The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 28, 1863, Image 1
NEESE U ram F YZ Yt IV AIii r: IUS . W.ed!nesQY>\ p& . S?. P. L &e«ha>W<l wip^iOweetiseei . ' '■ i,! ‘. i-ricalioJE. Ij mtit *Mten< ioP. r * .;,. f - 1 -/vsxr. - ' k I ell jir«:;nt g. --M l3 Ag2TANtia CLF.TEtAKD ft fITTSBCnOff, E. B. - 'E°3vo' S'' ? 'cn—Rastas (iTirimpw. i&p'hy. ■ Apr. S’*, 1863?—TVifiu lurf <>» fwivienz . • . Airivw »t riiWburgn, MO A. V. •• “ 8:20 P. x. “ 8:00 p. ai.' h'ifi *. X. 3 53 C;3O V. Ks- -V. '■,. Cn-ro TTr*?—- ’ ’ ' - terve P‘ffrh\Tyh .-jf/ri!Jni?i:' K. Ar.iv cs »t Rearer...... .7:40 a. X. 12: t: r; ' . r Tcjclirsttr..;;. I:< 0 j>. X. tTir. x. f .s: ’>*. McCULLOL'GH, 'r. E- i-TEKS. T rket Agent. - . • Aggregate. _216,3ifl , .i- ' a Journal of News and "Rochester of titeraturo. The Tribune haspoliti .(■» H<icWsf»r : Arr. nl Pitfa. Cal conviefibris wlifcb are well ehiirae- Iff P.rislrE ..\.ccc<2 ft: 13 a;! m...... T; ll ** a. m. terized by the.single word Uepdumca.v. SU'J-rirr »1 , ftiflr r.'ifiu... »• It is Rcpuhiicaniiti its hearty adhesion ££ £■£ Sw -ti-. il, «.«* -‘G.>d i.a« y,prrV»fi V >l l a. ••• j ' 2s a - *. ,n H*|b °C «»« bloodall nation? of men’* KjV ..-. Ss-'ifi p. m. —Republican .in iu assertion of the 4: Exp-' ;-o:‘3.V?i -j equn|’aiid ■ inalienable rights of all ■ I K e ? j to W «i.f il.e prsuit: •c r v,..-.<n. X.' *. j Hmhucss -&‘Mb!.can US ■ 1 Us i; : l2ss*» ’ J:s£3f. »• ■; sJeadjfHst, defiant hostility to Cdtiiijii. n “ 4:55 r. >:!1 pk. j every “cheme and effort,of the Slave - 3d r***-' ‘ : p. '*••:— p- *■ hPower, from tho-Annotation of Texas! -■ Vl’e t* t Mb A»i l V t>*p tfi'eat. Rebellion,;. to .grow the ir. Si' r. bSO r. a. ! «>«P*r® °* ■*•>« Uejr ffoild, arid’ wield , acg. BE Sapt., E. ST'j the resnuree* country fur ilij | own aggrandizement—Republican in ' j£vkf erJv t of Bank of; R? ' antagonism to jibe despots of the X , Heave r County ! Old World, who fondly hail, in the '*... Siy Aug. 'S, 18C3. ; ' ptriUanili calamilipM sinhleidy', thrust • «■— V.a'~i • u ! , ‘" , i ,IS ' kv their AmericiVn counter 1 -• i'l-i ‘Pi-C Hinted. *ci!Te sm.4‘S9o2 . * , !,» a t i . . I ...I iO(> oo : l ,art !» h « I'verthro v afTtUtUim of itho.l i V. : ?h: l \'; cSupju i, % n .K |£2.-3r*o oo i in J its : fivas. notes.. ! !»<*])£: an?! (rust, ilk .faith and/'effort,! Put othertionkn.. 287 T&j tiiat i this sntitHjioiis nfiust' ! ‘ c '' ksofo ' t, f rh^ 9and rt Iroult in thiv'sii£iml overthri.w of its : , [..hyln-jsurv nyie5....b:....-.. . 51.212 K,l „ . . iv,-!». I . , , k ! fv: !; Si riak ;. 6.KKI •1 ,!,>1t «r.-. and Ihfc hrni otuMislimem ; l um' ?(rl-f.-Eije 5«urii......... '** fit'll tsund !eqydl laws throii'gli.! .Cirrrt-rti eia»nf?*...,.;..i--H 400 ■%. ouf-the wind.- extent i;f (air ■ cjiimtry^i. frottjtiecuuai;..... HI ! wherein Liberty inid Ujiioi. shall lie •-= XT7T7—: deed bo utid iHßepatrable'’ .henOlwi -*' U - o^ i Mi>nndlbrevep;:- | ' j T»hk (!cv(»:os. aticnii ia in (. C Jso. A Sheep. ,y. j ealiner times, and extyiit in ; fieAt Spanish buck, John W Vfolnh, j.tjitwe, to T-euijjoiaiiee. j 2ti: .. “ “ Alfred Moore. i rieuilurc, Jii VentioTi.v,, al[<L. tyhatever I Host Spanish'buck,2 y„ T AJ‘LeuulUin. J el-n may number to , and >2O *K ■ ■; * Abner Braden, ; material ivell befog el; Best.. “ '“1 yr Henrv Waifiiw' • : - . . i i Uiunkind ; but (Hr the presell! itsgtuir- -2d ;. .• “, .“ J yr;\ j'\V AVolsk t I . and its columns are, maiuh de-| Bes*. spring lamb, ' iloiirv AVu 'iier e 4,'Kr.,7.,; r a: ng -,o ,i,., P bU the^ i«vigonuioif and success! do 8 ewes. 3 yrs old, ; , J{.3radshaw; • ; Ktnr««n Hoop's, Cnsh r. °Lthe War fur the: Union. Its special 1 ! 2d 3 Sjamisli owes,'3 y, Win Thuinas, .’