The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 02, 1863, Image 2

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Wednesday, Sept 2,1863.
D, it. IMBRIE, 'Editor 4 Proprietor.
For Governor,
For Supreme Judge,
ISAIAH .WHITE, LawrencelConnty.
Sheriff, i
Register & Recorder,
AT/FREO Ri MOORE. Braver, >
f ; ' Treasurer,
Clterk of pourt, , !
JOHN A-PEAZIEB, Hailing ton.
;f Commissioner,
Ijonx H. BEIGHLET Economy tp.,
Coroner, h v
THOS-BEVINEY, Now Brighton,
; Poor House Director,
JQIDv K. POTtER, Riv.coon,
JOSEPH M.’CLURE, Bridgewater,.
Trustees of Academy-
jvrliijCh we have diitherto lived more I
j happily than any other people under
\\ heaven. ' ' ■ ■
,-r ; The leaders of the party., now or
jN OTICte. ganized in the' North to, oppose the
HAVING disposed of, my interest in the government- in its mighty effort t(V
" Beaver Anrj*. ail those indebted to me s’ . ■ ’ ‘ „ r
for l^ul’sorlptioii, job Tvork, otc., %-iU pleasedmuiiKUin tub supicniacy of the Con,
ciUlnnd settle immediately vith J. L. Ander- J gtitlltlOEi and Laws against treason
.»oa,l wkb is natter;ted to rece.-t In mv name. . »■
: Feb. V>.’C-J. ~ T. C. NICHOLSON.- anti rebellion. are .well --known to ey*
Lev, L. A. CUNNING II AM, Bridge w'r.
ery man to be the worst men who
'ever infested civilized, society, ami
poisoned with their venomous doc
trines the, public ■ mind. For the
truth of thiiCwe have' but to name
those arch-traitors who are how en
deavoring to control the destinies of
this great conntiy. Gov. Seymour.!
yrbo. last full by. the votes |
of the lowest ami. vlleSt copperheads |
jof NejiV' York, ivhil.-t large numbers!
jof thejioyal men ot the State were!
fn the National armies„for the !
fife of the government, it 'is^^ell ■'
known, is ijotally'devoid ofevery thing |
in the shape of morahprinciple, which j
I atr. justice Wood want j isTrfmdoicicar by thofact that the late j
■I This individual has been placed ! bloody riots, in the city of j
domination by the copperheads' qfj£ cw produced by • his
this State, for the office ot Governor j nations, assisted bj; the .Woods
iof this Commonwealth; and although jf nd ot^ ra " of !* indr 4 The
lit has been two'months" since ho -hkas lf ,ves ot hundreds of peaceable and j
/thus put forth as the ‘standard-bearer: finding “cfc and women’, immense j
lot- too party, yefhe has up to theif lmount * hr#ei ty destroyed; and j
preken t time, been- as .silent and as of the blackest kind w*ro com- j
Wet cbnt as though he were a private ™‘“td,by the copperhead friends un-1
igerl!emcn,and net (he candidate of }!« ifro.r contraband dirccti.Oh. j i
[his party for a conspicukuis'poriiion! In ij * Look, also, at . another ot the same j
the most memorable contest that the hand <jov Parker. bf Now Jersey —|
people of tfiisgccdoid CommontveaUh- o: ;ujsing tho draft which was order .
have ever been called upon .to witness. | e< hy the-, representatives of the peo-
It may bo urged that, the position jple, and iik-iting the people to resist-.
: which! Judge Woodward holds upon ! mice when he kiiow that the salvation
(ho Supremo Donch does'not allow jof the country-depended upon thoilill
-11 file mj ogling., in partisan polities,;: ing up of our greatly depleted armies.
| tut surely Judge Woud ward, when 1 These men aro n.pre prominent than
.bo accepted a-party '-myhination for mothers, and hohijng their high ppsi-
must nave felt that so mr-jhions can, and;dA, wield great iiiflu
jas he was concerned', “the courtesy ofieuce, particularly with the'.ignorant
I the benchj’was Idd aside. “The cour. anddepraycil. ;j » j ■
ji iesy of thh ibcneii’’ did hot prevent If JVoodwarjlj the' copperhead oan
! I his acceptance oi the nomination pi didate for Governor, of Pennsylvania,
j the Party. TV hy then should it pro'-tfsbould be elected, with' his friend Val
pvetit hia declaring, especially at this j landigham, ink Ohio, wo Would then
/[ momentous' the kind of plat j havo four ot the most powerful Stales
. ■ he believes in." The truth m;. m the Xorth arrayed against tbe'goT
!t! ia F Us ticej Vv ooJ«-ai|d s record j erhmenl, and aiding, by-all the moans
j. bof such a character 'tfcatf the IcasU j n their potfoV, the' Sou them' Slave
-i i said about it bk- himselfW'his friends, | holding th. ir rebellion.-!-'
• , the better for his Part/. Let us'look! Soon| feel the blighting in
upon some of tije'facts m the porson-J fl U erico aiid power oi the copperheads,
, al history ot the groat .copperhead’j and witness the same scenes onionr'
|"j candidate. Wo charge agiunst Judge j peaceful, sod that lias been enacted in
Woodward , i Kansas. Qtiantril, another copper-
P First : j'fhat-in the outset ’of this j pi CatJj and 1 entertaining the
: : rebellion hi advocated the taking and as • „„ p Hnei[ led as.Sefk;
; ol rin3 W ilj ° -s<4vc!)-aiiiCr3 ia dc-t ; mour, ami Vallandiglianv
i/case of Slavery : and .ibat ho insisted i| w^h b i B . b ami [of fiends and demons. I
[ upon the rebels being permitted to |^ iye , ljtoly fallen upon the city of
i breakup pem-oebly. . jjLawrenco, and burnt I fie city, mur j
. , fei'/; (a itp\j and ha* ji derci j large numbers of its inhabitants.J
: .e>erlkeii l.|ie stead j, fucua of committpU; crimes and excesses
ti,.d and ha, never, by word, ! |W hich wouldf lbo disgraceful to the
act or irflueacr done anything, for|| m -pa t than, wr
toe g--t v; lO i;.in pulling j| m ' an . and chlldi throughout the civil!-
dert n the . zed lvor | ( ] vrill .shudder at the atroci
I lies, committed by that band of hell
ish monsters. ; But wc would astc, is
it not the legitimate fruit of : lhe !
