The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 26, 1863, Image 1

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ednesday, Aug 26,1863.
IM3RIE, Editor Proprietor.
Osk Dollae and FjrrrCrura
inuni,-is xuVascb ;- f otherwise if wo Dbx.-
, be charged, iNo paper discontinued
ill arrearages are aeltled. 1 , ■ i
Letters and communication*, by mai*
v-j . •
arc prompt attention. ■ :
['iVf.ITTEX FOR TUB Audi.]
■ (r-viitti of the. Isuv at Sipia im
~ii ■ ■
v- preceded. the promulgation
;1 ; horlv of Inwsnud institutions,
the “Mosaic ?y«lem." Orer
:iiewny‘ oiLtllat system;, an in
ion- vvajt written by .tlic-fingisr of
■Ti.e. Uutj. stealeth a man and
him ’or if : he be found' in his
tie. shall'simdy be put to death."
i» “V. 1 ti. Wiierf-we consider the i
iliotf'di’.'the.lsraelites in Egypt,!
ic wonders wrought for their
ranee, wc shai! .appreciate the
i for' proclaiming ‘Bitch a lajw at
. time—at the very outset of the
n. when the bod}’ politic, [with j
':it .PokiuiUtv rC'olvetl itself into a
nin.yr .an•] le-v.'roitily ■.vailed for
■' 'They had j'i-l fjen
'l’bi >tvr.-tf.o:<*
v. : ■’■
•r. the !•••:«(itu|s "i
■ .V-W- 11 .
i 1.)-t;n10:.;
ii fiio- | H (.1
fh‘ bi.'biS man
—: i.u
V • ••
ti*k •■V-‘T K'
* ' ,
v> Sli'-rci.'. Oii:U:V-
■ . ■ - 1 I, - *
I : I). <v/‘
• i l'' :i:H UsiiS i
U-jrn alt; >1 ru •:'?
:**•»* ri^l *,w al i
,!i iiji'ii 1 ;iis■ I -it
j' i
irt.j -r,* rorji.s-
!i. .•-?
‘.Ji t ’t ..-V
blasphemy of<:sod.' To ba,ve:per
mitted the man thief to Gxpijitc his
•.rime by 'restoring .double of the same
, kind, would have he bn making ICe'irep--
. ;iiai i.-t.tors of, elitionOf vriino its atonement, •■and'
i -.vt; h iilsm.i -;• oLcgi-ncd j exult ii> jr’ into a virtue .the ai,'cursed
■ : 'v• h ! >1 lit,- i!ncrmc>t , thing against: which the penalty was
1 0c stealers ine^ fc -| .N'o wyn )_!evv!cd. . I!ut ;the i'ofiiction of death
s::c;i a.* md. hi. a of laws'- for-'mail, stealing ,I'sactod ; the
■ 1 lor Mich a people s >teh a .guilty wretch the .utmost possibility
oul.J set upon the •of reparation. J t wrung fr6m him, as
inking-.-beacon 1 to flu. 4 terror he gave tip the ghbst, a testimony in
holders ami.-warn them off.— blood, in death grohns, to the infinite
.t.steaTcth a inan and seleth dignity, and worth bf man—a procla
n 1c; be iognd in !iis‘ hand- ihalifru-to theuiiivefse voiced in inor-
U ],.p. h-, dentli.': God.V.tal agony that man is inviolable—a
0 '’"‘ l '’aasnig sword, guarding ctmtesvien shrieked in at the
to the Mosaic (system.—j ; grabe's. mouth—"l die accursed/and
' ll , ; i!. flinji irciirctv f.riid is just?” ,If (jpd permitted man
, 1, 0 > icT.- ’.cibiered steal.-.! to hold mamas properly, why did he
h *>.. VSIV •
‘ 'iiuii'iiir-.-J -••riri’f'i. Ivin^-
•. :1IHi fioi »m . »Vi*
inMVTMJn* ITi 'UiO TiaU'f ,
,1 Tio.l
i'r'v.n v
i»- Ji'.
i-'vm, another,
j- ’!ioi* it lx l j
■ ••i'atfi'.* ’vor'i i|' |
1' ' r.
rordw , v
If' i! ,t TUe.muio*
;I !_'*! N tliaL of„ dp- :
W.S|o_ 4s|t,
-* l ’; i ifahe e
• ••I-* of iiefii'J
t;-r !jI ’ MTv'iuit. Then jt
that siealelh" a'
; ; i. !i" l;;:U ■•.•.iva'et.ha man"
criinp hud her.ii i hat of tak
liyullval from another, then
used would have beer, ex-
that, rciafiori. and most es
it >tfas the takirijj of ar. in-
•ohi anot!n>r,'-\y!io was his
11 ho erinjo :s slated in a
:orni,' innn stealing.,selling
■ : A.ii aroint oii .ajovol ■
;i’p' t-;I :>> >h'u whole
I . rt..
/.v.i'ij. ■);' iht;'.o.vnofe>iiip of a'
obbed of
i:uin tiiinic.:)!
'‘pV’f, L|« b.vfj., ][)crs6u. —
1 ! il io r aii f.l ba kci* of
I i!
■i 1 wa< sluiui away
o-T tho Hebrews.”—
.u r v\\"stMle>i. His breili
disposed of- hihi as
.i.rvivbari.lisc. Ay.ell’miii-ht.
■ ; ja 1 was, stoien.” Con-
il'-T inan' stealing i
••r property stealing, Vrbk-h |
" fit length in the.begin-.!
