The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 11, 1863, Image 3
IMMii Mal-kets. Xi^avex* ESD w kmotm» WB«n.r torn *u floor P*r M>j* —»»—■•••»•«■«'»'■■■■' -yffi 99 do “ 100 Ihi ® JJ pried ApplM pwi bu»W.. v -----4 f J Va.,P«*« “ —•i -f : S m.«* ; “ Z —} u Com ” a u * 100 . .Qm! , » . ■** OOtM.MMIMto 1 W ■ u : w •. 1A “ , • . W*. KhysS; - * • W , 2hm, j 4" : .TV. * 2 Pw«>* V “ —~r ♦2} ooioi* 2 2—' • ”•■; oo :r.::::::::: « Bk • iSV-r---- 2 H»m». | 1 -e, —- Should***, ” !** Side*, i'.'V'-'f “ Tillow, “. Urd, . “ 1 " •••"•••••• Candle*^; “ i “ So»p. ■ KoUno, li “ Q *ll 0*......... t Oil. i ** “ —..••••- Rochester Stttton-Gpiso BAsr. 1 . I*iTei Boeh«tt«r Arr kt PUli. lit Brigh’n Accom. 6:10 .."7:00 a. m. 24 Bngh’n •• 4:46 >. k 1 8:26 a. 84 Brirh’n •* 8:05 f. 6:00 r, «. )M»iU 6:26 r. ,7:06 list Express, l:2p,A.'k. - ...., 2:26. a. I. ;2d Express’ 2:00 r. * i 8:06 p. . I Cincin’tlEip. 6:46 l>. * - 7:60 P, M. = —• . ' I ■ Gewo West— !*.. . ' Quarterly Statement of Bank «fj IkvrefPitto. Arr. »l Rochester, ’ I ■ Beaver County •’ , OojtiineAecom.. 9:00 a. h a. ■. I ■- 'M"* bi !^ oanted ’ l lc,iTe 'm r 't:’oq &20 Bifo 00 : tot Expresf, IrfO *.>....'. 2:10 *. *1 fflSj“ ■ ~ C.s. Treasury g' Coin.’.ti _ . ' Proießt fccounll I uawlitim. • Capital aodt prifi* ™ > Notes in[circula‘ion. !•* . ; ’ • Pue ilcplsitors —.—it; * “ti'-i/i ,-v . Pne.t he Commonweal! n ‘‘ Profits' ami earnings.......- " Dividends unpaid— 4 ’ ’* ,a ! % -3S I tfieafcoT? sWtenen- is true and ' ? crt«t; io.the best of- raj kno.adedge 1 i * Ki»wsrd ( ash r. ■ andjSbseribcd before mc. tliis sth \\*for SorvMA.l>..J'ff. . Jp _ ’ LIST or LETTERS ] R r .'M(MN!G m ill*? Put Office at Bea-■ . v.v.Pa.Uct. V, ; : C < nu'Viii [ - Chnlfce Philander, 3 j Drvry Janie* Harry | /{*»*£,' A . • f Hannah E. i ■-K:^ 2 .Caroline*' Lavcny Mr.s Mistinda \ H»-rna; Harriet “ Manville Mr* Lydia . VriVay J *>. 2 Rer fieorgc. j i])■ X)*in‘l ./Wocsiheoff Ernest, ‘ •Hs'crs Li«io patera Janies J . ■ vj’alluv«r I* >1 caUing-4Wilet tors In the aboye list, will please Bay thev ar* advtrnKed. r . • 1 : MrJ.'A'NDIiU.SuN. P. M STOLEN. a■ ■ ; • [ . • t ;, QN [Saturday night or Sunday morning, the I’iiii or Jjjtji üb.; (“coni (he store of M. A li. Uarrsgh', jin the village of -Sharon, Uea trr c« uu»y, Three certificates the V;ocVot-\be Batik of Leaver County. issued lu til* fuo-mWir, and mmihered its follows, !•. i '%•>. Vi, i t iwo shares: No. bi,-„ for two • chares' ?»pd Su. $7 kh ar*.-in ai: ■ ! e&rw th*re* % Notice lap hereby to all ! .per*i>a< (.y-ciiow-causc* if any they hare, why ff.W Certificates should nvi be issued by the i'anfc. in lieu of those stolen r*< above i n3:/Jt VICTuKI A A. WEVAX&. 13rviclentl .No. 11. Ban* of Bkavkk Ct>rvTT, Vi ' >, N«w Bnjlrtoof Ntrv T', ! f t *HE Dircctofa of thi/ Bank have -tun V declared a. l>iviL»BM>.OF FOUU TEU CENT* on It*!# Capital Stork, out of the prints ofthc la«t .<5 mojnrha, pdvabli* to Stockholders cr their legal representatives, free of the Go - Tirnmeat tax, oh .r /' | El> WARD HOOPS. * : Cashier nn' •noTII’SS 1 . Notice. '• ! ( . ! i Bask or B* lyr.t.CocXTT, 1 i 5•« Brighton, C'ct. 12. 18C3. / .« ; *tb.f Stocftaoldeni of th* Bank of Bc»tw; T-.uHy are Weiy notified, that the Annual ! Mffjmsc. will j l? id .jit the Banking'Home. 1 in Ney IIQ Tuesday the 3-i day .of, •>uTT2j!j,tr- cn-tr'ng. between tho hours dt’ * * ri 'i •» ri cj -’k. p, a., And -the ,election? for. , L:.r«f;cmo i:*rve the ensuing year, at Hie p-a»*?,|?iu Nhunday,-Hie 10th, day of No ’ a. m.. and 3 p. sit.Vof raid tdat. .hjv i "d*?r»,or(,the Board of Director*. j . fePWTARP HOt)PB. .Caihibr- : d ht Sewing Machine,-- . (isytsTcn m 1845.1 i at the World** - Eu*. awarded a v (^ T '!! Is i 9old Medal a» tht best Sewing r for all purposes on exhibition;* bo- Fvjur Gold Medals for superior. lerruiy, *2- thaui./as manv exhibitors - . ■'■n.-jiriOATios-.—t.' Family ■’ Machine. 2. xlioring. 3. Tailoring and Gai % .‘ Tr::, £- 4. Boot and . Shoe fheavy). -5. y Trimming and Harness*Making. -inch is unriralej, ; M»- |-;ar guarantied tb; make perfect Vork cqunl- W *ll on the Lig|*(fc‘st and Fab - V f 9-. For sale-by;, 1 *" ■ ;l t A. toVjTNi Agent, Beavei, Pa.. U 0«. 7. 