trtordinniy fani df'tpepson h»a re ~* T -.- v— _ ~ .- L .'IT) f 1 aJL'y oftorari Faniya cyiUyJXltSc CxliK' «mI|P?TW S .l**^ fV r f i^T.?TiggsmTi7|as;«rtrftt* : CohH-sf c*i*«itn**f tM 1 ,• fc>im66®ra'A.T6:'' vlSawtybt BeMWani tt-w directed, I will *?• - ; ■ :ie*^*o o!sce m ; i]^»^ row:,bfc s , lßt<? GoV “ • / Betver Rast. ji thorough f«wtrfi ,a .**.*! a “ t * 'Cv»d eiein S^ J^’,^3< 20,, 1808-— £ V- £>;i ; ' 1 ;,- ii’ij{ Vv^timtc&St’aida iJjMcui? v« ». <«« »rriw 's«***. J.„ ■ I i Bilasdaj» Hov. 7w.«W • > «pp«K if - * t *.vrr* j Be i!pi«*fr.fmthe rebel ilfo £ «. • ; V« Wr,;£.»"W to ™ ls ' ■ ~ . - $f (H tmSt«d wßh The dint «" to the detecfltwl . Ji-iSrt tent Pitt^i&/<#<*•* _„ J l} th» defendant. of, 4K-s*< <(*«>«* * .*» * <*», ati .''Wirt;s-si • ICKaMs and reWwtllß prisoners con ■, „ _ K/ - t ■«, : ■■ •« ...1..6:25 r. n* and desorihedas follow*, to :wit: on the horth .suptf there,- nnr.ioerinji Mime 'JluriT- ; • . jK. MoCOllJOli^U. 'frtft.'] east by land of JobnUolmes. on, the ept by ' «*♦ Htttidrwl, seiee the arsenal At; pf r. Oa(iTdttt.Jtgmt. . . land of Joseph Conneh onit^ci south Jty land toi ho««p*!»lon oiF-lhe lienl-1 ' —-—; • -r. . of Simon Butler, and oath* west by. land or *£ry : Wl se«e John Morgan UxTSBCBO. f! WATNE 4 dHICAGO aC {£'*%s .»wl other officer* tonfli.ed there, and Sfatlan-Gonw EAgr. afiJoribaW ofc wMehVevieted a,-*W-*!W <»»!>.«« '"j •hfwwgfl&S °S;d s..ic K«Ml».a ..-.d g|;||j:; *«r- l;lf. i'. ;::;:: %& fi .‘nSt - "" * Marshal Rnany Hirealed: the sdßrigh’a .‘i *..&-•> *<** *• ‘ ALSO ■•-iA"- - ' fclloWW persons implicated in ; a pint;, Mail, n ■ ' :>**»*•.•* o!o! f* « N ?: V* . i .5.,j„y H. Tathcart of Coiombuß, lit Exgra& i : S- *' K '*"" fils t’ S‘ ; At tbe »«me time rlghtll- ” * *? ~ , -«, 9d Ftftrtflli 5:00 P» ••06 ■.»• tla liwtamat ami nlaittl (if <lf t ■ IB flll(l j school emnmiwioner of Ohio; 6:45 d.,3:‘.~.. 7:60 r. flowing lot of BttmUU h J.-D Cressrn of Clllumbns, tormer.y I Goixa Wk»t— _ '. V; Jhn Village of Mech»n»c»lidrg t Kaocooa town, Mil*Vin.the : lBth regulars, who \vcr,«j • ■ «n.,;-Ucl- an attack on Cninp chase ; Crostline Aetom; ■*• M ——f* ! north by poblic road, on the |*outh-e«st by T^±K*SK 1 ssssr*~ ll:: *»■# ! of Ibo rebel government, .° j d .« ■< ft Wp r *...... 5:00 p. iV* *£ a , containing about one and one-fourth acrtfi, furnished looney to detectives ar.atr J:00, a. 8:?0 a. m. i on i s noted a twostory frame dwelling !,l, e impression ..tliev were spies, lst Express, . 1:00 a. -slO *. w. I p oase with eellarmhd bssemiril, nlso>. .frame actord't.L' io agreement met CnlticirtV ; 2d ExpresN ; };"X- J :P r rt »** We out-buildings, lot enclosed and ■ 1 1.. U PninD CiISM, and liSfisl •r-' APG. BRADLEV, Supi., E. 1). pb , nte(l with trail trees’. „.d Others at Camp u a , r -- P Seited ana taken In execution as. the -irop to D-atlire the W “ » h ,; . EXECUTORS NOTICE. e «y of Wm, and A. Hamsoin, at the snit of 5. through ! "irTTIIEKEAS letter*,,testamcutatj_ .haring Morgarislern Brother. . ’ ■•wak accepted as.-matl viU , iyy granted to the undersigned, on ! jfo. : 8; ALSO. and s a “ n | el , j> itbc estate of Dr. Sa,™ .Wan#**™,. Of ■ reh e.s, le. , ute of Bearer boro', .Bear i inlcrest aiid claim of defendant, of,?n and Thonias, ravrMiartt tailor, C-munnali, , knowlDg themselves indebted to said, ce following lots of ground, situate in the . ‘ arJ 1,-., wiK?. CatUHne- L'armenter f Ot. are rciuiestedAo make payment wwdmte y . borougb of Da leaver county, Penna, iv * \ T T »ifo-malron \vus obtained i*nd those having claims against tfie same will, b j R 8 05 an( j 30. in thcp)atiof said town, them .0 the suhscnbcr.duly au.henti- §• 140 A making in ail tbatan orjatuzalion • ; ca t e d forJscUlement. : , “ !»