The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 16, 1863, Image 1

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iVol. 39-*Ko. 36.^
Prom the r Army- 1 j For-tl>e Argus. I Letter 'from Robert Toombs--'
pat Bn.a.Tox Station . \ Af-1 The, Concert,-.for the, Relief of ..Sick "He Declares the 'Confederacy
. .August 20tb, 1.863. i|., | and founded Soldiers; at New Scotts- Bankrupt. i
•; * * *1 Tj villc, August 26th. came off with en-i ; f .'[ t
to sky .■» few words to yon: my. i tire si ccess and ttnivefSal siitixfac.tion, e ■Waaluiigfon Chronicle has re
tliisj time, and to all loyal Ro-| even more—all, were delighted, T’he cojvcd . the Georgia'- Consiituiionalhtl
me. ( The time lias come when sky wks so serene a'ftd j.thcj ait so pleaa-jof the 24th of August, sontai|fo» a lot- 5
is a great work for you to do.-lantly tool as tSofmakfo the many pres- tir T mm ,i . p 1
feel assured you will do your, ent in lore with the day a ! nd gwl its T lato Sena-s
iiithfully, and.l trust that you'.entertlining fxercisesit more favora- ,?f °! 110 States and-laterebel
.the moans of urging others to. bio reception. ;The attention and or- cr dtary of State. It!.is' lindoupthd
same—to rnmc out strong in? der wis no less-goDd than the attend- and startling evidence of thy
lof the-Union party You j ance v-as large atiT respectable,’.- rupteyar.d faiturcof the Confck-racv
may think it strange that we, as sol-J We would speak'chiefly ot the per- h* ,i • i i 1
diers, out' tten l,y mosquitos ! forma .ces which Werj, the! principal b ° ld| > . eX P° he . 9 ll '° wcke^ne^.
and other ■ and .tortifred by ar. i attractions of the daj*.. Our alien- f nll corruption ol the managers of the
„—. August sn drenched by j the i lion was first drawn by thpi'novel yht k°° as Government, hud says that the
•A3~rc;.M.0... 2i «,•?*& • | heavy rains—would take'an interest 'pleasibg object—tho Economy Braks {whole concern is rotten, worthless and
rre-empic.itlv ajoninuli of N«ws.and:;jn ppitics or think' of such things; i Band. Never before, *ebelieve, have 'wicked: The Hws are weak and the
n! Literal ure., Tm: fiuiiji NT: has hut ic r a moment takb'a look at-the i tlioy consented forbthor places tT ? ’• m
ca! (• i- 1? y ; ;-e 1l oiisravhie!i arp well eharne- staie~of things at present,and ifl|mis-.iand personUhau to thrown tt) n, B °J'P re and a starving:cpm
terizei! by iho single wonjl I. l'.i’L' r.Lha.n. I take i ct. yon will think as wo do. Wo men in their own peculiar little, town, oium ty are impoverished and plunder-
Jt is I.epiiiiiiean.iii its hearty adhesion have recession on -ts last peg, an(l let The Band is composed of .nine Them- ®d.'- I quote .the iollbklhg remarkable
!i; t .10 great_ truth'that “God has: us all pul our hand to, and itwill have oer«, young men of whom, sonio in- partu'rimh i'i |, ■' V. u
made o, one blood all nations of men ’; to conic down. You at homo, may deed are so yctmg that on their chins W? r -My ' ‘- 1 - 11
— its the think that you canft do as much as if'-tho callow down of adolescence has . 1 p 1 ,-? a Y I to expose the
.equal \a.nd' inalienable rights, of all, you was in the Held; hut yon, at; tho I not vet grown? But. however vouth- folly of ourlpresent-financiiif
la-. r, .to Hife. liberty, and the pursuit: baUdf box this coming election,! can i fpl in years; their musical ciilturehnd 8 i 8t ® 1 " j ' Xhc > /Aej {currency
uf h'lj'pjnoss ’ jß in itsjdo more in one dav there than if iyou I experience, must, long and 'of lthci?i. 0 “ fl -r. W ". WSS f fnce '-fM beginning of
earnest, defiant hostility to, was lighting for Weeks out herd.: So 'test character. Nor do'tluiv' need to , M to us.. | Noether
ef. ry sehemoXand effoi t of the Slave j think af thife, a.nd let nothing stoplvuu the works pf tho bes't musical > , credits, j Both ; had pow-
tr-.m tlidyAiinoxation- of Texas i from tiding all, the influence in four composers of. other -places! to make J lll and establisucd State Governments
tof flie.groat 11l i-ellion. to gimsp the : power in behalf of our party. Some the best music since they have in their* i°. ba V*k. thopi. ,We were united in
efai.U Aof the Now » anil Svield ; may tl-Il you it is no lime to look af- loader, Dy. Fcight, one, who]e musifil' 0r y the , war - -' They were divHfed.