16«3. ; - .... ' ■ , s’AX.'LSTcasr ivooi.hN factory. undersigned eapects to commence.', A. [“** week. Carding, Fulling,- ft'' • n “' Dj-Ctngti also 10 manufacture' Cloth, y Cassim'eres, audj at myidd place in FaUslO£ For' ■■r and durability. I can warrant ‘aitfieru’rcd nnl to be ;surpassed. . Fur the "dation of those oh the east side of e ’‘ yer ,- " ( "’l. etc/, can beleft at my bouse ir . ,own sliip, ! ojr John Hodgkinson'a 18 N'ew : Brigbton. , '• \ ie ‘ 7 '' 3 EPU’M.; SMITH, Chance for Investment, 7 Stafioiiron the IP. Ft’ i • •£■<'. RR. Allrjjjteny County ! . '' n ' w * r >hei: offers for «ale '2 r -0 acres Is,, ' r Sne upland, suitable for ( a Dairy or : u != .,‘ i Y m ' Wl( * J dd acres of ricb;Creek Bot acres of Hirer Bottom. ] •b w/ * ’ u able property will be sold to pur '. fur particular* inquire of . ’ \ ‘ W. C..DPN.V . Bemingfon Station, c'tt2l:s:i CMS ' RXF/'UTORS NOTICE. : ****** letters testamentary haViig the e ,,.. 0 Panted to the undersigned. on Ui e ~f n_. of ®r- Smith CrtcxiSGHAtc dee’d., k 'o-ri n . ,y Cr b “ ro - Be«»er co, P«. all persons »r> 'j m, ' Tes ini lebted to said estate 4114 "lose j,w ■ lo *•** P»J n t' nt immediately P rt «nf ii,J ,l . R *, *’ ma against the samei tHU **' ed lot iettiemMif *? b ? c - riberdn, J’ anthenti ■, Sort - 8 yIiRQIJIS, Executor. Rochester, Pa. ffliu CORDIA isle at t?« the «•»““« arti- «*est the Drag Store of Wl o. r. mmrmi. CUYBtASb. ft PrtTSBOKGff, B. B. '•* ' ' ’ .•' 'f.i . 'fV'' • -•'■ " Beaver Station — Goikq East. Cammunaaf,. Monday, Apr. 93, Twin* I«m B*n*r Station at foUottit i ■ 7:2fr A. «. .Vrrire* *t PiU*borjf*, 8:10*. *. 1:66 4. v•» 1 « ■ | 1:20 r. m. 8:64 r.K. “ : ! •* ' •; fc08». *. ■ Ooate Wur— ' fVwirt Mm FittMmpk - M 0«. is f » IS;4op.k. Iwtwlff.M- *rf*> r. if, «:60r,K. ■ *‘i ,~;jSt26 r, K a x. ic. tocinxocQH. wt P. B. HTEBB, Otn't TeittAgmt. pirrsßimd, ft. wathk kcaicAGO k.b. 76 76^ MJJE. DEMOHEST’S Quarterly Mirror ol Fashions, HVM C>tat Improvement! and Addition*, 'III* »CMMEK XUVBEK COXTAIXS FOtrß f.AKGE * SPLENDID FASHION. V PtAitS, THREE FCLIr-SIZED, f PATTERNS OF DRESSES, J : -i '•AMPBISIXd TIIK | Sew French Waiti, an Eleganr Slecxe, and a MlSsea 'Sack, and a fib*?" *f ’ Scwl i i and |“ f $216,925 33. -•-i u ..u scifnii... _ BUAID AND EMIMIOIDERINO PATTERJJB, ( einbracea'iiot only the ordinary baths, but. Together with nearly 1 <*o Engravingsiof I also, .ih'e medicated. Warm au|-; ; and ascending atl the novelties ; for |. land descending douche for thomore effectual Summer Bonnets-, Cloaks, Trimmings, ' and successful treatment of ; cutaneous and Children’s Dressek, &C., * | other eeroful,,us di s ea*o«. ' .. And valuable mlprn.ation t6;M Ulmers, fcress ; * e be E lc « Te •« »r»* *« tbpse-wbo-jnar be Makers, Mothers, ahd Ladies generally. pre- ; *° l “ e interests-of a dear ■tenting the larhest and best Fashion Maga-i *' r *' stster or daughter. to our charge-may tine iu the World, published : b « “"Wed .that no means Will be spared or J? Y.; and sold, everywhere at 2p cents, or Efforts wanttng on our part to'ameliorate their sent bv mail, post free, on rchclpt bf the ain't . Condition or toeffect a restoraiioh to then- ac in -tamps or sliver. - Year $1*01) with the fol,, c..*»omea health and rigor of; mind. , lowing valuable premium. I ■ ! *° r fur,h . er PA r,,c “ U ™ T' a! * utar ' Each- yearly subscriber will he entitle*! o a# 11 tommunicat.ons be addirsscd to-. receipt fprtbe selection of 50 cents,worth of i M. I), plain patterns, from the designs in the book, Supt. of bew Brighton Retreat or from ilie. show room. or they |may be-or- j V- '•> , . drred and sent by mail-any time during the ■. noT l- Bearer Co. Pa. L cLLh.\' I,BEAVER? ijßljfc : : Store , iffiusummer xo. now re»dr t g \ : Opened in the Room formerly Oc- THE GREAT; CAUSE of Il li man 51 i $ e : r .v . Jutt Puhluhtd iu a StalrdEnvilopr, Pfi:' ti ctt: j A LECTURE RY Da. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE ANDCi?RKof Sperma I mfrluen, Consumption, Mental and Physical! Debility .'Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nn- Irithiu of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness ofj the Limbs and. the Back; Indisposition. ’and i Incapacity for study and Labor; Dullness of ( Apprehension; Boss of Mumory: Aversion loj .Society; Loro of Solitude'; Timidity; Self l)istr(isi; Dimness; Affections of the Eyes; Dimples on the Face) Involuntary- Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity ;'thc Cpnse qtienecVof youthful Indiscretion, &C./&C..1 . admirable Lecture; clearly proves -that, the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, may be removed without; medicine and without Dangerous surgical operations, and should he read by every youth andeveryman in the land. • 1 ' 1 [ Sent under seal. to any address, [in a plain sealed envelope, on the Receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by-addressing; CJIAS. J_C.