•» feet front by l«l fekt .deep. and'dß niider ■ , Vauftig lor an outbreak :n Ohio to ~ ; (I) . MARQCfS. Greeted' the following .rei-nIM in- that-. Mate. h nov4 j. > Rochester-. Fa. 5 ui jj inggt to wit: A Urge twb story .ftanie tiarliculnrs are known to the atthort-1. lev f PTTtKr'S NOTICE dwelling and store house, rte, entirei building lies but not yet mude publie. ■ , EXfcCU I tn — ~ • being TO fccl long 25 fejf..widei filestore room ’ MBW-ir-^—VTriiFiOMa IpUbiw testamentary on the ;60 by 25 feet in .length and,.l>re*dth. with • t—^ — ' ' 1 W estate of Joux Ewisg,late of frankfort j shelving, counters, ete.;'the rem'siuder in two -yj AIIfJIED : —Ocl. 2tHh, 1 *Go,‘~uy 1 gp r i u j Si Beaver en., dec'djhaving been granv- lapartments, one Idiby 15, the other 10 feet 11,‘r ‘IJ. 4 fuliiiinirhain. at liis rest- ■ e j to the uiidcvsigned, all persons indebted to | square, with a large, well finished rOom-on j• * vrV 11 vij's ft ' BeIA., of, Mans-1 said estate are tenured to make immediate-2d floor, 70 feet long by _|s wide, ceUarunder 'fij i\ Hivvift V M’F\l>. payment, imd those having claims agninst said .neath; there are Also two new rooms lately + fltdd. 0.. arm-. 1 .. ... '* .estate will present them ilo the subscriber added to the house; also a frame warehouse i>E.V. of Jiri itiO.valcl, la. properly authenticated for settlement. - 80 by 25 feel in length nnd brisatfth and Ip ft. r : ... THO. NICHOLSON, high; said warehouse is within a tew feet i T\,nr»'x' tr ip ifnov4 !■ ! Executor. the Darlington Canhel Coal 'Railroad,. *«d Dl.ED^— }»rar Frankfort, Ilanovcrj _ ,rrv-s — : ——— ~r, — eonvenienlly Arranged for loading anduhloaJ lp„ on Friday the 22d ult , |BEAVBH ing freight: Also a frame stab.e, 18 by 21 J.iiN E.WINOj Esq. : ;V, j In . b o Orphans’CoAln county. Ilt‘ “ l ° * • valuable fruit and ornamental ,• v«rw lb«.i4ft l? tV«ud(ldr. .4n’mirtrator.ofthe, - .cithfitiftl to bis alntojl consrai.C j «“»> - « on motionof wid. Jl. Clarke, I o?wfb2T ly for two yyHrn. yet _ htb dopHrUtro i y J*. „ 1C Oourt a ,.{, omt Henry ! Rice, Esq., J9 r t Mpr»Lajl llartsbom. at the suit of Wilson, W»n FiidJcii and startling. Mrs K :* u Author, to the bands ;^7 n ®. & Lo * i. «t las Hide in bod, | 0 f said' AintumMraion. j ‘ALSO, severe he aticml'lcd, hy caU i and confirmed, to and among the ert .itors ot • AttLc time and place all the right, awake da l«bler. who was | said deceased. (Fron. fbaKword.), ; itttcrest and claim of defendant, of, in ■ I.n ’<iwi4*l'' -If? siu'c'pdeii in A “ ”t ••. A. u. ; JIXKbAKi, Utrki xuJ tpl ttc following premises, stlufttb in the alevpiup , , , i . i.,'„„f,i I .J h IBorou|b cf • Kcw Brighton. Beaver County, thoifilo-.iipi, bill the .exertion Creditors and all parties interested will take i Pa flfl.i to wil;; the undivided one-third of wa tili S Ikiiijorrliayo oi the ! tnga. wli icli ;; no*ice that I willroeet them for the purports J ! ,| tu *teoß tbe'niOe of the New Brigh. eo.ou toi niiiiuitd his carqW.y 1 - carcpr. •of the aW-e-appointment, at my office m the | ton > y a(er C oflij,af,y; :< O J. 14,15. 16 and 19 The sub'i'ut of thih in Jji'| borough of Weaver,on rhursdiiy,_the 12th day w j t [, ( j, e iifldlirided'.ode-tliinl of the Drying 7 pmii, orphf.;i. i!o served »« 'iuditor -Wicket- an4 .“ a : ■■ ; .. i , k„ji i i Oo'-l lltAKi It lit, Auaitor. chmery therein: also;-the undivided ono-third a: , at.pTentleesh.-j, li> L.c.tan.pnjr btw |i • 4 - u v ij • of ten-share* drwiuty V«h shave being the •ticst . u'jder I!ioh. , it*! | B f|C Howo Sewing nrl3Chine. ; ont-hundrciltb. tKfe water in the r, 1 . ho t’VOr ultor»W»i'»li■' ‘jlJltt.'tuincd j ! race Ot' the New Urightbn. Watct bom|)fthy,’ iby ! rospevt. \ l»ir*i' trado 1 ’ being the wrao premises 6 William bo k-uruvd- httWisj. of iudUslrjf ' nnd 8. Gill, by indenture dated the !2tK of April; -W. *-ihp i. d p„p- Mid by Abuse l.ablls, undor the bios eny of ’.Villiam Gill all the suit of OHrisUab fiiig of. God, ho attained gradually to considerable ■'veuliVc Ho Wa« not in communion with ihei church. but he n\aintainod a Christian deportment. - .Daniig'.lho wearisOmo monihJT of jhfh affliction ho was not only patient ibui chrerfui, and often declared to a thin isterial friend that he was not P.iiih’.i td t)\- thd tiPtljrjiess ofiojeath, aiid that • he did not depend tor acceptance with ' God .pii his| rijo;lUett'i»tpes->i hut on_ the ' infinite merits of the itedueiiUT. The Ticditenns hath hope in his death. [He died in the 66lfa \ carol' his ace, leav :• fn*j tea companion of his youth, three • sous,'the-you ftgcsi iij the ar’j , fi>y> four *iutf nh torisjp and very mar.;.. , mV. to inoiirn tjieuoss. ; ; Dr Tobias’ V< netian Horae Line- raent BN'.PINT BOTTLES AT • -TIFT I' CURES lameno.