.sHL‘4 and/tub*cfihrd%efor«>notiliis iit «OPijeifpbm!eu*a | accompany , every I.Bcki2 d ; 2 y.f M'Latu'hlin ;*.r-<a: August. I£*S. ■ • A". cimsideiabio a-my and report every i2d : 3 “ yfs, :A Braden’ I _ J- B. Mabtis, J. P. Impbijlaiit incidcht of that groat slrug- Bcsl'3 : : « “", 1 yr, J W Welsh’ ,/V lit, r v?=ri-l ITT, - ifßr ••foffoirtnf 4^wa l w,, *^^-“l^W*n'd : -Jisibisq ; jf\e'AL''h,.k.:;,iifh u»A (oiffTihsn Arcnunis,’' of P.i-iee npd Tiirilf to our distracted^' 1 do Leicester owes, 3:yrs, H Bright, ; filed in.tUs Kcg_-,i bleeding ; NVc believd*.that not do 3, “ lambs,' John tiarrard, '’“ft ? cf :‘''' ;T .' r c -i :; ‘ay county, f»:. j btherivi.c citir it fuller or (W do W’Jt lop ilerino buck.JosFleming, ldof » '■ d ew r s.3yr. do. Vn vv. -ui> i; ; ».- ,Ky M .' NoTKitirer:;'! th’s 1 inointjiitous cci op 1 tl * ; oo Iyr do -.'O-b5V,i e.-iiitreittlioirsiiu -he.ce. . < ( t O'u'.ained llmll the . TlPtfinaJ ?»<•-.sift ii. it. l vii ielttorib, A'i-j perusal . if out; t-<§!mnhhT I h 0: C '“ c Jhomas iiriuou..- earnestly. .Solicit ..tpe coaipcj roi.lin.l icoouns oh- Vati’wV eixiia**?* I a l‘ l<'ends of the National cal r.c.!..-r(‘.Hi hire, A S’lei.k' rf tLc esiaic i' vc .regard and upliold a? K-.likViJ' uee'.t. ' ‘ v ' I UnlVersal—ilumaniiy, to aid ••.■•'p..sin-;«,i. y.\ .i.ein M-Carrr.|U its circulation. ihe t-siair. t; ]:ev. J:..cs M t’irkj ; TBR\£S ; H‘’'i .7-tliui Aor.tjeif-«'f • ii-l. Vcn« r«- !. I Tiie oi.ofmous lie price \ s. .-i.ii.-rv.oors .. f.o .--■-.ifl'oi' Joan Jof piinling paper ;ihd olbei inaleri ids ' tv'vf. ■>, -V... .1 , lyi.-rf r.j A h: j psuli. in prhitiilg lieSySpajiers cehipels -•• ;: I. .- -I; iis ,'foi iiiereaso thd ’price’of -H.tlE Til ...ea l'cfs..ii*l) Pi | Bt sjjigj:'i Our-'ivew -tSsiims are s or ia *t i ’ ' UATLY: TRIBCXa.: [ *,i .Vrefrki £h.l I Single Copy, ...'., A.„,1. ,!..,;...:.S csnls. - ■-'* *i,e (oil i?s ic«). ...^B. ■ .‘.;Vu. V- .-.- SKMI WLLaLY TRlUy>vt:. i ■. Out; one yent* YlOl issuer).,. $3 • Two ('opi' S, ou.a Tejtr....!...... L : Klv?* C r t*:e«,'ono year.... 1.... isl 2. i Tea C'lpif -ytiir. $22 50.' j An eiura copy will bo .&cat to clabj .of iwcn :ty aud i s' •. I • . j ;O.KKLY TjlilßtTXE. . p . ■ One Cofon** yertr iMue5).....1,......1..52 | TurccC’i'pifs, one y0arJ..............! Fire one year..;......., Teu .Copies, <uic year... .......A. .....slo larger niimbep.' -ty '«<T‘si-»-!of. 'svibxenfters,: Bl,od mirlh An -■Sti-A copy: will be sent to every club id' lerrl ■jK7?sr,er.a, & cnicAao R. R.; y- ; » Ui . Tis 2d ; ~ tTATJIT.’?n;ft: ‘« (tyttiaTp/dcVpnid £O. OS’fctv**• :£ qUeu-4*iou.. . 1.*»90 00 •liut ...„:. ihi;iTtt'co. •Profit?* ani t vpnnjing9. I> i r iii r*n ri?* fn I i ..... Bi&u . =I „~-. 11=1 =MOE >• .• .. . • •;! re l "* ■ ** »; V'• cuiku.4»g t’iJc (i>l »:tua iclsta£n*:cr , -it--* d. A' . - • of T>:\ S. Cunning •• in o: r.u-l-. 1 •?.*->* t't.navQ^- *.*i ol U 2. *\. t ' iiUi'V'.-- i -'" G; Ji.;n ssnun; of S*.i icl jSfoore, J " vl J- . V’.t: ii.l'i;; ifjii.avr liiugii -v-il. iim. i.s. decji.r ■ i ;o>*£; B-aisle?. ME -Si-igiitoa i; v ITo .c-3 Hi 'Orphan’d Coii't *•-- - bja.tUor Vjio Aci -V- -. it--, p.i)fc|iv • 'I. y>j' ■ .V.*ts> A - -* .l.i«* C'.. ui»i ra-iu« -c-f •~becu *•-'- J ‘il-- wCMJii i.*; I:;~ Un?«* *>i siitf i»;]<u>n 9 .ui‘, v.i-.v. C-tUuIV« UUvi *»**♦. ••V %n i>o c iu, *tCc ~: •> °- It- * a *% jl. = / J •• w *^iru. c:. ( j- dec'd .-’JOo. -0^ <4 o u., poison 1 i'-J .U * V.v prypcn , •i. ; deed., per-*, ■•'j ■-.■*£, duo d., parson- 7'> willow' cl P iil*;tCQ Torre*iee, deed., _ iw ,<* i-l.uv oj Th imaa S.. Xhorri*>t‘U(‘g, pcrson *i |(.vi -i.» «., .... . „lo n-iuj.v t.r u.iviJ Cbciiran, dccM.,' p«rr . P»-iona! J,*.-p(J:(.y . " ■ : '•> Ouok, <l.-o,'i., personal j. To ..i...v oil dec d.. porsoa ij* 1 Jwfyvsi-iy . •■< ■* ia n’<r«Jiy giren to.»U persons- taler-- € X of •V'tl Ooit.-fc."