sup • Maypy OKTiEANB, »rt he Museum at your convenience, nilli H. D. SCRANTON, . •’ ~r I Mayor of BOCE2 3TJEB, H. T. i-,-n their cost is so scmU tbatevovy onemny . a ‘ - i']:p nintter t*"r liini.eir, C. GROVE, _ are nf ihconliuiiH* Ttioi !i I'n-.-lurs. Mayor of UWCA N. T* ilui-il s T.H.ih Ti-ihlp;- .•..’at tin? a - ai iii.s HOTtrGEO. wilson,-’ r" r n 3 k:lU ; nw ! ri,w " • DTfliirßun pfl pi j • iviruiz il.t! on&me.. its? no o«l»cr. Mayor of PITTBBUBO. PA. u;i: „ la;! , s ,ij EMEI >, ES IXOlv HOJS HO3T. HOnI Q ( H« BUHL| .“j *■* j *‘ .‘'r- Iffayor of. DBTBOIT, lOCS. — :*r. !TurJ‘«* Mmvth Wa-h *n*l Tontb Fowler , ’ - ! - , : *; 4t'. .o 3 l.nliesi llisis" heman l. page, . wed breath aiulpeiiMy tooth. Try ’ Mayor of HILWAUKIE, WD, 1:,-Vi.',. >. *'■ j _ ttittpitiit ’ 1- ' in-. llurdVMouilt Wa-dt and T.w:h Vo’.vder *T‘ S™ vna. -Ui rid. S! the .mouth IV.,uill foul-e*!ial= - “ay®* ofWIQ. ~w j;d mor „-„,g. wm make' A/PAH&; • * . • tj.e swot tor :iiul the «riy bepn Mayor’of KENOSHA, WIS, .•* plksanjiyv/ Ilmnhvas *of wm •? : ttj tins: Trviliom.iroiiiu i.ion.' JOHN C. HAINES, l>r. Hurti Wash u:;d Ti-oili Powder , Mayor of CHICAGO* ILlfc ::ro t*, ( . tyc preparations in iho vvttrUT tor - t A Tnaa»PlT : ourini had *Mentb -uinl and *• "7 a«rr «r A iri health to.tha igamsA Hundreds of cases ol •; Hay» of SELMA, At*. G m;, }h„:h. .LWI -rr. A. Ji NOBLE, ‘ ■ .ir,, )>«tt p jK« cuml bv fcr. lldnl's Jj.-tring vAnn of MONTQQMEBY. ALA, nm wash. : \ f ! ■ ■ : . . - , iJr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Powuo> W. 8. HOLYBAD, . give hiv additional charm, to courtship, and ■ ■ Mayor of COLUMBUS, QA* niake husbands m»ro*agreeable to their wives ESPABTEBO JIANUEL, an.l wives to | They . ■ w , iipp, i 11111 w nytil l.y every person hav.iit,; H*yor of VEKA. OBDH. AUTI FI CIA !. TRE^TU,' PIETBB DE CABALLO, whi oh arc liable to iuipai I a taint !»jLhe mouth Mayor of MEXICO* Hr..Hurd Toothache'Droop* cure. Tooth-. '!. •; ’■..■■nDn iclie arising vfr'*m exposed nerves, and are.the: DON ESmJHAHIE EODRIGU JSBS i, o ,|'f r iond;s i!‘. 0 parents i lie house Mayor of HAVANA* i ( , savc their ibl'uirm from lonlir'c and them* DOB ANTONIO . •‘ c } rcs fruplo! f\«ep'«n'»j:V»>l--“ke‘»c suf, j IUM A, PIIBO. . Farmers ttmlineclianlcs! .yoacannpfwellars e 3JO2T M. G . •MTT.ATTfItfO, for*l to neglect your teeth. Fora trifling slime ir'.—w of ATRT> r nrrtT.l. v,,m enn * now get. Tireservntives.' than-whicb j uKifTi itothschililo-.- A-'or can get nothing better. DOW MABO SESQUXPSDAXiIA, Kcmetnbcf tl at ib/7 *p*Ut and fc pj V Mayor of HIO VANBIBO, B&AZZZi' ,fa f famy* oOcn oHpaete in neglect of i’c.plb. ?. •> L\ ' • - * - ■ .’Sonj for the Tr&titi on Teeth*, and read ,h>r. Oertiflr that tho Drn«isU .«*• pitch’s obserrntjons oh this subject,. If too ' M«ored them . Tate to arrert decay in youf .own ttctlj, save : Ayer’s SBTS&parill& ? . iitmi-s '. • e/' * ! . t.** ; . gia Non-Adhesive Plastersfare the most le.saexcellent remedy* end worthy Uxo coar aTui >u«-ce.vsful remedies ever presrri fldenoe of the \ c d for this painful disease. The patient rp- VM-ftnriii* ni l . & . C | a : plici one, soon bfcomes drowsy, faE§ asleep, tMeßlooi • . j knd avakes free from pain, and or |*^ r * • other unpleasant or injuriouscons-equcnces'en -!r KtoK’e !*• -sue. Kuruthc and Xsrr'rtu Jffiuiarhr, ap | Par ITleere,«n4 Seres# • [ply according*'to directions; an«l relief will - Kruptloxia laid Pimples* ’ * surely Kothing enn be obtained equal J Fdr Blotehea. Main., aad ‘to Dr. Hurds Comptew forf Neuralgia. Try . . ■*- _ them: Thev.'arc entirely h nov'ei. cur:ous and rFor St. Afcthony i , ;i * !i iginal preparation, and wonderfnllv success „ For Tetter or talt KliiMl. ' [elp#Uft« ful. They art of two small, for the , l?or icald H«1 aad Blagafont V face, price 15 cents, and the other large, for ■ For Cascrr and Caaemu lam. / application to the body, price 37 cents. WHI For siire fe.r*», loH'b*. •»« ■•*«. amtiJ'oh mt V t *f ptio- <mS onr ,Mm;r. rot vtp. T 7 !?*. - / - < HV/.ir Jiff W/f PXOJ’LE DOIXGt ■ r rf“ .The American people are mteUigcrfl enough Jo .For Snppre**io» ana Xrregwatlty* appyeciateprephratjonsthatcomributesomuch ; |Por Sr ( phuu or Venereal DIMM. •Jto !• ippihess <>f using them; .and. they ' PnvXiycr Canapl&tata. ’ | went' lluin . Every mail brihgs ns letters, acme iFer OiUasee eT Ut» Heart. i ordering tV -Treatise on Teeth, some the Sen- V . ‘ ralgig riasi.-i s. and not a few enclosing 37 eta. . , for the Mpn'ii Wash, to be sent by mail; but The Mayan of Qtschief etUra of tfee tfnl- to these we ore compelled to reply that it is led States, Canadas, and British' "-»• ■■■‘.siM'4 to send » half-pint by mafl; m.iu, Faro, Brazil. Mexico,' and u. fact al* 1 Ve pedply want these Kcmedk s. j If Ao iriH most-ill tie cities on thia : oontinent, her* , i'pi>lg tMinf '\ . ■ \ ■ n ;:.ed tlii* dctftunent^ to assure their people Now isjhe ! CHANCE P'.