*KLINKCO.; 127 Bowerv.Ncw York. Post Office 80x,4580, ‘ ■ - ! I - ; DlHHolutions THE partnership heretofore exist ingmndcr the. firm of Woodruff & j Irons, in the marble business, in Kridgewater. has this day been dissolved-liy mutual consent, i DAVID WOODRUFF, ; • DAVID IKONS. Bridgewater. Oct. 14. j IgUXbc business of .the firm will be settled by’ D. Woodruff, who will be found at the old Stand. ■[ i ' .iJI.MIXJSrjUTtm S KOTICE. TETTERS of administration on the estate of j Jeftmiah lltxinLE, late of Economy tp. Bearer co., dcc'd, having been granted to the un, Jcrsigned. all persons indebted to said, estate arc requested to make immediate payment; and : • hose having claim gainst said .estate will present them to the subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement. ’ v j ' . ' . , CHARLES BROWN; ■ Oct. 29 ’6B. Adiuinistraior. Special ISFotlce; THE Proprietors of the Girard House Phila delphia would Respectfully 1 call the.'at leniiph of business men and the travelling community \ superior' accommodation ■aud comforl ered in tbeir cstal/lishtncht. , ; aug.l9:2m , KANAGA, FOWLER, 4 Co. notice/”" A MEETIN'd of the Stockholders of the Phillipsburgh and Rochester Steam Fer ry, will be.heli at Bimber’a Javern, in Phil lipshurgh, on Monday. Novi 2, ’6B. i By order. 0. C. SPE VERER, Pres’f. : Jso. O. Pexoleios, See. . - Rochester, Oct. 21/63. JAMES S. RUTAN ATTORNEY AT LAW! ( DISTRICT A TTORXE Y.) BEAVER. PENN'A. BjjX.Office in the Court House: j ALL claims against the GoVernmest for bade pay. boupiy and pensions, prose cuted to collection with the lead possible d a . y. J . *doe«'« IBeavei* Hotel, JOSEPH* HALL, Proprietor, , Beaver, Pa. ■ HAVING thoroughly Rttednp this house, he is now prepared to 1 accommodate his friends, and the public generally, in the most satisfactory' manner. fmaytta SBSO Rvmrd. ' I VrrLL give the above reward for lie ar rest and conviction person found trespassing or doing malicious mischief on' my property, adjoining the farm, of Abram Wolf aid Tot of John Fisher, near [the boro. of. fieaver. DAVID STONER, fan. . ij r’j PlTTSBtratt?. WATER CIJBE^ ■\TO Curative Agency ts superior to HYDRO rill PATHY for the ttefluent of [all form or Diseases, and no Institution in this eoua tty possesses greater fieilitwc for its adminis tristion than this. ■; ! j r Pictorial Circular address ' 9*. W. H. BAJIBUSTOK, v ‘ -..1. IMtNt»Pn ■ . '*• . il iT, =I •• ■■■■(■ •n&i. BBttHTOST EETBSATj TIONCURE AHD TREAT- / ■ afiwf X>iPt MENTAL AWBNATIONOR • DISORDER. Herrons Chionlo Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY YOB VEMALES rrmss ImmHfaUm l» mmipm I M «nt.a«i Itmluml gf th# Mtftn ■ <& <bM «r faUfltti vkt in UM4 jidiri nlenU! dewigCßC&i; or otfav ©•rrooS tmd chronic diyew. We make special mention (if nervous and “chrome disnss, from the ' fret that sevententh* oftht femalepatients that are committed te our public A*ylums,'t6 be treited for disordered mind*, ate reduced to that lamentable edM'dltlon through previmi* physiell djfcrd*r; Be a well timed andjiidi bious treatment of chronic and nervous. dis ease!, all physical;disorders, lulhe majority of eases may he removed t.and thus themind, haring suffered khrbdgh IhS medium ofjthe bddy trill; when free from the exciting physical bSUse; thro* off'the, shackles that I has bound it to wdrse than midnight darkness, ' and reason will, once more, resume its sway; I clothed in a]] its priuHltte beSuty and tbdnted excellence. Hence ite neeessity of all those, who are laboring .tinder the - predisposing or I exciting causes, calculated in the etid to.ihi pair the mind to resort lb ah early and judieiauieoursc of remedislagenta. , J; ] The Institution' is a' largo brick building with a stone basement—four stories high hud well ventllktcd, It is situated on ah elevated table land "which commands a riew Of .entire town—adjhcenlhiUs—grovcaand neighboring streams; all.of which are calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon the disorder; ed mind. • The Institution; is complete in nil of its ap pointments. Having been tastefully . fitted up at grset expense, in order that it may meet the approbation and views of the most fastidi ous. ■ ‘ The Valer closets and bathing apparatus have, been‘gotton up Upon the most approved modern scientific principles. Tlmdepumiient cupiedby tbelatellr. Minis. 