- r-'. xt tuajjUr; Exodus 22. j
ar < ° x add killed or sold
t- i-e.-ior'
- sive oxVrt; i'if he^ d CBt - d 9 s ‘'do 1 3-00
■r „■ ,i r ‘r i-'iii- i•, i I Best —do colt 2 yrs and up 300
&r -do; d 0 (lol^do , P 200
•• o o.\eur- j r,iie selling or |.Best blooded mare 4 yrs and over 700
a. deliberate xie’poti }2fl best do .dot 4.00
c ‘’•rime,, tub penally was i Bust . do 3 yrs and tip s‘Oo
doubled. But in .W-.sJ 2 ' 1 b<3Sl d 6 : i d ° 3 ‘OO
a m .,i i ‘Best do ‘ 2 yrs and up 2 00
- n.arj the whole best do ;do P 1 00
was expended upon the j Best do Iyr and up jl 00
owcvsr, often repeated, or J2d best do !do . ‘Dip
‘gijravated tho crime (, n . I do colt ' 100
’.y could do lift 0-™*-' 'pi ' f- d best - do do. , Dip.
aemenaW 10 Best,blood mare, with; a colt, for /
, . t man stealing I all purposes, 4yearsiand up 400
■p ‘ for p op- "2d test do ■ .do * , 300
Vol. 3.9--3ST<>. 33.
crty stealing, whatever the kind; 1 or
however great, the amount, was the?
,'iuero restoration! of double, shows that
; the two eases wire adjudiedted on to
jtally different principles. The man
[stolen might bo past labor,, and ion
j sequently his support, a burden, yet
,‘ death was the penalty, though not a
i cent's worth of progorty valuo was
taken. The penalty for 1 stealing
properly, was a mere property penal
ty. Tbe.paymcnt of double Wiped thee
out. The score, however, largest tho
amount stolon. Though it might Lave
a greater money value than a thousand
men, death was j never the penalty,
nor maiming, nor branding, nor even
stripes. When all kindsofanimals,or
when money, furniture, goods, arti
cles of clothing, or food were stolon,
the unvarying penalty was jdonble of
the same kind. Why jwais not the,
uile uniform. When a man ,was
stolen tvhy not retjnirc : lbe thief to
: double ol the same kind —two
i.,,'D. if hu'iiad sold him. five men.
Ji i-i answered• lliat■’ldie'-man jfhief
migii'r not havg,- them. fhv tho ox
thh'-f might not pave two oxen, or if
!j|‘ .had/killed it, five. But if God per
mitted nu n to hold men as, property
with oxen, the msui thief•conld"
get ineii with wlioiii to pay the penal-”
tv. a-i well as tlm ox thief, oxen.—
Further, tin,- w.boli- of the legal pen
alty when proper ft; was stolon, was a
.j, -.'■Tiiiary remuneration to the per
se.i 'injured. But. wiien a man was
! ‘ heir ii'.’-i
■1 i'or.
:■! Ii i
1» ’tVillt I li
i, property conpeiif-alion |vas
'(•iV. ’tod i.i ill.- iiulivuldti!. or to the
(•‘imiimiiitv.' To loikUt-immoy as an
‘■•l'liyiileiit.T'V'nilil have lo’repoal<■ outrage with. 11 1 0 intolorabro ag-
:i~::l:~ , "l t .
iT- aio:> of supriiiue insult ah
I'ut-ij.. ('|miu tl:o value of if iijan in
. Throw o:irtli'= dust in|o the
i";iiu>t inuriorality. Tiit| .flaw,
rt' .■•itvd iroat such u morlcorv ol Ilium
,:]MU!i.sli Mealing ol that kind of prop
jerty infinitely more; than; for stealing
lain - ( 1 1 Ji ;■ i- kind of prbpvi tv * :
ill finish the .comment on this
tii. J-f-.-iti-S' 1•: X f next week. ;, i ’
T" hr enhardfl of .the ' Tenth Annuitl
J ii'X oi thr Jhavrr CoUntj Agricul
tural Syiet'y, to 1, be held Wednesday:
Thursday and Friday, September
24//i. 'loth, and 2tkA.. 1863.
Class'Xo l.—F.tnni and ,Gardens.
Bcn : 'cultivated Farm of not, less tnan
j uO acres; st rict attention being paid
I to the style and condition of oiit
j bouses, farming, Skillful manago
j ' mont; ctc.j ' Dip. &88 00
j2d beat do j do 1 5 0O
) Best cultivated Vegetable Garden
I « ■ • Dip. &3 00
•2d best do do 1 •> 00
; Best Flower and Ornamental '
: (.Garden 3 GO
2d best do do . 2.00
; N'nE.—-.Competitors desiring to en
ter Class! Nq. 1, (Farms and Gardens)'!
: ini!st' furnish the Secretary with their
ftiathes before the loth of, 1863.