-R AGENTS.' ernSdence. BiA our spaoe will only admit shrewd Agents can make * small, fortune in lK>rtioa of them. carrying Uicse articles around to famiSies. Th» , Dent al is'the neatest art icle that i V’C'Tf’S Saxiaparilla, , man ..r woman can carry around. Send fot rn -Da/ ' ■ ilne see., or. belter, a dozen, which wi t Cherry Pectoral, wlll'sell,' as'satnpleA for-57. ! Agents supplied Ayer’s Fills, and in.ervllyxWilh circulars. *® - Now isj the linie h . Avaplg AffliS Cnre to to go into the business, todogood. and make, xkyOl o"B • aprofit.-Weare spending thousands for the ratrAßao bt ,;T)enefil of agents. New England men or tvo- Dr. J . C. A, er * Cab, j men-!, here Is something nice, and n chance to ae I take the tide at its flood. Address. 1 ,W. LOWELL, i WM.B. HURD* CO., • hi-Or»KUtsCTCTT where. . h Ttflmne-l!dii.’lingB..'JM.wiXorJt- V' , - i-icuat J]; V. • That remittances n.ay be made wiih confl ux ' *T pi> 7 C‘-iJ I; A fn7.A. --v *_ ' .Irnce, W. B. H. & Co., refer to the Mayor of :! \ ' trjfk the fizst.. dav of F.-ooklynGriffith.Trident Farm ti": . 1 re’and Ciriyena.Bank, Brooklyn; Coe, ;.\r f ■ .«a»«M.''‘ttS!RCBR;• B*»cipa*'. | ; ’n:.'»Nd* W?lt;> J. I. Barmum,ST«,., New ■ j r'ol k,«t*,.«*fc - ' -■ 1 hon. EON. HON. HON. HON, HON, HON. DON DON =BM EMI ■ ■•iv: r r ? t / -* -~ t (CONTI NTS* ■Dr. IldnC* Celebrated HOSTS HASH,: « tie'. hottU. I ; : i Dr. Hurt f* equalled' TOOTH POOEJR,D one box. . . F| 2T* H. YASB, Dr; Hurtle Jfagie TOOTHACHE DROPS, one boitb. - ~ 1 * : {'• Dr. Hurd's. UNRIVALED JVt EUfiALGiA PLASTEiL *• ,i ‘\Dr:Hvrk* HAS&A&t* #4 vMetl Strata qf [‘reserving the Teeth, hteluilmg Direction* ■for the Proper Treatment of Children’ » Teeth. FLOSS'SILK for Cleaning beticeen the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. 1 Prepared-hf Dr.. Hurd’s Denial Office, 7T i .Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.) I j Price, OXEDOLLAR ; or SIX$o. \ . Dental Treasury makes a .package j eight'inches by five, and is sent by express. , i gggp* pull three/ l on* for use is on each article . ] The following art i ties we can send separate ly, by mail, viz: ’ |. The Treatise on Preferring theTeelh sent, post paid, on receipt of Twelve ckets, or four stamps. ‘ ■ 1 j•. i, ■ ■ ; The Scumlgiu Plaster, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent post paid, on receipt of Eighteen ; Cent*, or si' stamps. I ' ' ■>'- ■ . The Xettralgia and Rhevmalie Plasfet {Urge size,) for Pains in th 6 Chest, Shoulders, Back, or !iny part af the body, sent post paid, onrCs eeipt of Thirty-serin emit, j .1 I ■ Address,’ -j 1 j 1 . r.y, b. \iiubd, co : , • Tribune Builfiingi'i Xeic York , I>r. n<iriTt MO VTU il'.l.SV/. TOOTH POW* PER and TOOTHACHE .VROPS cannot be seul by mail, but: they can probably be ob tained ut year l)nig-.or Periodical "Stores. If. liter i- uinot. - send us for lite ItKNTAL TI’.EASUUV, Price, Oxb DullAe, which con-- ;.dri* Hi-t'm. > J j; - ‘ i : i ISTO'TO. i 'lp ISE BEM GEEMAHTOWIT TELEGRAPH. A Family and «an Agricul!ural Journal, •t . t ’ ■ • V 11 J * 4 DEVOTED TO ; ; tIHOICB LITBRATURE, | j INCLUDING , 1j ■ AND MeriAL AND ENTUERTAIIL /[, ING REAWNG GENERALLY- *i ■- | , • - y •** 1 - T? t f'ti • - i : In the I.iteritjr Department 'we shall pre sent: the choicest rarieVics: wljUin llie reach of I Our exiei' led means. The Sofe-lettes, Talc-. ■ Pociryi JvC.-.isUU 1,0 «PP*M iVem -the and highest tuhrees. i.h'Jhe ei t iml !•> inythire u> beJysp "i/T Agriculture i and Horticulture,, Farming, Gardening, R'uittftaising, Ac. Ss» : "• ' . ’ fm all thtir branchf*, ai eomlilrteil nn the latent and Tiiott approved pystevi. ’ 'Oar labors in this for oyer thir ty yearSj havo met lbe approbation ->i the public. Out purpose has been to furnish useful and reliable mfcrmation upon these very important .branches of industry, arid to protect them-so far as within our P‘\wer against the false doctrine* and selfish, purpos es of the many empires and sensatioii-julven tprcrs by which the Farmer is 'ihefessiitilly as sailed. iThis portion of the Germam-eti &■!>■• grujth will alone be worth the. whole price of subscription, as every'Farmer ami-Gardener, who has a proper conception of .his culling, will Hadilyadmitl NEWS DEPARTMENT. | The shine 'industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering andpreparing the. Stirring brents of thS Day, expressly for this paper, which hitherto has one-of its marked features and given S ' universal satisfaction, will-be 'continued wdthifredoublcd efforts to; meet the increasing demands the public. • The labor required in ihijt .depaftinent; is never fully ap preciated by the. reader. 