ll.e resqurees of oui W for itsj ter partyism; but it is jUsf the time talent is showp by his composition* to . twa * tke numterofiynen
own aggr.andizemef ihliean. in jto put down those of thec-./iper hdket*, hoof the highest order. The‘“Gas- | n the Jidd that we have, upoii half] the
its antagoi.isrii to il; ts of tiie , who apt striving to destroy our ebun'! perPo!ka,"‘-General Atidersdn Polka ” nmpaidthar MdkrAbmer 'than
Old World. - who fo, iili in'•the dry. I! knbw wd have enongh of loy, '-Storm ilarch - ’ and the ‘iFarcWdll -ff "heir tKqS% notefsell at a
penis ami calamities sudder.lj\tl.rusi! at men in oui-. country to wipe them Alnrch’-’. which thotj dtsooilrsedi On’ ai f counto J less thnnthirty pfr cent-, ours
upon ns 1-y their American’ counter-; out this fall if they turn out. So hive that da}-, are worthy lof the host g6m- at m .°V e tli an one thousand. | Theirca
l-art -the overthrow.vaud ruin <d\hc ]us a j-ote for Uoy. Curtin and other posers who arc highly celebrated in. f° D u S , Bole that tboir Government
M- K ; i Jicb’uMic—in its • t*amiidutes; J un<l it* we -.oilier Inndd than our civn. S*heir mu- » ttex. unutTrslpou and more firm*
dnami ;rim;. Us faith ami eiiurtfysueeeed wo Will have -gained a great j s k* warf .such as to please ao'tied to the true, principles Ot
•h.-if - tills ;;i! ri.eioiis ‘ Ucbel’.ion ;must yielorv for our eouui ty — j the oar and rapt the fancy of hearer, ‘ sUrl 'cn«y than- ours. In* all else. >,wo
rc-iil! h; the overthrow .of its thowi?-iory /d; Gettysburg. Tiios t e cif ! especially the Sonatina from^ La Gazzn "¥* - ■ |y.
ami l.«!i- firm otabiirlimt-ai Lb..- q„r ;l re iviefv fo cry; out. j Ladra and the overture tb< I William < ,la ? n T 8 _P lc [coeds, and sp\-s -that
■h-Uyuir! mpml luws.thronirh- •^il-i.jixU.iitibfi.-ims--and -hVbol-ttion-i Tell, both bvßossink ! 1 b laxatiom rigid coinpi-ebeiision, hud
vl: extent ..f .mV hv\; lmt. it is an honor lb he I The addrossesV delivered lA‘ ,Tud<'o ,0:U!S >. thc on, Y '"'ays fy wllieh
■ If” ! ” UoMdes a -vraitor,. wlfat j Aguew ami the Rev. (f. W!; *TayloV, i.J| M ‘” U .' 1 K TC !' c r v c - aa bo -JIo.
, ] tv: so Xv.e will not slop to kill a , were very appropriate and iiileresting. j . J ”e ? r io jl 'a . .
*•' as long<iU I here is ar. e.iephat.l; The former ’ remarked' chief! v lipor. ! I f-}ftuU aet, ana iliai yah
' r 1 < s-atUd.i.i.oi 1,: field. iAiok for' a ii.omoiif. al i t!ie .Soldier as -an object .ofi'lhonor, \h" Mtr ‘'f ift anj /iiihhc s./Fet
to oi tilings in Xe.w York; all j sympathy,- arid Ijcnevolenee, while i . '’“W'Mtg,. Oar pr.Uc
e, <iov; S.y idonr is a sconi>ilrely the latter stated the purpfJse and I ntler!, J inMipp>,rUthle. ■lt
r.if. If lie. had. done as. other j some of t'fe'heneticial result* of ihej - n ?, l , . V .*; r - v loundntionS c
mr s have iionc, all. would iiavo i ein istiaii 'Commission. No one. in ‘ !’.'-T r|,ts : .” a “Y "•eakening pn
otf-weil; Liu- ho Ven I■to j the ; .respect to thc present politiehl cam 1 - “ Ue^} :o f** ? lir caiiso at'hom
nstitution lb try aiuK{ii,d a lioleipaigi.. suspected : the ‘learnedi Judge ; sowing among the pc
he-, could stick in his^eopjn’r-j of blowing his own trumpet On that j i-i ■ ■ lseo| dp l| f s . -'W'.hicli i
imi by so-((ding gave bfjilayji yeC thr namber of his" loyal cu l^ ni,1 S :ll 'd widening. P.
tamp .a eriiMice to open y,lieir | constituents werejnot in the least di- aei / 1 f i “ (ls all gfjod me
3 like too Bdlls of Ba.sfian, Yiiul i minislioyl by his eloquent-address in Ullltt>! f o eorrect tlnsiovil.” -
p a boliowirtg*that ended ia’hHJ-k bclinlf of'oxp- bravo and . devoted sol- ■ '■***-—.
mi inurffr riiig; jatid disgraeed\(liers. All heard jhini.with thq 1 utmost - Slayery and the Wt
hole fclpftc. .. »Ydiy did aiotit,hc j l-yvcrenee and appreciation far as Grclm Clav Smith mode
go- on pun our Slate and in lour wX could learn, but,a coastitutioual- ' sbeccli At* Ilamil ton’’ Butler ei
-Because we have a Governor disihgion democrat wlit>*; shid he Ihe 19fh ult In snoakinii-oi
|pyal and ti ne, ami wu love him “wouldn’t give a cent nation ha said ■ fc -
S .' f 0 ' vep c perln l l Lcd t.o Vpte .