te.acbings of Seymour, Woodward &
Co.? We say it is; and if thep'eople
of Pennsylvania elect Woodward, and
Ohio elects Vallandigham, w:e willi
witnessithe sainc horrid stones in onr
more comparatively peaceful and hap
t py States; —wo will see armed '-hands
:> of the vilest men roaming the toun-
P art y.jtry, burning and murdering without
Fijih : That he is-in secret sympa-1 i-Bstyainti 1
thy with-thoro conspicuous traitors,:! T . .- .. , tr -, ‘
T „,, ~r , 0 ’ In view of the dreadful conseouen
Clement L. \ allacdigham, Fernando ■- .. . , ~ .•
w r “ ’ _ .. tces r ,every patriot should rouse hirr
. Wood, Horatio Seymour,- ana otherslj ,
■ , ■ ’• ,'self'to immediate action, and exert:
of teat strrpo ; and wereho ■elected. . ~ „ ■
• • /'. . _ , all hts influence, to support Gov. Cur-
Governor he would be. as effective an! TT • _'L . ~r ,
... . ■ nun, 1 the Uni(jp candidate. We a».
enemy as Jefurson Dav;s couhl wish.. 1 . _ » . . ~ ‘
c . i- iiknow bun. to be a man oi great ns
iS-rt.-iAnd ;.nt, GmscilTlAtlv. bis ;• ■ i, > , ■ . « ..
rlei-iion w’niiid be dJlight|s d o m - ablht y ? nJ the most
! h /!•,«• Son’.hfri: traitors as an eq iivu-j anil devoted patriotism. - ; By doing i
i'i.rvr s» »»»• gr#atn*i evils %mi ialarrifties
‘ , ;4 * * * V
There will be a Mass Meeting of the’
frieWs of CuRTi’N ami Ac. new, and of
■the Country, and all who arc opposed to
-Rebellion and 1 .Reparation, at the Court
House, ik Leaver-, on'
Tuesday, Sept’r l"th, 18G3, ‘
commencing at .7 o'clock, -p. M.
r. : Distinguished speakers will be pres-.
jeivt to address the meeting.
;s£F“Tarn but, all whp are'in. favor!
;i. /Of a speedj peace bn honorable tern'..-'.-;
'■and who are .opposed -€p treason and I
f traitors. ■'/ . 't j
S. • i i 1 i" i i ■ i
•J ij C jiiOll, s
Third: That be r.Ate.s tr-e Ad«i»lni«»
trailer), 'uiiii every one else engaged
in putting down iheTebcilion, to sacih
a degree that ho refused to allow sol
diers i‘o vote at the Last election.
Fourth : That be is a malignant foe.
to. true Democracy —having, in Un
constitutional Convention,endeavored
to out off Foreigners from the elec
tion franchise altogether, thus far
transcending the late Know Nothing
; The Approaching^oontest.
IThe approaching elcctmn will bis
ipno of greater importance, not
j the people of Pennsyl vania,l bat to the
i whole Union and; the cause of free
dom, throughout the world than any
one that has taken,placef since the es
tablishment of this republican gov
ernment. Already we sec the sympa
thising friends of the rebellion organ
izing for the Ihja purpose of bver-j
whelming the government, and carry-*
ing out their unholy schemes of dis
union. Already the black flag of trea
son and WaodfcaVtl lias been thrown
to the breeze, -j -Although it may be
humiliating and to make
the .acknowledgment, yet it! is now
perfectly manifest to all men that vve
have nOw, in thej jloyal and -patriotic
state ofv Pennsylvania, unprincipled
men who,; under Ure guise of patriot
ism, for the gratification of wicked
omautan, cmH through an intensity of
hatred to our free institutions, wvatd
rejoice in the totil destruction of ev
erything which: freemen hold dear!
and sacred. , W.
:;,Th« sneaking and cowardly wretch
es who have hitherto fmcretly plotted
treason in the .North, i?re now boldly,
•proclaiming fheiri disunion doctrines,
and endeavoring, by 'falsehood, fraud
and treachery, to mislead the masses
of the people, and into
i treason against the government under
I i
■Which are jdreided by the wise and | - War and Ck>mpromlsj||
the ghod, will be averted., ... .