'lt would be tm possib’r .o present, the TOndensed and care fu’‘ .oiide-up form 'in which it appears, a r ..erected mass-of ctl the most interesting 1 news of the. week, (without involving much physical labor, tact and judgment. i We annex the dath im at,' to Which - we _ beg, leave fo callj at'enlitm of all who think of subscribing for a newspaper: Advance Cash Terms. i One copy, one year. Si ; one copy, three, yetus, SiV.tH); tbreej’copies. one year, $5,00; IKiVe Copies. One Year, $B.OO ; Ten Copies, iOue Ve.Vi-. $16,u0: Twenty Copies, One Year, siB.<H>. Subscription not paid within the year, ' 1 ‘ ' ) l : dub of five subscribers, at $B, will elMiftc ilic-pvrs.Ui g.;Miiig,it up fn it copy for' r‘ixVrV ; .:ith.- : : :i ten i»r iuoiv, »i cony tor'one year. AU Club subscriptions stopped ut the cud the .time paid-for, unless rc-or dereil. ", , ggjjMo order will receive attention unless accomplished with the cash. ‘ j ; jgj >> Spoi'i'nien tiiimbees senli to applicants. ( PHItIP R. PRF AS, ( Editor and Proprietor. f 1 ■■ r:}uinturnl. Hi. 'OH. “VANITY FAIR.” -This is thefirst really clever comiq.' and satirical journal we have had in hnd really clever il is.. It is both iiUarp and good-tempered* it till not afraid to say thaflits s'* ml. Is its own—a luijii shuns I hit it h siiith 1 lur readers will be.glad to Know v. here 1 hey run find native fun that bus Miiiuuiiiuj better in' itllian mere p-tloit.Atlantic I -This paper is osoellent,. . Uemarkitblc ; lor Oil ;d na. 1 1 \ . ' —-V. }'. l\ar, lire. * j -V.t.Miv f.\iß',:i» conducted by ft • witty ami intelligent corps of journalists,"— | lalchfuhl (Conni) Enquirer. i -Will wield as ‘potent an influence as that of | the lainilon I'uneh,"- — Hatton Tninil/r. .. T '-Whosoever finds himself .laughing at t,v I I wtt of V.tMTY Fvie, ami does not return a 1 1 ;i,<. y«o.j is fit for •treason, 'and -poi! j .'"— | X. }'. Crayon, ■, - Ti**'v«.*vy :«!?• •'UiH* s ; i:■ i? i -'sl in; Co.ali; rUCiJ t l»i> ni n tHK i. . /j • i }.i; I' - *, wii* t 1 ■*v' t infvV.i r’;v ;i :t*l '-.t* . iS.o j-mtiil ji-, lU’OM'iud to iu a* ili»i *V.- wiii mo' per, ai»] unammi '-■ ill he i>sued, am! will be found to bejval . u ibi» jreuicdicri. - • . | VANITY. FAIR ? , An;i information as regards then* strength, issrcn kbovlablt’ evkmy ' j uses aiid qualities will be sent to tliosc dem and is for Sale by all Newalncn, andin the J ing it; * y office of Publication, No 1-ld Nas.* :;v.->tve••.», j \ would advise Physician who have been Ncw Yorls*/ * )■ disappointed in the effect of any remedy, to. . ip ' TKRMS:f ■ - _ , Three dollars per nnuum. in n«l\Hi»c»s—Six cents single copv. i TERMS FOH CLUISS; . Two copies of Vanity Fair will hi* sent to <jne address for ........Lv. ..-S'j •«* Fivecopics 12 00 I Ten copies .t; .20 00 I An Extra copy will be allowed to t he getter up oT every Club of not' less than five copies. This paper is Flectrotypcd, 'and numbers may be procured at any lime. UtCIS IT. STEPHEN'S, Publisher.for the Proprietors. 113 N'ausau-sl. > ; Xcw-York. ' WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. WILSOX, MTLROV & 11,' .1 ■ •., - 54 Wood: St:, v . PITTSBURGH, PA, ■ ** 1 QFFER THEIR STOCK FOR THE OP 1863, Ai th* 'Lowest Mahket Peicx. mar. 25.'G0 COSSOKIPfiOS ACT.—The U. S. Con scription Ltiw, or Kational Militia Act pf 1803, ,official and complete, in pamphlet Also, information embracing rhe only honora ble and Taiyfpl way of escaping;,the coming draft: both sent (post-paid), to one address upon receipt of $l,OO by the Agent. H. W. HARPER. - Box 1334, Pi(tspurg, Pa. PP.OF. WO&p’S RESTORATIVE CORDIA and Blowßlenorator, the genuine iarli •le.for. sale al (he Drug Store of aci!2 l DR. C. P. OUMMtNS.' . BARB® Sc* HAE^DRESSkE (Shop '■ iHran qiwtvn iflrMrW Tf W Ai i J : * t . ; E.MBUAUNr» EIDE 5P,n; : ;. t • -> w puhiu ME 1 vl-1, .^Vanit ' '- if Ut; t•;■ 1 *11■ i Vi iti*. V.-v; Ki-.i oi; i; na l< or. AMK» i[ t f `~~~" A- . . • • •• OTOKi-GTOaANBTTKIIATsi. ’••: ‘■■^■rSftiSntauaSoSoft ;Mi ?"ii : : :: \.\.t - 1 bo ■UncliH'lP.'sadtmT'l. >9 jAsnaaa *(«itft,*4V Nervoaa’eiMWJJiroaic' ~ Dlicawi; ’- / !*•- '. ‘-i v EXC^iUgwS®yJoFO«-.4JB4IAI3‘SS •u / cstest, .voji lo vtxh-t eai lo -Jt.'f t I nnil IS institution la now open for g; J care I .‘add trcatmentof ih&ifHfrfitn .l-;of p«tieiit» who artj lsbonng under ■ ■ nlfil, derangement ; nrothcraervous Mill ci,funic disease. make Special mention of ' nervous and* chrmiic'diseases,’' from the fact " that seven ft!ifhB'of : tWfoniu> jip.tlenf« tiittt ; urc >:■. mnlitu-d tooui-publlc AityldmS; <0 be; tmv: :T for di“drJpred‘tninds, : are reduced ‘to v.d.iii’ lamentable dohditionl through' previous' i physical iiiaofdcr. W well timed and jndf'’ f clous Ircj>tmcnl of chronic and nervous "dia- nhysieil'diso|rdcrs, in the majority ' ; of ’cases may b e removed ; "and thus ■ theminn, having niriered through’ ! the iriedinm of tUV ■I body • will when fted IVoni. the : exciting j physical -cause,; throw) [ off the shackles' that ,!