The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 12, 1863, Image 2

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D. L. IMBRIE, Editor 4 Proprietor.
. ‘ lit ■
For Governor,
For Supreme 4udge,
!l ON. UAiNiELf A 8 NEW,
HAVjING disposed" jof -cfiiliy inters.
'Heaver Argu*. alljtbtlse indebted
lor «u\*icription, jo)i, \yoil;,~otc.. wiJ
call and settle immediately wiflr'J. h.
j-dn; rbo is authorized t/> receipt in rn
Feb, U», *62,. < T. C. XH.’UOi
The Question at Issue
By the -nomination pf Messrs, Cur
tin ami Aijnew, tlie nucslion of the
political .status of the pities in tlii.s
Commonwealth, is at once broiully,and
distinctly stated. ■’There i-an bo no
dispute. as to what ■constitutes. the es
sential difference between the loyal
■parly, repre.scutet| by Curtin ami
iA<:yrov. ami tlief so [calbid.Jieiiiocralic
'parly represented 'by 'ilcskrsj. Wood
ward and l.ow.ry.
The so, (■•ailed- Democratic parly in
is in direct sympathy with
the rebellion, ami that is the essential
eha-raeteristie of the party’, every man
■ who shall at this election vote for
Woodward, will be by that very act,
a supporter of the rebellion. It;'is
notorious that the efforts of those
.copperheadsympathisers, in New
York and elsewhere, whosp acts, in
1 resistance lo the draft, , and Ollier like
.hnovemenls. have 'given the most jih
dtense "ratification to tlluj rebel chid
i la inland U:iv%becn in direct coins
i-mumention Kvilh ’ them. Although
the main ■.efforts of ;■ the Democratic?
ij’A'xs in this State, arp mainly direct-'
- ed to an ingenious aljtempl to conceal
_ t heir, motives .fnjirt public view • that,
it is easily pencil aled Uiy any one who
will fix his attention lor a moment,
upon it. For instance the doctrine'
of Slate Uighls, the denunciations of
the Federal executive,, the long and
frequent tirade paraded in the cop
perhead pricss about ilic,:-* conscrip
tion act]’’ the ■pretended- concern for
ilie invasion of civil right.' and tliein
■teyminab'e twaddle in regard to the'j
(■jmstil’ition as it is and. the Union as I
it was. \\ hat arc ltd! aiuk eac’n of
..these but insiduous attempts, to over
i,throw the powers of the (l.ehcral (iov
ernmont arid to bring, into contempt
the present administration. And for
wpat purpose'; 1 ('aitthere be oiic? ’ Xo;
there is but one motive, and tlint is
the "support of the rebellion.” i For
it is understood, Hiatus this rebellion,
lias fot* its eliief cornci stone, shnrry,
which' being truly ■analyzed, means,
that, men arc nyf created equal, that
they should not receive the just re
wards of, their labor, that one class
shall bear alt the burdens, which is'in
effect rank injustice in every respect
totho"sympathizers with the rebellion,
hate this Government and arc secret
ly and bitterly bppo.-ld to every of
tort' which hasd been put forth to
crush the" rebellion. -.-
• The-ticket put in nomination by the
Democrats, is a ticket whose support*
ers arc iu ditvor of ’the rebellion, and
oppose-i lo the Uiiipn of those States.
Tyc ticket pu t i n n o mi.ration at Pitts
burgh last week will 1 e;supported by
men wlyj are ih/avor W the Union of
the Stales; ■ f\
• Men of Bearer county, thc.qucstion
is fairly; before you..: On one side
Union, |oyaity, and the preservation
ol the noblest and best Government
the world ever saw, on the other Dis
l union. Treason and the destruction of
Government, choose you between
'them. '
■t| - ■ _ •. ■■ '
Soldiers’ Benefit. —On Thursday,
Augnsfc 20th, 1803, a dinner and con
cert will bo given in the G rove near
“Bethlehem Church.”' Daniel
Agnew, I)r. I). 11. A. M’Uean,, Rev. if
S. Morton will ad'.i.rpss the people.
1 1 k® proceeds are to lib appropriated
ttfetHe “ Young 51 cub Christian. Coin-,'
; Curtin; and Agnew- ‘ /
; A Convention of the loyal, mciJof
Pennsylvania could do nothing nJore
than Ttjpominate Andrew' G. Curtin
for Governor of the State. Thoselvho
offered ! reasons why ( another Wo
should hpve been selected, found* when
theyL wfent to Pittsburg, j that thfey
were the mere arguments and calcu
lations of the politician, and possessed
no la voir? with the people; I The peo
ple of thisrStaic love Andrew G. Cur
tip, and lljpir representatives, in con
vention assembled,' gave expression to
their love, and confidence; byi giving
him the gubernatorial nomination on
the first ballot. It was cininofclv the
work of i the people. They -had jWn
this man tried,- for three long yeatV
no iChicf Magistrate had cvcf'bcom
tried before, Cominginlo power with
the Admjiiistrption of Air. Lincoln, he,
was called uppn to grapple with the
rebellion in tlie name of Pennsylvania,-
to represent the loyalty and power |i*f
our grand old State, and to direct its
energies in support- of the Union and
the Administration in the prosecution
of the wai;. How this work has been ‘
done it is not for us to say. It is
written upon the most glorious pages
cf Pennsylvania's history/ It is writ
ten in the story of her valor, her de
votion, arid Isaeriticesand, more than
all, in the! hold and self-sacrificing
• • , i j ’ j ' -O
statesmanship that made these tilings
elements of .strength-' and power'' On
their joys; and sorrows—jifTtcr/evciy
period a/jd; defeat. : Ami so
earnestly, afid faithfully did bo labor
in their bolialf, that at this time,his
name is mentioned- with love and
pride in the- lent,of every- i’ennsylva
nia soldier. - When invasion came, ,h«>
OPI-osed the invader with a fierce efr
ergy tthat drefv the '.-people around
him, ami aided materially in obtaining
the fruits of victory. ITo Governor
Curtin beb*ngs much of the glory that
I’ennsylvaiiiajleis gained, and much
of the gratitude that the people should,
feel in having escaped conquest iamb
devastation. , | V
The nomination oTthis man is,there,
fore, a compliment to jiim and itjri as
surance ol bur. devotion to the Ad
ministration,.:' The peoplojiavc nlade
it, and the people will, indorse- it hy
in overwhelming majority in Octo
ber. Now is the time dor. all who
really heiieve’in the t-atise]. :nid that
its triumph is the triumph loflibcrly
, tand Unimi, to lay all selfishness
! and jealously, and personal animosi
ties, and unite man as our
leader, and the plaitlVirm of the con
volition'as the . platform of faith.' In
the person of the [Lon. Manic) Ayiiew,
the Convention has placed at Ins side
an accomplished and learned'jurist,
one-fully convinced of.the'truth of the
great issue , agitating the euiin
: try. an / whose election would add an
| ornament to; the bench. With such
j men in homihaji'mnVno loyal man can
| hesitate., Lctusorgani/.e every where.
