1 r. ■ A ?P^ T TjSTN-,f- 4 530...; JEmplpynM»t U'iJUK) Proposing certain Amendments ’ - - x | COMMERCIAL AGENTSWANTED . CON'STITUTIO TO THE . 'V / l’T> E il reao,T P d b 7 tbe'ScnaU and House of i X LA-1) jAh. Jfcl'lS V" . J->GclV©l* J>lLai?l£eX&. |1) of thc.Gommanwe.flth of X:- , j (A NEW] ENtfLANDI 1 X ■ . -ir- | rennsylfania inljeneral Assembly met , Thai ' XT « . L* * « vi . coKsr.cTKn, wekei.v. for tiic “anacs." the following amendments be proposed toitlic ■ ixi HHUIfI CL 11 ring 1/ OIQ poll y# . ’ ’ j Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accord- 1 IVITT 'Wli.li GIVE A . COMMISSIONOF flour per bbl. ■ ..S7 Vft. once with, the provisions of'the tenth article, ’W oiio ilibnilfod per cnnl. on} all goods Jo •• Kurils . 10 .thereof: * i ' | i sold by our AgbtKs, or wo will pay wages of 'i’ritjl Apples Per bushel ....„, 1 f,l) <: There sliiill bean additional section to the from SSOi to§loo month and p»y ail nc 'Jo Peaches'' •• ” 3 oil third article of the Conslilulion, to. be 'desig- cessary lexgenses. >lJop particulars.'address '.Wheat' -i 130 Mated as sect ion four, as follows:! with stamp, \ ; ( , on| . ....... ‘.hi See. 4. Whenever any of (he (|ua!ificd Vice- I ' i CHAS. HU(KIbK>S, Gen. -Ag’t, , l t ' ve , .. ..i 1 W tors of this; Commonwealth siAll he in any ! For the Adams Manufacturing Co..'Dclriot, • >-.■ •• . li! r,O- actual military service, under a recptiaUidn Michigan. JulyJ2, 18(52. . uatiey . a •: -ys.:~zz «•* ***>«* * «.»««*-»»«h 7 , w«.'ii.ii«;w.n..:.c.' w Piusvg C’ov'el- J>t»M “ 000 by ilic authority ot this* Commonwealth, *uch ■■ . | ' 7 Th..'.thv Seed. •• " . rv-2 «0 -1 electors tnay| exercise Iho right ufasußrage in | wi rI T gpj, c. ,>|r'r ri,. ... 3 Pi) I all elect ions, by the citums, under Hindi peg- • *4 l*a ,fv A. llcans, ; 75: 1 ulatiuas as :ire. or shall be. prescribed by liiwX IJfIJ AI II fl ll|| I 111)0(1 111)(I Potaiioe.-, t, 73 ■ asfultyas.irn.ey were present at Ihctr || : || |||j£| Oi||j Q UIIULMIiS. = tanions. .. .. ............... Imi ! place, of electma. : | . 7 Von Meal. “ P 1 IH) i there sl.-iill'e two ad litional reel ions to 1 I •• • dozhn I 12 1 the eleventh 1 article of the Const it lit ion, l<« be Ttuner, ■ . “ db ' l-> "t designated ds-»ccls>m» cighr-ttud nto«s as.fol- Utins, “■•• ' 10 lows: - , ■ ■ | Sli,aiders,' ■ •• •; ,H "| ‘ .See. $. ,No bill shi.ill be passed by the Lrg- ‘l X isiature, containing more than one subject,' JslloW, / '•» . .. I." ]0 • wbieli shall be clearly expressed in the lifle, l.sr.i.- “ v-‘ ! ; 10 except' appropriation bills. . # lij jc SNa\ t , Speaker of the House »>|* Koprcsentntivcaj; 1 JUIIK V. I»KXNKV v i Speaker of the Senate/ j)i c( 36th, \lay of JiTTy 4S t,- Mrs llaxaah Shasnon, one of tb e ildcst resWentvofrh'e’JJo'rpttgb ofßea er, aged about"ciglity years.* :l: Register’s Notice. Vl.h persons interested lin .the following Atlniijii^tiwliott and Guardian Account.-, hud* have been pas-e«i and filed in tho R.eg~ :ier‘.<* office, ol'i Denver county county. I'd... ili lake nOlice tluit the fame will be present •i t- li e tolicbcM »t Reader, U -.v..;n. -lay the Iplli-.diiy of September, ; S'.-:5, i’vis-V.'ntirniat ji s i|nn'Vnll°i' ali ce. The first and filial Tccofinl i'f Unbelt Ora ,ai!i. Administrator of t»ic estate of .lame.- di-i-aini-lwll. uce’d., r, ... The final recounWJLTih M'iicnry. A.limn ..liator of the c.-iatc otlJanws M, Leitell. dc- The « f .*t »f Mary) Hngcr'y ami James llarslia. K\«e«t'*rs' «f-1 l>c lasi.,' " ill atJ'l'ie.-t.t iiwiil olhlov.' .lav.es Hageiiv. OaeM. ‘ Tin; liaal acc-ua: af.lulm 11. Hail an.l, cr»‘Vu‘iTn!S. Msec e't-.r'f of Ihe last " -ilau.l lec-ianical ui Hacl: Hall. |)llis. ac. Tug .K\arja >-r -T i;:-‘ ■ 1 ailiAaii'l fcsiaaieat 01. iwitiim siiav. ~* . Tl,r h„::l aeaaaaf -f Iv-iu.er. A-IV.a;-! lUr ,jficnlp 1 Jieemcr.,iKr tk ;i< c *»r Ji/lm .aihuin!*-| rr;iff A. 11. Miller. K\erjtior-v>r <«• 3-i-r v.’.'l Tho*, ■r'-L- ‘ ’ , > TJ:O. K*':! 31 -7 n: nc<'<'v.ii: »«f Aiexairle:* {<••;*. of ,1 he!estate of- I/. .1 . • 1 •! . j i a '*•••■ ;i. ’ j 1 l Tktia-il■ ‘i;n: of Jaiaes Ilavtfotfl, Kxe.*- y*: -;f T,V- I’-Jnte . ;o 1 - tyi:-V’*. t *3. anninf of tUI-ha Tloinili yr-K.i: ;.;»•••!:i:i V| \Va>,|iin iji <»:» Lclioll, lai r >. it iiiiau: Lwi£li. ue-.:\L Tiu- »;*>->*• li.vu*; Jfioo-r. V. auncv. «kr W. Tf'e ,■#:*. ffji iof K»»hn - t. .Jaaie.