■ baa bound it to Wohsc than midnight darkness, I and reason will, once more, resume its sway, ! clothed, in all its primitive hcauty sad'wonted ' excellence. lienee' the necessity of all those, j who are laboring trader] the predisposing "<ir j exciting‘causes; 'calculated in the end to im | pair the- mind to resort - to an early and I judicious course of. remedial agents. | 1 The Institution is a large': brick. building; ai 1 h a stone basement—four stories high and Iv. i-11 ventilated. It is situated on an elevated ' i.-.Uc land which commands a view of entire mwn—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams; alt of which are calculated to pro duce favhrablc impressions upon the disorder ed mind.: ; The Ina-lituticu.Js complete in all of its ap point in<-n-s. Having been tastefully fitted up at gract ioxpense, in, order that it may meet the approbation and vi«w» of themoal fastidi ous. • - -Tim?* ter closets and bathing apparatus have : b(*fen gotten up>unon the infM* approved modern Scientificprinciples. ’ /his <1 x.*j-artmetit embraced nut only the -ordinary but, also, th'-js ireuiciitcd, warm air abd ascending and doj/c.Ar for the more effectual and Hucees*ft:l MOjitincnt of cutaneous and other sci;oluUma diseases. ; - We beg leaye to .say to nil those who nMi} be disposed; to comifail the interests of it dear wife, sister or daughter, to ou.r charge-—may be assured that do means will be spared or efforts Wanting on our part to ameliorate their condition or to, effect a restoration to their ac customed health nhd vigor of mind; • For Vurther [particulars send for a circular. All coiiinmniciitions. should be addressed to. ; r K. KEN'DUiqKf M. D. Supt. of Ncw : Brighton Bct'ieat ; New Brighton • « Bearer. Co..rft. aoYl2’o*2. BEARER DRUG STORE Opened in the Room formerly Oc cupied by the latcDr . Minip. rpHE' .hairing purchased the Es .* Ohli-hmeiit will, endeavor to keep staidly im hand all articles usually found in Drug Sforcs. j i t fieimj a Physician and Druggist, the puhlic Viutv rely on his . keeping the PUREST and BEST, DRUGS. - • , j, . i A variety of other - articles- .will also beilonud | in Lia establishment; | i Ten, Extract of Coffee, Rosin Soap, luvAcy Soaps, Port Monies, ConlLs. ALL ! ARTICLES FOR THE I '. TOILET. SPOOL COTTON. LEAD PENCILS, JSKEDL KS, ST BEL P-HXK. JlAif R ■ 111:i’S, 1 f RS. TOOTH TIROSH KS. TOIIACCHi. SROARS. LET- : i TLR.:iOi)TK‘& FOOLS-, i I i CAP PAPER. . OH 'f-L*mps muj £hrtnhtys\- These uvv :i lew Of the articles, jaml only* ft few aliviys on Iklucl. Call-ami see:' 1 lie tviif'try, ,by* el'-;' uUvntloh nrn\.fair Uv»ing,. to- pvw satisfaction to utl who may lavof Him with their custom. j ; i 1 . C. I'T-CUMMINS. M, D. E*lV-I’m-ticnlar attention 'will he pai«j -lo pu;i‘:ii|r up Physician? presetiptions. [niiq;i27 1 & DRUGGISTS. ‘,; i ■ inform Physicians J. ni ! I -Ki 1 .{u;«I. t.vving loan Utcrtas- »ii'i. '&LS tiov.’^j.iopa;o»l to nmmiiuc- I im- ■.»*» a than heretofore all urn • •- of 1 1: • rtmrmaeopcHji. wilt be of ii •juuUty ns iilispeused ill the i'l'i'iirimenl of iny stove. nndiwill . ? *.•»[,i-rior in strength to most In nmr i zaaranJvb them to be of (he proper —a?nl purity; \ }jr-.i»arations offered are new, but will •iu- oHiciniij* in, the new Pharmacopoeia @EI *'.y \ ■i'i. r::f IMM ‘ r y those manufacture. I ; They iuolude—, Compound; Extract of Colocynth, j ■ Fluid Extracts of Dandelion, Bu-chu, Ergot, Gentian. Eipulin Valerian, \ Wjld Cherry Bark, and others,. ; '< ~i • ! Citrate of Irod and Citrate iff -Iron and Quinine; yciy soluble, Wine of Iron and Winf of Iron and Bark, i.greeable: chalybeate*,. " *■ Syriio the Hypophosphitea, j j Ofntf of the Extract of.Cantharldcs; a moiv reliable preparation than the‘common | ' | OxAlatn of Cerium; useful i° obstinate ; Trn:ilisv>, ' I Klijin- «>r Vaierianate of Ammonia; a valua ble remedy for. 'nervous Or sick headache, fvheie- n iicrrou? stimulant and antacid is in licat■ '• , - i■ ■ jI ■ Point io;; of Bi-mccnnaie of Morphia: same trcngth as laudanum and more agrees Bit in Bs eHcot«. I tPyio piunphslc of Iron: soluble. 1 Tue*4, together,with all rare and fine chemi cals and other medicinal articles, furnished in my (juantitioa. I am prepared to make chemical examina lions'of Ore*. Drugs, Oils. Waters. ,\'c. ■■ GEO. W. WE7MAN, Cor. 3d & Smilhfield ala., Pittsburgh, Pa. . lAMBROTTPESII ■r ■ : Good, sdbstahtial, LiFB-£ik*[Pip- TOREB can now be had at the ■' ' l , CjOURT-HOUSE, ik BEAVER, \ These pictures are not there da«bs, but war rant (pi SUPERIOR to any that hareever been ’made in Bearer county, bj any other artist. To call and examine specimens. i’l-^ilj*fnnin v bnt a few weeks. 