11HE Subscriber haring purchased theUs lablishment will endeavor to keep "con stantly on band a,ll articles .uaiidlljr founddn Drugstores. , ■ ; Being a Phytqcjtjyi snd Druggist, Hie public may rely on his keeping the PUREST and BEST DRUGS. -i;. M'l A variety of other articWwill also be lound .; in bis establishment: Tea,'u!*tract ofj Coffee, ftosin Soap, Fancy Soaps. Port Monies, Combs. AIL 1 ARTICLES FOR TllE SPOOL COTTON. LEAD PENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS, HAIR BRUSH ES.TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO. SEGARS. LET- , TER, &OTB.& FOOLS CAP PAPER. t Carbon Oil Lamps arid Chimnrys > These are a few of the artlglcS, ailii Bhly a few always on band. ' Call and see. • He will try, by, close attention and fair dealing, to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. [ C. P. CUMMINS, M. D. ■SuFartieular : attention will be paid, to putting .up Physicians prescriptions. ; [auy27 PHYSICIANS & BBUO6ISTS. , t • i ■ •> THE undersigned vpuld IhfdHn Physicians and Druggists that, owing, to an increas ing demand, he is now 1 , prepared to manufac ture oh a larger scale than heretofore all arti cles of the Pharmacopoeia.' [These will bje'of the strength and quality as: dispensed ini the Prescription Department of iny store, and will be found' superior in strength to most Jn mar ket. j-I guarantee them tu he of the proper Strength and purity. ' 1 Some-prcparatiohs offered arc new,, but will -be.made officinal Jn the new Pbarmacupceia soon tobe issued, and will be found to be val uable remedies. I . ’ i Any information as regards their strength, useslund qualities will be sent to those desir ing it- ' I [would advise Physieias who have b :eui disappointed in'the effect of any remedy to try those of my manufacture. , They include — Vj. [Compound Extract of Cotocynlh. ■ Fluid’Extracts of Dandelion, Uuchu, Ergot, Gentian, Lipulin Valerian, Wild Chefry Bark, and others. ; . s , 1 Citrate of Irod' and Citrate of’ Iron .and Quinine; vgry soluble, ,1 a Wine bf Iron and Wine of iron and mrk, agreeable; cha!ybcal<s; ' \ Syrup |of the Hypophbsphites, Cerate of the Extract of Cantharides; a more reliable preparation, than the common .Cerate, • J' : 1 .Oxalatn of Cerium; i (useful in obstinate vomiting, ■ ’ Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia; a valua ble i remedy for nervoqe, or sick headache, where a nervous stimulant and antacid is in dicated, . . 1 Solution of Bi-mccohate of same strength as Laudanum and more Agreeable in its effeets. ./■ ( . v . Pyropbosphste of Iron: soluble.; These, together-with all rare and fine chemi cals and other medicinal snides,[furnished in any quantities; , *t y. I * m prepared to make chemical examina tions ol Ores. Drugs. Oils.'Water*. &e. ■ . . GEO. W. WE7MAM, Cor. 3d & SmiUrfeld sU., Pittsburgh, Pa. Good, substantial, life-lus pdv TUBES can now be had at the is BEAVER - Tbese pietores are not more danbs, bat war \ra»«ed SUPERIOR to .any that.have ever been made in Heaver county, by any other artiet. To be .convinced, call and examine specimens. 1 rill remain blit w few weeks.; Gallery in the tame non occupied by me in 1867. C. A. GRIP IN, ‘Ant® ‘ i Photographic Artiet Ti otice IS hereby given that I have been appointed as Surgeon by thePansion Department, to examine wounded aniP invalid Soldiert, dis charged from the service; that By artStirity attends to any Cdunty, State of Territory, pad that I am now reOdy to’dftdk upon the djaeharge of my duties. ' V-vl 4 it «**%«* t\'. Administration ma Ouirius Accounts, : sUsfs office; of Bwpe Da., .will like notice thM.Uieetoe will be preMßt ed to tWOrnb*n*',bs«fA» lsb«heid at Hes*er, on Wednesday t]M .Htb. *»*,<* November,, 1868. fat eonSnniUoß end allowance. The final account of Robert DUwoHb, Ad ministrator of; th* Matf Of: JBwui Brittoo. ssiiiiusl Eehert jfciore, Admliitiv**** tie estate of DavidGOlflaad, dsc’d. : ;, I A* account af Dr. John AtlniU islrator of the wtatr ef Ben lame* M’Car roll, doo’ile • r • ■ .