'Jmhjcs. —lilwood Thomas Wm. 31’-
; Lean, Daii'l Dawson. • I
: 3sote; —Judges 041 ; all the several
clashes are required to call upon the
(Secretary betdru entering upon Hheir
duties and procure a blank report.
yo., ‘2 ~Jfprses
Best Wooded stallion -l!yr,andupslo 00
2d best' fdo , 700
Best do 3 yrs and up j"4 00
2d best ■ do. ■ , *! do I 13 00
Best: ' -do Colt 2 yrs ami op 3 00
do j do do 2; I do 200
•Bestistallion for all purposes, 4
yrs and upwards i *■, 1
2d lipst, stallion 4 yrs and^up’
Best) ‘ do .3 • ido
b 00
5 00
4 00
Beaver, "Wed
I Judge*. —Rueb Wray, John Paltor
! «eh, James ,M’» Runiou. i- ’
j J :l- • \ 2nd Division. \
;-Besti peldir.g 5 years .and up - S 3 00
■2d bust, (io . do ( j 3 0,0
I Best [ / do 3 years aind up 300
j2d best do do., 200
Best .do • . 2 yearVand up 2 00
2d; best Jo do. 10(3
Best ! , do 1 year and up" 150
2d best do . do * 1 00
Best Span match horses or marcs 4 00
2d best , do do 3 00
Best or mare- 3 00
2d best do do 2 00 i
Best ti utier 4 years and up* 300
.2d best t l do \ !j do • 200
Beat pacer dr racker, 4 yrs i.ovor 3 00
£d Dost 'do ; V do- 200
Bestspau heavy daft horses or
mare# , 5 00
2d best ' do* do 3 00
Best span car’ge hones, or ma r es SDO
2d hoist ’ldo do J 300
Best Jack | ; i - 300
2d best do'j I .** " ;2 00
Best span imilos 4 yrs and up ;5 00
2d best. 1 do. do 400
Boat spring coll 1 00
Best mule. j 2 years old 2.00
do f do I 1 year old 1 50
do do 3 yeafr old 2 00
2d best do do 1 00
Best family car’ge horse or mare 4 Oo'
2d best „■ do t . : do ’ 3 (JO
Besi Pony , ' \ J . ■ 2 00
2d bes, do ; ''j • .1 00
Juih/cs..— Chas. Fisher. James
Sproalt; Thos. Hunter.
Class No, S-j-CotUc.
Be.-t I)urham bull 3 yrs or over SIO 00
2d best ido I do ■ 700
Best 1 y' do ■j 2 yrs or over ,3 00
2d best do ! ;; ; Bo ;2 00
• Best do | 1 year or ovcn2 00
2d best do '' ;do ■; lot)
Best : 'do 0 insK or oyer 100
2d , best do (|o DO
Best Durham yrs oi over 5 00
2d, best do .do ' 3 00
Besf 1 I/ do i 2 yrs or over 300
2d best J' do 1:,.. do .' = 2 ,00.
Best 'do heifer Ayr or over 2 00
2d best *do “dti . 100
Best. :do call under Iyr 1 1)0 i
■2d; best ■ do.- dd : • ' -50 I
Best Devon bull s yrs or up 10 00 |
2d' best do do ’ 7 001
Best * do 2'yrs or over 300 |
2d best do j-.Tdo ‘ 200
d '*N 1 • -'ft V ClU ' <*'o:ver 2 oi>
-d best .... do *[• jdo 100
i'esl .t, do' P inos old JOp
2d best do j do * . ■5O
Best Devon cow 3 years or over 5 00
2d best do do 300
Best do - 2 yrs or over' 300
2d best do Mdo 1 .2 00,
Bbst do heifer 1 yr or over 2 00 j
2d best do 'do 1 00|
Best ’.do , call under Iyr 1' 00J
2d best do .do 5o
Best Ayrshire bulliS j'rs.or over 10 OO:
2d best |> da j ; do 0 0O 1
■Bkst do • 2 yrs or over '3 00
2d best do do 2 OO
Best do . .;il ; yr or over 200
2d best do do p 150
Best » »do Of rnos or Over 1 00
r'J best do s do 50
Best Ayrshire cow 3 yrs or lover 5 00
2d pest do i do I 300
Q.est do 2; yrs or over 300
2d best do do 2 00
Best do heifer 1 yl- or over 2 00
2d best' 'do! |no
Best jdo calf under Iyrl 00
2d '.i.osl do ! dot 5Q
Best Iferelbnl bull 3 yrs bi over'lO O 0
2d best do- , do. •7 00
Best , do 2 yrs," or over 300
2d best do ; do r “ 200
Best do Iyr or over 9. 00
2d best , do do i 1 50
Best do. G mos. or over 100
2d best do do go
Best Hereford cow 3 yrs or over 3 00
2d best do do ‘A 00
Bes.t I -do 2 yrs or over ;3 'OO
2d .best i ido do . 200
Best Hereford hciferjl yr or over 2 00
2d best i -do - do 1 0Q
Bes*/ ■do ' calf under Iyrl 00
2d best do . do go
Best 1 native dr Cross liu(l3 yor ov’r 7 00
|d best ; do ! [ klo , ‘ 5 ooj
Best do 2 yrs or over ’3 ; 00 *
2d best do , . "do 1 200 i
Best I do •’ Iyr or over 2 00'
2d best do do ! . 1 501, , ; do G inlos or over 100
2d best ,do do _■ goJ
rial ivo or cross coW 3y or ov’r 4 ,00!
2d:best do do j . 3 001
Best do, '2 years 3 00’
2d best do do 2 Ooj
Best -do belter. Iyr or pvor 2 00!
2d best do , ,do ! ■ I 0o!
Best ’do calfundorllvrl 00i
-‘I best do do |J * «0 i
j Best yoke work oxen oyrsorover 4 00 e:
2d best dp / db“ 300 j
Best do 3 yrs or over 300 :
2d best dot ; do ■! . 200
Best beef, ox or cow ■ i i 3I o 0 :
2d best do ;'■ ‘j l! 00
Judges—T. J. Irwin, Wml it. Keed, !
Richey Eakin. j , !
Clast No. -i.—Xha'p:
> t french,; !