1 Bt*,. Oatlery in the same reom occupied by meiiirtST. C. A. GRIFFIN. Aor9 j . ■ Photographic Artist. IS hereby given that I hare appointed ,a!s Surgeon by,the Pension, department, to j examine grounded, and, invalid SoldiOT»,, di»- | cßaVgei.frblji tlw agfrice; that 'iny, aoithprityi | tec any. and-that l am now fbody to enter upon the 1 ‘ v ••KW-ifC . >■—iaisg Ocryro. - ■■ll I ; •■ ■ --■ i . • ■r~ '. .. , 1 I' :i B^TB£A£ !C©?sj TO TV oticft T • -1 .•■aajioaia 1 . «. ■.•■■.■ f | -HE undersigned, hating appoint ed‘ ry of tbo llrK'saiy, for- ‘feiv;0 1 Urn ’ •| "• • Sr the, Pnited Slate?, depenojejl, as rs#es^ <JoiSrfmiesiH i^W 5 I j|gJs ..aortiDs V ir r }»<? iJot.ri'.si; Jtiti.r - j ; ttXityfab&tfbliftfm si». 5m0«500,:|W0:,..-• 'r:,^x'. q The BEGISTtffe'BOSDS id ‘hm? ot lspi Interest ’at"; pit; cent. per anitunr tyjll fronitlatejof pur chase, anfl ill v lit' Sen*' seta t •-A n n ually, which Is. eqttnl, ; premium un gold, to ftbout£lGllTI > KRC3vI , iX. risk ajwum. .' -■.-V: -mv Fam?rvM«rchant«^lechnm?s.CapitaUst«, 1 ami all who hire any money should ; know and .remember that these Bonds iaxe, in I effect, ft FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail roads, Canals, Bahic Stock ß and 'Securities, and the immense products of nil the Manufac-, turcs, Ac., &c. t iu the country :' and the. full and ample provision made for the payment of the .interest and. liquidation of. principal, by. Gust oma Duties, Excise Stamps ftUd Internal Revenue, serves tomahe. these' Bonds the r -. Best, Most'Ava liable anil Most Popular ■ Investment in the Marini. ■ • Bubscrijitions received atPAR inbegalTen der Noles.sor notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by niftil will receive jfempt attention, arid eVcry facility and explanation will bo affordedion applica tion at this office. | : j -i. ' fuilWurply of Bonds w|U be kept on band for immediate delivery. t, JAVGOOtfE, Subscription Agfcnt. . CRITTENDEN’S ; 1 PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COZLiLiEG-E, K. E. comer of 7th &CheßtaintSt.» PHILADELPHIA, PA. i J IIIS Institution, which ,was established in i 4- Uv!!, nml isl now consequently in t e eigthteenth year of its eiisleu-e, numbers ; among Its gnitiiateo, hundreds of the most suc cessful-Merchants nhd Business Men of our Country. , i . ■ The object of." the Institution is solely to nf-. ford yotlng mcii facilities forjthoroughiprepa 'ration for business. ‘ I ’ . The branches taught hre, Book-keeping, as applicable to t he various departments of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental; Commercial Law, mathematics. Navigation, Civil Engineering, Waving, Phonography, and Modern Languages. , 0 The system of Instruction Is peculiar; "no classes or set lessons are .made use of, but each student is ‘.aught individually, so that hc.may , commence at anyt time, and attend at yrhalev-> cr .hours hie most convenient. Y 1 J , | Catalogues af|e issued ..annually afttg- the j 15th Of April," tjonlalning hrinics of the stu-fi dents i fur the ycdf, and full particulars of j terms. .Vc., and may he obtained at any time j bv addrcß-ung the Principal. V , \ in .extensive accommodations, wide-spread j reputation, mid the lengthy experience of the 1 Principal, this Tnsfitulion. offers facilities su peruu" :o. any other m the country, for youfig men Svislting tojprcpare’for busincs*. and to obtain at the same time a u<im.oma,! which will prove a.recoiuulbndalion for them'to. any-Mer cantile House. j J f . i l’-iTTKS ora's Scries of Trea'ti-os on Book-Keeping, *.jnotv more widely circulated thanmny on the arc for ~ aie at the College. , S. nODtll’S CHITTENDEN, : T Altonio/-a(-L'iir.' - ■pr.tjrcit'Ai.. Mnr 7; KO I, LOG K ’S Dancle ion C njlHlS preparation, made fromibc best Java | Coffee: U i-ccunmientkd by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BUVKU AGP. foUGeu era! l)e!>aKy.-'.Uygpvp«la'and all billions disor. ders. Thousand* who baifv been compelled to ii|inndon the'use of coffee, will u‘se ' h;> witb .-Ut injtirioOH effects.’ ..One can contains the -:t*; li ( ,i' two pounds of ordinary'icojj'co. Price' 25 oortts. j - : ; •■■ ' KOIII.OCK'SLEVAiy. The purest and. best BAKING POWDEP known, for unking light, sweet nail -nutritious .Bread and Price 15 cents. . Manufactured bv ' i M.,11. KObtOCK, Chemist. ' Corner of Broad and Chestnut slreets, .■ . . Pllli.Ai.r.LPHiA, A id sold .by till Druggists and Grocers. taaritV . JOHN B. VOUNG, at Ij/a.'W', (BEAVER, .PA.) ini the Ceuirt House! 