- ji’ A;!”r'' J..*i } r-ifnur.heir.* •-•f ,bi!i.»s Ja'i -5 ' i »itr:} : *!r;n jK*taii-*>l rv.ll. .Mr, ica-i HiUi-it:'; '\ A ‘‘.ami ml rat or.-. of i -?:'t ??l v? r»;e*> 'V«; Fs«i Jm. (lec'il. j • '..Vf ;• :ii'w' r,jj*ic«lro Turner , aUniini.-. J !:■* :■! ■ ■ -ier'i). r;-L-> Kina! .u-ciy.m'tk*! l’e;j)|;>n«l lVr>oj;al 1 Cias-.', '«'hj; ill Di?'"' i*i’ flic. iMa!-; of \. II- MUF, \ r'Vna'nnau nirml "V 'Nervous iV-Mflv, \ n :■![ rk* !irv. Decay V*tuilifnl i. \ -:i civ-irv to i.roilcfts «•» • ■ l*f h:ij*|»v I«r liinifrOl !• Isis uli«I '.«■>? V.-ihuilui*' KvmvJv -sv sil .vi*i;mc il,.’ u.*, I*v rHurii .mail, ir«rclVj|lv Ity JOH N' ]'>. i »,o 1 si-ivv’oi.*- So‘tuHiiai I> MERCER, Supr-rihtcxidcu'ii =II =1 ho- -V. ,\i 'i.i' V. ;'i ■■■ * 1 ""i .'(.l •.0 " , '1 ■' r.-sMi.t-., \j .!) S -y f. v-.*r ;.n~ I :o;l l.lr,vs , ■i ! % <‘2* Aoadt-my. ’!iK S', ’< "fill 1 lie fir«l (I:; v' ,;r V-t-i. 1 . - r I*. s.MKIK’KK. Principal; *' .."H* i|/; 1 1,-J.1,C,,„1i ~)• HlClN.llir^ , * ’ * • 1 . ill tli';* J-uji-Mo]‘ tin*,. " s '’ 'i' o* tr-iatv of Jesse Smith, tll> ’ [} ■ : ■/ - - ■; ” 1 ' .-JY ' I • “r validation. Ko: 111, '• i < • r»a, !M;o. to Sn~:rh Smith, wid nv\ ; ■; •■'Oniih;AJnrgar»o Smith ( widow of Sam- ' .Mm D. SJuiuh, Isvur Jaml ‘ :,,, J • v ii -;n J;«s;?ij.«oii. hi>\vife. fornmrlv Su- i iinw>on and Mary Ann. his; *• tor' !. r!v Mary Ann Smitli. Daniel j»aw-j * ■< i«.tr.lnin ot a miimr. am! J if*--*i.» or legal] of j i J*. '*• So i; !i. dec'di j. \■ n -m-l .M.-li i f urc|j ; crtl»y untiled that : i.ni will he hcld'fn pursuance of the v mentioned - writ of partition onthepre at Sn;i’4s\<| Ferry. Ohio township. Dea *r . on Friday the -Bth day of August. :•.» 1 ♦ 0.-flock, a. m.. to make partition of ,p real estate'of said Jesse Smifb, deceased^ 1 and among his heirs and legal-representa it Mieh partition can he made thereof, Umj;t prejudice, Jccj., but if such partition t ai!MIN ST]; AT<)IJ S XOTICK of upon the es-1 , EXECUTOR’S NOTICE i '' 0 i." I: ' UAM Torrence late of llano- ' i TETERS testamentary on the estate of •»n •, W e0,,n »j , f.1 , a..-«lec’« ' J avk Miller, date of Darlington town all persons f '>>F. Rearer County, Penn'n dec'd haring; . p rPi ® H ' l ‘»"elveB indebted to said cerate been granted to tbd undersigned, all person?. ■ I ‘ U *■ *° m^ c immediate payment, [indebted to said estate arc requested to make rsrni il ( hiims against the same will immediate payment.* and those having claims wai-ni " l,l; I u “Perly authenticated for slot- aaaihst ihe same present* Mtmrffn-1 ‘ authenticated for settlement. .t' Rinonar ip.. \ ! JOHN I). VAUOHEX, Islington '■ Administrator. * mayO’o2 ' : ’ Kxeenlor. Ojffkc of tin: Scry of the CnmmomfenUh, H.\i:ki«iu t K(S, July 1, IbtfoJ rENNSVL VANIA, SJS: j 1 do hereby certify’ that the foregoing annexe’ll: is \ ft full, true nnJ, correct j . copy of the original'joint. j Resolution qf the General , |l. Sv] i Assembly, emitlcj HA joint Resolution proposing xrertaln* ;lo ■ ' the Constitution.” ns the -* > / same remains on file in * this ofiiee. atiii”) * NOTM’I-: iniho Orphans* Court jof Hearer County, I'n., in fito; m.itler of [the purli- I’lioiM 1* the real citato of Geo. A. iluiitcr, t.lc ‘ fen-el. . r ; ! Will of partition o£V:ilnal].»n, 'CoJIA. Maryh : Tvr.ll. isti‘l. i-. ; Uol.«*rt Hunter, r.itiai I'v‘l.vv Mary -1 Mil or, l.k wife. formerly Mary HiiiiUT.' I.ntijr.i fonurrly foul/ii llunJer.-lou::]: ;C:-o 3 1 0 1• 3in jHfasuance •»f 1 Jfioai '»>ucU ;,v;nf jif p;it*r isioii, at ; fho }>rv?al.'-i*y aM. :*!.*, rlpiah’ iii • 'Mho* l • , -.vai'Jl * e•’ * v C'»yut V, U'ijoiuai^ . la iol> *)i K"j*» rf^Tj'aitor.,. .Vfolro'.v Wa{ic*j->'juj ' M:ny KnAi:ij Sltauo" an-. Hun-i' ; t:-r. "ji lilt* »uoft p;tr(ii!n:t_na.i» lie &*•,, l.nt if pani-- ii.*n r-tujvoi ]»e hua'ly ilioreof, Ar., iln-n to; value' a'fl app.rat.-e : he Jicror'iino i«, law, - ■ii ! '.'.•Jiirii t iuu* yo,); may .aUenil if you . t hiiik jir"]'or. ■ • VO[h«*K !V*;vv»-r.'.l:ilr 2'A I.Sd:5. IN’ormai Sc-hool. rpMI-: l;tiiMiu<> art; new, ue:M :tn*l y.mvei - j[ i<*m : g.o'»d. Libraries, lleading-Ilmon an<] Apparatus; Instruciion thorough ami pntel *■*!;, ’- - ■■■■"! ’ i ,-i ! , imi.mn pn* t*mu *>? hmi*l ecu weeks; Ibeiid per vvt*};U : tfed.bii j>n v<-: ilie wlndt* term's including ilie jjso -of. test j h-iW , . .! . -< ' \ . The Pall -term:o{>ons, August P.d, lhh : >. £& *dend fur,( irenlar. iT : y A. CiMIPU, A. M.; Principal. nugiudm ' . t . i\xyx % i tt< } f’rs" y()TiX:K~ l T T II J'. K I*AS l lei InS I rst nruent ary on i fir ■VT T'rPiie - ol’ A m n.