We feel confident that the people of The anblaß effrentery W*b which
Beaver .conntyUill not be carried coperheadsoftbeNorthaverthattM
away hv th /livings and falsehoods rebel l ,on . would beeaaverted by
of the mierablcfweak and cowardly compromise and the endeavor now
j :1_ . . „ „ made to lie down the facts Of history
crew who are now roaming about the / . f /
i.L - . L* make it necessary Ito recur-once in
country making a mighty! effort tot ■, • ■ • •
• i.,r, . . ■ awhile to the plain evidence of truth.
arouse m ! their, ignorant followers a ‘ , r ; , „
... ; ; ,1 . ... • ; We ask the attention of men of all
spirit of violent opposition to the go. I.. . > TT . . ,
, i Ij j • • », „uj parties,Democrat as well as Unionists,
vcrnmonl,! and advising them to be ; *", ■ > , >
prepared to wade in the blood of loyal; t 0 0 rocor ; . ■■ ,
inhabitants, up to their throats, when! one tbnt the
the prdjiertlilno arrives. < I Democratic party splitm theiyconven-
No man so humble bftt possesses: tlon Baltimore ,n
Influence, Mby leaking! out. boldly; « nd that the smaller portion,
.. .. -;li '}• c , „ |. K’ chiefly-composed oi far South or cot*
hm sentiments of oyalty, can contno ; •. .* 1 . * _ . ~
* a A r«i"i • - = v lon States men, nominated John. C. the maintenance.of the gov- ; T ~ /i T • ...
* trK * aA - nA i Breckertndgo, while the Noiibern and
ernment. iLet every -wise and good . • . . , ~
man act as! if upoL his efforts the cx! H der S * l * P OTtIDD nom * natod Mr
istehce of Mis nltion depended, and It is mot . necessary to re
give alt the aid in ibis whether pent what every one knows,
at the ballot-box or otherwise, as it ,|hat the Breckenridgo faction became
may ; bo and soon we will secessionists in the South and sympa
sce r all .opposition ;ito onr beloved goyf lhieerB in the North; and that Breck
ernment put down 1 , and Southern trea- , ... . . i„ui r..
so., and mean, sneaking Northern enrld g° h,mBelf bepame a rebel Gen-
ln one common sral. I '
andingloriousgrave. :• 'j - The result of ’‘ltiiS’ division was the
*"* ' ' election of Mr. Lincoln in Nov. 1860.
But bo did not take bis seat till the
4th of March, 1861. In the meantime
the wticli assembled in
' December,iB6o, wks democratic in the
Senate, and • democrats ami Soufly
Americans constituted a majjority "in |
the House. It remained so till the '
Senators ana Poprcsentntiijes of the j
seceiling States left the balls of Con
gress, which from 'time to time they?
did as' their several States seceded.— j
. During this time Mn Buchanan was
in the Presidency. | •
These are facte not disputed,
the 'consequence of them is probably,'
not so t often thought of. It is this that j
if compromise would have saved the
nation it was in the power of the dem-.j
oeratic party to have done so until the
Southern members had actually left
Congress. We do not say that the
democratic party of the North could
have a compromise 1 , iis we
shall directly show by the record. The
cotton States were determined to 'Se
cede, and to drag with them all' the
slave States. But this wo do Say and
. I . ' y I L. *
the; admitted facts.provb it, that if the
Crittenden compromise!, r br any other,
would have been received by the far
South, the democratic'' party, could
hav'o carried any measure which the
cotton States demanded. 1
Notice given to those-who
have not hjado returns of their In
come, that said returns must bo made
to the assistant assessors] before
10th of September next. : All persons
who do ihbij make their returns by
that time will bo,liable to the penalty
-provided in such cases.
■ R'ppt.2ft | Samuel Daventout
j, ter We dp
of our cilizc
Ipubhc burial
jlt is pverg
[■brambles', tojj
i places, to' |t
I tombstor,esj
! a disgrace i
trust that bit
jaiccu to clc;
BQuTlic tiext meeting of the Mana
gers of.thO°jßeaver county Agricub
tural Soticjy/will be held at ttVe Couiit
lloujo on Saturday, Sept. 12lh,~:T8G;!,
at 10 a. ni. j|As that will bo one df
the last rattcstings before the Fair, all
the members are requested ro bo pres
ent. The eating'houses will bo leased
on ‘‘that day and all who dcsirfe- bid
ding for tiro same are requested to
meet’with djhe Board. ■■ \ j
County Agi
held in • IBbii
days of
fore. 2y
make it
Fair. ■ q
will in(
on Frit
lull atf
hers, (
in nm
as sm
is otic
we w
the (j
day t
the fl
co rite
nf hi =
was i
alter i :
a gr
ot ! Hi
I yonn
I br-igl
l funoi
j from
of Go
tjho ei
and |<
1] Notice.'*
bsiro: to call the attention
ms to t'no condition of the
i ground of .the Borough,
grown wilh'i bushes and
such an extent as, in some
Conceal both graves and
and in its present state is
to' the community. We
;eps may be immediately
■ar it out. . I*
nnual Fuirj of the Boavcf
icnltural Society will be
r iver on the last day of
r l , and tho first- and' second
i’ ’ | • • ‘ j.
Jctober, as published horoto
ijfo{ effort will i bo spared to
jmbrb attractive than the. lasjt
the hooks willi be ’opened for
n a few days, j •■ V ?
■et ri
Union Beaver,
igalarly,ift tFe usual place,’
evening ofleaeli week. ,sA
met) is.requested,on Friday
‘ this week. as r business,Of
iis tcrbe .transacted. Mem
Tail to he preset! - .. -j
fay <
item a
ig cf
call attention to tiro adver-!
>f Knanaga, Fowler & Cft.,!
column of our paper, pro-'
' the “Girard,” -Phil.