!inj-idi": Vi(er !t.uu lift third Jay iu ‘ ; letnt; bcitig (bv i i l .u r i .ty u. ,Novc:nbei. ;}. • il v 'hsv ’l. '-y iia'-e. agoiusl Hteconlirmahon absulme of tue sajae. A. G. M GujiAKV, ■ Gtc-rk. °SI- 21, 1603. • /Notice where the fTy?ter«'_ite*.y I>e ob iajßtd during; tbeir. Masoc.. iff. ini]( »l«S>red stylus .Ta* f-j ~ • * , ,-w. '-v !by the can or dozen. Tfae^bU ‘j* JgrnwKei StocUcders of me Bank .oMJwsrcr witL *U r th«luxuries tbe PlTTSBtJfflff^uAß-, • are h .* r ' ih;a liio A muni •gEy'.canaffofd.t ■*•***'. • ? beiJ ** ‘K p dnt Kb«t«lrp*tro!S»g^Brei£ VV vrfSw 1 - 00 Taesd, ‘iV.-! ,,e ,»} <> l y beet owed *., continuance af tba me it N^eeu;tuc ‘Lour* or 7re^^y- eo udted. • k , *••-.”'3SS» *r ®T \ v <m-N^- 4,,d ’Le-olection twr 7 fStffft*.. <.'•.];■ j> . '■■ ot f Pijftea, Port MoonW.S«edli^Tw«*ie2j.j: . . vT Ceaves; Corsrr, 1 i New Brighton. Out I:£, ib’jo.- / • ie. JVT ;-■*'£ I ..i... -1.C02 f.>M 76' - 3,0d0 00 ESE :» illuicy, 4c£ v iL, per- |1 c-i3a‘fib!s’7‘ ; oJ tolici'jdj. F V.e^f|,^(hist4 ; • ;1 y’ l Ar-- ■’ ■ ' 1 . r\.■; ':;; it 'V ■’' - 1 ■■'•]r’! y,i! - ;< f lßtJ hlrtinl ■ B rttf ■C I .J-. I fft/ J ' ■' B' . -' ••W'ltf- ’ ~ :l ■ ■ t.; ti (p ‘ij* ! i ‘T'l ■' ji T ‘n i &6%! 1 5! T .“ oi the Aeiifi^ -n«l. ( Iu tw(-.,»j « W tural Society, hell Sebt- SOth, 1 ywvrs. has obtained both a and , and Oec lot, an* 2d. 1883.' i a iflrirojridely, dimise«fcircrtlationt liari ' ! ,’' i ! !,n . v otltcr lu-WMiipep ever puhll-Keil i: . kiJf^u ' ■ an ftha«>«ff*wd, •^’W^^bon*'yraop/J-.»trtw fiMj-waiuiyii wjlhrptber johrn«l<' ffcphi f? , '•'T '"A I*' 1 *' , W the- volnn'.etsrinrt and departure' of B* B * Wood raare. 8 yr, Wm Slirodes;' ?prvp in tlie tTnion, lU i “° f t,o< } ' eir-CMilalTon on thirl 6ih ot : December, ■ O , . * am ’‘*y horvK Jnb Ri>l«Tl«i; ISCj is is fblloWi i; i ,Zd best' do - ; > do, Ukdior Bakin;! 60.125. Be-uW’a stallioni, 1y * «p J-WGaiiv, Semi- 17,280 ■uo do y A au. iiicbe^Ealiiiu. ee^-v * 48,000 2d do ‘i, John Garrard".! l Twtutv Copies, to ont address, one (.^cin - . Sjfc’s. Hifu.iiity larger .number nt I s.tuic price. An extra copy Will be •tent to clubs -of t Won't V- To clubs- of ! (lio ty Til ls SEMI I BCXE will i'T.. clubs of" fifty ITdE D.VJ LY TRIBUNE will be,sent gratis f Atlilress : TUE TRIBUNE, V . Tribune ; Buildings, Ne.w T Yprk .! When drafts can-be'procured it is iniiL-h rutpr than lo reniit Bunk Bills!. The. iiHiiie. of thb : Peat-Office ■ and Suie in >ll t-asetj be plainly written. , ' N , SubscriberH- who' send money, by' VRjcpreßS, -must prepay ' the Express l else it will be deducted from the IVllliltOlK-e. . Tuf. JaiBCiSE Almanac job JS63 willbejijetdv abotit Christinas .| v “ Union Hotl,- ? BEAVER, PENN’A. | ALEX. Pai'vi’iiKToß IS pddilioa to Ibc coiisenirncts of- a fire .Claw Hotel, l.liu l‘ropri(;torbA» fitted up in . hi* bouse, in » complete nnd ; «ati»lictorj'ip»n..j ner ’ * a ' ; AA ‘ ,'i ' ''C N..._ 1 jt '; £?& ‘' 4■ j . ■> - r r. -%? k ■ =Li ■t-* - •• v ' ; ;i -ir.t --vi..;. ■ . i r ,- ~., I -.>:.■■■ 7 ;■ : ■ i.' '*' j Best folding Byr a up. Robt Given.! 2d “ •< Jacob Gube, Best 2yr * up, Ruel Wray.l 2d ’• “ ‘v , .T. J Jrvnn, Best span maiph' marcs, Rucl Wray, 2d do * . da Thus J Moore, Best saddle horse* W VV Irwin. 2’i J, DC. D Marquis, Best pacer, 4 yr'-and up, i Jacob Gutie, 2d - “ (“ 1e? “ Sami Ewmg, Best span heavy d’itbor, W W Irwjn, 2d j “ , *• i Wm Gaily, Best span tar. bones, W W Johnston, 2d '. ". . “ | Ji\N Kraz'or, Best Jack,. J. John DiUdn. Jo spring colt,. Robl| Cunningham, do mule. i I Alex Whilp, do family car horse, Lewis Snyder, 2d ‘ “ , \V \V Irwin, Best pony, . John. Welsh, 2d best pony,- M 3 Rhodes. i ’ ' Claw Xo S—Cntt!.''.. Befit Durham *>uil. Ribt, do . iia.f- huiict*, N J.M Li.'ri.,il.