ild gct Tj tluce.lourlhs nmjorily - means to be unexpected from linn, for against Lincoln. : He, was n
rn’ ky, r prr p i- • ;t ll ‘dV“ 110 >"r d , r - i as of r.fiie.o!,,. •
mu I : mmi. 1-. TI, Imow.y. j, I-he voeahsts were tlm MissCs r>un-1 il i. xv . IVB ho ,„ u 1) y tl „| iw \yf mo ,
l.; i■ ; fan. Ncym,Wendt,l- risbdc.the' . was so toulnv• nii j d"w-s to
-SWm|. _Fa -■; J- W. Scott, im.mldso.i and others lead owner, ai.d yk was: denbu.Jm
T . . August, 10, IM.-I |by foe Rev. J. V\ . U ilherspob i. AVe Abolitionist bv the Louisville
■ * * 1 l!anVi , " < ' lei ? lanU / ha K' th f , ) - r i». the an d others. Ho : was ,happy
f with my lot as a soldiei; in the 1 f a l !at,,l > a b'lhie has . t j uU there was b.Oljli Ahull
I aniy; striving to defend dndl-f.‘ ort - and 0,1 ll,m^d - J'f 1 tl WW } jority in his:xlistriet.
t tho cause of our oin-e glorious ; 0 - vt '. c ' ut, . on was such .as_-tO more than i Tlicj speaker considered thi ehai-TO
ppy country. ) Tins horrible! do Ihemscives-and t i ia f tl.c war was waged for tho deft*
■n bas caused a 1 great deal of t "O'- , tl,c mnsieal, tniV tioii of slavery .mitiyc, f'or Ken
, destruction' and loss of life, ! ‘ no (' b-dgo ami. cxpei lem-e. Ihcir . uieky .Halids to-d'ay. a slave fjtat<V s so
iiousaibls H li avo ie1l : to.i-iso ino • . 'V L f uo-nuihil ; and . appr^;. u i 8 yyrtlf '.M:iryirj|ud and Ueidwarel—
f. 1 thousamls have been : Ul '- 1 " 1 10 - 0X, l l .’ ( ' n . l f ■'■ m(> Vp one of ihii-ir instil ntions have
maimed 'a-ml 'crippM T "y. mm"’ yj i 1 , t!u ‘ i/h'no'is, ~t Vn ruiet-fif-red Will, by the Uovera
yu-il I Ininsamls of iit »oT- wives J ,0 - ! l ttio s brv. of l‘ ree ; ; was not CHeet-ed
thers have -'left'k rnmirn i^ n ’ " J! ia fceeausit. their irilegVitv' is
“s; hn.t- tho great strii|?dei is ti"*'" 1 ’; 1 !. )J ! ‘ 1 ( '- llv . maiiititlimd amf tihey have sinod By
JoymcMse. Fver V tlm|g.nbw ib» r 'nbor msneh a |n:u..,er | t f a . GoyernmentJ-a.-l *. the^ovono
i indicate chJ of .ihe • ilS ' ° , i” f lll^‘ll '■! met I.As Mood bv us.V t— '
ini ilVdiT begin to llii-.k it Wi!Li :u '? *,‘‘ U ? U j Tim speaker Iherv gave the
■i-iglii ayav "A go-d deal lias” . 1 those present Who haw !. wl , y sIu J V4 . n -inter*™
lone yet;' ami "it? i every man : VT" a . l »«any concerts who said tl.atii Whiehi are liuniliur to a!l. anil;
<lo hU - part, Ihe-Uhinir : L . u ‘ s u . ar *,‘ l i e ' vl {own .positioif on in Re
sooner. No ’4 -! I’si'ln-ii at I lcn,| f l - ; Tho net>nH:cQds amohiit-|| j n vCIVi-encc k tho -Eman
u are'doing your part at hoiijo, I '. m lO sum ,°. t "'° y. l '“?rS.‘ l '. i . 0 - II T‘ !< ' Froclamation he said lie. and
you are one U.ut Vwillin*lloiV I'^'T accounted tor by the : ~l y u |; ~ ]nY}> i u; K .. n1: ,. :! c
jparl in'this^no-.l‘c-anse. Wldlu >0 Jv''f 11 !'p ' ” T •:. ' ; opposed to' it beejiuso it bii-iii
(•c -a work to do af home this 1 /> JK : ctM , Ve ‘ i ‘ ,3V ' U; ' " ’ i l '' 1 )- 01 !- V'’° ' UMi ‘"‘ •«*'»•; he wdui-1 have
|l ie coining election. 'We leal n ' t l K,,,ircd . '■ •| llal ' 8 f th e . proceeds, of a , s , l so’ns .bit tl> uite.-jf r ,-.'
ilrcw G. Curtin is again nomi-. contort b.-Ki at New Sail tsvdle in the | hns . U J
L 1 Gi.yeniorftmd we do L ' R Ghurch, Align si goth, l.b ,3 . j Revolt ? !Xo 1 ; There is not' we know him-to he tbo ; l , r ' l.reiiMirdr, ■ ; 'eiii,mgh—wisdom,! intrigii'e or r
mi. ip be. at the. head' ot. oijf - - M m >' Commutfont Com-] take OII
lairs;' 'U'e Eavo scon him, and 1 Pt BeaU'i. 1 j. i Union.'- We say to day t.bat\
nv has always done his part •, a''” j 1 . su,a a * a t 8 r: * lBC{l ' ls - dVesn’t stand u}> the fkiise. Ki
,• ami 'wisely in thc cause- iuf; e ‘ cul .h' cxpkpiied by the fojlowj let tel-; ■ w ;n, w ll ij> her into itfr .....