'j V ! Jan. 20,18 C 2. JOIT, COZE &,00., ■’ Advertuing jaod Commission Agents-' r AND DEALERS IN j PRINTING INKS OF ALL KINDS ■"■ l . Type, Printing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER CARPS, &C ‘ OFFlCES—Brown’s BuildinG, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York, mar-'hlr. I’D COUNTRY DEALERS. School Boohs and' Stationery at Whole ' • 1 . ■ Sale. ' The 'sulii'rilkp bits always cut hand Osgood’s .tM Guffey’s Speller & Rea ders, Rtiy’sj -A!ritbrhetics, Stoddard's Arithmetic,j Pi u nco's Grammars, Ba bies} Ac., Testaments, Letter Can and Commercial Xote papers. Envelopes} Blank Books, Pass Booty, Stool Pens and Holders, Copy Booty, Slates, Ink, Ink,.stands,! Bonnet Boarfis, Ac. : &e. IJsual discounlf for cash. Gooty packed and delivered to any part of the city. ; . ROBT. SMiAVrs,. ftsb:lB ' A'3 Wood st., Pittsburgh; ■ iVoticje. ' ,k LL persons baring' unsettled accbant .Jt\_ with me, or Smith ft Collins, within the; last twenty years, for Carding. Spinning, &c.,i will please call at the Fallsfon Woolen Factory, i .before the first of October, 1863, and settle: i the satao by cash dr note. r j jylGi’Cl ' | ; EPH’M. SMITH For Sale at theßeaver Drug Sti MARTIN'S £O.\L OIL BURNET ‘L.ITTLE SIONITO burnoiV without chimney*, a splenr Abo C arbon Oil Lanterns , without' Por sale atSDrug Storcof C, P. Ci Gnn I’owder, Young Hyson; and i Bli aUgood;Coffee, Ext.Coffee.Dandeliou i pens, Bpcctaol6, Oolden Syrup foeiahld use, a prime thing; a. cheaper articleoYSyVup,! v?iy goodf ihwilny, hand scrubing, ; ji Zant currants and Paisona for tale at C P IfnaudnfDpagiier*.; [ =I =I j i 'V - -jBRWE SOLDIEREHMtb . SAILORS hoti i. Motxowfirs piiis CoS 1L ed i Rehhhciih.t* tnust'chdu .118,7 or Navy', should iake espccUTcm! whcnsyotrf sons are ■grasping Uieir muakettffoj thatthtey Vo amply supplicd[.wiih tUo« pin* Inept .danger, think whritifelief? a potr of thisj ami (fintmcht;audwhere (,J»e brare Srtdi«. 4 tVtlh HEALING AiGOOliiSQ'Salves Will «ie; Safe ■ (^iw^ideUieal to ipcltHW no W|tt.«T-^wi6il!Aiii^Sr ifltfgji twit.® feet aotfittl ihcy caneodurc great laugue. ddl.’'cd (o-b; tßO_^^t’sj*ever r Soothes - a^nUxelieveatho inflamed anlfltiltfctiWi need.... ; ; ;, !-’?n ? joihta,leaving Uteib'stxppit, 'String and vigor- j COLDS,.VFFECTI NO TipOtio dual while for,.;' "V ,| ,) ■I; WißfOe'speedily removed /-. , SABUE eUTS-AND.GinSSHOTWOUNDS,_J cured by'ustng these jajL'etamlS«lie£iUaiU<f. Temptin g and preventing; t(mt|jn,to the Lhrfc.oJ? * jevory vestige of infifttakuatibn (indigently which are aftaciiQiTto.each of Box. .J.• f < drawing tic- edges togatjbarp it.- qiurdijjtoa:id ■ SIGN HEADACHES AND WANT-, Of. APPE.i wounds! ~| - TITE INCIDENTAL TQ,Sohls(El>g, : ,",. ■WIVES apt£lia;,6|:'. ODRyT.OLVK- i These feelings'which’ s|o s ft dden V. k rdiC . ■v 'C : J-hhi frdmjpouhlc"or'aniioyan?cs, phstnijt^; Vo daunht put' ihtcj Knapsack? inf Husbands far more valuable t or; is thus disturbing the'hejhhful / moite necessary gift[thania supply of this.d i actum of the lifer' and -(Stomach; EXTRAOUIiINAIi.V.JdIiITAUy'&iLVB . .. I gap* must ie relieved, ;it“yoji desiisjtdhb ■ .Thp.'lohciy sentry- walking hia rpniiils ,|kt| The Pfllsi iakitig according io thh'bVmttd.Tni - niitht; exposed’ to dreijejiing rains and ‘cl ill stftactliib^tadni4BeKl7'^'#^dce , often Seized;the most VtOLENT Action in. liver and istomach, .and as a PAINS, :; C.OUG US and SUFfOGATIN(jt, I natural *;cleat headland good at ■ • HI)AItSNESS, lirst sympdomsef QVlCE:'pO>i-i! petite. r '; - ' '■ SBJIPTito;. but if, supplied with llt>Lf]d- i WEAKNESS OR‘iJEBIIiIIV TNI)tCEft BT WAY’ S ILLS and idiOf-f-OWAV’S OINT- A . OVER FATIGUE,. , ! - . MENT, all danger is averlod, a few Pills taken,.! Willsoon disappear by the use of tfiej*'j£ night and inonung, nndjthc ointment briskly i valuable, PillS, fthd the; Soldier willquic-Uv a* "i rubbed tjrlcc u.djy overithe throat and. stfengih. jNeyer letlfiebo*. i will remove PAINS aiid stop* els he either conlined.Or unduly acted upon thi most 'distressing orOANOERoyS COI’GU Itj may ! seein stt-angc thail Holkiway's P:si Tliefore we say to the wflolc- army, , ' sliould be rpcoinhiendcd foji- IJysentery aid | . .SOhOIERS ATTENTiON ! ? ; •lui, many persojis supposinglhat they woild ’ See to Vour ovvn health; do not trust to, i!w j increase the ,rclaxnt ion. This is "a great mis. Army supplies although meiijl valnahle. Th iiie ?takc, fot these Pills wi’l correct, the liver and PlltlS and OINTMENT!havc been thoroughly i stomach and thus remove all the' aciid-hunVon tested, they Are the only*' remedies used in ho jfrom the system. This medicine wUlgivetom Europeait.Camps and. Barracks, lor tw,<-r in ly and vigor to the whole organic hon er-' years'.Doctor Holloway ;has , supplied all. She cr deranged, while hcallli and strength follow-! armies in Europe, and dining the .CRIMEAN l as a matter of course;. Nothing will etojr”tht : CAMPAIGN, lie, established a depot g 1 Bala- | relaxation of the Bowels so fim-, ,cla\i,*for the exclusive hale.'of these GBEAT ' ous medicine. j.:. C. iny a time hjs special .Agent | VOLINTEEKS ATTENTION; ■ TNDISCKE* there has sold over a lon, iij weight oil the j TIONS OF VOUTH.