Best Saxony b|uck -3 years
2tl best do do
Beat do 1 2 years;
2d 1)681 do do
Best' do 1 year •
2d best -dof',. do jv. ■_ ’ 1
Boat spring lamb i:
Best 3 Saxony ewes Sjyears
2d 'best "3 do . do |
Best Iyr do do lot of
2d best do doj do
Best buck 8 years !
2d best; do do
Best , do 2 years; I
. •
2 besi
2d best do
Best spring lambs >fM’ :
Best 8 ewes, 3 years | oo
2d best do , d 0... . . 2 Ofr
Best ,do 2 years.* f 't*' 9 OOi
2d best do . do -*. •)'•'-• - Jqq
Best 1 do 1 year 2 OO.j
2d best do do! .-/iiijjf -a*--! -
Best 3 iambs | 1 ,00
-d best do v
'Best fleece of wiol) weigliV aid '
k'quality,- ' - I rfvr'k' | kl 00
Best 5 fat wethers.- i! feff'-r r' ; ; ■ : 3 00
i Ju<hj>s— Win. Gailefc.-Jobn; Scqtt,
(Eaeeoon tp) JosFuS{jouser. •••
| f doss j.-y Swine,.
p|os( nour,. Suffolk, f |f-; $8 00
2d best-do, - do '• 500
80-t sow; and pigs - ffkv*-' ;i ■ ■" '8 00
2d best"do . do- -rAW 5,00
Best boar- Chioapf ‘ 2 00
2d best boar do r I * IQQ
Best sow and pigs do r ; 200
2d best do dp f( • v ,1 00
Best boar, Chester wh'SleV-- I 1.!: 8 o 0
2d best do do ' ■. k 1 ; 5. 00
Best sow and pigs do A \ I 800
2d best Ido do JT' ’ if 1 500
■l>est ! boar, native, attd'ferbss/i fi- 3 00
2d best do I • do' l ; j ■'v •! i j/'o 00
Bosusowand pigs do )• i 'll qqo
2d heift do ido . .. Ijlf 2 qo
Bestifat bog .i . ' •' 000
2d* best do- . ' 100
Best pig 'under one year old 100
Jii'/jr* —Daniel B. Short, Geo. Bar
clay, (Brighton tp.) .John-Thomas
(isorth Sowicliloy Xp.y: II ’
■ ■■ ' -I - i] : / |
I - Clans JV o'. 6.— poultry. : }
Best 3 Shanghais, 2 hes|i£coek,3l QO
do 3 ll.ulf breed -.-ABW'do j Ido
do 3 Cochin China I 00
do |i Brahma
:do 3 Poland 0 -'do, do I 1 oo'
do pair turkeys ; Dip. and 100
yio pair .Muscovy ducks '.! i- il■ 00
: do-pair common do, II 00
do pair wild geeso.domesli . tod. 1 00
do collection of Poultfyfnot less
, than- ten belonging to ojic '
_ person . 200
•2u Best . •,« b : I : 00
JnJyes— MhrraadufiV'WilsOnj Joseph
Irwin) -Milo Seiners. '. ' • 1
'-i Class JVo. 7 —Dairy ! ■' I
Best .ppnf. or roll butteH.'o lb; i
and. over, . 1 ! ' ; S ;{ 00
■2d best.-., do ; ' do ;3 lbs. 200
Best ebcese, 10 lbs. and over [: 1 00
2d best ; do ;do ! | I)ip.
.Jwhjes —Mrs. John Stewart, Airs,
l.hptnas J. Power, Airs, ffm.’ w6lf>..
(fer.M -Vn. S.— ffoupi/.dx.
Bust l<it honey in \yfw.l or .'lassi '!
■;j)il»roi(».a utjil j • - 00'
|.2tl best '(Jo 'do ; 1 OQ
|;>;d best do ’ • • do * ' . j)j.,
I &*st maple sugar • = _ ■ . j
i -lid best do I 5Q
Best sugar from Chinese cane | re 2 00
2nd best do do 1,1 oO
Best molasses or syrup same 2 lid
2iid best do do i 1 00
' Judges.— -Mrs. Bobcrt Fotteii, Mis
Jbiut Stiles,,. Mrs. Andrew Carothers
.Class —Field Crops',
Best aero white wheat j SI
2nd best do ■ ] 2
Best do Mediterrancan 4
2d beet - do ’do 1 2
Best aero rod wheat l ; 4
2nd best do iil 2
Best acre blue'stem i i 4
2nd best do . ' 2
Best aero new variety of wheat 4
SndJjosl do do 2
Best acre rye f 3
2i/d best do . 1
Best acre Burley . -3
2nd best j ,1
Best aero Oats | 2
12nd heat ; do .1
[Best acre of-Corn i - 3
1 2nd best “do ’ i 1
Bq-t white seed wheat' 1 bushel 2
2nd best do 1 do ;1
Best liled do do |2
2nd best do do '• 1
Best Mediterranean do 2
‘2nd best do dp I
Best Blue Stem dd 2
2nd best ' do do’ !. 1
Best new variety wheat i bush' 3 j
2nd best do “ • do do; 2
Best Jtyo 1 bushel ■ ! 1 i
2nd best • do
Best seed Cats; 1 bushel
2nd best do
2nd best do - 50
Best new variety of Oats, i bush 1 00
2nd best do >; I do 50
Best seed Barley, I buehel 1 00
2nd best do V i 5o
Best now variety of Barley J bit il 50
2nd best do do 50
Best seed Corn in car, 3 bushels 1 00
2nd best do do 50
Best now variety seed Qorn, J bu 2 00
2nd best do j do 1 00
Best Cloverjecd, halt bush “ 2,00
2nd bust do do . ; 100
Best Tpnothy seed doj ' ! 100
2nd best do do' I 50
Best Flax seed do 75
2nd best , do do I 60
10 00
. 7 0O
6 00
j • IL’.- 'J.'r . ~BOt , s 1 OO
. Weygandt. (Moon)
Samuel Gibson (Brighton) Wni Wai
lace (-North Sewickly.) > . I
, Cittss No. JO .