ntry. *• TiV-hat Governor has j ; Ecoxoiiv, Aug. ■, | T)u> speaker, then, 'by a Jiis
>ro ? When troops were call-1 Tlessrs. WiTimnsfoox. ami tb!e last.two .years,,’showed ho
• needed he was ready To bring ' others? C’onnuiUiv. — (Jxinlemai —This heeiiJlh-ysiiCeoss of ih
his' headquarters.and forward Iv llol ' wjll be Isir.ded f yoii py J.)n ot the Governineiiti The
'ht 10 the field-, ami is, alwaVs: Fcight, who goes to- Kcottsvill.h .with - “peace,, peace.” hall been raise
ad-.and willing to attend lo the his Brass Band. :nd it tew pthcr mom- i hail ihunedialt+ly {' been 'luisli
of flic podr soldier. lie enmes ] hers our 'Sodety- to atiteiifl ymir ; whencyef tjio rebel ;arms- we
attic field aflyr a fight and secs Concert for the 1 benefit':.of our sick fumpfi'anl. |
oiir"Slatt troops ard properly -ami wbunded* |o!.-liers. 'Majf y.oiu-1 “Those auxinus (or: peace cat
r.-? WV noticed the tliird «ltiy : praiseworthy uidortuking be well re-1 it : to night. Let tlie |i-e,bels lay
1 battle of Cliaocellorviilc hoi warded by amph mcans.for tile ' pur-! their arms, deliver lover .tlieu- "j
the' spot? ami did not leafo P os " <«tcded.- To enclose it ch;eek for 'o be hung tp-morrow, and thf
saw the last roan itUended t|>- I “no luimirei.ij dqlars.which please udjl fhavcpeac.o.”i Until this is jihn
i- goes to Washington without j-to the receipts'tf the day, as -c-omtug ■ -would rejoice' with tears t
the hospitals to see how his ■'from the Society at Ecoii- over the; day hof peace,; never
tr- troops are getting along; i omy. - ' - .- hw'lay down-hislarms.TV
an speak kindly to them, ittid 1 • < Repcctfnlly yoursj '’ . ' —j——’- j -. ...
mile on “is fuco lot* every [ 1» L. Baker, Trustee. 1 -' Prr.\s for 1 A d
• passes along the ward. Algy | j U .. . ; -lv ■ 1 Irishman called upon a lawy
s Loves nor (iii-tin. i : | L OF . : Providouce, il. I? io.i Sgtm-dm
you. liSay think U strange that 1 \* ' ~T . ‘ ‘ I 11 ' at ; 11 : ? ,w0, ‘ . desired to,have e\c.fii]it ioiii!]i:ipet
;■ down here,'r'nli'ng 111 tlje P !C 'entation t o o|her day; ' pared, elaipiing exemption from
nld think of the interesi {.f. “I'lnive to rques.t of you g-’nllemen : l'»ry sef.vieo tor, the several -n
but I tel! you run- lives are who are in", ei’il life that, - when yon ’ which lie. named: 1, ;,T.lmt lio w;
in this mailer, and we want .'return homo, nnf will-pare, no ielldrtsi-only , son 01 a-v-;i!ow d r ']i--nde
ings go on as. near, right us, 'to make the icoplo iuidorsfan;d'th;ili T iliim for'sup|>"rtj' 2d; That' h’i-i' 1
an-1 we lidnk- Cnrtin the best all wo wvunt iro - men to fill-, up our was in s-neb ri.ilriu bVallhi as 'to I,
-Goverhor,. and we bop’e-.yod- r.aiiK.«.. 1 Beti.dt'hesti lq us. -(five 11s the able to geti his own living; ;J. 'f|
, an active ]lart in this r-ausC;.’utmbers; an ll.of war will spoil be:-'had, two Ifi-othcrs in the -'si-rvi
mgh jtheyoung Republicans eonchnied. ', I. tbibk tire, rebels ?a.rel i! rcady; all .of 1 which T’nTnck ti
ly all 'out bore, donTlet ihose ‘ f 1 salisliccitbal .that their fetlugg.le,' then and there to Verity bv all
b and copperheads carry tlfo ' ‘»nly a iii-l-ler of gime, ns r V«f-have,; ■ —,-b - ~ ■ ■*'
soldier is .not supposed ip the force on nu- sido, ami, tbatal soon j,. NT .. r >’ I— A fife and tli-i.r
teh aimut. affairs at - they *o« haf wo-are b.i. giiig outj'beat^tht!o tbr pMnj
.natters, but weycek fr„ rule .tiuit-force trearnbsf, they wtll wetrl.’’?, a pdir 0 f snullbrs to tritudhe
,t our country arnf-mr homes,. ' ,■ . •;.« i! other.davs;-’gt| ring UtaUwill
rp not exactly mvp out Uerc B®uA. siglc Woman' has gerterally-j 1 ‘-finger of seorn;” a loose.ptilß
s - ? Aours, truly, | but a einglipurppse, and we alliknowlonoflVif “shaft idf envy,” and
i>Axrr.t darto. j what.Ahat? [cushion for thej *‘seat of gover
is as ityllows
Seim- Weekly.