-k. do Lull, . . Ja>. donfelivt jr troas bull; Wm W’au. do coiV, W It Bwden, 2d, ’• “ “ John Waii. Pest yoke oxen, Jus .M tJuire 2d “ *“ ,■ : John Stansberry. .rtKaecu -1 cluiNlc nfirci- In? i rogular Ami • vyo ration of isii.wliich that of — Swine. , ' Best Suffolk Pig,?.' Robt Cunningham 3 D'.rkiru' fowls, - ' ; Jas M’Gniro. 1 j»r Turkovs, _ . do \ U« 111 t)X- I)esl common pr Pucks, liliudos. Best 6 lbs pi nit butter. Miss 0 (ruVrurd. 2d- •' *• Miss Xuuey Huri’ftn, Best roll butter, ; Miss Sarah .Somers. 2(1 V “ '* Mrs. Joilu Watt. •tT .» , • . Best qf. Molasses, Best acre, red wheat, .Tlios, Ferguson., do bus wliiie wheat;. Sami (iiilespie; do bus,red wheat,.' Henry Xos.s, do bus Mudilcrr’n wtuvit. Jno Will I, 2<l Ims ' ' I S«>nl Giflt;r-|>ie^ ib*si bti blue slum wirt.RCtniriiifstlr’in, tin bil*, ihjiv vur., T Ido 1 bus Bardshaw. ad" 1 bus •• , j JobniWu^' Bast .bus seed;.oats,, 'j ('unnijuiliaib, 2d bus ““ B Brawsbuvi-, B.«»t biiH Keod barley, do Vdo bus seed corii, . . | F Sowish, dp „i bus clover seed, j- Jiio.Given, do i bun timothy aeoJ.Richey Eakin, 2d ,l ‘* “ JiW Johnson, Host I;bus flaxseed, . Wm G Wolf, do ..bus while beaus, JaaJohiiKbn, do, bus red potatoes, SamiMaaou, do.bus .Seslian nocks do i biiM peach blowpoVFrdderivkSoWasb ■. 1 purple chilly j»o*«, Vf, S. Wolf, ; ■ —•—. . I J hile.Nwdtbunafck p«£ Fiiatier, ... AAVobkiko iIAN’s ’ YikwB.-M. G. j l metalit" dotfll atnp, _ ' iloffat. a working main, thus apeak* I Koata. % ; JameernGuipe, , ■r ■ : . . y I I iLt (Irajvingjj. Mia* Sarah Spencet,j*o theai.«tocr»Up eyraptfbuore w.tti iepafatbrd: simit maph’n. L) .M Doneh'oo t i the 'South in England, through ! the Be»i:6-rap fall applea, Jos Ew ? rigJ 1 vt^ii-S'riihblt. ‘ Joseph Wallace; ' *«£ ho fa^wdhjK^,%(t6:'fh.«^«ip|.,. 2d “f •• _c A .Wm Heury ( j lieat' atalllbii'ipr all pur. B C tJiewuti, per teii -wil& Beat var. winter - apples, A Christy,;] Ido.fainily .■’iSnrijfo (hare Wm Johnston,the save Itrdedih^.aristiiN^niUi'i ofi tb^. 2d “= “' . Nelson Inman, Ido portabicUaWer,. Jos C. Smtlh. but we of Ipnnbjer birth hare Beat ool'n apptes, J.W Ewing; - :aadille hbraj,' f Thomas Sioke«y,:deyper tics to';.bind, ps to A'mef-ieal'l 2d “ : , Wia C» Woir, o d>/ji»r iiibrlila^airtight 7 v ;.y- boili political and BoHt wedling apple#, iDaviil «rJn*merf # . SaralivßhrcM^ t% ! 1 tUb tt.rfmwr ' retvfrtou f;: »do- p<*ar3,; \ .R<*l>u-Oiijw»iv r' <lo jin* a onow"k|p'tight ■* . ' *hon*H do lfftA; . HtH j -W,!i B«rah RliP'*de*ii do doz quinces,' i’ r ■ Jno B Young; ■ : do'um pic peachbutter;3arah Rhrpdca v fpopßdlfiws, .what opf fofbng*? do J p'k Isabella gmpos, Dr M UYr ay *. j. U 1 oyca a uw.i I igrn ac I /n, Aifuri u h \Vy 11 u : Wh a t pi (nine, haring miators and- all do J p'k Catawba-.^. 1- . do .• ■ Premium' fo Samuel Keys (orfaßtestAbai sa. spry dearitp nie,, :> pup. ,- r dp i p’k native .“j .. J B Young, j (rottrig on aeeond day of the Fair. , , j metiof- Neyv-Tyrk cK •rfb> col’n fruiia generally, A|utiri.sty.‘fPreinium‘t«^Fel ! * Lsiflferty <driM-pepolies, .iilwopilfTboinas, ;tfotlet tiblktiiyay^^Uhtf'Pailf I .'^'i l 1 iiioii itmeriried epplea, . Jos-Ewing' ■'*' A yrd.-Ui) ,it.. I anil - tqake moiatmia - ITYi^k'ing.;men are .(eldom 'Beard i* boa pinkie Konned?!^pruit ppon ; but let hot; i dd bUrf Prince Albert,! >J) dp a ■ • Waidewptfnthtlie!«enior raetnbergare oiir'getotrryupj.ow there * ; tße ^ ( cth i : ;V7U j do ■£**■ AVaUeraanV : ****** riiitiwith;worleiugraiettirl do tat m finger r^-, do bus pinkeye pot’s, Jlarv Kennedy. do J Bn, now var. pbtVXSI tJonalck, -■ do j bu assn’d pot'ea,Mary Ken nedy, jdo acre Timothy:grass, HXKennedy, • 1 Cla& No. 'lQ—Fruit: ' ■>* : S ■ i'.-f’.i :422411.1,4!R• .1 1' in:■ ;i V..UO k- :7 - 7.j.A.;:;.4..,- , ..i.::1 1 :t.