■■ f - Tht fiaol oocoant oC jmo jmd Afftet Car other* administrator* of the estate of | John Csrotbera, dee’d,, who w»*,Administrator of the estate of ■•' Jam** Cirotbess,'dec'd. . The final account (Baal and Personal) of McPherson Brewer, Administrator of the es tate OfEUas Brewer, dee d. _ .The final account of Edwin Reader and Qeorge Ranseher, Executor* of the last will and testamtni ofJohn Snyder, dee'd. The first and final accounts (Beal and, Per sonal} of Bamnel Duncan and tfm. Cunning, ham, 'Executor* of the last will and testament of James D. Eskin, dec'd. I Thi Guardian account of Dr. S. Cunning-, baro.fluardisn of Cecelia and Jane Cunning.' ham, ; minor ;daocbtora of Dr. B. Cunningham, dec'd. i ‘ ■ , The Qoardiaq. account of Samuel Moore, Quarditui of Sarah;Ann Harsha, minor dough ter of Elisabeth Harsha, dec’d.. ocll4:4t" : A. B. htOOEE, Register. ' u. (»w Brighton Times copy.) Notibe in thi Orphan’s Bburt The following appraisements under the Act of Assembly oTAprivlfel, of property al lowed to be widows sad children of decedents to ainbuht of hare been filed ift the Office of the! Clcfk of .the Orphan's Court, for Bearer CoJnty, and approved nfii. To widow of James Logan, dec'd., personal properly $233,42.,.' i. j; • , To widbw rtf Jdfaatban Kinsey, dec'd., per sbnal property 5300. } ' jr; To widow of David Beever. dec’d., 296. ■ , To widow of Saniuel bules, deed., pcrs'bn at properly 529!1,41. ! . To widow of David . Stephen?, dec’d., per sonal property $2BB, 72- . To widowvof. Henry Ewing, dcc.’d., person al properly to auuuillt CliiW, . 1 - To j widow of . William Torretlce; dec’d., 5272,5tt. i' ■ . •* V- To widow of Thomas K. Thomsburg.'.parson alproptrly S 3 IO,tK(. , i ' . * „ - To widow of David Coebran. dee’d., per sonal property S3'K>. ■ \ To widow of Alexander B. Bomigh, dec’d., personal pioprrly i*1t.9.50. , To widow of James Cook, dec,d., personal property SBOO, ■ To widow of John S .M’Goj, .deed., person al property S3'l'). . ! , Noticeis hereby given to all persons inter ested ,t° appear at the November Term,/of said Court; and’not liter than the third day of the>term, being the-Mill day of November. 1803, id show cause, if any they have, against the confirmation absolute of the same, f 1 { A, 0. 'M'CUEAUT. , OttJiil, 1863. , . .Clerk. 'BEAVER COUNTY, ss: -V . I i - 1 I In'the Orpbdns' Court in and for said county. In.'lliejiflaftef of the account of John It. W'his ler, ad uihisfrator of the Catate of Martin W. Small,, iec'd.'V ' ■ . ; Sept, 19, 18C3,0tl nldtibn of TPm. B.Clarkc, Esq., the Court appoint Henry Hice, Esq., an Auilitor, to marsbailtha aSsctsin the hands of paid Administrator; dttlfia account, settled and erfh firmed, to And nmutigHHe 1 ere it ora of j said deceased.. (From tbe Uecord. ) i Attest: A. G. M | and all part iea intercgtcd will take noticethat 1 wiU'meet them jfor..the purposeaj of the above appointment, at my office in the ' borough of Beaver, bn Thursday, the ISth 3u£J of -Vovember, 1803, at 10 o’cloeh, a.m. j octal IIfcSRV iUC’E, Auditor. BEAVIBR COUNTy, si: ~ ; In. llie. Orphans' Court in and-for said coun - • idges ly of:Heaver, before the Hon. Judges of said Court. : Id the matter of the account OfjSam uel 0. paughcy, Executor ojT the last will and testament of Robert Stevenson, Ucc’d. x Aml now. to.wit. Sept. I'Otb, 1863, bn ico tioipof il. Hice, Esq.; the Court appoint Jas. S.; Kutnn, Esq., an Auditor to distribute balance in the hands of the Executor, accord ing I'd the provisions of the will, &c. ■■'; * By the Cburtl (A true extract from the Record.)' 1 i A. G. M’CKEAKY, Clerk. The Auditdr itborc named will attend tothc duties of his appoint ment at his office, in Dearer, on Tiuksdat, Not. 12tb, 1863, at 1 o’clock, p. m„ at which time parties inter ested will attend. (oo‘21) J4pUUTAN,Aud’r. SN THE COURT of coihitis of BEAVER to UNTV: Inthomatter of the application for aChar ter, of Incurpors tion of the “Rochester Cem etery,” hear Rodicstor, Bearer oo;, I’a. And now to-pit. Sept. 18, 1863, the Court haring perused' the instrumcjifipresenled, and finding it proper,' and not objectionable in add respect, order notice ef the sitme to be giren, according to taw, and fix tbejfirst day of next Term for the hearing of exceptions to the Same, iflany. (ocl4) M. WEYAND, Pro. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ; WHEREAS letters testamentary on (ho estate of Jobs Gwnto.Vate of Frankfort Springs, Rearer co., doe’d. hairing been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons' said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those haring claims against said estate will preSfent them to; the 1 subscriber property authenticated fbr settlement. ■H- | \ THO. NICHOLSON. hor4 1 , Executor. ; STBAY OGW. ; CAME; tt> the enclosure of the subscriber, in Raccoon tp., on the I7th of August, a red and White cow—white hack and red sides; she is supposed to bo about 6f years'old. ‘ The owner is! requested to eoibe.forward, prore property,!fay Charges and take him anwy, or otherwise she will be disposed of recording'to law.* (seplo) * SA4IDEL SIULUXO. C. r. CCXtIISS, K. D... .3. M. CCHMIV«, t>. j V ' ■ C.: Pi. Cummins & Soif, OFFER their professional services as Phy sieia'ns and Surgeons, to the citizens of Reaver and vicinity. They can always he found, when nut profession!/ engaged, at this Drug store of C. P. Cummins, M. D. Ue«3’H2 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ' WHEREAS letter* o( administration on the estate of Tboxab N. Thobxs -Ist eof Independence tp-• Bearer eoiukty; dece»se<L haring been dnlr. granted to the un der*igned,' nil person* indebted to said estate ate notified to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same wiU pre sent them' properly authenticated tor .settle ment without delay. • JAMES STERLING, j Adm’r. i angl9'6B. If OTIC 3 - j ' | HB stockholders of the Bcinr Setsint* 1 •jJ rj »ild Institute arebereb/ notified that the Miami election of Trustees will beheld *” **• Seniljinry building, da Saturday, the 1 Jd day of Oeiober, at 8 o’clock, p, Bteekbsldert wflj please attend. '' 1 ! ■ imlnim ■ V O. 1 1 V g'Lc :nu• 1 - : • BEAUTIFUII 2ST m W Gh O O 3D si SPLENDID ■ r-. .*>■ • M Cocoas! [ : MAGNIFICENT | NEW GOODS!! * ' • At ' , FORTUNE'S NEWSTORE, ROCHESTER, JPA- -~.-- mss.-~_..~ z! ;~~. .. ! i JUST OPENED, 5p.6 :p Xj iisr. s ; b a* & ci.i© S, COBURGS. ; SHEPARD’S PLAIDS, i j JD !E3 AX DA FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, ' ,t 1 At Prices to suit the times. flood fast color prints =1 " i................i5j 1. ‘ (<■ « •• 20 cents, w0rth...23 Best •• Brown arid Bleached Muslin at %4: ** «« ' •• ; ...125 I Sheeting, rery cheap. Balmoral anl Hoop Skirts, • x IiARIES' AND CHILDREN'S ; • ’ ■' Barred and Plain Heavylnalfnels ,- r FOR ABMY UBl * v ■■ •i ■■ r - i : - HEAVY COUNTRY : FLANNEL, ; CHECKS, GINGHAMS, Ticks, SATINETS, JEANS; AHU A LAEOB POT Or O-A-SSinVCERrES, ■ • 1.-' / r 1 »°» MEN and BOYS’ WEAR. cheaper than evei;., Ili Bonnets, Hats Flowers, Ruches and Ribbons, Just opened for (he domthf Season, in Great. Variety. ■* • : ''ll" V: ■ w Come Boon fbr Good Bargaii^s REMEMBER THE PLACE: FORTUNE'S NEW STORES 1 (Above the Post. Office,") o ■ ' /i , :A |■ . ■, a ROCtfESTEE?, \; i , i BEAVER COUNTY, PESFA. I ■-. ■!. ■ ■ ■ j_ '■ _ _ . • • i; n’ : vv k ’ ■>' vi • f >‘ r ihas pnrchittseii , ; frobt the IPiteatsv th« lt) use, in thm countj, «r !»-• ml if u| invention for ptvWbling JvIKENESSESj |N TOJIB ST^NtS and is now prepared’to fun'iisb , j.x Monuments or Head-Ston' with this useful iipjwrovenieut' at cxcce« Iqw prices. <’■ V • I scrrcs to screen and protect l!ho picture i deceased,.and becomes a neat and upproj ornament to the Pictures are puti .» , t •-■r r , jviimtf.iT'casks; and are made t,o presferretbeiroriginal beauty iind expression lor inliny years. j, ■ All kinds of morbli- work.’ military yletigps. etc, executed on slier) noiicp,, ‘ \C lI.MAKSIIAI.T. mr |.B' *>ugs, „ , : lens &b. Insects on Pit Fowls, Animals. &o. ', ; Put up iu-’c. 6c and jSI Boxes. Flanks. $d and $5 siris for Hotels, I'ubli solutions, iic. ■ | •. • “Only infaililde relnedies known.’’ ■ ; “Five from Ponying.” ‘•Not dangerous [a Iho Human Family | • “Bats come out of jfheir boles to die. ! Btfil'Sold Wholesale in all large cities. by all Druggists ninlKetiiileri ; SSirl 1 Bewared 1 if] all worthless imitari I .jgyrSee I bat “C’islar >’ name is’ oil 1 Hi»x. Bottle and Flaskil before you boy. • • i /fi®-Address • ■ JltiMtl It. COS.TAI j / Bas“ Principal Is- BeoadtyayV S j jysrSold by C. Sus-, j i W holesale land Uetail Agoutsi 1 ma'y.lddd -i Bearer, P lieaver S. B MERGER, Superintendent y- ’ ROART) OF DIRECTORS. | Rev. D. 11. A. M'£bas, D. D. | ' jil). A. Crss«jc<in\r. ji j : . “ V. P. CrMNtjti'S..Dt .. . ji ' , rpUK vall tkbm of fourteen tve'cßs opcfe on I 1 TUESDAY, the! first day of-September. I Hates per term for! board and furnijsliod | R00m,....'