•'ll;. .. .. .. , h| (!;,
iji: ti m; 11• i {/,) some; cxti.-hi in Ii ;• >l.
i<> K-Ilinn, 'Tein ji'-'iAij- ; I'li'an
!i.•. ( iit ions, atid • wl«U«.*vvr
o.'iV ';n;!.:.-U'r to, li;c- -odriLual mid (i<*vc-j
M'iul ]>'!•• j and i well -Indkir <.d„J>a*-d.<l
IP.:-' ;.;;:d : i’ll t, idr.tb'i? J>,TCSfllt U-),i Her- AilC-fn
- mid ijs <-‘b;i:nns-;'iie. - - :■ *y !r.*ro!
vj-J.-i Ti> thp inviu'oriit'iMii mid Ucjfd a
■'i liu- \\ m/Jv.p tho ’ L nlion.' . Its sjici'iiil 1 lluil is:
P'- '-.-n-i t.'-i' • ae'-onipany >jvorv , niofiii-li:
e; iisi.! •>ml l i<••• *i;r :ivy and. report I‘vcrv ■ sU>rl| ti
Miijivi inut incident oi that grout strug- • bing'si
il'i* "ivhVfii «-\i trn-t to result' iri ; ', the j tlie wl
ciirn'd and ii'ive triumph offtlie]|ne.- .
X;-.;r .iiai arm.-'and in tlie .restoration (cities i
■! 1o and Thrift to our distracted. I who in
'•■■■ dny e; n t ry. \Vc,!>olievo tliat;not | ; for it; a
pud'p ran u. fuller or ‘ more' neea-( Ire woi
. x of i!i. -'progress and diarac vof tin* ,
■ i.,1 is lindjlki;«'.if< '<;(.|ifiii?t--|iv> j f Yn
• a il - jvni;;li. the regular' '.
■ •‘idmims., And dye
the eo-ope’ratioij: of: j:
|i!ionm ciuHti.which i *
fohold : s'” that ■of i '
lx. toad us in e X -;?: ,! '/: on ;
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v.-p:;]i.fc (Cm jiei*
■ A.-.- id'TilK Ti;i-
;i iiticK. 1
«. ‘‘UTS,.
■ :um noil
i ij'ieir In-
El En
N !■'
I’ivi!- oi’f.Vi'n- i ' v< "
j . ; l'> I'O
/■:. j-woultj
i-no-. j ..s2'-. be *L‘Lli
■'••• i->** : i»fi-> r ’vn
if* I I ki.Jw
, •
'■l -V
till ..111
chili - . i J
! - L - i t hat Ac
■ ~
' ! rn:Tv bo
it'-. r auinbo.- at'!
ini (‘••j'j'V >vi;l ■'•!»!! St at ,vai
J 1 " '-bib? oi , i..,,,...- |
IVn-KI.Y Tl![. ~
i, ~ • . ■ t honc.'Hr
nf hI:V ; jis C(1 -
M-. *vili no >ont: <kill „ ni ,
! oil i.ii oi
j’tboui to
■' them ri
j I’ciciy ii
j welfare
| to the b
j Unit all
| card lb
, ‘ i‘: ('alter tic
5C1..1 money by wfts , m :
U- the -I’.Xl-IVSBi llb
o lioutictod n-f.m ! r , (VIK . v .
own Sin
.yuith be c
Hotel, ”
Z-S New-York
)0- proonroi] it is
■pTriTT Bank Bills.;
j Rost l Ml'u-v and
Ik* .plainly
ilaxat run ISG3 1
ansi ina>
!< :is a >
onu as lr
Uo-;l 1.10-
a ■>•■! !'„■
‘ill'l Wi
oiii' S:ai
cr- i I ii. lir*
i- 0■ 1 iiin
fin St- - n
mart u<v
aii<l a'ti-b
nice .in(is?
May.; A'
iknow- mi
t-:” iii<* ‘•me. is
wH j
Beaver, Wednesday, September 16,1863
t! evl
.''.■eir.s i
v ill. lak (
I ''
Established 18 IS*'
“He’s a Capital Fallow, but
.. He Drinkjs-” *y:, | i
This saying U J ocms tb ho (HeStaple
chargo of enffi'pus or m oil d 1 esi) hi e b p.-iy
['bodies against tbo , G.elneral.-iJ pf' our
i armies. ,Xo soonetj dpes a,
come to occupy a conspicuous poisitipn
than singularly enough he tjidhstan t-
H discovered to he an iisulferable to
per. It is not easy to•ceifbt /dienupi
[ ber of officers whose vaputaHc nsdiave
bean clouded, by the tiiliil wbispei*.
■'Oil, yes, he’s a first ra e General,, nut i
be , drinks’’— although us iu tjhe,.chjft!
of Hooker; the Charge may be totally
destitute of to, ujtdation /
have hearib a capital story of
Mr.fLincoln' in connec ion with this
charge ofiin'lenvperanco against oar
Gcnersis. |ln common w.ifb= mii'iiy of
his peers, the; distinguished, conqueror:
of Mississippi. Grant, has been charg
ed witli'gross induigciice in intoxica
ting drinkstalthough it is well known
to h Impersonal ’ statist hat so abstemi
ous'.is he .that, ho ; w‘4( • pot eVch use
spirits fn his water,' although most of
our officers in,the WestjeFn ariny hold
it indispensable to heal|b to Je so, in
view ol the frequent. chaViges ol wa
ter I a udy itsonbbrm quality. A
. ! ‘cmmnittee,'| Just pre\jiov’s itr the fall
of A r icksburg, solieitbu| for the mor
als of our armpes, took it upon them
scjlyos to visit the Prcsi lent, and-Urge
the removal pfj Gen Grint. 4
!“\Vjiat tor rf said Mr. Lincoln.