Beet here Neshannbek Potatos 82 OO
do do Bed I - ■ do 100
do Pinkeye - . do 1.00
Prince, Albert ; do o •2^00"
do By ibushol 100
’Mo lot faf Sweet , ■ do 100
•do Mangel (Wurtzel ‘ f,n
;do Caiirots ■ ' 50
■ do- Turnips go
do Jtuta Baga C 50.
do Cabbage 50
do On ions gg
do Turnip b.eots ' J 50
do Parsnips. 5o
do Sweet Pumpkins 50
do Collection of Squashes l 50
■do lot of Watermelons -, ■ I ] (jq
do Citrons 1 5o
do CnJleciion ;of Vegetables ! : ;50
do half' bushel Tomatos | ioli
d/i 1 bushels, corn beans i I‘oo
■ do,- 1 quart sow do '
(io 1 quart lima do
do' , dO butter do
do ; do bunch 1 do
do j now variety do ' : s(i
. m li* Elliott,' (Riivddou)l
John Small, (Brighton) da's, M’Guii-eJ
(Pulaski.) . ’ ’ ) ' j• ]
1' Glass No. 10- — Fruit. ;
Best 0 Varieties fall Apples)] each 2 'OO
2nd bjest j do . . - do , 1 lid
Best (} varieties winter do • 200
2nd best j do do ;" 100
Best and largest collection Apples 2 00
2nd best j. do do 1 qp
Best seeding Apples ipoo
do i bnfthel do - . log
, sumtner and j[ V
1 ve each :.- 1 QO
2nd -.est p do 1 ,10 . 1 : I ,so'
Best winter- Pears, 3 varieties ■ I (go
do pock j ’ do ' , . 1 I ; ; 50
; do fi varieties Peaches, 5 each : 2;,00
2nd best ’j : do do , / '
Best collection do j j 100.
" do- 4 varieties Plums. 5 each ( 1 00
, do .collection dc" ; I (j(j
; do dozen (Quinces ,I'Oti:
I do;; Grapes Isabella, 4 pock 1 00
do • do 1 1 Catawba, do' ( (,i(y
do do j Native do 100
do Collection’ of fruits gencr-’
' ally to one person ”” , 1 00
Best dried peaches, half bushel '” 1 ;)0
do do 'Apples do 1 o|i
I JuJijc*.— •Abraham >lnmiui, Jacob
Shafer, (Pltiilipsburg,) Gilbert.Pchdlc
■ton. y. | 1 H
j Class- 12— l-'ii'rm liiiplt:inpt(&
Best' j’low.jnvo horse I 100
, jdo do, j one hor!-e : ■ i 1 ()0
;do liiiisiilc Plow , JOO
d'> : Corn ; ■ ■ i a 1 n.i
C>ntin|X{i'ill ' : . 2:6u
(|lo (leaping Mowing Machine.;) 00
|(UO Corn j’lante- 1 f.HI
do r piareHarrow ' 1.1 (ty
i|n ' Triangle , do 1,00
(jo Clover duller . 3 00
do dihv-ojllay Rake • V 100
do (' lUiiig, box.. . rl iOO;
do MaeliiiielogalhtO'cdoverseCdd' ;00 |
do • Seed Sower" , • : J X pO'i
do i i rain Cradle .. ; 501
do' . Tiiresiling Machine
dcr Corn Sheller ;
:do Cider Mill
do Fanning Mill
do Wheelbarrow
do Corn Cultivator
' do. Shoeing' . llojuL
do Hay Ladders j 2 0(f f
d 0... TarnfLadder 2d feet long 50
do ; "Garden do 10 feet long ,50
ip Farm Boiler , 100
0 Six ’ : dip. and 1 001
do Flour barrels, half dozen 1 ol) I
do , and most numerous collection
Agricultural implements dip & 2 |od
Judges.—% J. B.rajshaw. John-Kct:
tlowood, (X(iw Sewi<ikly)fiob’t. BriUb
shaw, (Chippewa.) j i
i p/ass -Vo. 10- —Jlrchanical Implements.
Pest 2 horse cai'g’o or buggy dip i 5 00
2d i best | do i dip & 3 00;
Best 1 horse . do ' ' dip &5 00
2d best I do i dip&S 00
Best 2 liorse iwagon ! dtp &'3*pO
do. Dressing Bureati . dip Jc "5 00
do Sofa j ./J dip &3 00
do six Mahogany Chairs dip & 3 00
do six Common 1 ■do , 100
do . Cano seat . |do 100
do Dining jTablo - ; 1 00
do Wash Stand i '5O
do Basket, {Split {• ■ 150'
do do j Willow 50
do Picture iFrame 5 dip & 50
do Carving on Wood 1 00.