**. c-tu*, I S^’ s t colics, ic ( ■ Kecfij the fidhi'cir 1 >: - Boston, July 7th, • , Pr Tobias : We have lined for 'Uic year v"ur lliMtc. Liiiuoicut ior tame-v.-**, bruises, colic and ‘ ' Ci>. and in every instance found it •Jpe ben', arlicl® 1 ever’ tried'in tins cmms eornpaiiy. Please send six dg*ei>. as it is the only linement we nsc tirtw. We have IUB horses, some 'e.y rulnabU, do not wane to : Karo it) vini without it. ' ; , HYATT FROST. ' Manager Tan Aiuburgh & <,’o’s Meii.,g. ( rio. Solil/tiy sll Druggists. ■ Office, 5d i f><ri!andt Street, J«\;.v-YorJ£ ' Beaver Alarkets. V eonazcrin mui tdi fax “**cc».” ■■ flour per bbl. _s7 00 ‘ ' do -i 100 Ife ...;...:..-.;...,.:.. 1 ::.;-* SO tried Applet per bniliil.l 50 do Peaichee " “ ;.V8 60, Wheat « « i I 26. Corn ■* v n ; 90; Bye - , ii ; I 00 Oita . ii •< • 60 ' Barley ' | " •• ~..v;....4t:.J : V r~ Seed, •• .....: I.:; 6 00 Timothy Seed, ", ; 8 00 flax Seed; ' ". •• ............... 8 00 Beans, <• " „„ ... 2 76 I .. Totatoet, f*\ «« 60 | Onions, " .1 ...’. | 00 | i. Com Meal, “ * ..._.. 100 ' * i Eggs, *• 4o»« ,|43 * Butter. -V lb S «H > . *• Dam, ’ • " ...» 18 ; >. Shoulder*. *■ ‘ $> Bidet, " “ /• Tallow, " to , Lard, •• “ 10, Candle*, x ", •' .'..... IS *«**. ' ’• •• .8 MoUttte. •• 75 Carbon Oil. " " 75.. Chance for investment, ■ Sewiekly Statin*, on the P. Ft. jW. & c. i. £., Allegheny County •ii rt I ®® ® rt >*crn>«r offer* for nit 300 term \i. r °f no* npUnd, niiubl* fir.'* Dairy or i , “eepFera, with 40 itm of rich Creek Bot- ! 1 ?U t * o ’ . l 0() etimof Star Bottom. r-f property will be •old- to par -1 p*rteal*r*taijnir* of i • .»• a DUSK, :™ iW: Bmmrftoa Station, Mlle j ' ' .(is VENTED IN 1845.1 ' : i Ik 1852, at the Month's Faje. awarded a ; r.uzim'M Gold Med.u; as the best Sewing i Mr.cliinc far all purposes on exhibition; bc * sides,, Four Gold Medals for superior tricing, • and that to as .many exhibitors i Classification.— l. Family Machine. 2. j Family and Tailoring. 3. Tailoring and Cai- I ter-Fitting... 4. Boot. and Shoe (heavy). 5. I Carriage Trimming‘and; Harness. Making, i Its fit itch is unrivaled. The Family Ma ' chine guarantied to make perfect work equal ;ly .well oh the Lightest aud'- llcav|est Fab . 1 rics. (For sale by • i; I - A. IVVKX( Agent, Bcirot., Pa. j Oct!. 7. 1868. '■. . s ; •• , j Notice. i Bank or BrtTEtt Cnrsrr, 1 New Brighlonl Oct. 12, 16MJ3. / The PtbckhoWers of |the Bank of Bearer i County ire hbtebji notified, that the Annual 1 Meeting, will be bold .-.tithe j Bunking House. •in v■:.v nj-gf.tdjt. on. Tuo-day the 8-1 day of i November, between the hours of | 3 am!; 6 o'clock, r, H.- Arid j,fisc election for | Director; to serve 'theensuing Test - , at tile same place! on Monday.’lhc HUh. day of Sc. i Timber, between I>J a. m.; and 3 p. at., pf said 1 dar. Bv order of the Board; of Directors. ■’ EDWARD 110.IPS. Cashier, LIST, or letteM^ ■j-v EMAINTNG in the Post Office at Bea ty ver, Pa;,; Sept. 81, IS‘33: Ayers A . ; ‘ Curry John j • Condard David . Dpud Eugene . Freed Margarot Huddleston Wm , Hansen ill enry , Johnston Jas M S Milehtell,-Mrt .Lott’ Needham Johnathan Oben4 \vtrd ‘ ' Prildeut tnyiris, : Piter’P«(4t . : ; Willlott M railing for letters in the above list, will please say they are advertised'. [ M. J. -ASDEBSON. P. M. I>iis*s6lixtioii» riTHE partnership heretofore etisling under g the firm of Woodruff & Irons, in' the marble bniiness, in Bridgewater, this day* been diasolved by mutual consent. *i, DAVID IVOODkCFF, ‘ '' ' DAVID IRONS;. Bridgewater,! del. 14. business of the firm will be settled by D. Woodruff; who will be found at j the old stand. ■' , . AUiUXISTRATOUS NOTICE. ' T ETTERB of adminisiration onft'e estate of 1 j JraxXlab HaACßife, late of Economy tp, Bea»creo.,(lec’d,haTing been granted to the un- Jeraigned, all persons indebted to- said are requested to make unmediate payment, and those haring claim l gain ll 'said estate Oill present them to the snbseriber properly an-; tbenticated for seulemjsnt. CHARLES BROWN. Oct. 29’68. Administrator, / Special Notice. TUK :I*ropHeton of the Qirsrd House Fhila r delphia would respectfully esll. the at tention of business men and the travelling community . superior accommodation nmd comfort : erad in their establishment. 