\.\;i»i;k (iuiki:, late of’ ’ l!nok>’*»\Mj.,.; I'caver county. having hem grant*;.i to Pie nndcrMgnpd. «U per.-mus ir.-tchtdfl io (’.-late are l<) make iirotmdnir payment. and ilmso Imvjing! claims agah.rt tl>c snovo! will present them properly aii I ITmt lea I (••! loi* M’Ulcnicnf'. j .iypv s . j* A. Kx«;cn*r. *» v. ‘*'*k-v opens «m S.-'-i.-IVIMCf •\ o : ADMINIHTIi.VTIMX Mv 1-LTTMIS of ; yd>pmi>tra!i'Ui bavin* been j granted to t.hc undersigned, residing in K»:njo*n»y ijj>. Leaver count|v, on the estate id Panics l.ugau, late of saidtlownship uu-1 couoiy. dec'd. all persons indchJcd to said cm at e are perehyhnoi died to make immediate j-riyrue iho'se htiving’.claims against the same will present them for’settlement with*, “in delay. •jSAUAK U)UAN,iAdm’x. ; ■ j. ' . - \ 'r.,\ ATT—The U.j s77’on7- J script ion l.nsv. » k r National MvlUia Ad of IS'WI. pliieial and-e.imj.leto. in panijililetToijm. Als»*. iulormuti<>n;cini)raclnp: the only boTioi*u- Me and .lawful Way of cscapinp (He conung dratf: l)oth sentpost-paid) to one address upon receipt of s],<«> hy ll»/AjjentJ ! ■ | ir. w. iiAirPKU. ; , il>ox 1-ldi, lUiishurg, Pa. j sirayed, . | ON the dth insil.. from flic suVsbribcr, a jjiiiall l’ow f yellowish color, small straight 1 horns; no other marks. The finder will- he liberally rewarded for information, ipr for the delivery of the same to liic in HridiMjwatcr. junc:M,<>3 L I LOUIS JIKjiMAN. AYOOLEN UACTOIIY, , . . i~" — ■ THE undersigned expects to commence, this week. Carding, Spinning, Fulling, Finishing ami Dyeing: also to manufacture Flannel, Cloth, Gassimercs, "Satiiu’tis and Dlankcls, at my old place in Fallston. For near and durability. I can warrant (he poods manufactured not 1 o bo surpassed. ■ For the accommodation of,those on the cast side of the Heaver, Wool, etc..' can liclcft at my house in Pulaski township, or John 11 ndpkinsun's store in New IJriglilon Jcl7,tsi (n Tcaiiuiony whereof, i I have . hereunto set niy Juunl, nml cuusc«l.lhc ecal of thf T a oflice to be aHii'cJ, tliej. Jay abJ \vnflcn, ,! ’ i:i.r.sr;tFKK. J .■<., pa FATI.X.STOJjT : I epipm. smith. |, : ASD 1341‘OBTKES or.: \" r Brandies, Wines : and Segars, A'oJ. C»T. of Liberty tririmts. . IMTTSHIJRG,.Pa. Iron, Nails, . ton 'Yarn, fitc., &.c., cpnslnntly on Lund. EVERYBODY to CELEBRATE —riio Fonrth!” t AND TO GET It RADY IS THE MAIN POINT—GO TO FORTUNE’S NEW STORE i | IN ROCHESTER, \(XriU,' the Post Officef) WLcreyou wi I find Dress Goods, (it ruinou : I.'.;' prices, of j Every Diesoription and Style, ' : KiiiiMEii goods; Of 'every iiudj will lie sold rcgiailcss of cost. REMEJIBEII THE .PLACE— j F. A. FORTUNE’S Now Store, Jlov/icsfrr on the Hill. • - r - Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Wool lens, &c. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals. &e. *'»c. oc. an«l Uo.xcs, l»«»ifIcy an«l Flasks, ami sizes, frr lloieis, Public l.n- Milmioiis, ;\c,. : • known.’?. ♦•Krve’ (vorn PoiM-ns.’’ •Noi.(lfit'iL'eruitA 10 iljo Unman I'ttnilly. * 4 . come n»o‘•*!* i!ifv’ % ,f-' V FoM Wholes*]*.; in all hirgn ekirs. Sol*) by a) 1 . ami KohuVrs, *> 4 ’ • .i •• ' , . . ■ . ! ilenurv! ! ol‘ nU’vnr«i.li*ss inmatinns. {~*i/ Faej I ha?) name, h On each iMix.l’Hiitl. juua Flask, before von l>nv # ! JSM}”-.\Mcpo\, »s*i 'lWmnlwayj N. V. tgiz” l»,v \(\.v: roiMi** -it Son, 1 Wholesale ami llctail Agents, hirijfirtio I ilcaver, Vu. Confessions of an llrivalid, PiAl'>l*tsi! LI) tor {.no rK*ty,‘fil and as a warn iri'g hud a canti'in j ** young men who suf : JV;r froru-Ndvv“tisf f>eTdiify. Vreinnltire I'toray > .‘.inlying at die same tif no Ihe means n| |iSt*lf ( itrv, j lly oiu 1 ! who lias cund himsoU ‘after heiilg put to c.vucide througli med ■ ;ieal *.:i»s*y emdusingu Jonti-pnid'juldroK'Cd envelopes, t ingle tropics i piav Im*’ had of the nut loo*, NATHANiKL Jkl.ivrA(Jt,!K»i. : , Uvillord, Kings Co., N. V. j ; mar-*'»rlv.i ': i iv.s'KrrToiiS- HoTirii, i %\J HlinivAiS Udiers testamentary (in .the j esfriti* of’Swmii Ki sskm,, late <*f Moon iiitwii'diip Urjiver xtomiy, dec'd, having been [ granted n», llic undersigned, -nil ’persons* in j dyld.cd to saijl estatc arc reipiesle(i lo uhiUc iiufucdi.aiV phymejil; and lh«»se having claims , figain.