'“ Why,” replied ihc!b isy-bodies,
drinks too riiueh \j-hisk iy.”
, ‘.Ah;!’’ rejoined. Mr. Lincoln; “cufi
yon inform me, \geht lemon.’ Where j
trim. (dr.-wit procures his Wdiiskey ?” j
The .‘.‘cdmrhi I tee”" c dnt'essed '.heyj
could hot. ! • • V
/ “BeCauSe, ’’ added Oh; Abe, with a;
merry uvinkleyi his eyse. . vi't' cap ■
fiiid! oijt,’ l‘U >:tvri/ ’ '&.•),&■(}
jh'l'la '(> ; \rh'i •>/ it .’’’ ,
The delejiaiiun, ivt<i
bly good -oi dt'r.4-|v</c J ./
■id./. - The
/ frill uo
:nt ’.njitiim,
•, j ; Paijr Jssii,
• • Curtin anil‘,;\'vriic->v aj,
■ shstiihiing -the National
'•■while Jjinvmi an-d. ,Wow
i posed tn it. and’ l-in ; fa 1
| the seceded States'erect
that 'shall he ibiinded i
;its chief' corner stone,
: antagonize and din broil
[\ „ Curtin and A a:now ar
paining nl'iw.n .armed ,i‘
the foreo of mans, wlri
and Lowrio de-fiy the aii
• National GoCernrndnt
1 State, thus inviting Stab
' laws passed by Congr
! not meet their local" i
'.thus too, placing tho 2
isornnient in"a‘ position wi
bo evorifn peri! hnd in.c
1' private
lilic cbn-
and I a-'
)ble cltm
-1 '• i !•> ’
.re daily
i .should
' j ■
i telling!
■unty ,• on
a. I rptecl
ot there.,
•rat, and!
,• a slave .
d as an |
to savi
Ciirtia.aad 'Ajtj.ow an
'the dislVaacldsaau'al or':
citizen ;i-sco[* for shell o
the j htws -dUn-.'c as ■ t
‘-Woodward amid V ; Lim'r
iK/'n!■;•'! -qn:ilities, of val<
off lir.tvcry ia di'lonco of
meiit, (Jrinius ; \Vhi<-h ju>
franehisomenf of, Ame : Hc
On .(jiiij jiriiiaijiif*, Wood
and; Lowrio a]i|ir.ovad ylh
’mo all ui lla:?’ soldiers oil
— -Uar Til. ! ' : rt
ion tna-
An' Oldj Pair:
•ii’ Sitlin* 'at rjcjr i; ; i
jijUUrti l r>itiu‘ (ilh<>r 1 1:ly.wii
jl'Z corn4]),iiiiuiiit, | saw'
. [Ci.'Ki. iioiit. witfi il;;'
; ty) tin’ jmjrcl;, [I _■ i'
'•.jOiije in:.? ' ‘•('criiiinlv, sia
iu'iv.’ - -| lL> ."j
'■% .««<!_ s|l ati‘.<Orils' l>iiiii,.os
i 110 wjslji'**. tii i-niist.ifi
at neivV.
,Sl u! es j'niy. I , jl’mi y./li
r'l am oii'yj s.ixtv.” 'jliii!
: ll.iiik 'H
i team' 04*ifook., , il nuke 1 1
j tliiim - iihies uii ;(islmftlit
|;S','Jis. ssiiljJf.f. v.-islr|i>> liv-e .:i
rA*OU. r l i,V>oC <ji( .'li «!i'\
j dor vi-tln-ied,' uy
i im'—Hot inkivd' nlc. curst
poor, tried to iprce,
■rolul service, fii.d sweu
l"i me in yot. I That's ;
over- thir. pok-h. I ,J huvfu
• { )t - tkiL;- my many a wt*ury t hu
ll I„v I i|" Jaicdcson’s tiimi, iiij the'v
I.’l . .old iirian wuis assure;?
L*' ~ • ftiidu, without oiilislm
k* 11 ‘ihis-wav. - ’ 1’
I • ■ / : , I- i •/*:!'
t eoii-
Hirt Tt
i: do'M'r-*-
asealjity ['
I of'the j
lory of
iv urn-
have; : j., |
eadcrs , ... ... -.'ll i . .
T cnn • ‘ ’ prespmati.o.i) of a
,0 tlio’ to: <Ven./ iloarJp. tfotlli that dis
:>f jov i otliccrjuml (don. Crawford,
would> , ‘ orL ‘ tosti ; nio,i y ipjjhe ■jiatß'io'tism and i
■;; dvyvtion An drew ■(■». C’in-t. i h*li-jf I: i
. - SI lijopoki.thiU tho-jjco|ilo of ■ I’ennsyi v ; ,o- 1
lit re'dec; him (o he iiiisiljnn 1
!. wliicdi ho jmnv ‘so aliky »Tjiis • s<‘i
<:l ’ lri ' ar.'eieiorsynieiit of ii.-< »r«li ,arv char- !•
after. dVeitier of those e.-nerais are j
S H!e‘j P'P't'ciaiej, liny arc, pal no s’ar.d ' m,!. ’
li uiit o.d f d*j lie- liiaonouutbe :'a :
e, arid t h.- jev-.-fvafhi:*
' ■ L"f,li(4rt i",s * V»ihi-u’t-*hthin f- 4-
Oil ; _,eeii!j.frill 'h.ahehlO:: e
1.U..1 i {, Y y -i,: r'a-ein j' : 7 ,
!. v ,ipi'ii ri.o;, h : ,AS ;.«■* r-i->
.11- 'in : trjjji- tKrolUfhoill I!i e S 0.0 ~ i . •• ‘ •■e.Lim.-v ~LUJ-’oll
jo ai- ; ;~j - - ■ . I '■ ■ ■ -lio'.fe ! in!|yn i eie n: ih'. or'..’