, do: Dozen Buckets i • dip &l 00
do half dozen Tubs dip & I 00
do'; White Bead .Kegs dip. i
do Churn : 1 00
do Pump J dip & 1 00
do Bee Hive 1 00
do! Manure jForks, six ■ 1 oO
doj Hay, Forks, sis 1 ’ 1.00
do! Broad Axe . irO,
doj Falling Axe 50
doj Cutlery j L 1 00
do Sample Iron Bailing |2 00
do Cooking Stove dip & 2 00
*1 •gJii. t W;fe?
-xo r '
'4loti iltovi fbiTlfeath
pd j.
generally ' _ __
;®p ]& 1 00
O lass ware dip & 1 00.
■tiro-B^cfc'fhateA." dip & 1 00J
Common Bride. - - . aiip £ 1 od
—Joseph'A;"VV ‘ay/iIQgU
and v G-<iftrge*B6pttr’ A'. A i
<o. \i~lMthfr and iu Maim factum.
less Leather 1 dip.&l 00;
:a;i.v v;Aiw
'w > i- '■■ ■ - 100
‘ roo
dip &.-1 00
dip & 8 00
; 1 50
' 200
; oo
- * 2 00
. 1 00
. 50
IkltlS; 4 ■ '
-icat Ci Skins',; 4■ •. > • ■..
Beat Double Set Carriage Har.
Best Set Single ' do t■ ■
Best do Double Cam Harness *
Best Man’s Saddle V' !
Best Side Saddler - • - •
■Best Bridle and Martingale.
Best halter
Beit. Horse Collar '' •'[
Best Leather Trunk .H-
Best I’air Gent’s CalC'BooU ’ ■
Best Pair Kip Bbobj. . i-it.i ,'i, •
Best Stoga do 1
Best Shoes ‘ ■ ' - ; j ~ ■'
Best -Pair Ladies’ Boots 1
Best ■ do do Shoes . i
Best do Slippers i
r Jwljti. -•Peter Markee,’ Willi
(Darlington) W. W. Willis (New !
‘ Chi*s— Domestic Jfanu
Bpt ten of Broadcloth
Best ion do Satinet-
Best ten do ' ; ,Ciisaimero
Beat ten do f Flannel* | •
Beat (» Shawls , V
Beat Sewing Silk- ;
Best Silk V/.---:shg / .
Best; Flax or Tow Bagging ;
Best G jiieees of Corimry'Linen-
Bcst ti Jlcains of Writing pajjer .
Best Corn Brooms”, £ dozen T
Beal Silk Jims * ’ . ** \
BcKt Fur Hats, )o
'BeM Eol ‘flour '’ , . ‘| '
. —(Jeo. C. Sbcyerer; d’.
W. B.lM’Gaiiiuir , • ■
■* 1 .. " . : —. h.
f \C'th3 .No. ]ti— Mi3crlt,anr‘,
Best Boaol i cMictf "■ ‘ ;
Beat & large*!'specimen ef Cial .
Best Maild Dress Coat • s ■ ■ .
Beat di> .Sack or Overcoat :
Best Satin or Velvet Vest v‘
Host Pair Pants . . ' -1
Beat Specimen-Wire ( ~ i
Ilfst.Oil Paintings executeft by tin
I. inhibitor .’“j j ■
P.est Crayon .tail"Water.Colorso
(Best Daguerreotypes or Ambi'otyp.
jlfpst Speeipieu Plain ami] iFaucy J
Printing j .
Best Living Hedge j
Best Spepimeu Svbno Cutting j , •'.
Best Specimen Bricklaying j '
lt.N&israit-feifTty UshibV -V.
-it bind do ' : do '■■ ■I ' .
Judjr.'s. —Jno. J-leut/., Jus.,
Kerr. ■ ■
I i of>
I ' VI,
Ct*!*s .A o'.' I 'J)c^\li;
: .. . \ (IST PIVI.VIO.Njjr \\
Best-rot on’ Quilt . 'r
do patchwork ‘ j ;
2d*be>t do do ."
; >d 'best ' do j ' ••': .! , ; ;
Best spread ‘ d«r f i . :
■2d best do .. . j : !
Best Fancy Double Coverlet ■
2d best do' • 'r.
l<cst Fair Blankets • /
}2d best dof •■/.•,' j,.
Best Qui-hcd Comfort i '
UoM M-oolcu Curvet, 15 yards
-*d best do' do *
ileal Bag Carpd, 15 yards >
Beal Hearth Bug-
Best Diaper, 6 yards .
Best Linen, o yards • •i , ’ •
■d'o-jSpecimen Linen Thread 1
do do Thread Lade?--i ytljs
do knit woolen stockings • •
,<Io Knit .Mills'aii'i'liloYes. each
Best Thread or Stockings.
. Best Crochet or or knit on
—dJiost . do !, do’ i
Best Crochet Bureau Cover ; j . -
Eddies; «L> do ;' =
'Best Crochet Stand Cover
-d best- do
J U ‘hKs:-r~ Mrs. J: ,1. Nosa, -Mrs,. Ji
ver, Mrs. Wi D.! Johnson.
... ! (2nd mv-isioN.)
Best Silk /Bonnet ’ :
2*l do ( ‘do ’ .
Best Silk
Best aiid~heaicst Ladies* Dress i:, J
2U do do '1 fV!
Best Dress lor male child, 2 years ol«
do .do female ■ do . - ; do'.
Best made shirt and collar i J
Best Embroidered skirt. i
2d j do .. ' do;
i 3 GO
1 Oil
' • 2 00
2 00
1 ob
Best Embroidered Billow S.lip.4
do • do Ot lonian coyer
do do Stand .Cover
2d - do do *
Beat do ' Stool Covey
do y do Camp Matt '•*
Bust do = Undcrsleevo and
- Chemisette
2d best Embroidered handkerchief
do Bin Cushion i ■
Best 2 embroidered Collars , '
do Bunch Artificial Flowers : .