-l* the shine will .present ,lhern piope/y ’ auten'ticate llfor senlcutefiL . • V lujllKUT, DUNCAN,’Munn tj>., 1 : j j ' x Kkcculijt^- - * Cbrrjespondcnoe Wanted, B.V two ynpag ravalryitien. who are lone some, aiyljifcd of the of camp life, hJi two or more ITiuon.-loving hi dies, who havl* n*fund of gnod immoXand wit, with vVe\v !•) friijndsVtp nod its vomiUs. Ad'hyss -4-wit h <‘'lMioio” enclosed— “dlii.i. (*f **Uoi<.#tMiiu:i!,'* Gciieral Ua’iners’s Kse«*u’t, AluriVoeshoro, Teinu il $l,OO REWARD. XJ AN awhyj [’rdm the Mihscril>or, living in L\> (laltlee, Heaver emmty, on Suhday I-It h just., an indebted hoy from the Hou.xc of Ucfuge. named; V. Lon« ; ahnbt 10 years of age, dark; hair, heavy countenance, slender forin; had on blue jean roundabout, and pants. All persons arc warned not to harbor or trust hjin .on my account. I will pay the nhovc reward, and no further charges, to any one returning him; jcJio,t>3 _ i ; THOMAS GRANT. DAVID WUODiII/fK.A .-DAVID lui>SS. ■ NEW FIRM. - WOODRUFF & IRONS. f I - 'HE nndcrsipnoJ Imvc entered into prfrl -1 ntersliip, nu.l will cairy on the marhlo business in all Us various branches, such as hcad-stoues. ' toiubs, monuments, furniture Work; etc. work done with neatness and dispatch,nsthc bestof workmen will be employ ed. All kinds of produce taken in exchange -for wort;.'’ Please give ns a call before jiur-; chasing'tlsowhcrc. ; I J WOODRUFF & IRONS. July tj Vi.t. 1 , - Bridgewater, Vii. REVENUE STAMPS. Teuv great inconvenience uav ing been experienced in litis immediate vicinity, for the Want of a depository,; for Uov enne Stamps, the undersigned purposes, from and after I lie 2Ud inst., to keep on band a sup ply of the different denominations—sufficient, for the public accommodation. Purchasers, in nil caret, will be expected to make the requi site change in foiii or government fmult. Puotii'ts Orni’r, ) M. WEVAND. •Beaver,* June lb - , ’US. / ; i ■■ c. l|. n.MMISS, >t, n. Q*. P.,Cnmiriins, & Son, OFFER their professional services; as Phy-. sicians and! Surgeons, to the eh irons of Bearer and .vicinity. They can always be found, whcn!ho{ profcjtsionly engaged, at .the Drugstore of C.?P. Cutnmins,M. 1). , Dec3*U2 ■ . i ■' ! l '■ 1 NEW; IHLIXERY ASB . MAXTUA-H IRlSfi i ESTaBUStIiIEXT,, 15 ROADWAY* >F,\V CPvIGHTON, PA., ('Four Doom 1 1 cl .tv Pr. Sargent's Drug Store. ■'* mav7,oif--U- MBS 4 MISS EBSO; llu itf a n Mi s ery-,; Just G etc: A LECTURE : BY ■ 1 D*V CULVERWELL, J\ ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Sperm* iorrt«a, Consumption, Mental and Physical' Debil ity,:NorT9nBß*w, Epilepsy j Impaired JNu-r tritinn of the Body v Lassitude pßeakncss of the lambs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity fopsludjji anil Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; XosS of Alcmonr; Aversion to jSoeioty ; Love of jbolittidd'; Timidity; Self- Distrust ; ■ Dissinemj; Headache, Affections of I bo'Eyes; Pimples -on the Fate; Involuntary Emissions. and Sexual Incapacity; tlie Const-, qucnccs of youthful Indiscretion, Ac., Ac., -SSL-Thir admirable Lecture clearly pistes that the nbove enumerated, often self-afflict ed evils, may be removed j without medicine and without; Dungeroussurgienl operations, ami should be read by every youth; and every man in tile laud. LIME Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope,' on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, •' ; CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO* ' 1-7 Dwery.Ncw YorkPosl Office 80x,4580’. PITTSBURG WATER CUBE. NO Curat lye Agency is superior to KYDRO PATIIV ftmthe treatment of'all'form er Diseases, and no Institution in this coun try possesses greater facilities for its adminis tration Ilian this. , : BOL.Eor Piet orial Circular address Dn. W. N.\IIAMBLETON, I v .; : | ■ \FiUsburg, Va. [aug« IS MlillßU WORH 'I subscriber .li|as purchased from tlie Patentee I lie right to use, in this county, :i new mul hcantifuljinvcnlion for protecting VJKBNE'«SKS.. IN TOMBSTONES and in now prepared lo furnish Monuments or Head-Stones, with this useful improvement at exceedingly low-price?. .t : TUJLXUiKrj) y - tcrvt'M to .screen ainl pVoticj the picture of the dec?a*ed..Und becomes a !i**ul and appropriate ■prnmnerU !