- Ointment'in{ a single day. These ferrjhie and "Sores’and Ulcers, Blotchings'and Swellir.gj, fa!tal eneiuij:s of the Soldier in Camp, , ! can with ceHaihty he radically cui ed ’if i'h, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY. SCURVY. SOKES Pills ai-e taken night and'mormugv and hi, aiid SCiROEUEOUS ERUPTIONS, all <iisip-. ointment be freely.iAcd as slated in i,hc pnf.i-; pear lil/e a’ehiirm before thcse’ Pltl.S AKU ed instnietionsr' If treated in any oljher mrt. OtNTjIENT. and ndw-iwliilc the Cry ri, >es net-1 hey dry up in one panto break out inan-j throughout the limd, i i ' r 3 other. Whereas’this Ointmdii , will rciiiovi vf,.* . TO ARMS; |TOArMS!! ' , the humors froti the system and leave ihe Ta r ; Do hot let these brnvd men perfsli !>y, dis- dent a vigorous and healthy man. ItjtviU rei-'l . ease, place in their hghds these' PKECidCS outre.a’Uttlepersevejange in had (u in-, REMEDIES,. that will enable them to eeKst sure'a lasting cure, . : /\ v '- the dangerous” exposures, the Severs, dieEOU: V.DENDS ItiTflEß lONK!' BY .Chills, and the wouiulh which iUey .m" :i"' T.H.E OKSARHi. OKTIIL ilLL iiToid, and'tvhatTis inore,t:aunol frefipehnyeet I-ETi HIIBES Orli, BRUdSES, - ; . sticcor in thc nmnicnt of need, whereas if 1, To which every hsbt* 0 brave men have only to put their hands tnto, there ate :’o medicines w<vsafe, supc and .cc-. ■their Knapsacks aiul litiil tiiere a-sure; renviy.' veuient as. Holloway'j/lNlis and ointment; The fdr all the casualties of i*.be battle lield. II «w; poor .wounded attdjrfmost djgng wtifferer-Wjhs niany thousands of lives wnnhl thus he sa red .have his wottnds/urcssed iiamedin.tely,|ji be ivlui woold otherwiso'pdrish before relief c. nld would ohly provide himself, with tint leatch* b'c obtained. • i : less Ointment; which should be thi ufi ii.itmhe !'CACTIOS• —N*tic arc genuine sunless', wd'oud aiupbrnca red all around it. ther wherfd life words "//o/,oitoy, \j'r 'Yr,r. ! : ut'.d v.'irh a wiccc of lioon tr..iii his furo r' I'. aAc ilisecrnablc as a'waoer-niark in 'cvoiy loaf ''oinpi/ssed «ith [A ' harolk..'... T i , : ot' the booh,,df directions arvK'ad coCh, p.- i* io;d/l :;rd r;o;rr.ii:c dor s ifir-. I' 1 . ■ tvtix■: the cani.e inay be’Juatii’y seen ).y .of; an*! prcvcni ih!;iiinai!Oio lkPti.ii/!o o<f Y‘jh<- ■A* ihjindsviite rewai-d . w ill ■/ Eve: v Kohiterls f i.wrsv , ... bo given :o any r.lie Cejideritig such iiif.u . be 'provided lion as niiiy lord (o thcidotcclion id any-[cipidf I'.riucdies ■- ' or parties 0001?) crlci'.iug Ihvu. , 1 i.viio s inn the same., knowing j lieu, to fC srur/r ]. -r- Sold at 'the Jlahdi'.o '■ o-y .'of M'J' 11 (irpowAY, hO Maiden jl-ouc, N.-Jw/i ovU. Ey'ajl rcspectaVlo ' Dtiijigi-ls jtud'-T'calcr Medicines, tliroughoot ire civAizod 'vi.r’J ijoxes at do cents, Od ocnis uifn irl cro*h. |- jjfey Thcrc'.ii ciwsW^rablc'iavlitg by.jal the: larger sices. : ■ j i 5. Ik—Direct ions, for 1 lie guidance of i'e tis in every uisordcijare'iiihxcd to each LMav.7: ,J' M ■■ ; ; I’OOCKN I^S: atiiG-eus s iciia: jj [MANUFACTORY, , p M if ■ k.\at *wot-y-thi-rp STRi i7A AND Ala 1 ‘ CUSTUK STAKE. "i| ■'Cd.S;'--, . 173 ;sTAßi.i>UKi*-188!?£ J X • isTAiiu'.JijKat>?SB X 1>«» hecn. in successful; Ijj ' opetWiioitn-v :!<!&<s*». and fa ibe la -gi>si of the kind ini; tXe; touted Stares. Wc liafe on hand or inaWnctjare order every describtiea-: |nf :Lo'*kl,hg-glass. Piet tire ;rnd l’'ivtrait 1-i! fkea, iPlaiit ami OrnnmintnltPieiV Wall, Oval ff'dap !tel, Glasses.' Connecting Cimiieem ■ Bane . «jtd bracket 1 Tables', wiijli “Marble Slab?, toilet |« lapses, kc., ■&*...kil Mouldings for Picture iPWiuos,. fit lengths still able for lran«jj)H^ti..n, : cii lief ll lit. licrlina. ii o --'WOV | i. il;‘k. Iliebra, illirdseye, .Mahogany; kyc..' tlni*. nejo mlujniac bory .and.extensive facilities Imabxc’ns tojfuru jisii'any article itf bur aims ah (good! its lhe|besi, land 1 as cheap ns.the ciieapestj. ■ (• 1■ , i i Dealers are invited to’ call upon [us iIV hen i hey visit is'eyv vVovk.J IVe claim to be ■able to supply to sup] ly them with every acli i'ejc it; otn: lino which I icy can possibly purchase ■elsewhere. i ‘ - J . i I Kjoj“ Orders : by ntail attended to ■ with promptness. 1 l)dnot fail to call itvhcii yoii visit i.fictv York.. ’ . ’ . " ' i, O'Jicc .1' Warcroorus, -Vo. bib Cehlre Si., -}- i ' JlOll.VtjK V. SIGLERj Ayini. May?—3 rrios- BKMINARV AjND INS'CITpE <i». . J, j l ’ ‘Z j - IJT*. ■ ■ v'.;V •, i Rev. R. T. Tavior, A; M., Pnnv inferior to.any SIO mup ever- made b.v «ur__*>A o rtnvprnoie tort or MiU'hell, mid sells at lire, low price XEii“ § . * j { •■ tuis map, . 1 • I : t * ■; ■/ v K i' ,-.,„4 ' is. no* only a (County map, but. itu»JV I Ay.h -ilk, loolv*,-. :C0L t sT\] AT KAEL'UOAb -4-l J And continue 14 vvpks- Tiro aim of the of C.