, da Worsted Flowers
do Wax Flowers
do Basket Artificial Wax Fruit'
doQdght Bread, 2 loaves
do Eight Cakes . ;
do Bound Cakes I
do Sponge Cake 1
dOjJellj Cake N
do preserves, Beach
,dtf •< -do Strawberry
do do .Bear
do do Quince ___
dp Currant Jelley
do Quince . dor
,do Apple' do
do Ucre Quince —--
db do Apple
(|o do Pear :
do Specimen of Grape Wine %
do; ’do Currant Wine
do do Preserves, Tomatoes
do ■ do Fruit in bottles or jar*
I do Sample of Bcach'.Buucr
‘ dp do Quince Blitter
jdo do Apple Butter .
Specimen of Picked \
■ • .do *. do llomc ; madc soapi -d
2d best do do d
Best sCaudios
Judf/ts. —Mrs. .T;i3. Brittain,, (Mobil.
Martha Small, (Brighton) Mrs. J'os.
(dlocheatcr Ip.) j
■ Clettg-\o. 18— Fhirerg.
Beat variety and collection of Flowers,
2d best do do do
Beat collection and variety in. pots,
do OrcOTdlbuao Plants, ,
do Basket of Flowers,, i
'2d beat do ' • do.
Best Moss Vas* with Flowers,
-V :4v'fir'-»*.
, •
-. ~+;;-.
tliCar I
' ~a Wystan
:a .pioh
•1 I'fcJl/iiftJ.J: > V
diji &ol 00
] 100
dip & 2 00
dips. 1T Oft
r ■ i 00.
: " ; . 1 00
dip & 1 00
im Wallace
trigbton.) ;
, } G OO
■1 00
V flip
i 1 Oil
J i oo
'1 00
>./■•. I 00.
i 00
1 oo
■' I 00
■ 2 00
.e. Gbulon,
me , 1
' 100
dip‘'& X 00
dip & 1 00
dip & ,1, 00
dip et;. ) Oil
‘■ co
dip & 1 00
(3 . j ‘dip
; dip
I 00
' ; dip’
1 dS)
r 2 (0
1 to
, Thos; •( .
v-flj ■ ■
rv Jfto
■ V /-a -oo
. ■■ 1 no
flip & 50.
X on
" dip Si-.tin
1 no
V dip & 50
'■* 1 1 (10
dip' K f>o
- ;• ; on
i oo;
(. 11l :iuy iiintuDcc where the,Judges
are poll uhJc to between
any lUiimaJs or articles in eompetitieu, !
they may :• award;.'premiums. to -each: 1
aninujd or article.! . _ V~S<
, ;, atlcl straw for* stable Seitl ;
:bb furnished. free of charge,: and ’
! grain at cost price ; and an Abundance ,
of water will be on tbe ground lor all
'purposes.’ [i '; " '"[>] . ■ : \
9. Kp•prefnluihs wiil.bofpaia ■ ‘
twenty tidys after f&c" Fair, and all
premiums behtTor wijl bo" paid only oir
a written*'- order to the Treasurer"
(VTiiliam jlv. Bodeiu.) retain, by
him as a voucher for tbe sjune. I ''
. 10. : A ednijraitteo will .direct as to
tlie lucatiofi of any at tide which may
be placed on- exhibition. J
ill. The “Board of Managers .will
sparojiio pains to accommodate Com
petitors in |every class;, every precau
tion P’ill be taken for.tne safety of [Sill
articles off exhibition.; but they will
iiy-uo 'ease bo liable for any- loss or
damagf that may occur.' |f -
_. issTirLcj'rro.Ns to judges. * J •
1. AH Judges are-required tio report
thenise ves act the. stand at 10 o’clock'
on ’WcUbesduy inorning,-; September ;
2,4; or c thorfwisc vaeaneies.wiil be im-- ’’.
.me.diafijdy. tilled up by the Board.—
They will'lirake' full->:uid detailed fol
ppria, and return them to 1 the Secret I.
fury bejpre|lo o’clock bn Thursday.—
'Judges.must! confine thcraseiyes to the'.
articles in | the several departments;
a|' set forth, in the Premium List ;
wjhetf a \vor,thy object lis presented not
properly, bel mgiug tj; their several -
departments', they ai|(P to refer it to
LueDiscretionary Committee.' : i ;
2. Jnd>cs will not award first raft .
premiums jupo.n indiiTereiU .objects
with little of no competition; but indy V
“H award premiums of a lower grade or '
50 pbpreniiumJ as they shall deem proper.
vfi . 3-. ; All Judges yho are members
op slmll have tickets free of ebame fore -
op dinner for one-(fay. <r .- t ■;
?[[ 4.. Jitidgcsiarc..requested to msko-k - *
s(| note of. every article that comes bbfbre' ' •
60 -them, as theißoard wish fo.makc afulA
150 1 report, with' fhe names of owners at
-60 faehed. , ji, ’• 1 1. r . .
i |o - '• f* Judges wl! not award premiums
articles or aiiimais.not enumbra
’so| ted in their bwn paiUibttiar class;, but
j 50f 'such of'the same as they think wor- I
I thy; : .lhpy'wili 'recommend to the at- >1
li, i 'tent-ion-of the Discretionary Commit-J
50 t°C- ;■ .... , ■ ‘ ’
Pi 4 60. H. If the article on exhibition Las
P & ,25, not 'a' numbered cahl attached, the' ■ »
f 50 'j Judges shall take notice oirthe same. <
Irwin' i 7. Judges - [will in no ; case award a
| premium. On [ any article ' the card ort
j which .is marked serond-day entry.