<• *bc sioiicJ- -l-icturo-a arejput in . AIR TIGHT CASTIHC 1 »n>{ tixst U> nmi cxpi-.-aiou for many .rears. 1 ■ i All lamia »i - luaVli'-i work, military designs, etc, exfcnlcl ou jflinrt notice. ’ Wj il. MARSHALL, UutjicHCV Marble AVpi'ka. " CLEVELAND & riTTSiJUIIGiI, U. 11. Beaver East. . Coiiivifnciufi, Monday, . Apr. 20, IRft/V.-—^-7 r raiii* fatty /JtimrlSbifJon uxfi'llctrti . 7:20 a. y. Arrives* at Pittsburgh, 9:10 a.-m: !;•>» y. jj-.' “ | *t \ m i*. >i. i ** i “ V8:05 r. «, jl f ' ! Goisr, \Vr.5T—; A*.' ! ! Tnv.nx leave J'iilrhyrrjk nx/oUows .*•!>' ; ; \ 0:00*a. m. j Arnvo.v«i|Uciivoi%.....i7:‘lo .v. m. . I2;-|IU*,m. j p. m. ;>:00i». si. j “ *\' 4i >.....0:20 i». • ! J. N. McCUU-OUGH, /W/. F. U. M VEILS, (,'rn\ Teket "*• ' /” l’ltI8B(i-UG, FT- AVAViNK & CHICAGO R. R< 1 [ .■ * ■ Rochester East. Loaves Itoehcstcr Arr.-at I'iits. lot liripli'n Agcoui. l -0:10 a: 51...... 72)0 a. m. t!‘l Itrigh’ll •• i% M.8:25 A. 51. •'M Uligli'iL ' ‘ r.:US r. M...... a-.(HI r. fi. Mail, ■ : 5:25 p. 5i...... 7:05 r. H, lei Express, : 1:2(1,a. 5i...... 2:25 A; j». 20 J£xptvrs; 2:0(1 .m 3:do p. h. .Ciuciu'ti Exp! 2l:io p. st 5:50 p. ft. ■ ' Gni.vr; W ,:sT — 1 1 Leaves I’ilts. Arr. at Rochester. CrOstlme Acc'am. 0:00 a. m Uk2«l A. V. 'lst itrigli’iiAccom. 12:50! a. M :■ 1:32 A. M. 20 brijlli’n “ 4!Hsir. ji IV: 1-1 p. >i. ,2,1 “ •• tittlOl p. 5i 8:0(1-it. M. Maif, 7;MO A. 1n...... 8:20 a. m. I*2 . Express, : 12)0 1 a. m .2:1*0 a. si. 2,1 Express. V :' '12:40 J». ,* 1:00 I\ M. . - A.'Ki. r.iUDt.EV, Kupt., K. 1). IS hereby given Mu'! I iliavo been nt<|ioTnt c in A kuiik.a, dyskstbry; shiv: ivy y. sof.es nii.l S(?I!OFyi,UUS !all disap pear like a charm before i these MLTS; ASD OINTMENT,; and now while" the Cry rings throughout Ihcland, , , [ j - xo. aums! to akms:: Do npt Icf these brave men ;• peVish by di~- catc. -pjace in their hands thescl IMIECIOUS" UEMEDIES.! that will enable them to resist llic dangerous exposures, Ihb I Fevers, the Chills, slid the. wounds which jthey cannot : avoid,'and what is more, cmltioi frequently get succor in the nnunehl of need, whereas if our brave men have only to put. tlihii; hands into their KnapsaCks and fiml there.a sure remedy for all the casualties of the haUl« field, Ifow many thousands of lives would thus be savnl v who woiild otherwise perish befoxe relief could be obtained. I t> ’; , lA■. ‘. ' C3JVXJ.TIX>f-Tc.sfcnninc; unless I lie words tV 7ro//(Ucey, AVw V' rk amt Iviulou, 1 ' are disccrnabVc as a walcr-inafk in every leaf of the Ir>ok of directions arohnd. each pot or box;'thb same niay be plainly seen by /willing llw leaf to Ihr. light. A linndsdme reward wiiV be gircijlo any one rendering such informa-*" turn as may lead to the detection of any party or parties coiifilcrfciting the medicines orvend inglhc qame, knowing them Id bcjspnripus. **»'Solid' at the Manufactory: of Professor llollowav, 80 Maiden •bane, hew 'York, slid by all respectable Druggists and Dealers'in | Medicines, throughout the civilized world,’ in j botca at|2s cents, G 2 cents and $1 each. 1 • ’ ' Besf I’herc is considerable saving-by taking the larger sizesi . 1 = N. 11.J-Dircclions for the guidance of’pn ionis in every' disordcrarc affixed to each hex. May?.; j ■’{ BEAVER DRUG STORE. Opened in the Boom formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr. Uinis. fTMIE Subscriber having purchased the Es | taMishtncnt will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand all articles usually fount! in Drug stores. .".'SI Being ti Physician and Druggist, the public may rely bn .his keeping the PUREST and BEST DRUGS. j ; - > A variety jof other articles will alsoi belound •i ■ int,his establishment: Tea, Extract of -Coffee, Rosin Soap, Fancy Soaps,-Port Monies; Combs., - ALL ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. STOOLcotton,lead pencils, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS. I HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO, SEGARS, LET TER, NOTE, .t FOOLS [ CAP PAPER. ; Carbon j Oil Lamps and Chimneys .