I Let committees and eliibs be formed,
j and no‘eflorl|spared to strongtheuand
j unite the friends of the.,cansc. We’ can
1 win this .victory in October if ivc he.
i gin at onto and manage the canvass;
| with judgment and energy. Let,.
] the line of battle he immediately foi-in-i
led.-and the boniest at once begin;
I — rkihi. r., ■■! .■
Union £>tate Convention
Use T, i■ io 11; Suite Convention whic h
iiTiOt lit Pittsburgh,on the nth instant,
Inonimuled Andrew G. bin-tin «fCVli
tre county for Governor and lion.
Panicl Agnew, of Heaver, for J ndgo of
the Supreme Court; ■„ .
The vote stood as' follows •/' ' >
For Governor—
. A (r Curtin, ; : di.l voles.
H. D. Moore, : : 17
Jnp. P. Penney. If> “
T. <•. Urewster. ;:> “
J. K. Moorehcad, 1 “
lion. I)amd,.A«jhc\v wjts
Ij" noininatud for Ju(l :'o
prcme Court., ; , ;
Xo better nominations could'liavc
been made. And both these gentle
men will be triumphantly elected on
the- second Tuesday of October. We
have not got spaco thjs week to speak
of these candidates iat length,£but
will do so at another time. * .
RETAKEN.—Tbo notorious Wash.
Gordon,, who escaped from jail some
time ago, where he was confined un
der sentence for “assault and battery
with intent to kill,” was recaptured
by the Sheriff on last Saturday, at
Rochester, and again lodgcd in jail.
After ho.broke jail ho was arrested
as a deserter and sent to his regiment;
and we presume that he has again de*
serlcd, as,ho had done several times
before. ■ Wjsh. is a troublesome cu.s
f n nier ' 1 ’
|Ust of Prisoners in liihtoy Pris|
I / on at Richmond) Va< f
I ;The following is a list of .members
,of the 140 th, ilegiirtentof Ponnsylva
nu* VoluntcerSj new in : Xiibi>y Prison,
fifitiiinond, Yfi-i bcfOdgin'g to thc tbrc<
Beaver counlyiconipanit's; j ;i |
-7-j—Berg’ta— Berg’ta J. II . Springer,
}V«n.;A. M’Jltflen, B. P. VVckh. Cor
porals W.m. Agnew, J. H. Douds, Eli;
Watson, ; Geo. M. Brooks, (Marshall;
T. Johnston, Daniel Powers; Thomas
jPwncssj ,Wm. P. Gibson,;; Patnek
Wise, GoO. Marks,HLcvi.Rhodes,,, John
Mitchell, j . j
1 Company F.— J. R.Dunlap, Joseph
f? Schley,.-Enrol .W. Stpock, John
M’Culloiigh. ■ ! ; ... ,
I Company: 11. —I). 11. Whitsell, J. R.
Plcezel. ’ ' ;j, i
V\i.VE\ «RKKM,EK of Uo. _tF,. 140th
|Pediment pa. Vol., wounded. in the
bktll^x^GcU,yshurg, died of his?
hospital of that place,
jit is remains arrived, here last Thurs
-I‘Jay morning, ;and wore interred-, on
His funeral was attended by
!a hirgc coneoursc of friends and citi
:zqns. ‘■; j ■ .
. 'John C Gibb, o( the,
jeojusin of piocnloo/ and wounded In
(the same batt ( lo,,died" about the saiivc
;tinic, Also 11 Ewing, ,wlib Was alsp
(wounded i-iijt-hc (jafnc buttle, is also
Mead.. ■ i
! , ;
1 ilJ+iHKsriN'r: tiik -Uuaet—A regiment
| ; r
jot | cavalry l, as been encamped fora
ja ,ftMy days below litavor,>n Uic farm
jof jj’obt.-t’otter, iisq. We understand
that they have been went out to on
force The draft whore any resistance!
mqy be made. Wo learn that fpiitcii
resistance was made in one township,
.in Washington county. '( he'cavalry
wore fired into by some.of the rebrU
.there, which was returned bydnr men,
,wb«ijdlng several. The troops finally
jmCccedcd ihtcapfuring the wliolc par
ly.: WlialSUsposhion was. ni.vlo of
them wo, have in>kyo.r learned!.
j Cov: Curtin haiiSmide' an ar
xaiigcment by - which the hHims of
Pennsylvania . Volunteers and Cheir
families for,- bach pay, pensions andj
hoijnly will bo collected through the
State!-agency free of charge'id the
applicant. Communications should*be
addressed, to Col. It. Biid'.o Itoherls,
Pennsylvania Slate Agency, 187"
Kleveiuh street, Washington, I). C.
iAoKicui.Tuu.vr. -Meeting.—Thl^ian
agers of the Agricultural Society of
Heaver county, arc earnestly rorpicst
ctlj .‘to .meet at the Court House, in
Beaver on the ’ 15th mst., at 1 o’clock,
P- 'n-i us business of importance is to
bo [transacted. Let there bo a full at
tendance. ' r
ijluuoß. — In dur last issue umjorlhe
cap|ion “<Jt:ncrom Church.”, . The fob
lowihgsen tehee occurred “The (‘hnrdi
lias'done nobly and .ilrffrrx and will
receive great praise for their liherali
ty. \lt .should leave read deserves in-,
stcajl of “dcs/re.?.”
i'r - —| ««■#»— j*
\\ c arc under "Mirations to
i). commutclcr of
tho ; tjnilcd Stales-■steamer Madison,
for XjCW Orleans
' Tiu> (fill.'Mymj' loiters \vb publish l. v
:, iimf* will bo pcruscrl with iu
lereitjby our fertilers :
llj-i-vi>q’ rKit.s'lo.l 1!ko. P. V
.V. Jnlyif!. ’ j
’ x l’ y>iiit:u-v Jenifer'baa ever hud tiTe
coiil(,[i(ncc an 1 profound admiration of
entire-ronunand, in a greater ex
tclit;.llian Inis Cetieral AVfsseis, the
datmlconiniahder of the Brigade lo
’ w 1 11 cij. (all- nient i.s attached. Tow
hiijvcpossessed the exailed eliariicler
—llie njililo .1 ature —wlutdi would en
title .them to that profound regard.—
A? a twin, ki id, eonproiis, and unas
*'• .'iip-r j as a commanding officer
thor»\ijk dieiplinariun ; as i\ soldier, he
has i(o superior. (|
It jvere,wcll lor our country if all
her (Jenerals iposkessed the same fer
veiilvdi.sinlorc.itcd, inflexible devotion
to 1 iet* ealtse|! ' 'i . .