H . S.r2yo person, -will l|o, permittedntf
-aet as Judge,| if he of she be compete ;
•o oo l ing for a P ,em!ura in. the same class'; !
.J or is in any way interested. ;
iji 00 j 9- Judges will permit- no persons t a
: j \ 60,! ho present, or-.interfere" in any way
1 00 , with them in thoif examinations.
: 1-: no
> {VI
' ' 50
; 1 6U
; - so
.. 50
• oO
. 50
: 1 'OO
lij» & 50
‘ I 00
H . dip
: u\)
■ -li].
Min ea
-1 “1 O'l
dtp i- 50
f- 50
i oo
dip Jt 60
, 6u
' 60
• )»)0
■ >6O
■ 60
’ - r. 60
lip & 50;
’ f)
dip &:-:oo
1 50
dip 60
lip & 60
, i oo
" 1 J)0
1 00,
1 Oo
1 CO
& i oo
1. 00
!■ :'*i
'■ . \
\ ’fv44T#riiaeJri(nrti e 'in«erted. at ttherate of . 75
Wni« pBt ■ insertion
’'A : litJT«l->di*c6(j^Vmade topearly.
adtortiaOrgy andoh long advertiserncnts. !t> •
-vA-hpape i6 of tlii»tytt
measured »s » egtiare. 1
. : 25 percent. «iJ®Udtfth refci
nli&'TatcO.'- : ' ■_'•■•--'! •_>' :; '.. it ■' . ;
BnaftcsijeariiV, -far.yeti:
Death*, Bfltgiofo, Politfcil
and other Notfog of a paths'
r - >
.J .0
i" '{do* Dish With ■'■’•"■lt<f 1 :!. [/ ’’;* i- ' :5 - •-i oq
■ ido- hand'Boqaet,- i.'' 1 -- i' : - - 1 -'-■; 100
I? -Stdfbcst do‘;'; : . into.-'., ■ &f
■ .-ao. ,i ■-, - it , ‘ ,i oo
■?d Best do .• ... do h,.it ! ’ 60
.Besi table ‘ do ' '' * 100
•2difr«fdo' ' do '• ' ■ ' ■' ''sq,
, Best Plohai-Design,'••-’ - 100
--2djbd*tnW -ido , •■ 60
• Chi*. Coale.Mra. Wm. Neil,
■ ji,’Creeiy;:. ;.,
, Ohl^ /Vo. 1 *i~~-Discrttionary. ~ ':
In this ciast-mriy be fcuodtho rations ,srts
- elesen exhibition not enumerated in cue Pro
&; be * y> e . d “iy
tociamiue att Bdch article* !
ns Blfall be, rccomWnded id - them'by. the*'
Judgesoo thp varions other classes, together
with , those to which, their attention may be
directed by the numbered cards (No. 19,)'0n
each, and a,so any article they:, may deem
worthy of premium, which is hot; specified in'
•our List. !Bu( in no case are they to make an
award inany class-unless; their attention has
first been called to it by the Judges of said
Class. *. . .
...John.Barclay, (llaceoon) Kobt. A ! Cunning- ■{’
ham,{{Brighton) James Brady, (Ohio tp.) Jos.
Cunningham, North Sewickley) W. B. Kced:'
(Moon.) ■; .:•: , •• , '.
' 1 00
Rules arid Regulations for the Govern
j ment. of the Society. ;
■l'l-dOompetiiors at the Fair, must bo*'
cjime’ members of the 'Society, tfhtl.
cave certificates of membership \vhi6ii
[ be shown to the Secretary before
; asy hntries wili he made. They must
also she -..citizens ot the county anil
owners of .the propcrtyA-xhihited for ,
prem-innis.'*-" ’ .
2. |2s umbered cnrds' he attach-’’
ed td all; articles, stock, 44 &c., for exhi
. hitloii, tvhich \viii bp furnished by. this
j .tpecrikury-r- being an exact copy of his'
the. panics ot owners strict
ly excluded. ■ . .
3. All ahimals or articles must be ori
thd on, Wednesday, Septem-:
bcipa-xj.thi'.t - tlt'.y ranged in
roitdihess for examination < by' tiro
J ud'ges- immediately., t-heieafter.' Ar
tiejes rilay subsequently "bo offered for
exhibitioh, but in no ease .will pre- ;
miubip be awarded on the second-day '
entries, c;All cards tM; suclrn shaJl ho
hiarfied second-day entries. T.he.isame
article cannot jhe. /used; to take two ,
premiiiiuk iV ' .h, v
■ 4. Exhibitors are pot to make them--" 1
solves known to the Judges—who.are
not jo 4 be iinferlcrcd yith iir any ihan-~
ner by-any persons. ■ ’
. 5. Competitors for fiejd
ums mupt present certified statmeats
of twp di=i ntefested -jpersons; .- A::;. ;A
-■ ;G. Jlio ;iui-n’ial c;r article entered for;
pvemiuin ica'n he removed-utitih the ’
'close.df the Fair; except; .by special
perniission. AH stock, iic.. on exhi
bition': will he'’Subjected to the order
and direction of the milliard of Alana
gers.- 'i -•’ ”
.r.~~._.... _