-4A ■.u r?T flf' 2d. Division. Class No. G - Poultry. Clasv'No. 7— Dahry. Class No. B — Jlonry. d-c. Mary Kennedy. Class No 9 Field Crops. ao, dhlt* do rca^ 1 ruowiii Ua nvtti . dq-caduf, do laai.iiiy ; diijiariil )*& !0&*& No. 18, BoHt2,horae. do 2;horno Yfaj do tiut)iplairqn k do cooking «lov dopiove tor beat do callings yer Class jfo. W Judges find to award prem Cliss No. 14. BeAtydit lineir(ci uibj *liculin<j an; ib> best 1 Juz b: Class No. . :ellaneous. •Host oil D 1) Jolmßon, tl<> photographs?* O. A. GritHn, Class No. 17.- — 'Lit§ies Department- IWi bol,.oii 4iiilt, alai , y J;i:i<‘ Rood, .* do' “ “ -S X Rd'vdl. 2nd ’, “ “ “ do puUh ili^S Ki-uni-dy, Bosi - I*. ■'* k AJatiidii l)avv«oii, -ini knit do r r igifniiiel 2«d ; ■ illJs;tVWleriek Sowakh, Best hfiTinh Mi*i Athciu Moi.lh,. ; do kniVvfitoVkii^f^t?^.*' i,/ “ ' ; do Horron, * d<i. bfankot;? 1 Ateift©ilt>Hna:liuri-ard,j do pt ‘mils. ’ ’-'S Uerron. | do eroiehloir tidjfV Coi»k, j 2nd * <*• “ ! r' ! Mitt Mai'y;-A: Given,7 Biist; thread iMa Monro.l do hnreau eo»et‘i'iWBWlrp Hemphill. I fdo stand ! do rag carpet;" ■istotia Wolf, ' do beaded Jii: -j!j PoW, do ueedlo boo ; Ucst^^ 2ii>ln .jv., i, i v; -i Sow*. Bei*|f AI Moor.. •In J loavesJiylifeS>r. l *i*iM.a ,- do pound cuke,’ jlr» jom>ul| ijirijok do light eakifs, Mr» llobl Watferspn. i do spongecake, Mi* Joseph Strdi k, i do preserved peaches, Mrs E Thomas. I do pick ids, llmny NiWs, j do preserved qupicgs, Christcna Wolf, i i do spec'nsilvercrj»jidly.3li's(iormly, j id •* •• • " ,\Jlrs E Thomas.! •Ip apple jelly, , Miss Sarah Somers. j ,do spec n grape Wine, Mr, E Thomas,' do. peiMiti bin ter. Mrs Thus.) Po.vur. do apple luittor; Miss A Given.; h .do chair cushion, Win (t Wolf, j do Ground •diyries. Mrs E TJoitfias,! . do specimen grape jelly,3lrs Gonnly. I :do’ “ ■ Boiitr “ •-* J , do euchred Mrs.E Tiinmas, I do *• , MrsJ. Ourragh, • i do peach jelly,. 31 rs Tlio* J Power,' ! elderberry Jolly* Mrs J oluP4V:iU,'i quince jelly, Mrs. John'Watt. ( do cherry wine, Mis. M Wcymid. : do cucumber pickols, M iss M A Given, 1 do canned oiuirries, , MrsE Too mas,’ do canned peaches, Mrs E Tuomas. ! >. do pr collars, '■') , Mi-s Lee Sowasti, j do pr pillow slips, e “ “; ! j . .do pr pillow slips, Afiss 31 Sowash, j do Handkerchief, Mias M‘jowit.h, j Class iVo. la —Flowers. Best hand hoqiieijMis* JatieTliornifoy, :dd hanging basket Power, ' l9. i liui Va fins Kee'd, Fr6der>ck Sowa^h, 1 v'bralmir grain' hcfijbii, job 11 tf Wubb, i iui in bulij ' _ J J Ainl«*nMm, r•• ; ' ■ - I -.1 . Ifioholas on Eng \ j- ' ntMt. tnd Atnetlst. ■ ' Bcepub- Mi .!!* ■fctyfwlttif;' froiir n deii oif N»«r d®S %!*»»"3»tf *.ftdsWan Trlfiftif. Vierf‘ d -Ho ‘ 9«. r c*d>ith interest; •: j:; '‘dti'r, Wr P ® r - p «ter:«bcro. Feh., 1855 ItWViIW ' n .v lohjir reaches von', ■ yon Rhodes* • miiM'v'i‘<l, iiit'e)!! Htl V,>reu,l d ■SWufe/^^ 1 *^••?-*?’’ 1 9> l " tt " 4 •* a:?bldw that &&& ; • I ? le^ d»re #en-- '• • „f j wo., tyero expecting f ° *' ol ‘ w, > were vbhivil •m. v 9„ a ? < l'J»«"ni l-Wi * hearts toiiii jiJfca whicb; (,ar tninds vi,rd‘ in.aipahleidf conceiving. The last days of the Ciar are a whole' century in the history of- Russihy jiid v wiff fteyer be forg.itton by those /who WitiaWd (he»e, pb you imagine that h«t T lf,l,l v -free? fQuife lft< contniry. Impartially-likea, iphop ef>ta !U >on the -present shuaUonNpf >UVe European Powers, and predicted, the jvctmicy of, one wild -topics far beyond the present. \ ' \ | . “Enpilaiid,” said be, ••has retched her either for life hr death.f Thereis. no middle point j !!. ,r ,! ie . 