1 'Wfcg.lftZffl t KAXAGA, FOWLEE, A Co. yjtHE undersigned expects to commence, ” : r — I this Week. Carding, Spinning, Parting. I M. XyJ!i< finishing and Dyeing: also to manufacture j MEETIXOoftho Stockholders of the' Flatwiei, Cloth, Casstmeres, Sallnetts and i , PhSUipahurgh ahdEpehester Steam Fer- ; Blanket*, at my old place in Fall.-ion. For iy.-tt‘nrhe hel* at Bimb« 5 in Phil- 1 wear.and durability. 1 can warrant the £ ...vU lipsburgb. oii Monday, Npr. 2, By order, manufactured Wjt to be surpassed. For the G. C. BPEyEßEßu v fres’t. accommodation of on the eu;t rule of Jaro. GT. PianhfcTo** See. 1 the Beaver, Wool, etf., oanbeUß at my |>ouse Rochester, Oct. 21.’63. \ 'in Pulaski township, or John Uodgktnson’i ..... — 1 , ■»■; Horn in New Brighton. i “ • JAMES S. RUtik#\ “ j 1 : m. smith. A *T o * MX t AT ATTOSNST. ) JOSEPH ffAlt.’flwfrielot, \ Beavir, i^a. - Sa *ke Court. Boom. . J T i ; r\ : A I*L clsiae Agslnst w« Ow**»e»t te TTAYINO jiutd up A- bsek Mj, hoantj sad piifop* rto* Jfl h« i*4ow pwere4»i»eowumiod4te Ui S&toaolMacn wfck fctksi**. '' oT-Oi. INMI OM Sale- linpUsen's Executors., . $o a..- ■ ' AlJo. ', ' "'jl ■ \l the same time and place all die rigid, t!- A . « er 1 tie, intctcst und clailu of defendant of, in. and to the following property situate in the bo rough iot Rochester, Heaver County. I’chn.; bounded mi the north by New Brighton. o’.) feet on the rest :by Washington street, by feet on the south by lot of George Smith. 5:) feet and on the west by lot No. —!K) feel, the above lot under fence and on which is ’ erected a 'two-story Stone dwelling house, with cellar, and basement kitchen, being 1H by-!J'i • feet in length and breadth: out buildings on too premises; lot planted with fruit trees. fjcitcd ami taken in.pifecution ns the proper ty of Joseph'!!. Sohuulaual the suit of Thomas Hays. J 1 ■; j . NO 7. ■ . ATiSO. ) At the same time phd pintle, all the right, iitle.interest ■ and claim of defendant, of, in and to the following farm or tract oV land, sit uate in Hopewell township.'lleavcr County, I’emia,, bounded! north by land of Robert Hood and Samuel iAchel, on the east' by land of Robert Siodart! on the south by land of John Leiteh’s heirs, aitd bn the west by lane of Johti Nevitl, containing 106 acres more er less, 760 f which I are bleared, under fence, and in good stale of cultivation, bn which are erected a log and fraiii*.dwelling^house, one frame tenant house, ,one large frame barn and out buildings. The trail of land well watered, and planted with fruit trees. “ I Seized and taken in ei*critieh .I* thi prop erty of .rjaraes Leiloh at the suit of Janies Scott. ■. jQjTPurcbsers will take noticejthat It) pera cent, pon all amounts of their bids-will be re quired 'iu , handl : AlUbids'. uodthr Sot) will be required* in cash at the linie ol|tlie sale. If best conditions are not/ complied with the /r opcrty will be re-aold. , f i . , .IOHS ROUtRTS. Sh ff. SuEßirr’s OrncE, i ■ C *\ Beaver. Oct. 21. 03. /f \ , Bf%.l , iirchaser» are required! to pay all Stamp duties, BEAVER COUNTY, ss: \ In (lie Orphans Court in and for said coun ty of Beaver, before .the lion. Judges of said ; Court.. In the matter of-the account of Sam uel 0. Caughey, Executor ox the last trill and testament of Hebert Stevenson;'dco’d. And now, to wit. Sept.’ 10th, 1803, on mo tion of U. Hice, E»q., the Court appoint Jas. S. Rutan, Esq., an Auditor to distribute ; balance in the bands of the Executor, accord ing to the provisions of the will, &e. 1 By the Court, t ’ . I / , (A true extract from the Record.) • A. 0- M CREABY, CUrk. '■ file Auditor above named will attend (o the duties of hia appointment at Ibis office, in Bearer, on Tborsdat, Not. 12tti 1803, st 1 o'eloeki.p. m., at whfih time parties inter ested Will attend. (oe21) J.. S' Aud’r. TP A-T ,T WOOti N F U TORY 4 VL ’■'Am' ) wVacli 1 ;. inters IjriUUfc uttalt j#a Wei ites. r> ■itaMratCi d«ef**e<d The Robert tuflhti Thin islratot roll, dec>. . . Sfiualaecounl of'Jessa. and Agnes Gar administrators of the estate of John