„ Those arc a few of flic article?, and only a few always on liaml. Call ami spp. ; He will! try, by close Attention and fair dealing, to give satisfaction to all who may faVor him with their custom. • ! ■ , i C. P. CUMMINS, M. D. attention will he paid to putting tipi Physicians prescription?;: [ail gllT JAMES Si RUTAN, ATTORNEY AT; LAW, t district a ttohney . v ■ I^EAVSIC in the CoUi! House.: f ' All irgaimtf lac Government f*»r ’ back,-pay! bounty and poiihi»iis,| y.rbse ruled to collection with the least Ipiissjbleide ay. •)■ -'I ’ -(UcS'ltt-.-'- ,f-1/H A Carriage. ITS lores andhatfs, sorrows and angers, hopes andfears, rcgrclsaad joj»; JULAN JUOOu, how lost, hofv restored; the nature, treatment and radical euro of spermat’errhtca or seminal weakness; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness,: consumption, fits, 1 : menial; and physical incapacity, resulting frdifi SKLF-AIUJSE—me fully explained iin the SIAKUI.VGE GUIDE, l.y WM. .VO.HJfO,M. D- This mhst .extraoidiii; vy hook should he in the Jtands bf every y^uii; persmr ciintiimplatipg iffarriage. and every aim who do, -Safes to limit the numiher of their offspring fa their circumstance*, j Every pain’, disease and ache incidental to yoiiih, moiuriiyaiid ul(l(ij>e, is fully; explained j-ev<|l-y particle of that-[shotild ho kuoWu|is here given. ) It is fiiJt. of engravings, infant, it discloses secrets that every one should know; still it is a hook that must ho locked up, anti not lie about I lie house. It ' ‘ ■ eeiii !•» anyone oicjilit cent.* »h ifpocicor pKi VOUNG can lie mimuUc'lon ativ of the diseases, described id life. publication, nl .Mti oflicci 41(i Spruce Street, above Konrlh/l’liila- JBg-Officc.hours fro n dally* fiimr2*> ■■j j : i' AIAI:K | i Quarterly Minor oi "Fashions, | With Great and Additions, t . ' - tin ki’mxkk *iv«tu «ri*rinsS« • i FOUR i.AHOIi 4 ! MATES. JIIIR&E FULL-SIZE!/■. . j ! 'rATTEHiCS,fyr ih'ESSEfy | 5 CO'UCtSlXi'. TUB . New French Waist, an{jslegaiit Sleeve. and a ' 1 Misses Seek, amt's: Sheet it Sew . : i I. :;. ;■ and Beautiful : I BRA1I> ( AND EMBUOiI>EKI Ntl I’ATTEItNS. Together wiili nearly 100 Engravings of i • i . , all the noAclllcs for ‘ . j Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, Ac., Arid valuable information :tp-Milliners, Dress; Makers, M;others,. and lljffdfcs generally, pre senting the | largest atpl best .Fasliiori Maga zine in the {World, published 470 l!i|oad«ay;‘ N. 11^’ arid jsrdd everywhere at 25 c;ents| or .sent by limil,! post freeij on receipt of Abe amil in stamps or silver. Vcar, 51,00 with' the fol lowing: valuable preniiuin. * ; )1 Each yearly subscriber will be entitled’toi it, receipt for-lhc selection of AO coins Worth o|! plain patterns, from tbc designs in t|ic book/ or from Ibe show roonj, or they n;;iy (>o!or-j dered and-sent by mail tuny- time during-Iheij year, by paying postage.! s ] M B£&.S]|leiidid Inducements to Canvassers. BEt>,.Siimiiier No. ircv.ready. ; 1 T RAIL : RdAb HOUSE, * I ADA3I JOIIXSOV, PRO’k I _ A , 110C1IKSTK1!. .IM. _ - 1 PJ-UXKNLX' -i LOOK[\(j}(iL\aS & i lOTljlvE i‘{!\]lE ! MANUFACTORY, . I NOS. TWr.N rV-7HUO> STUKKT, , ' 178 fllTo (JUa\-M)M‘UKfcTw\Nb*Jls | -,V | ■ (i'KNTIMv ■■■ V l , p i K.xTAlsUf=n!:i» - N.'V/ KST.tI B?*R. i mm.l Iw>l:iU'lisuiux*ul been In.snijccsal'ul ,i| operation t\ir -1 yctiVH. alydis the slafgcst *oT tbe kind in the Unite*. Stau*>v Wjs !jaye;ou band brSimmifaci urc io< rdcrcvfry description Pudnniirid portrait ijrnirien Plain :iml(’rn;iii:enl.LM v er. ’\Vall,()v:il A; Man dcl jG lapses,. tVnncclingj [ (Vn■ nlc e’s, Ibi-ie,’ and .Bracket Tablets with Toilet Glnsr*ofc, Jfcc.,- Ac.,Ac. Mouldings for l|ictu prame:*. ii» lengths snila jle for transport;*! io v either Gilt y binding, P*t>;cwood, '4>ak. Zcbr u f»ij*dscyc, MabopinV, Ac. Otfi* new nianufac- Truy and extensive i:tciTi ics-cnablo us to infix article in om/ liu-* its good, as ihd best, ;n’d ay clnpip as the die: pest. yV Dealers are invitee! to call upon-us When (hey visit New Vork.; M'.e chtim (<, .f!s. DOiiut rail io catj_ when y»ujvWt New York.; ' t .| j / \"- ' Office ' isljfeig .to tit t-ii-cni-j selves for I Ifcaehing, "trill be foriued at'ihc> commencement of the tetri). ! Hoard, Jioom rent, &c„‘. f. 06 - Tuition vsjvics froiii ?;!,0 i to , I • 6&"it'ovfurther parliet laits imjuirc of tlie I’residcnt of Faculty. , -Wf .'•> ' . 1 1 ; ktt. TAvion.r :_! • l>ivifp. 