Wo have Ijcnbw.n these gen-.
sevorul years as hotel keep
now that'tut few havo hoijn
ul in the business US they,
ily and attentive, guests re-,
y ■ attention, and none o~}r
!to c omplain. Their house
ho be’sUn the .city. If our
ivc cause to; visit the city,
•ccommciu! them to Mop at
I House, and if, they arcinbt
a will take all the blame to
nt jo
rs of
i lor
ml !t
of U
rs ha
cd w
.ble Accident. —On, Mon
oon a sad occurrence' Took
Ring in the death of Capt.
Harter, of the. Hath Ohio.
res ii
h S.
: one
of the cdiceijs of the' regi
handling a pair of holsters,
, one of which wasj unbiit
! pistol fell outrMl.c lock
e floor, discharging) it, the
striking Captain ’■ It. lie.
lap «i
I, th
ng tl
'0(1 until eight o'clock Wcdncfidav
ing:hvhen ho died Ill*« rsmarijs,
nu ejeort, werejseni to thohoiiio
i parents, who reside i.o Canlrin’,
: County, Ohio. | Captain Harter.
x very. pVoiiiising .young 'man;
!, ttyoaty-four years old.;’ "Jto
in the tlfrcc months’ solving, arid
sorv ng out his time, came .home
recruited a emripaiiy lor thi'oo
, wlmdi ho commanded at lire
f h.s death. ' i ‘
(Ve talf
3 tho above from the Cin
'■omwiiitvifjhj Capt. Harter
known to many in the place,'
•|ations living hero. Ho was 1
on of tho Into hen. Robert)
:|d a nephew ;of Mrs. Aghejv.
r. Capt Harter was a brayi
, taler tod ar.d accomplished
in.anoiTiament to society ,upd
died no j-onrig man had I a
prospect before hint. His
jpk place bn 1 the 29th u!;t,
;esidenco of his mother in
>hio. i
• i i
fio". Pierpont has fixed the seat
verr ment of Virginia at’Alexain-
H( resistance to
vil tnthbrity will be repressed,
tefdares. his ,pnrpoBe| to be the
ratiojn of the \regnlar State Hoiv
pnc ■ . "■ ■ 1 !■ ■■ '" ;■■■ i
ig rd|
c, an
S m:
al- t
r, (.
But compromise was not asked for;
it was sparned bj the cotton States.
Now for the proof. South Carolina
seceded anthoSoth of Der>omb<ir, 18fi0j'
Mississippi on the 7th of January,
ISO]; Alabama on the 11th; Florida on
the 12th; Georgia on the 19th, and
Louisiana on lhe : 2Bth of'Janniiry, anil
Texas on the Ist of; February, 1861.
This secession it will bo rceollcctcdj
.was not a m.cie piiper doclnration, but
was accompanied by\ tho raising and
arming troops, taking possession of all
the federal ports and arsenals in the
Srjuth, except Fort Pickens and Fort
Sumpter, and taking possession of cus
tom houses, post offices, revenue cut
lers and the surrender .of 1 i United
States troops under Gen. jfwiggs,\
1 .These are the tacts and dates of hisv
lory. Now let ub see the intention of
the seeeders: The. South Carolina
i secession convention : began ;. on , the
i 17tli of Deeembiir, 18GC, at Columbia.
:In consequence of'the prevalence of
t’no small pox a motion was made
'to 1 adjourn to Char!,; -ton. On this 1
| motion. Wra. Porcherp.iiics said :. “Sir
j if every day my C|ianse| ■>! life dimiiri-
I ished by , nun reinainlHg here; am], if j
j felt the certain conviction I niiisl'tako
| the disease I would do so, and die if
j necessary. T am-jml from
• fon where T fate been in coe-'ffnt, ejose,
continued conference with ,-. \r'friends.—
Their unanimous urgent request is not
to delay at all. The last-thing urged
upon me by ourjfrienda from Georgia,
•Mississippi, North Carolina; South
'Carolina, Alabama, Texas anil Louis
ianiv and .State that,is with us
in this great,/novchicqt, was, to.take
out South Carolina’the instant you
ea.n.” (See proceedings of the South
Carolii.ia Convention in -the .Anuitai
.American Cyclopedia tjor .isblj, page
0-19.) Hero wo have the record evi--
deuce of tho-i intent. They wished
South Carolina to secede immediately.
Why ? To wait for a compromise? No;
To drag the olier States into imme
diate secession' before Confess or
government could stop the movement.
The dates of their secession proves the,
I But now, lot us see the expression
:of views ait'd intentions by the Sona :
j tors and Representatives of the cotton
1 Congress before theifStates
| haif- seceded. . Thq, subject of debate
in the Senate \vas the resolution of
Mr. Powell of Kentucky :
‘■Resolved, That ais 'much of the
President's message | asirelates to the
agitated; and d'istifapted 'condition of
the country and tli.o grievances, Be
tween the slaveholding jmd non-slaver
j holding States bo referred to K special
j committee of thirteen members; and
that said committee: hoi instructed to
inquire iiuo the prosen't condition of
the country and report by bi|l or oth
erwise.” Mr. . Iverson, of Georgia,
said “ The linte, i« roUjtig rttpidly to
the consummation of these great ob
jects, (viz: separation) and in my
opinion thereds molhing this side of
Heaven that ; can prevent their i con
summation. You talk about conces-
Yon talk about repealing the
liberty bills as a concession to the
South Kepeal them all tomorrow
and it would not stop the progress of I
this revolution.” i ■
: Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, said ‘'l
cannot vote for the resolution of my!
.friend [ from Kentucky becaiise it!
would W an intimation, darkly given
It is tr;no, but yet an intimation, to rny
State which is'moving,; that there is a
hope'dT reconciliation. Ido not be
lieve ; '-fhero Is any such hope, i I see
no evidence on which to base a. hope.
I see through this dark cloud (that
surrounds us no ray of me
is all darkness andimidbight gloom.’'
Mr. Mason, of Virginia, >said he
could vote for the,, resolution;! ‘‘but
without an idea that it is possible for
anything that: Congress Can ;do to
reach the dangers with which wo aroi
threatened.” Again jho says, “I tell j
you now Mr. President that thdqueß-j
tipn is settled in fetation to thislgreat
great movement * wjiich is now pro
gressing: in certain Southern States.—
I know the efforts that are now dicing
madeUo stay the hand of the South
ern people, and to cool the patriotism,
which is!huruiri<r within the Southern
heart; but it will he ineffectual, sfr.” '
Without fatiguing with quotations
we might add that'the resolutiolq was
passed on the 20th of Decembor.lSGO
bj- the- votes of border Spite men, but
not the cotton States. .'Tito- special
committee of, thirteen reported p:n the
31at December: “That the commit;
too Itavc not been aide to agree !upo,n
any general plan of adju-tment, and
'report that fact to the Senate, togeth
er with the journal of Uie convention.!’
Or. a day aftet this, M.n CmAitchden,'
whose compromise resolutions are so
often falsely referred to, findingjthey
could not pass the Democratic Senate
by reason of the refusal of the lijncin
hers from the cotton States who re
jected all compromise,)modified them
aiid thus addressed the J3enate:j; |
“Mr. President, if I could ' ißdulge |
myself with the hope that the fesolu-i
lions which I have proposed . for
to the constiiulibnjwoiild
obtain that majority in this Sciiiito
which would recommend them to the
States lor their .adoption, hy conven
tion or by legislation, I should] never
have made this motion for a reference
to the people.” ; • ■ ' | 1 |
■No wonder Mr. Crittenden began to
despair of (Congress and desired to j re
fer his proposition to the people; jfor
hear the language of the next Sena
tor who rose alter lie sat dinvh; v s zf
j Toombs, of Georgia. “The |l|nipn.
| sir, is dissolved..that isan accomplish-,
od fact in' the'path' of this dgioussi nn
lb:i( ■ men may as, ; - well hoed. | Onb of
3'our confederates • (South Carolina)
has .glready wisely, bravely,! boldly
confronted public .danger., ah j sbeis
onlj- ahead of many of her xjslerij be
cause of tier ■ greater facility tor
speedy action.” i ; |
In the House a resolution, wasJojfTer-
Oil in thesq words: (“Resolved that so
much of the President’s message as
relates to!the present, pcriloiii condi
tion of the country be referred lo a. , , r
'Special colnlmitteo' of one (Void eaeh j -h' 7 ”
State.” Tlio resolution was! carried;;. , w lv pine cans trn
hj' northern and border Stnto|men,l(J l - , '*y' dhotllesvinegei - ,.
blit those jf the, extreme South c ""'
pobed it. | '',, ' >S I t Jui!a-r,c .noiUru.!, Tsack .
iM rl Siiujletoii, of Mississippi deeUh- ; iola v V
0 ! to vote for the , rcasriu flmt bis . ■ „ • S V
Stale had called a Convention.; facing, fjf V-u .’j''*
•T leave to the sovereign State Of Mis-' a *,?S H ’ r I .>
ebsippi, lo\dHcnni;no lar herit-If her 7 W p. irm '
present feJeVaJ relations.” i Mr Haw-, I”’! ’ "‘'’a
kins, of Florida; staled that liis - 4 July ]
;had cal ed a 1 em.v^,on; artll Fif(eeii pairs grawV.s,
.“Wlnlelam up, Mr Speaker, I; may .j bel tick; 3,pillow
wd say m advanre. thgt I am, ! pillows, ■ 13 shirts; “1 roil!
ami 1 believe my Sta.o is Ppphped to y ])<ir V J
aland every The day & r
01 compromise has [l, -.i t_»; i »n « ‘
Mr. .Clapton, of Alnhnriia, declined ° ’ £ ox Yb. 5. Jdy I
to vote j) r the reason that, a ;conv/»n- t • }
lion [liaiii been 1 cal-lod iii Alabama. , 1 ( l»',l«•»'-!'
J ■ ; c , t . . i • - tii*. * ■ - Rhirt-K, 10 hhcct^,. iJUpuhii
loving that :v State had ffc to"so-i., n »o f,
* - - • • 4 r]"'- J cerchuds,
code and that secession wii? the only ,o; 'viifK'ssdV, IVaiji*>l C llVirtoi}.'
remedy for present evils—hb would ITlivuin. ' I '
not hold out any- delusive hope or J, •Washin"-;Hi;
'auction any leiUpovikinff-pol&y.I ifail. JJ, yiHru-W-H
•^Mr.. Milos,pr South. Carolffla telid, ,obdV ! James f .iHTuny, West;, ’Tike,; IMjJ
“Mr. Speaker, the Soul . Can.|na del- ,oh, Sce’v. -I.W'ushii ycon co;, vitir.essef Sa-as.ljU
ogat.on have-not voted on this ques- _ _ 1‘ V ! I’fieeHJ oseph Gai-.vno.tV \ '
iron because,they conceive, thjy have Meeting: ‘ ? jlShn iMo„W /PeD-rs. w4fc!.jg«!*- IWo considcivoar* , .“ „ . ... s ,;- T 1 ;.;, ! r , . ~J ur„, i., 1 n r,;r.
Si utcias already withdrawn limn the A meeting;ot the; CoijU rues -o, La w-,Cp \\n) rJJd., *;* ->
eualederaey in everything but {brmi?'krotice and Ilea ver-count ,es tyty held id t. mft J Hls, ■ t ../ ft
Mr. Fugli said ‘id,n.y S.lail!-< At-1 at the olTicb of B. .B. m , ,
abama intends following South C'ard-|-^ e "’ Brighton,August,ithy IdG-i, tOj H ..Vencn Wift'
iina out of the, Union, by thb lOlh of nomihato- candidates,.-b;; ho House of 1itr v \l’lualk
January dpext/il pity no aitbntibn to:l Represenfalivcs, »J* C & 1 tfu Wi'i tins * * ‘' W
anj’ action taken itji this bodyl" .- j persons appeared, Sankej . * , ■ ■■ i_ • . , • , (n "fiju-
J , —i; Ui Harbison, John Elder, Irom, Law-, JiinaV -U '-’uig.n, lla'yv~‘.
Enough has l|een quoted, j;without;' rencc county, and JlbiH A. Duff, James Ivor cc t, wlloesses, p!‘’ l ; J
running tin the dchalbs otjj Duncan and B. 8.. Cba nborliu froni-j raate.-y , ; r ~f.
Congress to show that the sepafationjj Beaver county, - ; ,n 3t«clnnarler. .* ”d<i?a. P 1 '*^, v
* .p, .. ’ c-ioti David Sankov. >.»«., -was called to •; do; \>iliiesses-, j J-Inis'
ot tiio iGotton otutes wus a nxc<l l.ict , T> /tl l . %» wi r %
• .x ; ... . •, j; •■■■;■ - I tins cimir ami 15. B. OhainbcTim, imiac ~loUa » iw n.o( if. ;
which ,!!(> proposition by Mr. .Oi*i;ltcn : ; Sc J reta^ f N * ;^n
(lon, ot' any body else, could airert; or; Whereupon on cbnipai iiig nomiba-l refiee cib; witheascs, 'Motor J
even delay- And'tho best evitionco of! tions'lsaiah White, of Lawrence and j Cyrus C Canioron. , ( t
this are Die acts of seecssion: thcmJ Wm. Jlenryydf Beaver, ;W.6pq .miani-: iNoble.Ulaysvil.e,^■'
selves and the dales d««“ s ?- v ‘ _a»r candidates; to -j eo;, witnesses, L DouglurifT
k . . . .*U: . • represiont the- counties-o Boaver and. .\V amuty. ■ . •<
which show thq
elusively, of those States lo|; Secede,p jmd; Uie tollowing retoluti'oiv \vasj Ip, Eipvrenco co;,witnesses; r(o. ,
and more them that to support so< adopted:H i ; Brady, jWiti Workman Uy^V
cession by arms. Said Mr. Toombs, b| 1 Heaved, That Wbn. Henry and Isaiah yieorgMK Milliger,
■ . ,j. , u r . iii White, our nonimeos, by their parffr! incto'u co; witnesses, June . ,;
Georgia,dn the same speech qiioMj fl services, hakdeScrvedbH A : J diilwagor, Wm Knox., ,jn
f ||.nioritod| a renewaliot tht, jiuhlic cqnfi-i Josopfi F \Voi*reil,.
hdence,and that we fulfil an agreeahle|cp; witnesses, It P Alats^ 111 ; |
1-duty in : recommending; tticin. Torjiheiry' FJs|hor. .H r
j sufl'nigerijof tbeir.ebnsiil icnts, as men ; Wm Young, Jji
jlhift -iiiider ; all -circiih stances Iwill j-co; witnesses, Alexander J l,l ‘c- I ’.,
j stand by the: National cause, and be ; .WCra,clj:oii. ’; l , d: tr"- s}'ingt*?ft
faithful do the men this day made the |,J ; 6seph | Cross, !^ D "
stanflurd boa refs of th« Union, .j and, co; wifnesos, VV‘ W ’ 'i I *'*,®;
■the war against arra«f<l traitors!andi Truaxoi ; v _ . i, Tetc
ta«»ioni.rt. [; Uoivrt rT;:-;.
“And while the Senate i,jid\tho|
House of,.Representatives arc *de;bat-|
ing the constitutionality and ejepedi-.
eney of Seceding fiorrt the tin on, -ami;
‘while the- perfidious authors of this;
ruiscliiefjire,showering do&n dennnoi-;
ations opou a largo portion jot| the!
piitriotic of this cpnntrj, those;
hrav# men are coolly apdwjml;: voilag
what yon call a revohttioh—-aye, inj”' [conjinuto rao» Wmk.j T*.
doing better than that, amkng to tie- , ; W Exemption Ltat.
fend it.” |! ! -,' J-'E “j'Q *T ‘ ‘ ;.v ! '-
, There is no nse of denying it; the of hehg ihe. only^'
truth cannot boj shut out, arid every- °f f9 e 'f ?<wjs<=or tfafents depenffa i
Li. ~! - ! .•>. 1 , -J.,, on his labor for support. . ■ i
mandat ha(. and remembers. the G R^ n U- u
ovehjtaof 1860 and 1801 knows /that intone/); GB;. 1
secession was the result of a conspira-; llirnpi T Ro|)in.son, John T ’Nos-i^ gln3, f'
cy in-the Sontb[ to dissolve j,he Union., Solomon Miner, Carroll W at ,tiV r ♦
carried out by armed rebellion., Theser co; witnesses, Eliza Minnv Jn S °?
■nieny thertdorej irouml to I Butler.. ; i '
school houses j and nufalic nicetingsj \Viri II liiekersori, [Franklin W a '/ ’
proclaiming that the Crittenden com- fington' co/iVitncsscss, '
proriiso-\voidd have saved the XJii!oa; \Y,h (f|'[|J n- , ‘ ' K = ,ras3 ’ ?
arid 1: the: Uopublieans (Ihej im'irioi ityf! Q e o ; S Mart, leb- »;♦, c 1
should, have accepted Bt. Kn'oW- they NeHt John Jjra’dy. All Eckef ’ 3 ’
falsify, the facts of hislcjry., They'Joseph-j A Henderson \, w i ■ i,. „ I
mustulo; it; for a purpose, aid that is;; Lawrence co ; ; witnesses. fiob»rtr»? 'i
to,mako the war and .the admiuistra-/ land R P Marshall. ’ ■ I! ‘h
tion uripopular for partizan ;purposch.| Hlis R Jphrison Carmichael ■
J 0 -nten arc dbdovul. Why? eo; witnesses, JC Burnott.Aaro’n Sr^W
Simply because they Iherohy necessa-! Exempt 'ok Aeiomt of biinn Zh 'bß.
rily destroy thy-ability, of the govern-: ■'Jf'.cjge and Mnrriid - V '
ment to put an, cmd-to the rehellioirbyr JohnZilllbujte,’ Manbm leaver '4 1
making it unpopular. It, is not as ] wit nos Js;; Jacob Hockdilon. ' :
they sawoppositum to men, but ui* I *’ --W
7 w l ' .T" U ' '. ' Mf pferiLv
O\o know-that there are many loyal ~f i„ gt on witnesaea,-*'-wL Fa,® ’
Democrats, both at homo and in the Lt-wis Johnston -' " I
army. Wei know that;, n&h<, men ! Ko*th"Slrailane'
would condemn fins purpoke of their: jhgtPn witnesses. jff :
But the purpose >ip canning,- 1 ,\y m Oeltbi- ’ ,•! • y "T?v -
ly concealed under partizan Th o, na3 Uton,. Carroll tp. -^4l',
Ihe endeavor to separate lhe Aannrl j ton :co; witnesses, Samuel Thorn wl 1
istration from.[the government ifc, .oiih .'"Portbr' •' r
|drthoir!r)genioiisdeiici-. • olvavetims :^ u ,b eg > r l ll ,l, 'Washington/'\fa,4nU‘
-H.iiou'n tbtt JuetH of Insutry ana v.voiibl. lo’n'eo- lVuNvlj'KMh.
t«un nnpe that nil loynl moh- wii 1 not ju*d TbdnWsoo ' : r 1
srie that 'this attempt to; use’ Geo W ‘(box/ ’VYasliington,' Va'^Uc-'/
the subject oh.compromise so- unfair- ~‘,n co;■ Viltesses, ‘ifurriet Skiricw '
iy is such.; a device. V; Jesse (-iriiysom I 7 . ;' i|
j Thomas Jj Aljcr.l. SlippcrV-j-cirSb, Lai/.
I rence eo; Iwithiess-eB, John Alford, John '
,\if,,rd. jr. ’ . , ...j
•l.rapklin Wasliing. 1
ingtpn epj witnesses,, ilanpn Jackken !
J*osejih (jtPortcr. s,*"’ ; 1" -!
WiniM Eekly, Perry tp, Law-renee bo,
Patiiek’ liurlnigton, Beave?,
uo /-. >/[■.'. ■ / ■ ■->. :
John- Frepeh, Piiriington, Beaver {to.
Biiivin Cairi, '.Vashingum, Washing-.
I , . ion co; ■A;it'neAst'".«p Samuel Elnton. ■■
.menument t ; n Smitii. • ' : o V
innsylvauia. liOvvarA, tYcst ■
f sdlfrage ? •Washington.eo ; Wm’ Gardner, Igna
ve answers, tns. Buc'vingham. , . i '
:*;inay. im - .Exempted oii Xccount of being t;,c only
lion of bur' son of aged Pare id or Parents lii-pend
'; f> |- ihg an hixlahor foT'kupport. - V i
; Samuel P KellerJMSnongphela, HJajsli.
fctv. ; co, , / ~ ’ I .
'lst [ FhoinnH \ 4N Sir.iii;. i;sht .
lies' Soldiers': co; witnesses, .Sariuier IV. 'Bei.l; Hubert,
- .; Hilton.' '■ ,■ } -
-ladanr;,. lj!Joii.:i Choceks.'Sodih. co;
to, ydiCtliei w'ltiu-sses, John .F(,»Ton,.J;F’l'r&dier/
he •■Society]" iyk.s. > , ' v
! | l)avid' iJI, 'Xfiiswel-1, F'mltis,
i this report 1 Washington jbo • wfttfios sun. £auui«V
ave shipped M’Kieh, "PfiosU’urtir.'i r, . • V L
, V • J W.riit T. liegi-ler, '.East P lliji" Washington cQ; v Mia
.tspurg,-and I? .Hnyd, . . -.
Du;ped arli-- Ahx Berwick.. Un : on. kVashiruttonlcn;
‘‘ 1 wituosness. .'W'fcst! .Pry," Ewinli iiath-
Questions for the
Are roii in flavor of a vig
ecu lion -oil‘be. wrar ftfr ilfo.i
of the rebellion ?
Arc ye a in furor of !n,rr
President with funds :«
arm, oq^iip ; and
and navies engaged
pressidit'?; '< 1
Are you in r fii|or of tbf
to the iconstitiitioih of P;
giving soldiers' the right r
W e would bfe gtad to h;i
.to these that \v
clerstand llio piigseni posi
•iotoraporliry. ,■ f : , ■’
i Ladies’ 'Aid Soei
i Rochester.-
■To the President of the Lat
A id'Society i ' ' ' i
•Mas. T. ‘ Ji ?Power.— ]
ihave the honor to submit
first. qiiui*terl\;.report of
organized in -May lust.
; i Jn tliis brief time, whirl
|i?i designed to cover, we 1:
its follows; : i
I Boy. So. 1 was rjifoc
Goinmis-ion Pi
contained the following
vies, viz ; S
. Sent of.'Matf-mh-
,1 jug cal.fiup.,o cans L o!
can Applet, 1 can Jn'ic'i
cnh fni!|, 1 can
plums.;. 3 .w-.iniv
blricd peaches'..' ■ l io ! tal In
' 1 ' ’ ’
l! 1
2 i Mitjf-'
Six pnpkiunis lintj o
airua.'.i s!i.;iois, 2 :
Tc > i a!- mi in lier - ji acl<:i L; s..
'■'■MxSW'ZJLiij- 1
Fifteen .pairs’ drawees,
handkei t hie//-: 8 • drc«Hn
i'-caif uMf'rrioi?. - paO-if's ii
2 peclv'slcpi tr siai'l-l.i, S c
biv.ila ■.vine, i barrel* pota
IlllTl* _ tf]
iibundages. 1 roll lint, li b'
: 120. " ' -
: !1 of which is most
.submitted, j,
Very respectfully, your
Louisa J)ahu.
; )rous pros-
iiipjdVKoiou ,
ishin" tjie
ifiicieru . to
subsist our
ip its sup-.
s r, 1
iVatlics, 1 • JiV.ioph
dhurrie*, ,IWash iff
■i.fes, 4 vans:
5 ]i:folv , ai;tf-j Jai'it’S ,
>. vSeiiairos, : cd; AVs
kani*? ..M Krai
. 1 sliirti— JoiiiV.l
* f*j' * 1\ i
20 shirt.*; 4 • i'ntrlrr
r nr.w O’, 1 L'■'iin '
!:,Hrioii .Ir'.ijL. • E s> jUu;
it-vl jvsu'hcs ■ '.i v o 6
Iri'iil;-.. I
AiV-x i i
[ IL
i ' •n'i co ;
0 ctifsos.. J«»:ic-v
oottios c;i I - ' A tM A
Uit ivinfe, 1 - » itn
dr I o (i. ■fr i i i;. ; C!i;ti • 1 1 ■ f
- ■ . | .Washin
•d/H. |V ; :j tVi-roil,
pillows, 1 12 .Cy rus S;
17 hhipU,' .i ,
erclii-e-ft,! 2« ; ii:
;r r luiolcr. iJohn i|
■ , ; • 00; win
-ih: ').] '"j iHitly •]
4 Kim,iikor-’ W m llii; I pair wit
j - b'!Uul':ii;cH, : Hand. |.
t, 5 bnhdlos ; Amos Cf
laguzmes. — i ton co; p
W;. j Birkidy
~th. j jl idhW’l
lrii\v'or<*, ; ; 10 i iv.gion ji
rv slips, 11 :.1 iisopli;
I's, 23 rolls ' Morrisfj
Kjlc'i •T'niai, iiiuloti|<
: v r ;^j.Aiiuy■?
rosp'cctfuily.; J iii-ksm
. . v f c " : • i ■
S -North Stninnh*,
CO, w JaslFililOU,
;M' r ;/: . -V, . v ' i-A
Aijen, • YVVJijngttttf'
ulax'.vt’.i, iHV'M;;? PuilUL'il.
ji.ii'-n. 11--Wweii! ; •!,
lliivi-.i lifiWa; Hobivi
,rSh:rt».*. Xotti'iifhi-.rri, \V*j;
C<-; Jvtf’ph • ‘J:/;
>ll .■ !inj[ ' ■ ■ ■ ■„ ■, ■ ■
,-i; Ivi'rriok, .FiuiqxS'eKl, Wa
>viitn i’- K Ccioj
U-ui. • •: ’’ " - ],-.
M ‘Siniui, .;Soulh §trr.b;.
ifi j'i D K Siiii
.‘Tobis,. ■ , f
Young, ii-rvibuvfib-bl.
pbuiesnes, I; 0 PliiUipJ, .if
h-ii-lc; Chivi.i:i-e; \Vbis*t's.-s,oa.
IpSSen, -HfiirV : j
ILiJin paries,.,
■ r:< 'lr i-n; iv.-irrjcn---.-H, Xl'
Bf'r.n].:.:!! L.'.’;'. . ' ' I
ilciiiWi-M \y«riL
ik IvitjifSHos,; Low W iti.iidijry
4 l ‘ : - ' : V, i' : , T{
Vlut'i’ym, tlnifii. NVinVinitofi
iu'ssc-.a; J.fis >t ! V:fy,\J ivua*-
,1 d, W<j s,t - Fin lev,-. W its hi n :~t r h
tenses,, Isane ILsuiU,, :
iiri.or*Xouinghani, W_. -iiiritt, John Yjuit, Josepb
1 Rail, EoLblohcm. VV
•6;. wt.iuossasj G
3o!i!isf.i«; ; >' ■ ' ;_ _ ,