ert. deo’d., who Wes Administrator of i ato of James Carother*. deo’d. • 1 final account (Real end Personal)' of McPherson Brewer, Administrator of the es tate of Elias Brewer, deed. The- final ■ aeoOnnf of Edwin -Reader: and George Raoseber, Executors of the last will and testament of John Snyder, dee’d. The first and' final accounts (Real and Per sonal) of Samuel Donean and Wm. Cunning ham, Executors ofUhe last will and testament: of-James D. Eakin,deo’d. - , -•■■■■• The Guardian account of Dr. S. Cunning-- ham, Guardian of Ceeella and Jane Cunning ham, minor daughters of Dr. B. Cunningham, dec’d. The Guardian accountof Samuel Moore, Guardian of Sarah Ann-Uarsha, minor daugh ter .of Elisabeth Harsha, dec’d. 4 f ottl4;4t A. R. MOORE, Register. (Newßrighlon Times copy.) ” frop !euoni Notice in Orphan’s Court- The following appraisements under tbs Act of Assembly of? April, Idol, of property al lowed to be retained .by widufr.s and children .of decedents to.amwbtfif.SSOO.jhaTe been ‘filed in the Office of tbo Clerk of the Orphan’s Co(itt., for Bearer county, and approved, 'uri. ■ ;.yd widow of Janies Logan, deed., personal property $232,4&,.;.i ‘ ' - ■ To widow flf Jonathan - Kinsey, dec’d., per sonal property s3i»o., i* W tft'Jow ofUnvid Deerer. dec.’d., 296.-, i to jvidojir of Samuel Stiles, dec'd., person al property $299,41.' • To widow of David Stephens, dec’d., per sonal property s2B§, 72- f ’ ■•. -■ STo widow of Henry Ewing, dec’d-, person-: al property to amount $BOO. | - To widow of William Torrence, dec’d., $2*2,50... -1 ' To widow of TUomas N. Thornsborg, person al property $300.90. , To widow'of Darid Cochran, dec’d-, per sonal property s3tjo.'. ' _ -. To widow of Alekandei; B. Komigh, deo’d.j personal pi operty $109,60. j Jo ..widbw of James, Cook, d#e,d., personal property S3OO. , . j . To widow iof John 8 ;M’Go), dec’d., person :«l properij s3olb • ■ .r ; Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested to appear at tbe Sorember Term, of 'said Court; aqd not later than tbe third day of the term, brief tlie'llth da{ ftf Norembcr, ■1303. to show cause, if any they have, against the confirmation absolute of the same. A.’G. M’CItBABT, | Clerk. . Oct. 21, 1863. Quar erly Statement of Bank of ;l Beaver County- i . . Nnw Brightoh, Aug. |5;11863. • ' nisotmcis. 1 Notes knd bills discounted; sottre $57,40!) 02 under protest.... .!;....i 1 100 00 \V. S. 6-20 0 percent- coupon bonds. 82,800 00 Sp. ft. 7 8-10 per cent, tress, notes.. \ 4,850 00 Due from other banks.. i l 287 75 Notes Mid checks of other banks shd J \ | D. 8. Treasury notes:... 51,212 16 fob in ran1t............... j -6.840 83 iirojture and office fixtures......... i 1,058 95 Cprreht expenses. ' 400 88 1'r0t0»t5000u»t.™~rf & ..—............ | 141 1204,420 50 I-' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in........ 5 91,473 90 £<•,;c*. in circulation.l.s9s,' tip One depositors 101.479 69 2.152 42 Profits au d . 1,002 81 Dividends unpaid. , ,1711475 Bi’lh p.iyßblo. '.,'.....,,..:...^/ Sift'S); Oft, i ! ■ | I cert.fy that the.>bo»e statement ip true and correci -according to (lie beat of my knowledge rind belief. • Ei>w,\pn JlnoM, ,C.V«b'r. 1 Affinned and aubs.c'i ibrd before me, tbii tfb day of August, A. H.. 16C3. li, ■ | - ‘ _ J. B. Martin, J.' t*. List of Causes foe Nov’r? Teffd '63. ■ Commencing 2d Monday (9th j; ••. FIRST. WEEK. Thomas White, use ts. Philip Morgan, ; George Neely . '■ ts. Thomas Dickson, Henry Baldwin .. ts. John'Ferguloh, Jab. Collins,* Co. ts. W. Mi Shirts; et cl. John M. M’Kee, use, ts. James M'Eee, dt >l, SECOND WEEK. Lukeos & Beeson ts. Darling’nM.E.Chr'ch T. & W. Walton ts. Carroll Martin, et al. Sami. P. Cummins ts. James LoudOn, 1 Abraham H. Paris ts. Thomas Waft,; ■ Maria Davis Vs. And’w M’Millen eta! Andrew H.' Nye ts. William Gill; et al, i Cbmmohweali’h, use Vs. John Tbilfs.. cx'r. ( |Gct.l4,'C3 ( M. WEYAS’O, Pro. | IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF BEAVER COyNTT: T , {lti the matter of th'e application Tor a Char ter of Incorporation of the ••Rochester Cem etery,” near Rochester, Beaver 00.. Pa. {And how to dppt. JB* 18(2!, the Court haring ftcrnsed the instrument presented, and