_ is" not range'-Unit' si,eh an ,<jflw
cer would hcl ,'steeiiied as a father’ by
those,Under his command and who are
always pjoud when they say, ‘‘we be
loni/ (0 UesseUi old Brujmie i
Two month? ago, the officers ol l the
: Brigade pretjonted the . General with
two line horses, and efjtiipments. |
; an hyidnicc of their .npprdcia
tion, and 1 as, a testimonial of their
gralitude, tlie enlisted, me/i of the I6lst
Tloginicnlj I’ennsylvania Volunteers
have presented the Ceheral with an
elegant s.word, sash and belt, costin''
pyei §560,60. The sword, was miini?-
faetured, lb order in New Yorlf, and
|s one of the finest and most beautiful
swords, wy have ever seen.
i Sii-
lOlsx KeVjim ;.\t PeN.v’A Vols., I
pLYMOI Tlrj xV. 0., July 20, ’O3. f
; - 11 - 1-M-cmcd
trol bchajlf of the ciilislod iueii,
of the 101st l’ennsylvarda
Volunteers, peijmit md to say that ac
companying this note' wc-taka the
liberty of jprescnlino you with! a
s.udl and belt which wo luivo
had mtaiufiletitred for that ],
and wide h vve oiler lo i von as a testi
monial’of the heartfelt 'gratitude and
esteem iof the bntiro Kegimeut, for
the iand d : serect military
discipline you have ever been pleased
td fcxU?ud toward us, as well as an
evidence-of jour appreciation of vd’ur
"ruoral mcijit. Wo arc imjielleu to
* bis, not ’ because such prose illations
1 : ■ Id ' r ■ ■. ■ . i
A&my Letters
impulses of thpraost .tender regard.-
The f air Oaks” on tin
scabbard, tiiay suggest afresh to yom
memory tbe stocmy scenes that fpl
lo wed so qftickly u pon you assn min;
command of bur Brigade ir< the midi
of the ill-fated campaign on the ban'
oftho Cbickahominy. j‘' •: ' j
This memento may also recall lb
;}'Qur mind the Ruccessionof - shilling
events through which you have pass
ed with bur old Brigade since then,
the memorable retreat ltd the James
River, our late and mr|re brilliant
march into theinterior of Urn Old
Xorlh State, while the several devices!
on thd - scabbard, the coat of arms of
our ijative Slate and life God ess of'
Liberty wjill serve as_eml>letna of the i
inftejtible ( fortitude iii' the] cause of!
libe#ty of- thdso presenting jt;
it you will accept the Warmest wishes I
oftthc entire. Regiment f<jr your unin-j
tjrrrupted. success and welfare in the
.Jfntnrc. I You iw'ill please, receive it I
I- then 'as a Beal of. the unwavering
friendship.of the 101st Rcgimdnt.
1 - J. H. LONaEXECKEft, ■
On partof Conimitteo of presentation, j
.jPtyMoi/TH, iX.'OJ, July 21, ’(l3. ' < j!
I Soldiers of the ilOlsf .• —On my ro-
t | nra.-!a»fc, night from a lour of duty,!
your' letter' of tlie 20th, signed by!
Lieut. Longcncckor in your behalf!
and acebmpanied jby the sword, sash
and belt of a General Officer, awaited
me at my private [quarters. This ev
idence of taste and good will from the
enlisted men bf a!veteran Regiment,
is peculiarly -gratifying and « ? unex
pected, .that t find it ddUcult to con
vey to you in proper language, the
pleasure it has afforded mo;;the more
so; as 1 believe in the sincerity of yotir
flattering expressions. "■ t i I
A year- has passed since I [joined
you, .stranger,;in the face,of I
the onpjgy.mnd on the threshold of, ai
grcaLnjversc: you have looked both j
in the dark and the, bright 'hide of a 1
soldier’s, life., yo»r'fattened, avid on-!
duranee havcl beda tried by privations !
and exposures, that can he apprecia
ted only by those w.iio have shared
theni with you, add f can hear testi
mony to the cheerful spirit with
which they have been met. W
Having no political, desires or respi
rations, I have,but: one object before .
mu, in my official ro,bilious with your- j
selves, that is a disi;.fpliiie*an'd soldier
ly pride,-that givci s cha'ril|tcr to'regi
men Is, and individuals^comprising,
'theni; if in tliis I iiavc gained your
coulWyncc and esteem, it| is iny iull
accenting 'from your;
• -IfcajyU ill gift, ’ll can only 1.
dhdic remembered as I
■gilt of my 1 mili-1
v ou a safe
me to I
re want
hands this Wh.
say, that it wo ..
most agreeable ?ey<,
lary scrviaj, and
return to-your homes, all invito
add that it \vifl alford mo sint'ettc
pleasure to meet you hereafter, in the
employment of that peace aridipros
perity which your arms have aided to
establish. , 1
With much respect, yohVob’t ser’t,
H. W. .\V r KSSF.I.r,S. ; :
. j 2jjk Brrj'. (Jcn’l'Vol’s.