& &b«nadaaeoiWncd school _is to. make tils, pufils. thorough,! espo-, Eve & Railroad 'Station and distances Vri^ 0 -. cially in Ihe'Commonj-BiJuielicp. j. .Guarantee an r y ivomid or man $3 i"V'V" A. ' \dny, add veill*take back all maps that ■«“** for the benefit of those wishing to fit |lep»- | anil refund the money. •. setTeti*for teaching, {will be formed ail'Xhe 1 ' Send for $ 1 iworttfcto.try comjp'encoincnl of term. • ■ j , ip. Printed iriMtijnctions how \ to- eanTasa Koard, I>oom rpnt,j&c...;,.. '•.*s3Bj 00 >\ furnished till our agent*. I Tuition from* $3,50 to $B,OO j ( ~j Wanted—Wholesale Agehia for our map* 13 | J@°rFor naiber particulars inquire 6f the every State. California, panada, Preriifent JacuUy, j • France and Cul iir A , fort une nitijf Ue 1111 1 ’ ,R. T.:TA\.LpR. with a few hundred dollars capital. « nSN ton A&h P tsrV^’V ginia, Ma,y!arid,!ahdPcnnsyivanhi. ra-tah ; i DIVIDEND . VOF ’ FOCR"’ PER qEST.I wWc il 'm“'‘w«“ A on thd Capital Block .of this Bank; for, ■H‘«n»*irg. V !the pastUl months.hiis bdendeclared this day. >°h! d 8 £ or ,l e P l"- i payable to.stoctaiolrfef, W their legal rcpi,J «« the I’otpmac and iSfUtW os i)EM|sDj I This dividend -will. be free of ihe United Slates Tax. «W Bank -IIU having assumed thd payment of the' rtWfo i K , r ' N . Tl( - KVi] Om<). r »DIANA the Government. IvEDIVaRD HrtOl*. i “ forGemß^.^ T ; \ " s r Cssliiev •• •,**. .•»»*.*;'•* , 1 - - .-utsj :.... -c-—,—k _.d. —.— j any one fiudidg afl ewor iu it. • M lit 0'..-] A. ... r O W N S Ei .ST D,i ■ / Ifrotn ihc Tribune, A U S- <- boo Ks , P | v ra r r ox.a ■ VV n>U P. . [cost is hut 25; it o' At i‘ sl !rt ‘ f : TOYS AND r FA»CV ‘ I BAOtES .k-' , benteUarbuckle «C 0 >IA >C F.VtT L T El l y |)P \ name IVoniiUt,. Louis to’tlio Ctu:, i l ' -■t j O AJR/BOTT • OTitj L«ot> sand-bar, ’ 2<t A"***' ; river—"ooioi-.eli in connin'.; ami ■- BEATER iCOTJNTY, PA. fi»p2 : i?i in s2, poi-kei-iortn.. ■ ■ ' r—; lineu, llend^^P 1 * ~no WnrAntl V 'xmy t'w r;'-- .; j ,/. • ~ .J.T. ■ Lloyd—Sir . Sent? me yt» ,r jrei I) AN Sway'from’ the subscriber, li'dng in Mississippi [ River, ‘ vritbfprice n*' XV Sew OaUlie,- coun'yiion S unday ! copiqs. llear-Admiral Cljarlef H; I 14th inst,, an indented boy frojn the House of - mandiug theACssissippi |stiuadron. Refuge, ntßßed GiiAktEV V. latso ; abput 10 j hed to; patehase as many as arc re a . . years of age,-dirk -Bair, heavy eduoteinanoe. . use.of that squadron. . , : -; t ir •• slender .form; had ou blue jeanronndaboHtand ( SIDEOS .WELLS.” Secretary of - pants:- ; AII persons are wariled I>ot4dVarbor; —“77l —C : ' prliuei'tihi .dn'- scebnbi. I will pay the) .1. rio further charges. ito aßy nWU v*“ - VfiO one returning hi>. | .1 . f AI>AM ’ r/-' Mm • I '-i ■ llWtt SWIST. i, i ' 'IWCHEeTBK, ME * \ ' .1 I'' 1 ! ' l ; l I • 1 ::. ilr." ir !l-a-; [>os. -I I ( it 1' 1:; * u'i :• -V*/ ' ■ MARSIACf P, * ' . I 'i\-> loves aiiU uiiii nini fevir?. tvgrict* .end- ■>>•»; JsKJWj, bow lost, - bow ijstored j • ibo »:■ . j->i tv^utiif-mui.d, uuve /*♦ ;r. i.. >i ■ • orI*seminal 1 *seminal .weakiies 1 ;■ voluntary ei:;’Sh:oM, sexual debilitynrf-I itnpfuilnciitß to jJ.itn.ti* i jiL-ntrilly: nervousness, cvai«invpts<-a'.J hVieittal'aiul j<hjnili»iiocii|wity; ->->ur i'SKLE-ABt’.Sii—.'iWlv expinine I it. ;L> i.SU.KUj.V'?E CCHtf. bT«M-.!j.T>,VMij M; h . ' ' csti'iiordieery bosk should be iotas’ 1 binds of joui.-V Vettba .c.o:.toajJ. lattes t iniimiifre'. ir.ud*eV£ry irisV 'nr* VorituI 1 who de ; siri-s to limit .tlioj uuwbi.r/.of.'ikeir >.B>}«-:aj{'t'. iboiScircui^.-*!flitboi... fixer disv;--.e .ml •; i-.’fjie, iueidoitta! to youth, n..i;,uriiysuiui ;; Wttl'y- eripliuncll;-every panicleoi fy-ige ,;t sibi'iW by.-knob'ii isdtero hi* fut| of'engrr.rirucf;. it. ij.iot. i: discloses l-every or,c si.ouiulitj.oti-; still it is ;t .. ttoii Iter locked tip. iiujl it.-f if.:es.. .9V. : i; will bo seal to aiv,one on;,Joe re < iv.viito-tive centerin soccio or pc j ; id.liei-s Du. ’fir. V(»|L'Xa, ilt? fjl.cic si., i !ibp,ve r‘urli., ifltijadolpbui. , . , i aciJ.OyhpitiuU. iifimftjri-. ; may be"your du*eiise,'befor(P ic-. .V’-t'- i self under the. jpurei fjf.tsny' o .;.e . ■ ; , *i«-.VBKS-s T ualiv<?|'cr forjlign—>vle -r'^V' i tliis oil. any oilier. ])«pet‘. get ».. vhi;; .«*• ! Voting's busk, and ireed'.it iearcfu%: : > f *>•. b» (lie menus-.df saving vote tnuiij ,» f' 1 V««r health, no 1 pos&bly.yuar. life- , ' L'n.'VOCNG can be constiltod o«it» diseases deseViWd in bis. jpablictuic;:, j.’. «• office, did t-’prtim'' Street, »(iovc. RrmnU. t • Skti;(Hiice ifii are from H wjo, d.lilv '■ r ' ’ i . MALE 08, FEMALE AGI-HTs v ’ ' K-.'-- .■ i ' ' ■■ i ■ . > Tl) SKLL ' Lloyd's u\e,ic[..Stt‘d Flute County .QiLr'* < Mupjof.the United States. Cunddas,: (yid r ew Fru/ts>'yik. ■ From recent] surveys, eomplcuU Aug. 1; lbt>2; . cost ,$~ ( J,000 to engrave .U,,-ainM !l ' •'oar's time.’ j - * : i .r. IBM if. >