nanhrfeahnot beioaifila kanif r V '!"- v 1 ' 1 :^ V;- ,7 - ,
, l.ijt. she is. ireo.„eiyP e——-V— -- ■ '
,nn>r£ • wif/I; yn. fi. :ts vv : t a[s kecrna*.! > };f3»An : honest iean’s tjho
off’i -I 1 or husband; S.,’Jno stnjii i : wort; of God; f'nj (ho edpdon ;
urjhxjl vofUnia-d to; .ask her jwhat s:u*. I snyposts afsatirichl writer.'
tit liio d wjuKi do |ii tho ( Qonoriil -was i —-i— r _
to runjoqoand^ hiv-livjini. as I did f ' .rfe !" L.-,r
a new, before t married >' m ." (tlio ready! witty Laneashiro witch, when
iment. {reply of the lady, j J£S\- i ihttfthd rivbr.iit Jdvofuool.
A Good;’
1 v -
• ar j
I •.
1 ’■ .
:.l. in .ivji'sona
.■Tiiv f;V iTo win if from Ii u? L l l l i hiiU'vS p h fa :
Oi'il, fnVniflies «ue xtY- iiliauy-.'ji’roGfis r
<.iuvem'incai u '“ :i*l>Rtci. > ''xpT:T:’ t T.
i’ ato op - -V 'is 11 tii 'Pctin^v^-
ivoi* (11' soldior-s oiili>u_a iii
I’.V.U'Ovei-muLMi; ■o-o v '-' , t , o A\.o croulii :i J ih|c .'various
<>h sla wry 'asi IJogHucots- lror,i\-om - ; .Slrii-i t.oulil fee
n- iii Lvor tif
■iini forever . v ll l home to vole 'o': i I lie .setforui Toys-.
freedom. , day of October, an expression' i.vcviitld
jff in favor- of, jgiv’pn., in about thepropof lion injsi- ..
ebellion -with Lift’d iii llits-ext. ! fi
o Vt/'odWard i vThfS morning we bad a conVersa
horitv* ol the lion-witfi a surgeon of one, of t;-'- (' >
to. ‘ii jS; Miliia'ry Hoi-mials-ia this iiity. and \
os to resist all ; ho infoignod"us•that a day <>k lirolshc.e, \ .
ess . which did iseveral of the; patients, in larder to )>•
Ipprovai Uo. -time niorepl&mntly-,
JatiooaL k Cvo^amdi%.tH9
here it; tflii tionk’ fi> ilicir
sable of good.; nor., The voting was confined only "
■ opposed lo |to ihose-'froiu Pennsylv-a'iiia, there be
iny' American’'! iag from this Slate H»11 patients, in the ■
! fences which j hospital alluded to. Thb'ballots wore
rimes, v. hoc yaiylully,. assorted and Wunt.dit, and
e make the . stood us.follows : ' V i
>r and declsj " Ful : 1.• ** • '
the.bovecu- ■ .. wy,^vard;.,.:.v...,.'
tiff the dis-J 1 . ~ .. , ••.;,■■■ i ii- :
amoi'ukeasi— •' , 1 “ e ! < ri d«' b>«' t-iudir . i
iviird -decreedi oIJ ; UJ ' t t . r,od iriends.and .as i'.v rlm-g ;'*[
.lisfranchi'se- UI VT n 1,1 V ,ue o,f. adversity-,.*. .will f(
’.■nnivlvani'-i °3' n I MV £ lv ‘-‘. .In in'. their eotii e' sue-. " i
■ " • .rl-'urt."' ■ i -•
jjj'f; ' ' --1./. I'e-' l .? Pem.ocUact.—ft;-is a n'»labl«v
, ! j >. 1 tliiit ro)i]K-riieu<,ls, whilst ‘ cia-nior-'
.Mi'Oi'V > JiOh.l; ■ lor-. \yiiii the Sviiiii ' ujioi:;
-V l .*:-!'.'. .u^v, u-'s-ju-*.'ui-o.nil■ tin-. w!.il« thr-.'-atuii-f
-nwivj to / -civil tviiv’ 1 at llio
,ui> : tfein'is t» jkill
liH’ir ■f-Suiitiivrii -I'rcjli«;i4>.” t 'bitt tljoy .
. ■ I ymi have yn, tape jis , tvji.illy 'of. ;i. \v|ur. Ul tiki
ii,; YVt 1 ' 1 - 1 "? V-‘ u ’’ l, s >aS r' 10 - v uoili.l I.;t .-iLiii.;- ;i diuj '
s . -■>>'!. :k-r. Vr~. liii.tiven'tviiir e:4^-<>,ur;\-• -tl l o
‘tho rj.i. ; ,i Mf' p-plk/ ip.Nv&i
;ir,; Vora.yur.i !,yi-r-.>i- HlriCkviilat liie-lia'-- :
vmi too Jianiy-j kyliich kyoftid usV aurt'litii"
1,1 'V*™ ! \° . a « 11 r:m |
•m:,.' li.ifiy-■-imvii tl.y C. ■:!li-rn i ; o!. v i;ifjui. Cai>
T'j :my oiie lull t ; j ,scu i.I»o Jiypfjcnsv'' o;
"uie- v iiH : ;'mcn t
> i!s_ exit yoii - i .. ?. • • ' !•
V life 6ii't i)f: i- .Vr
; .i ino; U : K .
no i-rtb Ui'l" 1 ' - : ‘ s - ii:i : nn-<i
..-.tli.-vl l i !fVi:i>i'r tl ve.til l c li'i >v sc,h.
P'vi! v'd-i..- nt a vm- - 10-iv '.S'u'spii
i fi™ tlhii i lc - u,u “ wore-aVouseJ, aijtV ii' was dis- .
'i MVH V '*; 0 '' 1 ’ 1 ' 011 t ll i-',JioT.tes \vcri3 stolon
-•a!roris.V> .Vr‘~m ;l Lancaster no:,
rof jijy’J 10 ~ ?i I’nrt’uMy •. a iounfbdcrate !of ji 7
' went on j' U - ,
K *
!: ... .v-/ « •■ - i..' .t ■
I Advertisements inserted at the rato of 75
i j cents.per sqtlarb-i--cach .subsequent insertion
i-5 cents., "A liberal discount made 11 yearly
advertisers, anil
A space equtl 16: tttelvk llnra bf his typ«
| as .a squarq. j. ' -
Special notices£6 per tent.’ >n to reg
ular rales.
Business cihls, [75 ccnla a,,line, .] or year.
. Marriages ?nd deaths,.
and othbr Notices of a public- r.inur
Seyen Times Sold as a Subi
'! Among; (the 1 deserters: , arfo.«ted,~
/through the agtfney. of |h,o-.ABureau o.f >
1 Deserters,- nlan in Boston, who ,
(had In a Massachusetts regi - ;.
! merit, ana alter .Laving, served some 'f
•time deserted ami returned tolßbston, /’
j where/he went- into the business of‘
I selling himself gs a substitute with
1 the in ten lion 'of deserting at the'first/
j opportunity, to sell blrrtsolf to Another
(person. He sridceedcd in hiring as'a
j substitute "siren obtained the ‘
tbouply, and deserted each time, Hov
| lodged at one of theiushionablehotels
■in Boston, anst.
, entertained his, friends'tn princely.•
stylo. When lie wldn/icd (k) hirejas a
substitute, he would dress in, coarse,
j rough) clothes, and diaguisd hirnsoli iri,
j. s ire 1 1 way that it-wits impossible I to
| him as .til'd gay and fashion
sable' { of the. first-class 'hotel,
only a fewy'days before. Ho would/ ..
_ probably hpyc. continued to play thid
gidiie whi'e/tbe/war lasted, put lie iii
, cautiously wrote a letter to, a tel low- ,
soldier in : his old ,regiment,; telling -
him what glorious times: he was hav
ing in representing ifi glow
ingi language- his, new' business of*,
going as a substitute, told how many
times he_ had theni:'’ and ;
wound ujjj. by advising tho-_soldier" to! •
desert and conic, home, land “coin
i money’’ by! going/, asya /substitute.—i
j riie soldier add ressed Iliad no such in-d^
(leiitioii;, iind lie . sholwefj tlift je.ubr )6 ; ‘
• his colonel, who lip-warded in .goV.tho. /
[■Provost Marshal. \Y uahiiigtoii, whd ,V
"speedily caused the ilrrest of' ti. 3" :
; dcsoi ler-siibsliujke, and 1 he- wgs '• for- ■
i warded to Ids regiment ; ; ; .>v./;.dhys
/ago. -H* \yill. iii all probability, bo '
;■ shot. y ■' ■■ .■ VI,
“The Soldiers’ -Candidate. ’’
I r .. v. ‘ ' i, . i
‘ p^ :r .(, a.t Chicago, jg
i to ‘lie- bcsciyod-by the '.rit'mls of.
j th s o rebel, prisoners, (txposUilatiiiV 5m- ■
1 mid do'niautimy privileges Ibr
■j.U'lje rebels t-onlhsjL-l.j- I?aney*he .treat;*■.
I a cro V.d S*) , I !; i lIV \Wl!l>|'n ,\Voli!(.i
i receive, slicmkfflicy'ventnra td> lijch
'ln(,n(l t» Sun-oa-V-rl with snd|, (flaaior6-
tho ijiidn-.ji;-; ..)i;; I . , I ,
«<%./■ Pu! y.)i:;■ V»i
iiUM l.i'i-;” .-,Tul ;i l>li V i\. i,. n
lUitictit; iittld lui-t-r. I,
e ll ' l i W lie hi iifj
hr.-1| - n't op (iri v.ii.ii; j ,*1 j ; ;
■•e l l" :i wjnvHjV Ir/ahf'.lc v ;.
li«s-iriViiii.LlV ;
t, free,
IrfniUM • \
'ii. If
s (
iU ■ •