1 ! to ' pursue. One-thing alone nius‘ save her, and that is a'free coni fessjon; not only by the (ibvernmont but by thV'.wlmlo arristocrncy. made to the people tllat they have been ab- I surd (Win first id ’ust ‘ t}y»t the crow.V is unable any joiner to njainnii n its - ' power, and that jthe p**iijili- ninst arise find unite fogcler as ode man to save the boiiiir and .preserve the integrity [Of the >coinitry. jA : candid licknowl i edgment of -truth may even now save I England, it her i corrupt ari'iocrnia; i cam to the stool of con-1 fessiom Fiiilii-o’j on the oilier hand, i can maintain herselfonly In’ ,falsehood | and deception., j The Emperor may j ,proclaim to his ,subjerts that lie gov ,'lll snd the litfairs of n|j Europe- tlmtjijdiot can hoy**? fired-with ■ out bis perinX<H|(iti.'»n« (he first Power' iu Europe-;‘h'U a single; shock', oti,< speei-h ot a demagogue, -ij,'.’ overthrow dlimViid darken the star- oP Napdleoi,, former. ’1 ' I ‘•I liave offered harfd —tlio. hpnd of reu<>nciliaiioni. biijC be refused: it. He wishes toi hvenire; up--| in nre. ainliji,.' ifelemi utioo Koirlund fibopt sighted ir.ep, who seek to avenge hi faihera upon the child- Jmpleniehts. <-W f Irwi ii, i Sel>f<Mi(c < i, TLorailey. • il :• . < J Anderson* itiMaiiu- this class Manufactures. Surah Rhodes, ; il , J W Moore. •V-* 4 ' V. nt\ o.'iiuwr:],: %''fy Y t /;v f a jj\ r efcra6M JT d' IoQ yj- i •I: > liiu' :-H|* : J ‘ - » ; • • •. htromtriK* ini my efc six: yea Bgo;i Ewing.' vr' ' ij*' i'fjier-think to strengthen;.,os , |?iiillipibarg Jus.- Irqp | in.lHe,mighty* other .tuitions of | Europe. But, • Eebtioiiiy »',61 0 UM*,'#.- 1 never have been,!'#nil'"ever wifi he , IliH-imtny :;Joimthan Ldnz more t*han «e'-nirliitry Powers, Hiitrajpa 7(l7*?^ '.holding power ~hyi the .clemency of; Brighton■■'C. liu niv ■lion«p. tor; &y~peytnissioii of the !-6sai»«|er WVstorn Powers. )!; ontuondiiition ! "'ilooii Saiiim it li-tl me in (he mi.tst. lit' nil thin in ! JoM'plill. CiJop gnilitnde Htuk villtiiny airdl hi* is the ) sympathy of f at) high hoarded peopiej ! Koch enter lip; • ii) ihe .other Hide of rhiv AtliirificCjlho,' J. J. Ai|ilefapii, ; O ily nearts in which I have un eeho ahull lliivw?;;"' of iny struggle* against United En* | Ohio : J llobet Never liitve I forgotten' ,tlie LanghliiiV- I • Rin'iVlWtkitnlnesii nhmvn to tue.byj;- x'v,.. tlio least. of thy subjects; ictvinyf children neverdorget what wo owe to, ~, Mil> . l|e |j pfo Amonfiu. an»l if e,v*>r an tionr or naff i*' ;*•r f'X :^" t rke.A W v’®l Jef. p o we}ti)iionUf4 hcr'hnd.ivfaiUintl, ally-in njv fiiioity. ! Bndd-wiiicV- • I T ire *e wnr;l s mil ybe of interest to| -. Givono: Job yon. rnyfnhiiii], heeaiixeiyou are now ■ ''' Ameri-ans, and , ‘ Wonii-Sfewlt-k nietitToii then! IJwHtying that d your !yv JiCl‘i»rv‘ HymjM.thlw have a tor-, eignflsnd nearly half aJ Ot>3 j’ evv learn* to: reciignuie his true friehSx in;! ®Sv hv the hour of danger,.orfnd' voirthay rhlv; Hoifmveii - -J« upon it that u- *•*« Romanoff pd4ean7w Hir» oo lliy Konxiau HiriMie. the Amort- v „ ;„» r ,gn-gjj cun vyill *if!'tor need-a frjetid. ; i - The abjoyk says the Bee, in a faith- ‘dtir Q^ttWtb fill and inost, literal translation front • .*■i . < the Which ip written in German.! To the E/li\or : hf : the I Telejraph : by otie pf the noblest of Garland, j, ■Sia i. Th'e p!rrat|p etiH'u/s a'|o yearly residing 'pi, St: ; From comjiltjteil fiir o|' the tc tho source ’ litaitis of 'f he’JU"iiT p'.soldiers,tieaUered have no hesitation)ir.jguarantc^iiig -its', ofor tlie Oeltyxhil.r g baUdefiohi to the adthonlicily. / . ; , buriul-grotind W; v lir^pt^parod ' r J ", ■■ !- x ■■■ by the sever for fteiryoeepti •.hurtal. ', *" AllthCdet il'eVre.Kand the reniains dfix and huri-; ed. atjd tlie'i marked -or : [knowlf, W,ill nha pertna j xd-tt iiia'lsdidier’s. cemetery.-!!., ‘r: j'l.V ,r*itltfi the friends, of ■ahy”decet n take ,'his reinama .lion ; they will Conlera fr|yt uc|y.ii.ukiti^ known /:;jtii T nu J^lfelr' the bixliesiarc ‘ rfi ts <*eirie« i t’e’rj‘i i it Will hfc .erj .jesrrahrisho'f do dWrratijje.'/ t«e 'ordi'r of l the.- graves .. a:r i ' ! ‘ i>AVip .vtilL. i 'Agont fof A.lChrifb I ,' 6 brPoiinsyjvaniifJ ■ - '•< • r r Gri rrsßUßii, OetijSi )63 i; / -,v ■-. v■} Xh o^fiWs.ii! t|» «j ugh/i 1 1 the ea vioiiini -jiMjiiißtLl ■tc«.:taoif» ’-■ looks of the Tai tnintr” saui Weslenf*’- tod^‘ l wWn-eastefn ’’ who was gtiziftg w-jih rojiiMlrcyedj wonder, bv’ftfJn Uy !{h<Afi b ugo alHgato.iV ; >^^trid|: i on the mptldy-; .tb«v aih t what yeon , tt bansam V v / ; V.I- -• . ■\9V7ooni. ■■ • ■• < 3 , - . • it -■ •- * ‘ • ! - - • ■ -T - . ■ , • - . , .r..;Tlstablis' he ~;5 .-~~ r . ;•*.« EEI •■f'f j’ 4. : i\ y. ■' UjrttrfJurora ■ 6^)oi(id'4 i {rtarftoyr sj TUomjv»,Kinsey ; ;•• S. * ’ ~ E^vtjfl'iiu jjiiriMii'll; Samlet F\\riiler, Joh n - ffoudiiy,' TaadHeft* Kcliv. ; : ; ! I -Nv^'^S'jsvu-kij':' ‘~'-M.-irili) N icljoja* B( I^ ; ;J({<MJiesle,i||;b<>r») i. j ~ .Sut>iU' , ! : l\ N j'A'; .SiiowiiMi s . - : •' ' j- : ■ ■ ! •i' V'rtrioi’er(:pt Samhol Bi'o< i Bonk. LLem-y Bearer ,'";ljoro; , .Win/ S. Hui'h B.- Aitfierwiii, jiimeii ! , C(ii|>pew'al:‘ Go'iilan!. *} . : ; { ■ Soaftoßsavor; John Q lR . 01)M» s :l Wl‘n. Chaney. llijepeiid Jnce: Bernard i ‘ PETIT JUBORB. V Bridgewater: Joseph il.’C Runp. . ; ? ... i • <#rceoo: Mi bell.- South Boav BViglii on tj> Hopewell | 1 Xevin.yv 1. Big Bravei* - Raccoon': -j- i WiNon, f>. M Dari rug toil r 31>"inti.jjn Fiillsloil iior ■'Franklin .Noggle. .[;■ 4.0ui0; JD .0. can, Sr., Eiilj 'tfallower. p ; Rochester t[ Barnes. f; Harmony.(Jasper Hennin llaiiover:|Ra>ber,l liar.-jia! Pulaski: IDI wood ‘ jaaraa- Myi-w. | ■ ,N.e<v Brighton ; 'i*bos Mill: ep'Osl)ornd, 4 , Now Sinvitfkiv :;Jairijj-< Goi iiuii;|| Ban 1 1 M’dalii: Beaver hoijo j. Oliver Ansii . Nortlj 'SrvViekly : . Daniu' David Al'll'eri L -«( , . ’ j Industry :‘Jnines M’Culldi 'Phillipsburjr: O. F. Jiaori ■ Ecoaoinj: Majtywn 1 ’ • I.'U i I ton ttaJston, J ii : Win. Tayl lloury .InJy (Juat-JcH irv J. C. Clin’jini D 0. C. P.itu Shull, Ct-ail. p: John p.jivi id Zimmerly. >: -Marcus Ba S ini I 111 Haze n Thompson, J i’aiin j Obrisloi Wi». Moor -'kV CHAU lEeeJ, Jose; er. : J' ' r ti: Cjf nilening, iavitiMCroiry, <*— ■ '4 .. 1 • t i-BiU-cky, :M. S- Johns. r (!>ovvK i’i:nn-i S.u irt ii'uiiv, ,y, \Vm. Ailiims »■ S viiifey, s£.iLUtTi T&i - .;!!*■ M Kinly. : Jutiri Bon. Kni..nmh. M 0:i(lts1 it. (Jiiroilierc ' Deid‘ •r NM . - .-1 ••• . 7. - »• a^ss^ui^v o«te p«r ' «uMW]iient iika«rtiair jf»?W KlTert!*«•», uid on lbrig ady%rti>wnu'nU,_ ■■_■* .. equil t$ ratty*-lines ot' tl.j«tjEe • . -meiimre'i' ikyl suture!, 3 '' '“' ‘J ‘l’i *’ £ =I I 4: .1, ; -.v | • ;. , .. 0 ‘- •;: ', v --•- .. V.- : CVml C'line, per -MißtUgw V id }' A Strategetio l*adlo«d ‘J Ih the- West Hili«CMiP>otiedahoase--i- - whieli n 1 parole pf yerKHl 'ledhO. ' v jwid no nt'enl ior. Io tbe not deed ■v|>«.dV/tV»^f4fVitio?r 'to'VWyih-al, - liptires I Tire- owner I'’fouorfi,[!fe;'R?| 1 '’fouorfi,[!fe ; 'R?| yiriio- le*. 'iVrjMHI ten lease n'nidi t . ht.ijvo w«r;?^rth,;:fi«' ;/'>•?■ liis toPaiif^PiA,..' -j'”;'■;•;■ life Ihik T ' tyvpktgfttie, ttafiedhyi Ipthh jiaj»ern“ho.w, (Jen , ; Grry '■ ■ ’• j'-lhe ene;nu‘s : c*#n> m utiH-a.l i< »;•-■’ u* , ti* n Jn X• ■■■ I.Hittiationwhere. ad Vowi* .'.j»B hfe-~iW - I ptien were exhausted, henm-H tfuri’. -dei-' at,- jj| jJiindifirJ .;‘ ,^‘Pi>muiiifuiions. j .*’• ' ’"X,. ’XJv, ■’■ ■Hi' iunp!oye<f a|'lioi7s»y hnorvt'r. ‘‘.lj;*. "iwpiMltu lniii;-tp hHi)g air extra'. ' |d£ "f hlorks.: ’rheliouSe nibv^ryativ* his hleeks and ClltninpilCoi l :dB iniHhi. building. W hen ho had ‘ it about tout* feel from the tfrpuiid'tifSt teiiatit i--alieii a parley. is*n?d “More” the tenaiit;i_»ict;‘'.V.) . | Hope, raiser wcoHonwilhJils work.' - The next ■ mpr/iing the~ tenant; iband,, this from door about /eef«fe>vo the surface I ofe the eui t h..aiid ■ n o r £n >> id.. fe 'stairway. It was ;|ou elevation kfv i-ojhmpwouhibd dapt'orous —fe- Harallcd for. a, ladder. “Move” iho jiidtced , down sadly upon tl«4 beautiful''earth spread out beneath biiij, aridjigfeed.-to.’urny-e. 'ArM jnlhr was brolight do.w r which the 'tenant and hi* ooo<li| detcei/d ed;l t;- - Didn’t CaTTIf lie Did..- ■ - In olden time',' before the Mania j latv.s Were Invented, V£fng ,!;ept. the j■■ hotel at ..Middle; feraiivdiepjund from :■ t Ns well siouXed bar j- ' nii><l:itions r for ' ni-an. and Ibiiast.” : I He want a good-tnasi, itit inpxt terri bly- deat. Fi.'h, the village .painter, ; ■ One day they were aitiiii|; alone in, - the bariioom. W was ,beliind the j f/)r . : I whlle'iFrsly >vkfcj^iitting. bpfpr*r tKo '.: St’-‘ wthHhiivty' torjk' ah T I e >’hs r deeahiora,; t-aiid tij, hlial.ahiho,; l '. •one would cyhie i'h' aiidfkhrdrX - . treat. : - , : A traveller ffbn. jfcutirifflvgii&i •' op- : his,way to-Brandon, atejifiKdih to, in- e.;„ quire tlio distaiite. y.avhg upied tho iwttnterlhe-said .] - . r. ■ ,i . ‘‘Clan v’da ieil siry,hovy. &jirit is, ■ v read y l*«dlord, jiV • pislier, linn, K. .< i'Ev'ana. foW-Va.. uiey, John rgrj Jiaaes ICrawTor<l; foM/Joliw Oud. oriier. _ re.U’obt. a^C'amp. n, John I-n'oI) L 6, . Seth d win U'AiKttow jlm Dun , P. M I, Samuel ' -I S<t ii. Sam’lii •Rv; , T, Sarnia irdon liter. ntz. Haiticp/i iher.A '-'i iik! -•(<) yof tfad > vp itdojrs tijii i J , . fct rings r ; ,Vl flaked, JiW. liftr Tl.' wiui to , I ’ ‘- , r V-**' '' ** 1 iitjd : yfrrfg. \ “\Vill ;yo« • with' it?’!, the-bavvi and toijdy Btic.k,; v,. * •*• * despairing UuvclerAluruud to ‘ FiA'-aiftCsintdA '■■ ■-i/'(!■ V ’’'■•; " . ‘•The. landlord R«cin«: to bt>" deaf j ! vr+il you leiri'-.s liowv liii it don V’. _ ~... --1,-:' p- } , •’ Ci» t;ik yv>a > ..Mr,aai hFish'"l ildp’t, fare if I do (uko a drink with you l !’’ The wtra*nger treated : S?»U."lie iiiadr a;‘fiiw (Je£dkoyd,re'» ! l!ie*nhood nr;;.-!<i' ' . i , JlrM. PartidgtoiPi-ti/pji.-.l vi;fT?iih’ ■ ; j in tlie tuiMllu fho'iyu'i mikuiit• :ir-Vn-hi], ■<■ '» jta bio fnr. j&Sf_ gazed ow-r h'eiv til him. . ■jon a plain edgewise. a»;;ii- t<j -.Miforro jjfu*V.victt>,j>j'' the (‘Upply-t ft-igaj. 5 :. 'her; '.' I j|‘ I aiippose it ,w«i hfP' i'-i*. . ; jjw.-ak,’. raid abe; - ta hii t - -AyorV Pills -v i 11 ; j : ';o;u-e hint; A J , ineyoijknejr They iii o very- siiljuiry, in »h «.*!«.• csf-ca.fV-*? ■ ‘"ltcuily v .niudrinn : Pri‘fiti<;dbe7- can me ..piiesvyour meHniii” i ”A ’ s r. : JSreeTy,| Aliubapl'. liter,: A 1 ■fa Nevin, JBHipti I, i Henry ■ I'-*; !, lOinpson, ,‘ - X°u *aid Jiywii eery” mill’ she; Jjivy:, : ini' 'lo.vii H' p itio u.i-i puuinir ftji'KMi ' iiil(i.tli6 pri!>‘c.rve.-<.V ' -. > ■ *»ni'in >. a different iltsiigi n : ' “Jfd matter;’’ ’she. miH, • ■•; hi liiuj to box- Ike’-s - iotHO. ' .wlfoj was of . fanth/ \ar<i ' gooiitor liojfh. ( daresay, - for they cure ‘ 7 |aitnoktiall the diseases. in ibe coinu- I oops,'* • _ .•_.*■■■'■.■• .I,:-.';:, jr : lights—Kesrfwn/ x. - . v/ j| S-myifen. I : Di ihourat—A follower of Brockin- yf • /: '■ '■>.■.•. -V.f /.{■■■■■ -CoiisU^ntiiHjal— the firms of the United S Ut )cs;v takihij -the torts_ ~ mint,nh^L*i'actiin' tjroTruHt-. Pond's and making'war outlie G<>r»- ~ ' v . ; j! thd**. Government; $ vote Southern ooliti- 4 at?y fiun g ‘; 4 A y’hntnian wlio -If pray|iy<ov l)ar,irt,jsti(J ' Si t!oiih*dera<;y. v . eii**#; 'Ol4 Abe and . 4 nates the Yankees. 4*’ V’ ’ ' ■ 1 rg. ■j . '.. I oVernor ' ' Conscience,V,isdjool ■;• ■.■ uftcvnOon, & firtght.iooitm'g '■ f«!:iovv ;V .\vd« - conscience-?’-’ • - -—••.,—-■••4 •; • .ij i ~ Jii -JIB prbrajpilyj ‘‘AS .v. i ■ \ tf Ob, one of tno ir^n^elada 1 . L ( j ainifer, ‘‘doyriiM knosMiQtf autqy.uaa> : ‘MVeIU voa’Tt eaten fourteen." , Jeko, “f oa Muat Mtt v , ' ME 7;"' irEs, CM L-S-a^ EMI r •* .. "`.