finding it proper, and not objectionable in and resuect, order notice pf theSjatne to be given, according to law, ,apd fix the first day '.of next Term" for the hearing of exceptions to the sanfccdf any. (ocl4) M. WEYAND, Pro. , STEz-A.lTvqO'W': ypfAMB io the the \]j in Uaecobn tp., bn the 17th‘of ‘August, a red .mdwhit© cow—white back and red aides;, she is supposed to be about 5 ycprs.pld. owner is requested to coma fcrwanLprbtc property,' fay charges and take him wH&J.t ‘or otherwise she will be disposed of law; (sepl6) < SAM UK t/"8 HI Ll/tf O. ....Jf. M. CUXMI9B,-k. t>. • ■i r. } G. I*. Cummins & Son, DFF£B*the!r professional serrires, as Phy sicians and Surgeons; to the eiliieos of Boater and rieintiy. They can always be found, when not profesaionly engaged, at the. Drug Rtore of C. V. Cummins,M. D. a| Deem ■' ' ‘ C.jP.’CUMMIXS, M. D. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i WHEREAS letters'ol administration on life ; estate, jof Thomas S. Thoms- : echo, I tie of Independence tp.,Bearer county, (ic-t-eased, haring been duly granted to the on dot-signed, all persona indebted to said estate afejtotified to snake inttnedinta payment, and Ibsen haring claims a’gainst the same mil pre sent them property authenticated, for meat Witidtal delay. aagl9’A3 . ; NOTICE , / f pBE stockholder* of the Bmw Btaitv ’ rj and Institute *ra hereby notljidthat the mnusl election of Trustees will be held in.the Seminary building l , on Ss'urUy, the *4''day ; |qf October,' »l 8 o’elock.p,, m.— Stockholder* wiH»pl*a*a*(tend.- ' .!■ •,«..!, wv ■ 3. MOSROE,, ...arnmn.,*. *.»**■ ■v ; - JAMES STERLING, Adm’r. 1 ~ j~ + ~~ - t- . w/.-r- ■ mtnavQ f* * I v-; ,* ( ; ; ! '.!*;■ 1 nr& yr ca-o b'ap'-S! r. - SPLENDID] -* X '• -Pi. T isr.o-w ooo4» f ' ; ' • M J * MAGNIFICENT ■{:- NE W bOOD S i! HAAffllTVlUttl HTIKII7 CffFAT¥] I 11 V lv & Uilli v 111*11 U-AVMh ROCHESTER* PJ JUST OPENED, i> OX 3 LXIT s, • i ! ! Brooa CL © s lifeps, COBUB< 'SL I r. ■ '■ s : / SHEPARD'S PLAIDS, , IDEtAiIirES, ■ ’■; ‘ • .. ;l 'I l AND A FULL LINE OP dress eoaaSj At Prices to suit iHe times. 11 Good fast color prints ..... v •• SO cents, voirth. Best •• Brown and Blsachtd Muslin at...,. ■M H 1 Rale hoary Sheetings Ter J cheap. Balmoral and Hoop 1 ® LADIES’ AND CHILDR SHOBS, PLAIN FLANX ~ Barfed and Plain Heavy fOR ARMYUttt HEAVY COUNTRY FL. checks, . Giyas A T ICKS, S AT IH JEANTS. , JISD IUIOI SOT 01 CASSXMEB FOB 1.. MEN and BOYS’ WEAB.i cheaper 'than ever. ■ is '/ Bonnets, Hats I \ fixmeni Buchea and Bibbona, Just opened for iKe coming Seajok in. Great t'arietjf. " { f Come Soon for Good Bargains REMEMBER |bE PLACE: FORTUNE'S HEW STORE, J;j,';| If];; {Above the Pm* Office,) i BOCBESTE3, ' . .’."I "in J ■■ Do You Want Employment. , i ; - - ■ r ■;.n •..I i' : T OFFER* plMMftt bnalnvn for thi> SprlnrC ■ir-i' • #■ J[ and Runner,'wßjk tegs profit*. Send for BEAVER COtnm, PKHS A. , 1 mrnfw circular, containing idll ’ information . -f- '-v ' f’l. • ■ , Addis* , EDWpgBARg, j|fl itu frf i :;, 4 m**?** *■ »< ■ • 17 » s u k »j ; • i > »criti«r pntthnei ; Pits ,ntce the fight' to. Winy : 'w ad d beautiful, invention fo IN TOMBj ud U now prepirtd to furnish jJ Monuments or Head*! with this useful ifiiprorenicnt •! ■ t IdW price*. THE SHIELD nerve* to screed and protectthe p deceased, and becomes a neat and ornament to the stone. Pictures i AIR-TIGHT CAiy* and are made Ho preserve their drij and expression) for many-ycars. j All kind? of [marble work, militi etc, execdied on short notice. V W. H. MARS Rochester Marl !-' r r&V[ m»j6 Porß’tsl *£ice, Roaches, Arts, Bea Bugs, {Moths in Puis, Wool lens, Ac, 1 Insects on j Plants, Fowls, Animals. Ac., 1 \ - Put -up in 25c.-Oc. aliil Boxes, jßottles and Flasks, S 3 and $5 sizes.for Hotels Public Inj stitutions,- &c. ’ ; ]■■ . ft'j tKJnly infallible remedies known.” "Free ftw* Poisons/.’. ; >/ . "Not. dangerous to the Huihah Family. i . "Rats come {out of their holes to die.” j Wholesale in all large titles. - by kllDruggists and Retailers.;. ■ B@TI r flewareM. of all worthless! imitations/ (Qj-Sek thai .