111-. ' | f . of HkaJver GoVxtv, 1 New-’Brigbton, .May 0, ISOiJ. f AWVUJfijtoC OF- •kOUU’.J’EU CENT, pn the Capital Stock-of this Hank, for Uic past 0 has beer ilccl’nrcU Una day, payahlp to stockhoMcra-j or their legal, repre- on Demand. Jhia dividend (Will be free of the United .Shites Tux.ific Hank having assumed the payiiimt'of the game to the Government. < EDWARD UOOPts 1 hiyl3’U3, ■ Cashier j •*' ■ NOTiIOiC. I ALL I’EUSONS having business with the subscriber will please call* with Mr. Hubert Tallon, who is duly inthoriied to at tend to nil business during iky absence. ;. Also all persons having.tinsctlled apeounts will call and make settlement ns soon as possible. As it has become my duty to leave, homo for the purpose of serving my hope my customers will still give thtir patronage nis usual, ns they will find Mr. Talloi at the shoe shop and tny son, James, at (he tan-yard. i ■ sepSj IPG2. : t joiljx D. STOKES. ! MltO A.I;Of»BEND 1 . S--f }\ . . i ' ' DEALKR IN - | BOOK S, BTA TI ONBJtY Wall Paper, TOTS AMD FAMcS X BACLEB noO. KE W JißKijll T()X* Pa. f A. R. XIIOMsdI -■'••ll ATTORNEY AT'LAW, Of)t(r, eomcr of Thridsheet a'nd life DiamoM. BEiVVERv PA. 1 ■ may 21. ' .1 >. 1, BENT &CO MA.MFA-TCTEIi.S t)K I 'oil . * ROCHESTER, ’ BBAVEK COUNTY, fPA [a,.2 ■525. s : Employment! ‘ $75. : - j AGKNTS WANTS!' ; ' ffom §2s' to TT.VV’w month, itnd.all expenses; to active Agents, oelgiyc n I commission. ft I 1 Aldress | Km' StKipeJ: Mde'ir.e. Ccm r .,.‘j V ,• .f.vMtr, • .General Agent, .Vilan, 0 ' msTh ? Thf St^te.iC’iilii!: jttyfft-, : Wat-- Jixttminfijmi. ayiiinit BfdTiaih v Bad lirtath, _ Vitcatedjisiimt " : [V ■ ' ■" Toa{haeht,_ JCttrdtht, L ' r -J V S; r - a«J )fSlr3{ijid. . .V buUAItmLKRYf^:; DR. W3i. B. HC«|)i DE NI ALT REAS MJtY ; A SET OF BSJIKOtESt OR . .MJ 1 I’KKsKBVISti Tllß TiaKra; Purifying the j Jireijik , Jh. Hard's CtUbroled MiKVTh WASH; tmc • •’■■•'' r - i , bh fyefttitifi -jtbphi fodpsitj one box, ' . *- / ■ Dr. lhmT, ifitffiCj TOOTUACUE pROI'S', on€\bvllle. 1 " .'-''T ! or. jf„r,r, i;sjin r ArJ:i> aeuralgia I'tASVKii- i&r-xo-z j. W Jibed t 3l,l}>l'Al, on tie efetl Meant 04.. I tftrrvhuj the Ti. t^ 4 juduu.nj. DirictiuJli-Juj the \Cryirr T/rii/ment i'/ Vfil-ffhi's Teeth. • : s~ r I j fLb^S- &fjjK ■fete Vltjnltrp between the 'Teeth.'- I \TOTos We canseiulseparate- M>vby mnilf.Tfcr .. ; • fThO oiL iVr.»crr/;.j /Ac Teefli vent. post paid? *on receipt of Twklvk tENTs,! or four v •" •' ",y * ~ I • Tlic Kciirafjla for Neuralgia ip the. Face; Nervous Ileatlache. anti; Kuraclic,.sent post paid, on receipt of hr, st sianipiC i - j : ~ " .The Xeuratyiti amt fi/t fumade large finite,) 'for rains in Shoulders, Uh&t, or nny part af l}ic lu»ilyscnlpusl paid, on re ceipt of cent*..' .If* t /' * Address, x ■ .. * •■-. ;■; ■■ I ... . y; : V ! ~!i-v. n. mm m.. . Triltune /JtiiffHtfps, AVrt\ iorJK i)r:iiimr*}tiirrn wash, tooth vow- , TOOTHACHE cannot I>B sent by mu it, lint they cun probably be ob-. ' l:\iiicO ut your Drog trr reriotlicul Stores. If iljey cannot, setiil to tut for tjic WKSTAL' iKKASI’I!V, l-’ricc, Onk Doi.i.ak, which 'con-. luiiiatUem. ’ • . - 1 |;.1 A NOW. \UK UR- KI’RD'S PRKmiT(oV< dflflSQf; Tjic* jl>cVl ovulcnceM iljnt they arc l-s that firmest friend* nud best jmtrons artrihose who have used them loii«*(*t. J)r, U rn. -Jl,' J/tml iV • aii eminent Ik-ntiM.of ]>ro«»klyii, 1 Ti.eosurer'of .tin* New \m’k-Siatc Association, uiul pre}),aratio]is'hnvo ]»een used- in his vate pvoeticc for yours, am! n*:« lend «g citizen; of iJr.mklyikor • iViliiann-.bur*' quessiona their excellence, while’" eniim h* Pcm.isfs of New- Vmk ncoinmena them as thomsl known to iJ » e profession, Without'.the-aid-! of advertis in';, dealers have soMj.lil'ja by the jrross. . •The Kdjtor of- the I'mnhhjn Dnify Timtisftys: . •‘We'arii happy to Umov; that oar 'lacr.d, llv. 11 urd. iff t'iiCC’; .a I; ay I' ay. aa 1 all ieiip'ectal ibns Wdisl! .’Hid POI- V The grit! seor.el of lii.-t spiricss rests . with this iacf that /I'.i'arta'ter are ivhtlt th’ij arc nifrl-nrn\ej to if, «*• are e-iu l&littt t/rbra ihcirlm,) | ; s’ The well known I\T. Cammf 'writess'" «j . ‘ feuml'yduv TO()|TII J’OIVDKK si.;oi,,d ilat thy. family have,used it Ml up. -...He Jim'l U jhi beat powder for the teeth ice have rrer need! 1 shall -feel obliged if you will send me nnhtlur sups ply. at the l Museum at rmit bouventciiiic, trltll* bill." i ' ■ ■ ■■■ , : v • h-yl - Isu| Iheii’ cost, is so small. Hint cSevy < nemay test tlip mailer fordiimscH’.'f| ! | I ‘ I ; of Uiooriliiiaxht TnoHi j’ptvdcr*. X>r. Hurd’s Tnnt]i Ponder contains iio, acids/ ~ nor all;a!I. ’:u,i- charcoal, and pblishesyvithout wharintr the euAmii;. T tVe no othcr.