. .ii.K., $lO 00 i. m- For full particulars address ; I -r S. If. SiEUCEU. Beaver, la. ■ a . ■■ ; augl2:4l. , ii' - H ; i; t : «■ • S E t. E C T iS C H O O b Opens Monday, Sept 28th-; i'b ■ lb,; ■" ; »V - Mathematics, Sciences and Languag ■ I * 'ii ■ y ‘ _ Taught or. the most favorable turpi Address. D. W. fjiCOTT. 'Prjnci.jii i M I Xi Xi H 2ST IB IR; ■• . . . .AS'D ii* DRESS-^IAKIxVG. MRS. Z. MQORB announce! public that elte has removed a rods from her late residence, where she tends continuing the MILIIIXEKVI& DUE MAKING business, in ;all .its various brad She has lately received a well selee stock of MILLINkiiv GdoM,. to lyhfysh she] vitcs'tbe attention of ber customers. A c timiance' of, the" patronage ! heretofore lit ally bestowed;-!* .respectfully solicited. 5 j Beaver,' Scp't/'2l»!jt>;k- —4w. ' i; 1; GL 0 RlO UV NE *1 i'i'tif from the Armi/'flriit To I of Beaver. I;'.-:.' . U-4-' : :• i . New Shoe Store. / f |IHG subscriber would' respcl fully inform, .iL the citizens of Beider County that, in ad-' Jilion to his well ! selecled!stnck of CLOTHING, H ATS, CAPS and G KNTLEM K.VS FURNISH-. INQ GOODS, lie has liltely purchased A well Selected Stock of llUOi’S and .SHOKS of every kind andj variety. My| stock is,the target*. ever brought tothe county, and I atn determ ined to sell “chcoper t/ian the cheapest”.— .Mind tbesign of tho “liig Hat.” ‘ Sept.o.'OS. I. S. ATKINS. Miv .A/isrirw- I ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION i f : i ; or THE '■ t ,r' Mi>T,IKES pF ITf'D I • ' t 1 \ ■ 111 < ■' \ ; :BY JOHN S. HART. L-L. D-l -];yMO.,Ymu»iiff,' pricej 50 cents: paper co crs.,2s Cents. Copies .of this: hook w he sent by mail on recc jpt "■ of the price, postage stamps'. I’lena address C - GAUKIQPES. Publisher, 148 South Fourth street. Phil’aj r». m»r2B. . ' "1 I: - ‘‘TintTiiio v Arch Street abover Thirds ; j I’ll 1L Ali E Ll’ll lA. P.v. Upton S. Keitrcoiner, Prop*: fIIHIS Hotel ia'Central, Convenient by !’»• JL> Mitgcr ’vlwayjCsip to all parth of tli ( Clly,'and in-every particular adapted to tl comfort and wants of lh« Travemue Pnhi TERMS. BI.Si):|PKR HiVY/ ! , I , Jin jowt' tiibßNi Connufs»ioa Alcrchan ■\i j : ■ ■ ■ Dealer in Flour, Grain, arid all kind of Country , Froduie, Winef .:nd ■ i "tyW* '&&***■ Tobacco. a»/ i o®e» anjl Warehouse.. Noi-.87:500f bid fire PHU«<lelpnia. tiwbl i4fkiioib oti eoiiVif -- ! • ■ ■"* V *nie | P° You Want Employment. I OFFEBa pleasant business ftjr the Sprint and. Summer.. large profits. Send fo’i my new oirtular, containing AiU information ' Ad fST ' ° g o- gWf»SEAUtf. ■' M . ... ! l:\vi ..•■i.'l .A !• ■ pm - HOOKSTOWN ==l=E====l TO KBHM^ RE To* ooAbinatioo of ingredient* in “tfiede i illa wi th« iwolt of • andexiensire (..ctieoV Thoyareinihl la their operation, •aiU'eattiifii' n c£rr«oiiii£ *U' irregularities, 1 I -infill menetruatioii*, tenoring UlobetruC* 1/ tune, yrSeth*r. jftttßi sold of o»Seftwl#£ bead* I iclte, pain is ttto fide, palpitsUnfcdf thehiart, •.vhites, all ntfTono affections. .fatino.'tiyatef ice, pain in t lie heck amJtlsih?, dlnurbcd sleep, which artsefrom'interruplion of nature. ' Chetsceman’s ■ PlUg ' ? i waethc, commencement of »'nwr ■ era’ dp . »>ji --j and ohetnt j- j lions which have so many n>»,s«g- HiiuSr jjßnysl,!'- ;Ko female can enjoy goijd ; health unices she iteregular.;juij4 ' obstruction takes place the jeneral health .tie- s gins lo .l ■ '..1 Dr. Cjhf PUls “ ~ e the most effcelutil.reatedy known-: for all complaints pecufitii - iio‘'Females.7 To all" claSs see they;arc irdijtjny, , l», jtcnadical regufaii/y. 'fMy arc khojsu ;io thousands, who have used thera at 'litre rent pcriaa3,.th)'s;ighoiH tl;a bavirt|p tSo sane: ion if aotnc ojf the most ' eminent Phyai- - e(.an» ill Aht-t/eO. . - w •"' V ■'•■ '■ Kijipeit dlrtiiutM, sl/tting,irt~r itify'fhmln not ‘ ■f ttjfd/ VfitU eaeh" Price tine JJollar. jier'Bfox.rCqntaitnnjfrom 501 to 60 Pills.- "j i Dr. Smith of brjdgewatef soleagen! fdr this County., : 1 . -- r ‘;V-V B.NiiETCiiliifiai i’roFrietor. V . j ■ i'2o Cedar. SU, Xew, '. 11-JTTfiUuS ugon/'i*^ J fiijy J-iAta VV. SrrD>ui . ‘>'>wnkh!p;, county Pa:, die A, 'living* gr’:mt«d iiy the UD'ierJizned. A'iiouring. fli-eirisclvcs iuriebted ,ue rt*'ino«tetl *d made .immediate pavriiyfVt, oid.ihu.