To the Enlisted uneu of the XOlst
T’ennsj-'lvaiiiii Voiun L’rs, Plymouth,
2sor,th Oarolinal ;
Resolutions of Che Union State
■Convention. r\
Mr. McVeigh,- Chairman of the
Committee bn Jlesolutioiis, presented
the which was uiiaii
pnously adopted-;
The loyal men of IVr.Vlsy! vania, in
Convention assembled,!aiii>in«
all parlizanship, and knowing tlo
cause Iml that of the country, declare
’tor themselves and their constituents,
Ist. Their i inllexihlo purpose.', to
! 'maintain, by every necessary ellort,
I service ami snicrilice, • tlie National
J C nion, as .the |irst. thoiiighest, tlie
j most ■solemu'and the - most overshad
j oxving ofUill politiealpliitics.
j. 2d. That tlie rebellion which throat
lens, the, existence, utj the Union was
without cause, was eoneeivmTiii wick
edness. organized.: in peijiirv, and de
veloped by i eekless violation, is stain
ed with every criine.; and delestilije in
means ami infernal in' purpose,must
be, suppressed by.the, people of the
Is »ile>l_.States, at the ilesfruetiffn!, of
whose liberties and, liho overthrow of
whose hoc institutions it is, impiously
aimed. . ’ ! j ,
3d: That in the momentous contest
now waging therC'are, and jean bebut
two parties, viz tjics one which -Urm
ly sustains the constituted authorities
of the nation'ip enforcing all-tho laws
thereat, and in protecting the.pvfnci
plcsjupoii w(licit the government rests,
anijjds. therefore, at once the party of
liberty, and of patriotism; the
other whiclKsbripples' the constituted
authorities ofyiic; nation in enforcing
,thc laws, securing' the safety and jpre~
serving the life of -the nation, uiid is,
therefore, the parent of mobs,:, the
enemy of order and a participant
of 1 treason, a class whose dcicsliblo
I? ra V, l ' (!es no *' only <;ivo 1 “aid and com
lort" to the dimmon•enemy, hut as
confessed in Jtiehmoud, light tip these
days of rebel darkness and disaster,
ami actually stimulate them ’ to re
newed iukldesperate efforts to recruit
theif armies, and to whom is this [day
justly chargeable whatever of vitality
the rebellion possesses, and whatever
of calamity or affliction the further
protraction of the contest may invdlvd.
Hut for Northern sympathize! a, and
the hopes their treasonable existence
3 red, the rebellion would have
utidip- the staggering blows dealt
it at (Icttysburg, Vicksburg and loro
Hudson. . ' ;!
4lh. That wholly without sympa
thy lor the . who jhavo made this
a free licpuhlicun (I’ovvrn
ment, or for the system of hunian
bondage, in vvlniso interest it was]in
stigated, ortho causo of despotic jirin
eipleH to whirl) it is now devoted,, this
Convention declares there
iu, while so ; en^a<'edf 4 tov be worthy
only of our ||a( riotie hale; arid, in like
spirit we denounce aWilouhly vccroanf
and base those resident of thedojal.
States who tolerate trcasori, 1 w-odld
jTliate' with armed anU
gain surrender our gbfbrnhicnji and
Ibertica tortboir keeping,) i |
stb, iTbal Abraham UincplnJ 'the
the United States, % his
wehirgo bf his most dm rdpsyliitics jn
icse dark] days ofciyil wlarfhas won
r lj|mßclfl tho affectroriH auci regard
, Amcriean people, and; always
jbaring lumsolf clear in his high office,-
bits maintained the i>4t;i^rit’v* ot' tbe
Union and kept oiir honbrjuniarnished
tljronghontj the world, iirtf lo Ijiin and
lira adfuiniistration,. its' f.rjfnciples and
its policy, we give Jour iliVa'i-tyapproy
al| and'pibdge an earnest iind s enlhu lsi
nsjtie support.
tith. fiMiat we tendon lo the ga‘|lnnti
sops of; Poiinsylvania, piu w irithe ar
mjoa and navies of, thU.ppub'tic, the
thanks rof a grateful people loir their
unselfish and heroic, valor ; ilifft we
taiiurn for |thoso 'who have dialed in,
thbir blood their devotion ,i|> their
cofintry, and will i cherish the|b nieni
orjes tenderly',and proudly ; while to
the gloriou-j survivors iyo £ifn jibe as
surance that the last do lar ami the
life, shall ho givopl jp rejr. force
them. old llag|fldlat» in Jin'll
viqtorv ,/t ! !’ jj.f r :lt- - ■■
v T
■ s
• !
ißt _th
ki %
' °f
■ ‘7-, j 1
7th, Resolend, That Gqycrnpjr Gnr
tinj, by tftflf effective silppOrt ho has
given the ’lfcdora! Goyc’rnjiiieii in iho
prosecution; of the \vnH| dUd'xis>vigi
■larit care for our soldie^L ; la|jil<o|.m ihc
field,,thb camp ninl. tlnjj h :>|lpit|al, has
given Pcnhiivlvania a jii'f
nenee among *tlio loval ami
hirnseif, to thanks otiiiilj her loyal
citizens, and in playing h in again’in
nomination, j'w.o hut give q>:|kes'sion to
tliq .spontaneous wishes o ' the Com
tno|ivvcajt| lie .has «o' vile 11, to
present,' for their patriot
ic s'tatciiVan, who is a.likol tile ffrijiid of
thoj soldier and the/fayonle rljf the
people. i, !i |y ■
hth. 'Jtesolveilf Thafthc: amendments
proposal: to the Coiystiliiitipn, i n giv
iiigjonr Soldiers sif the right"
ox snttrage,' iperits I'jur liOarjly. a jjirov
aj, jaml w ill ] reeeivls our lihiie i snji
ami that we rcifrtmji.i!ieti| me
conventions of loyaj ineb.ithJ'iniglioat
thcjStatb; to es for
lhol|3ogislatiire'to vote* for .il.' 1 ,
fHh. Resolved,' Thfyt-\vij lleteh
claric oaf unalterable atlaohiin
thoj of the .fathersi "c
Re p:iih I i c,; a s onunciato d ‘i i j; 11 1 c
ration h-p President .Uoni-pe, sli;ijl ho' no iiitcferoiice
hui’ojieun or foreign i power,
tjov .-rninental - affairs upon )th
tine it. ;
Idili. Resvlc&l,, in 1
iol Agncwi we present :u( iit-|
oil j irist, it .pure nil
citizen. lie will adorn lie,
judicial irilmnal of Uije <
wealth, a)>«l.givo' additional s
to tlie.rights, of person aiid proj
TI c resolutions \\ J erc tinajiiiii j j j '■! ■ ■]
lleu-l.holil, of Jolfei-sorr p 1
I lie f dlifvvfng, wliieli was
adopted :' ■
W/yv7, That tlio hold iK-lor
<l stand taken |hy lire ilVdininis
on, in-sntmnarily
fount) to be fcuiltys; of If ailerons'
iiccsj l moril.y onr 1 1 wittykonimen
ni, and that in' ]H ,: iTiinnin"j this
of its mditary dntiesj .n;ojr«J.'. lie
iry for llic Jmhlie \vc
l c it our In-art}- eo-njibralioii.