-r fj iVII.fT IVIbL 1)11/- HliltO S KKMJEDXES ■ ■ liFlfKfT’.’ jV „ T>r- HftrdsMonlh Waal, an I TnolJi lll’civdcr will.give yoliTlg la Ju'silhat finest charm iif wo-j . mari—a«Wcef breath ’ j|nd pcably 'teefb. £*• Try ; 4 llieiri. -. . s' v - - ’ •’[ i ' 1 Dr. J.litrd's Moiitii’Wasti and Toollr X’aWticr ij tj will id-cause Hie month from all loitl! rxha’l- ’ lions, apd if used in (he/morning, r.will mtibe . . tlit*' ri,s.;kfasf taste sweeter and the jitey £tgin more’ plrbs.inily. Hundreds of persons can* 'lcsti.fy.tn this.: Try them, gentlemen. .» Dbi. Hurd’s Muhin iVnsh ami Tooth, Doivder > ! \ST I TUT I,A.M. ) PriiE Governess. MILL ’COMMENCE arc the the best preparations.in the w/nid for curing hud hrrndAraxfV giving firnincss anil health to thegnma,, , Hundreds offenses of ! JMsensed j>/ejtiiny ffi.d/i.y V,Sn/v M"'itiu Cvives,to their husbands. [ Tliny.Migiild bo used by .every person —- I v artificial r-RKrnb.., - . ‘ which are liable to impai t nfaint to i.Vc ihonlb Dr.Mnrfl's■Toothache Droops cure’ Tooth ache arising from exposed nerve?, and are I try best friends that parent s’ciin ha,ve in thchoiise({ to sovv’j lieir children from toi l lire lin'd I hent- v selvsrfSrom loss of sleep and .symptsTactic sn?. T Farmers.and mechanics! youcan.Tc.l wclLsff-It ford to.neglect your teeth. Forp trilling you can now get, preservatives, than which" Rothschild’or Aster can get nothing betl'ef,’ Remember that pysprpsia and Cunumtpiivn of Ihk Lungs often originate in ncgJiet ul Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch’s observations on this subject. If too j; late fo arrest decay in ypnl - own jtcelh, save *• ..ytur children s' tCilfc, 1[ ■ ’ [XKUR'ALGIA PLASftjiS.— Dr. iTnrd’s. . Ncuralgiai Non-Adhesive Blasters are the mijs!t - -pleasant and successful remedies ever preseri cd for (hiypaiaful disease. The phiicnt ap; plies oneVsion becomes drowsy,- fails arlil awakes, free from pain; arid no blister or . . other tin pleasant or ihpinohsV&nVcflpicnccs cn-’ sue. For Earache and Ferrous lletutnehe, np- ■ ply according to directions, and relief wilf ‘surely.follow. ■' No(hin J g can be obTaitjod eipiap' . to Dr. Hurd's GotripresW for' Try . ‘ them.' Thpy arc erftirely a novel, curious «htf ■ original prcparatioi»,-a>Hl fhhj . They are of two sites- oti^amn,-- fdr’fj'a face, pH cp 15 cents, and the other large, foe! application to the body, price 37. cents. ~ t. lIVUI V if milled on receipt of price lewd one elnnip. : , H7/.1 Tiiߣ THE. PEOPLE DOISG i • The American people arc.intcllij;enl enough tC apprcchitc preparat ions I hat con't ribul c so much - il’he aim of; the pits'thorough, capcy iclies. • ‘ i to happiness of those’ using them, ami they’ wont them. Evers niaiHmjtps us letters, soilin' 1 ordering the Trentisc on Teeth, some the Seti- j, - ralgia Plasters, and hof U' few (tticUtsiiix«i cjfj i for the Moulh Wash, to he sent by mail ;f htit / to thesi. ivc arc compelled to-reply That it is* t impossible to semi a half-pint bottle, by mail. The pioplc want llicisc Remedies. ' 117 m tn tf: i suj'/ilif ihemT ' V 1 . ■ : ' 1 Now is I lie , ’* '.■■■■ CHANCE FOli AGEXTS; t \ Shrewd agent» cat: r.akca juutll foi lunc ifl 1 carrying these articles moundin' Dental’Treasury is the that ,» i msin oi; woman can carry arbijiid. - Rend Tot one ami sc-f, or. h'ficr, i* (iorviij whit h will Mb.as sniiijdbs, for'Sr. AgcnVs supplied* lilwriOiy; with circulars. ffSr-Nowis tlic time to to go imo Ihe Inisj ness, Io do good, and ma k« 'V .a'prol^t.. A\ c arc spending thousands, tor, tljfc hCncfif oi, agents. .Vow England ln- ry no- , nmn ! heljr is something nice, aritPa ..dnediib to 1 1 • dke the tide at ifs" flood. Addrefsvn •N ; **' iv.M. h. iiyitD.& cS, ■ ■ K Tribune Bii.ifdings, Nei? •*] Thai rstmUanoeS may be made. with' ebuflW’i drhee, W. E‘ it; Jt Co., refer to ilie Mayor of ' P.ooklyu; to G. W. (iriflith. President Farm-’ - ■' rs’imd Citizens hhnk, Brooklyn; to Joy, Coe/ ’o ~ Sew Vprlc ; to P. 1, Barnnm, Nr# 1 , Tbrk.clc., etc. •■. , -'r ■ . ■ A Xt> iiring Toothache.and Neuralgia? 1-riK OXtfpOLLAlt ;\ot StXs£l :v ~A BE 1