“CostarV name;is breach Box, Bottle-arul (Flask, before you bW,-. ; 4 I IIENBV K. COSTAB, i Depot, 482 Broadway, -N.IY. ggW“Sold by 10-Pv Ocmxixb 4 Sow, ■ Wholesal : and Retail Agents, v i ma’yl3«3 | ‘ Bearer. Pa. ( \ Semin S. B- MERCER, Superin BOAED or DUKCIOM. Eer. D. H. X, M’Lea.n, D: D. >• D. A; Ccssixoham. ' C. P. Cuaxiss.M. D.i ■ i - ;... i..:i '!/ mHE t au, TEtDJ of fourteen weel I TUESDAY, the first day of So "Tui«s. p«r Aorta for board and Knora, * i: i.. tSST’ For fall piirucularraddres! Si B. MERCER, Bei ft augl2:4t' . HOOKSTOWN slt’B'cf 8.6 ri 6OL , j : - • v• ' ' j' i ">'■ ’ Opens Monday, Sept 28th - ?J V -1.,,.,. '» Mathematics, Sciences and Languages,' Taught oil mostjavorahlp 1 terms. iJTS’ Ad.lress I). W. SCOTT. Pi jUE IXjXi.I 3ST JE3 IK/IY* ../I K ' ; '■•■ ’’-i : i dress-maki^G, Mrs, z, moore announces to ' tbe public that she has removed a few ; rods from herliite residence.; wherejjie in tends continuing the MILLINER}' jkl'iiiESS ■' MAKING business, in alt its variuisa branch es. She has latyiy received a [well selected stock of Mieusebt Goods, to which, she in-, rites the her .Acjohr.j tinuauco of thefpatronage heretofore liber-, ally is respectfully solicited. t &eayer, Sept. 20,’C3.—4w. |-' GLOB 10US NEWS J\ Hot from the Army but- from ti e Town ’ V. Beater. .:* ' ijr.-. r New Sho t Store. fttSE; Subscriber would respetfully inform j I " the citisens of Beaver County that. in ad- 1 ditionlto bis well.selected stock of CLOTHING, ! HATS, CAPS and GENTLEMENS FtJRJiISH- j INGGOODS', he has lately purchased a well i selected stock of [BOOTS andSHOES'of ever y kind and variety. - Myi stock is the larges t ever brought to thy'ieoahty, and I am determ ined to. sell “cheaper loan the cheapest”.— Mind the sign'of Uh» “BigHatr”' Sept.9.’63. v j ... I. N. ATKINS. J±i W : ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION ’a .■ j- «E rae ;>; f SIInTAKES OK K»lii ATED MEN. - BYJOHNS.H ART, LL/D., 1 sAMO., muslin, prico 50 cents: paper cov- I £ crs, 25 cents. . Copies-of this book will be sent by mail; tin receipt of the price, in postage stamp’s, i jPleas address - ' j ' J C. GABRIGCES. Publisher, , A4B South Fourth street; Phil’a. Pa.. marSß. ■ v■ . / “Tli tr uio ;~ , Arch Street above Third, | ; - • PHILADELPHIA!; Pa. Upton 8. Newcomer, Prop’r, TnU!S Hotel is central. 1 Convenient by Pas ■ t -sengerßailway Cars to all. parts of tba (Jay, and in every particular edapthd to'the comfort and wants,of the .Travelling Publio TERMS. #1,50 PER DAY. ILI inels NNE 'f. r |ff 3SI; ■' CiQ&rdl Commission Alercbanl ”• ' ’ ■ V’f **«> Dealer in F?.bur, Grain, and qll kinds t of Country Wfnei end ■ Liquor*, Cigart* Tobacco, 4ee. Qffe* anil M>>rw made «oeonrif Lipro -■ v.' 5 --I >■«»,. f.;; jJ,.’J M !.|M ’v» *utfWr’ TclKk 1110 of naturd\.'; . Dr CheeBcm&uar;:3WUs. : .- i .':' r : x wiSihooon&oaeeineit of aciAcw era. in ihi ~ X lioH«*hijsh,h»'»« fOMigned bo*b»sj?io a eaa- JJATCEB heiPh-;fcnlW)**;fc^•T“« n e T 4 i ' » n obstruction i akjw ptaec the taljt>,b|- J J,‘ ‘ . ' 5-if' 1 ; Dr.CheesemanVW »-th.*;m<}H eaectu4l fof aU' ,**. eomplaintepecyliarto T/l aU .^x,' - . 1 ’ ■fa "iciih ttflain '<jrv pthoutcu ♦r? T /o^| r “ 4° .. .' tho'u)»nd(v’*Lo v-b’ers .til the 1 ccjiLtry.. V.a*;njr the eaoctUn df aoiLs of the tso«V'eas:eeut *jP»jpSl> I" clatieih America* ‘ : ; "v.,■. !■,-■’ ■ . fit/'Lcu diTfri.oM, ■'h-ry'th'i; ttrj.t--' per frot. frpjO’b6'.PSt|i£;C'4i* "PlD* ttktlymaff, jwo»i/^ iatt;-Ila;';.?& (he Proprietor. . Dr. Snufi. .of i>riJgft< .jjSi ■rfe. agent for thi* County. (-: x 1 f ' i: ; ’R. B. HUTC.HI?fep.-rropr-;efe'- - B ■JanJ4'6!B:ly .' SO Cedar LETTERS i*f administration v»>on tip' ; ■' It.:e of Jmi.-Jf. ShafkiX' ite/.-.'.lWu; i" 1 township. 1 ;' Dearer cov P' I'- V b6en granted to Hie ’. 'knotring, t uemsielTes arc requested lu lut and those! having ciai present' them proper’ tlemcut, , : - | joujjsh; *i ill id’ from the itbw count;, |r protecting I STORIES Hones, : excoc'imgly i clureof Uie I appropriate i re ! put 1- gmsl 'besvtty .»rj deeigua, 3HALL, jle Work*. aepl.9‘C3-t. ‘| '' ADMINISTER 1 EX-fIUSS of a lia | j granted to the" ' Economy -. v eatate ot‘: Jamc*-Log»n, o* B*id 19/>;';•>*’ i-jr and county, dec’d, ail pardons estate axe hereby notified to mWk* payment,!and those; haring ag&iqiat ih’e aame.will pretaat- them for ~seiritc>eut oqt (delay. V sALLTS .Vila “j ; ' 7 jy29:fit[ -jr-': -, ' * State IVomal EUINBORO, ERIE COi. I'A. fIIHE buildings arc. new. uftil «it-. | ient:-/g i i”'J Libraries, Reading- Uaci'a iiit. Apparatus;. lnstruction.thorough and ptWi-, cal. ; ’• .