. 10* o'clock, the Convention mi
lled sun; die. : ,1
OSTI.VtK!) from I.AST Wj’lKK ]
Exemption List. i'j :
'' ’ 1 '" 7 ~ ; ! mI
ted ox Acyjirxr. or nrin<; ov eh ))•> y f. ans
| or ai;’k, and . j-;
jllackcHeller, New Bright<.>i , II caver
jtnOssS, Andrew Trover, Willi tin .Tro-'
■I. Morgan* Heaver,- HHver co-: wit-,
J M*L (*el:a Morgay'. ■, ’ j
icios jfugk*. New Ff.vick jey, j
.'sses ,■ W liiilil, J Marlsnil', \-l i ' '
Hnmcs NeW .Hewickley,i Hu>Verjco^-■
es Humes. S Hurnes- | I “ \
"art, Free-lent.. Hist rici. ‘ ; IVavcr ’c\v— j
: es. J»dm ('honey, John Ijr-r'.vif.r ,“j Ty. |
A Matclid. JSmitlvtp.-Wusluagtum bo—''
llj Ellen Halley. ;J; : !■ I
jdch\nym, Ihirl’nuJmvtp; Heaver ice— j
pvin, Ernest'llonvig. I ■'■] i |
dcrrijiiun,;* illeayor ijm— ]
dolin' Mvrriua.n, :Svfrah; L\l(jrrl-*i
I ! ■ ' * .-I •J ' I-:' |
<iei> Smkhoru New SewickleV. Ueavey <jo—‘
witnesses. .Mary Sinkhofn. John .SinkhOrn. |
.) l|nng, (South co—witiies 'OS.,
J ijong.frharfes Long.. i ; ||;
Aaron Forhenner, Frank-Itii. lieaver cqi—vit-;
Forhenner.i , Lj -
JPH Irjwin, Industry, leaver wanes* es,
Jacob James M Noss..* j. ■ i ’ !! >
James Ifaggs, New Scwickley;
witncsscU, Cyrus lingers, Hannah .Hoggs, 1
Kzekel. >|loorc,Ncw'Setvick,lcy HcaVcr co-wit
nesses, I|', W, White, WilliamMoorbj .Mi 1
Adam Fprstcr, Economy;Jloavcr cb—wii
cs, Jacob Hcnricc, Joint Thiriei.' i | ;
Thomas jH Jackson Borough Iji. Heaverl
witnesses, Jane Jackson, Joseph Wray ij
John Ew;iiig, Uaccoop tp, Heaver , co'-
nesscs, JJciiry Ewingl It R Ornithic, I
Thbnuirt Jitvbjnson, Pollock tp, Laurence
witnesses, Elizabeth Kay, Mary MeOetJ
Jessie HAmilinn, Pollock tp, Lauren;
witnesses, George Hamilton, Don
Albert Hnpgs, North Heaver, Lawreiu
witnesses, D 0 Wead; L UHggs.:
Robert (.(raham, Now Scwlckley, La ,v
co—witnesses, John Graham; Sarah Grc
David Hrobeck Phillipshurg, Heaver ct ~
nesses, Ifja.ic Black, II Bryan, '
John S McCormick, Ohio ip. Heaver cq
; nesses, 1 Grace Gibb, William Gailey; \
t Jonathan'. Freed, Big Heaver, . Hcavet
I witnesses. A Freed, Suanah Freed.l
Henry l>illon,^l)urUngton. Heaver co
nesses, John Styrcnsop, Robert balzclhi
i JohtrGuUica, Boutli Slabanc.AVusliing/
witnesses, Nancy HrowniMury Hdlsinger.
‘ Wallace McCnidy, Shcnango, La\yreuce;
J J Wallace, John Alford.
James Tolbert Kconbiny, Heaver ebrf- w it
es, Mary Holsmger,! 1 !
Edward R Good; Piilaski, Heaver coj—
I nesses, lUnry Good, Unity Good. I '
Mcums Lowry Darlington, JJcavcr co :
Desses, Rachel l*owry Geo M Young. ;
hS Hriggs North Heaver, Heaveccp;—w
sc, L S Briggs. ; it"*
WilUan Hcjvnious, Pollock tp,. Laurence
witnesses,lElizn Beamons, KeAclia Long,
Robert Ko|*rUce, West Finley, Wasbingto
: witnesses. Jntic Furdee, Martin<Arrnsiro
Andrew llochc. Franklin,;Heaver co—-w
sea Lewis Soharlz.Chalres Young.
Alexander! Newman, Huftalp. Ip, WTodutu
eo— Witnessei|, M Hvlcclnnd, Robert UeeA;
A J Kclley, : Imffalo tp, Waslungton J
nesses. r.Reifjpy, A J Kelley. ! |
John R
nesses, J K Alcoi;n, oarah H Alcorn, i • ij*?
David Love, INfllock,»;u.c- cu viituT
3 J Rodger; John Lov^
f>. w
Mirim i
.1 i'l’M
W Stov
S Kiishv
James M
Jusiati Joknston, Slppcryruck, Bawrcncc
wituesscs, I M.a*T Me Ualliatei-, Joseph iMcCallis
•cr. 1: • ' .n .| : - j■'
J L Wolf, Slipperyrock,;Lawrence cb|—witnea.
Bes, !>, .Wolf Wary Wdlf. ‘ji’, - : 1
SI Borland, Monong ihcla cUy.Washihgl bn co,-
witness, Moses Borland. j: -j:,
.Geo. Jl MHyheil, Daflington, Beavorico—wit
nesses, Geb.M Vounk 8 Mitchell. ji
XXZMPTKD ON .AjjctTNT ot: AMi:A.\(lt;,
£harl«s. .Jtishoffberger, | Trecdom ll!orougli f
Beaver ci-f»itiieSsef, .Robert McLanei Thom
as Jackson. : " ■ ; ■ 1,
Casper Shod/Boche iter tp, Beaver;leo—wit-1
nesses, John Moyer Casper Shed, { I '. I
~W Slaughter, Rochester, to,' | Beaver 'Ur—wi(J
ncsscsi 1> Slaugltter, Abu?r Bacoclc.! ;
JamcSjßcel Jr,. Davtiirgt<in tp, Beaver!co ——\vit. I
nesses; James I’eclSr, Elizabeth I’eej.l T I
.Thomas Red, Balrtiir don tp,,Beayei^co—wit-f
nesses, James I,'ce.lSf, ElizabeMrTeet j' |
Patrick Mart ill, : Dirrl ingtohi tp, .Beaver Co i
.witnesses,, l*nfriokfily; an in,. Catharine Mai-- !
Im - -• ■; ;| :.M / V
John Stevenson DarjiWgton tn, BeaVcr co— !
witnesses, Robert! ilogan,: Andrew J W3l
- ijti .1 j ■. j;,- ■;. t, ,•
Mlcnry.Denhjidt, KoJ-tfr SAwicklep lp?Bc!iver
I llc fy Uenliardt. ttisfe Ben- j
John McClbskey, i)ai liijgtun,!p, Beaver co— !
witnesses, William Wimee, John Cain] 1 a 'Vi
W (1011, Freedom'Bor-hugh, : Bekk-r. co—wit- I
nesses, R B Baker, AVrllikm Gull Sr, !■ B V j
Jacob Coll, New Site mkllcy 'tp. ItfavW co— ■
witnesses, U, B Baker, ,W 11i,, m Gdfl sk !
John Urushql, New BoVougAi'! Blwreuce
co—-tyjtnessqs Casper BiUskd, Adam Bril- ,
Slid. • ■ 1 tv |JV j' -i
Cornelius Biirk,.Ncshnpnbck til' Bawrenso co !
—witnessed. John bkirSeot , lldui . tJartV.
■William Kissdman, N hr. Castlp. Lawrence co
—witnesses, Henry M<ki's, ..'Wiiller:AVali,- K :
l-’.l ' -; f .
'('■? IP.. Beaver c<^ —wit--
Main na Su-nsonli t
?tdi; ;lfeiver W— wii- 1
mppie: .',N
p, Beaver co—-ui:nes- |
■j ■Campbell,- -• t'l -■■■'l
p,- Bawreuee cli;— wit-,
i James Scknlleyi - ■ :
Bawiehee, cu—a'iiiiics- ;
i t0!1; '
I John Slenson, (,'liippe:
| nesses, John .Slenson.. j
.lolln Brain, Ncw.BrigF
I nesstls. Joseph Knoll,
; Samuel. Barker, Ohio t
ses, .Janies Si.iiijisii.ii,. B
Jolin Bhehin, L ni"n tj
nesses, Kdwaill Bliehmj
.1 T
scs; X White.! W Balls,
James Me. Michael, >ic«l
withesses, William lan
William Dunlap ,\ ■\v B
rf Barnes. IV
John Jliclit,'. Xeiw Stjivii
.witnesses, Jaeoit Moos; ■.
.tJcorge i-ilci'irir-er, J
Beaver eo—wjilie.-scs, .
l.oainer. ” :
Jacob K'lih!, l-Veeloni b
witnesses, John Kelehir
lames' While, 'ilbehestei
—witnesses.. William W
I'airiek Xiiianle. Inilnsi
nesSes, Biit rick': IVai-rant
Jolin Connel, borough t;
ses,. Batrick "Warrant. ,M
Jackson Xeit |
witnesses, Janies McMi
.\{ o*t*.i |i« is*. '(';uiii(j|ishnrg.
ion CO.' ; ' j’' |v. ’■
i>avid Hiurovvn, riilnslcWtri, f,;:v. r .
• i I i ‘ , *
c»uuilyi ' .
Tlios S Jlo(>oa4\;. jl; riibii cv tj>.
koiiiii yl :. v .' \ ■f- 1' ■. - : -
A<l|iiso|' 'Mi-CJj , cidly,._l > ulasVi: tji.- [■,
runce < <r.
'I • S'LeivisJurond;
C-mii le.s Kropf, Pollack tp, I,invreu.ce ca-4-w-il~ : i' t . ()l j Ii m.J
ucsmiiv Henry, ( lirisluin lloelier;.. «■ .. 'i’ wm » ' ■ : ■'
William Slica, Liarlingloli Ip. Heaver cd-i-wit- ' “ r .l’.eav
•nci-ucs, .>1 M .Marquis, 1 dber.i kliea. f-i ■' Co. *' . ’ (■
‘•lahies lioy.l, Neaiiannocii ip, ilcavcr cod-wit- U \\ i iarkjti rain Monism Us*!,
.loscph lioy.l, U chard'. tiargeanf. VoJ .
Unbcrl M llanicy, Now a'Cla, J.awifj;uiie cu,i. li .I a. i ’ajii''* ■
witnesses, W Neu eU. A; Newell. -. .A ; ] .. f* Kui lp./.
JuKu Stevenson. Darlington, ip.' iif'avdriqn,— ICIICO Co. . ‘1
w jtnesses, itudert J.oim, Andrew J | IVai- .1 oiititii.i n 'Worliltp. 1 »t-»v///y>: ll'.r
* :u ’ c - !■•'.. ' . t-i , iiipton co. ... '
Jol'.i MW;i.*kcjr; 'JWvcii C+ark PtVsltm. Somct-sel, \ivW.
witnesses, William \t liar.,-, Jdtm t/nili. i ‘ ,• , , . • ■ , '
Ilcv E Viilliams. Jlig lieaVer, Heaver 1 eo —v. it’. |. ’ ■ - ■ :
nesses.. John Williams, .lames Wei,-. I'l . fcXK.MprKf) OS A<v.>C NT or
ticorgc’CiiipkuUu. co- i, -ONI.V sits op'.viKK I’.UM'.N v :>■«
witnesses/ t'liarles . ller|>eit, • -(.talyerj • tjcllg- I . ll.S'T.s DWHN HUNT o.N Ills’liAlt-it.
George Hltironl, Xeslianjioek, I.nwrenccKo ;)7t' "' * •..
iVio.Le., lleorge U U&ou..- kv/ h ""™ ’ “V*'; % ’
Inin.. fl . I-,vXi-rcfici*'.-, Jonh
l*lft tO
f till!
doc hi
j thill
hy ;•
I with
w i;on-
soil 1
llirch. M.ihonin
ucaso.-s Cluisiu. /.
i* rctlrick JJalk. Cliij»pevv:
j>}ins i’.hlcr?*.
J’olm livlz, I’oliock. Law*
,1 .»iin .Unishcl, On hei'ine
William Pickct-in". Din
A TftrU', Cross Creek,
.1 M While, C. Mil
M Ueusler, Crosv* Crock, i
iics*c.s i: !k) \\
Koheii I’lirtiy; Crtwd Cfoi
'vitncss-cs, rkttci
ton. i*, ,i .' .. i
Hugh McUunicy CVoss <*•
• withers/ JS M Cow a
A .1 Kelley, Hulfalo tj»,
lunges, C Kelley, A J Kf
Warner. New t’a«
wiuiessejOAinlraw Newgw
,Jolni Lynch, L'm'oa !j>, \
nesses. Mi Churl Leona ri.
Johnl K'il*e'ri.*!*;in, New Ui
c>> — wit neves’A M Hind
<’'imclii;- - Stiilyan, l'ni«*Ti
wifm{ss .f'tlin TMen.Jo!;
I'a.Ucls Martiii ; -New Hrii*
witnes-c'-, Henry-' ThnriL
.lo};n Dowlan:. Pulaski. i
T. Smith. .) LcaL j
Hvl»••;*! I»aUcIS; HaJ-lirytt..n,
Henrv Hilloii, Willi
kx km it i'X AfL\>rxr-
‘iloborl Froedt
wilni-sscs, Klias
.BreWcr. * .
.laeolC.Moore. Boeliesl
witnesses, 1 1) MeCrear
God fried Mi I ler, 1 Joel i c
—witnesses At Camp, . , . _
AlfrM Bean, Seott, ip, A Fi:ki| IV.kss.—-The 1 nynu•
w-itnesses, J KA(|iDea,i j lished .a'l.j.Norto'rik, is a joirrua,
: ' 'led to thej cause .if iho I nioii an
,1 minis (Jniglcy, Slippe yrockSfpj Law- ;• l»l>o{- :• w<J giro glad‘loisec stfeh a
rjmee el. —witnesses, ,1 fi Bulba, J, JI , idem.. of the growth djUu all.hlai
Frew.- ■ | j . tin.eni in 1 that, pari of Virjjini:^:
Zaebariali Uohiiison, t'uiun ipVr.Baw-.j shown. by; tins. fact that'lire ‘Few-V.
1 4 nee j eo4—|wi( Andre wMosserf\Wliiehv was star toil but a ;few w..
Jos ;Hdwa}rds.- ; ■ ;ago as.a jsemi-wcekly, is noyA'
,€bris liaise, Itriffltton tjvlieavcr-io 1 iasned daijy. 1 .
: —witnesses, Jacob Kis I)ror,' Jdli .rxS fcs.l ■. A eprreSpoiulcn!. In Norfolk; af
villo. j ' I'j ’ : ,‘ - ‘Sbivery .is (lead in this |iarl *•(
Silas 11 Beed, North Beaver Ip. I,aw- if-'peace, .should he
. rc'ncc sco—•witnesses, Win U, Ileetl,: nuiiwow.and-Fernah'lo ''
John Ferguson; i ; . 1 ( ■"! dictate the tjpr.nv Yankee imih':
[Jefferson, Norlii Beaver, Law,-j.lion has already set in; aiid nlenlr
, reheeeo—witnesses, Alex Garvin,]Wml > fi-.nn -Nej>v Yerk, thiiladelphis.
[kSbafler, • ( ML- Boston,. transact iu-arly ail. tin- j'
[Rioo \V Cook, Canton t >,: iihistiih rj,oh j ness in Norfolk,anti iWisinmitli
LCftr-witnesses,iMaivliai Cox, .Jlalfixwv J 1 .; t. A J w,
(i iMertiamir. J , r >' l\- Mouklndian Tio.i
Jleniy 15 Keeler, llanpycr tji, Beaver W ri „l lt ;,f Indiana, "bo bask-'!'
eo>- W Lefper, Me- in a - agent/ hf tie; '
iur 11 ' ( «l-„ Vi, 1 : i I erirnient Ike Indian.-A a ll '
Wm M. Her.;llam.ver l|. ; Be»o,Wo*;- Apaches. Ac , -
witnesses, A K M. hnHjJas 1, muU ,, llu; ir at from.'-'
A-ineziah llcnr.on, \Vnjjne tpANjw ne j twelve thousand,-giving fn.m,-
■cp—witnesses J-id.n McCoiuihay, Bints’! i; thousand warrioVs.- .these In*
'l'. 0 *’ ° n ■i li |r - I Jiad l.ccn! visited, h^-: the Kionx •'
fthomas J ilennon, \V ayn.| tp, 1,-,n V . had umed.them lo b'>-
renec.^.— witnesses, Jo ... MeConalia. Ues \\,o. by '
1 1 i.ts . oilop. m ' i ivae.nA trji.j.s ixh the G’flo^ 1
Stephen, Mow an Ip. <.. eiW,oa.J alh..« the Ai khnias-river
c/)--w.tuossiis; \V m Buplu.ilan; John j i tUllir ; >1U( .,., UKpvedabe.)
I • .. ... • ■ ~.■■■ ■ ■ ■•J' t Thtls iiMt peaob liad'fheon |>.-.sf I
Jas.G Crr. Ce«-d Ip, \V ash, -niton a— | jt , ..(| ( |A„ -Tnipwl
yvjtnesses, VV n. Bnel.nnan, Johtr Mnr-( A J(1 an is now’ in o
v' 1 ~ I. ■! 1 | ■' I’lio.l ol (iovei iiineiit u-Liuvh 'vih h-*!
Wm \.|une Bis Beav|n]lp, Buwrencc , k , ( . i)|p(l stollany
ci.~wUne.G-.; In.a.d, Wr!-y, Je, c nud, warlike '■■r! it I^s^’ 1
f turn ; ii.di.u.o ■!
■V -‘O-C-
X; CO-
011 Co,
h :hh-\
i'; ■
I i '■
t c<^,
!•! -
h ■= t>
ttrigljjlon leaver cJ> — *
r, Vv'iifi(un Wliitc*J . 'i !
•iglif »>u,. Ucavei’ \ c)t"
J-caf. ' j
.*]'♦ I’cavor I co— .
limner,! . I
iilliijislnirj; '
: •- K /
)roii"li, jeu—:
\ Jacob HclcJiie’.l
fp-foroiigli, Leaver cu*
j*iU v . &vrmiel’ lUadk.
•y. co-4-wit
f .Michael Noriiillti, ■ ■
f, Leaver
irhaq.l Noi'inilO.
ri'ifit'TU. ' Loavcrj col—,- iliijim jUuu.r,
L-hutctjco cj-j-wli-
Kuuuvtl. v .
i, 1 laWj'i'lk-.'.' co*t-\vU-
JtjfllrT Kent?..' ;
Acv.. ; ■■■’• * 1;
|iri£Um,-.l»caver eo—
[h?ont .Jane IMvul-
John J Davi
IVashJngton co—wil
*alker.; : I'!. • -
k. U\a.<hm£*on Sc**-—.
r>nn„ tV_i/ ■ Teiii|»le-
<• <‘k. w.i ■ i ii.»n jd*.)-
a Jaiue.s j ••Mejljjur
* • • in.
Na.slnngtnn co—fwit
|Hoy. ' h .. . ;
«t k*. Lawrence ,|co~
mm. r NfjwjctmtJ. i
\\ us Ijin " u* n c*f>' —- ui t -
I'.U rick . Harry., ‘
' rlnee
I-, J I*
\\ Lir.viviice C>—
!; a Kinuaar. i j ;'-'
Li Ikla rcr CV'l—
• -tr!c Wi:i Tirnnkei- !
•Heaver ra—’.vit-
iin iMokomu:
‘ I - i ; I. ■
;>r T\vo
itn, iji'uvi'i'c
gal,- -liicFcison
y, J AV J.tixiiv.
■slur, liravri’ i-c
I< >ii ti \>;il'ner v
Lauiynte rD—
n. AnilroU’ilf
Zcjil.enia Jioyly, Ciiri-oi,
Milo A Shoemaker W*.. \
rente co—wit„cM«, 'V' , n , e * 1
Wolfe •' % Ai!
Win Jfk'licy,
witItOSHCS, Tho.s \[ rj
Morrow. ; ’ , f"; o, V
kxkW on acoolxt (,v'nt tv
VE.UIS OF A.iK. ,• r\ ' . 11:1
Zachanal* Hull, ’•
S Dari.,.. • :
; Chris BariieshJJii.|^ w . iltct ,
—witnesses. josi.|i!i
i^ ; ;f '■ -T
I \V in IDy-leU, I'l-Mnkiiii !-„
| J«tn. H->irlj ul -l,
| Tucker, ■ . ' ■ A A
GcO'C ETiidshaw, TJaaver j;,
I wi t n bss t-s": A 1 trod II
. ~ ' ■ , “•; ' •
4i! H i|V T ; VVetherspoon. SNfiu*, 'j.
' ilOaver eo— v;,,;,
■ spoow, Bitsau Weihe-tipo,,,. ■ ■
Jehu Corlms, Aew ErAftAjV.
I vcr co—witnesses. JaiiicAi i '
Russell. A ' ■ ;
Jacob F iMillor. Cliartim ui.f
ington , co—’.viuiesses. a
Dan'l Drudlnrd. ' A' . !
iiobl J'uniinin^s,' j[i,pi.v.jsi,;
ili^toni'eG—wilhesses;4.iti-;,>i i yv'
Andrew .Miller. V 1 ";
Jpscpli C ~Mcl\eii/iie. 'Bi-iiilij^i
v.tfr, ed; witnesses, .iTjiiatliuii jf;
zio, li igh Anderson.
In , -»SV/T«. , ( >
David Frew,
'rente co.
Lemuel Scott. tp. Lev
ediinlA'. ' AA ,i ■'
NsU h;i 1 11 . >LeC i > r.») i'e k, 11- ie i i .cAv
aeitver co. . p;
FjJward 1,! Moots,-North Sewir
lieaver I-,,,.
ki,. - ... ->■
Linli.u U Wi-Vi>U'v. Uiil;
j IJcsivt'r fuj \vUpcs-cs. J'llm Jlv
i *i"■. j .
•si \v iUi.arai?riw«, IVfry Ij. 1 .nVi
W Jlyiic :]1
. . ' • ■
|t lu/rlrs K*’l!vv. Mi»nh tj> ; IV'-yi
•u il -W in UoMsoii, il la!
I . . .1 ' ' .•
1 U tifMi,. I , ■ i v
: .Ifilii ,'Ncvv StnvU'klri’
!i<‘;;vci- j'ciij TviurcsSi-s, ' Jtrim Ku
; M it- 11 :u : If. (i ifim.. ‘ i . • ■ , ■ |
, I Jr l l hirt ! .I_’hw! u] >srim, Scot L lp,l.:UV lv
. <•<>; .luliu L’)><>jk*e .T C 1
■ tin., 'i ' .[*;■ ' , ./- I
.S;i'mn.‘] |KyV»ns. liawoon tl», JV./"''
wUiu.'>s‘y**' Abiiihum J ' >
' .Mu-hcal! W.oav or, Itoylii'.-liT fjp. !'
;,w I'd; vvitiHisjtf!*',..l.' la’J
Mai-'ji;!'. j i ;
.V!li■ 111 Si hi tH . /.■•Ln'iv.ur
wittit'isdk..S . Mci'iivvel Siiimu'l -
; ' • 4 • ’ . -.a . ' J . ■
' iiiiir’., . !;■ '1; 1 '/> O '(.
j Ip. l!o
’ < ; f>; \V Hjtwar.l. .! U:
||"!TI. • i • ' ’ iii' _
DavUi ,'ta'ina. I.;rvn
<•(>, JijiiV's Joli’.isiiii, KuvU'S MM'ivi.i!
j Jaws Vi
i-d. 'Mai y l;V i‘ mi; (■ A* ivy;,
i I’ctiT . I,i>\vry. 1 ,■ \p. llv.
’'-d, fuai llnil. .Hixoii’ .Manner.
, Jjuiit;jt,l%l , iurv?'Xow] llriabloa: Ini
■|oo, JohniSliieS,„A Harvey
j iCdplaiu k I’nivost Mai-:*
i ! ' |;v ■; 1 . liith I)i>trH'V.>’ ,;i
\ Uy order of ; CM. r
j ■ y | Provost Alttrslial (»e»'_y
/ • I
it: i
,> c \\\