-ry having c!atms ngainst rhe present them pnjpcrly auihentlcatcd for isei iLenient. ’ . **• i. • ’ - •- 1 .. .. .. ?lIAF£K, tp: • . J • Kept -j ‘ AUminisf ratnr IETTEIIS -of i »(iminUtv’a»loa haviuj ■ heea j grahteil to’ilVjs iinii-ivsigned, TesitjWg ta Economy beaver .county, on thaj estate 6i‘ late of isid lownsinp and 'Bounty; dee persons indebted to s;i;d estate are heVchy notitleil 16 meke immedia:e pivyincnt, andtb’use against (Jto saimeavill preetnt them lot - .settlement with , out delay!, S VIiL.IK LOGAN, Adm’£ . , - jyJU;t!t ' ■■;-■ I", ■ ea, uiug'y jf the. i M'ialc ioi- i and io In- ions. each .*<tate rSToi'ttia EUINBORO, ERIE CO,. HA. fJAHK buildings arc new. neat and conven | ’■ icnt ; good Übrhries.'Reading.Ropul and Apparatus ; Instruction thorough uudpracli eal. . ' j , *■ ■ Tuition per.term of fourteen 1 weeks. S4lOA'; Board s2;2b p<r track; SA'J.oApsya thewhole' term’s cxpeuSt, including, Ate Aiao or text books.' . ■ ' .v ' • . ' ■ The Fall term opens, August ttsrs end for Circular. \ ■;J. -A.COOHEIi, RUgi>;?m ' . '. V ‘ K. S'. V. ./ A Gentlemancured ..of Sjlervous fiebility.-lu competency, i’reaiatura llecaytand Youthful Krrpr.* ..desdro to benefit Svill be happyjo furnish to ail who need it (free of charge ) the receipt an J direction? fot making the simple Rfcmedy used .Sin hie Sue. Those wishing to profit by his experience and ■possess a Valuable Renifedy—wilt 'rcceiwTbe same, by return, aaiV( carefully sealed. V by addressing ' . JOB'S |i, OGDEN, ; • No CO Nassau Street, New Turk.. augl2;3m ' . : Dissolution- ,>• 'IMIK partnership heretofore existing b'o-, |_■■•‘ween the undersigned.’ under the, name s of C,\nfHi!H. &J.rH>iiKßv;in thc Foundry Bus-’ iiKiss.'ih Bridgewater, has this day been die-1 solved by mutual consent. 1 1 1 ■ly The'business of thit firm will bo settled by’ T. C.vMPßku., who willbe found »l the- Fdua dry. ■■■,■'•. -1 ' - . THOS. CAMPBELL;! / ;; Bppt. 18, 1808. JNO. S. LEIIMER. v few. in- 3 :ss-i ich taetl Correspondeijce Wasted, Ff>UR of Cr.ole Samje nephews ‘ desTja a Correspondence with as many 'young la T bctw’een the ages of 10 and 2‘J in view of having some fun, making lots of friends hmong, the fair, orwbatever tlio result may be, and thereby make camp life agreeable! 1 .. ■—“lVilli.vm H.- HsKaisox,*' “Bri;: r.os..FiTr.EjtAtn,” “Dayr Cbocscb' 1 or ••Jobs 0. H.E^SA.y.,” Co, H, Ulib Erg. or I, 2d.Bpig.-3d Biv.2lst Army Corps, .MoMmersvillo, Tena \ Correapoiidenoe Wanted, . . Three of Uncle Sam’s Veierans, served near ■ three years in the'Army of tlio Potomac, vrishdo open a correspondence .wiie llhreo qr more of Uncle, ijam’s fair misses,with a yiewt to,fun and friendship. — Girls,/take pity and addpess 1 . ’ , ■ ‘•Chahue Kicket. / “Hahht J. ■Gir.s-, DAiB.” .-‘Harkt Adams,!’ Co. F, Ioth i ßeg’t. P. It' V. C., ’Washington, D,. C. . ' ;X£CUTORS- NOTICE. letters testamentary.'on tbs \\ estate'ttf ,Tos:AH T; B : , M'Co-k. late of Darlington l)j., Beaver co,i doc’d, baying been granted to the undersigned, persons m-, debfed to said estate are reifucated to make .immediate payment, and those hiving claims 1 against the siime will present; them .properly authenticated for settlement. : l b Oct. 7, -’fiS: Confessions 4. Experience of an Invalid. lor tn*e oehefit! anil as s,.«wrn- f J ing an da caution* to v »viiQj«uf* for from Nervous Pr£D*afure.‘.l>eqay • ke.4 at the same *fm‘e tfce means oi..V Sqlf-Curc. By one ; wti6 bag curel afterbemtj put to greot-expeuse through :ne<l* ; icaluupoeitipn niidquackcry. By encloHiiijr ■ J addressed envelopes, aiugle? copies may be bad bf tbe auirbor/ &Vtll.VNl£l» ; MAVPATR, Esq:, Bedford. Kings Co., V, f. ! f i ■ EXECUTOR S '~7J A 3 fetters fcsianienlarj on tbs” f V _ estate crsrSDRRw M'Osrno*:. Jut* ! Of Ohio t*p.’,. BeM»r :.'co«m7« decM; having been grnmedto ififrundarsigned. an.|*rwWM’ indebted lo snid'eetnFo are task# unqiedisle payment, end those haTingciaim*" against the same will pre«f nt _l heroproperly authenticated for Settlement. • OUHJT SXiJITZ, Qblo tp;, ; fxecu’r. .. Mt2B - 63 EXECDTOIta HOTICE;;;^^ X 15TEKS-, testamentary , do*' the estate oE . Cis.MKOUAa, ‘late of St* Brighton, Bearer County, Po., doc’d harinr pbcen .gramed to the' itn derailed, all person* : i indebted- - to said estate ore-requested to mate i immediate paymW.andthose haring olaim* - against the.-same will present them properly authenticated for. settlement. ■ ' ■ \. " ■ JOS. C. WILSON, Execute*,-.* ' Bearer, Pta. oet2B -U * I RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, a j ada M-. jOHJfsow, PBO'f SI NAJfCT M'CPSE. " ; Executvil.