-'.lx : i V •/y, X • Tuition per term,of fourteen 1 ytiAivr fffl.y Board S2.i'C per week; s36;Mpay%tUe wbV.i. term’s expense', Including J the Toe of text _ books. ! •!■ ’•■' ■ ■■(.' • : *• ■' ■- The Fall tom opens, August 19, ; PS?* Send for Circular. •X J. A. COOPER, A. M., Principal. . 7 -tV:V EZZ rodent A Gentleman cnried of Nerv ouaDebility. lit-'' competency, PresnatureDooayiuiJ .i’outliful Error, actuated'by| a desire to benehl- othera, , will-bei happy to furnish to all .who need . it (free of receipt and directing for.X making theaimple jßbmedy.UHM In hia ease. ; Those aisJßngto proftt by his experleMe j jffldbi; possess a Valuable jßemedy—will reccl-rephe same, by sealed,;) ; bjrt addreasiug' > ■[; JOHN B'CODKX, j Katsjau Street, i’orjk. v ;b opens on Dtember. furnished ....$lO .OO user, Pa. aug!2;Sm _ • I Vrx. I'..| /Dissolution- \ ’HE partßcrahif) heretofore existing toV tween life, under the nan;a. ipf CAUPBELt & Libmxb. |in the foundry I .us-,- iness. in Bridgewater, has this dav been t.-‘- solved by mutual consent. The business of the firnrwiil besettled by] T. Caupbell.wlio will be found at tfrs f cun-1 I dry/ V£r ' P "■'■■■ ■i ncip'it Sept. 1.6, 18C8. jy JNO. S. LEHMETI. Correspondence Wanted, ' of Undo- Sam’9 nephew* i a ■I:" .Corresj'ondeneew:: h asiisny young- la-, dies between the »ges of endi22 in view of having some fun,making lots i; 2 the fair, or whatever the may. be. t ha thereby make camp life agreeable,; ■ i Anot-'ess—“Wauaii H. i HA»it*bs." ‘’lJr-. ton FntKEALu,” ••Datt Cnoccee” <».- '‘Joan C. Urs.SA.v” ' • ]’, .':■■■ Co. H, or I, 2d P:v. 2 1 at Army Corpg; Melliceraville. Tehn Correspondence ; '■ j; ' Three 'of [ Cnele, Spin's’ 'Veteraqj. served three. ye«'-s in the.’A;»ry-ot the Potothce, wish to c-pen ■« wi;:. ( i three er mors of Uncle Bam] s fair iaud-loytl ' | jnis»«S?with a view to fun *M friendship—^ ! Girls, Intel pity an&iddress, . \.■ ' if .’ i I “Charlie D. ‘•llaset J. Oi.m-. t IDAIE,” “HaErT Msfilis,” i :. rV Rcg't. t P. K.V..Ci,,Washington 0. C. l. " ; ■TIT HERE AS letters testamen ary- ,cn the. W , estate of Jost.vii T. W.M'CnyE. laije of Darlington! tp., Beaver.cp.j'dcc'd. javrr.jf'l/VB . granted to j the undersigned, all persons in- , debted-to said.- estate' are requested. tr ,--.-;lto : , immediate paytpenl, and tho.o baring claims'. against the same will/ present them properly . : authenticated for settlement; A . - I- NANCY M’t’t'Jfß; ■ Oct.’7, ’03.;- ■ ■ ■ Executrix. & an Inv^Hd. PntlLltHEU tor,tap ncnctit at-'E as. a ' , ing and a caution to ypnft-r ■S'.en w.fcs ■ini .ferfrotfl Nervous Debility, Premature DecVj —, &c., supplying.)!! the same time the means, t;t- . Self-Cure." | By one who baa cured’.i, after being put to gnat expense tliroaglrnihjj/ teal imposition and quackery. By .enclosing a post-paid addressed envelopes, : single qopttsy may be. End 'of the author. NATHANIEi MAYFAIUI Esq.;, Bedhrd, Enge Cm* Cf.; Yv ■ ttar26.:ly. - ■ 1 ■ "i". -Cvi' i. ' EXECUTORS yOTICEffJf .■ ‘ WHEREAS letters testamentary onf the estafe of -Ajroaxw y’Qarrjcx,' late./ ofOhioltrp., Eeavaroonatv. deed,: hivingl; been grant ed to the undersigned, all indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim*, against the! same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. '. ■ i. JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio tp-i / oet2B‘6S I ' I - Execa’r.: . > EXEOUTOR’S K OTICTE; - T RTEB9 testamentary di'tiie estate of Jhjf TMaucda late of New ' Srtgßton, BeaTer.County, Pa., dee’d basin*' 'been granted to tin) undersigned, tU' persons. indebted tosaldestate ire requested to make immediate, payment, end those basing elenas* against the same »i}l present them properly nuthanticated for settlement. ' . i ■ , /l 5 JOS. C. WILSCCIi Endpnl*. jpfetia ■•!' ‘ ‘ -*• • RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, •*. adih pro m PM .'v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers